ft f.r.. Stye Cljarlottc bseracr LOCAL INTELLIGENCE.' FRIDAY J ANUABY 24, 1879. . . .1. BAILBOAD DIBECTOBTi . , . ,.,' ('i y ... i: : 1 , , The following table shows the running of nassen- ger fains to and from Charlotte, on ail the . raU- roaas vwasningumume,):. ..:: -M -' Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro. 1.00 a.m. Leaves for ;y-v.Ht.' v-..4.--. j.- 8.20a.m. Arrives from Richmond, , , 10.60 a. m. Leaves for :.,,. ".'.i 6.55 p. m. .:) V '''ATLANTA CBABLOTTB AIB-LINE. "' I Arrives from Atlanta.. ..'..'..i ' 8.20 a. m. lmm rnr At.in.nrA...... i.va a. ux, Arrives from Atlanta, ......... o ou i. iu. Leaves for Atlanta,. . . . . 10.50 a. m. CHARLOTTE. COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA. "Arrives from Augusta,'. .'. i'. V. . . . .? &4fc m.' Leaves for Augusta,. ...... 11,00 a. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington, v ....... ....j . 7.29 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington, 6.00 a. m. A rrlvtM from Shelbv.. i . . . . , . . 5.00 D. m. Leaves for Shelby : 7.00 a. m. ATLAimo, TKinraasKB omo. Arrives from Statesvllle,'.; .... ....... i 5.30 p. m. Leaves for Statesvllle,.. .............. i 7.00 a. m CBARLOTTK POST OFFICE. : " office hours. ' OPENS, i CL06ES. Money Order Department, . . 9.00 a, nL7 5.00 p. m. Registry Department, 9.00 a. m: 5.00 pi m. Gen'l Dellv'y Stamp DepL, . 8.00 a. mJ 6.00 p. m. " .. . " '.8.30 p.nu. 8.46p.m. t'W On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. : . . .. OPENING AND CLOSING OF MAILS. "':"- OPENS, j' ' CLOSES. Danville & Charlotte R. RV, . 8-00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. ' ' " 11.15 a.m. ,4-00 p. m. Charlotte & Atlanta R. R... 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. " & Augusta R. R... 8.30 p. m. 10.00 a. m. wilm'n ft Charlotte R. R... 8.80 d. m. , 5.00 a. m. Charlotte ft Shelby R R... 5.30 p. m. , 6.00 a. m. 4 Statesvllle,:..., 5.30 p. m. 6.00 a. m.t IW Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 5.00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8.0O a.m. YorkvUle, horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., and tldaysat7.00.BL -;)., ,., W..W. JENKINS, P. M. INDICATIONS.; " "War Department, -Office Chief Signal. Officer; Washington, Jan. 23, 750 p. m. For the South Atlantic States, wester? y winds shifting to northerly and eastt erly. rising barometer,' lower temper ture and partly cloudy weather with local rains in the northern portion, fol lowed by clearing weather. j Local Report for Yesterdajr. 7 A.M.12 P.M. J9P.M Barometer, . V. ... Thermometer..:-. . . . ;.. Relative Humldlty,!:V; Wlnd Direction,. . " Velocity..':-.-Weather, '. . .J: 30.078 8.W; 6 Miles Cloudr 30.174 5B 87 0 H O - W. ILtRatn dear. Highest temperature 60 deg.; lowest 46. - Index to Now Advertisement. r. b. Wallace-Lumber. J. W. Wadsworth For Rent J. T, Julian Shad. HOnE PENGILINCSt. A german at Uie club room to-night Who observed the planetary conjuncr tion last evening j';,.; Bangs comes on the 4th of February and the Quintette club on tne bin. The magistrates'courts have an un usual run of civil business just now. Those missing Raleigh papers never have reached here liretnrew, explain The relief committee of the board of county commissioners has Ceased operT aiions. .f The Carolina Farmer; publishad at Wilmington by W. H. Bernard, is again tohand, Itisasusual up to the standard of a lirstKiass publication. ' The Atlanta Constitution says a faster schedule is being arranged forthe Air Line. It adds: "The splendid; condi tion of the road-bed and the.. superior character of its equipments enfcble it to make the most rapid transit with ease and safety" I ' Hack fights were in progress pretty much nil day, yesterday, in rear of Our. House, and it will interest tne paru- . . i. ; . tans or tne "neary eye wmuu ran in the main last week, to know that the cock which ran him "cut dirtfj himself yesterday afternoon.;.': .. s ; The hop at the Metropolitan ' Hotel hist night was one of those pleasant oc casions which everybody, seems to en jov. The company was jut large enough to make it pleasant to 1 all,? and the affair was without the stiffness and formality of larger balls. Ther was an unusually large.:, number ,: of Ivisitmg young ladies present : ' . j : Thermometer Record. , J,.J uJo ine IOiiOWing Will UUOW; lUDipmw v. the thermometer, at the stations men- tioned, at 4.35 .yesWyeveWashj SSi?ffliaSffiSS: iial office in this-city : "; Atlanta ,',;',6t. Jacksonville. r i -70 Key Westi. . . i. 67 Mobile 65 Montgomery .V.. 68 New Orleans.... 