lm,u i.i"' The followlM table shows the ger trains to and from Charlotte, roaas V." aaaiaxMn umj m:iii JH't -HBliOHlfOMP ArrtTfts from Richmond anil doidsbarb. T unu .-. a on m. Arrives from Richmond,. '.,, ... v ,i . 10.50 a. m. lAH-VOS iux .... - ............. .,- nMD i; ATXA-TIA CHABLOin AB-iX Ji ArrtvAH from AtKnta;'. i ; Leaves for AOanta;. A-i .li YLi v. V: v: : -t ,1.05 a. ArrlTea from Atlanta,..fi:L.V..r.-.p't.55 Leaves lor Attaota,.,.UVVf:.X0r60 8. ?i CKABWrr, UMBiAtwrA, Arrtyes from Augnsta, Leares for Augusta,. . Airnrea nam aukub..- ..ir'-vv' - i . - - .. . i nulla m i : Leaves lot Ansusta,. .w-wi"i.i4. 11.27 a. m. Arrives from -wnntfngtont.,,,jMAv '-20 Ik m. Leaves for Wilmington, ..... 4 . 6-00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby. v. ,(,.J 5.00 p. m. Leares for Shelby,. 4- 7-00 a. m. Arrives from Statesvllle,:t.;,.',';4...ij ;y6j80b.C Leaves for 9tateBvme..Xi.;yt ...Zr 1-00 a. m ..,;., :. .., i v .,,1 . '., i .i . i 3 CBlBLOm POST OFFICE. .'.niM? Money Order iepar&nenC,.l 00 a.nv l'5.00 p. nil I oen') Department a. m. . - OPINIMO AXD CLOSIKO OT r s .v. r.l.-;:,.l- Jrtut .fiftidti MinMSi V Danville itjiaMotie B.1id;: .'OO arIi',1 .00 pi p. m. I .-' it i K l m.v A. no n. m. ChiA6&i i Atlanta fc'i 8.00 a.m. . fl.OO p. m, - inmitn nl o n. in. 10.00 a. m. ft Charlotte n. u., a.au i-stjitRiiie...'.. iwui n. m. .uu a. i tr- Beattle's Ford, (none route.) 'Mondays at 5.00 p. tw,MB Jueeday 8.00 a. nu-. nwr tSr' YerkvUl4aorse route.) Xnuradays at 6.00 p. in., and JMm -l",! -!" to i'iri'!r' WAB ifiiPARTMENTr V Office Chiefs Si6NALj0mCE,i ) r Washington, i'eD. 12, j so p. M. ) west to northwest winds, slightly colder, partly cloudy .weather and stationary or slowly rising Daromeier. f bmm-jh. vT:;0 M'7 A.M. 2 P. M. 1 9 P. M Barometer,...-! .j..... Thermoiaeter . r. .V. . . . Relative Humidity, .A. . nd Direction,.. . i . tv: Velocity t..i.,..i. Weather.. . a a . J'.Vi-.'.'l .. 29.760 41 a " 5 -Ulest !9.724i29.772 88 S.W. mo.. i -4.'.'? Fair.!'! Cloudy. cloudy. Highest tempeiature,, 57 deg.;loweBt 39... i wxatbxb REFOBTi nsiarlBf 12..420 r. k,! i stations. Barom Th. "Wind.' VeL Weather. AUanta,..'.. Aognsta .. Charleston, Charlotte,.. Corslcana,. Galveston,. Indlanola,.: Jackson'Ue, Key West,.. Mobile,. . Monteom'y, N. Orleans, PontaBasa Savannah..' Pt Marks.. Havana.,.. 29:87 29.86 29.88 29.69 2985 30.00 29.99 29.98 80.06 80.03 29.91 30.01 80.07 29.93 30.01 30.08 62 65 66 66 '& 71 71 67 66; H 66 671 68 72 aw. 19 lfr 10 10 25 5 15 Cloudj. rJur. Fair, Cloudy. Clear... s. Cloudy. . Fair. - Fair., -. Fair.,. Fair. Fair. . Fair.;.-!. Clear. Fair..; - Clear. Fair. 8. .,W. n.'- a w. S.W.' N.W. w. aw.; n.. 1 12 12 8 9 .11 ladei te Hnr Advertlwiuentt, i uto'J ..-.t. . ..' ff ..-1 . Weddlngton ft Allen Hardware at BetalL " :l" Maxwell ft Harrison Auction. A. Shorter Caldwell Lajrtng Machines, , Walter Brem Lost - V . , . HO.TIEPENCIL.1NGS.. - ' ' Local sensations are things of other days. ; '' ; The Inferior court meets next Mon day. j The opera house books ' are blank. Who will come next t i The mpmhers of the Chanfran troupe made many friends in the city. " v -w -w r The fThanfran nomnanvimfrnm Char- r lotte to Danville.where they will play iv-uicuouutfuucur t Mr Dontd,"WV Waters lias gone into . firir-Tj. ::i:ie ir "V" i e colloii aiiu it.ut.iai uunuuiaaiuii uusi- And now Matthews' Station has town- lv jumirations. A bill to incorporate it I j r - -- ... 1 i. . . k f.riiinl 1 mhl I ir uciuic tiro -j.iiv.Ati. tjv. aaa-.j . 1 There is toT be an important meeting of the Hornet's Nest Riflemen to-mor: mw Tlltrrir . :- W:U, i. I " O " I "' "' u- A gentleman from Davjon county than they have had for. years : -;u j A party of louneers i in "front of the court housecounteS up-thirty lawyers in Charlotte. Some of these, however, ai-e not in the practice. ;, ,: Two or threeporting men from , ( . harlolte will attend " the great inter- state eockine maiirwhich: is to begin at New Orles-on thethinst, , ;, , The Mendelssohn Quintette Club, of Boston, -were wso;vinuci;pl0as Charlotte that they e-xpressea, tne nope that they would be-aule to return in the spring. I , , . v c-i- r&'r&a rS i The. full vestry.of 3t Petefa-,1 rtan jfippxnures -wi PT? "L.-3 ? v"iv? ".vr.r L this evening, v m ,si - -. j The Youn? Men's Christian associa tion are conducting highUy meetings . . .. i -rrv - - X . - ---v .---- I m-:J: 9! ia liiff y ounmen. I uiubuv.....j.wb. ,.wk.m. lone, ana ior me uisiriouiiou ui nie i uo nuruuueu into tne receuiacie toe mm On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp ?f ' wj.fcuwui;uis vj I v." aumu up uutwj . win be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 tne commitreeon''9inpure- ana win i letter seni inrougn ine mans, wnetner u .hit $: wfa DrobaMv bettoiJte4.i! i v I I registered or not), must, moreover, be 1 1 w rri..- .r -.--...