LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. SUNDAY, FEBRUAUx" 9, 1879. RAILROAD - DIRECTORY, i : V: -: ; The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washington time): ;'r- j Richmond .Airraxj v ,1 1 Arrives from Richmond and Goldsbord, 1.00 a. m. Leaves for . " i';;-2-0 Arrives from Richmond,. .,.,-.'., hIO.60 a. m. Leaves for 6.55 p.m. ' ATLANTA CHARLOTTE &H-LINK. , , Arrives from Atlanta,.; v.,. . .,.-H 8.20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta,. ? 5? Arrives from Atlanta, m- Leaves for Atlanta, 10.50 a.m. CHARLOTTE, COLOMBIA AUGCBTA. ' ; Arrives from Augusta, i 3-- Leaves for Augusta.. ........... .; , l.uo a. m. Arrives from Augusts..;.. r,. VTf ,r o.au a. m. Leaves for Augusta,. . . . &,., ,.! ... vj,A . "r ,. , CABOIJNA CENTRAL,, :...f- Arrives from Wilmington,; .... .'. J. 7.29 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington,.... 6.00 a.m. Arrives from Shelby...... 5.00 p. m. Leaves for Shelby,.T . , , . , -. 1 ,. 7.00 a. m. ' ' ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE OHIO. ,.,? Arrives from Statesvllle, - 5.80 p. m. Leaves for Statesvllle ........ i 7-00 a. m CHARLOfTK POST OFFICE, ..... . "fj'i-,.-,... , t i i' " OFFICE HOURS. - .- ; I .' '.. OPENS, j CLOSES. Money Order Department,-. .fl.OO a, m; 5.00 p. m. Registry Depar(lnent,....u.0.OOa. nu 5.00 p. m. Gen'l DeuVy a Stamp Dept., . 8.00 a. m. 0.00 p. m. " . , ? 8.80 p.m. 8.45 p.m. rjy- on Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a, m. to 10.00 a. m. - ' - ' "i - OPENING AND CLOSING OF MAILS. . ,.i , ,'''' '.':i OPENS. Jjj' CLOSES, t. Danville A Charlotte R. R., .' 8.00 a. mi - 9.00 p. m. M ( ." n 11.15a. m. .00 p. m. Charlotte ft Atlanta R. R.,-; 8.00 a. mj 9.00 p. m. ft Augusta R. R.,. 8.80 p. m j 10.00 a. m. Wllm'n ft Charlotte R. R.,. 8.80 p. mj - 5.00 a. m. Charlotte ft Shelby R.B.,., 5.80 p. m. i 6.00 a. m. ft Statesville,. .. , 5.80 p. DLj ; 6.00 a, m. t?T" Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 5.00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. to. l$T Yorkvllle. (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays et 7.00 a. m. s 1 W. W. JENKINS, P. M. INDICATIONS. War Department, r, ) ;r, V . M. ) Office Chief Signal Officer, ASHINGTON, FeD. 8, ISJO P YW the South Atlantic States, slight changes in barometer, stationary or a slight rise in temperature, light rains on the coast and partly cloudy weather in the interior with northeast to southeast winds during the night and becoming variable during Sunday. I.uca.1 Report for Yeitterday-. 17 A.M. 12 P.M. j 9 pTm Barometer, ........... Thermometer. ....... Relative Humidity,... v?lnd Direction ... " Velocity,...,..',. Weather,. 30.354 83 .89 LN.E.' 6 Miles Cloudy. 80.3051 30341 85 , 61 . N.E. : Clear. 40 56 E. ". 7 Cloudy. Highest temperature 41 cleg.; lowest 82. : Index to New Advertisement. L. Berwanger Bro Spring, 1879. Wlttkowsky ft Baruch Spring Circular. Field Bros Charlotte Hotel. ' E. C Grler and others Nottee. Clotnmg Henry M. CrowelL - - THE CHURCHES TO-DAf,' Totwo Men's Chbistuk Association Hall. Devotional exercises this afternoon at 45 o'clock. St. Peter's (E.) Church; Services in the morn ing at 1 1 o'clock and in the afternoon at 4Vs o'clock by Rev.- Z. Doty. Sunday school In the after noon at 8 o'clock. ' ' :'' Baptist Chubch. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock by Rev. Dr. Theo. Whitfield, pastor, . Sunday school in the morning at ttyfe o'clock. , , . , ; ..... j i First Pbesbttebian Chtjbch. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 by Rev. A. W. Miller, D. D., pastor. Sunday school In the afternoon at 330 o'clock. j St. Mask's Luthebah Church. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock by Rev. E. A. Wlngard, pastor. Sunday school In the afternoon at 8 o'clock. . y Second Presbyterian Chubch. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock by the pastor. Rev. E. H. Harding Sunday school in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. ; associate Reformed Presbtterian Chapel. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock by Rev. W. T. Waller, pastor. Sunday school In the morning at 10 o'clock. i. .,' Calvary Mission Chubch. -ServUes In the morn ing at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 o'clock by Miss Louisa Planter. .Sunday school in the morning at 9 o'clock and class-meeting , In the af ternoon at 2Vi o'clock. - - ' J St. Peteb'b (Catholic) Church. Servlceg in the morning at lOMs o'clock and catechism taught In the afternoon at 4Va o'clock by Very Rev. L. Pi O'ConneU. Vespers' In the afternoon at 5 o'clock. Sunday school in the morning as 9 o'clock. Trton Street Methodist (E.) CHURCH-Ser-vtces in the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 o'clock bf Rev.. A. 'A. Bos b amer, pastor. ; Sunday school In the: evening at 3V o'clock. Prayer ' meeting 'very ;, Wednes day evening at 730 o'clock.' Strangere conUaUjr Invited. '-"' ; '. V Graham Street (Colored) Methodist (EV) Chubch. Services In the morning at; 11 o'clock and in the evening at 1 o'clock by the pastor. Rev. L. B. Gibson. Sunday school in-the morning at 9 o'clock. Prayer meeting every. Wednesday avanlniv nt u n'A uilr - HOnC FEN CII.I Nii We gain 59 minutes of daylight this moatn. Mi-it tr-'! 