i 1 i is t ! ! n 1 i iSlje XEljarldltt b&mtv CHAS. R. JU3ES, Editor and Proprietor v ' -'Fre from the doting scrapie that fetter 'onr ftte-bdra1 reasons" 'fvv w . FRIDAY, JANUARY4. 1879,, , . RAILUOiD LEGISLATION.' f ; A bill to regiflate the tariff of charges on freight by railroad companiea "so as to provide Against discrimination has been introduced in "the i . Lfegislature That discrimination is now practiced by railroad companies against wayfstations, these having to pay more, sometimes, for the same freight than j terminal points situated further from the point of shipment, is a fact which cannot be successfully denied ; but a member made a wise suggestion upon: the intro duction of the bill, in saying that the measure is one which requires consid eration. If there is any one phing that the average legislator knows less about than another it is the railroad problem, particularly so much of it as relates to . the carriage of and charges upon freight; and any slip-shod legislation is liable to leave the matter much worse than it was found. The South Carolina Legislature, in acting upon a similar - bill, furnished a striking instance of. how a dignified body may "put its foot in it" and never learn that it has blundered until it is too late, j It enact ed a law at the session, we believe, be fore the last the essence of which was that railroads having their bracks in South Carolina might charge' $1.00 per 100 fts. for transportation, of freight over 100 miles of road, or if it was pre ferred, might charge at the rate of so much perhaps 15 cents per cubic foot for 100 miles, and proportionally less for a lesser distance. The different classes of freight were not taken into account nd no provision was made for the charges for transportation over 100 miles. Railroad men examined the bill and found that under its provisions they might also charge $2 for 100 fts. carried 200 miles, or $6 if it was carried 300 miles. It was found, further, that while the roads could make but little carrying lumber, lead or pig iron by the' cubic foot, they might charge for the transportation of cotton by the cubic foot if they so elected and collect about . five dollars and.seventy-five cents on a bale carried 100 miles. Thus the people were left entirely at the mercy of the railroads, and the had bill become a law and the railroads chosen to exercise the rights vested in them under it the constituents of those law-makers would have been left in a most pitiable plight. ; ; We point this case out to our law makers as a frightful example! IlAless they are careful in what they do, they 'may, in attempting to bridle the "soul less corporations," turn them entirely loose and place the noses of the people at the grind-stone. . . j Hampton at the Soutii Carolina State House. Gov. Hampton, since the change for the better in his condi tion, has been improving more rapidly than tiad been hoped for. He has not only taken a buggy ride into j;he coun try, and arranged for a Florida trip, but Wednesday he visited the State capitol for the first time since the ac cident. The Columbia correspondent of the Charleston New and Courier tele graphs'that paper concerning! the Gov ernor's Jrisit to the State House : He sat for some time in his office, to gether with Gov. Simpson, and was then called upon by the beads of the departments and many other gentle men, who hastened to pay their re spects upon neanng or his presence in town. He has not yet fully recovered his strength, but is looking well, and is snreiy, u siowiy, improving. ; If Settle is with Him. The New York Herald says : Several ex-rebel soldiers sav that Grant can carry Georgia, Florida, Lou isiana, and both the Carolinias in 1880 if Tom Settle, of North Carolina, is on the A A. !i1 .1v ucKec wun mm. j Let us put it differently. Settle may (possibly) be able to carry som of these States in 1880 with Grant on the ticket with him. It is a never-to-be-forgotten fact that -"Mr. Buttles " as his dusky ad mirers call him,, failed signally, to carry one of these States in 1876 when he was on a ticket by himself, so to speak. In the event of future candidatures it will not be Grant who will need Settle's help but Settle who will need Grant's. AJ1 of the State papers which have ex pressed any opinion at all on .the sub ject are decidedly in 1 favor of 1,he aboli tion of this relic of Radical iniquity, the State canvassing board. What will the Legislature do about it ? In this as in most things the old way is the best, and the very name of canvassing or return ing board is a stench in the nbstrils of hone3t people. v It is not too late to congratulate the Lynchburg News upon having recently completed its thirteenth volume. The News is one of the ablest and broadest- . gauged of all the Virginia newspapers ; ' it is a great favorite