LOCAL aXTELU(iECE. I SATURDAY, EEBRtTAItY 8, 1879, I RAILROAD DIRECTORY. ! -. The following table shows the running of passeri, get trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail, roads (Washington time); jy, .J f " I A ' BICHMOND AHVILLB. ? 1 " Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 1.00 a. m Leaves for ' i'SX? Arrives from Ridimond........ 100 - Leaves for ' 6.5op.m. ATLAHTA CHARLOTTE AIR-LINK. . Arrives from Atlanta;. 6W P; 5 k Leaves for Aaanta,...,-,-- ia6Ss cHABtorre, Colombia AuausrA. Arrives from Augusta, Leaves for Augusta, . Arrives from Augusta, . ... Leaves for Augusta, CAROLINA CENTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington..). Leaves for Wilmington, ....... Arrives from Shelby, Leaves for Shelby, 8.10 a. m. 1.00 a. m. 8.30 a.m. 11.27 a. m. 7.29 p. m. 6.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE OHIO, A rrives from .Statesvflle - 5.30 p. m.' Leaves for StatesvlUe b .7.00 a. m CnARLOTTK POST OFFICE. OFFICE HOURS. OPENS. - Money Order Department,.. 9.00 a. m. Registry Department, . .9.00 a. m. Gen'lDellv'yAStamD Dept.. 8.00 a. m. CLOSES. 5 00 p m e!oo p! mi " : r . , ; " .. ; .8.80 p.m. 8.45 p. m. tW On Sunday the General Delivery, and Stamp Department will be open from ,0.00 a. jn. to 10.00 n-!lHK')Jit6 titu U :!?uOPENB.vI.'. . CLOSES. Danville 4 Charlotte R. It.v' 8.00 aVm. 5 9.00 p. m. ..;,. - 11.15a.m. 6.00p.m. Charlotte 4 Atlanta R.R.: '8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. " " ft Augusta R.R.,.' 8.30 p.m. 1000 a.m. Wllm'n 4 Charlotte R.R.,. 8.30 p.m. 5.00 a.m. Charlotte 4 Shelby R.R.... 5.80 p.m. 6.00 a.m. ft States vllle, 6.30 p. m. 6.00 a. m. fW Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 5.00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m. - . y YorilehOTsero p. m., ttiiu ruutija ai i.uu a, iu.. INDICATIONS wy i Office Chief. Signal. ajfficbk. BR.'- V. ?. M. ) Washington, Feb. 7. 7 50 P. For the South Atlantic States, north erly eqstejrly.fWicicai,. , partly cloudy Weather, ana hear the coast light rains, stationary or slight -rise! -in barbnieter, and during Saturday, a slight rise in temperature ' 5; !:'. y; i .ri' : ill) ;.: mi.. Ijocal Itepurt for Yesterday. ' 7 A. M. 2 P. m! ! 9 p!m Barometer v 80.153 ii 140 '-I 73 N.E. 6 Miles J30.172 30.260 40 65 E. ""4 Fair. Theraometer.tfri.wiw Relative Humidity wind Direction,, .- Velocity. ' 45 53 ' ' 6 - weatner,.. Clondy, Cloudy. Highest temperature' 47 deg:; lowest 38. , WBATHEB BEPOBT, FEBRUARY 1, 420 P. U. siOatioQa. , Barom Th- Wind. VeL i; Weather. Atlanta, v 30.18 49 N. 3 Cloudy. Augusta 80.34 49 N. E. 8 Cloudy. Charleston, 80.26 48 N.E. : 12 Cloudy. Charlotte,.. 30.20 46 E. 3 Fair. . Corslcana,. 3025 53 X. , 9 . Clear. Galveston,. 30.26 49 N. E. 2 Hazy, ladlanola,.. 80.26 51 N.W. , 6 ; Clear. Jaekson'Ue, 80.16 54 H. 8 Cloudy. Key West,.. 80.06 80 S. E. 10 Hazy. Mobile,. 30.21 52 N. 11 Cloudy. Montgom'y, 30.22 63 N.W. 6 Pair. N. Orleans. 30.v0 53 N. 8 Cloudy. Punta Rasa; 80.07 70 a . , H Cloudy. Savannah..: 30.21 50 E. 6 Cloudy. 8t Marks.. 80.16 53 N. E. 15 Cloudy. Havana. ... 30.C7 84I&E. 2 Cloudy. HOME PEBTCIL.INC.S. ICate Claxton to-night. The young folks had quite a pleasant german at the Assembly, rooms last night. An important meeting of the Caro lida Fair Association is to be held on the 18th inst. .. - ;- The Hornet's Kest Eiflemen did not appear yesterday afternoon according to appointment. Too muddy ; ; . A citizen of Paw Creek claims that not a single inhabitant of that township has made a chattle mortgage this y$ar,' Another smalr- levr-wasTnade oiithe Smith & Foxb, gjOods yesterday under a. magistrate's' exepution,' tte6 judgment being about $300. .aiATssa cl The theatrical companies, those 6fat have come and gone and those yet to come, still constitute the chief topic of sidewalk discussion ' i ' A considerable portion of our space to-day is taken up with an account of the interesting ceremonies in the inau guration of Gov. Jarvis. See outside page. Is'w " ' ! The Ra'eigh News is requested by Gov. Vance to say that from and after next Wednesday, he. will be at his home in Charlotte, where correspondents will please address him. A party a few days ago made a corner on eggs in this city. He bought up all on the markel; shipped; them to Augusta and made 33 per cent on is investment. "." " The proprietor of the Central Hotel and some of his friends enjoyed a box of fresh tomatoesv'just froto Xbe( Ber-f nmda Islands, yesterday; and this on the 6th of February. iflZ .... : Complaint is' "made that' the regula tions in regard to cotton cutting pnthe streets are not enforced. Farmers say they are greatly annoyed by tlie persis tency of some of the cutters;-'"' ! -11 Property sold remarkably well at the sale of the effects of the late