t - Y" ri TfT il.il - i ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Daily, one year, pottrpaid) tn adtftmc. . , ....$8 00 4 00 2 00 Bix Monins. . , Three Month. One Month.. 76 t . ..4 ' , .WEEKLY IDITIOJSf t . j , rretMy, (In the county) taw.... ...... ..$2 00 bit'm,popa.v.v..v.....".-.-.. ) Six Jtonthi . t .().ij...,..'i,..i.a. 1 00 : Liberia Reductions for Ctobt. c iSTnnntTca AND ALPACAS. , Just Received another lot of superior rrrr X T - , A. -AA A A AAA.- h . n U H H H H H H fr CASHMERES AKD ALPACAS, Banging In Price from 25 cenU to One Dollar. b-'glI'rft)ti i i; W J.v In ' yift?Mj llw ff.f ;llrf tufK U-n?VSii 01 A FeW Pieces of COLdBCASM3,;a 31 a 'A V Do not fall to see ova! LADIES' CLOAKS before buying. It will pay you. H - It M it o o ELLiS CO HEN. i i il 1 L 1 - BURGESS NICHOU3, , - i 'm; 1i in!i jiiirii;;t tili .fso 'J A :i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'i!T .'t !.'-' i r i.t f it :i i .ii siTi;au iiii'f-ii ,0'J 11 .'ji.-SOR 90iU i'81tu-j .-I.t tti J4IU Hipi! uoxhu; .ilfe lMfiR.?.t.Sf .il BBDDENG, &G. BEDDING, 4a TURNITURE FUKNITURE I ; A Full lirie'of-." :i ! ... 1. S , rt, CHEAP BEDSTEADS I. , 1,0 J CHEAP BEDSTEADS f1 ' Jtmoltnyssh' LOUNGES I LOUNGES I -iwT Ml .'tusifti LOUNGES t full ibaoid u'to f.s-joJ ot-'i-rK fciNi LOUNGES f itir.i swlrtd -,ti-l '..IJ :.:U: 0l-:HtlI to '. i.l-i '3ic) lIU5 ,Jni.i: !itw . Tirmsva LOUNGES n PARLOR AND, PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! ! CHAMBER SUITS 1 ..ft id iaolv j(S bsofKto?-.n)l5j;kuf ahlTi , -I'!!.') Vl!):lfltY;. .J? Milft lUKU Sl!;5'JI:fl - OOFltNHOf a -klrtSs WMnft'IJEf 'c?1 v fotrifi4siiI'-nh efllWOt -tiW tfiii-W1. . -;.f;.ji iivr V nnMfrv. ift':m.lh . . .; , jr-.'fi ! ftiti:i!mii"t ii-niir.'l V Ut.t Wffiq 'VlWWlJ liJ IB ?0'K;fl0 Hi tLlM.iti;THiiv) 1 fWn3ur fdi toT-b V S rtCHKHjifHfT si otin ;Ii;tolWUtfe lll bfR .,.;..,(. rtaUIIWM Jo no!"" frffiod bn noRhrt wl eairT3!-tar- Ladles' and GiAitttmma? JBorlal BtfbeI ; rrmt i'VM Ul 'Ef,. Bne.jupplJSjtTtii tiftrtl no ;i': tyoui !p inn3 , i . ARGAIN3 j!tt!31W4 lO UiiWitOT .oxiusaifw : i I uiitdw J f.Wf j artrttWot OTR.1 'JiW . - twof tivbss'fr!-tt-4fltT. -fl TT U OS n b n II Iff W TT T TT HIH ,HS .mfJ?jini r!!wTb'u Afi'uiW 01 ivoit J'1 .JITOJJIIT) " - ' E. O. ROGERS' WAREBOOMSf iuilCk I .uoju.t .1 i.oirjArn , 1 .,t nn- T-NrotoPCTOTnc,I.ifoJBrtt.i iium Uf .niwii.1 tT'? ah'- ,'f' My stock is very Lar IuU ,fsKO.)AW lTTXAH.jirrjr . , 1 . - , . . . u ifrfi tin .s'i.i)v j.3:f'SSJLJTd 151 !jnntf lttifiwwT.ao Wo. llw Aim ,-J OFFICE FURNITURB - -- IT- ill Goods Packed Free of Charge? - - ' i . gnj Sa0,i?PX0tMtt0; Set. A1 N N O U NC. E M E N rp -NNOUNCEMEN X ' t ''infinf ? 8.'bi mo'l -fc3YOT4 X0(i utv;il U j jisii jItov -jaot ub iitw-astt iitw mmmft hws " """" 'Awxm i 3 WJ3.il . TOB LO' lBl OF CHILDREN'S FINE FANCY 'AKWJTs-A H H OO oSSo n EEK RRR Y Y H HO OS n B RR YrTT,)2a H H OO "88 n EES R R .v! ;OK J.'HVM.U-) .Hfer.JOH 1 .W VkIA' J CLOSED OJT, LOSED OU X A AA A A TTTT OO Nl 1 OOO EES T O O N N 0,0 E T .Y.ofKtfjmiW0 11118 !'i Tj;-fW'IJA-) '5 H ALEXANDER & HARRIS. CIRETONQ,,! RET0NO!'J Unft ''iftii'.-i Tift s tf !!?.- 'iioaie'I .- ! I'.frft ! I HAVE . .tnoiiufjnJ .rf-.' T.t :. iil'Kn K'; l- .'I - '.3 T A H rnjii JUST RECEIVE! V UST RECEIVE J- The hardO jj Opt Cjl.OETONS of HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTING 8"a-9oirtf itaiS U) look at my new Atkionilnal T ' OOO oOOo RRIgSSgKEB TTTT gSSg O O ORRR 8S8oEB T 8SSR O OO OB K cTg K T a g OOO OO B K "SS8 KEE T 78fTJ::.' New lot ot Crochet and Diagonal ; A iiJ.Ci'.'r: DRESS, BUTTONS. : ftlll7liaYe a few fine Cloaks to close out at half their real ralue. .eijAT y'V jrr7.Ti-. ua a.iou A new lot of Black and