m ;TSE OBSERVES' JOB JtifrjtRpoW' . SUBSCRIPTION RATES t '. k DaSy, ofM year, (post-paid) to advance... ... .$8 00 Six Month.. ..I , 4 00 Three Months.... 2 00 One Month, , 75 J : .v . weekly edition i . Weekly, (in county) in advance .92 00 OtUttftMeounty.pottpaid,.... ... 2 10 MzKona........-:.. l oo Ma been thottmgfihf tupriied vith eoertrj needed mmc, ana wun wm unm ntyu oriype. ana every manner of Job Work eon not .te don wuA neatntM. dimtttciS and dwjpM$.- W4 ctm fvrnithr at Mhori BLANK. BILTSElbS. ' 1 tM A ' 1 1 ' . IJETTEB-BXAJW CARDS, i ta.68! RECEitts, Fosters, 1 . , PROGRAMMES, HAND-BILLS ', 1 PAMPHLETS, CIRCVLARS, checks,' CHARLOTTE, N.-O.vSATTrRpAY-EEBRUABTfj'l'U VOL. XX. liberal Reductionijor Club. . ..A QASHMXRE3 AND ALPACAS. joat Received another lot of superior CASHMERES AMD ALPACAS, Banging in Price from 25 cents to One Dollar. a . ..- . : : l-f ..Until. '.' -tft; is A Few Piece t -COlASfctD 'CAsSMEBalt Wool ot superior qaatfty., fit sixty cents, worth $i.oa Do not fall to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before buying.' It wiil pay you. s 1 ELIAS COHEN. IFxxxnltvixt. B UBGESS NICHOLS, ! U rl O .0$ H jf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALEB TN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! FURNITURE! ... . . ... V.. i t-'iU FURNITURE t ? BEDDING, &a BEDDING, &C. rBENING,&C. BEDDING, &C FUKNITURE I 'i,-i . . i -t. :.. V -J A Full Line ot CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! 1W-. LOUNGES! LOUNGES! .... LOUNGES! I .LOUNGES! ' . si .o j uLtu. .... - LOUNGES .H;4U : wl-y.'it-XOUNGES! .- it; ;f V ?;V;"s HT'-'V j P ATTYR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! t PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! ' . i a. ! . i ' '." - ' . COFFINS of an kinds on band. ....... t iii ' l.ir.f i .-.......-, I if " ' 5'';'M.'ii''t'VfJ ;' " COFFINS of aS kinds on band. -dEl .Wl.i-.5 i a.. , , f CHARLOTTE, N.C. !- &La.dI, ant. Gentlemen' Burial Rj4- !! ..J .. E (lW I , A?ti: -..' m-r.i )iul3 , tlARGAlNd i;;;-t:,:...;i-:;. Matt- Oiucvi. , . . . 7 i; .? ! ;.';'!' -.''- .. x- 'ti ;t.!r"'-: w?!iJ ..A " "" iA'U nm ' '"' "'1 ,;a:;SS":i BKBB ,j,5-s.rt.,. I lii . J ..K-r.iiuuft:.J . V- ' : : . 0Sii J) " -Hi J5f ' tk IL G. ROGERS WAREBOOMsl1 fl v-T fit-: ,(! j'iJt j'r.ntnK.. Nkij xro6TOmca. I ( f ............. .H.0f"I 5?J.hI ti . ' '. ' .' :t -I winA .1 4 lfty Stock la yerTLat4 .and embracss a' FuU Xiine of '.' r.t 4- . . . . t ',',-f t 4 i ' - WpkV'ij'k 'C. .-. i) ' 1 ., AND r - JH4 - it, i -1 : . it .4 !' . . . i -i,...r H".j .it lOlfFICE FURNITURE J J, .'1 JfTj-:uiiii ANNO U N C E M E N rp N N O U N C E M EN X . TOB LOrp tl OB LO 1 OF I CHILDREN'S. FINE FANCY H H OO RSSo n EEB RBR T , Y H HO oi8nH ,B B,'T Y HHH O O "sSo n B RRB 1 TY H H H O O 8 SuaS II B B Y H OO 88 II EBB B .Y a TO BE CLOSED OUT LOSED OU X A . . TTTT lA T A T OO N OOO EEB O iO NK N O O E O O N N N O EE O O N NN O O B OO N NN OOO EEB S T A A T ALEXANDER & HARRIS. Feb. 1st IMPORTANT TO L A D I E O MPORTANT TO LADIKlJ JUST RECEIVE T UST receiveU BY TO-DAT'8 EX P R E S O X P R E S O A LOT OF NEW ABDOMINAL OOO OO RBB dS8r BEE TTTT RSSo O OO OR Rg bB T g 8 O ORBB SScEE T "88, O OO OB OOO OO B T T 8 B 88 EEB a n B s8Ssr Give them a trial and you will be pleased; Also a new lot of DRESS BUTTONS, BLACK AND WHITE SATIN, MONOGRAM RUFFLING FOR SFJBT PROTECTORS, CORDED PIQUES . AND PLAID NAINSOOKS. , - ! - ' XHB BEST -,- ' I SEAMLESS KID GLOVE tl'. t'Vi'.i l 'f- - .. ' ..... In the market. Also large lot of Kids In Street and Opera shades. A FULL LINE OF DRESS TRIMMINGS Always on hand. GlvemeacaiL ;; . Respectfully, 'V T Jju SEIGLE ;fVChailotte .Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. T, ADIES' CLOAKS. , JLADIE3' CLOAKS. LADIES CLOAXC (. LADIES' CLOAkD. THE G R E A T E 1. BAR G A I NO H E G R E A T E S T B A. R G A IXO OFT h e' s s A s o xrv F THE S E A S O IX . - i ! t 1 ,f ;r.v ! h, rraimmrn mrevrrrat T inrva' Trrkl a--1 HE HtTNDBKD CSOICEJLAniES!.(X0AK! r - - J TjisrBSCETVBb BTEZFBES 08T BKCZITXD BT SZFBESI tont 8,, ii c'l " J! 1 ) .'1 ' r v whlah will be sold without reserve, at sacrir : : ' fldng prlcesd Don't tall to comer and look at , ! ft" i i f I'll lU'KI ' ' " 1 ' " - '' ' .vif ;,i,ii ari'S ,VW 15 ' rme . .luio i as . -ia- i.-M CWEEPTNGltEDUCTION Of FORMER FRICEO - OWEEPING REDUCTION of FQBMER PRICE O- 6n s.r ,'ir J Ml loJATOW IS TOUR CHANCTjV - J,": 10 . XI OW IS TOUR CHAJNOA -Jf TO BUT A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFrp O BUTj CQAK FQR. A CHRISTMAS GIF A v !i,A! T"-H A L Fi"P BI'OT? ' ' ' 1 fli - T i H A L IPRIC JlU M i - n f JtjyjfJ ;; V-iL( t'v f J J HVMORRISftBROS. H MORRIS ft BROS. ' "v .n .1. Cdecl4 t lw Drummers. ' V ' LI 1 A tLKGKmQ OF THE BOAD. ' Tt naa fam rival fmmmni ..'!' .T- -'in 4 rt: -The merits that did blow " -i r f-i v Of safes were In St. Louis made , " 5 'And safes from Chicago. . ( I ' Who fain asafe would buy,. J i And in the praise of their houses' wares r ' The drummers twain did vie. , ; '' Each striving to see which could construct " The most colossal lie. "' Up spake the St Louis drummer ; "Once a man a eat did take ' ""And locked the animal tn a safe Of our superior make.; i f , They made a bonfire round the safe With tar and kerosene, And four-and-twentr hours It blazed ' :; With raging heat, I ween. -' The fire went out, the safe was cooled, And I will f orfeltfive Hundred good dollars If that cat , Did not come out alive." . j Then mild Tipspake ami answered him '. The Chicago safe agent;, . . -: ' "With our sate one day we did essay " The same experiment ; , , , ' "J- - - " :- ' . .,, ,! We Dlaced the safe selected on ... ; . ; ' Of coalsafirevbed. v -y And pitch pine we heaped In eoal oil steeped, - Till the iron glowed bright red; 1 And In forty-eight hours we ope'd the safe, . - r Ana alas! the cat was deadl' , 7. Y '.' A ' ,m :. '-i - ; , "Was deadt AhaP bis rival cried, ' With triumphant breath; But the Chicago man replied, rv. Tei Uie cat was frozen todeathP' ; v;"u i f.j.fi '). 'n'' ... No word that St -Louis drummer spoke, But silent he stood and wan, While the Kansas merchant an order gave To the Chicago man. i OteSSERVAXtOWS To the Indians:' No," you are mistaken; this is not the land of the brave Omaha editors i write i witli a pistol " behind tlielr ears and with hand-grenades within convenient reach. ---: ; It Is hardly worth while to be bothered with shift less colored servants when bleached domestics are so cheap at the dry goods stores. ; A Nevada' woman scolded her Chinese servant for not properly cleaning a fish, and, going into the kitchen soon after, found him energellcally wash ing it with brown soap. .. : . ; : i ; "What is meant by conscience?" asked an- En glish schoolmaster of his class.' "A hlnward monitor." "And what do you understand by mon Itor ?" --"A : Tilronclad," nreplled - the intelligent outh.?f f . ; r . . fif,': 'I'' ' !Now, look 'e1 here," "said "the ftiree-year-old to his grand mother In a proposed spelling match, "let's start even; you take Massachusetts and I'll take cat" "Did you ever," asked a brother-humorist of JoshB011ngs,,"8tand at the hall-door after your lecture and listen to what the people said about It as they passed out?" , Replied Joshi, "I did once (a pause and ' a sigh), but I'll never do it again." Cin. Sat. Night. , DEATH AT A WEDDING. A Priest Falls While Performing a Marriage Ceremony.