- ! " m . he bdtiotte bstrocf, - .U j . i -..-' 5 r ; ? i . . " i - ' jf I f - i r i i r i i i i local intelligence; j , WEDNESDAYS 3 AmTABY 29, 1879? BA1LBOAD UIBECTOBT. - ' !-. l- The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte,' on all the rail roads (Washington time): .a- 3 g ?.-, .1 ; ': ;- j;?:toc 1 Arrives from Richmond and Goldsbdro, . 1.00 a.m. Leaves for . " . r -...,, " ; 8.20a.m. Arrives from Richmond, ....... 10.50 a. m. Leaves for . v; -y v.. i.. 6.55 p. m. , ATLANTA CHABLOTTJt AIBJJXK. - Arrives from' Atlanta,. J if 8.20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta... ...V. . 1.05 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,.. .. . ... ... 6 50 p. m. :", Leaves for Atlanta,. ..... ... , . .10.50 a. m. . CHAKLOTTK, COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA. 1 Arrives from Augusta, . . .". .... . 6.45 p. m. Leaves for Augusta, ;........... 11,00 a. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL.) f Arrives from Wilmington,. 7.29 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington, ..; J;i 6.00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby,. ..........i. 5.00 p. m. Leaves for Shelby,................;.!.. 7.00 a.m. ATLANTIC, TKNKK8SKK OHIO. Arrives from Statesvllle 5.80 p. m. Leaves for Statesvllle,. . ... . . 7.00 a. m CHARLOTTE POST OFFICE. . 1 OFFICK HOUBS. j OPENS. Money Order Department, -9.00 a. m. Registry Department, 9.00 a. m. Gen'IDellv'y Stamp Dept.,. 8.00 a. m. " " ... " . 8.30 p.m. CLOSES. 5.00 p. m. 5.00 p. m. 6.00 p. m. 8.45 p.m. On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. : ' OPENING ASS CLOSING OF MAILS. OPENS. CLOSES. Danville A CharlottoB. R., . 8.00 a. tn. 9.00 p. m. " " 11.15a.m. 6.00p.m. Charlotte A Atlanta R R,. 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. " & Augusta RR,. 8.80 p. m. 10.00 a. m. Wllm'n & Charlotte R K.,. 8.80 p. m. 5.00 a. m. Charlotte & Shelby R R. . 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a. m. ". A StatesvlUe,. . . . 6.80 p. m. . : ft.00 a. m. ty Seattle's Ford, (horse route, Mondays at 5.00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m. -' tSr" Yorkvllle, (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. ! W. W. JENKINS, P. M. Index to New AdrertlsemeHU ... Report of the condition of the Traders' National Bank. S. M. Howell Family Groceries. Tlddy & Bro New Books. Maxwell & Harrison Buggies, dec. Mrs. J. T. Julian Wanted, . INDICATIONS. War Department, T' ) ER, V ?. M. ) Office Chief Signal Officer, Washington, Jan. 28, 1 0 p. For the South Atlantic States, warm winds, shifting to colder northwest or northeast; in the northern portion part ly cloudy weather, and in 'the northern portion rising barometer and,Iocal rains. Ixcal Report for Yesterday. 17 A.M. 12 P.M. 19 ?. M Barometer, Thermometer , Relative Humidity, Wind Direction,. . " Velocity, Weather, , 80.150 I 30.111 30.160 60 88 S. 6 Clear. 61 (65 93 73 aw. & W. 4 Miles. -5 Foggy.. Hazy. Highest temperature 67 deg.; lowest 44. - HOKE PENCIHIVS. There are now thirty prisoners in the county jail. The Inferior Court of Mecklenburg, meets the third Monday in February. To-morrow night Mrs. Jarley makes her triumphant entrance into the city; Droves of horses and mules have been moving throughthe streets the past few - ' ' Tne reading club neld a very pleas ant meeting at the residence of Mrs. Dewey last night The operators of the Rudisill - mine say they are doing a fine business aiow, ' and are much encouraged. ' i x f It is reported here that the citizens of Raleigh will give Gov. Vance an elegant reception before he leaves for Washington City. - . r Cases from this judicial 'district' will be taken up by the Supreme Court this week. Several of our lawyers have already gone to Raleigh. ; ... ; ' ! Northern settlers are again reminded that they are called-to meet in -county conventions on the 15th. The originator- ol this scheme asks us to urge a lull attendance. The Harmonie circle give a hop at the residence of Mr.Frankenthal in, the old Bank of Mecklenburg building, to-night, and a good time is expected. Several young men, one from the city und several from the vicinity, left last night for Texas. This is the first move ment of this kind in several weeks. : A joint meeting of.the .wardi relief committees was held yesterday to hear reports. It was learned that the work is progressing satisfactorily." 