CHAS. R. JCXES, Editor and Proprietor, "f'liW re "Fttt from theistgwturlwal fWUt wt- - T T - ' 1 r ... i There are some i wno profess not to understand wTby fts" thitiM processed of Judge Lynch "are eometiioes ftut In operaUon:Dyjfei people. is I easy enough of explkn&tion. ltexe ia the case of Hoke C Secrest, the perpetrator of a foul and most unnatural murder. His crime was committed more than a year ago. First there was a removal, then a trial, then an appeal, and now a certiorari. f Thia wffloubtless stay .a tion upon the'caso until the -next tend of the Supreme Court, beginning the first Monday in June. Even if the Su preme Court should then refuse to giant a new trial, and the prisoner is re-sentenced at the next term thereafter of the Superior Court &f MeDowfaifow penalty for this crime will not be visit ed MwMMm,mm: ter nearly two years from the date of the murder and this supposing that the criminal does not&liHn meantime, and that the Governor will not interfere with respite or commuta tion. If i on the other hand, the higher court should see fit to grant a new trial a final result will be so much the more delayed, and if justice ever visits the ! I 11. . 111 V. ..II .. 1 1 lllllllffll ,V tU KTJ UU KfrV- WMWV VI1V moral influence of4hepuni8ment wilj, a nave Deen lose , to sidsita.msw This is why the people sometimes take the law in their own hands. The laws are so imperfect that they are used to shield criminals instead ofito punish them men guilty of capital offenses no toriously. The negro who steals a pair of boots is hustled summarily to the penitentiary, but the man who commits murder staves off judgment for three or four years, and in half the cases goes unwhipt of justice in the end. ;. ' -Hi-fi' Vi" '" '"'I 'lw nt.!f, I ;ls- -The BDJkttvKVOTiPoxL4axRe-. plying to a reeent-artiia-THB Gbsebt ver, whlc& pointed out how nobly the Democrats of the CapeFear district did their duty in Um? (Bongressional, last tention to the fact that its district noli' 'i''1mBac,,V6teirnfiB tWs district polled'mT 4,187 vdtes'luT told. Circumstances, however, alter cases, and the Star has not taken circumstan ces intownsideratin at alL The only? facts which deserve to'1)eiookWatare that theiixth district elerted VTirric erat to Congress while the third district didn't CoL Steele had no opposition, and in that case the Democrats, of 'this district would have, looked like a pretty set pf-fods-rrnow wpuldn'Mhey ? to have thrown down everything on that election morning and rushed madly to the polls and spent the day 1 The differ ence is just this: that we, had gotten in our work beforehand, and when elec tion day came could afford to rest upon our laurels, only casting an eye around -. M a " i a .. occasionally to see mat no oanger was near. A charge that the Democrats of the sixth district have at any time been inattentive to business will nardly "lie." What Col. Steele SAY&r-The Iil- eigh- ilTeM (the, article coming probably directlyjTOmJt&edi Washington) says that Congressman Steele "authorizes the, statement and wants it put emphatically, that (l.) The Mexican pension! bill has been killed by the amendment which includes all the dead and live vankee soldiers. He will vote against the , bill with that amend ment attached-on it? 4 f "(2) Application for public buildings in North Carolina by the present Con gress is the remotest of the remote con tingencies. "(3) It is easierto be; honest and get to heaven than to get an office m Wash ington. . Congressman-Steele,n the New$ adds,' "is a plain spoken man, but evidently! appreciates the situation at Washing-' ton." A Recognition - of Genius. The eople of Lynchbuxfr Va have paid a distinguished and .very graceful com pliment to the great actor, Bangs, in th presentation to him of,,, a kinzly crown " during hisgagetnit at theh! new. theatre, last rek. Their honors could not in our opinion, have been! more worthily bestowed. Mr. Bangs is a man . of, extraordinary power. , We have rarely ever seen anything which equals nis impersonation oi Marc Anto ny ; we have : never seen any acting which surpassed it 'Booth makes a better Hamlet than Bangs could, but we have no Idea he could make abetter ' Antony ; neither does he, to our min make a better Hamlet than 3angs does an Antony. - If .our present Legislature would, re duce the expenses of our very expensive judiciary system,;they must.make some modification of the law that compels the