Ch: ChorlotU QJwrrctr, THURSDAY, FEBBXJAtl jtg., 1 Bill lo Compromise, Commuie.feglSj. &f , - State Debt, ? . . t; UeiietdlAWmilybflToiU Carolina do enact. That when any per son or persons, holding and owning any bond or bonds of the State of STorth Carolina, i act oi Assem fore the 20th sembly, passed at its session in 1885, it being chapter three ot laws Jot 1865; or inpursuance of an actpassed brtnd General AssemDiy at its session iu ioo. it being chapter Afty-suL of .fhetewsof 1867 rwr to pursuance trf an -ordiiianted of the convention of 1808, it being.chap ter nineteen, these being bonds issued for the Chatham Railroad ompanyr or in pursuance of an ordinance ox the same convention, chapter twenty, these being bonds issued to the Williamston anoVTarbpBOiRaUroad company ; or in pursuanwrkaAcV -eabflea ?mpg to Srovide f or Xne payment of ? the State ebt contracted before the war," ratified on the tenth 4ay of March, 1866 ; or in purullKan act, entjUed "an act to provide for funding' the" matured inter est on the pnbli&deptLratifted the tenth day of AugustfjAylfbr anv regis tered certifltfate dcferWcies belonging to the board of eucatjojwswedmp ance of an act of the General AssemmyoX 1867, shall surrender and deliver such bond or bpfjdsitfcthecwpws attached thereto, or registered certificate or cer tificates to the treasurer of the State, he here ny r&ii iiiredvta issue .ana de liver td the persoh surrerideriiig such bona or Donas, certincace or cerancaies, a new bond or bonds of the State Jlue and riavfole thhtV Vear ft&Ha thd'first day of July, A. D. 1880, bearing interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum. MtaWeBeml-aHmxaiiffw,wie nww year,;heft3Qf1,thft pjiXftojeaai3ur 646narian& and are to be tuimberedtroni 'one p wftnl in araviMinM xBir.n l.nA nrnpr nT issue. They shall be signed by the Gov ernor ana treasurer, ma seaiea' wiin tne irreat seal of the State ; but the coupons thereon may be signed by the -treasurer alone, or nave a tetMi or ius signet ture printed, engraved or lithographed thereon. Sec. 3. The said bonds shall be ex empt from all StaterT county or corpor ate taxation or assessment direct or in direct, general or special, whether im posed for the purposes of j?eneral reve nue or otherwise, . . The .-saia ;cwpons Shall be receivable- in,payaentof anj and all State taxes, and Aef eaineehal be exjjressed-OJi. the .face of: eachi eon port; the coupons shall jbear'the e number as the bonds ltd whicfl theV are attached, and JUj additapn be numbered from one upwards, in accordance with the date of their roalurityoa i u Sec. 4. These bonds,shall be exchang ed for the old bonds'' of the State, "men tioned in the first section of : this act, at the following rates: . Class L-For the bonds issuea 'teforef the twentieth day rtifMay? l861forfy per cent of the principal of the. boid, or bonds so surrendereo. ,0i no&Ju'yiL Class LL For; the bond jisoed femce the close of the war by authority pt acts passed before the war to aid in the con 8tructioaof the Western ; North 1 Caro lina Railroad, and, the bonds . issued in pursuance 9! the said act of tbe;Assem bly 011865. chapter threeL . and act .iof - Assembly 1867, chapter fifty-six,' and tuu tuuu iyuaiusui ruuirui4 minus is sued ilx pursuancetfj afi ordinance Kf the' coriv6ntro&.of J868 chapter nine teen, and the said. Williamston i& Tan boro Railroad bonds issued in pursu ance of an ordinance of the convention 1868, the bonds issued October first, 1861, by authority of act of 1800, and 1861, chapter 137, for the, Western (Coalfield) Railroad, the bonds issued October first. 1861, by authority of act ? of ; 1854-55, chapter 228 section 35, and resolution September 12th, 1861, and the said regis tered certificates, of the .literary fund, 25 per cent, of the principal of the bond or certificates so surrendered.1 ; ! 'M v ' Class ULL For the bonds issued July 1, 1862, by authority of act at 1860-'6ir chapter 143; for the constnietidn of the? Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad, and those issued in pursuance of the said funding acts of March 10th, 1866, and August 20th, 1868, 15 per cent of the principal of the bond or bonds so surrendered. 01: ctv jrmri Sec. 5. The bonds so to be issued shall be in the usual fontes&f2 bonds of this State, except as modified-and provided by this act, and shall have .printed on the face of the same the5 widrds,' "issued" in pursuance of act entitled an act to compromise, commute and settle" the) State-debt,"' ratified the day of -r-Auj87y, ana in large . .reaietr ters,--The t consolidated debt of the State." ,".n -m-tv. Ssa 6. That all State taxes levied and collected from prof essions, trades, in comes, merchants, dealers : in ' cigars, or three-fourtha of, all the taxes collected from wholesale and retail dealers in spirituous vinous, and. . malt- liquors, shall be held and applied to the payment of the interest OT;;;said,Vbbridaiid the-. provistons;MMecMoi ed and taken to be a material-part -of a me consideration ior: wnicrj tae 1 ponns of tbe State 8hanwyibiu!