in The Observer office and we wish it many yea'rs yet of jrospenry ana useiumess. - v MM - - ! . . It is said that it is, the .intention of Speaker Randall to choke off all subsidy schemes during" the present session. If ne succeeds u win. entitle mm to a re election to the Speakership,? and the honest, masses should demand it for him. "The convention of Northern settlers that was held at; 'Charlotte," I says the Wilmington' Star, "is attracting much attention in every direction. Several of our ablest exchanges from the South had long editorials on the subject,' Much of our space to-day is devoted to Tuesday's proceedings in the. Legis lature. Nothing could interesttne peo ple more than reading of the; election of the popular favorite to tne posiuyu of his choice. The Keltts-Tlmes Libel Salt. . . . - - ; r a f New7 York, : Jan4. In the trial of Col. Keitts' suit for libel against the New York Times to-day, Mk Choate, for the defense, contended that the article did not refer to the plaintiff but to one Thos, KeitV also known as Col. Keitt - - f;r:j.,:'. FORTMIFTH CONGRESS. TBS t. APPR0FEI1TI0XS BILLS THE LKAMVfJ FKATlUE. " The Consular Bill Passes Kfhe Senate A Bill for the Blind Butler Crea- ting a Cipher Laugh. . Washington, Jan. 23. Senate. Messrs. Windom, Allison and Withers were appointed? a conference commit tee on the part of the Senate on the In dian appropriation bilL "s,4,?? Mr. mattnews, oi unio, uiiruuuueu a bill to errant to the American Ocean Cable and Telegraph Land Wire Asso ciation of Philadelphia, the - right-of- way and privilege to lay. iana, ana op erate sub-marine telegraph cables on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of, and to establish telegraph communication between, the Unued States, Europe and Asia. Referred to the committee on foreign relations. Mr. Winaom, oi Minnesota, irom me conference committee on the consular and diplomatic aoDrooriations bill, sub mitted a report which was agreed to, and the bill Dassea. it now goes to me President for his signature. In expla nation of the report, Mr. Windom said the amendments of the Senate were all agreed to in conference, with amend ments strikins out the appropriation of 320,000 for charges de affaires, ad inte- rimt and diplomatic omcers aDroaa ana $20,000 for the diplomatic and consular service, to be expended in the discre tion of the President The total amount appropriated by the bill, as it passed, is $1,08785, or $10,200 more than the bill tor the present fiscal year. ne Dill ior taKing me teuui ueiisua was reported, and will be called for con sideration, Tuesday. A favorable report was suDmittea from the committee on education and abor on the bill to promote the educa tion on the blind. It appropriates a quarter of a million as a perpetual fund to aid in the education of the blind in the United States through the Ameri can Printing House for the blind. The bill to amena tne patent laws was resumed, the pending question be inc on the motion of Edmunds, yester day, to lay it aside and take up the res- , . . 1 1 j., - 1J J!j C oiuuons ueuianug uie vtuuity ul me thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to the constitution. Ed munds said he found by a vote of the Senate last night that the majority was adverse to considering his resolution, it was useless to waste the time or the Senate and, therefore, he withdrew his motion to take them up. The Senate then considered, and sub sequently passed the bill to amend the patent laws. The array re-organ izati on inn comes up to-morrow. The Senate connrmea tne rouowing nominations: North Carolina J. D. White, postmaster at Greensboro ; Wi ley A. Walker, at Winston. South Car olinaJames HJ&oss, at Union Court House; Alonzo Webster, Orangeburg; K. W. Boone, JSew berry Court House. Georgia Frederick Ball, La Grange. Alabama Mrs. M. K. Henry, Decatur. Mississippi Robert Stewart, Macon; Jno. B. I)eason, Brookhaven ; Frank M. Goar, Tupalo. Texas C. B. Sabin, Gal veston; A. G. Wilcox, Rockdale; Au gust B. Palm, Round Rock; Chas. II. Clifford, Hearne ; Chas. Kieickenbarger, Bonham ; A. R Norton, Dallas. House. The House has agreed to the conference rep ort on the consular and diplomatic appropriations bill. It leaves the bill almost identical with the law of the last session. The postoffice appropriation bill has been reported from the committee on appropriations. The House is in committee ot the whole on the till to aunlv the nroceeds of the sales of public lands to the edu cation of the people. , xne Din was aiscusseu at consmera ble length, being supported by Goode, of Virginia, Bell, of Georgia, Lorinsr, of Massachusetts, Monroe, of Ohio, Cain, of South Carolina and others,and opposed by Dunnell, Southard and Townsend Fo action. rne House is in session to-niffiit on the bill to regulate postage on third class mail matter. committee proceedings. Immediately upon the assembling of jthe Potter committee, Butler rose to a personal explanation. He read a state ment irom the Washington rost to the effect that the cipher dispatches were in ms possession all last summer, and that at one time he missed them from nia aesK. He saia it ne ever maae a statement such as that, he must have been drunk or insane. Laughter. On the contrary, what he did say was to show the impossibility that the dis- ? latches printed in the Tribune came rom him, and in this statement he was borne out by another member of the committee. Mr.