SATURDAY FEBKUARY 1, 18797" . . RAILROAD DIBECTOBI. -- - i.,vr! . The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washington time): , .., ' .; ;; BICHJiOND DANVIIXX. . , Arrives from Richmond and Ooldsboro, 1.00 a, m. Leaves tor i - " 3.20 a. m. Arrives from RlchmondV. 10.50 a. m. Leaves for t - -- 6-65 P. m. , ' ATLANTA CHARLOTTE ATB-UNK.. Arrives from Atlanta,!: .".-v......' 8.20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta,. . . a . 1.05 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,. 4:--'---.- .59ip-m- Leaves for Atlanta... w..'.. 10.50 a. m. -''" CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA 4 AUGUSTA. . Arrives from Augusta,. V... .... 6.45 p. m. Leaves for Augusta,. ....,......... 11,00 a. m. CABOLUTA CENTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington,: ....... i. 7.29 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington; .V... ........ 6.00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby,. . I ..; 5.00 p. m. Leaves forhelby,.,..f.. ....... 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TKNNESSSB A OHIO. Arrives from Statesvttie,. ! .. .- 5.30 p. m. Leaves for Statesvllle.i.ii 7.00 a. m . it CUARLOIT): POST OFFICE. OFFICE HOUB& ' ' '' $ - OPENS. ' CLOSES. Money Order Department, . . 9.00 a. m, 5.00 p. m. Registry Department,, e... . . .9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. Gen'lDellv'y Stamp Dept.. 8. 00 a. m. p. m. " " " f- 8.80 p.m. 8.45 p.m. tW On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. OPENING ANIi CLOSING OF MAILB. . " ' ' ; OPENS. CLOSES. -Danville 4 Charlotte R E.,. 8-00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. ... f 11.15 a. m; 6.00p.m. Charlotte & Atlanta RjR.,. 8.00 a. nv 9.00 p. m. " & Augusta RR... 8.80 p.m. 10.00 a. m. Wllm'n ft Charlotte BjR.,. 8.80 pi m. 5.00 a. m. Charlotte & Shelby R. R.,.; 5.80 p. m. ; 6.00 a. m. " ft StatesvUlej.,;: 5.30 prn. 6.00a.m. Beattle's Ford; (horse route,) Mondays at 5.00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m. - i : t37 Yorkvllle, (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. . t W. W. JENKINS, P. M. . INDICATIONS. I ' War Department, OfficeICiiIef Signal Officer, Washington, Jan. 31. 7:30 pi m. Tor the South Atlantic States, areas of rain, Winds shifting to northwest and northeast, telightj changes in tempera ture, and during Saturday, : rising ba rometer, f . XocaJ Iteport for Icticrday. M j-1 7 A. M. f 2 P. M. ! 9 P. M Barometer 29.808 44 92 ' W. 3 Foggy. Thermometer Relative Humidity,'. Wind Direction, : ; . " Velocity,...:.. Weather,..;-,....... -- " '-, " ::. .'... ',- Index to IVew;Advertleiiem. 4- R. N. Tlddy Chamber of Commerce. R. E. Cochrane Notice. ,m John Garibaldi For Sale. Pegram & Co Dissolution. HOME PENCI LINGS. Burr's Oceanicpn came down on the train from State$ville yesterday after noon, and will bej exhibited in Concord to-night. It skipped Charlotte. During the month of January $3,854, 24 worth of bullion was assayed in the United States assay office in this city. These figures are from the official re port of Col. Calvin J. Cowles, the as sayer. ; :' '. . ,';.(, .;; ...;.'.; ..' . . Better not let y"our dog bite a printer if you wish to preserve its- life. A. vi cious canine took the leg of one of ours in his mouth; yesterday evening, and shortly thereafter the dog died killed with a shot gun. j v . The register of deeds of .Mecklenburg county reports that there are sun a great; many merchants; in the county who have made no returns of their purchases during the year aa they are required to-, do by law. ' f ; : - : . . ... .'M l nere were oiiy two interments in Elm wood cemetery during the mojith: of January., Deaths among the colored people have, however, been : larger than usual, the number of interments- in Pinewood cemetery being fifteen four women, four met and seven children. f ' ' ' : .- Rllginif Service ia tbe Country. : Mrs. Moon and Miss Painter fulfilled their appointmeiit at Dow's church, on the Lincolnton toad, yesterday. They met quite a large congregation, notwith standing the weather, and the meeting was to all appearances as successful as could have been' expected..., They were Calvary church;in this fcity;? iThey; all returned in the af ternoonv and the usual meeting was held at Calvary last night. i . " Time's Cbanices. . Behold, now, this is from Tom Evans, of the Reidsville Times, who is some times ironical, but oftener truthful, and knows how to say things:'; ; : ' "N6w, hasn't Chatlotte grown in the last ten years!. :She:'outcities Baleigh; indeed, she's the 