1 t " A half dozen handsome turnouts were on the race track yesterday afternoon. As many more will be out this evening if the weather continues pleasant. j ; T he members of - Mrs, Jarley's com bination are expected to meet at the opera house this afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock in full ("Figger) dress f or re hearsal. ; .. j,,..,, , I:'"'. Our dailv bulletin .from the signal of-- fice shows that the " warm wave with . w hich we are now . afflicted extends all over the country. There has -been a cliangeof 19 degrees here within the last 24 hours, " ' City Marshal AJexanderi received a telegram yesterday from theehief of police of Atlanta, telling him to be on the look-out for a thirteen-year-old white girl who had stolen a considera ble sum of money in that city and fled. Rates of board have been 'reduced at the Caldwell House so. that ithe cost of board there per- month, vwfth roOm, is but $18. Considering thS quality of the board and the general character of ac commodation sthis is a 'heag as-could 111 rrfte3sw rr avnQiTQn ill MM AbVWU( The county finance committee are en gaged now in the annualrtexamination of the accounts of th0 county treasurer. It is a three daysljob;dtThey will make a report : at the ; next ' ineetlng'v'Of . '.the board ; of commissioners, which occu the first .Mondav in! eDruarv.n v; t-iw Tb,e following wilLshow t.he gtate of the thermometer; -afc 'the:'tation8men tioned, at 455 yesterday evening, Wash ington mean time, as ascertained: Jfrpm the daily bulletin issued from, ,th sig- Atlanta, t. ... Jacksonville' Augusta.,: . 701 'KeyiWesttn Mobile; .i:l...69 Charleston. . . .-.-.70 Charlotte... .66 Corsicana. 'i WmW" Galveston . . r, ,'..65 lnta Kassa.. . .77,; Havana .9 Savannah , Vf 3 1 uanoia...ii...Qi largely aitenaecu auo wu;- mo . sellingwell. Noonewhohastheslightr ? Pjr InvA fnr rnnain ohnnt ' nfto-leotlthis , est love tor, music , shoiuaegirav.uus rffiPaSfflaSS Beiectea 1 equalled heard in i. Charlotte.: :;; Mra.; Khowles, ,the soprano who assists the i Quintette, is highly spoken of by ithe Northern press as a singer of ..decided abilities.' 1 fc mtW" CHEW JACKSOXfi BESt SWEEtXAll TQBACGO, - - The Grand Joicrcr' ' . , concert of celebrated Mendelssohn S!S&a& mj;hWof T' tte- lAahiL mo09itbia occasion oe wun tne, greatest taspeiifm ;'t- 'v ' " i T u bhumu; nAuvnoi Dwa, ua! toVS4epfprO fcLnabletermsl- ' ' ll bv anvthin that had 'vet Been I': w wuuuwm. .-rar-.rT- C M. I. - , V - - -. The fall term of tbeCarolina Military Institute closes 'on the 31st instant, im mediately after which the new session will begin. The semi-annual examinations-are progressing now and' will be concluded Friday morrrinir. a On the evening of that day the cadets will give1 tne usual semi-annual DaiL -me invi tations for this are out and a highly enjoyable occasion i3 anticipated. , Personal. : Capt. W. E. Ardrey, one of our repre sentatives in. the lower house of the General Assembly, who was called home1 a few days ago by the illness of one of his children, was in the city last even ing and left this morning for Raleigh. Gen. J. G. Martin, of Asheville, was registered yesterday at the Central Hotel Wereeret to learn that Gen. .T. A. Young has been confined to his bed by quite a severe uiness auring tne last several days. The NewJCity Directory The canvass for the new city direc tory is progressing very rapidly. The work will contain a census of Charlotte by wards ; a gazetteer of Mecklenburg county, , giving, the; names of all busi ness men ana. farmers in the county, with their postoffiee address, and a post office directoTy'.;; of .North Carolina, alphabetically arranged.. ; A copy of the work will be placed in every postoffiee in the county for public reference. It is the aim of the publishers to make the work not only a co mplete index to the city of Charlotte but a work of general reference. The, Calvary jTIeetln(fs male Preaeber. Another Fe. Calvary Mission church . was filled again last evening to ita. Utmost . capacity.. ; The interest in the meetings is- evidently on me increase, yuice a number responded again to the call for penitents. A. telegram received yester day announced that-. Mrs. 