- 1 in! .f .m eLL-Iiia:; - J fa liVs t-JM t. Ut, N..:..A . " JMl ,i hl -j , 8UBBC&IPTZ0X SATES i j Six MontA..y. 4 00 w JfoUM.,.ri.... 2 00 Out4 pflWcmmtty, pojpaia,J-..T. ! J.tt.tL, .... 2 10 ctKfA..,.'... J. 00 i "SO. 'JIJ? . .. . .. Bat bee VthnmiaKv MtrvOe wtOt mint ftndVil 'MS OIJX2'.I3UT9: .Uj" ,ui.-i a lit j j 'i'?fT aVliriI?sr si i 9Sb III bii).'0"a . tot :tt:-i 9di i mill fr-fsAst sill "io.sicioi tllfr?i viti!9l ti"nii5rt tKgtfimtr Is-amnj m j p"!:- ii r , r f 'LXTTKH-TTEA TM. til VTIS IL ij A. 'W U ii X. ii ll L s Ii J 3JiT 4 TASX KECSTPTS, POSTX&. Mt ti 3 a 3U.FiJ.ra PXLLV3, &AXt&mM si eda lrdl baiaai'! .. ju fsraun taut' -0TO3 bio bacxa t ' Laerai Rtdw3tion$or Club. . , I ,.1111 I . . .K. . I 1 i" ii VV V. bJUJt Mra ii a j.i nKbus( ASHMEN AND ALPACAS. jMt Received another tot of superior ft A A A X 1 ii i 'iKH ., T - i; ' CASHMERES AMD ALPACAS, Hanging In Trios from "25 cenU to On DoHa. !Wjtdi- .l.fc;ti 1 .wa '- I.'" - . -til! '! J.ilM .... J) !!i -jhJ wit --.( tl iiiriilli'Wirt . ;:. - MS liftM !M rt CM b j .1; iA.)i.;'i'i ; snti:d .-nan mr orp . di.. Af mLORED CASHMERES, all M www Wool.of ioperteil at sixty sent ea' if) worth $1.00. n r - I r not ThJI to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before ,X H t J,m t. aimiimi r ELLAS ft COHEN. ! bftB&tfvd! tt 19 S-Til'li" 1dtoa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL .BKAHX W TTTRKITURB ! - BEDDING, AC. IA.H gS&N,AV 3KDDING, &a WOTIWtT,, , BEDDING, ftd. FURNITURE 1 A KaU Line at CHEAP, 3KD6TKADS l; - liU ;? , ) U0UNGES! LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES! : :j X ' LOUNGES I : J i i i ... ii' '&, K' -'!:'l"- : aili'T-l' rr '.'! ; a v. mi iLOUNGES . 'LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER BUTTS! .. , r..J :!."(; j-n.-. jrinJ- ' J . .ll' lot ' ! v COFFINS of alt kinds on band. -Mi , !) MJ.I ViJUJKi"; W'liktft 'Kit9iiU COFFINS of :Vfl'iiOBnliani'ii!ia ' No. r wTkifii Swcrr. - :i j i KT -yui J l i ("' ' '? iii ' - t'1xttft ,ilt!tl iif'!"l iMJ'i' Ik te r6 .'' ia ;.u".r OHARIXWTEiW.C- ., .iv it vri t. i tr Lad!?. and Gentlemen's Burial tine supply. i ARGAma - ; - it -.'7; 29 8 "! :' ? ) IliiiTll-i .r.ir;W Xr.4 '!' Iff r jf . W 1 KM HH r,J01f B-BDB 2 i.;: KfJiiu Sr.f- H"TA" JS. Ct. ROGERS WARER00M&, ;!( 1 l 'int ) ..i.n ii u; r ! ti ; J Tt! a 't'wui- ,f.:i, ir nj J'n i is w "i j.'lvSf .i"rI wii ft! tt'J .'J vl t M ."'' ... . ... i . :: KTM'n'fX'n lr, WJ tlrwxA Mlmtm .. --i . , (. ... :tm 'fw?tf'i-I(l!, 1 fto! ihq sdT hX ftit .ttmrxtt to ,b4lt -io PARWJ,CBf5t3BROO inCAXSJA .W -A JIQ AND 5 jar --r- '!a r m ft 'i . - . .tt7t.-.i' 'i.'i-'n' OFFICE FURNITURB ' . ' .aimz-ra p'Jfltl , - h c AN N 0 U IX C B KI K rn N N ,0 U H C I ME N X 3-jA'.wa awl xa OB LOX nnu n r Baa- Tt n RRR TT h h o 6 7s n b b b iw jADaa l..o5iP.au,T,.1'1 E D X TJ JL'" TTTT , ..Cttl MS ,H,,000 KKK AA T - ro"'61lf1n( O K AAA T ..jtStSAhhSO P A A T jrA ww m ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. TV1' RETC-N j .Uint wirtBcJ inaM'nt'j'l taini hi&eatiij p. Ji jimoir. Alt 6-rf!m1 J iut0 .irjMlt ,dHMU itq TUST RECETVE-Ti Mi fJUOT RBCltlYJUu Tnaaapdso-a-rt lot of Oil Colored CEETONS of the season. Also a new lot or r I HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS. j il'H : r i; 1 !. .; !M.I 1 I1 .? i, Dont fan to look at my new Abdominal OOO OO RKB aSSoEEKTTTT 0 OO OB RaB T U U OUW BOa Kit T T rfXXJ OO B K"88- I New lot of Crochet and Diagonal US m (JIH BUTTONS. I BtUl bare a few fine Cloaks to close out at naif their reaHralue. A new lot of Black and White Satin. Also ; MONOGRAM RUFFl4Np . For Skirt Protectors. Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. feb2 LADIES' CLOAKS. I AWES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAK C! ADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAK O. HRrft S" G I I A 3? E T B-A R G A I NO; IS BGREATE8T B A R G A I NCT 4,1 a' d'.!. -". - ' :--J!abi:! OF THE SEA SO "VT F THBJKASOii. .iO r i.MoT 050.1 "J 'v.:iHiJ-.l't ii-t ITB SUHDSKD CHOICX LADEB8 CIvOAKO VKB HDNDSKD CHQIOt LAD 118' CUAKlp ,. ntin ' ;'j au uiii B--ii "i -vf i -fl!!J' ''!" t't-H .:-fcT i'.-it-".:lA BT SXPRKSl DOT BSCXITKD BT KZFBBSk mAJ.ntl.SCJ?ktO& .... "Wliteh win tm Httti without, reserve i : flcinc Drlcea. Dont fall td eome and look i ,71 .f.nnSeiifl'.!: WEZPPXu BED wKEPTNS trL silter oa ytrujtJ w al!ns fia M iS i-kStSiJ 9nM ol o? T' O BUT A ClJa'k l6?A"c8etlrMAS GIPTI O BUT A CLOAK FOR A-CH&I3TMA8 GIT- .'JA-iliHaOK . I ,f, v -wirno At h aii ipbic fc&ratmtarff..ioa wt-tidito.,oit'.swr A : s mrrrAfi ihau h. morris i , 3 M .vtur.n ,Mfi :W wH MORRIS; ft ERO&i rkduction or romuut rwvinKJr Trealei Bab- mine, baby fid kiiie tettrihldBis elgaoM dj MitnJ OTSHjEaa Befeefmiriboni nl JarilsnlflJ bflfi Mrro i)it Bafay'wttoftj tatoiBUaec jJeohw) oi tllb watttag .gncAhi Poon 3fil vn wS-. k aid KOniiRektlasBhslwen engg4Ao eU a70Q Jia te,700r-r-wrters-Cai mlnaUwi ur u?tiUv tt(uj( ps'bl&rWM'are aWWsbW out their called bonds for redempflon mat they son't have time to taltetirfnotys of shoveling snow. nWtftnfri 1trbuM latUmH jinalm jtUtdvatnrt kfcAMwrs)t ' test i i!kcitariHl BoiBe--firal3;A t4ibomewsw Stfrved 181 pCi'siwiiA itt!ljO''BOt ttntwbitcMaMti JisKiiiit of jjili wit. Jl li'il zbH ."f lo fbiifi(U.iOril isiAt tecM iBbAirqhlaitiaj mwto,mi ieteMnjQdia;so fa jwas4rin! baattyinfeA MoandMie-fQQi entthftufcHw trianWho .1WblspjC6wV the card says I am, they have given meal w-A imieai ami Huuuiraajuiiiig jbmi. a treacherous mule and who eversaw any otne to take his shoes on, leaq nlm .on m Bmooth ice and then blackguard bimeXdaaTbiifcdJa(S Ids natural propensity, and the vexation of pint exhibited In hUttMmgeittai&lance Is really inWl was lifted at the recent burial. LMai erandson. Ashburton Webster, and the face el the m aiateaman was rouna to oe peneciiy recogm- The Timat aayHSHtttSi popular sub 8tUntfi for phurch going In Jjeg.Orleaniu. and adda; The sport of cock-fighting seem-to jfetiw reoelv an immense Impetus this ' year, and It is attract!: such attention as has not been given It since the war. This Is mostly due to the furore aroused in Soej.tbA.pos coulst representative birds of Georgia aii reenthe presentative birds of GeorSria and KentUcfcy. which will take place here on the 20th of this month. Tft?M!nberi' if be" Seaeral AfemblrP Sorth Carolina : To the Editor of the Observer ? Kecwemllow space iu your coulmns to speak relative to, and concerning the order known before the- lawsof-lleffcft Carolina as "No. 2 &&& lMmM- g sndent Order of Good Samaritans and aughters of Samaria, in America and Of the . State ot JSTorth Carolina." My attention' haT been5 called to' a! fiotJde whilva,ppeared in the Wilmingtojn Pas4 of the 19th of January, signed by one A. 