CHASOm, cy Editor ,and f rhetor &we teem tt 4otiii rpnWlf te -j. FIUDAY, FEBRUARY fffo U3 SCFFRAfi&iSD rBBE fiOVEESiaEST. UOT-VUft AaV.UAaiWA'1'. . theDemocratic principle, and further and furthettffrale until no trace is left of theresent d ifljpf the ballot to onealf'Of ie citizens 'of the republicrdn ibaouniof tlieiipsex? Or, .shaU'e turii DacK and sternly prose cute the work of conditioning suffrage: with restrictions i and discriminations until the republic is resolved into a dis-j tinct and absolute; artistocracy founded upon property, upon intellect, upon her redityj tfugoig allthsg tjiirjgs njg bined? These Questions contain tne substance of the issue raised byan emi -nent American scholar and historian. Mr. Farkman, in; an article published some months 'ago in the North Amerit man's dissertation is Hhe failure of universal suffrage,", meaning universal male fuffrag.a:tfffrage' a birth-ftght? describes the general position taken by Mr. Julian in his reply (J5oth3;ssaxs, are able and eloquent Both show a high order of culture and erudition, while they differ radically in their standpoints, their atmospheres their outlooks and their conclusions. Mr. Parkman.thinks that "the nation is be ing dragged to its ruin by a debased and irresponsible suffrage." and that the'oniy hope' oi emglil'ioWm- mit its destinies, along -SfriffitMT ttei tive franchise, to select classes distin guished for superiority of character and intelligence. Mr. Julian admits the political corruption which deforms the present and clouds the future, but he asserts that the evil is chargeable to the vicions leadership of a sophistica ted and faithless few, rather than to the vicious propensities, inherent and ineradical, of the voting many. He de- form on the retrograde line advocated by JtrTFjfriaiau.' "His -mind Wexarfed and'warmed with a Jeffsdnlah "ehtfiru"2 siasm for the capacity of man for self government, and achora the idea of tohtratihgthe'' range f Suffrage by:ffi hitrary tests, as" traversing ithe logic's of Iemocy.japdjreateuiig to unsettle government of the wisest and best, he says "is confessedly unattainable through any hereditary or autocratic method; .d, . equally so undei: find expression in the endeavor of the whole people. By what rules should, we distinguish the wise and the good from the ignorant and vicious V Granting governwdask wha define measure ofhjualihatuoiis.ahfiuld be exacted so that voters and non-voters might be intelligently classified V How could the sheep and goats be distinguished ? No human wisdom could, Dpfyly deter,ajg ined. Infants, idiot' lunatics? and those who have forfeited their rights by crime i!artfeprivelof th&'alldt b& - cause they are wanting in that power of choosing wlgcj,; ierjgsjenp? of popular government; but these well defined exceptions are perfectly consis tent with the rufe7siWhlc"h 'bases the iignt at 6iiCragd tipon personality. The attompt to go beyond- them, and arbi trarily to restrict the governing power to an aristracy of character and intelli gence, would be as repugnant to the principle of De.nweyiitf WAuJd Ae superlatively absurd and impractica ble." While Mr. Julian's sentiments ahtf ''&gtf mentS1 MHft sMtf'keepmg with the impulseVi'iittpresSetr Wpbit "th country by the revolutionary fathers of 1876, towards afrMxfiaustive assertion of the natural rjght.fnianand a, com plete evofutiottef theBemocratie prin ciple, ihere can le noquestion thatilr. Patkmani wail Over ""the allegecf "fail ure of universal suffrage" reflects a feel ing which ef ents' liave igendered in the minds of sonwPbf l bhf best if not our wisest Citizens. 0 Fi&f M -aage'pM Carolin4legfelatb if be' i8'h'aukiteaty a f tern?eense( (f aabligatioustaoiwrfisile with the tax problem . nnty, flha.has wrung from it' a solution satisfactory to his immediate, .constituency and to the State "ai large. Considering! the aiici,ji uu)iw gquvrai ;uiauc!B ui the comihdrnms widen aTeharlea at his headhis case is somewhat similar to that otfhe'MjHewhonnaertook to pounding questions, and who, on failing tver itiexplicable afiabW feff:fftll en upon and belabored by all the curious and able-bodied youths of the school. The f aWatfcarafterSit ftothmg jolder In civil society .than taxation, lit is cbf&eow governments i-TetMnothing'Corinected : with government jhbeeri so, poprljr so constant a cause of grievance and complaint, 'andTiitl,S'BuBJOTf flIteifgeht'oMnS"an-d Wiiffictlnr pur poses. Nothing has been more calcula ted to make government a burden, and a weariness to the mass of industrious and rwell-meaningncitizensftban vthis chrpnM'jtrublei'witlK- fts!efidMiffi cultws andiiperjlelfle its almost invariable perversions of public policy to subserve the selfishness of special interests. r o o ; , We allude w these ads as a jneans of directing attention again to the ex cellent bill on this subject, introduced in the. Legislature .bj: Senator Alexan-. dero Mecklenburg. 