- New Tork Sun, 30th. I , In St Francis Xavier's fibmah Catho lic church last eveningr.a.large cprnpany had gathered to see united in marriage Charles Brennan, a -son' of 'Owen. W. Brenhan, and nephew of the late" ex sheritf Matthew T. Brennan, with Miss Meta Peetsch, daughter of Henry Peet sch, a wealthy tobacconist, living in East Eighteenth street The marriage cere mony was to have been celebrated on Wednesday evening last but the sick ness and death ot tne onaegroom simcie nrevented. The Kev. Father Alphonsus LPelletier and- the .Rev. Father .David Merrick, the pastor of St FrancisXa vier"s, were standing' in 'front' bl the. altar when Mr. Brennan and Miss Peetr sch and their two bridesmaids and two groomsmen walked up the" aisle. They, were greeted by Father Pelletier, Who' began a brief discourse on the solemni ty of the marriage sacrament Without warning and as he was saying,-"Yott must give up father and mother," he tottered forward and fell between the bride and the groom, uttered one groan, and was still. The congregation arose by a common impulse when Pastor Merrick and an assistant clergyman hurried to raise the fallen priest They ascertained at once that he could not stand, and they car ried him in their arms into the baptis try. He remained unconscious. Father Merrick hastened out and asked the congregation : to be seated. Then I he said that Father Pelletier was subject td palpitation of the heart; but lie did not know that Father Pelletier was dy ing at that moment. Then Father Mer rick' took1 tip the marriage ceremony where it had been broken, off, and fin- ished it As he pronounced the bene diction the assistalxtfepriestswiiotihad remained, in the .baptistry,, came from a side door, and, holding up a "hand; An nounced that Father Pelletier Jiad jhst breathed his last . . . ! " y If Wits attempted to give the dying man communion, but only extreme unc tion and absolution could be partly con' summated. He died of heart disease. ; ; . . Destroying Fith with Dynamite.: !. -:.. ' ''-"-'JjaJeighNews.J - j .-: A gentleman informed a reporter, yes terday that on Haw river persons were destroying great numbers of fish by the explosion ot charges of dynamite in the river. , The mode, of procedure is to bait a portion of "the1 river so as to lure the fish; thereto and under the. bait to.put a cartridge.of dynamite, which is one of the f most'TWeTf ul -explbsives Known. When. the. jBsh are -gathered together, the cartridge is exploded, and the force of the coiWiuision' kills air the fish, both J Teat and smalLiThese arise to the sur ace and areiakenf This mode of kilk' ng fish is.reprehensible, as all Rre-kin-i ed, theiWfisn the fryundittld "be put a stop to. ; .v .