LOCAL INTELLIGENCE F WEDNESDAY. FjaJBTJABY 12,1879. EA1LEOAS DIBECTOBT. The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail- roaas t, w asmngion tune;: m . , ,: , . , " BICHKOND Ik DAHVILLB. ' -" k Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, ., 1.00 a. m. Leaves tor " , " . . .8.20 a. m. Arrives from Elchm6nd,:.:..;..r.V..: 10.50 a. m. Leaves for ... .. . 1( . . ,,6.55 0.01. - ATLANTA CHARLOTTE- AIR-LDCS. - ' Arrive! from Atlanta,.. 8.20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta,.,,.... ... 1.05 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, 6.50 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta.. ........ -, . . 10,50 a. m. CHAKLOTTK, COLUMBIA AUQUSTA. , Arrives from Augusta,. ................ 8.10 a. m. Leaves for Augusta, 1.00 a. m. Arrives from Augusta,; . . ; ' p-og - tnr Aususta.. .......... 11.27 a. m. CABOLDIA CXMTBAXb. Arrives from Wilmington, 7.29 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington,.-. 6.00 a.m. Arrives from Shelby, 6.00 p. m. Leaves for ShelbT,.....v..;.i..;.....f 7.00 a. m. , Atlantic, TKNirasaKK oma . Arrives from Statesvllle,.... ..'. ? 5.80 prn. Leaves for StatesvUle. . . 7.00 a. m CBABLOTTK r08T OFFICE. . OFFICB HOTJE8. , I OPXN8. '' . CLOSES. Money Order Department,.. 9.00 a. m. , 5.00 p. m. Registry Department...... ..9.00 a. m. ,5.00 p. m. Gen,lDeliv'yStampDept,.8.00 a. m. 6.00 p. m. " 8,80 p. m . &45 p. m. W On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. OPKKING AND CLOSING OF KAILS. ' - ;;'''v'j.::;.1 oraws. CLOSES. Ttanvl1lA rhnTlnttAlLTL.. R.00 A. m.' 9.00 Dm. " 11,15a.m. 6.00 p. nu. Cbarlotte Atlanta B. R.,. .00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. " , A Augusta R. R... 8.80 p. m. 10-00 a. m. Wllm'n ft Charlotte a R.,; 8.80 p. m. 5.00 a. m. Charlotte ft Shelby R. R... . 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a. m. A Statesvllle,. . - 5.30 p. m. 6.00 a, m. r- Beattle's Ford, (borse route,) Mondays at 5.00 p. m and Tuesdaya at 8.W a. m. i - tw YorkvlUe, (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 . nv - . '- 1 ' W. W. JENKINS, P. M. i INDICATIONS. War Department, u M. ) Office Chief Signal Officer, IT a OTTVVnrpAV laVi 11 7 QA 1 X Y? AOilllNUAUs JKf -S A j mr . itt. For the South Atlantic States, rain, followed by partly cloudy weather, southerly winds shifting to westerly and northerly and in the northern por tions falling, followed by rising barome ter and slight change in temperature, i , Local Kepori tot Yenterday. I7A.1LI 'Barometer, ; . Thermometer Relative Humidity,, uflnd Direction, . . . Velocity, 30.083 88 t. 100 N. W.1 8 Miles Lt Rain weather,. Clowly. Highest temperature 50 deg.; lowest 87. Total rainfall In past 24 hours 0.90 men. ;rietero logical Beerd. ; WZkTMZB EXPORT, VKBRTFABT 1, 4l20 P. M. Rations. Beesso Th. Wind, VeL Weather. AUanta... Aueusta 29.80 29.88 29.88 29.78 29 98 30.00 30.02 29.83 mls'n 29.93 29.89 29.94 mls'n 29.84 29.79 mls'n N, 6 3 11 3 2 Cloudy. Cloudy. LtRaln. ; Clear. Clear. . ' Clear; HyRaln. eoudy. oudy. Fair.' HyRaln. Fair. (Charleston, 61 48 W. Chariotte. Corslcana, . Galveston,, lndlanola. w. N. W. V. V. a. JacKson'lle, 66 00 67 62 67 00 64 63 00 Key west,.. Mobile,. JMontgom'y, N. Orleans. Punta Rasa Savannah., et Marks.. Havana I 60 12 10 10 0 8 4 0 N..W. W. w. N. W. Index to New AAvertHenwnt. Louisiana State Lottery. C. S. Holton Rising Sun. M. Llohtensteln Merchant Tailor. HOME PENCII.1NS. Never speak of gloomy weather after yesterday. ' The officers of the law had little to do yesterday. . , . . , Senator Vance will remain in the city till be goes to Washington, about thQ first of March. . - -v Remember the matinee this after- noon at 2.30. Mrs. Chanfrau will play, Aurora Floyd. ..... ,., .,... ,1 Robbin hunting is now conducted with some success by sportsmen; part j-idges being nearly all gone. . : ; A bale of cotton which weighed only 24 pounds more than the cotton weigh er, was sold on this market a few days The Hornets' Nest Riflemen attracted Tmmh attention on their parade Monday . afternoon; it was really refreshing to see them out once more. ' ; Don't fail to see Mrs. Chanfrau this evening. It is the last time we. will have an entertainment at the opesa house probably for many weeks. No other companies are booked. -:. , That was a big rabbit! hunt about a half a dozen youngs men had a few days ago. They only had about six dogs, but in five or six hours they slew five and thirty of the large-eyed innocents, ;;, ? Xext Saturday is the day, remember' for the Northern settlers to meet at their several county seats for the pur M)se of appointing delegates to attend the State conventions to De" held on the 1st of March. - ; ; ' If Members of Mecklenburg Lodge, Inir dependent Order of Odd Tellows, went to the country day before yesterday to bury Mr. A. W. Lawing. & brother Odd Fellow, why died the day before at his home, about ten miles west of the city. The Lonergan property, consisting of four vacant lots on the Atlantic, Ten nessee and Ohio Railroad, Tryon street Avaa sold yesterdayin front of the court house door by W. K Hand, commission er, for $2,140. This is considered a very fair price. . ; ;.itf,,t:X'?1;w ; t Death of a Prominent Citizen. i A. W. Lawing, Esq, a justice of the peace and one of the most prominent citizens of Paw Creek township, died at his home, Sunday afternoon, of pneu? monia. He was buried at a private burying ground, Monday afternoon, a number of the Odd Fellows of this city going out to assist in the ceremonies, lie being a member of this fraternity; Mr. Lawing was a good citizen and a man well esteemed sint hfc neighbor; hood. ' - ' .' 