(i SEC7. That if the whole fund raisprt by such taxes shall snot In ''any -one yeaS be required to pay such accrumginteri est, then w$MH$fcW duty of the xreasorer. :witJi.tha &n.tinrl of the Governor and the auditor; to buy i ed bonds as he can buy at the lowest price after thirty davs advertisement in at least two . papers, published , in RaU eigh; and be shall forthwith.' cancel any 8BW8.iThatth treasurer shall prtP Yiue a suustaniiai pound DooK lor the purpose, in which her shall, make a I cor rect descriptive list of the bonds so; sur- renaerea, which list shall embrace the number, date and amount of each, and rae purpose ror wmcn the same was is sued, wnen this can be ascertained, and the name of jthei persoii hrpendernig mio same, iuiu aiter sucn use snail be made, such surrendered bonds being as certained to be present shall h nnn. sumed by i fire in the presence of the Governor, the.i treasurer' i-tha fie Attorney General, the Secretary ni State and superintendent of -.public in tj". BhVirarh rarfrfy nndot' his hand respectively in suchjbtook that ne saw sucJjraactteallfcnjiM gdconsum- n 1 ana aescroyea- videa well bound bookin which shall'j thAiPu.t tit the General A3- riptivelistf the Hew; bonds to be is j 2j5. - Urtot rf iWairdiaftBhlp? including watsidescrtpfcive list halten..l taking bond and justification of sur bracetoete, number and amount pf tieSi.feventy-fivecents.ff ?r 5t i' f fnl ?E bonds' which the saM1; 1 24. Apprenticing infant, including 'M.m HlAt Nhtyvet &aou administrator,'guardian,tustee, rrs-i " tr.t'SffrT ca"'., i- ilJ,lu uio Dijie, to uj ihmb u!jvit xrympu iia - uie exenange ana issue pi oonds .shall jaJ?u?ryJ4:.1':1882- . t i . Deo. 12. 'inat as further provision lor t Purpose of ' paving the interest. twAi,u rV' a? i v. Y7rr (or v on, year S TmSttFS taxation hejeiaceforeiaeiiuoa, snau lelnsatacieat topay said interest, then ana in mat; caserne puuue utbhsuaci shall be authorized to apply any funds a the treasury not otherwise appropri ated to that purpose. - . - faxes collected in any one year, upon She aforesaid subjects of taxation, .and thef tmds1 tiat'Otnerwise appropnareu In the treasury when added atogeHier phau be inadequate to pay saiu inwsreao, then in that case, and in order to pro- flei?ohlmati6tt'iof''flveAdollars, bearing date of the first day of October or April pi tne year oi me issue, aucuruxug the1 one or the Other bf said dates .shall jibe nearest in point of time to the date 0f the issue. Said bonds shall be paya- fcaef drty years met tiate, dttc Teaeema ble after ten years, at the option of the State, with interest at the rate of six er cent, per annum, payawe semi-au-uyWttiS' -first days of April and Pctober. Said bonds shall bear upon their face in xed letters, the words, contingent bond," and shall be num bered from one upwards in accordance with order of their issue. They shall be signed by the governor anaxreasurer and foaled;! wjtb.itbQ. great jeal of the State ; but the coupons thereon may be Bigned by the treasurer aione, or ,nayt k fan fmilj. nf hi gigmatrirft rfltoffid e t from all State. coTmtvwcorporatetax ation or assessment direM or-toieCt general or special, whether imposed tor purposes or general revenue or otner Wise, and theyiBhalU be lawful invest ments bv all executors, administrators, guardians, and fiduciaries generally. The coupons cmisaid bonds' efaaltobear the same number as the bonds to which thev are attached, and shall in addition be numbered from one upwards in ac cordance with tbdatekw their thatftl ritv. and thev shall be. and shall so ex press upon their face, that they are re- ceivaDie at ana aiier maturity xa pay- dues to the State, of every nature and kind whatsoever. I Sec. 14. That the pubMc,lreasurer shaU be authorized to sell so many f Said bonds at par as shall be necessary to provide for the deficiencies aforesaid : yDided hoeyer, That the public treasurer snail not issue and sell in the aczregate more than six hundred of these bonds. . t Sec. 15. That all the provisions of this act for pavinsr the interest on the con solidated bonds Shalt " apply as well to the payment of the interest on these -1 A. 1 J- I Sec. 16. That for the purpose of car rying out the provisions 01 this act in relation to the furnishing of proper' blank bonds and coupons, the public treasurer! is iraut homed with the ap proval of the troyernor, to use any funds not otherwise appropriated in the treas ury, not exceeding the sum of fiYQthWj I Sec. 17. That the public treasurer is authorized to give public notice of this Plan for a settlement of the State's in debtedness by advertising in such news