'BrLind, statinfir that' applicatiott would be made in the State Xiegislaturo to incorporate "Grand JLodge No. 10, 1. O. of G. S. and D. of 8. tn America.wit apjpfftWiO jpittiai Grand Lodge No. 2 is sufficient. They have made '.rapid progress in the elevation of the raceit seeks toa&erient.H "Why' should this inA Lind wish to be incoporated as R. W.U. chief of Samaritans? Who is he, and where is he from? Some say nels from the, West India Islands, or at least a foreigner ; if that be true it has come at last that as we have just escaped the white carpet-bag government, the f or en. negro. comes, inrtebimself into our State 'all'ask ,6ur fgislaturelg give Mm tbepower as grand chief to govern the negro in North CaroUtia? 1 am informed by a member of the law ful Samaritan order of North Carolina that their gfrafrd lodge ttiet In Newbern last October, and I. B. Abbott Esq., of Craven, was elected their grand chief aweU-kBow.at.jTepresentativa: cojoxed manToh)whiO Is held In highestiiiiar tionSrfj5(!lii3'pe6ple. Who is Lind? The Legislature of ldlfh-ll incorpora ted Grand Lodge No. 2, which can , be found in private laws, chapter 10, -77 Why incorporate another 'grancFlddgeTf I am :also informed that Mr. Ellison, tbtajlepresentdtive of Wake, did .offer an amendment to "their incorporation, allowing them the right to establish a widow and orphan beneficial fund, some thing on the plan of the Knights of Honor, whlc& "will greatly Telieve the impoverished condition er its members. I hope.that amendment will pass, and because they have taken that praise worthy step, another order of Samari tans act of The tyiteW Nortrjatfolijia treboffliiKeBTflas area, f.rjtney iajrajempexaieti rengiDus.1 hope or Jgi 0LX.M t !.necavv8eit ,wiii jmmvUk conflict withureelored peoplfrln thW State. No. 2 Urana Lodge and its1 sub ordinate lodges nayA done jgreaif gooc they care for their sick ana bury the: dead. Now ask fee Legislature to pass Mr. ElHsonarfrecntvwbich will allow them; as an order, to donate a suf ficient sum to tbeir-widows on the dah;WFAW!M4j educate their children. wtr! a'JtUfcT tAfiJtetXEsny to - ., .THJVCpLpRED Man. TNew torkSun.1 "as Amonc the Dasseneeratlf!lfeft1fc leans by the steamer Knickerbocker-of-the Cromwell lines, which left pier's; North River, were the dog-fanciers, Harry Jennings, of this city, and Thom as Tugman, of Philadelphia. They took with them twenty-one bull-dogs, which will take part in the great national dog fight tabe-foAghttf- New41 Orleans; or the immediate vicinity, during the mar di gras and the succeeding weeks. Messrs. Jennings and Tugman were found in one of the forward deck houses which had been set apart for their use. . The twentynone dogs were in Durcenea cpops aroupaf nree u the Kfjabin. Mr. JfcnnMgs, wflo srxtkeart-saidthat he proposed ing these dogs South to test the game nessof the New Orleans, Boston and Cincinnati dog-fanciers; who were to enter animals in the coming dog-figh, m i ' A Telegraph Operator :MarUeredi . t Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. J W arrenton, VAn February 7. Ho w ard Holtzelaw, telegraph operator and agent for the Virginia Midland railroad, at-wacienoo junction, x auquiercpun- ty.T'a, was shot through tbe.headKS f ed arid robbed last nighty ats jlV5(4oc rested and lodged inHailia.t ' charged with iwtHg:'tw.'maTabr6r7.