. t 1-v i t f Mi - i 9i Si 4)5 !; i) 1! ft :1fi 1 3 r-t a-- pljasthacfetti MA THURSDAY, JANUARY SO ItflW THE BOOT OH TAX OTHETTUE.'' ; ! M,Ife te AKalWttfOWAOttM the congress- 7 chairmanTappoinied under Mr. Blaine s resolutiOAa&dUrtdtO outrages J lb - eonnecti ion -witttih - rece -.mtionia ivsittineinflCrles whither it ', i$6le&&flwa session atojtfiw forleani : The inVesftgaWn 'of the South Carolina election has been in progress for ten days or two weeks, and the testimony has been published atrgreat length r the Charleston 'New and Courier., Thi whictf the News and Courier placed over its report of last Monday's proceed ings of" the committee. The testimony taken that day is from both Democrat! and Republicans, but the , general charf acter-of itindicafssi; dationof the most flagrant sort, prac ticed by Republicans in their condud the jEfleKcrttti Republican manager in Williamsburg countv. S. A. Swails. coloved, was,dri.Yn from the county, not on account of hi politics, as has been charged, but be cause of his notoriously bad character. it having been proven on him that h had been guilty of bribery and corrup tion, as a State Senator, and that he had stirred up the negroes to arson and vi3j- As a matter of current Quj , as going to show whVcnparit1 wa that practiced intimidation in the elect tion of 1878, the testimony of Jack Epps, colored, taken bythe committee, is interesting. Epps testified that he was a Baptist preacher, in the county o Williamsburg. He had not cared vote at the last election and had no done so. After the election a numbe of his congregation had come to him and asked him why he didn't vote, and and that he had ben leading , tbeiudwn J h6iiiuWheri he got up in' tne pulpit t "the iieirt Staay ffieW'pWt on their hats and went out and wouldn't hear him. He thought they would eret t'-(vft5 and nthotoehee3rtuSi-t ;day he. ent to-re&cW agaih;,aIhdhgot f -MiftPwlP1 aftne .oiita eiders, iJaek i Burgess.jggt up.and orded!!bim.totgpt I out oi tne puipit, tnat tney would not hear him, because he had not voted the Republican ticket at the election. They ,.all aajne around him and -wanted! him tog arilo.and opess that.he had committed a sin. He would not beg pardon because he didn't know that he had done anything wrong. They there upon refused to let him preach inhi$ bmbW; amil?ad aoVlelMm upfcrtfeii tiniejrfe46elliS-'eahei?'Wf the churhs.here he, w-as !&ccustometl-to preacli. J. B. Chander testified that he was at Cedar Swamp polling place, Williams burg county, and tbyate Iheeyp ing a great crowd of armed negroes sur rounded the house where the election a!i being-held arid srtHfc&fthex should not be counted. Witness learned that it was the intentipa of the negroes to murder the managers and seize the box. That night the negroes came to his house and fired off thei guns and raised a'gteatntflse nearly all night Paul Lud wig, of Columbia, teslifiwl to having gone to Sumter for the purpose of organizing a Democratic club, and his life was threatened and he was given until 6 o'clock, tQjay town 'being iaij that if he was found after that hour h would be sent to Columbia in a box. 1 '; !! Several &MmmMti4 Columbia testffied W lavftig c been subf jected to threats of death unless they abandoned ffieiP Deihbocatic associa tions, and to havinen.jbpld pj col ored neo tnatf ney would join tne4emr The mosimflrnfcteatimony of th4 day was thit -WEwar Perry, astal tioner and printer of the city of Char- veritable boomerang:ilIeiff 'arcleaasd of endeavoring , to gather grapes of thorns and figftnities, and the Rej publicans aastfiding ou that in their efforte te prove frand (in the Dem-j crats, they are" only succeeding in be4 smirchmgWdie5brIKetf Srn house hold. ot f a tlU rtwg.-g) tilmbata It ithd ot woq Apropos the discussion of thew- posed grant of a charter to the Raleigh' & AugUBtaiQkir-iin'ilailToad Compa ny to extend its road from Hamlet 015 'eTseeWbni'its'Ui' WJ0httrib;t1,owei cquoiiherifoUowingfparagrapljjattpei-l it very fully tJifctouldf4inor:rreateiifolly.to"watj tempt to Teverse the directijqn not M natural streams than tifTeeV W fom business against the natural currents of trade." But what is established in, comraCAriotrab3Kay3vnaliuraJ, or. irreVer&ibiei . Tftwonff 3??