Stye qorlotte , SVBSCWPTIOlt SATES DaOv, one vtr, pottabTifn advance....... $8 00 iz AfortfA.... 4 00 jf enww.. . . ................ On JTomO... WEXKLT XDITKUT: 2 00 7 H'erUy, (In. (ft eounty) in.adoant.. $2 00 . 2 10 ...... 1 00 Out otA w,apaU-Y liberal Reduction tvr CUtt. QASHMKHES AND ALPACAS. just Received another lot of superior Ah I: A . AAA A. A rt- H CASHMERES AMD ALPACAS, ;!! W,A A. i f, )H Ranging In Price trom 25 cents to One Dollar. i'Mj -W !)':ii.' -. v f ; t T! . .,-J. dJ.'iii I i i . !"i Milan: bsiii tiiiv wt jvaiJ 4 !c .ifj A A"in .A Few Pieces of aHAED ASHMEB'! " WooL of superleQijaltty, at sixty ents,.. ,,, i-' i i.s 'Wsl oj 4?!ft ;J ' il i worth $1.00. (I'A- Do not fan to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before buying. It will pay you. i X'4H I : i I t) o 0 ' 1 ELlAS 4: COHEN. 'gnvnltuvz. B UBGESS NICHOLS, " -s ' wholesale and betail NUISB w ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE! FURNITURE FUKNITUBE I BEDDING AO. BEDDING, AC. BEADING, AO. BEDDING, AC. A Fun line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS I LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES LOUNGES I LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS of an kinds on hand. i ; . .! ; . . i :..:. .-: ' COFFINS of an kinds on N. S Wkbt Tkasb Stbxc. , . -. , . i ;,: r. ...... : ..... 1 : (.' . CHARLOTTE, N. a ; I'Tiii Ts. - - ' pp Ladles' an Gentlemen's Burlat; teHs fine supply. jan.3 -, .u ..liti.k'l"-s ii ARGAINS : : . ; !. . : 'i.- , ! : . , v r.-r,:-;! ' ';":;'vj.' U RWurr- ir tt Tmv VKSOL'KKm K 1 i i WW B n X, tt. BOGERS WiREBOOMS,'"; 10 I 1 1 j M (..JM MxnoPgsrfTicv ,. jii i V) Hi '4-' v"ri' My steok Is very Lar,'. and embness a Full Line of ' . y;ij yia-' ,'n-"!?ti',li tli ' . PARLOR CHAMBER DIKING BOO ?;r ,a , Urid -i-iOFFICE FURNITUB A .l: wttfe -.J..,..,,. ..,..,1. i.. uivn BH'rfilxft Bill )UO(tll' 1 ;.-vg-t sn J - ' - .V-"ff J1.' . . ... . , . I 1 i,.f 'I 1. i (tl I li VtfLVXXI 1 A H H "J ANNO U Nt! E MEN rp N NO U NC E MEN 1 i T OB 'U IXrTv ' ' '-' 'la'! fJOB LOX :! M' '; .-...rr CHILDREN'S- FINE FAMCT hI i sTAoaa , J..;ni!J'f i.u jir- 'iJT h h oo hSSr n kek err jfe-jjiaa H H O O R R . , H H OO "BS" n SEE R R tTT -Mci TO BE 'JH'fiiH .1.1 -T'Wfl.U..- .;-;; -( i .Al.I A v J'H .U'VH:-M.) . !-..'i .11 i.ti .-'Ui. CLOSED OUT' BLQI 01U .A.O A TTTT AA T A A T " OO Iffl R 000 EKB VOl iO H N O O E O O N IT N O EE y OO K Kl OOO EKB S T 50.1" ALEXANDER & HARRIS. fetvlst CBET0NC f ' RETONOl CRETONCpl RETONO -I HAVE TUST RECEIYETA jrXUST-RE(3EiYEX .. i r- r ' ' : i f t The hardsomet lot of Oil Colored CBETONS of ' the' season.' Also Vnewlot of ) i HAMBURG EDGINGS AND LNSERTINGS. Don't fall to look at my new Abdominal OOO OO RRR oESo'EEBTTTToSS n no rn its " u t s O O ORRR 8SaEK T D8Sa O OO OR K, SB T OOO OO R R 88 EKE T BSt B New lot ot Crochet and Diagonal DRESS BUTTONS. I Skill have a few One Cloaks to close out at half their real ralue. A new lot of Black and White Satin. Also - MONOGRAM RUFFLING' For Skirt Protectors. , Respectfully. ' ' ' T. lV seigle f 1 Xp- Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. fetvi ' LADIES' CLOAKS. ADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAKO S. LADIES' CLOAK THE GREATEST B A B G A I NO H E G B E A T E ST BAR G A I NIO OF THE SEASOAT F THE SEASOlN -0 ,HX BTOTDSKD CHOTCB LADIK8 CLOAlO . JfM HUKDBKD CHOICK LADIK8 CLOAKO Jrar iiauki viui bt kxfres (OT BBCBITSD BT XXPRBSl S, f.'K'.i'l.h Hl'ii J.J.'.-i 1. : - Which will be sold -without reserve, at sacrt- rj l : ficlng prices. Don't fall to come and look a j .j,(0 -'. i w"t .- WEBFlNf BEDtretrON Of FOBfEB PRICE WEEPING BeBuGTIQK of FOBMlB PRICE lM OW IS TOUB CHANCJCrf . 