WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1879,, Cares Effected .tJ laying. On of .Hands AoimalMagnetlMnT -Is It ' Augusta Chronicle and Constitutionalist For some time past we have heard I rumors-of remarkaDte; cures enecim a farmer Uvin'Bear Augusta, py ply rubbing the patient 'with his h Tiannpnini? to meet two well ki lands. known citizens yesterday, one of whom, it was said, had been under fthe treatment ' of the party with the wonderful gift, while a member o the other's family had experienced much benefit from the same source, a Chronicle reporter nnestioned them in reference to the matter, and ascertained that the rumors. aura well fniinHwl. !;'Mr.' ROhinSOa' nviv v . . - . James, the party whose ministrations have effected such wonderful results, is a plain farmer, living about eleyen . mileFfrom the city. He is forty-five or ' fifty years of -age, and until about five years ago, Knew noming in me poww which after events showed tnat he.4 APOUb ma ume nc w CONSCIOUS1 OF A SINGULAR FEELING, VlfflOVlUUV A Ulwv-" 1 I . m..m .-.r i.A.,i -TjecaTnranaconunueu u u dcc ?i days. FjnaUyim OXtformea nismre that he was satisfied he possessed the gift of healing, and that ifr wasjhis. mis sion to exercise it .This he ha flone whenever called upon, ever since and with: the most astonishing results. One of the gentlemen with whom our reporter conversed, has been afflicted wfth chronic j neuralgia for ,nine years. uIt graduaUyrgreW i worse, until he suffered- almost constantly ithet most ex cruciatiug agony. For years, he said, he had not had more than three nights sleep ,put of a month and he was obliged to resort to narcotics lniorder to allevi ate his pain in the slightest degree. Hearing of the power of Mr. James in 'alleviating; neuralgia and rheumatism; Iho'sehjt for him,i and. from the very first treatment - m;:- ' ; ' ; a. : u'r: i 'SEIBlis; .BELIEF.' . , i , ' He has been getting better from that time, and during the sixty days that he has been under Mr. James' treatment has sleDt well fifty nhrhts out of sixty, something that " he Would have thought impossible before. In his case Mr. James rubbed his hands a number of titoes - oves his bodv. The next dav after the operation he felt a tired sensa tion, as if ne nad taRen a long waiK, and a desire to sleep. He is not yet entirely ijuredbut he is satisfied from the wonderful results already attained, that in tame a complete cure will be effected. The other gentleman said a member of his family had suffered for Vears with acute neural tria.' Since she had been trader Mr. James treatment the neuralfinaihadui i ; ' !f ; j :,V"! ALMOST lENTlBELY DISAPPEARED. ' ,! In fact, she had but one attack during that .time. The two gentlemen also cited other instances where Mr. James' rpower. had? been efficacious. ; One of ' ' "those operate tipokwas a distinguish ed statesman who Ohce held hlghn office " in Georgia, who had experienced great good from Mr. James laying oh of hands or rubbing, whatever it may be . called.-,,; In another instance an.oId.lady who had hot been able to walte -for ! many: Tars.'iyalkied hajff: miieiiiif ter ..H.,Bhahad;been; ier';M'4ai!;, "hands - brie time only. Still another ase was . thatrof a lady who had had a fall and 'there'by lost the 'use ' 6f her arms and wasnot able to raise them.- After she had' been under Mr; James, treatment sn'msea ner arms tnoutar.jflim culty andwas, JieJieiLlhannet standing high-in the ebmnmnity: k(We understand that there are a number of others under treatment Mr. James does not pretend to account for his power; he has no idea himself why it is . .SO; ifile goes : wcererer be is wanted by any person afflicted with neural eia or rheumatism, and makes fid- charge for . hia services, as he says. he feels that the power was giyen him to be exercised ' for the amelioration of suffering; and i:. thatlt would be taken away from -him if he charged any fee. He only requires that he be sent for and sent back to his home after he has operated (on -the patient One of the gentlemen who talked with our reporter; mentioned that a .wart ,which had been, on his ' head, had disappeared after Mr. James placed his hands on him. The impression seems to be that the power possessed 1 by Mr. James is nothing more, -than animal ; magnetism in a very strong degree, and thus acting. upotfthervesreHWves the hain and 0 effects axure. But, .whatever it is, the cases' mentioned above as haviiwr been treated Dy it are well, authenticated, and beyond the shadow 6f ae doubt. t Philadelphia Times. lit. Pendleton', who" succeeds Stanley Matthews, towers above the, average E)litician like Saul among the prophets, ach of the -Carolinas' sends its ablest lman,in the persons of Wade Hampton f ana ZLisYiince.