i;l m ii it 1.4 i i IN I' ,1 Si 1 1 I J H' 1 KM I I r if M I ! ii 13.1 A III 5f l;ii '.A,'.'.I i THURSDAY, JAyflABTffi.ffift; i .al ??f?& . ... nr 1 Comparison of Famous ctora of ile Fast Present" ai.d "Templeton" lrLHartford Courant There are, a3 1 believe I have said be fore, no great actors at ; present -the. stage. 1 wean webM thejeWer. .Booth, McOreadyvForrest aiid,Jiraoii m same ot their parts. I may offend some ad mirers of Edwin Booth in saying this; but Edwin Booth does not play as well as he played twenty years ago, and he is now but a water-color copy of his fa ther, and even these fainter traits are a good deal washed out. Lawrence Bar rett is an artist, but cold and measured in manner, and without the inspiration of genius. E. L. Davenport was a finer actor than either of these ; but he was often careless, and never knew how to make the best of the gifts with which :jie "was .endowed. Joe Jefferson is a specialist. -Did you ever see him in any thine except Rip Van Winkle ? If you have I think you will agree with me, ithat.be only just passes muster a a :.good,stock actor in company. .lonn T. Kavmona is a mucn uettei a tttft At- Yrt aTjrrYorarTTf Wifri ft nflrfs." BokLuu sweariQrjjTVjjtfaVarren as being si'MW Mb if S bmt&$f)$Pjk and A i! il . All.. ........ . , . r i I 1 a : J , . T I li ,i (lv! neriorto anv or them; but vvurr aiicn ia i getting . iold, and his style; hardens rath er than mellows with age. The case is still worse with the women upon the stage, who depend 'so much upon their artificial beauty and their costumes, that this generation is in danger of not , knowing what a good actress is. 1 won- . : tier, what it would say to Ellen Tree, if she should uppear as, she used to, with the absence of personal charms, and without the aid of meretricious effects. Boston had an actress twenty years ago who at the age of sixty, played young girls' parts in a way that always carried audiences completely .with her. Mrs. Geo. Bairett cpula have given les ; v aonsito jalmoat - any...o. .wuy present ;! "stafSi"" Mary1 Anderson is the most ' Iptcrmistligy rjf . tmtf 'Wungef; 'stars ; she -' has fat more talent than Eanny Daven port, but she will probably fail to get the .severe schooling in her art that made the actresses ol the last genera tion, ldon t forget Charlotte (Jushman or J anauscnek. l ney are tragic ac tresses, and thougli they must be reck ,oned women of genius, their style has some of the worst points of wie past, and we cannot altogether reproach the public for its neglect. Miss Cushman gave in Meg Memiies tne finest per formance or any woman ol her genera tion, but in other parts she had the mannerisms of the old school, and was i often artificial and stHgy i. There is one otlier exception Clara Morns, in ner range ot iparts she is the best actress the American' stage has j produced in our day,;bnt 1 li$ ,'range is I j limited, and if.her health jnmts her to continue to acf, and there; ie no reason to fear that her brain is affected judg ing irom wnax nas. recently appeared from her in the newsuauers" The last ' great ''actor the; English, nave! sent us is unanes r center, ue piayea m .Boston a short time ago, and played very badly Eechtr is a demoralized man. The night I saw him he was so badly under ;, , the influence ot liquor; as tannterlere ;with his speech ; and sometimes with nis movements. u niess ',ne . "soon re forms he Will be mentally; and physical- . ly ii wreuK. a u wiiata Bupero roman .., tic artist he was at the 'time! Dickens " .made him his chosen friend and com panion! The most finished perform ance! nave seen tor many years was .. :,Eechter's acting In " Blaeki and .White " at the Globe theatre soon lafter his ar .. iuintuiouni.iw.iiw-wH6 a piece , . of light cpmedy. m his first act that was - ' iwtqVtisffe1, ' rfndrtht' thrilling Interest he gave to tne later scenes is soinething not to be forgotten. 1 'I he Death i t a Drunken Shf ep. From the Virginia City Chrouicle.J "Billy;" the black sheep, is dead He never had anj enemies. The dogs would not molest him, and whenever he rub bed up against a man he was' patted on the head. AVben he was , a little lamb he was given to a son of J. J. Cooper, and has ever since considered himself one of the family. He was a member of the police force, of the exempt fire brigade, and of the wool growers' asso ciation. Officers Simpson anfi 'Havton were favorites of Billy's, probably be cause they always carried plenty of tf bacco or private flasks. Billy was and we do not say it to cast a cloud upon his memory a reckless inebriate; He bummed drinks' off everybody. Any thing was well received by his throttle .from plain cider to phampagne-i He never turned up his ribse at anything except Mound House whisker ed Cali fornia white wine. When he was pretty I a i, i i A. . ' . i v r ui wiiL, uuwevei, lie w ;t iioti jsOi iastiqi- i ; ou3.: The other night he was talking ms1 rounds a3 usual, and some of tfie boys . gave him, nearly, a . quart of, whiskey; lie went reeling down toward th-'jaft. perhaps to giye himself up, and dropped near Sutton avenue and C street. He was found, there, about midnight, half dead. The exempts took him in charge, - and several physicians were called. :. He . died at 1 o clock yesterday and Tiuried with honors. The exempts and police attended. ,'Kettlei Betl$ Brown delivered a tQuchijig,' dtsc6Yre.Y; How 4he JP1 ;y,Aflectd a Werofr., . ,i SL Louis Tlfaies Journal. ' We don't know that, we . particularly . f artcy the kind, of a '; than., tfiuamar is represented as having been... And yet how the women folks do enjoy seeing . JfartAileadhe'.'big' Spporjy ruffian , ; b y ,the nose through two hours and a half of romance and serrtirrrentalityl It does them a world of good, because it discovers to them a power that few of them ever imagined thev possessed- 'j that subtle, heavenly ,infltiertce which' i womankind alone ' exercises.' 