'We are satis'Seil f of its entire utility, and that it, with a ' machinery Mjge,MfM5J5 tp.riallv different from that of the last CTeneraf "Aienifclif." w'ilivdrspb.i vmtt- f actorily of this- troutaeSf3me,pblerm' Leastways the measure is deserving the deliberate Consideration of the LegisUtuA'e, and this, twe are sure, will lead to iesults: wmGhiWiUi(lftiSMisfac tory in the main to all Interests. : r The people have, heard enough about retrenchment'and reform." They want to see some of it. . GEN.' LEACH AS A SATIRIST. Gen. Leacn 9NetMriUSl.jILI.EStI3DlIfl p( gogue. t jno meniuer oi.tUQ pieseni ueu . eral Assembly lias -. sfcowft as' of - this qualityr.rlp,iaediX Werjk as he. He nas Several times'punctured the : schemes of the bogus . reformers, and made them to appear thoroughly ridlcuIousr-'W e are glanbf lindtrusC that qt(hriK)ntmue;to1nd cule th'em. f Hve have no doubt that in anyork'-f'gehum may be inausrajS0 v as -the-furthest.--He-nas-shown-liim- Lself ; h Wiverfto tiav no paftecTwith those roVhisfjiollagties who; are after makmg theap capnandnotningmore. There are members of the Legislature who "protest too muchf by half, but who are noticelibTabsnt when it is necessary that they should come to the scratch. The people really expect and desfre'jsonfe freditjbu! of slanesnd fees and stoppages of leaks, by the pres ent General Assemhly,-but the ranters threaten to bring the battle-cry of "re trhclfmenlania mom&fiiWmMe&fft among all classes-If-Gen. Leach can lous their ratings appear tq the people, and cause MfemWrealtze'ihalt they are fof6lItfgn6boylut't;heIeleSh!' have dotted Kervtee-lor which the State Republican Movements in Ohio. A prominent Ohio Eepubliean furnishes an outliHe- jhat; the, programme of the party iniwJSiaielwdl! p&bably be in the coffiingcampignr There is no necessity, he argues, for John Sherman to make the canvass for governor, as he is worth more to the'party whene ha is; governor and Charles Foster for lieu tenant governor, by which combination he thinks all the elements of the party will be conciliated. In the event of the election cOarfigl lieis f(l?e7 support ed for theUntted States Senate, leaving Foster to act as governor, while Sher man will be the.firiohDice of the party for the presidential nomination. The Pension Bill. The realnature ohjecencenspn not appear 16 be well understood. The bill MS riot' 'allow ' ever'en'sI6nei?!lo drfSw-payfromi'theidate'bfdiseli but permits: Jiku - tQ ydWiMa.penaion from the date of disability. In previous Mtt&'thereKWeW limitations 'fixed astd tjjneijn,.whioh. petitioners could present tfeir .claims,, rJThis, was .first Jimi tP one year, afterward extended to three removed andr .Byery. ex-sDidier or ex sor,, up ha claim, can draw payipm da,te of his disabity., n T . Til 1C POTTEB COMMIT! EE. Pelton iTesii $ (All the Blame qf the Ciphers and De ot cMdihalfimhetjr ssew x okk, j? eoruary o. xne i'oiier sub-oomiaittfee'itiet' thfe ni6rningi; Pel- ton testifiedjtha be (-,wtmt, to0 ii-ioi-ida and feouthu Cacolyiaj had coiresixm- destce with parties; could not remember .cipher key. A) tie)vTteIgranis sent by Clensf aVidtesfetf'to ,:iHav'enieter' kwho transmitted them tos witiesaftej? vvrhieli they were presented to the National DemOCrtid C6ttimKte at' the lVererfc House and jRpenelf by .theav, Pelton, on being shown a dispatch' numbered 14, the translation of which was signed with Marble's name, stating that "the canvassing board may and will purge the ,?ountrfetui:na, amrtna nieljMftue 0$.the hoard- of thfeeStaS offlcers,oneinfmC-l3ible DebiSmmediatajrtlonaii. "I might as well state here that I cannot remember anvtbinAabout these dis patches. Thtyvlifeowiqnestion that the Tribune dispatches got near to the point, yet they are inaccurate. I al ways understood. JuliaL vv ooley and Fox were one and the same person." Atten tion being directed to the telegram ad dressed.J.p rMantoivMarble5C Y., No vember iPthf'Y ea'd; When1 translated : "Dispatch received. You must not trust JJor-that which jj. senxi for. Thomas Ch&?. Peltbgsf(idfAblve noexplan- mWymim- V-P3 hagye meBttbep.,fviiitiflti cvntanlscwarebut my impression is it refers to negotia tions wnicn were in progress with re- fard to buying out the return ingboaitt? elton testified in iTftgard- to 'telegram No. 50, signed Marble, calling for $20, 000; that-ha replied to it that it, was too high; could not rnnlperrflirther de tails. -lfAtteMwas fully satisfied fhemoney would be forthcom ing, but later he -.received telegrams irom uooper and someDne else (whom he could not recollect) to the effect that the money could not-be raised. .ifufa 0IT!llflv wHflf linn VOroof -ri .vrvlj- !mWyWli AMtiMk i noved and denounced mv action itfthW matter. In fact he was very severe. I left for Baltimore without his know ledge or consent, and he was much sur- iriCbairmantc c iJ)idarMrii rrikienx h'awe' buying the returning board ?" Answer rr iH tead mot the least idea of