T" I l)e Charlotte bseiram .1 4. 2JUr (( :3SSfl!U nc: -. TSM OSSXSTKS JOB DZflSXMXXT SVBSOSlPXZOlf ItATES i - Daily, one year, (jpottrvaitC) to advance...... $8 00 Six KonM........ 4 00 TVw Monlte .i............ 2 00 OfMJTonM... ... ...!. ............ 75 fiat ten OonmgVtjf mmtitd-wtth emy needtd WTEKfiXr EDITION : WasiUl, (te tot otmy) adtttnai $2 00 Out&tMeotmty,popatd,.&i... 2 10 .jfite..;.v.;v.;:v.'.u:.?.J.;;....-..-i"'l oo LXTTXM-msADs; oaxtas; TAOS. MBCBJTT8, FOSTER VOL. XX. riGHLO'; MESBAfYi FEBRUJdg3t :5; 1879. &?4jmv i7 I4ir - -.lit- - F&0G&AJOCE3, SAXXXLl urn ' Liberal Unductkmtfor Clubn. PAMPHLETS. OZBCUZJJUt CJttGK8, a.t R """""" A' rVi .. .... ::-ji.,.fi' t ,.-"r., !; y: A ' w.-".. - " : ' iTTT! J ij .-j . i' -1 ' . !. ' ' j - s f-.i'rl ' - - ' - : B QASHMERES AND ALPACAS. just Received another lot of superior i CASHMERES AND ALPACAS, Ranging in Price from 25 oepta to One Dollar. A Few Pieces of COLORED CASHMERES, all Wool, of superior qualltr, at sixty cents, worth $1.00. Do not toll to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before buying. It wtil pay you. ELLAS & COHEN. uvnitxtxt. UBGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALBB VX ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ! FURNITURE 1 BEDDING, AC. BEDDING, AO. BEBDING, ka BEDDING, Ac FURNITURE r FUKNIRE I A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS I CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES 1 PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS I PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS of all kinds on band. COFFINS of all fctrids on band. No. i West Tkadx Sthzkt. CHARLOTTE, N. C. W Ladl9s' and Gentie'men's Burial Robes a f lie supply. j " . Jan3 ; .' .' ' '-. ARGAJNS , -j .' r' i: . '.sUutiiU t&Uii'n'o tapteowa U RRR Nlf 1 n TTTTW -CRR Yt U U BAR NNH.fi i t : V i U KBB EK U K VV R ..... UJ. i 4 -it Mi Of4" A i , . a .--ia . a Ih 't: XjJ . .tlx ' E, O. ROGERS' WA'RERO0M&, Next id Posromnk a v ... . -1- iWf't 0.' My Stock Is very LarJ and embraces a Full iine of -i jr vj. i-y: u 1 1? i t ."PARLOR, CHAMBER) DtNINGROO v. i .,' . i r" " -, j ' i i I ' 4." nirvrrrif. .UTTUXTTTITRW t'tr ' it, a'I(ij r'i i t : h - 1 'i .o A -a" -ieiti All Goods Packed Free of CbargeF '"'- Sir ax Ji ,4 . UIT B I I." I 1. . J ' gtaj tfoofls, ffil0tMu0, &c AS N N U N U N M M N rp N E JOB OB LOT LOl" OF CHILDREN'S FINE FANCY H H OO oS8s n KEB RRR 7 1 HHOOfL8IIE RRYY HHH O O 888a n KB RRR YY HHOO-llIB RRY H H OO B88BI1 SE1E K Y TO BE CLOSED OUT LOSED OU 1 A AA A A TTTT T T T T OO WW W O O H5 N O O NXN O O N KN OO N NN OOO EKB O O E O EK O O E OOO BBS Z A A ALEXANDER A HARRIS. Feb. st CRETONO I RETONO I CRETONO I RETONO I I HAVE TUST RECEIVET UST The handsomest lot of Oil Colored CRETONS of the season. Also a new lot of HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTING S. Don't fall to look at my new Abdominal OOO OO RRR sSSc EBB TTTT rSS OO LgODg B T ORRR S8, EB T T T 3S U Jtk no d OOO OO R RSSBbeb OO OR R New lot ot Crochet and Diagonal DRESS BUTTONS. I still have a few fine Cloaks to close out at half their real value. A new lot of Black and White Satin. Also MONOGRAM RUFFLING For Skirt Protectors. Respectfully. . T. L. SEIGLE. Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. feb: LADIES' CLOAKS. ADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAK O s. LADIES' CLOAK THE GREATEST BARGAI NO HE GREATEST BARGAI NO 01 THE THE S E A 8 O "T S E A S O IN . -zO tTE HUNDRED CHOICK LADIES CLOAK O KB HDKDBKD GHOICK LADIS8' CLOAiO TT78T BKCKTYKD BT EXFRBS s, : Which will be sold without reserve, at sacrl-; : ficlng prices. Donl; fail to come and look at '. .it.; j SWEEPING REDijCTldN Of FORMER PRICE Q f WEEPING REDUCTION of FORMER PRICEO : t ,!U XTOW IS YOUR CHANCT7I S .:. M ow IS YOUR CHANCH 7'.' T 1 f- TO BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFrp O BUY A. CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIF X? if f i-1 1, .AO I. ."ii " AT HALF. PRIO TJV " J T.HAL P B I C Hi l '- 1h -i HA, i-'.3 i..i:J ; .CO H. MORRIS A; BROS,' H MORRIS BROS. -THB ' ' " 't-.r- i . :i.ii. decU . ' ": ; . '''C, -; ; EBgiBety'iB sigBti. t:rJ;;: : I The following beautiful and touching noem was composed by Dr. S. K. Cox president of the Mont-! gomery Female College at Chrlstlanburg, Va. It Is founded on the circumstance connected with an accident on the Stonington and Providence rail road, Connecticut: The rush and the roar of the rattling train la heard at midnight again and again. As It sweeps along with fearful speed Over the bridges and through the mead ' Waking the echoes far and wide, Startling the sleepers on every side, Flitting and fleeting, and steaming on Till It reaches the edge of Providence town. 