'iio -i The cotton platfornr-held about 600 bales yesterday. ' ; Gov. Vance is- expected to ;arrive in the city to-day f v,,,iP-"J'1 ' Quite a number: iPfj cases of pneu monia in this vicinity.Mi 4i .v--, Some of the firemen 'je'doyitx'rjear trday and oiled up things -about their terday engine houses. why? M-i?xpH' '' ' " The catalogue of Davidson Colledee, for the year i878-r'79f soon to: be issued will contain the nam9 jocflW rt4enja. The Concord ' Register, thinks1 . thai Mecklenburflt has as. able "a deletrate in; the Legislature as any part of the State j can boast. v "t?rivjM v'v. 47, .a A meeting of tittomeys yesterday5 ar ternoon, resolved.to askthe Xegislatire for an act eivinir thfee weeks': terms of Superior court tc Mecklenburg county. Horses are dying in certain parts or the county-with something like; blind staggers, lut which exhibits symptoms unknown to this disease. - - The military boys ought to come om on the 22nd and ; celebrate! George's birthday. We haven't , honored the noble old parent in many years. , The Hornets! ,iNest',Iiiflemen will appear, Monday, afternoon at A -o'clock for parade and practice, if the! 'weather Mr. J. IL Van Ness, the photograbhei of this city; has kindly ofDered io fura-i ish each student of Davidson CJollege with a photograph of Mf. S. CS. McNeeiy the young man who died a few: days ago. The Hornet fire company have had shafts puts to their hose reel and at the1 next nre thenoisy tnmg; wm jQ&arawn by a graytnule from They hope; to have a mule of . their own in the course of time, If there (were anything to, pe.said to make the -tjeonle f oreet ' tnar tnere is any sucht thing as St? Valentine's Jday it would be said here and ' now.; .But this being impossible, dtrmay beTemark oii flo4- to fV.O A '' We are informed that : the canvass f the city for J Emerson s citjrtliroctofy 1$ now complete, and during the week airents will call on the business men. for advertisements1. Any ; changes !!in residence or rnisineas which, have taken place h&in&e . the canvass .commenced, two weeks ago; will be corrected if et Two dogs left their yard and tried t& ct up a uLue negro guiiu .uu4wi'UM on Thursday, and vet . .the ..Legislature will not tax these creatures out of exis- A ! t -f i'n.: .1 -'. 1 '!!'! .... r f V y-f r 1 t f f - ;Tbe SwedUh Adr Vocal Qiuurtctte. Itls already quite generally known that this company of sweet singers will appear in the opera house' to-morrow night in a benefit for the Lee monument iuncL They have been everywhere well received, and all newspaper criticisms which have come under our observa tion refer to them 4n,terms of praise. The following is f com the Washington Republican of recent datei ; - . ' The ladies of the quartette possess voices of great excellence,1 and their several selections may well be charac terized as the perfection of quartette bioging. They afforded our first expe rience in hearing four-part, songs ren dered by female singers whose 'gifts of nature enabled them to -present har mony under the strictest interpretation of its laws. In appearance they are lady like and refined, and in features more than usually handsome. Their selec tions were most acceptable in rendition and excellent in style, and taste. Mr. lieygangis an artist in the highest acceptation of the term. His touch is firm but delicate, and his technique generally is wonderful. The instru ment be used is of surpassing elegance and sweetness of tone. j'' iraittM CI ax ton Iat Night. " The Double Marriage " was present ed last night at the opera house by Miss Kate Clax ton and company. The audi ence was considerably larger than was expected and the play went off smooth ly. It is highly sensational, full of plots, deceptions and trouble from the begin ning to' the end,4?uta$Itfre&nje time not without humorous features, which constitute by no means the least attrac tive part of the play. '; The character of Josephine which Miss Claxton,Dortrav- d is very emotional and a difficult one tot act. She rather disappointed expec tations at first, but improved greatly as the Dlav Droerressed. She is nrettv and graceful on the stage, and won upon the audience, which gvft herr Wyatt and Mr. Stevenspn an encore. The support JWas 'first tkbe espgcuilly that of Mr. Stevenson. Sharp rricktj to Defraud the tiovern , .inenu . About a week ago a farmer who lives in this county picked up, at a point be tween the public square and the Air Line depot, a tar bucket, such as may be seen hanging under road, wagons, and earned it home. After using the contents, he threw the bucket into the tire, and as he did so a false bottom dropped out, revealing a bundle of to bacco stamps which had been used. ; It is easily explained. A wagoner, had sold nis tooacco, removed the stamps b soaking, and was carrying them baci home with the expectation of making them do service again, thereby ' robbing the government of their race value in money. Even the keenest scented rev enue officer would never have thought of looking in a tar bucket for stamps, and yet they have been found in places