i .. , ii m -ire -K I! 1ICJ-I ;' ir f t (it ('MH t A mmmt bjsrairr, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1879; j;: THE LEOULATDBfi. ' , T ; ZTJOiTTi 'V VtRatelgo Observer, !. l.l.. .-.M.1T.1.1J & IV .'. -. .. ..... - January SU PETITIONS AND MEMORLiXS. j: By Mr. Henderson, a petition frora B. W. Thif er and 28 other citizens of Kow uojfcK.hrti:an ountVi asking for a prohibitory; law; - " withiri two miles Of Christ1 churck l By Mr. Grahafloi'of liineola a "petitiorf from citizens of Lincoln county, pray ' tag for protection to crops from live ; atock ninning at largeA j J" w By Mr. Taylor, a petition from 242 citizens of Henderson county", praying Uisy f or a repeal iottae prohibitory Jaw wfth- 4 in three mues ox Aienuersuiiyiue, auu asking for the bell punch. , . -By Mr. Dortch, a petition from citi zens of Goldsboroaskingffor change in the corporate limits of that town. -and also a counter petition against the same. RESOLUTIONS. P. .itofwJ'Kinto'raisea joint select committee on railroads and transporta 5 ' tion companies ; to inquire whether any .iiTiia Railroad or transportation company had t'tdp .Vi0iated their charter in overcharge of .. fmghtSrSaid-committee4o-haYep6w- er to send forepersons and paperST Bv-Mf. "Everett, a resolution propjosf -tng to raise a Jototeleet-committee to I Carolina had been manageoV1 Refer to the old banks. ' . h By Mr. Graliam, of Lincoln, a till - "A' SSf thKoHSel wopertv iaKd i;:A"JtidgmettW oblAined,,ifti courta of. the State for labor, material furnished, or torts whereby any person Tis killed, or 7 a t l 3Mr person' or property- f Injured, f By Mr. King, a bill tp prevent unjust discrimination or . extortion in railroad .-tr! ..T-freightstcsw uaftar4?;aOMT i.ii&i ant VI r. w ItBr'403; 212, -tOfiansend I chapter ' l,S3prlvate;jaw changes Passed second Teadinsri) Js.sod H. R. 63, S. R. 271, concerning the free navigation of Cape Fear river, asking our memberajni Congress to use itheir Influence to make Cape Fear river free and navigable, and also to make i Fay- -ville a portal ntry.assed- second 1 reading. " " ' " ! 5S.ij. 2W, tor .Pine protection or .Eng lish sparrows and mockingbirds: an- blediisi i ua xau i ; S. R. 1TZ, on sale of intoxicating liq ors no person to sell liquor within one . mile of any church' i or academy in the state. outBiae-ot incotporatedi towns. This bill called Out ti, lengthy debate.- - ' Mr.. Dillard opposed it oecause It was Mr. Austin was fii Javor of thjB bill, .ana was miavor or closing the ;aoors agamst liquor selling around ;the churchea,fTAKizo;inA t Mr. Scales was not in favor of enact- lag a Mame uquor law oYet about one half of orth Carolina, Under so j small ' a cruise as the resolution. ,.-rrr : ! Ii Mr. Ormand moved to reconsider and to lay the motion to reconsider ion the hsv06 which ..was carried- (This efiec isoH'rjntually sita dawn tmthe hill.) TAi i ; S.B.253;'to establish r.a'.new county w.n ifrom SampsoHV;Johnstofiii andj Wayne, r Ir po be called Vance county, n t Mr. Dortch opposed the hill but and tai iOUt; because he could not see the heces " -'sity for this new' county. k , t :r Mr Waddell favored the bill,, t p ' - ' ri!l)ortchm 'postpone, f Ayes 18 hoes22L;;. M . .-l-Mr , , Bryan, ftf-Penderregered an hat.uie question dcm bod- J flitted 4d thtf vbteS tf therpeople of J, the? whole section to bet affected byf the hew county. -'Adopted ayes 23, hoes!2i. The question on the passage jof the original bill aaamended, on its second reading was lost. " rj'm VISITOR. ' Hon. W. p. Bypum .was invited to a -"-mat mfthe ftobr:' -"" j r. Ji rBEPORT OF SECRETARY 6p STATE. - 'm i accordance -with"; resolution of " the Senate, Maj. Engelhard, madej a re nt f !- port of the total 'fees and ; emoluments . of .Jus office for the years. 1877, and 1878. . They foot up for 1877- $359.70, and for 1878 $2,90-2.00. The secretary gaiary is $1,000 per annum. a ri a fH0TTSEr OP" iREPRESENT ATIVES. January 30. FET1TIONS. . is . t,rt i. Bv Mr. Orcliard: petition asking the vjinwrpQrationoijBethel church,; in Ca- 3 'ByMrarsoiir ptttiSh"ironi citi c ixr, tenaof Alexander : wuuty .against the 1 'fence law. To the committee on aapcL .- culture. - - ?jnimt.Wi( .i t-vharr Br. Mr.'.Barrmeer. a petition in favw X)f a stock law. . To the committee oxr ' v Hifrtcnlture:;'.fr:.I;;'.v:.'i;.;::.,-.,. t i " tiK".T By",Mt,Hi?n4erson, a petition prayirig5 " Internal improvements." ; ; - i -Bv Mr. TiwriA. anAtitinn fnr thfl fir7i. tectionof home manufactures Propo- .KjLattnaaagnevfliicea.. ;s J3Y u. 