66 Augusta .'.65' Charleston. . . .;..60 Charlotte . .'. i58 Coisicana, . . ..l.6t Galveston . . . . I i58 Havana 76! ludianola 60 Funta Rassa. Savannah .. . St. Marks. t; 5 .75 ,i..69 A Proposition and a Suggestion. I Two and a half miles from .the city Mr. S. M. Howell has a quarry capable of yielding an indefinite quantity of rock. He proposes to give enough of this to macadamize three, miles , ot the public road out of Charlotte in his li rection, v.-and. this ; suggests the j old UuestionV wfey cannot the authorities put the county5 Convicts at: work on this road and utilize ijie'rock in theimanner indicated?. Tluis the only level road leading f romXha'rlotte in airy direction, and it Is one of 'the, worsts Thpnson eis had far better be amproving lt.than toin nothing, thus constituting a dead 1i onthecounty;''i4(.i-.;';;'..rr;:a ; A plecUl JHjifcieal Treat Hie Uounotl musical cuiw w wiw vj Las just ncluded with the Mende ssohh' Quinteclub, V .J0 SSS -wuiiu.MAo "pera house on tne ouv; o. j: pwuij This company is the etmieaJLlwm- "wutuonpn ine ros wmv. P soin--of mstom Eim finiina 4aiarVAd hVMrfi: WT'; Khowles, who enjoys a fine reputation as: a vocal ist. The concert vfill -ber'?givil ?fjr the jenerit of thepopr,ana-we unoerstauu that vftrv favorable terms have been erms naye yeeu anade withVthe cluh,s,he- pric, oi attn: missionhas been very wisely i put --at 75 I cents4.' deserved balcony seats A y rare musical treat is in store for up4 . . v. n l J. 5B lilii-i ( i ThH convention ofj Northern men in this city last week has been more large- ly aavenisetj T,nan,,,itujiuius m"" v,aTo bvAorfin(T hnlv the MeBK "yvuiiyu iiiu av. v, v..(, jYYr womeot theespaperanin; tow vvreaaTand' a letter from Charlotte i4 tinrespnsto inv . New ,york nWorldt: written Afleri the f persons appeared at the alter ajking the con vehtfon Honm. khd: ri ments on IXTELLIGEiCEvAinONO FAB 31 US. A rallt wltb Dr. DaTifl Prag-ressiTe ' Farming: In Mecklenburg f. f lecturer of the Grange, yesterday. The doctor is an enthusiastic mena oi agn.-; culture, and ias spent much of his time in advancing its interest He is full of energy, talks well,and has oeen a caretui student of those branches of : science which pertain to the cultivation of the soiL As has been before mentioned he is engaged now in delivering a course of lectures to classes of farmers in Sugar Creek and Mallard Creek townships, meeting each class three times a week. -l was anxious to see some of your members of the press to-day," said he; "we have been talking about a plan among ourselves in Sugar Creek which 1 would like to have discussed. You know ; I meet the class in ' agricultu ral cnemisuy ac tne church, tnree times a week. The farmers say that they have to come to town frequently anyway and are thinking of holding ineir meetings here. 1 am favorable to the idea, because I think it would tend to increase the interest in obtaining knowledge of this kind. Our farmers are becoming greatly interested in this work ana they want to tret others into it We propose to have a grand rally on the llth ot February, and we are think ing of haying it here and inviting all the farmers to meet with us. I will de liver an address on thte general subject of agriculture and others can also be induced to speak. In this way, and by subsequent meetings of the Sugar Creek class here, l tnink we can arouse interest on the subject of improvements in farming." Alter askmer that nuDlic attention be called to the matter, Ir. Davis went on to say that he believed that whatever progress is to be made in the State must be begtm in Mecklenburg.' He found the farmers here more progressive and enterprising than any where else, and he believed furthermore that the bestr method of improving the agricultural classes was the one which had. . been adopted in Mecklenburg The know ledge which they would by this means gain would surely beget ,a thirst for more information, and this was what we wanted at last "The ignorance of our people is de plorable, continued he. ' ("I said in a speech at Company Shops, at a big mass meeting there, last summer, when