equally improbable. An officer once found a package in a bundle of rags wrapped around a horse collar, ap parently for the purpose of protecting a sore on the animars shoulder. , Now, how's that for sharp? Releasing- a, Wag-on and Team. - - A man named Burns, from Burke county,' was before Commissioner Pitt man day before yesterday on the charge of, wholesaling and retailing whiskey without a Ucense. His wagon and team were seized by. Deputy Collector Young some time ago, but he himself was not arrested."1 He made application to the collector of the district to b-ave the wa gon and team released. The collector recommended to the commissioner, un less; the case should be more aggravated than he supposed, to grant the petition, provided the owner of tire prooertv would nay all cost to the government. The case was heard yesterday and the wagon ana -team reieasea under the above conditions. ,,.,y . .. The Eighth Diwlrict In the Saprume Court... In the. Supreme Court, Thursday, all. he justices present, cases from the eighth judicial district were called and acted upon as follows: ! Damet - Wissenhunt rs.W. C" Jorresr et aL from Burke: iarguedi R, . Arm- field and Johnstone Jones for plaintiff. and G. N. Folk and John Gray Jiynum, ior aerenaants. State vs. Hoke C. Secrest. from Mc Dowell, certiorari ordered. Attorney General Kenan for the plaintiff, and D, 'Ai Covington for the defendant. State vs. Thomas Boon, from Yancev : argued, Attorney-General Kenan for the plaintiff, and- lieade, Busbee & Busbee for the defendant. State vs. Sewell Gillespie, from Ire dell; argued by Attorney-General Ke nan for the plaintiff, 'no counsel for the defendant. ' John Collett and wife et al vs. L. P. Henderson and wife, from Burke ; ar gued. No counsel for the plaintiff. Jno. Gray Byrium; B, F. Armfield and Shipp & Bailey for defendants. CoUon-ICcceiptv. . 1 .4 ; . ; The receipts of cotton during the week which closed Friday were light, being only 1.015. on each day as follows: Friday, 221 ; Saturday, 106 ; Monday, 102 ; Tuesday, 266 : Wednesday, . 142 : .Thurs day, 178. ( The total receipts up, to date are 3159, against about-40,000 at tms time last year. The f alling-off is due to the fact tnat since tne pooling arrange ment: went into effect, aU cotton bought: by Charlotte merchants on the AiivLine Railroad is shipped directly from the point where the purchase is made. Last year the receipts from this source, were. Somewhere1 in the neighborhood J0f 10i- poo bales, hence w may expecta falling: off nf about this number in our annual receipts. Thlsi- cottOtf being;: botehtl ClScnUClD am jaiu iui the spot was of 'no real advantage to the trade of this city; "l fit is "wagon cot ton, bought and paid ior in tne city, which tells on- the .trader and the. city weigher reports that the propor-, tion of this is1 larger this year' than it' has been for four years past. j'i.nepresr ent indications arei rthat our receipts bales: ITfecteleuhurg Faiuimmnfl ms Caano Companies. .TfVl5iJXI U; A call signed -by sewrat farmers-in this county appears in; our' ad vertisina columns this morning,; for a meeting of the farmers -of -Mecklenburg in the court house in this.city; nnJTuesday, ttie loin 1I1SU, wo oauio uajr, uj iuo on which the Carolina Fair-Association meets. The object of the meeting, is not explained in the tiall tut is1 Under stood to be for consideration and action in reference to the purchase of fertili zerslt is afactufte'pwell knbwn-that' some 1 time ago the manufacturers 0C; euano,-: ciairmnxnatrai;tnerpre8eni. price or coram iney eQuiaiitn,-iiuru w . sell it for four hundred pounds whicli has been the price for, the last several years. The farmers in SouthoCarolina and Gpoi'ifia; have been, holding meet ings and protesting against the rise in price, and in 2'marty! instariCes have agreed not to purchase a$ the, jate now offered by the manufacturers; Some of 4'0ur own farmersi navje'ireiqsea xo puy t at the new rate, Under the circumv stances, therefore,"it has been deemed advisable to have a public meeting and f discuss. .the. matter, ,in all its r bearings ; and as the subject is one in which all are directlv and tersonallv interestfed. it is nopea ana expected tnat ail parts of the county, will Joe fully represented. it -ji-x v.: 1.: 1. 11 w..6yvMIrwf .jv- , leririiii""""" Fpi0yed in the erection of the thirteen ZZZL itlVK Jrxacieras ana iienryroraerea- py; tjon-vi a cosuiTioar" He is Getting Along Favorably--Out Bt ) ';ding - Yesterday The Observer's 4 . ' New Schedule. '", rf 7 " ' tSpeclal to the Observer, ' "v- t. Columbian' s; C r February 1 8.IIis' attending, physician; say$ tbere ,is a very mall part remaining of the shatr tered bone in Gov. Hampton's legj'It is imperceptible exterriallyi and is not giv ing the Governor the slightest inconve nience; ' He was riding about fownto day in ari'bpen 'carriagei enjoying the mild change in the -atmospheres- J)is. patches bave been received hourly from all parts of the country, since the an nouncement that there were . apprehen sions of the necessity of a second ampu tation, inquiring anxiously as to the pa tient's condition. j i . It is an unexpected pleasure to be en abled,to read The Obsebyeb daily at the same me with Charlotte folks., J.rv ; . ' ' 'I. , . ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 I Cliurch IVole. j i Lent commences this year on the 20th of February.. . J " . u Kev. Dr. Vaughan' nas accepted ''the call as stated supply for the Presbyte rian church of Atlanta; of which Dr. Leftwitch Was recently pastor. . , The congregation of St Peter's Epis copal church are looking forward with much pleasure to the visit of Bishop Lyman next Thursday. t u- Kev. E.N. Joyner, rector of Trinity church, Statesville, has received a call to the Episcopal church in Pittsboro. The congreganon which he now has: in charge will be loth to give him up. Commencemem Oratorsandnaranala 1 Philanthropic literary society of Davidson College, yesterday elected the lollowing young merv.tq represent the society at -the annual commencement ill June: , - . -. , " Representatives 3. F. McKinnon, Monticello, Fla. ; C. R. Harding, Char lotte, N. C. ; A. W. White, Concord, N. C. Marshals J. E. Scott.; Jr Graham. N. C; E. L. B. Davidson; Charlotte, N.J u; h. L. ismitn, Greensboro, JN4 C;;lt. R. Little, Little's Mill, N. C . L V - The representatives and marshals fof the Eumenean society were elected two weeks ago, and the list has already been published. 1 . .: - J 1 Fhe Secrettt Case. ( . j It will be seen from the proceedings of the Supreme Court published else where, that in the case of H. C. Secrest; convicted of murder in the Superioe Court of McDowell county and sen tenced to . be hanged, the" court has granted a certiorari. In common par lance this simply means that the trans cripts have been returned to the clerk of the court of McDowell countv for correction. The papers may be sent back to the Supreme Court before, its1 adjournment, and the case may agairi come up at the end of the docket, btif it is more Likely that it will go over , td the next term, and thereby cause stpl further delay in the final settlement of the case. The machinery of the law moves ;with a sluggishness which the mills' of the gods could never aspire to. 1 1 1 STATE : We always enjoy the Concord RegL- ter. " , : ' " Mrss. J; J, Thomas of Raleieh. a daughter, of Thomas II. Briggs, died A New Jersey man has come to Wel- don for the purpose of erecting a stove factory. C. B. BraswelTs store eight miles from Whitakers. in Edfrecombe countv. was burned .Tuesday night accidental. In sured ior Sow. .. . ... ,.......-,. Mr. S.. . S. Westrav. of Nash, jumped from his phaeton, his' horses running away, and in the fall had a leg broken in two places. , , Wilmington Sun: The editor of the Concord Sun, Mr. E. H. McLaughlin, was married on the evening of the 4th inst, to Miss Ida Moore, of Iredell cotm- 1 ' - .r- , 1 . . . , . . The Concord Register says that' on last Sundays as Mr. Robert Early was returning home from church, his horse stumbled, fell, and broke his neck. Mri Early escaped unhurt. Piedmont Press a-Mr, Hi G. Seitz had 'Shipped to this place 1 from ' Charlotte1 last week a pair of hne thorough-bred Plymouth Rock chickens. He means to raisje poultry. J Mr. J. A. HarreU, formerly of Hen derson, has moVeii to Weldbn,"where he intends to establish a job printing of fice. . He will- also publish a weekly agricultural journal. Concord Register. i The gentleman who will be the, hardest to. beat in the tetatacoavention c far the Democratic nomination, was inaugurated. Governor last Wednesday, and his naipe , isThos. J.Jarvis. ' " i " The citizeribfferidercountyredently held a public-meeting and passed reso lutions addressed ; to. i the ..Legislature ' advising adherence to the present pub lic road system, demanding a dog law, and favoring a compromise of the public debt. .tv -i i v-.i-Uiia mi ;The Lenoir Topic says j three dogs With hydropho'bla have beeri'killed m the neighborhood of able; llock post office, Burke county, during the past few weeks. ;; Many 'bthers have been bittenr-Alsrrxrchild of Mr. Thomas j Kincaid. j :Raleigh 06e3- ; . On Wednesday ev ening last' near. Goldsboro, Jack Smith, onfr Butts and tne Hihsowfead " words ; Butts ;kriii?cked;: Smith ;'dowhttHinson then .struck! bun .on- the bead, with a sticklaftd broke hisi skuliSmith died almost .1flStatfa.tJir.to 'Hihsa npjnp bpeTtt&w&hiUj " ' 'i "' 1 Concord Register (just returned from Raleigh) : Katef Donghejtyj business 1 competitrQfLTim LeS i.intbe matter ot resolution the other day to the Legisla- I ture tQ.adjourn, as they are running re- trenenmeno? is wwuvrwuvvii ia in danger of; being retrenched to death. :., 1 Tarfotfr-Soitihefnerr' "was found dead on the; bank of Tar river, about six miles' above- Washington, on Friday last, nearly opposite J. E. Clark's: Her-hendnBaTm-etrfonFand the flesh wa jUrn f repf ibr rips..r She was so disfigured 6y 'decomposition that it was impossible to ascertain; whether sne was wmte or coioreu. r Sess iasts; year, anave ioompietea meir: bor& This is a matter of great general importance at this point v,. The stations aire now only five miles apart On ; thei North Carolina and Virginia coasts be tween the capes mentioned.?