SUBSCRIPTION RATES i DaUv. one vear. (VtxtvaiiTi in ativane$. ..'....t8 00 Ate AfontA ..v.w.. .-......... 4 00 ..... 2 00 Vftt Monlh 70 tTeetty, (to (A eownty) to adwme. ....... i. . .$2 0Q orfyeHmrv.ij-V....".v...:::4.:. 2 id 8xUmPit.ti,l.U.lJZ..Ji.7:Q.aA...l..r 1 00 SrjMl!ettli! C ASHMERES AND ALPACAS. . . just Received aiwUiet lot superior tl 1 II n - u T T r T . Ai A A AAA i a It ii il u la t i CASHMERES AMD ALPACAS, t j- . r Bulging In Price from 25 cent to One Dollar. V-j...'M' rf-i' Si t.;w : Jr A Few Pieces of COLOBBnt iCAiHjfeiREBi U ji Wool, ot superior quality, at sixty cenis, fttf i i-vumnm mil ri'i ... : worth $1.00. T o o ji io rotian 'towe our LADIES' CLOAKS before -. ! -i ' i.n.i 11 H , '3 1 S i ii H H ! 1 ELLAS ft COHEN. 4 -i t it UBGESS NICHOtiJ, ' lw B :i;:a;tT)iJ!,'i -,.i's (.f; i'.. ' : :;'-;(.; '3 -r ss.if, Sf'!!"ii. r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1,1 . i 'n . n i.HS.l f.i. '' : lit !.'?; iivjCi jjiirt 10 .ill;-; & (s(; v ; .ALL KINlOt'-'t'''1 ' " us. '; ,i"fii';;jj jiiji FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE! BENC&NO, &a BEDDING, AC -EDDlNG,;a FUKNITUREI ;i , ,.'1 .!!'.;' (.,. ,,,, t.jji A Full Line of t :. V'.l at. . t-ii . .;r.ff-fni LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! Eg- COFFINS of all kilMte 'ott bafti tdEt . :-. .iir Hf '.ca 1- ' Na 5 Wbct Trade BnaaTj J pHARLOTTE, N. C. fill SUPPIR( f j f,,-J .t.j. ujUltMili. "IT ARGAfliS faixn?niii .--IK v " - ' I " ' ..l-:! f ICKU URRB NH K II TTTTU URRS KB O-SHlNNRn T.U.UB Kg. 3 . r -r? .,!!. -t tfl.fv'y 'AT n .IjN't 1. lr t-v- --r rui ' .' --.ft 4- j M JC G. ROGERS! WARERO0M&, .flUhl-'J f;ii' 'if tit; r!lt it!t ''i.ilfii " " i .-"wv.n.w iliij hfitj.T " ti'iff r-di "s-hi Mir ftofik U WnrXar; and embraces a FuU UM j ., 1 . . - UM '"''it. ill tJjlfi i -r I 5 S ."'!'! f . piRWRiCTAMBEB, FINING ROOi , , 1 i - f ., f,. ,.:f 1 r?r!"I'x .ffi,liT t I nf-.' T ?, j! h T !? 0 Jl l'f .tfnf-nl j t j! 1 - T "-'"7 3 Iv'iSD '- t" 'fe ' , 1 .s i. -4 1' LT' it :a '' ... ... , m . . - r. ; j OFFICE FURNITilREI L.iiid'-1 . . x , . : .t,,sk ? - 4- All Goods Packed Free of, Charge? ana 1 ANN OUNCE M E N rn N NO U, M"C E M EN JL : jIoujV 5H ob Hr .j j fi.i. . j f ! teHiwrl- fir, ifiiX 3-! I.' ':'. ' '. ,. .U-ji l'X( ri tifilli' rfi Ti-n! 1' roB LOT' "Irl I.' ,M' n vii; fr1T -OF CHILDREN'S FINE FANCTf'j.iui .f.TJTT'. '?(,f Yi"y ?: fill atfii'xia ';!i:';i;t;; .'.-,., si .ilT H H OO rSSo n SEE BBS Y Y H H O O n e HHH gWhft H H OO . 8SD II EES R R lit 'V L O S E D VIOSKD OU A A TTTT OO NW N OOO FEB AA T O n NN NOOK A A T . , Q, n ,N N JI O EE m 443 8 o i1 T - A T. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. Feb. 1st GEETCNO. ! RETONO I UretonO I -I HAVE . i - TUST5 RECE1 fJUST RECEI , , , ' the season. Also a new lot of ,( 1;, , iOir.ZlLiHit i: T.-.'JJ ' HAMBURG EDGINGS AND IMSERTINGS. ' Don't fall to look at my new Abdominal OOO OO RRR cK&. KRKTTTToSSo O O O RRR "SSoEB T O OO OR Rn gE T OOO OO B B8SSEEE 7. 8sss: New lotot Crochet and Diagonal .DRESS BUTTONS. I still have a few fine Cloaks to close out at half their real value. A new lot of Black and White Satin. Also MONOGRAM RUFFLING For Skirt Protectors. l";'Jr .; ri:Bespetftdly,.!.; t , n h 5'' t.t .n ''Ti-L. SEIfiLE. Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. feb: 12 LADIES' CLOAKS. AWES' CJOAKS. LADIES' CLOAK O LADIES' CLOAK TB ' G B15 A T I S T BAR G A I NQ' HE GREATEST BARGAI Np. '.a : OF THE SEASOAJ F THE SEASOlM. WOTtHCNDBBD CHOICB LADIES' CLOAK C TrVM HUNDBKD CHOICE LADIES' CLOAkO ..Htt.OT! ;(,. fur.-- fintl .if"f JUST BKCSITXD BY SXFBES UST KKCKIYED BY EXPBESl 7. v-j--?. r.