4 ."lit i" '.V ('! , ., . . ... , , - T l '5 it .I if A I . t , , svBscxirnox bates : Daily, mVear, post-paid) to ad ....... $3 00 Six UOnOu ......Kv...-. ' .... 4 00 Thru AfottfA .... 2 00 Om Month. , ...,..,..,.. 75 ; ( wxxxxr XDOTOT; Tlry, (in tft county) to awri.. -...$2 00 SixJfontM..........'.J..Ji..,.A.I.-i..a 1 00 ' IxTieral Reductionor Cttttm. grg (Steads. c ASHHEBES AND ALPACAS. Just Beeerved another lot of auperior A. f . i : Y ! If I A. A K HH i CASHMERES ass ALPACAS, Si A,,' Banging In Pile from 25 cents to On Dollar. i. 1 i -.00 'K'WUIST I A Few Pieces of COLOBID CASH3fIBI9.;aa Wool, of superior Quality, at sixty cents. worth $1.00. '' o (J O t o u CI. Do not fan to see oar LADIES' CLOAKS before buying. It will pay you. '$lJas,cohen B URGESS NICHOLS, ' -i :' ; i ; ;fi"'2f-JI ' ltfs rJ )iVid -nlij. WHOLESALE AND BETATV . . .. . i '.iti jit . .vi i- BIABXB ALL KlS8f Ot ; iiH it .-jtjil !'t't U-lntl ';!.! V. FtmNITtJMSt ovnnnia An BEMuNu. &0. BEDDING, AO,.? " -v r ir.!1liBEl(DING,40i runnnuiui A FaU Line of CHEAP BEDS' : . CHEAP BEDSTEADS I r.biW; 7f!f .Tf .fti;t '.t X AiMit LOUNGES t lounges 1 jrAinlimnh LOUNGES r LOUNGES 1 X2iyL turn .t ...I-.r ..-o'M VA,l 'LOUNGES PARLOR AND PARLOR AND tER SUITS 1 DTTSI- cofixnsoi an nnuniww,;!!)! mi ri-H'.'A) -Juvnalf .3H mif wdJ'i si!iJyt.- t:!-st -Jlli U(HUt .'t'iiift. ti'biK !J3 '' ::.i-al-riL.:T ouh V!kJ, ii n"3 iils'll ih.i ' 0 iimuMtn )V. mtjarua."g lu-Jt m .. .ii,i;t-i4iivi 'in nTtbitiS'j-fil .floiailtT 1 h?C.iirti e-f MI-.V rjni-j!jia mil in no .. .. .rw s-m-miteiitt tajii -JiWjtll ,;iwUM , I .AilCHilRiO ?XIH .m-t.ui fjii" ffeyfoif elis'.dfiHte to timw v '.(MlnAlWl l 0! UfUl .lJtW'M(lUMl' SUJ ftne supply.'. fniii ;s9iii t'Vi y-'f'YK-l"t"1' 4 t .r, .J'""' .w.ii Ii AR6AINS,i-t1:yi!i5iiJn3.n JUiviwJit i-jai,ol ' I mtTniejH . ) Hi f)fi'ttriiiiiWiiilaf il borfttflfdl 3tK. ! t .(! 'J tsjiw m !' wol ted .. .!.i-Mfr.td n ite'itl ?ntate ooi rty2i oi ' i,:ii: JiDHjiriiaullAnl. JBflt solium; IT Irk rr ' Tf Ot)D WltfTiMniTT tM-tt2th nA:l''MJu4riua MilH tt ,8" a U.liCITiiUA A nTi.zifvarJA'f" - ..'-..fj rv , X. CL ltBiWAlSEROOMS, , Ncrr to PosToynos. in My stock is very Lar. urtembtMM a full tine of - ; j. ',.-,... - .- ( PA&LOB, CHAMBER, DINING BOO -n:nu..t A "i'J'iiT If- .. . - i m i .. hi. 'ANNO U N C E M-E N T il. .N N O U N C E M E N X 1 Ui !..' y'O' i;t( t! it'll vJ-h f.H , i- ' A a ;-f- JoBLoT " 3 ' -of- .,1 : . ' '-'-i of ! CHILDREN'S ITJtErASCT 1 tlT tt t rkrt .sa n wmt ova V v H HO OS1 H.B 'R R T T H H O O II E R R Y CLOSED OUT A TTTT OO OOO KKK AA T O O ?1 S Q, O K a a t o S-w irii orHi eb A T 00 .v... KEB ALEXANDER A HARRIS. Feb. 1st. CBETONC&nl r- V- r....;.,t (., BRETON O f betonO : AretonO I -I HATE- ' - '', JUST RECETVETA UST RECEIVEi Tne ltapdsomestolaf 'Off Colered fotfaokk of the season Also a new tot .of, , i HAMBURG EDGINGS AND DJSERTTNGS. i;Jt T hi " 1. ' Don't fail to look at my new Abdominal X'h! ill :,.: OOO OO RKR 0SS0-KKK TTTT bSSo O OO OR R B K . T g .rfWjO O ORRR BSSSBB T 8So lO OO OR RB t sTa , I OOO CO R RBS8H KKK T "88-1?'