--.-., i-,.. d .11 I rail rrpmpnt we are not advised, nor is it teKW l4fiS! SdS SSiKS IV i c-f uyv-V uavj ' aa w v jv-v w--- v - Air. JS. Jt . jJioore, or jnester,.) wuuw. im irennsyivama, nas uwju m au ..vprpnar. fnnnrl in the possession of t Hon to a limited extent in thecityrand Mike. Hope,-the eEtped convict who was captured nere a lew nays ago, cama i nn and recovered his Stolen' propertvi i It had not been worn.' t .' ' mi.A.v. '' i'-R TiYia sumUt- JlSa vice in st,feerrc iog, at. which,! time Halion Willbe uimili3tefred ; .ierVice ,,,,.7 Yr nr'f "rZ. :. .-WW.?.Wfejw '' .-.T..--. ' . . Mr. J. W-"'J3rown, or;:ieiTyn-iWW--- ... . . 4 .: Av I of this county, a farmer and caiv ,4ie is a man ozuwig far as, we have ever heardr itably in his: neighboi lioodl TW . nn.n in Ra.llrl. i .1-. i-r-. . - j. .u: ii-,i in the haUof theHous&ofr Jtepresenta- 1 11 uie iu-u. Ytjjr: A ai n ,.i5v.. WL "VHeSa Viy good audUench his remarks were received witn consia- eratioh and applause . Hiskresume of oiirf.iiraU rurcea .is-a tale.twice sWp,tbia.ecHty;.ha8'; I manb ol his 'lbjecttons could lYHEAPGOODar-'j .. -,".;:; -i.tr J internalrevenue' storeKeeperana gaw i not De overcoeweu wjr wio vcijr u- w . v . --a n a .t - 'r ' ;A J i And wnung ger roritnr "sixtn ;Quecaa .uVWH erai pecuniary t V&'tUWht odtttm m stock ot Brown ft 'VSXwii ..id. North Carolina. Mr. Brown is anative thim. The proposed roaa is aengneu.c9, rlrwwiu seh theatoek c. MoHom wtoe mmt y. ia told, but not the less interesting on that, ability of oiy :oi our Desc Known ciu-ri.-r . . fs- -1 i. t .-.. Ma' I ns i ii deservinr one. CoL John- TrrV veSttoof thmhcpm South will'tneet -b-i. tuet 15th or nwa month, and thesA .mall bodies wUl ap point di-Wabea tola State convention to beheld on March lst-Thesrlarger bodies, will send delegations to a grand . . . -. . i i . -. convention to be Held xn ,tjnarioite ok 9 Ul w bIU JL Ud UU TVU UA Vliww w Inltr 4fV. rTliA rvjn nf thDflO .PATl ViTl- uons is u refutation against the social South." to the Charges trumped up Uo, he would.toall proability,; .have 1 For tbe JKardi' Grai. Arvemenils U foot to igeTupa ?arty of a dozen or more persona to go rom -Charlotte to . the: New; Orleans . ... Mardi GztaAnthe 15th. , We learn if a v m ujuvuiu i.ui,ii in ..... .rv TK oiirAtid j ml nf nmnoiot nn mat I AliC .u.c.- icuM.ooouvioiwu men i JS.-ii1 Association, according to adjournment, but as the rain prevented the attend- -. .. 1 -rv avo r, woa I "U1 viv - v -....- I jwuraeu wwtx piaue : uext x uesuay, urn ww, Vm wiuious ruVTTi ".L"?"':"':)?"" ann r,n nnanr.ps ni inn nnraniTannn i . . j ji . wp Am informftd. a1v in tipaH nf r. plenishment. i Cap. Ardrey'B HeMlntisn. i -VMiwa v Jmm AA.UAVJ HyiV0VUWtV I V f from Mecklenburg, introduced in the Legislature Monday a resolutiotv' pro? and has to pay, in addition to postage, viding for the publication mcheap a registry-fee of ten cents in postage pamphlet form of 20,000 copies of the stamps (or one ten cent stamp). A let supplemental report of the State geolo- ter tq bjs registered should ba-, sealed or gist, and the proceedings ox the meeting i of Northern settlers lately held in Char- "r'n.Tiwr V -rtJIWli I Mr. Alton Aflgierwas last 'Saturday appointed ticket auditor of of the AUanta and Charlotte Air-Lane, r q .ov. t i eood from the 18th of inia mnnrn rna in. nr niarfn Rnilrftii1 man rorvM-. an iini.anat.ufo. I now. Travelna ratfeetrhffnt. The president and board of directors of the Atlanta and OharJotte HiT-Lic I railroad, all ,, Northern - men, passed through the city in a magniheent parlor car yesterday;,. lhe wiligyetheir lvy.S.ir - - w?,Iy VW spent an nour or iwo in me, cuy mupwwiik me uepoc anTiiqarTymnv i tnsrs: and it is hoped were edhvihced'M: I the necessitv of erectincr a union denot I whichwmbecredittothdplace. -.1-1! ; Among the several pniiantnpopior ganiiations represented in the city, hone is dolnga better work( or is in a, jeaore (successful condition than the order Of Jt. U bi -iliMa -m-I , I um jjihu, t me last general meet- character, and in no sense is she. deserv ing in Baltimore, the committee on the ing of less than unqualified praised As btate of .the order presented the follow- an emotional actress she now, at the ing interesting facts and figures: end of her second engagement here. ine order mar well be congratulated upon the marvelous and widely extend- j w t. via. iuau uao irecu (H-tuuiuiioucu. crease of 44 per centi in five vears. The deaths in the j order, in 1874, were 166, Showing death,rate of 6 6-10, tn the uouauu, wuu 111 ioio vuv ueam rave was swollen by reason of the epidemic to 9 3-1Q per cent x)n thou8and-Th 1 .. i-U A .1 : A 1 A X I uca.hu iate uiuui); me jjastf .uur years has been 7 4-5 per cent,-perthousand. oxiui cAiuvFwuACii juavo wjt txcaocu. nuiu 9104,1 o, pam iu io, 10 275,uoo, as estimated tor 1878 an in- crease in tne latter year 01 104 ier cent, The iunds of the lodges have increased from $508,827, in 1874, to $577,566, in 1877, and probably to $600,000, in 1878. Nht satlsfipH wifh fhis imnrnvpH nlan lit uiio ii uccii bukkcovpu aim will I probably be adopted Ty aU the subor- ThjlMLl llr.I.ll. . I " JE I 5 Tt ia a r.ioQQni-a a trv Ko aH. tr or,, .V AU m k..UMV wr v.t. vv 1 'V. WU1V W A.1A .r... .. ... -.. nnnnrathat. thoaiithAntiia nf tho 'arn. " . . - T una Central and Kaleigh & Aueusta fMWPM . w i T :. i t- 1 arrived jtt'jmunderetandinfc; satisfac- fj.rv In hftth nv whirh ttiR rmiTA timwri as the Seaboard Air-Line, ffom Char- wt i7. fi -NTnrfniir a fhonVo '""v ., aa.