-AiumughthLi wilibe 4 ; really! their first appearance 'xnv the i a 'tionaVthfeatrei they M&lteoffii to the whole c)turtryias; men 'oiL'stf otg iadi , u viduallty;, an4 unusual intellectual en s, dowmentsand lwve' shown some 'ten dency towards real statesmahshitX; Gov ernor , Hampton's " aggressiy.a , refprm ': campaign and ihoderuoh and' Imiagna nimitv in the exercise of power have placed Jrim - head and . shoulders -above alt contemporary chriV1-he j-ehallbeias. tMmservatiyeiiD-fthe.Senate as he has been in the executives chaifkn . South r Carolina,",Tan"d T manifests the, broad national spirit with which he is. accredited by his admirers, he cannot ifaiLtoltake amost influential iwsitlioh' ."In shaping the politics the f ntftie.: a Croyetnbtyance is .aMunu. quite ks.te-' markable in a different way, but those.1 wuo unovt uim ,say , pnat nis capacity , , for statesmanship baa , been limited; .heretofore only by his opportunities. i Tbe Iater-f (ate Commerce Bill Killed. WisirjTtjj, Jan; 24-teagaifs Inter-State commerce bill has been prac Cically killed by the action of the sub committee, to which it has been refer red. This sub-committee (Spencer, Mc- jviuian auuL uL;t!ui i were appomtea gavaa hearing.iast. night to, Ambrose jyork,XUiAjnliat.of Commerce,, and to .utton of New York. .Theyfieolled -m ferve another - hearing to those in f avorof the bilLand then spend three weeks Shearing jhe railroad companies before renortinflr to jtheri foU, committee. ThismakeSf the passage of the bill through the Senate ft ractimllv Impossible for lack of ' tltte. if it had votes enough. ,and4t;,Jls, ex tremely doubtful if ft has. It is this bill which, by r prohibiting special xm traetaL would nave crushed the Standard Oil Company, and by Requiring railroad " companies to pro rate would have made t.hrmiirh frflicht rates impossible. " It is. ' probable that the bill would have been,, defeated -in theSenate, out u is easier - and less dangerous to stifle it in com mitteetii ?f byuumn '.uvrt Inotber JBuIl Ty Grant. . rwashlnzton BeDUbiicl 'i&ntmd Hran't has lately written to a' friend in this city f I see they are ham mering away at the army again, inere is no peace for the army, except in time u-i r i - ecnngs easily rnese cases are oc ktewSpEoFa fiVlffog bact mis. Hon tbe Gauzy Rank of the Theatre are uied. l . r.iiBocheeter Demootax ana unnucie.j s It does appear a little mysterious at first !thatinywhere in the city nfty, girls can be induced to, go upon the atno-A in .the costumes of, the ballet, but like the majority of the stage myster ies, it is really a common, pusiness-iuuj matter - A reDOrter OI inis paper iiau a mmversation with Manager Bentonf loat o von i nor and amonB otheru things ATtmrtiHl ft. little .information on tius-t points npfe always i easy to secure the required number who have all the necessary quauncauona rur c"" ir pearance,and4a iact girls who have never Deen on are eiwtsuicij uoomsu about making their first appearance. The majority pf those who answer the pati ar 'nhnn'oriflsL trirls who take work to their homes, girls suddenly thrown, I out of employment and other poor girls' who have no other way of honestly! earning a dollar. There are few, per haps, twelve or fifteen who have been in the ballet a number of times before, and they have come to look at it very much as a matter of business. They work regularly in the shops, and when their services are reqinrea at the opera, huseitxkwisttmesoniy'afmy hours (m t.hft ftveninff. and the Dav is very liberal, besides the novelty and excitement,. " - , - ' - - whwh f--fHH-Hft-flro Bomettoag-ef an 'ir:r".;" ."cm . rwmiaiii there 'fa" a"girl with aeTiraonded form and a spirit of,aayen!ture,Jr7no goes into it merely' for the'Ttth 6fr the thing, but they are rare. A good char acter is always demanded by a mana- Ser before he will engage' a girl for the allet, but occasionally, notwithstandr ing all his vigilance, a black sheep Will get into the flock, though she - is gene rally discovered before long and fired out with little ceremony. It is to be in ferred that considerable judgment jhas to be exercised in the acceptance of those who aspire to the costume of tights and gauze dress, but on this point the manager was singularly bashful and uncommunicative It is a lament table fact, however, that all ladies are, notDlumD and symmetrical, and for" those lacking these charms thereis noi door to the ballet stage. .Even snouia they be engaged, the keen eye of the ballet master would single them outat the first dress rehearsal, and nothing could induce him to run the risk of al lowing a " centennial fairy" to appear before the audience. Such embarrass ing predicaments seldom occur, though, as a girl is generally pretty well satis fied that she will pass inspection before she offers her services. The Louisiana Lotic;v. Baltimore Son. A renewed attempt is being made ill the Legislature of Louisiana to repeal the charter of the Louisiana Lottery Company, and a bill to, that "end has passed one branch of the Generar'As- sembly. It , is said, however, to be op posed by a powerful lobby, which has a great deal of money at command, and probably knows how to put it where it will do most good. This lottery was chartered by one of