what I wap Ho fto" g "Did you t$fll fer gadryjfeohlm of the correspondence ox Mantolf . Marble, or Wooley, from Florida?" "I certainly did not." .!.' r j?oo. t? "Did you tell him anything about the Weed correspondence f' "Idid inot;rbe:corK!spondence and arran-geftient8'iwre'Arried out solely byine." '; -- By Stensen!;DiM!l"5iEfean to sav that you had no cpnyersationwithJMr. luaen on tnisniaiitep KWhMWsT arrived irom Baltimore f I Yes. sir: that is the fact. Mr. Til- i den was much annoyed. I don't know ! that he yet forgets. He told me dis , tinctly that, he wanted no such work and would-SOone dlethn nllow him : self to be put into the presidential chair ; under false pretences. When I subse I quently showed the Governor the whole correspondence "hfe kisf still more exer i cised and denounced the whole proceed ing emphatically." The Announcement ofM. Grevy's Policy iuiri mm bitmu jijk wiioo cnamoers tOKiav. will not oe accompa nied by any ministetlaiBtatementThe message will affirm that it is necessary that the executive of the government .shoul&k'eitself 4n-:??acCowl ; with the will of the nation, so that the people may pursue their labors free from all ;anxiety respecting a" fornr''6rgoVerh ment Measures will be - announced which are intended to throw oblivion over the past;-' 'The 'message will con clude, by calling upon all citizens to manirest'the gpiritof concord and con- 4XA r jf 4. . am - uwuw, Aiyu!siu.euspi fa vt "l JrABis, February 6. The Republique : v.n Convbotion of Cane Growers. H Francaise says: President Grevy's J fl1 'Tf'i yL 1':i,J' Jl v;1 1.' l3 ',ut!t message, which wflf'be read in the ' St? Loftebrhary a-The'rtiti-5 FORIT-FIFmCONGRSS 1,-1 , - r i . f u' f 1 hi nofW" ififSlky JVbflos.I&(Ba i)iJlriy7i'e Next Census Tte Army Bill , in the House, .1 B rial Blaiftei of Mamer presented: panetao1- al4i& theIiilliMrti6aotuT viMi Oni- Anaraseos&fc rin rMius: :()onxinental'Mius, andmher manuiaciuipfvtwiaraxs mi; maiuo, asking mPst-M ' s?r" vice Wtwenpnewrin6re ofiOurrAtlan lanticitorjEs aWd Scjath AJnefican port, beUeviriVthietjthd money wiH be xepaid by increase 4n Aeomnlerce. Elaine said the petition came from a manufactur ing interest, representing ten or twelve million dollars capital, employing sev eral thousand persons and expending at least three million dollars per week in wages. It was an encouragement of maautaeturinff interests, of: ttya pro posal lilies wfiica he was glad Jto See. The petition was referred to the com mittee on appropriations. Paddock, of Nebraska, submitted a resolution instructing the committee on agriculture to . inquire in regard to certain reports recently put in circula tion in this country and elsewhere con eerniritf'ihfedtfous diseases mong hom ed cattle in the United States. Agreed to. WAllacW, 6 Peiinsjfl'Vania, submitted a resolution requesting the committee on commerce to report the House bill kW0 wh aS the7 inter-State commerce bill at the earliest possible moment. The resolution was laid on the table, and he gave notice that he would call it up at an early day. ; In the Senate, Edmunds, from the committee on the judiciury, reported favorably on the bill to remove the po litical disabilities of Asa YVaugh, D. W. M.Nash,C.B. Oliver, F. E. Shepherd, O. if. Spotswof6dAlWr. iTSimmefl, C-jHKennedy,enry?4?,lhpm rf B. Sinclair and R. L. Page, of Virginia; John T. Tucker, of the District of Co lumbia; W. E. Weishana, Henry H. Lewis and Isaac K. Tremble, of Mary land; W. T. Welker, of California, and C. H. Williamson, of New York, all of which were placed on the calendar. He also reported adversely on bills to re move the political disabilities of Wm. Sharp and ft. H. Logan, of Virginia, the committee being of opinion that they were not under disabilities. Mr. Butler, of South Carolina, sub mitted various amendments to; the Texas iPacificiBailroad biil, now- pend ing. . Ordered to bec printed.,.. .,.,. .. -'TlfeTiiir providing for the7' taking of the Bnsus wfts agreed touyThehUl.i as passed provides that a census of the population,' wealth ' and". rritHistry of the United States shall be taken on or be- fore 'June -10th,' 1880. IP provides s for the appointinent of .superintendent p census by the Presidehtj "and also the necessary clerks. and copyists in his. of fice. The secretary of the,, interior is directed to appoint otfor Wore the 1st of April, 1880, one or more supervisors of census within each State and Terri tory, such persons to be residents of suehiState oriTerritQry, )The total num ber of supervisors is not to exceed 150. The supervisors are to apportion theif districts and designate to the superin- dent suitable persons to employ as enu merators, such persons to De selected solely with reference to their fitness and without ref erence to their; political to party affiliations. Each supervisor is to receive $500 upon the completion of lifcdu&esv. ,The enumerators are to re ceive two cents for each