White Satin. Also monog: RUFFLING js'aJJXJii ForrSklrt Protectors. JBeapfictXuUj. LADIES' CLOAKS, -o- LADIES' CLOAK O ADLES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAKO. v- A. CI - rPHI GREATEST BARGAI NO o5 not t1 'Wf'w cjolif1 .9li70Jt twrts g(iMJl'ii OF THE 8IA8I F THE SEASO Vki humdbkd choicb LADIES' cloaxO T rjarCTC3sn3roTBT exfrkso BT XZFBBSk7 , , 5 r 1 : Which will be sold without reserve, at sacrl- : Jtclpsiricesi .DqitTi fall to come and look, at I Jffhl" "wsK- 'Oils- V TWii wit'ht-H'io 'f"i; teiiioovk fisw bnt.boigmoil tuox h tr.w no. It .oof ido sir .00 A PJI3KKAIO Jl incin . .ckjja8 .axon iAUTJanaiiT t C WEEPING REDUCTION of FORMER PRICE ( - .bli) myfi'o r ,riifl but .... XTOW YQUBmAN5"ra;abaA" 'OTt'YOUB.CHjOi ".flOOiBaiStOH IfitJtT- t- OTO rpOBUTA AST FOB A JCHRISTMAS GIFm Att 'OK ACHEIdTMAS GIF L O BUY A i ftnfi 'ifl L?o-f rn&iy.iilttt 5-(-;f K.ff.T-ili i .ft UmY.X En HILjF PRIG AtMK fin. lin ii Uimm.fi. 114 ,vtft-i Jw'-m s( 1. y. t'""v.1' ..it 1 ibj : Ft. MORRTfl A BROS. H M GliRI SLA BROS, f ded4 ' I 1 j I I -I. tilti i j Mm 1 J S 4Hf R I V..t"J. ' With Clearer Tlsloa. ; . r Carlotta Perry.baBuron Hawkeye. I saw to-night thenan I loved r'.)Tbxee little years ago,.. - v 3Sjn , f , tuJ did not think so short a time,. ,- Could change a mortal sol n There were none lice him hi those days, i So strong, so true, so wise ii j He had a lofty, marble brow, i j,Aiidtendert soulful eye&j ' vblceomtislchafft'whlch 1 The raven's wing would seem - yfefn-j'i i, y-li-)i'Bi9aie Indeed; a face and form , . i iv To haunt the sculptor's dream,.,, v. .1 p ix . .-. .... . . ; ...lit'VM'inr'Mii jt,.t.! t r But when I looked at hto to-night, -uu !K rtAnJiy I saw bo single trace . T mf Of the old glory; only JusA ..,.:: ,.. . ..,J A very common face, . i No marble tfriid. soii-Jlt orbs; - The face was round and sleek : , . .That once fccMny love-haunted ejes , J'--was" so hitensely 'Greek.-" 't I know full-well lie has not changed out x was uiioa m luose aeor 'mjlj: tvx ' . k-. ' . iia TCI U1TMHU.U1 W IO U11UU, Of course, and yet to-night I should be happier, far, If I j j'One lime fhOTt win ferbubia i meriili ' '! ' I only wish i knew ' ' 1 ' ' Whether he sUU la Jjllnd, or If His eyes are open, too: " v' reputatioa,"' ikL.wS ' ' i9 on his f What anexample to American office-holders Is the resignation of Marshal Mahonl ) i!TB4:Bfinffiiinytne time win come when honest lawyers will hang out a shingle saying: "At-tomey-at-Law and Candidate for Congress." None of Vanderbllfs horses are quite fast enough to satisfy him. Several people lately have been able to get out Of the jpay without being run over. Cldoago Times. . .,,,.; . .... . ,.. i. ,: The New York Tribune has' been figuring, and putisttie present population of the Ualted .titates aftdyfirritorles at ,045,Q00. j; .Iji,, , MTB'Partrngton, agaln-WToo' ManH' said the old lady; "and so he's really gone at last! Ninety eight, was he? Dear, dear t to think how that If hUyefyears ore h'd have .been a cen- A SUEouls matt sued the clt fer$2,000damages because he fell into a coal hole carelessly left open. But the luittonly a awarded him $300, because he was going to a dog fight,' which the; Jury considered to be an immoral exhibition. St Louis prides her-setfo&herjBorals.'- huuI-h :( -'-.i "A Blrmuam'mahufacturer has recently stated in public that during the Franco-German war the Birmingham workmen were earning such high wages that many of them actually kent nonies and phaetons, and It was almost impossible to buy po nies in Birmingham "for love of money." , . J to rumor, 'positively refuses to wed the young King, In Texas, with a Democratic majority of 112,000 there are Ave oegreea in the Legislature. In all the Northern Legislatures combined there is not, ornevorwUlbethatiHmiber.,,', r :T M - '''"y i 'i'i.:::-' : I in'.', v THE fiBAlrftEBS, . -vvU -,t Tlie Sixth Annual Meeting of the State Grange. : tvi. .Kli'tt iul ni ..