W 4CifC,.MSw.'ii .vr'VX --S 3S4!mrW fit ;;:- 14 SUBSCRIPTION KATES . DaAv, one year, (.postrpaid) in advunc. . , ..$8 00 six Month.... ....... -4 jOO JfottfAs.... .... 2 00 Or Jfcntt 75 .,. . WEEKLY EDlXIOX , ! PAc(v,(ln(AeotwavVfitawm.ww.J $2 00 OrUaf t county, postpaid,. ... 2 10 9UMimlktr.&r;i7lttZtt.A.',??. 1 00 fin 6een ihontuihlu turwlied tt&lh cneru .aiAt mt, and wttA tA latesi yte ?T1VP out teery manner qf Job Work otm note beOomtwOintahmi, cUtpatch and cheapness - We ax nmriiA, at BIASES, BILL-HEADS, . . TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, , . - ' PBOQKAUUES, EAXI)BZLL8 PAMpm.xTs, cmmiABs, CHECKS, a J;;:; CHAKtQTTE, Nw C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1879. NO. 3,088; VOL.iXX.ii i-Ai hi alu -r,i liberal TitOuctiontfor Club. ' LETTER FROM WHITiKER'S. .... I 1 11 I . r . . .. ' ' II ; Jll I I II I V1W -V 1 II 1-YXl VW 1 grrj (goo As. gtj 5amTs. B CASHMERES AND ALPACAS. Just Received another lot of superior AND ALPACAS, -Ranging in Price from 25 cento to One Dollar. A Few Pieces of COLORED CASHMERES, all Wool, of superior quality, at sixty cents, worth $1.00. ; Do not fall to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before p f 4 buying. It will pay you. ... - .( ELIAS & COHEN. uxxxWxxt. UBGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DXAUBB IK t ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! ua-u BEDDING, AC . ! ; BEWNG,4a BEDDING, AO. "' " BEDDING, &C. FURNITURE! - FUKNITURB! - . A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! tW COFFINS of all Unas on hand. COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robe-a line supply. jan3 .--:-; ARGAINS IS i ' '. 1 A "S i .... . i-.i i-r- : KKKU USBXNR NTITTTTU URB K f WS;:15;WftiWr.IS ;.,.v K f.r.l I " ' ... : J j J .!;-11'J;-"t I': AT ; :Km-;.. -.rf' E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOM&, . .... . . i 0?-l! ti ":, X ' - M , j .fjukM !Tl.-V.,(r..l . i wt inrost , .. -. ,r - - - NXT TO P08TOJTJCB. f ;f. U. . V- j -1' s.- . ' r. .i t " r- ,iVf wllluA tHIIIll MSKl I Mr stock Is rery Lar. and embraces a Tttll Abie of .Vic; ,i s,i: !ni t " ' ' PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING BOO it - OFFICE FURNtTUEU'i T f. J, 1 t"l ......... . ,t. . 7" All Goods Packed Free of Charge , i .QASHMK A losS ! A-JffiS' ! WI HATX THIS DAT MM MM A RRR K KEEK ODD MMMM U R ' BK K BD- D MM M A A RRR KK ' EH D-D M M AAA K RK KT B D D M MA AR.RK KKEEDDD DDD OO W W WMN W D DO OWWWWNW N D DO O WW WW SNN D DO O WW WW N UN DDD OO W W N NN About Forty pieces of DRESS GOODS To 25 cents, worth 50 cents per yard. Also 30 or 40 pieces to 20 cents, worth from S314 to 45 cents. A lot of Dress Goods to 8V and 10 cents, worth from 12 to 15 cents. THESE GOODS J MUST BE SOLTi I 1 1VlUST BE SOL.L f and If you want cheap goods, this Is the place to get them. i Very truly, ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. P. S. Our whole stock must be reduced, and In order to do so will sell very cheap. I A. & EL JUST RECEIVE TTV UST RECEIVEl BT EXPRESS XPRESO A LOT OF WHITE TTTT A RRR L . EEETTTT OO NN N T AA R RL B TO ONN N T A A RRR L KB TOONNN T AAA R RL B TO OS SH T A AR RLLIXEEE T OO N NN LACE EDGIN1 ACE EDGINlJT For Skirt Protectors. A Lot of DRESS GOODS, Reduced to prices that will sell them. A good stock of Gents' Merino Shirts and Furnishing Goods. Still a few of those HANDSOME CLOAKS at sacrificing prices. Don't fall to look at my Ho- - siery and Dress Buttons. Give me a call before purchasing. . ' T. L. SEIGLE, Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon at, Charlotte, N. C. Jan 19 T ADIES' CLOAKS. JLiADEES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAK C. LADIES' CLOAKO. THE GREATEST B A R G A I NO Hi 6 B-E A T E S X B A R G A INVD OF THE Sli80T. E THE SE A SO IN. i iTVifK HUNDRED CHOIO LADE8S CLOAXO 1! '! I Cl D9T BXCXITED BT BXFBESk 9 5 Icttwlllbti sold without reserve, at sacri : firing prices. Don't fall to come and look at '.A:i:i -' .'i-!.- '-' ,.(!.-..!''; ':; 1 1 ; SWEEPING REDUCTION Of FORMER PRICED WEEPING REDUCTION Of FORMER ERICEp 4 (- . tfjiii. rmA-; rrQ BUT A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GTFrp ; i. O BUT A CLOAK FOB A CHRISTMAS GIF J- cr-rvj C XJ.u c A. T HitIPJUC AU.u r i t'5 1--. . i i' '-' i .':( f. .?" !:' t.Ti- I , Jf JM OW IS-TOUR CHANCA-i J ' ' , vf .h:k tv u 11 1 ''."'