&MTte8t, a tfenetalndTnatttrltt distirtbutton of tne uusmtwa wo w j umu- ously plan ana constt uuu huuu noes 01 public transporUonas. , Mil .place the' great body tHe elf dn the nearest ?;ki onnalitv. resoectinz railway and water '. facilities, and then allow; commerce to ; flow, in whatever direc-; ' tinn it' Will. " Ti&&& o'tf'ln HhTsaWeiartIcle,IEe nPrwer. sneaking of. a proposition now pending in the General Assembly to wayofOTiJieaUviURflckiaghaHi county, to Dan.Kffle, ndfP&V8?toJte -oTa Mfln:Tuttinzitthus: v 1 ' ' re ir - ine. ? : af local'or coanty bui b'Frtlrota the noting caption which stands at the top pi this narabrabn is ftthe5! annroOTiaie captiom ocatjc prty4X;eptor thact: tt it was against the rules of tneir church est ters of this kind the direction of public opinion at tnis aay win do iouna m favor of giving to every people all the railroads th&j'5nK tJfcsire Pi4f themselves, wit io frfeg fdl pf est4 t lished lines, coniiptin mftel i or a j jective points. Ujrji Mj$KJj! This SPourideaiatiand ais is about what we intended to say, in our. leading editorial yesterday. Let the..ple..Jiai ma34-desire tonhuild for themselves," and tdore especially give them all the ffKgMiiathuH.u.tUuL iMplu,.mi!j,duili u to build fi 4ilposed new I route toYNorfolkanCharlo-dearly 300 mrles distani $om&aciy; it is but 18l mii es ifrW Wilmingtoni; If, afp ter that new line is built, Charlotte business goes or comes by way of Nor folk, it is proof-that -Wilmington has no just claim upon it; if, on the other hand, it goes or comes by way of ' Wilf mpLogjbonv so much th better, as wfc have already saif ; rorWe we srfall bk glad of it and no harm will have, been done. ' j which would forbid tne Duiiaing or railroads into the"Siate from without STEhal flF'toe1 oil &$6W$ "We a?raj well buiKl .a,7HtoesesWsainaround the onxnvJnjroertaU me tkbW8&3& dem(JO04AiMfhich wf havft for so loner claimed that we are to? ty$it ?m 'essr&rw selves and upon our own resource! world. ri As to the argument of some our es teemed Wilmington contemporaries. that the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Linfe Aaagfi j,, iwheiHffis remembered that the Carolina Centrajl Railroad Company, with which our contemporaries are upon such cordial relations, in .this -matter, is itself a "for eign crpoir4fifwAeaj3uid, operated by non-residents of the State. W e would not have it understood, however, that to our mindtMStirgaesT aught against this company, for we have more than once, before the present exigency was i j j j ai a. ' Stionsa vrBichQ:oni inW-bar :State!itof pour out A heian anoncey arvj t& , le-build and prosecute wprks.,pf .mternaL im provement which our own impover- without the necessity for any commuj nicatiotri";wli?ei outsidi irtwd Beopie.Are wfc,abletOipacoec.,5uai,Ter .'ysiifiradrt I Lease of a Newspaper. Messrs. John 'B.'Hussey ' anS ' Geo.' ' id. Jordan haVe:feased the &ale!gh JVrron' tlie owiHer fbflttel'ter6f - 'years; and "ill henceforth .aondoetit. Mr. Jordan has 1byeen,,the binessmanager of thepaper for five years past and f prthe Jasttiphree luoiiuis mr. xiussey nas ueen its euiior. He has.conducted its columns, with pru dence, ability an&sbrillMiey, ,-well sus taining the' high " reputation which he li&d ptevioixsly establlslied:as a journal- iat We are sincerely 'glad, to know that )ie,is,to becflme a, fixture, jn journalism at the capital, he new p.rQprieJors an nounce that they writ shortly put a new dress' on the paper i antl therwjjse im prove it. They are both young men men oi capacity, taci anu energy, ana conducted with -the1 ability which the management is- CApable' fy and upon i business principle, ;we loofeifor the News Jto.do, noany years seryice yet for the State and for the Democratic party. Tobacco Tax Redfction. A fai- vorable committee report is certainly a material step in the diiection of the re- dtfetiori of tlie'tdbacco l&x,utrit Is not $ nificrr ja half Ihfe battfe. wtiwwe are nfftny in Kwhfcfi SctiSn can be staved off until after