.: New lot of Crochet and Diagonal 1 ' DRESS j BUTTONS. - v I sJll have a few fine Cloaks to close out at half their real value. .KXrAi"j5)'iis fi'i.r.n-'. ii !.: mi ; A new lot of Black and White Satin. Also w .:iJONOGRAJf BOTTLING,., f JUl! 2J fo1 SMrt5" Protectors. Respectfully J T T W To ? , ,vTj;L. SEIGLEyj -3 : opKiunarioaai ttotei,-i-rynnsfci wiartoe. ju ufeb2 ',t ADIES' CLOAKS. - LADIES' CLOAKC jLiADIES CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAKO np!H E GREATEST B A B G A-l"NO ;'JL ! H E(fl.. , As T ,E.ft TB A Bt A..,Np, OJ Tfej IflM fi iiff,! i,f!lfvf)il ;ji!ifri OF THE SEASO K THE SEASO 1 t it;Ta.nT .i'jiia'i i,.i:fv:tn;)iH3 I lot s fUrtttaftnrinstt ckuch iambs' ciAtxQrf r4Vl KDHDBKD CHOIC LADJXS' CLOAlO ft .1 .(3iJanlI JlcH ne 1.111 .difMiT iu.-h- ,,. Xpsr BKCKTVID BT TKXPKSSQ USA WFl-irvA fia murrt- riclng prices, Don't fail to eome.aidiQok arr:tthe moral, social and political wreck, f......,.,,.. .....v...:.f??.Anr?.f;rfwie beheld ,with.mournfuJ sadness, ... ---Jnol --. . - O Weeping reduction of roRireR JSJSIR OWEEPING REDUCTION Of FORMER PRICED .01 a .oJkhhih. npO BUT A CL0A FOBXCHRISTMAS GIFrp '1 0 BUT A CLOAK YOB A CHRISTMAS GIT X; MA L F iP B I C XTi At ?'it!ifl i..'fi "t'V.tf u ;n .' . .v r t t. J .1. .U.l'y-T3 & r"0V .5 JiiioN ii.iiii Uil : . .J ! TvJ 11 p .'it Hftti ' ; " " y ,t -. j . , ' ' 1 in 1 1 jw 111 JluAiUilj j-. 3ej.-'aj fX r. .1 Battle's Tery Worn y ,jj ,iiK(j j J't ....J bfti r. AjinuuuimuawKwviuiwiuv. , i la ihymlnson tne name 01 vance. :r:z' i. We smiled..; He saldtNowIhre gpliel, "-7 T.KTak the name of Jaryls, flrot ye , ' ' ' " " t "On. well.' said we, when begun ttihalf la t ijn'Bahl. forlorn J. Jarrta," ;,!;o3 - A ! Ijit.'ioOIISEBVATItWCS : frit!; fwif Lord JosOce CottOti. of England, wears robes of itne brightest crimson, and ermine of the whitest ' J, nlll iiiii I mI ..f li.l... Hi. minim T. in 1 inn TTfiff, iiiniirfiM in trTriiip i iin iinimi i square of black eUtbrla turosi-,uy coauettishlx at the corners, and apparently seeuted by pins, and looks lite a bexetta ...C- - . .u......l,. . ...... Bt bortnir W oe" ithrooefi a SllvW? dollar and ty ing to a tag a Connecticut man sent tt throogh- tne mau zor a cent, wnereas n ne naa put k m as enveloDe It would have' cost him three eentsu No one but a New. Englander would latfe thought of such a device1, and It ts this prompt grappling with the situation that gives New England its mighty In fluence upon the workL-.' " 'Mis jau ussvs Tneuevaxi uewia xaunage, tne grouna ana lofty tumbler d the DulDlt. prior to bis dtsoouise on- Sunday last, explained his telegram to Baltimore last spnog, asaing eenaia genuemen tosuoscruje, S5.000 each for his church. H closed bvsaylne: Let me say In passing that floaa wbe ican twist anyuung nreng oui4i nt telegram i eitnera vlulan or a tool." rLauehter.1 v-VNmetj-uinlh 'hymn." pLaogjWwslw The prondesitfoment of a mother's life Is Inst. after she has trimmed the hair of her young hope- ziu, using the edge 01 a bowl to guide the shears evenly, around his Intellectual forehead. 'Tls then; she gazes on him with the fondest maternal hopes, ana sees tne luture eoneressman staaaiiut out in f John Rl Reed has been the gas man of the Wal- nut street meatre, iniiaaeipnia, lor nny-iour years and has never missed' a performance in sil that period. He is somewhat eccentric, and In his will Is the following provision! 