LOCAL laTELLlffiNlCfc FRIDAY, FEBllUARY 14. J879?7 it The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte on,i i.tlja,, rail road (Washington timel: n-j,w t;u r.i tot . -mi j-t sdj bichsomv ftDAJrnuaLviH ."Kiiim ! J' WW" 9rf ! .: v, :;.1 ,,( J .(. 4 l-wlrf. W T?rt t Arrivealroia, Richmond aGi&boro4.p0 A;m. Leaves for " " , 8.20 a.m. Arrives from Richmond,, ,; ., 10.50 a. m. Leaves fr?T-r.--'yi-V1 M-'--'- 6.66 p. m. Arrives from Augusta, W 810 a. to. Leaves for Augusta, . .... . . ; . .... - - l-W f - -Arrives from Augusta,y. ;--5' Leaves for Augu8ta.T.v. . w.V. .-.'l 4..i"11.27 a. m. -'' ' ' . i.iinT.rtf A CENTRAL.,"' !'.. j J ' ' " - ... t , ,. ... t ...... . . .114 Arrives rrom wunuus"j wii 'S'Sx leaves for Wilmington,... f 6.00 9 p.m. a. m. Arrives from Shelby'-i-i i. i.i&A tji ... 5.00 p. m. Leaves lor aneiDy, . 7.UU a. m. Arrives'from Statesvflle,. r ,.pOp. fa. Hlooa.ta ..,r4. .4- weaves ior suites vmtv.- . ....... . a. ""' CHABL0CTK POST OFFICII OPENS. CLOSES. WnriM iriir T)riiTrrtirit.l-.'0.nn H. Tit." K.OO IK tnL Registry Department.. .'..'.'.flOO ai nu'" 5.0Q p. rn. GenU Dellv'y a Stamp Dept. 8.00 a. m. ' ' O.00 p. in. ' rTl ;1;,v'6.30pm'm. ET On Sundays the Gneralraivenf Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. in. to 10.00 a. m. OPENING AND cifel id or MAILS. 4 StatesvliyeI..,;i6,80 pi mV .OO a ln. $&m?a 'fottiZ" (horse uWTMbhAayat 7, TorkvOla, (horute.JlHusdaj.ai A0 For the south Atlantic States, colder northerly to westeriywinds, rising ba rometer and pai'tly cloudy , weather, T Local Itepori if or Vetttcrday. ,2p.809. .29.837 29.956 Thermometer.;'.1! SvliK Relative Humidity,.;.;. f lnd Direction. " Velocityi.x.;, 4 84 ' S. W. 5 Miles Clondy. 45 68! N. E. 50 N. Cloudy. 8 Clowdr. eioprTbnejt 40,.,:;;' , 1 : - nteteorelrl4l fiecor' I ., .sj.'i'jn ,-,tWti .VUUlU-HTik ill WBATHSB REPORT, rm6k$tffl'MtyW Stations. Barom Atlanta,., Augusta : 29.95 29.90 29.89 29.84 3018 30.03 8004 29.99 80.08 29.98 80.01 29.98 80.11 29.92 30.01 80.09 Charleston cnanotte,.' Corelcana, Galveston. '' Cloudy, - Indlanola,.. Jackson'lle, .ey west, Mobile.. Pinna ' 1 Montgom'y, . oneans, PuntaRasa Savannah.. Ht Marks. . Havana NEW DKPAJBTJPBK.,, ,,..;;',.,,-;; ! On the 22d ofSeptttnbei'lmt', in pu&nff pt a w dress, THE DAILY 0BS$t$R adopted 0 'rvle to exclude aU double eohmm mdverttounentomd aH cuts. After five months qf a$eria:telito'dend&to cancel the rule. Double column adyerphemmtt neces sitate the cutting of mtumn rules, and them trill be charged twenty-floe per cent, more than our reyular nift anA imB. onj he innerlerf. inn thf. And and fourth. pages of the paper. The recent change in the or- "rli'nl nnJ Aemvhiv tvf rnjn7 ' mriir if rutbesanni t.7mf. changes in contract advertisements be sent in by three o'clock to the afternoon. HQ TIE PENCI LINUS. St. Valentine's day3 xt The next legal holiday wijl.be on the 22nd Washington's birthdaywa t No Valentine ''.party 'toriighC but a hop at"the Carolina Military Institute. Calvary church was closed last night the first night in many weeks. . : Next Monday is the day v for the monthly meeting of the board of 'alder men. ". 4 n; v'- ; " 4- -i There were more , strangers in J the city yesterday jthanjjaye bew seen hre in a long while. ' ; ; 1M 1 y;'; There are- some whV regularly; scan t he weather bulletins as they are .post ed from the signal office. . Col. A. B. Springs has bought Mr. Jno. W. Miller's handsome residence on Try on street, and will live there;5 "'T ' "" The Hornets' Nesst Rifleineff -meet Monday evening, ' riot Friday evening, as heretofore annouucd.x,; ! ?;! ; . 