LOCAL INTELLIGENCE SUNDAYS JANUARY 26, 1879, S11LBOAD , DIRKCTOBT. V- The following table shows the running 'of passe ger cnuns k ana irom unanoue, ,on ail the , roaas vwasiuugutn time:, . .V,;.v .; -, ; , MCHJlOIfD DAKYTLUL Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 1.00 a; In. Leaves tor ji .,. w-a- " . 8.20 C pL Arrives from Richmond, .............. 10.50 am. Leaves for- ' . . , ,! 6.55 p to. u 1 , i rr-T i -' ..." A, , ATLANTA CHABIXmx AIB-UKB. f : Ijl 'Arrives from Atlanta,; . ) !. .", .'. -' : 8.20 a. jn. Leaves for Atlanta,.... :... ;..... . .'.i 1.05 sum. Arrives from Atlanta... ...... 6 50P. m. ' Leaves for Atlanta, . . .' iu.ov a.. m. CHARLOTTK, COLUMBIA AUGUBTA." 1 Arrive from Aueusta,...i. 6.46 p. nw Leaves for Augusta,- .......;.-.-..... n,uu a, m. , CABOUHA CXNTBAL." Arrives from Wilmington, '.'...'.l Leaves for Wilmington,. Arrives from Shelby,, Leaves for Shelby, .'. 7.29 p. m. 6.00 a.' m. 5-00 p. m. 7.00 a. m. ; ATLAHTIO, TXNHXSBXB A OHIO. ; '- ' , Arrives innn owiraTuio,. ............. o.ou p. 111. Leaves for Statesvllle.. 7.00 a. m CBABLOCTK POST OFFICE. OFFICE EOUBS. ' i OPENS. , CLOSES. Money Order Department,. . 9.00 a. m. 1 8.00 p. m. Registry Department, .9.00 a. m." 5.00 p.-m. Gen'lDeUv'y8tampDept;.8.00 a. m.T; 6.00 p. m. " 8.80 p. m. a45 p. m. XW On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. i :'. i OPENING AND CL06ING OF MAILS.' rjjfi i : OPENS. ' CLOSES. Danville Si Charlotte' R.R., . 8.00 a. in. 9.00 p. m. " 44 11.15 a. m. ! 6.00 p. m. Charlotte Atlanta B. B... 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. " A Augusta R.R.. 8.30 p.m. 10 00 a.m. Wllm'n & Charlotte B. R.,.' 8.80 p. m. 5.00 i. m. Charlotte A Shelby R. B... . 5.80 p. m. 6,00 a. m. " ' A Statesvllle,,..,;',50p. m. 6.0 a. m. I3r-Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 5.00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m. : j PT York vine, (hone route,) Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 Ti. m. i., .j . ...,V'-..-: ,W. W. JBNMN8. 3P. Jl . Index ( New AdvertlMmmis, Opera House, 80th Inst J. L. Morehead For Bent J. W. Wadsworth Horses and Mules. Field Bros Board Reduced. This Office Wanted. THK VHVUCUE8 TO-UAT. Young Hen's Christian Asbocution Hall. Devotional exercises this afternoon at 4:45 o'clock. St. Peteb's (E.) Church. Services In the morn In; at 1 1 o'clock and In the afternoon at -IVa o'clock by Bev. Z. Doty. : Sunday school In the after noon at 3 o'clock. i Baptist Chubch. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 1 o'clock by Rev. Dr. Theo. Whitfield, pastor. , Sunday school In the monyngatito'clocK. .-jTi-f-jf. utmr. j Ftbst Pkesbttkrian ' CSoitbch. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening; at 7 by Rev. A. W. Miller. D. D., pastor. Sunday school In the afternoon at 3 Q o'clock, , . I 7 St. Mask's Lutheran Church. Services tn the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 o'clock ly Bevi E.' -A. Wbigard, pastor. Sunday school lathe afternoon at 8 o'clock.' j Sscokd Fbbsbttskian CHSBCE.--6ervioes to the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening : at 7 o'clock by the pastor. Rev. E. H. Harding - Sunday school In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. U . Associate Repobmsd Presbyterian Chapel. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at '7 o'clock by Bev. W. T. .Waller, pastor. Sunday school tn the morning at 10 o'clock. .!'.....'; .-.I; -.' Calvary Mission Church. Services in the morn ing at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock by Mrs. Mary Moon. Sunday school in the morning at 9 o'clock and class-meeting In the afr. temoon at 2VS o'clock. -! . j " St. Peteb's (Catholic) Church. Services in the morning at luva o'clock ana cateemsm taugnt m the afternoon at o'clock by Very Rev. L. P. CConnelL Vespers in the afternoon at 5 o'clock. Sunday school In the morning at M o'clock : : Tbyon Stbeet Methodist ckuBCH. Ser vices tn the morning at 11 o clock-, and in the evening 1 at 7 o'clock - by Bev.. A. A. Bo hamer, pastor. Sunday school In the evening at 3Vb o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednes day evening at 7:30 o'clock, fitrangera corlally Invited. XL Graham Street X Colored ) Methodist (E.) Church. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. L. B. Gibson. Sunday school in the morning at ft o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at8 o'clock. 1 INDICATIONS. War Depabtmekt,'; x,; r EK V Office Chief Sign ax OffickkJ Washington. Jan. 25. 