1 7"T LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. 4 ttttttjstiA Yj JANTT AWV snisra m; BA1LB0AD: 'DIBECTOBY, " 7, ' The following tatle stiowd the'ronnW of passen ger trains fo and .from Charlotte, on all ,b:raU- ; AttlvesfroihlllmdnMatjtoldsboW,5 Ji?66?a. m. Leaves tor - " .. . " 8.20 a. m. Arrives from BJchmond.?-?. 10.50 a. m. Leaves for 6.65 p. m. ii K.jitii. ATJUilTir- CHABLOTX ATa-LDTR. . Arrive frota Atlanta,..1.". .Uf. 'i S.20ai m. Leaves for Atlanta,...! .... . ,: 1.05 a; m. Arrives from Atlanta,. vsw.;: . ; 6 50 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta,, .'l-r 10.5p .a; in. n:'""J "! Cb!Arlottk, toii8t4:sAw'WTH . Arrives from Augusta,. .. 6i5vp-m- wtwsi.-w 11,00 a. m. - ,k. Leaves for Augusta,. . . . ..i ...i :.! -) .' 'caboijna-cntiUx,;'. ';:!'.!; ': Arrives frtfca WUmIngtoW.'.. ..8.r.'7-29 p. m. Laaves for Wilmington,,. 8.00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby, . . 5.00 p. m. Leaves for .Shelby,.,. 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEK OHIO. Arrives from Statesvflle1 "V. '!;V. ' :ll "S.80 d. m. Leaves for Statesvme,i CBABL0ETK JP 081 OFFICE OFFICE HOURS. OPENS: CLO8E8. Honey Order Department,. . 9.00, a. m .5.00 p, in. Registry Department,.', .y -.V:9.00 a. m,"1 5.00 p, m. Gen'l Dellv'y Stamp pept'.VROO a. m; 60Q p! m. V " :. : " . &38p. m;8.45 pj m. ' tebri Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from, 9,00 a, m. to, 10.00 a. m. OFKHma Ann CLoei-opt mails. i OPENS. CLOSES. 50anvllle & Charlotte It a. ui. 9.00 b. m. Charlotte Atlanta ttR.?f SlOOa; nv, 9.00 K m. A K.R. w'm in i a. m. a' m Charlotte 4 Shelby fi. je. ' ;l 5.80 pirn: ' 6i00 a. m. xi xi u uutuiuw n. n... n.ou y. ill. n I.TBeattte's Ford (faprsei .rootliMdaia at 5.00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m. . ! p. m.j anJ(ayatodar liK. i : .;T-ir.i:ift1w.X txj.iiW W-JENKINS! Ri iM LeBoy Dayldson Northern Apples. Wilson & BiirseUj-fieeds. fcc. ionti T. wHparrowjrnui xw frees. T. L. Selgleiist BeBeJybtl.i ; ; ' ' War Department. Office Chief. Signal Officer, Wasuington. Jan. 29. 7 :30 is in ) : For the South .Atlantic States. area of rain, followed by partly cloudy weatht er, variauie winus, mosuy rrom nortn to east : in the northern'' portion, arid from Bouth to iwest if thi iwthenj por tion, and a slight tisajiii itempb: ature in northern portionsi 3m ,u imr. i!;.nn7 " ' ' - Ml.,; - Ixcal Uepert fr xVeeterday; in 7 A1L42P.,M. : 9 P. M' Barometer, Thermometer.. . . . , Relative Humidity;.', , M Wind Direction,. . . ."I " Velocity.... '..?,': Weather , ...... Ml 17 30(1071 ; 58 .',62; ., ;94' Miles 6 Cloudy. Cloudy., Cloud Highest temperature 60 deg.; lewest 5d. ; ion e PENCiL,iirS'.!l Bangs in a week. ' ..I. Mr. T. W. Sparrow advertises "fruit trees, flowers, &o, in this morning's pa per. .Iv-Vvtf!" ; The reading .club will hold its next meeting at ,the xesidence oi'-iMn-K Yl. mcAueil,j .... i -i:;i , :,,. ) viU.liwla j A remarkably beautiful :gol4 'speci men from a Union county mine, was ex hibited in the city; yesterday." , j The admission fee to Mrs. Jarley's5 exhibition to-night for the benefit of the. poor is only 50 cents. i. -.-HvW, j Citizens rested their tired bodies in chairs in front of the Central last night as during the long summer evenings. Mrs. Jarley, Xittle-; ,Hell and Slum, were registered, at the Central .Hotel last night. They have- 'cextahllytaxv rivprl ' . ' h'Ui I' ; -..:&y::llx,MWAq. Ml . The Ada RichmondrpQfa1E pany have written to. theT&anager of the opera: liouse fori aat-They 'iije Mrs. Jarlev solicits the pleasure dfr your company at uie opera uuusu mis - .til.. 1 XI. 1 I evening, at 8 o'clock . at a-.receptiJn to be given atthn;.. Thev were inouirinsr for' ttf hfialtih of the man with the ice niahihe' jres-, terday. He has-been a much neglected individual for two months.. . . i i l;l 1 'i C w. , , ... II Among the sixteen counties that have not made the. proper rerarns. pr; iaf products to tue.comixussiopofVft culture Mecklenburg staoxis ut-Dro nent. The la.w...qtiresitisatthese'1:- tums be in ad e. ,iu.l dnto gu-i -jotw-ivjT . . if Those who have purchased .tickets for the Mendelssohn concert from ment bsrs of the (iounod,clubcap;haye;;teats reserved iiotei ci additional The chicken' '.dfebteteiWii- ville and Ijaurensunties. &:04:which w-ts to have )tafceaplaee to'tbe1 .ffitbff :wih and 3isnstf.a.",.,.fureq3 tailed to c6meo;ttmo Greenville scop-i ed m the forfeit money.wnd thef Bftort- U12 men wno -eperironraariKJ Jiave returnfed