1 Messrs. Boyd & Stie wart will sooivbe in the erection of a dwelling house on Kast Trade stareefcfor Mr. Walter Brem. The GermaC'iii-vCral'Alotel next Friday night w to be uite a swell jiffair, from preseat indications. ; Mrs. Mary TMtoffo, 4 revivalist, bW one to JJMrhAm1na,.wui pommeoce i.itit -i ftAflANTA CHALOrrrfAIftHLii. . r Arriverom Atian'::'V.7f'r -v- DaflvWemrlottte.WaLfl.00rfei .. .Jfi. ..ijp ; 11:15 a.W.00 to. Charlotte ft i0aritlt.,.,r!8.00a; t .0Q fe'fn. " wiafc'AugustaItiRi''8.80p.Jto.l0.)Q WDm'rl Charlotte R. B.t's"S.80 p.'tt'KOo aVtn. i( i-t l.f-j' ir -hi .TIHfU'i!'Of! Office Ohef. S?JQNal, .Offic : k AV ASHINGTON; Feb. 13, 7 30 P. M. I B2"S. w;; 14 ;Tan-. 65 N.W; ! -2. 'JlOUdy,' 46 . W. J' lZ, 5 W. '1 .6 fii T4 72 VHrJ-1 12 71 i; i 1Q .' Clear. , 69 S.W,h 6 FalOH. ! 69 N. .w1 12 . Fair. i - 73 .'.' '.Talr.':.' ; ;T fl8 wj'.1 rt - Cleat;,',' ! r 72' ' 10 Tali:? 67 a w. 23 . Pah. w ; , 74f'N. '"J" 4 Cloudy;' : - series of religious meetings ( there next'raxictjth vr'telnralTSink sundav': wi.v.fK .;a j fcttelViV!erag6' '0f'tU'''afAnd ; iu .t4vnhuo&jvXi i-.GK -H will -Drobahlv remain below the mean The Swedish ijadv-Ouartette had an audience of about ' two hundred !in ( ireenville, arid, dllglltealheard them tber&t u'Vi itWoijj sl ! Dr. D. 0Donqghuehasiaeirout! his Hcense as a practicing"physieianand his card will uppearin JtE QBSRyfelt; in a few days.; ';' '?k tkSftviH v" The Gounod rnusicalturnii.,nieet at Mrs. Dewey's, .ihis 1 evening, at 8 o'clock, sharp, , All are.reeueted.to at tend promptly 'VVujot W ' 7? The colored band was but. last;. jtiight and discoursed 'for tbe first jtihie in. many months; :IIad almost begun . to think it was dead.;j7;; H .! Fostoffice clerks and mail agents1 will to-day say pleasant things about the man that i invented .valentines. The mails are usually. loaded with them. ; Cotton is biriglllg'0, fcehts, and ,for the best trrades QU:'!A I6f6t Weighty, bales wold at thi3 market Kfew. days' agp forj 0 cents round. Weuiay w nappy . yeii Eight or ten ' peraonft have' agreed to. join the Aew vneansMarax. vfras., par ty, and others Vilt douhUe&S , determine to go before the timef or departure jar rives.-. J ,.tiiiii . 4 . . , - A citizen, of Smithville,'' and .conse quently an 'advopate ,6f ! dog Jsw, i in vites the members of the Iiegislature to attempt to Bleep one night in his yicjni ty. This is all he asks. r.'J '-li Tidrlv's boolf 'store swarmed with lit tle folks yesterday afternoon in search of valentines, and to-day 5 the postoffice s will be4eseiged with the 'same object ; ..: ... . r . ,vj.r.,t - i-.h.it , , iu view. v ,f f, :j. tl 4q t -rt ! Last. nip-M the ordDrielor'Of thCen- tral, Hotel ran oyer , hia register and found that he had, about,. fifty drum mers in the house at thivt time,wwith three trains to hear from The Democrat learns that Dr Rv Mi Xofinpnt... now n. rmimber of the Legis- latiire.u: from rRobesoilii; county, is to become -' a citizen ' of ; Charlotte.' .His ! father lias li ved here: for many.jears. " The city marshal reports that there are a cood manv dftHnnnents in the 1 mat, ' f fan of paying license tar among al the . ranssesMiahlA tn snr1V1'r,six:i i.Th'eY aw liahle to be prosecuted at the iiext tenn? ; of fjie Inferior court. ( , ; M The next term of - court for York couOQO 64 Oii: wilVibegln'rtnej jfofcrth Monday in March, and, at that term the case of the man,, who killed Ir. P;( M. "Mnrrav. "ftf.ft.hi Htv'in'lllock l HilL ''a few montlrs ago,' will jconie on for trial The mining Doaru meets io-nignr ac cur hi rnis uiwtiiig, uu nome utuer im-iMU-tant busineHS -will -come up for con- siderationJ fl-iijll6''1106 of mem bers is thf keJeeilJydesirable. UorttCM for1 lite Pioneer. It has been mentioned that thelioi neer fire con.pany had determined to make an effort to secure enough money to .purchase a .pair of jhorses to draw ttvfeir engine1, erteajnd unwieldy jDne. A confieWUlacscordingljfeall rr? the busines&tnenittf i&roperty "own ers' to-day for subscriptions to aid them. The company is one of the most faithful and efficient the city ever had, and needs no better claim upon the generosity of citizens than the a record of their oast efforts in cjfieai of Emergency. The 1 possession oi nurses would unques-1 tionably add to the efficiency of the company, and it is uoon this that thev IE111- ,base tneir claims. We sincerely Htepytkat - they may be suceeasftfT In I thlir1 undertaking. liUhop Lrman "Lat IViirht. Right Rev. Theo. B. Lyman, D. D., assistant bishop of the diocese of North Carolina, preached to a lull congrega- tl.0L.Is PPal church last rht'fiS'ioimtrfiedv the forcfeatta cieariiessrtvWek" 4i"sinfiruish all of -bi dfscomrtfaBand was listened to attenlfyJt!plj by allWitofaLfi;' d profit min i : At'th coriclusroii'OL'Jtha sermon the ritepf confalthatidriPws administered to four candidates one male and three females. The bishop's address to these as they were received into the fold of the church was singularly appropriate and impressive. r$r i niahup Liymaa 1a aiwuya heard with pleasure in laiidttridd his sermon last night H; as aaadrto tfie hiarh esteem in wliich he has ajwjMteiQiipkljife. a ? t. AmuenieBl' item. X 0 X i nMrsJiJhaafratt Umrfiajtfladat.hsme lives in elegant sty lei mivim fm'xwwn&t fhmmt ,ur opera house win remain clOsea'ioxsonie time now. Kate Claxton plaStffHrffleAlbn last night. ; "In. fliB etr(rpalis nowi tvou know I" was theuthering oommenb of a mem- company s jerf oitataincft AAHrnago - -in in is city, a. sporting man at tee : of the Swedish" Quartette the small lady with the deep voice as "thelittletraMri. l W,i Janauschek, was . id4sgustedr with her success at St. Louis. She will never pMy Wthat feity again. She says they 4 tro not want gooa piays ana good acting, but trash, light frivolity and clap-trap. r4lroifce"Sontfr'dia CharMI.CalurilbiA. Hndi Augusta, aiid. A nf-Line Railroads appreciate the-efforts;;1 We; Art 'making- to supply; them witli the latest news at the earliest pb$- has this toax x f t ,s ut "By a raw niaif arrangement on the Air-Line Railroad, The 3hablotte Observer reaches this city by the early morning train six hours ahead of any other daily." JThe. .Chester Reporter then ; drops in and bears this voluntary testimony i "This lively newspaper is now certain ly 'ahead of all others' in the prompt-, ness of its arrivals here. It is now read in Chester as early as in Charlotte, leav ing Charlotte at 1 a. m. and arriving at Chester at 3 a. m., so that a Chester man can read at 8 o'clock every morn-; ing any important event happening, up to the nour or midnight immediately preceding. There's enterprise for you. If anything else is needed, here it is from the Rock Hill Herald : "This ster- t is nOwr received at Rock Hill by the 2.20 a. m. train, or fully four hours"Tjefbre the. flsinsr . of -the sun on the dattf ItefAateJ Ifistffore, read by its subscribers here ten hours in ad vance of any other Daily. '-' This uf 'en terprise which is an. honor to Charlotte and to North Carolina." The Weather for 1879., Richard Mansill's "Almanac of Plane' tary Meteorology f6r 1879 has the fol lowing : it the positions m the planets affect the temperature of