papers as ne mav select-. Sec. 18. This "act shall be in from and aftetf its ratification. force A Bill to be Entitled an Act ta B emulate Fees ! of the Clerk of tM Supreme Cniirf, Clerks of : Superior Court, Sher-, and other Specified i Officers ia 8peeifld Cae. - a h Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That the clerk of the Supreme Court shall receive -an annual salary of two thousand dollars' to be paid quarterly. He shall account to the treasurer of the State quarterly for all fees received by him as prescrib ed;; by law l and , pay the, samelnlo the -treasury of th:SimV.;i, 'n r in ? Section 2. Superior Court clerks shall receive the following fees : l. For every original writ of sum mons or other original leading process, seventy-five cents ; for every duplicate thereof, twenty cents. 2. Kecordmg a return- off a sheriff or other ministerial officer, ten cents. 3. Receiviftir.''filim and notinar on the docket any pleadmg or demurrer." and delivering copies filed to the parj ties to whom addressed, ten cents. 4. Entering order, enlarging time for pleading, twenty cents. ; 5. Entering judgment lancL verdict, seventy-five cents. ? 6. J udgment bnr any question auth orized to be decided by him if there be an appeal to the judge, including state ment of the case oil the appeal from hi$; decisioito the judge,, and acknowledge iUg receipt of decision of the judge and notifying each attorney thereofy seven- ty-nve cents. . ... , 7. Transcript of record' foi a1' iudsre on issue of the law joined xmtbe plead- j i ij . i iug ituu HCK.uuwieugiug receipt'ioi, ae- ciswu of the- judge,-aud notifying eacTn SIkWrrimd'vwiffi or jurors ticket, or( any other aflidavit,.ten , 9. Transcript of case and record for SuprjBBO , Court, one ' dollar and fifty cents,-" - 10. Transcript of judgment. twenty cents. i II. . Mailinjr transcript post paid, ten ceiiti ,:' " ""' '"' '-""-' , ; 12. docketing anV jugme'ht"?on exe? cMfftmV!lrAt itoaft.iW i -iu'. l3.a Affixing seal of i court when- ne r a x . f 14. 0Jiieiingiin record any order, pr judgment of a judge, on a matter which he t has jurisdiction " to. ;. decide, vout -,at term, if not more than one copy sheetj ten cents, ana eacn additional copy sheet eight cents - " . 15. I?suipg stjbpgena for, witnesses if it contaona normore tnantour,iiamea,nf writ ten e cents each foe every -additional oneiiiistbsiif "WW J1 WMS fcMJxWklle( too& proved twenty n cents? and taking censstisM. unhurt tt'm&nm-'vA- ihtk .Vmwri ,4i8.jrrrrng tne registration' of toy deed or other , written .instrument wnicnjias, peeiv proved , ia any, other Gouniyiiiwemyicenisi j b : o 1 19. Probate - Of 1 a -will in mmmnn f orm with a Certificate and 'issuing let ters iesiameataryseventy-nve fonts, i 20. Recording will or returns of ex ecutors, administrators;ulfnardians or trustees required to. make returns, per copy sheet, for first four ten cents, and five ctfttftb eaW aliwriatcbirVirjfeet tio; r.-aBy-sorcantakintf-iKMicr-ofi adv IUV Mnat itlflCaliCUl Of; 22.- Every, notiw. required. tor be is- 1; f mmmg UrtfcteMf Wafiinl DIty cents. .. .aw wi hmci ii .mo -27.-" AHSU111U UUmmiStllUU llf U11V BOTt. ; j z. entering return to commisffirin 29i42Aa3itinff'arHnt nf a x r i. requ i i if j&'ot ottirTfiTriTrr?rrfMwv' - "vci wiitje numi , ttffla0B.e de.&r tbe4eflciencj,he puwu? treasr At "f.ha Rtata nf the ' ilCopys Of any mord;br other lag Wsmm. percopy aheeir cents. eachiforLfarst four;; and fiv " . . ' . . , J ( 1 j i ! .. . . : , SO. Continnkicrf cf "cause, twentv cent;. v-. ' ' - ;yi:'iZ 31. Execution, thirty cenU 1 "--ir 32. Issuing capias, seventy-five cents. 33. Taking recognizance, : twenty cents. - 84, Enterins Itidsfment against a de faulting juror or witness on bail bond or recognizance, twenty cents. to an appeal, thirty-five cents. ? 36. .presentment or maictment nity cents eachu.ict no xUiuiafioi9-x 37.' Auditing final settlement ' of ex ecutor, guardian or other trustee requir ed jP ruinjpjnUjcdiiSOT per.jgeBtfAyiex wHnfcfiaciirhiehLOpm missions ajeloyetosnchjustee, if not over one thousand dollars ; but in no instance to exceed ten dollars. ; 38. Judgment on any t question to be decided by him1 ix lib appeal, forty cents 89.- K otirymg solicitor or ; removal or cents. Ji'-lOJtio tbacvl aoohusv fc'aiiu I v any kind,lncluding justification, forty. 41. issuing wnroraower: possession or similar process, sixty cents. 42. ixeeemng'Eiing'-anitPHOting res ignation of guardian, relinquishment of right of administrator or executor, ten gjiardian, mWAt&iiOJhlia ; i44. .Rexirding reports,. partition and widow's dower, per copy sheet for first four, ten cents each, and five cents for each addiuonajttxret : 45. For every jury impannelled, ten 46. ja.otfcMWB(Eresi t jaagment, ten cents. ooi. Fox . . every . . .certificato, r wentT cents. a4&i Mk .clerkso ahall ba 1 reewimrto keep posted in tfeelyTOlSdee' fwbill for public inspection and reference, under a raasiry or ,nnrpnoiarBuiOTusucH seg- lect - , j-"y. .... . . . .7. . . . . . .mm jsccm I. FJxecuting subpoena on a witness, twenty-five cents. ! 