" ' - r : ' ' '. . " SATURDAY, FEBRUAfiY 1, 1879- TjlFLjEQ:S,MCWLIQALx FCIX TKXT; 0F TBE DOCUMENT JMT ALL EUROPE 13 DKCUSS146. Anathematizing the Socialists, the Com i. munists and tfmiUU a a,"J)eathl4 , ; " Dealing Plague thai is Creeping info UJhe Fibres of-Big: ' r 'S:l rwn Society" Said to' ' ' ; Taw been Written jiy the Supreme "- f , Pontiff im-r '-1 ' tv Patriarchs. Primates; Archbish ops, and all Bishops on the face of the earth having favor and communion with the Apostolic Bee:?" v: : t Venerable Bbethren Saluta tion and Apostolic Benediction: Promptly after our elevation, in anen . Wclical letter addressed to you, venera ble brethren, as demanded of us because nf our auostolic office, we did not fail a tvint.ftnt the death-dealing plague thaMs creeping into all the fibres of hu !!iman society and is leading it into the -greatest ttanger- At thet fiimQjtimef we showea tne remedies.": most efficacious, by. which a wnoiesome scawi oi cuimu j. re covered, and the dangers, most griev ous, that threaten, might be avoided. Bnjt, those evils we thendeplored even in so short a time have increased, so that-, own in wfl ftrft comoelled to use to you toe- words of. the prophet Jtliat tin gle inour.eam: ?Clama,I necessej Mod altxL quasi tuba totem tuam. r (Cry out Cease not ' Raise thy Voice like a trum pet. Isaias viii, 1.) You readily ,understand, venerable 'brethren, that we speak of that Beet of men, called by sundry and almost bar barous names, Socialists, Communists, ' or Nihilists Ther are spread :a11 . pver : ; the world; bormd together, most closely, ;by ,wickpaefc;T)etweenKthem- alL i But no longer do they seekvcpver in ' their hidden nuhts- ; Openlyboldly, they ' vaunt in public:; what . theyj had hatched in secret and aim to destroy the very foundations of civil society, of whatever, kind.. , These are they fore told in the words of divine inspiration (St Jude v, 8), "Defile the flesh, and despise government and, blaspheme majesty. Carnem, quiderri, maculant, dominationem , spernunt, majestatem, autem blasphemant 'They ; leave noth ing unhurt, or unsmircned, that has been wisely ; -ordered by divine and hu man laws, for the welfare and honor of . .me&inthis life. Thoser," higher pow , , ers to whom, as the; Apostle admonish 1 es, every soul ought to be subject and powers of right! government derived from God are refused obedience, and t there is proclaimed a perfeet equality of ' all men in rights ;?md positions.,' y ::!?The natural union of 'man; and wo man, sacred even among barbarians, is befouled ; and the marriage bond, that is the keystone of society is relaxed, or the good things Of this -world; yhich "is ilie root of allevils, and which," seeking, some have lost' the faith" radix est omnium inalorum,etquam quidam, ap , petentes erraverunt a jide). (L Timothy -vL, 10.) They; attack the right of prop erty, sanctioned by the natural law. And, pretending to ; care fqr;the itvants of men, and to satisfy theiriwishes by a huge crime, they ana at robbmg and making A common spoil of. whatever has been lawfully- inherited or. gained by skill and labor, or acquired by sav ings. ' i" -: : L And these outrages they proclaim in theii:metjpDgs,.patJqrUuiicir(ui and spread among, the ignprant in a warm6fiiw8pabr& i .-. The result is that, within a short time past the majesty and rule of kingswthat should be respected, have met such an ill-will on the part of a seditious multi tude, that criminal' traitors, going loose from all restraint have sought by impis i ious attacks to assassinate the rulers of many States. , . , , ; ; . . .. , , ; " ' But this outbreak or faithless men, that: dar by davathreateiia moce awful ruin to civrf life, in common, and shocks ; all whri think with a solicitous forebod . ing has its cause .and origin; from for mer times , in , the poisoned doctrines that, as bad seeds, gave forth, in their time, corrupt f ruits, to be, scattried among many people. For you wellUave knowMvenerablaibrethreDthe unbri dled war agaipst he Cathplic faith, from the slxfeenthcenturyexcited py the innovators that continually, even now, is working, that the Way shall jbe left open td the inventions (say rather the, t avings),; of reasonleft to itself, stripped ' of all revelation, and of the 8Trpematuralrdrer?w'-0 A " t r, 7Tlt iserrorof the sa kind, usurp- 'fog," falsely, the name of Jtationalwhue coaxing and spurring the desireJielonfF r . ini? tn man.-and civincrloOse rem lei all sorfs tf lusts, that has not- only caught paa'ans,' themselves, takme no account of God of the order llehas set"1 Neither public - the power that God gives rulers is to bft maintainedt lmt rather gained if bntth ;3 throng t peppe, that thiftkingvtheija--(,a selves free from all "divinesanction.' ac cept onlyi:ifachlaw8aB,iM7f6fn,'Jare' " T0te.a iortnem.1 wmmooo , ugwus, Ssutesiervaisa, est,quas Jpsq adJibiUim tulisseu M. .oii iiX .o i t Thesunernatrxral truths of f aittrtreat- Mir-ed-as hostile W.reason p But', ttfef prea- or of the race'df mahrandit ' JZedieTh- - - er, is quietly and softly sought to be ex- ipelleif :froni vh - uhiversftiesi "where studies' are, pursued, froni ;lycenins and rmriasldms, and from the whole tovl- JU8t oounas. Fot, adcording to Cath-ne-of human life. - : h " r I ifoliovteachings, thet authorityff i the The rewards and the punishments of a future and eternal life ire forgotten j3Jji the heat of a lust for prseijt Trteas-if sUred These" 4octrmW.farv aiidi videf I NrrtnaA thiA s p:emjwryhe thinking arid acting with ; b hi, ttJ,tend6dror thlnkhl no marvel thaten ox the lowest sort.be .. gars at the 'tJodr, or idlers of the shop, are eager to get into the. houses and wealth of the tlcti-j no wonder thalj mere remains no quiieness in puDiic nor in Drirrate life, or that the human - race1- has Mcome almostr'tO.Hhe point 4f perdition. :;.