-:.M .41 Ijenoir rTopict ' Last Monday " af ter noon, about 2 o'clock, th6 dwelling house of Sheriff McCall was destroyed ey fire. The sheriff wa from hornet Mra,' Mci Call succeeded, isaving .what money thferewaiin the houseV' but ievery thing. Ise, including about two thousand -dol lars in countv fclaims. hll "of the; fumi-' tu re, clothing, provisibns, &6 Was burn led. It is supposed that the roof of the house caught from' Bparka ' from the kitchen chimney, ''. V,.. ; UAMFTOX'S i 1 uilminirfnn SStstiF '"rTfQ nrnrlrman Am. I Socieljr Noles aodCotMkp - Missesllattie d)lAidyiI)ilUrdif bt Henry county, Va- who have been in the city several months, on visit: to oi; John I Brown, a relative, left for vv inston last Tuesday, and whiles there will be the guest of Mr Tyler Hairs ton. ; ; Miss Nellie HilL of Greensboro, is visiting the Misses Witherspoon. 'The Columbia Register says: "One of North Carolina's belles, who is now on a visit to Columbia, was much admired at' the . Governor's Guards hop last Monday night."s T wo young ladies, of Charlotte are visiting in Columbia now. Miss Lou Young has gone to Wil mington on a visit of several weeks, to friends in that city. . - -Miss Annie Dewey has returned from Golds boro, after several c, weeks spent among relatives there, Dr. and Mrs." Moore hav' returned from; a visit to the latter's relatives in Richmond, Va. . Many of our youhg folks turned wist ful eyes towards the' inaugural ball in Raleigh, but no one from-Charlotte at tended. The married men of Wilmington gave a hop to the young folks of . that city last Thursday night It is described as Ae event of the season. Let the mar ried men of Charlotte,? who have- not grown tod old vforvsuch amusements, make a note of this:' 11 n x - j -: A movement is on foot among the young men to close the pleasure season with a grand german at the Central Ho tel on the night before the beginning of Lent' The plan will no doubt be car ried into ; execution, and- in a , manner highly creditable. Aside from theatrical amusements,' the event of the present. week will be the cadet ball ati the' Carolina Military Institute next Friday, night .,r ... TELEGEAfHIC MARKET REPORTS.. FDBEUABY. 7, 1879 ( . PEODUOE. mCiNcnrATi Flour unchanged ; tarnfly 4.20a5.25 Wheat dull; red and white 94a95. Corn unchang ed. Oats steady. Pork 10.00. Lard uteam 6.65a a75. Bulk meats houldera a65, clear ribs 4.75, clear sides 4; bacon strong; shoulders 4V&, dear ribs 6ai, clear sides 6. - Whiskey steady at 1.02. Butter dull and drooping; fancy Western re serve lflal8, prime to choice do 15al6, do Central Ohio 13al5. Sugar in good demand. . Hogs steady and firm; packing 8.90a4,10.' - ' COTTON. Norfolk Firm; mldioagj Vtoet "receipts 1,241; gross; stock 23.875; exports coastwise 690; sales 775 exports to Great Britain 1 ,-V3 a - Baltimobx Firm; middling Wgts. ; low middling 9jAc.; good ordinary 8& j net receipts ; gross 278; sales 215; stock 9,660; exports coastwise 40; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to Condnent ; : BoaroM Firm; middling "'.; low middling 914c; good ordinary 8;; net receipts 1,015; gross ; sales,; stock '2,625; exports to Great Brit ain r. J . .. ., . v (!-; t,-.,j:-: K, . WnJirOTOK Steady -middling 9a; low mid dling 8c; good OTdlnary 8U; net receipts 558; gross ; sales 40: stock 9,480; spinners ; ex ports coastwise 1.296: to Great Britain r to Con nent ; to channel . Philadelphia Firm; middling 1 'tftfec. ; low middling 914c.; good ordinary Stye ; net receipts 237; gross 720; sates 52; spinners 420; stock 8,475; exports to Great Britain . August a Firm ; middling 9a; low .mid dling 8c; good ordinary 7c; receipts 361 r shipments ; sales 618; stock . Charlsstok Firm; middling 9o.; low mid dllne91ac.:E00d ordlnarr 8&: net recelntR '?..- 457; gross; sales 500; stock 59,375; exports coastwise ; Great Britain 2,150; France 1,200; Continent 3,906: to channel. " New York Quiet; sales 231: middling uplands 9 9-16.. mid. Orleans 9 11-16; consolidated net re ceipts 24,175, exports to Great Britain 12,717; Continent 5,919; France 1,200; to channel 1,391. LrrzBPOOL-Kobir-otton hardening. Uplands 5, Orleans, 5 low middling uplands , good ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands . sales 7.000, speculation and export 1,000, re ceipts 25,000, American. 22,100.- Futures 1-32-better. Uplands low middling clause : February de livery , February and March , March and April 5 13-32, also 5 7-16, April and May 5 15-82, May and June 5Vi, June and July 5 9-16. July and August , August and September , Septem ber and October . New crop snipped January and February per sail, February and March h 3 FUTURES. ' : Nkw York Futures dosed steady. . Sales 69, 000 bales. February 9.66a.7 March 9 .75a.76 April 9 .93a. 94 May 10.10a.ll June ..i , 10.24 July .v '110.84 August 10.43a.44 September . .... 10.20a.24 October 9.98al0 CITY COTTON MARKET. , it . 1 ' . OFFICIO Off TEW OBSKBVKB, I Charlottk, February 8. 1879. i . The market yesterday closed steady, as follows! Good middling 9 Middling. 8&4a' ;nct tow midtuing.. Low middling. Tinges Lower grades V 7a8Vl : .-.,1 !.: : : - : ,;' 1 ' fHARiOTTE PRODUCE MflRKEI '.ui yi ,.t ., , . FEBBUAEY 1, 1879- CORRECTED DAILY. Cotton ties. New, per bdle. !8DUced. , $2.25 Corn, per bushl Meal, .'Vil DAonnw tuft .4m Ii;lba55 50a55 .. 