hoihe. New Coito-nTRule.' It may be of Joteret vto.rth cotton trade to know1 that aii6W nileiis pend ing in the New York Cotton Exchange which provides that six bands or ropes "ot exceeding twelve pounds in th average shall be considered sufficient for each bale of cotton. Anything abqvp-ii iikil weigiib is 10 ue reuicmn uciulc weighing, or, a vprppeyaajlpwaace made lor it. ': : i n-t)VA TiZiUmi'.l tt zd'f. , , I Religion TdZettnk IttHh Mrs. MoonTaBddMmtPakerJawhb are now conduct-jngf the eligipusijBfleet ing at Calvary (Church will iibldAaiMiet ing at Dows' church, abobt'Wneantilles next FridayAnj1pewpn$:.Vwi6mngi to attend can. go tw't4ie'moniSng'Jtraijn loon. Ticket fqr'ibffc JQnd 3swmll le only 65-"cenfeUs'''T Jb w ,fftu-,mt $ . -a: j' "jfiliiru'w Jtwyiit rfni i'k The Fightine Barber , .0"' The YorkyfHe Erftuir? cl&ms that Handy PagaiJ -tbievfightlngbarber, isja native of sjoath Carolifia.'Befettinto our iteW.relatioiivtWa scrape, that paper says9i agaftrass.iiot a stranger! in Sonth5arolinai'l)atijjtO'the fontrarv' waM'taridmg;:6ll''liiSi!:natiye heath when; sUghttyikwMitti Gheg ter two weeks ago.'UJlasilwsftabar- "ci shod in iniyTJiace. anu m wuu i. S .(ilf-a, A1 . a ui imj sill HukiueatK Note ' Messrs Wittkbwsky & parauch pave iecentlyade;soe?'Mfer mentsin.tneifelargd Messrs "AT; 'B; Muntraiid 'AxpHonio Young haying;nceTurned . f rom ; Greeh ville, are now; smiling .pveheigli piles. of clothing lA XMl2& rt Two young Charlotteansell kaiown in business circles: will ptobablyttairel , for Northerfl houses In, thpringi :j!XL itmteia. will fctait -outrvta nn. B. f ; lieynoldsi' ' of 8iBoBton . ,J ' trustee1 '.ff or .Smith & Forbes, during hia alwenflp? 1 i i Capt SL & Pegram .will leave the firfc of Fegram & Co the 1st of J-Febroary, and.will travel for. a, Northern boot and alum nofo'K1i...U W?-"'-1 " . ; .; i .aoo '11. IB m ;by applying.ttt'iithei otieasrai- gar-! stana 'ina" . wnmsr, ,Ape ( Charg6,,25p,,rt ,,(UwfM lias not incapacitated him from thepu uit of KfrpaXyytpr 1 1! way to Poaghkeepsie i V !WS Flrge ,.i enter the entnm'ArHni shlvnhl there" 1 1 l Mr. ixwies aian c seein -. V .Ms, B.1L Smith ki rt fTMr.iJinM.' f what he had told Wan Killed and Two. Wounded K'I()U u .. o Y genueman irom one or tne -west- bloody trasedv which was enacted i "Wilkes county some days ago, which resulted ir the death of one man and' me serious and perhaps fatal wounding Alt. Edmundson, Lige Church and Kilev Tedder are.three famous charaf ters in that county, noted, for their -1 . daring and reckless deeds. All of them r have been accused of crimes of different kinds, two of them have been convicted-in the courts and all are fugitives from justice. Various at tempts have been made to capture them at different times, but the nature of the ipountryhas : enabled 4hen2to elude rthe f vierilaniMi of BfHcp.fcR. KTOfrTi. An .aJ t,)a friends and connections in the neigh' borhood who, when the occasion re quired, were not unwilling to assist them in escaping. Thev were f r- quently together, though there is no,', cviueuce oi any organization tor theft, robbery or other crimes. They liye about six or eight miles west of .Wilkes boro audit was in this neighborhood that the' -tragedy is&ectirred. A day or two btffcfre' tllsaijfflijion, a man named vllayes.jnjormed :;3Church and Tedder tltati'-Edmandson ; had stolen 1 a pistol fr6W,"ateinl,iwb0l'was working for himTirid'askett them to get the, weaiwn irom jamunason. They a&t cordingly went to the house of a man nainea Foster, where it was reported that Edmundson was stopping, ahd asked if he was there. Foster replied in the affirmative, and immediately the' two men broke into the house, by kick ing down the door. When they entered Edmundson began to fire on tthemV 5Tedderws: killed almosfeinstantly, -and thiet next J shot entered 'thq .rfeast of Church. '! 'Passing out through v bis shoulder. Ashe was faffing,' he made.. a lunge at Edmundson and stabbed him in the shoulder, the knifed butting down- his arm- almost tQT.ttaneltowv The fatal affray wasJ aTTttfe Vtir 6fr an instant. -WWheitfHJs '03SE3lvRrliOrmant after the occurrence, the two wound$d men haU?beenuirjed fromithc ' scene sealed! 'to prevent uUieur?itptte iryMhe county officers, but it js believed that thttr wotfhdV'at oucha Terlous nature, Oaiatntheir.;hingpLaceaeannof be kept secret devious to tne occtirrfeilce, there seems to haYoifsbeeHwiino" ill feeling between ' . 