the disreputa ble legislatures under the Warmoth regime, and, by extensive advertising and the use of names of persons who should be ashamed to see them in that connection, has managed to attain very large proportions and to distribute its corrupting influences most widely throughout the'landr. j it is truly to be hoped that -Louisiana may be able to shake off this incubus. Lottery gam bling is one of the worst and most per nicious vices 01 tne needy and ignorant ; it becomes a sort of infatuation for those who often indulge themselves in it ; keeps them - and their families al ways poor ; tempts a great many per sons to petty pilfering and .till-tapping. and, next to drink, is one of the most prolific sources of misery to the human race, it has been broken up and put under the sternest reprobation of the law in nearly all civilized communities,- and in no places where essentially good government prevails is it looked upon as a legitimate Bourcei from which to derive public revenue. It has been dead by statute in Maryland these many years. Highlands. ' i Franklin Reporter. f "We had the measure of stonranff nver night at this heat mountain village. We must confess !W "werenot prepared to see such a neat site for a village almost on the very top of the Blue Kidcre. There are several hundred lots already laid off. many of which are exceedingly beautiful sites for residences. We are informed that within, the last -three years 69 Northern persons and 43, from other sections have located at or near this place. We think it is destined to be one of the most popular summer re- " T oit a anv wrtH ; the' iBtate,1 kffdrdirig beaatttttri driving grounds, it is surrounded with the wilb est fthd ; grandest; scn;iif th conti nent. "'','i..:?'?Kl-:i! . A'v-rui The settlers now- coming in are mak ing arrangements to start grass fauns and orchards, and we feel pure that the time is near at hand when this desert shall bloom . as the, rose", , All that the Emigrants need is sufficient' "capital (and this Deed not ' be-large' if Chejr'fcre ;willing to work) to i give them a start, and. pluck ..enough to put. up, with, Jess convenience ior a lew years jnan tbey have bepn accustomed to. lkt all who yr.fMf' ijuc ucrtituiesi auu most pleasant me in ine woria,cometo this section. Personal. I Bishop Georcre .'Pierce, of the M. E. Church: South, uk recovering ;from a se-vefe-a-ttd protracted illrtess. Jl , 1 ' the a jointly labile for a criminal-'off ehse-' ! THil JfIHil suX Memplris-ijaper Bavsi thafc'Gen." Pil- caused bv .inflamatum.'.orijniiat.ino' ,in ..4 J J".i uo vi. vuv wuuuubi vecBiyva nr ' mexico. u; . r ml .i-m-'i tw -.) rj-jfi'.ii ; sayihg that BeV Mvcii mm mta 'Paris eausje Jie. was hunerrv. and tha onn ' lace to satisfy the inner man is Amer ca. -r- ---! Bages in tlieljirited States Senate go about among the Senators .with albums to which they solicit signatures for people-in the galleries, who (give a slight compensation to the pages for the fa vor. .r..i'i Mr.' Detroit Free Press: "Huxley believes thflaf a time when men walked on all fours, and he doesn't njean that it a wJien! they Ifrere taincrrl6wil'bkr- The : condition, : ot iss . Louise Pom- eroy, tne actress, who was hurt at the railroad disasteto1 Arkansas a few weeks ago, continues critical. Sleep lefcspess andrdeliriun are .themoit de cided symptoms of her .case. ta-U.rJesia. her ablest Zmilon B'VTailoeiand - fthis - timo he wil-take the geathich -i mage-nig -mark in-tne-feenater-As a uiarDeakerhs lsJwlthoutarl eahal tha nnnnfrs Tlitf-. ha ia mnro tHoh is "." ITfl iA la. lYiari' ht sound cultur,and excellent ' iudcrment. and 4.w Kshall ibn much drsappobited if ',he doeshof tak'e rank nmnnit thii 'alilflafc'rnftmbeiVif fho Aivf'mportant ,ae,st1ori( ,ibefore'J husband,and wife be jointly held J y mif yEGETIKE. 1 tfl x 4 ui Viva 1 CD XiJ7- c-i iuwi-i u 3 I 9!iadjw4 tra tovr tiii moon bii't ia-si--!, Bprtacell0 Feb. 8, 187?. This Is to certlfT (hat I hare used VEGETINX, manufactured br H..H. 8tBVefi& BOStOO. lUBS., lor JEheumatlsm and General Prostration of the Nenr- YEGETINE u an excellent medicine -for such complaints -Yours Tery truly, Mr. Vandegrlft, of the firm of Vandegrift A Huff man, Is a well-known business man of this place, having one oi tne largest stores m djkhikikmu, v. '! i iTJTJTi wai i , ODE MDJISTEB'S WIFE. j LoulsvlUe, Ky., Feb. 16, 1877. Dear Sir Three fears aeoXwaa sofferinir lerrlDly wKb; Inflammatory Elnmatl8m.!jOuT mitdsters wife advised me to take VEUKTINIL.' After tak ing one bottle, I was entirely relieved. This year, feeling a return of the disease, I again commenced taking It, and am being benefited greatly. It also greatly Improve my digestion a Mrs. A. BALLARD, t 1011 West Jefferson Street 1 m;:! SAFB ANiV StJRJi: it '1 Mr. H. R. Stevensf ; In 1872 your Vegettne was recommended 't me, and yielding to the persuaUons of a friend, I consented to try It At the time I was suffering fjonn general - debility - and. nerroua prostration, superinduced by overwork and irregular habits. Its wonderful strengthening and curative proper ties seemed to affects my debilitated system from the first dose; and under its persistent use I rapid ly recovered, gaining more than usual health and good feeling;, tilnee then! have- not hesitated to give Vegettne my most unqualified indorsement, as being a safe, sure and powerful agent in promot- hAttpr. Yours trulv. W. H. CLAttK. 