40a45 8a9 JrBAS. " Oats, shelled. ...... Baoo N. C hog rounds . . . HamsVN.Cii.4.:.... Hams, uhcabvassed. Bulk Meats-"-' : , Clear Rib Sides. Coffee- " ' n Prime Bio;'.'.'.. Good. , SYBtnw - .: t v. Sugar-house. Molasses v f . : . i . . 16al6 13al5 - '. --i 25 cuoa New Orleans.. Salt Liverpool line . ;88a40 85a50 1.00a2.00 OallU 7ia8JS 85a40 40a50 BUGJOfc-A J White;, j.). ..-U3Jtt .Jj.ij'it 1M. YeUow-'... .-. Uww.,... . Potatoes-' y- u ;'. . Sweett. .t i t . . Irish. . .... .!...-; - Butter , North Carolina . .- . . . Eggs, per dozen.. ..'iiiii. ;i FLorns-ii"!,,'t ' a h.-mj'.-v-. m Family... i..j.i...-t-;.. u Extra.:W' ' -...... ..'.t':. . Super vi... iiU..!..;. 12a20 yi- 12Vial5 :"aooa8.50 . 2.75a3.00 2.25a2.50 ( t, r D R. a! W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST OFFICE OYER L.B. WRI3T0N & CO8 Drug Store. " With 25 atW faction years experience 'guarantee entire lanll s s r There will be a meeting of the Stockholders of the Charlotte Building and Loan Association, at the rooms of R. E. Cochrane, Secretary, on Thurs day evening, February 13th, l879,at seven o'clock. full attendance is requested. . B. it' COCHRANE.. rfi Feb. 2rk , SeCj and Treaa, BARRELS WHITE AND RED 1 hi-i .rtONlON SETTS- i. 4 t 1 Fresh. -;t '..) M!-WLLS01t A BURWELL. 100 BH3EI-'1ESHiCL0TEB bbsdu Also urcnaraurasstiue jftrasa, ana Lneemer v -s rti iitir, just received by- , '-tap s 1-: ;:;r itf11irtlr v--miv'jt wrnj-anrtTJ rr-rrrrr- TTTE are the agents for HE-NO TEA m (his ctty; T f ana ass; our menus 10 give K a trial. II not satisfactory we will cheerfully take it pack and ro tund tne money. . . , ,.f r. j Agents for Charlotte, N. & jriLDBEoa, 3 r- fi WBDUBB1LS AXUTiIL :f u - ' ' ' J ' GEOCXESand DKALEKS m COUNTS Y PRODUCE 41 1 t , i f 7 M Xeep oonstanUy on hand t .,...-,,. 1-.' jf rjHiii -'(liiiy - . r. . ... ' -2 - . . y ' ' s.-fH ",t -i"t . r, , 11 , j FRESH EGGS and BUTTEE, CB1CKENS, TUE - UTS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AX- ', ti ill '- - -' ' -' ' 1 . ; " Exclusive Dealers In r EAMSOUB & BONNIWELL'S and 1 L 8HU - -s. : FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. :: ! : . i . ALSO, FBOPBTJROBS Off TO ; - .: .: .... J.. : CHARLOTTE HOTEI4 - ' : ' ,i . . .. .. - CHARLOTTE. N. C This house has been refltted and newly famished, . ; and is kept In fiist-class style. . TermsPerPay y...... f 2 00 t3T" Great Inducements offered to table board ers; for terms see the proprietor. -Omnibus and Carriages at every train. FIELD BROTHERS .Proprietors. Mr. S. H. Wilsom 4k Last Superintendents. Hxxbt Wiltong, Clerk. feb9 '' gTOP AT THE v' BO YD EN HOUSE Salisbury, N. C , : as. Bbovx, Proprietor, Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. S. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. 0. Shelburn is slstant. dec 80 QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TBABH GOBiO EAST. No. 8 Dally ex.Sun. Date, Nov. 10, 78. No. 2 Dally No. 4 Dally Leave Charlotte, " Greensboro, " Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro, 8.45 am 8.20 am 6.55 pm 1410pm 3 00pm 5.30 am I 54i6pm9.80am : No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.RR. for all points in Western North Carolina, dally except Sundays At Greensboro with R. A D. R. R. for all points North, East and West At Goldsboro with W. 6 W. RTb. for Wilmington. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with E.4D. R. R. for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 7. Dally ex. Sun; Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 1 Dally. No. 3 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, 9.50 a m " Raleigh, 8.50 pm " Greensboro 8.28 Dm 5.35 p m 5.30 am 6.47 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 a m 10-50 a m No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with . Salem Branch. At Charlotte with O, C A A. R. R. for all points South and South-west; at Air-Line Junction with A. & C A. L. Railroad for aU points South and Soutli-flst 1 No. 3 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. dally except Sunday. At Air-Line Junction with A. fc C. A. L. for all points South and South-west. At Charlotte with C., C. 41 Railroad for all points South and South-west SALEM BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, daily except Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrive Salem, " " " 1 0.50 p m Leave Salem, M- - " 6.45 am Arrive Greensboro, " " " 7.45 am Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. fc D. and N. C. Railroads. BLEEPING CARS V.TTHOUT CHANGE Run both ways on Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 3 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. R. MACMURDO. Gen. Passenger Agent nov20 Richmond Va. QHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta R. R., Columbia, S. C, Dec. 27, 1878 On and after Sunday, Dec. 29th, 1878, the fol lowing passenger schedule will be run over this road, (Washington time,): NIGHT EXPRESS. Going South, No. 1. Leave Charlotte,- 1 00 a. m Arrive Columbia 6 00 a. m Leave Columbia 6 05 a. m Arrive Augusta 10 00 a. m Going North, No. 2. Leave Augusta 5 55 r.lL Arrive Columbia... 