- Vfftn?A R!aKkabb3llesHlt , It makes no difference how many physlcfitil. or how muchmedleineyott lmvefriedjitis nown est tablished fact that German Syrop is" the only rem dy which has given complete satisfaction in sever cases 01 Aianginseases. it is true were are yet ShQUsanda of persons who are , predisposed to rhro&latut "Jitmgt ASflctkms, Consumption, Hem orrbages. Asthma, Severe Colds settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, Whooping Couch Ac, who have no personal knowledge of Boscnee's German SyrAp(To:tioaJw would say that 60,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaints Con sumptives try . Just one bottle Regular fBizei 75 cento. Sold by all drueslsts In America. petitions the legislature , for, an incorporation. : ' ' r ' ia 7 branch of Samaritans that the B&tu2s?wffl hust. as he reached , I113 hqme, aboupja mile,f rom . hU , JohnWmiamS, flZW Richmond;' colored, has beenor- - i.J.-i. vi. ,LJlji j ililil YJiUlIIIir I TTTT :00:ut.. untUrV.tl V,7 T li There was anotner reikfidnce' atrth4 opera rhi&Jast ?igbi fcg seitdss plished actor, Mr. FCiBfTOga,iWs: ira-'anoSir Wperter; lirjmnedf edy-KW eneamiy:eBye4Mraiangs' formaneei aiid accord ttxi 'him; a trua eoa(tiontofnSlieichaTactOTfwUchhe has evidently studied with more than. usual .carejintne closing scene of the HV yeBen eued JTOes'ihaseeiy tainly satisfied the most critical1 of safiJ dietice3 ;.thatas a student and persona tarofohte of the.grafe&rMi! mostje tied to ihejaim lover ayi artist thai 43 yet favored our section ftiHi partinz mteryiew with, his, beloved "Virginia bc8 .sm ButeheT-let'Tfjfth stall and drVelttMherhfearl!,1 KliwlEstiJ-taciiKapreisiv6i;aeeA we have ieheld. Ott&ln sigs, .ii .iM to -L'AppitOanEidiasTwa asendaredi.jrvith more than ordinary effect iL tbatinjat Ike ahtfyfi e Bunttorxr inclt actincr of Miaa Vadera. ahi ngvery&lie8tinpeBisodjilt "da-n itt ttfee tlikfoeeiind fceLWeert .tbef aets m hen tMaJ. JBJ D twyv fro m bis pxittato boxi' prodiieedBjbeEtlf lsbmdbnii whcH he presented to Mr. Bangs, accotapahied .orttfal House Association; whoaveedibaTCd itMff hffjpfcHyfri jl.namffj1the ladjes angeTepnen wbojironffl f fof fcS dfiffTfa $hiwewj4aurtJfaf, wrj iwOW AntrwjOi worwbicii .a a jpAiheAfc artist ttNnly.maemfc nent artist, but as the most distinguish ed pne born on. the soil of our native S&t&WgMiaY1 WitW'llttijigbc- neq OwlQt tewthe lautrHfa'fnlitBB'rowM bW'BmtiB,anlIW,pIaetf,ityi jrotir; and to declare, in the language -of M eaRterfrincfityou so awy,teMneapd o4evewng,sfchat( fYm, ,ar e thg rri ii!.' ii' TV 1 J a l0ws:r 0 (tfii tijlyiH .iii 4jiiJ.J say jthat Ls gratifi A5ndi pjijasHEe aftihfloMftipleafxConie ponryeu5wWe,seirew eening would, ; but , fpe biy ;P qwresstP yoi the deep senseAoffrgrafatuderLwr f eeL Kind, helping friends of the Tari ous sections of this great land of ou'rs from Maine o the uvdi. of Mexicpi have oli'tne toeeelihey were'ftaa to he rhe,,witKttefai and; Wa mesi ofirteU-'iihji r'affi'ifttrei- teyi kiiewime.be.ftfert gfateM B'nitaTbfeeysetV.e fot tnVRateimafe ,lfldart;trer;sOry ia tt &f!I k?lri tlearet vfohihi tW the eronofi!ttie monarrA; Of the Jells' that '6Wkfe ftrhia golden creiet ! 'frieasVJt Bhall'eterbejray grea enAMenayit'ls' tot ipridej to oon tinheto'desejevethe distingtdsned plaee hV the bistorv bf ojit grandad State that you this' night have conferred upon me,BamelyTthatof, ;ts representative KfSmeitihiiwJbetmygood fpjiAine to assist m t4edtiRfetiS:beautiJut tmp,to)tneitiiQspTan caus,e, 4-elaam it my ,priyitege '.to retarnto it ooeasionaTly TEUUhensftdiulj Mhl) .vulmr.-i -hU 4-h-ns; 'f. ' I" '.-.I -ii-tf lli;il ii J -.1.7 'a ,u 1 AtoSTol?? 