1 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY. 1879 - n Raleigh Observer. . biAir. , ... Thursday, Feb! 6, 1879. urriTirtKfl attt memorials 1 " hv natnra CaldweF. cates a more uniform rate or enarges. Vn im?rd 'Report of cowmittetfon hstitutian!. TOimrililS4diftft' gjjif tonncrthues to n ByMr. gSIu bill to regulate the duties; of con- 5'llow8 the master to, collect dues of stables. ' fwi-r. fiia subordinate granges and receipt for the commissioners of Union county to levy JtSq reorganized $5, i ffftW a pill requiring jus- SSSSSff j f ofthJ transcnpt of all the Stote cases tried gomeryandj. A.Davis were appointed and fees imposed by them.. , i . thiWnniirtHA - ? - By Mr. a bi irrporate Solrecommends that in con- the Grand.Lodge.iP Good Templars of BJl"f thA advance in the mice of North Carolina,, T Ll J-ln.stlln.l . J' ' I.-- - I Railroad fiompay. bills; WHiciijlAasED thkib . THIRD iiKAvmi. ReDresentatives suiditinnal aooroDriations for the rivers andharborainlforthrCafli jar. Aiciauucx w uuuv resolution, as;it ignMeem to be an impUcationtithey1wertfrio,J'sing their whole efforts to do their duty to the State. . i . .. and thought .itWdir.w)rio' oniya memorial from the General- Assemwy to our members and Senators in con- gress, but would show thatthe people ol the otaw tfwewiiajuig done well, their actions were approved, and we only asked them to continue in their .welLdoinc. Tfo Mr. Caw Well waa satisfied that :JWWi Carolirta hadrceived less than ntfrnortl any'fcttatStW r?tff?! trai rp)!4rHSisi fArMlimni hv the manufacturers. tnau f' 1 w MrJLettvoteaevTesoiuuow i seeded tonlection,,witht4 the.fol ready. tota,ud m ggiyeramenii.rsil fctnpton. 1 thoughtithia resolutimr didnpt ga.fari, Treasurer D. W. C. Benbow, of Guil enoueh: it ought',!tolncltidef greater-tr(L measures, and as one of these he spofce of the Southern Pacific Railroad, which ouhgt to be builfc&3 .axiffi Jau'io m The resolution was adopted and 1m- mediately transmitted to the House. S.iR91a to preyenti the carrying, o concealed deadly weapons; provides nnalt.v of 25 and imprisonment not to exceed thirty days. The bill' called out a. two hours discussion, and was par ticipated in by Messrs.4 Byiium, Austin, Davidson, Taylor, Knig,! Caldwell, BryanoEDuphn, and WaddelLt i MK'Bynum : opposed the Attol theot-hew wha;ir64ii thetcussion . favored, the DUjxcepe Mr ' Waddell and Mr. Bryan, ofDplmv whOrjtored'.ftv it'iib-'famelitoent whicto was., proposed exeludmgom ine 'operauons ot r vu uui xuuuwiutf New Hanover counties was adopted. Mr. By nura-)vanted Mtn f amendment excepting pocket Jkniyes, ' , ( - Mr- ICaldwelL prppoed n tbat!11the amendment read to .'ordlnaryi i pocket? Wherdufjon Mr. Bvnum went around the Senate chamber and collected about i jir j a, i,a . i i llr rafir.Q on nrdinarv wrtfttRr; klxifCl 1 Mr. Bynum exhibited smaQ, rmediani andtatgeket; kniveB,"from anin6h and a half fa four inches long. 1 If was said thatcamonithem werei two; or three barlow knives at least some of theniXMW1 f only, .yjhasi t- .lid ti, r..aifl.u:-ia-jASs " Mr. Caldwell's amendment was voted down, when: Mrr-gyattBftm was aoopwxii f fl r,t rf n f f h . if rn I The rifflrtm ftsrfal feadinff- passes; ayes 33, noes 9, Mr,:Bynm . voting jm the bill after his amendment excepting r pocket knives was adopted. MISCELXAJSEOTja. K S. B. 97, to prevent the sale-of liquor threet:tonr8 ibeforeailunng.ana arter public political, speaking, was tabled. S. B. 840l't6 Dunish' drunkenness in county officials; passed,itei second read-1 i7B IWOi )!. if .rt j:hitir.hJ ,i!olW5'!1 P.V; HOUSE OF ; BEPBESrENTATl VE& 3 ol ul ..,1,;,:; Thursday, Eeb. 6, 1879. !:. PETITIONS i . were presented by Messrs. Richardsdn of Columbus. J&ebane, Click. ...Osborne, Blocker, Xutterloh. Carson, Attgler and English..1! id i 'i' it ifl. i, fe a i i nAtEVDAFi BiUtoproWbittheTemoval of causes, civil or erimiriaVitrblesthe ends of m hkuii.uxirnuwki..!. I XortBhyker idsav Jkhlrt: Resolution by BroCher. Davisadopt Col w12 Co&n SSdSviS M-h 5t the momjy raised . last anrtmJd thft spmnd time; J night and caah on liaTjd bfi tnmpd 0YPT a j 4.v,K r,1jjf sion that a tbfll has passed the- Hwise with an adverse report of a committee. asim ot repeati; iiouse" omr4z-nAin Turner's boHwapt(ing 6iI--was' jkfid 1 n.tne,ToieT Bill to aHow thl RalelffV. auiD. r, . . railroad fi YtrnA iti f fiSad M-JCh&rtatbA raiiroaa to extena its roava ui aiioe was made special- order;tor next w eo TPr.j'i'-r,rr..'j 1 1-gJtor. ,.r -.ot mum : I. wyiwi, mill mail iuicijib hthi , ,, Enquirer? rnteifiewed-matJt Thurman at Columbus, Ohio, tbakTues- 4 flay, says the senator ! expressed confi dence in the ability of the Democrats to crrf ptdothjs' fall, and thought a Deirrattitoryjin thsMneljfe tionttdncinuatl would be ot-imraense aavaniagean trrrstate eampaigii. 