'My head shall be sev ered from my body and nit body shall be placed In a vault, but the Head shall be brought to the Wal- not theatre, there-to be used as the sKull In 'Ham let,' and I do' bequeath my head to the said Walnut street theatre for that purpose m 1 -x-i-cKf iwm The talk ait dinner, was about- various . aoauaiar tances, how they had married, and their 'domestic me. Alter numerous observations Irom one and another,- a guest addressed the host's daughter, a lass of nine or ten years, who wore a very thought ful expression; "Well, mademoiselle, what is your, opinion about all this? Shall you marry or re main single y,', ;';Nelther, J. thinlt ; 1, shall be a widow." The Vstuu North Carolina Railroad. EfloxylrJbu Our friend. Maior J. IT. "Rnmboup-h. tt "Warm Springs, North Carolina, is on; a (Visit to tne city. He informs us tnat he has just returned from "Raleigfit,1 over the line of the Western North Carolina Railroad to Asheville, and that the work1 is prosfressinsr most satisfactorily.5 Trains will run to Gray Eagle station, twelve miles east 01 Asneviiie, Dy tne first; of March. The work' from that point to Asheville is in a forward state, and is being rapidly pushed to comple tion, all the heaviest grading on that part 01 tne line Deing nearly completed, and. the S wananba tunnel, - one of the ongest in the country, only lacking about eighty feet of being finished. A lorce 01 six minor ed convicts is em Iaj. R. canvassed, teading.jcitizens and prominent members of the Xesislatufe irom all partcvoi the estate; and found the sentiment in favor of comple ting this connection with the Tennessee system of -railroads .universal. ,a The people and, authorities of North Caro lina ix lotjtger ', regard this road as alo- cal enterprise, but one of the utmost importance to the general ; interest of i.i i s.r. xi ia. uie WJUU4V pwW5 KivAug mem, as id wui, whole South and the northwestern re gion of the country. .A, , large portion of the work froiir Asheville to'tfie Ten nessee State tine is already done,; and it is aituosfc-certain mat tne 'ijegisia ture, seeing tne great importance ox uiui woia.,.,wui. uxoviutJ lor pxacing a force on this end of the road to meet the fprcer'wOTkhrg1 from Asheville in tne airection 01 tne Tennessee line. As soon as it is a fixed fact that this road will be finished to the' Tennessee line. the short gap between our own roads and it will be built, which will give us a short line to all the South Atlantic seaports. It . will also stimulate the building of the short connection re quired to put us in direct coinmuniea- iuu wiLu iue "jiiicmnau ssoutirern xtaijf way ana tne great West.- mm 1. : -1 . Only a Dollar. - ; i -.iHHt.n .i.i-.-MA ? .; The schools are. opening throughout the county. There is, one., dollar peif child for the year ehdinsr September 1. I879f ryearthe; ducationalsdlow-ane-wljbut the1 decision' M Judgeaeymour cuts the children out 01 one-nitn or wnat tney tnen naa. xnow it is fortunate fora State ' when -such a sum as&l can be devoted, to defravintr the! annual " exriise fttcating a child. -It will buy 12 .pbuhds-of cotton, number, of things both useful and orna mental, proviaea tney are very cneap. But we have gofcAhe i)est people in the worlds 'rnev are takiner a new and deeper, tnterestf' ffleducatiovtjieTa building !school bousea in all parts of the country, and' they, 'are devoting ast thnk!of , 1 itu .One; obllai.iar headw) One Lhpndred eents apieoejtoRkeep i ourphild Ten irom growingup in "ignorance ana vice is our yeariyt-jaijowee, uoesn t this look like retrenchment rather than refonnJn YVoodbotti jug Turner--Tbe!y BIfeeBi ! . fj -tj -12 tconcord Beglster.j 'f- Ve saw him,' was introduced to him, havft-iefer itniessed, iia .