local ixti:llieXce; SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1879. BM1B0AU MitKCroUT. The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte,' on all the rafl- roads (Washington time):. - i ..- ! ;V RICEMOND & DANVTLLX. ArrlyesIromBlchmond and Golds boro, 1.00 a. ib. Leaves tor " ., , 3.20 a.m. " Arrives from Richmond, .......... j ... 10.50 a. m. Leaves for . .' o.5op. ra. ! ' i r ATLANTA CHABIXXTTK AIB-LINK. Arrives from Atlanta, .' - :'t 8.20 a. m. i Leaves for Atlanta, .w.i...t4.. . 1 1.06 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,........;......;."! p. m Leaves for Atlanta......... . .i 10.60 a. m. CHAKLOTTK, COLUMBIA. A AUGUBTA. ,- S Arrives from Augusta,. Leaves for Augusta.. ............. Arrives from Augusta. ..., . .. Leaves for Augusta,. ..-..4.- .1. ;vii .' -CAIM)UHA'CBOTTUL. 3.10 a. m. 1.00 a. m. ; 6.80 a. u. 11.27 a. ni. Arrives from wflmmgton,'. ' : 1 . . ; 7.29 p. nu Leaves for Wilmington,,..........:... 6.00a.m. Arrives from Shelby,. .'. . ; 5.00 p. m. ( Leaves for Shelby,. ... : 7.00 a. m. . .sA v' . 'A'TLAirno, TJQTK1S8KB OHIO. I Arrives from Statesville,: .: .'. 5.30 p. nL Leaves for Statesvtlle,...;. ; . . . ..... 7.00 a. n OHARLOtTK POST OFFICE, j J -j:-- ! '; asorawta 'closes. Money Order Department, .. 9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. si Registry Department,; ..... .9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. Gen'lDeliv'y8tampDept,-8.00 a. m. 6.00 p. nt ,- -v. 8.80 p. m. 8.45 p. m. tW On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open, from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m.-.- - ..- -,- ; s OPENING AND CLOSING OF, MAILS. , , , . , OPENS. ;:;; CLOSES, 'j -.. .Danville ft Charlotte B. B., 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. . " ; - " v ll.15a.rn.' fi.00p.rn, ; -Charlotte ft Atlanta R. R.,. 8.00 a. m. p. ni 4 ft Augusta B. R.,, 8.30 p. m. 10. 00 a. m, Wilm'n ft Charlotte R. Bt 8.80 d. m. .- 5.00 a. m: Charlotte ft Shelby R. R..... 5.30 P. m. -6.00 a. m invi ft StatesvlUe, . . . . 5.80 pm. 6.00 a. nu H Beattle's" Ford, (horse route.) Mondays at 5.00 n. m.. and Tueadavs at 8 00 n-m. . t u r- Yorkvllle, (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., ana naays ai 7.00 a. m. ):) ...fr 1,.., : W. W. JENKINS, P. M. TBK CHUKCHBS TO-DAI. Tocnq Men's Christian Association Hall.-t-Devotlonal exercises this afternoon at 4:45 o'clock. St. Peter's Church Services tn the morn: in; at 1 1 o'clock and In the afternoon at 4Vb o'clock Dy uev.. j. ioiy. . aunaay scnooi in ine anert- Baptist CiBroRCH. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evenlnir at 7 o'clock bv Ttev.i Dr. Theo. Whitfield, pastor. Sunday school In the morning at m o'ciociu , First Presbtterian Church. Services In the " morning at 11 o'clock and in - the evening at 7 by Bev. A. W. Miller, D. I)., pastor. Sunday school in the aiternoon at a sjo o'ciock. V ," St. Mask's Lutheran CHUBCitr-Servlces in the- mormns at -11 o'ciocK ana in tne- evening at , o'clock by Rev. E. , A., i WingarcL pastor. Sunday . school In the afternoon at a o'clock. .:'- , -. Second Presbttehian Church. Services m the momlne at 11 o'clock and In tne eveiune at u '"o'clock ny the pastor, Bev. E. H. Harding Scmday ' school to the afternoon at 4 o'clock, j Associate Reformed PhesbtterUn Chapel.? i I Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and to: - the evening at 7 o'clock by Bev. W. T.. Wauer, -''k pastor. k- Sunday school In the morning at 10; , : o'clock. - ' f " : 5 ;UltabtMe!8kwCotb Ins at 11 o'clock and in the evenmg at. i o-ciock T bv Miss Louisa Planter. Sunday school m the ' '. morning at 9 o'clock and class-meeting in the at i . ternoon at a O'clock. vw-v - -i-i St. Peter (CATBX-tc)C5HTRCH.-Servlce8 in thej n.' i morning at low cciock ana caiecnism iaugui iu - the afternoon at o'clock; by Very Bev. L. P ' O'ConneU. Vespers In the afternoon at 5 o'clock. Sunday school In the morning at V O'ciocK. ' Trton street 'Methodist (K.) Church. Ser- vlnoo In tha mnmlnir ak 11 O'clock and HI the evening at 7 o'clock by Bev., A. A. Bos ! hamer, pastor. Sunday school in the evening at :'rs8Va o'clock. Prayer meeting evry Wednes day evening at 730 o'clock. Strangers cordially, . Invited. Graham Street (Colored) Mkthodiot .(E.) -' wTa,-H0 in th mnrnlns at 11 o'clock . and lnT"thT evening at 7 o'clock by the pastor, i .. Rev. R GitaonSunday school in the morning at 9 o'clock. Prayer meeting every evening at 8 o'clock. Wednesday INDICATIONS. nt' i i 1 P. M.