Gov. Vance, Commissioner Polk and others spoke, that I could never speak, of the public school system of North Carolina without making an ugly face, l saw Gov. Vance smile and tne next moment fDr. Davis doesn't run on his good looks! quietly asked if I could make a pretty one.) But we do need improvement in this direction and we must have it. North Carolina, he said, was the best agricultural State in the Union. Be side the advantages of her climate, it was a fact that she possessed in propor tion tocher size a greater area of clay than any other State, and any chemist knew that this character of land could be improved to any- extent All that was lacking was more information among the tarmers information that .would enable them to work to lull ad- vantage. Nsrtherucrs in tbe South The Com ing' Conventional. "The great success of the convention of Northern men recently held in Char lotte, and the now generally conceded importance of the movement induces" the Star "to insist that Northern men in .Wilmington who represent both in telligence and wealth should take an interest in the call for the county con ventions to be held on the 15th of Feb ruary, for State conventions to be held some, time during the month of March, and for the . general . convention to be held in Charlotte on the 4th of July next. The Star urges that N ew Han over hold a county convention."' Industrial School. Some time ago, a'few benevolent la dies organized an industrial school for the benefit of poor young girls in the city, ! the object of which is to teach them plain and ornamental sewing. The success of the worthy undertaking basex6eeded.expejQtations, the attend ance being good and theinterest all that could beaskedThe plan is this: The girls meet once oi twice a week with the ladies; the garments they desire to make are cut out for them and they are shown everything about the work that it is necessary for them to know. EacJi pupi is allowed to keep or sell each garment or each piece of fancy work she may make, the material being fur nished by the Busy Bee society. Personal. '!:;. : JudgeA.C Avery, of the Superior Court Dench, spent yesterday in the city. , Mr. Miles Turpm, Ol Atlanta, iormer- lv a" newspaper man, has been m the -.. QTI7 Haa ulArX", ia ia Baltimore -S&.S& of .B'nai Brith. athe representa- tive of the Charlotte lodge. Rev. Mr. Doty, who has been called to supply the vacant pulpit of. St. .Peter.s .Episcopal cnurcn, nas arnveu ui tuts city and is at present the guest of Capt. John Wilkes." He is from New York, not Canada, as previously stated.; Gen. Johnstone Jones was in the city yesterday,, having just returned from the recent convention of . ; military offi cers held in New York city. He re turns to his home in Morgantan this morning. 11 ,, f!aivrv !Mission-f church . was", filled again last night 'with an earnest and at tentive congregation. After the pre liminary services Rev. A. A. Boshamer rl addressed the audience forci- Vile and in eloauent and persuasive lan- (rifutm A hvmn was sung and Mrs.'; Mary Moon, the' Quaker revivalist, ber gan the delivery of " her discourse, bhe is k. woman, above the average in size, ?erhaps 38 years of age, and a blonde athef than a brunette.' She has around fonfnroa atrn-noflv, i marked : MlesrWnhes-ratheihandsome than otherwise, anaw uiauuciis o v and natirrali-' She dresses with rigid ",7"fl T,d almost ier only gesture .f SdeUvered in the singtsong neVof her faith, and she speaks with, I remarkaWe fluencv.- one arucuiai-es a.wr. hdtate-.Jior-iaase& e ops her voice, and4n her natirral .tone, relates, an. incident, the application oi -which ' i alwaVs timely. onH Qainnallv.thwe are flashes of a "" il ' Qra vptv stHk- -f' f rtf : il . Hiuu'Hif ulrrerivafist--:Shyl3 ex ceedingly earnest and 1nes .P sive:- ShWreaches the Ive of Christ,- the charms or. religion anu wio js,. heaven rathernan xne-terroruisfcuo law, and is persuasive, not arbitrary. Bhe is a, worn an strong rt4aw,tjdotibt lstrong of, cbaratsternd strong in nainrai iui,euww lu"ufY,"u frrr? H&vsi 1" Mrs M(wn lives in lndiana!ne is Wf1 rATOi,o The Counteta, - ,'' A irood manvr DeoDle I went down to the depot to see the countess as she I passed through with her suite in a spe cial car vesterdav, - Some didn't think her very good looking. Modjeska, like Janauschek, does not run on