district judge to grant the continu ance of any case whenever the defend ant can muste1 up a pretext however flimsy, for so doing. As it is, the judge has little or no discretionary, power in the matter, and the privilege which Is granted for a good purpose is employed to delay, and often to defeat, the ends of justice entirely, if x t " AA - fp Resolutions. Such :as, thoser a?Hrnihig . tnfh a fiftn .mmf.' t .J - w wwi constitution were not uncommon and not unprofitable in the formative pe riod of the Uniont The cost to the peo-l pie of the time of Congress wasted upon them now is. something that Senators i might ..take into:: consideration -. with a r Btricter.. regard to, the spirit, of the ageji w e can xor tne previous question. ? i . - m m m .5ii- vm i Drawing It Mildly. The Nation al Republican exclaism: Let us hear ho more about - Southern T Kepublicancorruption! i The GramercV park conspiraWrs have proved, in their failure td buy-Jthemresidency . for Til den, that the Republicans of the South any other section of the country. " The Republican damns the Southern loyalists with faint praise; Wi '"in f-j r. The Tutf Testimony. The lead ing newspapers o the country Jemo cratic, rndepen&uitf ani poC li ,t publican, without i fgard; dv: .they stand affected towr Jsh'-sO- is re-, lates to theraext presidency are-unani moua in the opinion that Tilden has vin dicated himself thoroughly. : The well- chosen words7 of press the, generalnpDinion: that "after his opponents naWhati their say, and fuTwfrTtnirytaP charcres and vcresenfr. their. proofs. Mr. xuaen naswepi awayine . wuQJfi.jy& of malicad Jisrpsentnsby a few direcR exiHcigwdrds denial. TheTiMenf canse-lfr booming, t The National Republican says the,,- candidature of Colrohn A. Sloan, of Greensboro, for sergeant-at-arms of the next Senate will serve to break up the contest between -Kefesrs. waddell and. ghoDer, of this State "both of whom," jt says; "are candidates for the secre- aryship of , that body. We had not earned: beforothiat that Mr. Shpbew. again in the field fprjlie office in con nection with which he is now men- uuueu. iteurepar iiary, caJl.Bmooo.pi. per pent, bonds, and substituted four per toarkable fact that more six per cent ponds were retired during the last Inonth tte&nS jviously. lptgthesami'mbnUl$6()0)- 000 of standard coinage ivas ordered jfrom the treasury, but gold and silver continue to accumulate, j to i:?i ill i mmtimn wm..njL trsw fUi 'he.bill,,ittui for is the one introduced by JJtr. Amis, of jGranville. It has gone back to the House iwith a favorable report from the com mittee onlW!uI .pi jrSieh Mr Ardrey, 'ofMeCkienbnrgis chairman. Monroe has five schools. Stealing the chimneys from the street ampam wumingwn.t,. AiThere is consklerafcle talk of iamlding a new market house in, Wilmington. Mr. C. F. McKesson, of Moreanton. has preparwctui,oli,'Materialism. Mr, Jan Jiountree. of Wilson counr ty, died about ten minutes after eating Dteafcfast'S'-'i' !!:: viO S'lTWfO'S .iohn'tCdwnlaiis'bevhangredf at I Smithville, Johnston county.Friday.for I master in the United States army, i Be thmwierbfr. Ballard! 'ftSrtn ferred toHthelinliniittee tninliUtinHrvft- Messrs. Johns R Covin (Eton and John Nicholson, all of Richmond county, have moved to Texak' "f! i Tfiei', papf tell that Mr fE' I dali, oi Anson, wmie ma crowded store in Monroe,-had iiis pocket picked of , At Fremont. Wavne count v. last w eek. Richard N6W611 attempted to poison Kis wife d Av warrant was issued for his arrest but he had fled. rue Messenger, says uari uiaaaemar uerman lad' employed in the furniture f actory of A. Kprb, .at Goldsboro, had hisleft hand badly lacerated in the ma chinery last , Jsaturday. morning. The thumb had to be amputated! 4 : " In Wayne utttti1 last Wednesday evening, Mr. Jonn- Nnith, familiarly known as one-eyed JackL was killed, during a drunken debauch, by James It limson and Joseph Mchennia riutt clubbed to death, the Goldsboro Messen- fer says, m a most terrible manner, tutts has been lodged in jail at Golds boro; Hinsonhasnot as" yet been ap prehended. BocBBgnamSpTrTr o7'lJwSouih: Weare Damed to have fb- record the death of Rev.' Henry H. Crowsbnl which occurred at liis residence in this vicini ty last Wednesday night after a pro tracted illness. Air. (Jrowson was born in this county September 18th, 1806 consequently was injl-his; seventy-third year. He had Jbeen la preacher of the Gospel ffiWadsfif drears, and