7,A report from1 tin; arni ticottoiicrOp, ceived by the planterivMettiiaverale Rpnfa rvxr riAnnrl tTTiA. rro9.: W ciiafpiaMal n;th .denAn4 1 export .rioij tOtiWarp 9,1m and 10, the apolprof .4 Brjti the lteji Statwas fourr &iths, their wtoleimnortation.n Iunng tbatdai&JS ayharegamedittheiposi-. lqnjVe ftehprictriandtbat four-? ifthfi'Oi the eottba-Ttised andvniaauf ac- turid miGreat JBriiaia reamenrpmi the cr&xrj(eato ipreign ports was Wm4vffm$ WFar ending September staple seems to be too large, ana the re sult is shown in glutted markets and low prices, the largerprop or 1878 Dei year. Basing the-caiculatioh of prices dh that 'received' Hby ' r the producer we fifcfftneivaliiiiiW the erop of '1878 to be5 lan for 187T' 8240,000,090, WMieJmeifttanwr of bales was 4,750,000 -.? '! iVf-iOni. ai!!Wfy,' 'iI-:U,:U-f-b The Trade of January. T . . n , St. LQuiT?ebuary8 The Journal df dfe'of-tBis dty -'ritiblisbes fointervJewsitr huiri dreleioirii 'isnfessiiitin.'lrgairdir the trade of January as compared with the same mouHf 'oWtat'teAi. A large proportion of those consulted, including representatives of every branch of business,7reptrtiitatterial' increase of buaihesfwt paiiduiarlyj) manufacturers. Nide tehthaof those interviewed believe tbatthe,busineflsrorr,the presents iyear) wUlte mueh;betteiJthan it hasbeen for, three yeart P0fc.'i siiti: iu.;t iaa .7.192. Send ff'setf-addressM-ehve) to toe ttAi. ta&ra. x. Anjnjuxj BHnun u, ovum House. New York City. Jan 25 , i ana d Jt xl-nWtifBt tiM$ii-aiU!qta?J t . - funiaiaittstjTa2242 ;j 101 tl- rt- ted..STUPAK AGOiSS.uWl8lie Wm Uaiiclai b ut bttranafwrai iCd if m tt JJtBlx- Xi? ban wuq vCALI EARLTi 11 ttWHtamq osim aa ijivimi ywt wiu uta nest fragon Jan, 8 tt"' ' - - Dvw ox " y lrgintft , 'suouia 'nave1 eeecvt DVheof'WSncfSt di3tmiisft AdcfSrriiDetmi' 'lUe-'-w cmg'bther items Ogives ' the ' wices of ,L cohcflt wlnit is 1 i-th y. - i fiMH,()''u''''' fttif a. I 1 1 WW. tWrnf froni"herrors and IfP dlscfejtfohs ofyoiyrVous' Tfeakness; ieiakytlef cayVtoskbl thkfa'ooii'id, rwm sedd a rectpe!hatf ! wiltcrj tFBEE'OF 'CHARGE;,l4ms rei? remedy wasf dlscpTerMyJ'ayisslo Rtwflr iuSerlca.' ' Send s'seU-aMessed-envefrite- I T U . O ...... .0 I AAA I II -r3 "il W-::-dl B'rVi-rTaAllAV Vi;i oiyiKid-Kl fimudiiiA j-jIj lu miA Tj hn: ,tiJ sfiilr.lC linoti noiHuiladul -nuv If. iioruriii 'jar ;Ai ioln t'mfmami -iS-xf ;JLfjOTCKlf:Otia-iiB7' 1-OcHiilA, ! -ftll Hill teKIBJl J1J011 .IVI.'I J UUiOIJ zit1 hnjln'S tilt t i Hhurn jfoiUini:iiri: li' ifa:taiotitiB id Jn iuu!-tou -al io f-ilaiuu Jsir vfe"t')ii ,rlxwga -31 .'oatiiijio j -hi 3feiJiti on aY;rf ; ,!' 1 j i . i.':rj'. ; v.pIk ell i: .Ht!fcif:i! Ifc'iiJiJjKi "i !lJ 'id Itin ui 7t .. 'to f-TlriodilT1) loj OI OS l-iMrrU.r: ;"-.! r.Jtii bfin fl!f JW3 -iiq urot i-.-jfi i; our; orti Ji;m '' i lii f-J- j'iii li.'d m!T .l'Kfcju fcirw AB4$o otbent ltwltt.rfepayi them tat t&vest forfw .; lob -' ".t-u h'ui noi.tiuiq.-;jqR v me tdT .' Iirii; . .ii -,1' It , i to .-!ixjiiiiqTtq,'; 't-jj t;i:!ii!"'' -I-X 'nil IfiWftJlbjj-j Y1--"i ) ;! nif;ir-. -ul 3d J io iHlsjimU "fll io ju an ifiW if3 oj loiMii! I ! : : .';!- i't i 'infti; asib eeh'tilKs. bin; 'fhwi.trr. -,A'i .ijHratiwjtb -4b itiij iinnirb gty. f .ftIi0T . 7 -Oil- 7i;--hniihil) .ii t f 't vis ii bliio h.! ixiit vr.i ijflJ tnlj -If r.H ohi-jB-1-! f:y.'-T '.' . ui ovuai .Hid bjioi Hoifbuy Eilsh ito and Whl Saajrer worth 832 and $30, at $24 Our Fine west If njy Brown Meltons, markpd,$15,f Jflffflnfigl Hi' i ii;i;i f)iii afwun ind oeuoll ssfT Oar pl9n$d.Jgro A?Ar Vests, $2?LU:8(MAWd(t ment . oi CiMBlniejei l an Sack; Saltei sokt .yf yiil H4t 7 1-.' i I Wjfl fit f! l Oar, entire SiockTOf Quabnere Paiiipg 150 anil $8.00, oito mnltoim tori 400, TO liilH iii-J fKi?