-.u ao A 2;?e3VV'a?Itt .T .ITT ii .T V I .1 Thft Atlanta Constitution, in its. febf- V" ci'etisonaH sayS;ttie Drettiest' girl( Douui UiWimua uvea iu ouMPVi siy . iiu rides In a sulkyJ ? Trueje We have our selves been attracted by her magnetism,1 and sat in:theipresence of her lovelk ness, oblivious of the past and with ev ery thought and feeling centered in the present-rCoZwmfcia Register h'v. -L .1 f: Where was the sulky 'I Greenville News. f The 5Oonl Complaint. Si Dyspepsia ,.Jhf jnaUonal complaint!, Almost every other man orf .woman, you meet has. it, and the result la that tie number of pseudo-remedies j to It is as riumerdus as Pharaoh's hosf'They are, J fox the most part worthless. ' There Is, however,; a marching eradicanXof this distressing MtR2"ZgL rate malady, one whose genume merits lorjgBtoce - f xalsed-tt to a foremost -place among -toe- staple medicines of America. Hoste tier's Stomach Bit ters extirpates dyspepsia-wlth greater certainty and promptitude r than ariyknowrimely,"ind is a most genial Invlgorant,' appetizer and aid tojecre don. These are not empty assertions, as thou-! sands of our countrymen and women who have ex perienced Its effects are aware, but are, baeked up by Irrefragable proofs repeatedly laid before the public. The Bitters also promote a regular habit of 0 andglve a healthful stimulus to the urt nary organs.'. 7 j a? r .IJ.O " " " ' I t m I I . 'I'';''' For upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wmslow's Sooth- trig Syrup has been used for children. - It corrects acidity 01 tne stomacn, relieves wina cone, reguiaies the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. - An old and well known remedy. 25c per bottle. i " ; ;i '?;!RaieighNewa.'i -' T"'1 8ENATK. w ,rt ; ' : i' ; J AC January 29. . INTRODUCTION OF BTLLS AND BESOLU- . ::-.. . -,.V ' s 1'J" ' 'j a-' f, i Mr. Dortch, to simplify bills - of in dictments in certain cases, r Judiciary. - MrRespass, to :punish -the shooting of !rcattle and live stock: running at large. t'Agriculture.tA. , ' - " -'1 . ., ' tiALENb ar, f;; ' S. B. 240, "concerning the civil actions for the recovery ot debts,rand in prac tice for the purchase of larids., Passed final reading, ordered to be engrossed and sent to the?; House .--of Representa tives. W JSuH'iiftt' .f:..i :''..': ' , : II. B. 32, S. B. 139, to amend chapter 2, oiBattle'a revisal, and chapter 274; laws of 1876-'TT; so as to abolish the office of State Geologist ' . - -: i tMr,. Alexander moved to have the bill printed, and" t made special ' order for AVedhesday; next'? Carried. , t. s. k: 2hr in rp.iatlon tntrifl ton tax nn fertilizers. Thia bill was postponed and I uioue pvGuu vunjM, wx-oabuj.uiij' imul tab t 12 O ClOCK. 7- - - ; SPECIAL ORDER. , The special order set apart for to-day at 12 o'clock was taken up, which was S, B. 159, to abolish the tax fees of at torneys charged in bills of cost in civil suits. . This bill was referred to the judiciary committee a few days since. , They re ported it back to the Senate with a re commendation that it do not pass. T r rThe bill called forth one of the most spirited debates of the session, lasting nearlytwo hours. - The bill passed its final reading". - 1 ; t r r ; i HOUSE OF KePRESENTATTYES. : I i '"' ' ' r January 29 , PETTTIONS A j y-Mrrf-Rarringeivfrom'r !of Rowan, asking -the ; incorporation of Christ fehtirbh'." - Corporations. : By the same, from citizens of Unity township, Rowan ' county, against the stock law. 