Stye Charlotte; bfimjer. IPl TBE OBSERVER JOS VEPIRTUIMT Ha been thortmphty ma&ied Wtth ' every ' && want, and vtith the Lateet Style of Type, and every manner of Job Work eon note be done toah neahmt, dfagoteA and cheapnee. We eon fwUh, at Short BLANKS, BLZL-MEJLD8, , T - . 7 , TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES,' BAND-BILLS PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, dO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Daily, one year, (postpaid) in advance... Six Months ...!. i . . Three Month One Month. . . , .. .... . v ... WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, (6 the enmity') in advance,. ...$8 00 .... 400 .... 2 00 75 .$2 00 . 2 10 . 1 00 Out of the county, pottpaUL,.. . VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1879. NO. 3,085. Six Month.. .......... . rjaf" Liberal Reductiontjor Glut. QASHMERES AND ALPACAS. just Received another tot of superior CASHMERES AMD ALPACAS, Ranging In Price from 25 cents to One Dollar. A Kew Pieces of COLORED CASHMERES, all Wool, of superior quality, at sixty cents, worth $1.00. no not fall to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before buying. It wiil pay you. ELLAS ft COHEN. B URGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE I FURNITURE! BEDDING, &C BEDDING, AC. BEPCING, Ac BEDDING, AC. FURNITURE! FUKNITURE ! A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! 1ST" COFFINS of all kinds on hand. tjr CO FUNS of all kinds on hand. , No. 5 West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. IfT Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a line supply. jan3 ARGAINS i t f U K U I'K U f 11 U RRR NN N II TTTTU URRB EES UR RB URRR KB tin. RB ; UR RNN N II T URRR SUN II T ? UR MN NN n N NN II UU R tru REBC i S.i R. . ROGERS' WAftEROOMfe, NEXT TO POOTOfTICK. i 1 . . ,r Mr Stock is very Lar, land embraces a rail Line of V - PARLOR, CHAMBER, KNOW R0O 'AW r OFFICE FURNITURE ' FT All Goods Packed Fref OlMf 1' grtj &oo&sr lrthltigt Sec. A LoiS ALOSQ LOSO WE HAVK THIS DAT MM MM A. RRR K KEEK DDD MMMM AA R RK KB D D M MM M A A RRR KK EE D D X M M AAA R R K KB D D M M MA AR RK KEEEDDD DDD OO W W WNN N D DO OWWWWNNN D DO OWWWWNNN D DO O WWWW N NN DDD OO W 3lt N NN About Forty pieces of DRESS GOODS To 25 cents,worth 50 cents per yard. Also 30 or 40 pieces to 20 cents, worth from 83 to 45 cents, A lot of Dress Goods to 8ft and 10 cents, worth from 12ft to 15 cents. .. 1 THESE GOODS i )"llj8IEOLlrr 1 1VlUST BE SOL-L f and If you want cheap goods, this Is the place to j get them. Very truly, ALEXANDER & HARRIS. T P. S. Our whole stock must be reduced, and In order to do so will sell very cheap. A. AH. U U R E R E D -BT T?XPRESO XlrfXPRESO A LOT OF WHITE TTTT A RRR L KKKTTTT OO NN N E TO ONN W EE T O ON N N T AA R RL A A RRR L R RL E TO ON NN RLLIXEER T OO N NN AR LACE ACE EDO IN "I EDGINvT For Skirt Protectors. A Lot of DRESS GOODS, Reduced to prices that will sell them. A good stock of Gents' Merino Shirts and Furnishing Goods. Still a few of those HANDSOME CLOAKS at sacrificing prices. Don't fall to look at my Ho siery and Dress Buttons. A Give me a call before purchasing. T. L. SEIGLE, Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. Janl9 LADIES' CLOAKS. ADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAK O s. LADIES' CLOAK THE GREATEST BARGAI NO HE GREATEST BARG A I NU Of THE THE S E A S O XT 8EA80IN. -cO fTK HUNDRED CHOICE LADIES' CLOAKC HE HUNDRED CHOICE LADIES' CLOAKkJ JUST RECEIVED BT EXPRESO C8T; RECEIVED BY EXPRKSO, . V i Which will be sold without reserve, at sacri ficing prices. Don't fail to come and look at the THE SWEEPING REDUCTION Of FORMER PRICE Q WEEPING REDUCTION Of FORMER PRICED NOW IS YOUR CHANCT? OW IS YOUR CHANaE TO BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFrfl O BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIF JL At Hi L F HALF PRICTTi P R I C X2j, . V-"" H. MORRIS ft BROS. rtv1 P'J "T-f;4i My Wife. Chambers' Journal. I held her, laughing, In my arms, A blue eyed child, with curls of gold; She stroked my boyish cheek and said: "I'll marry you when I am old." We met again. Those pretty locks Were combed and bound about her