Sam'l Berry- hill, in BerryhiU township, on Wedrtes-i day. Corn brought 75 cents per bushel; and stock sold in' the same"" proportion, Mrs. Knbwlesndprlmadilaie Mendelsshdft club, played ' and sang charmingly in the parlor of the Central Hotel, yesterday morning, by request of the ladies in the hotel. , . j A South Carolina' negro" came to the city two days ago, stole towels; from an old woman, was tried day before yester-i day , and sentenced to pail, and oef ores another month will be in the peniten-; tiary or on the railroad!.4 KJ j :i j The law requires liquor dealers vto' m ake a rsemMMiraal retumof ; thBlr; purchases toiihejj-egisjer of deeds, on which they are taxed 5 per cent ; JNine returns have l)een pi ade, amounting w only S253 ; yet tnere are those wha-as-l sertthata large amount of liquor ; isi Knld in nhnrlnttAT'" " : r orriccm f the Grangre. A special dispatch, from, Jialeigh; to; the Wilmington Sun says that in Thurs-s dav's session j of 'J the estate ; Grangej Col. W, H. Cheek,. of Jarrenreounty, was elected master ; ' T)r. D. A. MontJ 5 ornery, of Alamance county, overseer;; . E. 'Parter,--of -EdgeOTmbe--cotlfity,! secretary ; t Dr, JXi Mpi iBenbow, of: raanoh?rA(4:Miaififlr. ThRtift-fft. annual meeting will be at Charlotte on Jhe. first ; a uesuay in x euruairj, xoou. . t A Superior fjotjof Cottofif.,') Mr. J. L. Brothers yesterday sold in this market a very superior lot of : cot ton, tt beiicr fltelifebale&nofsthe Pierce variety. He received for it 9.80 round a better price thin tho fcame amount, of the vstaph;ha8. 4wmmandedien-tms in hi &c iui a lung tiui i'LinJvi "iv Brothers'was assured that if thejppttonf had I been somewhat cleaner' it woMi have commanded 10 cents.-; He, raised it on his farm in Sharon township, and! srew tne eigne iaia ont HZWwreu v.. and. This production marks Mr.SJ Brothers a first-class farmer. AMUSEMJEjrrS." Kale ClaxioaliTMTIieroabl - . Itlarrlaire. u -". -ii; Miss- iClaxton r and her company; who Hie -w-sppear in tne opera nouse xo might;; played in -Baltimore Jan'y.thv uud, received, the following notice -from the" American? -J - i -i - w .na ,ni'endalle and. ila general performance excellent Th-audien?ei wa i uu Iato-a nl ,iwas ttinusually apprecative fediawAng,! minou and', maj.or spointa in tha drama frora, the first scene : tt 'the last with ever? mark of keen 1 nri! interest, a ne DiaY-t,is a, rond fone,and morethan this,thedramatization peen -surprisingly successful.0 The action Is uniform and well snsrAinprf the salient points of the story are well and fprcihly .brought out. and the char actersr are clearly Otitlinediand vividly portrayed. The emotional becomes once or twice almost but not quite sensation al, but comedy bits are interspersed all the way through, and the effect of the whole is. more, than . satisf actory. The ejennesspf the .whole rendering was charmingly Commendable. Nb One char acter was too prominently brought for ward, but each dovetailed with the oth er iis appropriately as refreshingly. Miss Claxton's Josephine was finely played. She has, above all other mer its; a pathos of voice, of gesture, and of i t':wial tYnracmn f hnf. aimAul mcf strongly to the feelings of the audience in a play pf .this character. The Dujar- ly, naturally, and hence admirably play ed. He is possessed of a remarkably attractive,, jstage, appearance, and re minds one at times of the most pleas ant of Rignold's parts, and also upon occasion of the delicate and refined touches. , that Montague w well -knew how to give." j Xbeatrical Notes. Mrg, Henrietta, Chaufrau is the daugh ter of a PhiladelDhia merchant She was born in 1841, and is widely esteemed as TneDrtBennaosr neaira,n5ninantiand rennea iauiesimwwaye ever aaornea -the stage. She is .the wife of -an emi nent comedian, Mr. Fmnk S. Chanfrjau; and handsomest of American cou ples. The Quintette) club left, yeaterday at . noon lor uoiumDia, where they will Appear to-night. They WereTth$ tecipi-4 ents ,ot many hanasome !0Hipiiments by citizens who heard their superb con cert'''0'' ' ' ''i- ' - '' ''' '.I Mr. George Kignold who; played so acceptably to our people, two years ago, is ntW in Melbourne, Australia where he has been successful in Henry V. Thornes' comedy company is to play in Statesville, and i will probably pass through Charlotte , Monday afternoon; We understand that they intended to, stop over and play for us, but lia,ve de--- ciaea not to tisk ic just aiier we, nave had so many companies. ) As the Swedish Lady Quartet will play Monday night for the benefit of the Lee monument -fund, the flaembers of the local military companies, will ap pear in the opera house in full uniform with side arms. It is' stated that the opera house will also be decorated with flags. Charles Beade, has brought .a suit against Miss Claxton to restrain her from performing his play, "Double Marriage," and also to recover $1,500 damages. The case has been taken to the United States District Court but this won't prevent-Miss Claxton from presenting it to Charlotteans to-night. Reduction Work. It is understood that Mr. J. G. Pitcher has concluded an arrangement with the lessees of the Budisill mine for a regular supply of ore for the. Brewster reduction works, of whieh he is agent Mr. Pitcher has also stated that his con cern expects to erect reduction works in Charlotte in the course of time. Such an enterprise as this is acknowledged to be the greatest need the mining interest demands. Nothing would do more to give life and energy to the business. Final Notice. . Only sixty marchants have made a return to the register of deeds of their purchases for the six months ending December, 3lst The 'register sent around his final notice yesterday, call ing upon delinquents to appear before him with their books to show what they hadbought from all dealers except whole sale merchants in the State. On their purchases they are required to pay a tax of one-tenth of One per cent. The law authorizes the register to take pro- rpftdintrs ftrainst .all mprphanta whn fail to make returns, and this officer in-1 formed a reporter, yesterday, thathe f would be compelled within the next few days to appear before a magistrate and take out papers against the delin quents to compel them to attendjto the matter.' The list ought to have been in the hands of , the sheriff for colloction long before this. Cases from Neighboring Counties In the Supreme Court. ' . In the Supreme Court, Wednesday, all the justices present, the following cases were called from the eighth district: T. G. "Walton vs. W. W. Walton et al., from Burke; argued. R. F, Armfield and G. N. Folk for the plaintiff, fihd Hinsdale & Devereux for defendants. A. J. Corpening vsj A. Kincaid et aW from Burke Continued. G. ; Halyburton et aL, vs. John Car-j soh, executor, from McDowell; argued. No counsel for the plaintiff, Gilliam & Gatling and John Gray Bynum for de-j M. I. Simonton vs. Roxanna Simonton,! executrix, from , IredelL Argued on motion to dismiss by R. F. Armfield for1 plaintiff, and M. I McCorkle and G. Ni Folk for the defendant State vs. Whitson Waller et aL, from CatawbaT Argued by Attoruey-Geiieral Kenan for the State, and M. L. McCor kle and Will G. ( , Burkhead jfoi; the de-; fendants. . ',.. ' :; ' " ' ' V John Redman et aU vs. S. Pi Graham and wife,' from Catawba. Argued byi R; P.' Armfield for ; tte plaintiflv and MJ Xi McCorkle contra. i'--- -i v w k i nailrad Notes. " " '" " " " ' : ' -A-change of schedule on" the through : lines is anticvpateasneruy, nut tne par-; ticulars are not yet known. - About all the sict railroad ilroad men: are: i Virginia Mia-: acain on their feet. - It is reDorted that the Virginia land RaiCrbad will again, put on double : aaiiy trains soon, tnus . re-estauusning' a popular through line" from North, to South,1 YiaCharlotte.1! ' , v 1 ' ; Columbia Registers T,Ihe merchants ; complain that the railroad freights, as: now Charged, have theffect of serious-? IyinjuTinge"tradeorXoTumbia: "" " : Col Tr JWL R Talciott, gereraltsupeiin-; tendentfr'J.'R."Machiurdo, general pas- Benger and ticket agent Richmond and ; eral manager, Atlanta s and Charlotte! Air-Line Railway, have gone to , New,' Orleans to attend, a convention, wnicn was to" have meti there: iThursday to malra ftrrantrpmpnts rfilativp. to .rates for the' return ofmigranUtthp,1 nortneast.- lj,-. ,r ' The Richmond and Danville1 Railtoad has changed the method .of payingriti engineer?. In tead of receiving salaries they aie now paid according to the mi leage made per month, and the priceat ;Which the jpnileage Is fixed. amounts . to 'a'redufction iri'the pay .ofi most: of them. The t bill. crrantim? a ' charter- to the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line Railroad; to ' Charlotte," came up in thei-Legisl-; tureTnesdaybut owing to. the absence of several members who :are especially;. interested in it, all action in the matter- was postponed, and the bill :was the special order for ;Tuesday, .nextr. at II o'ejopk; V X: "' ' .. , YA at W jnlr m n n raft 4 . T'nsbby says that A. 8. Henderson, of Gaston county, oanKxupt on tne petition ora ms creditors, has applied to the. court for a final discharge. SA' meeting will be held ,bef ore ThomasrBJKeogh,lEsq, register, at Charlotte, on the 20th day of Febru ary, at 10 o'clock, a. ttu when and where i persons interested will attend .and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the petition should aoti)e -granted. inawontt Banquet. ,r y'1''' s ;: "f-i 6 - The Royal Arch Masons of Charlotte .had a very