120 Monterey Street, AUeghenn. ..s-;t:i'W it -...i,V . : U v.Vi.i '-if !!.(! -7 ' The fallowing letter from Rev. G; W Mansfield, formerly pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church. Hyde Park, nd at present settled in Lowell, must oonvta( evoae who reads his letter of the won derful curative qualities of Vegettne "as a thorough cleanser and purifier of 'Mm';- ; t Hyde Park, Mass., Feb. 15,' 1876. Mr. H. R. Stevens- i Dear Sir About ten'years'ag5 my1 TiealQiiwied through the depleting effects of dyspepsia; nearly a year later I was attacked by typhoid-fever in its worst form. It settled in my baefe, and took the form of a large deep-seated abscess, which was fifteen months in gathering. I had two surgical operations by the best Bkfll In the State, but receiv le oesE B&m in me ovaio, om receiv- i nt cure. ,( suffered great pain at I constantly weakened by a profuse" I omn11 nlAA.. A Kara a I ed no permanent times, ana was discharge.. I aJlosmal pieces of .bone at dlf Matters ran on thus About .seven years, till May, 1874, when a friend recommended me to go to your office, and talk .with you of the virtue of Vege une. I did sov'and by your kindness passed through your manufactory,' noting the lngredtenta. &c, by By what I saw and heard I'ijaihieaBomeconfl- aence in vegeane. 1 I commenced takinr ft soon after, but feS worse from its effects; still I persevered, and soon "felt it was benefitting me in other respects Tet I did not see the results I destred titt I had taken it faithful ly for little more than a year, when the difficulty in the back was cured: and for nine months I have I have in that time gained twenty-five pounds of nesn, oeing heavier than ever Del ore in my me, and l was never more aoia. Denonn laoor man now. During the past fw weeks I had! a scrofulous swelling as large as my fist gather on another part of my body. I took Vegetfn faithfully, and it removed it level with the surface In a month. I think I should have been cured of my main trouble sooner If I brtd tak en larger doses, after having become accustomed to Its effects. Let your patrons troubled with -scrofula or kidney disease nnaerstana mat: it; takes time to cure chronic diseases; and, If they will patiently take vegeane, it win, in my judgement, cure tnem. wiw great obligations I am: : Yours very toily, G. W. MANSFIELD, Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church VEGETINE Prepared by ; v-.- H. R. STEVENS,' BOSTON, MASS. TegeHne is sold by aU Druggists. Jano 45 YEARd BEFORE THE PUBLIC. THE GENUINE -D R M c L A N E S-- CKLEBRATXD 11 II II II V V V V V V V EKB RRR E R R Eg RRR B R R KKK R R LLLL II PPP P P PPP P P L L LLXX. L L T.r.t j. S8SS FOB THX COBS OF - HEPATITIS, OR LIVER COMPLAINT; 1 I.-i.; DTSPEPSU AgJfSKf HEADACHE. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. Pain in the rteht side, under the edsre of the rlhn. increases oa oreasurei sometimes the naln is in the ieu siae; tne paaeni is rarely aDie to lie on the left side: sometimes the Dain Is felt under the stamilder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and taMmotlmM mistaken for rhmmt. tismin the ami The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in gener al are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the neaais troubled with pain, accomnanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part There Is generally A,consjaeraDie Joss .ofmemory, accom- aaieu wim a painrui sensation oi naviug left un lone somethiiur which ousht to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant The patient complains oi weariness and debility; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensation of the sklni his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that ex ercise would be. beneficial to him, yet he can scarce ly summon up fortitude enough to try it In fact- ne distrusts every remedy, several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have oc curred where few of them existed, yet examination of the body, after death, has shown the Liver to nave Deen extensively deranged. j AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, In cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most nappy result-' No better eathartlc can be usea, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple yuigauYo, nicy are uueqwuieu. : BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.1 1 ,'6tUf T The fcennine Are nAVAT numr vuttAf . Every box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the Impression Dr. McLane's Liter Ptli.8. s . The genuine McLamx's Livxb Pnxs bear the signatures of C McLanb and FLxuraa Bbos. on the wrappers. . ... t Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLaite'b yKBiiJL8, prepared by Fleming Bros., of .Pltte- ""'"h jKHirKesemg ruu -or imitations oi the name McLANE, spelled differently but same iwuuuwaouou. dec21 s , " j JBW LkTERT BTiiLE. 