4 1 j A mnrpnr Xeasoeranco society, m j Miss Painter delivered a strong teim perance address before a large crowd at Calvary Mission church last, night, and afterwards a temperance society was organized oh the Murphy principle; blue, ribbon and alL Fifty persons present en rolled, their names for membership, and Mr. J. C. Eagie was elected president of the. society.- , . ' Having thus concluded her work in Charlotte, Miss Painter -leaves this morning for Spartanburg, S.'C.4 x.J'f A A Charlotte Hone fhmt Ilao; BcateHt' A correspondent of the Turf, Field and jrarm, prooaDiy; me uikucb au thority on sporting matters of allsorts, writes to ask: Has MolUe McCarthy iPfn ViAMlAn hv nther than IWBroeckt if so by what horses? To this the editor replies that she has by a host of jothers, at. all f!ief3nr : Pmminent among those which have heaten her , time at four miles, is Abd-el-Koree. now ownea in this citvL 'i toatatt' been on the trnk for sp.vpmI vami-s. hut he is still as lively as acricket, and is one of the pret 2P.M.J9P.M 69.81829.870 -47 48 " E. f 8. W. 1 I 5 Foggy. J tiest and most symmetrical animais ; iu luiMliilitnr - 't ''' ' ' Rlinlnx Jlew Dr ,Mear hlorina I tlon Preceu ao Tried lis Cabarrus. ? ; . A correspondent of the'. Concord JZeg- iscer claims that the process oi extract ing ore by jchlorination, invented by Dr. Mears, oft I'hiladelphia, is doing great Urines for Cabarrus country mines. - The writer says: "Dr. Mears, to whom let tres patent were issued about two years ago, came to North Carolina in the summer of 1877 and prospected for the largest quantity and , richest quality of sulphuret oresr which newfound in Ca barrus county, which fact has been de cided years ago.' The records at the branch mint in Charlotte, N; C-i Show gold receipts of Cabarrus county equal to any other two counties in -'North Carolina. Dr. Mears found ores yield ing from $15 to $150 per ton, in great quantities. ite men; erectea nis. ma chinery and has gotten on the way and worked those sulphuret ores and has made such a complete success that the treatment of ores per ton costs only about $3.50, and by careful analysis scarcely snows me trace of gold in tne tailings. This discovery certainly adds millions of dollars to the value of the mineral land of Cabarrus county alone." Mr. Chanfrau ill the Ourra Houtie If Mrs. Chanfrau had many warm ad mirers in Charlotte, and she certainly had, she must have doubled the number last night, although her audience, ow ing to the very severe weather, was not large. Mr. Tayleure's adaptation of "Marie, a Woman of the People," is full of powerful situations and touching ap peals to our better 'natures, and these Mrs. Chanfrau" Jfotght,.ouf; with a depth of feeling and a naturalness which we have never seen surpassed in the opera house in Charlotte,! 'When we have said this, there is little else to be said. We have no criticisms to make and appa rently the audience had none. Each burst of womanly indignation, each dis play 01 the depth of a mothers love, ana the brave struersles asrainst the misfor- Ttunea orpdverty "were'ybcTrefously ap- Eiauaea, ana inree times sne was caiiea efore the curtain. Tears,- too, filled many, many eyes, and some of the. au dience wept outright. ; The support is first-rate the larger part of it excellent-and altogether the play has rarely if ever been; surpassed on the boards in Charlotte, ii... ; V .k This afternoon at 2.30 Mrs. Chanfrau and her comnanv will cresent "Atrrcrra Floyd," and this evening "Was She Kightr Her nlavinz last nieht is the Guarantee of what may be expected to ay; and those who saw it will say it , is i ! -rvil Sadden Oeath of ah Unknown. 9f an. Mi. William Glenn, of Rock HUhISJO, who came up to Charlotte day' before yesterday, reports the sudden and some what mysterious death of an unknown man in that town, under the following circumstances: On Saturday night, he and Mr. Gordon, proprietor of the hotel in that place, found a rather old and well-dressed man lvine in the street in a helplessly intoxicated condition. They lifted him up on his : feet and finding that he was able to walk, they left him. mr. ixienn then went to his home and shortly after.hp had gotten threi'. the old man knocked at the door and asked to stay all night. Mr. Glenn, seeing his helpless condition, took him in and gave .him. somethin, to . eat. .He .ate...yery heartily, and afterwards was seated in a chair in iront of the fare. He had only been sitting in this position a few mo ments when it was seen that he; was dead. Mr. Glenn and others made inquiry everywhere