- : Which will be sold , without reserve at sacrt- !'' : flclng prices. Don't fall to come and look at : . . .....................a. t 'iif'r,mailJ ..If n;'t f THiriTl ,Ks.trJ )rr '-!? "! SWEEPING REDUCTION Of FORMER PRICE O WEEPING REDUCTION of FORMER PSICEO ' V-i"4.ia l'.tli PfSfilT-fJ 3 Jrrf.7T Ii f OW IS TOUR 'CHANG ) JS YO.CHANOAJ f m'jun ji rpo BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFrp X O BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS. GIF -L iV.T HALF IPRIC lv liisif ; i r,:; i o (t - n-j? t, . H. MORRIS fc BROS. H MORRIS Jc BROS.; decU rvtbrCvvrl Slrtl ?ir-.'i"j4 fT- ,v-( ; ... t'.f " ! .i. i: - .. .... 1 i r .sM. LFrw Mr, MorxlaT new TblameL'j1,,);i As on tne fcfe'ariitllsicfes we walked together ; i A' gleam' ot purple passed over the sea, - -K And, glad: wit n the Joy of the snmmer weather, ; '. My love 'turned quickly an looked on me,j is - . Ah, the giad summer weather, the- alr summer weather! 1 "" -i w ' j; , " x Ah, the purplehadow on bin and seat " . And, I-looked Ubbar eyes as we walked together,. -. And knew the shv secret she fain would hide. aiania blosso Ana.we weat haad lQ naodtbougn the blossoming !xt,Siie,who., rovf; wasmy sweetheart and I by her Foj the, shade was the shadow of ' Jk)ves wlng- t- ieamer, f. ; (it whjeh tears, as he rises, the secrett we hide. . .: Jtfow, comeaud or sunshine, come joy or weeping, . It can be. n loitger as 'twas before, . ' Just a shadow of change o'er jie soul comes creef- And farewell to the JoyanM and freedom of yoie; For it crossed Love's face where he lies a-sleeplng, And he soars awaking, nor slumbers more. , -: OUSEItVATIONS. A circus band played at a funeral In the town of Fulton, 111; ,.vt. ; t,i.i i-i t Elrmra Gazette ; "; God save the queen" espedal Ir.lJi he other fellow holds five aces. ' ' 1 '"A : Westtm erltlc speaks' of Mary Anderson's greatlulcy eyes.!. Ol jum,yunvyumln', . v A baby Imagines that he can sleep,' all day and cry all night, and still be the "darling of the house hold on. thia rock! we .split Nm Haven Regm w :t?Ti- (-wii til-)i' , 1 ... ordinary people speas 01 one Who has departed this life as having died. Not so, however, with the Rev. Flavius doseDhus -Cook.! He says in a lecture: M'Here ls a letterfrom WUllam Cullen Brrant. wrlt- T?n )ust before ha was caught ,up into the Unseen Misa wa.UA. th ianp.hrr nr r.riA ithiat .ni(tti 10 1 'described as having marked personal beauty of the 4 j J?orna type, mieuecc ana vivacity; ana witnai an riirraenone -01 serious purpose ipat cugninea tier young nie into, someramg Dewei man a mere con formity to the , .evanescent pomp of high official 8tauol; J V, , ' - - Clara Cole has lost a lawsuit against the manager of Henck's opera bouse, Cincinnati. She was en gaged ' as leading actress of j the stock company, j One evening she went on the stage without know ing a Hue of her part, and caused the entire failure of the play: - She was discharged on the spot, but claimed that one bad performance did not legally. Justify Jier .idismissai. The Jury .decided against heiV Iwhsn-t' ti.'s'- ;-. ','.? sifetfiiW I -A St. Louis tepdrter- Interviewed Minnie Hauk and came away with an Idea- that she--was '"dark and buxom, sprightly, lively of tongue, and possess ed of a keen sense , of humor. That she had a pretty laugh, a pleasant smile and a plump hand. Extraordinary talents, famed beauty, lofty ambl-1 tlou, Antfluichlng resolution . and noble woman hood,?!,: lie was probably pressed for time, or he would have told us what sized socks she wore: whether her eyebrows were concave or convex, and what she thought of Chicago and other suburbs of 8t. Louis,,,. .... , , j ? The Prospects of an Extra Session Mr. Hayes and an Executive Session of the Senate. Wash. Cor. Richmond Dtspatch, 11th. After last night's Democratic caucus it is generally conceded that an extra session is inevitable. I asked an Illinois Republican to-day of experience, and with the best sources of Republican in iform'ation, if he thought there would be aii extra