..r...-,- V';- 4 - - ; 'Z'J.Z .'.fit - ".luJ-fc, 4. .ii Jirl9. SVBBCBIPTlOJf 1UTE3 : i OaUv, one year, JH"W 4 f W Eas tern thoroughly swpUsd Vftth merg nseOeH vdwm, ors vnu urn jjosest wyus i lesofTvvs. a u.... ............... ....,. a w of Job wort am mow fu nam iitft 1 mmtmss One Jlontb-" 0. opatoh mi ehsaptes. Woarmmix t Mhm ivo 1-5-4" -i ;s " : it. . ? WEEKLY EDITION I j ,six jfonfA-1. . .;....... $. ... 1 00 X it 1 I - . .' XJTTA3-2rAIX3, CASZXS, - - TAGS.HECKIPTS, POSTERS, . ', , . v-j PROflRA irknj. MAXD-BILLS FAMPStETS, CinCVLJMJS, CHECKS, 40, ! ii i'l 1 J i -I ; (- 1 J Liberal Reauetumt jor ViMoti - v. 5 A. t i i.jr- Ji.:i:rSt0At0 n i - Iff.. ' ' - COOLNESS 01 TBS SCAFFOLD. 1 - r I III I "V -x. - f. 1 1. S('; i-.l'T, . M II I V I I F. j9 r i ii i " rx. L' i i. i .ii ii ... i & I I I l. 1 I KS 1 A AfA vA Aj,-r(,. IE 9 t C ASHMERES AND ALPACAS. . 1,'rf. Just Received another lot of superior H Ti- A II if J ... ,.- i CASHMERES AND ALPACAS, ! Jt,.r,. : JJ Banging to Price from 25 cento to One Dollar. r : il t.l ti ' 1 H A Few Pieces of COLOREDTCASH&teES, all Wool, of superior quality, at Btxty cents, r worth $1.00. K'tS t ,. ti ..- ; .I . ". . , ; Do not fall to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before 'if ...... . . -. ........ ; .. , ; - buying. It will pay you. j, , i i - ELLAS ft COHEN, gKXXlltVLV&. B UBGESS NICHOLS, I, ti , - "4 L (i il WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DKA&KB lit ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE t FUBNITUBEt nJBNITUBEf' FUKNITUBE 1 BEMMNG, ftd. BEDDING, fta BEDDING, 4C. BEDDING, AC ii j ... - i i i LOUNGES I . LOUNGES 1 j .. ---r- LOUNGES I- PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS I ; PARLOB ! AND CHAMBER SUITS I ; :'Ki4vl'- v;i,.u r --.Jur. ! - : ' : 1 . - tW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. Et ' t TvOFlTNftoi an wnds on nana mu . . ! - f ! r J;,), ; ' - 2.V ..A. . - : '-l ; .;-Vn'4i!m:riVi'., ii CHABLOTTE, N. a ..-,.1 '(:.'"i'.r';.-;;.';.v-fl.:.."..- , . :2 .;1:5 . -:::JiJ.-... ir ; , t T-f "rXirmi'il I wf'S.t1::r"tOT4''l..:.:i4 or Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Bobes-a fine , supply iihma'ik i , .... 1 t -.' f I KM U ; U RKB NW N II TTTTU, U EBB 1 g K O UE BNB IT II r T V, UK UE KB" U UREB N H K II 1 f $J UEBE E KKK U U REE NIC- N II TTTTtt, ... V EBB 1 EEB EB - V UR-BN MN II Jig Hg r . UU R )'BK KN Jl .!T.i UU & REHB t (!.,:. " .ii-1! -f-Ai- nt I I.J l1 ti !:.-! , . ...... 4 '.! M i- ""o;,!! 7--':. I ' f - t " U 'K. ROGEBSf WABEBm34 U.-V". C S. ''r , Mf Ptock 1 wry L;; apa Wbrai a Ful toe of , S''t '.'."'...- t"..",T..,"',v.-jM-..'Si-!lnfi. j l tARIX)B,CHBEB,l)ININCrjBOO'f 5 AW ,.. . I,. ' r ' 'i.:n -JL-;': A."I (ft 1 f I Ml II eABGoodi Packed Fibe f jdxarge f . -,. - A v S S H S C E M E N rp N NOUN C E M E N jli.'-j '."J"U f i' ' ..-.'''5 ' "' ! i ). - i -H'l .1 k .!i;;i-i)i.;r! fr.-Vt !; TOB LOT.' tl OB LO X OF CHILDREN'S FINE FANCY i i'l j 5 ,nr H H OO oSSo n EES RSR T Y H H O O ST8 II E BEY T. , i HHH O O B8Sa n EB RBB YY n E R B Y U U OO 88" II KBB B R Y TO BE CLOSED OUrp LOSED OU L . TTTT AA T A A T AAA T AT oo mi N OOO ERE O O NN N O O E O O N N N O EB O O N NN O O E OO N NN OOO EBB S ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. Feb. 1st CBETONO I BETONO I GBETONO I bexonO i -I HAVE JUST RECEIVE "p UST BECEIVEX The handsomest lot of Oil Colored CRETONS of the season. Also a new lot of HAMBURG EDGINGS AND LNSEBTENGS. Don't fall to look at my new Abdominal OOO OO REE rSSr EEB TTTT gSS,, " O OO OS BSB T s a O ORRR , KK T B T O OO OR R OOO OO R R BEB T New lot ot Crochet and Dlaeonal ; Kt- r I sJlI hare a few fine Cloaks to close out at half t ' . -. . . ' i - their real ralue. A new lot of Black and White Satin. Also MONOGRAM RUFFLING ' :.: :. ,Yi'V. - 'I....'