'Tls at Elmwood crossing, and hark! on the ah, . A sharp, quick whistledistinct and clear, Rouses the passengers on the train, As the engine repeats the shrill refrain; 'Tis not the signal for. 'Down with the Brakes!' Nor, 'Danger Ahead P that rudely awakes The drowsy slumberers In the rear, And starts the question with anxious f ear What does It mean, that singular sound? ' And as the inquiry passes around, . They are told ft 1 Guild, the engineer, ' " Who speaks to his wife In yon cottage there, And says in this strange but significant strain: -'All Is well, my love, and I'm oft" agalnP And thus he had spoken for many a year, To the loved one who watched and waited to hear Her husband's salute In the sonorous steam, Then retired to rest but only to dream That the same mistlc greeting a hundred times o'er Seemed to say to the heart as she stood at the door 'I'm safe, darling wife; for God's wing Is outspread Alike o'er the engineer's cottage and head.' But why is the watcher waiting in vain To catch the first Bound of the Stonington train? It comes not; as momenta like hours drag by, 'Oh God!' she exclaims, In agonized cry, 'My husband! Where is he! And why this delay? Alas! she knows not that miles back on the way, Crushed, mangled, and burning, but true to his trust, His band on the throttle his face In the dust The wreck of the engine piled over bis head; - The en glneer8 lying is dying Is dead ! Ah! heart-stricken wife, you shall never again Hear the greeting of love from the swift-rushing train: 'Twill still pass the crossing; you'll hear it at night, And see through the windows the glare of the light; But you'll waken to weep, for the whistle no more Shall give its glad signal at Guild's cottage door. OBSERVATIONS. . Ezra G. Perkins, a Boston railroad contractor, who died a few days ago, obtained a wife In a pe culiar manner. He took a fancy to Mrs. Hardy, coolly hired her husband to permit her to get a divorce, and then married her. " "Find out your child's specialty," Is the urgent advice of a phrenologist We have tried this and find it not so easy, bometimes rock candy seems to be the favorite, and then again there is aimark ed tendency to taify. Stwnfbrd Advocate. There are four hundred and twenty lady dentists in this country, and only five female lawyers. A. cynical bachelor says this shows that ladies can work the mouth to much better advantage than the brain. Bpstot, Courier. Is there a real Infidel? One of these chaps was stricken with paralysis at UUca. The moment he could use his tongue he asked to have the Bible read. They all "cave" when Providence "pinches" them a little. Even Bob Ingersoll will pray one of these days. A dancing Idiot, ten years age, Is a resident of Indianapolis. Ever since his birth he has been go ing through the motion of a waltz to silent music. He Is never still in waking hours. His mother had danced to excess at a ball just before he was born. BGeorge Eliot is said to be devoting all her time and energy to the completion of an additional work on the positive philosophy which Mr. Lewes left unfinished at his death, so that we need not expect many novels from her for a while. Judge Hilton has set at rest the rumors report ing the recovery of the body of A. T. Stewart. He denies that the body has been found, and declares he has no confidence in any of the reported clues, but has hope of getting the body in the end. Zebi ljn B. Vance. Washington Gazette. The. election of this gentleman by the State of North Carolina to succeed Sen ator Merrimon, brings back to the Na tional councils one to whose voice the halls gave glad echo in " the days