-the-idecadea that hav eJapBed,5 since we catoe to the jears or ooservation. -we tnougnt'oi tiight 'of ih jbaght dayg of th Sentinels - "We f oiJoaTiirr Heir's liiMcliing- DeMcferafjy' We tnougnt orniErxaiir vv e oreatnea a sigh as we saw the tremend&usne$3 of as j we looked upon: tne once exaitea, but now detunct, j osian Turner. A North Carolina Homicide. The 'TChoxvllie iTenn.yrrtne has in- foFmation that in-Mitchell ; bounty, N. rase weeK, a minister nameamarnn, whilst passing agroggery, was attacked Lty a drunken' -rough -named Hensley wriQ aeciarea nis intenuon io kui mar tin. The latter 'hurried to his home, srid was. auicklv, followed bv, Henslev. who was still abusing the minister, and declaring his intention to kiu mm, At this juncturi-) ,Ivartin's gon, feued a re- -fpiyer autt. tiring m xieusuejr, juiieu 1 Z i . .A. A . A.1 . . i i UUU - - " US 11.1 03 1 4 1 The Senate Chaplain and Blood M Wash. Cor. Richmond Dispatch. Tne- prayer of the 'Senate's chaplaTa todav. though veryr brief; was evidently tempered by the' Edmunds s resolution. He said without the shedding of 1 blood jthere could have been ' gained ' none of Aha nvtr'taniaa ara orftTinn OTtiwinnr anil stammered to a conclusion most un srracef ullv.1 Vile is a D. but Brother' .jasper laiuuAU livtiu m pi.aycif 'i- nj -i V-1 lmwt 1111 ! i 11 11 i ' ; in iTor nnwardk of thirty years Mrs.' Window's Sooth' has been usea ior cnuaren. u corrects nnidltr of tne stomach, relieves wind colic regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes, ''An Old and well known remedy, 25c per tptfip, -' l.lll; J I ' Yi i 'inn ' I i , m i . i i i. ii t . . i ii in i, QnlckeH the Clrtrolatlem. ' y Don't let the blood stagnate in yoor veins.1 Too 1 can prevent its 'doing so by increasing tts yolume and parity,' by stimulating the digestive, organs, and encouraging faslmllatlon, with, that1 matchless pletoot afflicted with . any organic or4 morganlo disease, crow wan and haggard simply "because inelr. blood 1 thin', watery, deficient th nourishing properties and so meager m quantuy mat tne ex tremMesare jrerj.tniperfectly supplied with it, and t ftesirfldai drcTjaaonxW Hence toe bloodless appftaranee of the eonntenance,"But j-wlren the Bitters ausedj tb. enrieh and quicken bkfo.ifB;iieg m ;r Jmsai turns jo the cheek, tbej frame, iaeauires jSnbstanoQ as pea a yigor -jaft appetite, biiproves, 7and jpn thgestiv aualins Interfere either with Its gratification or tha soJteepjuenttranq,utjsto ' 'u - 1 --iT '-',T- itt' "V it, j ri,f- te f w.wwyi iWxrajj ti erriv: bt most nebnlev whose srstema arefanini or in any way. out oi order, OH as a medlcmtv is the mosKcnsgUSung ana auiwuik w "uu.e. . 