living inhabi tant reported, two cents for each death reported, ten cents for each farm, and filteen for each establishment of pro ductive industry enumerated and re- enumerator shall not exceed 4.000 in- habitn.ts, according to census of 1870, Vtbr' contain! less than 3,000, vwh'ei" the last preceding census shows the inhabi tants thereof. , ' 'The Senate confirmed the'folrdwihg nominations : S. Newton Pettis, of Meadville, Pa, to be minister resident and consul general of the United States at Bolivia ; Postmasters : Augustine A. Fletcher, at Mariette. Ga. : Jesse R. Wi kTe, at Cartersviire, Ga. ;"EdwinKTBrink, HOCSF. Williams, of Alabama, presented the memorial of the Alabama Legislature for the admission of quinine duty free. Nealfrom the committee on Territo ries, asked leave to report a bill for the organization "of the Territory of Aklo hama., Objection was made. The House discussed, in committee of the whole, the army appropriation bill. y hite s amendment, ottered, yesterday, and comprising, the most of the fea tures of tlharmy reorgahizjttiori bill,was adopted. . ... Ilewitt moved to amend the revised statutes so as to expunge therefrom the provision that the army shall be allow ed to be at the polls on election days to keep peace. Adopted 93 to 90.: Pending . , the consideration of an amendment to transfer the Indian bureau to the war department, the House adjourned. w.ui ;rtCOMMlTTEE PROCEEDINGS. :;,.: ed Judge Jas. B, Campbell of i (Charles ton, S. C. He testified in relation to his antecedents as a Democrat and said that in 1877 he; was elected to fill a vacancy in the Senate; that m the Sen- Charleston county. The number of pre cincts was reduced . about one-thi id in the city and' twethiras' in tLel countv. compelling the voters ih some instances t6 Make it roundr journey of 1 even forty miles, others of twenty, twentyrfive and thirty mUes andanhA greater h umber of cases from five, ten and fifteen miles. The witness as a Senator denounced, this &fraifd, and the Senate on his1 mo tion restored the precincts. The bill came back from the House with the Smendrrientsitejectedi 4 'Itwas it -piece of party machinery which the1 witness denounced as a fraud. Gen,1 Gary, a member of the Senate, appeared as the representative of the ; Charleston JOe otacyft;;!nl of Vthe chairs mani tofithe. Democratic eommittee;: who- was ttfember 6f th IIpuseand said if tner diu snouid pass as originally lntror u W4 wiv4-h inae amenaBftents- Gov. Hampton rould, appoint the men the DemocrarftliMd iriamed iand who ! anCe ?W JVms M ,ir Asi ! wn,TTxr TTrt-vrc- " " b!The.Preident sent nominations' tenia :tOft.aited-St (of Arkanais, WtteYman fMrfaBtJ!lTn1f.A1 States m'arsha! for the'northern'district ' ofTlOTidar TZ an :session heresftud areidiscussing,,Wiesub-v iects relatins to the trrowth i of cane matnufac'tdriBr ofVstfgar, and the "Various J lUWlCDta IciablJJK IU IU13 1UUU3U v. OXLi,. i in this city, examined arsample. of fthe, sugar made in Minnesota and annourii ced it equal to the best New Orleans sugar and worth in bulk 5 cents per pound. ' wwUvwj j. ,i( CHEWJAOKSOXia T. BEamsimETsr ai TOBACCO. I f I ) y::' 'M.'J;"'TownSen 437;-' sales 625i 8tock,944i exas!wis1 'BanKsUto'b'e Ifhited States marshal for !o"S; 'SPF. SHow' iniddling IMaSskgTiieitff: Jas. Torrans. TTniti ,dWJin? STateTMKhTErtoTnne-a - - . v mm i - p i mm - w I,"1 V"l" iTiiiwr-.i. nM.iWnin Brlcf Foreign Items. Lnmow. ,Fpbrnarv 6. TheiiTian- cier&&wr, The 'New French -cable company .;(the T'Pouyer i Quertief; or-, ganization,) has abandoned their inten tion.o lay a new cable and agreed to lease, the wire from 'the Anglo Ameri can company, (the portible French cable laid in 1869.) . ' Melboukne, eb. 6. Ad vices irom moaTeport that anJButbreak of civil war is imminent. v -rifrtrr. j i'AMs). ljeb. B.-rAri official vote is fluDiisned on .tne suDject .or. tne rtussian lagueTIt saya that the "danger- of its extensionr jtoj jFrance;t hy 74and ?is, 'not; periousi andnaeasures will bej. taken, to prevent its transmission by sea, The gov? ernment will also participate with other powers in;studying the cjiaracter of, the epidemic and, Jhe j bestfmeans t i gr com? batting it " u vt'fii'--- 'aoLondon, February: 8. It is reported that Prince , Leonofd.i'thft .eiflrhtfijchild afdprtt m'QuetyiqwpQK iivju's.hear; jente?