7 ISO" t For the South Atlantic States, rising barometer northwest to northeast winds; lower temperature and partly cloudy weather, .... . ,r , , . ir Local Ueport for Yeoterdar " 17 AHt2P.lt J 9RM Barometer, Thermometer.. Relative Humidity, lnd Direction,. . " Velocltyr .., Weather................ 30.110 59 54 N.nv. lO Gear. Highest temperature 70 deg.; lowest 47.? HOME PENCII.ING8. , -V -- . , , , . : : -. n S j No interments in Elmwood cemetery the past week. . . Still a (mod dftal of sickness. An the city from colds, but no serious cases of Street Commissioner ' Iluhtef is.; ?till filling up unimproved,, sidewalks with rxhiiii. ,, . . ' -y j ,., . i Twn drnvea of horses and mulescame in yesterday ! evening and lodged at Wadsworttfs,;;'.: :( .niiw4''-r' t The worn out macadamizing iifve-; ral places on Trade street ha been re paired during the past week, .!. r Atlanta Constitution : We ifeaw J a man from Charlotte. N.,C, , yesterday, loaded down with wild ducks, is Yesterday the people all hung their latch strings on the inside, and went out. The weather was irresistible. The sale of reserved seats, for, th Mendelssohn Quintette club; on theBth, will begin , at ..the iCentral Hotel cigar Htand, Monday mornip afl ocjock. - The xii wix works mm hi nation meet at the opera rninffatt3D,i6rnll attendance wanted, m.m iMT j Perry-utilizes every,ettodP:JWyer: w tising, and none more than tOTOugn tne newspaperiH bound uilg;,np a The CharlotW'-ltblei has detrWnedT to keeb ud with the demandtfor low prices,-The proprietors advertiser taw board at$L5 per .mont.n,:;i -xne umus w " pYfAllmit. hands. ! ThA riminVv! tnnsicaV cluVvriilhold a called meeting in' the parlor of the Cen tral JtloteL on jaonuay. tYeuM nVinrk; r Alt the active members, are ii ...aou4 kn.nnMAnlLlU' Sti ti - AWiitSiS :from if--vH 1. 30.065 29.980 48 fi8 93 88 S. Vfy l s. w. 6 Miles 11 . Smoky. Clear.. Mecklenburg, is -in the city for a day or necessity which" hasj lost to so many two. CoL Brown will be home next men theiHve.,fd3iiabJ.fnty Saturday morning. uM?i:LT t obviated. t " irfid : Mr T IX RuddockvM accountant, or- ttiRailroad men have examined thefin ganist and tenor singer,' has an adver- -ventton and YtTrmrmm-ViiW gen tisement in another column. He sings eral use tl Sedj W . th and plays rem arkablf well, ahd bears Yery . want wbch.aa i)een--felt- since excellent credentials. ifrOm ;weafenown the first .railroad T,wad1 it- citizens of Charleston, oiwnionciiy ne isanative. i"- ?.!.ri! .IVVf Ti-'w -: Thermometer, Jttecor. , ; -ir The following will show the state of the thermometer, tit ;he ; stationsmen tloned, at 45 yesterday evening,. AV'ash infrton mean time, aa ascertained from ' the daily bulletin issued from;, the; sig- Atlanta .x.6a Jackson v ille.i v. 72 .'1 1t.rt- ' Augusta. xv,v.'73 CharleatQH,'.,,;V;'?3 Charlotte. ;:.;r..Bd Coi sicana a 4 :.Utg68 .ilveston:.;.;.".2 Havana.. .......76 lndianola: . i .59 Key-West.. v.v Mooue jVi t .68 Montgotperyji.73 New Orleansi... 74 Punta Bassa.1,1;?.? Savannah . .x- -73 St. Marks .69 1 u or remark tnat Cnar- lotte a theatrical amusements, like mis- fortunes, never come singly; Tne say- n& -nnas another illustration of its jTUtti in the prospect for the next seve- rai weeKstoiiowmg the exhibition of granting of the charted for the extern Mrs. J arley s Wax Figgers on the 30th, sion of the ltaleigh & 'Augusta Air comes a New York trouDe Who willrre; TJn"Rai!rftftrl tfrorrt HamlRt ' th f!ha,r- sent the well-known society play "Diplo- I WJCOii - uu wuira -ouik wiLii i Mr. Ford's company in "Julius Caesar." on the 5th of February, and the Men-, aeissonn umntette club, of .Boston, oa the 6th. We shall hardly have stoDDed talking about these before Mrs. Chan-1 rrau appears on tlie 11th and 12th. It is a very pleasant reflection in this con nection, however, that all of these are good companies the most of them the very best and we may as well spend what we have to dispose of in this way, an ti uuuc, vo iaj it ese out drop oy drop-;: : , : . z ? i f i DUtarbin? a Religiona Congreir&tion. By reason of the location of Calvary Methodist church, the conefecration is not unfrequently disturbed by the bad'1 oi certain For anv t.l motives. The mstor and the nffiVm-a rf the church have several times had oc casion to xesort to the ourta. to kefin r rtllm n,.At. : 1 A. , i t I uunu duuu blhuuj vnii mtnerxo erto all! prosecuuons; for. this offense have been dropped or have ended with the suspension of ludsrments over the offenders, under promise that their con duct should not be repeated. Yester day, however, the law was allowed to take its course in the case of two young men who were bound over to