'JL nnreTva resolution xo raise a committee toi enquirer 'why iring wen- MrBrown introduced-the following c. t rut .rrtRnlnf'.innl'which ) waft Plard'hn the '" calendars ui"'"'W'r I v.wi U2eoZoai!r--That-on- and After "i the viitv, passage of this resolution' i thi4 House .tr .4 ihallmeet atr.' o'clock :a? ni.pnd ad journ at 2 o'clock, p. m, andjthat the ,7. t .hrsitwo hours, torwii from 8 o'clock to . i:v.i.io, shall ibe devoted exclusively1 tci bun , h s-vreombe speeches on retrenchment, re- ::..L.fornvfraudsringsr &c of a like charr acter,aione: ana tnat tneresnau not pe any legislation before lQio cloek. , ...... - jRemvetLfurtJier. That the officers ' xthis. House be not required to attend its -. fwsslo. before loo'jctockayiflil, but;;th6 3 ri SDeaker ia rea dee ted to appoint some member to occupy the chair from 18 '40 10 o'clock; and that the rule in i regard: - to not 'Allowing members bati fifteen" minutes shall be suspended, and that .' ' , during the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock any memoer may speas two nours. s ! - Bv Mr! TTormATit. frill 1 tnrAarrihfl the procedure in restoring persons con victed of felony to the rights f citizen ship. Judiciary. v ? - f Br Mr. Powers, a bill to emnower the people of different sections to vote on ' tne tocic law, Atncuiture. J f : ; 5 By Mn Deans, a bill to abolish the of Uce of county tmteloher In'cunties where-InferidrlQTirta, are established. , Judiciary'.: . t a.-t.i ;'5 By Mr Turner, a btil t. indi6tTatto3 neys who misuse their office Proposi? uuus auu grievances. : f 1 1 rji -j iu By the same, a bill to provide for the ......rivorkingrof public roads bv taxation. ? , l ' Uy Mr. Click, a bill to incorporate Mc Uenrr'a CbapeL Corporations;1'1 -1 ' Jiy the same, a bill to incorporate Mor- f rvoV Chapel'- Cotomidna. i.1 ? By Mr. EngUsh, a bill to establish a normal school at Trinity College. Ed ucation. ' " -;is;' ' ,, By Mr. York,- a bill to exempt minis ters from paying poll tax, working' on roads, nd service on; jurie Proposii Mr. Vauchan. frbm the committeA nn ubordlnate employes, repotted a resor lution fixing the employes tf , the! two houses. Gives the Senate one emninveA ' ct C1X0 per dayand three pages at $1jOO a day, and the House one employee at i.iy, two at and two pages :a$ h Orf niotijoTJf thrutey were suspended .ana me resolution auyjyieu, ! l;..;. kKUO.'lAr , : CALENDAR.' Bill to repeal chapter 160,; laws or 1&13-14. ' Read the second time. ' (The law repealed is the one authorizing the (governor to employ counsel to assist in therproseeution of Littlefield)' JilrAtr: kinson said , that the repeal of tbis law. would stop a bigrat hole. That:he: had ho wish to cripple the executive de partment, but by reference td the audi tors's report it would be seen that $4.- Unerals duty, ana he should De-maae-j to clftitD.ahat it tne Attorney ueneraij is incompetent let him resign, j Mr. Clarke said that the law only em powered the Governor to employ coun sel and he was willing to leave the matter at the discretion of that ! ffieerH .That the .Attorney., General was fully competent ior the worK, Dut ougnt to Mr. Atkinson said he meant1 'rio're5 flection on any one, but he stated, the, facts and if they reflected on men they must do so ; that he had promised his people to apply the knife of retrench ment and reform, and he was going to do so, regardless of consequences. Mr. Carroll favored the bill : the State had a law officer ; capable' of doing the : workand-Whose, dutyjit was. " "ji,-., ivir. n iiiim sunn UXICIIY Ul suvuuiv Mr. Bost saidthatiefoie he foEtha bill be.TvantedTto toiowJthatLit 5vi)liMAiot doiwy flfcitb? il pbwer to employ counsel for the State in jthe con ffist. hfttwRenlhtakridltheiTgfleral cov- Mr. Foard said that he was very much afraidi that. the., legislature Would be penny wise and pound -foolish ; fthat the repeal or the law would tie mp nanas wnicn e State. would be of great damage to t He moved to make the bill the s order for Wednesday next 1 Mr. Atkinson- wanted the1 nialtter set tled at once. He said that he did not want.to stop itheprosecution of Swep ann. but he did want this leak stoBPeaD ,&, Armstrong favored the mofattJttt' pOstpohe. it was a matter or monieni?; and oueht not to be decided in a hurry. v Mr. Turner was opposed to postpohe- j ment and favored 'the' bill:' Thtf, law j A 1 1 .3 Tt T '4-"U A ' I day alter it passea ana naa oeen aousea .ever, since That two of the counsel" employed in the case had quit it and gone upon the bench after pocketing ig f ees-That the law made it the duty of the Attorney General and he- should be made to do the, work. Mr; Christinas Opposed the bilL Mr. Korment favored it. a MrBarringeivalso, was here for -re- trenchment ana rerorm, ana wan tea to vnte for the bill now. . . . I Mr. Blocker endorsed the ' woidast speakers : he wanted retrenchment ana refotml t Mr, Bernard said that he saw' no rea- f son for delay. - ; Mr. Carter ot jsunoomoe, jnovea to amend the bill so as to alio w-the Gov ernor to' employ legal aid in cases out-' side of the State, and when asked by the Attorney General. He said that if the bill passed in its present form it made the prosecution of Swepson a farce. That the dignity of the State demanded that this Suit should be vigorously press ed. . . . Mr? -Atkihsori said that the amende ment killed the bilL. and that it was in faetfabout what the law was now; Mr. Clarke again spoke against the bill,: and Mr. Norment hi its favor. Mr. Richardson, of Columbus, mad6 strong speech on the Bubject On the motion to- postpone the yeas and nays were ordered Pn demand of Mr. Normenfahd ' the motion did not prevail. ' The amendment of Mr. Carter did not prevail. . , Mr. Foarji mq.yed.tQj Amend so as to deprive the bill , ofhick action. He argued that the House7 was acting with Undue PrecinitahCv that in passinsr this bill the Legislature was assisting .crfmf mais to escape