her looks. She played in Columbia last night ' tfrnlnMAfi :vinmA 'n Ain, Vw w. r4t her. husband's and her own, is Countess Madriieweska Chlapowski Bozenta. It has been shortened down to Aiodjeska i for the purposes of the stage and the printer and possibly for pronunciation. , ..... City Directory. ''The Emerson Directory Publishing company, which published the very ex cellent directory of the city of Charlotte in 1875, has an agent in the city at pres ent for the purpose of getting up an other work of similar character. They have just finished a directory of Colum bia, S. C, whicb is at once a complete index to the residents of the city, a classified business directory, a gazetteer of the county, and a census of the city, together with a postofiice directory of the State, to all of which is added an appendix containing useful informal tion concerning the city, county and State; with miscellaneous matter. The proposed directory of Charlotte will be in all particulars a book of like charac ter. The agent commenced canvassing, yesterday,; for the forthcoming direc tory which, in addition to other things, will contain a certain number of ad vertisements of the business houses of Chailotte. Temporarily Settled. There was a calm in the Smith & Forb6s case yesterday. It has been agreed between the attorneys that the goods over which the squabble has been shall not be sold by either party. This settles matters tor the present until the right of possession shall be estab lished by the courts. The goods were removed late yesterday afternoon to the store of Dr. is. .Nye Hutchison, on College street, where they were stored with those seized by Sheriff Alexander, which the latter was engaged yesterday and the day before in moving-f rom the store of Smith & Forbes to the same place. Here the entire lot will be kept under one insurance policy. It is a matter of congratulation in business circles that the contest, which has not materially contributed to the business interest of the city, is tempo rarily settled. There has never been just such a, case in this region before. in A New Enterprise. Mr. M. O. Beatty, a Northern man who for several years past has been a resident of Cabarrus county, is the owner of a lot of machinery for making wagons, carriages, doors, sash, blinds, and, in fact, for preparing all kinds of wood used in house building. He has just determined to locate this machin ery near Charlotte. Mr. S. M. Howell has given him five or six acres of land lying on the Charlotte, Columbia & Au gusta Railroad, about two and a half miles from the city, provided he shall erect his works thereon, and yesterday the deed for this property was drawn up and signed. Mr. Beatty's machinery, we are told, is ot the latest and most approved kind, and is valued at $12,000. Mr. Beattv had thought of locatinar his mills and shops in Danville, and had fine inducements held out to him by citizens of that place, but selected Char lotte, chiefly on account of the "superior facilities for shipping which the place affords. He says he is able to turn out work superior to that manufactured in the West, and can deliver it -at much cheaper rates, because he has to pay less for the hire of workmen, and does not incur the expense of shipping. He proposes to begin building as soon as the weather grows warm enough to al low of such work. He has already be gun to prepare the lumber for a large frame building, which will be moved here. The enterprise is one which will add to the material prosperity of the place, and Mr. Beatty is himself a valuable citizen. He has the means, energy and intelligence to insure success. We wel come him to the community. medical Aid for tne Poor. To the Editor of the Observer: It "was a frequent subject of remark during the late war that our people had a great antipathy to receiving aid or comfort furnished by hospitals or poor houses, and a similar feeling continues to prevail to the present day among the poor of our community, and it is a mat ter of fact that they will frequently en dure, pain and sickness, even to death, rather than accept the aid furnished by this class of institutions. The poor of our community do not require or ask that the authorities either house or feed them ; their great need and want at ims time is quinine, w Lane ui au minister when suffering from remittent fever, and a physician to instruct them what to do when the disease is one which they know nothing about The paying practice of this city is well provided for. The charity prac tice since the late war has necessarily been large, and a greater tax upon the physicians from the fact that they are obliged to furnish medicines at their own expense. At the present time there is more suffering among the poor er class of our population than I have ever known before in an expreience of twenty-five years. -.,, .