-K' : -!:'::.. ; ; r,-t?;f; '''.;..... . -Jl-('i( 'il'Jii: ! Hi I' .;; ': ' ; iH U'liil iiii as ji'j. v!ljL;:u.l..;ir 'fiii !iiif o j BAnJreMn''aA'S5dr small f i ? - '?! -1 . . '.;!t ., . ' --.,-. . :;. ' .i't vi h -:..- v :, Our stock of Boys' Win be arranged to esuoctleB with the " Clearing garments and b!&fjer4by gwds, lo'be slaogh 'In many mstansas tee quantity to small and sites i)..,.r G LOT H I N O! L O T H I N Gl CLOT H I N ii I '1 1 ' J 'Jf ?.JJ I , t,TjL V. KA.U71UN 4 O0U . . . 1 CLOTHING HOU8E1 r ! (,' in 1 ' : i. .(..i-Tii ; -m ' . : GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE, -Wl.li t '':'( ( -v; I i ':'.; i'-.; i - -.'.'. .).! . . ; . i 'iiiiiiii ;' . : rj a f . i ..;:. 1 1 , Havjng determined to reduce our stock, wa now offer to jne people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock Jj.tij ( 7r! ii I .-, , ;; ""f t OOO li OO "tTT H ifirlf N GOO OOL' OO T-S H U Hn H O O) O It O O. T HHH n HICK O OHO-Xf .0 O T , H IL U WIfHS- tSO COO -LL, T S ,B,AI),nl( qOG " -I .iff ?;. 'tv nn;y' .m ,. i W E4b vb ovnaaiv ,-ifj.Oi. fM ,'t i. J I t.i-? J-,7 Consisting of tile 'Usual variety of MEN'S, BOTS, ; ; '-l:':Usii: ' ! , !- i t-'urii. ;.; TOOTHJAND CHILDREN'S J t". ' m! ). at 'ia.i -. (I , i ; ; : . i i rT;ttlO H -1:K. tlt ji,j "'jwj'i , ;: ; ' -' Mil,; V l '! i If, .. -dl. bi t'.-KKti i' i b: !' xJa-4 '! i-tju - FOUND IN A' FIRST -CLABS HOtTSBv JEt :.. !lii-.Ul ii 'ij ! nil mpil ?jn)il tar-, All we ask Is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as tt wOU toyoarlntereitv ahd yea will save trom. fifteen -o -;twentf per cen. 04 yoururcnaseo. 1 AAUFMAJi uu. . .... 8p1ngsOorBef;Cbartotte; N. C. (RNAWHlTEXrHAKGE, Jaii f'.ii Parties liavmg grain to grind or , to sen ; wul-ftod tf w-thetr Interest to call on the undersigned. ; Meal gfbuod either nereQarei acoonimg to ecdeu 1 Thankful for former patronage, f will give my DrompersonaatoBnUon to allorderi from one' -BilBjiiSl. ben i03mxD, orahailj. t :' '' -f--;.ttffT--gl fftflrt! TtHlTA BElJ5TOtX' JfTIfj;'n.f; f:J'J. i.'tJ"t,i''j! "rbbjf'l 'ni; 1 Ot Whole SAdGrnund Spices, tnelodlng 7eUrt mixed gploea, trt It and be convinced tbar there bi nptotag nicer. - l Ri WRISTO ft (Xk y 'l4le0tll'.'il 'iiii XU HO rJJl'd liiJri HIBil r0TB and NKLOyS-KTiS TTNUp fcirKpo'ic 1 -Coin Starch, Hal&MTOa.Ful Ta pioca. . fT S3 wTONft Ca TORENCH BRANDT; li-uK J " it c j 'io 3a laiooilxii v?J d ,vi.J - .11 - H vje V5ffftUiim. IO fiOiJfimSMiVl itii ,t : f A CJ5NTBAL HOTEL !JALO0N TTTT-LiMi . ftili to vrio- in tb 3 r ladi Jiw;l 9i!l t; .iK 7(f ;i.;:-? 9dx bsttoboxiai Ilk -liin eJinotpooni .nilqud Io .mmJlj li .11 7jfUliili JrutwhH . .fiwoifl. KB oft nsrc'wi-iisV V rBHoM bianoll .senol, .U ,j Jisdol! ,iiJimri JI XI tfuo3d t .A ,mado1 4) j .1 .U.lnsTiamDXWXAB. .U .! I't twMF he f .fltoll.l.?l 4Jan9v3.T -d.I.atyiK .11 .V . -hiatal J3L lm& ddoO .D ,1 ,iuUiK M .'A no- j ine-la"" htiK silolied') .f:uaiixtdiVr' j ii;i ifidi- buz; ",ni;qfn;' .J.yJ;i;il jtofft;fBftq Aftwd w wUlftre a cheduje WOar wme0SWi great atiflbaMtiXtB : Oil; bfoMt. DtiLATTA ft BBa,-,!: -a T )'!ri ilrSin -tmti&if- 'nftyj jV.fi.j. t tvjndw iiuli f--iit; eV),-,,.,,0i (.id ' 5 tOCLOSl om i - 'Murirnv- u!j 'ii. ;ff.'t?. fc dvollol !:. fjiy.ij.t..; lie . -j ,; r pOpojSflUft 4,t $20,-. Cr ne laau TvuaierBj ou, at ; vmr vuve, urowir vs -no:- OiU j ti'j'.iiv.; I.!S; il-;i .lanrintui tr, wltes, ptunebllUa, 1tlKwtnerw(l; ! -9U llulciii J- !!!! ;M tnjrI iU rVjadWy the cnflreiastrn,$lS; '$16 and' I17.56.at ' 7U-. ) ill! -Ail J i I J .Ti. . I t j ! ! our aioai4$ii)C06SDiKBE SUITS, at7t0. I, ,, : it- it, if I .;, . n 1 and t7.60 at ona iinlform prJoei.4BJW.xl 0m, t; -i .t-'t: j,ij V-nv V.