- JtheChnrch, BosxoN,Febxuax6.t AMegram this forenoon from Liverpool savs the cattle by the Pembroke and Iberian.have pass- "iitbpmnlrf Pfeter eit6hi colored, the man. who kill ea, sam to wnsena; cproreay was arrescea last Sa'tutday; at the: bar-room of 'Irvin Oxen'dinjPetet left aftei'f the kilUng of Sam but came back' again, and on room.. ';it seems that there was a crowd there .wrho were playing and wrestlings and, pretty j?ppa Peter asseo; to pe per mitted tor ioin ' the snort, and Was en gaged in' a wrestle try Irvih who threw him down and with the assistance of John Pittraan and another man bv.the name bflfunt they tied him hard and fast brought him to town and delivered him to, the authorities.; Quicken the tirculaties. i 1 'if') Ho'if ;.:? Ir.'inl. fil-riiv c; -fjli. V-Dpn't jet the blood, stagaate In f soar jveins. t Yon canj prevent Its doing, sp.iiiuQreaatng tt ynme and Durity, by atulafl.dlgestlye organs and eacOuraging asalnHatloli, f with , that j inatchless vitalizing agent, Uostetier's Stomach Bltter. Peor ple.spt: afflicted .with any oiganlc or tporganlc dlBease,ijjow .van and haggard simply because thetr blood Is thin watery deficient in nourishing properties an&sof meagefi in Quantity that the ex tremities are very Imperfectly supplied with it, and the superflclal circulation extremely feeble. Hence the Wooalessappearance of the countenance,. But when the Bitters are used to enrich and quicken the blood, the rosy; hue of health returns to the cheek, the frame acqolres substance as well as vigor, the appetite improves, and no digestive qualms interfere either with, tto graufication or the subsequent tranquility of the stomach. : The Congaastive's Oily Hope. , Verily; to most people, whose systems are failing or . In any way out of order, Oil as a medicine, is the most disgusting and difficult to- take. Few stom achs do not revolt at the mere thought or Castor or Cod Liver Oil,- yet, when those appalling symptoms of decay appear, which physlelans and patients alike know are unerring signs of greater waste of Diooa ana tissue man tne numave powers are sup plying, ' Cod Liver Oil is the aost trustworthy and effective remedy In the world. - But repugnance to its taste. and odor, reduce the, nervous, patient to despair, it is then that menos and doctor can do him the most inestimable kindness he has ever known, by telling mm -of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with . the Hypophosphftes. of Lime and Soda: by. truthfully assuring him of its entire free dom from unpleasant smell or odor; of its mar velous qualties as' a nutrient, and the miracles it works, in giving tone and energy to stomach, nerve ana Dram. . : The Deatr-Bate ot ' Our country Is getting, to be fearfully, alarm hg, the average of life .being lessened every year, with out any reasonable caugeath resulting general ly rrom the most insignificant origin. At this sea son of the year especially, a bold Is such a common thing that in the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending It and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already 9$t in. lliousanalQse 6eir.ues In this way ev erj winter;; while had .Bosckkb's Gkbxan. Sxbcp been tafcen. a cure would have resulted, and a large bul Irpni'a ! doctor bh'avolea' .For all diseases of , the Throat , and. Lungs, BoecwBK'a Gkema gBtjp has proven: Qself to be tije greatest discov ery ot its kind in medicine. . Every Druggist In this country will tell you of Ita wonderful . effect , Oyer 9p0,000. botUes sold last year without a single failure known. . , - ...... ' . :;.! . I'. A RemarkaftleBesalt. It makes no difference how many, physicians, or how much medicine you have tried, it is now an es j tablished fact trmt German 3yrnp Is the only reme- I dy which has given complete satisfaction In severe j cases of Lung Diseases.. It is true there are yet : thousands of persons who are predisposed to ' Throat and Lung Affections, Consumption, fiem- miage, wnm, eevere coias seiuea . on tne i Breast Pneumonia. . WhooDlruz Coueh. c who have no personal knowledge of Boschee's German Syrup. To such we would say that 60,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint Con sumptives try just one bottle. Regular size 75 Qjuui. poia py au aruggisis m Amenca. . -- i i ..., - A Car. ! To all who are suffering front: the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, fcc, I wiUsend a recipe that will cure you; FREE OF CHARGE, , This great remedy ; -was discovered, by a missionary In South America.'. Send a self-addressed envelope to the HEV JOSEPH IN MAN, Station D, Bible xiouse. new xoris viiy. . tELEGEAPIIC mKT REPORTS.. ;!;"" :')' . FDBBUABY 6 1879 ' ODUCE.: CtsconXATt Flout 'drooping: faimlly 4.20aS.2S. Wheat dulls red and whit ftOafltf. Com firm at 33Vb3& i Oats firmer at 24a2. ( Pork strong at i).7oaio.UU. i Lara in xait ., aemand: steam 015, Bulk meats shoulders 3.55 clear ribs 4.65, clear sides 4; bacon steady; shoulders 4t dear ribs 5 clear sides 5J.ihlskey steady at 1.02. But ter fancy Western reservel6al8, prime to choice ao itaio, ao uenrrai pnioiaai e, sugar quiet and unchanged; hards 9al0, A white 8fta9i& New Orleans' 5Via74j. ilog8 a shada higher, packing Baltimore Oats -firm Southern 80a33, Wes tern white aia3'2. do mixed aOaSI. Pnnvl vania y0a33: '; Hay dun ' and unchanged; prune j-eiiiisyiYimia aim Aiarjuuia xotii i. provisions firm; mess pork, old W.50. new: ia50; bulk meats -loose, shoulders, hew 34, clear rib aides 5 iki voi iuuu, pauKeu uew vnoovs; uacua snouia ers, old 4i& clear rib sides, om 6, ! arns, Bugar cured, new 9al0. Lard reflned tterce?! Butter quiet; cnoice western pacKea l!5azUj rolls loal7. Cpffee tan; Rfo cargoes llal57' whisker duff aii.ocvy sugar quiei ana sreaay a son 8iAa. Hirw yobk Flours-moderate demand1; No. 2,1 wbuww t gooa ,xtra western ana btate a.o2iAa unchanged.