1 ew mant achs .do not revolt at the mere thought of Castor M fvvri T.wr CrtL Tat whea those MyDalltns srmDtoma Of decay appear, which physicians and patients aiiKe Know are unemiig signs 01. greater waste or blood and tissue than the nutriUve oowers are bud-- plying, ' cod LrHi -u tne most trastwortny aDa enecave remear vm vnu. . xm : r; puuiuuTc mj its taste, and odor, reduce the , nervous patient to desbalr. ' It Is then that friends and doctor ean do him the most Inestimable kindness- he, baa ever known, by telling him of Scott'a Emujsioa ot cod Liver Oil with the .HypophospbJtes of .Lime and don from unpleasant mell or odor? of tt mar veions quauies as a numeni, ana . tne' auraeiea it woms, in giving tone ana energy to stomacn, nerve andbralHkir .... , . . , , , To aU who are suffering from the eraors and in discretions of youths nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac I wDlsend a recipe that will cnra you, TREE . OE; CHARGE, .. Tins great remedy :i was ; oucoyerett oy , missionary . Sputh America,: Send fa self-addressed envelope to the' BEY. JOSEPH T- INMAN. Station D.Bible T.j-r ;rv?'r?T - tT T N OTICE TO FARMEBSllI. f am prepared to STORE COTTON ul my fire proof '. .- -1 . . 1 ; ' ii : 4 l. 1 t building either in basement or on the first or see onf floors and wDl give warehouse reeelptson which you ean draw money if desired, n j ; - Charges moderate. t-i.r. THOMAS H. GAITHER. . octl2 . l'l,-. ti"i i if G ROCEBIES CHEAPER THAN EVER, NEW GOODS 1 NEW FEATURES! ia.sses. and other FamllT urooenes. . f i ' j Just received, a tew barrels of Berry Foster's (Da rn county), liiii, ,. BEST BTB WHISK Et! i Also a fine lot of Countrv Hams.' Iseil for cash. All goods delivered in tne city rreeoi cnarge. , yrl . j W. H. CBIMMINGEB, v. Next door below Wilaori Black's old stand. ; c O T .iT O N f L ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICtTED . THOMXS H. GATTHEB, y j ' j J Cottoh Commission Mbhckakt. octl2 " !'"!- (i ' ' !- ' WILLIAMS & FINGER, .' r ,i if:. i 'Vf1iifTF:i! j Have just received a ibt of Turkey and ChlCBlehs which we offer at low urioes. Come to wnuams at ringer and. buy the best. Family. OTour from the. oest muis. , waeat, . juran, - vats, juom sua. neat. Honey. Country Lard. Batter and Eees.-. Thi Timothy and North Carolina Hay, eow and horse feed oi tne best iqnautyj sugar, conee, c xn BlgnmentB solicited for all kinds of counfaypjoduce, will make prompt returns of sales. .. - V ,:,,i ',,.!, .. ,. ,1 ; ' ' ' , i't..GROCERi j; i -.! ; f.-. u.:i .fMir,i,!!i.-'rn7rirns i i t, ,...,. ,,if Wrr.,,1,;.,, 'J -X)MMISBl01l arERCHAJiTr-rf i Mn jii , !iWMj.:tlnir.J ?tl! rr j--meriiEmtod : JU'n't ' OOLUMBIA, S.Cttf'tfiii.ivifirii Special attention' naid to conslmments. Quick saies, ana prompt returns guarapieeo.ui vvery re stance.1 uu iu : j n i ;i . , in .ii-,i-. janlOlmeod.U j?irw .iir..nffW. '.m'i 50 BARRELS i iTTTTT TP if:j ui': b I .ii !f, -H J :'. i - t.I. I : i i'" i ..ii Hlf .V; !. ,-,: I t! i l,:--i ;. CHOICE NORTHERN fflii'lll . : ;..il!i::--l t,. !!!-- it.'ti flsiif h.x)lf- (.j t ." ; ;. a i'- . i ' ' "!r r : i i ! i, - i a a . rrr rrr ij KB ij -i i iitf til h!JT i ' i ' j I i , i r, , i . . ) " ' ' 'Received every eesv; .Ij-hu iii'-s'i ? ';;ll I ti !h,'( - .'.'sir LeROY DAVIDSON.' A SPLENDID LINE OF ' Fine Teas, all trades, lust kirt ! t.. w.tiv nTTTnx'a Jan6Q , . . . , , , ! . B LACK STRAP. JdOLASSESnr ? ! TTriHp'iMMl tirthA tM'Mi: ftr i i . .r,rvr.iBX)TDATrJDSQN.', , ;wjiif.KiMi ana wax jsjCttoa juuw., f tan? .if.j'ys M..' -n, 3 e .irv.l mthecuy;tMB ni'i .i'tJ'r..:'iA.':. ':.;i.v QTUDEBAKER WAGONS. .: am now hi receipt of a large lot of the celebra- ted STCEBAXI, WAGOSa. an '.sizes, which wui no sota w reasaname wibsm iWtj -jo r - 1 . n, 1 , ,. ... - , , , and supply yourself wfth. t&e best wagon out f ,1 c.?. w 'Sf;U-ii .-j::'.