f I 1 i in i Ml III ' -TTT 1 p'lT'a"'Tl ' J THUESDAV, JiUARY 30, 18704; 1.J LllAJK "j: THE L.EOISLATUBE. ' Vt-t r-rv;m J J A OT Bilelfiiii Obseirer.f ST SENATE. PETITIONS, i ! t iv TVarin from 1fi3 citizens of , McDowell county, asking .$hej$Pgtt 4 4 nw iur TVwiTi rfinnftstiniT the Com missioner of Agripulturefjto furnifito rati once to the Senate an liemizeu vuiw ment of all moneys received, and to whom and-howjexpefldedHnrou i The above resolution was afterwards taken up and adopted. ' . ' t By Mr. King, a resolution instructing our Representativesaand.vSeoators tin Congress to vote to repeal the ten per cent tax on State banks. .m,Ktf J. MV CALENDAR. SJBiltoinietorparattb'Bfennetts- ville and Hamlet uaiiroao, which vra made a special order for next Thursday, MnefVMrfmtntinn of Mr. McEachern taken tjirupt.iAftec qtiite J discussion over about the same ground aa reported last week, :rrthen&ill was imade a. special order f 6T T?riav nfiflia fcO Jt - - S. a. 40, 1.- W a tuiitJimotx the HousOPiWJilcrt foreman of the grand jury shall Hbark on the bill the names of witnesses swoH'na dmiffe foVe the jury.'' The Senate concurred in the amend ment, i nuitmi&'B. 50 an acteto prohibibsthen-cmov- i al of cauaes from one coarrty . toaftother, exceptwheite6ofJisti( require it, passed its third reading. 8. B. 158, for the protection of birds protoete ujsectsjgamenand.'Pipging birds, wiiaturKeys ana uuc&s, uui pemuw t.h Villincr of hawks, crows. uwis mm H mk,'a K411 V.,rrVit Ant. I 1 r Jnrfiinrnr AifAlHowhtteriiiiCr6w nUL iMtktiht.bifdi mitted tolhewrttinitteeorn agriculture. a n iifr.iwibW!ailtfjat4)ro- Del machinery provides under certain restrictions that where a stream during'' a freshet toreakwlroia Its original chan- nel a person utilizing the water below the' break had the right of way to re- . 1tajritn,)breav1an4 ti,)feh trem ?to former course, passed its third read- incr. .iiitioa ami .?: 1 H. B. 49, S. B. 183, to incorporate Payne's Benevolent Society, Rutherfaitf1 county, rrda'rwrhira Teading. i S. B. 226, to prevent the use of intoxi ooojcating liquors in the ftritoli't)nilding fS2i i 264, aBkingjO'wr9ion con- ...'.Wrjinfltfhfi man - ""OMbn and equesrn thP Wfetipr ito t5;;port what lots .ha beeririarhat i m pcogresa am. uee misuie wwu uwip i"K)iffor the mansion. Was addDtaft'i oo,i S. R. 289, of instruction to the judicial rv cortmittfe W Atfecibrlibill to repeal ,ircliapter,l41, ImMMffrtP .Pernkit (hMc:o'untie)iliW eliiijrfaWiestoneK o Kt justices'uf tile peade nd lafticoferVty offi- of prohibition and license to the voters of lift ttli;fcowltiithetforfk)L'!' Passed its ''!W6rWfa5dfhg.l,,l1'' w JiMiiiaoi! , ,!um(fttt!cpy Kotefl of deer; prevents the iming ofiiieeribe i,twfAriri6t'd(y of1 November ajjti the lStbLay of ugteC'-0!fte'f 'amending . BO'ihAt jthwiwBiuaftant(in force in several counties in the State, the bill .YSiU'A j .UttJt unrtr.;irjt3J .1 -HOUSE OF REPRESENT ATIVIES: jaiiuarv sn. W By Mr. Heierson, resoluttoa in vestigate salaries 6f officers or tlie 'Jen itentiarv. Placed on the calendar. ! By Mr.,pobb,.resolutif)n in favor of Xjiiiuuui uuujjlv. au wic uuuiuiiti.ee uu finance. (l-ll.l'O liii4 VSH'.iHIil '(I y'By Mf.iCJIiadw'ick, bilV for the: better miuee on proposiuons aim unevanct;. i'nn i By MrJllarrell,'bill to allow rtonresi , dent executors, to tektje .oaths before dommissionei'8 or deeds. To the com miUee on'fadiciarY. .unut-n--. bun asta-a j By Mrri'erTyrDiii- to TnoYJOLeprne election of the coram nssioneroi ture. Tovthe committee on agriculture. xy mi. jseweii, uux w uumuci puue&. .ier,ua.a.n varanj)jjamona LL,ne holdrngrold notels&fcito ay back taxes of Lincoln, it is now claimed to have thereon. To the pommittee on finances Beetf 'aSeertained"1 verydistinfctl that By Mr. Ellisoit,Jbill in regard to disr.hft evidence of the mwraage'ofcliis&fiRr qualincatiouiafrjurotamTe the commit- entsfThos. Lincoln and Nancy Hanks, tee on judiciarY : ,.Wi.rianffil4 is complete a' tWrriklj "ECiteary By1 Mr-?TrimeMfqmettding thej ,BristQwhasi. receisdIliftt.,Kew, -Mork, pov?BCTijrfgraJxdgjTjrDT80 5!osthe com- from Mr. K J. Browne, a lawyer Of mpeeQn.propositions and. gnevanqes. high standing ang6nttelriBf5fkr 0 iyythsame, biirtO"cbrurHh'e,cvac- acter, whose residence is in bMeld, cmauonDi cmiaren. xo me rommvjteo. IA vts nuuee mat ue wuiuu onAto-morjow ae4iiorwardi pn)t)e; mt tiM not Btxw its &miott ..TT(n.foa.- Bill to amend an act to regulate elet-. tions. Keaa secona timo. onn gtnofimi . Mr. Hevnolds exolained the bilL sav- ,iBiMthat hfe 'tad introduced the bill Mrixiez that the election . 4ynstiowia3t ickto A rrarwriiA rrmr r. liizzell ,om)ki iha5 me.