4heparti6s; and 13ieir violent' procedure can be accounted for bv ho peupjQsiUoo than that this, as the way they are in the habit ,of doing Sale of a eld mine. It? fs' stated bnvia'1authc''ttiaV the Simpson gold mine; situated about .ten or twelve miles east of the city has been purchased by' a !N"orthenil! tbmpiw. y, .who iproBoaeiH to opierate- at. ,Ane mine has been operated for sonie time by-Messrs. Wftiren & Bates, 'and is rep: resented .yielding . a.proj&fcab.le . -ore The sale was affected for Mr. John R Morris, into' whose? hands the property, has fallen, by ,Mr. Bates, who is now, at the North, and yesterday two represen- tatives of the !yi(irchasers cahie! to the cityfanqjw.ewi.psit to inspect the proper ty. Their purchase also includes about: five hundred acres of land attached' to. themine,, which is ; Jknown r tq, ntain' gold "in ! varying" quantities. In fact, there are several miftes on property ad-; joining this, some of which have , been' snowh, as far as worked, to be as rich: lasany in the comrtry.w; ,?.t:u- . firtKev. N. -Hl.' WilsooLX. D pf Greensboro, and , several ..members f his family, were in the city yesterday.) u Di; Jll McCorkle! one of the retire sentatives in .the Legislature fromlret dell, came lib ' from italeigh vesterdaw. oa his-way home fora. short vaeatiolia lie reDorts that the lmDression among the hi embers of the Legislature is that the Dill granting the charter to: the -Jbtai eigh a Augusta Air, Line liailroad to Mr. RAWiAnirfage-itpf the Rich mond & Danville Railroad shops in Richmond, was in the city yesterdjC ; Mrs. Louise Fainter, oi lowazDheJ:: Quaker preacher, arrived in the city,4 yesterday morning and joined Mrs. MooH'ia' the, meetings at 'Calvary Methodist ;church, which begun ten days ago. Mrs. Fainter preached very accept ablv to large congregations yesterday ahtf lastiiighti'HepTgaehing is ctrar- actenzed bv the, same zeal ana earnest ness which marks the work of her cp- Sowotlitinsr: Afcotrt the Cold in West- .3 ejrwiOTth Carolina i,ib -An Observes meet, yesterday rrA. PiEbWliSs, ofTAfehecdunt$C6a TvCql. aiWCowlesr-bf Jthis cityrahci'ashe wiped the perspiration from his heated brow, he asked if they had any coid wether; up;ihiiCouAtry,H Mftowles is a merchant and lives aboubihallseay on and Boon, "res," 4e exnerienceci a little rougn weatner tnis with ice. and for several' weeKStravei- ,4iin mm aasnossjJoilityijoiThe.-people could not gei to me mmsyaHa is inery could have gotten there it would have been no advanfcagejf9r the mills weje completely frozen up. Business and geth a-Mj,3.CpeSiijS9atiPP- to first frozen over with ice several inches. thick; this wOMdWtoroken and torcefl down the river by the current and forms dan8vi!w;bieh ,lmrbakextogaiii, would causa a ternDieJsoyemow ana freshed Many WHW&mmiilf the banks of the stream hads bfir?prked so said that been killed by being mashed l meadows and low plocoa nlong- the stream werpps hvast ban AOcjO?hicJereit gjihere in. as aniirt a state as .-.when the panK jaras first formed He saia tnac me iceLi mPoAnvr of four or nve acres, near na hm1Hftrwasfrom four to five feet thick-p up tdthe top of "The fence? that the whold are-waa taveced-to this depth. An important and much traveled road up the rfver was so blocked up that it could not be traveled for a month, eveta oiviiorsftbaDk? the .jnaiV oanieriiad to travel sixteen miles around to get seven miles througggg 0?3a ., Mr Swifts descnbed the sound of thle -r-ivvoc ----- , . . . ... "ill similar to that or tnunaerjiu KS-Tfaonri tnrmiiPH Rrnnnn Suchcurencesflfei even in this, y AdldWyregiori f 6rth carq linvas txrexcite-a &e?t;$,rtjzr t.hov havft pjcae -T J ' ' t,V nnAtT than 'has been felt ere befo: hnt. it. was np.ver krasttfliPtb continue long. There hasirbejn,opmparativel! utt to cur ti Winter., out a good aea between Jffers aaid mv;wwt to. 4Jxc mwszw WITTVMI - -I J . rV f1' say that mere nas ueeu ice uuiKcg m snPrtSreedlaiid The1 fficUfo. Was good:deal4,n of rain which IrozB8S80on as itteu, and this f actf, ,iselwould have stopped air navigation," even' without the dditionalpt difficulty eottte iie anlnncthfl streamSi ! Ehl5K;Qiit the reporter, in ieply Lilian very iciucnii.ttuic, uuu ujr uc wv 1wiiad"felndedthyouBg'iflay a Awtafa'.'ttrart.a -J nlrvaft about him, an.d -washed for a friend who would le kind enougnto lend mm an OTBrxioak xney picKea mm upaown in (joium bia the other iajnTh&iBegister says : J acx j onnson, a negro man rromvtfiar- lotte,3irls?.i)tif6rft fllafUbionbr yesterday mdrnmit.'rJii'a'chatire ofrtealliiff a tair 6f;fantif arid'a pair or 'shoes from a: untry?wswoa rrhtfWura.wBr&tecoY T eredi eiflfffounor TrrW pxWsfesSf6ri:a W was fpnnd guilt; Gedto-cracfc rocKs ion;tem vsih4Ehei& axe several FWsflMW tm'S-..ii s xziB thermometer, at the iaiacmsitten tioaed, at 45 yesterday eVfiiihg Wash ington mean time, as ascjeitained.ifrom the daily bulletin issued froni--the, sig" nai omce in tnis catyxraa mo aoiro V" ' -1 Atlanta 69 I Jacksonville rU. i78 CoticahaW5ia.; .177 t'NeW Orlesftsfc . ..74 Talvesto vW:PttotaT 3 Hayana! -,-j78 TaniAahj .178 Indianola. 