he 4th of March, and even if iftwereixought to-day to a square vote of the houses, it is much td be doubted if the bill making the proi posed reduction in the tax would be able to run the gauntlet. The Chinese. The cry henceforth nj6Mit& fieayy0oWhich the bill restricting Chinese immigration Tinvlll aKtf pass ffie.Sehat&Lahdtlhu Will a check be put upon this inundai- tion of Aiaaerrcftrrseil-'by-the almonds eyed lefpajois mrsx (tjU t 1 -rmm rra r ! The best remark, jri reference to the cipher dispatdhes is credited to M4 newiti-, 01 JewAj3ri5, wno says tne fact that the Southern returning boards eweJBB) for.sal vnnd thatlMn fSildea-. had that he is not President, are proofposi tive that he is not guilty of the things wherewith he is Charged. bnrtlotijiT !'i-tjr.in-i 1; M'MifttWiWl ..I .1H10O LA Once Prrtniuent Man Dies in Povcily and i- ffhiadtfUifesah. John Larard, who died on Saturday last, aged 88 years, m obscure lodgings; at 442 Keyser street hadnS? cMelrcW: taining many - intereetutgMiPorticularsj He was itn Englishman by birth,-of a! rlaag ilipgiara prluratinn, and it is a aid; that at Tnn ibridge, hi was a classmate 6: Macanlay an,di nri lTifirnat-A tiji-fria particularly aisnngrasnea aar a matae- matician and astronomer. When Wel-I lipgton 1 conducted the campaign in; Eneland was striDned of her soldiervJ Larard enBifid'Irfttrfettiiilrtla organized! for the home defence, and was station-j eq at Jfortsmoutn and Dover... my' years aeo. on account of some . family! troubles, he 8aefctttAiaerica and bei came a celebrated manufacturer of woolen machinery and perfected many improvements in the mechanism. His knoweIfetebn all ffmtWra "cbttiected therewith was so noted that when the manufacturers, effected a combination feiIftatHwas,kiKXWBs the; patent ialek case Larard was sent to Washington as an expert to settle knotty points before the SuDreme Courf.,u",Businee8 reverses happened to him and he gave up man- were so excellent that he'-jwas constant-' iy consulted by manufacturers at,3er manlxjw,''May4nlc;!Bridburg:and in the city. For forty years he resided in the one-atorv tenfimfmt In TTevsAr vow w MV1 Will He at one time rxssessrflrtvvo t and valuable library, but by necessities m wuipcucu 10 uait wim neany all ;of ; his vmelfiedntinued his mathematical ' fltld Mfrnnnminul searches-'- toMie:-ltt . His death 'was FORTY-I'IFpj.CQXGRESS. is the House in Committee onthe Poslhl Bill -W a r rn armnr5 an n arv9fl:-S'i!rsn tut f IpaSsAd!: a ot vbills grritiiW pewsfdns; r Ml month to the. Widow of . the late Oren I tbe Robt AndfrfpQBfaaMafpsr increasing the pension cCDLMry32l..;Walkerrto AvANsILVIMP GuinTTjfaMi iii nMaIW. Myrtle iGroye oyster fifty cents, p ? Birmingham; Jan. -Hinks & Sons' 20wr month,-ra-:--i- o rrw 1 , .Iw&WiWPM&S iamunciF jespiufions n rBgara to tne 1 constiftitiaaal dmewm be disl- cussea tcmorrow; wnen Jorgan, 01 Alahama. is entitled to the floor to speak on the substitute, the resolutions vAionr v on hmitrnn rir rinrfc 1 ttottstc. After a short strusrrfe thA Republicans who desired to liave a tnommff nour were votea down; ana thpHouee, bj aivotaiof yea8lr8i nay lift, aexermineoTLO iiho ucommiitet of the whole on the postoffice approt appropriation bill. Among the amendf menra auoptea was a provision require inerthat no deficiency shall be made starcara bn aw lme" 'Amendment were also adopted increasing the approf nriaiiipn for route agent9nincreasMg,tli? prfatfofi'Mtfmprt routes, for railroad transportation ana -t for steamboat transportation. : THE POTTER COMMITTEE. Testimony as to How the Dispatched Reached the Tribune utner inter esting Evidence. Washtngtont. Jan. Lellan. assistant chief of the warrant(lieottYe)igreg9iaHOShtI"fijii -c:, drtiMoBiof tttreasufy; EtatedPtnaie sequence or a TetterTrom Sec: iuu " v "t cipher dispatches was there two days, and succeeded in deciphering them btlofiT "Tf t" itliuii -.r5Jo?fm ! 4 means of a "dictionary key" with whicn, .