'histc TAifey'ro decision not to be a candidate for Gov ernor-was, he 'feaidi' frrVJcable. He could not accept a iotrrinatiohr'in justice . to others who desired it; nor in justice to himself, when his appearance on the State ticket, if he should chance : to be norairated, would be the signal fo Ofr posing fdrces tfrom the &t,A which wouldl)e strained to sepure his defeat, thereby hoping to cripple him in any future ambitions he might have. lie looks back with satisfaction upon his labors in the campaign tef last year, and says that in the election of eleven De mocratic tCongjBsmen;Ohioj-notyynly savedthe Uemuer-acj in! ease the jpres dential choicftshadlMnttN House or Representatives, BhC "also saved the ortranlzation of tnemHs iflf.'r:;. ' UaS LVT iT T i' Ti? wVT r r'fiw5"! 8S"f?,uu yi vuo icuo. Senator expressed his fbelief that DOlddbr oeikjeEDfiVe aiifi iht the tfvte sWi tT . anflAnwoa nrhAfu mn mm1k..J.J action was what a nartv most needed to achieve BaCcesijaggressiYfrrpoU wouio.aivays commano. respect, while hesitancy or timidity wouldf hearly aal- ways bring defeat with it. io The time was nowuassed for the Democratic party tobe regaorledas3ar)arty aL iob jeciors. uen years ago, wnen he first entered the Senate; there vwaalittle else for them to do, but now it was differ ent. The fight in the- future would be an aggressive one, and he didn't fear ? uie result, .jha a wai a eaoia-i ' " 1 WfmauVfbeek.ini a .Uan's. Chin, . Cincinnati Enaulrer.l . : Olive Loffan writpa that; Rhft airl tA General Grant while, he was recently in England : "Ato you -gping to ' be the "cak jriwiueni oi me uniiea states, General2S:ijotIiam not,'' he replied. Then afterarause. he added: "But T'm goin g to be their most independent citi . ati n ....... The Sixth Annual Meeting of the State Grange. - .ym:,v'!v.rrw-t-- , , Raleigh Observer, 6th. 5 I February 6. J 1 xi- . A4-l degree at 9.30 by the master. motfi Resolution in regard to local railroad freights. Read and adopted. - Advo- M" - . . . The'ai&ussion Oh initfxesoliltio'tfwas quite an animated and a very interest- mg one. Messrs, xmgpen, Aveaauua, nitAH in avinor thattha at home with ichjemicals jyer ving Ritf a equal to ana mucu cueaper tiuui iuuip- niated guanos. . l The 0ur for.jtliQSspecprder, the election of officers for the, ensuing two vears. havinar arrived, the erange pro- low- nff 0f the old officers be- re-elected Master W. H. Cheek, of Warren. Overseer D. A. Mootgomery.pf Alar mance. i Ucturer-D. E.,ampsOT 1 Guil ford T rWbn,u Stfiward J. A. Harris, of Iredell. , Assiststnt' StewartH.B:" King, of tKnslow. Chaplain-Rov. Wm. Grant, of Korth- Secretary Joseph E. Porter, of Edge- combe '' '-r ' ' ' " 'm Gate Keeper L. W. Reasons, Edge- coaibe. Ceres Mrs. A. M. Clieek". of Warren. : pnmftna Mrs. .1 . E. Somers. of Guil- f0tam 1 f?.ui rnajiiil Flora Miss Eugenia Robinson, or ua- t v.J jt;;'oT.i-' OfAttTT-1'M'T j'W ''.iUT." .TrJn,f Onslow. nQ secretary stated that there would bea vacancy on the executive commit- tee owing, to ; Col. Cheek having been elected master, Capt.&B.!Ale3tahder was elected to fin his place. ' 'T 2 On motion of Bro. Dove, Charlotte via selected as theplacefor holding the next annual meeting. , ' T VdJ'Xit: AFTERNOON SESSION. The grange resumedwerk at 3 o'clock p.m. The committee bn: credentials report- By; that the delegate from New Hope urange, jno. ii, was not enuueu io a dchu A Report of -the odminitteei 6a:duca M011 reaa Sna aaopiea. Recommends the encouragement of education. NIGHT SESSION. " ! ' ' fa At iyi o'clock the grange was called to order by the assistant steward, H. E. King,Mthe,iabsence ofthe master, and overseer. , :., ; ii The committee to arrange for an or gan reported that they had conferred ith the proprietors oi the Jfarmer ana. Mechanic and hadbeen unable to make any arrangementiwithi them, They al- so, stated that milesst3ie p8ipjBr1could,be furnished for less than iS'per annum, it would be useless to make any ar rangement. The report was adopted. Dr. R. A. Stancell.ofEered a resolution appointing W. R. King, S. R. Alexander and AY. H. Cheefc; a committee to. make the best arrangements' possible in re gard to establishiig an organ,, ThexeportofJB, Davis, late State make lecturer, was read and apptoved, He gives his receipts from granges while rectunng at $127.10 j expenses 70.95. -At goelock, tiie hour for t$einetal lation of 'omcers having arrivexi the master proceeded" to perform that duty in a most impressiyejmdusemn man-1 ner. - Special committee to" confer with the Legislature reported that they had seen &jSMr.Slp! houseH,md had a very i pleasant inter- ofthants bads anct ftotels were aaoDtea. i. r to the master, so that. he may commence .The-WJP S ;resoIdtioti j: m &A 10 leraiizere mis rirTwILlTjrt: - -" T...