-i.. A-Vv. -vvU TCfu-t.h. has been re-otiened for business, a ,--.; aiV .,-.0.0 iiyhtia at Hambt 9I Wot J.. - ,. .,-,ri ,,rr, fam .r,r.iiTr o.. avjic auu uuvu uxijlio uiuiua-ii aKiccar i . a ., r i , . I me. as to me ueutiis. 01 me new ar- 1 Lie. -i auvwci luutrj tu I the ATrtrth haa Wn nnoni nn fi fihar. w anrt the west and that nnr mer- Uhants again fcave choice of three lines a-f AAmmiintotirTta hv whinh thav moTj- I V. JJXXA UAil -UVAVllu "'.J " (AA V. V UlUJ I ahin -ffon' and -hr Triift ntii i- XSJ tJ, twn rlate -ivatei eornorations is stronger than that Which previously ex- isted and that the understanding just arrived at is hfcely. to The terms under which theSeaboard w-pnareed uim k New York- imd fhnmnte Steven nowonen toshio- ! Vll0!, $1 Ser" ffi briVrmlte agreeable and i effective southwestern re-instated as Such; witn neaaquarcera again at v.nano.ie, and isnowthe city prepared to push the interests of his line. Early after its hrst estapnsnment ne worKed up and controlled for it an immense .business, ind thig popr route has done well in .dgainifcgthrseryW- lar and mdumo-W3genT.. . '-!. -- 0f a Penn-irvsnk- Knilrad A rumor rthat CoL WiUiam ;John- siott. of ; this ity, had-toeentidered! tHejpresideney . a.WPP'-rW' its publication ; in-the Baleigit '"Hhbg'df, a recent date, emooiueneu u uuai y of Ttte Obsebvek to ask CoL Johnston about it, yesterday." He said that the report was true, and that he had felt constrained to decline the offer on' ac- '' 1 mitVri f w1 "UIUU ""P w.r r. (the social and busanessties by4vhich .W0. wt.iii.- 1(aa. rn- tje m5muwi--Wuntw S . '. . 2 . -! Ann thivtfinna r-.i 1 ri Vnrt , Cril. Johnston savs that he was first written to on the suDject .on mo- I ikamhar limt , hv . Judrft Hilton.t repre- senting tha parties- interested,, and(hp I w tTaw Vnrk in December ito Writhe proposition. After turning he he. wrote, declining the 1 uuei, -uku A ri -2; ' 0 ing him to accept the position. . . t ? The compliment to the executive of the affairs of Iha, Clt itauroaa, 01 wmuu i g years president, was , remarkably jsucj 1 cessf .,.and has given him a nationai reputation, as is snown dj ; ni? recei offer. Like .airmen. y hp' liavj en I Mknn m M4i-I w-t -m v 1 1 t-"V ftna . l CJ 0 1.1 1 1 rl-W wuuawi. wi4 .v I UUMH i ' XJUL-lIllC 1U1 bllO UUOIJKOO, ' wxxm., . . . . . ... iagam I . . .1 n , 1 OWTM ll.n MAmhAwUin I 1 . i vsu tfauutu v 1. 10 1110 mcuiuciBuiu wtts T.inna 'ia stm lanr Miao iivitrhtvsniM aa .: . fr.?' V" w1." joo -'o-i uw reua oteaaman, was almost perfect: , v to-day rit numbers over 23,000 an m- Mrs. Chester I i 1. AL . l- . . lAKnw AAnnAnr1 I- mil m, f)i lilt) aruuuus iwi .uuuovrcu i orui ifniA Khnen. Home shoe Nails, noes. anore-S-ji A I with theipcwitton and; the severity f rfForitsi LfiU ? the f nte Of con- l XJJlZZ- a. -a W, -: lues. Grasa-roda. and mneral Hardware, at more L , enco auu i arnsDurg, m uu v-1""" "t,Vl ;jutiiTv7io51Eo5- 'KXa2.i stanaacrea- iand,umo, witna view to eatuuuuiS 117": .Tweddington AALLfiJt ,w4v jajMf-i-Axiwiiii ii Jhfumtiasat fi I ... lina fmm Cleveland tO. -NeW 1 ' 8rwntnDim Rmi-nif-llM, . , . . - I A .- uuaiH jLAAJrv .a.vr- ,'r-w r w -:.. . -uww-v-.-p w -...-,..- w w4 . 1, iw.K.nnHn- Kr fh. ...!.. . I 1 Wk-A If- n Af f ni t h i r-larr 1 ATI a r ATPrrpa i. ..... a ' aeam entered tne neia oi active lawr M.-.i tt r - 'i.'t jr TTriii mrai mmmr . n. nn-nn'"- . 1 JVZXVf6 61 lfliT?Ii.XZ-.. WSi" - Miss Painter, the Quakeress -revival- ist, accompanied by llev. John F. Butt, .. a left the city yesterday for Spartanburg, jj.ccfc.ili3 111 LUC iticwuuiot luuaIU MU? I U , r, . -7-. -z -- ; -7 ;-.,., r I SSSM UU1I1LB . 