was regarded as a and useful man by all who knew him. iTiTCraiSS;SS Hallyburton, very suddenlv disaDDear- ed, but as he had complained of feeling sick Mr. Hallyburton supposed he had gone to his fathers housfe.) On Wednes day he again fumed dpi informing them that he lay down on the fodder in the barn loft on Sunday morning and soon becameiunconscious and ; remained so untirmenHe the' wonder is that he did hot diewhile there without any attention. Lincoln Progress: A peculiar dis ease, supposed to be caused by trichina a veryfemall and deadly parasite, has! recently developed itself m the hogs! about town. Maj. McLean killed a hoc every lean particle was literally covered with gldbuiar shaped Substances which were eVidehtJviaflveJThttfst nf fh hog was Bot'infestedLin this wa-'. The major aiso iosi a targe porKer that is supposed to have died from the same disease. Lincoln Progress r -Olrnher 6th ult; Mr. Ephraim Mabiypaet his sad fate, about three miles from King's Moun tain. He left the grocery between King's Mountain and Gastonia, about l o'clock, and aftertravelingthe distance of about a quarter of a:muein the direction of Gastonia, he was overtaken by the train and crushed under its heavy ! wheels, causing, instant .death. His legs were cut off, and bis skuljl fractured,.'. It is supposed he was under the influence of intoxicating liquors, and had perhaps unconscjo.usljjaid do !Jn thejtratk. n - i ' 8lx Men Killed by a CaTlnffin of Earjh. -St. Louis, February ii;-A Kansas City dispatch says a terrible accident occurred this morning at the foot of Grand avenue, in as cut being made for the Chicago and Alton railroad.; At that hour the cut with its almost per pendicular walls, ninety feet high, caved in ana ouneajne worKnen and their teams under 6,000 yards of falling earth: here were four teams in the cut at the timn Qnn ton rvnon nrArMni. ...). time and ten men workincr at eanh foreman, James McCartheyi' his clerk and two men working with the pick. Mr, Soden, the contractor, was not in he 5ut Six ersons Vere kirfed out right and several wounded. The f ol lowing are the killed: Peter Bagley, Jas. Hagen, J Thos. Casey, Ed. Hines, Dan Lucitt and. Richard Jftne. , All the bodies have been recovered. Hie scene 3s heart-rending. -r. - - . : English Ship Kews. London, Feb. l i.The'Cityof1 JBfms sels is ready for sea. 1 She will - sail this afternoon. .. , tf.J Owing to delay in ; the arrival of th Celtic, . the White Star company h s chartered the Cunard steamship Mar . thon to take take her i place. The lat ter will sail for New York ffharsday. FORTY-FIFTHt(vm tion in t Senate The CormUees Republican Caucus, &c. -j WAsmNGTON, Feb. 11. Senate. IDTTij tee on ment uftOBvemMHi imftf in fiatjmnal. rf lnfetnli 1 He also reported frbmthe.'Same com mittee .without 'amendment 'the .Senate bill to amend sections 5,157 and 5,111 of the revise statutes ot the Ignited States relative to depositiof bondaj Placed on the calendar. TTW6ses are tmV tw6 bills introduced by Morrill yesterday. I Dorsey, of Arkansas, trom the com mittee on appropriations reported back the postoffice - appropriation bill with various amendments. Placed on j the calendar. ; iH& also reported som the same com mittee aa amendment jtoothe bill sub mitted by ..Ferry rrom the committee on postoffices andpostroads some days ago, providing for the re-classification of mail matter, and that the re-adjustment pf compensation paid to railroads for transportation of mails be substantially eovisionsrereed: up- jwhich bill failed to become a law on ac icount of the Brazilian mail subsidy and offietfoteiona to. In submitting the report Dorsey eaia uie comuiiLiew wouiu aub upuusa in i&neiMnleni? if it should be urged by 'the committee on postoffices ana post broads. . I Ferry said the committee had in structed him to submit the amendment land he would xirge its passage. j Sargent of California, submitted a resolution requesting the Secretary of iState to furnish the Senate with in formation in possession of the Sate ;Deirtment.'r that.may bet cotained. 'imported into the United States; also !th0 laws and customs of trade in force and prevailing at various places affect ling tne purity of such liquors and the genuineness of the labels and marks , designating them. He also submitted . a resolution requesting the Secretary of the Treasury to furnish similar infor mation, ana saia as tne oDject oi tnese resolutions was to ascertain whether we received any pure wines, he hoped the committee on finance would give Conkling, referring to the last resolu tion, said ft was' not Visual- to Jrequstr cabinet oflicers to jlurnish. mtormauon to the Senate but direct them to do so. The resolution Was ahirtebded as suggest- eu ana tnen reierrea to tne commiiiee on finance&' '!..