1 89''' mi but a cvoli9cEcx KlBISTMAS G 1 0 BUT A CLOAK. FOR A CHRISTMAS G GIFX-H - - ; 1 I 7 A"T""H A IT PR I C T7,";; JtX T HALFJPBIC Hi-- . pgiirn or? iilriUw bfiii exit ,u JtOTUnAH A AAKH MORRIS A JBKOWA .0 .eoUOTOll doH,lMORBiaaLBaQ8il Sol4 (MI -lilt I i i ,, w . i sxr "CHARLOTTE, NjQ.S4TURDAY,; OBSERVATIONS. MA The glortou!' J$m't)fJ JeWipptton arajelt an over the country. The counterfeiting trade was Haying said several severe things of the Ameer, we learn with the-most poignant regret that the old wretch can't twA, Buffalo Express. t There Is eomnlalnt of diseased cattle exported renvtnla coantrj to Europe jHayea started .It y WpplnftPuWotoCoipTF(is.Port. r President Grevy has beea separated from his wife for many years, and the Paris papers are pointing out thai In his present position the sltua- Whitehall possesses a donkey that surpasses the famous knight of Cervantes' fable. It eats saw dust and shaving and tmaglnet them oats and hay. The animal Is a regular donkey-oat-hay. Wfd&TtaaTiintv Ja-' YIA,1 fs-'.!i j Lnla Bceit, , y .f..., Died whlajgent at(arloHFemaie3oUege. 11 .. .f,'v,ii,X3 Bt "OLD FANTJIKL. Wllll8tstieniet9owaIldlnllelnlf, As oft they have of yore. We miss the fairest flower of all; On earth 'twill bloom no more. ilhKlH-T;iT3UJi HO WAT. HUH 'i ( II. ; Sleh eentiwrnM'wmsolt breath. . , inrougn loneiy grove anampiy nan: .... A.0QCI1. ITgDv T1109 UM.Iytr COll DL, No more her light and fairy tread, Win trlp-AtoBg the eoHege walk," i No more her sylvan voice be heard Nor fondest comrades bear her talk. 1' -?!; U&(1 '. ''' i :,''!-'' Ji -!' For death came swift with chilling blast, And stlUed the chords of tenderest heart , Which, o'er, us all a gloom has castt . n To know that sweetest friends must part , ; - . . . . ..T. . ... Weep not for hef your sorr6vgtear;' , 'l ' ii ! ) She was an angel only lent: ffloo pure td dwell n earthly sphere j .' i - i: For her were heavenly.angeifl sent .T .'i jis ta'7 a.-i-i -tr rr'.' Now on thelr.wlngs her spirit flies: . . y S1iels;nordead but ever Ifves' c7 A seraph, bright beyond the skies, .. Where enoHess praise to4 God 'she gives. ttitienitlfi rSfiMl'll 1 'H .') ii U,T-. i--nfBaieighNewa.'iM.n "sMaW'' : '"L'.'.''."'"-.'-.-. .etoesdayV .el.; 5,. ists. Hon. W. T. Dortcdv-presided. ' A coinmuuicatioa.ifora. the justices of the peace bt "VVake courity, asking the State ;t pay the costs iri the ease of the State vs.'i8wepson,ii Shd 1JIiittlefield Was received, and referred.. . , -j : ; BILLS AND RESOLTJTIONSON THEIR FIRST ' ' ' HEADING. By Mr. Byhoim, bill making the car rying of cpncealed deadly . weapons- a misdemeanor! . By Mr. Hoyle, a bill to ascertain and audit the debt of Cleveland county. By Mr. Henderson, a bill to amend the election law. By Mr. Dillard, (by request) to protect the holders of policies of insurance. By Mr. Henderson, to amend an act to reduce and regulate the cost of pub lic printing. By Mr. Erwin, a bill for the mainten ance of lunatics outside of the insane asylum. BILLS WHICH PASSED THEIR THIRD READING. SrB. 354, to amend section: 93, chapter 32, Battle's RevisaL . Applies to all per sons leasing real, estate for one or more years. H. B. 34, S. B. 208, to amend section t, chapter 14, laws of lS14r-5, and refers to the charter of the Watauga and Cald well Railroad. - S. B.-l57vtoamettdee. 