session, andlie' replied, "If you iH put your question differently I will answer it." I did as he suggested, and gathered from him that: the Republicau Senators and representatives intend to oppose the proposed amendments to the bitter, end; that .this, jhe believed, of course would defeat the appropriation bills. He. did not , thinks however, that an extra session would be called right, away, as DeniocraticUcpngressmen, he said desired, but it woidd be deferred until June, or perhaps until September. I suggested that the ; want of money would compel an earlier call; but he thought that the judges and department officials could do as well without money as members of Congress. He did not think it at all unlikely that Mr. Hayes would call an executive session of the Senate immediately after the 4th of March. On this point a Democratic congressman remarked that the Presi dent had no reason to be illiberal to the Democrats, as he cannot run his admin istration without Democratic support and must rely hereafter on Democratic Senators, and not on Conklihg & Co., to confirm his appointments. Singular Accident, In New York Monday, James Dick, a laborer stepped off the railroad traej; on 185th street in front of a locomotive, and, as the train passed he saw ; dangr ling from the caboose, 'Or rear car, sa, long rope. He stooped: and caught lie; rbpe with his right band and was thrown off his feet. Jas. Wilson, a brakeman on the train shouted to him to let the rope go. Thii he could not do for the rope had, as he caught it, coil ed itself around his arm; and neck, and he was dragged as far as 138th street at which place the rone was cut bv brake- man Wilson. Wilson then sprang from A ine cram ana ran uacii to wnere ijjck lay. The man was unconscious, wjith the rope coiled abbut his arm and body. His clothing was torn to shreds. It was found that his skull had been fractured, his jawbone crushed and the flesh torn from his limbs and body, and his recov ery is considered improbable. An Aerated Swindle. Boston, Feb. 11. A statement is Bublished here, alleging that the Apol naris Company of London and Ger many have defrauded the United States government out of revenue amounting to $600,000. It is asserted that the wa ter imported by the company is com pounded aerated liquid, and not the product of nature, as claimed, and that the treasury has already taken the mat ter in hand, and a resolution will be of fered in Congress during the' present week, whereby fit will be --proposed to place a tax on all foreign bottles. The; government will also take.; steps to re, cover the money due from the concern. Custis Lee. . Gen. George Washington Park Cus tis Lee, who is plaintiffiin1 the Arling ton case, is about forty-five years old, tall, handsome, and remarkably like his father. Gen. R. E. Lee. -jHe is president of Washington and Lee University, at Lexington, Va, where he lives with his two sisters, Misses Mary and Mildred Lee, in the house where their father, mother and sister - died, j He is an old bachelor, and very" shy! of i the gentler sex. He was graduated first in his class at West Point, and, like; his father, came out of the four years' course without a single demerit mark.) jMiss Mary Lee was a f ew davs asro entertained by Lord rand Lady Napier, at Gibraltar, and a tew weens beiore was witmn tne itus sian lines in Turkey, 1 lib-Bale The Peath-Bate ot Oor country Is getting to be'earfully alarming, the average of life being lessened every year, wltb out any reasonable (use,, death, resulting general ly from the most insignificant origin. At this sea son Of the year especially .a cold is such a common thing that in the hurry of every . day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending It and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung; trouble has already set in. , Thousands lose their lives In this way ev ery winter, wh!le had Bosce&e's Gebhah Syecf been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, iBoecHEB'a Gebhah Syecp has proven itself to be the greatest discqv ery of Its kind In medicine. Every Druggist in this country will ten you of its wonderful effect Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known, . V??...'