to find out something about the old man, but failed to learn any thing whatever. Nobody had ever seen him oefore and no notes or papers by which his identity or place of residence could be established were found on his person. He was dressed in quite an ex pensive suit of clothes with a valuable overcoat, and had about $35 in money in his pocket. His body was kept for several days, in the hope that something might be learned about him, but to no purpose. The stranger is described as a tail man; apparently about sixty years old. An Ingenious Rat Trap. Some years ago Mr. S.P. Wentz, a citi zen of Union county, invented, and in October, 1874, had patented, a rat trap which is somewhat of a curiosity in its way Mr. Wentz occasionally made and sold one of the traps, but it has never been" broueht into A general use. Re cently Mr. Eugene Asbury, of , this -city, secured control of the patent with the right, to make the traps and to sell State and county rights, and he is now engaged in introducing the invention to public notice, the trap is large and has three separate apartments. The rat walks into the large open space to eat the bait prepared for him, and his weiffht presses down the floor on which he stands. The only way open to him then is through a door. Jumping through this it closes behind him, and at the same time the first floor, relieved of his weight, re-adjusts itself and is ready for frpsh victims. In the second room, there is nowhere for the rat to go except into a third, and the door in this case, as in tne nrsi ana secona, cioses behind him in like manner, and noth ing is then left for the rat to do except to sit down and wait for death. The ot)enine to each of the little rooms is adjusted by- the weight, of -the jrat,. so mat tne way m. is ever- open auu mtr way 'out ever closed remmdin g us oi another nlace the wav to which is nav- ed, not exactly with bread and meat,but with good intentions.' The trap has been known to catch twenty-five rats in one night One of our citizens bought one and caught eight rats the first night It is a, very ingenious contri vance ana as a' complete taKe m on the rat is an entire success. Escape of Prisoners from the States- Tlllo Jail Chaw and Re-eaptnro. f Statesville had a big excitement Sun day morning. ' About 8.30 o clock: peo- pie in tne vicinity ui mc jaix uwuu cries of w Help! Unlock this door! Let meoutr&c Persons in me neighbor hood rushed to the jail and found the jailor: Deputy Sheriff Joyner,' confined 111 a wage r iuu wupu ---- door being locked on the outside. He had gone up to give the prisoners their breakfasts. A white man named Dish- man, a notorious criminal irom me up per' end of the county, now1 under irw Sitmpnt for horse stealing, requested him- (the jailor) to ' take a dnfik to a prisoner in a cell ..adjoining .his own. Jovner did so, and no sooner had he en- terea tne ceii oi iiauuiau o n oner than Dishman closed and . locked the door behind him. The horse-thief politely bade the jailor good morning, and waiKea aowu tuo tio,yiin- nied by three aegroes,nameatnniuM)wn. - They four made off in the directun of the depot and a number of' citysens resolved tnemseives i utu puooo u 'ave pursuit The jpnsoners, cioseiy UiiAWArt hv Messi's.W. A; Danielsvand A. D. Cowles, both on . horseback -.nd armed, turned into the railroad cut just above town.JvirvviP-AHJ10" the fVeTds aridfTntercepted the prisoner: at the oCbfr eud ot the . ut, while Mr; Z ' . f 1 1 4 KMAm Daniels stationed himsen at me tmu tne prisoners had enterecUn' J3elng thtts shut fn nnri unable to climb the deep sides of the cut the four men were easily re captured by the crowd iwhich followed t.hA nnrsemen. Dishman made a show of resistance, armed with rocks and hi, nfimn hut was soon brousrht to terms . Two, of the negroes, utterly- worn out were found lying exhausted nnh 'thrt railroad -track. Thd 'whole party was re-taken and marched, ack, fr.. inmnh tn tVA -Sail , . : rt ,: ., An Old Joke Beueaiaa. The recent prodnctidir here of Julius ' Eneas' our great ancestor, ! m?k. Did from the name of Troy upon fa la shoulder -Tne old Auehlsee bears' 4L, ....-noJ mtui& av.- Recalls the joke 'totdspme years kg6h the revenue ofBcerat f Statesvilleifero he . brief about itT since it has beeitrbnee told, a witness named Anchisea washed ing examined ' m -the '"Federaleourt, when a physician of the;town,' noted wacr. turned to a revenue officer., Sitttht by him, : and whom - h6 .JKnewanry'iy sights and asked him if that, was i the same Ancmses wno naa Deen porne from the flames of Troy upon the shoul ders of Bneas. The r revenue1 omeer; declared dld not , know, wherit was or not r it might bethe.'saimesnian, Iia s'AMrhi1 Ka Hart ftfcVAr hftaprti ivf i'lftfl occurrence:VVhereupon the dqtbeht out, held np his right hand, land, regis- terea vow tnat never again; .'so; iong as he should Uvewouid he trya,"plasst- uihM 344 wit-. ; jjsjoiiia itia . . Jtts Mlttt Staunton, Ya, and Baltimore, the con testants being the Adams and-ithe- Bal- pimoreim Ohio express compne$. tJerij Shermrn savs that Georgia and Florida are now