1 Everv jvman goes way.irpm me .piay-nouse ii '-j - a4 i ji , imagining mat sne too is a I'arihenia and so she may become if she will onlv dispo$eher wul to conquer her Ingomar with love instead ot broom-sticks, and kindness instead of sad-irons. 'And as for the curly Ingomar, contemptuously as we may view his rrraudlin sentimen tjtality, jwe canrlot jhelp 'having a great1 deal 6f sympathy "With liim ; for, if we were Ingomar, and if Mary Andersori were to roll her ereat. iuicv eves arbiihd us and hold out her plump, whitearmsf and tell us about tne two souls, etcv we would be ten thousand times worse 11 XI A. V. 1 J ' vuan tne moat lrievouauits uemon u. we -xUdnot forget bur 'ferocity and crouch tlke-a qtrairTOTToaarer-iTO. a san aiFjn;iJ:riOJ)iHu To aJSew,EifiJi 1' J Greenvflle (S. C.) News. ! .:, ;Wto ;refirret'4o' leanr that the Eev. R (iiJL Nail ha, bad acl.taafloWer field Sf labor, and that he will accent. A congregation in NewOrleanat haaiinn vitSi him to minister to their spiritual wants; ana ne wmuu wwuir 6V, fl iifw Ml Ffitooetoo Wudeitls in Trouble. TRENTON,N.JJauuaryl9.---wtjtrt fmir students from rnnceton wuvv,? wertf arrested insthii city about mid v.5v.f last, nicrht on a charere or aisor derlv conduct in? the streets. TWycame . : " m . m -.1-5 1. here in two large sleighs last evening, and DV xneir noise aim uuauwoww . ilniftom:treet.to Btieet'-Th nnauy mwwr. r lng cue Bieigms captuxcu ,u.m occUprtnts. They were each-fined 3.80 . ;ViiiriTArl.,f.1Thfl scene at tne DOllce office wasamusing and Exciting.1; itJt A METEOR. J The Wonderful Story that Comes from an Ipdl ana Town. :5' a ii ji a fi . i CoslngtonSDeeJaJLto Indianapolis JournaL;''.. On Tuesday night last, Leonidas Gra ver, who resided in, ine vicinuriui New town, Fountain county, mettjuim ueLii in a way that is probably without par allel in this or any other country.; Mr. ftrnvfir was a widower, livinsr oh Ms tarffi ith a married datighter-afid her httsbaM-Orr trie-evening reterrecjick the married couple had been absent on a visit to some neighbors, ana upon re turning at a late hour entered the house, finding: everything, to all appearances, in usual order, ana supposing uia mi. Grover had already retired, went to bed themselves. Next morning the daugh ter arose, and having prepared oreaKr fast, wftnt to the adioinins room to call her iatner, ana was iiornuti to uuu n . . 1 1 l' .. ,1 J. i". .1 kin. lying upon his shatterea Dea, a mutila ted corpse. Her screams brought'ner husband quickly to the bedroom, and an inspection disclosed a ragged open ing in the roof, directly over the breast of the unfortunate man, which was; torn through as it by axwmqn snat,ana extending downward through the bed ding and floor ; other "ifoles snowed the dirpr.tion taken bv the deadly missile. Kiihspmipnr, search revealed he fact that .the awJuTjfc ised by stone itseir. uYrauuuai . m auwo ojiu. Rtnno itself. Dvramidar in snape wpicriiinj? twentv.i 'Dounda anoV a lew minces, avoirdupois, and stafhtd with blood, was unearthed from a dejjth, nf nearlv five feet, thus showinsr the fearful impetus with which it strtick' the dwellinar. The position of the corpse, with other surroundings, when found, showred tnat tne victim was asleen when stricken, and that death to him was painless. A Scrap of Aboriginal History. .!! 1 To the Editor of The Observer: Nearly two hundred years ago, on western bank ot the Catawba ri vermin what is now Catawba county, between the buildinas ot tne Catawba Alan utac turing Company and Powell & Shu- ford's cotton factory, (the two firms are iust one mile apart) a bloody battle was 1 A 1 A .. 4.1. 1.1... ,1 1 .1 tawba Indians. The facts as related to the writer by a descendant of one of the first settlers cf this section of country, (John Clarke, Sr.,) were derived by him from his .father, who had them from the Catawba Indians themselves. The tradition runs as follows : The hunting grounds of the Shawnee Indians were on the Yadkin river and its tributaries, while the Catawbas oc cupied the banks of the Catawba, The two tribes were frequently ;it war with each other, and in the course of one of these petty wars, the Shawnees made raid on the Catawbas.