'biggist little , city in the State. We remember well ten years since in Charlotte climbing a ladder to net into an old framed shanty n a back street in order to get a plate of hot oys-tei-s, and now she has perfect palace parlors for eating saloons,-and a musi cal club that -invites a club all the way from Boston,' the Hub of the Universe. .Well; well..,......... : Marriase Ca 3Tonff Cnarlottean. Mr. J- P. Thomas.'Jf- of the iCarolma Military Institute, returned to the city day before yesterday with his bride, formerly Miss Mamie Waties, of Co lumbia. They were married at the res idence of the bride's parents , in; Colum bia Wednesday evening, in the presence of the immediate families of the young couple, by JReVi JPeter J. Shandy There were no attendants. Soon after the cer emony they took: the" train" for Char lotteBoth have; many,, warm,, friends herewho Will extend their hearty con gratulations upon this1 happy event, and good wishes for their happiness through ;Ilfen) 6tH &mitif .JJii-Jt .t,.;JiSl..ia tnp. Nitrfreme txiun ,w' um . . f kix&l national .uanK or onarione'Ts - Sample &! Alexander et al; from Meck lenburg; argued;wmpp do aauej ana m. Barringer for the plaintiff, andi Wilson & Son for defendants, rr --: ? r I' A. P. Newheart vs. It. B. Peters et al, from Mecklenbnrg ; arguedJi E. Brown, Wilson & Son and W. W.'Plemming for the plaintiff, and 1L Barringer.and Sjbipp & Bailey, for dendtiWrifii:?-?' WilsonJ Palmer' & Cd'TSf Dl ' L. White et aX, from Mecklenbtirg argued, Jones & Johnston .ana smpp xaney for the defendants , r . . . . Importance of VentilaUon4 p -.Lit Many persons pompiaiu vi always geir ting up tired , in he morning. ' This is . rVerv often due. to. defective ventilation of bed-rooms or to an undue amount of warm bed-clothes and beddine. Feath- 1 er beds aire toor soft and ,yieldingr; and partially envelope the sleeper, thus uroducinff nrofuse ;:oerSDiratlon. The . haWt of lying tco much under 1 1 uikets ia ttlswvp.rv.Tflrtiir,ioTisf bv reason of the carbonic acid exhaled by the sleeper 1 ! . a 1 1. 4- In a aAmmAn :-error to supnose by simply opening a ' , window a little at the top,;, a' room", can be ventilated. People forget that lor ' proper ventilation there must be an in- let and an Outlet for the air.;,;l In bed rooms there is often neither, and if - there is a fireplacei it is generally closed '"" Mm --''.- " 1 . 1JW CHEW JACKSON J8 BEST SWEETX A 1 30.070 29.887 42 4 100 92 , S. E. S. ' 3 Miles 1 LtRaln. LtRaln "TJIE CENTLEflAIf , FRO.TI A1ECK- r ,-. a $ t , mnvBG. J Col. John L. Brown at Home Some ' ' J-!'y'1cw and Some Opinloniu ! 'We venture to say that there is no man in the General Assembly who, for level-headedness, good solid sense and 'the ability to" utilize it, stands better among his colleagues than Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg. There is proof of this in the fact that, although he is what is been in the General Assembly for four-1 teen years past he is nevertheless a' member of live of the House commit- , tees, to-wit: on finance, State; debt, banks and currency!, internal improve ments and public roads. More than this, it is manifest in many ways to his constituents, even at this distance, that ne io lading an acuve ana leading part in the proceedings of the House, and it is quite notable that nearly every bill, that he has introduced has excited pub lic attention and elicited debate. Col. Brown is at home now on nrivate business. He came up yesterday morn ing and will return to Raleigh Monday night. ' A member of The Observer staff met and had a brief conversation with him last eveninsr. He is thorough ly informed upon i the . character and present situation of every important measure that has been introduced and talks interestingly ! upon the general character. and situation of the legisla tive work. As a matter of course he is very much interested as to the fate of his bill to amend the charter of the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line Railroad tie puts nis championship or the bill upon the ground of common sense, and favors the measure upon business prin ciples, as one of importance to Char lotte and the west. Up to the time of his leaving Raleigh. Thursday evening. ' he saw no reason to doubt that his bill would pass. It will be called up upon his return. ,"'. . Col. Brown is hopeful concerning his divorce bill. Though recent events would seem to be against it, he is yet of opinion that when next taken up it-will be passed. As to thedog law there is doubt as to the fate which awaits it; the Com