--; :' ' . But the chief .pastors of the Churcl on whom it is a duty imposea of guar nv the fiocK or tne L.ora irom tne snares of tni-eiietnyliaye taken care, . in time, to point out the danger and to guard the- Safety tne launiui. j gTorrsu suau-artheratoirfetlellje-gan to -fprihgT Mjfcftpjj Woae breasts Jhe , dshagprung . that Je Juaya; . spoken or, tne jropes bsukujuajj. ukl Benedict XIV. failed not to warnAHe whole world of the impious and perm vic41shamithatlayjmden'ln all tu was counted as belorfgtnytemahy ftnaa whn o-ioriedin being called as phi- la TT f ,AAAkW - - 1 had beeiriftouht to be framed and sanb- tioned, Pope Jnus vi. ory forthwith exposed tioned, Pope Pius VI. of blessed mem me uicu"6 "i which the wretchedly deceived .people would be brought- by tnese iningu. And when, notwithstar.ding, no care j v?z taken ? gainst the spreadingof these I id'doctrines among the people, noria ; overments outlaw them,j the Popes, Pi uj VII; sad: Leo XII, condemned, with . enzthtirA all secret societies, and, anew, declared what danger" theylwould prove tonumansocieiy. m --r:: - - ; -No one needs to be told with what earnest wordsi or with what firmness and constancy of soul our glorious pre decessor, Pius IX, of blessed memory, in his allocutions, and in his encyclical letters to the bishops of the whole world, fought against both the wicked efforts of the secret sects, and by. name, against the plague of socialism that has, pome OUt Of them. ;. . - 'ri--,7ip-- .'as to gkades in society. I Tt ia indpL a denlorable . thiner that those whose duty it was to watch Over the KRf impious men Ind terrified by their threats, should have shown themselves of a constantly suspicious and even unjust mind toward the Church; not perceiving that the efforts of the sectaries would have come to naught if the doctrine of - the Catholic Church and the authority of the Roman, Pontiffs, both with princes and with people, had always remained in due hon? or, for "the Church of the living God," which is "the pillar and ground of the truth," teaches those very doctrines and precepts by which the safety and quiet of society are to be preserved, and the horrible plant of socialism plucked'out bytheroots. For although the Socialists, pervert ing the Gospel itself that they may ithe more easuv ueueive wjc uunai Y. uod wont wrest-it-tO;4hepport of nure ereater could exist" VFot "what partici-T nation' hath iustice with injustice or what fellowship hath light with dajk ness V'mThey indeed do hot cease to' re peat, as we admit, that all men are equal by nature, one with another, and on this account they contend that neither are honor and reverence due to majesty nor obedience to laws, unless perchahce they themselves may have been pleased to sanction them, (htrariwiseaccord ing to the Evangelic teachings, jthe eaualitv of men is this,' that, having' all of them received the same nature, they- are- diznity of the sons of God, as also that one and the same end having been ap-' J pomtea io an, eauu is iu uv juugeu mjm the same law, receiving punisnments or.: reward according to his desert But in equality in authority and power flows from tne very iutnor 01 nature, oi whom all paternity in heaven and earth is named." Moreover, following the Catholic doctrine and precepts, the souls of princes and subjects are so linked to gether by mutual duties and obligations that both the lust of arbitrary power is tempered and the habit of obedience is made easy,-stable, and most ennobling. Indeed, the Church sedulously incul cates upon the subjected multitude the apostolical precept: "There is no power but from God; and those that are or dained of God. Therefore, he that re- sisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God j and they that resist purchase to themselves damnation." AhoVagain, it bids them "be subjected of necessity, not only for ' wrath, but also for con science sake ;" and to render uto all raen their dues ; tribute to whom tribute is due ; custom to whom custom ; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor." For so He , who created and. governs all things ordered In' His foreseeing wis dom that the lowest through the mid most the midmost through the highest, should each attain .the ends appointed them. ' Therefore, ' as in the heavenly kingdom itself, He decreed that there should be distinct, choirs of angels, the one subject to the other; so also in the Church He nstituted divers grades t f orders and a diversity of offices, so that not all should be apostles, not all doc tors, not all pastors; so also He ordain ed that there should be in civil society many orders diverse in dignity, jurist diction, and power; so that the State even as the Church, might be one body navmg many mem ers, some more noble than others; but 1 mutually nec essary and solicitous for the common well-being. " THE QUESTION OF MARRIAGE. Moreover, this salutary virtue of the Church 1 which redounds td the most well-ordered rule and preservation of civil society, -domesue' society also. wmcn is tne germ ofeveryj .State .and kingdom, of necessity feels and. expe riences. For you know, venerable brethrenj that the true.;fouadation of this society according t$ taie necessity of naturaLlawr in the -first place, is grounded in the indissoluble union of a man and woman, and is built up in the mutual duties and obligations existing between parents and children, masters and servants. You know also that this i almost swept away ; by the maxims of socialism; just as also the firmness being lost which it acquires from a re ligious marriage, necessarily. the ivery authority of the father over the child; and the duties of the child towards its parents, are greatly relaxed. 