- .?s-;d tH.::.:as . Kexnan, of Is ew York, introduced a bflFtd authorize 'the presWent-tb wnntGen; Foster Robinson -to be pay-t fairs. Robinson is the man who; de- sassm irayne.J to the conference report on the naval bill, which " was passed ."!-"ijwr m .m um A bill passed for removing the political disabilities of Asa Wall, F. E. Shepperd, C. B. Oliver, D. M. W. Nash, Henry Gv Thomas, Chas. F. M. Spottswood, Jno. D,$imms, a H. Kennedy, WB Sinclair and RV L. Page," of Virginia, and of certain citizens ofther ri A 4oint resolution providing ,for a commission to consider and report up on what legislation is needed for the better regulation of commerce among the States was submitted and referred to the committee on commerce. v,: The '"postal, appropriation bill, with sundry amendments, was reported back from the committee and placed on the calendar' ! " :"- - r-- .. . House. The House has agreed, to the conference report on the naval apprtf priation bill and is now in committee on the legislative appropriation bill. In the House to-day majority and minority reports of the committee on elections in the Florida contested elec tion case of Finly vs. Bisbee were sub Taiittedlffid laid on the table-for future action. - The majority report- is in favor of Finly's claims and is signed by all the Democratic members of the com mittee except Turney, of Pennsylva nia, who joins the Republicans in the report in favor of Bisbee. The House was in committee of the whole on the legislative, judicial and executive appropriation protracted discussion the House pro ceeded to consider the Dili Dy para-. iPme progress tne committee rose.. Reagan,-ot Texas, chairman of the committee on commerce," reported the river and naroor appropriation Diu, wnicn was ordered printed and re committed. COMMITTEE PROCEEDINGS. ine senate committee on appropria tions tins morning agreed to add to the postoffice appropriation bill ; a section authorizing contracts to be made for a semi-monthly steamship mail service between the United States and Brazil by two lines, one from New; York,, via Norfolk, and the other from! Hew Or leans via uatyestpn, each n w; receive compensation not exceeding 0150.000 per annum. The committee recommend an appropriation of $200,000, or so much inereor. as may De necessary to provide forthis service durintr the next fiscal year, fcthe expectation being that' the I steamships for the New Orleans line I win rit be ready to commence funning before the expiration of about two- thirds of the year. Gen. Ord was before the House com rnittee on military affairs to-day, dvo catmg tne passage of Senator Maxey's bill which provides .for the erection of more suitable 'Inilitary posts for the protection of the Rio Grande frontier. Jhrf Committee appear1 disposed to re-; port the bill favorably and are now in' communication with the , Secretary of War as td the best methods of comnlv- S il A . . J ' mg witn tne provisions tuereor. The Potter committee met this morn ing and immediately went into secret session. The chairman read the letter from Dr. Greeni president of the West ern Union Telegraph Company : A jfew5 comments were made upon the exDlana-' tion therein given' and with regard to. ha .puniicatmn-Deiorajceceived.-Dy.Uje committee, xne ,iiemocrats nave i no more witnesses, to examine though the Republicans wish to call one or twni The river and harbor bill which , was concluded by the committee oh com-1 merceto-day, contains the -follb wing among -its appropriations r rJ ames river, 860.000:;: Appomattox riv6f.V. Rappabaaock.