8, chapter 255, laws of 1876-'77, changing the holding of the Superior' Courts in the eighth judi cial district. ' ... '., T;'i r S. B. 170, to regulate in certain 're spects the degree of kinship in which Sersons in this State may. not lawfully larry. H. B. 15, S. B. 323, amends chapter 255, laws 1876-"!?, changing ;the time of hold ing the courts in the sixth judicial dis trict. This gives Montgomery county one week ana Union .county two weeks. t The following bills w ere tabled : An an act to punish adultery. An act for the payment of the justices of the peace for the transaction of county business. An act in relation to the probate of deeds. Xhe.bilL for the protection of birds was discussed at length, several amend ments Off ered and recommitted. " At 11 : 30 a. m. the Senate took a recess and proceeded to the hall of the House of Representatives to take part in the inauguration of Gov. T.J. Jar vis; after which the Senate returned to the Sen ate chamber,"and on motion of Mr. By num went; into an? election for presi dent of the Senate. Adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. j . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Wednesday,' Teb. 5, 1879. Mr. Speaker !Moiing.filled tUe chair; Mro&rd Introduced the . only i reso lution of the day. r w ; - , were introduced by Messrs. Vaughan; Venable, Ferrell, ! Brbwtty of Meckleh burg, McCorkle, Waddell, Cooke, and Hortonr CALENDAR. . ' ' ' Resolution instructing the finance committee to report at the earliest prac ticable moment. Adopted.-'' ' The bill for the protection of sheep was ordered to be printed. Bill to allow' the commissioners of Caldwell county to levy a special tax, was passed second time. ! Bui to amend sections 3 and 4 of chap. 80 Battle's . RevisaL This bill gives clerks of Superior Courts the power of commissioners. It went back to the committee on judiciary. Bill to punish officers of benevolent societies for .embezzlement, was passed. i ne nouse men-aujouraeu xo receive the Senate, and go into joint session to inaugurate the Governor. ! After the Ceremonies were" conclud ed, the House was called to order by the Speaker. Tfrf t Mr. Blocker obtained" the floor and said: T ult inaucrurals evfer delivered bipa Govern-: or ot Jforth Carolina; I move that the House adjourn." And the House did it. i NOTK.--TIie Mii''introiacea Dy Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, on yesterday repels tiMuact requiring tUe owner 6i land to keep the same fenced, j TTui: Ger, Leach's Last. . When Gen.LeachFhad,waiked with the new Governor into his office: and had shook his hand cordially arjddtpw Jarvis, I've done all I could for you. "BB, comlorUDie ana you win soon gee usea to it j God bless you And make m& yOt successor. Good-bye." And before the' Governor could reply he was g0ne:r:t'jr For upwards of thirty years Mrs. WImIqw s Sooth ng Syrup haiOeeuifW'ehtia1tor--K corrects. ddlty of the stomach, relieves wind cque, legulates bowels. euadPtJtitiMnVIIdii&oeL whether lialns from teethlnsor other causes. An old and 'eqown remedy. 25c per bottle. . - j riir opea.piA uiftuVf -yHwa pep jtisit flnlafie4 'is sufficient for the dav. W ft have i ust heard one of the best 1 it "iOI ,Y lHi 9,'cl H I anttl wu r. j i .siii K'ri? iiftatuil itSM oi .iiiu: 7;jorsi i i vrt I i!ffl vf -rf il'j'i fn fi'ittryfi ,ri,t! . J I ' -w .r '(!' "i .'i iv it.i u'i-. t. i l i : -TBE-fiRiSSERSr Tbfl Sixth Annual Heeling of ibt.Stat Grange. Balefeh:Obsetvei!,6th. SECOND DAY MORNING SESSION. -51 February 5th, 1879. The, grange was called to order in the Qtrrtti'degree at 9 o'clock a, m: by the overseer, the: , master being; absent on account of his-duties in the Legislature. MrJE. Cherry acted as overseer, and Mr. J,. J,; Graham as, 'steward, Prayer by the cahplainv Rev; Wm. Grant, j h n. Reports, of , committees being' called for, tne treasurer's, report was read and referred to the finance committees He states the amount of cash; oa hand at last settlement and received during the past year to be $918.45, and the disburse ments' were ' $878:96, leaving a balance o $399. , -Thei .amount of orders un paid in his hands, $122.75. 