'On the ;heiriiamlrheCmiTCir"teacliesi;hat riage-hoojaWejjslall, wjbich in the. very beginning of the world. God 4U4Juseu .lusijifUieu ana irrevocaDiyjae- m ana preserva ,: has been given th and sanrtit, Christ who confeired-upon- it the J ? 1 A 1 '11 -m , . : . uignuy oi a sacrameni anuinaiieatnat it should typify his own union with' the unurcn: tue .Auostle teaching ns that, 'as . Christ is the head of the Church, so Is theflnan thd head of the' Wbniari: and. as the Chureh is subiected to' Christ,- ;wjio iemnraces tier wiub tne. most. cbaste and nemetual love, so also it is .fittiric that women should be subject to their owri husbands arid hv thwn in tnm HaftKUii Shoula be crrensnea with af aithful arid constant affection. iiikewise.the Ch'ilrch so moderates the exercise of the authrfr- ity of the: father : and the: master that it is wifflcieiitly strong to keep pons arid seraJit9 intheirSduty, etoes riot pass i Weaf.eWly1 Father 'and .Lord flows down J wpaFeftW accounttnot onlyntakesfrom bim its prtorrand i i iirrn lira iTn nrn-wn ' iv jthe-AposiJe exhoita chito fttaaQbej i ,iutF'uarenra in ine- jTOamr to nonor and the' toure doctrine of, ChnstMt no auspicious aays, praying ior you, ener u.r.t- their father ahd their mcrtherJWhich iaathrougnmeoepienngenecia oioyspepsia;. nearly SMLffifM year later I was attacked by typhoid-fever .in to I.UU3 -i HseVJ "'2'Y"WM""D"-"'''"!lt -m.viurj jwy-jDui, ro parenwneives tms-eom f tmfjln1 "'ilTllfV tin'tltltUaVa M.nWAj AJ rouf children to aiuren tm't brino: children to anger, out bring .them up in the, disciplme-and-orrection- of ineAjCtt.r -Again, to servants-and to masters, byithe aameivpostle-the di vine precept is given , that the former pe - obedient '"to them that are tbeir-M ioRiaaccomintoheinesh;a3ito Christ 4!Sith a good will serving as to the ord,- btit 'tliiit the masters "forbear threatenings,: knowing thit tljeLordof all is .in Jieaven. and there iso respect of toerson1' ith1 ftod." tfj All sthese ipreceftawere diliffenttyvob- i divitlA riBassurtedry eVe faniilv Vould ore- sent pertainj.,imager;of,ih,e celestial home, and the remarkable benefits hav- lng theifv!SoureeithreLJWkuid not he confined within the home-walls alone, bntowoukkflow outanost rtchiy;into the INVOKING;THE TO ACTION, i - 1 Vqu venerable, Jbretiiren hq have ?,; ue 3Qngin,lana )row,i.uoioi4,xaese deseenebe Strive that even from tenderyears all shaulearh.t3".emrace4Jo(L v" xfilial love" 'atid ,td4-halIdW"tnsriame f to cfive honoratoE.thmaje8tyi5-of'princGstand lawsrtorefralrifrdmpidity, 1 to diligently guard.the ,-order Mich , tiod nas esiaDiisnea notrr in civil. aaaflia 'c-J I mesticocietyy tMooyeiJyouplvitt')'l .il i iU-U .A .'X : ' , 1 f. "-C' ao', m,, that by virtuous actions, and . by honesty in. all things, they shall show how well and happily human ; society would get . A 1 J - 1 1 1 A " aloft? if the fensle members shone forth Ai a unie wuen uie AUAuiwens uj. so cialism' are most zealously seeking, out of the human grace, those who. .practice trades, and who ' being very weary ;of , toil are easily allured by ; the hope of riches and the, promise of good things, it seems' Opportune to encourage, socie- being foundeaimderjtwatchiui care of religion shall make aU the associated members contented with their lot and patient in labor, and shall incline them J to the leading of a quiet ana tranquil life. 1 , 1 U. On our and your undertakings, vener able brethren-, may He breathe, to whom we are forced to refer, the beginning and accented end of- everVswd 'work. Por the Test the very , nature of ! these days in wmcn tne anniversary; or me Lord's nativity is celebrated, inspires us with the hone of His speedy help. For it bids us also bope that ,new salvation;' which the infant Christ brought io a world already growing old, and almost fallen into the extreme of misery, and it promises that to. us also He will giye the peace iwhieh then he announced to man by the angels : "For neither is the hand or tne Juora snortenea tnatat oan- able brethren, and for . thefaithful of your churches all things nappy1 ana joy ful, we earnestly pray the Giver of r all good things that again the goodness and kindness of God our Saviour may appear to men, jwho hasrtranslated us from the power" of " the direful enemy into the most noble dignity of his pwn children. 'Arid that we mav the more' quickly and fully obtain our desire, do you. your?