-..I'lfib ;; !is'i:i ; Pi.l RAIelgh'blJseiTCT,6thJ; The North Carolina ?State Grange as sembled in its sixtfo annual session yes tenJay IcdMyAv.' nk: Zl l,uv.v. -a The first grange was established on the 7th' of Jimei 1873. ' -The' first State gxange.as organized, onthe 9th of Ju ly following", with 23 subordinate gran ges. At the t' animal ,; session of 1874 there Twere 237 .granges organised, -with b;0W inembers t M 187& there-i were 501 frraflges with avnteiribeTshipiiof 15000; !iiil876,"548i grange:ithl7iDetifc bers reported ; in 1877 there werioniy 119 granges who had paid their does, with about 5,000 members ' At Hfhejaj nual session in 1878 there were reported 150 granges paid tap, with' a membership of about 5,000. The-report of the secre tary, read to-day,, shows the,, present condition tof the'ordei' in this State. ; u " The following are-theresent officers of the grange, all of whose terms expire at this&fsion,1 and'1 whose - sticcessors will be eleeted tonorrow; t MasterSi R Alexander. OYerseeTlR'WWtfield: " "4 1 5 ' Lecturer T. IWblhson. StewardrIX. H,' Armstrong; ; , Assistant Steward H. E. King. rr ij?ChaplaIu-Y3ri fw-i Treasurer D. W"G."Benbow. : is'Secretary-ospE. Forter.- bT'T' ateerK,JJJSaai res Mrs. S. ii Alexander. . : Pomqiia44fjB0Wiatfield. Flora Miss E. Robinson. ! Lady Assistant StewardMrs. H. 22. King. . i , P The grange opened iri the fifth degree, with the'folibwing officers present ::The masterf-secretaryr haplainr treasurer and assistant stfttfAVal 'AiP 51lTh9 jmaterKappointtheipHowJiiig corjoimtteffoncjfedentials, Viz:fW;a'Hj Cheek, R. B. Saunders and H. E. 'King, wno reported that there, were 2& gEang es represented from 14 countiesT 1 " J i O-MASTER'8 !NNTJAlliETORTiH:l; (He saieL that.while we:have met with reverses, if we . are, troe , ,oiiifl)'btdet? true tdOrirselv'es; W&wi, W.'in'tee ange a grcfiblessinft&w than'JWhaYeietcountereiNCaUs5 attemiflg to'tne necessuy. oiijeYmiig, dormant granges-ana extending the or gai0Cids;?'re(joiriifadi'4ihat'tlie mas ter be made a salaried offierrtrtviriffhiBcr I power to appoint such deputaesiitfa sisiants as ne may require. Aiiac ne felt confident that with a salaried masr tey.'who would give' his ; whole' time 1! the work, that his salary would be more than paid ifrqm. vtha ees arising from the establishment of new granges. That our great aim should be to raise, the agriculturist of Ohr;Stat0. to a highs' er manhood' a'nHi1bnianli6od than we Ithave yet attained; Recommends thafe rtn AS ' A 1 1 ' L. L ine execuuve commiii.ee ma&e. an azi- nual report in regard to the agricultu iral colieg4hati the oteraeers ' keep a ! watch over the schools in their respee- 'ttvepgranges andtimakrepQrta ,m then .condition oi uie same, xwecouiuitsnus the.iabolishment: of i business t agents ; that he, had introduced . a.bill into the Legislattrre to'provlde' fof,'"sdchTi sys- teors-isr now aenjoyea cy cne xarmers jand mechanics of England. Recom mendsja reviaionjQiLtJbegislatioh in regard to Pomona granges. In :eonclTA-5 sion he returns thanks Jcor the tihdness gTOTgft whilft TtiaatftTlAK H J' 4 ) U si ti31 AV.' REPORT 0r-THJ6rfi04iETAItT, The secretary in his report states that tbdgrangei ha rtotlncreased driringthiew past year. " There were m granges rep resenting a membership"or 2,610, who naidAiueaforthe Quarter ending March SXsth :t1878 W72? :grangea reporting r2,m i !members-oh'theOth-fn eswitn; x$tz. menders .repojjjon, we '30th'Jpfeibernd grahgeSAwith l Oiirt mpmbera on the 81st of December? 