-. Physician. Charlotte, Jan. 23d, 1879. - CHEW JACKSON BEST SWEETN All TOBACCO. -' Wi A Valuable Discovery. The discoverer of a process for making COD Liveb Oil palatable Is certainly a public benefac tor, for it Is universally admitted to be the best remedy in Consumptive and Scrofulous cases ever produced, yet on account of Its sickening taste tactareTs of Scott's emulsion of Cod Liveb oil, manv nsa aeain rawer wan humj iu . xiie iuouu- with the Htjpopkobpmitks of limb and Soda have by their peculiar process, succeeded in removing we unpleasant taste oi we ou ana mono n as pala table as Fresh Cream, and with the addition of the Hypophosphltes, which is an excellent Bone and Nerve Tonic, have produced a remedy of the greatest value In the above diseases. Ease Attainable by the Eheumatie, Yes, although they may despair of relief, it is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there Is a remedy which carries off, by means of Increased activity of the kidneys Important Channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful avmntnma a theorv comDletelv borne out by urin ary analysts. .. The name of this grand depurent Is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief In dyspepsia,, fever and ague, and nervous ailments, ins, pernaps, we uueai, wuiv extant and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce It to be eminently pure and very beneficial The press also endorses It LICHTENSTETN, MERCHANT TAILOR, ,Mj .J.I I h ',---- -Next door to Wilson Burwell's drug store,- CHARLOTTK, N. C. decl3 ?4ii7'T-- e ' JAMES MURPHY; PRACTICAL TAILOR, K Holton's Building, Trade Street Up Stairs. ' . Owing to the stringency of the times J will nr fu ture work very cheap. Win make fine Bults for 810, Casslmere suite for 88. Pants of suits same rates. I guarantee all my work mo fit, no charge,, Give me a call and be convinced. . , -...vi: July 17.- " ' ' rl o UB o u HOLIDAY AKD CHRISTMAS GOODO OLIDAY AJtD- CHRISTMAS GOODtO HATE COKE ABE OPEN FOB INSPECTION AKD SALE A large and varied stock. THE BEST WE EVER HAD. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL. TIDDY A BROTHER decl2 REAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, -AT J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-. PLATED Ware, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything von want ior unnsimas, at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOcrrr E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCiV T7 A N JC A N C Y C Y Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market. The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a fun stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R WRISTON A CO. dec!3 M M S S L L JOIN your hands all friends of taste QN my bar only the best is placed. gANDWICH, Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, "T? ACH man 11 receive right real, good cheer, J) LEASE step in, my hall Inspect, T TEAR it, yonH see more than youH expect TRENCH, German, Domestic Brandies, Wine, J try each customers taste to refine, gUCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's good, JJOLDS my bar, most delicious food. T?ACH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear gAYANT judgment and taste most rare. . gEE cormoiaeur's lips as sipping, drinks JACH sip he takes proves what he thinks, RIGHT then one more he calls and to friend then winks. Jan22 DURHAM WHISKEY. I DURHAM WHISKET URHAM WHISKEY. DURHAM WHISKE I Labobatobt of State Assateb and Chemist, t Richmond, Va., September 7th, 1878. 