-; selves, venerable brethren, ;wiw us ad dress fervid prayers; to "theL'Oip and seek the patronage of the Blessed Yir irin Marv immaculate from birth, and tercessions i we ffreativTi trust-. In' the mean -while, as an auspice of ,th,e dfyine bounties to you, venerable bre'thren, and to your, clergy, and toiuall faithful (peo ples in the Lord, we impart with the sincerest affection of ouEnheart the anostolic benediction. Given at Borne, 28th December, 1878, m the first year of out -pontificate. ji Leo P. P XIII. Singular fase of Skuls on Fire. IBJchmond,CorHBetel?urg IndeirAppeaL During the performance of a piece at the Mendelssohn1' Qtiiritette Club con- certpMonday night there : came' very near being a . regular sensation amon J tne audience. Mrs. Uuniop , tele, , nre ; ac het feet and discovered, smoke arising from her clothes. Presently; accompa nied by her escort, she left the hatP,1and just as she got to the street her clothes burst into flames. Fortunately her friends were able to extinguish the fire before the lady was burned. She does not know how she caught fire, but supposes her skirts caught a lighted cigar stump as she passed along the street A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, kc Twill enS a recipe that will cure yon, FREE OF CHARGEi Thla great remedy l was discovered "by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. jan 25 yEGETlNE. AN EXCELLENT ! MEDICINE." ! v. li.'': Sprlngfleld;d.,Feb.28,1877l A mis is to cerury that I have used VEGETINE, monufactured by H.B. Stevens, Boston MaeSL, for Rheumatism aud General Prostration "of th Nerv ous System, with, rood success. ,1 meommend .VEGETINE as an excellent medicine for such complaints, i ours very truly, C. W. VANDEGRIET. Mr. Vandegrift, of the firm' of VaridegrlfiaJHuff man, Is a well-known business man of this place, having one of the largest stores In Springfield, O. OUR MINISTER'S WIFE, Louisville, Ky., Feb. 16, 187T. Mr. JL R. Stevens: Dear Sir Three years aeo I was sufferine'&irlblT with Inflammatory Rheumatism. Our minister's wife advised me to take VEGETINE. After tak ing one bottle, I was entirely relieved. This year, feeling a return of the disease,' I again commenced taking it, and am being benefited greatly.,, It also greatly Improves my digestion. ' Respectfully, Mrs. A. BALLARD, 1011 West Jefferson Street - .. , SAFE AND SURE. Mr. H. R. Stevens: In, 1872 your Vegetlne was recommended to me, id-'yfeldmsr-'to the oersuatlons of a friend. consented to try It At the time I was suffering enerat-lb411tr- nd nervous -nrostratlon. superinduced by overwork., and Irregular habits. Its wonderful strengthening-and curative proper ties seemed to affect my debilitated system from the first dose; and under Its persistent use I rapid ly recovered, gaining more than, usual health an& good reeling, since then I have not hesitated to give VegeUne my most unqualified indorsement, as belnz a safe, sure and Dowerful agent in promot- lD? health and restoring the wasted system to new life and energy. . Vegetlne ls thonly medicine I use: and as loW as! live I never exnect to find a better. Yours truly, W. H. CLARK, 120 Monterey Street, Alleghany, Penn. VEGETINE The fallowing letter from Rev. G. W Mansfield, formerly pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, Hyde Park, and afbresent settled In Lowell, must convince every one who reads his letter of the won derful curative qualities of VegeUne as a thorough, AlAanna an1 tvnvtflap o tha K1j4 i I Hyde Park, Mass., Feb 15, 1876 ilt. H. Rl StevensV- i T.rr.u' ''Tt'O ;.v( I t '. ' Dear Slr-About teti rears ago my health failed worsi iorm. - n seiuea m my uac&, ana took tne form of a large deep-seated abscess, which was; niieen monins ur gutnenng. i una two surgical operatloiis by the best skill In the State, but receiv ed no permanent ure.' -suffered great pain at times, and was constantly weakened by a profuse discharge. ' I also lost small pieces of bone at dlf-; Matters ran on thus about seven years, till Mi 1874, wnen airiena recommenaea me to go your omce, &na-wus wim you or me virtue or vege tlne. I did so, and by your kindness passed through your manufactory)' notlngtha ingredients, &&, by which your remedy is produced. By what I . saw and heard I gained some confi dence In Vegetlne. V j - I commenced taking it soon after, but felt worse from its effects; still I persevered, and soon felt It : was benefitting me mother resnentsi " Vet I aid not see the results I desired till I had taken it falthful-d iv ior mue more man a year, wnen me dinicuity n 'th back was curedr and for nine !mohtbs I hate enjoyed the best of health. .- -. ., j -1 have in that time gained twenty-five pounds of, flesh, being heavier than ever before in my life, ahd I was never more able to perform labor than now. - During the past few weeks I bad a scrofulous swelling as large as my fist gather on another part of my body. . - . . rl took,yegeane faltMolly,fanddtoovaiIlevef with the surface in a month. I think I should have lave tak-. been cured of my -main trouble sooner if I h;id en larger doses, after having become accustomed" to Its effects. - . - i . Let your patrons troubled with scrofula or kidney disease : understand .thuti t tab on t.tmn tn mm chronic diseases; and, if they will patiently take4 1 u wiu, jh my mogemeni, cure tnem. -With great obligations I am t,tA . itrT --G. 'MAiiSi'ilTO .Pastor of the MethodlsirEpiscOpal thureh . .. - VEGETINE v TIi:a.STEVE3:B0S,MA,SS. JJan5 i vkvuuu U,ium.i V Hi I jnifLTIHIH I Tirtf voiqo nnr hla P3T hftM.VV Thar, hP rail- ninrur Taa ntvl Tnllot Oafs am makft a (ffcVthtoVl UtXtViuSSXXmV& rpo MERCHANTS -&..