67 T St. Marks i70 !M t r.-. . 1, J ! 1 , .. j!.., ,.;,; o mri-.dtales'', waxi workii3 ;.! 4.- , well'tctnight Numbers of Jadi! fend ,gtiti6men.have been lagedforj a week in preparaiioBt.f.0 the erentand otigrrj ffp'wi real ment, it is for the benefit of thos: ttuf chai-itabie people go'. ' It wiljpost but fifty cents, and will be a happy Wedding bPoty wit1jplgasttre.JBe pn the loolcout to-day for the comical dedgera ? announcing the.i benevoletit Pi$oses of td oi 1 "i- ' T- K j Stopiewall Jackson's Horse Pnotio' ''Vrapbed. It is known to most of the readers The ubsekver tnac tne norse u "tBnorse Which T(rt(iflJhiJilr(W was rid .when.'ha.xeceived the wounds which resulted m his death is now in SeibnHbf his brothefcariila Joseph Morrison, who lives" at the old Morrison homestead in Lincoln county, fifteen Or tweAtvSmnes-ltom this citv. Mr. MomsonfrMfttam down yesterday,, and Mr -dei ,7ie enterprising pnoiograpner, got a hrst rate picture or him. .The gajfiintpld sorrel shpwstlie sefKjcttf 'titi age; t)ut lsvetili able Ho travel ;a dbough sryie:to iaj(jfof4the latpense of keeping.him.oi u i l m i ,m "Diplomacy! JISHO i,It has-been announcedafchat wei shall soon have the pleasure of seeing the popular play, uDlpmacy' for the first time. The play is being given this sea son by a firstrplass con?pany, the foUoty-. ifig-beiflg- the bast : Ciapt Julian Beau clerc, Maurice Barrymore; Henry Beau clerc, John DreTrieobht Orloff, B. C. Porter; Baron Stein, H. Rees Davis; Algia.Fairfaxj Albert Murdoek ; Mark ham, R. Sullivan : Antoine. Herhprt Av- Jing; Sheppard, H.. Gordon ; Francois, siu iU. donnston; Messenger,' Fwun iii; Countess Zicka, Ellen CWttMeins ; Dora..' Josefihiriff., Rafepr ? HnrnnMft An uRio Zaxea, MraisAi.-Bakers 1 n:i ! Several of these'na'mea'ire-'famliiatl M.qur pe.pple- ,Mrj. Pre w has . been on our stage more than once, andt J was Mr, Barrymorei. if we are hot mistakbti, who played Orlando so . delightfully to Faany JJaYeaporf s Rosalind here last season. oThe .Richmond' JMstoatch " savs -I Hi PIEA. AtWoodlawn, Gaston coonty, January 29th. M SanlJobiiston,aged'70 years. - - JANUARY 29, PRODUCK. TliT vnmDVL rintri ' iTiifl'" 'fTinMi no. 0 1 rn ..whtta 29a30. do mlied: 28a30, Pennsyl vania. 28a30 Har aulet and yunehanand: rnrlmA Peiinajfiyanlat and Maryland lOal Pjdvjaions AUlefcaness pork, old 8.75, new 10.00; bulk meats rloosa. shoulders, new -33k. dear rib aides . asw Jobs, .car load, -.packed-, new 4aoi4 j bacan-HSkoukl- is, uih ctear nDiaes,Cew 04, nams, sugar-l cuoni, tiew. iu. , ianirrnnea Heroes Butter Augustay.vT7' 'Keyf.West ,74' Charlotte . '. .66 MOhf goinerv . . . iT2 emeriinment win ,oe unique, iapand.;!itBrWe the reali merits f the entertam- LTOPORTS: cnoicjeswra!pjMraxoazu, rolls. I5al7 Nw feKFlbnriHfifl deeded cfchnirftV'Wri1 2Qa25, superft0e Western and State 3.25a3 50. ' common to noa mrtra Western And. fiiaiA . AKa 55O0d to choice do 3.95a450; Souflierh Sour Tlnnr-common to fair extra, 3,90a4jg5; aodd-. wchbree no 5.00a.25. Wheat lower; ungraded winter retfl.OOaWA, No. 3 do 1.03a4. Corn imgraaea 4'as, no. a, 444. Oats 32. Coffee moderate demand and steady; Rio In cargoes 1 la 16, In Job. lots llal?. , Sugar steady and quiet; Cuban Jfta0,- fair to'good' rennmg a6, prime 6a7 ; 'refined standard A 8a. granulated 8 powdered 8, crushed 91&. MoSsses dull and unchanged Rice fairly active and steady, Porfc mess on spot 8.50a950. Lard prime steam on spot 6.55a65. Whiskey heavy. Freights quiet j "COTTON. --,mi.:n'j be Norfolk Steady; middling 9lc; net receipts 2,780; gross; stock 24.921; exports coastwise 1,193; sales 827; exports to Great Britain . j Baltimore Firm ; middling OSkc. : low middling 9c.; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 866; gross- 1,13 ; saies 214; siock ii,w ; exports coastwise 30; spinners 110; exports to Great Britain 1.000; to'vamidiDftJ4ti4(itiifui''i co us bus tii r Boston Quiet; middling 9.; low mlddlUig 914c; good ordinary 85c; net receipts 528; gross 624: sales : stock 2.575: exnorts to Great Brit- Wilmington Quiet; middling 9c.; low mld- iiiiiift tyTqv., viuium; o, usw imno Utfi, gross ; sales 150: stock 8,216; spinners : ex-i pons cuastmse : jw urejii pWHun ; to wpi nem ; toenannei " Phtladklphia Firm; middling QVtB.; low middling 9Me.; good ordinary 8c; net receipts. 