1 ' v-iTne report, of the finance committee was next readmit states (that the books, receipts,", statements and" vouchers of thiejprtfoir the pty'ear Jiad been exBiaealandiii.werer.foundco and -'kept ih& neat and business like manner.'' They report the -same of the treasurer's papes;snd books; recom mend that the secretary's salary be re duced from $400 tor $200 ; that the execf pbs'siWby cirtespon4nce so as to less en the expenses of that committee ; that the dues of subordinate granges-;remaih the same. The last part of the' report relating' to the dues, of; .subordinate graftgesjt :as7ao,pted;' thia 'other part was referred to the committee on ncon stitution and by-la Ws - - , . , ' 1 1 on the good of the order was read by .the chair man. The report, was. an unusually full one and states that by a determined effort the grange can be put on as good a foot ing as it ever has been; that dormant granges placed on the, same footing, -they, . were a year ago; that they had not appreciated the clemency extended to them; by the State grange; recommends the adoption of .that; por tion ot the master's address,' advising that the master be made a salaried of ficer, that the office of treasurer be com bined with that of the secretary, or that the salary be reduced to $10; recomr nljend that the other suggestions con tained in the masters address be re- feriedfto"aDDroDriate committees. Messrs. , J. A Davis and Xu W. Reason of the committee, presented a minority report! - It recommends that the mas ter be made a salaried officer, and in order to pay it that the dues of mem bers be increased to 12M cents ; that the State be divided into four districts and that the master canvass each district three months. The two reports elicited a good deal of earnest discussion, which lasted up to the hour fixed for adjournment 11 o'clock when the grange adjourned in order to witness the inauguraL'ceremo nies attending the installation of Gov. Jarvis. AFTERNOON SESSION. The grange met promptly at 3 o'clock, p. m. Business was resumed in the forth degree. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. L The discussion oh the report of the committee for the good of the order was resumed. The discussion took a wide range and lasted for nearly two hours. That part of the report relating to dormant granges was not adopted; the rest of the report was referred as the committee recommended. Capt. Thigpen's resolution relating to the agricultural department, together with a memorial to the Legislature, were reported back by the special com mittee to whom they were referred and adopted. The resolution endorses the department. Mr. R.Yoder made a report on the advantages of planting memorial trees; recommends the more general adoption of the practice. : Committee- on fertillizers reported; endorses the tax on fertilizers, the ex perimental fertilizer station at Chapel Hill, and recommends the no-fence law. The report was adopted. The committee on labor and immi gration in their report recommend the adoption of the tenant system by farm ers, and that immigration be encour aged by the commissioner of agriculture. The report of the committee on prop-; ositkms and grievances, to whom were" referred the memorials from Cabarrus county, Pomona grange, Jacob's Tork ge . jno 242, antt: mcKory, grange b. 388, in regard to the no-fence law, recommend the adoption of the stock or no-fence law,' The resolution of Capt, Thigpen re lating to the geological survey recom mends that a committee of. five be ap pointed to confer with the agricultural committee of the Senate and-request them not to abolish the survey, the committee to express ho opinion as to the presentjreologiat, -'wi ! i Dr. L. W. C. Benbow offered an amendment, which was adopted, that a committee prepare, a memorial and re port to this grange at a future meeting upon the fence or stock law, dogs, roads, and schools. The resolution as amend ed was then referred to the special com mittee on the agricultural department. '., ;; NIGHT SESSION. 