- Common to tab? extra S.fK)a4.85; good 10 ciroioe oo Wheatingraded. win- tervLuy,JNO.jdo 1.03a4Corn-HHi eaoatJNo. a, 425a3. Oats No. 8,- 82 yyucc uucueuigeu; xuo ui cargoes liaiO, In 10D nan. dusk hum nuui uncnaogea; 'AiDan rennet dered changed.'.' Rice in moderate demand and Toncharur- ed. Pork mess on spot 8.75. Lard prime steam t vu opw o.cwov wuias.ey. qmei Jireights heavy. ?-g?5 Poss v,stock24,007; exporte coastwise i ioj. wicb oaiv exuons ui ureal sn Britain. BALTiMOiut Firm; miaailng 9c."jlow middling lWrLlflNGTOM--SteadV:rniddlltiB' tOJbtilt low tnf suing (sftFjwon oraniary ' bi; net receipts dVhj; gross jj-; sales1? stock 10.559: spinners -ex ports coastwise '--v to Qreat -Britain ; to 'Con-1 oeni --;io.cnannei -iimy;.wNwi l.jw . ,i ! cLili!11'- '!'': -Ji-t".' -y r('"'',-i".,l vTSviiii' -1 ! Pejladjxphu ;-m Firm; middling i9Hfec:j low jnlddUng. 9J4q., good ordinary 8c, net receipts 5; gross ; sales ; spinners stock 8,088; exporta JaOreat BritaJtoJ58Vr---. - " i AuoTjsTABteadyf' middling & 18-16c.t low mid dling 8 8-16C.,; good ordinary 7c.L,recelpta 842; abiife-j; jajig 787; Stock;-,?; j ICHAW-'KTtaf-,rmi; middling 9tcr' Iow-:mld dHng-9ia'; good ordinary 8e.? net receipts -1, ei&Tgro9si-Ji sales '2,0004 stock 61,531; exports coastwise 928? Oreat Britain"-' ' France- ; Continent 580i to channel . v. v-f-i-"1 ! .AiKW.ToRK-Qulet; sales 494:: middling uplands 9 9-16., mid, Orleans 9 11-16; consolidated net re ceipts 23,878, exports to Great Britain 2,813; Jf'rance Contltient 180 Channel i. vi -v 'LrvfeKIIy6owFafrVbisines8.!VUpl fiod pataarjr., juplands. ; ) ordinary,:' uplands, -rj ' TV MCW I UNl. KtflMk f II 1 1 1 Kri KAMI IIHr ntfVlinTB fkfc TMlaa 1 1 J' -.wvaarr .sxuxw.HW --Mi -Haiti gales 10.000,' speculation and export 1.000, re ceipts 7,600, American.- 4.450. Futures 1 82 and 1-10 Detter. ; uplands row Huaaung clause: ieDru ary delivery , February and March 5 11-32, March and April 538, April and May do, May ana Jane . June and July 5, July and August" 5 V- ; lo, August ana septemoer rt epnemoer ana w tober New crop shipped January and February per sail , xeurvfary miu uuvu o ao-oa. i : FUTURES. NBW TOB- -Futures closed firm. 000 bale&i--February "- . 9.63a.64 . 9.72 9.90 10.05a.06 March . . . .T. f . .... ... AprUA ........ , May June: r?.5rtjrH-.?Kv'vwi' juiy .:.....r...:.r. M0.19a.2O4 10 .28a.80 1078,89 August....... .i'Ww.t .i -viiiJA-Ci. Ji. bloA, i II fid, FINANClAIi. Nsw Yobk Money 1.02al lxchan6e'4.85a. Governments weafc - New ? 1.04 ' State bonds CITY COTTON MABKET. Ofbicb of tai OBSKJivjsR, . Chablottb. February, 7 1879. The market yesterday elosed flnn, as follows: Good ndddHng ivP,x;v,;.i. Middling. . . fr ; . W i'J W .' Strict low middling.. .... . . . . . -, Low mlddlina.. j .i' i vl . . . . . Tinges Lower grades. Jf.'U. ,C :l !vj.Vt'Jiit v 8a ' f v " gEN FIT OF THE MSDMENT yDND. ; , , . OPEBA HODSE,;,, , s , MONDAY, FEBBrjABY 10TH,! 1879. L S S O N L S S O N AND' 3 BN N'yV AND , J.E;N N Y.. IN "PI ;-two of the . most popular Prima Donnas of Europe and Ameri ca are among Sweden's most highly gllted children. in 1870 mat country sent us : MISHLEB'S Pitp;? ill SWEDISH-XlTSTOCAC'gUABTErp I WEDISHLADY VOCAL' Q0ABTE X I MlRs Km ma IJirsnn. Hnnmno. Miss Ineebore Loieren. Messo-sonrana miss Anna ueaergren, uontraiio. Miss Inga Ekstrom, Alto. At each concert a pleasing .programme of, songs. In ENGLISH,'GEBMAN arid SWEDISH. THE. PERFECTION OF QUABTET SINGINGS without any accompaniment Perfect in time and tune, and characterized by the most delicate shading and exquisite gradation of tone. Also positive appearance at each, concert of the .,'.-);'.'' EMINENT BTJSSIAN HARPIST , '' J U B. . A L E X. TE KT6 iN'G t whose harp costing $1200 Is one of the finest In- ; . stmments ever maae. . General admission 76c. No extra charge for reserved seats. For sale at Central Hotel Cigar Stand. '. 8.DBAPEB, , febo: ' .' , ; .' , Manager. QHABLOTTE OPERA DOUSE. TDESDAr AND' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUABY , nth and i2uv ., . .,; MATINEE WEDNESDAYfAT 2 P.SJ,,-', Engagement of the Cultured New Orleani' Artiste, MRS, HENRIETTA CHANFRAU,' ' The reigning favorite of Southern lady audiences. ana most Druuant oi xonouonai Artists, sup ported by C. W. Tayleure'8 celebrated Company, the best and most pow erful now traveling. Tuesday evenlne. February 11th. the deeDlv In teresting comedy drama, in four acts, expressly wnnen ior Mrs. unanirau, enuuea, : . .... "WAS SHE RIGHT?" Wednesday evenintr. Febrnarv 12th. the Intense iy exciong new arama irom the r rencn, , THE WOMAN OF THE PEOPLE. Grand Ladles Matinee Wednesday at 2Vs p. m., - L . AURORA FLOYD.S . , S .... i , Matinee OTices. reserved. 