receiving "the best pos sible type of immigration,'' and that the whole Southern ' country 8i stepping The six days' walking tournament at Bridgeport Conn., in which there were six contestants, ended Saturday night in the suecess of Samuel Merritt Cam pan twnejshoni The Governor of. Louisiana has sicm- ed the bill to prevent cruelty to animals u naer tnis law the "grand national dog fight," announced in New Orleans for the last week in February, will proba bly be prevented, i ' ,: ( Machinery Hall, on the Centennial grounds, at Philadelphia, which origi nally cost $80,000, was sold at auction Saturday. There were only five bidders, and it was knocked down to W.C.Al lison & Co car builders, for $24,000. i The Atlanta (Ga.) board of trade puts its foot down firmly against the com promise by which business men sneak out of paying their debts. Its members have signed an agreement to settle with no creditor for less than 100 cents on the dollar, unless providential causes make it utterly impossible for him to pay in full. have shipped a carload pf flour to Glas gow, Scotland, f Or the relief of the ur jemployed and distressed s in that city. fFree transportation was" furnishM I to i .- - .. 1 ' T i JNew York by the railroad companies, i ana irom there to tilasgow oy the An chor Line Steamship Company, The police raided Enoch's Variety Theatre, in Philadelphia, Saturday pight- uapLuriug , iu an . ioo personsi among them the Drometor ana his wifeT 41 fe males and 118 boys. Enoch was held in $1,800 Dan lor. Keeping a disorderly house and selling liauor to minors, and the remainder of the prisoner were held in various smaller sums. A The first through train on the North Shore Railroad arrived at Quebec, Can ada, from Montreal, Saturday night. A freat demoiistration.followed, in which Ir. Jolly, premier of Quebec, wh6 was on the train, made a speech and ws es coiled home by a torchlight procession. The last spike, a silver "one, wa$ driven Saturday by Mrs. Jolly at Terre Bonne, wno sent it wen home by blows" With a silver hammer presented by the con tractor, Hon. Thomas McGreevy Captain Paul Boyton, who entered the Alleghany river at Oil City, Pai Thurs day morning, with his lifersavigg suit arrived at Pittsburg at 3.30 p. m,, Sun day, and was greeted euthusiastically by 50JOOQ people, who .line4, both-sides, of the river. He had expected to make only one stop during the whole trip of 132 miles, but the .weather was so se vere that he stopped at three points. He swam 43 miles Thursday, 35 Friday, 27 Saturday, and 27 Sunday, and was in the water altogether 41 hours. He was erreatlv exhausted, and suffered i ex tremely from the bitter cold. ; ; : Major Reno, in testifying in his Own behalf before the court of inquiry at Chicago, Saturday, stated emphatically that it was not cowardice that caused him to move from the timber on the hill in the battle of Little Big Horn: He had a flask Of whiskey with him but did not drink a drop until after the bat tle. He was pressed as to his opinion of Custer and finally confessed that he had no confidence in him as a soldier, but his relations, with, Custer were friendly. Had his own brother been with Custer he (Keno; could not have done differently. He would do the .same again under similar circumstances, with the knowledge he then had.- ) : A Source sf Hnch Bodily EtII." If the habit ot body becomes Irregular, much evil Is Inflicted on the system. The stomach be comes dyspeptic, bilious symptoms develop them selves, the circulation is contaminated, and the nerves share in the general disorder. It Is of the utmost importance that the Dowels should be thoroughly and speedily regulated when they grow derelict. The corrective agent best adapted to tals purpose Is Hostetter's SUmacb Bittenv wBole some, non-griping vegetable laxative, worth all the rasping cathartics Invented since the 'tune of Yaracelsns: People who nave been In the habit of uslng.MuenlU,; calomel,, and .other drugs and cheap nostrums for constipation, should abandon such hurtful and useless medicines and substitute for them this pleasant and gentle aperient, which not only produces the purgative effect naturallyr but also strengntens while it regulates the bowels, stomach and liver. It moreover cures and pre vents Intermittent and remittent fevers, gout, rheumatism, debility and Urinary troubles. The Grand Central Hotel on Broadway. N. T.. Is a big house, and lt takes a great many people to. fllllt In order to do the latter, and to please everybody, the hotel Is now keDt on the both plana the American at 82.50 to 23.00. and the European 91.UU, ana upwards per aay. An eiegani restaur ant at moderate prices, is conducted by the hotel. IIARHIED, IU this city on the 28th ult . at the residence of Cant T. T Smith, by Bev. A. A. Bosbamer, Mr. J. S. Felts, of Spartanburg, & C and Miss Emma F. Boone, of (his city. . j.j j TELEGEAFIHC MF1LT EEfOffi, FDBBUABI-11, 1879 PBOBUCE. j , CiNCLNNATi-l-Flour dutl ' family 4.15a5.25. Wheat steady: red and white 90a96. Corn dull at 82i&a34. Oats firm at 23Vfca2i. Pork quiet at 10.00. Lard steam 0.70.' Bulk meats