."fuT.linjI-YTSOT-' ... - r m ..... . iW- .. A5tai , TBE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT STTB8CRIPTI01T RATES: Oafiv, on vw, (jKMi-jxricZ) in advance, ix JfontA , -$8 00 ..4 00 .. 2 Og ana every Three Monum One Month.. Oispatch md cheapness We can tvrnith, at Sh WZXCLr EDITION : ITmJUv, (in V county) 0 adtxmw S2 00 LEtTEB-WEADS, OA&DS. fyGS. RECEIPis; POSTERS PROGRAMMES, HAITD-Bltts Out of tht'oovnty, pottpaid,. . ... . . Six JfonlAf 'i Vt ... J. i w Liberal Reductions Jor CM. .2 10 ':'Nb':':3;087. VOL. XX. CHAELOTTE, :N;iC;;:ERIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1879. 1 00 ... t . PAMPHLETS, . CIRCULARS, CHECKS X . ...... . ' . T . 1 I 1 Wl A; -W"JV VS AwA V t JAJ AJ ? v fit Bat bem ttonuglily supplied ttrith niw,awraiA ine ijaiasi siyte Ofzype, inwMcr uf tfw irurc cum wu, rm fff a vnz m tlSHHSBXS AND ALPACAS. Jart Beoelved anotlwr lot ot sapeifor 3; i CASHMERES AHD ALPACAS, Bangbic In Irioe from 25 eents to One Dollar. :1 .1 -.'TJ f-.-!T "MU -'' l "IT A Few Pieces of COLORED CASHMXBES, sll Wool, of superior quality, at sixty cento, i '1 -m ''-til 'i. worth f L00, ."!; Di not fall to see oar LADIES' CIX)iXS before buying. It wiil pay you. .:. :!!'!! i ... . i iUOELIAS COHEN. BURGESS NICHOLS, --MS;! 'A. Vlif.l'. in- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ALL KINDS OF ' f i FURNITURE I FURNITURE I FURNITURE V ; FUKNITURS I BEDDING, C BEDDING, C 1G.AC. iBEDDINOftO. ArlILto&of-f CHEAP BEDSTEADS 1 CHEAP BEDSTEADS 1 LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES t LOUNGES I PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS J PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS of aU kinds on hand. . t3BT COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 Wkst Tbads Stbxr. CHARLOTTE, N. C ' ' 1. .V itJi-T Hr Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes-j fine supply. n'l i jan3 ARGAINS I V .51 W ft it JT RRR KKH RKB KB ho ill'! " ' Ah , -Hi-. t- t I s.itii ii j . I. E. OS B0GEB8. WAREROOM6J ! , ' ) ' fij.5ltvr.i .'-if iti H-jUM'u, 1 .... . 4 i avh (!-vt('.I J-''1 ilt ill ; - 1 -. . .: Jll,. --', J NXXT TO PQ6TOITICB. ' i l".L:i'4 ,j a1 UO'J W.l A My Stock if Tery Lar,- and embraes a FulI Line of J .l-.-n:u il '.Ll-ilt '! -ti.'hKU'J Mi'" I ' fit KilltUIKt .4liia itUOv lil lil li t 7Hn it ,41il U'ltfl '9111WH j:;;.! ; pABL0B,'tiMBEB;3pDima wxliu tat h;t jvrt tti. lV.;itsUHI'l Jf ll" Jo ' . 'iwi rt .f a' titi 'irl ,J;b '! At V.i'lM8 ,i;j..f.(4;4- -Ji.W MidiDiri'M rt'lt V ''J .A ,s KHi v. t'i-.. T.J 'jvi !t fiVMt J.rxi .j . fc,-i .' 4. "'J !'; . . . ;.wj a. (4 41.. t3 111 tt..l..J hi. mJI f.tm . I - l-TliU URRB Nlf n TTTTf JJ KIT U DRB3R 5 W W'H ' U UR BW HW II '1!? ULlLyg i ... .-. .. . ... m ... ..... r-.mi ffll..K. v U. . rsni nan wwttWHUif ". ? 1 ' . " 1 , , J. XI BUY- A VlAJAJk X wis A tniusiaa vu jb. " - -v hi I J -1 i'CL i A iolS ! AfS ! WI HATK THIS DAT MM MM A KRR K KEEKDDD MMMM AA R RK KB D D MMXMAA RRRKK EB 6 D X M M AAA R RK K K 'D 1 M M MA AR RK:' KKKBDDD DDD OO W W WNIT N D DO OWWWWNN N D DO OWWWWHNN D DO O WWW N NN DDD OO W W N NN About Forty pieces of ; , , , PHESS GOODS, , ; To 25 cents, worth 50 cents per yard. Also 80 or 40 pieces to 20 cents, worth from : ii . 83 to 45 cents, A lot of Dress Goods to 8Vi and 10 cents, worth from 12 to 15 cents. It .Ly- i MUST BE SOLTI I ! j JjJ.usTt bxsolJLm I and If you want cheap goods, this Is the place to get them. L ' Very truly; ' t ' : ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. P. S. Our whole stock must be reduced, and In order to do so will sell very cheap. A. & H. V u R R D -BY EXPRESS XPRESO A LOT OF WHITE TTTT A RBR L KKKTTTT OO NN N T AA EEL ft TO ONNN T AARRRL KK T O ONNN T AAA R RL R T O ON NN T A AR RLIXLRRR T OO N NN LACE ACE EDGIN1 EDGLNVT For Skirt Protectors. A Lot of DRESS GOODS, Reduced to prices that will sell them. A good stock of Gents' Merino Shirts and Furnishing Goods. SU11 a few of those - HANDSOME CLOAKS at sacrificing prices. Don't fafl to look at my Ho siery and Dress Buttons. Give me a call before purchasing. ...... . . i. i i. ; - .1 . T. L; 8EIGLE, 1 Opp. Charlotte Hotel,' Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. LADIES' CLOAKQ LADIES' CLOAJCO. SADIES' CLOAKa H E . ta B" E ATE S T BAB G A I NO iBsE IT BJ.T BAB Gtt. .! : v :ir uiiA T! ;. . !. ,:.... ).