court un der the specific charge of disturbing a religious congregation. Two girls were also before the magistrate for the same offense, but their cases were continued on account of the absence of material witnesses. The alleged misbehavior of all the parties concerned occurred night before last; during the meeting conduct ed ny mrs. JVLoon.i Cotton Receipts. It is very plain to be seen that cqtton receipts at Charlotte will fall off very greatly this year as compared with last This is owing to the pooling combina tion in existence among the railroads, by reason of which much of the cotton formerly brought here from way sta tions on the various roads,' weighed here, and shipped; hence, being counted in the aggregate as receipts at Charlotte, is now snipped direct from the points where purchased to, ... points North or East, or to Liverpool; since in this par ticular Charlotte can offer no advan tages in transportation over smaller points. Notwithstanding this adverse ar rangement the receipts of cotton here up co tne nrst oi uecemoer last were about 1,800 bales in excess of receipts up to the same time last year, but dur ing that month receipts dwindled to nothing, being only 4,000. bales against 13,000 for the same month of last year. They have been likewise lieht d urine the current month, and are likely; to so continue, and tnis in tne lace of tne fact that the cotton crop of the present season is undeniably larger than that of the last. Leaving out of account, how ever, railroad cotton, which, under for mer circumstances, we would have- re ceived, receipts last week were quite full, reaching 1,100 bales, almost the en tire amount being wagon cotton. The' Co Junction of Venn, Jupiter i nnd th? iTIn. Local Editor of the Observer; Please be kind enough to tell some of us who are not astronomers something about tne conjunction ox planets on tne 23d, to which you have several times made allusion. Inquirer. The moon and all the planets visible to the naked eye pursue nearly the same course through the heavens that is de scribed by the sun. Owing to their mov ing bo nearly in the same plane, the planets, as. seen froni the earth, some times appear in the same straight line or very close" to each other. They are .then said to be in or near conjunction. Sometimes the moon passes over or hides one of the planets. This occurred with Venus in April;' 1880, and again in Novcro&ef ef - the-lasfe- ymr I H-Jari u ary, 1857, the planets Mars and Saturn appeared so close together that both of them could be viewed through the tele scope at the same time. ' When eiher of the brightest planets Jupiter and Venus is seen near to the moon the, phenomenon which they present is al ways interesting,-nd the beauty of the appearance is increased when the light of the moon is not so great as to make the brilliancy of the planet less con spicuous than usual. Tnis is the occur rence to which "Inquirer" refers. During the present year other events of a like character will occur. On the 24th of next' mdnth the moon will bo but, ,short distance from Venus and Saturn, .and in the closing week of March will pass near to Mercury and Venus. mOn the; 23d of April, the 24th 'of May and the22d of June, and also of -TiiW ir. will hfl near Vpniia. still the eyening star. In the beginning of Au- tUOfc t UU11.C1. VYU4 inj, viyoo w. uv,uvuu t path,"but" as tne 'moon will be'nearly full the phenomenon will be less attractive than usuaL.;Ori" the: 80ttti'pf;,,Jime,a1 also taxe place. Received His tetter PateiM, '1 It was mentioned in The Observer some time ago that Dr. Chas. F. Brem,' of thi3 city, had invented a car coupler and would apply ii a patent for it. He ma Ha Vila Tnl ligation in resrulat form 4- r.int.';nifflffB- t Tliip.RmhAr ami has justv received bis ietteipatehV which were granted on th"21st' inst His application was acted upon wiijh5 unusual prbmptnes there being no question of his invention being tiff onlv one of this particular, kind. ,ti f - . Wtif S'Sioro-f thi 'niodet: tU LUD , we araDersuaded thatthe idea whichlTMs clubby tbewayris onernost Dr. Brem has fallen upon is. onepracti i Aai in orcrv xiM.rr.ir.u imi. il is ucbikucu i fi Mftomatlc Drinciple. and its gmil)uelty igAtost istrikmg feature.1 contemplates the continuanpein useJ coupling, and makes nojehange in the style of buippersmownf use. The pib, however, tasteaa .SSKrSffffiKB hanes in the bumpeilik the elfttfper oi a Den, wiui buuicicui rear. The link entering the bumper pushes baek-thi pendant 'pin which falls into Jts, natural,.position and the cars are secured together. IBy means