.I"" 1 X ,-'J9 i- rjg ORRIS 4 BROS. . - H MORRIS ft BROS. Heel " : '- " ' Tw Kisses."--"" i" " , - i . IHartford (Wmsoa When I mad a visit home, And stole up stairs, good fortune leading, , I saw, er rather thought I saw, My sister In the, study reading, . With noiseless tread I forward crept, With schemes of mischief most imprudent; And leaning o'er the arm chair's back, j I softly kissed the gentle student ' She turned to fly with burning face, " ' ' As if a brother's kiss polluted Rapture! Twas not my sister Lu, But Cousin Amy Pd saluted. Of course I then began to beg V She would excuse my haying kissed her; ; Protesting that, upon my word, j . I really thought It was my sister. ' A conversation followed next, i ' Whose theme, be sure, was not the weather; And then a very blissful pair Seated well, rather close together. And Amy with her roguish way, When for the second time I kissed her, Said, archly looking up to me, "Are you Quite sure it's not your sister?" OBSERVATIONS. It takpn a mtv flAnl nf mint tn bill a. woman lust after she has got a new seal-skin sacque. : There is a youne lady in this city who eoes by the name of "EarthQuake" among the boys, be cause she has shaken so many of them. Toledo Commercial. , . The compositor who knew more than the write1 and ruled out the phrase, "The boy Is father to the man," as nonsense, changing it into "The man is father of the boy." Is in search of a new situation. Boston Transcript, Would the son of the President of the United States be a prince in the foreign country?" asks a subscriber. Well, not exactly. He might be a monarch, though, especially If he was out of money a King to get nome. xoieao vommercvu. Fltz Hugh Ludlow) In his narrative of travel in The Heart of the Continent" tells of an eccen tric eenlus who imoroved on the old yarn to the effect that "the weather would have been colder If the thermometer had been longer," by saying he had been where "it was so cold that the thermo meter got down off the nalL" Chin Lan Pin. the Chinese minister In Washing ton. Is credited with a neat mot on being asked what his countrymen would do If they "must go." xney win au go to Ireland," said the minister; that Is the only country the Irish do not rule." The Beaton says that the late Dean Richmond once asked a would-be deadhead the grounds of his application for a free pass. "Simply because I don't want to pay." The testy old railroad king at once banded him a pass, and said: "Sir, I respect you. You're the first deadhead that ever told the truth." There is a remarkable Jewish synagogue In the ancient city of Prague, with walls so thick with dirt as to be absolutely black. A local tradition says that somewhere on its walls the name Jeho van Is Inscribed, and it is believed that If the walls are cleaned the name will be effaced. "What? Twenty-five cents a nound for sausaees? Why, I can get 'em down at Schmidt's for twenty cents!" "Veil, den. vy didn't yer?" '"Cause Schmidt was out of em." "Veil, uv I was owlt of 'em I sell 'em for twendy cents, too." Puck. New Haven lawyer to take steps to procure a di vorce, admitted that her husband treated her well enough, but complained that he "had no style aoout mm." A preacher In Kentucky the other Sunday be coming exasperated, paused In his discourse to say: "Ladles, if you will give me your close atten tion I will keep a lookout on that door, and if any thing worse than a man enters I will warn you to time to make your escape." A Mr. Turner, of Willlamsport, O.. has killed a most remarkable being. It was a man, and de clined to take a drink with Mr. Turner when Invited, whereupon that gentleman, as a matter of course, cut the remarkable being's throat Things are coming to a pretty pass when a man can't ask an other to take something without being refused. Courier-Journal. Criminal Jurisdiction of Magistrates. .Raleigh News, 23d. The following important bill passed the Senate yesterday : Section i. Justices of the peace shall have exclusive original jurisdiction to hear, try and determine the offences enumerated in sections 43, 46, 85, 102, 112, 116, 117, 119, 120 and 139, of chapter 32, Battle's Revisal as amended by chapter 