(bm 4ie ;on - the-table, and the-motien-prevailedr- , y ft i "iin m AJirreoiparace lao" zown n ViSson tonee.rj llead' 4di.afld -tiinyeag8naya-L-J ; ,- j KnTABill.liOrath(0rui thecollectiaa: f f a tearsof Uxwdth6tovnsfcf lliSlLmry and Ooldabowiu and to correct the0 tax tiacond tinaej JveMJ?jna!iifmisbiU Dassd Its' 'fofetif te'ad? Buncombe, thatithi bill should pass ltsi readings on separate days, and under a th veas and nays, ther Sneaker ordereH mm t put on ite jddjigv to-dji)AAA r U .1 AAA v v o - o saSilrseMttheWtterdritina dfl t the low lands of Fourth creek in Bxw - an ana lfeaeii. oatiiaieft iteierrea the committee dhWpbsrtions-and gieV ances. Bill to reform bills of costs in certain1 civil suits. (Abolishes tax fees.) Made' Bill to amend section 84, chapter, if, of Battle s re visaL (Directs publication or summons in county papers.; L.an A A. " on ine taoie. Bill to aineiBl lecttoIrS 119. chapter "' : "of Battle's revisaL Laid or the table. J ; v BUltP Bompfdfliiwa4jTCompanies to gwevido footway ,ftDoo8 thoi bridges. Laid onlbs tables.., u.. t ' - i . Billttiifereate,aAKfrlgH:uid. (Ap . pointsRufus-HrTohesr aVTvV. M. Boylari, J; W. B. a6 CharleiB. Boot and William Grimes commissiori- eraJ.; iBeadneoxind.ijnsrrfi.Tirxnier of kfiittd fo!MhbaTd61uiiitr due in 1883 issued for tlttn&riCUiBfariH. Ca thirty years ago. That no prepara rBwa9.tgaixxaddmeetiBLtiiese i bonds at maturity and that unless some . provisioatBf.ithessort ,was made the State would lose all its interest in the ; road. - He statetUthat the bill was very - similar to the one under wmcn . tne . former 8iakijg.iundtoJiimission was raised. He stated that the property of the State-was bound iior?tna payment . of the bonds and the measure ; proposed was necessary . Mr. Foard said that it seemed to him j i .. .TT". . Frii , At . i j. : .. ujl ins uuiy ana put it in tne nanas oi a - commiasioii'whir.h wnnld -want rav fnr .towe.s.-Oleitnpj the reference of tljfc jHUfe. jMmpate . on Stkte krMrj(Tnmer Baid that the bill did riot propose to pajpxne commissioners; h nnmmiftsion was composed of men Ttrhn maria t.hfl nuestion lof finanpfl a atndv. lie saw no use ior iuwi ref erenoeT Thafe fche bill was certain! hairless, and he should oppose the uei Mr. Foard said that the commilfefejon h nnhlic debt had the whole matter Kfnro thfim. and this branch Of the matter ouhtto 0-,to, tm,mmme.tlm ""Ritl Vwcbliect artears of taxes. Laid ton "Kill dftr.laratorv of th( tne meanme oi WAirfrtf "iitWtVio nrnhatA'nf deeds and Idle vvuvv.uwg r- , ( , J (i- I T , 'J J , i for privy examinations. (Allows clerks?4ajl w woCb mdhsteb'S wife. of lnienor uourxs w prooauj utjeu.; Bill to exempt nremen xrom me w went nf noil tax. Laid on the tablet TOll rvmcerniner Dublic officers, elepl all bfficers 6T' every kina oy tne people. Mr. Burroughs moved that the bill lie on the table. The yeas and nays were ordered on demand of Mr. Ellison, alnd the motion prevailed. Yeas, 65 ; nays, 29. By consent Mr. Cobb introduced a I Mill w cuuouu w t . ! ; rl !a7rfjwcijrjraa erfeditftsthe r comirii tee on county governmenis ; mi. jjiutvu nf "MAP.iriATihnrflr. a bill to incornorate I ' pinYfrm9 "-whiRh wasrefeireuto the committee on privngeSrid-'el8(gbns, and Mr. Woodhouse, a pennon pray"i? that, the enmorate limits of Elizabetr City beHotf exteifdiEjdpWhicli was j:e f erred to the committee on propositions and grievances. The Walled Lake in Iowa. Diuejlqwa) HewOdJ ,,;, j ( The greatest wonder in the State :of vVriffht coimt1 Wriffht countv. 12 miles north of ttimtodo imw suT miles west or uuDuque L-icy. ine..un is from two to three feet higher than the earth's surface. In some places1 th wall is 10 feet high, 15 feet wide at thj bottom, and 5 feet wide on top. An- other fact is the size of stones used in 'tidtistrtlctionhB whole of them vary- ing in weight from three tons down to 100 pounds. Tb.ere.is an abundance of stones in Wright county, but surround- ing the lake to toe extent of five or ten miles therefarfc n&ie.u 3STo one can form an iaea as to tne, means empioyeaxo bring them to the spot ox wno crJiliiti'ticted"J Hti ArifflrHWHiAire lake is a belt of woodland half a mile in length, composed of oak. Withrithis AYP.ent.inn the r.nnntrv ia a rnllinir nr&i- lia'Jhei.treesi.must have been pTantie there at the time of the building of tb.e rwall:1!I' - trie spring of the year 1856 there was a great storm, t the lake broke the wall in severaTplsCces, and the farmers risthe vicinity were obliged to repair the damages to pe TAnlinaundation. The lake occupies a ground surface of 2,800 acres : depth of water as great-a&- 2o ieet. The water is clear and cold ; soil sandy and loamy. It is singular -tfeafc mr One has been able to ascertain whera the water comes from nor where it?oes,,yet it is alwuya cl(ar and froali Crimen and Ca. uaUio. WILD JTORK '. OF ' A MAKHAN AT ' MONT VILLE IN MAINE. Belfast, Me., J anuary 27 At Moril-, ville, on Saturday afternoon Jphn Mc: Farkwid,' a farmer; 'and 'wife and ? rand-daughter, were murdered by one owell, an insane man. Mrs. McFar land was shot and the others had their wbbrtHiirtionrbLerhad attacked; vi-- brutal. iturdM WVMk WIDOW. Memphis, January 27. Mra AV. C. Foster, a widow residing alone near tlusJ eity, was ui ivwtuj iu ill uereu ihsi nignt Dy some unknown persons, who crushed her suil,w4,th a hammer,!, ' A MYSTERIOUS MURDER IN ILLINOIS. Kockford, -lTMaarxjnTdilar- shal S. Fritchard, tpwij .c9)lectorT