4W9 zr tiuuvevinif a misoner to Jail 111 an other county, five cents peroSteg8a way. 8. For prisoneif s gmudyi aecessary, and approved by county commissioners, going and retujng jjerjaaile, for each, five cents. 4. TakinWaliyMfGMWding: fur- nishinfWbmKsVt where sale is made, fifty cents, of. e JTonjaiUartipM StA tmi toimige taxes, if amojMtIoctedfig five thous and doUars,r,4wsvfivtfTer cent; if more thaa five-thousairfmd,lessh ten thousand, four percerit Register of" deeds as UKos : 1 TKAorisTtariTior jrrrv rffwi nr nth P.T writing, authoiized to bfe .registered joc recorded b them ith certificate of probate pr-kii)5MgmeTandJ pri5 yate examination; or ftjnarriea ,woman, containing ttot more .'than 4;hreei coOv sheets,' mMMiSm finnol txvmr sfioAf. ton iontii : ' .' 2,';or; issjttng mte' ftobc dteamjed by the county comrnissieraerchjdijng 3. MakmgDuX'Oi and a halfcentafoeeajxamestbereon? for-everv-duplicate. oneent per name. 4. IssumgmarriagjeMicense, fifty cents ; i 5. As clerk to board of- county coni missioners, one douar per day. Juror Tales jirsbali; jspeive Mi ty cents per day andmo tniieageuH 71 i i m i .ii' i fin ii ii nil if.UiM .J .A .J i. .A Alt 1 ' Mr Hi ..PWiW t. H. B.. Stevens: jn-jinawmA Dear Sir Since several years Ihavacei-AMfai and very painful foot I hadsomcphysktaiiftwbml iney couion i cure me., mow 1 nave BeaMOX, . wsuufl lrum a uuxj wno was sick ior a ana oecame ail well from your Yi n n ft w.A aha luiMt. m YTnnul - w. after I had used one bottle, the pain left Jneand, it began to heal, and then f bought, one oaer.'bofrj tie, and 86 f taken yet I thank od lor this re- edy and yourself ; and "wishing every, Sufferer tnar. ' nv ninnhlnn tA ft. It Is a blessing for health. oiv.tiU ; i:: 038 West Baltimore Stieet A hat J VEGETINE. Mr. H. B. Stevens: In l872r6nrVeeetoe was Teoommended tome. and yleidmg to the persuasions of a friend. I consented to trv It. . At tha tima I. waA Hufterlnff from general debility and.: nervous prostraaoni superinduced by overwork and Irregular habits. J iAto nvuucuui oucui(uiciuais cum vwaufo yivicr" Wes seemed to affect mr xlebUitated system from the first dose: and under its persistent use I raDid- jy recovered, gaining more than' oeual health andV ieeung. Mnce wen 1 nave not nesitaiea to gtve Vegetme my most - unqualified i Indorsement,' a oemr a eaie, sure ana powernu aKemmiromof-' log health and restoring the wasted system to new iuie ana energy. A egeune is tne oiy medicine I Deuerw ipurs iraiy, w. us MUAxusrim or au Monterey street, Auegnaay, renn. .-Uf.".i, ')!' VEQETINE I;! 1" THE BEST SPRING MEDICTfcBL ' ; , , Mr. H. B. Stevens: Pear 'fill This 1 tn mrMfv that T tuva nuv your' "Blood Preparation in mr family for Several years, and think that for Scrofula or Cankerous, Humors or Bheumatic affections It cannot be ex ceuea; ana as a Diooa punner ana spring medicine it is the hestthiarMuive verraetL and X hM used almost .everything. Xan cheerfully : Tecora11 mena n so any one inneea ei soon s raeaiane. , Yours resDectfullr. i MBS. At A. PlNSMOKK, 11 1 on l UD SOU Street. usseustrei 4- .4- IH'.li ('Hit u r.'ni jv.Mi .a .T ' VEGETHfiL , 'I wht is WEEmm ; 1 ,f! tl any 1871. ! Dear Sir About one year sinci'f'ourmniyseltl n from general debility, vegey In a feeble condition ttnevna s&niudy reeom mended to me b Mend )whohadeen much benefited wewrtlPM cureu uie. wicie, ua,.mer using several potties,, was restored to health, and discontinued rts nseJl f eelianlcff-ooondenl; that them-te ioa-nAriirten tou perior to It for those complaints for which it ises tyoars. ., U. L. PETTINGILL, i -A- . . I K(A1 YEttETINB. J ALL HAVE OBTAINED EKLttSM 31 v iooa BouthIBerMclt3,MilfaW)t?2l87ajl 1 ' v ILBStevensEsi9.y'' JituJA tenoUiil swal d I DeSIr I have had dyspeislUL im worst fM for the last ten years, and have taken hundreds f dollars' worth of medicine without obtaining any relief. In Sentember last I enmmmuw) tnfrtnwthn Vegetine, since which time my health has steadilxj improved. .My food digests well, andhavran- ed nneen pounds or llesa, ., There ara,ieeesaiotMJ 1 '.. -.tits naa ifex!d i .Till Kirfl rrt rT iIUjf ltslHfi nis TT J rn inj tl t(Jr TvTT-fJ itLiUiii tj'j x tm ; .3 y.Veffetlne is sold hv an nmmrtn A d'H ? "DLA.CX STBAF MOLiSSEi i ' uuuer cos oy me oarrei, D7 i-. .,; ' .nw,.f J JbeBOTriXLVIDSON. peciauy preparea, ana.wouia cneeenully recom uiouu u vu iiuirao mw lcci toot wey neea some thing' to lestore them to perfect health, 'ssui I HAaTWWtTlllll i Hurt.? t , SS teW&tt3&ZA ' toonuB lo ataxt sill eooia biu-jtal eauiinlhso sn!'jKi luy$ ,n9Tfjt hnuknai bust ItuCJLanoJiil eJnw Factories r therefore