176, of laws of 1873 and 1874 and the punishment of every offence shall not exceed a fine of fifty dollars, or imprisonment for thirty days. Sec. 2. Justices of the peace shall also have exclusive original jurisdiction of all peace warrants, and proceed there under, and of all bastard proceedings, and issues arising thereunder, and to take bond from defendants in such proceedings, with approved security, as heretofore required by law, to be taken in the Superior ceurts of this State, and" also of all assaults, assaults and batte ries, affrays, where no deadly weapon is used, and the punishment of offences enumerated in this section shall not exceed a fine of fifty dollars or impris onment for thirty days, and the allow ance made to the woman in bastardy proceedings, when the issue of paterni ty has been found against a defendant, shall be such sums as have heretofore Prevailed in the Superior courts of this tate. Sec. 3. The party convicted before a justice shall always be adjudged to pay the costs, and if the party charged shall be acquitted, the complainant shall be adjudged to pav the costs, and may be imprisoned tor the non-payment there of. Sec. 4. The words "imprisonment for one month." whenever used in any of the statute laws of this State shall be Construed to mean "imprisonment for thirty days" by all the judges and courts of the state. Sec 5. Section 6, of chapter 176, the laws of 1873 and 1874,is hereby repealed. Sec 6. Section 111. chapter 32 of Bat tle's Revisal, shall be amended to read as follows: In all cases of an assault with or without intent to kill or injure, the person convicted shall be punished bv hne or imprisonment, or Dotn, at tne discretion of the court, provided that t!i eYck Tin Ho.jrll vmoonnn Tina hppn usAn ishment in such case not to .exceed a fine of fifty dollars or imprisonment for thirtv davs. ' sec. 7. J ustices ot tne peace snail have exclusive original jurisdiction of all criminal matters arising within their counties where the punishment now or which shall hereafter be pro vided bv law. shall not exceed a fine of fifty dollars or imprisonment for thirty davs. Sec. 8. Section 119. chapter 33, of Bat tle's Kevisal. is hereby repealed. Sec 9. This act shall be in force from jts ratification. . ; iinw j ; Returning Texas Immigrants. m h Lancaster (S. C.) Ledger. 1 " j, i - i- -1 1 il 4. ana nis laniiiy, passtsu imuugnuiu wwu on last Thursday on their return from Te-raa. He lett vvasmnsrton. jN.-MJ "oVmnf civ vonra jiorn tii after Irvincr cvksvuw Try y - J (T Texas for that length of time, came to j i . i. j the conclusion that mere were no Det- tr landa. or fairer prospects for an in. riiiar.rirma man tn make a fortune' than was afforded by the old North: State. He says that thousands of people have rmorar.eri' from other States into Texas that would now be glad to get back; to their old tramping grounds. . t ThflfWhr of It. Skatinff on ice three inches thick lasi week, and sitting without fires thisi ; Charlotte Observer., uian t you sit aown last week without fires? or perhaps you didn't jo skating. Abbeville Press ai id CHEW JACKS0NV3 BEST SWEETN AM TOBACCO, :mproTement8rThe Merchants The Churches Temperance Educational and Agricul tural News and Opinions. Whitaker, S. C, Jan. 23. To the Editor of the Observer I have been thinking that it was time the many Teaders of your valuable pa per were again informed of the im provements of our little town. Since the completion of our depot, Whitaker has commenced improving surprisingly. Souses ; are going up rapidly. Mr. jn. C. Gladden has nearly finished a large and commodious building for a hotel, whieh will be quite an addition to the place, beside the entertainment it will afford the weary traveler in a sumptu ous repast, and a sort pillow for his head, when he is seeking "nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep. The merchants ot the place are J. W. M. Harry and E. Turner & Son. They are men ot energy- and perseverance. Both houses $ee doing a thriving busi ness. Other .merchants have been look ing round, and being impressed with the Deautiiui situation, and its natural facilities over other places on the Air Line Railroad, are coming to Whitaker. I am rejoiced to see it, for competition is the lite