- it .:'. . t. l..:..i.i..-.i ..A ,1:.-If r f t fir e FHT,E;S.E A S O IX ;"-t-... ('. i .7 ! ;r tJiK HOMsiura catHCS lambs' cixax. no V"! 1 "' " tan'.,-:' ..'.u.'iT ir: ii ,aA DOT KXCMYID BT KIPBBSO 'f A. 1A j.J.-i?' u '.I t i tilA ii .4! mkk riii ha oniii nrithrait reserve, at sacrf- : flqlng prices., ';DtlaU.toeflm1julook.ati J t.". t i .'I U) f (.'!' J' J O WEEPING REDUCTION of FORMER PRICE Q p weeping Seduction of former pricep H 0 i .i r 4. ' H i t or. .... - j . i.i..-p :ti j'lit J,t.T',nr ' ..;;' ryiO1 BTTlfTcLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS OrKX . I..''. A T HALF PBIC"P XX. T H A L Ff P.B IC l .Uini ''irfl ii III. 'vniTO k tytAQ ? . iKwur-vifM ..!? , tf irrmftTn A BROS l -tj! t 1 l , I . " ............. 7 . 1T8 ALL OYER.'' Vance Elected Senator Able, Eloqnent and Pa- - ? triptic Speeches ' : i ; tRalelgh News,22d. . , . The House was presided orer succes sively yesterday, by the-" Speaker, vMiv Jones, of Caldwell, and Mr.rVaughan; the handsome member from Alleghany, both good end men. s A Sunday-go-to-meeting air was nor ticeable about - the members as .they moved restlessly about the hall, asking each other the time of day. "How long before 12 o'clock T "I can't wait mdch longer," said an impatient and original Vance man. , "It lacks only two min utes ; why don't Moring announce the time for election T said another. "Good Clothes," said a rough mountaineer; 5res, they are my best, and this is 'old Zeb's' wedding feast. I tell you, I feel d n good. Hurry the thing up, Mor ing." . In the meantime the gallery was being packed with the beauty and wit of the city. The ladies a number of very handsome ones; indeed, they were all charming with, their bright smiles and charming faces was a most pleas ing feattire of the day's interesting ceremony;'- Precisely at 12 Mr. Speaker Moring announced in a clear, resonant voice that the hour had arrived for the elec tion at a United States Senator, whose term at Office- would begin on the 4th day of March,. 1879, and expire on the 4th day of March, 1885. Capt Cooke, the gallant and chivalrous friend, and the able and eloquent Representative from Franklin who, up to that time had been nervously pacing the lobby in the rear of the Speaker's desk, stepped forward in tha pit in front of the Speaker, hand somely dressed in a close fitting suit of black, and placed in nomination Zebu Ion Baird Vce. t MrCooke said .' ; , Mr. Speaker: I name for the place Gov: ZebuloniB. Vance. What shall I Say of this extinguished son of North Carolina that is not already known to you and toiall upon this floor; and not only to you, but to mi "theeople of the State. Of the great men that this State has produced, not one has been so well known to the great masses of; ur peo pie as is Gov. Zebulon B. Vance. There is scarcely a hamlet in the land to which he has not been a visitor, and I had al most said there are but few hearth stones by which he has not sat. The eyes of the people of this State have turned toward Gov. Vance for the past fifteen years, as they have turned to no other man ; the hearts of his home peo- Ele have beaten for him, as they never ave beaten for any other man ; we a J have expected much of him, we have never been disappointed. At the close