punishment, lie said that the evidence before the rinjc com--mittee showed that there was work for the courts, and that the .passage Of the Dill WOUia put ns .UAtmvy against the whole legal talent -; of the Slated ZlLL ; Mr. Jones argued that , it was utterly impossible for the J Attorney jGeneral to do evervthine. That cases mieht and Jrobbrytwquld arise where he would J hav5 td pe; ,in tinrdj ot jthree places at xnce ana-no man -eouia ao tnat unless he was a bird. Mr Atkinson again spoke in favor of the bill. ( He said, that the. i counsel em- moved to nroaecute SweDSon had al ready drawn $1,4O0,: and he wa3 willing to let them prosecute mm toi the woTtir of that sum, but he moved to , amend the amendment by adding to it a pro viso. that r no more . money shohld be drawn from the treasury as counsel fees. ' .k; 'i f v.nQ f iit; yt.-i J"-;i. Mr. Jones said that so far' as he can seethe onlj eHeuL uf theblll would be aatwieieiajvgrmjinow em lbVecT counsel by authority of law he would, if the bill passed, have to employ I -counsel maenance ox iawi.M iiemovea the reference of the bilLto the commit teemen finance1; 'Mr. TvfcLean hoped the motion to re fer would not nrevaih' j 1 - aj'-i The motion to refer to the committee on finance, prevailed. ; Bill to amend the . constitution in re lation to punishments (puts up whip pihgjpost) - wa3? read 'the Second time. Mr, jBlaisdell moved that the bill be in- demiitelyjpostpone(t:tTfteyeaS;and nays werevOrderea on demand ot Mr. X)unia and the motion prevailed. Yeas, 04: nays, 40." -- Bill to amend the charter of p&vidson College. Bead and passed second and third -times.M merxfi - rn , - Bill to amend the charter nf the Mr.. .irjallrod vfad-jthid time and uiBuuaseu uneuy uy messrs. vaugnan, Eoard, Carter of : Buncombe: and Nor- ment , and passed third times.'' ' 'mMiPW, WU oW ned. i til Uissmti inn 3 tiiV .i it MtfJ ( " . Mlii til X w tKXiairn:4.neamont-Fresai'if ;.;?. ; 3TO!bi:.WfHh that MF Matheson, of Alexander- county, had introduced bill in the Senate looking to:jthf extension of ,0Atlantic,! Ten nessee and Ohio railroad, to the; town of Taylorsville. This bill provides that the sheriffs of Iredell. Alexander, rlenburg Yadkin and Surry counties r bint ivoi '4r. itlisJ it , road and the Statesville Air Tiine Rail road companies all persons convicted" sum seniencea to prlsoni to work on these roads in,, equal proportions. It also asks for 50 convicts from the pen itentiary for each road. When the At lanticrennessee and Ohio .Railroad is. completed to -Tayl6rsyille,nild if ; it'is the WMbtofnther Kiompjmjr to run it no jarthei, jth', conicthere- emploved then be turned over :to the-; Statesville AirXihe.1 . (Thid'is the proposed road from statesville in the direction of Dan ville, Ya.K The bill, also provides! that the' conhtyJ commissioners, a majority concnrring,. of the counties througa which the road are to be jonstructed, are to submit, the J Question of countv subscription to the qualified voters of said counties xtoi ascertain whether or. not the countv is .wUlinir -to be taxed to def ray,aay.:pf ite'epejesin. balding Itbese roadajiifi Wn; t p i ..': r .Ul'i fj 1 y 1 .ifina j To. all who-are tfterlr h(M She errors and in duireUonsI)! youth, nervous weakness, early de cay; loss ptTnanhyd3(T7r wHT send a recipe that ffl'efo'yfais12XBH CHARGJ!.l;thJs great zemeipastfBeoirfilqr;' i:mselpn8J7 to wuiu:uKmuw::DuuU a.ourauure8sea i envelope tothn rttv Tnts-irOTT T TwWiw' ew, fn. dim. h7 w Ji i9s?p- frl Wtlpn 1, Bible WV.ii.o 3 , couth. America. :-8enfl eMlfraddressed ehvelope The discoverer" of a' process for making Con Liter On, palatable is certainly a public benefac tor, tor it-is -univereaiiy-aamiitea 10 ue me Desi remedy In Consumptive and Scrofulous oases ever produced, yet on account of . Its sickening .taste J, many risk death rather than take It TheVnam-4 fanhiwn n( Hiwprii 'RMTTTjsmw csv firm T.rrww Ott. i faflturers ot Scott's Emtilsion of Cod Litkb Oil. with the Htfophosfhites ot Iax akd Soda nave bv their peculiar Drocess. succeeded In remoTlne the unpleasant teste of the-oil and made It as pala table as JfTeso cream, ana vnia ine aacuaon ut the Hypophosphltes; whlchrls an excellent Bone and Nerve . Tonic, have produced a remedtol, W greatest value tntSie above diseases.11'; ; .'1JiAJ r i'iX WSJ trtOOs WAY, i IWIK AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE. Springfield, O., Feb. 28, 1877.' This Is to certify that I have used VEGETJNE, IBUUUUMWUVUVJ 11. i. DBCTllO) VUDWUt' JUUOO.) 1V1 RheoraaOsm and General Prostration of theNerv. oas1 ysem,' wun- gooa ' eacceas." i recommena VEGETLNK as an excellent medicine for uch complaints. Yours very truly, t . a W. TANDEGEEFT. JIr:fTaaiegfIlt,i)fLthftrirm of Vandeglm kliuf man, Is a well-known business man of this place, having one of the largest stores In Springfield, .Ot ! . .o : Mr. H. B. Stevens: . - Vil QR j-. Dear Sir Three years ago I was sufferfiur terribly with Inflammatory- RheumaQsmJ Oor 'minister's wife advised me to take VEGETIKE, After tak- mg one Dome, 1 was entirety relieved. Thls year. I asBinxommenced e it. and am being Den- ted greatly. It also greatly Improves my digestion. .... ResDectfullr. 1U " Mrs. A. BALLARD. 