1U !L1ISi DLilU) D . UiCT Udm I seeoa Jiave, oeen sown , wmcnmume brada:,SS? af doatt -.embers were added to iCalva- ,- , --I--,- " - ; . , - a - I " . eKi-tered Mtmwmm - xtw":U k nauuu ui luts uieiuuu ui tt-uiisujriiiii ici- t jl ; , f 4-i : ia- ters for transmission in the mails, it is stated that many persons, who present letters for registration seem utterly igj rvOTi tVik ovf- 4-Vio4 Vi a rvrl 1i--rH ona s ,ta Qf-H- Kivm . oroH 1VVWA UUU VftAV AJW AVWVVAVVif 10 VUMV VJ-V sender gets a receipt for the former; closed, and the postage and iee pre- paid with stamps just as if it were to written or printed 'tm th envelone. Tiri l : i jiA- iicii tucao Dimuic cuiiuiLiuiis are com- -.1 : i .i. i.i i i i i nlliul nrUli 4-V.. 1U. 4n J S I rratinn: WhfiT1 ln -inaAHTi i 'le- m J.vuwa V V IVAJIVJ UUIVUUV OUVUiU v.cuv. . u--.. ..... . .u.i.ii.im uo ayieure) DOm DinaUOB flUUlM Yfiatp.rdav aftfimnntiiMr Tavlenra'a combination .SlAH WPttrtsA" in th BnHe - good crpwJ wag in artendance, adwMle allithe charactei were well taken, that of Grace Shirlev. by Mrs. Chanfrau, was presented with exquisite grace and great pathetic L,ast evening, wnich the Company in-r nna n'J1 rtunrtrrl if a ttermHa 1UUOV0 V7 jHUU tuini IIMH. WW III 1 selves. Mrs. Qhanfrau,as EnxU iij cur, aiLci wctrua jLiauy jrresu j i.ii . . . irresistible, alike as the fascinating young woman and the broken-hearted mother; A In no scene did she fall slort of the -highest a conception of ithe still reigns "supreme in the Chatlbtte heart. :,. . r? , a T 1 lie SUDDOrt. Will. OTlfi fir TWO (nrpon. rilaved TV.waire? Tftilv Prhftw- wifh a oat ,SSTL gence; Mr. Scott's Jack Rudd waasnir- fted and entertaining?while Mr! Alfen, as sir Mark iresDury, and Mr. Mitchell aa Oanar nokaan Tb f 7 . ' O" .f-l I Ugliai Strength OU6 Of the Strongest We have had this season. To say more of n is unnecessary : wsay less would be to ten less than tne truth. ... m xiie-nranaaue Season in dtarMttc tSSS iio3v-Sw! H?2!Sri? ?528l-S2 w 4W ."" Vt UUiJ NBU Xlgn6 .--...r-ii-j .j al . , i ??fS. Jl0rae-T.a? glance Will show this to be true. In the line ox the classic drama we readily I --l f V.A r.amo --. 13-.-- ! T ... A V. AA -.A1V. A1C.-AA Ul UOU1UI OUU V IU1C-1". I schek, who stand unnvaled on the f I . '. . ... . ..... I IA man an otn rm .n t n nk ml.i-.W- 1. -.w. 1 u-w4wi smco ut .uoji.vk nuiliu U1C).' o.ia kA, nr.. knA . 1 A i A .- I r"1" "CIC' uy piwim wK wnaom t n -va t - riMv t Am S" "Marv Oneen of Snota" are $tiirorAstr1 I Dropping to the other extreme, low' w-ii u.uu umiw-Bur m j- l?, Wilson, Primrose and M and Emerson's Big 4 standout lh bold .:. i 11. - . .. . leuei, auu 11 tueie ue mose wua uu not smile at the recollection of these we have ' simply to mention Roberts' Humpty Dumpty. Ascendinsr the scale . - - - - . - aorain wa ATirr.nT.tfr Jnnn l Kairmnnrl " ' . . j -a...., one of the very est comedians of the -, a. . ; -- r.' .. : rememper me xempietous, nunueva combination and Miss Kate Claxtoh, all of whom well lino wn in teteecal. " viiu oiaxa ivmi iaccx-aa u xcyvrAV4a,VAi0 -pv . - . , , -!.. I Da' ujl uitoo nave exceneu vne "Fttt 'name' of the musical phenemenon, we recur tothe 4elight. iS.2??"0L 2FJ ei5?2?? u?Vr wIS? MrTchSS wiS MS oufc 83 the most gifted and powerful emotional actress on the stage, Could we with reason have asked for 7 more? y e a-. JtltJjettSJemjettlB. t aying machines. m T-mirnikw BBOWN LEGHORNS Mature Earlier. BBOWN LEGHORNS Produce more Eggs. BBOWN LEGHORNS Consume less Food. BBOWN LEGHORNS Are the most Profitable of all Fowls. ?..-;" f Eggs for hatching S2 per dozen. A. SHOBTEB CALDWELL, feblS It ,i x Charlotte, N. C. LEFT standing against the boards at the court house door, on Monday, when the Lonegan property was sold, an Alpaoea Umbrella with rough handle. Party returning same will be suitably rewarded. WALTER BREM. feblS It --rvi'j,-'MT)7!:j, !'. ! " . . T ARDWABS At RETAIL' ' ' -CHEAP IDB CASH AT WEDDINGTON ft ALLEN'S. Laree stock of Plows, Plow Stocks, Plow Lines, Ibains, Hames, Backhands, Nails, Horse Trace Chains, reasonable prices. for-oash, than have ever been known in this market uaii at s !, ji . weddintonai ai,len&-- I f.hlD.lm Drnm Drium rAl Dlbirl' . , I - -, -'r-y y- f ' ' 4 )Ut. BY MAXWELL ft HARBISON, t'B )" J 1 l'tll-."l"'rt'jliifli (.-.ij1( UltlO.nO WATCHES, ' , 'ytsf'..'MM t- j.iion.. ii-i SILVER -.'1 n's.r.i ?V j.j - . . . V. .1 1. A 4J .. !;... :Ak. i-mt r.-rilt-. r-'t-lViV.-ir' ST" 'I. it 4 i'.tf t it lP',ft':- . "ir.&tv; , .i .f-r.. ........ ... ,'... r-af.i. . earti-- " " ' V f .; f tt l fui Commencing at 7 o'clock,' t.' tt, and ccwfliruttig , eveTTt-gJiVDnra the SUx Is disposed of,, .l' .'riiili A :m. . febl8 in. ':'.: ,i.fv-. Stfead- uryi was jreb. 13 a5iwim - 1 3 AT??: : V53 J wmtM ajsneDae. bruous metcsi dr . -i tfi is iiiiih iiu - w irirtri-.-r-r-nia km- bTZ thAmnirtl lull irwitHi wmttitkt b1 (W m. imn imitmi nun TOeiean IIMHIM-" n -i--reii SMiseieS - - -. :., rl ., j .. - i..,.. ..- -. ... QULfMllT DnnUCEl UB UuRBuTa BIBB --.. IKismBmS MwJSSjS T?"? FZZZr T'"w.'w BieittHaltan; ... ,viilJ) , . , , . . . XlZUJUBLTll. cat 'UiiiM tm - .n w it wivtwb . . I J ' '- - -' 9? DW M BT T ir li o H H r't -DSNTI8T A A V V5 ' Ztaus ansa. 1 Wttn 25 reaw' eiperieoce, nanatee enOre tMKOOtt P B B I A L 8 A L O O N STJi TIT IUVP Ofel'iH'i il ' T0IN yonr hands an friends of tnnte W !'"