- Crossing the river at one of their favorite fords where Powell fc fcjhulord s factory now stands, and' striking the old and well beaten trail, they followed it down the stream about six miles, to the Great Bend, or as it is now called, SherrillS' town, where the Catawbas had a village or encampment, lhe Shawnees, -com.' incr linPYiiPftpm v linon tliPir prrprrrv su -prised and captured a few of the.Ca- tawuas, witn tneir came, ana reiuruea with all hate up the stream to the crossing, where they camped for the night in a deep ravine, not more th;m fave hundred yards irom where the lac tory now stands. The Catawbas, rallying after their first surprise, followed on the trail of their enemy, and came up with them some time during the night, and at once attacked them from the side of the hill overlooking the encampment. The struggle was short and bloodv, the Shawnees being totally routed and scat tered, retreating' as best thev coulc across the river tMv&rds their villages oa i ne i auKin. The Catawbas collected their proper ty, and buried the dead of both tribes on the brow o.f the hill overlooking the battle-ground, the graves consisting ol two huge piles of water-washed stones, the Shawnees under one heap and the Catawbas under the other. I have spenthours, when a boy, removing the rocks irom the centre ol , one ot these heaps of stone, and been rewarded for my labor by finding a few arrow heads, or perhaus a stone tomahawk. " Arstraasrer passing between the two "factories-issareto ask the meaning of this, collection, of stones, as they are im mediately on the road, and never fail to attract attention.-: .There are other, facts connected with the" history of the aborigines" of this section of -xjonntry which1 should be rescued from .oblivion. .and there are those better able to collect and record these facts than the writer of; this rude sketch. T. than two mil- lioft ppenings, which a-te. outlets of an eqiatriunbes:of.5Wiefc glsmds. t ne nonran Keieton consists 01 more than two hundred distinct bones. An amouni 01 oioou equal io uie wnoie quantity in the" body tisae& tllrpugh the heart puce ev,ery. minute. ,il , i. TliBjI um Capacity of lh0 lungs is about three ihrmdred and twenty cubic inehes. ' ' Abourwothirus of a 'ptnt ot air is inhaled and, exhaled ;at each breath in ordinary respiration." The stomach daily produces nine pptmds of gastric juice tor' digestion of uuu, iu it,pitcii. w awom, 4ve pints. There are more -than five hundred separate1 m'nseles" frf Ore1 body, with an equal number of nerves and Ibjood ves sels. V i The weight of the heart is from eight to twelve ounces. It beats one hun dred thdnsahd times in twenty-four hours. : i : Each perapii-atory duct is one-fourth of an.inch in length, whjcli will make the.aggregate length of the whole about Hiue; miles. The average man takes five and one half pounds of food aiid dfihkeach day, which amounts to one ton of solid and liquid nourishment' annually. A man breathes eighteen times a minuteyairfl three thousand cubic feet, or ab.put three hundred and seventy- rtrt -TV a", uu.' ,.icovuigton (,ua.j unterprlse., i nights asiace, about three miles from lavingtott; ''It'appears that the young man was riding, a.hxrrse. and. became so cold that he conld 'hot 'i-idefdrned' his horse loose and laid down in the corner of the' fohfie to1 await the coming of a Pt& Mttte , lie, w.et to sleep and all liis limbs were " frozen. Even the fleshionTiiiiieg.wS'a:eaay to drop f row the .WttiBitf: dog, lying cr6mlK'seo to take in the terrible -situation of his master, ,and making. Jiis bed upon the legs of aeaJnuaItwas btatlia haa(fcof -this dog lot , vmn'&p. wmm mmeq,w get up tyal1i fro- M .fM-Jvlnh vd biois' 'kIh lll!tli)(l i ko bflliiM Thft fall and nni-ly wlntgr gpft (it thft harvest time of hacking coughs and debilitating forms of Gataf fJ jutasf Dm iatei sAllfig is the seed time of UraiartarfeveYK Tritndf ftcertaln cure of the one, and a preventive of the other, is to have wlth- 51 WUW mt3?$E24E5R eehfjfciffA. enmhtned in ScottT The is no form of VilhKA!' KILLED BY m -Vitaiit.mtJalftf pi hp-Mmfmt aMffiiM nf' m , W J vieW.iataatrieirutsttor'ar tusagreearjie meaicme,rftnnl "-jhS the most delightful kind of idod. . A CARD. Tn nil whn ftrn suffering mto'tneerfow and la-; U1KIQUUUB Ul UUUkUOITVUa TTOtMMiWO. wu . J .2fZ- Mt lnoa nf minhnnd An.. T wfTI Rnnd a TAPRirjtCnffl rWHl ore 'yoa,- -FREE iOF XHABm7lThls fijMat remeoy was usoovejea oy nusBiqainyou.ouuui I f V-r yt EGETHTE. 7 7 ox. .b'TItf jOO;;, i -a itwa .t- li'. - ' j JJ-t EXCELLENT MEDICINE. :'J -! 1 Springfield, O., Feb. 28. VSt monufactured by H. B. Stevens, BostonrMassfW!? Rheumatism and General Frostratlon 01 ine etvt ous System, with good success. I recommend VEGETINE as an excellent medicine ior sucn ieomplatntsX iTows teiy troly "IW"!!,. U. TV. VUlUIiUkU 1. .tit 'tit! no io lim.iiKtf ui -i.-jO!; silff;!i;! ' Mr. VandesTlft. of the firm of Vandegrift & Haft i having one i of the largest stores in Springfield jO,.fH OTJB MINISTER'S WIFE. Louisville, Ky., Feb-. 