7 Sc.: admission. KOc children under 12. to anv Dart of the house. 2fic. General admission. XL: reserved seats J2R and 75c: gallery 50c; sale at . Central Hotel Cigar crana a aays in aavance. lebft-6t " O PERA HOUSE. Grand Fashionable Event4 SATURDAY EVENING, ; FEBRUARY , 8th, ,1870. Appearance of the Popular and Beautiful Actress, MI3S KATE CLAXTON. And her New York Company,ln Chasjfteade's pow- . ernu piay oi THE DOUBLE MARRIAGE. ' Pronounced by, Press and Public an Unequivocal success. , Reserved seats. Q2SL Tor sale at the Central HoteL . , ... ieD.tst. TjH)B A FIRST CLASS Smoke, call, and get a Sudor, at , LeBOY DAVIDSON'S. Jan30; ARE ALWAYS BEADY And wIIHnsr to show eoods whether or not ton are aeciH j ...r . - ., m t,j USE HE-NO TEA: ' HE-NO Is Tea In ,it3 Batural condition, such! as cue unmese tnemseives onnK. and for th rniiAw Ing good reasons Is sold only In original pound and naii-pouna pacKages: - It is the most convenient and economical style of pacKage. . ... i It Is weighed and packed where II can be done cneapeei ana pesa ',m .t:: it can oe easuy identmed by the consumer. , "It keeps the Tea better. ' ' 1 " It prevents adulteration in America.- - - and ask our friends to etve it a trial. If not satia-t laciory we wm coeerniuy taKe it DacK and refund toemeney.; , no Oi. . WttmruM a vo -,, iepo.,,,, -v. . ,, ; charlotte,; N.C JUSIN.TrME. "Mi - (. We have just received ; a. fine selection efj such -:ii; Oi f, tt- jr , i :- HI;. PC.. J. a j . . m. , ' Fine Sets, Seal Rings, Initial Cull Buttons, Scarf ; r Pins and anything in the line you may want ' I: -il: (.- .!, . , t , , 4 . i. : 1 I'I '."V &T.-EA L E S I A FABBIOR;-t dec20' fi.iitrjt ) '" j-hu WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILD1B and SH I .('Ji. n: TER PLATER, . ; v t 1 ,' fU;H fiArof fe;d c'livt. : iTv? A? Tjade S&eetopposlte iFirat ; Presbyterian ; Church; , tii. ' t.'fK.S LNatGrayStore,.if ijr.'fii Xivery gancr or repairs maae Mtrnce at halfprlce- nuu warramea one year. jcvery Kina or Jewelry or Bronze Glklmg, Coloring. - Sllver-PlaOng and GaV vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. Work done for the trade at low prices; . W ApprenUce wanted, with premium and good references, -..4 -tn .''). rtt) ,? v n; " i " 1 Repaired work uncalled (for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost pf repairs. ' r -eptl5 rh f iiu;. - i j -. "-i TJtORBENT, ")1 t'-f-tl 0; i-vtKit: ?j,:.t -tl ' : The two stores In the Grier & Alexander building: on Trade street ; . - V.J.,1 MOREHEAD77; Sales 70r V8 rtALLAT J. f iV B Tit K'KKi Stove and Hardware1 House :or CHEAP .T v ; j,' 'i O V. Yx U O Y. A .IX Buy your COOK STOVES .from me, as I have 1 1 good reasons why they will do your work Quick anil Easy, Cheap and Clean : BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE They are best to use. BECAUSE They bake evenly and quickly. BECAUSE - Their operation is perfect. BECAUSE They always have a good draft? BECAUSE 'iVU nor They are made of the; best material. BECAUSE They roast perfectly. BECAUSE They require but little fuel. BECAUSE r-:A'4 m V.3ra.KTil ) They are very low priced. BECAUSE They are easily managed. BECAUSE -S 3 n . 5 '' u . ' They amaolted a ajl WcalilJs. J ; jj 1 BECAUSF H " H H Every Stove Is guaranteed to give satisfaction CALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSTT ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSH, i I f t i 1 j k i r X Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, itSJt i f) A r t. i , chabl9tte, n. xcha!Il6tte, n. c, 0., S. P. CALDWELL.. ..Proprietof. This iQuse Is permanently established and offers 4u9'cv.eirtnces and comfort ofitiasl boarding house. Persons visiting the dty will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day. transient $1.25: per week. $6.00. Regular table, S13.00; board and room per month, $18.00. i .. : , ; ; JanlO ' - ' -': r ' i Q.REAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, -AT J, T. BUTLER'S. -J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, , JEWELRY, SILVER AND STLVER- PLATED WABE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. I Gold-Head Canes and' everrtnlnir von want or Curisunas, ai .-v-;, - ..'i ntjsJT, BUTLER'S. dec24 WE DESIRE to call attention to ODB S1 E DESIBE to call attention to OUR S1 K --F A N C Y ANC Y GOOD GOOD Sr- Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest 5S. 1 A S) fl j. :-: T H HiSaO -'A II rT i niarltet elateststytesof ' Perfume Bbrei, including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine.. li. O 'r. A , ,1. ji .i H o FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Platev Hand. Mlrrorv Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. t;;jvtsTo,jt go. declS NEW LIVERY STABLE. . If you want firsfrelass Carriages, Phaetoos, Bug gies or Saddle Horses, go to the New Llvery; Ksaoie. - If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New Livery Stable. ' If you want your horses well fed and well groomed go to the New LlverrBtabl - Careful drivers, promptness and reasonable prices OIO UU1 uiuuu. may28 R. CHAMBERS A CO. A T THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON - ' iw mwiw mw wo M&a Iff AUOJkA X , OUllia ard Pure, Two Years Old. v JpOB FINE WINES, OCHBANEL Central Hotel Saloon. QO TO i For Standard Pure Liquors, D ISSOLUTION. ?. WitMr?w".from tt-.ftrm of T7L7. .1 V? 1. fviwjiuj ' wno owe fthe late .We wiU eontloue the Boot and Shoe business at tetteT Flret o M Home and Democrat copy. - T3EGRAM RAM ni -.