'Louisa Painter, of Iowa, would arrive in the city this morning to assist Mrs. Moon in her meeting. She is represented as a revivalist of great power, and !her presence will lend an additional inter est to the meetings. She will probably preach at either the morning or even ing service to-day. . The Coming- Convention of Northern irien. From the number of letters whieh have been received by Mr. Dumont, and from the general tenor of the news- aper reports on the subject, it is be ieved that the county conventions of Northern settlers in the several coun ties of the States of the South, to be held on the 15th of February, will gene rally be well attended.. These are for the purpose of appointing delegates to State conventions, these in turn to appoint State delegates to attend a gen eral convention to be held in Charlotte on .the 4th of July, next, for purposes similar to those which brought about -the recent convention in this city. Mr. Dumont has already distributed through out the South five hundred copies of the call for these conventions, and expects to issue more. We respectfully urge our brethren of the press to continue to give publicity to these .coming conventions. T his is by no means a local or even a State "J f P" tance, and as such demands the atten- tion of the public at large. Oar State Criminals. - From the annual report of the super intendent of the State penitentiary,' some interesting facts' and figures may be gathered concerning the inmates-of that institution. The total number of convicts received since the opening of the penitentiary, January 6th, 1870, is 2380 ; the largest number in any one year was 548, in 1876 ; the smallest in 1871, 150. ,;Total number of convicts on the railroads November 1st, 1878, 1,102 "049 of whom are colored. Received du ring the year ending November 1, 1878, 495, of whom 367 are illiterate, 423 are natives. ofJiorih Carolina, .439 ..colored, 2 white women and 54 wnite men, 351 common laborers, 3& farmers, 12 cooks,' 11 cookmen, 19 waiters ; under 20 years of age, 110 ; from twenty to thirty; 256 ; from seventy to eighty, 2 ; married,'224 ; single, 258, widows 2 and Widowers 11. The five counties which send the largest number, are Wake, 27 ; New Hanover 23 ; Edgecombe 21 ; Rowan, 24 ; Wilson, 23. . Seven are sentenced for life, three' for 20 years, and five for 10. For lar ceny 367 are: sentenced, 46 for ; larceny and receiving stolen, goods, 18 for man slaughter, 6 for murder, and 9 for as sault withdntent to rape. ; nail road ST otea." The newlv nainted cars on the Char- )otte , Columbia .& ; .Augusta Railroad are- nowmarKeoviecimont' Air Xiine, though the route from Richmond to Augusta had come to be known as the Central Short Line. Dr. C. F1 Brem, of this" city, is having a number of models of his recent in-' vention df an automatic car-coupler made to be" sent to manufacturers. He is .still receiving a;assurance& tfrom machinists and other whobafve ex-,: amined it. that his invention is a great success, ' In this connection,; mav!be mentioned the fact that seven patents were gran tea , to .,. inventors 01 car- couplers the same week that he obtain- eu ms, vjic vi mcap uaiug n xcoiwoiiv wj. Rowan county. . .... ,. - , 1 Railroad -men ridw say" that " then schedulei of v the through trains ,'wil? surely change next Sunday the North, tram to arnve aoout 9 o ciock at nignitn i: and depart about .in the morning. It is quite definitely settled that some change is to.be made, and that the fime will be faster.' -? Commercial ?and other traveler s: af e4; still now ling aoout tne ,inree nours. delay t Raleigb. It is undoubtedly a great mconvenience. -. lti;fss Tnbre; than' likelf that the city authorities will compel the .railroad: campaniea XQ-keen flagmen at. the nnn- H-naf slrep.r. ftrnsainffs to- nrevent accip dents. AriiordiSiarlee thi effect wilj be r mtroprucea' at xneT the Tard'of aldermeri J i TQ-Ilrrff tY EYeBlPff BRlenalnment, The kind-heariedi and -charitable la dies who set on foot the "movement wmcnwurwnnnate to-morrow nignu in the