-vroe x.iwnmgtQn dtmetp&taus .tnjat he had been provided. He recognized j,Cpeearielub,iwthatj1eitynfea$ Nos. 10, 12 and 14 on page 37 of thi ele.ttie.foilflwmgL-ofltoera Tribune pamphlet and No. 15 on page! ensuing yeariCaPi- fiiXiMyeTSjpresi-; 88 aa nart of those dianatches. The'rdMft.JiiWiDiUlhaiIi.TiceADi8 . . , 1 j j 1 - committee werenoi in session at ine aviewij vr. wnv?y jvofleKrewy-, ua time he made the examination, but. 1, treasurer;, : mu-Aain:vyjn other experts were at work on the dis-, KSSS- SLtT. "LthmS i Ahil anq; was unable clurthWkey-'h .coyereLvf 'loo;. a.-.a a Aian4-aa coni k I Kectc,: Bobeft' Wil ai not then been ,dls- hlarharn?A. n. Wallal Thniu A'i Vtfo 1 .cftmmittene?WQE.t a 1 WrBrownifetorekeeners and catena-' of Wmg? Washington." They reported . every- Orange, cpnnty man i and Leverv therogfeBsef tbe RepubHcak party In friendof .ttie University o-uld haveat the Florida ectjQft, anjeQntaAned;, bearti.andi as. the bill asks only ax;har letter of present Interest Tyner pro- er and conywt labor, we see no reason duced tne cipher telegrams to Jb oster ana Chandler and stated that their contents ? tne Ureen- I backers of )fIadiana toga the aBepubli-j itallrbad two colored raeli1 were grub can ticket and to purchasing, the J bins' a fieldJ Thev trt& 1 to nnarrRlKnr. , Indianapolds Sentinel, the Democratic irui. iuo liiuiicv iusneu iui ww 111- I tended for legitimate campaign ex- nenses and was provided by the mpann a mono - rjiib ; LifWk : fn Secretary Chandler's - dispatches "ap-1 point tWo Indian agents' meant ' send rO,000nd iid tretntfer tOiutiy' ap-! pOintmentS To-morrow Whitelaw Reid, editor of the Tribune, J udge South wood and St Martin will be called. A PAPAL ENCYCLICAL. !. Mil' 1 1 i i i.--n-...-iu: ---'ft j i The Commttnlstsv8elaltittsand Iflhtlists Anathcmatiicd bj.Uls floUnessu .New York, January 29.-Some of the morning papers publish the full text of Pope Leo's encyclical letter. It is saia to nave oeen written Dy tne l Railroad, and Capt John F Divine su Fontiff himself, and the Uondon Stand- f perintendent of the Wilminirton, Co- am Kaman correspondent feavs itiaa at subject 'of dis6ussion utc-dav. uch of it gives reason to believe that there is to be a great change from Pius Nintli's policy. The Socialists, Com- munists and Nihilists are anathematiz- ed as a death-dealing plague that is creeping into jali thQf.fibres of human societv. i WASUINCTOS ITEMS. Wasjungtos, Jan.2p.--Senator Christ tiancy; 6f Michigan; waHo-day nomiT Bated--and- tsonfinned -as minister 40 Ppni 'Henry Page, of Arkansas, was con firmed as Indian-agent A-i.l - l . r chusetts, representing the fishing inter- est, tMayihMnference.Tyvith Sec- retary Evarts and urged the abrogation ui su mucu ui me treaty ot v asiungton as relates to the fisheries. : T a Pottsville, Jan. 29. It is reported this morning that tne "miners employed at the liuke Fiddler and Cameron cU jiierit spuaau, 4iau resomep, wotk ab uutsiKuiu wages, jyvesiigaiion; snows er iciuac w gu w .wviD.iuj.uiB juuiuar con- eefinn iJtfradri tirfrto frAtriarla nf fhoir lenow-wurKiiiBii tu tue uameron mine. 1 i XI : ' Motion r. ,.1, Jan. 29 In the; admiralty Jf" Co2t4Sf!9l8Sc5- to-day, a motion to arrest the United I States frigate Constitution and her car-! ba. wasrgnemTTiie epan8! Jftjr-trte t Uie company otftredUftJjukeid- 1 4-ji i i-i " v iv. in itscHMUlIIir me snair States minister, claimed that the tolZS&ZSSMXE BwuwiiwHiuu cargo were not witnin- tne lunsmction or tne court.: SirKobt.: .0 .VI ,'jJJoiifiri'J ,iirn' warrci5 Louisiana Election Arrests?'''' nvein the next few .daysSoiisdaiMi : lmlnt)uln.'uii9 Jhe French DlgereHcea Net flttllni. thi3 teeming-had-areonferenee with MeMa hon. It is geataU? lied tie-JJUii-- to-nirrjOiWijatv Versailles Drierntoiith opening of Ihe Chambers to :,deUfcerfcte-! upon tne situaliun. Atlanta GJt January rlneral Sherman and party arnyeator4ay,, ,3;bis is his first visit to the city'sihce the wafc Several thousand people congregated at the depot, whither they went out of cu riosity. - There ete'riettfter cheers nor signs of disapprobation. The party will attend toghlAbalk-igivaira in their honor at the McPherson barracks. . J C .KOOJAa J3TOH JAilTitn TA - Wharton coiffjVfrl' WaMnir Wmrt in': Tr'LIIiliS various pamhescyfr .partiea.". aaainati nnn