before the war," and to whose voice they will now resound with greater gladness, since his return symbolizes a people re united and a country at peace. Proba bly no man in the "Old North State" has greater personal popularity than Governor Vance, and although it is now twenty-five years since the citizens of that commonwealth first gave him their suffrages, arid during that time have constantly continued to repose in him great public trusts, there is not within the limits of the State one whom they more delight to honor. Not yet forty-nine years of age, Gov ernor Vance was in 1854, at the age of twenty-four, elected to the State Legis lature, and in 1858 was elected to Con gress to till the unexpired term of Hon. Thomas L. Clingman in the thirty-fifth Congress. The following year he was re-elected to the thirth-sixth Congress, and during the exciting period marked by that Congress he pursued a course eminently conservative and conciliato ry, doing what in him lay to quiet rath er than excite sectional feeling. Dur ing the war he was twice elected Gov ernor of North Carolina, and in 1865 he made an involuntary visit to this city, taking up his quarters at the old capitol prison. As soon after the war as the people gained control of their affairs they selected him to represent them in the United States Senate, but not suc ceeding in having his political disabili ties removed he was not permitted to take his seat. In 1876 he was elected Governor for the third time and was discharging the duties of. that office when on the 21st instant lie was again chosen to represent the State in the Sen ate of the United States. These oft-repeated evidences of popular confidence and esteem are somewhat remarkable,' and well calculated to make a man think ' well of himself ; ' but Governor Vance caannot be spoiled in any such way. Affable, courteous and agreeable, in manner he makes friends wherever he goes, while as a humorist and racon teur his society is mirth unalloyed. An able lawyer and experienced legislator, he will fitly represent his native State in tlie highest legislative body of the nation. Senator Cliristiaucy's Appointment Wash. Cor. Baltimore Sun. The friends of Senator Christiancy are quite frank in giving the history of his appointment to the Peruvian mis sion, ms neaitn nas Deen declining tor Some time, and he caused the fact to be communicated to the President that he would jUK6 to nave a ioreign appoint ment where both the climate and the pay was comfortable. The mission to Lima was fixed upon, at which place the climate is agreeable and delightf uL Mr. Christiancy says he tmnits his neaitn will be restored by a sojourn there, and that he can save two or three thousand dollars a year out of his salary. This is all very nice for Mr. Christiancy, but it does not vSeemf ;exactly like the right thing for important appointments under ine-governmenu iwueuisposeu oi. to suit thepersorial convenience of individuals. It is not very Jong since ; Mr. Comly. of OMo,';anottier personal friend of the President, was given the comfortable appointment of . minister;' to the Sand wjcjht Islands for the avowed purpose of improving his health. NoW; -that the precedent has been set why may not all the consumptives and dyspeptics irx the Bepublican party ask the President to do likewise by them? ; One thing may be rrat'down to:Mr. Christiaiicy's crediL He denies positively that he has entered, into any understanding that Mr. Chahd-i ler or anyTone? else shall -. succeed him, and savs further that he does not intend to resign his seat in the Senate until he has arranged his. private affairs. vAd- vices from Michigan indlcateTalso that( Mr. Zach. Chandler is not to have a walk over, as several other prominent candi dates are already announced. -"V: t Sent-8ouuWy;i- : i : . ? HErle (Pa.) Dlspatch.1 . . " - Captain A. D. Sheppard has sen the fine birch bark canoe, which during the last year has been suspended ' from the ceiling of Ball & Colt's bank, to Col. L. L. PoEk, Commissioner of Agriculture of the State of North Carolina. Col. Polk owns a very large museum at Ral eigh, and the ' canoe, which will carry two men and about 500 pounds of bag gage, will no doubt prove a valuable ac quisition to his collection. For upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wmslow's Sooth ing Syrup has been used lor children. . It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well known remedy. 