( river,;. io,O0Q ;.i Korfplk, rlVer;5,poq; French Broad river, , $5 annah harbor, - ,A. A.Mabson is nominatedfor post- master at umon.fermgAiaxma, EEPUBLIOAN CAUCUS. " f f 'wcaucus iof 'Republidans? Senators was held to-day. The purposerof the signers of the call was to secure ihe as signment of some early -date for -action upon thei . CorbinButler i contest; Nd determination was reached. There was some informal -discussion as; tocwhat course should be pursued in case ,, the amendments providing , for . theZfepeal of the Federal superviors'and testpatbj laws are attached by the House to one of the annual appropriation bills. ' Al though no action was taken the general tenor of the opinions expressed was tothe effect that an effort to enact such legist lation upon an apprpntion bill should be resitted even to lbs extent of caus ingthebilltofail,;t;iji . . i mmnce. rfflortewttbx)ntaei--J tpBttisgsafa announcing naroor, usw.uw jn ortn !X.andmg nver; 2$)(X); GapeFear river; 825,000 r Ketise eatou.har.l)QrlonjQQQj-aay-i ,8ioo)oor ,; EICITIXfLTirES IX JC5CUK9. Xfew&fSeurtt .lef.jtlb .t British , Tro 78 J Ifri x Z2ein force- r r vjp ntsH6 be Se. J rone ltd. ' : London, Feb. 11. Summonses issued this morning for a cabinet council to be held this afternoon to deliberate oh the V - mis morning, it affair ; heretofore criven in these des patches The news of the defeat caused a sensation throughout London. . , The demand for. newspapers at all the subur ban stations was greater than since the outbreak of the Franco-German war.; The Times,' commenting-on' the news f romiA Capetown,' says : mothing an exceed the1 frankness of 5 the recitaL for it' is clear that nothing-.has5 been held. back,1 Ifc would be useless to deny either the feadttes btextreme -gravity of the catastrophe; whetherthere was or was not any want of vigilance on ' the part of mr own7force. It is. clear that the Ziflas are-' e ven 5 more ' formidable than our military ' authorities' expected them, to beJIt'wasTcntfwnthat theyare welL wmeu;: iuai great numoers- are; armeu -with Dreech4oader& ; and that they could IfightciJurageouSlyli Wenow know, bufr tocwelli how 'laittgVforc ;theVf can mass 'atcaie points Sad as the loss of our.1 troops' is, ; jstin 3 grawer is the peril wnicnmustanseiiwitn' oeteat. xne Zulas-Will be emboldened And.-the col onists be expfasedtotresh and f ormida ble l dangers. I In v these-, circumstances; the duty of the1 government cannot ad-i mlt of the slfaftfest doiibtj arid it is-to send ample' reinf of cements Un the Cape wtuKiuv j-u iieeiiiess ueiay vu r uigM? JJ&rtt Ghm8fora, the commander, or eblohial'troopsV A urt of inquiry has beeh ordered tarcoUect evidenceTegard- mg AiMsf unfortunate affair, tut would seehtsththetaoojp Mfere enticedaway ironr their tamp as the actwatooK place a mile and a quarter outside oi r& - u o ij The cabinet council to-day decided to send! ' 'b1 battalions fef cinf antry two regiments of cavalry, two- batteries of artillery. a company of: engineers, three companies of army eerviee corps and a company Of army-j hospital corps to re inforce Lord Chelmsford in South iAf- rlcaJ im'j. tii.'j.f 'Hit oj 'UMii tfiu. -m iPrleftpnijas. Paris. Feb. llvMons DeSprez, arch bishop of , Toulouse, ! has been created a Berlin.: Feb. ILjjTflt seemss now set tled that . the emneror will . open the ixeicnstag; in person ana aenver ms speech from the throne to-morrow, u i h l ltverpool, Feb. 11. The steamship owners have appointed a committee to comer witn tne delegates appointed at Jesterday's meeting of the strikera luch firmness is manifested on both Sides. 'h1JU; Eaeland'a Order Concerning Imerlcan i'""- : Galtle. !;- ' Liverpool, Feb. ll.-The order of the privylcounciL adopted yesterday, re yoking after March 3d, 1870, article 13 oi the foreign animaia order so lar as it relates to the United States, was a great surprise to the trade! Here, aii cattle from the United States after March 3d. will have to be slaughtered in the ab- atpirs now-Deing prepareqon the does estates or Birkenhead and Liverpool, within ten days after landing. m. Scope of tie French Amnesty BUI. r -Paris. Feb. 11. The government am nesty bill grants amnesty to all persons heretofore or hereafter pardoned except offenders against the . common law, and condones all political offences since 1870 not heretofore prosecuted. .. . Elected to Succeed flartrldge. , , Savannah, Feb. 11. W. B. Fleming has been elected to Congress from this district to mi the place or iiartnage, deceased. There was no opposition. The vote was very small in this county, onry 630. , ; fr ,-! m m An Important Arrest. t ' New Yorkv The police have made an important arrest in connection with the Manhattan Bank robbery. The .prisoner is Jonnuppe ana ne was taken iuw custody jasi, nigns. , wr.7 t;iH.i 'ktners Threatened fc strikers.' ers at Cosberton, Ohio, warn the men at work at the tJnion mines that they will assault them if work is not stopped by xuursaay nKxt. , ; . Death