head, A little school girl, staid and shy; She must not romp with me, she said. A few more years, and then I found A blooming maiden, sweet seventeen; Few were her words and coy her looks; And yet she loved me well, I ween. Long did I woo 'mid hope and fear; My lady was not lightly won; She hid her love, and thought It shame; At last my welcome task was done. I held her, blushing, in my arms. And then my bashful prize I told How she had promised long ego She'd marry nie when she was old. The blissful days sped quickly on, And I had pledged her with a ring; But, ah! so much too large it proved! My Love was such a tiny thing. But yet she would not have it changed, Though from her hand it oft would slip; An evil omen, I would say; While she but laughed with joyous Up. I left my darling for a space As nearer drew the wedding day, "One little week," I said, "and then I never more need go away." I left her healthy, blooming, bright, The rosy color In her cheek I came to find her wan and white; Alas! that fatal "little week." Oh, fell Disease, now stay thy hand, And leave me all I love in life, In vain I cried; the touch of Death Was on her, ohl my promised wifel I held her, dying, in my arms: The ring fell from her finger cold; Weeping, I took It. and she breathed; "I'll marry you when I am old!" She knew not what she said, poor child; Gone from her was bright Reason's ray But still I keep that ring, and wait For an eternal wedding day. OIKEUV AT IONS. Tennessee's new governor will get but $3,000 salary. The gold mines of Georgia are said to produce not less than $1,000,000 bullion per annum. Coyotes, rendered desperate by hunger, came In to Comanche, Texas, and attacked the graves of the dead. , A Georgia paper says Longstreet now licks the docile postage stamp instead of the intrepid Yan kee as of yore. A Chattanooga darkey, who was one of a jury which failed to convict for want of evidence, ex plained to his brethren that the culprit was "re leased on s'picion." "Isn't my photograph excellent?" said a young wife to her husband. "Well, my dear." replied he. "there's a little too much repose about the mouth for it to be natural." A fellow out west got a sentence of twenty years for stealing horses. That is what might be called an Evarts sentence. It was very long. Wheeling leader. The small boy who stuck his fist through a glass door remarked, as he bandaged a severe gash in the back of his band, that It was a paneless opera tion for the door. New Haven Register. Emma Abbott has her age printed In an adver tising circular, fche will be sorry for this twenty five years from now when she is announced as the "young and charming prima donna." The only compensation for the agony felt by a lady who is obliged to trot behind a bob-tail car for a block and a half before she can get on, is the calm Inward consciousness s'e feels of having ar rayed nerseii in a pair 01 red silk stockings before she came down town. Sew Xork Star. The average small boy's ambition is to be a trap per, a pirate, or a song-and-dauce man. "When I wath a little boy,' lisped a very stupid society man to a young lady, "all my ldeath in life were thenth- ered on being a clown." "Well, there Is at least one case of gratified ambition," was the sharp re ply. St. Lout Xpnrit. 1 tmt LEU Eli. FUOM 111E LilVEUSITY. Chapel Hill, Jan. 20, 1879. To the Editor of the Observer At the annual election for commence ment officers and representatives of the two societies, the following gentlemen were elected hist Saturday : Marshals J. M. Leach, Jr., David son county, chief; Dialectic Society H. D. Keid, Rockingham county, C. A. 