25c per bottle. A Remarkable Result. It makes no difference how many physicians, or how much medicine you have tried, It is now an es; tablished fact that German Syrup Is the only reme dy which has given complete satisfaction In severe cases of Lung Diseases. It la true there are yet thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Affections Consumption, Hem orrhages, Asthma, Severe Colds settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, fcc., who have no personal knowledge of Boschee's German Syrup. To such we. would say that . 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint Con sumptives try Just one bottle. Regular size 75 cents. Sold by all druggists in America. Ease Attainable fey the Rheumatic Yes, although they may despair of relief, it Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there Is a remedy which carries off, by means of Increased activity of the kidneys important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urln ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent Is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the 'bile and. a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It Is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and Is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce It to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses It The De&th-Rate ot Our country Is getting to be fearfully alarming, the average of life being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, death resulting general ly from the most Insignificant origin. At this sea son of the year especially, a cold Is such a common thing that In the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending It and often find too late, that a Fever, or Lung trouble has already set In. Thousands lose their lives in this .-way ev ery winter, while had Boschee's Gebxan Strip been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Boschye's Gebxah Stbup has proven Itself to be the greatest discov ery of its kind In medicine. Every Druggist In this country will tell you of Its wonderful effect. Over 950,000 bottleB sold last year without a single failure known. pAtftts and JjemelrM. JUST IN TIME. We have Just received a fine selection of, such Goods as you want for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, (Such as fine Lockets and Chains. Fine Sets, Seal Rings, Initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins and anything In the line you may want tar" CALL AND SEX THXX. HALES A FARRIOR. dec20 J LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half price and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. Silver-Plating and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. Work done for the trade at low prices. t3? Apprentice wanted, with nremium and eood references.',. ; - u :'. i- - - septld ; : ' ; RAND CONCERT - , r-JBT THIS r MENDELSSOHN' QUINTETTE CLUB ' ; of Boston. Given under the auspices of the Gounod Musical The Grandest Musical . Treat ever offered the Peo- , pie of Charlotte. ONE NIGHT ONLY! J ONE NIGHT ONLY I Charlotte Opera House, Thursday, Feb'y 6th. : . Popular prlceff Resei red Seats 75 cents. ' Concert begins promptly at 8 o'clock, p. m. Tickets on sale at Cigar Stand, Central Hotel Feb.2-4t. . . - QHARLOTTE OPERA HOUSE. JOHN T. FORD, Manager. " TULIUSl CJ53A dULIUS OSSA Shakespeare's Classic and Historical Tragedy, jj s .-..- WEDNESDAY. FEB. 5, . Interpreted by the renowned Dram . Artist, FFF F FF F w : COO - y. O O O O O i COOS"- RRR 7 NW W GGO -88-NN SO Of B B' AA' UN NO BBB-A A N N NO BBB A IN M GOG SS8 -i-i! mm As Mare Antonyvas acted by him for over 100 . . nignts at Boours xneaxre, mew jont. ; ; :The dMlngoished Actors, MoT THOMAS W. KEENS.: -! i ..J Whose success In '''Hamlet,'' "Richard HI," and rf . otner snaKeapeanan cnaracters, eminently . t. .. i, fit him iot bis-great personation . -. rs .i -of Casslus. . . . MR. R. L. DOWNING, as Brutus. 