-r . -,i JS. t 1,., : . ' .t .1 ' j- . . r i t . . i , pA'T- Holland, liarrs, ijenpow, oampsuu, fertmiers ny of the old officer xiwnmenxatihotilder. and is sometimes mistaken ScawonVJ I'naBCnemicaiS tnus usea arebjxisran ue arm. The stomach is a ,i iSi? v, 1 loss of aooetite and sicknesit: th how 9r m,M'innrvtiol anA tumafiniol ttian .the mampurafedrcommera VyyuuuiiVM uu uvuvuwiu uau A j Learned Pbysician AeeonuU for the Night Blindness of iarileiHoWindYtVn at Ocra- FZskiuMjjMt ia.o n ho i. 1 it. ' . fTurhnrft Sniit hemor 1 . mrspialWrtrngtoniSj ter-m.xne: coB.rA'OT, m AiWiare. agecjplw.eeB:,iafl, vaara fl : hatta ii rrh t ..Wno, nraa anA . :1 1 a . bfindorjjsunsefciossunnsejitlTaira Tif.MnWtel& rjiKcftori hflrtf w hit e receive'tKilcAlbvWrletterfirjnt aj prommeotlphisicianjp Louisville;" ny, regardmg.the oaiwtrust.some one wUnnfbrm s whetherithB narenis of these children, or their ancestors, ,,,VXO VI ILT&WU liUtlUU . ' 1 .. AUJSYjIlLE, Jy, jan 30.18,79. Kff.ityr TriThnTn SlfYrttntvrnri&r T coa an A A. J f . 1 . bali act, irom your paper in reierence 10 the blindness of some Tchildren of James ilowarn. T navft rppti a trrear. manv such camHenralopioriiightbliiui- WSmBn-1. : ' x Uw. nessu, ia nnlvA avtnntonr ThftrtiapasA i I -r Pnalstnpoa having tte genuine Dr. CMcLAsx IMffi3tly y Reming.Bres.f of -Pitt. XTXr I i . . . ... . . ' tl - - 1 1 . . . . . j. the- 'ofchthalmaficODey; wit back of the five cai.bA examined,small i $ots of black pigment areeell espe cially ai tne penpnery oiatao:cretma. They commence showinsr themselves therebdy gradually traveljintowarriS the centre of the eye, tiLin time, it leads to total blindtiess.,tiiS6mer.rtriases never become, entirely bjind Your will find that by covering one eye of the child . . p-Fr.vvMwij. .iw TTun OVlilU iitci -marrying some mg can oe done to Btraieht ahead and jrauwffl finiT .r.; i hi ZL Y. UJWPW- -egu' anyjmigiJieia-tO-; TAMES MURPHY pfK m "- Wi-'whj j riageof Wood relatives I-havfr found f i..ivi b.-r- nuCxtCAXt TAiwkv Sn'- -T .v vv av ui vmjf niuw vsrai tiu.wuuiu I 1 Vv V - j- . SST jiSlU-ii-i aS? rc.-. X J. A . ' nEGETINE. . r HEB OWN WORDS, t Baltlmore, Md., Feb.' 13, 1877, ;,. Mr. H. E. Stevens- , . , I , - , , have TUK kik Klnnfl ktmtal flaJa: I have roE a sore and verr nalnful foot. I bad some pbyslciaus, but toey couldn't cure me. Mow I have beard ot your VegeUne rrom a laay wno was bick ior a ioug uiiio, ,hAAamA jiJt 'wTI from Timr VfWtlne. and J went and bought me one. bottle it Vegetine.; and, after I had used one bottle, the pahv left me, and It began to heal, and -then I bought one other bot- twf 1 nasi nswi oiia uoiuo. uw uoiu icu wc ouu i . ue, ana so 1 hulo u jek 1 hwh uw iu ui iit edy and yourself; and wishing every sufferer may nav attention to it - 1 it is a Diessmg ior neuau.-' i-cwil 638 West Baltimore Street -JttrA 1 TEGSTCIXL- I. - SAFE AND SUBE. Mr. IH. R. Stevens- : Id 1872 your Yegetlne. was recommended to me, aim!; voiding? to the Dersuasions 01 a mena. I consented to try hV At the time, Jr wa suffering from general deoiuty ana- nervous prusuauuu. supennaueea -oj overworn, aua irregiuitr wuwa. its vmutarfnl Htranelhenlnir and curative proper- ttAadiAAmAri t nffAftt mv dflhilitated system from thA firstt tkMAr jmd under Ita Derstetenti use I raDld- Tlr recovered, gaining more than usual health and flood feeling,., ince then I. have not hesitated to ; rtHv VAowHnA mr most nnaualined indorsement; ' as being a safe, sun and powerful agent lit promot- heaittt ana restoring ue wasiea aysttam w new aiui muoin. Vesetine Is the onlv medicine I use: and as long as 1 live 1 never expect w mas better. Yours truly, w. u. , ulaka, i -inn: 120 Monterey Street, Alleghanr, Penn. i .,kt?ft'iinq 'fM 19-; trfiTMl lOl 1 VEGETINS mntnMOi'i. .. .u..; .RiKHTOHa 'T.i I'TB" BEST SPRING MKBdOINEi1 ' w .L'o Charles town. I I. MrH. B. Stevens t ' Dear Sir This Is to certify that T "nave usea your "Blood Preparation in my family for several' mm. and think that for Scrofula Or Cankerous itumora or uneumauc anecuons u csuun uo celled; and as a Mood purifier and spring medicine it Is the best thing I have ever used, and I have used almost everything, I can cheerfully recom mend it to any one In need of such a medicine. !' ;! ';lRusseIlBteeel. -"-t.U'.Jbili fi: d TEGETTNE. WHAT BjNEEDED, . Boston, Feb. 13, 1871. H. B. Stevens, Esq.: .AKZT LiiCaaz Dear Sir About one year since I found myself In a feeble condiOdri from general debility,; oTege Une was strongly recommended to me by a friend who had been much benefited bylte'ttse. I pro cured the article, and, after using several bottles. was restored to neaup, ana ai3conunuea iia use, x feel quite confident that there is no nedlcine so perior to It for those comptatntB for which it is es- iuiHsHt muMiiiil ttrtd wntrid- rtwAfti firtlv nwim - rrAnd it Li thmft wha i ml that ' the v need'somet thing to restore them to perfect health. -Jci,o-, ... . BspectfuUy yours, rf-j - u a i U-i L L.'PETTINGILt4i- v i Flm)faM. PetttngillCo., : ! k - No. 10 State street, Boston' , j itr. "! M - i .jlrfji itirfr H. iri; I x;u :.:;! IX '.) ,-V i:.:. f-.'i -.j . i .i'jJsiiji i U i .:: '.( s !i ." .is ;;''' '"''!'" : ' i- ' ' 1 .s. VEOETINE..