1 I have carefully tested a sample of "Durham Rye Whiskey" selected by myself from the stock of Messrs. Ellison & Harvey, and find It free from adulteration. It Is an excellent article of Whiskey. and altogether suitable for use as a beverage or medicine. ISigned W. H. TAYLOR. M. D., State Chemist This superior OLD VIRGINIA WHISKEY, equal to any made In this country, Is now In the hands of over 250 dealers in Virginia, North Carolina, Geor gia, Louisiana and New York City, and hot- a sin gle complaints having come to us from any one of them, and many saying it Is the best article they ever handled, we feel justified In recommending it to all who wish to get a really pure article of Whiskey. c None genuine unless bearing our trade mark. Call for "DURHAM" at W.'R. COCHRANE'S, Cen tral Hotel, and all other first-class houses. ELLISON & HARVEY, Janl9 lm Richmond, Va. AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON . x n ..- -? ? T ' - Cochrane keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, Stand- . ard Pure, Two Years Old.. ., OTO, CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON ' "For Standard Pure Liquors. O TUDEBAKER WAGONS. I am now In receipt of a large lot of the celebra- t)d STUDEBAKER WAGONS, all Sizes: which CALL. EARLY,' 1 - 1 ' V' - and supply yourself with the best wagon out 5 "l V T. H. GATTHEB. ' Jan 8-tf. Havlns nurchased the stock of Groceries latelr kept by A. H. CRESWELL, and occupied his old sutno, comer oi xraaeanacnurcn sireeis, 10 wnicn has been added many New Goods, we take pleas ure in announcing to the people of Charlotte that we keep everything In the . ; GROCERY LINE, I- and are prepared to sell at such prices as will be bound to please alL. Determined, to keep a iresh stock or - - - -. i FIRST CLASS GROCERIES, we will be glad to have our friends call and see us. SIFFORD & FREELAND. Jan. 21, 1878-dlw. JOTICE TO FARMERS!!! am prepared to STORE COTTON in my fire proof building either In basement or on the first or sec ond floors and will give warehouse receipts on which you can draw money If desired. ST Charges moderate. THOMAS H. GAIT HER. oct!2 : QROCEREES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS! NEW FEATURES! Come to me for Bacon. Com. Suear. Coffee. Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All goods delivered In the city free of charge. W. II. CRLMMINGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand. ap!5. c O T T O N ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED BY THOMAS H. GAITSER, Cotton Commission Merchant. oct!2 w ILL! A MS & FINGER, Have lust received a lot of Turkeys and Chickens which we offer at low prices. Come to Williams & Finger and buy the best Family Flour from the best mills. Wheat. Bran. Oats. Corn and Meal. Honey, Country Lard, Butter and Eggs. , The best Timothy and North Carolina Hay, cow and horse feed ol the best Quality, Sugar. Coffee, dec. Con signments solicited tor all kinds oi country produce. win make prompt returns or sales. aeco J. A. HENDRIX, Agent, -GROCER--GROCER- and COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner Main and Blanding Streets, COLUMBIA, S. C. Special attention paid to consignments. Quick sales, and prompt returns guaranteed In every In stance. janlO lmeod F AMILY GROCERIES, I have now In store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies. Also, Turkeys, the country. Chickens and Ducks, fresh from Just Received: Fresh Goshen Butter. New Buckwheat Flour. S. M. HOWELL Janl8 JUST RECEIVED, CHOICE PINE APPLES, AND T?INE YELOW YELOW BANANA O BAN AN AO. a? : INE Also some beautiful CONCH SHELLS. Be sure to call on me for c N N s. Rememher my stock of Confectioneries and Fancy Groceries is Complete In every Particular. I Invite a trial of my Celebrated Mottled, Blue and Red Laundry Soap. Remember I keep the Largest Bar of Blue Soap In the city for 5 cents. Also a good Laundry Soap at 8 Bars for 25 cents. Recollect that my stock Is not composed of Fancy Goods alone, but also Heavy Groceries, such as Bacon, Lard, Molasses, Sugar and Coffee. Don't fall to call on me when you want first class Goods. Respectfully, " janlS. LeROY DAVIDSON. QOOD HEALTH IS ESSENTIAL f 1 TO HAPPINESS, And Good Bread Is Essential to Good Health. Therefore buy BRIDGEWATER Family Flour, the best In America. For sale only :by, , , I LeROY DAVIDSON. gTOP AT THE ; boyden ' nousE . ' "SalisbuV, N. C. C. S. Brown, Proprietor," (Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. j C a Brown," Jr..J "Chief Clerks W. 0. Shelbum As- sisiaiik dec 30 . r-T .1 A XTOTICE. - , 1" . . - - . ' .