-.-. 4 CO., OOF?. CO .. w s . 5.f,wV 00 & ...... ,fti 5sp .vj 'v.Vu..v. j "B??A SHOES 00 I ADD H H H H HHH H H A AA A A AAA. TTTT T T T T 8ass S r 1st National Bank Building. Charlotte, N ea to nave you call and examtnn for buying. uju cjuiuune ior yourself Yi PEGRAM 4 CO. aeci 'po" THE PTJBLia1 k:' ' -. . The, subscriber. Trustee of SMITH & i OE F.s begs leave the attention of the Ch ir i tte nlty to the Inrm at B o o -AND 8sss now In his hands for sale, it is believed to be th largest and best stock of goods South of Baltimore, and is well worthy the examination of any pe .ii ill y.l -4 , whether wanting one or a thousand rair. The stock embraces AN INFINITE VARIETY,, from the finest to the coarsest shoe made. If you. want a pair, or any nuhiber of cases, call, and jour, wants can be supplied. In this connection the subscriber would state that If reasonable prices can be obtained. th whole stock, both Wholesale and Retail, will be sold' AT A BARGAIN, either together or separately. Propositions for purchase are solicited. J. M. B. REYNOLDS, Trustee S Foibes. Charlotte, N. 17, 1878-8weod. Ancixtiotut s CHOOL NOTICE. The soring session of Miss H. Mootk'd srhvii win open Monday, the lethof februarv. 1K7SJ. Tui tion by the quarter rn advance,! Miss Maggie Lucas wm assiai, ana iaae a ciass or music, and the lan- "4t).l T. MARY'S COLLEGE, t: 1 GiSCOIa; N, C, ; This Institution, conducted bv a nolnnv of tha Benedictme Fathers from St Vincent's College, Westmoreland county, Pa., Is eleven miles distant from. Charlotte on the Air-Line Bajlroad. It stands on the old Caldwell place,' famous for healthiness and the general morality of the neighborhood. Remote front town. U offers -rare: inducements to parents and guardians for the education of their children. While Catholic youths will be sedulously taught their religion, the children of respectable parents of ell denominations will be received and their moral training', strictly ' cultivated. Attendance in common at the public prayer vtIII be required of all, for the interests of order and the welfare of the students, without any Interference with their religious opinions. The course of studies Is thorough and embraces three departments; the classical, the mathematical and the commercial, and also the preparatory for Deginners. Terms For tuition and hoard ner session of five months, payable In advance, $65.00. j For full particulars and catalogues. aoDlr to the REV. STEPHEN LYONS. O S R Rortor. (iart- baWl P. O.; Gaston eouatt. N. C- On due notice A ennvemnm win hA sent frnrn the College to meet students on their arrival at the de pot nay scholars will be received on terms to suit the convenience of parents. jaiuw per im B OOK KEEPING. I take this method to inform thn nnhiic in Char lotte that I am now forming a class to whom I pro pose to teach book keeping In all its branches. My experience In book keeping for twenty-five years is a guarantee that toe-instruction given the class will be thorough and complete. The class will be formed on the third day of February. . Terms Day class, $20 (24 lessons). Night" 25 (24 lessons). I Will also, undertake tn niwn ii n or halance books, and adjust accounts when desired. H "ffffTJ "TJ T ! I : F, JfANfilflti. miim LICHTENSTEIN, MERCHANT TAILOR, -Next door to Wilson 4 Burwell's drug store, CSABLOTTB, K. a declS ; JAMES MTJBPHfkVT Bai- PRACTICAL TAILOR, Holton's Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs. '- Owing to the stringency of ttelftnesl will In fu ture work very cheap. Will make fine suits tor $10, Casslmere suits for $8. -Pants of suits same rates. I guarantee all my work ;no fit, no charge. Give me a call and be convinced. - Inly 17. - " - lo sou Li i , , gTUDEBAXEB WAGONa I am now In receipt of a large lot of the celebra ted STUDEBAEEB WAGONS, all sizes, waicb will be sold on reasonable terms. . CALL EABLY, and supply your! elf with the best wagon out. ' T. H.GAITHEB. -jir.8 a, i , , . JyTOTICK There will be a meeting of the Stockholders"' the Charlotte Building and Loan Association. 5 oo EEB . CI0 n U te &H CO XSS' Sag8 the rooms of R. E. Cochrane, Secretary, on in" day evening, February 18th, 1879,at seven o clocs. A full attendance la requested.; , , B E. COCHRANE, Feb.2-td, SetfyandTreas. I . 1 I i

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