-i:.;i- '::".;::.; , ALL HATEPTli'feElJEF. j " 'l', 8ou(h Berwick Me., Jan. 17, 1872. . H. B. Stevens, Esa.:-1 i ': i Dear Sir I have had. dyspepsia in lis worst form for the last ten years, and nave taken- hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine without obtaining any relief. In September last I commenced taking the Yegetlne, since which ttnwf my--health has steadily improved. -artooa mgestsTreu, ana l nave gain ed fifteen oounds of flesh. There are' seveTaTotb- ers ta this place taking Vegetine, and an have ob-1 tameareuec " ,: " ,., . ,- Yours trulyj ; .a :ma. . THOMAS E. MOOSE, rt Overseer Card Rooms Portsmouth Co-ar Mills. VEGETINE , Prenaredby i STEVENS, BOSTON. MASS."' 1 ', Yegetlne Is sold by all DrugsJstaiT" ' Jan5 ...il'." YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC THE GENUINE , 8! ; f . - -; ... .rj ... C . H e LANK '8-- 1 QS12BBATXD ALT.. fi Y V EEK RRR V R R R Y, KB j RRR, T R R R KERB. B i: LLLLIl :.n'.it ppp n L p P it x ppp n E sss r li u li Q a p 11 LLLL LUX B8S8 S FOR THX COBB OF M '? '.'. '. . !:ss:i, HEPATITIS, OR LIVER COMPLAINT, .1. t '. :!.' .mdOiiiiv .K . !! i i. . DYSPEPSIA AND .SICK , HEADACHE. T r1" I aldo annwtlWuM thA nsfn ta fo imrfn.th. .kmUm vum,auiruuniinuimwna' wui U uia affected with : i K8 01 SPPeOte ACQ SlCkneSS: the? bOWBlS fU BSnflT. 1 kM ,.1. , aiiare eostivey sometimes altemattve wtth lax; the ,head is troubled , witte pate, aoeompanted with a 01 mo vuminv niWUlUWiWiaaiWOT nUU UU.. UK jumi, skwvt seiiBBMon in DacK pan...Tnerei Werally a considerable loss of memory, acoom- panied with- a namful sensation Af - bavtntf Wft nm done something wblek, ught : to have been dene, A slight drx cough is snmetlmea an attendant. The - patient complains, el weariness and aeblllty: he Is easily. starUetL Jils feet are eold or bumlnir. and he complains of a prickly sensation of the skin ; hi n aisirusts every symptoms attend the disease, fbntJjcases have oc- oeen extensively deranged. Til Pais, Incases of Ague and Jppsiimppy resuijs.., o Detter catharticcan ibe flOAlI.'TirAnArotinrV.tn nr ufv totrlno Itntninir u.nrn: It would advise all who are afflicted with this disease vogive mem a rair trial. , w -vtv -m t or aU bUlous deranjrements. and as a simnie PQrgaave.-theyarBneauaUed. u-iA i :; , , . . Irhei I ThAovrmina ura nava arrrraVMaT-A " I .-.IrvaTV Kav Kna n ih1 v W, MM aaASV 41- 1 tJ:JauZ, rVrVV JiTSir.v1Ui WiU1 i S2.M?ffi'5yi5L J5- : .. . I Rlenattirftiry M-t.ik and iTmna Dim nn ifieming.Brw.f of Pitts- jwug, rii, uie msnei oeing run oi 1 imitations oi lr tbeiame McLANE.. . esaUed dlSerentlv . bat . same rhmnnnnlaHnn . . . .. . . ' '' ... . am idj4 Mkstein,- ftt v ioT OK 'ill . - ! - . , . :tijhr lJiiHKj-l liWi l(aT..t...-.' F.i.rt 4...t ......... ....... - l -T rieju, uwr w w uson a uurweu's arug store-T-i SiA'j'iKi ,i iilif .'Jia i,"Jil' St J, tdeciS .t'fJt.i -uu .d i7.i. t . it tituB iif f..y j: iljj .... ,J tf - lum YVU1K. Mviivl spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that ex- cr T erclse would be tw.npflela.1 tn him pt h ran moiw. ly summon up fortitude enough to toy it In fact-" case orj-niffnt r n aisxrusw every remeay. several ozthe above erj cneap.. wui. jnaka Jtae suits for' TTK-xf) TV I n ?sj.i-uh -t'.wimar w T?i:r.;';n years pack.; Oth- SlOtlJasslmere suits for S8. Pants ef suits same XI vronoiif ti.t f .-is stop the aisease.'..- Sff!1 "V wait mo fit, no charge, I t 1-V PURE. GOOD AND CHEAP. : ' -July 17. . j j WILSON ft BUR WELL, Agents, am " V ' I'M If J i ii fJ-"ir'-' - - '-f i-i if Vn Vf- yi-jiT 'i f" " 1 j' rpo MERCHANTS r ili.'.ui i 'iv' i; N AKT TITS PtTELIC I If.'' -J- i Having jmet wUb-tsooli flattering! Success la the; L. ia a wnYK. '-m a-r that t I opened: last November, and from the jfact tnat.l iecelvea many r orders; ftorewhantS fa Korth'aadSOH.irn1lna,;Georgla and iAJabama, 1 '!! i 'il ' " rt" ) "f rfr; T !j 5 ( v''.' 1 ami coiiftfent'pat my success J3 certain.', AJ 4'iVkA. .KaM. 4nna t hnwi itun MnmriAlTort" . . . w c... . ewar,mjtpuaneM unareg per ceuvf IoompeteTTlthanyNoraiern "Jobbing H Be" iiT.(f t u rf 'j-4t jf m prlcesj pes. f .AH jpy, ware I buy 41recto frr, tte. mi I -il in ractorfesf therefore It does not pasathroa 7 seot .ojuibandaadl I as they can be bought at the N0BTH. n ; ,';- ri - ' t -j "iJuiinn rU!t-'U '-") Off JH'J.isyr- ; fas ij id n .-jo-e-i ji .it.' m ?:,hio.ll J'2 asttvrjiww') Minia nn ii a a a r r. a tXXJ 1 It.-:. U W. BJSI -lAAff "fi JfiWixt Slji, f( i,f j J-1 t V IlBOBCBLilNiJJII) GBANITE, UV i Dinner, Tea and ,Tolfet Sets we make a'8peatyvl We have mucb of this kind of Goods In stock at present, and taiew days wewttt jtove f . , : v , A(j ii, ,-,-( '!( Vrt')7 V'3!WES1TSEYEN, VABXJSTIES ;OH Jol;.-) Dinner and Tea'ttte iff nferlj !