?! tN mvIwonlTCMbestliinlsMMt OANDWIC HBJlt.youTlseenwrsOianyooTLexpect, .slsufl I , rssfiftCiJiai fei-l -ol uot BHfatrtmfT JpRKNCH, GennaoJiomle Brandies, Wine, J "'ritvmt i ilia i . i ,. . . gAVANT Judgment and taste moat H?a" itrtftkaX :T .wayi'J nf HateH nioi si zt a liibisoe rvr;TTAEH STp haltekM Biei i XlGHrotinore b c&l TADBHAJI WHISKEY. I DITBHAM WrUSKKXT J-V UiUlAJt. WUUUUSI. I UVmMAM "Whisks X LAfeoKAtwrr or br tin AbsaYxb axb CHDrar; Blchmond.Va., September 7th, 1878. ( I have carefully tested a sample of "Durham Bye S.M-'L", irom uie stoc or ,1"?., ,ii."?i 804 altogether suitable for use as a beveragTer i" - wTAWIv im.taM.MlA.Ariv vmt-nrv. wrrma-mrwrmr -vv iuwin.4 whioa&z.ciuuw to any made in this eountr 110W to the fcubl '-.-.--- -.-r ,l. f - -. :-HU'i) Iff - l'.'Ii- J-J.-) over 25Q dealers la Vtntola, North Carcglna, Geo gja, Louisiana, and New York City, and mot a sin gle complaints having come to us from any ooe Or tbein, and many saying tt ts th beat artMe they Mw mie jusoneaia recommending alt who wish to get a really pure article fi Whiskey. None genuine unless" Wring our trade mark. " I WV.-Bm.lJ. o, VW Hotel, and all other flrstass houses. ...... mranv . nr . .. ' ------ ! , janiw im Kiehmond. va. . . T?ine iWb biundy. . win-.-. . v-.r.i . wines ana wnist-iee for nedteal purposes, can be had of WLUHJJ. ft BUBWXLL, ,teel3 . .Druggists, i valentines r TAMTpns r 7 ! ' " -f .' !r " S f:7 - ,.trj i ..rf'PIX-r.-.J. 7 .;'. Vt 'I V..t. . -1 ''-v.'"-S-.CWf . ir. .'.til 'if' u n sssaag rrm 111 JUST BECXIVED THIS DAT A1T-& iND WELL .t : riO -r.Vir '-i. - -- Ki. .Uv - . 1 - SEicTptri7;r? I a ' V? ,': ; .-i )t;-jiJi.rC Li.- . . )''.u ... ...''-if?S,-i- . ,t-;iM!--- ai ' OFT30TH SENTIMENTAL Aljp COMIC . Til.irvTTinfs - 1 A. 1 J-,.. i. - - A ' . j" J .. 1 1 ' Which weipropoee to sell cheap at WHOLESALE- -AHD- -BKTAIi. ft PROTHinU i ' fcb7 There wmieiBee-i.8toekbldenC the Chariotte Buildinc and -Ioji ls-i0tlon. at ubt cv.iuiik, . euruorj xoui, lo I ,u bctcu vans. A full attendance is reauested. - , Feb,2f-4d. . A,. .;..,-, .sc;i s - , . - ' ..);!, i. lec'yand Treas. BARRXLS WHITE AND BED ..tei'sjs r,!j?rrsii. i " ONION SETTS Fresh. .--trwnJOK 'A UURWEL1 . . W tSWS.fO KOIT W( 1' mi siunr gpoaa wueiiierOT no. 7v are .'f.t :n .l)'"Sfifn .s.riii useful and the beauttftd. with, fine art enf-ravin---i and 9ll pictures in each number-,, Price 25 cente post Tree. ' Yearly fv, with an .unequalled; premK nMhnl TYlTli.ti-' -llll ffrlrrtjlH. ..- a9 ma .ni AA, .iriwiiMn . ..wwwv, mv . -r -- l.n II, , , J we lrfon-s tsrrae, ioxz4 mc-UM, mouniea on, iv juvu v -kw wb.- i vaas; transnnrtianon 50 card for full particulars. DEMOBEST, 17 Eas 1- i eews ew- uewa Address W. JENNINGS 14thc ctreeti. N. Y. , Do not ! tail to see tne spienoia jearuarj xio. . jeo.. 4 -wia i T ..i...,.,.., .,.....-7-Tr YFY0UWI8H to engage In aq honest, genteefi A bustness, and make plenty ol money during t oe nouaars, aeaa tout auuresa vo 1 - . ,.,. '- RANDOLPH ft CO., eb4w4..i,i.t-f ftinl07 4th.aT-.K.T.I ..! " ' - iW- QJJAMS jrpR324.W SLVALSmi Have Just received a lot of Turkeys and Chickens i whic ii we oner at low prices. uome to wuiuuBsa; J Flnarerand bur the best Famllv Floor from the - Uerf mflla. Wheat, .Brav Oate, Com and MeaL Honey, Country Lu Ritter and Eggs. The best I Timothy and North Carolina Hay, eor and horse feed ot the betquaiity, tey, Co( 1 1 ir. n. grrrriment8BO-k-Bdforaniusof eouaayprbdnce. . wiu mate promjM mum oi sates, OCCaulkAU.-J - , ; i I ymmmML I . .. . w hi . ii. r H n r rr-M r r . ,. w ... . : . Cft0CaI)lUSBSfiC0UNTOXW Xfiepeonstantly on hand's -vt"?- lM,"-.ilJU4-JJr If Jj-,.-JJJi.l-tt ,,.T-k ii0,ji twVjni "iiiMio w.j-i;i; 71 sA'i 1 IT-lSn 1GG3 and iTDTOt,,; tM!l., TUEi iSXEYa CIBBAGS: TSTSH POTATOES VfCfl li J FLfia' UHTSB TRI7TTR.' UvUr lil ill iis4 i -H.-M ,i -.ii.!-irJl OUt Tif lols-vufim wioJb'lc i.-Tiiiis.'! .feu BAilSQUB ft IJOrwxLL and A. I 9Hd IvBIrS various brands of FLOUB. ... a03 -jfto'l : t)JJ:f.iJi; j;Djf.jii3.:r J-iii' rnu oi-sysf viwoi-' ""7S'i nii.i-Kl ji ,rt i 1 y fyj . -.-"u ; : ; Jt. Sit ti.U.H.. fiui .... ... CHIRLOTTK HOTEL, .iTKiij..j. a" Uwii. j.w...-w.i-'iili3Uj0uu.. .. 3Crl -tu hvu iiiii; jfcw: fJti.y My) ili-oi f. .lm-3llUf.4UU '"Hf:. V'i'. "J iif i This bouse has been refitted and newly furnished,1 mi . t ; t - and a kept fa mat cf so style, it -t Tenna; Per 9$grJ:ituir)..--ii ' . . ..'...i f 4 00 Great favloeements offered to tahle bosavl. mt fffjcnft ijs.it.9fovleqB': : J3Jeou.-i'j'iiI -Hrpgn3Pf Dd Pan-ages at every iat-i 1 , ' .i-'ji TDSiS --tnOTHERS.i . j ....... L u. . vf- .ntfMtotiwa. Mr. 8. H. Wixsoh a Ladt,. ....... Superintendents. Hunrr WmroHG,. , ..Clerk; fca9;tll i 4K.. -j;-riiliet yniTM-'-s.'