1 MRjpJnRGS HOEyTt"" The accomplished actor, win assume the -role ot i.l.i't, .... Julius Caesar. - . The rest of the cast In the hands of aoknowted ed capacity. " New scenery has been especially pro- naea. ,ew oman costumes lor every character. Admission 50 cents and $1.00; secured seats 25 cents extra. . Jan31 TJID T O; O T T T O O o- O OO 6 AAA Y D A A T S O O c C u u T ! Will begin the Grand Annual Closing There will be a Grand Rush and we would advise it will be to the many And to others It will repay them to Invest for fu ores, we would suggest this circular be retained. You can buy English Fur and Whitney Beaver worth $32 and 830, at $24. Our Fine West Eng mentof$20 Overcoats, embracing Wonteds, Cai Brown Meltons, marked $15, $16, $17 and $19.50, Our splendid heavy Chinchilla Coats worth the en Vesta, $27.50, $28 and $30 reduced to $22.50, away Frocks and Vests, $20, $21, $22 and $23.50, ment of Casslmere Frock and Sack Suits, sold Our entire Stock of Casslmere Pants ranging $6.50 $5.50 and $6.00, one uniform price, $4.00, TO Win be sacrificed, some 300 pairs all wool Cassl Hankerchelfs at 25c. TO CLOSE OUT. A small or Fine Merino Underwear, worth $2 each Shirt Our stock of Boys' Will be arranged In connection with the " Clearing garments and other perishable goods, to be slaugh In many Instances the quantity Is Small and sizes CL O T H I N G I L O T H I N G! ClOTHINfl I CLOIHINU! W. KAUFMAN 4 0O& CLOTHING HOUSE1 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock OOO L , OO TTTT H H It NIT N OOO OOL. OO T H H II NS N O G) O L O O T HHHIINNNG OOL OO T HHIINNNGGG OOO LLLL OO T H H II IT HN GOG WE HAVE SVEB GFTEBED, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN'S, BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S rar clothing FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. S All we ask Is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as It will be to your Interest and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN & CO., Springs Comer, Charlotte, N. C decl2 QORN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, ; '. Postoflto AdaresB, Charlotte Cly MTHs Parties having gram to grind or to sen will find It to their Interest to call on the undersigned. Meal ground either fine or coarse, according to order. Thankful for former patronage, I wQl give my prompt personal attention to alf orders from one bushel to a car load, ; . ; ! i '; i - ;.r . j . Superintendent.. yyE HATE A SELECTJSTOCK2 Of Whole and' Ground Spices, Including Fells' mixed spices, try It and be convinced that there Is nothin nicer. . . L. B. WRISTON 4 CO.,r pOX'S and NELSON'S GELATINE, W Cam Starch, Italian Macaroni and Pearl Ta- pioea. " i. jh. niuoxuA ce w. declS : . ' - F iRENCH BRANDY , . 4 - 0airanteed to be ' TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SHOOK TTTT OO f...S It TTTT OO y OO DDD 1 A Y T T T O O c c s X O o T ! OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WTNTBR GOODS I Sale Of an heavy fabrics, embracing, Overcoats, : WINTER UNDERWEAR. our friends to call early In order to enjoy the WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENT t who have deferred purchasing, looking forward RAND OCCASIOVr RAND OCCASlOlN tore wear. Annexed we will give a schedule of To-day will begin the great distributing sale of the -E. D. LATTA 4 BROl, TO CLOSE OUT. Overcoats, Satin lined, $40 at $29. Our Fine land Casters, $30, at $25. Our Olive Brown Cas ters, Granites, Chinchillas, without reserve, at $15. at one uniform closing price, $12.50. Ore season $10 $7.00, TO CLOSE OUT. Our fine TO CLOSE OUT. Our enure magnificent line of all at one uniform dosing prlce,$18.00, TO CLOSE readily the entire season, $15, $16 and $17.50, at Our $10 and $12.50 COSSIMERE SUITS, at $7.5o! TO CLOSE OUT. $7 and $7.50 at one uniform price, $5.00. Our CLOSE OUT. Our large variety of $4 and $4.50 jTO CLOSE OUT- . r2 mere Pants, $3, $3.50, $3.50, $3.75 at $2.50, to assortment of the celebrated Starr Shirts In In col and Drawers, will be sold at $3 per suit TO CLOSE and $1.00, at one uniform price, 50a TO CLOSE O U TP O CLOSE O U 1 Clothing will be offered at prices lower