& an4 30 Hon. Our Retail Shelves are cow plete filled with Hl( . S'Vl .. liLAiJii.'I'.l'l . ' ' the largest and oest selection qi ubm, vcKei7 a4 Glassware ever brought to this country. fpMueheaie taken In psilng.CJiculaM and price ICn -TSr' A. f.f;?:,'?:' ir"' Jm-w$'&wT&LMU.tiJi&ditMM bi;iliil Tnadng youf.p&st;pitxon.it , Trade St. near Collegeunder Democrat Office, . J t -. Charlotte. N.a Jan. 22, 1878. .yTTf.v OpLENDIDjHOLIDAY ATTBACTJONSI V r-.-Jy. plMOteT'ffstOllTHtt,;, i, xmi ; comDinaaon qi uw euieruuiuiiK, hi and the Deauurux, witn nne an tHigwuit and nil nlnbTrnti In naeh number. Price 25 cent post Tree.''- Yearly $3,-wtth an tonequalled premi-1 urn, two spienawi'ou pwinres, hock k &m sou the Lion's Bride, 15x24 Inebearmounted; on caa- ma- tranannrtniinn RH cents extra. Send DOStat card for cam ior run paracuiars,r Aaoreas w, jwiujuo j DEMOREST17 East 14th street, N, Yv Do aot j iau mj see me 8i)ieumu.euuj ? t,, . ufehf.ArrdiiwiAHg';..,'! ,.;;- t m Tl Yfwr WISH to en pace in an honest, feenteel XI tastness, and make plenty of -money taurine the Bolldays, send your aoaress w-. r .j-r V) 1CU4W4I .:'..'.Bl4W4,M.(iVJ.,i A 'PASES GUNYADXANOS Mineral Water; 10 baskets (50 lugs eacaiApoV llnarls, Just received. -) . "i '. . "ii'M WILSON ft' BU&WELL. Jan30 HAYS : i.' Just received a fresh suppb;.oI.supeitor Tea. rstl 'ij.: . t.t s 1 WTTJiniW Jk ttrmWRT ,Tl( Y3 VIST'S GARDEN SEED. A iara snprjly of these recehr-' WELL; 1; -'.'it '. ' IN CASH WILL PURCHASE L A Power Printmar OPmsa. Qaernser make, old I style, size of bed 26x4a Inches. Was in use until , inM.iVnfaMUa ' an Vmnfariiuu: - OHMonvlllAi 4 JHMNfUIIW W Vllll IIW -v, )14tf 4' NO MORE JJ, H E U M A T I 8 M OB GOUT ACUTE OR CHRONIC S a t!l C Y L I C & ? - SUBS ' CURE.' i " -WHi y, ritititi;j i .aTiM-an-.U ) Manufacttired only under the above. Trade-Mark ; ;. , J by the i!!''i ; EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO.; ' ' -; ' f ot pABiSAjro lupqo. ' . " . -!vra t-. Immediate relief wananted. Permanent cure Kuaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated pnysicaans ox jcurope ana America, ; DecommK a.i Dtapie, uarmiess, ana neuauie nemeay on duu eonttnents. The Highest 'Medlou Academy of Paris report 95 eures out of 100 eases within three aays. becret rne omy aissoiver 01 ue poisonous , pric Add which exists in; toe ; Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. $1,00 a box, 6 boxes for 8500. Sent to anv address on receipt of price. Endorsed by physicians. Sold by all druggists. Ad dress- 'jv . WASUBUHMS a7ij,. (i novii uuy importers: m'ym,r,Av .if.. D issotunoN. '- 8. S. PEGRAMlias withdrawn' from the firm' of ' t3 r FEuBAM ft CO. All persons who. owe the jate firm, prior to February 1st, 1879, must call and aM-.Ia arlth Pmun M fin. . .1 . . ... . 1 ' 1 Wa ttHll MnMtma ihA nnnf and CThna HnathAba . .1 . l 1 . . T nl . "1 T-l m Vb PEGBAM ft COr i . " I. I - . - - - mnw-iM h ) nTL'rtZf M ?omt and DemoCTat W- 1... JCimUUT Z. IX M, ir,i -VTrvrff-K n TTOsnTrrrmw h MwE DISSOLUTION, I x . ii The copartnership heretoforee: lrm name of LINEBERGEB, TOBBENCE ft-COw taeimanuiacture. ol conon, iu uaswn wuav, N. CJ. la this dav dissolved bi mutual consent ,;; j Ot-wSS- .... ... J. M. UHJSBJUtttJtfcVtv. : ...j;!t. . . J..N. TOBBKNCE. . . . .a Febiuary 1st, 1879. - i9T The unaersignea naving ooogni me enure inter est, good will, ftc, In the business lately conducted b? lAnebentet. Torrence ft Co.. do hereby apoomt J. N. Torrance our duly authorized .agent to carry son the ousiness or manuiacturing in our name.!4i JjE i LINEBI V -mnebergeb; J M LINBEBGER, j; Feb. 7 d3tw3t ' ' " CHANGE OF BUSINESS. KJ , Havtagrethfromthe r -WHI5KEY BUSINESS,- I T 1 ( ' . -a ' t- ' 77. 1 nnwT "n; . 1 are now. oally1 recelvtog- good1 supply 'of I r ,.r.i rAMixy grocjehii -i- h- i FAMILY GROCERIES, Ur.st t i Ji 1 &t our old stand on College street, we will be pleased r. f . . ' ..V rt maa v. r n h ,Ml n . .. '."..... ,v..r. - ;.w 1 w bot VUI uiau UlOllUO. ' .1 .iWtW''. specialty,! I -; y , P LONG ft BR0THEtt.'"J,"'':s " if ! JL 'friss6LuTioN- o oo-pahtnebshtp. ' XJ -i..3TX-:r. . , -km A i iThe nartnershln heretoforft existing under thr style of R. Chambers ft Ca. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent R Chambers assuming all the liabilities and collecting all debts due the late firm! tn Charlotte and will continue at the old stands... : vi, a .; i RoT CHAMBERS. . , .uwo m vo.JB R STEAGALL.' i ; In withdrawing from the above flrtn I take7 this method of thanking -my many friends and the gen eral public for their past favors and trust they will extend a continuance of their patronage to my suc cessor. K. k ktkkjat.t. tk febB !rB nt ilf 07. YH i t h.i j- a t 1 i. 1 " ' 1 -' - i -'i - if hi t . popnlar seed.' lust ILSON ft BCB . J t 1 li.i . ii Ruction - atm i OTICE.' V -- Tfv vlrtiiA nf t.bA ivwpr mnfArnul In. mnriornom made by T. J. Wilkinson and Laura H. Wilkinson to the Charlotte Building and - Loan Association, I will sell at public auction, a . house and lot ot land UVUIUI UU UV A... AfrOUUVUU, Ml OfWUV ilUi uo, i V oegmiun as s Biase on vne u. Kaiixoaa ana run-' r corner, uienco hr. with her line 180 feet to a stake, tl ,th -M niuTnIuiAnu,tftuxj r r with said railroad 49 feet to-J. B. Shannoahouse's Bne, thence to the beginning, which is now claimed subject to said mortgage -by .' W. Mellon. Said property ta be Bold at um court house door 1b tne city 01 unarione on tne isi Monday in xaaren, 1879,'for aslu 4he-Amount due the Charlotte Buildings and loan Association,., being $229.25, with cost of advertising and sale. vi ""ilL- " I ' ; -decl9 Ws 1 VlltJ! t9i'VVUfc,: jti ..' fri i f, (,yLliij ,j Jj r in,. jii io' ll 1, O. KAXWXLW ; . , , 0, P. BLiKRISON, ' ' " Auctioneer. 