16, li'AI VtrrBr&r Sterensy T'.e l)eM9k4iye jrt ?WnSfertrte terribly with Inflammatory Rheumatism. Our ministers wife advised me to take VEGETINK After tak- lug out1 uuuie, x wiia cmuHniMy"if ;iy"" j J I reeiins a return or me aisease, i iuruji toiuiubitoj taklne it. and am belne benefited greatly. It also greatly Improves my digestion. itespeciiuuy, Mrs. A. BALLARD, 1011 West Jefferson Street II;: . SAFE AND SURE. Mr. H. R. Stevens: 1 y. In 187S7eitf Vegetlnews recommended to me, and yielding to the persuauons of amend. I consented to try it. At the ume l was surrermg from general debility and nervous prostration, sfetpeflnducedZ br. overwork. iaad'lixegular habits. cts WOTiaerrtusirengtDeruBff Jtao. cuinve proper- Aita. B6Braed.tQ( affect my debilitated system from theifirfit dose; and under its persistent use l rapia- ly ooverd; sainmg more uum;4ffidai neaitn and good reeling, since men l nave otu Besuausa w give Vegetine my most unqualified indorsement, as being a saie, sure ana powenui agem ut promuir lng health and restoring the walted systAm to new life and energy. Vegetine is the only -medicine I use; and as long as I live I never expect to -find ft better. Yours truly, W. H. CLABX;!. , 120 Monterey Street, Alleghany, Pton, ' J VEGETLNE The f Dllowing letter from Rev. G. W Mansfleld, formerly pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, Hyde Park, and at present settled in Lowell; must convince every one who reads his letter of tiie .won derful curative qualities of Vegetine as a thorough cleanser and purifier of the blood. , :. ( Hyde Park, Mass.. Feb. 15, 8tfi A Mr. H. R. Stevens : ' r. Deal Sir About ten years, ago my health failed through the depleting effects of dyspepsia; irearty a year later I was attacked by typhoid-fever1 tri ra worst form. It settled in my back, and took. the. form of a large deep-seated abscess, which was fifteen months in gathering. I had two surgipal oneratioiis bv the best skill in the State, but recetW edno permanent, cure- 1 suffered great pafattt times,' and was constantly weakened Dy a prof discnarge; l also lost small pieces ,qi none ax ferent times. J " " Matters ran on thus about "seven years, 1874. when a. faend i iecHiineded A to -go your office, and talk with you of the vWie of Vege tine. I did so. and bv your kindness Dassed through your roanuactory. noflng the ringredifetits. AC:, 'Ml' A By hol I 8 w add heant I gateed somfe TOrrfl- denee lu vereuneju j.iw .t-miii.vi I cotnnieBced Jtakig.ifi oonfteT( but felt worse from its effected soil I persevered, And. loon felt it was beuelittfng m tooUietrenpOctSu it I did not see the resultelieslrBd ttlLl toad taken it faithful ly for little more than a year, jwhen the difficulty in the back was cured; and for nine' months I have enjoyed the best of health. I have in that time gained twenty-five pounds of flesh, being heavier tUAAevef before in pay life, and I was never more able to perform labor than now. During the past few weeks I had a scrofulous swelling as large as my fist gather on another part of my body. I took Vegetine faithfully, and it removed it level with the surface in a month. I think I should have been cured of my main trouble sooner if I h;.d tak en larger doses, after having become accustomed to its effects. Let your patrons troubled with serofula or kidney disease understand that it takes time to cure chronic diseases; and, if they will patiently take Vegetine, it will, in my judgement, cure them. With great obligations I am r ! Yours very tniir, ; - G. W. MANSFIELD, Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church 'I VEGETINE Prepared by H. R STEVEN'S, BOSTON, MASS. Vegetine is sold by all Druggists. jano ''HE GENUINE DR. C. M CL A N E'S- CELEBRATED AMERICAN WORM SPECI I c OR VERMIFUGE. -SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. - The countenance is pale and leaden colored, with occjislonal flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one Or both cheeks: the eyes become dull: the un- plls dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper Up; oc casional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; sn unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious with a knawing sensation of the stomach, at others. entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occa sional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throgi- out the abdomen; bowels Irregular, at times cos tive; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid; respira lion occasionally dlfiicult, and accompanied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritablfe, &c. wnenever tne aoove symptoms are found o exist DR. C McLANE'S VERMIFUGE ' ' ' ' '. ' ( '.' will certainly effect a cure. i,J A.' i i . A.: '! . . . IT DOES NOT CONTAIN STEROCHTT In any -form;. It is. anv Innocent preparation, hot yi.Vu,uiv ui uuiuK mo Biiguiesi injury to tne most tender infant. . The genuine Dr. McLanb's VERirmjGit bears k i.UArtiii tuia J!XijHIK( BROS, DR C. McLANE'S St recommended as.aemedi; ,'for all the ills inatnesn is nelr to," but in afrecflonsff than SH.i1 mPlaints, dyspepsia and sick S1e"SLVa8 hat aSw, they stSSd ST . .7. v-,',.:;--, -:' AGUE AND FEVER iStS Preparatory to, or ,ri As, a simple purgative they Arftuaequaled. BEWARE OF IMITa'TI&NS. .XAlicr ,-00029 t(lfit ose tilLMar. ie genuine nwptaa-01 v: anq XEmjril BBOi s,aRrrf', ? 1 .- win ffttt wrfrMi'lUM.i.lULOI-S.nniWI w.'H i t -m J 1 lot -9'iq azVfi&ixr ardlLbfra nelaaac ATRJoa j lo 'ior'r o-i.-i a i i il l lltJiliJuOJ .'i'ti sfllfbbtoi ',$8& wIn8 ;lli;l xhoT 4m SALXi I it vhWt -tj'bks ,IUid -kooZ axyDW vi.i .