mittee reported unfavorably upon the first ibill of this sort. It is impossible, Col. Brown reports, to form a definite opinion as to what will be the action of the body in reference to the appropria tions which will be asked of it; there are a number of members who are in favor of prosecuting the public works now on hand, while there are a number of others who. are not disposed to spend a aoiiar tor any purpose, upontne important question - of the public debt there is no immediate pros pect of definite action. The joint com mittee on this question are at work but are not yet prepared to submit their propositions to the houses. Uol. Jsrown reports tnat there is a popular misunderstanding concerning tbe scope of the bill to prevent the run ning of Sunday trains. The bill as at present before the houses applies only to freight trains aa the Legislature has no power to interfere in any manner with trains carrying United States mail. There is an amendment pending to the effect that the bill shall not ap ply before sunrise or after sunset on the Sabbath day. The troublesome matter of the reve nue bill is yet to be disposed of. The question is how can more money be raised without an increase of taxation V The demand for more is imperative. There is a deficiency in the treasury of 8100,000, and this must be met by the machinery act to be passed by this Gen eral Assembly. The judgment of the treasurer is that this deficiency should be made up by the levying of a tax upon persons and objects hitherto tax free. The question of salaries and fees is one which is engaging the thoughtful attention of the Legislature. The in dications seems to be that the bill of Mr. Graham, leaving the commissioners of each county to establish the fees of the county officers, will become a law, though it encounters strenuous opposi tion m some quarters, more especially from the county officers themselves, j Altogether it is gathered from Col.' Brown that there is more to be said of things that are to do than of things that have been done. A great deal of work has been mapped out but aside from private and local bills, very - little has been perfected, itisobservarjieirom the newspaper reports that final action has been had upon but few if any measures of general public concern. Col. Brown is satisfied that the Legisla ture will sit throughout the entire sixty days allowed to it by law, and will have to spur up to complete by the-8th of Marqh, the work which has already been inaugurated and some which has not been touched, but which must be disposed of.: li matter in Bankruptcy S. J. Perry, of jCharlotte, bankrupt on his own petition,'! has applied to the court for relief from all his debts prior to the 29th day of August, 1878. A meet ing of his creditors to select an assignee of his estate, will be neia Deiore Tnos. B. Keogh, register; at the Central HoteL Charlotte, on the 18th day of February, at 3 o clock, p. m. A. D. Prince, of Charlotte, has ap plied to the bankrupt court for. a final discharge from all his debts due prior to the 1st of -August, 1878. AVmeeting of his creditors, to show cause why the application should not be granted, will be held before Register Keogh atthe' Central Hotel in this city on the 19th of February at 3 p. m. ; A meeting of the creditors of Walter Brem & Martin, bankrupts, will be held before Register Keogh at the Central IIotel,'February ;20th, for the purpose of selecting an assignee., a t A meeting of the creditors of J.R. Davidspn; 'bankrnpt,v;wilV . beheld, at the Central' Hotel, before Register Keogh, on the 19th inst, for the pur pose of selecting ah assignee, the bank rupt having applied for a discharge from all hia debts prior: to the 20th of August last. - . . j Stenh6use u&' Macaulay, bankrupts,, have applied for a final discharge from an then debtsprior to the 26th of April, 1878, and a meeting of the creditors, to show cause ' hy the petition should not be granted, will be held before Register Keoghrthe-rC5entraI-Hotelrnhe 20th inst rf fi H rffJ - . i u Green of Bea"ver pam,Union county, nave appiiea- jiui -a uiu. na-r-harorp. from all their debts Drib to August 27th, 1878, and a meeting wm. be Tield before - Register Keogh, in Greensboro on the I4th inst at 12m ji! -Wiley -MoTganV'Sf Salisbury, having nnniipif for a final discharge, a meeting of his creditors, to show'caose, will be held before Register Broadfieldin Sahsf, Tn w mvtha iflih. insfci? o-como ? . The -i above items are gleaned front the Greensboro ,New,Jorth State, ! . . About two months ago . aMecklenl .burg