878; He: states' that the; North, Caroiy na natrons' relief association was organ- I ize4ith38membersrfOf-this rmmberi 166 have beenjoropped.ana 7 nave area. Of the 165.06? subscribedfto i the lec- turerVfnnd1.7ave-beenpaidr-ini- Of this amount $30 have heenipaidjoutf leaving a balance of 4 $31 ,75 j pjvt handf Detailea statements -or an expenaiiurea ana receipvs, wih jioia.. yuuvueut, were pubmitted. The report was one ?Bjieportaj;emgTiext;ai oroersnewdr port. : ?s?2ii-tm '-hiKKKi-t.'itui nn euucaiion. co-operaiion anu,. uuia- pitaiiy,'for veto; tea$$imyrMtm steer. ur jhiD"overTiiroucberv bfllowsr ' .1. i 1 1 lit i Of lheIbest ever submitted to the grange and gives a clear 'and distinct; idea of its present condition.- J 'b V 3 r J - The treasurer asked for further time to complete his' report - as there' had been' no time to settle his accountswith the secretary., , . - f V '.While the attendance-is small, there being only some forty-fire present, they are working men, and there is ' a quiet determination to see if the prder can not. be revived. .u.ij;:.j( . Y, I'M' Hh i ( "Vt,l IU'.; 1 . Of the cipher Investigation' the Spring field ;tepttoZica7i independent Republi can) $ays there is "at least one advan tage Jnnefent In the . Democratic case- the guilty parties "eminent as they were, were at least,, private '"persons,' and not officials of the United States?; , . The "Raleigh 'JTefas says , that North Carolina has td jmport horses and hogs, but shiparmen . It instances '.Andrew Johon,'; Jacobr Thompson;: Joseph Ri Hawley,KThoma3 H. .Bentort, ; Wm. R. Kingv James K,Polk and Andrew Jaek son;, " . .'. . ; " "',v--.J, Spfingfleid, Hi; is excited over a ru mor that Senator, David Davisia willing to take the Berlin mission and yield his Elace in the Senate to Mr. Ogjesby, who as just beerLdeXfcateJor te-ele6ti6ri by Gen. LogarAtHfcimtn After a warm debate the Iron City Dehiocratiig'elub; of Pittsburg, Pav has changed Its name to the Iron City Til den club; the vot standing 85 yeas to 16 nays.: ;: It claims to be the pioneer Til den club Of the campaign ; s 31 Senators Forrest and Bufiean, of Ohio; have left Columbus for Washington to nrgenator Thnnuan --to go before the Democratic convention for the govexn? OrshipViw r-ji.'';;'.iw !;;.' !-:ti 'ti-. -1:; ; .-j ' The Michigan Democrats and Nation als williuprobably form a coalition for the April. selection, which is for a Jus tice ot the: Supreme court" and regents of Ihe State University; f -: : o;:;9ji) Oil .'I. , i;.il. '- -iS .; ui 1 i v ( !jh jar . Tafmage be Discipfined V ' New York -World. There are -rumors that the Brooklyn Presbytery which meets, next Monday will be called upon to discipline Mr Talmae. Presbyterian preacher said yesterday that Mr. Talmage apparently cares very little 'about doctrinal rules and usages, and that thePresbytery had hot begurirprOcejcdings against him simj ?ly ibeiise itwas hoped that he would mprdve.f 1 Instead of 3 improving, ' how eteJJ:VT,ahiagevhad worse; Other causes, of dissatisfaction ..with him are his: visit to ' Newa York under the: protectiohi of Inspector Muryay;hi sermons ort the dark side of New York in which the preacher said, ie had pre sented such vivid pictures of gilded vicef his sensational style' ofpreaching, and above . all his , method of church-debt raising; as shown in the 1 trial of Mr. Geiston's-suit against the Tabernacle. -' The Legislatures of Georgia and Ala bama have found it hecessary to" pro tecttheihselves; , ttgaihst' farmers front Texas coming1 to their States in- search M colored labdrlu For