-' .-a ,': -i ir u I. -jj fj t jT u flu 4WTV-TTrt .PTTRT.Tf! ftTtWlTRiTXT- Having met with"" such flattering success In the - " - - ' i' r-, Wholesale and Retail Crockery business since I opened ,last November,, and Irom (be . tact that I have received many' orders from meichantB In. North and South Caiollna,iGeorgla and .HaTvwna, I am confident that jay success Is certain. j.. Owing to the above facts I have been compelled to enlarge ihy business a hundred per cent I compete with any Northern "Jobbing H ase in brlces. it' AH mr ware I bur directly tt m the factories; therefore it does not pass throu r sec- ond hands, and I am enabled to sell goods as lew ...... . T . - as' they can be bought at the NOBTH. , DECOBATED OOO ' H : H U WW N , O O H h n NS w O HHH H N W N O O .Ht H .11 ooo 'h h n rim - i-.t. J : m a ' ' .v,. i A A A ?A PORCELAIN AND GRANITE, - - 1 1 Specialty. ! . present, and In p few days we will have - TWENTY-SEVEN VARIETIES OF DECORATED CHAMBER TOILET BETS.: Dinner, and Tea Sets, In nearly the same propojy Hon. Our Retail Shelves are complete filled with -li the largest and best selection of China, Crockery and Glassware ever brought to this country, t S Much care taken In packing. . Circulars and price list furnished upon application. 'ThanMng you for past patronage, &c, I remain, Respectfully, JOHN, BROOKJTELD, Trade St. near College, under Democrat Office, Charlotte, N. C Jan. 22, 1878. ; f'iV y&istzllmitBxxs. The first dav of Februarr table board at the Charlotte Hotel will - be reduced to $15.00 per month. iiUjUu ua.ua., an26 lw Proprietors. ttob a bad JP cough Take Burton's Pectoral Syrup. an22 NO MORE J H BUM A T I S Vf OR GOUT ACUTE OR CHRONIC ALICYLIC SURE CURE. Manufactured only, under the above Trade-Mark by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., OF PARIS AMD LEIPZIG. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated Dhvslctans of Europe and America, becoming a Stanle. Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Paris report 95 cures out of 100 cases within three dava. Secret The only dlssolver of the poisonous Uric Add which exists in the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. 81,00 a box, 6 boxes for Rfi 00. Sent to any address on receipt of price. Endorsed by physicians.-: fioM-by all druggists. Ad- nov7 Only Importers' Depot, 23 Cllff-st, N.T. Gr 0 TO "ir-r. i j a CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For Standard Pure Liquors. TOESCJiaPTlONS Carefully and accurately prepared at an hours. by WILSON 4 BURWELL, decl3 Druggists. TTINEJrRENCH BRANDY, J - Wines and Whiskies for medical purposes, can be had of WILSON ft BUBWElil declS B UIST'S GARDEN"SEED Are the most popular because the most reliable. Sold In Charlotte, by WILSON 4 BUR WELL. JanSO pQ CASES HOSTETTEK'S BITTJSBS, 100 barrels best Kerosene OIL 100 ounces Quinine, 50 ouncss Jiorphine , 400 boxes Window Glass. jan22 WILSON & BURWELL. u SE BURTON'S PECTORAL SYRUP For your cough. 1an22 WILSON & BURWELL. 'PRESCRIPTIONS 1 . carefully prepared at , T WILSON 4 BUEWEXL'S. Jan22 . ... , , . ,-. - Drugstore. 8S SSoEEEEEKDDD CO A TTTToSSj ' O O AA T S8 ,s, E B D D o o o o A A T "TP. " V Tt T 0-A A- jititirsrMi t QEEDQATQ.. 1.000 Bushels iboicetWtotoatogJDats, Just ar-' rived. T ,TSW. WARD, Jan. 31 lw. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. T w ;vi... ....ur.-i I am now in receipt of a large lot of the celebra? fed' STUDEBAKER WAtlONSV aS Sl2e' Which will be sold on reasonable term'k " r !5J ;1 -.it. 'A and supply yourself wM ti bestagtm out!2 if, tjWT t t'tftli.s.V Jan. g-tr. ,'-- 1 n ,f ik' -...i 1 MERCHANT TAILOR. -t 31 Next door to Wilson A Ttm-wAll'a Ama atnm . -7M ,r.n..4 lls bni)ltaUBtxrrrB,fir. CL - 1 " ' declS . MtitssB, tmiwU. w51 rf3 1 "Yames AMEStfURPHY, rrrrs ( " is -.':? K0OJBAfCA,llAIL0R4tll'T f . -ri. fspltonBund, ;Trade Street, PpStala.-) i Owing trfiiie'strtngeiiCT tffie times I wDl in ta- S10, Cassimere suits for 88. -Pants of suits same rates, t guarantee au my work ;no nt, no charge. Give me a call and be convinced. July 17 ;J !i ti t ;..'i.--J .iiiij . ., -y. . ; ..... 111 J I TJOR RENT, - - - d5v4 '.!!:" Tsteistothe3rierAAleiKlerbuldlD' J - -on Trade stipet KocJIW J. L, MOKEHEADi" ' y52Djtf - j... tvtxxxt gztexxvzs: JOTICE OF SEEURE. . . , j'- . TT. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. rniioMna nfflra. Ath District North Carolina. . statesvuie, ti. u, veeemoei a i tu io i o. . -; Seized for violation of United States Internal Revalue Laws, on Saturday, December 27th, '78: 3 t- . 9 mules and 1 waeon and harness, one barrel of whiskey, the property of W. F Burns. . : Nodce Is hereby rfven to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office in StaiesvlUe, and make claim tnereto Deiore me expiration oi uuny uoys uwm date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United State!. J. J. MOTT, J.G.YOOKO, .j.-. - WHiecwr. Deputy. )anl4woaw - N OTICE OF SEIZURE. TTnltod States Internal Revenue. i Collector'a OfBce. 6th District North Carolina, V matesviiie, . u:, iecemDer oui, xo i o. j 1 i ... j . KaImvI fnr viniation of United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Saturday, December 6thj '78: Ten boxes Tobacco, as fiie property of J.F. Fare. ' Notice is hereby etven to the owner or claimants of the above -described property to appear before me at my office In Statesvllle, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be - forfeited to the United States. ,. - - . J. J. MOTT, ;Idec254w.oaw . 