- . , War Department. Oitfiois Cm' Signal Officer, v ABuisaTOH, Feb. l. 7 -son i m ."'"For tlie Soutlk -AtlauUo. States, dear '--or-fair-irftatber rising . dbturcuaaetaicaai slight changes ia temperature.' liocal Ueport f or; ytxjlajr, ' i,7A,M,12P.M.:9 P. M Barometer.a . t . : .'ii . Thermometer,. ........ Relative Humidity,'.... Wind Direction,, . .. Velocity.......... Weather, .;.., i , 29.877 87 71 N.W. 4 Miles Smoky. 29.834130. 047 44 80 31 38 N.W. 14 Clear. 17, Fair. Highest temperature 46 deg.; lowest 28 meteorological Record. WEATHER BSPORT, PEBRCABT 1, 420 P. M. Satlons. Barom Th. Wind. VeL Weather. Atlanta... 30.04 29.93 29.90 2f.90 30 38 80.28 80.32 29.94 80.01 80.17 80.16 30.18 29.99 29.92 30.02 30.02 41 55 55 89 53 56 63 64 72 56 52 59 71 56 61 75 N. W. W. i. N.W. N. W n. , ; N. N.' ;' N. W.' N.W. N. N. W. N.' W.L'J. N.rW; N. " ' n. w; 28 13 9 21 8 21 11 17 15 12 22 20 16 ',7, Clear. Clear. - .Clear.' .Fair. Fair. ; Clean1-! Cloudy. Clear. Clear, .v - Cloudy.) ,; : Clear, ' Fair. Falr.rir' Clea.-S ' Smoky. Clear AuKusta V.. Charleston, linariooe,.. Corsicana,. Galveston.. Indianola. Jackson'lle, &ey west,.. Mobile,. Jaontgom'y', N. Orleans. Punta Basa Savannah, Kt. Marks. Havana... HOME PENC Wi' Sales of cotton last1 week lwere ,1050, bule nearly, all of this being wagon cot ton. : ' ; . . .:;:.;; -;'V;:', t . On first pitge is to be seen the newest revised edition of that melting ditty entitled "Baby Mine." v t ' The board of county commissioners will meet at ' the court house in regular monthly session to-morrow; ; Men with overcoats and red noses rushed madly to and fro in the streets yesterday, seeking investments in the lately despised spot. .',',.",.,'1 f ' J1';I Next Friday "night is the time appoin ted for the supper-by the Charlotte Chapter, Koyal Arch Masons, and the speech by (?mpan Jon Chas. :JR. Jones. Within the pastVeek the pavement of College street has been .' graded be tween Tenth and .Eleventh and other notable I improvements . made on the streets. , -, ;-! 'y .' After a! spell of unseasonably warm weather the mercurv beffan to tumble yesterday, and by nightfall was search r ing an arounu, lyr,;-iuei jjoiujuiua iu ' Those wlitfv hav4 purchased tickets from.the! ladies If or. the , Mendelssohn Concert, can have seats reserved with out additional '-charge- by applying at the Central Hotel cigar-stand. ; , ; Red Buck has j limped the town. He effected his escape from Street Commis sioner Hunter, and when 1 caught again will be Dut in the eham-iramr. -It is the intention of the authorities to make the town too hot to hold him. m; ' . ; There waa no. mayor's court yester day, i There has been but one session df this court in sixteen da7s:j There was not a single police arrest last week the first time Biicha thing has happened since the "woods was" burnt.' ; j , Verily,' -vve f are , a. sportive people men : xraaing . iur, urae, uu varry iug game cocks .'.in their arms - as ,they, , walked around and examined the dffer-i ent points of the various nags, "was one i of the street scene yesterday. f : ; Miss Louisa Painter has consented to' i give aBible reading for Christian wo-: : men atthe Young Men's Christian As-i . Bociatfoniroomsrr at half-past 3 p. m: Monday Ladies of all churches are. invited to attend and take their Bibles. "!yf ' " it will be of interest n Charlotte and ' w Petersburar ' to -know that late, and' r:: 7 reliable n.dvtfma from Tlalelorh areto the ' ': ' btfecfthat there is not much 'prospect 4 bTthe passage 'of the bill introduced by 'i1:' ! ; Mr. Norment, of Robeson, to "prevent the-wanton fighting of came chickens S,V .1.4.: 11. WM . ' ; ! i i' iifid betting thereon EXTENSION. The Latest Mores on tne Chew Board I .Kaleisfb. and Charlotte Taklngr Ac tlon. I ' . The people of Raleigh are moving in behalf of the charter for the extension of the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line Railroad. We learn from the Observer or that city that a large and enthusias tic meeting in its interest was T held Thursday evening. . t,..