- Hiscock: Yes. I had good reason to belive that the telegrams were copied ii nrr.fr 1 r i i awi uie j. rioune oeiore uiey came into your hands. 1 he Senate committee on postofnees and post roads have authorized their chairman to offer, as an amendment to the postoffice bill, all the postal legisla tion which was added td: the' House post route bill by the Senate , last ses sion, except the Brazilian subsidy clauses, xnese legislative provisions relate to the classification of mail mat ter, compensation of railroads and the franking privilege. V." . - nomination. .The President has nominated Joseph H. Slossbaum for marshal of Alabama. The Trusteebip of the North Carolina Railroad- Chambers Court, Greensboro Patriot. Judge Kerr has been in the city for several days hearing the case of the North Carolina Railroad Comnanv and Jno. W. Graham, vs. N. H. D. Wilson, trustee oi tne sinking tuna ot tne road. Tne case was argued all dav Saturdav and Monday on a motion to show cause wny an injunction should not issue and a receiver be , appointed. After a full hearing the rule was discharged and the motion disallowed. The bill charg ed unfitness, incapacity, and a breach of trust on the part of the trustee, but the decision of his honor is a full vindi- catiott of -Dr. Wilson, and- the unani mous sentiment of the .community ap proves this righteous decision. The in vestigauon of Dr. Wilson's manage ment was thorough' and searching and tne result is run proof of his good faith and unswerving integrity, v. The purity and excellence of his christian charac ter is untarnished, and his vindication complete-.-vijfrXT . Troops Recalled Train Ditched. Cincinnati, ' January 23. Governor McCreary has ordered a return of the cavalry company sent to Breathitt county. . . They accomplished .the, arrest or wm. letcuer, wno muraerea j uage Burnett. A freight train on the Detroit Lans ing & Northern Railroad, was ditched near Detroit, killing Chas. Reid, a brake- map, ana Dreaking the ribs or conauc toriRichard Bare. A broken rail caused the accident. ' t .-..'--- f-t f-wtor?f'f fl f . . i . 1 Kavisatlon Impeded by Ice. London, Jan; 24. A Lloyds' dispatch xroui Antwerp aatea yesteraay, says "Thft if.A nn t.ho : ma!a and Tirurj nni COnsiderablv i ifrfaspH Rinr v stftrrlav. A boat com in? in was cat sized and Lloyds from Heligoland, datd to-day onyx.,, , AUD iXXU 1; :l uxocKeu W1U1 let and steamers vre unable to force an en trance"-. : STATE SEWS. Dr. N. M. Roan, of Yancey ville, died ast Friday. : - . - ' The Monogram Club, of Raleigh, gave a hop Tuesday night. ; The lawvers sneak highlv of the writ- en opinions of Judge Dillard. Letter boxes have been put upon a number of the lamp posts of Raleigh. The Milton Chronicle learns that Mr. McGehee, representative from Person county, is improving and hopes to take his seat in the Legislature soon. After lying idle for a month or so, on account of a break down, the steam and hydraulic press of the Wilmington Compress Company is again in run ning order. ' ' The Wilmington Review tells a shoot ing yarn: capt. a. a. Moseiey, wim a V lncuesi-ei nue, at a tusuuiue ui mu hundred and seventy-six yards, shot and killed a crow at his place on the ounda few days ago. . , The Raleigh Observer says it is report ed that the committee on the peniten- iarv are of the opinion that work on that institution should be discontinued, and a heavy drain on the State treasury may be thereby stopped. Milton Chronicle: Wm. Lawson. co. of this vicinity, was killed on Tuesday bythetainng or a tree wmcn ne ana two other men cut down. William ran as he thousrht a oroDer distance out or the way, but a limb struck and killed him. Greensboro Patriot : there seems to" be a difficulty in the colored Presbyteri an church ot this place between a por tion of the congregation and the pastor, Rev. J. A. Crestheld, which resuiteaiast Sunday in an assault upon him and his ejectment from the pulpit. . There was a considerable row and Chief of Police Reese was called in to preserve the peace. The board of county commissioners of New Hanover has resolved that they will endeavor to procure, if necessary, the passage of an act by the General Assembly, now in session, wnicn win