than other TO CLOSE OUT. Prices" In our regular and desirable goods, certain tered at less than half value. few, and In order to procure Just what your heart iCLOSING OUT SALE. WWW w w w w WW WW WW WW w w NN N TTTT RES DDD BK W T B D TJ A A N N N AAA TS NIT A AM KW EK D n b d r EVEERYBODY IN WANT OF COOL OO TTTTH H II NTT N GOO O OL O O T H HIINN NO G O f. O O T HHHHNNNO OOL O O T H HHN KllO OO OOO LLLL OO T H HUN NN GGO And desiring to purchase will bear in mind our previous aaverosement oi J fXUR WINTER STOCTT ( 1 JVR WINTER STOCJx f AT COST No sham, we will sell to our Customers and Pa trons our Fall and Winter Clothing at actual cost We never advertise to anv fact bi what we actu ally do. Our Mr. L. BERW ANGER, a sractieal Tailor and Manufacturer for the nast fifteen rears, is enabled to duv uooas at very low ngures, ana tnereiore we are aoie to sen you cunning at aianiiTacturers OOO OO - faSBo TTTT O O O O 5 s T O Q O B88o T OOO O vrs T OOO OO BSS8 T S We solicit a calL ReBpectfully, ; n ', . ' L. BERW ANGER 4 BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. caljes, Sec. HX WORLD'S STANDARD, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. For Sale Also, : FATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWER! Coffee MIDs, Spice MUls, and Ston Tlxtaies Gene -ffT v. . Tb Improved Type Writer . lOscfflating Pomp Co'i Pumpa. end tot areolars. - " v FAIRBANKS 4 00- . - ...... . .... - . W . .' " '- ' I.I. 811'Broadway, New Yoik VT For sale by Leading Hardware Dealers eptl-dtaww . TJTOOL , DDD. A.T.Ti, t OO DDD n t , ? 1 :; . i : ' (I ' - TO C L O S B O U rp, t . O C L O 3 E O y.'!" Casslmere Suitings, ' and : ' Lest advantages in seleotloni as well as bargains wlthsoUcltaaetods ' -''! ,$. . prices, and as our goods are marked in (plant mammothlstock of " ':! .' Jessup Custom made garments, silk sleeve lined tors, silk sleeve, $24, at $18. Our entire assort Our attractive variety of Worsteds, Oxford and Dahlia and Black English Worsted Frock, and English Worsted In Black, Brown and; Dahlia Cut OUT. The handsomest and mo attractive assort- one uniform price, $12, TO CLOSE OUT. immense assortment of Casslmere Pants, : $5, Casslmere Pants atone uniform price, 83.00, CLOSE OUT. Our remaining stork of Ladles' ore, worth $2.25, at $1.00, TO CLOSE OW, , OUT. Our entire stock of Underwear, worth 75a merchants can buy them lines of Worsteds, In Coats and Tests, odd broken most desires. Call early, In the Very cordially, E D. LATTA 4 BBOfl TTK0WSKY4 BARUCH Beg to can your attention to the fact that It is their desire to give to our cfty a ' FIRST CLASS RRR KEB ; TTTT R R K T RRR JCM , T .. RRR T A A R & XK9 . T ..- ,-A A DEPARTMENT! EPARTMEN X ' Where any and everything that the trade of out community may desire, can be had. we shallmake it a point to remove the necessity which some of our people claim to have been placed In to tjrder Goods from abroad as we shall always keen a large, well selected and ; - ' ' r.: ' HANDSOME LINE O'F , .O O.O-D.iO :; I N E O F GOOD id AT OUR ESTABLISHMENT. ' ' ' : r. - n :,;'. : -i. -i No effort will be spared oh our part to make our ? Retail Department a Grand Success, and we pro pose to bring it gradually to such a standard as to make it . SECOND TO NONE SOUTH. ' ' M Our MR. BARUCH WOI give Ws personal atten tion to this DepartmemVand his former suceess lh Just Out class of busmess eattsfiei ns that our ef. . forts In this particular will be , appreclatedby our numerous friends and customers ,,; ' We shall eontinne to offer tor the next go days ' the remainder of oar . ... vs;o t-J-i no;.'i i : ,'T! il '' i.ii 'JU'tt .f' MliiOi I kmrt'Y.iif.li . w-'i iD f.'J j."!i od'X Is.. i" , D Pf.Mirlf iirv2 isTONisHrjiaLY unr'ytuaahXj ui ' e ..' i-j:..l iiii.T''t'St-wissH h lt Wtth i''vlew of making roont for our Sprtni and"1 Summer stock, which. we win place In oar store as. e&ny as the season wOl admit ; V ' .. .. .nr. ...--, 1 ; , 4.!THXLiNi3py,ouKii -jkszi . IOLESAXE DEPARTMENT' it"'' If : , f-T.t.T. ; .Vf jHOLESALX DEPABTMEN;Xil J vjt n Win be kept op as always, ' ',rI'y'--iO w-iii'ssr h?J . WITTKOWSKY 4BAftUCa, r.3

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