'Propositions, and. grievan ces. ' By the same, from "Citizens of Rowan, to raise i the school fund froni 80 cents to $1. Education . - . By Mr. Click, from citizens of Iredell, asking prohibition of whiskey, selling in three miles of Shepherd church. Pro positions and grievances. ; , By Mr. Powers, from citizens of Shel by, asking the repeal of the local option law. " " - By the same, from citizens of Shelby, asking that the local Option ; law be not alteredand '.:- By the same, from ladies of Shelby, asking thnt the local option law remain in force ; all xef erredthei cjp.mmittee on propositions and grievances- By Mr. Boat from citizensof Unity township, Rowan county, asking a stock law. . .Agricrxlture.' '. ' ; BILLS. ; By Mr. Amis, tc protect sheep, and raise: money for the : support J of public schools. : Education "- - By Mr. Robertson, to extend the pow ers of . mayors in all civil cases. Judi- I ciary..... r- $y Mr. Davis, of catawbarfortne re lief of Jonas Cline, late sheriff of Ca tawba... Judiciary, .; -By Mr. Scott for the relief of farmers. Agriculture. . r ..... . j i- By .'Mr. Lindsay, to organize sub agencies of the Agricultural, Depart ment m the various counties.' Agricul ture, &C " ' '("' By the satne to protect the State's ih teresttn public works. Railroads, AlC." , By Mr. Smith, to incorporate the Pres byterian and .Methodist; churches j of Lexington, Davidson county. Corpora tions. : " CALENDAR TAKFN UP. H. B. 9, for relief of Wilkes jurors, setting apart a fund of $1,200 for their pay, passed. REVISAL OF THE LAWS. The question of the appointment of a code commission to revise the laws of the State, which was so thoroughly and lengthily discussed yesterday, came up again and drew the fire of the members right, and left as before. Mr. Vaughan offered an amendment to strike out the Governor's appointive power, and j so leave the bill as to let the Legislature appoint . This amendment was voted on and lost - . . ' - - Mr. Powers moved to amend by giv ing the Suprene Court the power to appoint Lost Mr. Atkinson offered an amendment that no monies shall be. drawn out of the treasury for any work on printing of anything under this actr' until the next GeneraTAssembly shall authorize the same. Adopted. ! Mr. Carter, of Buncombe, offered an amendment that the 300 copies proposed to be printed for the use of the next Legislature. tie stricken out and the re visal presehteflii'manuscript Lost . An amendment by Mr, Norment that unless lawyers and clerks of courts pur chase a copy in 60 days after its publi cation their fees-shall cease, was adopt ed, amid much laughter. 1 . Mr. Turner offered an amendment providing for Only one commissioner, which was lost r- j " ' An amendment by , Mr. York, that the General Assembly shall elect then passed by a vote of 54 to 49. The bill was then put upon its third reading, as amended, and the; ayes and nays called, when it failed to pass A motion to reconsider was at once made, rand ordered to be put on the journal, so rn i it 1 1 -ti jsit 1: : ' : i. mat ine uui will come up -agiua to morrow.-- -' : ' '- .fiH' A 4 imi - j ; -j The followed committees Vwere an nounced: ' - - ,r 1, On federal relations: Messrs. Carter, of Buncombe, Cobb, Rawley, Clarke, and Deans. . " House branch of select committee on S- istices of the peace : -Messrs. Lewis, ryson, - Covington, Carroll,' ' Moore, Blaisdell, Korment and WaddelL, :t 1 f ; A falnable Discovery ," J i . The discoverer of a process for "making1 Cob Ltvkb Oil palatable is certainly a public benefac tor, forlt- Is universally admitted- to be the best remedy In Consumptive and Scrofulous cases ever produced, yet on account of its sickening -taste many risk death ratherthan take It- The manu facturers of Scott's Emulsion of Con Lrvxa Oil, with the HTPOPHOSPHrras or Lims and Soda have - table as Fresh Cream7 and with the addition 6f the HypopbosphltetM -which Is an excellent Bone and Nerve - Tonic have - produced a remedy of the greatest value in the above diseases, ,;, tvt .oj Kase AttaiaaMe by the Bheimatle i ; "Te'atoough'-'theV'tikf despair "of relief; 8 is attainable tor rheumatic, u2erersi for .there Is remedy whioh-carrles off , rby . means of, Increased J H..I n .1 J .J I . . . " T M 1 I blood " purlncatlon the acrid element . to which wuvw uv uio juiuicjo uuLiuriicuit cuiuuicra lur I pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful oj uiywiwrn WUUiCDOIJt UVU1V VIA 17J uiixf. ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent Is Hostetters, a preparation Kltewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with - the bile and a certain means of relief in dysDensla. fever and airue. and 4 nervous ailments. " It Is, perhaps, the finest tonic i exiani, ana is ir -aiy recommenaea as a meaicinai sumuiiuit Dy aui;inginsnea pnysiovinsanaanaiysui who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very beneficial. ' The press also endorses It i Ulr- 'u. OD v A ,,T : T , TOO T O O ; -; TOO T OO 'a. m. mm. AAA - Ti ' 5DD A A T 3 T8 C L O SB C L O S E O D rp t O U JL ; I ' Will begin the Grand Annual Closing There will be a Grand Rush and we would advise tt wffl tetothemaiiy 'kiiL-''A. ! And to others It will repay them to invest for fu ures, we would suggest Una circular be retained Ton can buy English Fur and, Whitney Beaver worth S32 and $30, at $24.' Our Fine' West Eng. ment of $20 Overcoats, embracing . Worateds,.Cas Brown Meltons, marked $15, $16, $17 and $19.50, Oar splendid heavy Chinchilla Coats worth the ; en Vestai $27 50, $28 and $30-reduced to $22-50, away Frocks and Tests, $20, $21, $22 and $23.50, ment of Cassimere Frock and Sack Suits, sold Our entire Stock of Cassimere Panta ranging $6.50 $5.50 and $6.00, one uniform price, $4.00, TO Will be sacrificed, some 300 pairs all wool Cassl Hankerchelfs at 25c TO CLOSE OUT. A small ur Fine Merino Underwear, worth $2 each Shirt Our stock of Bpya' Wnl be arranged In connection with the " Clearing garments and other perishable goods, to be slaugn Da many Instances the Quantity is small and sizes CLOTHING! L O I H I N Gl CIOTHINTI I CLOTHIN VXi W. KAUFMAN A CCS. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to .nduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock - OOO L OO TTTT H H II NN R GOO O O L O O T O T. ' O O T H H II HIT a Q a HHH n N N N O H H H N NN O GO H HUH NN GOO O O I . i O O T 000,IXtL.:OO T I C T.iKWB EAVB SVXB OFFEBKD, Consisting of the- nsrud variety of MEN S. DOTS, T0LTHANDCBllJ)REJrS , . -'. t& C L O T H I N G FOUND IS FIRST CLASS HOUSE. '. i ; : '"Viii'lr- . - -Jib" .All we ask Is that our friends and customers will give us a calL as It will be to four Interest and you wiir save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. : ' W. KAUFMAN Ar CO., .'Springs Corner, Charlotte, N. C dec!2 j r 10RN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, ' v Posfofflce Address Charlotte City Mills : ) i -.' '- Parties having grain to grind or to sen will Ind It to their Interest to call on the undersigned. : Meal ground either fine or coarse, according to order.! 'Thankful for former patronage, I will give my prompt personal-attention, to all orders from One bushel to a ear load. , . . - w i , .,7 , ' ROBERT D. GRAHAM, i - . ,.j , -, - . , 8uperintendem.t ' . -I TXE HAVE A SELECT STOCK . , . 'Ot Whole' and Grrmnd Spices,' mcliidmg'Fells' notninc mper. 10 jrjjii. u. wkisi-o iu.- declS BOX'S and NELSON'S GELATINE, j -.. i -.9iO r f jr. corn' staitniouiaft iMacaroni - ana Pean i Ta Dlq. ui s I'-ZS jM B..WRISTON d CO.