of Cherry Valley, was mysteriously. Mur dered here yesterday. The body was fouotlLwjthji balj Ir-tJ 'ed' - MivLincoluV ParenK - Despite 'the; "doubt 'tnf own on the 1 m aalimgtuu cuuiily , A.y (3opV J.rom e tWrMhich mcoln gay ewitu . liicliard Ber- , ayM'liiijwnitee. thfteextAflfateioithwMeiho- K EreacRer, estt9i!Heaav who certifies ttfitfralMettthW on the 23d dav of btemMr, 1806. -Th record-is-said to do regular in ail respect8Jii.iMTHii j -a . ii i tI-ViJlaOa II1 liIIJB t'liUM-Ab "Wl-IVM r.UU ItlttT The 2TwYorkrri6,na,!saYal.lit , has m tne'TOOBif 1H8mve'1tefu5sl twat'lhe Vf tfie?al!e ?A! T. Stewart Wi'ot bfefeSM fked byIrtewRrtJndge Hilton or any of theft agentsrflChietrB bune says the only clew how oeihi lol- wiiu ia uciicycu uy me ponce umciais uo hayie3itfajB diiireraftotlae iiWtOron in II ifmo.ilao jutlutwrtw tOtw ii'fwnfi ij I ila Tilio piiH tT mu ei ii !J.v io n u rtlo on t bauot 1 flfeai'4a.'Hi;l( li!tihitr;Hi wmi KihW'tP mt el J'SRPftrXfflW'sdl alilwnt-n 8 liwiriittite tftlii9tfilail jvlq mwio.j tHnint lifi n jb9iifKUBflmM6MiVo una -r(iKiir to?r "rzFhli - !lSeSnvStEr 'nt. ift voad.,u Sher- lescnption of thctiiMrd- Anglican Conference at Saoetb,Erlgln lib jfihtt'cli) never helulargeTaanrTeBofeMied tb the descoptiQAf'ithssiPkayked interest. uisnop JLyman.nas been abroad fi some'raohthaftcr tlieeuarel his discourses hesnfteJrifcfetum. Dr, H. "ttanerman Diaa. m guiM if Oe fefisJf Sa)rri5n derman contracted a severe cold, from wMchttot,-gtfrr1tryf'iever since. He haAalbsfMctdnRh a serj ous affection of the kidneys, and had recently grown so leeoie. that Jie.Hl on- speaxxcra wi rrflsperT i ltf iioU,6parJnbwgta)-Bllattin?' A Jy UnR nf his. jnkPS nf anedotea will be' repeated over the. whole. Union, whifo his stri&iiiiiiaDoifcl titir.al in- vSiavjt nan ,jiiniiLii.nieii..umy.uy u T ZTTtA.l wefiknoS WiWP ew I ivi KnrwtiTftM .Tnnnarir vt Tlr- T in 4mrmaK dh-ectdr cieOirAVfltelaifa lautemcenii Lsu suramtrrr rpaDnasDeen XBea; lor) children.' ICCofrects wiujiy oi me stomacn, relieves wind'collt; regnlates JUM;bolajioaresidytonteiTand'dIaiThora.(etheE md t'4 EGETLNE. vuu. wViyyw.yrr(v.,r ' - Springfield, O., Feb. 28, 187T.S1 This lsto eertifV thst P hA fis4!, monoiactmea Dy u. . tstevens, tJosioiuJiass. ,) i Bheuruattsm and General Profltfatloa of Uie Nei foe: rr- lm,ea.a?Itlk - J8?)od .success. I reeqmi nid- Mr. vanaegnn, or tne nrm oi vao nun. la a nAll-known bnslneas man wlUrcnm hmlnAas man nf thin nlnrt-4,ii having one of the largest storey lgjiggfijd Q. . I 654(ai Loatovflle, Xy., Feb. 16, 1877. V. TT T CtAvana. Slpr xllxOT years hk iwwauumugwWi ; Kith Tnflnraftni BtieamatUMMo our-'mlntete m i ui. T aMm1 AlAwUlffC:niMJkrAO IIIKUIIV UUUiio, X was cuuisi) icuoroniw;! fnniinir a ratnm of the disease. I again commented taking it and am being benefited greatly. It also- greaQy improves my digestion. 1011 West Jefferson Street lot fte I Jtmnll TiJxiiroO to tot snft a oe!A jS3.iYdUUUl J -V Lilsm t)!o a'kvr.fa i .8' Jl f fIR Mr. EL B. Stevens: iiae, lend. lttl872yburTegeahe was recojnwndedj and yielding to the Mrsvaubnstor' a;l T consented to trv it At the time I was so) Bring from general debility and nervous prostration, Its wonderful strengthening and curative proper- tifift seemed to affect mr debilitated system from the first dose; andoqider Its persistent use I rapid ly recovered, gaining more than usual health and good feeling. Since then I have not hesitated to cIvh Veeatiiia ms sioat pumwalifled indorsement. as being a safe, sure and powerful agent in promot lne health and restoring the wasted system to new use; and as long as I live I never expect to find better. Yours truly, W. H. GIjARK, 120 Monterey jstroet, Alleghany, Penn. ,Haaia h Mkx.i sir j j ; rieuisr jthe-Ui chi JafDrese of the1 won- lqaaUtlef of 'Vetrft'1 aA- if thdrbueh qui uuu. wmiwm u iuv avwte i. i Mr. H. R. Stevens : j Dear Sir About ten jearevaeo. myr health ailed .1 V. JAnlaHrtateda'ArMMkiUrta. kaatolv a year later I was attacked by typhoid-fever in its worst form. ItjettM,ifnJack, and took the form ef-aIafee tteerhted abscess, which was fifteen months :. I had two surgical n the State, but recelv ODeraHoos by the best skill edno permanent" ctn-e. I suffered treat nainJat times, and was ooostanUs weakened bvaDrofuse discharge.' t' also iost'small'pleces dl bone at dii- leMKrtn b&ihia m&l&m&n&m Hiy- le 44, wnen a.infl.mxinimenaea me 10 rour omce, ana tanr wren -you oi ine virtue oi wWcli vow6medrl5 By what I saw and heard 1 .gained " x commeTicea laxmz ic soon aner, dqi ieu worse from its effects; stilt foRrserreraoV atlfl 'seohtelt it was benefitting me In other respects Yet I dM not see the results I desired till I had taken it faithful ly for little mora t&snamaiM when the difficulty In the back was cured: and for nine months I have enjoyed the best of health. ; I have in that time c&ined twenty-five pounds ot flesh, being heavier than ever before in my life, and I was never more able to perform labor than now. During the vast fnvKWMfcallwqra scrofulous., swelling large as my ijat gathi r. Dnl another part of my body. i i mil vegeone iaiuuuuy, ana it removed u tevmi wun,cne sumceiBiia monui. ; l uuhx i snewu nave been cured of my main trouble sooner if I hnd tak en larger doses, after having becerjm accustomed to its effects. Let your patrons troubled with scrofula or kidney disease understand thatiltAtakes time to cure chronic diseases; andti ifthey wil patiently take Vegetine, it will. In my Judgement, cure them. ; With great obligations I am ' ,i , : aiwiwni; Sansfld! , . Pastor oi the Methodist Epiropal church "0 "' I ?KI 1" VEGBTIN'E Prepared by 1 ( a R.t STJEYEN8. BOSTON, MASS. Vegetlne is sold by all Druggists. 