'McNeill, Moore, C. U. Mclver, Chatham. Philanthropic Society J. C. Dowd, of Edgecombe county, J. II. Hill, Duplin, E. P. Maynard, Wake. Ball Managers D. Gilliam, of Wake county, chief; Philanthropic Society W. E. Phillips, of Edgecombe county, R. W. Wmboiune, Hertford. Dialectic Society D. N. Dal ton, of Stokes county, J. P. McRae, Richmond. Representatives Dialectic Societg A. Jj. Coble, of Alamance county, Jas. W.Forbis, Guilford, R. 13. John, Rich mond. Philanthropic Society L. Craig, of Orange county, C. R. Thomas, Craven, M. C. Noble, Johnston. There are now two hundred boys who have matriculated this year. A most enjoyable time is anticipated, and from the character of the above officers we can assure all visitors that no pains will be spared to make their enjoyment complete. We trust that many alumni may be with us and see for themselves what the University, is doing. Space forbids me to take the notice of the of ficers which their merits demand; but we must make an exception in favor of our young and brilliant chief marshal, J. M Leach, Jr, of the Dialectic Socie ty Last year he received the declar er's medal in his society, and as a repre sentative at our last commencement re ceived many encomiums from men of age and culture, both for his oratory and composition. I predict for him a brilliant future, and I mean it. Juvexis." Will be Fully as Difficult. Petersburg Index-Appeal. One of the Raleigh correspondents conjectures that J udge Merrimon's with drawal from the Senatorial contest was intended, and will operate, to put him ahead in the gubernatorial race, and. his restoration to full party relations will also afford him a favorable posi tion for contesting the Senatorial seat with Ransom when the term of the general expires. "VVe do know that any such schemes as these have ever oc curred to Judge Merrimon ; but if they are cherished by him, we suspect that he will find it fully as difficult to super cede Gen. Ransom in the favor of the North Carolina Conservatives as it was to supplant Gov. Vance himself. The Last Best Gift. New York Sun. As a funeral procession was driving along Ocean avenue, Jersey City Heights, yesterday afternoon, two wo men in one of the carriages got into a fight. One of them puHedoff the oth ers Donnet ana scratcnea ner iace, They were soon surrounded by a throng of spectators, who pulled them out of the coach, and after separating them placed them in different vehicles. t : - - ; Am Expected. , , Norfolk Landmark. c 3overnbr Vance is the nominee of his party .for the Senate of the United States, lie will fill the chair vacated by Mr. Merrimon, with grace and dig nity, and the enemies of the South .who barred him' put : before will find that they are powerless to defeat the will of the glorious "Old North State." "We predict for the new Senator a long and splendid career, and make bold to say that' .'the. longer he occupies his seat the 4 paore he will adorn it. : r , ,( Six Days at the Potnpn. The bark Oliter ' Emery, which ar rived at New York, Friday, had on board the captain and five sailors which had been rescued from the schooner Maggie Vandusen, from Smithville, N. C bound lor .Baltimore. Capt. Thomas, of the schooner, says he never experi enced such terrible weather. From the time he left Smithville, on the 3d of January, there was scarcely a cessation to the fury of the gale. Sea after sea broke over the schooner and swept the decks clear, the ooat Demg earned away water casks Durstea ana rudder ground to pieces. For six days the crew labor ed at the pumps, tne water gaming upon them all the time. The destruction of the casks left them without water fit to drink, and their sufferings were intense. Two out 01 the hve seamen were so ter ribly frostbitten that they sank down almost insensible at the pumps. To complete their trouble, Capt. Thomas, who was almost constantly at the wheel, was struck by one of th seas that washed over the vessel and injur ed in the head .and side. On the sixth day the sore distressed people began to give up hope, when the welcome sight of the Oliver Emery aroused them, and the much needed assistance was ren dered. A Characteristic Letter from Gen. Butler. Gen. B. F. Butler has written a letter to a gentleman in Minneapolis, Minn., in which he says : " In the Democratic convention at Charleston, S. . C, in the year 1860, 1 voted fifty-seven times, as I remember it, for Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, afterwards President of the Confederate States, as candidate of the Democratic party for President He was not before the convention as a can didate, for my vote and that of one of my colleagues were the only ones he had. I believed him to