19 ' If you want flrsclass Carrlagea? PhaetonJfiug- gies or saaaie Horses, go: to the New Livery u you want meet arriving 4 derarHng trains, go to the New Livery Stable. , -t , . , t&efu Ur rmr mni-tn ti-i-wx"- uuiooouuauw vii(! mav2Hi ,: -Mi i 1118,28 - B. CHAMBERS ft CO J MERCHANTS 2 aCKiaLDI3SXfCBLiia ClKNSRAUiT. t to Having met with such flattering success In the Wholesale and Be tall 'Crocker business since I opened last gvember, and from the fact that I have received many orders from merchants ta orth and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, I am confident that my success Is certain. , l,i : -11 Onto the above facts ! Jhav been compelled to enlarge my business a hundred per cent i . I compete with any Northern "Jobbing H mse.?, i . in prices. &c. All my ware I bar directly fr mthe 1 k j ) i U A i I K i .i a A JO, ii Factories; tnereiore it does not pass tnron sec ond hands; and I am enabled to sell goods as low as they can be bought at the NORTH. r b I "i 3Si' Hoi -iyjwtaM; DECORATED T4 -- COO o o o o o iT.mQQO.i H H H H HHU H H H H n n n n n wit w Mir n NNN A A A. A PORCELAIN AND GRANITE, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets we make a Specialty. We have much of this kind of Goods in stock at present, and in few days we win have -' TWENTY-SEVEN VARIETIES OF DECORATED, CHAMBER TOILET SETS. Dinner and Tea Sets In nearly the same propor tion. Our Retail Shelves are complete filled with the largest and best selection of China, Crockery and Glassware ever brought to this country. Much care taken In packing. Circulars and price list furnished upon application. Thanking you for past patronage, Ac, I remain; Respectfully, JOHN BROOOTELD, Trade St, near College, under Democrat Office, :; .-:. . ; Charlotte, N.C Jan. 22, 1878. pXisjcjellattejcrtts. gUBT'S GARDEN SEED. A large supply of these popular seed,Hust recelv- a r Von22- "" , . ' ! . 0 CASES HOSTETTER'S BITTERS, 100 barrels best Kerosene Oil, 100 ounces Quinine, 50 ounces Morphine, 400 boxes Window Glass. iwaf, i t, WILSON 4 BUR WELL. TJSE BURTON'S PECTORAL SYRUP For your cough. , Jan23 WILSON ft BUR WELL. J3RESCRIPTIONS carefully prepared at WILSON & BUB WELL'S. Drugstore. an22 JfOR A BAD COUGH Take Burton's Pectoral Syrup. Jan22 D WELLING HOUSE WANTED. A flrstclass tenant who is willlmr to nav a liberal rent wants a good dweiungnouse-wiuo to a rooms Trade or Tryon street and as near as possible to the public square, is preferred. Appiy to o. wniis.uwsa.1. lanlO f w E ARE ALWAYS READY And wfllmg to Bhow goods whether or not you are reauy to ouy. Ij. u. w justuik a uu. B FINE WINES, And rure Liquors, Three Years Old, go 1 ' "'' OCHRANE'S, , sjtentral Hotel Saloon. Jh( H E U M A t rs M OB GOUT CUTE OR CHRONIC i ALICYLIC A SUBS CUBE. . , r t Manufactured only, under the above Trade-Mark by the . , . . EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., i i OT PARTS ABS LKTPZIO. -Immediate , relief warranted. ;JPermanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated ecaming a Staple. Harmless, and Reliable Remedy fin both continent ,The , Hlgl. M of Paris report 95 cures out of 100 cases within three daTS,,-SeoretMrhe only dlasoJverwfitase poisonous Uric Add which exists In the Blood of Rheumatic and. Gouty Patiente, $1U)0 box.7 boxes for So 00. Sent to any address on receintioc nrlce. Endorsed by phyalelansv.rSold by 1 druggists. Ad dress WASHBURN K AX)., novJT j CoImportera! Deiio23amVN. Y. rm caSh wttt I pubchasx r TT OPn rinLke. old bed 26x4 incnes.; wasm use untu a hew one. Address' J. C? BAILEY. Enterprise and Mountaineer; GreenvlUe, 14 tf MM. Hi.HA xrjv ' f iCENTRAL, HOTEL ALOON , t . i For Standard Pure Liquors. ' . ' :," --'I'" ' ' -! ! ! PRESCRLPTIONS . : s ' - " ,oecio.-a'Ki r i Jt . iWM.'.i Druggists. K"HM5J') JflNE FRENCH BRANDY, Wines and Whiskies for medical nuruoses. can aecis Druggists iiiiTi r: ;In consequence of the wduct tothe price t the original eost pi materials, and In, Prder to gite my patrons the benefit of the reduction from and after this date Photographs win be taken at my Gallery at - REDUCED BATES. septa? KM J.H, VANNESa .7.'Ofr.H ' V r f. i H .1 J IIKRCHANT TAILOR, ; '-:T ' -Next door to Wilson ft Burwell's drug store, ' CHARLOTTK, S. C declS JAMES MURPHYiTT' KIM Ii' PRACTICAL Owlng to thft strmgefacy of the times I will la ta-. jure jwns very cneap. win, mara flne .suits lor Sift Cassimem' Butts' fflaJ PanU hf mtltR kutia raies. i guarantee an my work I July 17. " wuw. r - - - - r& M the uuariuiMl Hotel Will month. . 1 Jan26 lw iced" to $15.00 per rQ MM lPow ioiaoed,7b editor PropdetoraJ JOTICE OF SEIZURE. : : tr' s. internal' t3U Ooneetor's Office. 