-- ' .,...., ,t For Skirt Protectors. ; J :,.;;recully' ; -: i r iV:Al- r'c-tliuMtr -T L. SEIGLE, .. ODD. Chariotte 5tBL Trron rL. Charlotte TJ. C. X ADIES' CLOAKS -t - i LADLES' CLOAKO JLiADIES' CLOAKS. - - i LADIES' CLOAKO J ' tf9:i.-r' 'I'- TV EG R E A IB 9 T B A EGA t NO HE GBEATEST B A B G A I NO 1 ' .'.,;t OF THE SEA SO XT F THE SEASOlN, IH KVMDBXD 0H0ICX LAD IKS' CIOAXQ VlTK HTJMpBJtll CHOICa LADIB8'. CLOAI s; CJ UBT KBOJUVJtD BY XXPBESI . rc j . h y . Which will be sold 'without reserre, at sacri- i ' r fidng prices. Don't fall to come and look at : .. .. ..... i. ... t .!. . s,' ; vr irt tip-' OW IS YOUB CHANCT7I 7 i OW IS YOUB CHANCJ rpO BUY A CLOAK FOB A CHRISTMAS GIFrp lO BUY A CLOAK fX)B A CHRISTMAS GIF X H J , t J. .' in ' i t j , I ' AT HALF PIU'CTi'i , A HALF P,BICji. --. . s'"'' " ' Hi MORRIS ft BROS, n l" ' w ' ' H H0RRJ3 ft BROS, Pdecl4 1 Bt HABKAH S.lUZXBBi -i U"? Hi .. rt-f-'A j ,.f , Philadelphia Sunday Transcript f As I hold you on my knee, v-jiuAt,. vi r t BabT mine. r - t.i ,.j 1.1 -i : i Wonder where your dad can be? , . ' ' Off on another spree, ' ''' b ! And I'm sure we'll never see : j That Y he took from me, . . ti&oj mine. . " Oh! I wonder where he's been? 5 ' ...'Baby mine, ; , All night he's not been In, ' ' , Baby mlnei Oht Isn't it a sin . . That all your father's "tin,", ; ' Should go for nasty gin 'ti . Baby mine. " ' ' , ,- i , , Hell come home by and by, -, ' Baby mine,' With an awful big black eye, ; - Baby mine, v i , He will then be full of rye, ; ' ' , And the crockery will fly; ' i'Ohl how Is that for high?' ' ' i : Baby mine. . Some day in my despair, '' Baby mine, I'll go down to see the mayor, ... Baby mine, ' ' And 111 have him put somewhere, : Where the city pays his fare ' Then we'll be a happy.palr. r .t). 3Baby mine.., , ,r ' OBSEBVATIONS HI vtt: George Eliot's husband left only $10,00a . . The rooster's spur Is more penetrating than the cats purr. ........ . : .. The eoverooT of Texas remarked to his Legisla ture about thirty columns of things. 'Six women are now battling to Increase the ana tomical interest to female legs. - , L Senators Edmunds and Thurman, oneatBepub lican, the other a Democrat, are bosom -friends. They even set their watches alike. ; . . .; , . ' Some naners wish that as Mrs. Logan engineer ed John into the Senate, she had a more worthy husband or he had a less energetic wire. . We respectfully but earnestly protest against these polygonal metal belts which some of the ladies wear. A man's arm was never maae to as sume any such shape. LouisvUle Courier-JournaL Cincinnati Commercial; The Swiss now toast their shins and fire locomotives with American coaL American watches to their pockets, and pho tographs of Colorado scenery to their parlors would make their happiness complete. " 1 ' Ctoctonatl : Commercial, Bep.: "If ; Paul now srood upon: Mars HUH and could look westward across the broad. Atlantic, be would see Senator Bayard towering over the Democratic party like a Pantheon above the peasant's hut" j At a meeting to New York a man got up and said he had long wished to speak, but his wife wouldn't let him. His wife had died, however, , and having his liberty at last, he proposed to exercise it In about two minutes the entire conference wept over the death of the lady as over the loss of a personal friend. Buffalo Express. moo. Bouelcault, who first discovered and devel oped the talent of Montague, the actor, has found a young