1 The grange was called to order at T:30 p. mM the worthy master in the chair, j ' The. report of the committee on the Patrons' Relief Association was read, and after some. discussion was inform ally laid over. ' The report recommend ed that two quarters dues be retained to meets drafts,' 'V vf , , , -; 1 Theepb'(f:Q;'i6mmittee on the good of the order on the resolution of H. J2. J&ng (relating to a salary for the master) recommends that the secretary pay over to the mastei $200 out of the fust money that he receives, so that he can commence a canvass, of the State at once ; also recommends that the mas ter retain all fees for reviving dormant granges, and-: f pr y; organizing of new ones, and that-he-shafl makre regu lar reports of the same to the secreta ry. The report was adopted. ; The chaplain, Rev, Wffi, Qjant, in a felKlrt bVTOQt'QW speeeh, proposed i that the brothers tjome forward . and suln scribe in cash whatever each one could to make a beginning tq wards creating a . salary for the master, After a few minutes $1020 was announced as hav ing been received by the secretary, and about $300 in orders due by the grange ; the ! amount was received with much, applause, , , t - . ;'.' At the request of several members, pr, .Benbow gave an account Ot .tha WOTKingof the stock or no-fence 4aw Jn the west, especially in Mecklenburff county, His statements as to its ad-, vantages were listened to witiimucb; attention. i At 10 so o'clock the grange adjourned until 9 o'clock. a.. m. to-morrow. 1 rftorfi - " .-- i ii ,-.rHvr-f t !:.;.,,:.. icut, i 1 To alt who are suffering from the errors and lift discretions of youth, nervous weakness earty de cayVJoss ta manhood, 4c, wui sand a recipe that wm cure you, 1FREE XF C Knted3hn(WfiS . . a. mlSHlnnartiinttl flonttabme-tow.- Sead -a- setf-addieasM enveT! uS ftSsffiVJOSEPH Tt DWAN; BfcfflbU d; fijlf uouse, new ion. ww, Jan25 -1 , . . FEBRUARY 8, 1879. ' TTTT " OO ' DDD ' A T T " T iiO'Orr p AA T T'" i" 8 8 v S S i V- OO DDI ATS T 8 O L OS E C L O 8 E O U rp J O U X'l Win begin the Grand. Annual Closing -:;.. ... :. y -There will be a Grand Rush and we would advise It win be to the many And to others it will repay them to Invest far fa ares, we would suggest this circular be retained. Tou can buy English Fur and Whitney Beaver worth$32and$30, at.$24- Our Fine West Eng: meat of $20 Overcoats, embracing Worsteds, Cas Brown Meltons, marked $15, SIS, $17 and $19.50, Oat splendid heavy Chinchilla Coats worth the en Vests, $27.50, $28 and $80-reduced to $22.50, away Frocks and Vests, $20, $21, $22 and $23.50, ment of Casslmere Frock and Sack Suits, sold Our entire Stock of Casslmere Pants ranging $6.50 $5.50 and $6.00, one uniform price, $400, TO wm be sacrificed, some 300 pairs all wool Cassl Hankerchelfs at 25c. TO CLOSE OUT. A small ur Fine Merino Underwear, worth $2 each Shirt Our stock of Boys' W1U be arranged In connection with the " Clearing garments and other perishable goods, to be slaugh . In many Instances the quantity Is small and sizes CLOTHING! L O T H I N Gl CLOTHINn I CLOTHIN VTi W. KAUFMAN A CCS. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock t GOO 1. O O L O L O O L OO TTTT H H II NW N OOO OO T H HRNITNO O O O T UHH II N N N G OO T H H H N NN G OO OOO IXIX 00 T B nun HH GOO WK HAVB SVER OFTKRKD, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN S. BOTS, YOUfH-y AND CHILDREN'S tarc l o t h 1 n a ty FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. 13?"" All we ask is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as it win be to your Interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. - W. KAUFMAN 4 CO., : - ; Springs Comer, Charlotte. N. C. ! decl2 - . . 11 1 11-11 r if - -- -1 1-- - r 1 11 n .'nil 1 " rrn. 1 m sii QORN AN WHEAT EKCHANGK, j -an Postofnce Address, Charlotte City Mffla : 1 Parties hartnsr erahi to errlnd or to aall wDl And It tQ their Interest to call on the undersigned. Meal ground either fine or coarse, according to order. Tnanitrui tor rormer natronase. 1 will eivemy prompt personal attention iu to an 01 orders from one bushel to ft c load. ROBERT D. GRAHAM, Superintendent; yTE HAVE A SELECT STOCK . 1 Of Whole and Ground Spices. Including Fells' mixed spices, try It and Me convinced that there is nothing nicer. : " L. B. WBISTON CO. QOX'S and NELSON'S GELATINE, : Corn Starch. Italian Macaroni 'and Foaii Ta- ploca. , , . L.IL WBISTON CO, t -noJ .tauslqxnoa 8n iooaJrw wei ten! clos vis- or .esta . 'uiiic&H Bicoti. saoirm ni &imanui AT C25NTRAJ HOTEL ILOCOt Ill I ,V I PfT n i ii I i r-.ii i-i i JUi.v A . f U J J--i;" i-.. ta 'i liiU. .utU-iui lQV (88&a& i!-bh I it, ?;.OiO. ,-Di,D AAfiTT'J'MIi'.i ,, 0 O 16 D AAA. i T . - -,.!! r-v.-i : :IL '-till X T'8 C L O SB 0 9 1 I ' , . -j ji ji OUB BKllBB STOCK OF WINTBR GOODS t ... : ,' : ' : ' Sale of all heavy' fabrics, embracing, Overcoat .1 i j. r. , 1 .. n WINTER UNDER WEAR. , , . our friends" to can early m order to enjoy the WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENT I . who have deferred purchasing, looking forward is RAND OOCASIO BAND OOCASIO. T tore wear., Annexed we win giro a schedule of To-day wm begin the great distributing sale of the j E. D. LATTA A BRQ. TO CLOSE OUT; Overcoats, 8atln 1'ned, $40 at 929. Our Fine land Casters, $30. at $25. Our Olive Brown Cas ten, Granites, Chinchillas, without reserve, at $15. at one uniform closing price, $12J0. tire season $10-$7.00, TO CLOSE OUT, Ourflne TO CLOSE OUT. Our entire magnificent line of an at one uniform closing prlce,$18.00, TO CLOSE readily the entire season, $15. $16 and $17.50, at Our $10 and $12.50 COSSfMERE SUITS, at $7.50, TO CLOSE OUT. v $7 and $7.50 at one uniform price, $5.00. Our CLOSE OUT. Our large variety of $4 and $450 . 1 wiwJI I -TO CLOSE OUT j mere Pants, $3, $3.50, $3.50, 83.75 at $2.50, to assortment of the celebrated Starr Shirts In In eol and Drawers, wm be sold at $3 per suit, TO CLOSE and $1.00, at one uniform price, 50a TO CLOSE O D T O CLOSE OUi. Clothing will be offered at prices lower than other TO CLOSE OUT. Prices" In our regular and desirable goods, certain tend at less than half value. few, and In order to procure Just whaf your heart j&LOSQlG OUT SALE, WWW A NN N TTTT EEK DDD W WW W AA NN N T B D D WW WW AANNN T KB P D WW WW AAA N Hit T B D o W W A AN NN T KKB DDD EVEERTBODT IN WANT OF OOO L OO TTTTH H n NN R GGO O OL O O T H HniTN NO O O L O O T HHHnil NHO 0ooSluxoo0 I g ggg5oo And desiring to purchase will bear fn mind our previous advertisement of I UR WINTER STOCT7" 1 1 VJUR WINTER STOClV ( AT COST No sham, we will sell to our Customers and Pa trons our Fall and Winter Clothing at actual cost. We never advertise to any fact but what we actu ally da . Our Mr. L. BERWANGER, a practical Tailor and Manufacturer for the past