- Jtuuistiin saltbblru wot ,M-U ruj-jnu tbiUMVJ tW"blO . tlHUXKW . V!!US)3'- - n .! (... ;A larger and varied etoek. - Nik ifiqA ,oU IhaA line iIoiKli .h'- tiwV. vlul. bur, mull, .i-'K r.l r. anul ban it. 11 .:tl-X !mu: V.t.'uiiA . KtisjoA bin; v.iul. ;ijiindti lii vuviiui, lyjtin,lK c-.,:" THE BEST WE EVEB 'HAD. -.3K"jt;j" .iti;p tOU ABE INTI TI D TO; AL. TIDDY 4 BROTHER. ,faecl2 '2j --a I. 1 ' BEAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, .4 J, Tf BfiTJEBS. i J. T. BUTLER'S. liT 1't I r:-..l. ..h fi"- .;:; '). .1 ri) Ml- WATCHES, CLOCKS, A XV A JKWiLRY, S')'JaOK4 3TT0J SILVER AND L' Y il A A., V. A SILYER- !.f u.iT i.i:;; , PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SI LtER PJECTXCtES. Gold-Head Canes and everything rou want for Christmas, at - 3. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 , ' WE DESIRE to call attention to OURTOCTT" E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOC1V OF C Y C Y G O O D - Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the "handsomest In the martlet.'' Irtie&jHest styles of Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties,' Which will bay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and rou. : r !.' ;:i : American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R WRISTON Jk CO. declS v. M L L S s N JOIN your hands all friends of taste 0N my bar only the best Is placed. ANDWICH, Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, ACH man 11 receive right real, good cheer, LEASE step in, my hall Inspect, JJEAR It, you'll see more than you'll expect JpEENCH, German, Domestic Brandies, Wine, try each customers taste to refine, gUCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's good, JT.JOLDS my bar, most delicious food, ' TjACJH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear ' 'O ATANT" tl1i7TTipnt nnH t.aatAmnat pnro -gEE comwueurg tpt aa stpplng drinks JgACH sip he takes proves what he thinks, p IGHX (beofone more he calls and to friend At then winks. . ; u an22 DURHAM WHISKEY. 1 DURHAM WHISKET URHAM1 WH1SJLET. DURHAM WHISKE I Labqratojw pf Stat Assater and Chemist, I - .nifcLAdoidSeptember 7th, 1878. f I, have carefully tested a sampleof "Jjurham Rye Whiskeiieljylf om thestock of Messrs:7 Ellraon 4 Harvi.' aW frml It free from adulteration. It is an excellent article of Whiskey, and altogether suitable for use as a beverage or medicine. Signed 1 W". H. TAYLOR. M. D., State Chemist u ' ' ' - . l" :1 in; This'superi6ri0Lb,J Virginia whisket, ei to any 'made in this country, Is now In the hands of . . ,-.iii over 250 dealers In Virginia, JNtrth Carolina, Geor gia, Louisiana and New York City, and nbi' 'a;9ln gle complaints having come, tq , ,us . jTrom atit'Ae' &i them, and coany saying lyatbe, besti .Article &e'J.' eyerhandied .we lee) Juatlflad in :rexmm6aiiig' -it to al) who wish; to get a really.. purfi articT4 of. Whiskey ....... ,... .;, ;!.;,! i T. lione genuine unless bearing our trade mark. CaUor.J'CrjRHAMIf at WfB, CC!HRjWNE'S,C8ii- .,!.; : "Ii in tral Hotel, and all other first-class houses , . . JpXlSON' i HARVEY, Janlfl p 7 q J j f-V Richmond. Vau AT XHE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON ; -.V i.iT-.V.in !i i ( , ,i,; i) Cochrane keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, Stand ft!'". I-'I .)(i. !UTufl.l9uiei?Pffl) Years Old. A-.-si OTO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For Standard Pure Liquors. gTUDEBAKER witidjisl ' 'JKA , r:'.' ' I am hbrt lnrecelpt 6f large lot of the celebra- STUDEBAKER WAGONS,1 all slzea, whleh 1 oe soia on reasonable terms. -lr-.il if - !l(ct III Wl)1 fntM miit J99fiiYtin! 91! ban ilxo AlTHjtB: Jan. 8 tf. ic;llllfCiL(BKVJSN41JSi f l .ildfrii - l.vw p vuS "VS3Tl""W0f tfr jo-no xic rxTrxtrrrxY r,,7izrnr7r)?r,(j' ,-rbi'M -iRfeAfXftW vlalaln v.milffedf state 'Interniii ni 1 '2 mu!esW l ragbri and harrie'sst, aii4 barrel of whiskey, the property of F 3urns.' TjnHfle to hprphv elven to the owner or claimants appear uciviv; I , .nose ciaun thereto before the- expiration ofr,thlrtyi4ays mm (iatehereot orthe sara'e - trill w 'forfeited to the UnltedStales.:;' i - .i'- , i,. ; u: WJjiOTra'-rti . J. GvYQUMOy., , :.; .:, '.jfi-r , ,aectorf : . J)eputy., ... .. )aiil4woaw , - V ' i tJn'i- ii liil i7i' ; ! ... , ' .ii'i-'. rr r K VfOTlCE OF SEIZURE. i-n Tw . , ; .United States Internal Revenuej Crdlflotor'a Offica. th District North, Carolina, It- , ' Stat6sville, N.. C, December yth. 1878 -Seized' for' violation 'of United -States Internal Revenue Laws, on Saturday, December titb, '78: 1 : Ten boxeW Tobaecoi as tne. property of J. F. Fare. , . , Notiee la herebj given to tbe owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office in Statesvillet and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date .hereof or toesaaift, ill be forfeited to the United States. . . , J. J. MOTT, i dec25 4w oaw Oollector. OF SEIZURE. United States Internal Revenue, Collector's Office, tith Collection District. N. C. ,. , ; . .Sttesville. Dec. 18th, 1878, .'Seized for violation of United States Internal 'Revenue Laws, on, Wednesday,. December 18th, Five boxes Tobacco, the property of T. C. Strlck- Notice Is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office in Statesvlile, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States.' - - " ;; ' .,.?; !..