actor to New York named Dacre, who is the living image of the dead theatrical beautv. Ha is getting up a new play for him and expects to time to maKe a sensation among the lemaie ioois of the metropolis. . . : , ? .r j ! Blchmond letter Alexandria Goads: The mem bers of the theatrical profession visiting Blchmond are generally struck with the habit which; young gentlemen here have of going out between the acts. One of Madame. Modjeska's company asked a young gentleman whom she noticed had been out in una way, -wnyaia you go out Detween every. act?" He replied, I went out to see my aunt" "What aunt?" "Stimulant," said the gay youth, as he went out to get a nightcap.. .. The umount of luxuriousness bestowed upon pet dogs to New York Is something almost Incredible. Says the New York Home Journal; "It is not at all uncommon to see a carriage, with two liveried men upon the box, driving through Central Park on a pleasant morning with only a dog, or perhaps a pair of them, inside, taking a smell of fresh air. They have had their baths, their locks bavetoeea dressed, and fresh ribbons adorn their necks, while a short-haired dog is carefully blanketed. j , . , .- '.., -"ii . ' i "-v., Sanford and Charlotte Short Line. J"t- y '; tOor, of the Raleigh Observer, Jan. 29. -'J. JVIESSRS. .EDITORS irrxtUi BTtlCle WMch you re-publi3hed tXHiay from the Wil mington Star, antagonistic to the short line of connection proposed, uy the ital eigh & Augusta Air-Line, from1 San ford to Charlotte, while perhaps effec tive as specimen of denunciatory composition, does not touch the merits of the question in controversy. This whole matter amounts to this, ana nothing more: The itaieigh & Augusta Company started to Augusta, but found that they could hot get there. They reached the Carolina Central and tnen stopped. Hoping to maKe - terms with that road they were content. 1 But, navmg them m their power, the Caro lina Central people have refused all terms, and the Raleigh & Augusta; Air- Line is a mere local railroad termina ting nowhere. v.i j r That company now comes to the Leg-, islature saying: We have a railroad ninning'from Raleigh to Hamlet, ninety-seven miles ; we are not prepared to extend it to the contemplated terminus, Augusta, and anything short of that point, in that direction, would avail ; us nothing. We have, therefore, determ ined on a connection, with Chrrlotte. We don't propose to parallel a line of established road, but propose to start from J Sanford, forty-twoL miles from Raleigh and fifty-five from Hamlet; and build a direct line of ; eighty-five miles. through Montgomery, Stanly and; Ca barrus, to Charlotte, and an we asK . of the great State-- of North' Carolina, tnrouKh, her Lieeisiature is to De allow ed to spend a: million eight hundred thousand dollars iu building a line of railroad through a connection of cptin ties that do not now, and may not oth erwise fpr a. long lime, enjoy railroad facilities, - A Do vou. erentlemen of the General As sembly, refuse lis the privilege of spend ing our money to build a permanent' railroad for the convenience of ajlarge ' poraon or tne people or your state 1,11 so, why? Is it because the Carolina Central objects V, We. start a point fifty five miles north of its line. Is it: be-, cause the Riehmond & Danville lessees of the NorttCarolina . Railroad, oppose the measure? "We start at a point.forVI A. A 11 JS A. - T ' m --'' ly-tw.o.tmies soutu oi uivir imo. xrue, we propose aTiine forty , miles, shorter between Charlotte- and ' Ralegh, ibut are the people of TMooreraMontgomery, Stanly and southern Cabarrus to have noailroadirr