1011 West Jefferson Street. JSraHTlAO-JI 6AM0HT ijasic iLisigimroj 401x00 ' a -nrrn " a vrt otttdi HTR. Ste KMtlJLUTTr ' 1 In 1872 your Vegetine was recommended to me, and yielding to the persuatlons of 1 a friend, T AonRAntMrt tn trv.lt . . At thh tlm, rwRA snfTetinsr nMotMHim , ua .wonaernii 8Bngcrarig ana, curan ve proper- tlea H.mtAuiTl.niv hilltated BTstem from J vthf first dose; an vndei its petslitent ine I rapid- gaming more.aaaui;Upuu neaitnana a tEURoe uwu i.-uuYt.'io Asiuuea w give Vegetlue iny most qualified Indorsement, as being a safe, sure and powerful agent m promot ing health and restoring the wasted system to new life and enenrr. . Teeetlne l4iie only medlolne I use; and as long as I live' I never expect to find. a. Detter. xours tnny, w. a. uijuul, L2PMontery Street, Alleghany, Penn. T -kaooiia i O'Xi VEGETINE ill 1US ltiVnilig ACMA UVU1 AW?,. V.. T I MOIUUVni) formerly pastor-of the Methodist Episcopal church. Hyde Park, and at present settled In Lowell, must conylnce $vry onerwae. reads his letter of the won derful Curative Cfaalltles of Vegetine as a thorough cleanser and ulfierpfjhe blood.,,,. 5 Mr. H. B. Stereos Los in 1 1- tiir-i j Dear Slr-About ten years-ago my health falled through the depleting effects' or dysjwpsla; nearly a year later I was attacked by typhoid-fever In its worst form. It settled in my back, and took the form of a large deep-seated abscess, which was fifteen months In gathering. I had two surgical operations by the best skill In the State, but receiv ed no permanent cure. I suffered great pain at times, and was constantly weakened by a profuse discharge . also lost small pieces of bone at dif ferent tames. Matters ran on thus about seven years, all May, 1874, when a friend recommended me to go to your office, and talk with you of the virtue of vege tine. I did so, arid by your kindness passed through your manufactory, noting the ingredients, &c, by which your remedy is produced. By what I saw and heard I gained some confi dence in Vegetine. s - ts" I commenced taking It soon after, but felt worse from its effects;: soil I persevered, and soon felt it' was benefitting me in other respects; ' Yet I did not see the results I desired till I had taken It faithful ly for little more than a year, when the difficulty In the back was cured; and for nine months I have enjoyed the best of health. 1 have in that time earned twenty-five pounds 01 flesh, being heavier than ever before in my life, and 1 was never more awe to penorm laoor man now. Durum the oast few weeks I had a scrofulous swelling as large as my fist gather on another part of my body. I took Vegetine faithfully, and It removed It level with the surface In a month. I think I should have been cured of my main trouble sooner If I had tak en larger doses, after havlnsr become accustomed to Its effects. ; Leton- patrons troubled with scrofula or kidney Isease understand that It takes time to cure chronic diseases; and, if they will patiently take exine. ltwiiiin mv intWirafinc lawa-maqw- , 1th great obligations l am - - 1 if, .rif ;yourTerj truly; t : ; ,j ; a i 1 . q. w. mansttxld; ! Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church '?:?:-.!( im.ijf ; ;d "VEGETINE ' 3 -A i 1 . Prepared by . H, a STEVENS. BOSTON, Vegetine Is sold by all Druggists. ,:Jan5 HE GENUINE -D"R.rC;: M.cL AN E'S CELEBBATED AMEKICAN WORMS PEC I ''F''' I C OB- -VERMirrjGE.- .'llrrtJ -SYMPTOMS OF WORMS.- ' '.!-. ; If and leaden-colored, The countenance Is pale j wtnToStoTfarffushesor a cto spot on one or boOUsbeeksi the eyes become dull; the u-J pus dilate; an azure semicircle- runs alongthe lower eye-nu; me nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; oc casional headache, with humming or throbbing bf the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or t 1 furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly In the morning; aDpetlte variable, sometimes voracious, with a knawlng sensation of the stomach, at others entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occa sional nausea and vomiting; violent pains through- out the abdomen; bowels irregular, at times, cos tive; stools slimy; -not unfrequehtly tinged, with blpodi belly swollen'ahd hardi urine turbid; resplra . thin occasionally dlfllcult,' and accompanied Lby -9 ' .... hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive;, uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the Whenever the above symptoms are found 0 exist . .. PR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE tj fei i '.tu-! tertajnly effect a cure.'; 1 . rr t' NOT oootajh meboue?- ; In any form: it Is an Innocent preparation, not capable of doing the slightest Injury to the most tender infant - The arenuine Pr. McLanh's VsHurreflB bears the signatures of' 0 McLakb and Fleming Bbo&j 4 . riJrjiiir:'! .inoa .'d.T , PR. C McLANE'S i , , LITRES PILLS-- are not recommended as a remedy "for all the lift that flesh is heir to." but in niTAtions of the liver. and in all bilious complaints, dyspepsia and sick headaehei or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival, . - --- ,o AGUE AND FEVER. Ko better cathartic can.be nsedjpreparatory to, or after talcing Quinine. t . . A' a simpie purgaava the are unequaiecLi r The genuine are never cucrar coated. f i E tch box has a red wax seal-on the lid with the Etch wrapper bears the signatures of C McLaW End Fleming Bbob, Vj, j jl t lsvSPn ..a'thg the genuine Dr. C. McLas's hi,,h Ta fhS n&ZirWt r i f, 6 T . 