does. notD338 toroa ", see- tff ond hands, andY-am iabaaid sell goods as low aa they can be boaght a ffi$H& f J i -.A oa -Wl If o o H H Tf N H HHH i TT N W K A A 1 ! . A. ft... We hare miH5h.eXJJ Wfi35ods In stock at o o J. a ts J. A 1 a a 'l . TWENTY-SEVEN VARIETIES OF DEGOBATXD CHAMBER TOILET SETS. In hRAM (In ebflBd TOOT K10T Dinner ea Sets In nearly the samepMpor Jalfshelves a optSefillidXrlth tton. . Our EetaH Shelves axe complete nil the largest and best selection o! I uest seiecuou 01 vwna, vruuuu; Wifrf (To wrr nl I1a S'PJLSJt'T Much care taken la imfag uirculare andbrfce ;twrJrLI!K flOfflWlj'DOt i "A A 1-1 100. ' 11 Thanking 70a for past patronage, Ac, I remain, ..aft. 01 oM'EooBriLi Trade S&neaCollegei j lifti l A. LI soclaUon at the Court House In Charlotte. Febnmn 18tbuak Ife tfeleafelfei ffSelia on Cbnsatutton and By-Laws, and the eonuatttee AfieleotlQa iof ttaraitteareextitetldltD' teBort ana other baslness of lmportonsifUi eome for action. - - i.Mpf All persons who feel an interest In the develop ment of the country aie respeaxully. redneSteaw lQ CASES HUNT API jAjOS j lneraWelO . basketa (50 Jugaaca) Apoi- llnarls; JtSst revived?' !" " ' '"' ' otw!-u.!i" .i-.i. WTLSpN BUBWELtl - ill. i ii-H . HitJij1,.!.- dWii.- b( 8 ! sea 1J Jbsr received' tl fresh supply of .superior Tea. WILSON tL BUBWELL, 'janSO BUIST'8 OABDEN SEED, fct'ltfed edl i-'i xui !tl .T.i:S!K ' j A large supply of these popular seed. Inst recelv- n22 iiwin low if n i".;n jhi'iT rn r,tWir',; J i IN CASH WILL AiW.Bfr.oii u oi tif-Tj iMu. vWKntor- Ermtmrf Ofreki, msey makei oli JaUtf NO MOBS , jfifim .''!' two 3iinfi-Ai t. n ' " Jljff-AJlI.ft.JffU' -n-f ) i-Wem t BO'1: HKONIC jKlnUAiS'laJ'i ' ' r --: tnw'!jctoBE.'',7? x' ''' Manufactared only under the above Trade-Mark by the EUBOfExfsALicSjJCMEIi CO., OTPABlBAHDLDPZWii;,'. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure snaranteed. Now exclusively used bv all celebrated pnysicians ox jsorope ana Amerjca, veeonung a Staple. Harmless, and Reliable Bemedy on both eononenta The Highest Medical Academy of rans report w cures out ox lwoases wnain tnree oars, secret The only dissoiver oi tne unc acid wnicn exists m tne mooa oi jineumaae and Gouty eaMeatarat,QO a box, 6 boxes for too. uent to anyaaoress on receipt or price, idoraed br Dhrsiclans. Sold by all druggists. Ad dress WASHBTJBfiE & CO., 7 On Importers' Depot. 23 Cllff-st, N.T. JJE-NOTEA, FDBE, GOOD AND CHEAP. WILSON & BUBWELL, Agent!'. A SPLENDID, LINE OF mil Teaa. amrades. vast in. a i LeBOT DAVIDSON'S. Jan60 ISSOLUTION. 8. 8. PEGBAM has wlthdruni Iron the Arm fif trcuitAja. a w. au persons wno owe tne late firm, prior to Eebruary 1st, 1879, must call and settle with Pegmm in.vo7 te .the Bo we win conujre , BooaiM 81toe business at the same stand as before, first National Bank building, Charlotte, N. C. PEGBAM A OO. i Home and Democrat copy jHANGi' tig1 BUSINESS- jr. tHi'f'i'!sfOl U-WSw" Having retired from tee . I V XfH - --UKA- " SlAWA'- WIIISKET' BUSINESS,- 7i We are now daily recelvTnjr'a good suppj fot I -1lMiT JU) at oui Wd'rJiMon CoHege street, we wflpleased w see our many menas. ana .a :tTw vmuiw We make Grain a specialty. ,rjawi J WNQ Jk BBOTHEB, ,.i''sl fe TyssoLUTioN ofcd-plfif nMhM Y, rperUofdre lnu:eV!'J bers Co.f la this dav dissolved brl utuimu cuusenw . vnamoers assuming au me liabilities and coHecfins all -debts due the late am-. In Charlotte ahdrul continue at the old standTVJ i t .T J HT B. B. TiAOALL. TrVwnlamwte'ir' thA. SMmTt tAt thf. inethoxHtf thankTna' mr mm v ftieAda nrul thA imn- eral publle for tbeirpast favors and trust they win; J 4oii ol .vJvZl TlUUrai'UM Mill ltl liil t? If A JAKEBWAGONa:- ' jal-ub tnoiU lo TJti'i 'JAjsra h'rs .Hfsl-.Ti 1 I am Aowto'reoefpi of a large lot of the-'cellbra- tel 8TUDKBAKEB WAeCCSi; fell lUsetwbl will be sold on reasonable termi. i, sioBllIfl' iae" -5rni wol 3 itTio sew dai(f eiiJ rncnl TOai'0.lt3Sl. Ti'd fafiis t '.sunt AuoH lna uCUdolULSLItSmsiH .eU!m j-'i 3e9d dT '.,sa2l loii VilHsd JbTAj riJrtnoO ,vjnli OMod bns wtr AiiJoTBl) dho bus toJoisn ' -npf .rfr tiUf) ,tr;S .Hwp ywd'it)lob8e7 ana,Buppfpuxse)Via Ahftbest m Inst moananEtcamti els! lo ini'3i Jmoif wiff!i iti'f : T. H. OAITHSj Jan. 8 If. J ...A. M 9X41 Bt'tirttw it di BotferS )6onfend lrf fcade br TiJ.; U'illiinson and Laura H.r'Ukliwji to the Charlotte, Building and .Loan Association, I iii sea at nuouc auction, a nouse ana lot 01 lancr fronting oatlM N. C. Railroad, la squared Koi &; fcjian. &t a stake on the N. C. Ballroad aiKl run; dip wim saia roaa to u. i a ner line 180 ieec wka said-railroad 4 914 UM.taeoootvottiei beginnings.; wlilcrt Is now claimed subject to Bald -mortgage toy K. W. Mellon. baia property 10 ne soia ai we coun nouse aoor in thety eICnarlotteB'tfl0'lst Monday to MarclW 187fli tat lOashj i tna amount dufi the : Charlotte Building" and, Loaa .Association, being $229.25, 1U) 0 of aertilrjg And sale; , . . t-a udecl9tdsiIoi;lv' nvv o& i?8ee nd Item) tr a PDTanv HffAXWELL f'HAtfsOvr1'51 i U ,'fAinin -idi ill noixin4ninj. ui .kii U'JAUBttON rtbdCOMMISSIOK MERCHANTS, ? ill Ji'iii fei Jrwlfy.wi -JtW- fU it iH) i9f J-i A ',((iii-t Kt' U"j y;io vj) mm,irt 'BoJp anffBlbieonsigd o) mir tilt -'br swi-viiuiuu mv hunt eilJ is eIoeii9ai aul 4Jui i.i".oil 9? 