the tiituretteeanse 1 the i 9Tu carouna itauroaa is forty mues longer uiau me uismnuu uetweeu uar lotte & Raleigh? Areiiwe to: hayel no privileffes. and the people of a large ter ritory to have no railroad because,- for sooth, theajcarounmcentmswaiiroad has at stake the interests ; of foreign bondholders -further north than we of the Raleigh & Augusta and Seaboard We don't propose to abandon a foot of the ninety-seven miles to Hamlet ; we i onlv ask to be allowed to build eighty-nye -miles -more of railroad in. North Carolina. What does the great publicJbeartsay? ' Haywood. pit - Almost The Kationsl CokpIsJb$. . Dyspepsia to the national complaint every other man or woman you meet has it and the result Is t a the number, of pseudo-remedies for it lg as numerous as Pharaoh's host iThey are. for the most part worthless. There Is, however, a searching eradicant of this distressing and obdu rate malady, one whose, genuine merits long since raised it to a foremost place among the staple medicines of America.- Hostetter's; Stomach Bit ters extirpates dyspepsia with greater certainty and promptitude than any known: remedy, and is a most genial invigorant,; appetizer and aid to secre tion. These are hot empty assertions, as thou sands of our countrymen and women who have ex perienced its effects are aware, but are backed up by irrefragable proofs repeatedly laid, before the public. ; The Bitters also promote a. regular habit of "o "an' give a healthful stlmus tb,e urti nary organs, t , The People Want a Hanging and I Am Readj A Double, ExecatHMbii: ; ! . f v Indianapolis, Jan.: 9. The execu tion of William E. Merrick and John Achey took place t at twenty : minutes past 12 o'clock i to-day. -At, 12 32 the physicians pronounced: both men; dead. Achey -claimed that his crime -was not premeoitateov i ana ciosea : Dy . saying : " The people want a hanging and l am ready.? .Merrick asserted his innocence to .the last. : Both ,men j displayed won derful coolness, and stepped; to their places on the ; trap without assistance and with! no hesitation or tremor visi ble. ; The arrangements of the sheriff were perfect and were carried out with out the: slightest accident. The necks of both men were broken, j John Achey shot George Leggett in a drinking sa loon on the afternoon of June 16th last. Both men were gamblers, and Leggett arranged a game in which 1 Achey lost -it - tt t i j : .v m.i muuey . ,- jaw mux ixx.vu.u.y v- ed quite a .sum. from his mothers es tate. Believing that he had been swin dled he sought Leggett and shot him twice, causing his death in twenty min utest? Mnclk. sympathy has-exiated for Achey, ; and executive clemency had been invoked, but without avail. Wil liam E. Merrick, had Lived with his wife before marriage, and she had brought a suit against him which he compromised by marrying her. ; On the night of Sep tember 14 last he invited her to take a buggy ride. Stopping at a drinking sa loon he procured . a glass of wine, into which he placed poison, taking it out to her to drink, i He then drove about the city with heriintil she was dead. ; Dur ing her death struggles she gavBl birth to a child. : He buried his wife and child a short; distance from the city in some rubbish, where they were found a few days afterwards. His conviction was had on circumstantial evidence al most entirely.: . ; . . Wouldn't Kiss His Bride Before Folks. Sacramento (CaL) Union Jan. 2ai ; ; Justice Alexander was called ! upon Saturday morning to unite in wedlock "Melican fashion," wAh Yung and To Ying. At the conclusion of the . cere mony the justice suggested that in or der