oft Bis tinxnlshfdPrleit. NeWObleans. Feb;i 11 The Verv Rev. Cornelius Maynishan, a native of County Cork; Ireland, for thirty years pastor of St1 Peter's' church, one of the best known and most . distinguished priests oi tne soutn, aiea tms morning. A Very Hajd-Working Man. ,! f ' Winnemooea QTet.) Bllrer State. A ragged but rugged specimen of the Senus tramp called at the residence of Irs. Jeri jNichols the other day. and greatly to the suprise of the lady of the house, volunteered to chop wood (a pile of which was conveniently placed near the door for the benefit of roving young men of indolent habits), for hi3 dinner. Mis offer was accepted, and ne while dinner; "was i cetng preparW, and much to the surprise of the lady, built an apparently large pile of split wood in front of, the window As a retfard fat his, industry he recieyed a first class dinner r and many compliments as a chopper. , , ' Madam. . said the tramo' Fm a hardworkih' man, and never ask some- thin for. nothin, I'm an extra man with an. ax,' as you see by that there pile of wood I have split, and I don't mind chppjnn; a little more .to pay-, for this :MisJ Nichpls.told him .'that was un necessary; as he had already earned his dinner; and the tramp left proof against hunger and every inducement to work for at least twenty-four hours. Shortly afier his departure Mr. Nichols arrived at nome, and his wile called his atten tion to the pile of 1 split ' wood which loomed "top like a miniature 'pyramid in front of the window; and would not be convmeedthat his eyes were not affect ed When he told her that it was a drv- goods box with1 a few sticks of wood artistically arranged on one aide of it. ftntil she went out doors and saw that It was so, and that the industrious tramp had not actually chopped sufficient Wood to cook the dinner lie had eaten,5 - - ' Yea,. although ton maj, despair of la attainable' by rheumatic sufferers, for there 1s remedy which carries oil, by means ot Increased acdvitj' of the Jtlctoeys-toiportaat channels for oioou . yuruHsmun-uier , acna r element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms- theory flompletely borne put By urirfl an analrsl&i The name of thta omnd finnnkwnt is Qostettem a prepardtlon likewise, celebrated as a reiueuj ior vuiisupauun, wnicn causer contamina tion of the blOOd Wtth the hilanrf a nrtji!n raieans of rsllBf rn dyapdjala'-ferermKl Bgae.Tmd ucitvuo (uiuicuuh vemnpa we rmest tonic ejttant, apd tt highly recomcienae4 aa medtolnal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronpuB!e l to be eminently pure and Ten beneficial. ?he press also endorses it, .!,-, SOUTIUCAROIISTA. 8a Lee Called and t aii-d E.-W, it.,' Kackey Indicted for Libl. t Charleston. Feb. 11. SauV !les' - counsel at Sumter moved for. new . trial and in arrest of judgment on tech-. . nical grounds. . Both motions were de- mea. jee was canea to receive sen tence but failed to appear and the judge stated that-he would -place the sentence under seal in the hands of the clerk 6f the court k wsThe grand jury of Charleston county to-day tound a true Dili against Xu vv. M. Mackey4 republican, for libel in pub lishing charges against vv. L. uaggett, democrat of stufling a ballot box at the .raimetto 4 engine nouse - at tne . late election. -; : . -'.; .' . - Diseased 'Cattle Id Brooklyn-The Ele rated Hallway, strike. t . New Yoek. Feb. ll.-The Brooklyn health officers charge that a number of cows suffering from r pleuropneumonia have been taken from stables and slaughtered at the abatloirs. The . car cases are' now under guard until veteri nary surgeons can investigate. The strike against a . reduction of wages on"' the-5 Metropolitan Elevated Railway extension from . 83d to lioth street continues though everthing is very quiet. Two thousand men are en craered in the movement," but it is ex pected that they will return to work at the reduced prices to-morrow. Spain Wanting Satisfaction Purchase ""'- ftfu Island. . " Madrid, Feb. ii. On receipt of of ficial 'TTeports from Piurta Plata,, the Spanish government will, if necessary; dispatch a man of war to San Domingo to exact a heavy indemnity for the families of the wo generals taken from a" Spanish5 steamer anil shot by the San Dominican authorities, and satisfaction to the Spanish flag. T , Ui4"" The Spanish government has pur chased all the private rights in CabOsoe, one of the Baliaric Isles in the Mediter ranean;' 'They intend to establish there a penitentiary and agricultural colony.; -i-; -.