of the war, in that hour of physical as well as mental suffering to Gov. Vanoe, when he was "passing under-vthe rod," there was anxiety as to how he would bear himself; as to whether or not now, that his power had passed from him, and the motive to do well had gone with it, would he be brave enough in all things to do right (of this those who knew him well had no doubt;) and the question went up How is it with Vance V and the reply came back he holdeth fast to his integrity. Then came an other time, when after years of strug gling and. battling with almost poverty, he was elected by the Legislature of his State to a seat in tha united States Senate, and when the slightest bend ine of his knee would have given him the glittering prize; then in whispers- it was asked How will Vance withstand this great temptation? and the reply came sounding all over the land, Vance has lost his seat in the United States Senate, but "still he holdeth fast to his integrity." And now, Mr. Speaker, speaKing for the people of this State, I say, let him still hold fast his integrity and let him be United States Senator. The tall and graceful form of Mr. Hbrment, of Robeson, was seen to rise on the right of the Speaker. With well modulated voice he nominated Judge R. P. Buxton. He said: Mr. Speaker: I rise to place in nomination for the high and honorable position of United States Senator, one, sir, whose very name is a synonym for uprightness and purity; the upright judge, the christian gentleman, upon whom the foul tongue of slander has never been able to make the slightest impression ; one, sir, whose purity of character, both public and private, chal lenges the admiration and esteem of his opponents. I place in nomination for this high and honorable position, the name of Hon. Ralph P. Buxton, of Cum- Mr. Davis, the orator of the House, and the able jnember from Catawba, "sconded the nomination of Gov. Vance in a speech replete with grace, beauty and eloquence. He said: Mr. Speaker In secondine the nomination of Zebulon Baird Vance, you will, I hope, allow me to recur to one event in our political history, which give dramatic propriety to his election to the United States Senate and at this. lime, For it has not been forgotten who can forget it, sir that it was in his narsnn that: the DeODle of North Carolina were at once disfranchised and insulttwL when eiffht years ago he was excluded from , a seat in the Senate, and bv its partisan majority. His re election now, therefore, will be a vin dication of the sovereignty and self-re- snect of the'State' of North Carolina. And it will be more it will be a fitting rebuke to V that political party, wmcn .has solonsr proscribed, plundered, and i . - - . i . i i villifiett our people, ana wniie as sucn it points , its own moral, it will serve- also to remvna us oj. a ius.e muiueub m ancient history. For it was' the boast of Rome's noblest statesman, after his recall from that banishment into which he had been driven, bv the fury of Claudius, it was the irjud boast of Cicero himself that all Italy naa Dome him upon her shoulders back to ltome. A.1 A A sucn ovation is noi onen ine states man's reward but is to-day the reward Of Zebulon Baird Vance. ; For it is with no less of pride and enthusiasm, that the Temocrats of North Carolina now stand ready to return their own beloved pub lic servant 10 uiai piaue xruiu.wmuu eight years ago ne was unveu wuu every circumstance of humiliation to t.hp.Tn.,; . , t The ballot was tnen rajsen anu resuii ed in Gov.' Vance receiving J7 votes. Mr. Buxton 39: Mr. Mernmon l ; ana MrTho&,-&-Asbol. m - Mr, -Jflmng, 01 Montgomery, in ex planation' of nis vote, said that in a con test, hfitween Gov. Vance and Mr. Mer. rimon he was instructed to vote rorr. Merrimon. That emergency