of a ehain-and rodi- the hain running t thA f.r a nrooer distance and then out to its, side, tiie. pin pan,the, drawn up so as to uncoupie tne cars, ana tnus me rfHr for o-mnjr between the cars a proves as practical as is now, ueiwveu, our tovrasman'af fortune Is made. i al letters from parties in Washington who have seen said examined the pat ent, making propositfona. of purchase, but he is not prepared just yet to sell out his entire right, title and interest in what he.,beueves.Jiwitti,good. .cause, p be a good thing; -' :: ' - i ' A CARD. a .fiySl'. Pa nit oaa onfFai4n(T fmiTI tllA tTfOTS fal dlsoreuons of youth. n?rjweaknessMrly de- cay, loss oi manoooa, sc., i wiu bcuu a i'iT wlJ -cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great nnwdr vaa difuxiveved bv a missKHiary in boutn America, tsena a Beu-aaaresmu. raniw REV. JOSEPH X INMAN, Station D, BlbtoHouse, . . j ,A thd It is of interest here that a meeting of citizens of Wilmington! was called to take place at the Produce Exchange in that -city ?yesterdayi morning for the purpbse'ea taking steps' to' oppose 'the lotte, on the ground .fchattbft 1 endency wiu oe w ttivert' irauok irum, . iiiiuiiLt- vl ii,'yf ... ,1 i mm -?w v.:.1'1- i.: r s Election f ommencemeut ,Of f icenuj kTnettdEumeneanMli of Davidsbri College, at its iregular meeting 1 yesterday, elected tne iouowmg officers to serve at the next annual commence ment in June: BEPBESENTAT rvtES, ; " 1 - J" J.Z. DunlaD.?RockJBm. S. C. ,W. B. Jennings, Bennettsville & C. '31 S. Brocktagton, Kingstree, S. C. w; v'T7&Hardie,:New Orleans, ta' (chief .) l J.J . Covington, Atlanta, Ga. i i J. D. Nisbet, Waxhaw, S. C. . . so-1 cietv takes Place two weeks hence. '. ' annual orator to be elected this year by the Philanthropic societyr has not yet been announced: - : ! ' ' ' More Sontb Carolina Students. ' The Greenville News says: "There are thirty-six students from South Car olina at Davidson College, North Caro-' 1 mi-i i. . i i i i t-v j iiuo. jiijus is as ltsnouia oe. jjaviuson College is at our very doors, is pre-eminently a Southern institution, and offers educational advantages surpassed by none of the more distant colleges of the North." , ' ,-v.; :.; It may be added in this connection that there is another educational insti tution in Mecklenburg county which ciraws largely ot its support trom south Carolina. During several sessions of i;heCarolina- notary Institutera "ma jority of the students' on the rolls were from South Carolina, and now the pro portion is large, the number being al most as large as the representation at Davidson. Both deserve all the patron age tney receive and much more. Liquor Dealers' Convention. The wholesale liembr dealers of this city have received f Circular letter from Messrs. Windley ' Bros of Newbern, which reads as follows : " On the 4th of February next we propose to have a convention of wholesale liquor dealers of the State at Raleigh, and will be there ourselves for the purpose of taking some action in regard to the purchase tax on liquors. You will agree that the tax is oppressive, and that we are not on unequal footing with dealers outside Of the State, from the fact that they only pay $50 per annum for "the same privilege that we eniov. We think, by assembling in Raleigh, and DroDerlv conducting a retition to thn Legislature, that something can be ac complished that will result in the in terest of all concerned." t It is learned that the wholesale deal ers in this city thoroughly sympathize with the movement, and will attend the convention. Religious Notes. The event of the past week has been the meetings of Mrs. Moon at Calvary Mission church, which have been large ly attended and are increasing in inter est. Mrs. Moon will deliver a discourse at Calvary this morning, showing by; scriptural utterances tne ngnt of wo-1 men to preach the Gospel. The Methodist church in Concord was presented with a handsome chan delier: few days ago, by one of the stewards. Rev. Z. Doty, the new rector of St. Peter's Episcopal church, will preach in the church for the first time this morning. Rev. E. A. Wingard, who has been absent from the city the past ten days, returned yesterday, and will occupy his pulpit to-iclay. The desire to have Mrs. Moon preach occasionally in one of the up-town churches has been expressed by a good many citizens. The inconvenience, to a majority of the residents, of the loca tion of Calvary church, and the small size of the building, prevents many persons-fromttendingi : We are-asked to call attention to the matter. The Sunday schools 4 will discuss