fifteen years, la enabled to buy Goods at very low figures, and therefore we are able to sell you clothing at Manufacturers! IS OOO OO ftSSg TTTT . OOOO I8 t ' O 5 O "SS- T t OOOO h1 T ' 000 00 "as8 v 4. We solicit a call ' Bespectfuny. ' - L. BERWANGER A BBC, Fine Clothiers and Tailors. fJJHE WORLD'S STANDABDl XATBBANKS' 8CALBS. . .. LfrosfaleAlscJ I FATJCOT ALARM MOKETDRWEBSSa, - ' - . Coffee Kills, 8doe lOUa, wd JStom TOckm - - 7i$' 1 m ;3.'w She Bapcoved Type WriterT1 1 H ( - 5 i v wiecniaung rump CD's rams.' -1 end for Circulars. ouioj jaa,i giaVWlJ &Ak Jt3amlis worts VB- rat sate by Leading Hardware Dealer septl-dtaww - 4S i'iri-hi-n'i btn tutu 3 " iTHX OSSISTXJBTTQB'l TAOS. MOOMZBXS, POSTERS, rutrmjsTs, entevmts, cksczs,.so,- 4 i:'.' t. TTTT 00 1 "lit 11)1 U:HIll ui-J lv i!-uis Lii . !:!' -sll irt't tnu . -''iti' ' o v npL i a Oil) " ;mv TV O C L O 8 '"if C & O 8X :' mif s tin. .(!'!! 1I ,''.ij.i-.ii .:: "i.. -.-.t . ' . ,-;'( .. Casslmere Suitings, sad' 'M ..wi'i):: . 1 ''"t ,'ihJ.i jti;.. 4- h m"Mi.tll-.t5t test advantages in selections as sreU as bargains with soflcltude to this ' :1 i: ';!-fit. itT ffl nl'h' prices, and asfour goods rarelmarked tn plain -' marnmottilstock of f ' 1 Jessup Custom raade garments, siik sleeve lined tors, sUk sleeve, $24 at $18. Our entire assort Our. attractive variety of Worsteds, Oxford! and Dahna and Black English , Worsted. Frock , and. English Worsted In Black, Brown and Dahlia Put OUT. The handsomest and most attractive assort one uniform price, $12, TO CLOSE OUT. Immense assortment of Casslmere IPanta, ft, Casslmere Pants at one uniform price, $8.00,0 CLOSE OUT. Our remaining stork of Ladles ore, worth $2.25, at $1.00, TO CLOSE OUT. 7 OUT. Our entire stock of Underwear, worth 75 merchants can buy fheni lines of Worsteds, tn Coats and Tests, odd broken most desires. Can early, tntbe Tery eoidlant, B.D. LATTA ft BBOO ' ''if'' ITTKOWSKT it BARUCB . , Beg to call your attention to the fact that It Is their desire to ttte to oar dty a RBB R R KKR DEPABTMEBTp. EPABTMEN 1 Where any and everything that the. trade of our community may desire, can be had. We snanmake It a point to remove the necessity which some of our people claim to have been placed In to order Goods from abroad, as we shall always keep a large, well selected and t "' W HANDSOME TIKE OF G 0 0 0 O 0 0 D D, JU I M I O F AT OUB ESTABLISHMENT . ; No effort wm be spared on our pert to make our, Betan Department a Grand Success, and we pro-; pose to bring It gradually to sueh a standard as t makeR " ":r :"' ' ' '-'':t- 7 SECONIT TO WONEflOUTH. JlfAdAlt Our MR. BARUCH-wffl gtre his personal atten tion to this Department, and his former success to Just that class of business satisfies us that our ef forts in this particular wm be appreciated by our numerous friends and customers '.-sar.a'A We shall eeutinue to offer fox the next 80 day the remainder of do ,7 07 sds TTTT BXB 'WBt-tT .i T : - B at f . NN ww ww H a S8 T 11 i PtZ;. t ' - , .j! i.f ,4 ' . i'j ' 5 " '' tl ' J, - 11 '"1 h s - t -i -1 a t a it ut- CSAT ASTONISmNGLT LOW FBI wnn a view 01 maun-iron iur www mt Summer stock, which we wm place m oar star '' eariy as the seasonwta admtO . .... rff THE LINES OF 0U3 i.-;iui .-avid. I icvl .? i -m -tlTHOLESALB TJEPABTKT'TVft,';iJ 0 f C -, iVJ If nOI.Kftil.K PEPARTMj.jfJIieb i"i oJ ji90w irtn vppjiA I Yd Ai&sirA 10 iffS7orn9V0S oxll -at f9 eat 10 ii;is wr-jBfJT?? J5 aJit jnBiX .VL MliAAUAAAtn Eat tern thmmglh mrrt'h swry wdk mammtr of Job Work nrmnr trrtrrM i lrffl nmtnmf FIRST CLASS EKB TTTT A Q L R T AA fi t I i KB T A A II 1 & S Su i a"a H tux

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