71 " m SI? i ' Jn mafket being f ull of imitations of the name McLane,' spelletiT dJSerently. but same proaunciaGo.,.;: i tf f.OTd1. .t'"?vKveu P7 Jftemmg Bros., 01 ittts- lo f - : tixri' rav' vrmf Tn'nfnmAT trr. Yia A&ttTlilS xrUBiilO UJJSBAJO-x. - , f " - . . v-s ' Tfrrrlnir TriBt wtrri unr-h flsUlartng wieceM' in the Wholesale and Retail Crockery 'basmess since I opened last Novem"ber7Snl iromthe fact that I Tiave received many- orders from merchanta 4n North and South CarolmaGeorgla- and ilabama, I am confident ' Owing to the to enlarge trtf buefness a hundred per cen.1 1 i J . - - - ' i '.''tA .Ti I compete with any NorQiem Jobbing H-mse " to prioes, txkirxQ. my ware I buy dlrecOy fr m the Factories r therefore it does not pass throa see- .1 Ait a. , t f ond hands, and I am enabled to eel goods as low as they can jbe bought at the NORTH. -.'Uf 'a;J' iri-iv ii t -DECORATEP - 1 it'.ii. :f: jit KClWi'-yH. h rr kht O HHH TT A A ? 5t OJ::r;H .-.jj H,:, JXiaw .a j. ;v .two.v;. .; ,.r- PORCELAIN AND GRANtXE, M A . .. a. specialty. i ... r. We have much of this kind of Goods In stock at present, and In p few laayswfwffl have TWEWtEVEN VARIETIES 9 1fj corItei) chamber tolet seW iri Pinner and Tea Sets In nearly the same' propor1 turn. Our Retail Shelves are complete filled wth, thelargest nod best selection of China. Crockery and Glassware ever brought to this country., r r j. . Much care taken In packing. Circulars and price list furnished upon application. I Toanklngyou for past patronage, Ac., I remain. Respectfully, , .. . .. . : - -JQgCf BBaOQKJTELD, ' Trade SU near College, ufiMer Demberat Office, . . Cnailotte.lI.C. Jan. 22, 1878. . , . , . ' id . "OOARP RED1 The first day 01 jreoruary taoie ooara uuia Cotte, Hotel, edlOOper Jan26 lw Proprietors. ' pOB A BADDOUGH Take Burton's Pectoral Syrup. jan22 ' NO MORE JHEUMATIsjf OR GOUT . ACUTE OR CHRONIC, g A1ICI LIC SURE 'CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., OF PARIS AKD LKTPZIO. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent core guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of Europe and America, becoming a Staple, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Paris report 95 cures out of 100 eases within three days. Secret The only dlssolver of the poisonous unc Acid which exists in tne uiooa 01 uneumaac and Gouty Patients. 81,00 a box, 6 boxes for $5 00. Sent to any address on receipt of price. Endorsed by physicians. Sold by all druggists. Ad dress '.i ' ' -t- ' ' W ASHBTJRNE fc CO., - nov7 Only Importers' Depot. 23 Clin-et., N. x. G 0 TO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For Standard Pure Liquors. PRESCRIPTIONS 0 - - l Carefully and accurately prepared at an horns. by . WILSON 4 BUBWELL. aecis iHuggista. jpiNE FRENCH, BRANDT Wines and Whiskies for medical pm-noses. can be had of WILSON A BUR WELL. decl8 Druggists.. juisrs garden'seed Are the most popular because the most reliable. Sold in Charlotte, by WILSON & BUR WELL. JanSO,,. , ., 50 CASES HOSTETTER'S BITTERS, 100 barrels best Kerosene OIL 1UU ounces uuinine. BO ounces Morohlne. 400 boxes Window Glass. jan22 WILSON BUBWELL. TjrSE' BURTON'S PECTORAL SYRUP i or your cougo. Jan22 WILSON & BUBWELL.' PRESCRIPTIONS, carefully prepared at M 'WltsoK i BUiBWELLa ' Drug Store. an22 o&Sfl KKK EEK DDD S BB B D D CO A TTTToSSo O O AA T ? EB KB..- T T Ha; , EEK KEE l)DT ...ft.- 1.000 Bushels Choice White Spring Oats, Just ar- rived. W.W.WABD,.' Jan. 81 lw. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. , ' I am now to receipt of a large lot of the celebra ted STUDEBAKER .WAtiQNS, all sizes,' which t tty 'ii.iir r i ,H i ? ; K1 VlLiAi AAKAiX, Aft and supply yourself with the best wagon out ' ni .7 ..;' 'lTfHUGATrHER. t:jan.8tt.i.'Jf jlJCHTENSTEiN? 'rK -rli. tt! - j!J , av f , MERCHANT , TAILOR, , n Next door to Wilson & Burwell's drug store,"i 'i 'ill r, jVJ t:?aBLOTTK, K. . a; 1"'T tl decis JAMES MURPHY, "."v" . ' ' J tWWAL tatlob, Holton's Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs. " ri- Owing to the etrmgency of the times I will in fu-; ture work very cheap. -Will-make fine suits for sio, Casslmere suits for $8.' Pants of suits same fates. I guarantee all my work ;no fit, no charge. Give me a call and be convinced. - v . . . " . Jjlly 17. ,T W T 'rT t . t, S3 1 TCORRENT, -The two stores In the Grler Alexander building. rpO MERCHANTS ) T-i2X t A fl'O j that my success to certain. f ".i iua J u iuicl- 1 r .t' . i ,' above facts I have been compelled OEED I .., ill i, r iatf.a Biovb r SEIZURE, i' l JlSi i I,.:t.ZZ VrOTICE OF .Oli" '. 7 r -, U. 8. INTERNAL REVENUE. 1 Collector's Ofltee, 6th District North Carolina, v ; - - StatesvlUe, N. O, December Sf7th 1878. J Revenue Laws, on Saturday, December 27th, 78; 1 ' 2 mules and 1 wagon and' harness, one parrel of whiskey, the property of W.F Burns. . . ? , . , ' Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property, to appear before me at my office in Statesville and make claim thereto before the expiration, of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the united states. ,y;i-k.m a jz-n 4.