cover the privilege tax now required of merchants and others by the revenue aw now in force, to bear with equal burthen on all merchants and others mentioned in section 12, schedule B, of said law.. THE TURF. Fine Sport at the Savannah Meeting. Savannah, January 23. The second day's meeting was very largely attend ed. The time in all the races was re markably fast. Thatjon the second beit ot tne nrst race was tne lastest on re cord on this track. First race, Bona- venture stake, for 4 year olds, mile heats ; Bergamot, Speculation and Capt. Fr hard; $he first heat was won by Berga mot, Speculation second, Erhard third ; timejl.48; second heat, won by Ber gamot, .Lrnara second, speculation third ; time 1.45. Second race, mile dash ; started with Essaliah, Leroy, Egypt and Gov. Hamp ton. This was a fast race, won by Egypt, Essaliah second, Hampton third, Leroy fourth ; time, 1A6. Thmi raee, mile heats, four starters. Belle Dillon being withdrawn on ac count of not being in condition to run. This was a splendid contest: the nrst heat was won by Little Reb, Jim Bell a good second, Hattie F. third, Rappahan nock fourth; time, 1.47; second heat: splendid start and fine race, faster time being made than in the nrst race; Little Reb won, Jim Bell second, Rappahan nock third, Hattie F. fourth; time. 1.46. The races close on Saturday. i FOREIGN BRIEF ITEMS. London, January 23. Severe cold weather prevails and much suffering and destitution are reported in all parts ci lireat Britain. Marseilles, January 23. Ex-Presi dent Grant and family embarked to- d tv. on board thfl "Prpinnh mail st.pjuner Labour Donnais, for India. Tirnova. January 23. While Prince Alexander, of Battenburg. is the choice of the younger members of the Bulga rian Assembly, which is to elect a ruler for Bulgaria, the older leaders favor Prince Henri, of Reuss, formerly Ger man ambassador to Constantinople. Election of Officers District Grand Lodge B'nai B'ritb. Baltimore. Jan. 24. Tha fifth dis trict grand lodge of B'nai B'rith elected the following officers for the year en suing: President David S. Stern, of Baltimore : first virfi-nrfisirlflTit "Na thaniel Levin, of Charleston, S. C.; sec- ona vice-presiaent J. J. Macks, of Washington. D. C: secretary Dr. S. B. Wolfe, Baltimore; treasurer Aaron Goodman, of Baltimore, and sergeant- at-arms, Max Cohen, of Washington, D. C. Wm. Lovenstein, of Richmond, Va., J. M. Solomons, of Savannah, and J. J. Macks, of Wilmington, N. C, were elected to fill the vacancies on the board of control of the orphan asylum fund. The delegates of this district convention will be delegates to the constitutional or general grand lodge of the order wuiuu win iii oct iu x iiiioueipma ucai week. A Burning Wreck With Many People on Board. London, January 23. The captain of a ship recently arrived at Queenstown writes to Lloyds that he saw, fifty miles west of Fastnet, on the 16th inst, a steamer alongside of a burning wreck. The steamer ordered him to keep on his course and say nothing about the affair under the penalty of being also burned. The steamer had not the appearance of being a merchant-man or man-of-war -She had 150 or 200 men on board, ap parently English. Sentence of Election Judges. Jacksonville, January 24. In the United States Circuit court to-day. Judge Settle sentenced the Brevard county canvassing board, convicted of making false returns of the election. Lee, the county clerk,; was sentenced to three years- and Wright and Johns, sheriff and; justice, respectively, to one year each in Albany penitentiary. Lee is also State. Senator, from '.Brevard county. All , the other election - cases were continued to the May term of the court. ' '' - - ? ,; t . - lorne and Louise Visit JUngara. j L NiagarIEalls; January, S4.-rThe vice-regal party spent yesterday visiting the scenery about '-the faUsiarAt Luna Island her royal, highness, set foot on American soil for jthet first j time, The party -, then . went to - Prospect Park; which was beautifully .decorated 'with flags and arches, and descended" an in clined plane to : the ice mound below the American- falls They then crossed the ice bridge to. the Canada side rv ? V ' ' ! T Ji A Force of New Va.edOnlan Insurgents Bottled Up. i 1 Paris, January 24. A telegram from the Governor of i the French colony of New. Caledonia says movable columns of troops had cooped up the insurgents on rne snore ot Jape Uoalvain, !. wmcn they captured after a warm engagement in which a sub-lieutenant and private were Kiuea. Only Xineof the Cheyennes Caught. v Fort- Robinsons January -Z2. Mid- - mgm-.Later news from tne neia states that only- nine Cheyennes, all of ; them wounded, were captured. ;The balance of the party, twenty-three; in number, were kiiieo. seventeen are sun unac counted for. It is supposed that some are dead from their wounds and the others escaped. TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS.. JANUARY 23, 1877 PRODUCE. 