presentation of "Mrs. Jarley's tainmeiit which is well calculated to Montgomery ?i?.75 giye great satisfaction to all wno a$ Jfew Orleans... .78 tend. If the" historical Wax riggers werftftver m iynarioweoeionv iu' na peevi so long that most of us hayeipr- assured that the 3r&ttJyiBproved in " r i,t.ofot. tk0 n,"1i;i"ii GrOUnod musical ClOD, nOW . an lmpor- f . :ngH.nt(nn si therfiitfv. will make toflriublgapia to a concert trouble of attending. -Let's show our appreciation of ,home talent( asi will as: our" charity lor" the ' Door for whose i oenenc tne I U71I.II St. HlllOTlflin HHI Hrtl.1l 111 111 1 1 1 II 1 1 If" 1 1 I . a imrmTm I vnm ' tir I . .11 irfMn .VI.-U rworcn more tnan ine - expense f u ... i ..,. t enrertai-rmfiPTit' ls sriven: dv . , . . . . . .. . . i turning night out ' in'' fnll force to-morrow V ' " . j -,TH,GAiTHEB.CTl Mow to 'Economise-inline- Ums o2 titut. The foUowlni drculari issued bv the gas light company of Augusta, wilj i beJ of benefit to consumers geBeraUy: ' ; 1. oee mat mere, are no leaks. These are ' Indicated by. the odor of gas. 2, Ifyon habitually.use but few of the burners in the house lessen the pressure by turning the key .near; the meter half oflV because less 'pressure is l needed &or ita few than for inanV4 burnersi-andjitoOi innch1 pressure pro duces, waste. Always turn off the gas it the meter, during the days eit? y &w The; key ,at, -the f'burnef 1 should always::be .tutned''dff sufficientlv.to. in sure ft steady flame, fori if thisf hisS. ' mow or mcKer, tnere is ios&w " 4. Burners should be ; of ; the best quality, of suitable size (as recommend ed by the company, kept clean and, renewed at least once a year, at Which time the condition of the pipes through out; the house should be inspected by an expert. V ' -!-5. Avoidi globes of ground -glass or opal, as they occasion a loss of from 40 to, 65ier cent, of light- If globes be used, let them be of plain glass. . " See that the lighting and extin guishing be done: at the proper time, and , that burners be turned down to a taper light whenever more light is not needed. " .,. . ,t 7. Bead the meter from time to time, isay once a , week, to- detect any irregu larity, or excessive : consumption." If you- find , Ihat you are burning more than you i can afford, see that less be used. You should be as economical in this as in other items of household ex penses, always bearing in mind that burning gas in burning money. One may, therefore, always make his gas bill to suit his means. TELE&RAPHICf MARKET REPORTS. JANUARY 28, 1879 PRODUCE.- - Cincinnati Flour dull; -family - 4.25aS.25. Wheat Arm: red and white 90a97. Corn 31tta21&. Oats quiet. Pork quiet at 9.00. Lard active and Ann. Bulk meats strong; shoulders 33& clear ribs 44$, ciear siaes 434; Dacon quiei: snouiuers 4, clear ribs 5Vs, clear sides 5Uu Whiskey steady. Butter dull; fancy Western reserve 16al8, prime to choice do 15al6, do central Ohio 13al5. Sugar steady and unchanged; hards uuaio, A white Si&atAs, New Orleans 5i&a7l4. Hogs quiet; pack ing 3.40a60. Balttmobk Oats quiet; Southern 28a32. Wes tern white 29a30. do mixed 28a28, Pennsyl vania ztJaaA- nay quiet and unchanged; prime Pennsylvania and Maryland lOall. Provisions quiet; mess pork, old 8.75, new 10.00; bulk meats loose shoulders, new 3&, clear rib sides 4k. per car load, packed new 4a5iA; bacon should ers, old 444, clear rib sides, new 5, hams, sugar- curea, new, aiu. jjara rennea aerces 7. Jouaer dull; choice Western packed 18a20, rolls 16al7. Coffee firm; Rio cargoes llal6. Whiskey dull at 1.08a9. Sugar weak; A soft 8&aift. Nkw York Flour In buyers' favor; No. 2, 2.30a2.85. superfine Western and State 3.25a3.50. common to good extra Western and State 8.65a 3.90, good to choice do 3.95a4.50; Southern flour steady; common to fair extra 3.90a4.85: good to choice do 5.00a6.25. Wheats lower; ungraded winter red 1.00a8V&, No. 3 do 1.03a4. Corn- ungraaea 48, jno. a, 4&M3. uats vg- cooee m moderate demand and steady; Bio in cargoes 11a 16, in Job lots llal7. Sugar steady and quiet; Cuban 5a 6, fair to good refining 61a6, prime 7; refined standard A 8Mia. granulated 8, powdered 8. crushed 9Uu Molasses dull and unchanged Rice fairly active and steady. Pork- mess