-jj mott. t J, G. Tocngv 'O; i v C;-i.: . Collector. .'. Deputy. 1 )anl 4w taw - NOTICE OF SEIZURE. ' -:J - United States Internal Revenue,-. ,.1 Collector's Office, bth District North Carolina, V '-fitatesvlUe, N. a, December 6th, 187& S ;iiv.''i( nun r,-.. "...j i.-..---. - , Seized for violation of United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Saturday, December 6th, '78: ; i r Ten boxes Tobacco as the property of J. F. Fare. Ir i 'vi.i'.f fs-rf f . r. - 'r r 4 Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at -my office in Statesville, and make claim thereto before the expiration! of thirty days from date hereof, or the . same will be forfeited to the United States.' r :,ft r ' yt i J. J- MOTT, i Lec254woaW.'V ' ' " -,J -CoUector. i70l'l l&ixctiou -jS? nits: NOTICED , V- By virtue of the power conferred in mortgage made by Ti J. Wilkinson and Laura H. Wilkinson to the Charlotte Building and Loan Association, I will seU at public auction, a : house and lot of land fronting on the N. C. Railroad, in square No. 58, beginning at a stake on the N. C. Railroad and run ning with said road to Li APhflUps corner, thence with her line 180 feet to a stake, , thence 'parallel with said railroad 49 feet to J. B. Sbannonhouse's line, thence to the beginning, which Is : now claimed subject to said mortgage by E. W. Mellon. Said property to be sold air the court house door hi the city of Charlotte on the 1st Monday in March, 1879,' for-cash, the amount due the 'Charlotte Building and Loan ; AsaoclaUon being $229.25, with cost of advertising and Bale. . , . ,hr',,4 a E. COCHRANE, deelOtds ". :' " Secjr snd Treaa,. D. . MAXWELL. C. F. HABRTSON, Auctioneer. ; jyjAXWELL & HARRISOq- AUCTION and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, Will give strict personal attention to all business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. decS M M R B L L N JOIN your hands all friends of taste QN my bar only the best Is placed. , gANDWICH, Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, E ACH 111811 111 recelTe Ieht rea1, cood cneer ! . jp LEASE step in, my hall Inspect, ' "pjEAB it, yoall see more than youH expect JpRENCH, German, Domestic Brandies, Wine, ;j try each customer's taste to refine, ; ; gUCH 8andwlch novel and Pretzel's good, - QONTATNSmy bar, most delicious food, JJ AVING Cheese and Sausage In bill of fare, -j JACH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear gAVANT Judgment and taste most rare. cotnoiteur't lips as In sips he drinks ' ' pViCH sip he takes proves what be thinks, ; . "D IGHT off one more he calls as to his friend X he winks. an22i DURHAM WHISKEY. TJRHAM WHISKEY. I DURHAM WHISKE XT DURHAM WHISKS X Laboratory or 8tatx Assater and Chemist, I . Richmond, Va., September 7th, 1878. I have carefully tested a sample of "Durham Rye Whiskey" selected by myself from the stock of Messrs. .Ellison a uarvey, ana una it iree rrom adulteration. It is an excellent article of Whiskey, and altogether suitable for use as a beverage or medicine. ISlgned W. H. TAYLOR, M. D?. , J StateChemlst This superior OLD VIRGINIA WHISKEY, equal toanyniade to this country, Is now m the hands of over 250 dealers to Virginia, North Carolina, Geor gia, Louisiana and New York City, and not a sin -gle i complaints having come to us from any one of them, and many saying It Is the best article they ever handled, we feel Justified lu recommending It to all who wish to get a really pure article of Whisker...; ..-. None genuine unless bearing our trade mark. Call for , "DURHAM'! at W- B. COCHRANE'S, Cen tral Hotel, and all other first-class houses. ' . ' 1 ELLISON HARVEY, . 3anl9 lm , - r Richmond, Va. EEPORT OF THE CONDITION " ; -k 1 1 A ' : "' ' . 1 ' '; 1 The Traders National Bank at Charlotte, to the State of North- Carolina, at the close of business, January ist, Ai: BESOUBCES. Loans and discounts,. . v. U 107 10;K 541.80 r -J 122.29 , 1,140.58 " 7.795.09 8,850.00 Vi 1,013.86 merararts.. '..f;.-..Ji.. u. u. Bonds to secure circulation,-. . Other stocks, bonds and mortgages, Due from armroved reserve agents, - Due from other National Banks,. -. Due rrom state Banks ana DsnKens Real estate, furniture and fixtures,,. 3mium tiald.; Dhecks and other cash Items,. A). 3111s of other Banks,. ... n. V fractional currency (lnc'a'g nickels,) 3.401.UU ,116.44 T 920.00 ;7'9'9 ' . 4506.60 Iiegaltendernotes,..ii.i;.-'-?- ' Redemption fund with U. S. Treas-. urer (o per cenioi circuiuwiiA--,-. ' Total, i-. ... . 8252,707.88 lu..,. lv. .. Capital stock paid uv . . , a 102'99- Burptus iuna,..,, . ft w. wnKUiwrjcrXY ndlvlded pronts... u... .. ..... K'S atlonal Banknotes ouisranomg,. ; v,uw.w ndlvlflllftl deDOSlW suoiewufcuwakf ,oy.o Ima nortfif!ltA.a OT flfinOfUL.. ...... . -. Z.VOI me, ta nt riar NatfohalBankS..... . . i-t- 28 Due to Btate Banks and bankers. . . .. - ' 1' Notes and bills re-discounted,, . , , I total,.-. ; : : .v....;;,-...,.;.,... '.9,841,. 8252.707.88 . I- ,f state or North Caboijha; r '' ; ' 'i! ". ff , - ' ' County of Mecklenburg, ss: j f 1 1, '& P. Smtth. President of the above' named' . I. . J 1 . 