-,: Julius Lewis, was called to th chair, and G. Rosenthal. Esa, appointed secretary. The chairman, after stating. tue ouject oime meeting, upon motion, appointed the following gentleman to draft and report suitable resolutions, to-wit: Messrs. E. R. Stamps R. S. Tuck er, A. Creech, P. F. Faison-M. Graus- man, X. H, Unggs. Jr A. M. McPheev ters and Jno, C.Blake. w j - M After consultation,,the following res olutions were reported by the commit tee and were unanimously adopted :" f- uesoivea, mat with the present , WW, prices of produce it i of the utmost mportance that the citizens of : the State shall have the lowest possible rates of freight, and the only effectual means to accomplish this end is by' es-, uiunsmng competing lines oi iranspor- Resolved. That upon general ; princi ples, railroads are public highways that promote the prosperity of the country through which they pass, and as such their construction should be fostered and encouraged, especially when only the right-of-way is asked and na pecu-' niary aid is required ot tne state. ' Resolved, That in accordance ';"with the above, this meeting is in sympathy with, and fully endorses the application for a charter foT the extension of .the Raleieh & Ausrusta Air-Line Railroad to Charlotte, N. C. . ' I rom the same source as above, it is. Jearhed that a large crowd .was assem bled Thursday afternoon, in the State Treasurers omce, where the committee on internal improvements sat patiently, and listen ted to the arguments of Maj. Winder, Maj. R. &7Tucker and E. R. stamps, q, in favor oi the extension to Charlotte, and ot Maj. U. M. steaman and D: R. Murchison in opposition to granting a charter for. such, extension. It is learned here privately that the committee had decided , by a vote of 8 to 6 to report the bill to the houses with the recommendation that it do not pass, but this action is by no means final. resolutions of the charlotte cham- ,5,,. BER OF COilMERCJE. A meeting of the Charlotte chamber of commerce was called last evening to consider what action, if any, was necessary on the part of the business men of Charlotte in regard to the bill nnw hfnrfi t.hft T-fienslatrira errantinff an extension of charter to the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line Railroad to Char lotte. When the bill was first intro duced by Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, little or no opposition was manifested, but the fieht now being made by Wil minsrton against the granting of the empty charter, has aroused the friends of the measure, and; the business men of Charlotte, ever alive to their inter ests, have, within the past few days, felt it proper to taKe some steps in re gard to the measure. Col. J. L. Brown. Who is a member of the chamber, and also of the Legisla ture, stated that the friends of the measure in Raleigh had publicly stated that the railroad, oflicials were willing to guarantee to break ground on the new railroad within twelve months, and to finish the road within five years or forfeit the charter. The discussion, participated in by most of the leading business men of the city, toofc; a wide range, and the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : . Whereas, It is, learned -that a bill is now pending in the Legislature of North Carolina, proposing to grant the privilege to the Raleigh,. &. Augusta Air-Line Railroad to extend the road from some point on their line to Char s-;WHEBKtg,nn -snirLTaATro&a compa ny proposes to - build .said-extension without a single dollar from the State ; therefore, be it ' '"J' i - Resolved, That it is the .sense of the business men of Charlotte that the said railroad should be allowed to build the said extension to Charlotte, enabling it to connect with the system of railroads which converges here. Resolved, 2nd, That this chamber of commerce cordially endorses the propen sition of the railroad company to ex tend their road to Charlotte, and this association respectfully requests the members of the Legislature from Meck lenburg, county to support the bill now pending before that body, extending the charter of the said road." i .. Resolved, 3rd, That the chamber ap point a committee of ten of its mem bers, as follows,tO-wit: S. Wittkowsky, Gen. T, F. Drayton, Chas. R. Jones, S. P. Smith, W. WrPegram. B. R. Smith, J. H. McAden, 'A. R. Nisbet, M. C. Mayer and J.S. Spencerr to -visit Raleigh and use their influence to have the bill pass ed by the Legislature. ' i: '; , Resolved, 4th, That the president be authorized to add to this committee any member of the chamber which he may deem proper. . Resolved, 5th, That this chamber do request J. H. Wilson, R. P. Waring, Ru f us Barringer, C. Dowd, W. H. Bailey, or any other citizen of t Charlotte, who may be in Raleigh, to co-operate with and assist this committee. , ;r r . It could hot be learned last night how many of the members of the committee would go, but it is believed that most of those appointed will visit Raleigh this week ana look after the matter.1 Montbly Weailier Repwrt. . Thte'4 signal station in this city fur? nishes the following, showing the1 daily and monthly means of barometer and thermometer, total movement of ; wind and amount of . rainfall with: the pre vailing direction of wind, &c, for the month of January i Mean daily barometer, 30407 ; mean daily thermometer, 41.5 ; mean daily, humidity, 67.3; highest barometer, 30. 