runtyegraweatmxananrua . r - i tawK arts iirnila county ,in. earp vf there hadthd misfortune to break his law TT a-nrttsr .aVPtriCTheDOOirhDuse of tharcbtmty, and aifeWweekSwafter; the occurrence; the authorities nau mm sent to the poor house in Mecklenburg An!, fhA v vprv eold weather at tbat time, WhUe;,l)if waythithet i,5a irr -j i.mkpn over again, and a few days ago it : had "to be amputated. rrha Tv.voifTnn -who nerf ormea the oper ation having expressed the opinion that thiaomntit'iiMnii wonld-fnOthaVe been necessary but for the second fracture. we understand that the negWrWiUsue fiaharnia conntv for several thousand dollars damages, for having him remov- ea at a time wueu ma nuiu t ' a condition to bear the test to whjih it waa anhipfprt hv t.b I removfiL and that the suit ;wUl he brought at the next term of Cabarrus court 1 -.u-.i Xnermometer Hecord.Jt (, ; ? . ' The following will show the" state Of the thermometer, at the stations men tioned, at 4L35 yesterday evening, Wash- ington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued .from 'the sig4, nal office in t.hipirv? s-' : Atlanta ,55 Jacksonville, i .69 Key West.... ..70 Mobile..... .....73 Montgomery 59 New Orleans... .76 Punta Rassa. . . .66 Savannah ..60 St. Marks....... 70 Augusta.. ...... 54 Charleston. . 56 Charlotte ...47 Corsicana . ... ..62 Galveston . . . : . ..69 I Havana 76 .....68 lndianola. Street Runaway. i. A horse attached to a wagon belong ing to Mr. Robt Beatty got frighten ed near the intersection of College and Trade streets, yesterday about noon, and went whirling up the latter street J no. Zeigler, the driver, and a little son of Mr. E. H. Britton who were on the wag on when the animal . started tdMrun, were throwri off, and the driver was struck on the head by one of the wheels. The boy was not hurt, but the man re ceived quite a severe cut He was not, however, disabled.. The run-away was very exciting to those who saw it, many of them believing for a moment that the man had been killed. -; The horse was caught before he reached the pub lic square. ; , Another North Carolina Invention. Alexander Oliver is a rather obscure shoe maker In Union county, but has re recently invented a method of making seamless '; shoes which is hkely to give him a national notoriety. ,; A shoe con structed on this method was exhibited at The Observer office yesterday by Mr. C. A. Blackwelder, who lives in Mc Dowell county, and who with Mr. Jas. Smith bought the invention from Oliver and have made application for the pa tent They have- received a letter from the patent office stating that no applica tion of the kind has ever been recorded. The inventor claims that in addition to the comfort in a shoe without seams, the manner in which it is cut saves one quarter in the upper leather a verjr important fact, if true. The shoe ex hibited to us is well shaped and seems to have a decided advantage over those made on the old style, whether a coarse brogan or a French calf -skin gaiter. It has been such a short time since the invention was perfected, however, that it has not been put to a practical test JTIarriaf e Statistics. The following persons obtained mar riage licenses from the register of deeds of Mecklenburg county during the month of January: WHITES. James Hastings, Sarah C. McCernner. R, B. Glass, Sallie K. Barnett . ; R. B. Huneychtt, Mary J. Winecoff. John A. Knott, E. E. Hough. William McKamey, Fannie Lockhart G. W. Closson, N". J. Dulin. John T. Dulin, M E. Mullis. W. W. Orr, Lula M. Hunter. C. & McCord, M. A. Tucker. Geo." J. Williams, Mary A. Morrison. James T. Wentze, Laura E. Harkey. Robt B. McGee, Mary W. Beatty. R. W. Johnston, Margaret Woodsides. J ames Armstrong, Joanna Hawkins. David Lawing, Mary Smith. J. S. Felts, Emma F. Boom. COLORED. Eli Parks Caroline Wallace. Geo. Dixon, Eliza Alexander. Warren Ross, Sallie Hill. ' - Lewis Parks, Laura Palmer. Albertus Stowe, Eliza Kendrick. Jesse Johnston, Annie Morris. ' William Marks, Adeline Beam. Colonel Moore, Emily Bell. Leroy McLelland, Hattie Johnston. ' Clark Trotter, Melissa Tate. Important iSeetins- Xo-Nijfht. An advertisement from the secretary calls a meeting of the Charlotte cham ber of commerce to be held at their new rooms in the insurance building this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Important mat ters are to come up tor consideration. chief among these the Question of ac tion by the business men of Charlotte upon the legislation now pending tor an extension of the charter of the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Railroad