- ji ): ; Guaranteed .to ba j0 -3 J ' ' TWENTT TEARS OLD, TTTT ' OO Ih.' - TTT ' ' ' V fcTl ilJ? 8'8t ggAAA(.a OO DM T8 C t O 8 1 C LO S B o tr r l t 0UB BNTTRB ' S TOCK OF j WINT BR GOODS 1 Sate o all Jieafabries, embraclr. Overcoats, "; WlNTEB'TJJnERWEAlLx' ir friends to call early in order to "enjoy the WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENT ! wb.bnav r : ' try r?:Tx ,; ttnl forward RAND occasio BAND' OCCASIO. N tare .wear. Annexed we will give a schedule of To-day win begin the great distributing sale of the A-.-kAL A A y 4-E. D. LATTA & BROM W-! 1 --. -1 'f-x-m TO CLOSE OUT. Overcoats, Satin lined, $40 at $29. ' Our Fine land Casters, $30, at $25. Our'oilve BrownjCaa ters, Granites, ChlnchDlaSi wlthoutreserve, at$15. at one uniform closing price, $1250. ore season $10 $7.00, TO CLOSE OUT. Our fine lip CLOSE OUT. Our entire magnificent line of all at one uniform closing pr!ce,$18.00, TO CLOSE readily the entire season, $15, $16 and $17.60, at Our $10 and $12.50 OOSSQlEBE SUITS, at ff.BOf TO CLOSE OUT. $7 and $70 at one urilforM prtcittltX). Our CLOSE OUT. Our large variety fr?j$i!so TO CLOSR ,0t3T- V) tl mere Pants, $3, $a50, $3.50, 83.75 at $2.50, to assortment of the celebrated Starr Shirts In In col and Drawers, will be sold at $3 per suit TO CLOSE and $1.00, at one uniform price, 50c. TO CLOSE OUT O CLOSE O U. . X CloJUngwrUbgfitej f TTJ CLOSE OUT. ' -'. n 'j Prices" in our regular and desirable goods, certain tered at less than half value, few, and in order to procure Just what, your heart (CLOSING OUT SALE. W W W A NN N TTTT MSB DDD WtWWW AA NN N T R D WW WW A A NNN T , EB s D D "WW WW AAA N NN T B - D ! D VW W A AN NN T KBB DDD WiSD. EVEEBODYtN-WANT OF "J ,;T,v5-:.i- ' '-. - . ;';;r- t J-?!-"! i -.-'i-"; ' OOO L OO TTTTH-: njW'H GGO o el o o r (HHnSir .no t- o O E O O T HHHnSNNG OOt'T OmO T HHnNHHOOa OOOLLUr OO T H HIIN NN GGO And desiring wift bear In mind previous &a of ,.? i rUK WINTER STOC 1 VJUR WINTER STOC El t AT COST No sham, we win sell to. OUT Customers' 'tod Ps-' trons our Fall and Winter Clothing at actual cost; no uoycje auwnue i auj ana uui wium we ttcui anyda . i J.Vi--. : :! -,?.;. - . f J f ; vl H.;"t aj-U-'U vriSiilliii 1;. ri'nT ' Our Mr. L. .BERWANGER, a practical Tailor and Manufacturer! or Che past fifteen years, is enabled to buy Goods at very tow figures, and therefore we are able to sell you clpthtogat ManxilScturers' : . . ; is -i j't : 87i! M M. A A T ijl'.i 'i!i i.ii'.Ua'JsH tiilj'fii ii 'Iiitt'4 -IiU iEBwiKGS'Btt,f Li FineCRJt3fle and TaOora,'51 rpHE WORLDS STANDAEDi? "'Wl"' J . r jWiSCALES. " r '" 1 ' ' -l . .... v-. !?i;ll -iTor Salfl Aha. t"!'.l r ".M ! h.: r,.tf Jt- .,.,' .1 SHI,.' i.vi i.kj.. i ,7T77iT r JytM' r'w'.rt , -,von i''.f(j7' ,ii - ' ' sn i . ,1 ih '- i l r 'uv i i Coffflft Mllla, Sptoa Mala, and Store Flitm fiene- i j! jrff; i f hi " 'j'fivn'ii-jvJi I -j--Ane improvea atpo wr.; rT ., ? , , n TT-"I.tO"V j . . "l rf i y end for Circulars. -n rl 4 ,) 1 'ZS & CO., .- . 4 r:i.,l , 811 Eroaiiwcr, U Yoi !li t3T For sale by Leading Hardware Ecalsrsl eptl-dtaww . . ' y ,v TTxTM OO T"3i IVBDdiTM IvVtiTrm'-. 'J ? !'i:lJ -'J-ii7lut-' i l--tUIJ K-SI n; A-ih',? .4iy o f.;t.i?Jjoj -je.jli.liim i ri vI 1,1! i.i,7 ri'Vin ' r.i it J' !J fiJiM 4V hi"! ,-,! )' 1:' T0 "0'L'Of S IS O 'TI-rTP 'i 1 'I'll '.!.'. TV Ail f r.t s 7i ,,'U lwiJtfM Hl t'l' i Cassimere Sultlngjah;!; .,' -u Lest advmteges ttt &etf ona'adwen blbahralnd With . solicitude to UUfl feH., jutKtUi U-Al icil'il rv." vjl .