..!' -i g-WP.A?;1TH5.I eh ;. it , .r. 1. .rwi obyuRi -house - i ,ttom ioi ,iiiaiii-iiKa,it'i in. -list v.tii.rf""! L -! auonai.iMei,t--eigi.H Chief Clerk W, 0. phelbpm As- dee 80 - !w YnTT'5Tiui( -i 'iUi- i!i.,Uv ii 11 11U prriiimi; n" , 7T 4w y- ---fy'fy'rSl,w,v noeth ciioLmi RAniOAD. ; ; So. 8 ' DaQy ex-Sun. Date, NOT. 10-TS. Ne.r .Dellj No. 4 DaQy Leave Chaitotte,' '-: Onensboro, 8.454 m 8,20 am 8 00 Dta asspm 4.10pm S.80am Arttvei 5.26 pn 18-80 am . No. 2 Connects at Sallsbuiy Kith W.N.&B.B. for all points in Weetera North Carolina, dally except Sundays At Greensboro with B. ft D. B. E. f or aU points North, East and : West 1 At Goldsboro with W. ft W. B. B. f or WUmlngton. ! No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with B. ft p. B. IL alor aU points North, East and West TBAHB OOXHO WJEHT. No. 7. DeJly ex. Sun; Date, Nov. 10, "78. NaT Dally. Na3 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, 9.50 am 5.85 pm uaieign. 8.60 pm 5.30 am " iABseDs)Mi4 -H P4 &47 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 am lasoam ! i J,-. J No. I Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Charlotte with C., C. ft A. B. B. for aU points South and South-west; at Alr-Llne Junction with A. ft C. A. L. Ballroad for all points South and South-east. No. 3 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. B. B. dally except Sunday. At Alr-Llne Junction with A. ftCL A. I., for all points South and South-west, At Charlotte with C., a ft A., Ballroad for aU points South and South-west a,T.nnt BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrive Salem, ' " " 10.50 pm LeMeSatan, . " 5.45am rcrfe -r-eectsboro, " " 7.45am " Cbtuietb-gf-t Greensboro with trains on the B. ft D. and Nfc7-roa3. V': ' SiXEmiB CAB8 VfrTHDOT CEAKSX Buivbot-k ways oa Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between New York and Atlanta via Bichmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 3 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Bichmond, Charlotte and Augusta. . Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh. Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte . and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and vast For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. B. MACMUBDO. Gen. Passenger Agent, nov20 Richmond Va. QHABLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND BAILBOAD. AUGUSTA CHABLOTrB, COXiUKBIA ANT ACGDOTA R. R., . , COUJKBiA, S. C, De& 27, 1878 On iid after Sunday, Dec. 29th, 1878, thefol lowtngjpassenger schedule will be run over this road, (Washington UmeJ: , . . right nxyRKsa .;. .' . Gome Sooth, Na 1. Leave Charlotte, 1 00 a. m Airtve Columbia.......... .. 6 00 A. u Leave Columbia.. 6 65 A.M Arrive Augusta.-...,.. ....... ,10 00 AM ...M-iir. - GOIXd N0BTH. NO. 2. 4 . ' Leave Augusta....... r. " 6 55 f.x. Arrive Columbia; . , ;. 10 00 r. h. Leave Columbia,.. V.... 1(M0p. m. Arrive Chariotte, 8 10 a.m. DAY PASSENGER. Goikq South, Na 8. I-eave Chariotte 1 1 27 a. m. Arrive Columbia 4 10 p.m. Leave Columbia 4 15 p.m. Arrive Augusta............. 8 80 p.m. - Goihq Nobth, No. 4. Leave Augusta.. 9 03 A.M rive Columbia a...... .1 20 i?.m aveCoh-mMa.......U. ..'.'.:... I 80 p.m An1veCharlotte.. .............. ........ 6 80 p.m These train stoD only at Fort MIIL Bock HH1. Chester, Wlnnsboro, Rldgeway, Leesvtile, Bates- Durst. KKure SDnngs. Jenston. xieoton ana uraniie- vllle. . All other stations will be recomlred as Has stations. ;.,...:. . . . PuUnaa.F-laey sleeDlna and dra wine-room cars on Nos. 1 and S. Greensboro to Augusta: also on Nos. 3 and 4, New York to Savannah, via Bich mond ft Geoigia uentra. Ballroad. x. v. 1ain-S, supennienaenb Jno. R. MacMdbdo, G. P. Agent ec2tt . , PHOTWBAPHS., :i ws . . -A- .-Mi!;'.;., -.r-r . .I.;-:... - I'l-.' oneqoNkBfrof the redaction to the price of tlM rrln eost of taateriais. and . order to Eire nv patrons the beneflj of thei recbictlon roa and after 4Ua de Protocrpui wm te-xojr sept22 mit r---i ot . H. TAN NESS jPOB A FIRST CLASS t3moke cau ana gee a sudor, ac . y ! Leoy DAVIDSON'S. j ee w.,uttle;il ix;uvk a ah Havm! removed his omce to tne- nrst flow over the Trailers' National Bank, caa be found there all boors during the day, and at his residence toir ncr berentn ana uouege saeeu, ai mgu, TT" b?:3?? KS ! i-lr' S . w 5 U-H V W AV HI ' BU . M-MI VVUU1VI( V-SVM BM the Crrfle8 themselves drink; and for the f olloer tnggood reasons la sold only la original pound and ' itv jen fa ctj Mk . ' Tkrrvtii' . in An -nvn ac imu-livuui ihkubo. ....... y- . . . . I ll is tne most QoaTenieru anu eoonumiau svie m package (" a--- r itts welglied:and; packed where t can be done cheapest ana nest . ' ; It can be easily IdenUfledtoy the consumer. . r It keeps the Tea better. . . - . - ! It prevents adulteraUea t Aelca.- 1 Wa are the asents'for BE-N0 Tear ln this city. and ask oar friends to give it a trial. . If not satis factory we win -rfuIly take It buck andretaod ine money.