to Char- otte. A strong loDDy from Wilming ton is at work upon the members of the General Assembly to secure the defeat of this (to our section) important meas ure, and it is necessary for the people of Charlotte and tbe western part of the State generally to bestir themselves and that without delay. A telegram was received here last evening, signed by a citizen of Charlotte and a citizen of a neighboring town, saying that the bill is in danger and that it is necessary for the people of Charlotte to talce im mediate action. In the light of these facts it is almost unnecessary to urge a full meeting of the chamber to-night Tbe Kecent Sensation on the Air-Line It was stated in this naoer that the circumstances connected with the dis appearance of the young girl, Ollie Gun nel, from "Atlanta, and her return home on the Air-Line train, was to have been investigated in that city day before yes terday, u The Atlanta Contitution says that when this trial was called "all of the interested parties in the case were present with their? attorneys, and a score of witnesses were scattered all through the throng, waiting for their names to be called. At: the :i appointed hour for the trial, of the cage, Justice Bntt disappointed his audience by stat ing that there would be no. trial, as he had aismissea the warrants against tne defendants upon the ground that the girl was older than the statute required that she should be to make out a case Of kidnapping ' In other wor(isMiss.l Olhewas pa longer, a 'kid.' " .Jri, So the matter has not amounted to much' after all. : ' There have been a good .many-; false; rumors gotten , up about the affair, some of which have -reflected npon TrersCTS"teoyayieon-: nected, with -xut Amonff the suirerers from these 'reports' is ;apt james jac Cool. ; thahr-wnonrno conductor n the line stands higher or is better!Knwn. The manner in which his name happens to. be associated with the aff air is sim- )ly,his;i,Whefl he arriyed- at Jjuiuth, he crifl got on the train to cometo Charlotte, but had no money to pay her fare. He found out that she Deionged in'Atiahta and pergtfaded hereto;: take the return train;, when 'his train arrived at the meeting point; haying fcrst con sulted with the road-master.: Who; hap pened to b6 bh the ! traih and with other passengers as to, what should be i done under the' circumstances. We.'were shown, yesterday, the amaavits 01 : tne attorneys on both sides of the ease, whfln it came un m-tne conrts. to: tne effect that hei had; no;, connection with f it. but simhlv acted as .any Kina heartr edTailroad official would have done in a similar position, . , , ' . - . , While ThehObsebver's article did not Intimate that Capt McCool had any connection - with the affair other; than in his official character as conductor, it takes: this opportunity bf netting aright before the. puDjuGone. on wnom nave been cast reflections calculated to affect hi$ personal character;;.;.- Tt:;TA.;---;..v. A Remarkable Besslt. ' ft makes no difference now many physicians, or bow much medicine you nave tried. It Is now an es; tabllshed fact that German Syrup is Use only reme dy which has given complete satisfaction In severe cases of Lung Diseases. It is true there are yet thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung .Affections, Consumption, Hem orrhages. Asthma, -severe , uoias seuuea on me Breast, Pneumonia Whooping Cough, Ac., who havB no personal knowledge of Boschee's German Syrup. To such we would say ftyit 50,000 osen were sold last year witheut one complaint. Con-, sumpttves try Just one bqttle. Begular slzei73' cents, tjoid oy au oxugsi in Amenca, . ; j 5ic' JKB A FIRST CLASS -1 y jt. Smoke can and get a Sudor, at 4 " "- JanSO' $200 IN CASH WILL PURCHASE" A Power Printing OPresa, Ooernsey make, old style, size of bed 26x4 Inches. - Was in use nntll replaced by a new one. - Address J. C. BATXKY, alitor Enterprise and Mountaineer, GraenYiUe, o - 10 CASES HUNTADI JANOS Mineral Water; 10 baskets (50 Jugs each) Apol- llnaris, Just received. .. .. , WILSON ft BUBWELL. Jan30 - Just received a fresh supply of superior Tea. WILSON ft BUBWELL, JanSO -gUIST'S GARDEN SEED. A large supply of these popular seed, lust receiv ed, by WILSON ft BUBWELL. Jan22 - , w X ABB ALWAYS READY And willing to show eoods whether or not too are ready to buy. L. B, WBISTON ft CO. decis. QLOVEB, ORCHARD GRASS, LUCERNE, WHITE CLOVER, Sold from fresh stock, by WILSON 4 BUBWELL. Jan30 B UIST'S GARDEN SEED Are the best, sold by WILSON ft BUBWELL. Jan30 G BEAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. i. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, .CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everrthlnar von want for Christmas, at dec24 : . T . WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR 8TOCT7 E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOC1V T7 A N C Y GOOD C 17 ANCY GOOD O " Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. B. WBISTON ft CO. declS CALDWELL HOUSE,1 CALDWELL HOUS ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUS E, ' Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, ' -' 1! -Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, . ; CHAB1X1TTE, N. a, a p. Caldwell..:...:. .. ......Proprietor 4-Ir 5tU 1: fe: -'.fJ-W. TVila KinaA la rwrmmienMi MtnhKahAH nxiA nflmm all the conveniences and comforts of a first class boarding house. Persons visiting the city will Had It a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Canbe fimushed with rooms. , BATES Per day. transient, S1.25: per week, $8.00. Regular table, $3.25; board and room per month, $18.00. - lahlO - . N EW LIVERY STABLE. H you want first-lass Carriages, Phaetons, Bug- or oadaie Horses, go to the New uvery If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New Livery Stable. ! If you want your horses weH fed and well groomed go to the New Livery Stable. : s . Careful drivers, "promptoesa and reasonable prioea may28 B CHAMBERS ft CO. AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON Cochrane' keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, Stand ...i ; j , ard Pure, Two Years Old,, 4"-!? ua Jil (.-si; af-i T5t. SU: -si-.!,, n f . And rure Liq u oral Three Years Old,' go ' , . eocHBANra, fantral Hotel Saloon. Especial attention to tbe retail trade, and all out uooos are wtununea oi toe Dest qoHiirr. - ; . .1 a 1 1 - vo.l 1 W WILSON. BUBWELL, declU Drusstsi NOnCE TO lABMEBSHl i i 1 j " " . ' - ' ' ' .' 4 - , ' ' ' ; . ;' x - -; ; - ; am prepared to STORE COTTON tn my fire proof building either tn basement or on the first or see ond floors nd win grre warehouse reeelptson which you can draw money If desired. " 1 ; - JlW. Charges moderate. . THOMAS H. GATTHXR. oetia " '. ' " -r QI.BOCEBXES CHEAPER THAN EVER. - NEW GOODS! NEW FEATURES! . Come to me for Bacon, Com, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie comity) BEST BYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All goods delivered In the city free of charge. W. H. CBJJOIINGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson ft Black's old stand, apis. C T T O N -ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED BT THOMAS H. GATTHEB, Cotton Coxmissioh If ibohant. octl2 -4 'YTLLLIAMS ft FINGER, Have lust received a lot of Tnrkeva and Chickens which we offer at low prices. Come to Williams ft Finger and buy the best Family Flour from the best mills. Wheat, Bran, Oats, Com and Meal, noney, country lato, Butter and Eggs. The best Timothy and North Carolina Hav. cow and horse feed of the best quality. Sugar, Coffee, ftc. Con signments solicited for all kinds of country produce. Will make prompt returns of sales. oeeo r a. HENDRIX, Agent, -GROCER--GROCER- AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Comer Main and Blandmg Streets, COLUMBIA, a a Special attention bald to consienmenta. Oulck sales, and prompt returns guaranteed In every In stance. JanlO lmeod 50 BARRELS CHOICE NORTHERN A ppp l eke rsss A A PPP TTx T. w Sqq AAA P P E g" A P P LULL KEB 88 Received every week. LeROY DAVIDSON. JanSO A SPLENDID LINE OF Fine Teas, all grades, Just In. at J LeROY DAVIDSON'S. JanSO B LACE STRAP MOLASSES under cost by the barrel, by ROY DAVIDSON. JanSO rpHE BEST STOCK OF GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERIES In the city, at LeROY DAVIDSON'a JanSO JAMLL' ,Y GROCERIES, I have now tn store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies. Just Received: Fresh Goshen Butter. New Buckwheat Flour. A small store for rent S.M. HOWELL Jar29 F IELD BROS., WHOT.SSAI.K AND BBTm. GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCE ALSO, PBOPBIXTOBS' OF TBS ..... ... i.. ...v .. ... : CHARLOTTE HOTEL, ! ..,- . . .. ... . . . , '..I.. ..... ............ CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been newly furnished and to kept In first-class style. Terms, Per Day ....... $ 2 00 Table Board, Per Month ...........'.. 10 00 . BB7Omnlbua and Carriages at every Mffr-' ,' j , vi inv? ;;f ' j iSK 'f- 1 -"ji 119 .... .... ... . n... ...MJ.-.-....