10 00P.M. Leave Columbia, 10 10 P. M. Arrive Charlotte 3 10 a.m. DAY PASSENGER. Going South, No. 3. Leave Charlotte 11 27 a. m. Arrive Columbia 4 10 p. m. Leave Columbia..! ...... 4 15 p.m. Arrive Augusta . . 8 30 P.M. Going North, No. 4. s Leave Augusta............... ......... 9 03A.M Arrive Columbia..... .......... 1 20?.m LeaveColumbla...., ........... ....... 1 30 P. M Arrive Charlotte...... 6 80 p.m These train atom only at Fort- Mm. ' Rock HOI. Chester,. Winnsboro, Ridgeway, Leeeville, Bates- Durg. mage BDnnas. jonston. Trenton and uranite- vllle. All other stations wul be recognized as nag Stations. . . -., !.: .! r :. --!.,-.;... i iij.j,. Pullman Palaoy sleeping and drawing-room ears on Nos. 1 and 2, Greensboro to Augusta; also on Noa.8and4. New York to Savannah, via' Rich mond & Georgia Central Railroad. . ' - T. D. KLLNE, Superintendent. Jno. B. MacMubdo, O. P. Agent ' ec2 1 , ' pHOTOGRAPHS. . In consequence of the reduction In the price of the original cost of materials, and In order to give my patrons the benefit of the reduction from and after this date Photographs will be taken at my Gallery at 1 . 1 f - , REDUCED RATES. . ' - V eeptaa' . ' , J.H. TAN NESS TX)R A FIRST CLASS, . .J; )i . , j i :..A ' Smoke call and get Sudor, atr- , i, , s K - i LeROY DAVIDSON'S. - Jan30 ' i LEE W. BATTLE, M, D., ' . -' Having removed his office to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank, can be f sand there all hours during the day, and at his residence eor nerSeventh and College streets, at night, r iuo i am. ; 'MM ".j 4- "TJSE HE-NO TEA. , HE-NO Is Tea In Its natural condition, such as the Chinese themselves drink, and for the follow ing good reasons Is sold only lnoriglnal pound and halMwund packages: -J v - . . -r s It Is the most convenient and economical style of package.- .i.t..i. ... . , r..-7 - It is weighed and .packed where It can be done cheapest and best s- v- f , it can be easily Identified by the consumer. ntfA i It keeps the Tea better. . . - - It prevents adulteration in America. ; K,, yv We are the agents for HE-NO Tea tn this city, and ask our friends to give It a trial. If not satis factory we will cheerfully take It back and refund the money. L. B. WRISTON CO., ' icbtt. Charlotte, N. C. no to I $ fZ ; CENTRAL BX)TEL,SALOO!r For Standard Pure Liquors. , stv. QABOLDLi CENTRAL VIA WILMINGTON, THROtJBH VRXIGHT ROUTE Tola line being tony equipped for Freight from WQmlngton and an Northern and Eastern CtUes to V- Greenvffle, Spartanburg, all Stations ':; ,y-iit .:. ; Atlantic, Tennessee Ohio, - .'n v v i As weQ as potntatn Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed a Low aa 1 .. ..( . InformaUon furnished f.W.CLABX, . Gen. Freight Agent, wnmmgton, )BL Ct aeptSO J. H. McADEN, . , s . x . r - DRCGGiaT AND CHEMIST, 1 1 "1 1 ... j '.. . . I". . J . r 1 . , . : Now offers to the trade a tun stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap' English, French and American Tooth Brashes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and daylat J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store, SECURITY I 8SCURITYI SECURITY! 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE ABX ALADDIN SECCRITYIOLL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, front C. West tc Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will "bum. C. West & Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Da. J. EL McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C F. SCARE & CO., )D B, U G G I 8 T' C I R U G G I 8 NEAR THE POST-OmCB, Would respectfully Inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Office, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. Jan 7 tf. TEACHERS WANTED. $50 to $100 or $200 per month, during the Spring and Summer. For full particulars address J. a McCURDT ft 00m Philadelphia, Pa. D LPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases In ten. Information that win save many lives sent free by man. Don't delay a mo ', ment Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. LS. JOHNSON CO.. . . ., Bangor, Maine. , B ENSON'S CAPCTNE i , POROUS PLASTER. : FOR WOMEN AND CHLLDREVT OR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Females suffering from pain and weakness will derive great comfort and strength from the use of Benson's Ca peine Porous Plastec Where children are affected with whooping cough, ordinary coughs or colds or weak lungs, it ta the one and only treat ment they should receive. This article eon tains new medicinal elements such as is found in no other remedy la the same form. It is far superior to common porous plasters, liniments, electrical ap pliances and other external remedies. - It relieves pain atonoe, strengthen and cures where other plasters . will not even relieve.: For. Lame and Weak Back, Rheumatism. Kidney disease and all local aches ana pains. It Is also the best known remedy. Ask for Benson's Carjcine Plaster and take no other, . Sold by all Druggists. . Price 25 cents. GO N SUM P T 10 r O N 8 V MPT I O IN And all Disorders of the THROAT AND LUNGS Permanently Cored. ! DR. T. A. SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY ' . , ... o .... t PPP fiSSa T Y OUO H H ft ' KW K BUB ppp as- Tf O HHH fl gwg EK. Taken to OTjunctton with his s' - i COMPOUND EMULSION XJ i ; BE COD LIVER O t-i j ; and hypophosphltes of , , LIME AND SODA. " A FREE BOTTLE of each preparation sent by express to each suffering applicant sending their name. P. O. and exnress address to Dr. T. A. Slo- enm, 181 Pearl sUeet, New York " ARRIVALS, FOR SALE, WANTED. 