45 YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC' it-. - h-jOT 'r. !:: THE GENUINE' -D R M C L A N E ' S- CELEBRATED ytiH.T n v n v- L II V V EK RRR L n VV K R R LLLL II V ;m R U.1l'.f:'..i ' i-rM l"x--;' PPP II L P . P II L PPP H L L L L oBSo S8 11.& LIAXLLEL'1B8S 7p f !:!' vhv. tol .i;-:?l-tit. t:l !..-" 17 AU ii'ata THS CUBS OP ! 1 J.iTOH lAflTZIO MHT T A HEPATITIS. OR LIVER COMPLAINT. 'fS'AilnU d'liL ir.-ri xi; '(! xO i!0 eiHY 'W-T SYMPTOMS OF A DISEAE LrWRl j ' Pain in the right side, under the edge ot the ribs, Increases on pressure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the. patient Is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain Is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and Is sometimes mistaken for rheuma- fepfevAle oi are cusuvb, Bumeunns anernauve Wlin lax; ine head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part. There la generally a considerable loss of memoir, accom panied wUh adnful sensation, ftf having left un done something which ought to" have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant The fuwavuv wuiuuuuo VI ncailUODO CUIU UCUllik t ixo S easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensation of the skin: his' spirits are low; and although he is satisfied. thaex- eretst, wwuu uo ueueucuu to mm. yet ne can scarce- ly B;immon uwpwiuqq wopga jpitry it. in fact he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, -but cases haveuoo- curred where few of them existed, yet examination ui uitj uoay, aner oeain, nas snown tne Liver to.. I have been extensively deranged. DAflUJirANB-CTFER. Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, to cases of Airue and jever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of tne most happy results. No bel no better cathartic can be- would advise all who are afflicted w me inem a iairmat-!-i;i lor all bilious derangements, and as a purgative, they are unequalled. simple JThe genuine are never 'Evetf hothSs" areffwax tan uiuretKuua JUT. muijAJK B L.IVKB HTT-TJ. 1 The eennine McLahs's T.ivktj ptt.t hour tn signatures of C McLans and Jusmino Bbos. on the wrappers. , j - Inslst upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLahx's Livkb Pills, prepared br llemln? Bros., of Pitt. burg, Pa., the market being full Tot imimtions of miMUirfM0lia4lEpftaiHere pronunciation. ; dec21 lv& TryoulrBrcIasiCaiTiagM gies or Saddle Horses, , go to the ew l5very If you waul ?i (Carrlage?a3dsrBaaee Waeon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New Livery Stable. -J A r'Uou,S , . . t - - If you want jou htps.wettfffiJaiil well groomed mayl10 ' , B. CHAMBEBS CoJ 1 Ex!rJHsaBTodneea.' ' ! eonn- ! tyi . . ., i .-"..,,., , i tmUMli1 -"-f-;l XVJ MERCHANTS " sziJri !. :;X- - JyitMTst jj.f H.4 AND THE mjBUC 6ENZBALX.Y4 ............. - i ..'i fculi.jl ! ' -'- i . . . I Wholesale md Eetatt CroctetyT,um1d. j have received many orders : from mercnants in, North and Sooth Carolina, GeorgiarttdiJabama, K - ........ ....'..Ji.'v.----i;. . I i . H am nonfldent that bit morass ia nerta&K 'r'l l- - XtX& r.OOtOwtna to the above- facta ! h&ve beeoreoiipeDed to Enlarge my baslness a handled per-eent'; t i HI i compete witn any xionnent jommsip- prices. Ac. AU my ware I hay teeoOjt ffl mjthe. -uaiua o 0fJFStftorte8 ttwiefoie tt does nefctptnfwtf a iei ond hands, and I am enabled to seQ gwte ai low. ,m.r, . .V.: ........................ .imM i s&My can be bought at the NOBTBL sir 'X i ii t:oiiJi ...... -.w, - j 7. ! (.it A01.IOH ;iHT i-ZlAijaAS Ti .-.ii i ooo h h . n Nir w a O O H H n MB K AA O HHH H W JT N A A ( O O H -H II N NH AAA ! OOO H H II N UK A A JaiTJa lftCELAIN ANT'GiWli Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets we make a Specialty, . tocliat' We have much of thTTklnd of Goods in si Vs. present, and In few days we will hs ff j. ji-j TWENTT-SEVEN VARIEXIES OF , USpnflOO J i i j "I'H VluwiJ : '.U j . DECORATED CH1MBEB TOILET SETS. ; i - - v-' -i TiiT i 1 Dinner and Tea Sets to 'nearly ai!e same proper-1 t lion. ourKetaeaarcompieean the largest and best selection of China, Crockery and Glasswre7ever brought to this country. - Much care taken in packing. Circulars and price' list rurnlshea upon application. Thanking you for past patronage, kc, I RmainiypHAi. I' f SesDectfollv. : i, JOHN BROOOTELD, -7 Trndn fit. near Collese. under Democrat Office. - Charlotte. N.CV' Jan. 22, 1878. 