our earth's at mosphere during the'year I879,,as they, have done when , jn similar positions during the past years (paxtwuiarly .the positions that gave us the mild winter of 1877-78 and early, spring of .1830,) we may expect very erratic "Seasons during 1879. Asrreeable to the theory vre shall have cool weather set in early in. the autumn of '1879 ; it "will ! grow cooler somewhat faster than th, mean of the season in November, an4 through t De cember with "temperature belov 'the mean; winter ;wili4;ontinue ithrough i ebruarv, ioiiowed Dy a com March. We shall be flattered bv the DrOStoect of spring during a few days about theMidr die of April, while Mercury is about passing its inf e.rjwr ,;jconjuiiction ; with the sun but this willooB -pass- away, will probably remain below the mean thitfuffhbUt Mav. June and July while jw fhjnipye intoa hot, stormy supa- mer.aoeuttneiasxaay or .ugusi, ana these conditions continuing ' through PtemVW'ttdtfrJ Be- tween the auwmn.anajvinter montns cool droufiifcMwlIl 4ikely prevail over laree landed countries in. tne temperate zone, located far from' the ' seas, while an excess f,l rains! will probably oc cur on or about the seacoast countries dilritibtfrMfttn iterrirf:- These almormal irregularitfes ;6Tthe se'oiislof J879 must anect tne crops; in- many anu great parts of the earth during the year, j A Sojourner' Opinion of Charlotte. A eentle'man who has been sojourn ing in Charlotte for little time past; in ouest of health, writes a very pleasant letter totha, Alexaadria (Va.) ;GazetU over the signature "H, G. S. After speAking; of ,;Danville;Jth;iaostj basi-ness-like place m . Virginia; and -warm-trigUTjGreenbrtf-'iahWrthe' comes onxq unajriteHjug, yivrr ' place he says: .ft rfnt I "This Is a fluuiishiiig city 'tf--aibout 9,000 mrtanJifging from the banks, stores, &c.,. there must.be a very heavy business done here;andi enkrely in rotton. Thev have four national banks, one of them with a capital of, 3400,000, and ail seem to oe aoing agotai business, Tne stores jiere are mucu larger aria'carry he'ayierstocks than in Alexandria, Living is cheap; you can get good table board at $14 a month, ana even iess; ; wou ur Lly,v s-i you. hrnad streets in the citv.' crossing each: nthpr at ricrht aneles. The rest of the streets jare-iveryaarrow; about the widthv of Cameron street as it passes unxiso phuvch, Charlotte is in want of a debt; 50 cents taxes pays for all improvements arid citv exDenses. eiving their mayon efioo. salary, and other officers pro portion, - Could not -AiexanoriaBpai e that- half of .herifdebthe Jdonwantr muchi f orXJhariotte r-'Major ajOwb, wno we;.wouldknow better.as .Judge Lowe, hasmahy warm friends. herp inade dur- ate triad ttfliear ot mm iTherelClittle' f public interest trahspiring'tdigive.' sa I wril not' increase' the length -or tms JT - ' . , , tQrtainment Ur$2 iwcoTa jaeiiverea;iTamuyA.uuar $230 fio'SS.j Ayerythlhg atlleric; than with vou. -There are only twa Iefterr -5-: ? , ---THE BAlLUOAJ JUILAm - - It Puucvtliw llsiin "Willi an Aiwvnd" " s ment. , f. ndiioriiughiiteigliioriliiiig to:apJ sal's,!. r.LwA .it'!,!, knii'-jwiii t piy uie same 10 jif rjiuroTjinjne .pwftjy witrttfitintentii of killing the bilL aoer&aviK , 1 ,r ,111 utnitr-.a .a AicMati Agwtinut ibe Air-Ltne. In the city court of Atlanta, Wedne day, tbeiurjriahe easef he widow of Engineer Thos. Smith, who was kill ed by an accident on the Air-Line Rail road last November, a year ago. against that road, rendered a verdict for the plaintiff, giving her damages in the sum of &10.000, with interest from the datef , her