-......,r,v. - HELD BROTHERS, Proprietors. . ' i " r 'V 'l MSN KTirBtUJ ClerkJ ITOP AT THE. BOYDEN HOUSE " Saasbnrj,N.C C & Eacnm, Proprloc. C & Brown, Jr- Chief Clerk; W. O. SheBmm Ast ..-.., .-I . alatAnt -v. .-,:. (tee 80 t f pAROLKA CENTRAL VIA WILMINGTON, yx '"5 THROUGH TBSOHTBOUTX 1 This Line being fully equipped for busmesa,! Freight from Wilmington and an Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenvffle, Spartanburg,' an Stations - -" ' ' - Atlantic Tennessee Ohio, As weR as points m Georgia Insurance and Bates guaranteed as Low aa Information furnished F.W.CLARK, Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C. septSO JB. J. H. MoADEN, PBtJOelST AfiD C.nCMIHT, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, ' Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap' English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and daylat J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store.' lECURTTYI iECUBJTY! SECURITY! 200 Barrels of C. WEST ft SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE ANL ALADDIN SECURITYiOIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil. from C. West k Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial 15mnfHnn Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn, a West ft Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. MoADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C SCARB ft CO., R R U G G V G G S T S T St SRAB THE POST-OFFICE, Would respectfully inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Offlce, and solielt the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and famflf recipes dispensed with great care and purl Drugs. Jan 7-tL tvo dtrertisjemjeitts. TEACHERS WANTED. $50 to $100 or $200 per month, during the Spring and Summer. f or ruu parocuiars aaaress - ; , J.CMcCURDYftCO,. 1 Philadelphia, Pa, JrPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment wBl positively pre vent this terrible disease, and win positively cure nine eases In ten. Information that, win save many lives sent free by mall. Dont delay a mo. ment Prevention Is better than cure.1 Hold every where. L S. JOHNSON ft CO.. Bangor, Maine. gENSON'S CAPCDJE POROUS PLASTER. for women , and childrext or;ivomen and childreIii Females sufferins from' pain and weakness win derive great comfort and strength from the use of Benson's Capclne Porous Plaster. Where children are affected with whooping cough.wdlnary coughs or colds or weak tangs, it is the one and only treat ment ther should receive. This article contains new medicinal elements such as is found In no other f remedy in the same -form, it is far superior to common porous plasters, liniments, electrical ap pUances and other external remedies. . It relieves pain at once, strengtnena and. cures where ether iasters - wui not even relieve.- jror iame ana Peak Back. Rheumatism. Kidney disease and all local aches ana pains, it is also the best known remedy. Ask for Benson's Capclne Plaster and take no other. Sold by all, Druggists. Price 25 eents. -) ..-) i.i CONS U M P 'T 10 vr . O N SUM P! .T " I O- IN And aU Disorders Of the ' , ; THROAT AN D LUNGS f I '. Permanently Cured, v DR. T, A. SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY, ' ! r PPP oSSfl T' Y ' OOO H - H fl ' HH V EES PPP "88,. 'Tr'c:: hhh n NNN ER s P . 1 u T ii O O H 'K II-H KK- K ' P ' HSr , , T . i yPU O , tt II. BL Ha ' BJEB - Taken In conjunction with his ''"l-' -j.' COMPOT ;EMULSI0N. OF j . D B Jt i C O D tL I T-E B-hO VXJ ; -. andnypophospnltesof 1 XIMX AND SODA I f fX i , t , t i .. , r , .,-r A FHEK BOTTT.E of each IweiMrkHnn sent bv express to each suffering applicant sending their name, P. O. and express address to Dr. T. A. Slo cum, 181 iari sweei, rew xorc ! i 4P TpEXl ARIOVAIA FOR SALE, WANTED. ,' 10 boxes assorted Candles,- 5 boxes choice Oys ter Crackers, 5 boxes Family Washing Soap, bugest 1VC uani ia uie cur. ; Also 1 fine Milch Cow and one- medium ouall Cow with yourtff call, ror sale low. t 1 500 dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED. ? I Cec29 , - 4 . B, K. BSOTH; .WWiW Wm DISPATCH LIN S- - NORTH CAROLINA. i i I't r '.Ci'M'-uif n' - - TO ALL POINTS SOUTH, h ' 4 4. i ' v . - ' i offers uneaualled facilities tat the Transportion of J v-' -'" vv- ,-. u Charlotte, . StatesvOle, ; Ashevnie, ' Rutherfordto a on the Atlanta ft Richmond Air-Line, ' - ' and Western N. a Railroads, ' . Alabama and MtastoatppL i f via any Competing Llaa, and Time as QuickJ upon application to .-.ti s .... '" ; !' i'.s. .rr WM-AjMOobY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte,' N. a .: .....iiti; .! i'i i ' r.J-ifl f . : ' . !' i; , : T.T.BMTTH, Agent C. X BaOwar, Charlotte. LOUISLiNA STATE LOTTEBY'1?' s ! :t iiiyiiu ,Uf.5&jlii.' ?iii v-'ju A SPLENDID OPPOBTUNTTT s- --.