'it OARD REDUCEDu- ,boaidataie to,$15.Ggiper .T X 225SS!!iLi Trl fl"J NO-MORE O ' k J . A X OB GOUT A C U T E O BC H R O N I C S A L I C. , L ) 3,1. i J. c, A !!:! SURE CURE. fMlriuTaidrti otuTt!miaer: tnJ ar Traae-arki , wrt vi I'' flMti EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., ,1 OF PARIS AHD LKtM' ; ' ' : 3. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent core guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of Europe and America, becoming a Staple, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Parla re port 9$ cures out of 100 cases, within three Wye BeeretTtodrSy dlssolver of me poisonous Uric Add which exists In the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. SI, 00 a box, 6 boxes for $5 00. Sent to any address on receipt of Driee.- Endorsed by physicians. Sold by all druggists. Ad dress WASHBURNE 4 CO., For Standard Pure Liquors. ONS ' Carefully anahbit)uilri beared at all hours.' Dy - VILLOUS UUUWliLL, llMl W nmmriot 1- A .... i!(iM. 331 tMne French brandy. Wines and Whisklea for medical purposes, can' oe naa oi wilbom a bubwjsll, decl3' r.u- (tt.i- inr. .-f1 . ' Drugglsta. UITU.TiUJlV LICHTENSTETN, TF -.T!o ma l1'!!MEBCHAi4AIL08;!i! -ha Ii$!9-JM1II S 10 .n'UMi UflB KCUt.'Vi!ti5 1 Next door to Wilson Sc Burwell's drugstore, ilvrs-MllatuWfm .iwl'vll ; is-lN' mbiBOd iaruamsl declS f h-- Jfccf iL iikXvi PRACTICAL. TAILOR, -Bnraunanias ! L j -1 Owbut to the strlneency of the times I wDl in fu- - tore? worklny s&ea loWlInBkbwiMeFiMuts for S10. Casslmere suits for 88. Pants of suits same ! ratesl;guamnteaun? W&fiti?uir charge. uive me a cau ana do convinced. , . , July 17. .b am! ldiifioii59i no Mo ) l?w ' jflXhVtsosUrel In the Grier 4 Alexander building on xraae sireei. j. w WiiWvJHSi i. POB BHftMJ'l JJIW JiiiAJ )() A three room ilweH lwa Wtcheii InYa 1 .v TZZ " "irZ" '. "Z "li 'Tyr TitSMtoQwttBfttii&ilOv I X . , . . i itc.i:i ie rinxi sfflr-w! a u aT a tt t mOoflid "Bank'Si Crjtte. in' t the- KsadBSaJfl YJIUAnr i ' Loans and discounts....... Overdrafts, 859.81 sAton,i niiHMkaOO.00 aivMMAa f aoe ao her stocks, bonds and mi Due from approved reserve Due rrom other National Banks,. . . . Due from State Banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture and fixtures, . . Premiums paidifexM.3. T. L7. . . Cheeks and other cash items....... 122.2ft 1,140.58 I.I VO.UH. 8350.00 1,013.86' Q a at rm 8.44.' Specie,.... ..w... 7,So 920.00! Legal tender notesv . ...... Redemption3 ..llfTeaa- nrer C5 per cent of circulation),... 430a00 $252,707.88 ' iff j-ffpyjTya, ' gapttal stock paldIn,HAUAVW 1 vlV' t mdmdedt pMStB.lA ...... w . . . Capital stock paid IrXUKmitimMSiOO a,ooo.oo Individual deposits subject to check, 27,280'.85 Time certificates of deposit......... 22.986.41 to othet Naaonal Banks;. . :. : . 281.85 Due to SteteBKBkx ariahkferAIL cJa'J0;iQf.i9 Notes and bills re-dlscounted....... ( 9,' K2.707.8A Statk of Nobth Cabouka, J 11 t .Ti.iH aOjanljiioMeeklenburg,'M f . L s. P. Sioth. President of ebm teamed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement DUDscnDea ana sworn to befomBffllhI42Xrhtlay of January, 1879. - fT Iii ONQvfBQnvotaTy Public.:. -B. L McDowxll, VDireetlni p. aotw?trjii.i ,y j.i xa 1..JU. Will. ...J.1JL II'!! I' I a The TrtleS iito - ja.avv.r. - ;w - .' - rw - - ij - . - . TOtaCE'F'SEIZrJKE' "j 'lo " 'nt ftiii ! IXuoi'i iirti or: a ji'.niiuidt. ; n 'i r i U. a INTEBNA1 RKVKNtlK.;j j L.Ua Al.t. TMhMm VaI. . . : .m T m s . ri t. w ' - Beyue.Iwsojii8atarday,I;eoambw irtnsfcey-the DroDertjofWjF Burns x v.i "Uotlce Is hereby given to the' Owner or claimants of the above " describe!' property to appear before me at my office- W Staiesvllle, an -make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, the- same will be forfeited- to the I&tted States, -eut'-a u.wMmivij liMQfST, " . 'We"4 4 til'.. . i it j. . ! TVTOTICE OF 8E12UKJB: ii yynfo jj;ii AioiliyfruuyiiU t-o. iiJiuiiU.. . n .JhoT!hltedStrTjitoro8jJ8eTOmie.r V j CoUecfort Office, )8thj District North Carolina,-) ' y State ciDecember 6th, 1OT& I s- . . 8etod!fe vldaflonTOf. United, States InWrnal Ten bores' Tcfcaced, as (he roi)erlydtJr.FiFare.; aihjiii .3s- Tt) i;io;:i.n.ni - Notice Is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the alwvBTlesCrfaetT prgperty to appear before me at my onVittStateeviHeami make claim thereto before the exDlration of thirty davs from ;dateiaeeof.:r the same win be : forfeited to the ,Pnl Steles, wi n v., XL . 1 A i JifJUMOTT, . ... -..-r United States Internal Keven 1; ' rJolleV6r,s Office. Kth Collection District. oat etateevllle, Dec l80iv 1878. li t 111 .IH'lif n-i Hf'T -fii It .'