-- ,. musiva yAJ- t feb 0. i.Mt t ir fin hottewN. a G flTO ws .ff -tfrra ji-Jtn CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON .r.C''i ! W5an-ard Pore Liquors. , . LLaieoctoe rf(-3P.lw rJ.sfrni i,i.v OAKOl-CNA C TKAX. Tsintj-TJ .i;i.'i4.j; ...VJe;fn ir. U x,i Irs s ?ifwl j-ri viq-rE iiJ-,iihtfi:'J ?-U JIx. iJ ';'v ''r "-' - frytxmLMmaTCBk : - oq-jei'j :Jr,t.. li-,i'Jj Lii 'ID ... ' . 1 J-. Jirr; rr ,.- i f L'j ,-i j--?-5f-.r.ri, f s". ;'.ff J f.,Thl.laftl:,ej4 -orhustoe W,,Iw.jM !3. wf'jM Bit! ai -J7i"J T.;.j., ,51 i-:i.j'.v-iri 3jf ff.11 WIlB-Ington and anyorthetfa and Btatftrh CuleS 'J-. ' I: vGreenTe, Spartanbtifg, All StMdn V rAflanafl.' Tnje.ee 4 0h2 Ui'iA. iol.Hi I'stiT.y. jr.fis 'iiao sii-Li -i.Y7 (I..'', r ii if't 1 'Ofr '. 1o Inwianae and Bates gQuante9dal4 f ;' ':!t Jj ,rif; inM -i Jj'tf "H - .'I! ii. tkri'Sui t'Si-fr .itiii". .' 4 Tnrnrm-l-rn frrnvlr-lu-rt hilt', hvJ ,-i i ?ii j K'l.irio-v'r.; if i f-I ifii.T m . . .5 IcTj.. ii.''. "-.T ,ir'"J -ii-ul; ""I)! 1 lin v T'fTr-T.W.CLAM,' : -v. -i ir ( -.ii':- Gen.IlgM-lgTOt,wiinigto fro bcia qta i ihdJarf- Uiwy-.p. '-- iJ-'" -Jte.vni j -C6QDf AUB Crops?, .rK -.MHi'ff sai New:ofliB to tt trade & Ml stock of - I V hi Lubln's xteaotaaad-QoipgBes, vn '..s Bnl-m Select 'pice-, ' ", 1 j- ul'Glyofliie Soap 'Si ' ' Li! '.t American Tooth Brashes, PRISCEIPTION? Carefully prepared at aU hours, both night spd day:at, IK J. H. McADEN. -description Store. ECDBHTY ! SECURITY! SECURITY 1 200 Barrela'of - C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AXl ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene OIL from C West ft aons, Baltimore. . Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a Are test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before It win bum. C West ft Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by De. J. H. MCADEN, Sole Agent, CHABLOTTZ.N.C. F. SCARR ft CO., j T B. U G G I S T C I 1 U B U G G I 8 T O f. KBAB IHE POST-OmCk, Would respectfully Inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Offlce, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. ' Jan7-tf. - . TEACHERS WANTED. $50 to $100 or $200 per month, during the Spring and Summer. For full paraculara address : J.GMcCrmDY&COu Philadelphia, Pa. IPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases In ten. Information that will save many Uvea sent tree by mail. Don't delay a mo ment Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. I. 8. JOHNSON ft CO,. . uangor, suune. B ENSON'S CAPCINE. POROUS PLASTER. T70B WOMEN AND CHILDREXT X1 i OB WOMEN AND CHILDREXT i Females sufferinar from rain and weakness will derive great comfort and strength from the use of Ben-Oil's Capclne Porous Plaster. Where children are affected with whooping cough, ordinary coughs or colds or weak lungs. It is the tne and only treat mBntthe slioiild reeem This articie containS new medicinal elements such as 1 touxtd tn wo other remedy In the eame form. It is. far superior to common porous ; plasters, liniments, electrical ap pliances and other external remedies. It relieves pain a once, s-reng-aena aau cures micro- uujbt plasters' win not even relieve. For L-uae and Weak Back, Rheumatism , Kidney disease -and all !m) uriiM n.mf nalna. it la also the best known remedy. Ask for Benson's Capclne Plaster and take no other. - Sold by an Druggists. , race. eents. ...... . , '... .....i,, .. t .. - n on S U M P; x I o "r' S U MP T I O 1 ' J O N And all Disorders of the i ..... , THBOAT AND 10 K 88 t-nianenOy Cured. , s DB. ?A.3IAJCUM,a 4-ttSAX tUSMJUit, r ood h' h'It im HEX Y Y O O HH : U ?! fit !.. -i a. : ri. YY : O HHH H KIT N . KB Y W U tt - 11 11 I1 B Y - ooaH; H U p iui H n if 5S ! Taken In conjunction wtai bis ; 1 , COMPOUND -aMULSION OF .i" 1-J i. i"! iAi TJ B X COD" LITE BOtl ' "i . f ,'r ' r.t,f 'fH .2i;i., aMhypoppblteaof t, iV,tti, H J - TP '- LIME AND MM.' '" I, 'rl A YMTE . BOTTTiH of cadi nreiM-lon sent bv rm m tn wh miffArlna annllcant sendlnsr their name. r. v. ana express aaaresB w ut. x. m. dw cum, 181 Pearl street, New York. - - -c i AA BUSHELS FRESH CLOVER SEED.) 4 1 Also Orchaxd Grass, Blue Grassland Lucerne, ;.if . ' l " w . , i 4US- receiTeu oy .-ja-' ; A v. ,TJrf.-jr'j 5.' ).-TLS0N 4 BL'BWEIL. YTT-Eaietheasentafor HE-NO TEA tn this dty. YY . Kiwi nalt fy- friAn-ti to rlvn It ai trbiL If not sat-rfBctory we will cheerfully taken Dackanare-' 1 fund the money. J rJ i V V .li ,.A t AO 197 ii 4 .WILSON ft BCRWELIu A Agents for Cbarlotte, N.C. . H I '.. .r -'-' - -J" V? .enl8li:lhncii 1and ' ii. til. l C'c- ' - ' . 1 - f ; . 1 , l ' ppp js DISP AT CH HA Tj .Miwmj.i.Jiu-y- ?V i i"4 f. -s ..-...-..'-- s -f r- f i;kii i vi7ftin:itf r r.- - KoTijcAiiOLrs:!.- TO ALL POINTS SOUTlL HTdJ snequalled fadUUea i for . thj JTwispoitk oi fll SJfni iini:in- 4 jciH "?J fjir, -iharioti gtab'svliie,' iienie, feu&rfordtoll " on the Atlanta & mchmond' JUrtJa , - natf WestemN. 