3kMBRCft AiKlteB AND CXMJNTKY PBODTJOES v .iv-o9tom .iMffn .(ion 1 '.kiohv nd fffl Site strict! personal: ? . ; ; j k iflio9 Bin snoiiibifoo sxlt h;si. jgttealioa.aU, business entrusted to pur care. Four doorsboyTiSiadotte Hotel. ill. HOlliitilll KlO1 lttl J it a l' dec3 iiain-ioli3l sinjf;i bn srft ni t fJiV7 Iwtii -rrtcj; TOIN your hands all friends of taste . : ft, 1 r il taftrc luTHijl!?iu i .n.TiiT : . -Hi 1 1 ANDWICH, Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, t real, good'eheer, .EASE tep in, mylhaUinspeot,' SitlViouTl seef more 'than you'll expect 'm 'IDVnl 'U ZAwMnm Hmhai. nM. ju. in.. yiiJT t7 eacheOBtomers taste to refine, ' O III :h 'Rarulntolt nmral anil Pwfk1'a CONTAINS my bar, most delicious food, : , jiwnee9e ajuaaausage m oui oi tare, jrACH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear - AVi iudmt t m rare gEK moieurt Hps as In sips he drinks j ; ACsip he takes proves what he thinks, : 1 1 11,. rtt . K , .... . . - TI6H"r 'off eWinore he calls as to his friend ntw ne winka ' l'll!(.M!J "TVUBHAM WHISKEY. 1 DITRHAM WHISKE V JJrUBHAM WHISKEY. 1 DURHAM WHISKE 1 (().' . '! i - . t ; LABOBATOaY-eg aVATKABSAt 8g AJI1 CHSMI8T, . . i JUobraondf Vai September 7th, 187a I haveearefuTlT tested a sample of Dnrham Bve WhiskeT". seleeted bv mvaett from the lock of Messrs. Ellison ft Harvey,, and find ft. free from adulteration. '- It Is ah excellent article of Whiskey, and altogether -suitable for use as a beverage or meoNUM. laigneaj w. u. i ai iaiu, b. v., .; ' .. .: ; State Chemist This superior OLD VTBGINI A WHISKET, equal to any niade ln this country, Is now In the hands of Over 250 dealers In Virginia, North Carolina, Geor ge' Iuisiana and New York City, and not a sin gie eomplalnts having eome to us from any one of them, and many saying It Is the best article they ever handled, we feel Jastlnedln recommending tt toap (who 'wish to get a really pure article of WWskey. - '! J If i, , . None genuine unless, bearing our trade mark. Call for TMJBHAM at W. B. COCHBANE'S, Cen teal Hotel, and all other first-class houses. ELLISON 4 HARVEY, .iu ; ui-.; Richmond, Va. JanIS lra u j ! WmfliaBil WnLskioi for madfcftl ,can Wtadyt,;;, ,, WILSON B Druggists.' rALEN TINES ! ' ' VALENTINES ! . VALENTINES ! VALENTINES ! -iiti it: yLENT FOB 77777 i ;t7.!. " i 77 5 77 " j , 88 88 ; U .i-i Jw'88 88 IU SSaoSS i i ' I hi-.i1 WE HAVE !MM.h;.l 'Hid it'll! .i!"i'i;!I .ui . ,. : j- JUST BECK1 FED THIS DAT A FINE AND WELL1 JO;!.:'. . . J ; ' '" .! , ELECTED-STOCXV ELECTED-STOCJ OF BOTH SENTIMENTAL AND COMIC VALENTINES, VALENTINES ; ? . .4 , Which wepropose to sen cheap at irrT,.'' 'L -49,; i I.'.. .- RETAIL.' ! 9Vtn i . jis TIDDY 4 BROTHER,' 1 f VdU MBdJ .iif .',') -,;t - ( ' feb? " J: Uit AfAn.i'.t ri'ifrvij;. -1 'OA,( lit iii i (; i A. There will be a meeting nf thof-wfrhXiiAM a the Charlotte Building and Loan Association, a? line rooms oik.J. Cochrane. Secretary, on Thurs- waj !toui, f Dnuuy low, i7v,at seven o'clock. iAfoU attfdsnoB la requested.-. .u u - i - . (Jobalit-M.; jmitfi j,xi,-j'jf if.Beeyaad Treas. ' -tiaai-i'o; ovimiiiw ih.m ,ini ij I . ONION SETTS-i i i t I Fresh. WILSON A BUBWELLyi iii And willing to Bhow goods whether or not you are uuy. .. A. . wttisxua a co., ; declS - ' QPIiENDID , HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS t DEMOBESrSf MONTHLY. 3! use: ana oil mcmrea in o h niimiwi phi oe Post free. - Yearly $3, with an unequalled-, prenn um, two splendid oil pictures. Bock of Ages and the Lion's Bride, 15x24 inches, mounted on can- iobb, wuiBuunouuu ou oeiiis exira. ctena postal SSSrM . JNINGS fail to see the Tiendld Februari No. . . ,1 . vv ' r-J N'T feb4w4L 107, 4th ay. LI' A grand combination of the enterraininor tfia ful and the . beantlfal. with fina art ninM . . MUV ut, vuuaTuucB TT V I if f UTTwtr ' W . n ... ... .... j A. business, and make plenty of money during feed ofthebefct nu7iaJ'iruXtlOTa . .ii .Tit. jm, m-a7l 7iHr;!'; - f l I ...;'." i . f .""' i , ".j. .. ' .h v. '.:' ' .jj- siij iiwi'iri m j-rnji jrn- Hfii i; tt-7 ..If'-'WI. ''!'rif 1 ! ' -.-fi r.! ; J n E LE6BATE T I Ui Hi 4'UEJ.EBBATElJ - I, .!.trj: fftaao V - JPOQ KEK NIT STTTT " ,llO OB . N- T 1 Q;.,' ESli JU H.K-v-Tf Hi.5 W' '!' '-OOUBEKN NM U UJK ! M Jl Sr T I i T ' ' f;i; ; iM Jv; Mt lii CIGABO lOAEQ- ..1 niGABCSlJ : CIGABCj IGABO -lot5? 'ilKj i i J . I i 1 ; . ; The attention of smokers is call-: ; ;;eaiocnisneworaBdolC iroiPERR lust:. .which-:,., : bines Luxury and, Seanomy t ban : any ever sold. If you want Candies, . : Fruits or anything tn"tbyTCorifek! 