1 Cincinhati Flour steady;- family 45a6.25. Wheat in fair demand and firm; red and white 90a 96. Corn tinner at 31a2. Oats easier at 24a26. Fork dull at 9.00. . Lard in fair demand and high er; steam 6.0510. Bulk meats quiet; shoulders 3.60, dear ribs 4.40, clearlBides4.60; bacou quiet and firm; shoulders 4, clear ribs 5. . clear sides 5A- Whiskey active and firm at 1.03. Butter duU and unchanged. Sugar steady and unchanged f hards W4al0, A white &ba9& New Orleans -oa7. Hogs packing 3.60a75. . , s ; j ax. a "" Balttmokb Oats quiet and steady ; Southern 28a32, Western white 30a31 do mixed 28a29 Pennsylvania . 29a32. Hay dull and unchanged; prime Pennsylvania and Maryland 10al I. Pro visions a shade easier; mess pork, old 8.75a9.0O, new 9.75; bulkmeats 'loose shoulders, new 3, clear rib sides 4, per car load, packed new 4a5; bacon shoulders, old 4, clear rib sides, new 5i&a, hams, . sugar-cured, new,- 9al. Lard refined tierces 7. Butter active and very firm; choice Western packed 18a20, rolls 1 Sal 7. -Coffee quiet; Bio cargoes 1 lal6. Whiskey dull and heavy at 1.09. Sugar quiet; A soft 8ta?&. ; . . Nw Yobx Flour unchanged, quiet; : No. 2, 2.30a2.85, superfine Western and State 3.20a3.50. common to good extra Western and State 3.65a 3.70, good to choice do 8.95a450; Southern flour steady; common to fair extra 8.90a4.85; good to choice do 5.00a6.25. Wheat-ungraded spring 99al.02, No. 8 do 90a2. Corn closed dull; un graded 47a48. No. 8, 45. Oats lower at 33. Coffee quiet . and unchanged; In cargoes 1 lalP, In lob lots llal7. Sugar more active; Cuban 5a 6, fair togood refining 6a6,prlme 7; refined unchanged; standard A Sfo granulated 8, pow dered. 9, crushed 91. Molasses quiet and un changed. - Bice fairly active and steady. Pork mess on spot 9.62la87 Lard prime steam on spot 6.45a50. Whiskey irregular and unsettled. Freights quiet - COTTON. Norfolk Quiet; middling flic.; net receipts 1,651; gross; stock 20.269; exports coastwise 527; sates 660; exports to Great Britain . Baltimore Firm ; middling 9c.; low middling 9c. ; good ordinary 8c.; net receipts 388; gross 625; sales 225; stock 12,007 ; exports coastwise 80; spinners 110; exports to Great Britain ; to uononent . Boston Quiet; middling 9; low middling 9Uic: good ordinary 85fee; net receipts 893: gross ; sales ; stock 2,575; exports to Great Brit ain Wilmington Quiet; middling 9c. : low mid dllng 8c. ; good ordinary 8; net receipts 679; gross : sales 153: stock 6,194; spinners ; ex ports coastwise 35: to ureal Britain ; to Con nent ; to channel. . Philadelphia Firm; middling 9c; low middling 9c.: good ordinary 8c; net receipts ISO; gross i,84a; sales ; spinners 202; stock u,bi; exports to ureal tsniarn ; coastwise . AuscsTA-Oulet: middling 8c: low mid dllng 814c.; good ordinary 7tfe&; receipts 1,297; .shipments ; sales l.i 19; stock . Charleston Quiet ; middling 9c; low mid dlinir Hie.:eood ordinary 8i&: net receipts 2. 589; gross ; sales 1,000; stock 54,870; exports coastwise ot i: ureal untain ; i ranee ; uontment 4,020: to cnannei . New York DuU: sales 3.441: middling umands 9 7-16., mid. Orleans 9 9-16.; consolidated net re ceipts 22,683, exports to Great Britain 8,316; uononent iu,4U; i ranee i,iu; to cnannei . Liverpool Noon Dull, easier. Mld'ar uplands 538, Orleans 5 9-16, low middling uplands , good ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands . sales 8.000, speculation and export 1,000, receipts 2, 100. American 1,950. Futures 1-32 cheaper. Up lands low middling clause: January delivery 5 5- 16, January and Jfeoruary do, February and March do, March and April 5 11-32, April and May 5 13-32, May and June 5 7-16, June and July 5 July and August 5 17-32, August and September . New crop shipped January and February per sail FUTURES. New York Futures closed steady. Sales 67,- uuu oates. January. 9.45a.48 February . 9 .48 March 9 .67a.68 April 9 .84 May 9 .98a 99 June 10.10a.ll July 10.20a.22 August 10.29a.31 FINANCIAL. New Yohk Money 1.2tea3. Exchange 4.85. Governments weak. New BW 6'8 1. .06& State bonds dull. CITY COTTON MARKET. Qffics or THE Obssbveb, i. Chablottk, January 24. 1879. 1 The market yesterday closed a shade easier, as iouows: Good middling Middling. Sirict low middling.. Low middling. Tinges Lower grades 81-16 7 7x1a 5a7 CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. JANUARY 22. 1879. CORRECTED DAILY. Cotton Ties New, per bale. . $2.25 1.75 cspucea. Bagging, per lb. 114al2t4 Corn, per bush'l 40a45 40a45 50a55 33a35 Peas, .; .. Oats, shelled, Bacon N. C. hog round. 8a9 lOalli Hams. , N. C. . Hams, uncanvassed. Bulk mkats Clear Rib Sides. . . . . 5 Coffee Prime Bio. ..... . 16al 6Vs Good;...,....... , 18al5 Strop: Sugar-house... 