be a represen tative man of the South, and subsequent events have shown that I was right. And I believed then, and believe now, that if he could have been nominated for President and elected, the war would have been saved and the attempted dis union prevented, for he would have been chosen to be President over 32 States rather than 15, and my experi ence has been that the North always got more consideration on a question of human liberty from a Southern states man as President before the war than it did from a Northern doughface, and that remains true down to the present time." The Indiscreet Reports. Galveston News. A Texas reporter, who, was detailed to write up a cattle show and a fashion able ball on the evening of the same day, looked on the wine whenit was red, and got things mixed up in the fol lowing manner: Miss A. B., beautiful young heifer, with red and white spots on her neck and fore-shoulder, was charmingly ar rayed in green silk, trimmed with blue velvet ana ornamentea witn a new cow bell. Mr. B. C, a very fashionable yearling, half breed, looked very well in lavender colored pants, wore cockle burs in his tail. .No ornaments. Mrs. D. E a Texas-raised cow, fine milker, very gentle, looked lovely in amber-colored silk, with lace trim mings. Wore a new leather halter on her shapely neck. Col. F. G., an imported animal, thor oughbred, looked stunning in low-necked vest Moral The sober reporter is harder to mid than Charlie Ross. How She Blight Have Done Bette". Washington Gazetie. The friends, in the House, of General R. B. v ance pressed around and con gratulated him, last Thursday, on the nomination ot his brother, tne aistin cuished "Zeb." for the United States Senate from the Old North State. These con srrat ulations the general received with due courtesy and modesty, but finallv remarked that while North Carolina had done, perhaps, very well in the selection, she might have done a great deal better by nominating a cer tain gentleman of the same name two years oiaer, 01 more legislative experi ence a bon mot which caused a hearty laugh ! Notable Additions. Atlanta Constitution. The election of Vest from Missouri and Vance from North Carolina to the Senate of the United States is a notable addi tion to the intellectual strengtn of that body. Both are among the ablest men in the country, eloquent speakers and experienced debaters. Either will prove more than a match for the cunning Ed munds or the perspiring Blaine, and to gether they will represent their States with all the vigor of their patriotism. Suffering for a Life Time. Persons afflicted with rhejimatism often suffer for a life time, their tortures being almost without re mission. The joints and muscles of such unfortu nates are in most eases shockingly contorted and drawn out of shape. To afford them even tempor ary relief, the ordinary remedies often prove utter ly useless. . Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, on the other hand, is avouched by persons who have used It. to be a genuine source or relief. It keeps the blood cool by. promoting a regular habit of body, , and removes from It impurities which, In the opln- i Ion of all rational pathologists, originate this agon izing complaint and its kindred malady, the gout. Besides this the Bitters remedy disorders of the stomach, liver and nerves, prevent and eradicate intermittent and remittent fevers, promote appetite and sleep, and are highly recommended by phy sicians as a desirable medicinal stimulant and tonic. A Remarkableltesnlt. It makes no difference how many physicians, or how much medicine you have tried, it is now anes; tablished fact that German Syrup is the only reme dy which has given complete satisfaction in severe cases of Lung Diseases. It is true there are yet thousands 1 persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Affections, Consumption, flenv orrhages. Asthma, Severe Colds settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, &c, who have no personal knowledge of Boschee's German Syrup. To such we would say that 5Q.QQ0 dozen were sold last year without one complaint Con sumptives try Just: one bottle. Regular size 75 cents. Sold by all druggists in America. Not Medicine but foot. The fall and early whiter season is the harvest time of hacking coughs and debilitating forms of Catarrh, lust as the later spring is the seed time of malarial fevers. To know a certain euro of the one, and a preventive of the other, Is to have with in our reach th:-. most inestimable blessing of the period. We do know ot them, for these really mar velous properties are combined In Scott'? Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with the Hypophospites of Lime and Soda. There is no form of physical waste and prostrat ed vitality, that a bountiful use of the Emulsfoo, will not change, to glowing health and full life and vigor, and then it is not a disagreeable medicine, but the most delightful kind of food. For upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ing Syrup has been used for children. It corrects! aciany 01 we swmacn, relieves wina cone, reguiarea the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes, An old and well known remedy. 25c per bottle, OO O O O O O O OO DDD II DDD ATT AA T T A A TT ATS O O C C S S o u O TJ T ! Will begin the Grand Annual Closing There will be a Grand Rush and we would advise it will be to the many And to others it will repay them to Invest for fu ures, we would suggest this circular be retained. You can buy English Fur and Whitney Beaver worth $32 and $30, at $24. Our Fine West Eng ment of $20 Overcoats, embracing Worsteds, Cas Brown Meltons, marked $15, $16, $17 and $19.50, Our splendid heavy Chinchilla Coats worth the en Vests, $27.50, $28 and $30 reduced to $22.50, away Frocks and Vests, $20, $21, $22 and $23.50, ment of Cassimere Frock and Sack Suits, sold Our entire Stock of Cassimere Pants ranging $6.50 $5.50 and $6.00, one uniform price, $4.00, TO Will be sacrificed, some 300 pairs all wool Cassi Hankerchelfs at 25c TO CLOSE OUT. A small Our Fine Merino Underwear, worth $2 each Shirt Our stock of Boys' Will be arranged in connection with the " Clearing garments and other perishable goods, to be slaugh In many Instances the quantity is small and sizes CLOTHING! L O T H I N G 1 ClOTHINn I CLOTBIKUi W. KAUFMAN A COS. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock OF- COO 1, OO TTTT H H 11 NN N GGG OOL OOTHHII NN N G G O L O O T HHH n HSN O O OL OO T H H II N NN G OQ COO LLLL OO T H HUN NN GOG WS HAVE EVER OFFERED, ConsisUngof the usual variety of MEN S. BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. All we ask Is that our friends and customers 11 give us a call, as it will be to your interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN 4 CO., Springs Corner, Charlotte, N. C. dec! 2 QORN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, Postoffice Address, Charlotte City Mills Parties having grain to grind or to sen will find it to their Interest to call on the undersigned.' Meal ground either fine or coarse, according to order. Thankful for former patronage, 1 win give my prompt personal attention to all orders from one bushel to a oar load. ROBERT D. GRAHAM, Superintendent y E HAVE A SELECT STOCK Of Whole and Ground Spiees, including Fells mixed spices, try it and be convinced that there la nothing nicer. L. R. WRISTON & CO. . decl8 ' QOX and NELSON'S GELATINE. Com Starch, Italian Macaroni and Pearl Ta pioca. L. R. WRISTON CO. decia ' iRENCH BRANDY Guaranteed to ba TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. TTTT T T T T DDD D D D D D D DDD A T Y AA Y T A A TT f a A A T8 i C c O 0 T ! OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS! Sale of all heavy, fabrics, embracing, Overcoats, WINTER UNDERWEAR, our friends to call early to order to enjoy the WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENT 1 who have deferred purchasing, looking forward j rand oocasiovt I VT RAND OCCA&IOlN tore wear. Annexed we will give a schedule of To-day win begin the great distributing sale of the E. D. LaTTa Sl BRO., TO CLOSE OUT. Overcoats, Satin lined, $40 at $29. Our Fine land Casters, $30, at $25. Our Olive Brown Cas ters, Granites, Chinchillas, without reserve, at $15. at one uniform closing price, $12.50. tire season $10 $7.00, TO CLOSE OUT. Our fine TO CLOSE OUT. Our entire magnificent line of all at one uniform closing price ,$18. 