had not arisen. He therefore voted for iMr. Reynolds, of Halifax, a colored repre sentative in' explanation of w his Vote said that in .a contest betweeniGov. Vance and anv other Democrat m the State he would vote for Gov; Vance. It was, however, a. partyt question - anu ne voted, with his party for Judge Buxton, .inn Turner asked permission to ex- blain his -vote.' -He 'stated thatlhi3'peo- ple naa insiruutt5U mm ai rtatiioK Vance. For that reason and for-others which, were satisfactory to himself he could not vote for him. ; A point of or rlfirl TaiRAri bv Mr.' Foard.- of Surry, cut Wrabff. With' a stubbornness charac teristic of the manv he appealed from the ruling of the chair sustaining the pointof order. - The chair was unani mously -sustained by the House. Mr. Turner then asked that his vote be re corded for Thos. & Ashe. , Mr. McCorkle, of Iredell, when his name: was" called responded emphati cally: "The ' mnnitable ; 'executive,' Zebulon Baird -Vance second to no man on God s green earth." ; - Mr. Bingnam. who voted for; Merri mon. subsequently changed his vote to Buxton. ' The ; vote was announced. "Thank GodT reverently said a mem ber. "It s all over, now let us adiounu" And adjourn the House did. . SENATE PROCEEDINGS. In the 4Senate there was . an air of tameness and' soberness about the pro ceedings, Decommg tne "severe aignity of that august body . Mr. Dortch Domi nated Gov. Vance, He said: ' - Mr. President: The long deferred wish of a large majority of the Demo cratic people of North Carolina is about to be accomplished this day, in the elec tion of Zebulon B. Vance to the Senate' of the United States, and whom I now put in nomination lor that distinguish ed position for six years. After the 4th of March next, he is to be the successor of another distinguished; son of the'State Who has served his people ably, faith fully and honorably, and who retires with the respect of all, in obedience to the sovereign wilL - in a Drier out very leiicitous speech. Mr. Everett;' of : Forsythe; nominated Judge Buxton. The ballotkresulted in. Gov. Vance receiving 33 votes, BUxton 12 and Mr. Mernmon 1.. :. ., Mr. Brower, of Surry, voted f or Mr. Merrimon under instructions. . To-day in. ioint session of. the two houses the sovereign will ' will bere-- corded and Zebulon Baird Vance will be declared elected to the United States Senate for the term beginning March 4th, 18J9, and ending-March 4th, 1885. .bet us have peace. Supreme Court. " Raleigh News, 22d.' ' ' ! : Court met on yesterday at 11 o'clock. Present, Chief Justice Smith, and 'Jus tice Dillard; Justice Ashe absent on ac-t 2- H - ' - 1 1 uuiuit vi sickness. ... ,r- t Appeals from the fourth district were called as follows: State vs. John E. Scott, from Cum berland : argued Attorney GeneraLKe- rian for the State, and T. II. Sutton for. deiendant. . Earle & Companv vs. R. W. Hardie. from Cumberland ; put at the end of district. : T. C Leak, administrator, vs. Sol Bear & Brothers, from Richmond; argued, Piatt D. Walker for the plaintiff and j. D. Sha w for the defendants. ' State vs. Emanuel Leak, from Rich mond; argued, Attorney General Ke-. nan for the State and J. D. Shaw for the defendant. Court adjourned until to-dav at 10 o'clock. Finding Fault With Their Own Work. Washington Post! The farmer and mechanic are begin ning to suspect that there are too few of their sort in Congress. Sixty of the seventy-six Senators, and two hundred and twenty-three of the two hundred and ninety-two members of the House are lawyers, but as they didn't elect them selves the fault is not theirs that they are so numerous. It the larmers and mechanics desire to change things in this regard they have the matter in their own hands. They do most of the wrong. It is not in good taste for