(f'Mil Seized for violation ,of United States Internal Revenue Xaws, on Wednesday, December 18th, l;it Si :! JitV l)il); .H.'n ". j : : 1 J'tn ! ojpve , boxes Tobaoje, property ol Ti astrick .sajuj; I hlil.NotiMfaherebTntodieiOiTOesorelalman of thf above-desc4beL property to appear before nio at my omce in etatesvuie, ana maxe ciaun thereto before -the expiration of thirty days from dat b"f ntiajt!". iiw rUl fr? ffa to the iu (S(W)h(tl ?JM0r i J. G. YO0NO, , j , ,i .ptoUfetor; Deputy. u oi:;, Hi: The jarlev the jarle i (ll HE JARLEx, itiio-. : fl 'WWW.lw;-AA.1 ii( WWfrfWjiA A WW IKl i-i I. II GGG.t iGGQ ; EES 5 B PSS S OPERA HOUSXki. opera hous - - OPERA HOUSE, I -in tJHABLOTTE, N. C, iT'80Ui,: 1879. JANUARY 30th. 1879. , ONE jilGHT ONLY. M , .' .. BENEFIT OF THE 'POOR. ;xna nrst opnearance of Mrs. Jarlers wnfte- gers hj thia c.embraciog every variety of posture; humor, melancholy and mirth, accorded the grand est entertainment ever put upon the ' American ? eunHunmginany local mis.ana a enojee HAlfWnnn itt-mnaU'i AaiwMnll miittan m iwniimn. igSSi laiimiw hlstotieal and UfeJike fig- nuaraaci nor Mra parley's letter to the mayor: .''DxAn Bis.- I am oatoed to hear that the Door of , your town are needing help; I therefore will ap pear Ui the Opera House on the 80th of January, 1879, tor then-benefit O-l'ili HI!:,!-: .! ' BABBAKA JABtXT. Price Of admisaion KOr: dilldmn muter 1 5( vnara of age 25c, ; , iMors open at 7 o'clock; curtain rises at 8 o'clock, It is earnestly redulred that durintr the nerform-. ance the audience keep profound silence, as the machinery within the Figgers is exoeedmgly deUn cate ana me sngncesi , notation mignt DreaK ap UH3 snow, . Jan26 tf T N OTICE. By virtue of the ;r conferred m morteaee made Dy t.j. w n and Laura H. Wilkinson Ha the Chariotte BuUdin and Loan Association, I - will sell at public auction, ' a house and lot of land frontiBgontheN. a Railroad, In' square No.68, beginning a staae on the N.C. Railroad and run- rung won aaia roaa to- u a. pniuips' corner, thence wlthker line 180 feet to a stake, thence parallel wtth said railroad 491 feet to JT.B. Sriannenhousa'a I line,; thence to tho beguinlng, which Is now oaimea suDjeci to said mortgage, by E. W. Mellon. : said property to b sow at the eourl home door to tkdtr t Charlotte on the 1st Monday in March, 1879, forBfcvi thef amonnt due th Charlotte Building .and Loan Association being $229.25, -wlyi cost of advertising and sale..,; , dCl8tdj . . Sec'y and Tfsas c. jr. HAhBISOtf , . Aocttoneer. ; ' . ' JAXWEtL; HABBisojq-;: 1 : .'.-. : AUCTION and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .11; -a ;-IL- iyH).;' Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE;: : :::t : x ,.T1 ;i.Inn :1.! 1 ;gH,' ytinfii-i :1 ;ii attention to all Entrusted to our card. 1i -.jU-ijt ..''v".v -fiiintt'tN ixji :.'.... fj.tb .- JlMOJ ; fc..MJ!'Ji'i: rt 0r Jfouraoora aaove tauotte Hotei.; ! o -,L qbitopntoa ;.. r:f;tub70 l.fs K80T3 :Hi WATfTEBfi JewitatoBardr4t8iaWper, ftodnJ Satisfaction ; " Wr1- '-v Hmi .T.' JULTAir,' ,,Jtan29r,., Naxtdootto.Dc.Glbbon'aOfflce.j hp! 4fi".0().I JioU -bna- iioti:lafi8 i8 .Mt -; Mijif das' ciid!. .ot:.! iif.-j; Hit ,(rtir..(i K)'.;:-) v 'sfor VIiMi BtmBK BuppUes.Intj bun ttnr-il ,ui :, r. &n.K I Q-riui, l.i5 wv .ZK-i'l ?, null, hr-n !-K i-wmsweii .- iitfust Received? t ira'i Fresh Goshen Bottor.iT Jfew Buckwheat Flour. .viBanT. . .. .fK BOOES RECEIVED, .'ii!!.'!. - KhWpnlarolEn I ian29 .JJj.Al t . Is- WP150RYJW,JQIJU vr iioU Of English, French and Creek History. :-'JlHf) 1 ,.f si-fciajji') ' Librae of Brthsh Poetrr: Sfl Krt." f ILZ 11. Y4.LENALBAN ' J' t And other poems by Annie ViDttffy,fl.50. ' 11 ' 7THE ANGEL IN THE CLOUD, By KiWFuller, 8L50q nrro in, THE VISION OF ECHARD. By J. a Whlttier, 41.25. JESUMPTIOir: 'i U.t And the Sliver QaesttonLjaBhand- book for the; -times, for aajfi by. , X1DDX BROJ " Mlanaa ... f,r. .. - .j.iPj . ,.M -,r,. . IU, -t.,i.u,.., ...... (I ;.-i' ,! i :,:, "v - bnslnesfl ih-ni CtORAWGItA aaoiJ..n'I LEMON WW 9 RANGE. T WIf 1C N . " . t ' f LEMOw 5 it 5" liJv il.jJ TRY I'SiR ,.:E..r C o o M M 8, BIT'S .i; .The greatest luxury of the age XoOc per pound.) Also remember that he keeps the finest' assortment of Candies overseen in Char lotle. tS? Ladies partie- mariy lnvuea w call. V, V VANILLA. V5ANILLA. CHOCOLAT EEB 1j CHOCOLATgB CHOCOLATIbr- V ANILLA. JanI8 HpHE, ' BISING. SUN." J. Aeeocdtng to the command of Joshua of old, al though repudiated :prthe' jasper Phllopliy the ne, Is now! sjanding stulat the Old Place, on the Market 'House, plus Comet Fire EngtaefiaTl where the light Of reason 'Qutnltiatcs. tlie, surrounding' atmosphere, which h rests a& things, with the glow of Inspiration, and the world no longer seema .,,;,.; "ABeemlshow"' Toman's Uluston given.' ' Ones on a time, in another Hemisphere, 'Tian's i'U. 1-! ji'U.'i 'til I i:i . . : : - niuslon" was checkmated and fanaticism stamped out hi the HorfiVtuVttfieCrbss vs. the Crescent, .ruil'. (a. ; ti hi (the Crusades). Two.injpqn men were killed and pyramid was erected from the bones from one alone,, near Nleve, by Solyman,. as a monument to their fanaQcfsnr, arid the Saracens drank beer out if their siiHs. Isn-beiir'fol- ngthe Reformatlott, m Christian' conflicts (so tit. .'