should ers 8.60aH5, short ribs 455, clear , sides 5; bacon shoulders 414, clear ribs 58, clear sides 5" Whiskey steady at 1.02. Butter quiet and-unchanged: fancy Western reserve lttalS, prime to cnoice ao joaio, ao lenirai umo loaio. ougar firm and unchanged, Bogs quiet: packing 3.90a 4.15." - ' " t - Baltimokk Oats oaiet: Southern 80a38, Wes tern white 82a38, do mixed 80a31 Pennsyl vania 30a33. . - Hay quiet and easy; prune renn sylvanla and Maryland lOall.' Provisions strong; mess pork, old 925, new 10.50; bulk meats loose shoulders, new 4, clear rib sides 5, pec car load, packed new 4i&aoJa; bacon shoulders, old 4$u clear rib sides, new 6, hams, sugar-cured, new, 9al0. ,; Lard refined tierces 7 Uu Butter In good demand: choice Western packed 18a20, rolls-12 17. .Coffee quiet; Bio cargoes llal5. Whiskey duU at LOW iSugax strong; A oft 8a,V0 ; '; C0TTON.",uA!!'i,-i , tsi j'm . Kobfolk Quiet r middling 98fe&; net receipts 1,294; gross i?-,9teclE U1.14ftj exports coaftwisa 1,216; sales 1,200; exports to Great Biltalnji. :;; BALTnfORK Firm; middling 9c. ; low middling Qlfec: good, ordinary Hc.: net receipts ; gross rt7: "sales HOr stock W.U53: exports coastwise 800; splnnera-miexnort8 tfl . fireajL Britain; JBOQ;. to continent , pfVjt,;,Mfe jr i ? BOSTOK Firm: ' middling low relddllng 9e; good ordinary 84e; net reeeipts i,82B; gross 1.840; sales; stock 2,625; exports ty Great'Brlt, WnjriNQTOH 6teadr: mldlnuz (.lite.: loir m!d Nerng fJTserwl ""J-t H nwttli; rosa ;stusslO;noucI8XuU;8i.Uiiieni- nent j to channel , v i r ... ..ui v Of PHTUUDZXrau firm'; middling 8s!; lew nuaaunc se.; poa orr'nexy ee-j net reeeipts 243; groM 441; salerPw8; eplaneis. 64; atocfc ' AU6TT8TA -Flmis Buddllnc 9&; - low ' - mid dling sw.; good-roinaiy Ba; reeeipts ' 815; shipments ; sales 609; stock: . - j tfllngiWbfeg tood ordinary. 9e.: net receipts 1 794;-gross; sales 500; Mock 6954; exports eoastwlse?,-; KGreat AdtalnJTranosr-: , Niw Tbfflt -l)oir: sales fcOflV mldVIlinr rnnTnniia 9 mid. Orleans 913-16; eonsoUdated net re eeipor 1,174. to Great Britain TJiR8: Lttkhpooi-Nooh Qalet and firm. Uplands S-'Md, Orteani, 6 9-16,low anlddUnptands t good ordinary uplands . ordinary uplands -1 sales 7,000v peeolatk)ir'nI sxpar WK0, re eelpts 29,500, American 23,000. Futares opened isrz Dener. oatuw norueo nav -smee oeea loss. r eDniary '-ana auai e -ioai-az, 'Siaicavsa Apru a io-aaa-io, ipra ana aar oaio-3. May and Jane 17-2, June mnMv&r July and August , Angnstand September i September and October . New crop snipped January and February per sail , February and FUTURES. a r. i . . tx nw.Vob-: i lciosaa amor, sales as.. 000 bales. February March.......... April... ..I. - V.BUS.HI 9.97a.98 May . June-.-i-rvi;...; Jul JVVV.'V;'.... . IV 'ii-.t..UJ.tJr.Ui 10.28a.29 106a7 angust.. A'iirV.,;Vl. September.... .... . - , ..... lv .Oa.0 vctooer.. NEWToonyi.0-lxchJuig4.85taa Governments, steady, ew B'i IMVt. , State bond dun.1 a.x.taiufi3.4A.u,i OAiXHOjii-il . th . be ei-jiAiCTOt- Mwii!S'tiil -js& ,zmJ Chiblottk. Februarr 12. 1870. The market yesterW c!kj6edsteady,'fOT j ffpod middling . RgiM'-ira rfaiM. 9 Miaaung. sua Tinges tjiktiiuntfr jmmsvm1 -K'9ft!n r -1'?FEBEUABT 10, 187ft t COB TktTTV " Corron Tnss - - - - um Sollced. " Bagging, ser Ib.yjiij ra- r M.-iaiit . . llVtai vubii, pr DUBU 1 XMis, sneueo .i,,.,iilt,!.si,K(W(j Uo4ea60 j Hams, ncanva88ed,..t... .vuimni . ...9 ;.i'..iiirsiI,l - Clear Bib Sides.. . . COFFKB Prime Bio. Good..... BTBtrP--MM Sugar-house.. Molassks , 1"V fWC- last .1. ..in. . bur r ' -1 - ... ...., , 88a40 ....... . 36a50 l.OOaa.00 weworieaiis.. Liverpool fine. . SUGAB ... . White. Yellow.. Potatoes Sw6t. Irish 1' S5a40 40a50 BtrmtB North Carolina. . Xggs, per dozen... 12al5 l45al6 f i 8.0oa8.50 2.75a3.00 2.25a2.50 JfXOUB Family Extra. Super i&onfzttiQxvxxizs. THE BE THI tbUi TISING JtVlSING. suvr ii suIN. CONQUER BY BY THIS THIS a ... SIG-VI S1 0 thought Constantlne when he became a osn- vert, because a "fujai" refused to absolve him from the guilt of his crimes, and the "christian" f - . - f readily agreedi and specially msanfactnred for him a "sign" by which he was to "conquer." Henry the VIII in tarn rejected Constanttne's specialty and became the "defender of the new Faith" with his six wives, one only outliving him. Seven hundred years before Constantlne lived Solo mon, whobutU.ft Temple with out-houses, court, kc., on 20 acres of ground, 700 wlves,800 ditto a good sized population to the acre. The Queen of Sheba admired his wiadom much more than his magnfflcence, and significantly remarked that the half of hfsgreatoess had ot been told her"i but after he declared 'thnt "aft r vanity," boot high - -i' - ' . -. i-. ;-'v; a...'; Tjui- -i-iT -I.""- - places for the worship -of oi dCfe and died. Napoleon "BonaDarte, on his narrow escape from Jtoe inflowing tide tfie Bed Sea, while, passing tThrotigff orrtSe spot where Yharaoh and hl terse perisheblmed) 44jad-perjst4 ere like Pharaoh, what a text I would have furnished Orjho- dozy" and Ca S. Holton to advertise hl Confection eries aid groceries .athyBlsfcTg Sun," on Trade street, opposite the, JJarket 'JEubI hereveiy- thing'tn the above Ones inay hp found, including v i . ' " Ferry's Garden Seeds, Green acid Canned Fruits, Nuts, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Tickles, fine Cigars and Tobacco, Tdya,"!fc''''f''':''' C. a HOLTdN, Democrat and Home copy. - . NOTICE.