that every 'thing should be; done strictly in accordance with the provision of section 500,090 of the code,1 it would be incumbent upon the bridegroom to kiss the bride therf and there, or get some one else to do so. The bridegroom, who had no idea of taking the judge's hint as to the "some one else," quietly intimated that he was willing to do all necessary kissing, but he preferred to have the Chinese spectators of the wed ding invited out doors first, as they did not consider it the right thing exactly to kiss one's wife before folks. ; The Celestial spectators took a walk for a minute or two accordingly, and the new made husband gave his wife a series of such earnest smacks as to lead to the be lief that he had been waiting months for a good chance. After the wedding, cake and wine,' cigars, &c, were parta ken of, the Benedict doing the hospitable in first-class style, - Mysterious Telegrams. i,' ;, Washington correspondence Baltimore Sun. f" Among the telegrams now in posses sion of tne .rotter committee are a num ber datedrom. Columbia addressed to Colonel ;Pelton and signed by - Senator .Gordon, but containing nothing what- ever ouc me aaaress ana tne signature. Your correspondent naving called the attention of Gen. Gordon to this i mat ter, he said tnat tne existence of any such telegrams was a perfect' mystery to him ; that during the period of polit ical excitement alter tne presiaenual election he had sent many telegrams to CoL Pelton and to other - Democrats. o-' . ! il S - Li oome ox lueiu were m cipner ami some were not, but he certainly had no inten tion and had ho cause to disown any telesrram to which he had put his name. But he knew that he had never! sent any telegram to Col. Pelton at any fame containing only the address ana the signature, and he was very curious to inspect these alleged telegrams if the committee would give him the oppor tunity. Gen. Gordon said it was simply something he could not understand. . For upwards iof thirty years Mrs. Window's Sooth ing Syrup has been used for children.- It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well known remedy.- 25c per bottle. , ' EueAttatoableby the Bheumatlc. j , Yes. althoueh .they may despair bf relief, it Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there la a remedy wnicn carries on, ny means oi increased activity of the kidneys Imnortant channels for blood purincatlon the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent atxriDute tne painnu symDtoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. - The name of this grand deporent Is HoBtetters, a preparation likewise celebrated 99 a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bfleand a certain means of reHef to dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervQua auments, - It is, peraapg, tne - nnest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant bf distinguished Dhrsldans and analysts who prondunoe it to be eminently pure and very oenenciai.' rne press aiso enaorses u. . -rr - i ; 7,1 Remarkable Result. It makfta nn dlffemnnA hm manv nhndnlana. hr how much medicine you have tried, it Is now an es tabUahed fact that German Syrup is the only reme dy which has Driven eomnlete satisfaction to severe cases of Lung Diseases. It Is true there are yet thousands of persons who , are predisposed to Throat and Lung Affections,' Consumption, flem- nage8t Asinma, severe Axiaa settled on tne east Pneumonia. Whoonmir Ceueh. fte..! who have no personal knowledge of Boschee's German Syrup, t To such we would say that 50.000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint Con sumptives try tobi one ootue. iteguiar size 75 cents. , Sold by all druggists to America. ., 4 CHARLOTTE OPERA HOUSE. . ,i. , i. . " JOHN T. FORD, Manager. A TULIUS ' J ULIUS GSAT 11 CJESAXi, Shakespeare's Classic and Historical Tragedy, ' i WEDNESDAY, FEB, S,'. ' ", 1 " Interpreted by the renowned Dramatic Arttsv -MR.