to day the interruption in the building of the walls of Jerusalem by the report of the conspiracy of the Ammonites and Ashdodites to attack the builders, re lated by Nehemiah. It is announced that the Episcopal congregation in Monroe has secured the services of Rev. Lucen Holmes, formerly connected With Rev. Mr. Bron son's school in this city. His friends here will be glad to know that he is to settle within an hours ride irom Char lotte.' , Society Notes and Gosklp. ''. ' Miss Essie Meares, of Rowan, is now the guest of Mrs. W. Hi Bailey. - , The young men of Concord are about to organize a dramatic club. Hope that it may have a longer and more success-. ful career than .did the club jn ,thi$ city. Mr. A B.Munn and Alphonzo Young, who have been spending the last sever al months in Greenville, conducting business for Mr. E. D. Ltta, last night, :turnea to jnanotie. The:reaalnaf clubiueetsTuesday even? inga6the residence of Mrs. Dew.eyi The exercises will begin promptly fet' 8:30. . t t-It is currently xeported that ft young attorney in the citvWfll leave this week 1 for '& netghpojig , . city on business 1 . , 1 HWrimpnfvyjitesi ... r j.. 1 ' Charlotte strll has the usual quota Of ,yng;Ja .it.ii f-; :- 'y,-; Thejtfie irub MU ftopally interest themselves iniMeWetesQon , concert on the 6th. enjoyable' an'use&Iocial'jibjg mationa ever insntutea m tne citv. jiItmay Jb of interest to'darioers to' Qffi.laat anew uance nas justneen introduced at the JNoita. it is caned M,The Wave," and it is expected to sup- Diani - a ne xsosion. xs is saia 10 oe uncrracef ul but hiehlv exhilaratinff. MissDavis, of Wilmington, and Miss Pickens; of ' 'Edgefield,- S4iC both Of whom "have many acquaintances in Charlotte, are visiting in Atlanta. Night before last an elegant ball was eiven in theip honor at the Kimball House." , I The young meri ' may begin to make engagement for two of the most ' fash iouable theatrical events of the season Banes in J uims tjsesax on tne 5tn ana the Menaeissonn concert on tne otn. mt i i i i A ValHsble Discovery. Thn discoverer of a nrocess for making Con Litbs Oil palatable Is certainly a public benefao- j tor, for it is- universally aamiiiea w do uio oem. remedy in Consumptive and Scrofulous cases ever moduced, yet on account of its sickening taste manv risk death rather than take it Tne manu-1 faAtni-nnt of flCOTT'S EMULSION OF COD LIVKK OIL. with the Htpophosphttes of Limb akd soda have by their peculiar process, succeeoea m removing. th nnniiRRant taste of the oil and made it as Dala- tehiAiia Frash Cream, and with the addition of the Hypophcwphltes, which Is an excellent Bone, and lserveM romc' nave ptuuutwu o reuieuy i m greatest value In tne above diseases. . - ' . ; j Net NeAIclae ht Food, The fan and early, wtatet season jk the harvest time of hacking coughs and debilitating forms of Catarrh, lust as ue later spring is me eeq me oi feainriiii Wfrs. To know a certain cure oi the Xka nni a. nmvantive of the othar. is to have with in out reach the most inestimable blessing of thej period. W6 UO Know Ul uiem, wi uee nnui; mm- velous properties are comoinea m bcoh f i,muision of Pure Cod Ltveron withthe Hypophospitea of Lime and Soda. -7WV.-'.Tfi There is no form of physical waste and prostrat ed vitality, that a bountiful use of the Emulsion, wffl not change, to glowing health and full life and. vigor, and then it is not a disagreeable medicine, but the most delightful kind of food.. rlTK- UB TR HOLIDAY USB CHRISTMAS GOODO OLLDAY xd CHBISTMAS GQODO ,U iM tdj Pit it l:s 'HATE COKE ARE OPEN FOB INSPECTION AND 8ALE A large and varied stock. THE BEST WE JETER HAD. YOU ABE. INVITED TO CALL. TIDDY A BROTHER. decl2 G BEAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J,- T. BUTLER'S. i. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVERS PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER -SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everrthlnc von want ior unnsimas, at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCTT E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOClV 17 A N C Y J? ANCY GOOD GOOD Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest in the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOLD TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. B. WRJSTON Jr. CO. decl3' M M L L 8 S L L N JOIN your hands an friends of taste QN my bar only the best Is placed. gANDWICH, Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, JVACH man U receive right real, good cheer, J3 LEASE step hi, my haU Inspect, JJEAR it, youTl see more than you'll expect