491, on the 7th; lowest barometer, 29. 490, on the 9th ; monthly range of bar-ometerr-lXX)l 'r- highest temperature, 70 degrees,, on-the, .-25th; lowest tempera ture, II degrees, on the 4th: monthly range of temperature," 59 degrees; great est daily range of : temberature, 28, on tha ofh nnrl ist.h : least dailv ransre of temperature, 7 degrees, on the Sth.and" 12th; mean maximum temperature 49.8; meanminimum temperature, 32.6 ; mean daily range of temperature, 17.2 ;; total rainfall' ormelted snow, 3.62 inches; prevailing wind, southwest; total move ment, of wind, 17 .miles maximum velocity of wind and direction, south, 30 miles, at 9 a. m, on the 9th : number, of clear days, Tr ntimber of fair days, 14; -number of cloudy i days:: on which rain or snow fell, 7; number of, cloudy days on which no rain orisnow.fell, 3; total number of days on. which rain or suow feiy 10; ;date of 4unar halo, 10th ; dates of frost, -1st, 2d, 3d,-4tfr, 5th, 6th, 7th 8th, 9th, 10th, llth; 18th, 15th, 17th, 18th,-19th,. 20th and-21st. The tain storms of the month; preceded by wind, were as follows:- Wind from the south; 8; from the east, 2; northeast, 1; south east,!; nnrtl!P3t, 1 J norths 1. . i--&.u - ii ii . . ;. Chicken Stealing1, . r- . . , No species : of t iniquity ' has been so rife in the community during the win ter season as that of chicken stealing. The latest victim is Mb, W;'M. "WiIs6ii: Who, Friday night; suffered the loss of, a fine Hoodan rooster, a Plymouth Rock hen and a couple of geese, xne tmer wa traftprl a noi!iri iotonno venter. day morning, and a house was searched I kn lf.n nnlinn 1...4. nrUknt MnnU ! ' js j bv the police, but without rsul ;TIiE- UAsXUOAJB Personal - . r f ' ' i m MT3. Moon, the Onatfir revivalist Kaa left for home after two : weeks of al most incessant labor here. 1 ' -.? Mr.Bamch,of Wittkowsky Baruch, left last evening for the North and East, : expecting to buy more largely than ever for the spring trade i; . t - - ix i UmJZ s-: 1 - r Death of a Yadkin Physician; rtt We learn of the death of Dr. rB. R. Benhain, of Jonesville,; Yadkin county, at hia residence, on Thursdays the 80th nlt; Dr. Benham was about 70 years of age and a brother-in-law of Col, C. J. Cowles, of this city. He was well known" throughout ; his ; own ' county and the northwestern section of the State, and stood deservedly high among all classes of rplemta-iio- A i The Simpson .Mlneli ; " ' J i'lt 13 learhedjthat theiKortnern,? gen tlemen who have been negotiating for -the purchase of the Simpson gold mine in this county; and who navel come out here for the ; purpose, ci c inspecting the property, are much pleased with it and are of the popular opinion, that the property, if well worked, can be made to return good profits; In our - former mention i?of these ' negdtiationa. it was stated that Mr. J. C Bates had effected the sale for the owners of the-propertv. The name of JMr W." J. Floyd should have been used for that of . Mr. Bates. Spring- and Summer Styles' ; j MrTM.1 Lichtensteinl the capital mer chant tailor, has received a .number of handsome lithograph plates .represent ing the new spring and summer styles in gentlemen's goods. h Some of these are very novel , and a number; of them very handsome. ' They i represent the latest-iashions ra : business as ; weu as dress goodSv and are worthy the atten tion of our gentle readers. , '- Mr. - Lich- tenstein is preparea, . too, to cut ana make suits or -single: garments accord ing to any of the styles which lie dis- piays, aua unumisu iu pHLWjrus as . - J 1. H 1 J.J ' i-A. well. Mr. J-iicntenstein - is a nrst-ciass tailor. His work has grown greatly in favor, and no Northern tailor can give a better nt., . " - The Sixth District in the Supreme Court. In the Supreme Court, Thursday, . ap- peais irom this (the sixth) district were called as follows: , - r State vs. Ashby Chavis, from Stanly ; argued by Attorney-General Kenan for the State and Cole & LeGtand for the defendant. J. B. and B. A. Green vs. George J. Green, from Union. Continued. L. J. Dickson ys. Wm. Wilson et al from Cleaveland. Continued by con sent James McDonald, et al, vs. Cannon, Fetzer & Wadsworth, from Cabarrus. Continued by consent. Scraup Edgerton vs. G. W. Logan, from Rutherford. Continued