154: eross 661: sales : snlnners 293: stock leaSarexnortatOXiBrltaincoaBtwise . t Augusta Quiet; middling 8 3-1 6c; low mid dling 8c; good ordinary 7c.; receipts 54 smpments ; sates 000; siock . CHATOK,-air ml wiw Tori Outfit: sales lofeMJWans omiwwaerre-i ts 2&.112,. ,fcxQrt8,. to.i3eat rrttatn B.I20: GtislciNob ! easfft.pten sales 8,000, speculation and export l,000,-rt-4 ceipts o,oOv, American i.wu. iumres easier. .lands low middling clause; Janvarr denvery p March 5 5-16, March and April .-wai4prH and' 8, May and June 5 13-32. June and July 5 82, July and August , August and September -k September and October -. New crop shipped January and Febwary pejr.all , December 5 1 11322. New ToBfcdEolmeB.elOBM. flrmer. Sales 41,- 000 bales. -JH" 'v "I January..... -i fl .488.4M, I a.68 ffi-Oi; June. CoflefESo HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUST m&lflS nALDWELL HOCAIW HOUslii, dllng 9lsc; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 2, 778; gross ; sales 1,000; stock 62,817rppnis euastwuw 'iyreai- Brnam- I- iKMS-h . ... . A juiv iv.2isaa,i,i 10 .iats, r " ' FINANCIAL! , Id'tinl I New -x'oMofeey'i.WcSafi.gi Governments flrmer. New 5'a 1.06. , State bdnds dull noteili iiO Irrw-rf-JO'l Jii!jt!3 50 -Offkjki Chaklottk, January WWTI The market y.eeay.clpsseuloows MiddlinK.... Strict low middling..... w. ...... - - 4 Lowinlddllqs4 ,y. eiiuU.'wae si!K) bjti 8 Tiig" -i . .. -8 Lower grades., UJJ-'rtli; XJL'SMA SIiSB7i s. CHARLOTTE PROlTCCEtajtRitef.'1 JANtfART: 25, 1879. ' COBBiXrreD-DJjpjgj CT ;iur , s rwak,mi,i:B ii(0!iaaifU:ityISf? f'i bn. v-New per Mle...,. t. ; .. Xla .25 -; SpUced. - 1.5 MAij, ... ...... ......l,.......,;v,....o0a55 ftrt siieaed, rj::::::5 rttB Bacon f- " N.iCtJbTOWd.ijij.y.. 8a9 Hams,l.C....... : 10alll4 isaii Suear-hoose.... men?'?; iUverpert Sobj. lnii-w m; i:UI0a2.00. WUte.;-. Wlvu-.4,K.i... s ,H-?xi!.'9alltt Yellow 7a8M iPOTATOSD! j t " atmnoY. iyu? tiii-ff i:aio3 1 ? Sweet................ 8540 ffi laslijpwtt. 4- we ttlfci. 4050 Bdttkk j Nartb CaroUna .a wiitawfc 12420 Eooa, per dozen. . 12Va15 Huntw Hsr Oi bsld4 rsis 1 b.a. odHKit b'M Family 3.00a3.50 Extoa..mil t. uii Un&Hii.tu v 2.75a3.00 Super 2.252.60 1.. p BEAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, ' A 1 KV. I? H K tK.K ! 000 It H H It HUB n a n h u : 0 1 A . AAA A A : k y. Yi A Y. J, T. jwmEVlaxi. .t.jaOifr--f. BUTLER'S. zitaia aw sics i'AUi j WATCHES1,1 A-" r.nlS) 1o iUrli Vnux tow Mi: .i;:jmi- ii ill 't IdwiOTi M-5e-jtl;) ; .00X0 IXgHPXCLXS. d Cariiliand eVerdliW WE DESIRE to call attenOontoOUB 8T0tm EDEgLRB toeaUattetrtlonto OUB.8TOCIV! a T if a 1 t. l fdf 6'o'i o- vI A N TJ T X1 A N C Y GOOD O T K'i.i o T J ") Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest i:l j'; :..j ' to Uie market, . The latest styles oi Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties, which will pay rou te call and examine. : :-!tr; ' . licit iy-r !U-fi'i y'lir.Yt" .1 TFLORENCE aDd CtJrh TOILET Cases i y 1 !'.' 'VT.'Mi.l FretK - Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and Amerlcaft'Tooth, Hair and !NaH Brashes. L. B, WBISTON 4 CO. dectS . "..1 1 Comer Trjon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets,! CHARLOTTE, N. O, .v.l.'l'r; i ' a P. CALDWELL, .Proprietor This house la rHnanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a first-class boarding house. Persons vlsltmg the city will find It a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted.; Can be ftimlahedttXTOaafti n JftATES-Pet day, transient, 81.25) per-week. janiu 3ITJ jgtEAEBdNSl:iri: l ied S3DUDKBAI2R WAGON ; Uj lUes, which if.j ilrr r Bt.iir ir, itir f'tt V ! will be sold on reasonable terms. .Tr and supply yourself with the besttrtgon out ; ii!fitd'!'!Mtr.x9lA A retii odl i T. H. GATTCER. "nki- dj.tJ3 X rower sty le, size of J.tepiaced Tir.i Irtvfcthuurl i aecz4 Pntinir OPres'.uernsev: niato.jold"! bed 26x4 Inches. . Was m,-aseojiur rfalttorEnterprise: and: Mountaineer, Greenville, l"7t ffl, WHMnrl If 1 U Tr M 1 1 f ff-1 it ANTED A few table boarders at $12.50 per lS-shl nl , .4tofew!0fe rfaftsnTnmi T 32frt Wxtd0OTton)l)on,0ffl0B.j -pAMLLY GROCEBiESKT j i.H'Vti - ..eiii.