of trade, ana the very thing for the farmer. The Baptists have organized a church with forty members. Both Methodists and Baptists will commence the build ing of a church edifice for their respec tive denominations soon. The Presby terians have a church in a mile of Whitaker. The Friends-of Temperance have a Council (No. 295) numbering nearly a hundred members, commenc ing last May, and up to tne present writing but one has Deen discharged, for (I won't say drinking or drunk) merely taking a few smiles. The man who is drinkine to-day, a moderate drinker, has a fair prospect of loss of physical, mental and moral health; ot the many pains of delirium tremens ; of poverty, wretchedness and a drunKara s grave: 'Tls but the fool that loves excess: Hast thou a drunken soul? Thy bane Is In thy shallow skull, Not In my silver bowl." "Wo have mir little lane crnnerv bv the wayside, but I presume it is not doing much good. R. J. Balfour, principal of the State Line Academy, (and by the way a North ern man and "in the Union army) has just commenced the first session under vbw ennmiraorinor ansnifies. I wish old Mr. Blaine could or would come down and see us. I wonder it he could not be persuaded to accept the honor ot de livering the. first, annual address to the students of State Line Academy ? We will try and striKe ior mm wniie tne iron is hot, and like Cromwell, keep it hot by striking. And poor old soul. "Be to his faults a little blind, Be to his virtues very kind. And clap a pad-lock on his" mouth. Hodman, J. Our farmers are now busily engaged in preparing for a new crop, and cotton has the pre-eminence. It would be much better tor the tanner to plant oniy a sufficiency of eotton to defray farm and household expenses, and turn his atten tion to the grain crop, pqtatoes, turnips, &c; for to make a large cotton crop and no provisions, takes all the proceeds of the cotton crop with which to buy a supply of "Meat In the smoke-house, Barrel full of lard. Coffee in the little bag. And sugar In the gourd;" leavmsr no readv cash, but rather a deDt. And after all the hard work who gets the benefit of the cotton that is made? T ot tho farmer abandon larcre cotton otops and turn his attention more par ticularly to gram, to nne stock, in laci,, to the good old way of raising his own meat and bread. "Then the worst of the war Is over And the dark gives way to the dawn, When we welcome our new queen clover And worship our old king corn." Whitaker. zm &&vtvttezmmt&. 45 Tears before the public. THE GENUINE D R. C. McLANE'S- CKLEBRATKD t II V V EEK RRR L II V V E R B L n V V E RRR L U VV B R R TTTT. II V EBB R R ppp n l l p p n l L PPP H L L RSS; S P II T.T.T.T. T.T.T.T. g68 FOB TUB CURB OF HEPATITIS, OR LIVER COMPLAINT, -DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. - SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LITER. Pain in the rleht side, under the edze of the ribs. increases on pressure; sometimes the pain Is In the left side; the patient Is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain Is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and Is sometimes mistaken for rheuma tism In the arm. The stomach Is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in gener al are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head Is troubled witn pain, accompanied witna dull, heavy sensation in the hack part There Is generally a considerable loss of memory, accom panied witn a painiui sensation oi navniK ten un done something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant The patient complains of weariness and debility; he Is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensation of the skin; his spirits are low; and although he Is satisfied that ex ercise would be beneficial to him. yet he can scarce ly summon up fortitude enough to try It In tact ile distrusts every remedy, several oi tne aoove symptoms attend the disease, but cases have oc curred where few of them existed, yet examination of the hotly, after death, has shown the Liver to have been extensively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER, Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. " No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or alter taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. . For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are unequalled. . L"i' BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. . . ' ";, '--" ' 1 --f- ": 'v i ts The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the tranressionDr. McL amb's Lrvsn PiuA. . The genuine McLanb's Livxb Pnxs bear the signatures of C McLanb and ' FiiBMxMa Bbos. on the wraDners. , . . v - ' Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C McLane's Liter PiLls, prepared by Fleming Bros of Pitts burg, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLANE, spelled differently but same pronunciation. dec21 DDD A T T D . D AA T Y D D A A YY D D AAA Y . DDD A A Y S TO CLOSE OU rr t O CLOSE OUJL I I Will begin the Grand Annual Closing There wlU be a Grand Rush and we would advise It will be to the many And to others It will repay them to invest for fu urea, we would suggest this circular be retained. You can buy English Fur and Whitney Beaver worth $32 and $30, at $24. Our Fine West Eng ment of $20 Overcoats, embracing Worsteds, Cas- Brown Meltons, marked $15, $16, $17 and $19.50, Our splendid heavy Chinchilla Coats worth the en Vests, $27.50, $28 and $30 reduced to $22.50, away Frocks and Tests, $20, $21, $22 and 823.50, ment of Cassimere Frock and Sack Suits, sold Our entire Stock of Cassimere Pants ranging $6.50 $5.50 and $6.00, one uniform price, $4.00, TO Will be sacrificed, some 300 pairs all wool Cassl Hankerchelfs at 25c TO CLOSE OUT. A small ur Fine Merino Underwear, worth $2 each Shirt Our stock of Roys' Will be arranged in connection with the " Clearing garments and other perishable goods, to be slaugh In many Instances the quantity is small and sizes CLOTHING! L O T H I N G! CLOTH CLOTH !5G! W. KAUFMAN CO'S. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most Deautiiui ana weu seiectea stoat OCa L OO TTTT H H It NN N GOO OOL OO T H H II NN 5 O O a T. O O T HHH TT NNN O OOL OO T HHIINNNGGG COG LLLL OO T H HUN NN GGO WE HAVE EVER OFFERED, Con8lstlngof the usual variety of MEN S, BOY'S, - YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. 1 11 tkta flair la that aiit f ronHa and AnafiimAm nrlll nrhii no o ni 11 n a 44-nrtll ha trk vv intaroat. anil FT Ul glTU UO Cft VCUf) OO J h TV AAA AV MAT JVUt A11WVU- you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purcnases. w. mui ,ti a ii a. vaj., springs oorner, unanotte. . dec! 2 QORN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, Postofflce Address, Charlotte City MUls Parties havmz eraln to erind or to sell wOl find It to their Interest to call on the undersigned. Meal ground either fine or coarse, according to order. lnanKiui ior lormer patronage, x wuikivoxui grompt personal attention to all orders from one ushel to a car load 5 , ROBERT D. GRAHAM, Superintendent TTTE HAVE A SELECT STOCK Of Whole and Ground Spices, Including Fells mixed spices, try it and be convinced that there Is nothing nicer. L. R. WRISTON & CO. decl3 - - - i - - COX'S and KELSON'S GELATINE, ' ' Com Starch. Italian Macaroni and Pearl Ta- piOCa. - Xj. a. nnuiua w. decis JJiRENCH BRANDY : Guaranteed to be' t , , . . - - - .1 . i.i .TWENTY YEARS OLD, TTTT OO TOO T O O TOO T OO DDD ' A T Y D D Ai Y Y . D D A A I X D D AAA DDD A A A A Y S rp O CLOSE OTjrpf JL O CLOSE OUX i OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS I Sale of all heavy fabrics, embracing, Overcoats, WINTER UNDERWEAR. our friends to call early In order to enjoy the WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENT ! who have deferred purchasing, looking forward j Rand occasioxT t VJTRAND OOCASIOlN f ture wear. Annexed we will give a schedule of To-day will begin the great distributing sale of the E. D. LATTA ft BRO TO CLOSE OUT. Overcoats, Satin lined, $40 at $29. Our Fine land Casters, $30, at $25. Our Olive Brown Cas ters, Granites, Chinchillas, without reserve, at $15. at one uniform closing price, $12.50. tire season $10 $7.00, TO CLOSE OUT. Our fine TO CLOSE OUT. Our entire magnificent line of all at one uniform closing price,$18.00, TO CLOSE readily the entire season, $15, $16 and $17.50, at Our $10 and $12.50 COSSDCERE SUITS, at $7.50, TO CLOSE OUT. $7 and $7.50 at one uniform price, $5.00. Our CLOSE OUT. Our large variety of $4 and $4.50 