by con sent. J. W. Suttle et al, vs. R. M. Harrell, from Rutherford. Docketed by appellee and dismissed. State and R. F. Gamble vs. H. T. Rhyne, administrator, from Gaston. Argued by Wilson & Son for plaintiff, and Hinsdale & Devereux and Jones & Johnston, contra. "Denble Marriage" Kate Claxton. - This week "will be rich in amuse ments. Mri Bangs, supported by Mr. Ford's company, Wednesday night; Thursday night the Quintette club, of Boston, and Saturday night, Miss Kate Claxton. The advance agent of this charming young actress arrived in the city yesterday. Miss Claxton is famous, and needs ho introduction to the public here or elsewhere. She will give us "The Double Marriage," a dramatization from Charles Reade's "White Lies," and will be supported by a company of her own. As bearing upon the interesting event which we are soon to enjoy, we extract the following from the New YorK ITerald, of recent dtde: "Miss Kate Claxtondeservea not a little . praise for the, production; under Theatre last evening, of Charles Reade's aramanzation or "JjouDifr Marriage. The audience was large; standing room uncomfortable, and even the veteran first nighters saw much to applaud. There is no reason why a play so full of dramatic interest should not become a suceess. There is in it an attraction of incident that makes every person pres ent content to await the denouement. The piece is destined for a run." JTuliua CsBtt&r Combination Bangv. In order to Btir up the psire minds of our people by way of remembrance, we advert to the fact that - the sale of - re served seats for the great attraction at the opera house next Wednesday night, will begin at-the Central Hotel cigar stand to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock. The play is one of the grandest that was ever put? upon the ooards, and one which, by this company, is grandly played. Snch names as BangsKeene and Downing1 should draw well anywhere, and it is hardly to be doubted that they will receive one of the warmest recep tions here that has ever been f accorded to any company. (The part of Marc Anthony is Mr. Bangs' great specialty. One of his greatest triumphs in it was achieved at Booth's theatre, New York, where, upon one occasion, he played it for 103 consecutive nights. . A Mr. Bangs is a Virginiah--a'Korfolk man by birth-r-a man of massive mould, splendid physique, and of4 most striking presence. That he is, aside from this, a man of most uncommon dramatic ge nius, is a fact that has long since passed into the history of the American stage. The first four or live ..years of his dra matic life were divided in engagements alternating between the cities of Wash ington. Baltimore and Philadelphia, un til at last the young actor found" his t way to the city of New York; that Mecca of the dramatic aspirant where he was installed a responsible member of 'Laura i Keene's Company, under whose- careful management he ; soon sprangTnto notice, receiving the most favorable consideration from the press of that famous city, and flattering en couragement from its people, who even then prophesied for the young -aspirant a distinguished place in his profession. In a few years J. W. Wallack (the elder) invited Mr. Bangs to a prominent place in his, at that time, incomparably excel lent company;. In such a rare school of art, and shoulder to shoulder with great artists, . we . find young Bangs-, siill mounting- the , ladder ' of 'fame. ;; Later on we find him a favorite under J arret & Palmer's uimanagement ' at ; Niblo's Garden: f. Then- again under the man agement of the' late ;Jas. Fiske, at the Grand Opera House. V Having ; received the unqualified indorsement of the metropolis of America, ' he again ap pears in Washington, D. September, 1865, at the National Theatre, the very ground where, thirteen years before, re made his first bow ta an audience. He was received on his return with most enthusiastic acclamations ; hencef or ward, ; triumph upon vtriumph distin guished his career, until he now. stands pre-eminent as one of the "bright par ticular stars" of the American stage, c.-v 1 ' '' ! ' ' Tarboro Southerner's - casualty coir umn: .