'aBaflroad 'jV-ir v J " ' Jab-A and ihs.Utftl'-'''1 f' TJ " - .Ui?. t HI n-irw.;J. ijj v-l-.t K-tL ii:l HFl' ' ' via anj Ck)irvpeUig LIb., and Time, s Quld4 r j tLivi w jis-nin ' - 1-- lr i.' llil i, 44i l'o.rjii'Ti.jiri a '.: t iiiuti ?;l':ki ni - ; iutyip i..ri, '---wK'i.'ii60BT,'-,l 'J Krataresterl Freight Agent, Charlotte If. C'l YiUi'-rW.XH '7 J' ., t J , , j .,., !, 7 :;r.n UtM A lo w !. "'fi!iie,lfn-;. Mvs sill lo tiH-fp.OTl : ojU oJ rjiaftiJ , t B, J win, i$ufcn& . Jrpibffio t ' Ji Class C, at ewT0r ;Tuer lttiK , tiim io sirAim-y. ,fc.iin. lo tiKvt ii ,0IVfj SfTfi ,li'.r . 31K.1 "1 !9J7 MU.-.J5 v 1 fa-tttuflon-wat-g-llj to ' the Legislature of the 4aM foj; J4ucaaorul!an; Charitable purposes In 1868, V0B tso. rant 0 TwjurrwivB - to wUch Mfitnict the lmrlola- ble faith of the State: la pledged with a aplt- ot $1,000,000, to which it has slnqe added aueserve Fund 6f 35XQ0ajJta,IUl BER DlSTR-BUtlON' will tak place monthly- err Um eoon.,r-(y. It neverjafes or postptoee. took aithefourvlJt-dmVilf o3 eifi Lot i. -nlno ed-i ffliw etn.nco38 ni ,-Uiv -v oO ?d fwnia ed II,iia 7riT .yi-i r-u t)!l liii-.v TAi'FID;-'J800(t'n-: .ft.w. .jr (- e.lt ti J ;.;, stlJ n !j uts5' ...1 'T vif itffjiiff fKt VKfii ifu-ji.U 100,000 Tickets ai Two Dollart each." Half Tick .-...-..visii ets: OheDoB-h' -,,i-i -'.' 1 A' -J .'.- -4riT " LIS? OF PBJZES : i; iii.:il KjX:l:i !lvij,y..; .Ji 1 -! :-;' 1 Capital Prize,. 1 Caottal Prise. d..,y.io;0od 1 Capital Prize,.,. . 2 Prizes of SOW0 : ' 5 Prizes of -1,000-- 20 Prizes ofr. .600.. f-.v.'.-.-v..1;.-'. v-6,-000 600 . ... - ..;jt;..i .' ; 10,000 100 Prtzea of . j.y-lOO.. . .....a,.... vi 10,000 iJJ jmzes ox- Of -'. y,rr 60 ... ,olQr000 i of r 20.' ......?.-0,000 of, i fKio.;l: -J.UiV..J- '10,000 AM V. ''i;(.j?;;il 500 Prizes 1,000 Prizes APPROXIMATION PRICES : 9 Approximation Prizes of $3oQ...., J2.700 0 Approximation Prizes lesol aw.,.., ; l.-UU 9 Approximation Prizes of 1857- Prizes, unoanttng, to. ....... .. .;-. . S110.400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at alt prominent points, to whom a liberal eompensation will be paid. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office In New Orleans. - Write, clearly stating full address, tor full lnfor' mation or send orders to ,-., .., , 1 M. Al DAUPHIN,"' ' Poetofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana )J All our Grand Extraordlnarv rawti ore under the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUBEGABD and JUBAL A, EARLY. febll , . . 'i.r ,. !;Jt 'rhitxwJi F ROM DR. a W. HUNTER, BALTIMORE, M. D. '4i.-i Having become taIl.h Col4ea Leiblg'S liquid Extract Ot beef and Tonic Invlgor ator, I take pleasure la recommerujUng it as an ex cellent preparation, combining as It does food and: tonic In a remarkable way, producing good blood, , health and strength. Sold by all Drugglsta. tit G EO.CWABE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in tn A P UE E ?A P P L X '. AW)-- CI D KB' CIDER VINEGAB.-' ' " n - !.--,. nt'.'l' ,.r . Sole Proprietor and Ifaanfactuier pf s . E. B. CONDirS TABLE SAUCE,-7 " ' ........ . , 1 f , ! " 287 to 295 W, Third St , .. .CINCINNATI, a , ' i1' JITONTBotil,. O ILS 8ASSAFBAS Of prime quallt, boixht In any quiiltyf for cash" on aenvery, iree 01 oroKerBge, commisBiwis, iu of storage expenses, by " . ... ; . -DODGE 0LC0TT.- i Importers and Exports ot . --iuni-n ' - n? tf?1 . .!:... It :.li.". : i OttS, AC' 88 William St.,.. .....w.NewYork ? FT A DAY to Agent eahvasslng for the "Tat, w I bids VKnoB. Terms and outfit J&ee, Ad- aress r. tj. V-UJ-J-UX, Augusta, name. . -M on Fancy Cards, Chromo, 8Kwue, ftc., no two , Ol alike, with name, 10. cent J Mlnklet , Co, Nassau, N. Y. " ' " : in MIXED CARDS, with name 10. -'Agents' 4U outOt 10c L. JONES ft Oa, Nassau, IC Y. f i decSl. V 1r. ; '. rpo ADVERTISERa Send for out Select List of,' JL Local Newspapers, . sent free on applleaOon. ' Address GEO. P. ROWELI ft Car lOSnrpee St, ; new iotk. , ,,-,, ,,,, ',.,.,., mrv-,Ti r. ti ' - J4-V,tt 00 v Mi? .;:s '.'fe4 '- T5y-- .i -.r.tJi A;i V A , p:-'I:.(D--0!!AAi-KJ-.t K-( -.! A A AA V A AU-UIr OO0A, tAJySBB COLGATE ft C08 " - " J"'" COLGATE ft 0084 ti i . .' I f -'r 1 ' 7? 'ti S PI S D Q A Jt" 5 v JV -i . ' rift .' J ' f ' ,-"-. J flu J' if' . 'f. 1 1 i 'j.i ( i Ij,(UP ' lr 'ji SAVES wABTJS i r- j ,.,.i i ,.- ! " J FOB OmTOBVunE. 44 f "a T.i-r-i-j-irii-i --.-!-. ------ "Snr " Af, Jirftn fc ft YJNDERTAj-tKG Oil. idT"S.!Ki-- ni-: 4 r Tke'tB-derBlgne-ii-WpttpCa for every efaus of tBrtakta,Hav on haod a fnias8ormentof ..f- r.ij j.l O0WTC-IElSiOT"M . .r Wu n yvwBur---ml.. ... , i.jf.y 1-rUiVvtr 1 f;;:, -'jtrBC-r- aslqw as aw..,. . ; .') iiKl - Jill 1' ,jrrtn ty .! 1 s:trt -1 r J(,rj8 ,1 .rj -5,-, Tiri infi 3i;iby " Farntture of ever. iPrM. iOf , iJO - - Sr-Vl .-- . A ... 1" , ' " r? '!?- W.1WILHJXU t 1 v IWUh E. GJ Bogers, Trade ftS 0 if -l 'J'l .Y . ... -.1. . -li-