-iii-v. j Iftavernow la etdre-SltiH Bttip& ottjrowries a ,.-itj!jnout oiw tuo.ju jcixiic a AO Jnilfc&ai- t-JWEa MMJOUisn J-I1101I U 2 ffcSiiJ;f ,fi9icj(l boa vitusd sibjB okh -ml ftiiiO.i . ..... .,setll daw teaio niu? sa"tn x, ,jhj .s.. ; . -1"T .Tti'HHi ImpJ (l)AKhl.' . ,noiififH:rt;' lottmTxifiwi j a M. HOWELL f ATewj BTOKS.IffCEryEpfl! iheia L!.liir) ' ill 1X1 w juKMur rviffw wwff fi wgianq, m voniaes 82 - - . .-.-..l!K9b to rtfiwi'TRn imIT t fi'U tiirlii) ni Hunt (;k l7R0UDE'SHJtSTOBYJ ENOEAlBnc'. oi sml ATJNT CHARLOTTE'S STORY ( QiEntaishiJTeneliandjCreek History. . ; -.7- - J w '.fl LENALBAN"''? ! oi liiow? Kf bnrvrij- ,-ULud flther iKBtafby Ahbtt T. Duffy, JlOV. nPHS ANGEL 1CTTHX 'CLOUD, Tilmtid twwoi-ji .lt -.ww By E. W. FuDerrft4kfc .1 - OTICX TO VABMSBStn U.j.H am prepared to STORE COTTON mmy fire proot twudlngJaier1g basement on the first or e ond floors and win give warehouse receipts on hJcb, you can draw money II desired-, lr . Charge moderate,, v M,t. , t'THQKAS H-' GATTHER. 12 IT.'..'.: ! '. riROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NtwpGbb.bs'r::''','::- ':"'-;v;l "' '!",-",-5f'---'5rt NEW FEATURES I ,Cometomelor Bacon, Com Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries, , ; ; -v Just reeetved, a few barrels of Beny Foster's (Da yieenunty) , : ,; Y-v.-iu? .-. . i -!-, . iHlfilf illii'M J i.ii ! -MtS lO Utl'lj'' iiiii-'jo!' ' II .id: '.ifiv:-'-. .-ii, .:; ..- :.;::" 2J , BEST BYE WHISKEY. ,ii:!; Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sen for cash. All goods delivered in the city free of charge. W. H. CRTMMTNGEB, Next door below Wilson' ft Black's old stand. , -1 0 !..r.'.:, ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED THOMAS a GATTHER, .,1., .-I ' ; , . ... . . ' ;: COTtOI Com M 18 B I O MKBCH AWT. etia'' ' " ' .. ' " :y' TLLIAMS & FINGER, Have Jnst received a lot of Turkeys and Chicken which we offer at low prices; Come to Williams A Finger and buy the best Family Flour from the bestmuls. Wheat, "Bran, Oats, Com and MeaL Honey, Country Lard, Butter . and Eggs. , The best Timothy and North Carolina, Hay, cow and horse feed of the best, quality. Sugar, Coffee, Ae. Con signments solicited for all kinds of country produce;1 will make prompt re turns of sales. dec5 ' ' A. HENDRIX. AeBarr 1 . GBOCEB GROCER -AHb-, i-ni M1CISSI0N MEBCJHAlTt ' ' . r Comer l imd Blaina Stteeti Quick saies, ana prompt In every in- TU8T RECEIVED. CHOICE -''- PINE APPLES, AND TJWE Xlne . Y1LOW YELOW BANANA BANANA Also some beautiful CONCH SHELLS. Be sure to call oa me for C D D S. Remember my stock of Confectioneries and Fancy Groceries is Complete tn every Particular. I Invite a trial of my Celebrated Mottled, Blue and Red Laundry Soap. Remember I keep the Largest Bar of Blue ftoap In the city for 5 cents. Also a good Laundry Soap at 8 Bars for 25 cents. Recollect that my stock Is not composed of Fancy Goods alone, but also Heavy Groceries, such as Bacon, Lard, Molasses, Sugar and Coffee. Don't fall to call on me when you want first class Goods. Respectfully, Janl8. - LeROY DAVIDSON. G OOD HEALTH IS ESSENTIAL TO HAPPINESS, And Good Bread Is Essential to Good Health. ' Therefore box BRLDGEWATER Family Flour, the best In America. For sale only by w ; j Mir LeROY DAVIDSON. T THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON Cochrane keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, Stand ard Pure, Two Years Old. D BROS., WHQLKSALH AND RXTAIL (-1 I OROCERSl Mid DEALERS to COUNTRY PRODUCE :?l!- - i. .1: 1! ri"I i; AIS0, .h !!: THE ..'!!i;lrtJW ib 1 riar.in ij , , i?;io'i!i him -i l hue, .sjntiniid 10 l-'iu ll U lAi 'nil IV llf.lji,'. 'I CHARLOTTE .HOTEL; fr.M.; f,.;j I'j !;i-v- .ii.-jiii ;,...,.,. . j'.-; .:. iJaLz . iU-Jt J' v1 ' ifi.l .jii: n.-'iii. hint .d3i;-.b wni; .ii); ,.'4r if j .(a.iir''il rlwlKnfJxJKis-A! -v i?n 1 t' CHARLOTTE, N. C vjj.iuxa.t sib .HniniiiOjft'w iij tifjd'w ' : This riouse ha been newly fumtebedandls kept to nrsc-ciass style. "'!! -n--i , niii li - JtMH ,feifl94US2ulifi I'.S'K'.H Terms, Per Day $200 tl HKW .i'l. Still HO i..,:.S .!.' t: CilU .ul-viR , .-.1 aivu iV'.r).'t :i j"- rn . V . . . - - J-.if-.Jl.- -JiU t . ' f "Proprietors. BEHIlALLlcieiK' deel STOFATTHE 1..4Kii...il W fta . ,w'olI -Siij.lH5 ... BOYDEN . HOUSE bpoiooTa Uw f C 8.BB0WV, PrODrietor, vn fLato of the National Ho 't CtaBiwJChIeCrkw;t)LBl N 4 ia ( Ji J" . pAROLLNA. CENTRAL ifi ," -i-i:uu vl -.i-fjt 1 1 !OUh . -.r . ' TLA WILMINGTON," rf' ""',", ai' THROUGH FREIGHT RQUTE i ' . - ' .-r .''- .;- I .V-.?,5..