6th District North v. ,. ; : efstAmriiio hi r. nMamhi7Hi t una Seized for violation of United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Saturday, December 37th, '78: 2 mules and I waeon and harness, one barrel of whisker, the property oiW. F. Buma. d,u i j -.i ; . Notice fs hereby elven to the owner or claimants of the above, described : property to appear before me at my omee in BiatesTUie, ana mas ciaun thereto before the xDlratiQn of. thirty days from date hereof, or the ame will be forfeited to the unueamaiesai. o 'J. JHuit, 4, o. zomrer f? mMl 's a ;.' 'itvomtsotso )anl4w oaw -, ' ;';!r "OTICE OF SEIZURE. . t d p.-, United States Internal Revenue. Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina. lna, y.i 187&I v statesvuie, n. v., veoemoer otn, i Seized tor violation of United States Internal Revenue;Law8j on Saturday, December 6th, '78: Ten boxes Tobacco, as the property Of J. F. Fare. Nottoe is hereby Klven to the owner or claimants of the above1 described DroDertv to apDear before me at my office In StatesvUle, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United states. J. J. jautt, ; . dec254woaw . ' Collector. NOTICE OF SEIZURE. , , , ., .isjijijn united States Internal Revenue, Collector's Offloe. th Collection District N. C. . StatesvUle, Dec 18th, 187a Seized for vibiaiion ' of United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Wednesday. December 18th. 1878: , ; , i. - - Five boxes Tobacco, the property of T. C Striek er. ... Notice Is hereby civen to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at iny office in StatesvUle, and make claim thereto before the expiration or thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States, J J. J. MOTT, JiG.YocHO, - Collector. Deputy. Jan. 16 8t iIELDBROa, WH0LS8ALB HQ) EST AIL GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCE ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF THX CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been newly furnished and is kept In first-class style. Terms, Per Day 8200 Table Board, Per Month. 16 00 rv-Omnlbus and Carriages at every traln.. HELD BROTHERS, Proprietors BEN KIMBALL, Clerk. dec! 'TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE Salisbury, N. C rCS. Bbowi, Proprietor, RLate of the National Hotel, Raleigh.! C & Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelbum As- dee 80 , . gTTJDEBAKER WAGONS. I am now In receipt of a large lot of the celebra ted 8TUDEBAEEB WAGONS, all sizes, which will be sold on reasonable terms. CALL EARLY, and supply yourself with the best wagon oat T. H. GAITHER. Jan.8-. 'gov gljettt TjOR RENT, The two stores In the Grier ft Alexander building UU liwn NlWh Li, Ml IH M M mil an26tf JpOR RENT. A three room dwelling house on Sixth street well and kitchen in yard. Apply to J. W. WADSWORTH. Ruction gates. N0- ' : : By virtue of the power conferred m mortgage .made by T. J. Wilkinson and Ijuit h. WiiMnsnn to the Charlotte Bulldlns and Loan AaaoejaMnn. I will sell at public auction, a house and lot of land uv&muK vu HIO a V. UOLUUOU, 111 Square PIU. OOt' beginning at a stake on the N. C. Railroad and run ning with said road to L. A. Phillips' comer, thence with her line 180 feet to a stake, thence parallel with said railroad 49 feet to J. B. Shannonhouse's line, thence to the beginning, which is now claimed subject to said mortgage by E. W. Mellon. Said property to be sold at the court house door ta tne city oi linarioae on the 1st Monday In March. 1879, for cash, the amount due the Charlotte . uuuuing ana ioan Association: pelng 5229.26, -'i''!Jiv- a eTochbane ! - decl9tds 8ecy sndTreas. MAXWSLL. 0. F. HARRISON, Auctioneer. jyjAXWELL ft HARRISO" nr. t AUCTION and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i & r i 0 Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of . ; .-5 MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; r tt r", r.4 s Win give strict personal attention to all business entrusted to our tare. it7? iry: v lUi ,'H- t 4 :'J'i . I Four doors above Charlotte HoteV decs. PAT Esnecial aftentlnn tn tnn mtatl traa and n wwua nj wainuuea or tne oest quality. , declt RIVENT1K. Carolina. Druggists aiy ntrsGTL ....LEMOWlf if W : .1 . . . 7r-. i . . . w. ; . ,. . VFfc. try ;, r. E R R Y'S C A B O M E LO ERR Y ' S 0 A R O M E L Of The greatest luxury of the age (50c per pound.) Also remember that he keeps the finest assortment of Candies ever seen in Char lotte. ErT" Ladles partic ularly invnea to eau. V VANILLA. VANILLA. XrJ ANILLA. CHOCOLAT EBB , CHOCOLAT g CHOCOLATf CHOCOLAT bB. V ANILLA. Janl8 rpHE "RISING SUN." According to the command of Joshua of old, al though repudiated by the " Jasper Philosophy " of the new, is now standing still, at the Old Place, on Trade Street, opposite the Market House, plus Hornet Fire Engine Hall, where tbe light of reason Dominates the surrounding atmosphere, which in vests all things with the glow of Inspiration, and the world no longer seems M A fleeting show, To man's Illusion given,' Once on a time, in another Hemisphere, "Man's Illusion" was