-.,-s-.; A Rasslan Sanitary Idea. St. Petersburg, Feb. i-The St Petersburg sanitary committee have proposed to cleanse the canals and to organize: barge hospitals in Neva, which could be anchored in the gulf of. Both nia, and also to organize a sanitary committee in each district of the city and province of St. Petersburg. (Svoccvics. PAMTXY GROCERIES, . it I nave now In store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies. Just Received: Magnolia Hams. Also a lot of very large Turkeys. A STORE FOR RENT. a M. HOWELL feb8 F RESH ARRIVALS, FOR SALE, WANTED. 10 boxes assorted Candies. 5 boxes choice Ou ter Crackers. 5 boxes Family Washing Soap, largest 10c bars in the city. Also 1 fine Milch Cow and one medium quail Cow with young calf, for sale low. . 500 dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED. dec2U & N. SMITH. N OTICE TO FARMERS!!! am prepared to STORE COTTON In my fire proof bundingeither In basement or on the first or sec ond floors and will give warehouse receipts on which you can draw money If desired. :- W Charges moderate. THOMAS H. 6AITHER. OCtl2 QROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER NEW GOODS l NEW FEATURES ! Come to me for Bacon, Com, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just recetred, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. AH goods delivered in the city free of charge. W. H. CRIMMINGER, ' Trade Street, ; . Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand. .ap15. y Q O T T O N ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED j m THOMAS B. GAITHER, COIIOK COMMISSIOK MBBCHAMT. octl2 W ILLIAMS dc FINGER, Have Just received a lot of Turkeys and Chickens which we offer at low prices. Come to Williams A Fuiger and bur the best Family Floor from the best mills. Wheat, Bran. Oats, Com and Meal, Honey, Country Lard, Butter and Eggs. The best Timothy and North Carolina Hay, cow and horse slgnments solicited for all kinds of country produce. J wui mase prompt returns oi sates, -'decs J. A. HENDRIX, AOXMT, -GROCER -GROCER-" AKD COMMISSION MERCHANT, . Comer Main and Blandlng Streets,4- i COLUMBIA, 8. C. ' '1 Special attention paid to consignments. "Quick sales, and prompt returns guaranteed In every In stance. JanlO lmeod 50! BARRELS i i "" -t" i i A " PPP PPP X ' EBB oSSa AA P P P P L K T A A PPP . pppa t rr ,. EB SSf. AAA P s P ; L B s A A P P ' LLUt ' EBB B8S8 t?d ,!fe;3 j. - ' ; - - . , ; j :.- ; . Received every eek. '"''! LeROY DAVIDSON. Jan.10 JLACK STRAP MOLASSES .; TTndnr mat. h tha tinvtml h. eROY DAVIDSON. - Jango rpHX BEST STOCK OF ' A. '..,"., -j ..t , - - i- j - t, ?4 CROCSRIEB art CONFBCTIONKRIES , .'- J. , J i :i - . tothe cily, at. . tuj .- . ' i ..' JangO . LeROY DAVIDSON'S. fAZL at ......w..- .. ...........wwaw.......... i i '' H.. T..BU TlEH'ft w z?z . - ---- - at jf i - v. Stove and Hard ware "House for CHEAP HA.RDWAR : T ALL KINDS. Buy your COOK STOVES .from me, as I have 12 good reasons why they will do your work Quick and Easy, Cheap and Clean : BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE They are best to use. BECAUSE . They bake evenly and quickly. BECAUSE Their operation is perfect BECAUSE They always have a good draft; BECAUSE They are made of the best material. BECAUSE They roast perfectly.' BECAUSE They require but little fuel. BECAUSE They are very low priced. BECAUSE . They are easily managed. BECAUSE They are suited to al localities. BECAUSE " ' U " ' l' Every Stove Is guaranteed to give satisfaction CALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUS ALOWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUS E, Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. J S. P. CALDWELL..... ..Proprietor. This house is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a first-class boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day, transient, $1.25; per week, S6.