..-.'! I j-.--.m j;,;;ijf. '. 1 .mr - - -v, ..JI " i00 Peandw of Human Fjeali iB Oqe, Family, t ' . Btoclt Hill (S. a) Herald.) '' oh ;"l Scattered. aujt in;the iipper portion of .Lancaster county; there 'lives a n& gro family; composed of father,1 mother nine sons and six daughters, whose ag fregate weight, is a little ,over ;three housand and four hundred pounds, or an average of two hundred pounds tor each member- 1 ' t The father of this fat family has nev er weighed over 145 pounds, while the mother's weight has always been rath er above 200 pounds.' Of the children the heaviest is a woman1, who weighs 250 pounds,; while the1 lightest is the youngest, a fcoyi of: 19 : years, t whose weight - is 385 : i pounds. . There Jias never been bat one death in the family, that of a man, who died two years ago, who had attained: about his-80th .year. His weight- was about 200, hundred. V ', , " ". ''" .- ' Temble Disaster-A Steam Mill Blown Up and - 1 . Tw Men Instantly- Killed. , r ; -j: .7 hi ,! : .r, ! fJiOnitoaBobesoblan, . f , t Our community was shocked last Sunday , mbrnl&g. by the intelligence that there was ., ! an rj explosion at the steam saw miU otlfr, H. Lee, situated in South Carolina, near, AYard's store, in this county, last Saturday, resulting in the sudden death' of two men, one1 whib? and the other colored. The white mani Mr. Price .was 'tbe.Son-in-tiaw of Mr.! Lee. We learn that .the scene, was sickenfng-to beholdi One.oiMr. Price's iegs'wasi cut on . jusi ajovovci loev KneQ, and; 'remaiaeviwhere; horn-as; adding at th&; time1 f the accident,!; while, 19$ body was carried a distance of; about twenty .feet , , " . The Philadelphia Record says a num ber of members of the Reformed Enis- qopal chuveh in that city, propose to dis- uouuiiue tue oorvaucooixxiuits asear son of fasting. They urge fhat the in dulgence in worldly pleasure bjfef ore and after Lent is Increased by Way of com pensation for enforced abstention dur ing the season of fasting; while they also urge that uniform moderation of life is the Church's great need, and that this may be better secured without Aienten observances than with them, ' 1 " .y 1 ;' J . i ' ' ; They Were Never Married, Chicago Journal: , London, January l10.--Since writing my last letter I have seen the1 affidavit made by the authoress of "Adam Bede" as executrix of the will of the late G. H. Lewes, in which she swearsi that she is a " spinster,'' and this afBadavit is sign- ea - Marian .Evans." Miss Anna Carter's Trance. Fort Edward (N. Y.) Cor. New York Sun. The body of Miss Anna Carter, ' who was supposed to be in a trance tor sev eral days, was placed in the; receiving vault to-day. Her mother refuses to be lieve that she is dead, and her grief is pitiful to beholds Ij.' . 1 i The Coisnmptlve's Only Hope. Verily, to most people, whose systems are falling or In any way out of order, OH as a medicine, is the most disgusting and difficult to take. Few stom achs do not revolt at the mere thought of Castor or Cod Liver OIL yet, when those appalling symptoms of decay- appeacwhleh physicians, and patients alike know are unerring signs of greater waste of blood and tissue than the nutritive powers are-sup-plylng, Cod Liver Oil is fhe,mosf trustworthy and effective remedy In the world, i But repugnance to Its taste and odor, reduce the nervous patient to despair. It Is then that friends and 'doctor can do him the most inestimable kindness he has ever known, by telling him of Scott's, EmalsloQ of Cod Liver Oil with the Hypophosphltes- of Lime and Soda; by truthfully assuring him" otits entire free dom from unpleasant smell or odor; of its mar velous qualties as a nutrient, and , the miracles it works, in giving tone and energy to stomach, nerve and brain ' .'