-..- J:'l stj merefanta, S3, 13.60, 550, W-tfl at V40. to; assoftmeht of the celebrated Bta Shfrls In hi bt' and Drawers, will be sold at $3 per suit, TO CLOSE andSl.00, at one uniform prlee, 50a . , T. O C L O S R o IT ;rfi I Clothing wiQ be otfered at r ioirar tban QCb v '.'"i"': t 'iSS'TOCLOSBIOCT .-nm ;-!j.'t jrriccs ui gur ivpuxa ana atssusDie qoui, ceram tered at less than half valne., , , , few, and In order to proour JosV wtaVfoar near! It "f8W'9 ii SB .81 7 :l. 9 , n 4waa "-t ' . ft ,!!. ) " , ; ! ' M - -i-,.',;- oSSoPPP ARB n H il 3Gb . . FB iniRIO O! P R anif who go p b man hh oooe 1TI71 HAVE.' JUST ' BECETvlFBOTil'- Tf I HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROiVl .t'.'ii! ) -ti& 'uSTTTTui. i V .: ,1 ibwf! It'll !k"!J ! bij, t yr,-j r.i ' . A full andfcompltltaeof iBnmGoof8p . tv ear; tne sitea are au n43w, auraeare aoa . ( ' handsomely designed t the Goods . , ull'nf Vnmlm Taipm ,'! !..; suehas .: ' ' : ; ; , " - 'i . . i ' ' MS ' .; 1Jt frencn, XLngS jBooteh, .ap Qerja,, -i'j i .iw.'jii! ) ivi;i;;i ; ;ia- t iaiil : .'.j'tit i ii; , -Hy ii-lt!fi5' 1 i-i j.-Ai'itd? And with inoreased faeuttlea;we ask .toenos ,1 and patrons to eome and took at our Goods, aai r.,weIntondtomakegannentstoordeTveheap ," ;- f thn 'Anr Northern tailor Aomlnir '1'' .:) through here;: we have also' reoelv- '.'V ..eda Butterict's iFashltm Plates - v . vi-j-jtt u:vi T,- -.id '. -It i I tfijfjJO'j Ion ni i!'1';: ; tsolldfr an eaHii eall. so as to give us i'V !'!(tq ':?; ifUj-lj bitii m ii.j;i biu; ; Jlh .l,itV!UltlU -Ka-EverTthi'warWwhU semoneyeallingmajas' wet wfil sell-cnem Children's Suits. s feb9i, , dub, lvuuu, jwjb;j, -rrr- W0RLD8 STAKDARBk i ;-i.i-T;i4t! 1 1 i Sj - af (!;; .i;-Hij7' i; .j-jo" -rtiii -i. ii-ai cc rs?v Li !"!! ia on rj-.." .-: faun AaABOfieaMj..,-, -..sitfg ,j;il-i-jl' nl ,-t.jIfb Oil .,Uf j;Ji9i' -loi '- btaf tidi;Mit-irifitKTv,.iKI follt U ff MA l 79liKd0ii Jfttfl llllfi(TVd -Eiet ALAtat'ifoftst wuwifiar 1 sJ La l&Svl'l U ,t:-Ji;j5 iii'idJiioH ijifd ol qn? "ij-wi 1j 7btiiJ 01ml 4wl4 Ooffce MITHflplw Mills, aodStos JTbeflfew 197-jJr.d .ti"it;imw on dii fmoitna (ajaiiJ"'i rid JilSBy7-a-d.v ni dl ioi fc.7 KbihHj .Wtilllft' iUMjtf r, pldl 1JH til nHi'-"-rulim 9in-Hm iv wrd J Ji lis -a.bat fOsefllailng Pmmp Css FatBi' im i;ii'd, Iri'tfliTi but; ,'J:v f 3df '3WlbTCireulao:,: 11 1 hI'I1 Xt&ffls iAAiiBAISAftVlAiaiX, lK g: :tn tK-iaaoT it ,;.t-,.:-i ! I'.d wutl , ajy- jot saie oy ieaaiof Hardware Dealer ?roa-sww ,tTo;ljrBAivjaeooAJ itJijT IO JtlYJis i'JtS Salliih 71-J T"T if:ii A ') ! f ;TOClX)SEOUt; Our entire teagnffleshl Oh t t,W5$frf RvMJi Hi- shvjmhO jsitT to i4Js 101,1 l OTitefe-r4 tdo -u.bf? njiri -KfiasuT 8)nfn$v'i'iin't i;rmini no oo'jfitaat-t i ,ntsf-i-t:Ki JIJiTj lit M h hj. ,tI .uli ' -irji'ji J"d .'-!; 7Jm; ;-wli!i'i jn '; ,' l't viiiija-tetq-4-t (i-HloitxiilUiiu'; -hy.i j ii .tioIlEii') i, Ji'tijj --v'i-':! i .'. ipbnf;) MiJnlitiVlLiiA-'Ji'i-n n' 4 .. m advaBtnRes to salectkbs assail as bargata;' f -J.'j't bfir. ,:ioiJrlH' 'ti) t- -iliit irf! fni) : in hi u.!u kuii mtlif 70:1 J 0 Ifttlitaa it, : ;M ;ini:'' 3 j it.dl J-.! vih i Jct'-.i-ijiid i'iM i -t'i id lififtUHHO!) 