Jisbjndfa .death, The de fendant" took an appeal to' the Supreme tknjrt. :: v , I A Nuisance. The locality 1 known as "Buzzards' Roostf, is rapidlp assuming the charac ter which aFivePoints'ha3 exclusively ciaimea a general nuisance. JNignt before last there was a disgraceful row h&Mti&LH1i4 fetnale Inhabitants all colored, and yesterday morning the participants were all before the mayor. The names of the chief, actors in the drunken row were "Frances Hoskins, Ida.Wilfong and Hattie Moore, and they were fined respectively $5, and ,and,QostsSjffl!W;nfemjnt.n:, j,,,- . -; r ; , , Sr. Talentine'v Day, The orjgip,!ptStyalentiiie!s J)ay, and the reason why the 14th of February WM RAlfWtad fnpits nlwervanpo mH Vvrft. 1 -trji .1 li li " " . .Ti ... li T. V 1 1 f trv Tn muiwaj uia n u t u i VIUMUX CllOllAUUUUU ill Ul J V ii tfat this day was Lsa called in La "Driest ... onbishop X- If AJ T i..s : x-r-- . . t iu bueiAiumisaunurca namea vaienuiie peror Claudius 4.1, at rtome, A. 114 271, and for which fact he was sainted by the Holy ,We, .alsa Jn4 it jtated that on or about the' middle of Febru- ary thIrperea!iafl feastsi heafn that ties, Pan and J uno, at which timeftt was th ctistoia? amidsta JvarietyJAotj cere monies, jtp. place ttjflnamefoftoung women in' a box, from which th'ewwere tbrarwn byttfe yotmg'mew asrchfuice di-: .. . 1 . 1. t A- .. t I 4 1 iculcu, luiu tuts resuii was mwjntcceut-f fid as rlpnisivft in matrimnnial matipra ish priejerxed.. tPt.7:b.iningL con-4ofevM j a.riArsL,; 8:iAfeo; cfc Vr yinced'thantie' 'bustdm "wasJugiciaU'f ri 'hA fftuwfctf30.,l W AVMV AAV A MT W VAfVSAA 1 VT 1AK f w VAACfeU he substituted .therefor the iuraies of saints In billets on that day.Neholwhen drawn1 were to be regarded by Atlie per son obtaining the same . as hia -Mr her patron" saint throughout' the yeqr, and hence the day ibecamei StivYalentine's day, more from accident than design. 'HdWever true fhis"mafvbe; ft'ii quite certain that Valentine's day,' er the 14th of February, was early set 'apart by the young j6ople otValV'cJfilized countries, and that the romance .con nected therewith has to a greater or Ues.degfee:;kept " trbj5--aJfibe-rminQbgolete. 'rinr itim -A I in England and Scotland to the pres ent day a ceremony is observed on th -4 evening ot St. V alentine 8 day very sum; lar to the ancient Ropjan; pustojn. , An equal fcumbex;ot of both sexes assemble at the home of one of .-their number for the purpose of draw-t fug Qflie of the opposite sex1, who is tdbel J his or heri'-yehtahVf tOr; the , Ensuing 4 year. this -custom,., a writer, .states,, often: ended in obtaining a partner ;!f or life. From the custom of chosing mates, it is believed that the subsidiary custom of WTitirig'lOve: epistles took its origin. Shakespeare. and Chaucer refer to. ,the uay as oeing auiy ouservea oy young rrien;in the sending of eourteous" letters to young, ladies .cputaiijng, wossipn of ctLLiicument anu goou wisues ior tne year.1 .nier -r, ciy,k-..-. umrf f;Akiao9 tin llus method of . pbserYiug.the, . day soon after became" very general," and continued in favor f Or a considerable period thereafter. -The.dayis, nqys al most everywhere a much degenerated festival, and its approach is usually her alded by the appearance in the shop- windows of a great variety of ridicu- and female figure, .with a, few burlesque lines ueiow. i For. some-vears. DeoDle of refined t: 11- haver almost entirely igiioredahy obserft vance or tne uay. FVKERAL NOTICE. The funeral services of Mrs. Virginia Savaflte wilt take place from the Baptist church at 1 1 & m. to day. The friends