MMMnfim twminnf.. .r,j Fi- irrff. wjioin true oins nave Deeni iouna Milwantjw.maiftoilJiis OT' T ',i:.': r rioniiTj?iecsionawstfi8 'wemynlne i ,rljiIj3 4iuwwpw.im ' "? i h m jjuonmoiw, t4 septembe 'oKmr1 ekfbefetedJtdfM Ntimfts fwfl ?o awn .itari 3?tt ..ji?fyi aaaiiusiL uArft)riozzrri4 fL i hay wfuur tested 3ib lS'Jstavtnatoonei hfeujndiflWiiLKiiff. I naftrtl fftyi nit;'tr!4al9jw' n? t ha i I. vSt!r,?ESSTj "7T - STATE . "I FOBEIGJf BRIEF ITKMSl T U - ' S'N - hx - ' - - ' Jjh --iJi ' f 4 stales vme naajsurrs ucearacon last Thursday and Friday evenings. -; Wilmington is sufferinz a regular er iiemiaM narkies-f al 1 i n g-in-the-riyer. J vmr.uau nBtspni succeeas ait. aistoa itslgtoal'omcer atlVilmingten. - irirhta f . PlKtaa - ma Tn. T?avftt. t ?WwPT.T: :: . " v r 1 . iuuo au uuauuussi ua aiiempi w essuajjw last Sunday night fw,, J'- j itauflgtpi :js , to, Aave the Adah ilZ--SJS'SLi-i: 4!o"iW lAirjCoolv ha3 been arfpointed to hMl vcjtncy;inl;bboariii of : eommis- J i.Bionere iwojsteu;Buniyiij: 1 .5, . esta" Price .wi 2ii i; 'uoi-iifej; f?i 'to vr'd W,:!Mur- ,fttM3wwyDiiwu!a 4M.iij.oi JrriHiMiidle. Sound; Started 1 last!Snndav.'Was attacked with; illness I J voi thiway as ftrrie4 .to', th; house pf iibjeTbdaughtfi? jaeaiU; byjmdi3,witfij- hm anQ)U(tuo .yd r .-if oxi nr.urryi). ; iihat MrJ J6hfl'Pobe 'Waaflral ub6h: last laA'i'4Mf4iWruu'L. iJx 4fMa'tot.tiia.t;; Blue .ot ''iuwmetutKiis';cuiruu.;" iub 1 wmiMbe' aMaMMfimTiaited Mr. 4ooe j Thk saysjfe'patri- areniQIIiUSf amummauuiLnJiey. h vtm. Plumer7BvW.)preedl ieshytersaja-etoirchrat iWhiteryillei:last ffiCelstoh'Samed in'- Wil- 1 tne atar, were omcerea oy uapu yeo. Atn&SaW i j .1. . rf-x, 1 T 1. j I ? i-w10pbfljjiitgiJ.--iUvi been made in tbl mteraal revenueser- - '. - iHillshoro Recorder; Mr.' Anmr has inMd. tochfurter thUjoiver- v; vfimwvw iK m-j :.! ; V" The 'Wilmington Bun says that at "Rockingham: hn the rarftHna Pntrsl rhen one of them picked up an axe and lairt rnn nrnpr'H slrnll nnon ?f nnd Mrc kiflirieTiim insiitantly. Th nflfaif rv. curred Batnrday last : Graham Gleaner The bear, it is said. - 8ti11 opntfflnesto.roaiUthe streets at night, seekmg whom he may devour. .maV. oee u ran'iujuia blucc, uut lUBbeou lit i chancetobe a poor, innocent dog. We ! understand that the owner to prevent a like fate, are chaining their i dogs at nOm& v :-- -. '-.':- : iidiaMdkn&c1 on the 'Wilming ton & Augusta Railroad refused to pay hia' fare'; Conductor Gaillord put him off and the negro, upon; reaching the ground, fired three shots at the cap'n, as.tne train was moving, none or tnem suiKgtneirmarK. All of wrhicn is J.S?;". - .. The says Cant V. Q. Johnson. superintendent of the Carolina Central lumbia A-uc-HatTlailroad, have con- structed a telephone line between Wil- minzton and Meares BlufiL The line connects at Hilton, the Carolina Cen- tral depot," the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta depot, and at Capt John- soa's ofnee in the city, " 1 ,"- ' , , ' ' ' . " ' . - c . - t .::i :. i imi. ti 1. . .' " unci hcri IICIU9. " ' J l:,i i r TbWindso HoteLlew -York, is to sold jmder.forecloaaref .mortgage, February 6. i,,,,,,, ,. -- llhi ;: :'-Tn,imetf.a'M,fhl1iT'fei.' j i beth. j; tmoaypras 'rendered' in- SblebyhP and wasf&anttfroz&i 't6 deal ' ' I wuut AAwuvU W AVCVAA k 1fie conaion of Judge Hunt had bo far improveAMonday morning that he was able tojhaynewipapers read f CT?W.rW4'',4W; l vh.h ia.JWuc ot ttansren i jut iuskivh? it-u m-, -ww xnatwo i JTrenca 1 cooksJi-eocieties ;SpiW the; Aca4eHiy;of Mustc .sA strikuigi feature of the en-r itertairiment'wlll w'the 'exhibition;1 of IcMiik&foikltfVt Wtii'rVfiV. 