JRENCH, German, Domestic Brandles,Wlne f try each customers taste to refthe, . :'.' lCH Sandwtoli novel and Pretzel's good, TJOLDSmy tar, most delicious food, " '"TACH glass of Beer, or Gin wlil tear- SAVANT judgment and taste most rm ; CEE aonnoima't lips as sipping, drinks JgACH sip he takes proves what he thinks, RIGHT then one more he calls and to Wend then winks. ;Jan22 -;-! URHAtt WHISKEt. J DURHAM WHlSKE V URHAM WHISKEY, j DURHAM WHISKS 1 Laboratory of 8tatk Assatxb and Cbsmist, I Richmond, Va., September 7th, 1878. . ; ; t-- . ' ' . I have carefully tested a sample of "Durham Rye Whiskey" selected by myself from the stock of -JAessra,- JSlUBOBdE Harvey, ; na niiu is irec iruiu adulteration. It Is an exoellent article of Whiskey, and altogether suitable for use as a beverage or medicine,, (.Signed vn W.H, TAVWjR, M. D., This superior OTA VTQaiNI A WHISKEY, equal to any made lh tills country, is now in the hands of over 250 dealers lnTlrglnla, North CaroUna, Geor gia, Louisiana and New York City, and not a sin gle complaints having come to us from anv one of them, and many saying It is the best article they ever handled, we feel Justified In recommending It to an who wish to get a really pure article of Whiskey. il. L ; None genuine unless bearing our trade ' ntark. CaU for "DURHAM" at W. R. COCHRANE'S, Cen- 1 tral Hotel, ami all other first-class houses. ELLISON A HARVEY, -u , - Richmond, Va. Janl9 lin -,f THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON Cochrane keeps the, best BYE WHISKEY, Stand- aii Pure, Two Years 01dvv i : GOTO V - 4 Central hqe IUcigos For gtapdard Pure Liquors, moons. gTUDEBAKER WAGONS. I am now to receipt of A large lot of the eelebra ted,STTJDEBAXER WAUONS, an sizes, which wiU be sold on reasonable terms. t . CALL, EARLY, and supply yourself with the best wagon alt, 1 i-X M -fj4V;7 Jl J JP.S.GA1THEB. O ANNOUNCEMENT., r Having Durchased the stock of GraeeriM lateiv kept by A. H. CRESWELL, and occupied his old staoa, comer oi Trade and (jnurcn streets, to which has been added many New Goods, we take dIkm- ure In announcing to the people of Charlotte that we Keep eveiyuung in ine I ; d GROCERY LINE, and are prepared to sell at such prices as will be bound to please an. ' Dtennlned to keep a fresh stock of -i " .A ' - FIRST CLASS GROCERIES, ' i we will be glad to have our friends call and see us. ' SUFORD & FREELAND. Jan. 21, 1878-dlw. N OTICE TO FARMERS!!! am prepared to STORE COTTON In my fire proof building either In basement or on the first or sec ond Boors and win give warehouse receipts on which can draw money U desired. : Charges moderate. . THOMAS H. GAITHER. octl2 G ROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS! NEW FEATURES 1 Come to me for Bacon. Com. Suear. Coffee. Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a One lot of Country Hams. 1 sen for cash. AU goods delivered in the city free of charge. W. H. CRLMMLNGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand, ap 15. c O T T 0 N -ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED -BT THOMAS H. GAITHER, Cotton octl2 COXXISSION MlBCHAXT. W1 LIAMS ft FINGER, Have just received a lot of Turkeys and Chickens which we offer at low prices. Come to Williams & Finger and buy the best Family Flour from the best mills. Wheat, Bran, Oats, Com and Meal Honey. Country Lard. Butter and Eees. The bes Timothy and North Carolina Hay, cow and horse leed oi tne best quality, suear. vonee, xc con signments solicited for all kinds of country produce. will make prompt returns oi sales. dec5 J. A. HENDRIX, Agent, -GROCER -GROCER ' AMD COMMISSION MERCHANT, Comer Main and Blandlng Streets, COLUMBIA, & C. Special attention paid to consignments. Quick sales, and prompt returns guaranteed In every In stance. JanlO lmeod F AMILY GROCERIES, I have now In store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies. Also, Turkeys, the country. Chickens and Ducks, fresh from Just Received: Fresh Goshen Butter. New Buckwheat Flour. S. M. HOWELL Janl8 J UST RECEIVED, CHOICE PINE APPLES, AND X7INE YE LOW YELOW BANANA BANANA S, JO INE Also some beautiful CONCH SHELLS. Be sure to call on me for C N N Remember my stock of Confectioneries and Fancy Groceries is Complete In every Particular. Invite a trial of my Celebrated Mottled, Blue and Red Laundry Soap. Remember I keep the Largest Bar of Blue Boap in the city for 5 cents. Also a good Laundry Soap at 8 Bars for 25 ceht3. Recollect that my stock is not composed of Fancy Goods alone, but also Heavy Groceries, such as Bacon, Lard, Molasses, Sugar and Coffee. '! ' Don't fall to call