some'1 time past there has been a heavy colored emigrac tioh fronl thesd'States to'Texasto the great inedhvenreneepf Georgia and Al abama farmers and planters,1 1 To 'pre Vent this a lieense tax1 of 100 has beeri placed on! every one sblicitihg people to emigrate. A': farmer; therefore, who goes to either of these States' to secure labor is liable toThiSrtax asrarnemigra tion agent.' The result hsts been to very nearly destroy this tolored emigration. , At the La8tv:- y . A near-sighted friend went to an opf too weak. He was given the next num ber lower '; eno 3v:' ' ' J ' H "After"' this unvher1 fwhat will 1 take?" he asked. "These." ' ; And after that r : - i'Those.'!''-'"' '"'"' i'' ' - ' "And then tasked the myope, with an anxious air.' u -lU -"'- - : "?i-Vi ; aThenf : said 'the dealer, rthink a small, arid sagacious dog, with a string attached, willbe ahout teething y; 7 Senate 8eTgeai)itAnnr.-- 1 - asb,'Balttntoi;fian. JL" 1 A formidable caridid&ei'or sergeant-at-arms of the Senate, after the 4th of March has appeared, in the person of CoL John A. Sloan, of North Carolina. CoL Sloan was a gallant officer in the Confederate service.. rAftet the war he was engaged in husinesfiiH;tRichmond fot Jperiod,'and mmahded 'the first Virginia militia regiment on the occa sion of . its notables visit rto'Baltimore some years agdi He;i well and fayora bly khown throiikuouV will be warmly pressediforiSergeant-atH hy leading Southern Senators. ir,V h 1 V Vaf.ln'n.T 'AjimlmlBf:.'' ' : giDyspepsia Mi Ml nattonai: complaint Almost every other mari ' br -woman ' you meet has It, and the sftfltis't .igt' the; 'number of, pseudo-remedies for us pmeiow.Mf haraoh's host.f They are; for the mbefpart fcbrthle Ttore to, however, a seEhjyg eraiflcani of .this5 distressing and obdn rte .maltOTe whose genuine merltB long since H raised It jtOj aforemost place , among the staple medicine.s rj America.: j uosieners womacn jsii teriextfiiiMes jryspebaia tfi grr eertahity and prempfatQd&VttViW la it mosfgeiriaiinToiant.rapDet sarid pf IjuitJrymenahfl women Who have ex TjKnce) iis eilects aie aware, but are backed np by lrrelrag&ble prcK)fs repeatedly laid "before the ptfhlic;. The Bleti 'also' broniote a regular habit w;JKiwi ibthflfittmultt8to.tJQeui .r m, , lW ' ' tt ' ! For upwards of thirty yearsMrs.Wlnslow'sSooth- lnn syruD has been used for. children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. J An old and well known remedy.- -25c per bottle. - - ' . - Consumplloa Cured. Z' , ' f ' An old physician, retired from practice. havinS had placed In his lriCS of as East India mission ary th lOrmula oLA single vegetablel remedy, for the speedy and permanent we for eonsumDtlan. bronchitis, catajrh, asgima, and all throaj and lung ajfeefes, also a posigvo and radical cure for Having tested : its wonderful curative powers In thousands oi cases, has felt it his duty to make It known to hla . suffering fellows .Actuated by this motlve,-ajid a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using in German. French or English, Bent by mail by addressing wllh stamp, naming this paper.' t-W. w. Sherar, 149 Powers' .Block, Rochester, New York, ; -OjCti) 4w rk'i'i;" T e".'- ' j v.8 Attainable by the Bheusatlettn 3 4.; I : Yes, iathbugbi they vrnay 4egpair.tf rellef,K la attainable by rheumatic sufferers;' for there Is a remedy which carries off,1 by means-f i Increased activity of the kidneyaimportant channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptomsa theory completely; pome out by nfUv ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent la Hostetters, a preparation likewise oelebrated as a remedy for constipjian, which, causer contamina Cqh i$ the blood with the blle-aud a certain means of relief in dysneDSla.