25 molasses Cuba . 88a40 New Orleans 85a50 SALT Liverpool fine . . . .... 1.00a2-00 sugar White. 9all Yellow 7a8 Potatoes Sweet 35a40 Irish 40a50 Butter North Carolina......... 12a20 Eggs, per dozen. . . . . ; 12ial5 Flour . Family 3.00a3.5O jsxtra.iv ... ....ia-..i-iii-i.-f....t.. 2.75a3.00 Super. 2.25a2.50 JUMBERt LUMBER 1 My mills, located five miles from Charlotte fha Mnnwui w-n1 wmw ninlA. ui- on for furnishing lumber at short notice at $1.20 per 100 ACU WUTC1CU JU WC VAU. JlXOEQ UlcVJ DB lOlb at Jan25 2t ...... , . , R. B. WALLACE. FOR RENT. A three room dwelling house ' on Sixth street, nail .in. . . . . uvu. auu uwiieu iu yam. Apply to Jan25 n T . . J. W. WADSWORTH. SHAD ! SHAD 1 Just received another lot of those fine Florida Shad. CaU early and make our Beiwnon. j. T. JULIAN. Jan25 lt QXistzlltimons. rxSON A BCRWELL, JjRtrGGlSTS, Have Just received, k r Gelatine, ' V-'l ':i- .i Vi'' .-. i Cornstarch,' ' ; HfiAti-fil bsf" I'- -s;----;", .-r ,.v. .: ..-rr decfg W"ty lor retail trade; " " -"DUTTERICK'S - 'METROPOLrTAN FASHION SHEETS, 7 And Patterns ot, Garments for. February received " this day, at ' ? - . 1.. xiDDY & Janl7 ;r.lrt(. f BROTHER'S.' PRESCRIPTIONS , uiefully and accurately prepared at an hours, "L, . . WILSON & BURWELL, decl3.-V " . , . . Druggtets.: pINE FRENCH BRANDY," . k v?iana "WTuskles for medical purposes, can be had pf - WILSON & BUR WILL. ' ec-ti..-0 . Drutgists. JgUIST'S GARDEN SEED. . : - , A laree supply oi tnese popular seea, jusi. receiy; ed, by - w. WILSON BUKWlSiai. . ; : v CASES HOSTETTJfiK'SBITXJSllB, 1 100 barrels Dest Kerosene uu,r - 100 ounces Quinine, ' ; - 50 ounces Morphine, ... . ' 400 boxes Window Glass, t Jan22 i WILSON & BUR WELL. u SE BURTON'S PECTORAL SYRUP For your cough. . Jan22 WILSON 4 BURWELL. J3RESCRIPTIONS 1- careiutiy preparea at WILSON & BUB WELL'S. ; Drugstore. Jan22 JJOB A BAD COUGH . . - Take Burton's sectoral syrup. Jan22 - . JEWELLING HOUSE WANTED. a first-lass tenant who Is willing to nav a liberal r3nt wants a good dwelling house with 6 to 8 rooms Trade or Tryon street, and as near as possible to the public square, Is preferred. . ' ApplV M) O. WliTAUWSKI. janlO , : w E ARE ALWAYS READY And willing to show goods whether or not von are ready to buy. L. R. WFISTON & CO. decia jrOR FINE WINES, . . And Pure Liquors, Three Years Old, go eOCHRANES, Central Hotel Saloon. NO MORE JJ, H E U M A T I S ' OR GOUT ACUTE OR CHRONIC A L I C Y L J C SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., jbf Jf ab1S AKP LEIPZIG. Immediate' relief 'warranted. Permanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated nysicians 01 jfiurope -and America, becoming a taple. Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on both continents. - The Highest Medical Academy of Paris report 95 cures out of 100 cases within three days. Secret The Only dlssolver of the poisonous Uric Acid which exists in the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. $ljOO a box, 6 boxes for $500. Sent to anv address on recelnt of nriee. Endorsed by physicians. - Sold by all druggists. Ad dress . viAsstuivtsMja a. laj.. nov7 Only Importers' Depot. 23 Cllff-st.N.Y, $200 IN CASH WILL PURCHASE A Power Printine OPress. Guernsey make, old style, size of bed 26x4 Inches. Was in use until replaced by a new one. Address J. C. BAILEY, Ml tor En ten rise- and MountuineAr. Greenville. jaii4u pHOTOGRAPHS. In consequence of the reduction tn the price of the original cost of materials, and In order to give my patrons the benefit of the reduction from and after this date Photographs will be taken at my Gallery at REDUCED RATES sept22 J. H. VAN NESS MELD BROS., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCE ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF THE CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been newly furnished and is kept in first-class style. Terms, Per Day $ 2 00 Table Board, Per Month . 1 6 00 "Omnibus and Carriages at every train.,413 FIELD BROTHERS, Proprietors BEN KIMBALL, Clerk. deel w ADBILL HOUSE GASTONIAyN BT ;;.' 3. E. WADDILL feb 10 rf. CALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL H0UST7 ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUsH, ; --r '.M-tt'H-, -it '.: hrt?".i'""r:T , Corner Tryon and SlxOi Streets, ..-I.'? I;.' ; , i'. -,.- t Jd'H'Ji i -.- i Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, .' : CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' v CHARLOTTE, N. d,' ' " S, P.; CALDWELL. .Proprietor. . This house Is permanently established and offers ail the conveniences and comforts of a first-class boarding bouse. - Persons visiting the ctty will find it a pleasant home.' Permanent boarders wanted. Can refurnished with rooms. 