7-U1 '(ti iv&yfa fj prtoes;nd asifeotlBrarenailra-itlalit od t TOSJgHWWilftolwn fdl '4 'tS'ili rKf yd! bm eii fntx d ftitflKii--.i5HfkMi. jtmJl fiil iHt'.i na laiw srnw. fuiui enwlJJMiftdOtd J .rjnhll un l.-i-.tnt." r.bum fji-r.. ,i.tf a :vvt1 .iK J'.-rt; .txirj J-Rdj ;tsirn -fhuh: t-'tit -n !'i liMiiMtyd j .miiftifi.d-i i,-j,-t mi .si' v jfjiiamdr-1; j-a .? uii, l : 1 laori v ai'aoljftHjj tiirujii'i i , .tt-.y -t!.v:t a ntit '),,'..,,. OJ b .. a .-MH-ni in TOJi.in ,ai a. nia ; '"'' ,.Jf)lni lipaf'rr 7iU5 db'ihiiH i Jeswp CnatotpoadeigBriBentSjBBk sleere)m4 Oo attracttvs variety of Worstedsr dxfOMl and ' ' 1 ' ;v. ' -a 1 io r;e--ftni oi j v.. tiii v ! Icni.'iiii -Mi tt,.-) itr.i'- -Ufa to a--:: Dahla ;arjdi;Bijek JCogUsh . Worsted Frock and JUii ,lnm yiiil l iTOiil r.HuiJlilii-.-t a! 0C7.Thtfaaiidsjaas4B "ii i:t;avfj Jnan.s- 'tfaoya 110 c.'-;j :;! hbinessJaBSMtmatot CasstnMttlFaqls.l tl; t f I iWiVA4t 'flh.-.li'i ..t'..-ly. ,..!. , . . k .It- Ctilnre pants at jftfMljfaMW !-i:l-n tii.-i -.i..dv.' n'M - fA,, i?M ''b"-1 -nil at!iUi:t.MPio.- jj vailt 10iiW)4 Sr)-c ;...! - U.jUhi' In P-Hl- CLOSE OUTu lew Jemalhlnt stotk tt Latnet1 -aSH' ')7itr L!f"7 t f .!.., ! , . , . ... , ors,,wirth ,.2&; Wf .ty0q3 .CtOSX OUT, . OUT. Our entire stock of Underwear, worth Y8e ' -j . ' r-?j.!j 1 1 .1 .. hnes of Worsteds, tn Coats ahd Tests, odd brokei -.frtiir- . i , -.' a; b-;,'-'..- most 4elr4v ,Can arlym ths , , 9 -' i.jMi- n'.-- .ti.'-,. .tf. ; ..; i'!:: ' d uuni ft' 01 joibn .-.. tt--' -t;f Jiint t-w- itsi'R.iTxAftBROa 1 ';.l Li- lit; ': 1 1 ..-.-.",., .at ! i '.in:-. - . a:.. ' ''if. V s Tt -tfU it .1 ' ' -B 'A'B V C rT, ' ;; ;'b'-:- i 1 -: k . i i.iiii. ir.es '';.t;-,'!;.5i:i- ... :! -it it- :! .- - li ' : ' i , . 1 :: . i i i . J t'f '!. Tp THS s, . . . 'in v.! i.b--ti 1 at Mai JT .Wdj bi-n) ;Tgoi & rlit.-;"!b.S; '.;A.-Ain.DD.Mni;fJt -5' 'tZol -iJ !;' " .'ti'-.Tt ?f-j;.fd wt'i -it: .vtudrudiM-r . .,-! v-, '' jUi 'till oi sa;7.?-j(fi;un-Jb:f 'if1 hen . ' -As Uw,3pdr feasoa sprjroaches, the question rtBtaraufsngglits ' b'fi ! i!V.' J.i-.ii-'K.t -Hi ;iI lir-v Inif!,i ?7,ii; i-.ttdJ ,ttHbjftm;i f bWida',?' j !!. ,nniri4 w1WBoWeBtolir8isW,, -tiii li jui;u si ji.; j .(rt iwii ii.tij tin arelecatAatotbe,1' jiit f.tKd) il itiJiV l d llj s Ti'; ! iwfynUnWff ni vij ai ob.d jfi-t "-Jl.eMom tt't m vmWttiS T'yrMtolW from' thW -t i. tn.JiJj tij.4;a JelHiiiiti fjtj a If WW'), Tjii? rtfriTbfin "f ojjj;;f -2.:bunY ' "WS "Ytf i" ii. - ;'i-;jsfi!.i9 bw; ffiwiiil t.ao yjao - m$ -t'ltdj if iUt-'Mn ftU&V ,m fTfrrtJ Kifim 7 ! ! a. hi lrirjbea,iafM )) ffhh; l tt Jifgiro iioliitiihiUyf b-s t -iij -MHifj f,H0BTHXRH'. dJiw !jn 0 3 4&Hib J'tnniin t,da iifnf(i)ajiirmi o tftfitftf ieHrt wiif ka-l kfl) u T ! IT ,3 A -Mm edl Jwtt -wdd "2'TdJ !B rtjidl -vfftM ikiaaearlitBaatDe general imiCBSra,jbarlj 'iil2fIZZrthft1 if lri! too WWWrrfrj .Sfri lihiu. mtl-aiarfiV f.J 7d.tftb; II Iv ' .wrBfttftftv -Mtif:us fell .latl iiaASAitSTZBtdivfcliii iiwfonoj .'ijorjnifiiift svsr 'ft'I nu U fercli 9ris, tiia havin a' jolzrt sxiiir 'bt jwi iuu o-iti w sM"r f.im bfij i frn'J 4PJrWs Vj.HM to.ofry Axrq&S everr aivarifli'ta :if4fii fin'n! frt nfidnifaO.il ; 10 iiTtBlfiyw.I -dt -rod i7!ona-i Jon df oi l.d tiiJl'i'jl,aijf'r;ii'i dlio ir vi fcJn a(x'jo lat) .brm tatl vd v-1 wmbslargitnanaU:aodwmteji and-pnacnJatshed fm pntepseraf igo liodj cd -ITsfai vi'jb gib 7sdt Jj-jioijjm 9i , 0 f TiHllih f'nTTEbVclT-OAtsiCJt f February 6th, 1870.

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