on me when you want first class oods. Respectfully, Janls. LeROY DAVIDSON. GOD HEALTH IS ESSENTIAL TO HAPPINESS, And Good Bread is Essential to Good Health. . ! r i Therefore buy BRIDGEWATER Family Flour, the best In America. For sale only by . LeROY DAVIDSON, r- 8' TOP 41 THE. BOTDEN IIOTJSE .;,.,ansbm7N..C,, ,,;:,...! L & Bbowb, Proprietor,' J KLate of the National Hotel, Raleigh." C. & Brown, Jr Chief Clerk; W. slstant. O. Shelbum As totice.:;" " .. . :, 'I'M HDUBLUWr. UtTlW tmWWU un A&uowoo&uu. under a deed Of trust executed by the late firm of Smith 4 Forbes of this city, as will appear by the recoitia tn the office of the Register of Deeds, here by ctvea notice to all parties Indebted to the estate that they must make payment at once to him; and also gives notice to those who are creditors of the estate, to prove their claims and forward to him.' J. M. B. REYNOLDS, . anl8 4 Trustee.: CAROLINA CENTRAL 1 - i 1 i tC ' r:i VWILM1NGT0N,-J THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE This Line being fully equipped for business, Freight from ' . Wilmington and an Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenville, Spartanburg, all stations Atlantic Tennessee Ohio, As weH as points In Georgia I Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as I Information famished I F. W. CLARE, Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C septSO D R, J. H. McADEN, DBUQGISrr ASD Csxsast, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day; at J. H. McADENS Prescription Store, s ECURITY ! ijSECURITY! SECURITY! 200 Barrels of C. WEST SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE Am. aladdin securityioil. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil. from C. West & Sons, Baltimore, Highest Medal awarded at Centennial ExDositlon. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a nre test oi 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. C West & Sons, Baltimore. For Sate by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. a F. SCARR & CO., )D R R Si NEAB THK POST-OFFICB, Would respectfully Inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Office, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. jan 7-tf. WANTED A good agent to canvass Charlotte and the adioining towns for the best selling household articles in the world. Tip top profits, write at once to World Manufacturing co., 2 Clinton Place, New York. H OUSEKEEPERS 1 1 1 A postal card sent us with your address will in sure free in return, our Illustrated Circulars of nice iiousenoiaing specialties. almkk a, bKiLXUjN, inanuiacturers, zsi veaxi street, mew ions. - . . .GENTS, READ THIS. We win pay Agents a Salary of 4100 per month and expenses, or allow a large commission to sell our new and wonderful inventions. . We mean total we say. Address, without delay, i on f.rtin a in a uu., uarsnau, imcnigan. 4w IPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment wffl positively pre vent this terrible disease, and win positively cure nine cases in ten. Information that win save many lives Bent free by man. Don't delay a mo . ment Prevention is better than cure. Sold every where. L S. JOHNSON ft CO.. Bangor, Maine. NEW EXCITING BOOK Bristling with the wild adventures of STANLEY IH AFRICA. The only autJentie and eovvrtaTtted cheap edition. By the brilliant descriptive author, Rem. J. I. HeadL ley. Gives a full history of his wonderful dis coveries in Amca ana mabveluus journey auwn the Oonaa. More fascinating than romance. Pro fusely illustrated, and highly endorsed by the clergy and. press. AGENTS WANTED. uver iojuu soul aim tsr fob PABTiccLABs about the book, soockss' of agents ana best TSKHsaaaress HUBBARD RKUSL, Iubllshers, Phllaojelpbla, Pa. JENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. CELEBRATED THE WORLD OVER. ThA Tnannfartnrra were awarded the hhrhest and onlv medal eiven rubber blasters, at both the i Centennial and Paris Expositions. FAR SUPERIOR TO , common porous plasters, liniments, the so-caned electrical appnanees. ao. n is tue dihh, uwwi remedy for Laxb and Wkak Back, rheumatism. Female weaaness, sciaaca, ialoiuoku, vukmimxi Kldnevs. SDinal Complaints and all ills for which porous plasters am used. Ask your druggist for Benson's Capclne Plaster and see that you get nothing eise. soia oy au uruggiais. jrnte o cm. Mailed on receipt of price by SEABTJBY ft JOHN , SON, 21 Rati street, xiew lora. . janl -- ' - :ir.- -- -' - ' : ARRIVALS, FOR SALE, WANTED. 1 ft tew nAMnted Candies.' R boxes choice Ors- ter Crackers. 