checkmated and fanaticism stamped out In the Holy Wan of the Cross vs. the Crescent, (the Crusades). Two million men were killed and a pyramid was erected from the bones from one battle-field alone, near NIeve, by Solyman, as a monument to then fanaticism, and the Saracens drank beer out of their skulls. Since then, fol lowing the Reformation, in Christian conflicts (so called,) fifty million more were slain "aa by Di vine appointment," making probably in all, 100, 000,000 who have victimized themselves to their faith. Peter the Hermit had nothing to do with the latter conflicts. He had Peter'd out some time previous. The present Hermit who runs the "RISING SUN" Is pleased to say that he has received his stock since Christmas, and has now on hand FERRY'S CELEBRATED GARDEN SEEDS (warranted to eome up without the erwetie of your neighbor's chickens), In addition to his stock of Candles, Nuts Raisins, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Flour.Lard, Sardmea, Canned Fruits, Apples and Oranges. In fact everything kept In a Confectionery and Gro cery, c. a HOLTON. Jan 19 Democrat and Home copy. ml stxtt. R EAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and win Advertise free of cost, all properties placed In my hands for sale. ? THOa F. DRAYTON, declO Charlotte, N-. a T7 -TO RENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FOR REN OR RENT. 10 Boom House, two' blocks from public square, 920 per month. 5 Room House, acre of ground attached, four blocks from public square, $16 per month. 7 Room House, with 6 acres of land attached, price J160 per year. 7 Room House, four blocks from public square, $15 per month. FOB SALE. 4 Room House, with good lot, prlcejS 1,200. . 4 Boom House, with good lot, price $700. .7 5 Room House, with acre and half of land, four Blocks from public square, price $3,000. r, jii.iij .. . - - WANTED. 7 to 10 Room House, near public square. . 3 to 4 Boom House, near public square. Call at ' " f-"''' ' DAWSON ft CXP8, . : a.- J.- ' Old Bank of Mecklenburg Building. . decl8 JR. A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST l OFFICE OVER L.R. WRISTON 4 CXyS '. ' DbtoStobb. , - I Wlt-25 "years v experience I ; guarantee entire TyiLSON ft BURWELL DRtrMias, r,' , - t !.' ,BlustWlved.?, .' - .. v , :. .! I it '.in. I .7: ,. i - i i ' .I i Gelatine, r.n i. . . i . . t . I: t . i i Corn Starch. t t': I'i tt r Sherry Wmeji T:r';.'' !k-'ltavottog Extracts! i. ! .1". All Of the bMt niuiltv nw tatl fAi rr.? BUTTEBICX'S " 1 1 ' ' ' ' v i - Ana raaems of Garments for February received rto. -J this day, tfitili ,.tlwU 1 TIDDY OTHEV i i janlT ST. NICHOLAS ' 5 J ' ; -.l SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE , FOB GrSL8AlfD BOY3. JBKAX' CKlLDBBir'S KAGAZINK. Messrs. Scrlbner ft Co., In 1873. Imn ik. . cation of St. KTf!wnT?a n m?:?"? She pubn. for Girt Tand i ByaTwIth Mri KMawS1!Wne editor. Five rears have tmJ .t.1 ag berwas issued, and the magazine h.? taghest position. It has a mS etelS 3e 1 ' " ovkb 50.000 coma. It is published simultaneously in Londnr . New York, and the transatlantic reoct n?, i an taostaa general and hearty as toeAmSn 18 f " thourijae progress of the inagmr Kl M' ( of best, oecause her Ideal continuauT,!?6?3 SSXdl8 &X2H riAF0 Jready favorite "A JOLLY FExtoWSHTP," in FinTwa I2 ftf'lK011 01 travel and adventure toffiater dtoeBahamaa- For the girls! 3 "HALF a DOZEN HOUKEXEKPKBS," Sl83?6 D: Smith, with Illustrations by Frert erickDlebnan begins In the same number andt serial by Susan CooUdge, entitled' vi 2&Y m peatJ of PlcturesTwlU be comment early In the volume. There will also be a Trm. ued fairy-tale called 06 a "a- "EtJlCPTr DODGET'8 TOWKK," Written hv Jntfnn Rmriiinnui ,... . . Alfred FrertcksT About" the'other . ..wavc, uoiKUi) (IQIIUIUS. W ll tBr Volumes AhvAiv laaiuui : rvivThoo JL' Ver DTe ln,respect.toshort VvtoSg! uuiiiur,- liisffucnye sketcnes, and the lure and department, and the "Letter-obx," and "EwSe-- Term& JKI.fKI 'W rnr- K nonfo o . sorptions received by the publisher of this pam and bv all hnnlrasllara on ,t,. paper, ntag Jo subscribe direct with the publisherl should write name, postofflce, county and state in full, and send with remittance In check ; p'o money order, or registered letter to ' " J ,n oUKIBNER & CO dec0 743 Broadway, New York. HE SCIENTLflC AMERICAN. THTETT-FOUETH TEAR. The most Popular Sdentiflc Paper in the World.. Only $3.20 a year, Including postage. Weekly, 52 Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. ThA Rr.TVJTI Vin lvmTri v 4 nln , . WeJ??,eip?pe5of 8tateen Pages. Printed In the most beautifnl ntvlo nmfnul? lllf,.J j ' , .c J v.uuu U1UOUIMCU Willi splendid engravings, representing the newest in- Tuuvuo iuiu we uwbii icvent advances m the Arts, and Sciences; Including New and Interesting Tacts. Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History' wviivuy. jiuc uiust vaiuauje practical papers, byemlnent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American Terms, S3.20 per year; $1.60 half year.whlchm eludes postage. Discount to agents, single copies ten cents. SoM Ibyall Newsdealers. Remit by Row, New York """D"C1B' ot rarK tr Arjui-r& in connection with the Scientific American, Messrs. Munn ft Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents hava y,aA o experience, and now have the largest establish ment in the world. Patents are obtained on the ikkm. terms, a special nouce is made in the blen tiflc American of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given. nilhllft JUITlt1nTl la rtlnantajl tn tvn r .u ' m . " " ' vw-v w lllCllta Ui Lilt? new patent, and sales or Introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery n Invention, nan nuerf9ln fnunf nhonn v,.v, . patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. We also send free our handbook about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade- j uvn fi wmcu, vv 1H1 11H1L0 for procuring advances on Inventions. Address for aiv yoyo 1 1 yg iwrnttnuug pofcenio. r JLIUX'I, w- 87 ark Bow, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. ft 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. nov!9tf JJARPER'S WEEKLY. 1 8 7 9. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THE 'PBESS. ThA WntT.T wmotna aocHIw ot ,Ka t.An A, n..n trated papers by Its fine literary quality, the beauty Jt wvvuvi opniigiKjia ixepuoiicaii. Ite pictorial attractions are superb, and embrace flrerr vAriAfv of mhiiM)t snH ovHoHa tAfvnAnf -nwjwww Hint J WWOMV Zion's Herald, Boston. ine wraw is a potent agency for the dlssemi- ful opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences. ntkrtt-wtw l?vmniin Tk.AWA Aaicuui auvitb, Auuutior. v. buv " ajuUjI l(U V AtJJ LAIC UlDfc Momoer of January of each year. When no time to manHAnaJ f r11 V... 1 . . j 1 . . . . . u uouaivucu, u itiu ua uuueisumu uuu me SUD- scriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of his order. . HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year, $400 Harper's Weekly, 44 " 4 00 Harper's Bazar, " " ..... 400 The Three publications, one year, 10 00 Any Two, one year,;... 700 Six subscriptions, one year, 20 00 Terms for large clubs furnished on appplieatlon. Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The annual volumes of Harpeb's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume), for $7.00 each. A complete set, comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re ceipt 1 of the cash at the rate of $5.25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 each. Remittances should be made by postofflce money order or draff to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are hot to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper k Brothers. Address HARPER k BROTHERS, , decll New York. 1879 1879 TOE FOUR REVIEWS AHD B LACEWOOD. Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative, ; The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections; they give tbe originals In full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. Np publications can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep pace with modem thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether in religion, science, lit erature, or art. The ablest writers fill their pages with most Interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent narration of the great events of the TEBMB FOB 1879 (MCLCDIKQ POSTAGE): ; . . Payable strictiv In advanrA. iror any one Review, For any two Reviews, For any three Reviews. For all four Reviews, . For BlJU.lmmni1'B Mnmvlna $ 4 00 per annum. 10 00 J 12 00 4 00 ur .mac wuua una one ueview, 7 00 ' For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " For Blackwood and three 13 00 " For Blackwood and four , .M 15 00 " , if ' t 'POSTAGE. This Item 6f expense, now borne by the publish ers, Is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on the cost to subscribers in former years. ' ""'" I n. T. TT R fl. . j A Jl.. & . M i. ' . atTl t.A mIIammOI'Ia clubs of four or more persons. . Thus; four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for $48, and so on. ; .u ! ' ' ,' PREMIUMS. : ' New subscriberff (applying early) for the year 1879 may have, without charge, the numbers for Ihe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may subscribe toe ? - ? Or, instead, new subscribers to any two, three or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the M Four Reviews" for 1878; subscribers to all live may have two of the "Four Reviews,", or one set 01 Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. ' , V ' Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money Is remitted direct, to the publishers, ; No premiums - given to dubs. . , . : -. . ,t - To secure premiums tt will be necessary to make early application, as the stock available for that purpose is Umlted, - Reprinted by - . ; ' iTH LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING - 41 Barclay Street, New York t 'I I I. i 1 I A f - I

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