on spot 8.371&a50. Lard prime steam on spoi o.ooao5. wmskey quiet. Freights steady. COTTON. Norfolk Steady; middling 9c.; net receipts d,rfdJ ; gross ; stocK 3,334; exports coastwise 303; sales H2t5; exports to (ireat Britain . B ALTmoRK Firm ; middling 9c ; low middling w.; gooa orounary c; net receipts r gross saies zoo; siock ii.uiu; exports coastwise iu; spinners 110; exports to ureal tJritain -to Continent . Boston Quiet; middling 9; low middling Wkc; good ordinary 85; net receipts 1,298; gross 3,tt3; aales ; stock 2,575; exports to Great Brit ain Wilmington Oulet: middling Sc.: low ml . aungsc.; good ordinary 8; net receipts. 59(1; gross ; saies bu: stocK 7,086: snmners : ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to C011- nent ; to cnannel . Philadelphia Firm; middling 9c; low middling 9c.; .good ordinary net receipts 555; gross ; sales ; spinners 443; stock 9,890; exports to Great Britain ; coastwise 500k Augusta Quiet; middling 8 3-1 6c; low mid dling 8a; good ordinary 7c.L receipts .629; shipments; sales 830; stock,.. - , . T . Charleston Quiet ; middling 9c; low mid dling 9i&c.;good ordinary 83kc; net receipts 8,- 425; gross ; sales 1,000; stock 60,554; exports coastwise 151; Great Britain ; France ; continent ; to cnannel . Nsw York Quiet; sales 626: middling uplands 9 7-16., mid. Orleans 9 9-16.; consolidated net re ceipts 32,058, exports to ureal .Britain 16,983; uontmeni a,vvo; d ranee iz, iw;w cnannei . Liverpool Noon Moderate lnaulrr. UDlands 5 5-1 6. Orleans 5 9-16, low middling uplands , good ordinary uplands , -ordinary uplands . sales 6,000, speculation' and export 500, re ceipts 15.200, all American. Futures 1-32 cheap er. Uplands low middling clause: January deliv ery , January and February -, jeoruary and March 5 5-16, March and April, April and May 5 l3-32aftb. uay and June 5 7-1 oai 3-32. June and July 5 15-32, July and August , August and septemoer . ueptemoer ana uctooer . ew crop shipped January and February, per sail . FUTURES. New York Futures closed 000 bales. January. February ,.. March AprtU quiet Sales 35,- 9.46a.47 9.46a.47 9.65a.66 9 .82a.83 9.98a99 -ay JllIlQ. . . . . . -....... ... ...... July , 10.1 la. 12 10.21a.22 10.30a.32 August . .i-. . FINANCIAL. Nkw York Money l.a.8; Exchange 4.843iaB. 6ovennnentB weak. New 5's 1.05 . State bonds UlUl. j... 1 ; ... 1 CITY COTTON MARKET? ' " "' OJtick or rea Obskkte ' 'HABtOTTK, January 29..1g "Tfie markefyesterday closed quleV&s follows: GoodmUtrfllflg.. Ji- 84-16 ia)w miauiuig. Tinges ...-..-...,. v 'Jf--. 'ow-." : 5 ' llJJV': AfitOTTE. rB"MlC$; JSIiBf T, a 687 mi;.; a i n. ,ot.u!.-! v,. 41-. Slump -xver, tm,w.i '' . .New, terldlfl..i..r..r.. ...... 4..!. zoUu 2.25 "Spliced, iw-iaoo c;..75 BAGbIHO, per do, ... Ilttal2 Corn, per Mi Wl VATS, mm BA hog round. 889 n. v. 10al Oear RUilfldea., lib, uwauiMKik. . km nMAMinnoiiai . .j mmeiuo. Good....,........... Stbup Sugar-house. 25 S8a40 85a50 New Orleans.. Salt ......... Liverpool one.. 1.00a2.00 Suoab White. Yellow. t Potatoss W4alll 7a81 Sweet......... a5a40 4oaaa - NoTffiCaiolma... Eoos, per dozen.'. . . 1220 JJXOUB 50 00 Super 2.25a2.50 9 1 TUDEBAKER WAGONS, W CALL EARLY, :.:;rmm :-i II. n. I aimnlv viinnalf orffK tTtA rttMt KOann emit- S I . .,.,.fW'"WWTWWlWIWllHii..i BOLIDAT AXD CHRISTMAS GOQjSo ' OLIDAY AHD CHRISTMAS GOOD BATS OOKX A ASK OPZH TOH IKBFXCTIOJf ASBSAIBi ii iM .itJj A large and varied stock. ... ?. ... i THS iBBST WE EVXR HAD. TO IT A BE I N T I T ID T 6 C A L L . TTDDT 4 BROTHBR decl2 : ' Q.REAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND 8ILTEB- PLATSD WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything von want for Christmas, at J. T. BUTLEB a. dec24 . . WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCTT E DESIRE to caU attention to OUR STOClV. -T7 A N C Y GOOD O- JT r-A N G Y GOOD O Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French. Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R WRISTON & CO. dec!8 M M P?E P E L L a a tooN JOIN your hands all friends of taste QN my bar only the best la placed. gANDWICH, Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, JjACH man H receive right real, good cheer, p LEASE step in, my hall Inspect, T-TEAR It youll see more than you'll expect pBENCH, German, Domestic Brandies, Wine, J tr, each customer's taste to refine, gUCK Sandwich novel and Pretrel's good, QONTAINS my bar, most aeUcfoos -food, . JJ AVINa Cheese and Sausage In bill of fare ! Beer, or GW wOl bear ' g AYANT Judgment and taste most ran. gEE. wwwwr'i lips as In sir drinks . JgACH alp be takes proves what b'thmla, EIGHT off one mora" be calls as to bis friend : he winks.: L. . . Jan23 ' j ; 1 1" DURHAM WHI8KE V DURHAM WHISKS X DURHAM WHISKEY. URHAM WHISKEY. Laboratohtof Stati Assatkb akd Chxhist, menmond, va., septemoerjut, 1878. 3 I have carefully tested a sample of "Durham Rye Whiskey" selected by myself from the stock of Messrs. Ellison ft Harvey, and find it free from - adulteration It is an excellent article of Whiskey, and altogether suitable for use as a beverage or medicine. LSlgned W. H. TAYLOR M. D,, ...,.-.. Btateinemist ft This superior OLD VIRGINIA WHISKEY, equal JgLaag jnadeJa.thla mtmfary bow to the hands of over 250 dealers to Tlrgtofli, North Carolina, Qeor. gla, Louisiana and. Itew York City, and. not a sin gle complaints having eome to oa from tot one of them, and wany aaytng tt 6 tee best article they ever bandied, J we feet Juitlfied in recommending It to all who wish Id get 11 really pure article of Whiskey. . Hone genuine unless bearing oar trade mark. tral Hotel, and all. other firstrclass houses. ,iiil i n ELLISON ft HARVEY. anl9 lm ' Richmond. Ya. rALpWELL HOUSE.f CALDWELL HOUST? lDWEL HOUSE CALDWELL HOPSXL CojiierTrypnwidgUaiareeta, Corner Tttw and Sixth 8treets, CHARLOTTE, N. G, dSABLOTTX,' IT; :Lp '3 t r & P. CALDWELL... . .ProprletOR Thls neuse is permanently established and offers all tha onvenleneeB and eomforta of a itnUiaM twardlng honse, Fenana visiting Utt-cttrwRl. R a pleasant home. tfenMWWw knudea wanted. .CtuB lnwhjtf yffl rooms. ... ..jl. BATES Per day. transient. ' il.2lti'ner anekJ xteguiar taoie, . poara ana .room yw.tmmui, ao.iah IvA iM'lhi v"J (Sxotzxlzs. OTICE TO FARMERSUl am prepared to 8TORE COTTON tn my fire proof bunding either m basement or on the first or eo ond Boors and win grre warehouse reeatptson which yen can draw money tf desired. Cbju moderate . 1 j THOMAS H. GAITHXR. ocU2 ROCEBIES CHEAPER THAN EVER NEW GOODS I NEW FEATURES 1 Come to me for Bacon, Com, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST BYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sen for cash. All goods delivered tn the city free of charge. W. H. CRIMMINGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand, ap 15. c O T T O N ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED THOMAS H. GATTHEB, Cottok Commission Mibchaht. octl2 "YTLLIAMS & FINGER, Have Just received a lot of Turkeys and Chickens which we offer at low prices. Come to Williams Finger and buy the best Family Flour from the best mills. Wheat, Bran. Oats, Corn and Meal, Honey, Country Lard, Butter and Eggs. The best Timothy and North Carolina Hay, cow and horse feed of the best quality. Sugar, (Toffee, Ae. Con signments solicited for all kinds of country produce. Will make prompt returns of sales. dec6 HENDRIX. Agent, -GROCER--GBOCEB- AMD 3MMISSION MERCHANT, - Comer Mam and Blandlng Streets, -COLUMBIA, a a Special attention nald to conslimments. Quick sales, and prompt returns guaranteed In every in stance. JanlO lmeod UST RECEIVED, CHOICE PINE APPLES. AMD FINE LNE YELOW YELOW BANANA O BANANA, Also some beautiful CONCH SHELLS. Be sure to call on me for c S. N Remember my stock of Confectioneries and Fancy Groceries Is Complete In every Particular. I Invite a trial of my Celebrated Mottled, Blue and Bed Laundry Soap. Remember I keep the Largest Bar of Blue Soap In the city for 5 cents. Also a good Laundry Soap at 8 Bars for 25 cents. Recollect that my stock is not composed of Fancy Goods alone, but also Heavy Groceries, such as Bacon, Lard, Molasses, Sugar and Coffee. 0 Don't fall to call, on me when you want first class Goods. Respectfully, JanlS. LeROY DAVIDSON. Q.OOD HEALTH IS ESSENTIAL " TO HAPPINESS, And Good Bread Is Essential to Good Health. 