- " i Ji There will be a meeting 01 tne Carolina Fair As sociation at the Court House in Charlotte. Tuesday. February 18th, at 12 -clock, Mi 'The committee onuonstnunon ana nyuAwa,ana tae eomnunee on Selection of Grounds, are - expected to report and other business .importance will eomenp for Alt nemana who feei an interest m tne deveion- ment of the country are respectfully requested to Feo.7-W2td6tlromrebll. ' TUDEBAKEB WAGONS. Iamncwtarecen of largelotothe oelebre ted 8TUDEBAKXS v 1TAGONS, aD sizes, whkh wffl be sold on reasonable terms. v, . - and Btrpply yVuiMfftffik' ttte best wagon oat , T. H. GATTHEB-Jan.8--. . " , . I 'Ml I - . There will be a meeting of the Stockholders of the Charlotte Building and Lean Association, at the rooms of R. -B, Cochrane, Secretary, oa Tours day evening, February 13th, 1879t seves 'clock. A full' attendance is requested. b wwa,-. j tf i , tui t. si. ttyitut: COCHRANE; ' 1 ' Jlfif" ' "'" ' Bec'raad Tress. ; QA BARBEiS WHITE AND BED , t " i3 hi' s !(!'' v-r.Vt ""'". .1 rwrxsoN & btowkli : TITI ARE ALWAYS HEADY " - And wining to show goods whether or not yen are yeady to buy.-.- L. B.- WEISTOH CO. j 5 .r-iiiiJ AHD KBT ADw ' - 2 f j- 3 r.rp --"v-.-'ra h GSOXiSSsMbkAl2EESmC T'JESfl.ZGGS and BUTTKa, CmCXENS TUB- rtu!QIEiBt -CABBAGX, HUSH FOTATOXS AP-;r J f! i rExchKrveDealersln vr , . ir fclW1 -- H , n BAXSODB BOfNNrWTLL'S and-A. ;" tw 8HC- FOKD'S various brands of FLOtJBl ' ' Aieo, PBOPBEEroas or m;:' CHABXOTTE , HOTEL, 7 e This bow haa been refitted and newij fumtad, r wreMucemen pnerea to same boaid- ere; ior terms see the proprietor.. ,.. , .f.,i.s-r! 1 ateveryMtnB ! i Proprietors. . . . . Superintendents. Clerk. HELD BB0THEB9. Mr. a H. Wium Last, . Hxmbt Wiltomg, , feb9 TOP AT THE BOYDEN H0TJ8E mi f'UB-.iu o. owns, AIUlCDIOr ' . ' rTjLl nf t9u VnHnnd IMit -Dolsf rfK- tl . t- tf-I B "W w A. .&owii,!vri,. Chief jC3 MIfJ t i. .X3U . rtOWDKN'3D TTMTt NOBTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAIMS GOING AST. No. 8 Dairy ex.Sun. tTBOCJOULB No. 4 Datty 6.55 Dm iv;r . 1410pm 5.80 am . MOau lla2--ConneoteaiSalisrnwW.N.aB.R. tm all points in Western Nortt Carolina, dally except Bunoays Areensbrowlthit. 4D. B,B.foraU pteNotth, East and West - At-Golosuoro with W.T4t WBlE, lor WUmington, v - . , No. 4Connects at Greensboro with B. 4 D. B. B, for aBpointft-Sorth, East and West TBAINS Some WX8T. No. 7. Dally ex. Sun.- Date, Nov. ia '78. Na 1 Dally. No. 8 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, I 950 a m 5.85 p m - ttaieign. ' s.fiUDm 5.30 am " Greensboro 8.28 on A47 am Arrive "Jnariotte, . 12.25 a m 10.50 a m No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Ralem Branch. At Charlotte with C C. A A. R. R. forall Points 8outh and South-west t at Alr-Ltne Junction with A.4C. AL. BaOioad for aU points South and eouut-easi. - Na 8 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. daily except Sunday. At Air-Line Junction with a. u. a. li. ioraii points eoutn ana soutn-west. At Charlotte with' C., C. A. Railroad for all points 8outh and South-west : SALM B&ANCH. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 pm Arrive Salem, k " " 10.50 p m Leave Salem. f R.45am Arrive Greensboro, " " 7.45 am Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the B. A D. and N. C. Railroads. SUCXPIHO CABS WITHOUT CHANGS Bun both wars on Trains Nos. 1 and 2. between New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 3 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and . East For Emigrant rates to points In Arkan sas and Texas, address J. ft ALAUMUKDU. , Gen. Passenger Agent, nov20 Richmond Va. QHABLOTTE, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA Chablottb, Coujmbia Aim ADOTJ8TA B. VL, COLuntiA, & C, Dec. 27, 1878 On and after Sunday. Dec 2!)th. 1878. the fol lowing passenger schedule will be run over this road, (Washington tune,): - NIGHT EXPRESS. Gonte South. No, 1. Leave Charlotte . 1 00 A.M . 6 00 A. M . 05 A.M .10 00 A.M 5 55 P. M. 10 00 p. m. 10 10 P. m. 8 10 AM. Arrive Columbia, .-,.... Leave Columbia Arrive Augusta Going North. Na 2. Leave Augusta Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia,. '. w . j Arrive Charlotte, DAY PASSENGER. Going Sooth, Na 8. Leave Charlotte.. Arrive Columbia..,, Leave Columbia 11 27 AM. - 4 10 P.M. 4 15 P.M, Arrive Augusta 8 80 p.m. Going North, Na 4. Leave Augusta.... . 9 03 am Arrive Columbia. ...................... 