-: A little colored boy, son' of Jim Armstrong, of Rocky Mount, was killed by having a large limb cut down on him on Saturday; On the day before a tft son of Ned Parker (colored) fell Tipm a stringer of thfl bxldge across Tar river at the falls and came near being drown ed. He floated to a raft and was res cued. The colored cook on the premi ses of J. II. Chapman, near liocky Mount, left her - crawling , child, in the cabin alone with thafiret ' Tbfj ejothbig of ! the. child gntgd aiy burned it ta death, iS A 1TBST CLASS ' flnuJri m11 anjf m fli xrf. t j , ....... .LeBdl DAYTDSON'SL. $200 IN CASH WILL FUBCBASX A Power Prmtmflr QPreas. Guemaer make, old style, size ot bed 26x4 inches. Was in use until replaced by a new one. Address J. C. BAILEY, editor Enterprise and Mountaineer. Greenville. ja1J4a - - :. 10 cases huntadi janos Mineral Water; 10 baskets (50 Jugs each) Apol- llnaris, lust received. - ; -i .-i I 4u v-i " "WILSON 4 BTJBWXLL. lanSO W E HAVE Just received a fresh supply of superior Tea.:.-:. WILSON 4 BUBWELL, Jan30 - . BUISTS GARDEN SEED. A large supply of these popular seed, Just reoerr ed. by f " tWLL80N BUBWELL. Jan22 --. -, W E ABE ALWAYS BEADY And willing to snow goods whether or not you are ready to buy. L. B. WBISTON i CO. decl3 ,tvi .fit t.7'.,..,-,- QLOVEB, QBCHABD GBASSw LUCEBNB, ' i I WHITE CLOVEB, Sold from fresh stock, by WILSON & BUBWELL. Jan30 UIST'S-fSAEDEN SEED Are the best, sold bf 'rV --- - - - WILSON & BUBWELL. JanSO ' ,v" ' BEAT BARGAINS FOB THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. t3" Gold-Head Canes and eyerythlnjc you want ior.tinnsana8,ai. -. " J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 - .,--.! ... WE DESIRE to can attention to OUR STOCT7" S DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOClx XT' A NO Y 1? ANCY GOOD O GOOD Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOH) TOILET Cases French Plato, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and NaQ Brushes. L. B. -WRISTON 4 CO. dectS- CALDWELL HOUSE, AL DWELL HOUSK, CALDWELL HOUST? CALDWELL HOUSJCi, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CTABLOTTE, N. C.. : CHARLOTTE, N. O, & P. CALDWELL.. .Proprietor. This house Is permanently established and offers all the conveniences .and comforts of a first Class boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. ' - VBATES-oPer day, transient, 81.25; per week, Z6.00. Regular table, $3.25; board and room per month, $1&X)0. JanlO ..v . - l i.v. t s t,t StwKCjjStaMes. N EW LIVERY STABILE. If you want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle Horses, go to the New Livery Stable. ,;'.:--!; :: ; - c .--. - If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trams, go to the New Livery Stable. : If you want your horaes well fed and well groomed go to the New Livery Stable. . " Careful drivers, promptness and reasonable prices are our motto. - .i - may28 - R. CHAMBERS ft CO. JT THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON Cochrane keeps the best RYE Wrjsxjjr?, gujid X ard Pure. fwe Years 614 " 1 -gieai FINE WINES, And rure Llqnors, "f hreeYears Old, go OOCHRANK'S, . . Central WM Satooa, :$(: 4 XTFE PAY . . , . Especial attenttoa to the retafl bade, and aQ our Goods are warranted of the bst qualify. -" M " 1 . WILSON to BU2WELL, decIJ DrugglaUk NOTICE TO.FiKyKTm .t - . " ," ' 5 ' ' i ' .: am prepared to 8T0BJC COTTON in mj lire proof bulldlns either in basement or ontbefirst or see- - - J 5 '1.1 ond floors nd will gtn warehouse xeesiptson which you can draw money If desired. . : - r. BT" CharcM Btodente.' ' " "- '. - "L . octl2 - -"m BOCXBJXS CHXAFEB THAN IRBi 32 b t NEW GOODS! NEW FEATURES 1 Come to me for Bacon, Com, Sugar, Coflee, Mo lasaes, and other Family Groceries. jus received, a lew Darren oi ueny jrosnrs (ott Tiecoanty) - , . ' BEST BYE WmSKJCT. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell forotsn. au goods aenreiea in me acy tree oi enanm. - - W. H. CBIMMINGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand. 15. c O T T OK ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED THOMAS H. GAITHER, COTTOM COKKISSIOK MXBCHAXT. OCtl2 w ILLIAMS 4 FINGER, Have lust recerred a lot of TurkeTB and Chickens which we offer at low prices. Come to WUUema ft FmseraiM euF t&e Dest Famur Floor from toe best mills. Wheat, Bran. Oats, Com and Heal, Honey, Country Lard, Batter and Eggs. The best Timothy and North Carolina Hay. cow and horse teed ot the best quality. Sugar, Coffee. kc Coin fjirnmenia soucnea ior au unas oi country produce. ww ma&e prompt returns oi saies. - decs .