enjoyable banquet in Ma-i sonic' Temme last night: andwere ad- dxessed iaceordingto appointment Jiist be tore the, supper, at th jsuggestion of one of ' the members: a' cbllectibh was taken iup. for tlie benefit ' ofl the- Oxford I orphan, asylum, and.the'sum of $13 was reinnanlBofB the fJeastisufBcient to ,fill several baskets, were placed in the hands of a- committee to' be distributed among the poor of the city. : ! " ; ! ! h A Irian WhoKe "Word1 is Wertb Soinee tbing-. The Atadson ,(Wisconsin Ihmocrdt, of reoenttdjne, saysr h i ; l ; "Among ,?the recent Jlorthern settlers m -ana around Ohaflotte; mC who have testified to their kind reception in the Southland to the quietness prevails ing among all classes ; ift tha region, ! is W. J. F. Liddell, now an iron manufac turer af-Ghfarlotte. J He i' wilFlie remera-. bered by. many of. the sipizemM -Madii son as a resident here ten years ago,' and wMforiryjErie'PaiHe removed from Madison to Depere, as a supposedfibeer manufacturing point The.single. assertion of such, a man is worth more than -the 'brawling of a whole, xegiment.f interested -Northern partizan officenseekers, hungry for place m; j i. xl. mining' Notes7 Ti?: '"" ..: The mining board- met ' lastanicht at the oflice of Gen. Thos. F. Drayton Mr, uiarence m. isueii, or JVew Orleans. iWs elected an honorary member. 'i i; i TTaTinn Vino n -C. n a trip North and reports great interest inT mines and mining investments ; but mofepersonsbavetneir attention direc ted, ,to Leadville District as there are ho facilities South for extracting - the goid fnmr- theOTe7ulfflcTiltywhich' ... There will be a special meetingnf the, miningJioard of thisidtyi nexfc Friday night, at which time officers for the en suing year 'will be elected Borne stem , taken to, , secure, the. appointment of a mimug ixjmuuasioner. roc me .ooutn Atlantic Stalm": nd; jother 'important ,uu3j.ues vansauseq. - it iSi,jiopea tnat aii or tue memoers or :im aboara attend this meeting. ni ' will ltfarrla e, of a .Htlssionar y from Nor t h Carolina.'- .,, ki,h- .-A Rev. J. W. Davis, of the Presbyterian church, who left his home in Salisbury in September, 1874, to enter upon the mis sionary 'work in China, was married about six weeks ago in the city Of Soo Chow, to a daughter of another, mis sionary, sent out by the Northern Pres byterian church. Owing to the great distance "Of the field of his present la bors, his friends have but recently heard of, the happy event They will be pleased, also, to know that he is one of the most zealous and successful workers in the cause of the Chfigtfan religion, and is fully meeting the ex pectations that his high talents and en ergy justified. He graduated at David son College in 1869 or 70 with the high est nonors of his class, and took an equally creditable stand at Union Theor logical Seminary, where he completed the course of preparation for his ministe rial work. A personal friend of his in this city has just received a well execu ted photograph of the missionary .taken a few months ago in Soo Chow, from which it appears that he is in good health and is very little changed in ap pearance. : i ' i i i -At j From Salisbury. The Thorne comedy company played here three nights this week to good houses, aHd we are to have the Swedish lady vocal quartet Saturday night. While the tight-rope man was walking the rope the other day, a brick fell from the top of a tall building full upon the head of a little darkey with no other result than to scare him badly. It would have killed a white man instanter. ! The mining interest is looking up here very decidedly. Different compa nies are now working the Snider & O'Neill and Davis Mountain mines, on a large scale, and. . the Yadkin mine; which is a very -Valuable one,is now be-j ing pumped out with a -view to. the erection of extensive works -for work-' ing the intractable snlphuret ores of this section, by .the new chlorinization Process. - - --; 1 Business is better for the season than it has been for some years past and our business men are f nopef ul of better times: - Fewer chattel mortgages were made last; year by farmers j than has been eommon-of late yearsj-and -consequently jtheix .money is their, own, on the sale -'of their crops. "T ' " " The stock law will be passed by the present Legislature for the benefit Of Rowan; -if our .legislators heed- the wishes of a large majority. ' p - ; ' mm r' i t'i ; A Charlottean's Speech Before the In ternal ImproTenients Committee. . The following appears in Thursday's issue o the' Raleigh Mftos, above the signature of 'M": "Col. it P.iWaring's speech before the committee on intr-i nal improvements' on Tuesday evening,1 was one of, unusual eloquence, power; and aDiiy.i:it was markea ail through with comprehensiveness of grasp and copiousness of illustration, and it glo w ed with the'warmest love for his sec- tion and burned with a just State prideJ Cautious and kind in its reference ltol the fair city by the sea,; it- was atithe same time incisiye land withering Hiifs denunciation of that exclusiyeness tlit would build up one section- at the ex pense of another. 