'ifn collector. 1 i CE. ,.,.-lv. .. . By virtue of the power conferred in moi-teasm made br T. J. Wilkinson and Laura H. Wnidnann to the Charlotte 'Building and Loan Association, I will sell at public suction,, a house and lot of land fronting on the N. C Railroad.' in sauare No. K. teglnnlng at a stake on the N. C. Railroad and run ning witnsaio roaa to l. A. .rhllllpfl' comer, thence : wimuer uuo isuieei w a siase, 5 inence parallel with said railroad 49 feet to J. B. Shannonhouse's line, thence to the beginning, which is now claimed subject to said mortgage by E. W. Mellon. Said property to be sold at tne court house door in tne city oi Charlotte on the 1st Monday In March, 1879. for cash, the amount due the Charlotte Building; and Loan Association being $229.25, with cost of advertising and sale. 'T;' ::ifj V;;; ! K, Is. COCHRANE, declOtds ' ., Sec'y and Treas. X. BJ HAXWIXI ' 1 0. F. HAKRISOH, Auctioneer. jyjAXWELL & HARRISOJ' AUCTION and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; Will give strict personal attention to all business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. dec3 M M S S N JOIN your hands all friends of taste 0N my bar only the best is placed. gANDWICH, Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beef, E ACH man 11 receive right real, good cheer, JpLEASE step In, my hall inspect, JJEAR it, you'll see more than you'll expect JpRENCH, German, Domestic Brandies, Wine, J try each customer's taste to refine, gUCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's good,; QONTAINS my bar, mostdeUclous food, j . JJAVING Cheese and Sausage In bill of fare, JgACH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear g AVANT Judgment and taste most rare. gEE eormoiaeuTt lips as in sips he drinks jgACH alp he takes proves what he thinks, EIGHT off one more he calls as to his friend i he winks. j Jan22 ' DURHAM WHISKEY. URHAM WHISKEY. DURHAM WHISKEV I DURHAM WHISKE 1 Laboratost Of Stats Assatkb ahd Chkmst, Richmond.Va., September 7th, 1878. I have carefully tested a Bamnle of "Durham Rye Whiskey' selected" by myself from the stock lot Messrs. junson Harvey, and find tt nee Irom adulteration. It is an exceuent article of W hiskey. and altogether suitable-for use- as a beverage or mecucuie.. Lsigneai y.u.xaxlao, m. u., i : i .: , . . 1 State Chemist! This superior OLD VIRGINIA WHISKEY, eqiial to any made in this'country, Is now In the hands of .. ... . .. over 250 dealers in Virginia, North Carolina, Geor- gla, Louisiana and New York City, and not a sin gle complaints having -come to us from any one of r :. . ; ' ' : ; -i -, i , , them, and many saying It is the best , article they . ' --- '- t ever handled, we feel Justified In recommending ! ' ri: .-5..; U '... r. It to all who wish to get a really pure article of. 'Whiskey.' j . .; ; . . i Call for DURHAM' at W. COCHRANE'S, Cen- tral Hotel, and all other first-class houses; , iS if UK ' ELLISON HARVEY, . i : RlchmondvVai Janl9 lm j 1?? l.fi . T3EPORTOF THE CONDITipN,, a. i t r , AUQ A4Uwl9 iiaUUlUH WMUW Ul VUOlWUVOf AU - UJO -State of -North ' Carolina, at the close of business,' a. laMi NnflnWni Danlr "'V a vlrtT-f a In ' frtA iUllUU7 1IH A.04V- - ' H : 1 I: . "t i i . ... Leans and discounts.. ..... 4101.751.88 Oyerdraits;.',.. ...... ' 859.81 Vi b uonas to secure eucuianon, . iuu.uuo.oo vtner stocKs. ponas ana mortgages. ;;i .H35.e xme irom eddic proved reserve agents,.; ,, ! .v64X.0 I TMia VwAfM tf VotlAta1 DnviB-D' I jluo uvui uuici iiauuuai ixti i iwt. Due from State Banks and bankers. '1,140.5a Keai estate, iurnwure ananmuee,..: i Premiums paid,......'. ...... Checks and other cash ttemsp'.... .. ' ui 7.75.09 8,350.00 A.1.013.86 8,461.00 118.44 j 920.00 i JPractlonal currency (lnc'd'g nickels,) : oPeCie,Vj. t ... . t.wi , . r Legal tender notes,. . . ... . .'. ........ . ' Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- , ,7,000.00 usurer (5 per cent or circuiaaonx.if s 400.00 If.ti i L ) " f-i Total,. 8252,707.88 AlABmHK8.i Capital stock paid hv.-.. Surplus fund,: ;.:! ; $100,006.60 1- '2.000.00 undmaed pronts.w, .?.;. 109.04 i, National Banknotes outstanding. -; 90,000. ?3. 00 85 moiviauai deposits suoect do check, 2780 Time oeruncates of deposit, .vv,..? '22.988.41 i Due toother National Banks,.... i i ';; i 281.85 Due to state Banks and bankers,.. v . 108.1ft ; Notes and bills re-discounted, ......""' 9,941.54 Total,.. 8252,707.84 STATB orNOHTH ClBOllKA, ,! ( rvounty 01 jnecAienourg, ss: " ) 7 I, a P. 8K1TE. President of the above named' D&U&V 00 soiemmy swear uiat tne above statement u uue mi ue oest 01 mv Knowieuse and iw mr ; j -.1 ii ,:ria! iMs-iif.. .,: o S. P; Smith, President, 1 , I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th dav ' . u.jn.u.bdtt, notary public. Correct Attest ; J - ; .