- ? : This Line being fully equipped for business, Jfreightlrom .. n , . jf ( ,K wThntogton and a3 Northorn and EaitemClttes lo : GreenvUle, Spartanburg, all Stations Attaimc, ' Tennessee Ohio, , As wen as potots In Georgia .; ., . -, . : . r t 1, ' f Insurance and Rates guaranteed aa Low as i:. t. a.. .! '; ;.!,:. c ..... . - . 1 r . ' Monnayi furnished i -i;;J - ' yii-T .i ii; HJ no ; 7' i'!t:(!i-;.r. It'1 i : iAW.GJ4K;; ': 'f,- ; " 1 V tiiji.ri J'-i! yij TR. J. H. MoADENk i I'l'l '1. !.?: nS'.-; .TU." .!! . .,- DBU0GI8T AND CBXIOST, i Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, I-'' ;" , . Ibgltsh Select ptees, ' i w Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap" English, French and ; ,,i American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both nlghl and darlat ' ; J. H. M0ADEN9 Prescription Store. gECUB ECURITYI 3SECUBJTYI fSECURITY I 200 Barrels of C. WEST St SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ABL ALADDIN SECURITYiOIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerasene Oil. fmm C. Wat Sons, Balomore. Hlirhest Medal awarded At Centennial ICnvmltlnn Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit, before tt will bum. a West ft Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. j. H. MCADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C P. SCARE & CO., m r UG G I S T o7 J R U G G 8 T Of 8SAB TBI POOT-QmCX, Would respectfully Inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drag Store, near the Post-Offlce, and solidt the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. ' Jan7-tL .;j . ...... ,; .... .. -y:. . . -wammssmm nJu.vaw1 vw v VAW vra fiVU , A. per month, during the Spring and Sunmer. IPHTHERIA1 Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases In ten. tbiotmaUon that wffl save many Jives ; sent free by mail DontdeiaV' a mo ment. Prevention is better than cure. r Sold every where ,.,J:.vyj. .1; L; a JOHNSON CO-1 , r . " . . . JDaugpr, jsaioe. " B EKSOirS CAPCTNE Mi i POROUS jPISTEk, V OR i WOMEN AND CTLDSE i S Females suffertok from ' namnd1 derive aieat eemfort and sCrength from- the use et less win are affected with whooping cough, ordinary eoughs or colds or weak lungs, tt & the one and only treat ment they should reeeite. This .article contains new medicinal elements such as Is found to no other remedy to the 'same form.' It is far superior to common porous piasters, liniments, electrical ap pliances and ot&ec external remedies, it relieves pain at once, strengthens and xnres where -other ulimtornJ will im m MIImk ' 1W 1 owf XMney ssease and all local, aches, ana pains, k is also : the 1 best known remedy. . Ask, for Benson's Capetoe Plaster nd sue no wwr, 00m oy au ivogguu. we 3 cents. J uv ui '-Ui :i 'Aiwian Disorders of the " f r TTL R 6:4, A K D II G S , . n 1 ' ; 1 ;i;-rai1 .3 .id DR. T. A. SLOCTJirS GREAT REMEDY i . 1 ' ' i- MKii.t.' I . ; 1 ili. 1 j i P?urWg. YYuigi- hhh n h vh kk; WaWam t.. . I.... 1 ft... t T t .4 COMPCBJto 'EinnONOF ' yU I 5 andltypophosptotosof .'tJkAND786iZ'i",;, 1 A FREE BOTTLE of eaeb pretxatton sent by exmess to each sufferlne aDOUcant eewitne their name. P. O. and. exnress address to Dr. T A Alal wui i9i rnu guwi, new xonx. - ili ,iin;t t,, F RESH ARRIVALS, EOS 8ALE, WANTED.' 10 bexBs assorted Candles.' R boxes ehoM om. ter Crackers. 5 boxes FamUy Washing Soap, largest 10e liars In the cltr. :--V:i-t'i...vi'rn-v.:A'ii,; ,..., ,.r i tAlsol fine Milch Cow and one Bedluaa quail " yim una nnu csii, lorme w.-" -". sti-.us-. 600 dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED, -it ; dec2 - & N. SMITH. - - J j i J- - j. : j J! 1 ! : J DISPATCH UN jg. .'4 ft i.t"AM 4il r TO ALL POINTS flOUTH. offers uneqTjalled facllitiet tor the Tuuporttoti of 'i'."v...ii'j,ii,'. i'. .. .jL ' ' f - ' 'v .-rtitti'i.Vi Charlotte,; Statesvnie; ; AahevUle,' 'therfofdto n on the Atlanta BJcImobd Hr-Ltoa and Western NrCBauroada, 'Jl UJ ftAu . Al8lMinAudXlss&ilu. In vi'mittini .Vc irvjj?i: as JMta ;iiU yo v J,-.,:.r:ri Jlli li. ii-ml vtaanyCompetmaLleeThneas0lck4 if ". ', 11 Uxlji'.i"'. ' ; ivswii. :. i .!-'i.Ji!)i): hM. qsi ifHtfa:! ijiii la-iJij;.. a 1, .-ul .ill vil upon application to. . vmiJnaemtjttJI ;,' .. --'ti-i i.'.-.f u1 vh7 y'MK'J ,fciuii;l sj.sj ).. jcn)..ijw i.vj, . WM. A. MOODY, ; , 8outhwestem Freight Agent, CJrlotta, N. C ' iS-'rdv.' ,'umi:l '': ::!! Jjiw; Mil 7 ni-nl-)j;v-r.I. ,-iU !lo KuijvTs'8MriH, . - r u Agent q Oi RaQway, Charlotte. - j ,a,'.-,ftrj p fWj(,,,7,, f,(.,,ia ;it 1 vi.i.in'f T OUISIAHA STATE LOTTERY. 