1 ,1J l-notafji.iTjiifi n;Ar - r v 1 UJf 11 ! v.. . f I AUCTION and COMMXSStOlT MEBCHANTSi : !t3J- Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of : I. MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE;- ' ill M I'jVI"f . ' " 1 '(! "' ij. ' I iiiiflV'H 't.t .fir;! 7 Jil.l ii7 ftilM.!-;. sii!? il- i) Will eive strict Dersonal T - l:r: lift Tj-iflflT. T.J'V.I '... i ' attention to all business entrusted to our care., . i Alii Itlitt- 4 ?'i. W i . I ' ' j liFdur6AovaaTlottHoteL' 1 IS P E R I A L 8 A S A .') :. L L 3llP E B!I A X -. I - : .i3ifiiHII iL. v-1 ON;mybaionryme rjes5ispiacea. - . Wine, Whiskey, Beer, iJjVajCH man ti reeewe right real, good eneer. (LEASE step In, my hall inspect, EAR It, you'll see more than you'll expect m- i' r ijRENCH, German, Domestic Brandles,Wlne, I try each customer's taste to refine, t gUCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's good, . ' QONTATNS my bar, most delicious food,. -' ' j JJAVLNG Cheese and Sausage tn bill of fare, JVACH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear ' SAVANT lodgment and taste most rare.s1 . ..... ,V' . .. ....... . I gEE cwwiseur'i Bps as in alps he drinks :f ACT sip he takes proves what he Uiinks. RIGHT off One more he calls as to Ills friend he winks. DURHAM WHISKEY. 1 DURHAM WHISKEXT UBHAM WHISKEY. DURHAM WHISKE 1 . Labobatobt of Statb Asbateb and Chmist, I Richmond. V&.. Serjtember 7th. 1878. I have carefully tested a sample of "Durham Rye ; Whiskey" selected by myself from the stock of i Messrs.' Ellison A Harvey, and find it free from adulteration.- it is an excellent article oi wmsxey, and altogether suitable for use as a beverage or medicine. tSlgned W.H. TAYLOR, M.D., State Chemist This superior OLD VIRGINIA WHISKEY, equal to any made in this country, is now tn the hands of over 250 dealers in Virginia, North Carolina, Geor gia, Louisiana and New York City, and not a sin gle complaints having come to us from any one of them, and many saying It is the best article they ever handled, we feel Justified m recommending It to all' who wish to get a really pore article of Whiskey. None genuine unless bearing our trade mark. Call for "DURHAM",, at W. B. COCHBANE'S, Cen tral HoteL and all other nrsirclass nooses, r ' ELLISON ft HARVEY, Richmond. Va. ; Janl9 lm JLNS FRENCH BRANDY,. , Wines and Whiskies for medical purposes, can behadofi. i WILSON ft BUB WELL, declS Druggists. T LOCXADB TOBACCO, ; ' FOB SALE. Having purcnasea a nice line or, xopacco, at tne ; 0 I am prepared to offer extra' inducements to buy ers.' uuieariy. -.i THUS. UA1 1'lLKK. ,neT7n .v.,.) U. ..u : . ; .cm; h,::'.. DfFROYED CITY PROPERTY FOB Any person desiring to purchase a well proved rnucon- vuy loi, nouse wim nme rooms, ana m venleneesy fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac- 1000 FKE smFLE dkeds ' H'itlt) 'WliU r'i"-r ' !'!.!;'. , , , MQST APPROVED FORM. . i , . ; J -!-;',:ustPrmtei'aniForS ! i J:-ij '.mU y.tl IIi-m ' it iH .'-. 'jrjiORSALE. "' ' ' ' : ' ; " ' ' ' The BoTrrgeoIse and Minion type orr Which this paper was latea pnnteo, it was maaet by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and wa not discarded because no longer fit for use, but On ly because it became necessary to -use a different style of type.! It will d good service . for several years to come It will be sold In Jots tosui pur -enasers, anu , m xents or ; 60 to l.oooros, with or , without cases.' Address ' 1 rt . OBSERVER,-' pets " Charlotte, N.Cii. I iiiu'ii -m! - i jf-fi) V'Ji ii'iii0to:.) X'tflfK. 'Xj 74:1) "i'Ulju tuD IXOi julo&li Xn ebnseorsJnrjS ot the'rAdniHlon triri nrfAA theerlglnAlcokbfmateriali and m erdr togrre my patrons the benefit of the Wucfioh from and after tldsoMiKltt Ganeryat :-, ,;,";f .,,h !!ftb.,h i' ' "Pyft.D ,H .(,lifu ?i T1! NESS miBtmttntM&il ' F0B-A FIRST CLASS-j, ; ; , .oMMlM n .J CIMAfMH .A''..i.-'. oiuuu iuu auu in a ouuur, m . ,rr ' 'iJVV: V .'; LeROY DAYIDSON'S.''' ' - - : mjifcTA J..jmiJ' KIiJ'.Mm a.'- uaviuis niiivnuiii9ViiK Ml uie iim DOvr-OVer ' tne xraaerr aooaaiuaaic csn be Ound there all hours durme the dav. and at his reaidAnrat met Seventh and College streets, at night ' - feb7 tsm ' - a. j.. r , i n'-j,: ' j-i in:; 1 1. t in; I. " i in i i' ii j iji TJSK HE-NO TL,Toij-.. ' HE-NO Is Tea to Its natural -condition,- such i uio vjiiuieae uiemstuyes anus, ana ior the follow- tag good reasons is soldonly to original itod in ... ... . 