-r- i; ) .... '!. .... , J, MOTf. , J. G, To9 . Cpileetor: , ' ' Deputy. ' ' : Jan. 16-St -'"' . MMi ! I I UW I I JIM t A lit ' .-il .i.i. .!! JjIELD BROS.. WHOLB8ALK AND RSTATL. GROCERS arid DEALERS in COUNTRY FRODUCE , ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF THE CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has beennewiy furnished and Is kept In first-class style. Terms, Per Day . .. 8 J 00 Table Board, Per Month 16 00 tOmnrbus and Carriages at every train. FIELD BROTHERS, Proprietors BEN KIMBALL, Clerk. deel yADDILL HOUSE GASTONIA, N C BY ;R. E. WADDILL feb 10 tf. CALDWELL HOUSF, CALDWELL HOUST? ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSH, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, -Comet Trjmand sixth Streets, . -1 -it .. 1 .;. -...:' 2 ii CHARLOTTE, N. C, CHARLOTTE, N. C. , .'., ..'.; -: .. . '. :i -a P. CALDWELL. Proprietor,-. ... 1 . - ' - i- - This house Is permanently established an$ offers , all the conveniences . and comforts of a first telass; !rird!Ihg house. Persons vMthig 'Uie cliywJTl: flail, It a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. . , 'V'.'" RATES rW, $1.25;' per week, $6.00 per month, $2o!00; . Ie board, SloioO per, monfhj.. ; , .JaniO - : , ::-x- ' -,i'i:n-. T. -rjotice; 11 - - - 1 . By virtue of . the tnower conferred in mortgage made by T. J. Wilkinson and Laura H. Wilkinson to the Charlotte. Building and Loan Association, I will sell at public auction, a house and lot of land, fronting on the N. C. Railroad, in square No. 58, leginnfng at a stake on the N, C. Railroad and run ning with said road to L. A. Phillips' Corner, thence with: ner line 180 teet to. stake, 'theijee parallel with said railroad. feet to J. B.'Shannonbouses. line,; thence to the beginning;; whfch is 'now claimed subject to said mortgage hy E.; W. lelkm. iSaldTJJVpem.M be sold at tne corm hbiise door i he citiv of Cbarlotte on fhA 1st Mondav in March. 1879, Jor. cash the attbuirt 1 dub, 'the Charlotte ; Buiidlhg-and Loan Association- tjelni $229.25' witn cost 01 advertising ana saie: 1 : ,.,,;. v-1 jv ; B,,S.,C30GHRAKtfc,;,.i A .01 i-:::; -I. J O. XJkXVTBSliLi : . Auctioneer. 1 I' JJ1XWELL i.IABRISO-jST iill .! ,'JJi. iiiii. : It : 1A: I ; AbCTiCand COMMIKiN MERCttAS, i i- ;l 1 ; i ! - i ? 1 1 I. ;i i ( 1 1 ! .tit. nit -:-J i i-UH 'Xtuii ! ir:- i til ' I '. ! 1 .Ai'-.ji 1 i!)7i;l.) ) 1 : 1; 1 ...-'.i,:!.') ,;!!;'' J: !i:i:(i 1 ' - .") i XM4i and.sell Qn vwpig ot a Hi mi:: hit i.kl.l I. !'ir.. I I : I,; iln.iin "Mil' .U.'t.it 1(,i.j Jt MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY' .'ti'l'li 1 rtitv .Will give strict persona l' ; ' - x ' I I 'i f' V, , attention to all business entrusted to our care.' 1 : i. '. :---: ' v. i;!T Four d(oors above Chariojtte Spte V -?.;i!t ,H dec3-. ibbiul v-aH iiv T7OR FINE WINES, r!!ri!hn ;i!nl -iiiiom i n-. .'if !;,;.. 1 ol : -- ;uiliuT)nrmivmi Central Hotel Saoon . LEMONN N yioinn- -lot 9tjt.KwnNN N fiiel RMlO IriByrf 199jt 9WaN NN WiroffJ bi;il oil fjrru v9i! --.-.A .". viti! ,tefiM! in u(iit,('i!ii ' i OO erf - ,,r '. IT! :iro! Jii'jfii 'id ;J ?i-!!i -. . t- o 5 1 i J 2 1 o t t :i il ' s Mf. Urn stiivollol 9.5T j ,- -: f ; y.yy "d JK jTfiYH'f:! Mil; ! ( ' -f- At R Rj C. .0. R R O M S, -;E, The gresitestluxury of the age (50eper pound.) Also remember that be keeps the finest assortment , of Candles ever seen hi Char lotte.1 1 Ladies parOe- umny msnea to can . . VANILLA. Vivh;t.V CHOCOLAT EES CHOCOLAT K CHOCOLAT B CBWXX)LAT gag . 7 Intlla; v.v, ANLLLA. , v jan!8 .--iSi;Mk i -.ill rpHE "RISING SUN;r ... , ' ( 1 t. a -i . . According to ihnmd of ' Joshua of old, al- though' repudiated by the' Jasper Philosophy " of the new, is now; standing still, at the Old Place, on Trade Street, opppsite Jfh'e ''Market' House, plus .'..',', -;u U- ' r;i i ';;! Hornet Fire Engine HaU, where the light of reason Uuminates the surrounding atmosphere, which in vests ail things ; with the glow ot Inspiration, and the worlJ ho longer feeerhs ' J . ' ; ' j "A lleetbig shdw,' ' To man's Illusion given.' Once on a timevbi another Hemisphere, "Man's 1 1 ' - ! ft ; ,r' 1 ' - ? L i O A '1 Illusion" as.checjLmated aRdfapaticlsip stairipecl ; out in the Holy Wars pf the (tross vsL-' the Crescent, (the Crusades). Two million 'men wre killed and a pyramid was erected from the bones from one battle-field alone, pear NIeve, by Solyman, as a nwnument to their fanaticism, and the Saracens drank beer out of their skulls. Since then, fol lowing tie Reformation, In Christian conflicts (so called,) fifty million more were slain all by Di vine appointtiteni,". making probably in all, 100, 000,000 who have victimized themselves to their faith. Peter the Hermit had nothing to do with ihe latter conflicts; He had Peterd out some time previous. The present Hermit who runs the . . "RISING SUN" is pleased to say that he has received his stock since Christmas, and has now on hand FERRY'S CELEBRATED GARDEN SEEDS (warranted to mine up without the cruaide of your neighbor's chickens), In addition to bis stock of Candles, Nuts Raisins, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Flour.Lard, Saxdines, Canned Fruits, Apples and Oranges. In fact everything kept in a Confectionery and Gro- eery. C. a HOLTON. janl9 Democrat and Home copy. JEAL ESTATE, MINIXa AND IMMFS RATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, .' and will . Advertise free of ' cost all ' properties placed In my ' hands Tor sale. THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. C. declQ 1' SOR, RENT. FOR RENT. 1 OR RENT. ' TOR RENT. FOR RENT FOR REN JL !