-".'.i.-'.-i': ' ''.:! ' -.ill, , . .. ,fi ; To win a fortune.'. Second f Grand1 Distribution Class B, at New Orleans, Tuesday,' Febroary 11th, 1879--105th Monthly Twmg I LOUISIANA STATS ITTEBT CPMiANY. '; i.i ' : i ' ' . '' ' - , . ,.f ; it.';:il - . -. This Institution was renilart tnwnnmfi h toe Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes Iri 1 868, with a ' capital of the second IHiesday.; It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: ' .T CAPlfAt PRIZE,5 30,00a .', '. 100,000 tickets at Two t)ollars each." ' Half Tlck. . ; ets, OneDontlr. : . , -..,! . . . . , '' . ill-' r;, i.i- :;- :-'.., LIST OF PBIZESt inui .. ... a--; u i t ..- .,-sl u; 1 ' Osbil Fxiaf,' .-JA, : t! .'.".ii; 1 Capital Prtee,- lOioOO 1 CapltalPiiBel;.ii..Jii...a.'..,.....v .6,000 . 2 Pesof Sa.SOO.),., ,6,000 5 Prizes of Zl,Q0Q.. ., . A 5.000 20 Prizes of i 500.. . Si. . '.' s 10 000 100 Prizes of ? 100.... ......... ...10,000 SSSl-SS"1' ! 2 10ooo .600 Prizes of ,r m, P,M,.w4 10,000 1,000 Fnzesot 10.'..i.,'4.r"-..i,..i; 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES i ' 9 Approimaaon Prizes of $300...V 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of. 200. . . ( 1,800 Approximation Prizes of1 10Q..... t 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to. : . 8110,400 . .v .s." ; :- ;? ' Responsible corresponding agents wanted at aU prominent points, to whom 8 liberal compensation wiUbepaid. ... (.- .,f Application for rates to elnha nhrrnld nnl ha mrnta to toe Home Office in New Orleans.. ' ' Z wnie, cieany staong ran address, for ruu infor mation or send orders ; . . .' ! . . M.A.DAUPH1N. Postomos Box 692, Keif Orleans, Louisiana AU our Grand Extraordinary Drawings' are tinder the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD andJUBAL A, EARLYT .-i i-t' f '?;. Vti;.l r'f ill ? '' . ...... ifVp$asfmp,.A, tf4;,w " ;. --':''.;. l'l 'hi nit ft Having become familiar Wth Colden Lefbig's Liquid Extract of beef and. 'fonio Invlgor- ator, I take"pleasroiri leoommencnng1 it as an ex- in, comoining as n does food and tonic in a remarkable war, ; producing good blood, healtfc and strengOii, $pli.bjf an' finustUsv " G iX).C.JWABE,,-'-,J' -' : - Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer m p tj h, icta: p p j; jr; c i i it b t Bole Proprietor and Manufacturer of - E. B. CONDIT'S TABLE SAUCE,-5 287to296 W:Thlrd St, CINCINNATI, Oi it o TLS SASSAFRAS ' ' ' 'Tl.K': " -.!.j.;-- Of prime quality, bought in any quaalty, for cash uu ueuvery, iree oi oroKerage, commissions, , or storage expenses;, by -L 't. '! Importers and Exportenl of .1 : ' i :, r ; 'ru i ' DRUGS, ESSENTIAL-OILS ftc. S8,wnilam Sta- ti.Hew York A DAY to Agents eanrassmg for the Fibx : Bros VisrroB? i Terma md antflt Tbm. - Ad. dress P, O. PICKERY, Augusta, Maine j,f.t OATancy Cards," Chromo, Snowflake, ftci.'no two OKf alike, with name, 10 cents. J. MUjkler ft j.t. . . A A MIXED CARJa with name 10. .Agents' W outfit 10c . L. JONES 4 CO- Jfassau, N, Y. rpo ADVERTISERS. Send for our, Select List of JL Local Newspapers. - Sent free on application. Address GEOJ P. BO WELL ft ' CO ' 1 l Rnmm' Ml . New York. .-Hf !!fu u iw?--x.i'u -;m 11 tV. V -IT ... AAA T. !... n AAA V TT S Ji u 5H.r:.j.-.,--Aiii .nkAhiu.j.u..--Mt,.J7y 'tin it :-u- "!:r "uili -r; vj.mj!w) j rv ifffi-COLGATE ft CCS,, 1;(V, o v COLGATE ft COS ' ' T' . - -;f: i ;i i'v J" ')U ) t-.fiif.-j'.' i:r MBW V3!.; jl1Jli7 : S 8iPJ . :'.S 8:i;Pi it- I.i.lI itii' "US lull. . ! . j i : 1 - . ! .'f .sates waste ft . tSF! FOR LAUNDRY USE. "- : T T NDERT AKIN G --'- - 5 1 u i -t Th5 undersigned is now ptepexedtd fin aU orders fox every class of Un&riaktng' parura hatttl a .. lit lutu j-iiiu in.jij. an am fuH assortment ef i e h-jinm tsrf vi tl'-KliU in!? !.(,-II-Jt y-ii'Ai.Jifi t-tl : t bih In Both. Wood and Metallo. y l lad' . df:q m j :r li-.i1BJyJJ.r ;'.f, . . i PBICM AS LOW AS UKti'-JiUiiW. tt Ah 'r-l-s-Jiirrii't:i-s in ,inJ. . mi t yi Hearseai furnished it destted; b? JkWJuu HiWii-n -r ii li-v'V .t .rr.f!,bit!i'iri,W.3.j ,'. Atr hnh , fttrnttora; of everr Sescstptlon epa2ed et ator 'Viva .'A-itrLj 'jih notici' '.-'-H'JAi r --. ... I ...I". .. . .... ;.i rr.. ' t ." "ft ..? Vnt ita-J-'iii! MS- M. WILHELM,' , t'.i:.!i; i:wiaiBa Rogers, Trade gtrwti Jane 20. , si,uuv,uuv, w wmcn n aas suice aaaeae, Reserve Fund Of S35O,00a Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION willtaka

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