5 i n j ( RATES r day, $1.25; per ;week, ;$6.00i per month, $20.00; 1 .1 le board, $isl00 per month. i janlO i. ;. , ,X. ; !u;,;.nii . I r EWLryERYSTABirp;!?; mmh t T; hM- mi: ?jarTt.fjoB;rfi9U' 1 ' Jf you want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle Horses, go to the New Uvery Stable. , ! mlfl4Mri$teliUmvM$i , j . If you" want a Carriage and Baggage iragon to ' meet arriving or ; departing trains, go to the New UveryStable. . - U:u: r ::. I r. If you want your horses well fed and wtl go to the New Livery Stable... ,f t-n , j axSuroS!13' proInptne and reasonable prices may28 . !'I l R. CHAMBERS 4 CO. PAY , JKspeclal attention to the retail trade,' and ah our Goods are warrjoted of the best quautVrTLiT 1' deel8 Druggists,-: ,TJ .. , -,, r -- iw-r,.r -wu. ''- - - - - TO THE PUBLIC, (r TV" The subscriber, Trustee Of SlTH & FORBES, begs leave to call the attention o: Di'thi e elUzens off Charlotte and .vicinity to the large kocr of - it .ZZ .wlOY -'. 1 . . 'Vi. .. i-'!Jv ..s. aim ! -AND 'i U H H H H ;.o O 'O.0 o o 00 ,- :. I if o.HHH r it u u 1 t a H H BKE SggS if now In hKhands for sale. It Is believed to be the largest and best stock of goods South of Baltlmorer, and Is well worthy the examination of any pe rson whether wanting one or a thousand pair. The- stock embraces '! '' .,vsj -l AN INFINITE VARIETY, from the finest to the coarsest shoe made. If you want a pair, or any number of eases, call, and your wants can be-supplled. In this connection the subscriber would state that if reasonable prices can be obtained, the whole stock, both Wholesale and Retail, will be sold ' V : ATA. BfiklN, either together or, separately. Proppsitlqns for purchase are solicited.. J. M. B. REYNOLDS, Trustee 1 . , : Smith & Forbes. Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 17, 1878 Sweod. pEGRAM & CO.! ' DEALERS IN 4, BOOTS, SHOES AND H H H H HHH H H H H A AA A A TTTT T T T T ss8 s8 A A 1st National Bank Building. Charlotte, N. C. lOur stock of Boots, Shoes, &c, is acknowledged to be the best in the State, and we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yourself before buying. PEGRAM A CO. deel QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOING EAST. No. 8 Daily, ex. Sun. Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 2 Dally No. 4 Daily Leave Charlotte, " Greensboro, " Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro, 3.45 am 8.20 a m 6.55 pm 4.10pm 3 00pm ,5.30 am 5.25pma30am No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.R.R. for all points In Western North Carolina, daily except Sundays At Greensboro with R. A IX R. R. for all points North. East and West. At Goldsboro with W. & W. R. R. for Wilmington. No. 4-Connecte atGreensboro with R.4D. R. R. for all points North, East and West ; , , TRAINS GOING WEST. NoVf Dally ex. Sun; Date, Nov. 10, '78. Na 1 Dally. No. 3 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, 9.50 a m 5.35 p m " Raleigh, 3.50 pm " Greensboro 8.28 p m 6.47 a m Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 am 10.50 am 5.80 am No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Charlotte with C, C. & A. R. R. for all points South and South-west; at Air-Line Junction with A. ft C.A.L. Railroad for all points sbuth and South-east : No. 8 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.B. R.' dally except Sunday. At Air-Line Junction with A. ft C. A. L. for all points South and South-west. At Charlotte with CI, C. ft A. Railroad for all pouius oouuiana Bouin-west . 44- 8ALEM BRANCH.1 Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrive Salem, " " 10.50 pm Leave Salem, " " 646am Arrive Greensboro, " " 7.46 am Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. ft D. and N. C. Railroads. SLEEPING CABS VTTHOCT CHANGE Run both ways on Trains Noa. 1 and 2, between New York and Atlanta via Richmond. Greennhnm I and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 3 and 4 Decween mew xors ana savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West North and East For. Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address , . : J. R. MACMURDO. .: ueu rassenger Agent j nov20 Rl nd Va. QHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta B. B., CQLOioHA,S.a,Dec.27, 1878 lowlngwssenger schedule will be run over this road, (Washington time,)r T NIGHT EXPRESS. Going Sotrm Nn i Leave Charlotte, Arrive Columbia,.. Leave Columbia ....... Arrive Augusta. . .viUi i '. - . Goikgorth, Na 2. Leave Augusta Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia, " "" Arrive Charlotte,. V.V.V.V DAT PASSENGER. . 1 00 A it . 6 00 AX . 6 05 A.K .10 00 AM 5 55 p.m. 10 00 p.m. 10 10 p.m. 8 10 am. 1 MAKS'l Arrive Augusta.....:.., . lR I GoraoNoRTH,Na4. SSfr ' 1 20 ?.M I manPaWsleeptogattdwu f 1m12, Greensboro to AngllBoTn mond"& GerghTdnRaUro m !c JNa B. MArjirJAf&t1IItatendent I dec29. f ' '' T .'I JL2221T SEWING MACHINES. a -'.