- fever and aai& and nervous ailments. - It Is, perhaps, the finest tonio exiani, auu is uigiuj revunuuonueq aja a meaiouuu stimulant by distinguished physidana and analysts who pronounce It to be eminently Dure and very 1 Deneaciai. xne press ajsQ euaorses n. til 4 , i ! -1 ' -StAJk ifl!TTT'"'O0' ' ' T ,Q f :y T' 1 O ' O ' ' ; 00 UDD j'a T-' "Y" " t it T8 c x o s s f 0 tr C L a 8 B O U: 1' f 1 i ? j ' T ! WD1 begin the Grand .Annual Closing There will be a Grand Rush and we would advise - ttwfflbetothamaDi And to others It .will . repay them to invest .for fa ures, we would suggest this circular be retained. ' - - Youj can buy English Fur and Whitney Bearer .,;. ..., , - t - ) j worth $32 and $30, at $24 ; Our Fine West Eng ment of $20 Oveieoats, embractog Worsteds, Cas Brown Meltons, marked $15, $16, $17 and $19.50, Our splendid heavy Chinchilla. Coats worth the en Tests; $27.50, $28 and $30-reduce.d to $22.50, away Frocks and Vests, $20, $21, $22 and 828.50, inent of ftuslriaere Frock'pand Sack Suits, sold Our entire Stock of Casslmere Pants ranging $6.50 $550 and $6.00, one uniform price, .$4.00,, TO Will be sacrtflced, some 300 pairs all wool CassI Hankerchelfs' at 25c. TO CLOSE OUT. A small - trr Fine Merino- Underwear, worth $2 each Shirt -A ::'.T"' , . . : ' - . Our stock of Boys' Will be arranged In connection with the " Clearing garments and other perishable goods, to be slaugh .. - - : . - . Da many Instances the quantity Is small and sizes CLOTHING! LOTHINSt CLOTH I N jP f 6LOTHIN VX ! :-j'j ! ... W, KAUFMAN 4 (Xm ,: CLOTHING ffOUSE! 1 i GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this sectloB of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock ,:fr- OOO L O OL . 00 TTTT H H.II NN N GGO -O - O . T H ' H tl NITS G G) o - I. . . o o t nan u bh u T H H it H HH O OO. T u huh mr' GOG- O 0 L O O UUU LIU OO , , . ' . : . .,.',.-. -.; .-.-. WB HATS EVBB OFFKBKD-, C3onsisting of the usual variety of . MENS, BQTS, 1 y ' YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S ; tare L O T H 1 N G , IUu '! t , , ! .. i r :l":i-i ' - FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. ill i'-' .1 AR we ask is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as It will be to your interest, and you will save Irom fifteen: to twenty per eento your purchases.- p ' -f f W. KAUFMAN A CO.. . decl2 JKnf?.VWww fj CORN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, .c''niff,',."y,f ;nf i? j -wui PostofSoeAddreChotteOttrMIQs Parties havtnit krain to irrlnd or to sell will find It to their interest to call on the undersigned: Meal grouna ettaer nne oreoarae, axKorumg u oraer. t , Thankful for former patronage, I will give my prompt personal attentlan to alT orders from one hnsheltoacarlQad.;-- r j Mi-.-. uti Vt Vu'l. .Superintendent fir"l .rt: 0 HAVE A SELECT STOCK Of Whole snd Ground SDfcesj tndndlne Feus' nuxed spices, try it and be convinced that there Is iwthing Blcervw. ,L, R. WRISTON COv i i -ecla -'-"rr-o;.-i t'i'ij ,J t ; ,-VT'ft And KT5T,f?0'Wa OELATTNIC.1 -fl ": Lj.n.'J i ! ,ii .'(:!; !(.i Mi."r- '-f-f 'J -1'. r -Com Starch,? Itaoaa Macaroni. and Pearl T. t-fZZt.i.r.i .A L, ! WRISTON. COv 't?RENCH BRANDT' i" ' , '". " J? Guaranteed to be j TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. tit .a : J. -IJfwr-sA" ki. )o?;i ??rJr iinJx 2 f-jT bil . u II.'JIH' 1.1 ;ri tin TOT. OO- r . DM, , A ,..r YT .. TOO U P A A i .,xjr 5 6 AAA'-1 Y J "M J' DDD.A A ,f X ,. I OO is 't It. W' ' i i - r C L 0 8 E C L O 8 1 O U O TJ T ! - , , t . - " s l '. m" ' . . i:. -i j OUR - ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER .GOODS . . -t: r . . . . Sale 'of an heavy fabrics, embracing. Overcoats, , i.'4'j; ' I -'..