6 boxes Family Washing Soap, largest lOcbarsintheclty. . . . j Also 1 fine Much Cmf and one medium quail Cw with young calf, for sale low.i a . - :i . i BOO dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED, i..-; . dec2 B. N. SMITH. i I ? - DISPATCH LIN DISPATCH LTNJ . . ...."...'.,, .n .'V-l.' -.1,1. -.iF..!,.: V.:''1!! i V . ft 1 NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers uneQualled facClttes for the Tiansportkm of Charlotte, Statesvule, Ashevffle, Rutherfordtoa, on the Atlanta & Richmond Air-Line, and Western N. C. Railroads, Aiwhnm bm MVwiiwippt, Competing Line, and Time as QuickJ upon application to ir. 'WM. A. MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C T. T. $MrTH, Agent C. C, Railway, Charlotte. potteries. JOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. if. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY' To win a fortune. SecohdrGrand Dlsttlbtitlon Class B, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February 11th, 1879-106th Monthly Drawing. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. . . . : :..f .,; This Institution was regularly lhoorpotated by tne Legislature of the State lor Educational Charitable purposes in 1868, with a capital of ll.uou.oou, to wmcn it has since added a Reserve Fund of 8850.000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION win take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at tne iouowing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $80,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half Tick eta, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : Capital Prize,'. :,'f80,000 1 Capital Prize, 10,000 1 uapitai prize.. 2 Prizes of $2,500... 5 Prizes of 1,000... 20 Prizes of 500... 100 Prizes of 100... 200 Prizes of 50 . 500 Prizes of 20.. 1,000 Prizes ot , 10.. 5,000 5,000 ! 5.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 9 Approximation Prizes of 9 Approximation Prizes of 9 Approximation Prizes of $2,700 1,800 900 2( 100 1857 Prizes, amounting to. ... $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation wlU be paid. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating fun address, for fuU Infor mation or send orders to - ., Mi A. DAUPHIN. Postoffice Box 692, New Orleans, Loinsl&na AU our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of - GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD andJUBAL A, EARLY. anl4 .!! ; ) gtttf gi.dtrjcrtisjemjettts JpROM DR. S. W. HUNTER, . BALTIMORE, M. D. ' '. . .' i Having become famillaf with Coiden Leibig's Liquid Extract of beef and Tonic Invlgor ator, I take pleasure tn recommending It as an ex cellent preparation, combining as It does food and tonic In a remarkable way, producing good blood, health and strength. Sold by all Druggists., QEO.C.WARE, : Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In P'UBE APPLE CIDEB AMD -CIDER VINEGAR. ' Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of E. R. CONDirS TABLE SAUCE, 287 to 295 W. Third St, CINCINNATI, 0. IL5 SASSAFRAS ANb PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought in any qnanfty, for cash on delivery, free Of brokerage, eommissloris, or storage expenses, by; i n . t DODGE '0iCOTT. Importers and ExpoftefB of 1 .. DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OlLfAa 88WnilamSt,.....v :;U;;i1UA...NewTork. dW7 A DAY to Agents canvassing for the "FtRB 4P I smx ViBrroB.'' . Terms and outfit free., , Ad dress P. O. YICEERY.Augusta, Maine. OA Fancy Cards, Chromo, 8nowflake, C, no two auxe, witn name, iu cents, junkier a Co, Nassau, N. Y.', ' 1 . - . , J A MIXED CARDS, with name lOe. - Agents' tu outnt loc L. jowjss ft tx. Nassau, ri. x. dec31 rpo ADVERTISERS.--Sena for our Select List of JL Local Newspapers. Sent free on application. Address GEO. P. ROWELL ft CO., 10 spruce St, New York. '..",' ; THE :,hjv'i i-:r'-i ..; r , :. ) .: 000 A 'K1 KES O O AA K K B O A A KK KB O O AAA K K B OOO A AK KEEB CO V O OV o o v V A L V AA L V A A L o o vv L CO V A ALLLL COLGATE 4 GO'S COLGATE ft COT3 mtw S 8 IP! a o P f Aj,. SAVES WASTE FOB LAUNDRY USE. iTJXrni1f iri i-l i i m m m m m'rn TJNDERTAE3NO The undersigned ts now prepared to ffll all orders for every class of Undertaking. Buying on hand a Ml assortment of iH ' 5 1 T ' ' V COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES! Both Wood and Metallc. , ' . , CPSICBB AS LOW AS AST. - . ' . V- i .: -f '- )t- Hearses famished if desired. ii; : ih vt.v: -I'll- rumttoi of every Description Repaired aft shor ,-' i notice, j f i 'H - . V W. M, WELHELM Wta E. aBogers, Trade StreeV low 2d. new sorai4ty. muw-'"

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