- ' -.-I. H. GAITHEIL. - Sfifif 8 tt 'JwnA-fit t:f;h."'i ln id Ki . V' . I -T i ii I - ' " t'il j '.n ".; i- 'ii:i 'J V"l. ! ii-fi ! ifiMi;? i-eros vft,; 'ilf v;Tf,i !t;l . v.! li-S-iiwgBiAVaVir-.'C. ,11107 T 8 SlB & aaI 3 j..f 'g.f ,l V'' '7 Vt7 T OO DD A A. T S-.i'.i .-iloJ' 00 'Oiil)Ult,. ')( f" 0 -SMf'A1 t'.:vl.l. r.itf; -u; J ,r; t i m-. t- 7 ; -'-"'t. mnii f. i t .k, , .,.tl . : . 1 . t urn v w.-s a. . a ri i ri !i;i There ! : ? ' T : rhm;wmbe&GrandBusksn ..I.H'.U H IJIiliri noli ! " -f.i. i i U f-V-. , 1 1 1 , AfttAHM't tat,1 MM Am ' . . I """f"!1. "A? H'1U -" iw iu tires, we would suRgest this circular be retained. ; I T- T ' if.-ii , , ... ; j , . : f : i ' - : 1 (oiJ i ; J .!!' : 1 , You can buj English Fur and Whitney Beaver I worth $32 and $30, at $24 Our Fme West ment'ot$2Q Dverooa, embracing Wortteds, Cas-1 Dmwi Utt.n. mm-w ml 1 1 IT m.A m l Bl I Oll HTllfcnrllll heart f!htnnl,ma fVMlf. worfh tho n I Tests, $27.50, $28 and $30 reduced to $220, ... .. . ' . I . ( , I ' i . I awayrrocksandVests,$20,$21,$22and$2a50, I ment of Casslmer Frock; and .Sack Suits, sold Our entire Stock of Cassimere Pants ranging $6.50 J $5.50 and $8.00; one uniform priee, $400,' TO J tSTMl Ka tMrfflMJI DAvna QAA nofM oil waAI faAtrl 1 tv iu vy OKSAAAJLawvat wuiv vw jfAAO . nwi vuoot i nnnirMAVaffa m OCTm : tm rrr rkfiV AvTT1 - ft .Mnll I P STTf f-"'Vf T" fT O' 0JV J AV VAAAU VU AV ' ftlllTMfl I ur Fme Merino Underwear, worth $3 each Shirt j I var stocK oi soys I f . in niunqpu uwurami &iuiuBiuoiui(oi4 w tui aeavy. smncs. enuTraong, wereooa, i WUI be arranged In connection with the " Clearing Prices'' In our regular and desirable goods, certain I lines of Worsteds, to Coats and Teats, odd broken -garmenta land other rjerishable goods, to be slaugh tered at less than half value. "' " IniinanyuutonsestlieQna CL'O T.H'NGI v; CtOTHIKjTI LOTH IN Gl CLOIHIM VI I 1 1 -,,,. ...::, . ... ir 1 . ; w, ju.uj!jilan jt lAra. ; ", : ' :: ' -; - t ?U,... .....V... , ,.. CLOTHING HOUSBI I GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. 1 Ha vine determined to reduce oof stock, we now offer to the people f Charlotte and this section of t North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most peauHiui ana wen seieciea stoca f oon t.ii . ; t' nwa 'H ii mi 1? 000 a, O O L ,,0 O T - H H n, Si S oTO' 8 L ' O O T HHH n KHK O i O L T o o . f !. H i H Ti K Hk o OO ywv?-:.ww I V P.;; M . M OT . . . .;! '! iii .l,,-;!.-,. ,-:v u if. i r. , r 'i .i I : j. . .(.Kill YOUTH'S AND (nm.DitEN'S, i 1 j , 1 0 L O T H I N 64 FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. f - : - I n u i'i -..-. iu .I.!. jt:u-; ii j. i.i irtn nalr la that vnr frlAnria BYuT MndflnillM I wui give us a can, as tt wui be to your interest, ana i . . juu wui hht uum.Wieea . m iwuv uer ceiu.w y our purcnases. J w.jjlumai decia ?r ! -:stofBce'Addi,t P Parties havlnit jrraln to astad tft aelf wQI And f' tttotlieiriiUertooalloxiUMunciersigned; 11,931 i ground either one or coarse, axscordlng to order, ,. 1 r . iTompt personal attention to all orders from one p nshetto aear load... - l j .f v..,"-',,.. v :.. ,. jfn,t i-n.fcf ; '' I it 1' . Hj'Ti B MtT.