1 20 F. M Leave Columbia . ' 1 SOp.m Arrive Charlotte 6 80 P. M These train stoD onlv at Fort Mill. Rock Hill. Chester. Winnsbora Rideeway. Leesville. Bates- bunt. Bidee Springs. Johston. Trenton and Granlte- vllle. All other stations will be recognized as flag ataOons. ruuman raiacy sleeping ana ara wing-room cars on Nos. 1 and 2, Greensboro to Augusta; also on Nos. 3 and 4, New. York to Savannah, via Rich mond A Georgia Central Railroad. T. D. KLINE, Superintendent, j jNa R. MAcMuBDO,. G. P. Agent. ec2U ' PHOTOGRAPHS. In consequence of the reduction in' the price of the original eost of materials, and in order to give my patrons (he benefit of the reduction from and after this date Photographs wfll be taken at my Gallery at i , - . . . ' " ! ' ; " REDUCED BATES. ; H1 , - epea.jj . j.vankess Smoke call and get a socior. at" ' ' ' ' ? ' ...... ,v . jaOY DAVIDSON'S. lanSO , v - - ' - TiEE W, BATTLE, M. IX, -,.. Having removed his offlee to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank,: can be found- there ail nours during tne oar, ana at us residence o ner Kevenin ana uouege sueecs, at nigni, ; ieoi om , i"..,. : SE HE-NO TEAi -t t HE-NO Is Tea In' Its vataial condition, snch as the Chines tbemselvea drink, and for the follow ing good reasoas is sold emy in anginal pound and half-pound packagesvi ii i..oM'in.i.wi u m ua mosteoBTOueni ana ecmoDucai snyie ox package. .i'-ti "ttt if u . v it is weighed nd packed where tt can be done cheapest and best, ' - ..'-- i i It can be easily identified by the consumer. . All mjac ud lug im wzuvomr i It prevents adulteration in America. -' -We are the agents for HE-NO Tea In this city and ask our menas to give n a max. not saus factory we wlil-' eheerfuuy take It back and refund tnemoaey,! j i i' j i .T ij, m. wwsmm uju - feb 6.1 ' ul-Ait...i. ':.-Chariotte, JC(5 Date, Nov. 10, "78. No. 2 .fi ji--Ki ' JJally Leave Charlotte, 8.45 am Greensboro, 8.20 a m AjcriTe Goldo. , 1 25 pm Fo? Standard Pure Llp1uor&4' . - CAROLINA CENTRAL' mwrLMrNaTON, This Line being fuDr equipped for business, ffBrntogtoaandattNoiiht t-v-tii iii tosenvuie, Spartanburg, au Btations 1 Atlantic, Tennessee 4 Ohio, -u - r- u "Ttf.q U Attn -'t" ji 42 .p -irfii w(f i'tj'' -tM . j- , AsweO as points to Georgia tit is ,'f 1 , i 1 ,r:vrj, '-nvr- V4 i- r Xasaianca andBsMguaran i j Information lurriiahod i E.W.CLABX, it QenilfrelAg (jseptSO r-ii h, T-VB. J. EL MqADEN, hf'ror. -w' nir-wt;" .win s-.-ritiBtraamr Awn annum ; : rofleretothetradea funstockof ' 'u- !;,'-,. ilff 1, ) . : ..." . O-!' i'lls:.:' '- K ; '''ytiiti'-i-. '' 'j'i-,-) Lubtn's ExbhotaaoiOologoea, ;i v,. ; -'n:'i"i : ,i ns:i '! L - - ri - i ,; V Bngnsn Select ; ptees, ' ' Coigate Honey and ffl y ceime Soap Engllan, French and American Tooth Brushes iii.ii PRESCRIPTIONS Care fully prepared at all hours, both night and day;at , J. H. MoADEN'S Prescription Store. S ECUBITY1 SECUBITY! SECURITY 1 . 200 BanehVbf GWESTSONS- EXTBA NO. 1 KEROSENE in ALADDIN SECURITY OIL, West s Extra No. 1 gArosAiM on. fmm C wat Ik Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at CAntanntnl teranBttlAn. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of no degrees Fahrenheit before it will bum. C West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. MOADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C. SCABB 4 CO., B "B G G 8 T 8 T SI i NXAB TEX P08T-0FTICB, Would lespectfally inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drag Store, near the Post-office, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. Jan7-tt TEACHERS WANTED. $50 to SlOO or 8200 per month, during the Spring and Summer. For Ml particulars address J. C McCTJRDY ft GOV - Philadelphia, Fa. JIPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and win positively core nine cases in ten. Information that will save many lives sent free by maSL Don't delay a mo ment Prevention Is better than cure Sold every where. ;!L 8,: JOHNSON ft CO. Bangor, Maine. gENSON CAPCINE , ! i - POROUS PLASTER. Tj0B WOMEN WOMEN AND AND, CHILDREVr childbeIN OB Females suffering from Pain and weakness will derive great comfort and strength from the use of Benson's Capclne Porous Plaster. Where children are affected with whooping cough, ordinary coughs or colds or weak lungs. It is the one and only treat ment they should receive. This article contains new medicinal elements such as Is found in no other remedy In the same. form. It is far superior to common porous plasters, liniments, electrical ap pliances ana mer external remooio. u relieves pain at once, strengthens and cures where other isters win not even relieve, ,.uc uun ua W T -1. Yt. .... ,... V,nA ' a n 11 local aches and pains, it is also the best known remedy. Ask for Benson's Capcine Plaster and take no other. Sold by all Druggists, Price 25 cents. CON S U MPT I O-V O N - S V M P T I O lY: And all Disorders of the ' Throat and lungs Permanently Cured. . DR. T. A. SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY 'WW W f WW W K 5-W'"B ' XS , XEH Taken In conjunction with his compound , Pubs; coo EMULSION OF , LIT1R OlL and hypophosphltes ot V ; UME AND SODA, sr.-- '.r A FREE BOTTLE of each nrenaraiion sent dt express to each suffering appueaht sending their name, P. a and express address to Dc X.A.SI0 cmn, l&l Fearl street, New York, . ,(1 , : fW . 