111 St iooaery ime, remember: mat Perry: .-ffLl 1H bluiirtiuiij XXaUU.lj.lljlllaUiAXi. n LOGKADE TOBACCO, farts j;Jni;lii. .iil t V:-'!TOrfM5",;!t-!,: "'U' ! Haying purekased anioe line of 'Tobacco, at the government satet-,'-''V!P tu -ninf i. i.. im'1 I am pre Dared to offer extra mducements to bnv- era, 1 Call early. 1 ' J ' THOS. H. GilTHEB. wEiMPBovED; .y . ;. . . . CITY PB0PEBTX FOB SALE i! Any person desiring. to Durchase a weUim proved City Lot House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, fine well of water, riok kitchen -within five minntes-walk-of 'the public square; can be ae- .aecl8 !; j ; ,,j THIS OFFICE. J QQQ FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, ' ' Just Printed and For Sale at the OBSEBVEB OFFICE. F B SALE. ; The Bourgeolseand Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the Old jonnson- type joonary. oi - ' PKlladrtnhl Rnrt not. discarded because no longer fit for use, but S 1Lbltbee,ne5essary,ii8ea KaMKM cnasere, and In fonts of 50 to 1,000ms, with or wnnoui cases. Address OBSEBVEB, 'ctfi ;1 '"' , .,, ; , Charlotte. N. C. R EAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and will Advertise free of cost; ! all properties placed In my hands for sate. THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. a declO iBtzXltmzous. "yiLSON BUBWELL, DBTfiOlBra, ' Have Just received J Gelatine, ComStarcIu ' Sherry Wine J t ... , Flavoring Extracts,', ,., . AH of the best quality for retail trade ' declS .,. (,.-'! i:.r;ii i .". i . . . j , .'it,,,, pLOTHTNG HOLD YOUB ORDERS. , Ma. Bjqcby M. Cbo wll, of Newark, New Jersey, lom or February, with a full and handsome line ' nun of samples for dress and ndt the newest and most fashionable goods ta the mari ket - Hold your orders,' and remember the date. feb9tt JOTICE. The farmers bt Mecklmhanr nrainty urn rtumaatl ed to convene at Owflmirt nraW in PhntlTr 12 M., on Tuesday, vFebruarr 18th. 1879. totekw nvunsHwum nsre mi lue purcnase oi xeruuxera pivveiu cvr.. IS. UlllJSlt.' 1 B..ELHUNTEB,' , E. H. WALSTEtt. ' J. L. BROT HERS, 3IBB0 Feb. ft-d&w t4; j iu i Home and Democrat please copy.; H TTflWrVVOTlTH , ?,o MERCHANT TAILOB, Has histmeaived' MimiM of Sr4n oaaAo m friends and customers are most respectfully invited to call and make selections so as to enable him to secure their choice in due time. -! feblliiU Jli !--yt'.i ,H:t .; tiUV 1 :s: JAMES MURPHY, PRACTICAL, TATT.DW w '.tut I iu.?-. '.ill .Vi.i;r.7 .TP Honnrs BuQdlng, Trade Street, Up Stairs. J i til t'j! : t;.i; Mfr.i . j.' lr i. . j r Owing to the stringency of -the times I win In ft ?2 JE?.61 cbearXrWin. make, fine suits tor 910, Cassimere suits lor 88. Pants of suits same rates. -i I guarantee all my work mo at no chance.-' G1ZWn4beeonvlneed. 1,nTli rTrti i r, - m r.,i ' - TTT- 50 BARRELS' i ; Vv.Mij. ',-t-iiil Mil 3ii..U; jui'-i ii s i -; r j f tl I ' ' f . ' , I U ."f IT 1- i? " L CHOICE NOBTHERN -i'"' . A !' 1 PPP 'i 1,1. id not I ' SfUliSi' 1 T T B A Ak Jl!' 1 fn ,'l t p 1 1 T.t. f ST f rTlKU - . . ... . a ; a, -v n. - -Vr '..IliJu ii '1 S)U r: l'. i U ,,"'! Received evnrvifr'. . x 1 s L J.' t ' ft ;:1 LeROT DAVIDSON, i I -f I i' ' ' " . An iif' JanSO TtTLLLLM3 A FTGEH,'7 M j .11'Wnui iiij..'. v, 'i i .If i" ; lHave Just received a lotof Turkeys and Chicken which we offer at low prices.' Coiw to williamt Finger and bw the bMt'FalmoVfror il ICnK v,ll i.T- 1 i T Y f wTit""'",? oulwli.u w au kinds of a f dec5 PromP returns of sales IPuWl- for Girls and Boys, with Mw.'MaMBT2saan editor. Pive yearahave paKSS? M ber was , issued, and themaciuin? w," uum- Nlw.YoffaWe arawnig from alreadr. favnrita SSS .Ww.oneaMr7 Frank toa'aneweerial story for boys, A JOLLY FELLOWSHIP," -m .is l; E. tinned taIe,T,ioT7Tu" f "HALF A POZKHi BOOSXKXXPEBS," ttfber7anTL iresh serial ongnv rnrvoTOhiTr S2! oraiaitateeeii-4 unm-..i. in Trri ni.M, ,., M . ffir-Ti, .,.1 (: : KUMPTT DODGET'S TOWKK." YJjJSfl'SSL JMaBtathorne and Illustrated bv erfc.A;out,the other famiS21b e8;! ax. wncHoOS; the-editor nreseSSTT of l"tmnmw'l.WV2: i debattmeht. anir- th'-TMjifcr.v'M'' , Terms, SMyaieentsliTnbr ,,k B,g.!?;Aui3crtallct wltb the pubUsheS: full, and send wf& .remittance ta checkF f money order, or tfgiMTtetter'to ' P a - SCBJBNEB A CO., , ,79 Broadway. New York. declO rpHESOENTTitClAMEBICAN. , THKTT-FOtJBTn TEAK The most Popular Scientific Paper in the World. vuj a year, inciumng postage. Weekly. 5 AO AA X : -a r - . . ' i - Numbers a vear. a.txy twir " ' Klco. :T7.,':j. i-sljtj: rtr-"" The WekNewspaper oTiixteen: 'page! 