-4 - -J1 l,5"r20 flne Sewing Machines on consignment 2E t801. cneapet than they can be bought else- Jm&.SL 88 ey must t T MAXWELL ft HARRISON, JaalO fSonum8lon Merchants, Charlotte, N. f TieMbnarlo ttV.&'y-l f?t Arrive Columbia..... J" H fk t. ' J p' w A it . "I ALL AT . ''A lly. VJJVVUIYWC. Stove and Hardware Hoiwe' ror' 1 : . . . . .'. ,;wSii t $ . ) ! CJHEAP.. HARDWARE - .: .A . .. . . r ' it ft f ; v 1 Hj T -.A J, Buy your COOK STOVES from n.e.asl have i - tfcey wU dour wwt gulck n,i Easy, Cheap and Clean : BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE - - - ' They are best to use. , , . ' BECAUSE 1 They bake evenly and quCclvlj. , BECAUSE Then operation is perfect. BECAUSE Kiu warshave a gpoddralV -BECAUSE They are made of the best material. BECAUSE ' They roast perfectly. BECAUSE They require but little fuel BECAUSE , , Jbey are very low priced. BECAUSE They are easily managed. BECAUSE-'-' -Hiw;:. -oh.-! , Thej am suited to all localities. BECAUSE Every Stove ls'luaranteed to give satisfaction gLOCKADE TOBACCO, F O B S A L E . GoSeKir,aBicellDe f Tobao.atthe era HS?! to offer ertra inducements to buy novT THOS. H. GA1THER. ELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Any person desiring to purchase a well ImDrovm deel 8 THIS OFFICE. J 000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, : F MOST APPROVED FORM. Jusi Printed and For Sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE. pOR RENT, LEASE or SALE, At Davidson College, N. C. Some dwelling houses. large and small Also some fanning lands. Apply to ' Jtf a P. HELPER. F OR SALE. JS Bourolsoand Minion type on which this paper was lately printed; i It was made by the old nHJS8KfoundlT' Pblladelphia, and wai, Pwl55cau8e no loneer At for use, but on lybecause It became necessary to use a different sweof type. It will do good 'servlcTforvela years to come. It will be sold in lots to sul pur era and In fonts of 50 to l.OOOtts, w1tn or without cases. Address OBSERVER oct5 '. Charlotte. N. C. JUST IN TIME. We have just received a .fine selection of such 1 ' . ' -: . .Jfi i Goods as you want for ' '.i; CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Such as fine l5ockete and Chains, FJne Sets, Seal Rings, Initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins and anything in the line you may want. 13T" CALL AND BSE THEM. F HALES ft FABBIOH.- dec23 p LASNE, . r . 't . From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half 'price and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gliding, Coloring, Sllvei-PlaOng and Gal vanizing m ade at short notice and equally as irood as mw Work done for the trade at lowlcesf refemioML 06 Wante Premlumand good septlS gCHOOL NOTICE. -Kr3L Seraoiiateorciiarieston, & C, SShSSS?98 Wcond jterafc.of : net school February lst r School room formerly occupied by SS?iSng',S? Chh '"tree, betwwi Tsth and 9th streets. Terms moderate. Jan'23 2t M ISS ANNIE VOGEL SS.L11?46 w muslc scholars, at ttie house of her father, on Poplar street .Having lately finished a course of study In music, to i Richmond, Va,, under the tutorship of Professor Rhlnehardt, she.teels that she is- well qualified for the self-imposed task. For particulars apply at the residence. . ' Jan22tf GUTTAR Lessons given by Mrs. Alice Owens. Residence at R. F. Davidson's, on Church 8troebetwjen 9th and 10th streets. ORGAN AND PIANO Lessons given by Mrs. S. P. Caldwell at her private music room at the Caldwell House, next door to city dock. Terms $4.00 per month. Jan23 lw !fcf;1is . - gT. MARY'S COLLEGE, i ' ' GASTON COUNTY, N. C. This Institution,' conducted by a eoloor of ihe Benedictine Fathers from St' Vincent s College, Westmoreland county, Pa.. Is eleven miles distant from Charlotte on the Air-Line Railroad. , It stands on the old Caldwell place, famous for healthiness and the general morality of the neighborhood. Remote from town. It offers rare Inducements to parents and guardians for the education of their children, - , . While Catholic, youths will be sedulously taught their religion, the children of respectable parents of "11 denominations will be received and their moral training strictly cultivated.- Attendance In common at the public prayer rill be required of all, for the Interests of order and the welfare of the students, without any Interference with their religious opinions. '' f- , ; , " , - , The course of studies is thorough and embraces three departments: the classical, the mathematical and the commercial, and also the preparatory for beginners. - Terms-For tuition, and board per session of five months, payable In advance, $65.00, bald! P. O., Gaston county?N. C. . ' On due noUee conveyance will be sent from the College to meet students on their arrival at the de- Day scholars win be non! vmt convenience of parents. jania per lm - V- '

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