-ft i?ir or Wimlft .and Gimmd Sniees; idcludtnc Feus; I ! mixed spices, try tt and be eonvineea tnat tnere m i rf?,; fc. WRISTON 00, t ' i 1 if? .t.;Vtt r-.! ( rr t, I.i COX'S' and NELSO.VS GElJllTNE,'-;'; u;;' j r'nrri QfanxK TfulTnTt . Utmnl - unit TVuMt Ta-1 t 'iii,;')i of on : .' : I T7RENCH BRANDT' ' 'Jl ir 1 li 'i j otii J u--iii 5 fi J i fs! -sol 1 7 ;v. - "t I .';'' it .'1 jf;'I.s'.iIt-U.Vl- i ii. tspnngs uomex, unanooe, j. vi ni ,lt , 5rjTir..A?r. 1 f .,-t'l T z r.T, i ; . .,T..rr.Tr. f 7. .. 119 Vt,l tftfl i-,,',f A'f "l I ! ,,-lt ,.... 7 -I,.-..-.! ? . r ...I .. nl ' -miXXitIfia-''Vwl J TJHKWORWS STANDARD, 1 J - j , .1 .,,.psW..!R zdb , -! 5 J-if". f fciTWITNTT TEARS OU'.'.- if .nr. V-':.' r,; ' 811 Broadway. New Tor f . v - ... " 7 "" 2 :'j L'r,'i 'p?- I ty-For sale tyLeagErdvjareDea'rs, Ji utv.'v u.,Mi,i.iV,rr , - Jt . "J i it crsTRAI. TjOTrii SALOC. ' ' acxxl-dtoww . .jj i-i .jt.'t-s 6i 'iVi, Tabiaaflf Eth. 1879. . . as rr tiCVJ I ., -, .'. . kfJNL VJ, Xlrt.V r ' t gmBJ i' J- ' "" " - ' - ItAi. . ' pUB,SN3IBS,:ST0(Xi0F.wrNTEB GOODS ill ,-i i . , . l i - m m ai WINTER UNDERWEAR; rTI .I aiy fniontar ' enjoy the j (IT f fif.ii .11. . !.(..!' i "i I .'.i RAND OCCASIOXT1 I C&'tf Jl .-i'-Hlij 'i il'.lii ' -.. ' I . . I : . . ... . . I mre wtsa. nnexea we wm give a soneauie or i To - day win begin the gnat distributing sale of the 1 : ; ' t 1 ... , .a j -E. IX LATTA A BRO TO CLOSE our. ' ! A Overcoats, Sathv'llned, $40 at $29. Our Fine I Eng-landCastere, $30, at$2B. Our Olive Brown Cos ters, Granites,' Chinchnias, without reserve, at $15. I Ann aAP I ilm RPJUinn 9.1 n 7 rtfl TO fT.AHH fWTT An Ana I ! , : -. --, . : '. i i ... ' I, 1 TOCLOSEQUT. Our entire magnlflcent line of I .-. I aU at one uniform closing price418.00, TO CLOSE readily the entire season, $15, $16 and $17.50, at I Ctar$l0ahd$l2.MCOSSnraRESUITS $7 and $7.50 at one uniform priee, $5.00. . Our CLOSE OUT. Our large variety of $4 and $450 -TO CLOSE : OUT- TYIATM Pftfltfl 3 S3 Kit RA Q TK at fO Rii A Wf wvnvwj wwwv , yv f v f wiW w i , aaATHMAnr s1 f no AAlAKvnfal Crsv Qi1W In a I WWUWI VMtUUW V. MW WtVUiOWVW WfOU kJlAAXVO 111 1AI VVl t ana drawers, win do soiq a a per sail, ru ciAKbis t and SI .nn. At nnn rnilfnmi nrim. KHa "' I TO CLOSE OCT o r, t. o w n rt I I uwuiuig wui ue ouereu at pnees xowei man outer i TO CLOSE OUT. , ,s ; , ... ,1 iCLOSDiG OUT SALS) . Sf877 K W8S 2 77 g 11 18 88 m ' .11 aoBSaa rvvi 99. nsw. tt ww n nan ' PR RTTNN NO a ppp rrr nw w NO BS8SP a Sns hh 000 3 TjijE HATE : JUST BECETVED FBOTIC - " B HATE JUST RECEIVED FBoJW. OUR HOUST7 UR HOUSHi A full and complete line of sample Goods for Sprint; wear; tne styles are aunew, aaraeure ana: 1 handsomely designed; the Goods .. . are all of Foreign Looma. " suchaa-..; ,; French, English, Scotch and German, And with Increased facilities AZ?? ,1 we miena to maite ganncuw w onier, cxieap- 1 r ttian any Northern tailor commg' ' J j i - through heref we have also recelv- j , , l . . w . i CU JK WUM1 I (' 'm1.LZrar,,' l we soncit ah earlr can,' so as to 'give ua win vnviiBU w iiwiimiHKireu j u ! i ! j. r' . i . i VianurA.1l,. i i . : . J .', . I ; i i ! v ; ; i a rat t. tnrawAvaini- mti ' ; . 1 . ... , . ......... . . ... ' . 1 . . Fine Clothiers and Tailon. ,1 ' 1 r 'I a. u. JSTeryooay mat wants winter eiounng wui i savemoney by calling on us, as we will sell them Jo neybr calling ou us, as we will sell them ms of cost, ,Maa'a, Toutha' Boys';1An4 sj.