- 1 . Thri Rnhacriber. havms accepted the TrasteeshlD. nndnr a deed of trust executed bv the late firm of Cmiih A, VnrlwM nf this nltv. aa will- nnnA&r hvtha : records In the office of the Register of Deeds, feere-' 10 boxes assorted Candles, 5 boxes choice Oys by gives-notice to all parties indebted to the estate i ter Crackers. 5 boxes Family Washing Soap, largest that they must make payment at once to him; and 10o bars In the city. - . - , also elves nouce to tnose wno. are creuium wi van estate, to prove their claims and forward to nun.-.! r, 3, -o A M. B. REYNOLDS, JanlS ',. ij,: , viijlt. Trustee.1: . , .. , QAROLLNA CENTRAL i - YIA WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT BOUTS This Line being fully equipped for business, Freight from Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern CI ties to Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee 4 Ohio, A' As well as points In Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as I Information furnished F.W.CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. a sept30 J. H.' McADEN, DBUQGIST AND CHEMIST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap' English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day;at J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store. 1ECURITY ! ..SECURITY ! SECURITY ! 200 Barrels of C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AKL ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. Sons, Baltimore. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West & Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works. Canton. Warranted to stand a nre test or no degrees jfanrenneit beiore it wui burn. C. West & Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. F. SCARR & CO., KEAB THE POST-OFFICE, Would respectfully Inform the public that they have opened a retell and family Drug Store, near the Post-Oftlce, and solicit the patrcmige of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. Jan 7-tf. ULcxxr dxia:tisjemjettts. TS7 ANTED A eood aeent to canvass Charlotte VV and the adlolnlne towns for the best selling household articles in the world. Tip top profits, write at once to World Manufacturing co., 2 Clinton Place, New York. H OUSEKEEPERS 1 1 1 A postal card sent us with your address will In sure free in return, our Illustrated Circulars of nice Householdlng Specialties. PALMER A SKILTON, juanuiacturers, zi reari btreei, mew xorx. GENTS, READ THIS. We will nav Aeents a Salary of $100 per month and expenses, or allow a large commission to sell our new and wonderful Inventions, We mem what we my. Address, without delay. an rirtM a in x aj., Marsnau, Micmgan. 4w D rPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases in ten. Information that will save many lives sent free by mau. Don't delay a mo ment Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. L S. JOHNSON & CO. Bangor, Maine. NEW EXCITING BOOK Bristling with the wild adventures of . STANLEY IN AFRICA, .; The only authentic and comriaTUedchQav edition. By the brilliant descriptive author, Hon. J. T. HeadJ ley. Gives a full history of his wonderful dis coveries in Ames ana xabveloob journey aoum the Conaa. More faacinatina than romance. Pro- fUsely Illustrated, and highly endorsed by the clergy ana press. wer 'io.jou sow. mure AGENTS WANTED. ; ' IW FOR PARTICULARS abOOt W6 bOOB. SUCCESS ot agents and best TERHS aaaress - Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. B ENSON'S CAPCTNE POROUS PLASTER. CELEBRATED THE WORLD OVER. The manufacturers werei awarded the highest and onlr medal (riven rubber plasters, at both the Centennial and Paris Expositions. . ; i FAR SUPERIOR TO - 1 - ' ; common porous plasters, liniments, the so-called electrical appliances, &c It Is the best known remedy for Lake and Weak back, rheumatism. Female Weakness, Sciatica, Lumbago, Diseased Kidneys, Spinal Complaints and all Ills for which porous piasters are used, ask your druggist tor Benson's 'Capclne Plaster and see that you get I nothing elsej . Sold by all druggists. ' Price 25 ets. uauea on receipt oi price oy bitAouisx a utw SON, 21 Piatt Street New York. .n jani J : , "TJKEI SH ARRIVALS', FOB SALE, WANTED. i auki i un iku wm ouu van umsuiwu nnon. . 1 Cow with roune calf, for sale low, 500 dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED. ' I dec29 v B. N. SMITH. JT-TIPgG I S T C r 11 B U G G I S I l5t DISPATCH LIN NORTH CAROIJNA a.