-T9 xnilntJ- ".i:'i'&.in'f ; -i ii (.!.' 6tf i .ia . '.iij it si. i,-' i J' 'ti tilt 1;'H ,U:tU. i:iii,a tu ,virV- 'Alu't : '! ' ' -i "i ,M'll 'hl'i ' ' i.ii i. f h r!3 'iv arit.-1nrjt-i !' a; prices, and as one goods are marked in plain mammoth' stock of ; ntii-Jviu; ..yjJi ii1- ':'y f.f!l7ii.tif ttMty:f. 'iiU 'in VUiqit :: Uv.H'--yl ii i ff.h'.'iui-i ht!.4;iW& i:-'yiil to 'tii'ss-.-r 'wiul'le-ti zi -n-MfV : is'iV .'illiiit4 -jiij 'jo o-nsinol Jr. hii - ;,j x -? - I r:tii,1 nl Mtii&n 8hi Iv -Ufsivt , vfi; Je &il dohiw 'qionini ! ; .. -;! filiui!-jvl kwj ,ia:.7. livh .xiuissitwli liiii; is8frfi i;.n ifii w iJ; yi3v is s-i i . nf;'K-I) ifT ' iinow Ji r; Ji .wmz v;iv : i i in;nuii-"-'j. !Uw - ii ilyi.lv .n;'iitxi'if JesR (mjnads garhjenlajslikv sleeve, Ifntt torsllk sleevei at tl8JiOur "enUre assort Our 'aMstiv va(1iiBoaiiA vrlr ifijfl) on -l)i;fi iii ii li.i-iJBit DahuBia ton'wllTOck3 ''''i'liiw fj)'n'tj Rtrbi'iw- - OUT.3fh tertW one nlformipiio8U tlW IO' CLOSE. OUT. : 7-r 'tiJ -I -nit tti ihr.l.ui iutt ih'nhr : : i '." 'ruif is f;o 'ii 'To ij'i5 ' t-UJifl 'Vfi v; i-J3jir j-r.' Immense assortment of Cassimere. ,ts, $5, Cassimere Panto at one miform price, $3.00, Kjjfe'.0-iL:;-i 7v'i;i ulSihUvw.il CXCKI'OUT.i Ooiremaimtg stock.' of. Iiuiies' t'?-lf) v ennre -Hi .v;u(1 IfHiJ- a ,'-i'i-i'r . . r , . . ..... :ua;,tisaiy i-jviMiit t -0Da.a -. liiifi-nalf qilviO)b ;.u'i 4i .4- Mes'of 'woirsted ii .t i; 'JO. "-jJil'j-iJ fifil lirift mostdeslrek1 Call earlf, in tttf Jjl 'Y1?1 ' . W -. ..... A A W. I I I I r. t (: rrtkoWsKfi&etf'1 " ' V . ii;:i': jy&U!J;& ii'iUinz Beg to can your atteju totiie Ao that ii is their desire to gtre WotntWiya ' f f 1 Ktl'i ' ! --i" f :il V-i.ii."; ;-. ?: !'i;.JtBST CLASS: ! t'.vj-.y EXX K A '3 i- TMtn -ifMlJl i'rfX JEPARltMlArirvonMfm ere r any and everything that the trade Of oar .r-WVitiiflOi r.ll'41 -f':i..i 'ii4l vt 21 iowmuntty maydeslre.can pebaA WhajltoB iit a point to remove the ; beowM Jrhlch scpjtjie of omiSlaim tohave' beoa plalnW irder 4j ' 1 ?; l4t J ?I"N'1B n0 f'FWf6'S''a our fietaBberjaTVav,Grand)'8ucsian pro- pi)1idBaDr1-te to T-v? ::i T So itso OTV fea? v it mtth-iAt yli'HUp Iryfi'rrjrt uhti awta kiwi hi: ikckb W,0EJ&5lM I" . . jnjLiit Xi$u:9ijJ.i;2eiT . Our MR. BARUCH will dye his personal atten. boqjoxob ijepaien aM(iormex jucim Wj list that classlot bnsmes eaUBfiei lis 4hat.3(lr ef forts tri this parser Wfll be- ap'preaaied -by our numerojAfri ti W ahattednUmto Ao offer lor UwnextSO days rematoderoibor'' 'I"'Iril ihvi Ji;hi 7on ii laV . Mnrw it v w w p vie imi .'i.ti !j;fint:rt- yno-- -nfl Iptit hihyyhim 0s i4 i;l dj yofLoj Ifw-i. ' Kli7ili r-viiXJntij Si .oj .jon .til l.m; '-if.ff dZy&UHjrl .i). it fnii ) ill - ,v .va'I lo .Mur-nY 1 .TsJo'iT .iU itanoliil iuiim mi if I txnxil Hi vsjf 1 Jflt vnb" CZTAT.AStONlSllINQLTJXJW.fKICEi ; ,;j-)- hi no Jii'i 'jiof oJ )j; n'f ii j! 'li iwij-Mib-ri zUii'i'ril Mi iWBfti aifto ot jnaklng eftm,fprJflnf Sprinji and Bummer stock,4 wirtdi' we win' place tnWtbr at inyi jj;ai-77i'l m: iil M'.ni ul -"Jerrys etastheeasonwig,a(irnitart- it A r Iff ft I'null t'l s.:rit iT .oho-ul to , f tu? IjiiaiXiiTTneLTNTCfl 'onf OUBJ titmoo ,fa.J -ji'j.Mi )Aifin .x v'Jl 3; sttwdiB - WHOLESALE DEPABT5Tri'T,t' HOLESALE DEPARTMEN JL Wbe'kei ui ai alwajftir'i ,TA-Jix;"7 vj;D-- U lUi'.rl f.7f .Vj'ni"' i'i',,'i7j:f V)5"I 'iJliivw! jTespecuUIy,; , ,,( :f . - ..- .. .'Hit!;! ti uiftf '' Jan. 21, 1878. - . . -A--n'..E ' Kr.t.f. M ; J I AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. 4