- . , - a. v, smith,'- ) "--! ii. 1. iicuovfUL, . v Directors. P.'SCHIFF,. XX RANGE. o orange. o range, Prangk I i. t LEMONlf ' N . LEMOgN g LEMOJWg fMON NN. TRY E E R R M M S, The greatest luxury of the age (50c per pound.) Also remember that be keeps the finest assortment of Candles ever seen In Char lotte. Ladies partic ularly invited to can. r VANILLA. I VANILLA. ,7 ANILLA. V ANILLA. CHOCOLAT BBS CHOCOLATB CHOCOLAT gB CHOCOLAT KB . Janl8 pHE "RISINQ SUN." According to the command of Joshua of old, al though repudiated by the " Jasper Philosophy " of the new, is now standing still, at the Old Place, on Trade Street, opposite the Market House, plus Hornet Fire Engine HaU, where the light of reason llumlnates the surrounding atmosphere, which in vests all things with the glow of Inspiration, and the world no longer seems "A fleeting show, To man's illusion given,' Once on a time, In another Hemisphere, "Man's Illusion" was checkmated and fanaticism stamped out in the Holy Wars of the Cross vs. the Crescent, (the Crusades). Two million men were killed and a pyramid was erected from the bones from one bat&e-fleld alone, near Nleve. by Solrman. as a monument to their fanaticism, and the Saracens drank beer but of their skulls. Since then, fol lowing the Reformation, in Christian conflicts (so called,) fifty million more were slain "aflby Di vine appointment," making probably In all, 100. 000,000 who have victimized themselves to their faith. Peter the Hermit had nothiner to do with the latter conflicts. He had Peter'd out some time previous. The present Hermit who runs the "RISING SUN" is pleased to say that he has received his stock since Christinas, and has now on hand FERRY'S CELEBRATED GARDEN SEEDS (warranted to come up without the crusade of your neighbor's chickens), In addition to his stock of Candies, Nuts Raisins, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Flour.Lard, Sardines, Canned Fruits, Apples and Oranges. In fact everything kept in a Confectionery and Gro cery, c. S. BOLTON. jan 19 ' Democrat and Home copy. JEAL ESTATE, MINING ND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, ...-- aaitm"- l Advertise free, of 'cost,.. aU yrppertles placed In my . nanos ior saie. . i THOS. F. DRAYTON, J i , Charlotte,. N.X dectO. FOR RENT. OR RENT. FOBiRENTv FOR SENT. FOR RENrp. FOB REN X 10 Room House, two blocks from nubile sauare- per montu. . .. ; . , , 5 Room 'House, acre" Of cmnnd aliiuhAd tnitr oiocita irotn puouc square, $113 permonm. 7 Room House, with 6 acres of land attachM.- iuwe 9Aou per ear. . H 7 Room House, S15 per month. four blocks from public square, . FOR .SALE. 4 Room House, with good lot, price Si, 20a 4 Room House, with mod lot. nritse S700. - i . 1 r e uoom House, with acre and hau 01 land, blocks from public square, price $3,000. .. - ' :: - - .: WANTED. four 7 to 10 Room House, near publl square. 8 to 4 Room House, near public square.'. Can at OldBankof Mecklei ... - ..j R. A.. W. ALEXANDER, R J "U rlrvrh h'fr'i TiVt 'fj-j, f---.-f s OFFICE OYER L. R.WBISTON CCS J ' Dm7Q Stork. an 25 years' experience I guarantee enure attstacttoa ; Janli pLBtm &, BURWELL, IterjQOlSTa; Hawjust recefved.; : ' " i Gelatine, f Jl V;. 7 CXiml3tareh,'A Sherry: Wlne 1 - Flavoring Extracts, ' 'f p-!:ri-T!) 1 v au oi tne best nnalltr for retail tnA. . ... -A . . . - - r- .. decla r. , . t. B UTTERICK'S j - 1 'METROPOLITAN FASHION HEETS," ' ' " And ?aernspf Garmenta for February received this day, at. TEDDY OTHER' Janl7 gT. NICHOLAS. SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE . .1. ... .'VOBJUELS AU BOYS. . AH IDXAI. CHTLXJKKN'a MAGAZINE. JSsrst i?1 fitte 'ter ror Girls and BoysTwlthMm. Mrmo?121116 editor. Five years have S te1 M ber was Issued, tod toeSw ftfBfi num hlghest posraot , jtt hSamSeciSon o?6 , ' ovkb 50.000 oopras. v Eul)IIi?ed simultaneously in Londor nn,i New York, and the transatlantic recogninou ia ai most as general and hearty as theAmiS fi though e progress of the maiu ffieen a tts5ce-" 1188 not reached m editors idSl awe her ideal continually outrauslt K&SSSSHS llows after. jS3&. bom already favorite sourcls? as weL m. from promising new ones. Mr. Frank R.Stock: ton's new serial story for boys, K "A JOLLY FKUiOWSHIP," Will run . through the twelve monthly parts, be ginning with the number for November, 1878 the first ol the volume, and wiU be illustrated by Jas E. KeUv. The story is one of travel and adventum to Florida and the Bahamas. For the girls. a am tinued tale, - .own, "half a dozen hodhekekpzrs," By Katharine D. Smith, with Illustrations bv Vr AHoIT ftlolman Kavlna fresh serial by Susan CooUdgeT enUtlPrt a bright," with nlenty of ntetaSTaiiSirL. e: SSSiSaiiaa early to toe , volume. Tlere will als D ued fairy-tale called wutm- "BDKPTT DODGET'S T0WKK," Written by Julian Hawthorne, and illustratpd hv Alfred Fredericks.- About the other fflSarfea tures of St. Nicholas, the editor BreserVes humored silence, content, perhaKtollt heffrfe" volumes already issued, prophesy conrnw?h6 sixth, in respect to short stories, pictures humor, nstructlve sketches, and &e Zre anTlore of "aack-lnhe-Pulplt," the "Very Lntle Volk SttbV' aud "RldQie- o618' S3'P "JL25 cents a number. Sub !Pk 0f3 fved, 016 Publisher of this paper and by iul booksellers and postmasters. Periwis sMns to subscribe dlrectvrtth the publlsherl should write name, postofflce, county and State, in fuU. and send with remittance in check, p 0 money order, or registered letter to . SCBLBNER & CO., dec10 743 Broadway. New York. pHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THUtTY-FOUKTH YEAS. The most Popular Scientific 'Paper to the World. Only $3.20 a year, including postage. Weekly, 52 Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. Thft firpnfrrTBTr! A Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed in the most beautiful style,, profusely illustrated with 1 o . ivf,voouuiiK wwrai in ventions and the most recent advances in the Arts- miuwieuwo; including ew and interesting Facte Medical Progress. Social Science, Natural History Geology. Astronomy The most valuable practicai papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American Terms. 