00, TO CLOSE readily the entire season, $15, $16 and $17.50, at Our $10 and $12.50 COSSIMERE SUITS, at $7.50, TO CLOSE OUT. $7 and $7.50 at one uniform price, $5.00. Our CLOSE OUT. Our large variety of $4 and $4.50 -TO CLOSE OUT J mere Pants, S3, 83.50, $3.50, $3.75 at $2.50, to assortment of the celebrated Starr Shirts in in col and Drawers, will be sold at $3 per suit, TO CLOSE and $1.00, at one uniform price, 50c. T 8 C C o s o s o U o U T Clothing will be offered at prices lower than other TO CLOSE OUT. Prices" in our regular and desirable goods, certain tered at less than half value. few, and in order to procure lust what your heart CLOSING OUT SALE. POSITIV-17 O8ITIY Slie POSIT IV T? OSITIVJCU. FFF OO RRR P O OR R SIXTY V 8 SIXTY ! oo $ DDD A Y YaBSo D D A. A IT BB8o t CiTTB. ENTIRE STOCTT 1 VJUR ENTIRE STOCJV S -OF- MENS, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S bSSb IT TJ tl TTTT BSSa " "IT TTTT p " "BO it TT It P P TT TT TT T uu n t -1T- OCO OO cSSs TTTT OOOO a T Q OO "880 T OOOO I T OOO OO B8B8 T S OUR STOCTT" UR STOCIV IS II MM MM MM MM EES NN N o8& EES II MMMM MMMM E NN N S B n MMMM MMMM ES N IT N sSSa SB 1IMMMMMMB FNNa !I II M M M M M M EBB N HN SB : I We are bound to sell, and will sell. A call will amply repay you. Respectfully, L. BERWANGER & BRO., FlneCtotbJera and Tailor. Scales, Sec. rpHE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. For Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONET DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice MQls, and Store Fixtures Gene- ? rallyi - ' The Improved Type Writer. ' Osculating Pump Oob Pumpc. end for Circulars. FAIRBANKS ft CO., 311 Broadway, Kew York. - ' v" "j i, iJv' 17" For sale by leading Hardware Deaten f' septl-dtaww. . . XTTT OO TOO T QO ?0 O OO OO DDD AW 8 S Sd Al V S A A ' TT O T8 C C S E S E 0 U 0 U T ! Cassimere Suitings, and Lest advantages in selections as well as bargains. with solicitude to this prices, and as our goods are marked in plain flg mammoth stock of Jesiup Custom made garments, silk sleeve lined, tors, silk sleeve, $24, at $18. Our entire assort Our attractive variety of Worsteds, Oxford and Dahlia and Black English Worsted Frock and English Worsted in Black, Brown and Dahlia Cut OUT. The handsomest and mot attractive assort one uniform price, $12, TO CLOSE OCT. immense assortment of Cassimere Pants, $d Cassimere Pants at one uniform price, $3.00, CLOSE OUT. Our remaining stork Of LadleM ore, worth $2.25, at $1.00, TO CLOSE OUT. OUT. Our entire stock of Underwear, worth 75a, merchants can buy them lines of Worsteds, In Coats and tests, odd broken" most desires. Call early, In the Yery cordially, E. D. LATTA & BRO. -Ty ITT K0WSKY 4 BARtCH Beg to call your attention to the fact tiatlifo their desire to give to oar city a FIRST CLASS RRR R R RRR R B R R EES R RK TTTT s 1 h IlLL DEPARTMENT EPARTMENX Where any and everything that the trade of ouf community may desire, can be had. We shall make it a point to remove the necessity which tome of our people claim to have been placed In to order Goods from abroad, as we shall always keep a large, welt selected and HANDSOME O O G O G O D D s AT OUR ESTABLISHMENT. No effort will be spared on our part to make our i Retail Department a Grand Success, and we pro pose to bring it gradually to such a standard as to make it SECOND TO NONE SOUTH. Our MR. BARUCH will give his personal atteu i Hon to this Department, and his former success in just that class of business satisfies us that our ef forts in this particular will be appreciated by our numerous friends and customers. We shall continue to offer for the next 30 days the remainder of our W W W n NN N TTTT SEX RKR WWWW NN N T T T R K WW WW ft RRR KB I II II NN II KN G O O O O D D AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICtS, With a view of making room for our Spring and. Summer stock, which we will place in our store as. j e&ny as the season win admit. THE LINES OF OUR wmi kept up a always.' -.i , , ' -Terr mpMtfhllr, ' "' WITTKOWSXT BARUCfl Jan, 21, 1878. f T TTTT T T T T a- n k i' v