'prStedtaX most JUful styles profusely ihuajl vdth splendid engwrlngs, representog hebewestin venaonsand Uie most recent advances to tne Art uu.ubj, mmuiwuij. lue ill OKI valuable nrnrtloui ipers, Dy eniineat. writera in .all- departments Tf dence, will be found in the ScienUflcAmerlcln Terms. E3.20 ner rear: i lUiftZL.S:- cludesjtage-MscountlSa ten cenlar-Sotdby aflNewsaeiVBeElt by pd eYorkN Ca, Puby&ners. 87 Pa fJHfiir,n connection with the Scientific TVK.J.J!1 VP-' lUCUprs 1 expceTand Swr Mto tte iaSSjS?1? mwtKJ!5: Iff JSSViniJS Hr , . . T .mmmw Ui MAO K7U UUV AUICIKOU III HI! ItlWDfRinA 1 sfS.rfcyS1 amo and residence of ffis x S2XZ inunense arcuiaaon thus given, new patent and sales nr intmHnHAn ...i t . n ; rr-rrr-r Any person who has made a ! hew discovery er In"on, cm ascertain,' free of charge, whether a "y"',10" pvuaiM Mi oouunea, Dy wnnng to the undersigned. V aJaa iHAnd . tWa h.Jfj kJ;" about the Patent Laws. Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints lor procuring advances on lnventtona Address for the paper, or concerning patents. . . . . a w., 37tPark Bow, New York. Branch i Office, cor. F. & 7th ttts., Washington, I). & nAvl O rf 1879 187 'HE FOUR REVIEWS AX B LACKWOOD. Authorized reprints of . The Edinburgh Beview (Whlg),v The Westminster Beview (Liberal), I?6 Jf,nd?n. Quarterly Review (CorwervaUve, The British Quarterly Beview (EvangeUcal), -AND: ' i : : B LACK WOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE These reprints are not ftoWtirma- tiu, h prigtoals hi fuB, and at about one-third the price of Np jwbUcations can compare with the leading Bdosh periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep pace with modern thought, discovery, experiment and achievement, whether In religion, science, lit erature; or art The ablest writers nit their pages with most interesting reviews of history, and with an Intelligent narration of the great events of the aay.ifrt.iii 'a',: 'i; ': iai8 FOB 1879 (INCLUDING POSTAGE): Payable strictly In advance.' For any one Review . , $ 4 00 per annum . Foranrtwo RevteHHi r i mi OT S, tt"wi1' aazeZ . 4 00 " l yor Blackwood and linn Rnirtow ';7 -tl . Ilackwoa th"?? ffi 'ioa and four ).",.; 15 0 postage!. . This item of exnense. now hoi-n hv thA nuhiuh. era, is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent, on the cost to subscribers to former years. .V.C'L u b a. . I AOiscpunt a oiscouni oi twenty per cent will be allowed to . tf-i . -- - r t.s I SSS.0!!0? mf persons. Thus: four copies catleno? r. Hiic'W&l2$ of Blackwood or of one Beview wul be sent, to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four R vlews and Blackwood for $48, and so on. i :, i ' . . - ' : ' " PREMIUMS. . i2,lWi8ub?!cbers (applying early) for the year 1878 may have, without charge, the numbers for the last quarter otl87tf Of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. , i mn s ; . ,:,.., Or, lpfrtead, new subscribera to any two, three or tour Of 0e above periodicals, may have one of the Four Reviews" for 1878; subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. Neither premlunis to subscribers nor discount to aubs ean be allowed unless the money Is remitted direct to the, publishers.. Ne premiums given to clubs....,.--,, i,,v, 7.v.m-?.; :.),;'; To secure premiums It will be necessary to makt early application, as the stock: available for that purpose is limited. t , .... t -,, Beprlntedby " " - "f- s " ni TIIEIN1BDSX)1TIIIBLISBTN ' ii ;. 41 Barclay Street, New Tort HARPERS WEEKLY.,' 1 s 18 7. i I L LUS T.B A TE D. -! !:n' -iiW I'm . :' -ii'iv-:t Kcrnoxgo the pama.. ; -The Wbkxcy remains eaany at the head of Ulus trafed papers by Ua fine literary quality, the beauty of Its type and woodcuts. Springfield Bepublicau. Its pictorial attractions are superb; and embrace &Herak kSffi .beatment. i The WjwsxTjsaiKWagenb! nation of correct poll tJcal principles, end a power tulopponeHt of shama, trauda, and false pretences. -Evening Express, Bocheatet55 1 itt i ; .'uiiii ."tic iii;:rii.', ,0'wt'WvW first 5 iSSSfWSSR4!! aoa When no time IsnMntloned, tt will ber understood that the sub Si. to commence with the Number next after the receipt of his order ATwo,'ne rwJZTi'::.. 7 00 Slasubsaartona,w year,W4,.X4.i.... 20 00 SPJ' bs furnished on sppplleatlon. Postage free to all subecribers in the United States trr XL2-H il a The annual volumes of Harpeb's Wxekxt, In neat doth binding, wUl be sent by express, free of expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on doiiar per vohuneX for $7.00 each; A complete set, comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re celpt of the cash at the rate ef f&Aio per. volume, freight at expense pr purchaser, .' n ... . loth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, WW .be BBntiy maU, postpaid, on receipt of S1.00 eachurr. ,n - , r4 ..-,-. ,!H . , Remittances should be made by postofQce money order or draft, to avoid chance ox loss. . ' (Newspapers are not o eopy this advertisement without the express erder of Harper 4 Brothers. Address ' HARPER 4 BROTHERS, decll v New York. ); i