-.-.! ii 'tittii -,'J , .. i . 10 Room House, two blocks from public square, SaO.pejtmonih.,,, .., , ... . . 5 Room jHonsei acre of grotmd attached, four blocks from public, square, $16 per mouth.- , ' 7 Room Hcfuse, ' Willi 0" acres of land attached, price $160 per year. '.' , 1 7 Room House, $1 per month.,, lour blocks from public square, .ii-. ,!-!;;;! JOB SaLE. . ' 4 'B0Thi Btjnisfe,Vl&' good lot, 'price.si ,200. ,i j4,Room House,. withgood lot, price SWO.. '8 lUwmHouse, Wfth acre and half 6f land, four BlockB from public square, price 83,000. i It: iiiii Ifiil'.i'tV -:) li 1 'i:. . , . i'i 1 ; ;;.'i';;"';;'! .Wanted. ' 1 7 't 1Q Room House, near public square. " Htd 'Roojn! House, near public square. ., , Call at:, I .r.t : ! 1 -'iit ; ;i -yt-i! Old Bank of Mecklenburg Bufldlng.1 1 l't '.li''xl- r.'ii'.V:; I r. i .;;.-.;.' 1 "' ' ..eolg , ... ... ; , il UCHTENSTEJNi A , MERCHANT - TAILOR. , I U' -nij '!- - .it 'f 1 jTy WjF0! ''fwefi!f.'rp store, - . i;m; ..ill Hill.) A Mil J Kir. . '"il Paeclb"! I to vui,.;a -'.If in ,'xl j i.i J it to il JAi: ' ' TAITES ; MURPHY," ! ' ',' ' ..-. !(:' 'ttliiti; ' .!'- !:-!! t! !;'! - . l' 'IV VMilli-)" nj; M-i li- f J J I . v 1 1 ! f I JUimCALsl!AIXX)R,i m'.. :i'!Ui(-9hH ')iti j; -fiti ,,' JO:! 1 I fHoI66hs Buikilnir, iTrtide Street tip Stairs. ii7ot" h-iov- i fifty !'; ! ; : " Owfag'totbe sfrtrifiey' of the times I will in fu tureiwork .Very cheap. Will make .fine suits for $10, Casaimere suits for $8. Pants of suits same rates. , I guarahtee afl my work wo fit, no charge. 6We me a caa and be convinced. - , ; July 17. .1; . j . -:i;i rliit MscMixncBtt& , t ; 'AtxkiiiJI, ii U"i;i 1 a i S 10 the fart thflt 'WV hrtlsi1n9j aaannatrM , , wun ui. sn. w nuev nq. 'eeased on the 1st Of Jtui- 1 axj business , reiapona ior; he coming year VeLifletoetIuIly; Fsitfi ihum m, -CHALK. janiy at OT. NICHOLAS. SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAC.AIXE - , AN IDEAl. CHILDREN'S MAGAZINE. Messrs. Scribne& Co., In 1873. began the rmhn cation of St. Nicholas - - vuBwmiin wiui Mrs. Mary Mases Iiodm ai I S2?S. ,Ve T1 havepedrinXffm h?rifmed te magazine has won the highest position. It has a monthly circulation of - , ; r ' OVKK 50.000 COPIES. , t - It published simultaneously in Londor and New York, and therjansanantia recognition is al most as general and hearty as the American Al Ihough the Droeress of the ,nuun7ino. ,., j stfeadyadvance. it has notTeached Its editors ideai . - c iucm vunuiiuiuiy outruns it and the magazine as swiftly follows after. Tonlav St. Nicholas stands . io-uay nkne,aingements fOT Mterary and art contribu Hons for the new volume the sixth are complete drawing from already favorite sources, as well as from promising new ones. Mr. Frank R Stock ton's new serial story for boys, "A JOLLY FELLOWSHIP," Wlirrun through the twelve monthly parts,-be-gtoning with the number for November. 1878, the nrst ot the volume. and win tv mniir-jin k t f Ev Keiiy-. - The storvis-one of ti-nvi iuui uK-u.,t,. in Florida and the Bahamas. I or the girls, a con tinued tale, "HALF A DOZEN HOUSEKEEPERS," By Katharine D. Smith, with illustrations by Fred erick Dielmaii, begins in the same number; ana a tSs? ?,erti. by Susan-:CooUdge, entitled "Eye brlght." wltH plenty of pictures, will be commenced early in the volume. There will also be a contin ued fairy-tale called "kumfty dodget's tower," Written by Julian Hawthorne, and illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. About the other familiar fea tures cf St Nicholas, the editor preserves a good humored silence, content, perhaps, to let her five volumes already issued, prophesy concerning the sixth, in respect to-short stories, pictures poems humor, instructive sketches, and the lure and lore of Jack-ln-the-Pulpit," the "Very Little Folks" department, and the "Letter-obx," and Riddle box.", , ,, Terms, $3.00 a year; 25 cents a number. Sub scriptions received by the publisher of this paper, and by all booksellers and postmasters. Persons wishing to subscribe direct with the publishers 'should writsrTiamerpostonTcercotmty and State, in full, and send .-with remittance in check, P O money order, or registered letter to J , SCRIBNER & CO., declO 743 Broadway, New York. 'pHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. thirty-fourth teas. The most Popular Scientific Paper in the World.. Only $3.20 a year, including postage. Weekly. 