1 Therefore buy BRIDGEWATEB Family Flour, the best In America. For sale only by LeROY DAVIDSON. T THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON Cochrane keeps the best BYE WHISKEY, Stand ard Pure, Two Years Old. MELD BEOS., s v wbolesalk akd bxtail GROCERS and DEALERS hi COUNTRY PRODUCE also, PKOPKUToaa or rax CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N.fi This house has been newly furnished and is kept tn ant-class style. TpafWEDaj..... ... $3 00 a ;a t Table Board, Per Month.... 1C0O tarOmnlbus and Carriages at every trani : FIKU) BROTHERS, Proprietors, -BEN KXMBALL, CSerkV deel OTOE AT, THJ8. BO TP EN ;. DOUSE .;; ,".!. Sallsoarj, K. GL ; v. .-: ; ' C & Baowx, ProTrietoc, UiU rv- ::X"iriatoofttieNattorialH()teLB C 8. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W", 0. Shelbnm ! ' ? .rfi. t . - mgtjtnt. , ...... i CAROLINA CENTRAL TV.., -t YLk WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE Thli Lme bemg fair equipped Frelghtfroni ! ' for boameas, Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenvme, 8partanburg, aU Stations Atlantic, Tennessee k Ohio,,! As well as points tn Georgia Insurance and Bates ; guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F.W.CLARK, Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington. N. C septSO grass atxxl ptjeitijcitTjes. R J. H. MOADEN, DBU6GIST am tUnia-r, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glreertne Soap" English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and daat J. H. MoADEN'S Prescription Store. s ECUB1TY t SECURITY I tSECUBTTY! 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA Na 1 KEROSENE AHL ALADDIN SECUBITYCOIL. West's Extra Na 1 Kerosene OIL from C. West A sons, Bammore. HIehest Medal awarded at CentenntAl XtnMNMn. crystal uu works, canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will Dum. u west a sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. EL McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. F. SCARR & CO., R R G G St KKAB THB POST-OFFICE, Would respectfully Inform (he public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Office, and solicit the patronage of then- friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with. great care and pure Drugs. Jan7-tt zxo ilvitxilBtmzuts. rpKACHEBS WANTED. $50 to $100 or $200 j. per montn, aurmg tne uprmg ana summer. f or ruu paracuiars aaaress J. U MCCURDY COm Philadelphia, Pa. D rPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine eases In ten. Information that will save many lives sent free by mall. Dont delay a mo ment Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. L & JOHNSON & CO.. Bangor, Maine. B ENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER FOB WOMEN AND CHTLDREVf OB WOMEN AND CHILDRSXN Females suffering from nain and weakness will derive great comfort and strength from- the use of are affected with whoonln couzn. ordlnarT eouKhs or colds or weak lungs. It is the one and only treat ment they should receive. This article contains new medicinal elements such as is found In no other remedy In the same form. It is tar superior to common porous plasters, liniments, electrical ap pliances ana outer external remedies, it relieves pain at once, strengthens and cures where outer plasters wlU not even relieve. For Lame and Weak Back, Rheumatism. Kidney disease: and all local aches ana pains, it la also the best known remedy. Ask for Benson's Capetne Raster and take no other. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 Cents. .v.. ;1S i . . CO N S TJ M P T I Q -aj O 8 U M P X I O il AndaJlXMsoiderBof the THROAT AND LUNG'S Permanently Cured. . . DB. T. A. SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY OUU 8 0 0 coo H H H H HHH 1TH K RR NUN EES K KB B ppp 7tss ty P 888 Y h n if H a i 988D f GOO H H HI XEB TJtentaeHiJmictlonwlthhls . COMPOUKD ' EMULSION 07 ' . IP TJ B B C OD 1, 1 V I B O t Xi . and hypophOBphltea ot. LME AND SODA. A FREE BOTTLE of each preparation sent by exDress to each suffering aoDUcant sendlnc their name, P. a and express address to Dr. T. A. 81o cum, mi eansueet, ew xoncs ,!; .i, -,'-i ' pRESH ARRIVALS, FOR SALE, WANTED. ; lUDOxes assortea uanaiesv o Doxea cnoice uys ter Cracters. 