1.1 1 ... . bun IH. in K gooa reasons is soi half-pound packaeesi i-ir-.u . . .r . ,i It is the most convenient and economical style of package., ,..,.,, . sl it is weighed and packed where It can be doi cheapest and best - ,.-...-,. . it can be easily identified by the consumer. ! t ' ' v flblbllH AUUlWlOUVU HI AIUCIHXI - .t . . We are the agents for HE-NO Tea: rnthls"'cltyJb1Jd Patterns of Garments for February received factory we will cheertullv take it harfr and rAfnnd themoney..'. L. B. WRISTON 4 CO., woo, i Charlotte, N, a JCC0. . 1 1 . n."mnii tuj- r rrr: r una n.ius ' .. z r jai P F ITS ai R K-fP. ' ji.Ti Y,fif PPPi ;jES p,r, I.RR FlRR 9 -w- riiiit-i t 5' V.'EKB B - & 1H,ThT . 5 jSS , 1 ! 3 .iuii.fn.n ''kL ; kill'" i'u3 1' t3-..s: ;: jHs.'; ,!';: f mi i I M lP.liP.nKA I Kl I - V;XLBRAT 1(J '5 V j "J )M5i , r 1 ' Jfft i - v In- '7?'?rf.'&, WSBBi ' ma ' it-OJO OB .(SHiHi.Iii. 1 -J-- 1 U,,M Mas T 1 O O K N NIT T . ' ? OOU KKB H NH T .S M , -l . j , ' UlGABO FIGARO" CIGARO IGARO UlGAB ; The attention of smokers is call-: . :ed to this new brand of Cigars, lust: ISuf PEER Y'SSff : bines Luxurr and Economy 'than :any ever sold. . If you want Candies. : : Fruits or anrthhur in thA rvwifp-- :tknery line, remember that .Perry: ' ' DAtla anW tha Km - 5n feb7 0ttfejcti0xarijes. rpHE "RISING SUN .1 !1'4'l3 iii According to the command of Joshua of old, ai though repudiated by the f Jasper Philosophy of the new; is now standing still, at the Old Place, on Trade Stoet, opposite , the Market House, plus Hornet Fire Engine Hall where the light of reason lluminfites the surrounding atmosphere, which in- rests all things with the glow of lnsplratleii, and the world no longer seems " A fleeting show, , To man's illusion given,' .'it; ; t) ' ' '' : , Once on a time, in another Hemisphere, "Man's Illusion" was checkmated and fanaticism Btamped . ... , , . , out In the Holy Wars of the Cross vs. the Crescent, (the Crusades). -Two million men were killed and a pyramid was erected from the bones from one battle-field alohe near Nieve,by Solyman as a monument to their fanaticism, and, the Saraeens drank beer out of their Bkulls. Since then,fol lowing the Reformation, in Christian conflicts (so called,) fifty-mniioh mete were ilamMoB by Di vine appointment," making probably In all, 100. 000,000 who have victimized themselves to their faith. Peter the Hermit had nothing to do with the latter conflicts. - He had Peterd out some ttme previous. r The present Hermit who runs the -i'' '.i w "RISING SUN" ; Is pleased! to say' that he' has received, his stock since Christmas, and has now on hand FERRY'S; CELEBRATED GARDEN SEEDS (warranted to earn wp without the nwadc of your neighbor's chickens), ta addition to his stock of Candies, Nuts. Raisins, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Flour.Lard, Sardines, Canned fruits, Apples and Oranges. In fact everything kept ta a Confectionery and' Gro cery. & a HOLTON. Jan 19 Democrat and Home copy. ; ; 3ml Estate. R EAL ESTATE, " MINING AND.IMJCGRATION AQENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, -and will Advertise free of cost, all properties placed in my ' -! , hands for sale. THOS. F. DRAYTON, v, . . Charlotte, N-'Cyj deelO FOR RENT. OB RENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FOR RENT. FOB REN JL 10 Boom House, two blocks from public souare, S2Q per month. . . : , . . : 5 Room House,' acre 'of grounol attaehedVloor blocks from public sQuare, fit) per month. 7 Bwm House, with 6 acres f land attached, priceJlWpyear;".;iir ;j : l( ,;t .... 11 7BnomHoose;f!otrf.block8Lm public Sffuare, tlSpermphth. . ; : --.,.f : j . ; f:i'.;'J vifmib 'M -. f : :;..-;;;. , J Jr.J .'.: j:,r. FOR1 SALE,1! j- - i ':"'''! -'J -i-i!i; her : y u f 'u't'i.r' ? ; 4 Boom House, wih good lot, ptice.fl00. j r 4 Boom House, with lotl tinea 7v i IfiflfTt IK niH Hi -tiMUWlx HlU J.K';,; Is',. t 6 Boom House, with acre and half of land, four blocks from public square, price $3,000. . '"-ii ii WANTED, . 2 7 tolOBeomHoo8e,neaipablU3sgiare..: . ; j .-J-'J ...'-...;.:. . .... 1 . ' . . . ; x i I 1 1 ICallat J-m ex- DAWSON 0Qf 8, uj !KX1J it- ! 6id Bamtof MecklenbWfiiium IdeelS .iHi(jl(J bf'l ) j fTSL jL W. ALEXANDER. V " J-'' ,. , ., , ; , J T ' ' ' AV ' .';'.-'" V ; ! - . .V r,T .;..:,',,.; ".r i , j,, r ., - ' . ,T (I ml V -i-WBISTONC0'S;j r jWjyef rieV l' tntu; 0. , -in. a Jgtf iSrTf rVi1 U j "Io 4 i rr '5'!aA AA4 f off fii Ii 34U S"1 j Sherry WlneJ 1 ' . . 1.1 I . ' ' Tlavortmrritrii'? ; I , - . i i .f-:. , . "i ' -.--(',( .' ...1 ( ; . -1 "10 oes' quamy ior retail trade; i u o ui S ' M x. a. .-a ". . . - t ... . BUTTERICK'S ,i r" ' , 'i ,."7 I i j .METROPOLITAN TASHIONiHEETS,, I - ... j.