-;. ' n.,',' . v WINTER UNDERWEAR. , ux frienda to' call, early in order to ; enjoy the WEIXXIME ANNOUNCEMENT t '".i who have deferrM jarchalr GRAND OCCASIOVr RAND ' OOCASIOlN tore wear. Annexed we will gtva a schedule of To-day win begin the great distributing sale of the -E. D. LATTA ft BRO. TO CLOSE OUT. Overcoats, Satin lined, $40 at $29. ' Our 'Fine "li i' JOft;.--'i-i! j " . '""t ; !, r land Casters, $30, at $25. Our Olive Brown Cat ters, Granites, Chinchillas, without reserve, at $15, at one uniform eloslng price, $12.50. n tire season $10 $7.00, TO CLOSE OUT. Ourflne TO CLOSE OUT. Our entire magnificent line of an at one uniform closing price,$18.00, TO CLOSE readily the entire season, $15, $16 and $17.50, at Our $10 and $12.50 COSSLMERE SUITS, at $7.50, TO CLOSE OUT. . ! f $7 and $7.50 at one uniform price, $5.00. Out CLOSE OUT. Our large variety of $4 and $4.50 . ,... i TO CLOSE OUT ... mere Pants. $3, $3.50, $3.50, $3.75 at $2.50, to assortment of the celebrated Stan Shirts In in col and Drawers, will be sold at $3 per suit, TO CLOSE and $1.00, at one uniform price, 50a - T O C LOS B O TJ rp; 0 C L O S X 0 U 1 i i Clothing will be offered at prices lowe than other ;.; Uv-it'i'. xoci OUT. : i-' Prices" in our regular and desirable goods, eertam tered at less than half value. few, and in order to procure Just whafyour heart CLOSING OUT SALX : w mt w A hh h rrrr EttbDD WWW W AA HH H- T B' D 01: WWWWjiA A N H H ! -WW WW , AAA N HH" T' D EES EYEEBYBODY IN WANT OF OOTJ A OO TTTTH Hnp HGflO, O-O-TT.-H ' H n H H HO - d 5 Q T HBHIIHHHG O' O 'T I HHH HHO OS CO i OOO OO - T ) a HUH HH QUO : And destrtng to purchase will bear In mind out previous adverusementpf ui : i ; ., 1 i7UR WINTER STOC"ET VJtR WINTER STOClV AT COST -;!! No sham, we win sen to our Customers and Pa trons our jraii ana winter dotnint at actual osl We never advertise to unr fact took what a k Our Mr. L. BERWANGER, a practical Tailor and Manufacturer for the past fifteen years, is enabled so Day uooas at very low rieures. and taereiore we are able to sen you clothing at Manufacturere'i3 i ooo i oo i:ssi rrr: t rwkiV. O 'O 9P i T WesolleitaeaiL r. 1 -j; f '' . , f-r, .V ' r r,- . t BERWANGER A BROW "f i.- r : Fine Clothiers and Tailors. TOE WORL1VS STANDARD; :i at 1 , , t t r ; - : FAIRBANKS, SCALES. 'f . i -(j For Bale Ateoj .-. . ,.. V-'.'i'l'i ,'; pAirENTjnik Mpki i Hwissai v Coffee Mills, Spice Mma, and fltoie Ftxturee Gene 7i . ., tj :-i'K 1uJ 1, f .;!ttf .'!'.( !ii 0 . ; The. rmproved Type Writer;. t r v.-j yt .ft . . tf- -:- ?tIi-:--il-ii. fOaeOlatuigPamDCb'sfaniVBbc ' r?. .';! :i-ff-'Vl.M.t,:. . tend for areolars., ;4i v1r.t . A ..u,f FAIRBANKS ft C04 811 Broadway, New Ye E9 For sale by Leading Hardware Dealw aeptl-dtaww , 7 7 ;nnr oasEBTig jrda triihkst: Bat bem thanmahlv mwrUai intth nn ill it trimmer of Job Work earn urns- i ifnni imTt miini duruMf OKI AvnsM,-1fia iwWL theft fTE-ltSAiS, caxtas; a .Jiuoa jocjupia; pcstxs&LTp. PSOGJUMXX3, HJJTD-BZLL8 PAMPHLETS, CIBCVLARS. CHTCA3, rftX .... i... i ,.. .j,..,; ' i ... J 1 Vii J o.i i;j.tr -OintCAnrrirfTrX-Mii'iol ftmi -Lin- h -iiuthMTisyi iiJiw T8rl;g.i8M',l!t 5 rf -sti -t k?3 of -WMtsifiiliiR f J.s .if i- rui'nonriV. 3ixfi " " ii is-t!jrioai.iriiw Casslmere 8uitlngs, And - Wv u-.' -if' -.i -i Tnvi&M n.i(f best advantages In. selections aa wen at .bargains. with aolldtaida to'thta'!' J'' t'n:! . f ... ' r fl. ! ! -r:-!.. u; !: '; -A'ii iu' rluut i-jiih '"' -i'irf- !iii fstir. f.HiH4iiu f .