- FEF F . FF OOO Q O "BBB ,B B BBB B B !A Jim S OGO iSSa AA NN NG!;0 A A.N N N G -1 "HSU ' -u O O N ..coos., bbb AN GOQ B8S8 As Mare Antony, as acted by him for over 100 nights at Booth's Theatre, New York. v . The distinguished Actors, : MR. THOMAS W. KEENS. Whose success in "Hamlet" "Richard in," and ' other snaKespeanan cnaracters, emmenuy ' '',,.- fit him for his great personation- ..." i r;,". i-of Cassiusj.., 1 V ,"'MR. R. L. DOWNING, as Brutm - n , . , MR. GEQRGE H0EYK - ;J The- accomplished actor, will assume the role of Julius i ..ti T I-. rrThe resf of the cast to the hands of acknowledge ea capacity, mew scenery nas Deen especially pro vidett New Roman costumes for every character. - ry Sale of seats win commence on Monday. Admission 60 cents and $1.00 secured seats 25 TTTT- OO' ' 0M A T ' T T O O? I T O , O . T O O OO 11 V A A , TV 1 D AAA- T- -' A DX A T 'X' TOC L O S E O V rr t O G LOSE O U X ! Will begin the Grand Annual Closing .'. ...... I r ,, ' . .... i. - i I 1 t There win be a Grand Rush and we would advise ,- ' " . ) I5 J ii. i it will be to the many And to others It will repay them to Invest for fu urea, we would suggest this circular be retained. You can buy English Fur and Whitney Beaver worth $32 and $30, at $24. '; Our Fine West Eng-merit- of $20. Overcoats,' embracing. Worsteds, Cas Brown Meltons, marked $15, $16, $1? and $19.50, Our splendid heavy Chinchilla Coats worth the en Tests, $27.50, $28 and $30-duced to $22.50, away Frocks and Tests, $20, $21, $22 and $23.50, ment of Casslmere Frock and Sack Suits, sold Our enure Stock of Casslmere Pants ranging $6.50 $5.50 and $6.00, one uniform price, $4.00, TO Wnl be sacrificed, some 300 pairs all wool Cassi Hankercheifs at 25a TO CLOSE OUT. A small ur Fine Merino Underwear, worth $2 each Shirt Our stock of Boys' Will be arranged to connection with the "Clearing garments and other perishable goods, to be slangh .In many instances the auanOiy it iiaii tna aa .Y,"T. ' . .. CI THING! CLOTHINpi LOTHINfll CLOTHINVXi . . : W. KAUFMAN5 ft CO. L M .... f , . . . m lj : CLOTHING H0U8E! i..... ,.,.......,. GREAT REDUCTION LN PRICE. North CnitutnA. thA lnnmat nhAflrwuir nrl mnaf beautiful aM veU. selBcted stock f nan i. OO TTTT H n RN N OOO H n NN N g a GOT, O O T u i. o O T HHH H NN W O OO L 0 1 O T H H H N NN G GO OOO LLLL OO T H HUN KN GGO WX HATS XVXB CSTKEXD, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN'S. BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE.' tSf All we ask Is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as it will be to your interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. . X : W. KAUFMAN A CO., . -' ; . . . Springs Comer, Charlotte, N. C dec!2. .,. , .... ,. . , .- CORN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, ' " :s : - i ' - . ' '' t , Postofnce Address, Charlotte QtyMQls " Parties having grain to grind or to sen will find It to then interest to eaU on the undersigned,' Meat ground either fine or coarse, according to order." ; Thankful, for former patronage, f will give my prompt personal attention to all orders frocs one bushel to a ear load, i - -i " ROBERT D. 6RABA1I, ' ; r,7-n 'i'j 'kHh v .- j.,.