1 ,H j MiUi!? nut hitij'i-iij .uf) t,. nKiu-jto't ,.j ..!! A SPLENDID Of PORTtXpTY , , Hi- li;n-i r JriMisi To win a: forfatt Second r Grand lisfrlbutloh ! Class B, at New Orleans, :Taesdayr. Febraary llttt. 1879-106th Monthly Drawtojo f i:--:iV'jj(.! i v 'i .11 LOUISIANA BTATE LOTTERY CbMttAjIt. no t .Hav i iiHilivA mil This InsUtutlDft was refular ttcorporatod bt m Legislature ot the Stole fordueattonsi and Charitable ! fmrnosee In . 1 had. -aritw , a, Mnitai n 1100,000, to which i. has since added aReMrve I una VI SdOO.UUU. . IIS USAnU B1NGIJS J1IM- BER DISTRIBUTION wll nl. n, An f Vl n the second Teeaday. j never scales or postoones. fatthfflilow aw .a s ' . fesi.-rifirj -vmiibni.t !,, (.'' :.::,-.!S'j; 'v: fjoi !:; ; ; t CAPITAL PRIZE, $86,OOOV 1 ( r . :.: :! j ,;.! i.. ; ; hvi-. c "5 ' .'i'j.') ; :.'iJ J!;:1 tr. n$ tii : 100,000 Tickets at Two Donars eacht: Half Tick- eta, One Dollar. jui . ;!!'! ,i .(.I .-: Jt i) . ;-i,v !!!. iVr-.'-'-itL .XlSIOFJPRIZESv . ,; ,M -v:(f '!j ;;; ..'..uj .yi.-; .: ! 1 1 Capital Prize,. . j. . . i . . ;i . u. ; . . i . 1 1 $80,000 " 1 &P"5?. - .Mi.M.10,000 2 ftfees of $2,500. vi . . :l . .?, 5,000 1 6 Prizes of . 1XHX.',..V4. . .u. J. wjn e,00O u rmn o f J . lou imzes 200 Prizes 500 Prizes of .ii .10.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZEat.) vi ' 9 ADDroxtoiatton Prixftit (if KKll : J '7ftn '.'i'A't tnHMnuHmi Mai yj To AA i ( ! , 1 :7 orwrt Approximation Prizei of ' ;100w.v.j-j i 900 e4n jaa - ' ! :;'!- .11 Will; ;'iiil!n-Hf Responsible eorreeimidlntf !atentaweAtMl at all prominentjpoints, to whom a llbeial compensation ' Application for latesto ctubBshbuld only be made to the Home Office to New Orleans, n : i -f .17 Write, clearly stating) full! address; fog fullJnfor inadon or send orders to . '.' . ,T, "T rmwumwii ova, newvneaos, Mmsnma All OUr Grand Extmnrdlnitr Drn'nrlnn bm VinHav supervision and management otGENERAL8 G. T. BEAUREGARD and JURAL A, EARLY. JpROJt Dlt. a W. HUNTER,' BAlftMORE,it,,i),; ' 1 Haying become familiar with Colden Lelblg's Liquid Extract of, beef.aod Tonic Invlgor- ator, I take pleasure to recommendliig ft 'aViu ex cellent preparation, combining as lit does food and tonic to a remarkable way, prodwdngood. blood, health and strength. Sold by an Druggists. ; .'('Ml '' ! I )! ' Q.E0.C, WARE,. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer to ' ' PU BE A E;E 1'eVo ID t K ' -HOlAMiiriNEGAB-i. . , . ; Sole PiopriMor and" jtfanufacturer of,' ' -EL. fi. COND1TS ' TABLE 4LLOCE- 2si toThird st,';; ; ;7,:crifeiidiAtXo. 'A'W.';;' -.1..- -: 1 '." Ali Of prime qnall. tongh tn any jnattMfot cash vn ueuvery, joea 01 ffroaerage, jeomnastOM or storage expenses, by DOD'oilcOTT. Impewefs and Expoitcfri 88 WlUtomfit .ttiJ.viA ..uiJ.. iiULtHMrTiik. f 17 ' AJAT to AtsJcan;vassInt, fortne. Mrifflv O n TSuwi Cnnla rhmnii BnmUfa plf, alike,. wlth.name,10 cen?'jal Co, Nassau, N. Y.' rwd" ifk MIXED CARDS; with name 10c.Hi Agents' 1 outfit IQffii ,.L. JOKieaAiYi. Viimu ma AD VERTISERS6nd for ttttt ft t.M of j. X-i , Local Newspapers. Sent free on application. i HJ;, Jaton. iit.I THEJjjiw .i?f.:MlOi finn iuu .v,M t.;jiiji-5 no bliuthHrt Oj0 VV AAA L O OAU'FMT H(,iT-i!,Aq,,AIU,(tJ OQPf IEEB H in ii-vi vi il4-iiiu'l-5to iimul VI -trili ;. ;n -; ,;: coloats A cfra I b-us n h:i! QLGA.Ti Wfimm'.- ill firir) t;i Mn-) Id 'ikwWfj.'jVn .) iliil R .v?l 7Rj mlf!jh.i .--Hi in nvj OOl JT ! O O A X.-ll iir. i;fn'! !. ;iU, .i'.gf7lj,f '-$.iinti lo . .'ii'..: iij .'Jill no ! , ,f.l 1 SAVES WASTE;! & 1 '..1.2'i'j -hi; ii J)1ik1 a'wfilirJl la r'.i.vtToiium)OT'T'4!l " 10 lii;a : Tin tTKiTixiNa;j ;: 7 ' v1',' HTneinide8lgBedlsbew teia aR orders or everf eiwUndeji IBavfnVnd ifudaaBortaAntof) -ol.IoiJtfi fcI ill Quh iti'w on 3iiiiT v".osjc mrsx vtmSl .0') ''i OtBTINSj i(UBEETSANlJBraLttCA8ESr! ;fi i-is'itiU j;.U-lu-tfe li jaJWil sfitltJ-u li '..'Bin Both WoodandlletoUaj'it;t vmt f rMJt Uid mi if.t'i inlate II Aauri Ij (('.iff loimii suo oi liiiiKiia L ;J'ifft.j -:,U j;:.'Ji hUoIi tu -'.-j Heiatses fortlshed ttdestred.. util ;ul ' i f,?fT-. ii SluU hiB't Jtf o'i .lit JTu?nitureof every l)eseriptlon Repaired at 8&r rq iifi -jrj-iij-.f:v?i nooeev JHVajJyf ii i Kbiifiil oil I iii Ji jutj iin viiil tld So. . i VJ 'I Jt-? I:;)67 J -W WTLHILXi. ' , 'j-it-A-'n y5.f with K: O.' Rogers, Trade Street June 2a .ow.-j.:....n.,....,!;jo,ouu I , , ------- - -r- - a VfVW . . 20.. . jl . . 1: ; . . , . i in fwt mi Mil JIm: taA Hawt ei uf www

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