them to find fault with their own work. Par Nubile Fratrum. Greenville (S. C.) Enterprise and Mountaineer. We congratulate the Old North State upon the choice, lioraon, Hampton and Vance! A grand trio, in character, talent and patriotism. Not Medicine bat Food. The fall and early winter season Is the harvest time of hacking coughs and debilitating forms of Catarrh, just as the later spring Is the seed time of malarial fevers. To know a certain-core of the one, and a preventive of the other, is to have with in our reach the most inestimable blessing of the period. We do know of them, for these really mar velous properties are combined in Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with the Hypophospites of Lime and Soda. " ' i There is no form of Dhrsical waste and prostrat ed vitauty, that a bountiful use of the Emulsion, will not change, to glowing health and full life and vigor, and then it is nol a disagreeable medicine. hut the most delightful kind, of food. y - i For uDwards of thirty years Mrs; Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup has been used for children.- It corrects acldltv of the stomach, relieves wind cello, retaliates the bowels, cures dysentery "and diarrhoea, whether arising rxom teeming or ower causes. ' au oiu anu well known remedy. 25c per bottle. ; (&xokzv and (&Vxssvimvz rpo MERCHANTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. Having met With such flattering success in the Wholesale and Retail Crockery business since I opened last November, and from the fact that I have received many orders, from merchants in North and South Carolina, Georgia Tand Alabama, I am confident that my success is certain. , Owing to the above Jaotsl have been compelled to enlarge my business a hundred per cent I compete with any' Northern " Jobbing H ose " In prices, too. AH my ware I buy directly fr ra the Factories; therefore it does not pass ttfroa sec ond hands, and I am enabled to sell goods as low asthey can be bought at the NORTH. -5 ' ' ' ' - - - -- - - - ' t DECORATED OOO a a So OOO H H H H H B II II n n ii NT N Jflf.N N WW . W WW W WW I A A A PORCELAIN AND GRANITE, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets we make a Specialty. We have much of this kind of Goods in stock at present, and In p few days we will have , ., , K'f. .l.luH.l.. i'. .... "... I...... ;. - TWENTT-SEVEN VARIETIES OF . . DECORATED CHAMBER TOILET SETS. Dinner 'and Tea Sets in! nely the "same' propor tion. 1 Our Retail Shelves ar complete filled with the largest juid best selection t China, Crockery and Glassware ever brought to this country. " Much care taken In paktag. Circulars and price list furnished upon application, ; thanking you for past patronage, &&, I remain, Respectfully,,' . , . JOHN. BROOKITEXD, ' Trade St. near College, under Democrat OfScej : 't Charlotte, N.C , Jan.22,1878. - . - ... gDD . A T T"; D AA V Y D A A ' TT D-D AAA . T : DDD A A Y S -. i T O CLOSE O U rr i O CLOSE 0 U JL . Will begin the Grand Annual Closing There will be a Grand Rush and we would advise it will be to the many And to others It will repay them to Invest for fu ores, we would suggest this circular be-retained. You can buy English Fur and Whitney Beaver worth $32 and $30, at $24. Our Fine West Eng ment of $20 Overcoats, embracing Worsteds, Cas Brown Meltons, marked$15, $is, $17 and $i90, Our splendid heavy Chinchilla Coats worth the en Vests, $27.50, $28 and $30 reduced to $22-50, away Frocks and Vests, $20, $21, $22 and $23.50,. 1 i ment of Casslmere Frock and Sack Suits, sold- Our entire Stock of Casslmere Pants ranging $8.50 $5.50. and $6.00, one uniform price, $4.00, TO Will be sacrificed, some 300 pairs all wool Cassl Hankercheifs at 25c TO CLOSE OUT. A small ur Fine Merino Underwear, worth $2 each Shirt Oar stock of Boys' Will be arranged In connection with the " Clearing garments and other perishable goods, to be slaugh In many instances the quantity Is small and sizes CLOTHING! CLOTHlNn I LO THING! CLOTHINVT; : W. KAUFMAN i CCS. : '. '. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Havms determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the neonle of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock 1 -or-1 OOO L " OO "TTTT H H 11 NN N GGO O OL 0,0 H H II WW N G , G O Ii . O O T' HHH U WWW G O 0 L O O ,,.T ,. H H II W WN G GO OOO TT.T.T. CO f f'H H II W WW GGG WE HAVE EVER OFFERED, ConsisUngof the usual variety of MENS, BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S tS C L O T H I N G , S ' ... i - ( ; : . FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. All we ask is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as it will be to your interest, and you will save from fifteen, to twenty percent on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN 4 CO.. . Springs Comer, Charlotte. N. C . decl2 : ,: .u..-.i i QORN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, i Postoffloe Address, Charlotte City Mill . Parties having grain to grind or to sen will find It to their interest to can on the undersigned; Meal ground either fine or coarse, according to order. Thankful for former patronage, I will give my prompt personal attention to all orders from one bushel to a car load, . - - . - " ROBERT D.. GRAHAM, s . Superintendent TTTE HAVE A SELECT STOCK ' " - :v vi Of Whole, and, Ground Spices, including Fells' mixed spices, try it and be convinced that there Is nothing nicer. ; ' L. B. WRISTON A CO. i t decl8 - -a ' - 4 ' ' . COX'S and NELSON'S GELATINE, . . . Cora Starch, Italian Macaroni and Pearl Ta pioca. " -V' L. R. WRISTON & CO. j . decia T7REN BENCH BRANDY ':l " f ' Goartinteed tdbe;; - ' -'ll u .issl.' ..- ......... , TWiatTTf rYEARS .OLD, ; :vrx i r . i.' i tilt AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON, f ; TTTT . OO TOO T O O ' .. T O O T OO DDD A V Y D D ' AA' ' T T D D AA YY D D AAA T DDD A A Y : . i . Ay. .! ii ii . - TO CLOSE OUrpi ,0 CLOSE 0 U 1 I OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS I Sale of all. heavy, fabrics, embracingOvercoats, ' ''.WINTER UNDERWEAR, oar friends to can early In order1 to enjoy the : WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENT t who have deferred purchasing, looking forward S JJ.BAND OCCASIOXT I I VTRAND OCCASIOlN ( tare wear. Annexed we will give a schedule of To-day will begin the great distributing sale of the E. D. LATTA & BRO., TO CLOSE OUT. Overcoats, Satin lined, $40 at $29. Our Fine land Casters, $30, at $25. Our Olive Brown Cas ters, Granites, Chinchillas, without reserve, at $15. at one uniform closing price, $12.50. tire season $10 $7.00, TO CLOSEOUT. Our fine TO CLOSE OUT. Our entire magnificent line of all at one uniform closing prlce,$18.00, TO CLOSE readily the entire season, $15, $18 and $17.50, at Our $10 and $12.50 COSSIMERE SUITS, at $7.50, TO CLOSE OUT. $7 and $7.50 at one uniform price, $5.00. Our CLOSEOUT. Our large variety of $4 and $450 TO CLOSE OUT j- - - mere Pants, $3, $3.50, $3.50, $3.75 at $2.50, to assortment of the celebrated Starr Shirts In in col and Drawers, will be sold at $3 per suit TO CLOSE and $1.00, at one uniform price, 50c To close ounn O CLOSE OUX Clothing will be offered at prices lower than other TO CLOSE OUT. Prices" In our regular and desirable goods, certain tered at less than half value. few, and in order to procure Just what your heart . CLOSING OUT SALE. POSITI VTT TJOSITIVT? OSITIVXLrf. X OSITIVH. FET OO RRR DDD A Y YeSSo F O OB K SIXTY D D AA Y Yg FF O O RRR RiXTY D D A A YY BSSj F O OR R D D AAA Y -1 F OO R R DDD A A Y "SS8 t fXm ENTIRE