1-4rM&t n rauBnufiuauy nneonev i anufiuauy one one. n in avj.ii , WoJM4St oSe county. last Satur- j ay ght Vtrv soinef 'aaisfiapras be as ingfronfthe'btftjke i Jiiiu-siTJziyjr-TT . r nttnarea , ieeu' r'ie was 'Tngntimir The bUl providing fotf a'veatiHio frame a new constitution for ttoi State nf TrratawotJfnk va.,000 the lgistetfliliftdWeivL the Gpv kwsWatnr-latiS USTewOrJeaHS 16ri thfl 2t Bf teArir 'fttifei rc6fTifi4i ft rA'1' llj il1 'rv-F"nw?rrn.7 fifth arefinment, armorvji in-.iTpwrVorlr Monday. VanKesTnsWalfc2,obohalf; bmmthM .city whiehis beitt; Mthat.cifT'i gests that should theiHouse sustain the ueiAmittee s(teptt ft? 1s no,(Vnlik011r that an etfortwiulte mao' to take ad Yantagexf the bin iiasaed In March, 1877 ptovidin'folrthe appolntment:of a re smsTt , '; , : r, i n TbeXargest Ruaogtftlliardii) r New York; Xaritn:the';twelfth - &cuji?,oi r.vne uiiara tournament,. De tweeh, Heyser:ana: Gallagher; the latter won, thesoore'being xto 444;a An 1 1 . In the thirteenth game, Sehaefer beat ' Daly 600 to t; dSchaeffer closed the gajnavrath: armi.of.'Sii.but the eXcitfcd 4 awueneen-noiitJieejrtpirjilaylngr and he continued untiThe scored 44 8. : This is thejglargestnfrArA.ever .made in '!'CWUmtagiQnlViMdttdaY "'morns inz:K didl cofasiilerable7 daniaze31 to the 1 Vtae'r'WVTTJ McTjhyi 1 Ti J'TlmJL' TI 1! A. r Uiffht'trv 1 aa ax,nna v0 twn nt ofnToyent - : aa :rftrf4i i twt itrt - . im.jmM t 1 1 ir 1 wr -fc- t r m 7 "" -: o- . ,'FLOWEE?, A. Tf IfflrSrffifEiWirW W take orderf for SDring deUvery of fruit trees, small fruits, oma- mentBitiwwand wvaT.-Wi 8Faubu.w4,x. janaun , 'A BAERELS , , , . 1C iztVU hi iii'A' iWlid 416 Cffilj fcsiJ-U -j:;7d5 VlLri 1 . . .wan - twte -?-r- CHOiqt NQETHEBK a ; n . Ji.J. i. MX .tre'f i-iiJ.-t ft 8 :or:K Af5 rrPPf t!f.Wy .fc , rlU p i!.;,'8! a' Ti; 'irut' "lo ir.'.-.:r ';; a: r : .V.i ii'.-UiJffir. ii' i. f:r (;t if ::'. -u is- .-:iiU (Hint !1 i-;,!, 1 - it '! -' : - i i-i- ": i.. . . . LeBOY DAVIDSON. s A ssussntm inm of - flQaT8ss,Ugradd8, Jdsttn.at -; - i v;-: v- fee a Sector, at LeBOT. DAVIDSON'S, . t lack stbab, komsses l'Z'1''1 " " 1 "'''TLsli'Wi; B . n 1 . i; - 6KOCEEIE8 and CONFECTIONERIES in the city, at LeBOT DAVTDSOWB; Jan30 C LOVER, ORCHARD ' GRASS, UCEBXE, WHITE . CLOVER, Sold from freah stock, by WILSON 4 BUB WELL. Jan30 gUlST'S GARDEN SEED Are the best, sold by WILSON ft BUB WELL. Jan30 10 CASES HUNT API JANOS Mineral Water; 10 baskets (50 jugs each) Apol unatte, Just received. ' WILSON & BUBWELL. Jan30 B UI8T'S GARDEN SEED Are the most popular because the most reliable. . . ' ';-,.... ..... Sold In Charlotte, by an80 WILSON ft BUBWELL. HATE ...'.. ! i-i : . . . : : . ', .' ; ' Just recelTed la fresh supply or superior Tea". , t WILS0N4 BUBWELL, JanSO B UIST-S GARDEN SEED. a large supply oi tnese popular seed, lust recelT- ea, Dy WILSON ft BUBWELL. Jan22 - . ttte are always rkadt 7 .j,.-- j. , tXo'how'i :.oi8- -- i - you are a. vu. I LL1''' 2 And Liqoors, Three Tears Old, go : . i.t-. 'tQCHBANE'!'i entral Hotel 8aIoon. j '. Oil 111 ( ' ! ! .liv'l "i P K B I Af L 18 iA: 1. O O P ,K Bf,,;..- .-Sa; 1 05:0, M ''- ; .'. : ! : . YOW your hainds; all friends1 of taste ' ' ' iy,i tr - A'i' ' i -i i j i ' ' ' . . .rfVN mvbar onlvthiihita nliuMi, . r - - telf.t; , juiman ii receive ngjM reaUgood eheer, stem tn.mv hall fnnnnt-" ' ! 1 ,J j ; iXTEAR ifcyotfu aee more than you'll expect u f-.nun .!; iii'o Jm? !i'.i;.ly 'nil J; h'j j i ijAiuatMrman, xwmesDC wandles. SIK Saidwlaovel ana Hretzel'igoodV ' TXAVTNG Cheese mod Sausage tttbnrof farei I 1 1 w AvANT Judgment and tastemost rare. fcifcXia.-. 1 ,u -j, ; --.f ru t ,.r-! -ti M JACH sip he takes proves what WthlnkSi' j RIGHT off one more he calls aa to bis friend he wtaka; ' ii;,1'J - t Jan22 WHISKEY, DURHAM WHISKE V" AHJIOUM WHISKE 4 Aln'CHttIST, 1 ! 7th, 1878, f .'f aamnkl of ifiuiiluin Ttm by myself. from the stock of y, aua una u iree rrom -eb'airi tto -litaaiBl'.a'"io muina Bdi ni yd ui uiio ooanHy.is.now m tne hands of over 250 dealerejn VlnruW,Noito gla, Lonlslaua aTftTNeTbflc'CTtyTand hot a sin gle complaints' having come to 'us from Lit One of thent, And Many saying tt 1a . the bear, tutlole they' ehandled,; wef feef jaWM&1rm'mendtog J$ to aU jriuy wish1 to get a really vara Mttel of 'JruJ vt$3'i!i i Uio, m V,J j; fl fcj Hone genuine miles hearing iu? teade -tea. Jijl AHfJenl tral Hotel,5 and an other fim-laas hooseM. iKfJ'fl- 'Janltf Im A !.'' .... Mi, GALL AT ri - I' - It i it. 4f vi fitnrand HardwaM H Store and Hardware House for - - Biur your COOK STOVES rom me, as I have 12 good reasons why they will do your work Quick ami Easy,(aeap8aiGli8an?71 3 ' BECAUSE." y.i:1 . 