52: Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. The Fctentific American Is a large first-class-Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profusely , illustrated with splendid; engravings, representing the newest in ventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences Including New and interesting Facts in ;AgriculturB,)Horteultuii the .Home, Health, -MacalJ'romsg. .Social jScce,, Natural History, G eoiogy. Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers-, eminent -writers hi all departments of Science, will Be found in the scientific American Terms, S3.2 per year; $1.60 half year.which in cludes postage. Discount to agents, single copies, ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by pos tal order to MUNN & Co., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York PATENTS. -In connection with the Scientific American, Messrs. Munn & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 34 years experit nee, and now have the largest establlsh- ; niertin the world. Patents are obtained on the j best terms. A special notice is made in the 8cien- unc American ot all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery er Invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. We also send free our hand book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. MUNN fc CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th sts., Washington, D. C. novl9tf JJARPER'S WEEKLY. 1 8 7 9. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. The Weekly remains easily at the head of illus trated papers by its fine literary quality, the beauty of its type and woodcuts. Springfield Republican. Its pictorial attractions are superb, and embrace every variety of subject and artistic treatment Zlon's Herald. Boston. The Weekly is a potent agency for the dissemi nation of correct political principles, and a power ful opponent of shams, frauds, afid false pretences. Evening Express, Rochester. The volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number of January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the sub scriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of his order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year Harper's Weekly, " " Harper's Bazar, " " 4 00 4 00 4 00 1 The Three publications, one year, 10 00 Any two, one year 7 00 Six subscriptions, one year 20 00 Terms for large clubs furnished on appplicatlon. Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The .annual volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume), for $7.00 each. A complete set, comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re celpt of the cash at the rate of $5.25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 each. Remittances should be made by postoffice money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. - Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. ; Address HARPER & BROTHERS, decll New York. 1879 187i HE FOUR REVIEWS AND JLACKWOOD. Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly ReviewOonservaUve The British yuarteriy Review (EvangeUcal), ..;..-,.. ,,.). AMD BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections;' they give the originals in full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. iNo publications can; compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Comnanr in rpsrwvt ti I fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu- air. o sijie, ey are witnout any equal, rney keep pace with modern thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether in religion, science, lit erature, or art. The ablest writers till their pages with most interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent narration of the great events of the day. i 1 terms fob 1879 (including postage): Payable strictly in advance. For any one Review, $ 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews, 7 00 " For any three Reviews, 10 00 " For all four Reviews, 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, .4 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " For Blackwood" and three " 13 00 For Blackwood .and four . 16 00 " POSTAGE. Thfe Item of expense, now borne by the publishers,- Is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on the cost to subscribers In former years. i'!; CLUBS. 1 A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of tour or more persons., Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one address, for' $1280, four copies of ihe four Re views and .Blackwood for $48, and so on. ' - ' ' PRE MIUMS. New subscribers applying early) for the year 1879 may have, without charge, the numbers for ihe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. ' 1 :Or Instead, new subscribers to any two, three or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the "Four Reviews" for 1878; subscribers to all five ' may have two of the ' Four Reviews," or one set of BlacKwood's Magazine for 1878. ; t Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubi can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to elubs. , To secure premiums it will be necessary to make eauy application, as the stock available for that purpose is limited. i Reprinted by , ! : '::' .THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 41 Barclay Street, New Yoric x

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