- i, Superintendent; ' ti gulijOag twits. TTTE HAVE A" SELECT STOCK" n i Tr.'V.' ! IT' t-) "i-r f" -! Ot Whole and Ground Spices. Including Fells' mixed spices, try It and be convinced that there Is notnmg nicer. - i a. yttu&xvx uu decia-u,- -."4 7r.;I 1 -VI i0XS and NELSON'S GELATINE, f ; -y u i J t or r .- ' - " f S F Corn Starch, Italian Macaroni and Pearl Ta ploca.- - v . - ' L. B. WRISTON ,CO. deciai i,Ia f tstti ' , , - ij-t i , XT-BENCH BRANDY -; V'-,' -i -a ..'Lf JC' t . ij i.ii,'. ) i.: r s T'T ' Y' ' "ii -;. hi -tki h:,r. -'Vi '': '1 ' " ' 1 ;, ; ; Guaranteed to be, V . , : rJiX y 4 r.?wT JBARS.9'l n ui i , . -A : y AT CENTRAL HOTEL 8AL00S, D 'AAA . ,: T'.s ..: L T " 00 DDD A A S ,5 TO CLOSE O UsOp f . 0 . C L O S R. O V XI ! OUR ENTIRE STOCK" OF WINTER GOODS 1 " ;,iii 1 ' Sale of an heavy fabrics, embracing. Overcoats, ;i.V WINTER UNDERWEAR. I ;.""v f i II;;!' ii lu j: .: V 1 ' out friends to call early to order to enjoy the WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENT ! who. have deferred purchasing, looking forward V i M,5,,l i jqsfcij j.wsw .. .. . n3 RAND OCCASI01 BAND OCCASIOJ tare wear. Annexed we will give a schedule of To-day win begin thegreai distributing sale of the t E. D. LATTA 4 BRO., TO CLOSE OUT. Overcoats, Satin lined, $40 at $29, Out Fine land Casters, $30, at $25. Our OUve Brown Cas ters, Granites, Chinchillas, without reserve, at $15. at one uniform closing price, $12.50. . " tire season $10-$7.00, TO CLOSE OUT. ; Our fine TO CLOSE OUT. Our entire magnmcent line of an at one uniform closing price,$18.00, TO CLOSE readily the entire Season, $15, $16 and $17.50, at Our $10 and $12.50 COSSLMEBE SUITS,.at $7.50, , TO CLOSE OUT. $7 and $7.50 at one uniform price, $5.00. Our CLOSE OUT. Our large variety of $4 and $4.50 4TO CLOSE OuW i . ,- mere Pants, $3, $3.50, $3.50, $3.75 at $2.50, to assortment of the celebrated Starr Shirts In In col and Drawers, will be sold at $3 per suit, TO CLOSE and $1.00, at one uniform price, 50c. To CLOSE CLOSE O U rp O U X Qothtog win be offered at prices lower than other TO CLOSE OUT. ' . ' J Prices" to our regular and desirable goods, certain tered at less than half value. ! few, and la order to procure Just whaq your heart .." jCLOSLNG OUT SALS '''"! ' " WW W A Nlf N TTTT EEB DDD WWW W AA. NN N T E p WW WW A A SNN T EB D D WWWW AAA N KN T B J To W W A ANHH I EEB DDD WigHD. EYEERYBODY LN WANT OF OOOL X TTTTH Hflp K OOO O .Oi O O T H HUNS H Ofl O O O T HHHrjN N Nu . OOOIXLL OO T E HUS BS OOO And desiring to purchase will bear in mind our previous advertisement of J IUB WINTER STOCIT t 1 VUR WINTER STOCJtV f AT COST No sham, we will sen to our. Customers and Pa trons our Fall and Winter Clothing at actual cost We never advertise to any fact but what we actu ally da Our Mr. L. BERWANGER. a practical Tailor and Manufacturer for the past fifteen years, is enabled to buy Goods at very low figures, and therefore, we are able to fell you clothing at Manufacturers' :--,,.,;)' --sl: lo 'miirm ,fu-i; J i'i-O0o,f-S8TrTri''f'i ! - O Q O HBSa T ""' : ' O O O ' O g s T ' :! , WA) ou iaar, We soUcft a can. -' ' ' Respectfully, sun L. BERWANGER St BRO, j u Fine Oothlers and TailoB. WORLD'S STANDARD. A ' fit. i fi $. i s r . t i, . ATRBANKS SCALBS. . i-:, j. . - . - Sato'Alsa, "'' ', . . fJt'r I ..i-itu-J Jjy'v'i 4' ' ' ir: i f "-;"' -j.fJ H PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS! I ' ' riiu-al -i lav.!;)'! ' I f ., Coffee Mills, Spice MTRs, anSt Stoi Itttans Geo 'j . n-i i f.fi' ii, u'v,U',''i 1 Liv The Improved Type Writer,' ' ''..'w! 9.1 ...... ... : : . , y..,l.,.ili,iliMegt-fc-4jC"" 'i l' nit- t ' f 11 j' " " Osenjatlng Pump Go's Pumpa. '- v"t 'j ' --' -inittArKs ohL "?