- J. A HENDRIX, AGIST, GROCER - GROCER " AND -COMMISSION MERCHANT,- Comer Main and Blandlng Streets, COLUMBIA, S. C. SDedal attention mid to eonsUmmente. Oulck sales, and prompt returns guaranteed In every In stance. JanlO lmeod 50 BARRELS CHOICE NORTHERN - A PPP PPP Jj EES RSSa A A PPP PPP L . . EB BSSfi AAA n ' n t a A A P P LLLL EBB SSS8 S Received every week. LeBOY DAVIDSON. an80 SPLENDrp LINE Qg Fine Teas, an grades, lust In. at 'fl4 . LeBOY DAVIDSON'S, an60 "JgLACK STRAP MOLASSES Under cost by the barrel, bv , LeROY DAVIDSON. JanSO rpHE BEST STOCK OF GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERIES ' In the city, at Jan30 LeBOY DAVIDSON'S. JpAMIL Y GROCERIES, I have now In store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies. Just Received: i Fresh Goshen Butter. New Buckwheat Flour. A small store for rent a M. HOWELL Jan29 IELD BROS., WHOLEBAIJI AND RBTAH. GBOCEBS and DEALERS In COUNTRY PRODUCE ALSO, PROPRIETORS Of TEE CHARLOTTE HOTEL. CHARLOTTE. N.O This house has been newly furnished and is kept tax r- .' , M v -i 3-- ' .,- - , x first-class style. Terms; Per Day ....C... S 2 00 Tal)le Board, Per Month........ ...... -.v 18 00 I BTOmnlbua and Carriages ti ensftaiA.mMSiZ 'L''t nXLBfiOTHEBS,Ptopritom9 BEN KIMBALLi Clerk. - deel O TOP AT THE - - BOYDEN . HOU8E 1! ..... - 1 , 1 ' :.:-,-..-:-'..-. . - '-"--,4 - SaasbmT,ir.C. - ".D vl. '--- , C 8. Browh, Proprietor. J J ' ILato of the National Hotel, Balelgh.K C S. Brown, JzT, Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelham As M nn HSiani, ,, - , rx&BOLINA CENTBAL si VIA WLLMINGTOJf," f . it THROUGH YBEIGHTBOUTE This Lme beh ftuly eoulpped for bustnees, r i i? i ii'-' I- . J 1 1 , -s ' usxT Wilmington and an Northern and Eastern Cttiea to ; GreenvQle, Spartanburg, all Stations 11 11 ! ' r . Atlantic TCTUinfflMrt etiMo, ' " AsweQas romtam Georgia Insurance and Bates guaranteed as Low as ( 5 A . .-1 ' ' v InformaUoii famished - R W.CLARK,. ' " Oen. rrelght Agent, WDmtegton, C- JB. J. EL MCADEN, DBteeiar and i Now offers to the trade a fun stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, , ' English Select phjes, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and . , . . f American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both nlgnl and daylat J. H.MGADEN'S Prescription Store. . lECUBITYl SECUBITY I (SECURITY 1 200 Barrels of C WEST ft SONS'" EXTRA Na 1 KEROSENE AMI ALADDIN SECUBITY20IL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West ft Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before It will burn. C. West ft Sons, Baltimore, Da. J. EL MCADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C. ' SCABB ft CO., IP isggn ? si V- -i x - . v . HSAB THB POST-OFFICa, Would respectfully Inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Office, and sottctt the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. "' Jan7 tf. ; : ; .'; '. -': ' TEACHERS WANTED. $50 to 1100 Or $200 per month, during the Spring and Bummer. For full particulars address J. C McCUBDY ft (XX, -Philadelphia, Fa. IPHTHERIAI Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and wm positively cure nine cases in ten. Information that will save many lives sent free by mall. Boat delay a mo ment Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. La JOHNSON ft CO.. -' ! Bangor, Maine. B ENSON'S CAPONS POROUS PLASTER. ' -' j FOR 1 WOMEN AND CHILDREXT ' V OR WOMEN AND CHILDRElN j - . . . ...,, Females suffering from pain and weakness wm derive great comfort and strength from' the use of Benson's Capclne Porous Plaster.. Where children are affected with whooping cough, ordinary coughs or colds or weak lungs. It is. the one and only treat ment they should receive. This article contains new medicinal elements such as Is found in no other remedy in the same form. It is fax superior to common porous plasters, liniments, electrical ap- puances una utner- external remecues. u relieves pain at once, strengthens and cures where ether plasters will not even relieve.- For Lame' and " mmmum, luniuinuoui.' j . ujacogg ttillt Oil local aches ana pains, it is also the best known remedy. Ask for Benson's Capclne Plaster and take no other. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 cents. , . , . i CONSUMPTION o n s u m p t i o JN -i - ' And an Disorders of the ' -..: THROAT; AN D ' L UN G S t; '- , Permanently eared : j : ! "I'-fJ". ' .--.-- Si? .tlJ DR. T. A. SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY" h P P SI? Y. JT : O O H H n NN R R Wf To TY O 'HHH n NNN! E: r Takenlncouneuonwlthlus j f:-ji ' ?.n COMPOUND TKULSIoklGT , -J Bi - " : i. . : i ,!;'. i rn,co..iiTJB oiL J FXX.'COS .1ITJB .... . :. - .; . ; -:i.:s I ' v - and hypophosphltes ot '. , n - j.r; LIME AND SODA.') -1 . -HJt r A FREE BOTTLE of each preparation sent by express to each suffering applicant sending their name, P. O. and express address to Dr. T. A. 81o eum, 181 Pearl street. New York. , V.') ( JJiRESH ARRIVALS FOR SALE,. WANTED.