'T He showed that the so-called State system had been broken to pieces since the North Carolina road was tapped at Greensboro by the Rich mond & Danville connection, and urged that any legislation or withholdingof J legislation with reference to that sys tem would prove a most disastrous abortion. J3u.tvati.is impossible to refer in detail to the many strong points in Col. Waring's speech Trt 4 . "The interest of Mfecklehbnrg "County and of western North -Carolina were' 5ertainlyably; represented, and Meck lenburg may well be proud of her gal-! lant old Senator , The duties he came here to perform " in the : Jhterest 'of his : section of the State have been ably and successfully performed.'' i "HS&uQtms:" S TUDEB-MCEB-WAGONa I am now latetelpt ot a large lot of the celebra ted STUDEBAXEB WAtiONS. aU sizes, which will be sold on reasonable terms. ' i Hi 6i.i& EXBLT, '. ii tiitt HUitmiM -MU.n9.if-' .-.( a.3.-J;. ::,j-l and supply ywn elf with the best wagon out .J : T. H. GATXHEB. ,.,100, 8 tf. ' - t t OTICB.- thrcrtotte bSmES? nd There will be a meeting of the Stockholders of -una ivoan Association. C irane. Secretarr. on Thnm- the roims of r. e. Cochrane dar erening, February 13th, 1879,at seven o'clficfc full attendance is requested. . . - v , . ' B. E. COCHRANE. ' ' ' Fab, 2r-td. -. J-v ,?t, Sec'y and Treas. i. ......... a ....Ti.i.. ? Li if i. ii i y jJt hes ows WOBSS. Mr. ELJE, Stevens s j. i ..-;V...T, 'Deax Sir Since several yeara I haveJgot a sore and very painful foot' I had some physicians, but ttiey couldnt cure me. Now I have heard of your VegeUne from a lady who was sick for a kmc tfcme. and became all well from your- VegeUne, and I went and taught me one bottle of VegeOnerand after I had used one- bottle, the pain left me, and It began to heal, and then I bought one other bot tle, and so t take tt yet , I thank: God for this rem edy and yourself .-and, wishing every suSerer may pay attention to It i'' . t iT. ,(. n. It biessms for healthu u f,.i,i. -r:iS' r- MRS. CKRABE, ' sajts akd'scei: Ifc.B.fStevenft-iirt'l it : .nz '1-mivd - : In 1872 your Tegettne was recommended' tome, and, yielding r to-; the persuasions of afrtend. I consented to try it At the Urns I was suffering from general debility -and 'nervous' prostration; superinduce by overwork' :and Irregular' habltsi ' Its wonderful strengthening '-and curative prober ties seemed to affect ray debilitated system- from the first doser and under its Persistent use I rapid ly recovered, gaining more than- usual health and good feeling.. : Since then I. have not. hesitated to give VegeUne my most unqualified indorsement, as being a safe, Sure and powerful agent in promot ing health and restoring Ihe wasted system to new .We arid energy.-) VegeUne Is the onry medicine I use; and as long as Illve , I , never expect to find a tetter. Yours truly,;; W. H. CLLBK.. r . '. iu 120 Monterey Streeli Aneghany, Penn. On- mlh, VEGETINE i -fi;-. hi ' ,jsf :;' Via?;: -i-i-h-- -.. i -an Hi THE BEST SPRINd MEMCTKE.1 r ' L1 torHfy uiatiave juied your "Blooa Preparation in my famfly for several years, and think that for Scrofula or Cankerous Humsrs or Rheumatic affections it cannot be ex Celled: and as a blood bnrlner and snrlnir niMiliMna 'ltUt tho' best thing I have eve? used; and IAave uwowmosi everything. 1 1 can cheerfully recom nend, it to any one in need of such a medicine. , . : . . Tours respectfully, , , . ' J MBS. A. A. iWNSMOBE,1 u " J19 BusseU street. f .' -. 7 -: : -i '.rvl ' . -! 1 ! :- . -VEGETINE.' WHAT IS iTED. ,; : ' , ' Bostori, Feb.'13,1871. H.1H. Stevens; '.'"',!'.;":i - ear Slr-Aboutf ' one year5 since t iouhd myself in a feeble eondltlon from general debility. - Vege Une was strongly recommended to me by a friend' who had been much benefited by its use. I pro cured the article, and, after using several bottles, was restored to health, and discontinued Its use. I feel quite confident that there is no medicine su perior to it for those comp taints for. which it Is es pecially prepared, and would cheeerfuuy recom mend it to those who feel that they need some- uungo restore mem perfect health; Respectfully yours. I'M U. L. PETTmOrLT.. . Li. Firm Of 8. M. Pettlnglll 4 Co., , No. 10 State styeet, Boston. VEGETINE. ALL HAVE 0BTAXNE2) BELIEF. South Berwick, Me., Jan. 17, 1872. H. R. Stevens, Esq.: ' Dear Sir I have had dyspepsia m its worst form for the last ten years, and have taken hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine without obtaining any relief. In September last I commenced takhur the ers in this place taking Tegettne, and all have ob- uuuea reuei. Tours truly, THOMAS E. MOORE, Overseer Card Rooms Portsmouth Co.s' Mills. VEGETINE ' Prepared by H. B. STEVENS, BOSTON, MASS. VegeUne Is sold by all Druggists. Jan5 45 TEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC. THE GENUINE -D B . C . H e LANE'S- CEUKBRATKD II V V EEB V B RRR R R RRR R R R R II V n Y. v KB E ' KBB V T tt.t.t. n PPP P P PPP P V II L g8 II n l h U IXLL LLLL "BB S 11 XJ Jj d o FOB THS CUES OT HEPATITIS, OB LIVER COMPLAINT, -DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE.- SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LITER. Pain In the Tight side, under the edge of thfe ribs. Increases on pressure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it freauentlv extends to the ton of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rhenma- uiuu air mo tuin. tHuiirava is WR9C(a Wiul loss of appetite and sickness;, the bowels In gener al are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled , with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation In the back Dart There is generally a considerable loss of memory, accom panied with a painful sensation of having left un done something: which oueht to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant The patient complains of weariness and debility; be is easily startled, bis feet are cold or bunting, and be complains of a prickly sensation of the skin; his spirits are lowt and although he is satisfied that ex ercise would he beneficial to him. ret he can saaroe.' ly summon up fortitude enough to try it In fact he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above syirrptowg attend the disease, but cases have oc- isurwcrwhere few oi them existed, yet examination tthe-body, after death, has shown .the Liver to nave peen extensively deranged. : : : AGUE AND FEVER. r DrI C. McLanes Liver Pills, in cases of Acme and 'Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of 3H most happy results. No better cauiartlc can be eo preparatory to, or alter taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. purgative, they are unequalled. . . :'x ' BEWARE OF IMITATIONS v-rut. 1 .-i ?i . : : - The eenmne are never nrar pfiatnA ... '"'Every box has a red wax seal on the lid: with the -Impression Dr. McLabb'sLiteb Pills. -;i ;j. The genuloe MoLamb's Livkr Ptllb bear the tsiyuiuurcs vi .v. lvjuaij5 ana jlemuis chum, uu the wrappers. ' ' insist upon havmg the geirame Dr. a Mclakx's Ltvxb Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pitts bunr. Pa the market beine full of imitaOnnR of 'the name McLANE, spelled differently but same pronunciation. . ' 4ieczi , ,v...., ..iiiiwj'i 1 - LICHTENSTETNj Xt fti' ..MERCHANT TAILOR, -!'- Next door to WllsOri 4 BurwelTs drug store,- 1 v -,.decl8:. i u - - ' . j i i i ..I. i i ii r .i i 1 -TAMES MTJEPHt.T 'i'a'i vM.t . " ...i! PRACTICAL TAILOR, -Jl Holton'iBufldlng, Trade Street, TTp: Stalm, ' .'5; Owing to the stringency of the times I win In fo- tire work very cneap. wui make fine suits for 10, Cassimere suits forS8. Pants of suits same rates. -1 guarantee all my work mo fit, no charge. Give me a call and be convinced; iv,. July 17. - ' -li rrr- NOTICE TO FARMERS 111. , Y - ,T , ; s s -t;l', hp i 21 jK:! a ;h;'1 am prepared to STORE COTTON m my fire proof tarlldine-jiflier In basement or m the fltstn seas oM floor-M vffltglra'irajBhoose reoelptsbn wtdcli you eaa daw money tf desired, - . - Charges jnoderate. C.- i . r j, v THOMAS H. GAITHXB, - VBOCSBiES C3HEAPEB THAN EVER. . ; -.tz : NEW GOODS I "NEW FEATURES f - 3ome to me for Bacon, Corn, Sugar,1 Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Famftv Groowle. ..- Jwt received, few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da- RTE WHTSEET. Also a line lot of Country Hams. I sell for eash. i All goods delivered In the dtr free of charges : , ... W. H, CBJMMINGER, . ' - J ' - Trade Street, t Next door below WHson & Black's old stand, ap lfiVj.'u; ' ; ."! Ui'Vj'y hi y : ;-1 -j irl1. c T T O N -. . . ... . ; j -ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SQLICTrXD-- , BT ' .. ." .V ' ' . ' f ' : '. ' , ' ' " i . ; THOMAS H. GAITHXB, i i' .'ii-! : hiiij - :' COTTOH COMM 1SSIOK UlHCBlHT. .' octl2 " ' . '.' : .' . TLLIAMS 4 FINGER, Have Just received a lot of Turkeys and Chickens which we offer at low prices. Come to Williams 4 Finger and 'buy the best Family Flour from the best mills.:; Wheat, Bran,. Oats, Com and Meal, Honey. Oormta Lard, Butter and Eggs. The best Timothy and North Carolina Hay, cow and horse feed of the best oualitv. 