-'-W .... r:7liBroadwa,'yew. - ty For sale by Leading Hardware Pealersi " septl-dtaww " . SssT1 T O O rpHE .V.."Ii :-J-l'l is'ft '; - MK - &a.a . , MM OO '.'"nnn'v'i' 9 .fk A ... T n a a. ' ill ,Si JiiU, it'll : - I -!-j.s.i (r." -xf 'j-., it,.; j'if-'t 1.0 CLOSE OiOiiXl s 'M viJ ""i fi il Casstmere SulUngs, 'and ! , wy'A . j.'k-ili v 7)1.1 ?tJJa uantUitKtV. Lest advantagessetecflons .weh'as'liarg&tos ..JH r i i y . i j jni. ,i-'.. 4,-i r.nLikj' j --nil 'ini i-a j;n;:ni; t ; .. i. s Mij.I- y ;i iififl I i "lo i Ins v'i,'ii"iV:hj;M 'VI .. . ' t i;j Jwt ,j-,Iiii j;:u! . i ... :; . ! v jf iJ i ',v trni. w ..i.' !t;iil.Mt li&l;- . '' . it i : .r.r.iH' j-"iii i :i'r? t,.-..v,--.',r' t.f jtUt prices, and aa out goods are marked to plain mammoth stock of' ' - i i") -yni J L-llCi t .. uuy: )..,-, jJj'Xi iu ,;j i.:jt Jestup Custom made garments,; silk sleeve lined ton, silk sleeve, $24 at $ia Our' entire assort. Our attractive viiriety ' of ' Worsteds Oxford and r ' '...i- ."UI : !-. .i.ii-I fj .(ir? -):'J- 'It - I;j.Unt-: :J 'k H'.-JfUil Dahlia and1 Black EngQah WorsUdr Frock and English Worst ed in Black, Bro wn and Dahlia Cut OUT. ; The, handsotnest and most attractive assort one uniform price, ' $12, TO CLOSE OUT. : ' V..- iii?i;'!3 :'t.)j'f A '" immense assortment of Casslmere Pants,. $5, Casslmere Pants at one uniform price,. $3.00, . -..! :vyf-i , r-m-tl, -..Jut '! 'fr"imy.) -ji.'i Jjs . - . . : - ft CLOSE OUT. Oat: remaining stork -of jLaciles' on, worth $2.25 at $1.00,' TO Cr,OSl' OUT. OUT. . Our enure stock of Underwear, worth 75c : -: .: i'i. ,!:: 'V, :i- VlHWtii: 'V'l " ' Y' '-rii .r-vtUt ',i iwu',. 'i'i)y . .1' ' ? rfefj'V iib:i.Jl tn k!Lii.''i .iMi -U vi .: toerchants'cah Lt'ftotou.V .7' noes of .Worsteds! to' CoS'Jis broken most d&fcCan eartx, to th- , E. D. LATTA & BRO. 1 TriTTKOWSKY BARUCH Beg to can your attention to the fact that it is their desire to give to our city a FIRST CLASS "t" A 8H , T A A n' C 1 ? fl W ' '" LLLti KBB KB B B B B B KSB DEPABTMENrp ?-., EPARTMEN X ' ' ,Hi'lv , i ! " ' Where any and eWrythlng that the trade of our community may desire, can be had, We shall make it a point to remove the necessity which some of our people claim to ham : been placed to to order Goods from abroad, as' we shalT alwayi keep a 1 targe, wen selected and r HANDSOME - L-'I.'K' E 'A O? F" 4sl''0lViO I N E O F,,, O..0 (D.,0 - i " 'i ' ' f 3 a , , AT OUR ESTABLISHMENT. , l .a it ..... uttiu.i.n 4J,.VU .' No effort win oe spared J'on our part to make our ' ' 'It! t'iU.t ! H I I,' V Retan Department. .Grand Success, and we pro- pose to bring ttgraduani to, such, a standard as to make it wmzid ; SECOND TO NONE SOUTH. Our, MB. BARUCH wUI gtve.bJs. peraotial, atton lion, to this. Department and, lutomeysuc la Just that class of business saOsnes na that our ef forts hi tttorjartlculkr' will be Btipreclated dt our .1 1 'Si f'.'.M'-h i tff il-ljjlr numerous friends and customers ' . ; no buivu wuuxiuD wvuer, Mir uw nww ur the remainder of out TUi wul ii!.'U3j v,f.fMiKi'ft .Ki"i;;'J 2 ''Jrj1S 5 51' S 3 JEB. BBB WW WW . TT If Tflf T . . U. . tt w - ,W if H-K-KM iVijtftit'lfi- '.' v U'jsi i" vnj-i fti ;-M''j AT ASTONISHLKGLT LOW PKICEA i ui .h.-niiUHM il-'.STUT -H,liO - With a view of making room for our Spring and ' C U 55.. ' '. i :i!'jrHl f I 'i ;, v ( Summer stock, which we win place in our store as , - ...,a . ii,.l J(-r '.111 eanya8Uteseasonwffladmtt.,fi jf! I r. 'w. THE LINES OF 0US . V; ..t ' ' "TTTl HOLESALE DTPABTMFNTi , iif Otl.TV HOLESALEt X?ARTMA2Aw.l vWu Be.w.wP"" wwarfc .scslvy.li . r witiil :("9W Yery'raspectfullyj ' ;j Jan.21, 1878. - N J

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