1 MAn. .V.n .1. n 1 t . T uoua, uu mwmiiij snwu ucm itiQ OWTO otatcment Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ; V' :. , " ", S. P. Smithv President J I Subs'erlped and gworn to before me this 28th day pf3anuary,l8l9,- - - , s.P.sitrra, f i ' :y:,r;,ft J.ik R. I. McDowell, V Directors, P. SCBUT, ,,j) ';.,' , : i&anf zttloxmvits. X.,'" " f v " .v;..r. 1 1 'i i LEMONN W. TSMOSN N 2 9 RANGE. "oo TRANGUL . . LEMOjJ 'I .iT - ' llt"5 ":j 'Hi TRY I '..'r"j. 1 , PI Y8C YS C A A; ii M M Si The greatest luxury of the . j- age (50c per pound.) Also - remember that be keeps '" the finest assortment of "i Candles ever seen in Char-rv-i'i. lotte.r S3r7 Ladles partlo- ularly Invited to calt t V VANILLA. v .-Vanilla. . ANILLA. , CHOCOLAT EEJS CHOCOLATE CHOCOLAT iB CHOCOLAT BK.. Janl8 fjpHE 'RISING SUN." According to the command of Joshua of old, al- though repudiated by the " Jasper Philosophy" of the new, Is now standing still, at the Old Place, on Trade Street, opposite the Market House, plus Hornet Fire Engine Han, where the light o reason ! Humiliates the surrounding atmosphere, which b- vests all things with the glow of inspiration, and the world no Jonger seems " A fleeting show. To man's Illusion given,' Once on a time, in another Hemisphere, "Man's Illusion" was checkmated and fanaticism stamped out to the Holy Wars of the Cross vs. the Crescent, (the Crusades). Two million men were killed and a pyramid was erected from the bones from one battle-field alone, near Nieve, by Solyman, as a monument to their fanaticism, and the Saracens drank beer out of their skulls. Since then, fol lowing the Reformation, in Christian conflicts (so called.) fifty million more were slain " all by Di vine appointment," making probably In all, 100. 000,000 who have victimized themselves to their faith. Peter the. Hermit had nothing to do with the latter conflicts. He had Peter'd out some time previous. The present Hermit who runs the ; "RISING SUN" is pleased to say that he has received his stock since Christinas, and has now on hand FERRY'S CELEBRATED GARDEN SEEDS (warranted to come up without the crusade of your neighbor's chickens), to addition to his stock of Candles, Nuts Raisins, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Flour.Lard, Sardines, Canned Fmlta, Applea and Orangea. In fact everything kept in a Confectionery and Gro cery. C S. HOLTON. Jan 19 Democrat and Home copy. fjeaX; Estate. R SAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, : ( - " and win AdverUsefreeiof''ist, all properties placed in my hands for sale. THOS. F. DRAYTON, TU Charlotte, N. C. . declO FOR RENT FOR REN X FOR RENT. OR RENT, FOR BENT. FOR RENT. 10 Room House, two blocks from public square, $20 per month. 5 Room House, acre of ffound attached, four bloIrompuWic square, $lo per month. 7 Room House, with 6 acres of land attached, price $150 per year. 7 Room House, four blocks from public square, $15 per month. 1 FOB SALE. 4 Room House, with good lot, prlce.$l,200. 4 Room House, with good lot, price $700. 5 Room Bouse, with acre and hail pf land, four blocks from public square, price $3,000. WANTED. 7 to 10 Room House,' near public square. 8 to 4 Room House, near public square. ; t-Callat . dawsONACO'S, Old Bank of Mecklenburg Building. ; declS : ' "' i goitiBtrjj. D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, , DENTI8T- PFFICE qVEE L. kRISTO & CO'S ''; , -Dbdo Store , . i With 25 years' experience I guarantee1 entire ailsmctlon;.' ,. ' r Janll TTTILSON & BUKWELL, DbuQGIOTS, Is: ,v lv.- --isitf. (-. (' ,." - ,- i ; r ,--..;. I :' j iJ! t'6eiattne;f ." V ' " , fJorn8taroh. . ,...tgherrjWineJ- , , Flavoring Extracts,; -1 All of the best quality for retail trade. u declS 'l - ;, 'K. -1 , . j BUTTERICK'S . . J. . I . ft . . . .it.,,' '.. 1 1; METROPOLITAN. FASHION 'SHEETS,' And. Patterns of Garments for February received .,,,!- , ; uus uay, at . -; r - , TPPt OTHEB' -Janl7 Striottijotls, .S1 NICHOLAS. SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED Maoaze i : 'lit ;:".V-f0BJSIBm AK-B0ta, fe -S ; AH IDEAI. CHTT.nUFH'S MAGAZINE. Messrs. Scrlbner Co., to 1873 boron , cation of st. Nicholas,' an fflusfiSS? m8 Pub11" for Girls and Boys. wlthMri Ma,TMaolfe,l21u editor. Five years have passed stocTtKS186 88 ber was issued, and themaiYm VT.flr8tuuni hlghest posltSk it has a mSaUon ofhe . , , OTEB 50,000 COPTJ3. McMdl8 dmwmg from alreadfMnf Mf from promising new ones. Mr. Frank r ton's new serial story for boys, "vm; "A J0LLT TKLLOWKH1P," "HALF A DOZEN HOUBRKirifnr. JUVO, By Katharine D. Smith, with iliirfH ?s by Fred- trfish mSZiA- "Br same fresh serial by 5san CS6 m oa,iij ui iu vomme. There win u"lmend uedfalry-tale called 111 also "e conUn- "ECHPTT DODQET'S TOWER," tures of St. Nicholas. th lllla tea- numored silence. contarT? "S31ST"" h;insveske0tehl of "JsJfcSSSS. a?d lore department IndthT-LTtter' KKf: box." Terms. sa.on 5S!S re&s?V6fl. W the pubUsher of this m.T . wuio n iium nr Sub- !?" ' " uooKseuers and Bostmasten. pSS"' should write Pupiishers fuU. ad sn Tth'.lynd. state, lu monevordP.r nr re'TT. cueKK. 