6 boxes Family WashlngSoap, largest : luc Dars m tne enj. t - -. Also 1 fine Milch Cow and one medium onall vow witn young caii, ior saie low. ' JUKI dozen PAKTK.1.UU1C4 W1NTKD. MtecSft . & K SMITH. DtSPlTCHUNrrt .7 ia'i -:' NOETH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH.' offers uneauaned facliMesfor the Transportton of Charlotte, Statasvula, Aihevlfle, Rnthertordton, on the Atlanta Richmond AIr-LlnliTl.. ; and Western N. C Railroads, i.' sr- r Alabama and MIsslsatppL ;' I via any (ompettng Ie, and Time as Qulck4 j upon application to W1L A. MOODT, Southwestern Freight Agent, Chaiiotta, N. C. . T'T. SMITH, Aen! C C. Railway, Charlotte. otUxit&i JOUISlAlf A STATS LOTTERY.' A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To win a fortune. Becond FGrand Distribution Class B, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February 11th, 187&-105th Monthly Drawing. ' LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was ly jneorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and td Charitable purposes to 1868, with a capital of 11,000,000, to which it has since added a Reserve ad 01 S350.000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. look at tne rouowing distribution i - CAHTtL PKteE, 880,000. . 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Halt Tick ets, One Dollar. List OF PRIZES : i Capital Prize $30,000 1 Canltal Prize. 10,000 1 Capital Prize,. 2 Prizes of $2,500. 5 Prizes of 1.000.... : 6,000 6,000 5.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20 Prizes of 500... 100 Prizes of 100... 200 Prizes of 50 .. 500 Prizes of 20... 1,000 Prizes oL 10.. APPBOXIMATIQN PBIZES) 9 Approximation Prizes of $300..... 9 Approximation Prizes of t 200..,.. 9 Approximation Prizes of 100..... 2,700 T.800 600 1857 Prizes, amounting to. .......u. $110,400 BesnonAble corfesDondlnar aeentia wanted at an prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. -. . -s Vs ADDlleation for rates to clubs should onlr be made to the Home Office in New Orleans. ; . r ..,.., Write, clearly statin full address, for fun tafor.' nation or send orders to ' M. A. DAUPHIN, Postoffiee Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordhiarv Tjrawiticm am rnidnr the supervision and management afGENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JURAL A, XABLY JOUA . , , ..j-., jpBOM DB. & W. HUNTER, . ; . r ;, BALTIMORE, M. D. ,: ;! Having become familiar with Cdden Lelblg's Liquid Extract of beef and Tonic Jnvigor- ator, I take pleasure m recommending it as ari ex ceuent preparation, combining as It does food and tonic In a remarkable way, producing good Wood, health and strength. Sold by all Druggists. ; QEO.C.WABE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in : -PU BE APPLE C IDE Br . Ain- : i-- ' CtDEB VINEGAR , -Sole Proretor and Manufacturer Of -E. B. CONDIT'S TABLB;SAUCX,- 287 to 295 W; Third St, CWCrlqfATf, O. O TLS SASSAFRAS - AND PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought in any quanlty. f or eash on oeiivery, rree or Brokerage, commissions, or storage expenses, by - D 6 3) Q E A 0 L C 0 T T . - Importers and Exporters of ' . . . ,' DRUGS, ESSENTTAL OILS, Ac. 88 William St,: ... i, . V : . . .......... . . .New York. w A DAY to Arenta eanvassinK Cor the Fib- Ad- dress P. 0. Y1CEERY. Augusta, Maine. ,.., OA Fancy Cards, Chromo, Snowflakej Ae.1, no two OU alike, with name, 10 .cents.- - J.-' Mlnkler A I Co, Nassau, N. Y. i r wtxkD Cards, with nam 1 cV. iU outfit 10c L. JONES A CO., Nassau, aecui . hi i . . ; :. m rpO ADVERTISERS. Send for our Select List of J. Local Newspapers. Sent free on application. Address GEa Pi RO WELL A CO.; 10 Spruce New.Yorkhifi"M it t tr Kt i: THE on v 7Ai COO ov bV8 O V V AA O AAAjMK f OOOA K KKKK Yjr uo A ' si COLGATE ACCS COLGATE A 008-; mw a. A A P! S O A' i;-!-! SAVES WASTE FOB LAUNDRY USE. .&v&txttihiUQ. TJNDEBTAKpiG The tunSgnBfl Is now ptepated to fffl an order , for every class of Undertaking. , Having oa band a 1 fun assortment of it 1 n COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL' C.ASE8J Both vTopd and MetaBc ' n . oi t bAii Ului ; bTtlCTO A AS1 "K Hearses furnished tf desired. Furnltura ptiWitepalred si sbof 4 ?t - ,i f .(.;,. t;7',e. W.M, WILHELX.I . : ! i:t i' - wh E. & Rogers, Trade Street tone 20. x'1 peserj - I'-

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