1 TO boxes assorted Candies. '5 boxes choice Oys ter Crackers, 5 boxes Family washing Soap, largest 10e bars tn the city..' !; s 1 -'rf ).i v -n ' Also 1 fine MUch Cow and one medium ouali . Cow with young calf, for sale low. : . , - boo aczen r Attimuuju w ax4xex. dec2 B. M. SMITH. NORTH CAROIJNAt TO ALL POINTS 80TJTfiti UOers unequaUed faeilHtes far the Transportttn f Charlotte, StatesVfue, ianevtDe. Rutherfofdtoh' on the Atlanta ft Biohmond AnvLuw, ' ', and Western N. C. Raflroada, v. Aihm MlaslsalppL ' i,:ei .".-ivV XA -V via any Competing Llae, and Time as QuidLJ upon appUcaUon to i "VJ. 1 ! ;j . '.' r -i ' WM.A.KOODT,s ' Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C, ' 1 ! ' c .. v.,-.'.!; ' T.'T. SMITH, u 5 ' ' Agent a & Railway, Charlotte, 1 ; s u JOUISIANA 8TATE LOTTERY. y . A 8PLEMID OPPORTTJNrnr, To win a fortune. Second Grand Distribution Qass B, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February 11th, 1879-105th Monthly Drawing. ' -. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This InstttnUon was regularly incorporated by too Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868, with a capital of the unarnaoie purposes m ltHW, with a capita w,uw,uw, 10 wnica h nas since added a Reserve Fund of S3 50,000, Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. ' lAWk at the follow dlstrlbutlont CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars eacb. ' Half Tick ets, One Dollar. ;. m LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize, .130,000 . 1 Capital Prize, 10,000 1 Capital Prize, 2 Prizes of $2,500 pltal Prize,. . . ,000, o razes 01 i,uuu. . 20 Prizes of .. BOO 10.1 100 Prizes of 100 10 1 200 Prizes of 50 ... 10.005' 500 Prizes of 1,000 Prizes of. 20..... i. . 10,000 10.... APPROXIMATION FRIZES t 0 Approximation Prizes of S80Q. . .J; 12,700 ' 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100..... ' 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to. 1110,400) Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. . ; Application for rates to clubs should only be made to tbe Home Office in New Orleans, i Write, clearly stating full address, for full infor mation or send orders to . ILA-DAUPHlir, t Postoffioe Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana I ' ,ti..,, All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are undfe ine supervision ana management 01 GENERA G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A, EARLY. . i:i .) Sjcut &ilvizvttetmmts. F ROM DR. & W. HUNTER, BALTIMORE, M. D. Having become familiar with Colden Leiblg's Liquid Extract of beef and Tonic invlgor ator, I take'pleasure in recommending It as an ex oellent preparation, combining as It does food and tonic in a remarkable way, producing good Mood, health and strength. Sold by all Druggists. QEO. C WARE, , Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer ;hr ' PURE i'A PPLE CID1 B AND CIDER VINEGAR. , Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of . . E R. CONDirS TABLE SAUCE, ; 287 to 298 W. Third St, CINCINNATI, 0. 0 ILS SASSAFRAS AND PENNYROYAL Of prime qualltr, bought In any quanlty. for cash on aeuvery, tree 01 brokerage, oommlsslo ions. , or storage expenses, oy DODGE 4 OLCOTT. ' Importers and Exporters of , '. . ' ".V 1 - ' . DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OILS, ftc 88 WllUam St,. . .. .JiewTo A DAT to Agents canvassing for the mFibe sma Vkitok." Terms and outfit zms. Ad dress P.O. VICJLEBT, Augusta, Malne.- - iViU i HA Tam.Ndi fW mnmwr n.i ii..iiliiti ' tl"illl lllfl Jv alike, with name, 10 cents. J. Minklerft' Co, Nassau, N.Y. - ": , j iui'iuni JA MIXED CARDS, with name lOe. W outfit 10c L. JONES ft CO., Nassau, ; aecui. , . - . , . . rpo ADVERTISERS. Send for our Select List of X Local Newspapers. Sent free on application. Address GEO P. ROWELL ft CO.. 10 SDrnce St.' .r NewYork. " 1 1 ' I - 1 !"1!I"S? i :! ,n ! j;5 -.':'.Ii ! OO T :.' V A L . ."; .. XX3 A 'JCVKM COLGATE ft GO'S , COLGATE ft CCS. a 'IT. '. . i NEW ' 8 t,P;! S 81 P! i.r'' t 1 ''.n I b ,1. : , ;j t . SAVES WASTE . -. ,.w,.-j FOB LAUNDRY USE. . s: a TTNDEHTADNG hrt- t, It!.--f. ! The tmderslgrjM Is nm rpa to ful all orders for every class of Undertaking, v Bivtog on band ' 7 a full assortment of -:.':? w.Vv'-r uuJ r-v'' i COFFINS, CASKET8 AND BURIAL CASES:M. 1 1 tX 'i't 1 '-(I" , ".!? 5 f- f 1" V ,fT'V'-i, Boat wood and MetaTie. - :4'l txtHi't. i -'. t..'i. 'l ''-.-; Ji: 1 ; j t4 ; ; i !,:.lV,' nr;.1v"; -J I "ft" tJ'l't '";Mil j i'l -4'r, t'f, 'i ' - ."".HBCW At LOW AS AIT. Jf-I 'viJ "' Hearses funushed tf desire:.;, f Furniture of every Description Repaired at shot l : u .ft w. M. wtlhelm; ' ' '''"" with E. Q. Rdzers. Trade Cret ' - Jane 2a: 1 .. . .1.. t v .... ... ... . r ' rf.Ti,." .-' .L .i jW. i i )i'"i -i