100 BUSHEL FRESH CLOYER SEED.' Also Orchard Grass, Blue Grass,' and Lucerne, : . Just received by ";';' i ? J WILSON ft BUR WELL. j TlTKara tha agents lor HE-NO TEA in thts'cltr. sf Tr andaakour friends to give tt a triaL If not vatisfactory we will cheerfully take it back and re 4nnA IKa winnsff wH Mi""' 'd ' ' WILSON ft BUBWELL. '' ppp -as,, r t ouo h h n p T v j o o hh n ppp aa- tt o . hhh i f- 'as ,t y ooo h a it Agents for Chariotts, N. CU datchlL!p iUQilJli; 0(13, ; h -( I 'f-.Kiviwwi)-. '.mi .f , offers unequalled facUliles for the Traasportkm 6 " " Charlotta,'8tatanni; AshevfueButherfbrdWn -L ' antha AtlantoftBichnitmd.Atr.-U ..Vv -and western lLCLBanioad,'j hkii Uiv'jt - i 1 'jii.'hs l-i iiU-n-ni') ii:oY. uit fiiiiit; nl') tif 3 -ih J'w; ' Alabama and MtoslsstppL'v 'u irfutjri.s' via any OwnneangLnia, and Tim Ayi pv,, ' ! 'jni iy i; ei ,J rt., t ',.!3j,,, i"! fun' hl.jj -1 r -y,i tii.l Jj s ,rjiin.il 'ir.-iii npon application tor I .I-h-h;' i..K -irMi '? ii t-- ii-rjiii iiirflxjirno-'' "' .U tn, -4 ' I ' ti if ' Nsr,Mii"tS -''iiw. h I ,-iv,i tffi ,4fnt , : 1 -s ., ).iWH,A,M0ODY ' Soolbestera Freight Agent Chartotta iUi il'ilIM -til ; S., i t , If .VT't -xi -ti.-ft jrts''ii j'.v nfiTtji-vr irtl t- 1 uuM5tt siii ia T.& SMITH, ' !ii.nu'i iM.-.. yAgeat.a a'BanwaK csmrifltM. i.' i;l i ' i'.'l!'' Jlil 1. I' ,-'.'1 T OUISIANA STATS LOTTERY t n : t.lr, X!I J-'"?t4i.j,t- nijm i;t.,;vi;;;j..j;.. i-! t'Mtriil!'';.i ' ' trwtvv "-'r ..i Hi, puaow atktinNrrf 7' :' : ::;! 1-4:-1 j K1S ni 5ujqfctrt-:j; iit; To wta a fortune. "Third; Gmnd MstributioD, --Class Ci at New Ocieansv:iTiesday,i Marchi . lltbvl87-106Ui JfodOib Dawlng.. . i r v u-naov- inti; fi-irn U 4 Mi 'hi iv.w XOTJlSlAA LOTTERY COMPACT. rH.ii-vi-.iHi" ' !;- ;- I--. 'f-tjjnouM'WSfi ftirrn M'--..;vti J1 "i.lr,!0 airtra tsuijo nl TJnstttullon jj b. the Legislature of the State f or Sducatienal and Charitabte purpcees in 188ji'F0HHrj XKax or TFYHryS. tW? to mictl on'J,ao4; the inviola ble faith of the State Is pledged with a capital of WjO00,00O, to Which' R hasalnoe added a Reserve Fund ot $3oO0Oh Its GBAND. SINGLBNUM BEB DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. ' It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution " '-'':-'' ! u 'tqt.-i . n t'Un-f -"-ff' 1(Jifl .lift"''; ! of ICJlitKU CAprrJu-lR 7 '' ' 'tr! -.n.V .J1tt;lB r. ivti v:.-r-- iL.!k'"; 1 cf?r t-S i.,..ir 100,000 Tickets at TwfDollan each. .Half Tick. ..0!.. t, etallOna0pnaa).tJ;' ' " : ,';:! ..-isii,; j, - : ..- J-: . ; - i ; : LIST OF PRKESi . i,. - J-:. : .- .:!.:: .. 1 Capital Prize,... $30,000 , I, Capital Prize, . , 10,000 fvft Prtoea Of ?, 1,000. , 5,000 20ft PrlzMinf 50 .. .... lOXM) 20 10,000 10. . y yrtf 0,000 1,000 Prizes of, APPBX)fIMArf 9 Approximation Prizes oi f300iiiS2,700 9 Approximatioa Prizes of ,20044.,100 9 Approximation Prizes af ,100 . ; 900 1867 Prizes, amooAtuiCtOvU.,uU..fllO Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all tromjnent points, to whom a liberal compensation Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office In New Orleans. ' Write. 4lMFt MtnMTUr thin J.il . An nt1 Ififn.. mation or send orders to . . M.Ai DAUPHIN,' Postomce Box 692, New Orleans, "Louisiana All miP (Rrorwl aSriMArrl Inifv fkwwMra ana miilA the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JCBAL A. EARLY. - feblj . pBOM DR. S. W. HUNTER, , ' , Baltimore, kt;;;.;:-, Having become famfliar vrtthColden (1 o. Lelblg's Liquid Exjjact of beef and Tonic Invigor ator, 1 take pleasure la recommending it as an ex cellent preparation, combining as it does food and tonic In a remarkable way, producing good blood, health and strength! .' So'.d by all iWugglsts.' ' .' ' QaWABE, - -if- - . Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In - r pubi 'ippti qiDi j .-. A1TD . :,i -.;, ;'?;'!;; -CLDEB YINEGAB.--' Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of r E. R. CONDirS TABLE SAUCE,- ' 287to295w.TWrdSt, , CINCINNATI, 0. O ILS SASSAFRAS AND PENNYROYAL Of prime Quality, bought to any quanttr. for cash on ueuvery, iree oi DroKerage, commissions, ; or storage ejenaeay 'by - . D0:6CTE QJLCpT.; Importers and l"3CWJrtefs of J rn" i DRUGS, ESSENTiAt Plisidc 88 William St,. ."ViNewYork A DAY toAgents oantasiiing forth MFrax bxdx Vwttor." Terms and ontilt free. Ad dress P. O. YICEEBY, Augusta, Maine, k OA Fancy Cards, Chromo, Brtowflake, ftc, no two OU alike, with name, 10 cents. J. Mlnkler 4 Co, Nassau, N. Y. ' vr- 40 MIXED CARDS, with name 1 Oct Agents' outfit lOe. L, JONES ft tja Jiassaa. nTy. , , rfX) ADVERTISERS. Send for oar Select List of X Local Newspapers. Sent free on application. Address GJHAf.KUWJua e ixj lUHDmeeJK.. New York. . ... " : ' i iHij-ii;.;'i ".tft'ii 'i. OO V V A "A L: ' OOO A'- K''.EIU 8 .oWiitjM 8 Qfllii 'COLGATE 008 m: ,?ivv :r COLGATE ftS. .f-ir 1 ' S O A.P'!.'!w"SJ0 AjjRf! SATES WASTE FOB LAUNDRY JISS i ! 1 . . j .!,;... '' i V TTNDERTAEING ;v -i .Jc .r j . J, rtfs ..' iji-;,, vjj., ( : . ' ,.'i!,'n ?V.v?,'s y;"'7-4.,i' f'rJii s ,j vThe undersigned la now prepared to ga an orders for every tibaes of Umlertal 1.' COTFIH CAXXTS AND BUAJAAtjiUABAJBi J . uniif vi , Both Wood and Metallft V. t 1 ': ' ftttnltoerof eW;Peraon. M alrei atli , 1i n't ','('. U L ' . ; Ji-- ,WlthE.a E02drstTnLCiJ. aMV WUJ1V J 5 t-

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