- 10 boxes MwntAd "rioNiiMi: RhniM pIuyim. rw. ter Craokers. 5 boxes Family Washing Soap largest lOo bars in the eHvr- t-,- . , , Also 1 fine aoich Cow and one medium (nail ' 600 dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED. 3 tto9ALj N. SMITH. SPATCHLINJ , 1 , NORTH CASOXINi." TO ALL POINTS SOUTH.' r offers unequalled faculties for the Transportlon of f f R " A.'t Z"' T I?" -V . 'm.r" !!- rr.t.'T'r.V..l!..tva - 1 Charlotte. StatesvOle, AsherulejBatheifordtoB J- and Western N, C Railroads,. -- FtTH'J i-i WiLt ''1' 1-A JJrtf' 4 Alabama and lflssl.ss1ppl.iurf rta any Competing Llse, and Time as QulckA upon application to -t:j , -.n r lo Frt:a;.' '. 'it '-.It tn H t"L'-l-t -VjiJiK Bt.-'sh tit . , w ; wmmoody, ' SouthwesternFrelght Agent, Charlotte, N. C ' ft , ;-r,i .t ;fh HIM) K 'J c-MTTH TWlSlAKA8tATaWITr2YfV- . A STfENDJb? OtPOSTUNrTY , . i , i I ) .., :Jy.xtl To win' v f?in4. EeetiCratJi, JWfltrlbutlon , Class B, at New Orleaoa, Tuesday February r: , lQi, 18305 IontWy rMrfng. r : rWTUISUNA STATS LOTTERY COMPANY. tls tnstutton -wee regularly tnoorporated by Legislature of the State for Educational und Sha5Wo purposes in 1868, with a capital of f 1)000,000, to which it has sUtee added a Reserve I?"4 iLCiSOOOOIts GRAND- SINGLENIIM m& DISTkiBUTION LwlU take place monthly on ttwndTuesaa. it neersoales or postpones. Leek the following Wsaibutlon?' l ' - ti .nx v:' -ii" ' . i o v- - i CAPTTAX PRIZS, 'fSO.tOQ. "c 1, ' Mi; ' " 100.W0 Tickets et Two DW&rs eeb. Half Tick- eeBollari -,r LIST OF PRIZES tti' i". -j; .VV" i .'' 1 Capital Prize,5.. . 130,000 .l;Uapitat Prizes i 10,000 5,000 6,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2 Prizes of $2,500..A. ,M ? 5 Prizes of 1,000..'..;.:.,?..-.:... 20 Prizes of . i. Knan: JL ..: .!.- 100 Prizes of l0O.v.v.i...u..ij.. luo Prizes of- . ,. ro0 . ......... ,...... iOO Prizes of ' ' '20.:..:.- .-: - . 1,000 Prizes 01 : vi0.a.J."",.ir.. APPROXIMATION PRIZES j , 9 Approximation Prizes of $800.. . 9 Approxlmatlou Prizes of 200. .-. . 9 Approximation Prizes of 100..7.. $2,700 1,800 900 1857; Prizes, amounting to,.k-,..u,J-i... $110,400 : . . ; .; r ';.;.; . j ;.: i Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid.. , -h- a -a Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office In- New Orleans. , T . Write, dearlr stating fuB address, for full inf or mauon or send orders to 1 . -' -t' t . ( M. A. DAUPHIN. Postoffice Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana .." wra AzuBwuuHuy urawmgs are unaer raGTd"TOt anl4- : r.-v .-pW?" AH our Grand Extrtordin&ry Drawings are under Janl4 ....LJ-. hun :.r3 ' BALTOMiti ", l . Lelblg's Liquid Extract of beef and TonlO invlgor ator, I take pleasure In rwommending it as an ex cellent preparation, combining as it does food and tonte In a remarkable way,' prijdqeing good blood, health and strength: Sold by aU.Irugglsts. Q.Ea C. WARE, . r-, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In P U B EST A P PLE! 0 1 SIB ' !..; r ERYlNEflAR.- - :., . Sole Proprietor and Manutarturer of 287 to 295 W. Third St, fClNCINNATI,0. OILS SASSAFRAS . . ... .!-.ii!4.- 'l AND PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought in any quanlty, for cash on delivery, free of brokerage, commissions, i or storage expenses, by - , , . DRUGS,' ESSENTIAL' OILS, ft& 88 William St. .'. .New York A DAY to Agents canvassing for the - Fibs- ujreoa jTi v. vau&xmi Augusta, Maine OA Fancy Cards, Chromo, Snowflake. fta, no two 0J alike, with name, 10 cents,. M Mtnkler ft Co, Nassau, N.Y. , J A MIXED CARDS, wiQi name '10dI Agents' 411 outfit lOfc.. X JONES ft 00 Nassau, N. Y. OXr ADVERTISERS.-iend for Out Select List of J. Local Newspapers. Sent free on application. AAiresir GEOf Pf ROWELL, ft jfXX, lO gproce St, O O V V AAA E 'OAAA K K E "i t 1 j ,"' ni,"Y,i t "i'.':ft'l r 1 1 -: -1 iw'coiaATE ft a'','w ' ; ;.; ,; ' COLGATE C0S :-,.- I i, '! S.81P,! ,.,S,UP! 1 saves, Waste J ""If!! r it FOR LAUNDBY USE. K4reiiSMMsij TTNDERTATJNQ .114.7.1 . j The undersigned is now preparedjto fill an orders for every class of Undertaking. ' Bering on hand a fun assortment of AL 0 , ' iXJjrjrUia, - vASXETS AND BURIAL CASES, .j'..') jBocn. wood and aieteae. :i- ;r . ;:-; .f v n"-is li . 5 '.. ; J "EJCIS A3 14?W.AS Un-l'-h'l. . , Hearses . famished , If . desired. ; 'iI.R Jf.i.'i'l 7 Furniture f. every Deserlpttpn.Eenalred at shor ; .i' notice j vj 'J V- ' W. M. WILHZLM, ' - With E. G. Rogers, Trade BtreeV June 2a - , : :r,.--

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