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per month, $18.00. JanlO ' golijtlag (goods. QREAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES.! Gold-Head Canes and evervthlns' too want for Christmas at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCT7" E DESIRE to caQ attention to OUR STOClV T7 ANCY GOOD O -F ANCY GOOD Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases - French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. declS T THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON Cochrane keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, Stand- ard Pure, Two Years Old. ; JpOR FINE WINES, And rare Liquors, Three Years Old, go OCHRANE'S, -; Ceatral Hotel Saloon. -,l N EW LTVERY STABLE. If you want first-class Carnages,: Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle Horses, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New Livery Stabla., ; . , , , ' If you want your horses well fed and well groomed go to the New Livery Stable. ; " Careful drrrers, promptness andreasonable prices are our motto. - 7 may28 , . . R. CHAMBERS 4 CO. ' JjOR RENT, ; , The two stores In the Grier & Alexander buUdlns 01i Tr? "twe4- J- I MOREHEADu rQ RENT. - ;- , .. A largestore, suitable for a Door, Sash and Blind factory, with steam power attached. Nothing ot the kind within 75 miles. . , "T Address, O'MARA it BAHUTGX, I Feb. 7-d6t Machinists, Florence, S7C. - ,a. ... , i ii A -j, 5... .. ' .. .r .j.i;. .' a : r : J , -, j fir, 3 i J 13EGBAM 4 CO., - 1 -Si'..i 'xj..-"'-. v.. . i . ..5' t . ! BOOT8. - SHOES 1 ' AXlt H H U H HHH S H H H A TTTT AA T A A T AAA T A A T "SSg 888 1st National Bank Building. Charlotte, N. a tJ ii of Boots Shoes, Ac., Is acknowledged to be toe best in ttie State, and we would be S ed to have you call and examine for yourself before buf PEG RAM 4 CO? "'O THE PUBLIC. The subscriber, Trustee of SMITH i OR Fg, begs leave the attention of the Ch nity to the large stock of BO O T O O O T Q -ANDt-t SS S g 00 KEB oSSr a HH O O B g 8 8SS H i 500 BB hJB now In his hands for sale. It Is believed to te the largest and best stock of goods South of Baltimore, and is well worthy the examination of any pc whether wanting one or a thousand pair. The stock embraces AN INFINITE VARIETY, from the finest to the coarsest shoe made. If you want a pair, or any number of eases, call, and your wants can be supplied In this connection the subscriber would state that If reasonable prices can be obtained, the whole stock, both Wholesale and Retail, will be sold AT A BARGAIN, either together or separately. Prepositions for purchase are solicited. J. M. B. KEYNOLDS, Trustee S Fortes. Charlotte, N. C Jan. 17, 1878-8weod. QHARLOTTE OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11th AND 12th. MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 2Vi P. M. Engagement of the Cultured New Oipan Artiste MRS. HENRIETTA CHANFRAU, The reigning favorite of Southern lady audiences, and most brilliant of Emotional Artists, sup ported by a W. Tayleure's celebrated Company, the best and most pow erful now traveling. Tuesd&v evftnlrar. Vhnir 1 1 tli Om rtoanl in. te resting comedy drama. In four acts, expressly , written for Mrs. Chanfrau, entitled, "WASSHERIGHT? Wednesday evening, February 12th. the intense ly exciting new drama from the French, THE WOMAN OF THE PEOPLE. Grand Ladles' Matinee Wednesday at 2Va P- m., . AURORA FLOYD. Matinee prices, reserved, 75c; admission, 60c.;: children under 12, to any part of the house, 25c. General admission, 81; reserved seats $1.25 and: 75c.; gallery 50c; sale at Central Hotel Cigar Stand 3 days In advance. f eb 6 6t rUST IN TIMS. We have Just received a tne selection ef. sueh Goods as you want for . . . . . . . CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Such as fine Lockets and Chains,. Fine Sets, Seal Rings, Initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins and anyth ing In the line you may want i W ali. Air?; But 'rant '-i-jm ' EP--HALES4FARBI0R.-UE1 dec20 p LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, ' NatGrayStore. Every kind of repairs made at once at half price and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Broruse Gilding, Coloring. Sliver-Plating and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. Worfcdone for the trade at tow prices. Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. Repaired work uncalled for wm be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septlS gdttcatimxal. gCHOOL NOTICE. The spring session of Miss H. Moore's school will open Monday, the 10th of February, 187ft Tui tion by the quarter in advance. Miss Maggie Lucas wlu assist, and take s class of music, ana the lan guages. feb64t- - .. , , . gjeutistriy. D8 A. W. ALEXANDER, -DENTIST J . V- : : - office over l. b. wriston 4c co" dbvoStobx, With 25 years; experienee I guarantee entire1 atls faction janll

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