! i ' 'i lnyrilUi :. ' called,) fifty million; more .were slain ?aU by Di vine ' appointment," '' making probably In an, 100r 000,000 who have vtettmhsed ihemseives to their faith. Peter the Berrnit had nothing to do with (he latter conflicts. He had Peter'd out some time previous. - The present Hermit who tuns the "RISING SUN" Is' pleased to say that he has received Jus stock since Christmas, and has. now on hand FERRY'S CELEBRATED GARDEN SEEDS (warranted to comi up without the cnieade of your neighbor's chtekensX m addltldn to ias Btodk of Candles, Nuts Raisins, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Flour.Lard, .Saidlnes, Canned Fruits, Apples, and Oranges. In fact everything kept in a Confectionery and Gro cery. ;! C. 8. HOLTON. Jan 19 Democrat and Home copy. JEAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Bouses, Advertise free of cost, all properties placed In my . hands for sale. THOS; FDRiYTON, declO ( -ClwrinixK'iN. C TttK . ' M u RENT.: FOR RENT. ; JOB RENT. FOBiBENnh -, FOB REN I OR RENT. , '10 Robm House, two Mdeka frnm raiMte tutitfiTn. v wvm am,vuov, -r quh .ui uvuuu fMiwiuucu, iuvi iMocuuvmpuDuc sjnare, o Pr monm rjJtosaffims-iv?ifl.ftjMrw.ilai attaelbea, i tooi-bloaJl ifrwn pabUc square, i' M j jt'-i.; . FOB rSALR. '' I'l lf.iVl-f't jj nwm avum, wjui gouf?it pnoe.9iMiUU .... j. , i A,'hAA ii .: 4BooHoaseiwlthgeodtot,price$70O. K Room HoiiRA. with Rprei and half of land, four blocks from public square, price $3,000. ' ' AUTlTlli'Yt - . m jifrnii:.' vjIj v:.( 'iy ii 'Hi t i ! ; . ; 7 to t0 Room House, near pnblic SQaare. .1 1 3 to 4 Bxpm House, near public sauare, J :') flf .-mr.! DAWSON;. COfS.; IdecWroifj !l tMlH xistt m I u m in ; i i atxi w tun-nit 'J'!lir)jil fi :-' !! ,-.'nr;4: -j'ii !; -Hit.'! li 7l.hi..-iii -' ; ri i.Ijnt ibnw Jim; lin: ;-! irr mA I . . . . . , . . m 'y ,iMiiii(l j; ioi Jiyi-.ivi.-jJ tid Jo.i I.ti.-v j OFFICE OVER L. R.'WRISTO ACQ'S 1- ifiiH J9J1 03 iji.iJJO'jii j0Uifi nasJziH !'ji;-il Dbtjo SlOKk' iititpeilencB;! 'i Ifiir'ft -:; ; iTf yWx 2$ ;y&r: xperlnoB (I ilcnajatrirs ii'-i .) i iiO:"ii'l-: I W - - - " . j 1 jliltolOM-jtt'ijaftAfcW S "i f U J j IL'J 1LU w 'Ajrsik . ji) j -j u ' aitii ii mLn'ii. 1 ii-; fn iJaenj win j 4t VlMkiMhU Iff..,,... ..1 - 'Uil 'I r t, ... J,,. Jill Allofthe best quality for retail trade. 1 'J? declS ..j'mwnl nil rrii't if; nil And Patterns of Garments for 'February" receive iiu uii tf -TIDDT 3ui IcTirEB'''f J -j iitjanifi") i! ifi invii i-t tin RooDiHouae; xo permomu. . i ii'-. j ) n Kill ;. f -, A TV TI 'T. NICHOLAS. SCBIBNEB'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE ' J ' ' oi enui ahd 'sots.' J AM .IDxil. CHTT.DKKIf'B XASAZnO. lorfGiris and Boys. wtthMra, K Ma DoSS ' ". i . PVKB 60,000 oopna. tt "to published simultaneously m Londor and! New York; and the transatlantic TreoogUon is most as general and hearty as theAmeS. u though the progress of the magazuaaTteen a steady advance, It has not reachednXL SMffl weal oputinuauy outruns it, swiftly follows after. To-day ana tne magazine as St. Nicholas stands .(. The arrangements for literary and artcontrtbu Uons for the newvolume-the aixth-iuVcoSplete SJ?0?1, already favorlte sources, as weU m from promising new ones. Mr. Frank B.ck. ton's new serial story for boys. '?s "A JOIiT FKLLOWSHT XJSJ011 tne twelre monthly parts. be ntgtWitaPienumber lorNoveibw378Tu in ri.yAo PS01!" Lone 01 and adventure tinuedlate Bahamas, i lor the girls, a con- ; t ..i "HALF A DOZEN HOUSBEEEPSBS," KaeiSmifhy wiUX ' iuustoations by Fred e pieUnanbfensinttie same number; ana a , fresh rtal .ny rgusan, Coolldge; entiUed -FnT ttt ty.ofplrtuxesv willbe oommewd ;Toere will alj beacoutfn- uouiiuijiaieciuiea -. -iJ- - f "lamfrx-dgdgbt's towkh," ?J5niiuIfan: Hawthorne, and illustrated by Alfred rredertoke, ; About the other familiar lea ; tures oj St' Nicholas, the editor preserves a ewi humored sitehce, oontent, perhaps, to let hef Ave , volumes ahSdyTlssued, imiphesy coucerenfffihe ; sixth, In respect to short r stories, DlctuntrrlJ.,e ; numor, instrucOveketches. and the hm uT.Tt' Zl 1 oJack--lh4he-PulplV ' Jho ; "Very Little ' Term. S3J0D a year:'' sr mmJl fepibtoher ot tUa'mS: yj iM uwMciwni iiuu posanasters. Persons should write name. Dostnffl.. uint, c...V , futt-arid send with' remTcFhT checkT P 0 money order, or registered letter to ' , ir. SCRIBNER CO., deel 743 Broadway. New York. "'HE SCIENTIFIC AMEftlCAN. THTRTT-FOUETH TSAK. The most Popular Scientific Paper In the World. vmy .jju a year, including postage. Weekly, 52: Numbers a yeary4,000 book pages. wtiIElmi,0';A?Ef:BI?Alr 18 alargeflrstclass Weeklv Newspaper pf sixteen pages, printed In the mosTteauOful Tstyfe, profusely Illustrated "tii splendid engrswlngs, representing the newest in ventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences; Including New and Interesting Facta to ArtcultaHortte Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History Geology, Astronomy. , The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found m the Helen tine American Terms, d.20 per year; $1.60 half year.which ln- ciuaes postage. Discount to agents. Single copies ten cents. Sold by ail Newsdealers. Remit by pos telorder to MtJNN A Co., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York " . fii-in connection with the Scientific iS!" ?11 P0"- SoUcitors of American antf Foreign Patents, have had 84 years experience, and now have the - largest establish ment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the Sleu tific American of all inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the Immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. Anypersonwno has made a new discovery or Invention, can ascertain; free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. We also send free our handbook about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Mark their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on Inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. i. MJJMN $ 3? Bark Row, New York. Branchy Office, cor. F. & 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. novlfltf JJARPER'S WEEKLY. y 1 8 7 9. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THS PRESS The Wkkxxy; remains aaaDv at tna ftsai nf m.o- tortodpapers by Us fine literary Quality, the beauty A ,yc auu wwacuis. Bpnngneid Republican. Its pictorial attractions are snnerh. nd mhrj every variety ot subject and artistic treatment -Zlotfs Herald. Boston. The Wkwllt is a' potent agency for the dissemi 1 nation of correct political principles, and a power ruiopponent oi shams, frauds, and false pretences.. jarouuig jULyroso, Aucnesier. The volumes of the Wkkkxt begin with the first Number of January of each : year. When no Ume is mentioned, it will be understood that the sub scriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of his order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Maeaztno. 94 00 . 400 . 4 00 . 10 00 . 7 00 i garpert Weekly, ! " t Harper's Bazar, The Three iHibllcations, oneyeaX'lI.".' Any Twoi Teafci.vi.i' Six subscriptions, one year, SUbSCTlDtlOIW. onn vmr .:' ... I 20 00 lerms ior large clubs furnished on apppDeatlon. Postage free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada.: a. . . . . . . ; . i i '.h. .. . I 1 jL '.; r pi'JThe ahnnal: volumes of iUBPKBs Wsekxt, in luwcioin Dinding, will be sent by express, free of I &uvuBe urovjoea pne zreignt does not exceed on uvimi per volume;, ior i.uu each. A complete 7 .coniprtslng twenty-two volumes, sent on re celptof the cash at the rate of $5.25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. njCtoth oaseaforeach volume; suitable for binding, wiH be, sent by mail, postpaid, i on receipt of $1.00 vuum I "J"2 " unui) w ttVVMI CIHUiee OI lOSS. f NCWSPaDerS an nut : to . ecxiv thtK nlrorMSAmpnt without Um express, order of Harper A Brothers. Address HARPER ft BROTHERS, decll - New York. 1879 1878 JpBS FOUR REVIEWS '.'.ti !!' ' ?!.' ' !''!' u ;.. xi AND B LACKWOOD. i? Autbmnprin'ofr-. Kill TM Edinburgh Review (Whigl The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative, .1,?JlSBiw.i(EvangeUCal)r AHD TSLACXWdOD'S (EDINBURGH 'MAGAZINE. '''Tnse' reprints are nti selections; they give to originals In full, and at about one-third the price of tlie Eniilsh edition, i -, , , . '.,,,.(; iindeutrof research accuracy or statement and pu- fiw ui svte, ,tney ire without any equal. They keep' pace with modem thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement whether in religion, science, lit erature, or art The ablest writers fill their page With mOSt lntere&ttmr nvhna nf hlatnrv and with an intelligent narration of the great events of the day. ..- r ...-jtSiiil.i i j i; Fori rapBS, JOB J.879 flHCIflpJHTJ POSTAGB) : jciai; jPayaW strtctij in advance. Forana Beylewii msC t ; f r 4 00 per annum. any iwo weviews, , ; ,. r . . 7 00 any three Revlewsi 10 00 For all four Reviews mi i&iiQ.nh For Blackwood' Magazine, f) ;4 00 . Fox Blackwood and onaBvlAw. 7 rut wot uiackwona ana two Reviews 10 00 zor tH&cEwooa ana tnree 13 OO m orasiiiHiwnnarDmur.ovjj, 15 00 ttemof xnenaa. now borne br ttte publisb- ers. la eoulvalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on the costto Bul)scrlberrm formeryears. ... A (flWUUI VA. MtwIVAkkJ m wuf. nu w iivnw " club of torn-ni: more persons. Thus t four copies Of Blackwood or of one Review will be ' sent, to one address, for $12.80, iour copies oi ther four ne lews and Blackwoodfor $48, and soon. ., New BUDBcnneny (.applying eariy) ior tne y' 1879 may have,-without charge,' the numbers for lhe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as the; may subscribe for.": r .,, :.. Or, instead, new subscribers to any two, three or four of the above periodicals, may have one ol tne . " Four Reviews" toe , 1878; subscribers to all five may have two of the Four Reviews,', or one set oi Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. , . , Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed imleas the money is remlttea direct;, to the publishers. , No premiums given ClubS. .'... ..f::'"'. ,:.V..'.y :.:?.,.'. ' To secure premiums tt wQl be necessary to nisKe early' application, as the . stock available for - 1HJ5 LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 1 41 Barclay Street,1 New fort 1 'I 1