TO CLOSE OUT mere Pants, $3, $3.50, $3.50, $3.75 at $2.50, to assortment of the celebrated Starr "Shirts In In col and Drawers, will be sold at $3 per suit, TO CLOSE and $1 .00, at one uniform price, 50c TO CLOSE OUT O CLOSE OUX Clothing will be offered at prices lower than other TO CLOSE OUT. Prices" in our regular and desirable goods, certain tered at less than half value. few, and In order to procure Just what your heart CLOSING OUT SALE. P88iiiE. POSITIVT7 OSITI YJLU, FFF OO RRR DDD A Y YRSSa F O OR R SIXTY D D AA Y Y o FP O ORRR SIXTY D A A YY BSSS F O OR R tolJL1 D D AAA Y . F OO R R DDD A A Y "SB" K j fXUB, ENTIRE STOCT7" 1 VJUR ENTIRE STOCXV f -OF- MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S 8SS8 U TT g TTTT gSS, 8SSS TJ u n ? SS8. P TT TT TT T a 5 U U XX BSSS TJU II SggS -AT- ooo OO oSSo TTTT n H t O o o a o o T T T ! o o O o ooo OO OUR STOCTT UR STOCXV -IS- n MM MM MM MM EKES NN N RS8S EEE I II MMMM MMMM E NN N g 8 E II M MM M M MM M EE NNN SSg EE xx jh. m. in. an. ai n. fj ri- Ft n a a a U M M M U M M EEE N NN 8SS EEE S We are bound to sell, and will sell. A call will amply repay you. Respectfully, L. BERWANGER & BRO., - Fine Clothiers and Tailors. HE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. . For Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS i Coffee Mills, Spice MUls, and Store Fixtures Gene : The Improved Type WriterJ - ....-,- , r- , OnnfflaHng Pump CD's Jend for Circulars. lf - FAIRBANKS ft CO., ' 311 Broadway, New York ' For sale by Leading Hardware Dealers! septl-dtaw w , TTTT OO T 0 O. T O O TOO T OO DDD . A , s D .,D AA i U , U A A D D AAA DDD A A Y - 2 TO CLOSE O Ij rrt j O CLOSE O U 1 I Cassimere Suitings, and Lest advantages In selections as Well as bargains. with solioltude to this . prices, and as our goods are marked in plain fig- mammoth stock of Jessup Custom made garments, silk sleeve lined tors, silk sleeve, $24, at $18. Our entire assort Our attractive variety of Worsteds, Oxford and Dahlia and Black English Worsted Frock and English Worsted in Black, Brown and Dahlia Cut- OUT. The handsomest and most attractive assort, one uniform price, $12, TO CLOSE OUT. Immense assortment of Cassimere Pants, $5, Cassimere Pants at one uniform price, $3.00, CLOSE OUT. Our remaining stock of Ladles' ore, worth $2.25, at $1.00, TO CLOSE OUT. OUT. Our entire stock of Underwear, worth 75c merchants can buy them. lines of Worsteds, In Coats and Vests, odd broken t most desires. Call early, In the Very cordially) E. D. LATTA A BRO. "rTTTKOWSKY& BARUCH Beg to call your attention t6 the fact that ft Is their desire to give to our city a FIRST CLASS RRR EEB TTTT Ant.: RRR T AA H E RRR EE T AA n L ' R R E T AAA H , Z R R EEE T A A U LLLL DEPABTMENrp EPARTMEN JL Where any and everything thatthe trade ot our etjrrimunlty may desire, can be bad. We shall make It a point to remove the necessity which some ei our people claim to have been placed la to order' Goods from abroad, as we shall always keep a large, well selected and HANDSOME LINE OF O 00 t) d INE OF G O O D O AT OUR ESTABLISHMENT, No effort will be spared on our part to make our Retail Department a Grand Success, and we pro pose to bring It gradually to such a standard as. to make It SECOND TO NONE SOUTH. ' Our MR. BARUCH will give his personal atten Hon to this Department, and his former success In Just that clasetfrf business satisfies us Oat our ef forts In this particular wOl be appreciated by our numerous friends and customers 1 We shall continue to offer for the next 80 days the remainder of our w w w ii nn n tttt eke rrr ! wwwwHnwn:t k r r WWWW II N N N T y EE-; RBB , ; WWWW H N NN T ILg f . ,W : W II H KH, T .mSEji: GO O-D C O O D O ., ?t. AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES, , .v. ,;,v;'".. -M With a view of making room for our Spring and Srimmer stock, which we win place in our stare as early as the season will admit ; ., ri Sr THE LIESOF OUB , WHOLESALE t DEPARTMENnp f , H0LESALE DEPABTMEN X 't ; Wfll be kept up as always. . J ti . . ...... Very reapectfuHr, WTTTKOWSKY ft BABPCH.O tit TTTT- OO T O O T O O T O O T eo Y Y V H Jan. 21,1878. - i AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. i i - ! - 1 - I ' '

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