(';. v.:,)-;x .: j Ease Attainable by the Bheaaatlc Yes, although they may despair of relief, It Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, .for there is a remedy which carries off, by. means of Increased activity of the kidiieys important channels for blood : purification the acrid: element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedytfor eonsapatioB, which causer contamina tion of the blood . with' the : bile and a certain means of relief inV dyspepsia, 'fever' and ague, and nervous ailments It lSr perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by dlstuiguJshed physicians and analysts who pronounce It to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses tt. . ' OHBW JAOKSON 8 BEST SWEET XAl T T-r0CjeMesV P lAMILY. GROCERIES, I have now In store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies. - Just Received i Magnolia Hams. Also a lot of very large Turkeys. .STi)RE.k0R .fflNT. ;':.; ; -t S. M. HOWELL feb8 r " JPRESH ARRIVALS, FOR SALE, WANTED. . 10 boxes assorted Candles, 5 boxes choice Oys ter Crackers, 5 boxes Family washing Soap, largest ltotMnto-ttMcttrv-" -'--''-. '. ' Alno l TlnM Milch Onw nnd one mAdinm nuAlI Cow with young calf, for sale low. , ,.600 dozen jrAaiiuLHjJia waxoxju). ,dec29,; B. N. SMITH. ROCJERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS ! NEW FEATURES i Come to me for Bacon; Com, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. ., Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) , r BEST RYE WHISKEY, JtX Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All goods delivered In the city- free of charge. . W. H. CRIMMINGER, t Trade Street - Next door below Wilson ft Black's' old stand, r ap 15. c OTT ON ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED ' THOMAS HGAITHER, COTTOH COMMISSIOH MZRCHAHT octl2 tIwimf til - f i m i. Jt i . c . , ., iii Wf i -aV t-V-01Ofi-B,'S,AAS'TY' -..rt T O! C LOS R O U rn, O . C LOS E O U X Will begin the Grand Annual Closing There will be a Grand Rush and we would advise It will be to the many And to others it will repay them to invest for fu .ures,' we Wbuld suggest this circular be retained. ii i ji'. ; f f ' i f ;ff;. - ...... Yon can buy English Fur and Whitney Beaver worth $32 and $30, at $24. Oar Fine West Eng ment of $20 Overcoats, embracing Worateds, Cas Brown Meltons, marked $15, $16, $17 and $19.50, Our splendid heavy Chinchilla Coats worth the en Vests, $270, $28 and $30 reduced to $22.50, away Frocks and Vests, $20, $21, $22 and $23.50, ment of Casslmere Frock and Sack Suits, sold Our entire Stock of Casslmere Pants ranging $6.50 $5.50 and $6.00, one uniform price, $400, TO Will be sacrificed, some 300 pairs all wool Cassi Hankereheifs at 25c. TO CLOSE OUT. A small or Fine Merino Underwear, worth $2 each Shirt Our stock of Boys' Will be arranged in connection with the " Clearing garments and other perishable goods, to be slaugh . In many Instances the quantity Is small and sizes CL O T H I N G I L O I B I N G! CLOTHING I G L O T H I N XJT W. KAUFMAN & CO'S. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock i OF ooc 1. OO TTTT H B lilt I NN N GOG Q o h O O T H H tl N sua a Q L O O T HHH II NHS O 0.O E O O T H H n N IfB G GG 000 CLLL OO T E H II N UN GOG WB HATS KVKB OFFERKD, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN S, BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING er- FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. Ep AH we ask is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as It will be to your Interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN CO., Springs Corner, Charlotte. N. C. decl2 ' milling. QORN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, : PostolBce Address, Charlotte City Mills Parties having grain to grind or to sell will find It to their Interest to call on the undersigned. Meal ground either fine or coarse, according to order. - Thankful for former patronage,. f will give my prompt personal attention to all orders from one bushel to a car load - ROBERT D. GRAHAM, -----r, Superintendent; TE HAVE A SELECT STOCK Of Whole and Ground Sploes, including Fells' mixed spices, try It and be convinced that there is nothing nicer. - - ; L. R. WRISTQN Jk 00. ; declS ' i - v t .. ' QOX'S and NELSON'S GELATINE. ; Corn Starch Italian , Macaroni and Pearl Tar pioca. - s L. R. WRISTON ft 00. F BENCH BRANDY Guaranteed to be ""-5 i.Z 5t "-...: r;, ;-'t.i ''' :- TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON, j Hwyq-n j i -.f T O O . ..D-D AAA a T - TO CLOSE O'W rn a O CLOSE, O. U .JL ; OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS t , '' r, .. . ,' .7..J, Sale of all heavy fabrics, iembradng, Overcoats, WINTER UNDERWEAR. Vn -1 1 our friends to can, early in order to enjoy the WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENT 1 : "j'! who have deferred purchasing, looking forward J "I RAND OCCASIOXT vTRAND OCCASIOlN f i tore wear. Annexed we will give a schedule of To-day will begin the great distributing sale of the E. D. LATTA -ft BRO., TO CLOSE OUt. Overcoats, Satin l'ned, $40 at $29. Our Fine land Casters, $30, at $25. Our Olive Brown Cas tors, Granites, Chinchillas, wlthoutreserve, at $15. at one uniform closing price, $12.50. tire season $10-$7.00, TO CLOSE OUT. Our fine TO CLOSE OUT. Our entire magnificent line of ail at one uniform closing price,$18.00, TO CLOSE readily the entire season, $15, $16 and $17.50, at Our $10 and $12.50 COSSIMERE SUITS, at $7.50, TO CLOSE OUT, $7 and $7.50 at one uniform price, $5.00. Our CLOSE OUT. Our large variety of $4 and $4.50 TO CLOsOT mere Pants, $3, $3.50, $3.50, $3.75 at $2.50, to assortment of the celebrated Starr Shirts in in col and Drawers, will be sold at $3 per suit, TO CLOSE and $1.00, at one uniform price, 50a TO CLOSE ounr O CLOSE OU-L Clothing will be offered at prices lower than other TO CLOSE OUT. Prices" in our regular and desirable goods, certain tered at less than half value. few, and In order to procure lust what your heart .CLOSING OUT SALE. 11 88 88 77 U 88 88 77 111883888 77 1U 683888 77 V oSSo PPP RRR II NN N GGO a a t r c nntiv w n rv Si SSoPPP RRR UN N NO o SP E EUHNUOGO BSSttP R RUN NN GOG K TJtTE HAVE JUST RECEIVED FRO -Wl HAVE JUST RECEIVED FRO OUR HOUST? UR HOUSJCi A full and complete line of sample Goods for Spring Wear; the styles are all new, attractive and handsomely designed; the Goods are all of Foreign Looms, such as French, English, Scotch and German, And with Increased facilities we ask our friends and patrons to come and look at our Goods, as we Intend to make garments to order, cheap er than any Northern tailor coming through here; we have also recelv- . ed Butterick's Fashion Plates for spring and summer wear as guide. : ES We solicit an early call, so as to give us time before a rush of manufacture. Respectfully, L. BERWANGER ft BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. N. B. Everybody that wants winter clothing will save money by calling on us, as we will sell them regardless of cost, Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's 8uits. - feb9- - ; -: v-:- talcs, Set. TRR WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. fef For Sale AlsoJ PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS' Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures 6ene I Irally, 4 ft The Improved Type Writer,! , v ' -. " 1 Oscillating Pump Cos Pumps.' i M ' end for Circulars, j "FAIRBANKS ft CO; 811 Broadway, New York". For sale by Leading Hardware Dealers! ' eptl-dtaww r , t" . mil I fun dispatch and ihaapnm., Wt tm. ntrnish, at Short 1 ELAJfKS, BILIKEAt)iC , J ! n LETTZa-BEADSi CAJ rr v rAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTtlVm 1 A 1 PAMPKLETS entVJILARS, C BECKS, 0Q. p f ' !' TTTT OO - ,J l)DD ' f 'A YUjt J,.iU!I i U ;AAA,.