STOCTT I 1 WUB ENTIRE STOClV j OF- MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S cSSo V TJ n TTTT oSSe SSa TJ TJ h T SSa s BSS8 u u n T SggS uv ll T AT OOO OO aSSo TTTT n n n n 5 o n. O O O O g T O O O B8Sa T L OOO OO "SS' T C OUR6TOGT?" UR STOClV IS II MM MM MM MM KKK NN N cSS F.KK n UUMM UUUU NlffWS Oz. NN N E II M MM M M MM M EB WWW 8Sn EB IIMMMMMME W WW 'S E II M M M M M M EEE W WW We are bound to sell, and will sell, A call will amply repay you. Respectfully, vi L. BERWANGER BRO., Fine aothlers and Tailors., rpHE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. For Sale Also, ' PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS: ..; V;;;.H . Coffee Mills, Spice MQIs, and Store Fixtures Gene ''i-i - ..... . : , . .... .! i!i.i.'4 IVi j ... - . . U fOljIO'i i: The Improved Typet Writer. " it OscUlaSng Pump Go's Pumps. t. r, ! C fJ ns' , rji.-i z wr i yil i ."T H PrHTfortarcolara.1" ' -. i' i as, t i'?t n.L FATRBANKSACO ' - d.iii.'X ' t: Sit Broadway, New York g For sate by Leading Hardware DealergfTI septl-dtaww ' TTTT OO T O O . T O O T O ' O T . OO DDD A ,. T- Y . -i D AA' V-T ' DDD A A Y Jt -i III' y. ii. H T O C L O'S E O U rrti ;i.. 0 CLOSE 0 U 1 I i li.-i-.'tJ.J Casslmere Suitings, and . Lest advantages In selections as1 well as bargains. with solicitude to this prices, and as our goods are marked In, plain flg- mammoth stock of ii. Jessup Custom made garments, silk sleeve lined, tors, silk sleeve, $24, at $18. Our entire assort Our attractive variety of Worsteds, Oxford and ; '' " IU " j'.i). i Dahlia and Black English Worsted Frock And English Worsted in Black, Brown and Dahlia 'Cut OUT. The handsomest and mot attractive assort one uniform price, $12, TO CLOSE OUT. Immense assortment of Casslmere Pants, $5, Casslmere Pants at one uniform price, $a.00j CLOSE OUT.' Our remaining stock; of Ladies' ore, worth $2.25, at $1.00, TO CLOSE OUT. OUT. Our entire stock of Underwear, worth 75c., . '! H 1 . . ' f . merchants can buy them, lines of Worsteds, in Coats and Vests, odd broker! most desires. Call early, in the Very cordially, ' E.- D. LATTA 4 BRO. w TTTKOWSKY & BARUCH Beg to call your attention to the fact that rtis their desire to give to our eity a FIRST CLASS RRR R R RRR & R R R EEB . TTTT K T EB T A ;f KEB T AA ' 8 ' fctXTi DEPARTMENTS' EPARTMEN 1 Where any and everything that the trade of our community may desire, can be had. We shall make it a point to remove the necessity which some' of pur people claim to have been placed' lito order Goods from, abroad, as we shall alwova,keep a large; well selected and :fyk0$f$tit HANDSOME . yr:q-.y - ' LINE; ;o F G- 0 Oi D o ; I N E,, O.F , G 0, 0 P 5 AT OUR ESTABLISHMENT. .' . . r . . ; -... .- . ' "it- t -'- t e i No effort will be spared on our part to make our Retail Department a Grand Success, and we pro posertq bring it gradually to such a standard as to make It j- SECOND TO NONE 60TJTH..f ii Our MR. BARUCH will give bis personal , atten tion to this Department and his former success In lust that class bf business satisfies ns that our ef- forts in thlsjpartlcular will be appreciated by our numerous friends and customers . . , We shall continue to offeMor the next 30 days i the remainder of Oiir W W W n WW! W TTTT EBJff KRR 'JJl WWWWIIWWW .T g' , R- R W w w w ll it rc n x . x.a . luta WW WW n W WW W W II W WW T B R T EEB K it i ii ' i : 1 AT aSTONISHTNOLY IAW PRICES.' i WUh' a view of Irnatniig room for 'onr Srrmg1 and Summer stock,.whIch we will place in our store as early as itne season win admit ;-r.j,-,yj 5, t THE LINES OF OUR TnrrwnT.ERil.B DEPARTMENT Li ii ILE!,DEPARJMEN.AX , Will be kept bp.as alTWfftvfit'i,t-;. 70Y viV lain l xVnwdDettfuO?1 1 'i VfS UfK'AA WTTTKOWSKY .A; BARlICHi Jan. 21, 1878. . . ' TTTT OO ' T O O T O . Q ' T O O T OO i