0 w ' " . '"wiVU jiKjx W d.in SCRIBNER 4 CO., aeelf 743 Broadway, New York. rpHE SCIENTIIYC AMERICAN. THIBTT-FOriRTH TEAK. The most Popular Sclentiflc Paper to the World Only $3.20 a year, Inclndtog postage. Weekly Ko Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. The FcrEirrrjTO American Is a laree Weekly Newspaper of sixteen paa, pifnted ta tt3 splendid engrewmgs, representing the n.? r ' . ' 7 . -"cue 'jo. r xeceut aavances in thp in. and Sciences: lneluriinir n on r , ii. a MMnt n .1.... . .. Pinf88' Soc nce. Natural Hi stn' Geology, Astronomy. - The most valuable DrX?i papers, byeminent writers in all derMSSrf Scfence, will De found In the SclenMcASp"1 Terms, $3.20 per year; $1.60 IhauTpki eludes postage. Discount to agn I-bNewsdert. Bow. New York o t I tUH PATENT8.rIn connection with the Scientific American and Foreign Patents havo h of ra of experience, and noT)S & Si f estoh ment In the world. PatentsRnJin!5fablyi" AiAuvAiwwi, AV9ara. munn -a Co public .attention is directed" T t.S"" newpent, and mnSS g Marks, their costs, and how procured with Snu Pouring advances on toveXns Address for the PaPer. or concerning patenu Aaaresslr nn.r. rP 3' Park Row, New York BrMchOfflce, cor. F. & 7th 8ts., Washington?. C. JJABPEB'S WEEKLY. 1 8 7 9. ILLUSTRATED, The Wxkklt remains easily at the tej .... trated papers by its fine literary Ou,lhi' of lta type and woodcuU-SproPJi?! Its pictorial attractions are SH" every variety of ul)je arf artistic treatment Son's Herald, Boston. The Wesklt Is a prtent agency for the dissemi nation of correct potfttcal principles, and a power ml opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences. Evening Express, Rochester. The volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number of January of each year. When no time i mentioned, it will be understood that the sub- wrfber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of his order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year.. $ 4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " 4 00 Harper's Bazar. " " 4 00 The Three publications, one rear. 10 00 Any Two, one year......... 7 00 Six subscriptions, one year, 20 00 Terms for large clubs furnished on aDDDlleation. Postage free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The annual volumes of Haspkr's Weekly. In wtu mvua uuxuuig, niu w DQUi UJ CA(,xcaa, UTO V. expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume).' for $7.00 each. A complete set, comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re ceipt of the cash at the rate of $5.25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. uotn cases ioreacn volume, suitable lor Dinaing, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1-00 each. ' Remittances should be made by Dostofnce money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. 1 newspapers are not to copy this- advertisement witnout tne express joraer oi Aiarper s uroiuera. Address iia IARPER & BEOTHEKS, decll New York. 1879 1879 rpHE FOUR REVIEWS ahta . gLACKWOOD. i .ft ,' Authorized reprints of r The Edinburgh Review (Whig), . , The Westminster Review (Liberal), C The London Quarterly Review (Conserratlve, The British Quarterly Review' (Evangelical), BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. - UVDV IVfAIAAIO VUV AAV W DVlOVWVUDt UAVJ fA VV - originals in full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. - No publications can compare with the leading -Rrlttsh nerlnrtinala UnnMiiuruvl mnnHnteil hi tlie Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they are witnout any equai They keep pace with modern- thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether In religion, science, lit erature, or art. The ablest writers fill their pages with most interesting reviews of history, and vita an intelligent nanation of the great events of the iay. ; BBn FOB 1879 (INCLUDING POSTAGE): I Payable strictly to advance. For any one Review, - - : ' $ 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews, 7 00 " For any three Reviews, .- 10 00 " For all four Reviews, - .- 12 00 " For Blackwood's Magazine, . .. 4 00 " For Blackwood and one Review, ' 7 00 " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " For Blackwood and three " 13 00 For Blackwood and four M, .. 15 00 " : - ' , POSTAGE. . ? This Item of expense, now bome by the publish ers, is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per pent; Pf (he costto subscribers to fprpipr years; !, clTb s. A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copiw of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, tow address, for $12.80. four copies of the four B vlewa and Blackwood for $48, and so on. PREMIUMS,', New subscribers (applying early) for ring early) for tne yew 'hun t)ia ti umbers 10i iyy may nave, without cnai pie last quarter pf 189 of such periodicals as the? maysubscritofor.- - 4 or ur, insieau, new suosenpers 10 any iwo, Neither premiums to subscribers nor dlscouniw clubs can be allowed unless the money is remit' direct to the publishers." No premiums given w clubs. - . . u , . To secure premiums It will be necessary to maj early application, as the stock available for in purpose is limited. . - Reprinted by - - '; "- , .THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING 00 1 41 Barclay Street, New i

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