- j 1 i- i- - Jl: - 'il TTDDY.' iUBOj 17 -a.1 't'il?' i 1-Wilso ;BUBwjaiir DBoooikv,,' r, ..lidif HareJostrecerTedi:f,'"'J ' ; . ikTlf -Jii ir.Jvl tJili lll. ,ijTH 4iil U v; : janlf ! OT, KICHOLAS. - - rrr.: it'. 1 a. j t ,-4 SCRIBNER'S tLLtlSTllATED MAGAZINE ' : Messrs. Scrlbner ft Co., in t74I.. ... . cation of sr. NicholS1 Sb iiluSS? l&XSPW for Girls and Boys. rithMri MarvM.te121151 r' editor, rive years haw pisIncetilrX berwas issued, and thui nret uun- highest position. It has a mot.cila of ! .. f Voti8 60.000 coma. - ;J1 C , 'TIt Is published simultaneously In Londnr n New York, and the transatlunUc recognWonW moat HA imnAral nni Wm. o iiwTru.uw' 18 81- though tFe Tprogr ofufe Tatbeen of best 'oecause her ideal cotitinuallyorunTi? and the magazine as swiftly follow after tv St. Nichoxas stands wow ner.. To-da, ? BeriaTstorjr for boys, !'A JOLLT FKIX0W8HrP,7 WiUrun rtnirh thA . ... . "half a DOZEN HOCSBXSXPKBS," bright" with n!pntnf iS,?1""163 S in toXmlSTwrai nt?.' ued fairy-tala called , ; 06 a c01- "BtTMPTT DODGXT'S T0WKR," YI1 Hawthorne, arid Illustrated h, Alfred Fredericks. About the other raiSiX?? 7 tares ofST.;NicHbirtie etoreseSs"" voa&eSffi? Bumor, instructive sketches, and Selure 'ahd lo , of "Jackn-the-PulpitH the Ymfih department, and tteLXeEJddle- nAotranatAM Tr Itinnornnlav ...- ...... A. v. SCRIRNtTR m ded 0 743 Broadway, New York. AMERICAN. THTRTY-FOrjBTH TKAB. The most Popular Scientific Paper In the World. 0nlj 53- a yew, Including postage. Weekly, 52 Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. The PcrEHnnc Amkbican is a large firstHjlass Weekhr Mewspaper of sixteen pages, printed in the most beautiful style, .profusely Illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the newest in ventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences; including New and Interesting Facts ta Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health Medical Progress; Social Science, Natural History I uviiivsjiaimvuviji;, 1IR UiVBk TiUUiUlltJ pniCUCal El5fi!ggZgg&l Terms, ja.zu per year; 81.60 half year, which ln- eludes postage.-" Mseount to agents. tmele comes ten cents, bold by all Newsdealers. Remit by pos tal order to MUNN ft Co., Publishers, 87 Park Bow, New York . PATENTS. In connection -with the Scientific American, Messrs. Moon ft Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 84 years experience,, and now have the largest establish ment In the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special: notice is made ta the Bclen- public attention Is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. j Any person who has made a new discovery er Invention, can ascertain, free ot charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. We also Bend free our handbook about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on Inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. MUNN A CO.. S7 Park Row Vow Vnrir Branch Office, cor. F. ft 7th Sts., Washington, D. C novl9tf 1879 1879 "HE FOUR REVIEWS AMD B LACKWOOD. Authorized reprints of- , , The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Juarterly Review (Conservative, The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), Aim BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections; they give the originals ta full, and at about one-third the price ol the English editions. w ; n no publications can compare with the leading rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep pace with modem thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, Whether ta religion, science, lit erature, or art. The ablest writers fill their pages with most interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent narration of the great events of the day. -' - ;- '- '. i ... fl!... --,.t r . - J. .j; . . XKBKS 20B1879 (iHCLCDtNa POOTAGX): Payable strictly in advance. For any one Review, ' j 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews, 7 00 " For any three Reviews, -10 OO " For all four Reviews, , 12 00 " For Blackwood's Manaanft. Oo ' For Blackwood and one BevHwT 00 " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " For Blackwood and three " 18 00 " For Blackwood and four 15 00 " J'post'AgA':"" ' This Item of expense, now borne hv the nuNiHh- ers, is equivalent to a reduction of 20 percent on I the cost to subscribers In former years. ! - CL,TJB S.' " ': A discount Of twenty dot cent will Tw ailowml to Clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one ouuroas, ior 12.jh, iout copies OI the lour tf - . views and Blackwood for 948, and so on. .':fu3 ; PREMIUMS ' New subscribers Xapplvtagieariy) lor the year 1879 may have. Without chanm. thA nnmhAra for the last Quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may suDscnoeioE. . . - i ; Or, Instead, new subscribers' to any two, three or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the . Four Reviews'" for 1878; subscribers to all five mew hovA faA Wa 17Ik..m - a tf Zr.?a'rn I.. 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