- SJ". i'Si,l3Ji.; f , Jyi , TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers nneqnalled faoUlUea for the Trans portion of Charlotte, Statesvllle, Ashevllie,; Rutherfordton, on the Atlanta & Richmond Alr-Llne, 1 and WesternN. GRuTroads. ' fj v iiahTPft and Mississippi, via any Competing Line, and Time as QukkA , upon application to ' ' ' WM. A MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charl6tte; N. C. ' TIT. SMITH, Agent C C. Railway, Charlotte. JOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To win a fortune. Second 'Grand Distribution. Class B, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February llth, 1879-105th Monthly Drawing. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated bv the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, with a capital of 81 ,000,000, to which It has since added a Reserve Fund of $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones, Look at the following distribution i CAPITAL PRIZE, $80,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars eaeb. Half Tick ets, One Dollar.- LIST OF PRICES: 1 Capital Prize $90,000 1 Capital Prize, 10,000 1 Capital Prize, . 5,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 " 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000.. ...;...:.. 6,000 20Mzaf ... 500.......;... 10.000 100 Prizes of 100.... iO.OOO "200Itaesr . 50 ...... .10,000 500Prlzesof 20.-...........v... 10.000 1,000 Prizes ot 10. - -.. ....i 10,000 APPRiUDIAtlCN PRIZES : . 9 Approximation Prizes Of $S00. . . .- $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of '200. .... - 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. . . 1 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to .......... $110,400 Responsible correspondtfie uenfs wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Application lor rates to clubs should onlr be made to the Home Office In New Orleans. 1 Write, clearly statins full address, for full Infor mation or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, Postoffioe Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawlnzsare under the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD andJUBAL A, EARLY. Janl4 . ! ctrj tXxrjerttsjemients. pROM DR S. W. HUNTER, BALTIMORE, M. D, Having become familiar with Colden Leibig's Liquid Extract of beef and Tonic Invlgor ator, I take pleasure In recommending It as an e" cellent preparation, combining as It does food and tonic In a remarkable way, producing good blood, health and strength. Sold by all Druggists. G EO. C. WARE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In -PURE APPLE CIDER- AND - CIDER VINEGAR, - Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of E. R. CONDITS TABLE SAUClS,-- 287 to 295 W. Third St, CINCINNATI, O. O ILS SASSAFRAS AND PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought In any auanlty, for cash on aeuvery, nee oi DroKerage,- eoTAmissiorm, or storage expenses, by t D0S6E at' 6 i? o!t T 1' Importers And Exporters of DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OILS, &c 88 William St New York $7 A DAY to Agents canvassing for the "Fikx bue Vktor." Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta. Maine. ", , ' ' OA Fancy Cards, Chrom6,'Snowflake, .; no two 0J alike, with name, 10, cents. J. . Mlnkler & JO, assau, . X. if.';, :..! t-n; i A MIXED CARDS, with name 10c Agents' V outfit lOo. L. JONES 4 CO,, N&SsaU, N. Y. dec31 rpo ADVERTISERS. Send for our Select List of A Local Newspapers. Sent free on application, Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO.. 10 Spruce St, New York, ,.v u:!!;-.:."-u THE oo v A LA L It L 1. 8 At K KEEK o ov 8o v o- V AA K K E A A O A A KK KB voooaIk KEEK A A A T.T.1J. COLGATE SCO'S COLGATE A GO'S- rr NEW. i'H,- s P! S 8 i:-P ! !SAVES,TASTE,iU ';-' l''i;(i";t? -it FOR LAUNDRY USE, , : i J TJNDERTAKJNG The undersigned Is now prepared to fill aQ orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hahd a tl 1UU IWOV1UUVUI VA , . r i , . tJ 'l i 'm! j.H' j -I . 1 COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, ; n . v Both "Wood and Metallc.' , 1 i' 5. -,J,U fMCKS A3 LOW AS AST'.', Hearses funifehed lf: d6slred.:? -'. Furniture f ,erory"Jeptlon Repaired at Shor - yy,- w..:f -TI ill ouc& t--" it rt A , Ail i aneff.' fWlb Ei G. JRogerj, Trade Strfet, i 5: I . ,fVpKnnrvao