6uear. Coffee. Ac. Con signments solicited for all kinds of country produce wiu maas prompt returns oi sales. '. dec5 - : J A. HENDRIX. AGB3JT, " T GBOCEB GROCER ' " , ;,(.", amd : -commission merchant, -3omei Man and Blanding Streets, - COLUMBIA, a C. -.' :(-:. : Special attention paid to consignments. Quick sales, and prompt returns guaranteed in every in stance. . JanlOlmeod 5G BARBELS CHOICE NOBTHERN - A PPP PPP AA P P P P A A PPP PPP AAA P P A A P P L T.KS L K 88 on S, u r. Di OOq LLLL BEB S8SS Z Received every week. LeROT DAVIDSON. Jan30 A SPLENDID LINE OF XX. Fl Fine Teas, all grades, Just In, at Jan60 jgLACK STRAP MOLASSES Under cost by the barrel, by LeBOT DAVIDSON. JanSO rpHEBEST STOCK OF GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERIES In the city, al JanSO LeROT DAVIDSON'S. JlELD BROS., WHOLESALE AMD BET Am GROCERS and DEALERS In COUNTRY PRODUCE ALSO, PBOPB1XTOBS Of THE CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been newly furnished and is kept in first class style. Terms, Per Day S 2 00 Table Board, Per Month. . In 00 t-Omnlbus and Carriages at every train..tQ FIELD BROTHERS, Proprietors s TOP AT THE BOTDEN HOUSE I " ' " Salisbury, N.( . ; C 8. BbjOwk, Proprietor, ',i -,, tLate of the National Hotel, Raleigh. B -, ; -C. S. Brawn, Jr Chief Clerk; W O. Shelbura As .4. . ... HIWtniHi j . dec 80 -J ' 2Q BARRELS WHITE AND RED , j - , " " 1 -l-ONIONSETTSr -i' t ' ! . Fresh, . d..'i '"WILSON" JTORWELL.1 IQQ BUSHELS FRESH CLOVER SEED.. ";" ; ' Also'Orchard Grass) Blue Grass, and Luceme, r i t o v -jost received by "v 1 v."- f1' , n i ' " . . i. . jxson BTJBW1XL.' TTJE are the agents for HE-NO TEA in this city. vv ,andaskC4ff friends to fitre It a trial. If not satb f jctory we will cheerfully take It back and re fund the money. . . - , ' Agents for Charlotte, N. a 7fJ :' 'iM i : J. P4BQLTJU CXNTBAL W ' l THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE rt m j zi.il ii io n v.-YlU i - This Line being- fully equipped fw .business, Freight from -' i.-su4 - wnrnington and an Northern and Eastern Cities to i n -vi-aieeiivm sr;'-u'-fv-: as weD, as points to GeorgU U'i'i.'iiH ;;'.'? ' l iif 'M t.i'Jj ji -, ' Insurance and Bates guarameed as Low as .":.! ; :;:; .: n:- 1.' i' LomaUonfuinisl U! .'. J 2 i H i ;.ry, -jii.; -. i - nr'M iw 1 1 ;; 'v, ,G4n, freight Agent, WErnmgton, N. C, I !.;.; " Vhi: j j: Kl.Jiyr.i t yxi I' .if DBUGSErf AKD CBXKXSI, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracia mtfClbgbes, 1 ' . . -); i : ! '.. ' I" : . : , . English Select pices, ,v Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and dayat J. H. McADEN'S I Prescription Store. ' ECURITT ! .SECUBITTt SECURITY 1 200 Barrels of C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ASL ALADDIN SECURITT:0IL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from a West 4 Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. F. SCABS 4 CO., IT RUGGISTOf I-UbuggistOt xbab the post-office, Would respectfully Inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drag Store, near the PostOffice, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. Jan 7-tf. TEACHERS WANTED. $50 to $100 or $200 per month, during the Spring and Summer. For full particulars address J. C. McCURDT 4 OX, Philadelphia, Pa. D IPHTHERIAI Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases in ten. Information that will save many lives sent tree by mail. Don't delay a mo ment Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. La JOHNSON 4 CO.. Bangor, Maine. g EN SON'S CAPCLNE POROUS PLASTER. FOR WOMEN AN CHILDREXT OR WOMEN AND CHILDRSlN Females suffering from Dam and weakness will derive great comfort and strength from the use of Benson's Canclne Porous Plaster; Where children are affected with whooping cough, ordinary coughs or colds or weak lungs, tt is the one and only treat ment they should receive. This article contains new medicinal elements sucn as is iouna in no otner remedy in the same form. It is far superior to common porous plasters, liniments, electrical ap pliances ana otner external remeoies. u relieves pain at once, strengthens and cures where other plasters will not even relieve. For Lame and Weak Back, Rheumatism, Kidney disease and all local aches ana sains, tt is also the best known remedy. Ask for Benson's Capctne Plaster and take no ether. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 OentS. . - . -;; -j , CO N; S U M P T I O -T O N S U M P T I O IN And all Disorders of the THROAT AN D ,1 U KG 5 Permanently jCowd. DR. T. A. SLOCtjM'S GREAT REMEDT PPP bSS. T V tXXJ H H n KIT K EBB P rHt I O OH H n WW If B PPP BSa TT. O HHH n WWW EB P VTT T O O H , H H K Kit B p SggB f OOO H H H H KB BBS : Taken In conjunction with his COMPOUND EMULSION 'OF !'P,U BE' C O D j L I V E R 0 I L - j and hypophoephltes of ' 1 ' ( LIME AND SODA. I ;, . ni A FREE BOTTLE of each' preparation sent by express to each suffering applicant sending their name, P. O. and express address to Dr. T. A. 61o eum, 181 Pearl street. New Tork. . . ' v . . . i 'A: i QXistzllmxcfmSm , THRESH ARRIVALS, FOB SALE, WANTED. ' ' A? , , ,r , f j - 10 boxes assorted Candles, 5 boxes choice Oys ter Crackers. 