-. .. . ;v ... , ; RBaroiesa Children's ) F : I -'J'' -;, . n i j i i. -i.!r ..;lsJBaUJrx.MBitl o . :j t j ..!.:' Jul !... f i : rfyr gals AlsaJ ii H-iji.. iuor . )Sl! .; "ti-'. vi '. "PATENT ALARM KOlEt BBAWEB051 J - i il,4i 'i; j--!ji" ji.itir-iIV 2uiJ-.-n -ir.-r'n'i f. ; a . - -j- ar . cioOeetmSiOu Cenei y . jOacfllaUng Pump Op's Puntre . 1 ,-ici-a vi, .... , .y,.ri ( tMrorwrcuiara. Vr.1fi . ,.;r,..T; . '-'' lUii'U OJ; :ir,iin K I Mil tM himta tiw Wlii hwMm tMi HUfflk1!'1' - ., .i i i. - -i. .... 1 r 'tr . . 'it a i r f - ) ffl(yj 40 years, weelaimtobeitoofferyod any and, b ImprTypeW n ,i xfef1 St tvrwfffwy turret wrw l(aV:-""- J--Vito Jt-P. m .1 of Job Work am nrB htttmwu- rirfri dupatoA Ml tfiiifi, km rmWi, u Mori ' . SLAJTZ8, SnJrlOUiS, ""ij'i'r -Tfxryfs U LXTTK3-READS, CASD3, 1 Li TAftS. KSOSIPTS, FOSTESS, . PUcpznjtTS, cnxruLAB&rcHscrs, a H i. 1.. iHi ! " j I. ,! i ..... 0 ; .,i - 1 - tf ?-s.- "all V U ranumfff BnMwo iiM.nB ifjjjf.Ht j.it ivitS ). . teak idvanfawet W iiiiiiktoM as wDm 'jjjint- u i, . ) ,i i I t i t-i(i.i fn..-U..'ir.'i.!t-. VIJ; v" 1iJ'Hl"Hl l . I - ' .in! ii-.. i: I "I W'U si . . ... prices. and airtmr rtuvmam' Tnrkt4Tn'lnlTt t u i i i t u inammothstoek of . . Ii u J..-iill; ii-i Jessup Custom made garments, silk sleeve lined tors, silk sleeve, $24, at $18. Our enUr assort-, i Our attractive -variety of Worsteds, ' Oxford and ; ' ' ' ' '"' '' ' ."iU ' ' Dahlia and RlSl 7 Knvtlah ' XVnrmiaA Vww4r ! nt ' ' English Worsted In Black, Brown and Dahlia Cut " .... ' ... .1 - i . it! i uut. The handsomest and mort attractive assoitr.,? , one uniform prioe, $12, TO (J 0TJT, , : . m ',!yS "T 3: Immense assortment, of Caaslmere iPants,' $$, , ; , Cassimere Panto at one uniform price, $a0OH , fIT.IISiC ffHTF.: Ont VATWnlnlffl fWW A T.mAoflt,M U. " ss wva v awiwtiH " AN. fJfnTfh M 4fR J t tVi TA iT SOV MPTTi - .vv va wtHMVI ww VW AW VMVUAI W At wi. wur enure bwck ox unaerwear, worm lotV i i. . . s . - n::iiJ.;di iucivuhiui vqu wuy ukuu. - , t (; . - 6 .: .-u w ,!.:-.:(( -: ii I;:, i Teryeonnally, :" "-ii-iu i; f. i i-fu; "B ti nwi' tniftH'' ft -0F- W t- T T K'O W B K"T"'! ',' W l T..T;;K Q W"; 8 .K,;T., -,.,"( 7fd : ' : i . :-pr.;:...;;!. );...;! l;::-,5 AND ' '' ;!; ' if J. ?;. r, . , B A B U C H, , . f " r J :ff j.i jtiiU litTfsrry ' -i : ..!"!? ' 'i ''iiUi! 1, ?f I-. ' v :;T v i ii? : ! i -t -r!. . f jjiji;.)) TO' THE : !,,.. , -jf . . .... "As the Snrina season aDDroaches. the ouesrlon ' : . f i ,. : ... -i... . t ... . n I wnenana wnere to isuyuUB season simock. i .: t. .ii .ij : i.. f .iii jii ui. r-r.ij-.iir lit . f . ,. .. . wwun" wnni" nvmycwuiv t-kttt ti t 1 . - . . r . . - . f L ' T I .': L' ' L- deoends upon the section 01 country m Whiefl yoa are located. As to eM Where "we uitaun 1 , rx) tr n rkk OiOU UB R H HO Ou Cli iim d p URKK HHHd-Off tsi.Kr ' ,jt j ii."'! i:i' fi.lll.Wlir. (f f lv7lJili WU n w U V atVKai Aavai i , m ti.... . OVA ..l.ni .i.j.n.. - .'jrtRyW-i.t1);j t K'-.s-mH eiJJ itvj0iO'irro m .fak - 'teM'' A,'i',li K'-''KE lTO'-g-h imoca earner thsii the frmnlta an abundance of - " J ji J l-i w 1" wb.MfiflscSH' AS A LETEtJ ao'.J'jl orH to taxing prices, sad having a Joint: experience oi ' ! i.ai tW '.Atn. uTOfrr.'rrf i -w, ,tf tT J.ul.,Hiailiaiu1 i.tn hA MWfrlefl fcf.t I ay gjvwsa v smw m y " - . we ask our friends T ksb, .11, 5- D . . M . . atourGoods,asu?4;:-T ica- ipHi AAAf a P'Jfiwi r,i:1ji j'-sHinH-i ij (T .,ni rrnv i"idi r . I ; 4 . i