3.2rt nor vat-- ci n heir ,a. i,i..vr.' eludes postage. Discount to agents. Hlnele coDles ten cenisr-boid Dy all Newsdealers. Remit bv W Row New York C" PubIlshers' 87 Park PATENTS.-In connection with the Scientific American, Messrs. Munn Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 34 years, experience, and now have the largest' establish ment in the world. Patents are obtained on th best terms. A special notice is made In the Scien tific American of all inventions patented through thin Affinnr. with tha nom. on Patentee. By the immense circulation thns given, public attention Is directed to the merits of the flAW nntontL nnri onloa hifMihiAHm. ji Any person who has made a new discovery er invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned We also send free our hand book ? ... .2 lent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints Tor DrOCUTmfir an Tmrnwrnn Inmnrinn. ,1 ... - the paper, or concerning patents. . MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Bts., Washington, D. C. JJARPER'S WEEKLY. 18 7 9. ILLUSTRATED. NOTJCSS OF THB PRESS. tratedKipers by its fine literary quality, the beauty of Its type and woodcuts. Springfield Republican. its pictorial attractions are superb, and embrace' every variety of subject and artistic treatment Zlon's Herald. Boston. Ane wKKiUiY is a potent agency for the dlsseml- jiiuipics, uiu a power Till ATinATlATIC AT finoma fmiMn n.. 1 1 . Evening Express, Rochester. ThA vnlnmna nt tTia Vvvn ir xt. v. 7 " " wi;kiii niui uib ursi, Number of January each year. When no time 13 h wua , oe understood that the sub scriber wlahen ta mmmAnna with th. VumVut. after the receipt of hteorder. "" - ' HARPER'S PERIODICA Harper's Mhgaztae,one year,.:.. ....,;..... 4 00 jUarper-aBaT. iYmVX: 1 00 lneinree publications, one year, 10 00 AJwerear.. .... 7 00 Six subscriptions, one year,. ........ v ...... 20 00 Tftrma fnr lanra tlnho fimfto A j pstoefree to ail subscribere. In the United States neai T5lott;binsOTypre of expenses (provided the trelghtuoes hot exceed on LIS16 ror 7.00 each. ' A complete hrfiBPtl8,P1''.T0Bime8, t on re ceipt .of the cash at the rate of $5.25 per volume, freight at expense of Tnrehaser'.yy; ' " cwa Yuiuine, suitable ior Dinomg, will be sent bv tirnn nnatnairi - s, : Remittances should be made by postofBee money order nr draftto avoid chance of loss, " - j. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER BROTHEkS. decii ; New York. 1879 187. "'HE FOUR REVIEWS , 7- ;AHri' LACKWOtm .i Authorized reprints Of . A The Edinburgh Review (Whig), ; Westminster Review (Liberal), Jndon Quarterly Renew (Conservative, , The British Quarterly Review (EvangeUcal), ; BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH ' MAGAZINE ThfloA Mmtnf : ..-.A. A.B rJrr . i'vr" uoi-Beiecuons; they give the TtrorP01?8 wmpaw with the leading British Jferiodleals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Coni.lpctto offecb. accuracy ofHehtTandpu rity ofstylei they are without any equals Theyieep FoTSlV1 modei? tbought, discovery, experhnent, le,l"her to reiigiSn, scilnce, llt 2SJwa,'ia?'!j fi1 able8t "Titers fll their pages wlost interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent narration of the great events of the aay. i -i-ry i , , . :.. i.Mt.... TKKMS FOR 1 879 (tNCLODIItS POSTAGI) I ,t Payable strictly in advance. For any one Review,? 8 4 oaper annura. For any.two.Reviews, ;1iffi 8 x&ZT For any three Reviews, t ... 10 00 - " For all four Reviews, ' , r 5 2 00 " For Blackwood's Magazlne,,Ss! 4 00 ' ' "' ForBlackwood.andneReview,,7,00 " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and three M . 1 a 00 " For Blackwood and four :?J ' 15 00 " . . ' POSTAGE. This Mem of expense, now borne by the publish ers, is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on the cost to subscribers In former years. . , - r M rur " - ' -i ' I ' "' "-'"'JIi TJ B S i,' ' ? ; A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to Clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for $48, and so on. . ., sL .u' PREMIUMS, . "i'frHf;; ; New smscribers applying: early) for the year 1879 may have, without charge,-the numbers for lhe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they -may subscribe for. . - , v r Or, Instead, new subscribers to any two,' three or. four of the above periodicals, may have one of the "Four Reviews" for 1878; subscribers to all five may have two of the Tour Reviews," r one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. -v ? - ; Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to- the publishers. No premiums idven to clubs.. . . t . . To secure premiums It will be necessary to make early application, as the stock available for that purpose Is limited. Reprirtsdby ." - . . ' ,THJ LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO.. - 141 Barclay Street, New York I

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