-- jjj - . '..i't? ,.Jli'.rt -OHJl m hi f,l ::; -".':. W, w -'"f .- t i ,.li 1 t aousi vsii; Inn iHi I Air 5 J T o :S l O f SiT3'11 '! i"? i'.ihlH'i tlti in-Hiiurs j 'u-ilt,r full' . .jt.'Jl.-j , ' "''" -I"!-; !.-; t-t-vf;! .ft'e-.j,, ' li'-Uh'if JilSi'fj: . .,Jt 111 i( j ,-tl-j !.",, .',.'! A'u: 2n ,--hin-53;.i-Casslmere Sultingaf indi,l,' '' ;!4,-J "y- " t j j , ijjj, n, tiH j !B f fy, vw,,,,,, ; ' " - 'f-Hiljljf'J If!1 till fil . i . test advantages to selections as.wailjas bargains' wiUfntode'UiTs 4l,:,li' ,f,,!j , . - In-; sail j niwiii , I . . . , r . . ft it3 ;-!;.., i' iH,ii ii!':;-),!.';!- ill 'J'iu. " 'id - ( 1 1 i jiiffi; b"; ;.,.t ' ' ' !i i...'- Kit .J "J,,, . j,.,.; Prices, and Kour goods are marelnjjplaln,:. . m4mmothstocsrtr-ri'; '-v.i. Exilic 'KitOiiJ. )l I,. .! t. u.' lU l-1. . -irC'l i,.-;,f j .!,-'-, fT .t,t I , . . N. , ; t (f j,.,, ,,f j , ' ' i! ' "Hill ,nJ f ' ' ' ' -..'!. lA ! .! m " ' 1 ! ' .I !'!' ,tli C i, fM,,. Jessqp Custom made garments, silk, sleeve hped tors, sflk sleeTev$24 W $18. eMflWassort- "'iiL'il' ''V,tKi ' .j'Mino Out attractive variety of ( Worsteds, Catford and ' V.i--l''fl'' '';fMi. U li'.iii y,- '.rj, i J,. ' -iu;i'v '-.ii-iiii nit !,:f!rm m-.u , rhlla and Blaci Fjigllso! Woreted F English Worsted in Black, Brown and Dahlia Cut OUT hsnOMHl one' uniform price, $12, TO CLOSB OTO t immense assortmeht o Casslmere Pants, I Casslmere Pants at one nniform price,' $8.00,11 '''' 1' rt'.-i5 n ? ;V w : ' '4t.fM.imi- ji)W,-v'.j ;;;l'i: CLOSE OUT. . Oar remaining stock of . Ladles' ors, worth $2.25,' at, $1,00, TO CLOSE OUT. '" ii '' IIU I ..?. i:'!-i i: HJti.'j- l .1.-1 - OUT. Our entire stock of Chderwear, worth 75c. " ' : -i - '' iii flijrt X J ; , merchants can buy them. ' lines of Worsteds, in Coats and Vests, odd broken most desires. Call early, in the - ' ' '' ; j ; ; .ii !..:! . ; ; ! . ' ' ' ' "' - Very cordially, I ' . , j ' , E. D. LATTA ft BRO.fl s BRING CIRCULAR OF WITTKOWSKY W I T T K 0 W S-K Y AND B A R U C H , BAR U C H , CHARLOTTE, - -' N.C. TO THE DDD i EJC I D T , RRR T It R T R R A A D s D D D KK. K I A A ,, DDD BBS '-.iUu -a .; As the Spring, season approaches, the question naturally suggests Itself, , :,..J( " When and Where to Buy this Season's Stock." r ? , "' . As to the M When" we respectfully suggest that it . . . i.i depends upon the section of country in which you I 'i" l r'i , I are located. As to the " Where" we unhesitatingly say O OU UR S H HO OO uf 8 0U CRRR t HHHO OU IjSgo E OU UR S H HO 1 pUjJjJ-gE OO CU R R ; H H OO UU SSB. KEB B EC KEB will be the house for you to buy from this season ;Wi:TJ;'?: Having been in the Eastern and -!,. NORTHERN AS MM MM A RRR ,'k ' K EKB TTTT aB8 HMMM AA EB i K KV B -j'T 8 a H MUM A A . RRR KK EB ' T M M & A A R RK K EES T much earlier than the general purchasers, having an abundance .J , ; i jf-'-t 'i'. T ' T r' ir CASH AS A LEVER In forcing prices, and having a Joint experience of 40 ' ears, we claim to be able to offer you, any and ; every advantage any house in in United State jan offer., .... r ;. . j (,.(, r: 'X t;t "'.--j hi llil- I .-- lull !'r lr,:! OUR' STOCK nn A tlv win be larger than usuaL and will be , ecmpleto by lie 20ui of this month,' to which wfr invKt "Cash and punctual short time pmxshasers."!. n . , ' yiT .. ::'A ) wiTTKOWSXY:ft 8ARUCH. f . r .-v - 3 February 5th, 1879. ' 4,.1 J'J-';