-viiiiji nv.t'i ,4'!t;'l 'fi brlnnji. and M'ttnr awwvrta n' miaii i vuh -iii'' -H JI .i .Uii''.i!J l .i J'i'Hi Vtk. auJ mammothTstock of , i t .,t u si .s:.uiiiv;ii f.Ji uti't r-Jitrtlw; ;;ni. A . Km'M'.Ulim liW. :i'i-t -l.-)!-i' i-i:; .s- r -ill il.! ' r.l l Ill , Mn--f.?;j;'f ii-i -' '(!! : f..: . i ' ,J:;f .,'. -V.Jlliittl iuUi-..f'l r "' .--ixji?.! -.,"ti i- v-iii vtii " -'ill '! ,!i;-ul;i('Mit Jesstip Ciistoht made 'irarmehti sd ( il !!; lilii1 -i lii't . "t i - J llf !! lU'ftll tors, silk sleeve, $24. at $18, . Our entire. h80r v-Jjii y. - c i "ij.A .113411..,;.- a. .1 Ourj attractive . vartety, of Worsteds, Oxford; and Dahlia; andl Black lbkUsh. .Wonted Itpek.jand English Worsted ta Black, Brown and Dahlia Coti OUT. The handsomest and mo attractive assort- j)ne uiuiorih' ji.r "tin "U,! .i'C:ui tlsOWiit Immense assortment of Casslmere Pants' $5 vooouwio ituiiB o vim ujuxuriu, price, ao.yu, . i.i ) i v..-) mil m: uij',-'Ji?rniif.'3 n:n -'ij't tisiiv; v.'i ' .Mff;,. ,-: infv rniri ' i-Kjr .:. itnu silj n;i'ratJHu i.r-it Vy'h.itv f'; c t!rrr'rr:frtj? ..ill SEC remah ;LatJlea ore, worth $3.2oV SUKV T,3L0BEbut,!i OUTJ Oar entire stock of Underwear,1 tvorth Vse.' iir ?fit.-". 7-i:.H -:. .') i ! ;i -r it. ttfijlhi . : .' !.-iit;.l!;l-;i ;it bli tf''j.i-; merchants can buy them. 1' ' . ' lines of Worsteds, in .Coats and vesta, dd broke :; ul fxuUii;t( tiifj v jilj -.". ! t '- . : t ... ' ."i -t mostdesires Cafl early, in the" -''" '..-) v n-; ,-'U; 3-::.i Jii;i-': l'iu'i'il i,.Tral;T 'li'j ' "sxlhr' ine:i -1. v; X, D.LATTA 4 BEOa "ITTITTKO W8KY ft BARUCH ( 1 ''-'. '' via 7 Beg to can your attention . to fact .that tf U their oslretqgivetoonrciljyA q,,;; o,h j i j i v- RRR EEH ,R JtJiR f ;iii T :-. ! AA .,-::flo'Tj v-ltf ;;fi,l-;l:;i;,;IIIii ! " '. !iy"v,:TTl4J ti;1'.vi;l 'i'4l!J . h .-! ."rEPABTMENr ttoUiv .iii it .f;t. 4fTIMWi"foiini will Where any and everythlac4hatthe trade of our community may iesb-e'! can' be hadl We shall make it a point to remore the, necessity, .which, some bf our people cHUm. to have been placed In to nrtrer Goooa from abroad, Ai we shaa'alwayf keep t i . II.... .... A fi .tl! tanre-wellselectMand" '"'f I i; iu ' iloi.'illoa 1.4; .ii .iurn vui l i-.UT 7''fi'JlWA'WTlHnTW;jjr;uif'!i 'fcitl tJ i.i it:;; cilitUMi' Jj; ;irf.':itt T t,N"E I"1 oVpj'O-iyJii'j' ' No effort win be spared1 ba our part to make 'our tnlt i Lai, r-,-.i "J ).tij$iift.i.'tj: tetau Aepanmept as rana success, ana -we pro; to bring tt ajaduaUy to. such a standard aa to make it j -'iU U -idfM'iwIiuIiBl hmliiyiujrb ;-i il .ir..ih';7j;l"' nilj -ly4''f tton to this Department, and Jut former fucoeas bj yukt that class bf business satisfies n that wir'ef forts In this particular wfll be appredated1 l)y-but numerous friends and customers- (. , We shaU eonUnue jq offer; for- the. ;next 80 teya ttke remainder of oar ' .1 nhij -VT ..'hj ; ,'.J, J u i Jli'liijw'I-ti.g yjjjtl 1..J JjvJ - '.f.jrj'lii i'J i fcJi'IJ i ; i w l'W!J W II HIT H TTTT' KKXjREK I'tlS t.'f.i.j V t-f.r.t rwf oMiiftcvni Jaoiflrlo t;;,;-! VT . O O ,..,..1;,. a7r - ri1! ) i'l':,'. xiiW,rK 'ilj-t'lih i h A yS'.h X , t.'rI., feiiij HO .IIJ JiI'-;" -) CZXAT ASTONISBfNGLt LOW PRICES iUUv ,:i Jf.4it i-'w n'tPilid vt.iw e-Ji )o WBhTa'vtowof mal room for bxrr Sprb uio( 3-iiil OilJ io Jhtii iilO'll i''I"'iiiit-7U.U'I Smnmer stock, whkb we wfll. place to ov store. eksUiieWtwQlaamiV vihJ-fi;! ' -? ri-ii"h f-r Ji't?i""-it i-iiit -t-,'tPf..T - tTJHOLESALE' DEPARTKENrp '- -- i " YV HOLES ALE i DEP ARTAUkN- A.' J I f ' Win be kept up bJ slWaTs.-" - -; , "f" J TU;I 'TeV tespectfuUyi1 -i ; t ' Iftfi'J! Trfi,i"tT j I .. .""f'..'i r-- ,( -i?.. ' til A lVnil ( mamwvui , . ..i JU 7.. .1.-4 J v.'. OA Jan.ll, 187$. I

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