5 boxes Family Washing Soap, largest 10c bars in the elty. - - Also 1 fine Milch Cew and- one medium quail Cow with young calf, for sale low. ; j . rt--a -n i t 600 dozea PARTRIDGES WANTED. .. ' - dec2 - ' Bk M. SMITH. ' , i...Mii.-...i.Mui.niX)i.i...a.j;, a i.-.i aia. DISPATCHLINJ NORTH CAROLINA.- u.. --. , TO ILL POINTS SOUTH; ; U tjjsj 0ffeiimieoAiaIledfalllt2eafor the TraasporOon of Chartotto, Statesvflle, AshevuTe, BnllierfordtoB on the Atlanta 4 Richmond AhLtoe,4 , ?'WMiBraa AlabamasaMlsaisal8' - -' i ; '.'' '.:-:-.:-i--j. .vJi t . .. via any Competing Line, and Ttrne uQakki fl -'. 'i:' ' Hls-'-M' '' ' - ''A ..-'. .- :S ' upon application to ;i iiU'H-i1 :-.:.,:- Of .1 -u .'f .7 .r.ull (u ti -r. : V, . -i'V-. s ' "'tt'- ,, , - i!f- , :.)' "S-ii-J .) -,' V iln-.iMM-.i ; WM. A.KOODTi , : Southweetora Freight Agent, CSiariott, N.C . -t : ; ..ii :-iit'ji tx -tr 'TJT.. SMITH, i :';'. i oi Agent a' C Railway Charlotte. T OUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. '.-- ' ""1 8PLKNDID OITOBTUNTtt. 1 To win a fortune. Second Grand tMstfTbotton Class B, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February - 110vl87-105th Monthly Drawing. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. 1:D'-, J'.Yvi'ii .Thls InsUtutton was regularly mcorporated by liensuuure oi me state ior ducaaon&l and Carltable purposes In 1868, with a capital of $1,000,000, to which It hasslnce added a Reserve Fund et $350,000.- Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution; "CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars eachjT jiaalf Tick ets, One DoOar '- " V LIST OF PRIZES! i ' 1 Capital Prize.. .... 1 Capital Prize, .: 1 Capital Prize. . . . . . .-tso. .........i. IO.i 6,000 2 Prlresof S2.500.,.. 6.000 -5 Prizes of 1,000 '..,..-..;;. 5,000 - .20 Prize of. 600 ..:.V. lOiOOO lOOPrJtesbf 100... 10000 gOOPWzeaof ... ,60, .........10,000 500 Prise of"1 20 10,000 lOOfltaMOt 10 ... .. v........ 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES t 9 Approximation Prizes of f3i .700 v .approximation rnzes 01 a 0 Approximation Frizes of 1 1,800 1867 Prizes, amounting to. $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at an prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. . , ADDllcatlon for rates to chiba should onlr be, mflla to the Home Office in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating fuB address, for full Infor mation or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, Postofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A, EARLY Janl4 - ' JpROM DR. & W. HUNTER, BALTIMORE, M D. Having beeotWI familiar with Colden Leibig's Liquid Extract of beet and Tonic Invlgor ator, I take'pleasure In recommending it as an ex cellent preparation, combining as it does food and tonic In a remarkable way, producing good blood, health and strength. 8o!d by all Druggists. QEO. C. WARE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In PUREi'APFLE CIDEB- CIDER TINEGAB. . Sole Proprletbf and Manuf&cturef of E B. CONDIT'S TABLE SAUCE, 287 to 295 W; Third St, CINCINNATI, 0. 0 ILS SASSAFRAS AND PENNTROt At Of prime Quality, bought In any auanlty. for cash on delivery, free of brokerage, commissions, or storage expenses, by DODGE 4 OLCOTT. Importers and Exporters of DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OILS, SCO. 88 William St.......... ........ ........New York S7: A DAT to Aents eanvasstng fortbe "FttB Rnti Viwmn " Tama mnA ftnHH tmm AA dress P. O. TICXERY, Augusta, Maine. 30 Fancy Cards, Chromo, Snownake, 4c, no two alike, with name. 10 cents. J. Mlnkler 4 Co, Nassau, N. Y. 40 MIXED CARDS, with name 10c. . : Agent' outfit 10c. L. JONES 4 CO.. Nassau. N.Y. decSl rpo ADVERTISERS. Send for our Select List of X Local Newspapers. Sent free on application. Address GEO. P. BO WELL 4 CO.. 10 Spruce St. New York. .-,-.; THS OO V V A L OOO A K JtEBB O OV V AA O O AA K Ev B 8oo V ML HIXSh COLGATE 4 CCS COLGATE 4 CCS -BBW- s 8i P! S 8i P! """saves-waste 'f : : FOB LAUNDRY USE. i-VVr? u NDEBTAHNO j-i v ' i ; f The undersigned Is now pieptrM to fulafl order for every dass of Undertaking. Having on hand a fuR assortment of j . . 001TTNS, CASEETS AND BURIAL CASES, ' Heaise furnished' if derired, ? H-i . j i . 'U . Furniture of every Description Repaired at tncl A-iiU il odce. -.r:v-, f . ' ' f K 1 - : ' ' VW.M. WILBELM, r . , f :wttk j. cb Rogers, Trade fiTi. June 2a " " . 0O... S2 UO j 'tv " V h ' st A ' c ft J- ..nuusa mb miw..m ; . Aj, :. TiM