1 ThejareeaeHbay," ult.i (t a a: jsh ;i aaa it k k BECAUSE aousH:iH ha w i i.r They are best to use. I heyevetanjd quickly. xneir operation m penect. BECAUSE !.-.;.: ,n01 ivxiL They always have a good drattf BECAUSE fc..!.XH i-:iiia I They are made of the best material. BECAUSE in :; .,;,.,- .jy, i'i OT j They roast perfectly. BECAUSE " v I They reaalre but-IMeJuei. BECAUSE - They are very low priced. BECAUSE ! !"''' ; '" ' "'n ' : They are ealy jaanaged. . . , j BECAUSE They ae suited to all localities. : BECAUSE ' Every Stove Is guaranteed to give satisfaction : K' '-). "'j t f i 1 JUST IN. TIKK.V, i r. i. . Inl, t We have Just receired ane, eleuon of. such 4 .?-.';t.-t xf ;n Ji'X.tf- !.;.! litO-r .1 . Goods-as yoq wantor o: i T 'i . ;. ii ! .'MI ' - i If CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, I , - T';..t n 8 ach as fine. Lookers and (Jhalns, .. : :i ; Fine Sets, Seal Rings, initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins arid anything rathe Mae you may want. : CALL ASO, .tfPaL, ' --HlLI8 & FABRIOR. dec20 ' " PLASNE, yfi.: .v . ; ;-: . ;: From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and IL- vl'' 'ri,BPLlTEB;';'--''; Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of re pain made at once at half price and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gliding, ColoringiaUwer-Platlng and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good ula uoue iut me vaae as low prices. Eff- Apprentlee wantecL wlth premium and good references. septlS in - ',.- &vccatioxuxL ORGAN ANP PIANO MssdnA given by Mrs. & n , F. Caldwell at her private music room at the Caldwell House, next door to city clock. Terms $4.00 per month. Jan23 lw- .-;iTU5HT --:-;.iU gT. MARY'S COLLEGE, ', ' " ' GAisTON COTJNTT, N. C This institution, conducted by a eoloiy ofth Benedictine fathers from St. Vincent's College! W8trooreland county, Pa., Is eleven miles distant fii6mCiaottefith&ffi on the old Caldwell place, famous for healthiness -and the general morality pt the, Jffilghborhdodl BemB froin i towW It oflei taW?mfuoement7to PiteiUKi gsardians for Ow Isduca WtSblr children, While Catholic youths will be sedulously taught their religion, the children of respectable parents of all denominations will be received and their moral training strtctly-cnltlvated. Attendance in common at the public prayer wlH be required of all, for the interests of order and the welfare of the students, without any Interference with their religious opinions. t Tne course of studies is thorough, and embraces rMfree departments: Ihe classical, the mathematical attdthe commerclali and aWthe- preparatory for beginners. Terms For tuition and board per session of five months, payable In advance, $65.00. ffiSFSSLNS, 0. a B., Rector, Garl- On due ilotiearAlMiMu2.fii hL. left from the Ivtd at the de- Colleg to meet students on their arrr pot. Day scholars will be received on terms to suit the convenience of parents. an!9 per lm ' "DLOCKADE TOBACCO, r-r, af..M Bhased a nice llnie of Tobaceo. at the overnment sale, 1 I am prepared to offer extra Inducements to boy s. Call early. THOS. tt GAITHERTi era. nov7 X7KT.JMPROYII avijt ru t I fv oji'izx "k tlsviijivaa ikj W CITY PROPERTT FOB SALS. AnV Derson dMdrlrur tn nrmlinma a nn . City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modem eon ventowes, fine weU of .water, brick kitchen, wtthN 5oWap'pVmat ZZJWX. V "Hfn ,vnwn jTOiwrw imos tnlxlla CMTFICE. 1 In VlH'j Q0Q FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPROVED FORM. IJust Printed and For Sale at the 'fj, OBSERVER OFFICE. jpo: .R SALE. The Bourgeolse and Minion type on which this iper was lately printed.-. It was made bv thiA Itsecaose; 4Am.i-l. Itbecmttlannecs styieortype. It wUldo good service for several, years to eome.It wul be sold to tote to sul p C2S to fonts of 50 to 1,000. wltHr oct6 Charlotte. N. a w PHOTOGRAPHS. 4 In consequence of the redo e,price.Qf 1 'i. 3 r patrons the benefit of the reduction from and after this date Photographs will be taken at my Gallery at : . . Ku - REDUCED BATES. - , .1 H f J A HJ.B.J-ANNESS W31 X-- ..iJiiu, A WILSON BUBWELL. mm rpo THE PUBLIC T The ubawiTteeMlTM , 0R Ks, beg leave all the attention of the o jv,i HUfwuiiiiugewKiiiii ASntvlt vAV t S - it 1 tv'- -AND 88 .sjsss SjjoS H H H H HHH TT "H CO O O O O O O EEK E EE B - H H OO KKB now In his hands for sale. It is believed to be the largest and best stock of goods South of Baltimore. ana is weii wonny ine examination of any pe whether wanting one or a thousand pair. The stock embraces AN INFINITE VARIETY, from the finest to the coarsest shoe made, if you t waVr, "oranmJDer oHalBSi&Il, and your wants can be supplied. In t1Ss!'(-tSi6iks 1 would state that If reasonable prices can be obtatae tbe whole stock, boOf WnoleWe and Retail, will b sold ATA BARGAIN, either together or separately. Propositions for purchase are solicited. Smith & Forbes. ' Charlotte, N: C, Jan. 17, 187e8weoa. T3EGRAM & CO., -rJHO' M -".LISA .TjttUsrsts'i DEALERS Di BOOTS, SHOES AMD i'.fTirf.HiH Till p . .. ' s .KM. H H H H A' .'.A T. 888 - 1st National Bank Building. Charlotte, N. C Our stock of Boots, Shoes, Ac, Is acknowledged to be the best tn the State, and we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yourself before buying. PEGBAM & CO. jONDKNSED TIME. . i;KPBTR CAROLINA RAILRpAD. i : i Jk jrSAItetol6BA81U.iui ' No. 8 Date, Nov. 10, "78. No. 2 Dally No. 4 Dally J, Dally jex.Sun. if, l liniurf no nbi Leave Charlotte. 3.45 am 6.55 pm l&20am 4.10pm 9 oopm 5.25 p m Axnve uoiasnoro. 9.80 a m No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.B.B. for all points in Western North Carolina, daily except Sundays At Greensboro with R. A U R. B. for all Mlnte North, East and West At Goldsboro with W.tW.B. B. for Wilmington.' No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with B. ft D. B. B. for an points North, East and West - No. 7. Dally ex. Sun.- Date, Nov. 10, 18. No.1 -Bally. No. 3 Dally. Leave Goldsboro " Greensboro Arrive Charlotte, 9.50 am 5.85 p m SOpm far, -.r.iK 5.30 am 8.28 nm a47am 12.25 am 10.50 am NoTTConneds afl?reen8T)ordwItH Salem Branch. At Charlotte with C., a ArAl R. Rv lor all points South and South-west; at Alr-Ltne Junction with A. A C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and No. 3-kmnects at Salisbury with W. . C. R. R. daUy except Sunday. At Alr-Ltne Junction with A,,1foISi Rmto Soutn and South-west. A' Charlotte with 5., C. &A. Railroad for all points South and South-west it l BALXM BBAHCH, Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 pm Arrive Salem, " 10 50 d m Leave SateinT, Mfi.S I BTBaurtiadsir 7 fJJiiTxr T- Run boa ways on Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 8 and 4between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh. Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points Southv- South-west, West, North and East For Emigrant rates to points In Arkan sas and Texas, address J. B. MACMTJBDO. wa - '.Gen. Passenger Agent, nov20 ; ; Richmond Va. QHARLQTTE,H (UMKi.ND H AUGUSTA CHAHurrrx, CounosxAAin) Acoobta B. B., , COLUKBIA, a C Dec. 27, 1878 ,-2? t after Sunday, De& 2flth, 1878, thefol ln?t?2?nS3r Mshedule wul be run over this road, (Washington time,): LfaVe Charlotte, .t. ......... Arrive Columbia,... ........ Leave Columbia . .............. . 1 00 A. 6 00 A. X 6 05 A, if sAiwa.... ......... ........... 5 OO p.m. Arrive Columbia. 10 00 p.m. Leave Columbia, 10 10 p. k. Arrive Charlotte, 8 10 a.m. i ' DAT PASSENGEB. ., Q0Q(Q Sooth, Na 3. "' ? .'. .-; Leave QMdottkJ.T. wTfm il $? A. 's. mw uotumoia.:v..'.v..r... : ....... 4 10 p. Leave Columbia . .v. 4 15 P.M. Arrive Augusta... i 8 80 P.M. c . V; GonreNoBrH,2ia4. ; Leave ingusta J . 9 03 a. m Arrive Columbia,.....-, ....... l 20 e.u LeaveColumbla....,........, ........ l 0 p.m Arrive Charlotte.... ,..,....... .,,,6 go P. if These train atop only at Fort Mill, Rock Hill, lwVMml7H na fin of stations. ii-. ... 7 Pullman Palacy sleeping and drawing-room ears on Nos. 1 and 2, Greensboro to Augusta: also on Nos. 8 and 4, New York to Savannah, via Rich mond A Georgia Central Railroad '!','. T-J. KLINE, 8ttperi&taident Jmo. B. MacMdsdo, G. P. AgentTv T dec29 , , - - v - 1

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