of the family are Invited to attend. tw &&mvtiszmmt&. E, GRONAUf yi.it ' The DODular merchant tailor of Baltimore, has f arrived In the city with a nice assortment of spring samples and will stay at the central Hotel lor some days and Invites his patrons and the public In general to give him a call. Any notice left at the hotefwill be promptly attended to. KesDectiuiiy. js. ukujnau. fAhl4.3t B v a vounfi; woman, a situation-as ladles' com Dan ton or family seamstress or take charge of Infants, or any such employment In a respectable family. Best references. Call on or address, R. M. B., febl4 It Charlotte Hotel. i T M ppp p p ppp p p. ... , . EEE E EE E RRR R a RRR RRR Y T R R Y Y RRR YY R R Y s8 Sss8 R R B R USER ,U -IK y; x r. ti.it l.i kr?3 9 At racil ni.-. j KAJ?i)'i'l .B H ! j dt wo d i!-vnsi4 .. NtHii'fH i bui XXas Jetosn Ti'-' '.!'.! T08-i ot v.rw; .nn: I; A K, A IV1 Hi Iv N - L tSMteOd -nd Jrfi Jr--4l -il tnrt.;. :i!f W . v xa a a A x- -L rjia4a wuu6 jr i .wu . oi - - ij i .Stf- inri .T.Ti.T.iOHW -i3KTf.'i!T X f(iaTT AlreshJoeVagnlcen CARAMELS 1us1b$n.TW"r&st gum Candy ytra eifer gunv Cream, Roman uncn ana ligypuan, u Is ;. Ilroaniretff Wamtttl?oaesAnd .TteTKOH 'TeKilOliS ' I ' : -f-'--;- finest French Candles, Bananas, Fruits, 4c., at i?if ?i WIS its JoSi.!BJs! dt btsA MMt f" rffa BtJILMiiSrft jWNTSietoRSd8 for tA, the roratrratf on 61 be.received untll uieorh of March, next;; rr I; jr nouses, uutjry a A'vifv ."45t " One Brick Block, contalnlne nine store houses. - ... j . i v. ; Wiin wo Bioneaouove aw t uum,, n, w Plan3, and, sDeclflcatlons, for 'first. name block mar he seen at the office of G.a It. Norman, archi tect; also, for hotel block at same office on and at-- 1st of OctobeT next Contract "tKve bonds. ' . ' R. L. BOWDIt, " 1 1 A. M. AAAJill A A kJAu j . t"ji r- - icommitteeforBuiidinir Asrfocinon. I'nmmTrTJw rnr'i'num f Aimm X r i Jff First Presbvterianhurt!h-hpU n mwt. ing Monday afternoon,. fttUfkiallpf the pastor, and expressed its disappnH batloaolJtlieactiojrctttJicirtof the church in inducing the ladies cbmnosin cr the SwedisbLayituartette.iosing ax, unaaj eyenuig-s, services, , and also forbidding the introduction' of fitich pmuJsiie4ntd Um ' clnurckrserrices heseaf- iiembered , that the1 quariie sang a. no aweetTJT' ana U57 aslrintaryv and r.after iithe dbenedie tion ananth.e rjpjheown language, - WW w --tfirr.tm.-i f 'd in'! mj N&SifcluV rrWlOlOiit K& illfw f,imtm I B? HP'S 2hiQJP1JaRtern& Jp mortgage i ade by T. X: ' ! W nkln son nd Laara t WUkinwa I to Uie Charlotte Building and Loan Association. 1 ! fronting on the N, C. Ballroad. In square Na58l f beginning at stake en tba N. CTftallroad and mug wim saia roaa uv,a atiuuds' comer, thence with her line" 180 feet to BrSiwSlel with said railroad 4 9V4 feet to J. B. Shannonhouae's line, thence to the beginning, which Is now claimed subject to said mortgage by K. W. Mellon. Said proper to besoldakBe court house door In the erty of Charlotte on the 1st Monday In March, 1879, for cash, the amount doe the Charlotte Building and Loan Association being S22&25. ofrtfud declktds ?" r 11 r Sec vend Tre&a. W Ml H inn 1 , - D. S. XAXWZLL. CL F. HASKISOir, Auctioneer. j. V fit bot lo lftl elili to Eftit "8jf iW i vmiI "f rst wt r nt b.-.g ,it(j i V . . . it t .uUT-AXil . M A Va. t.I 5imi : sAlXH-EOtCawlCXmfflBEffOHaOSBCmiCra, i" . .1 Jt Mifu - ila!5 st MvIftiiK !ini.q inO ofift 1 iauawwngNgQlWBluiBBIHa'-!; i . . Jmi J saliueq ul mint mm daeM MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE;-- .aairoCKWm tmotrlct personal .von, -attention to all business entrusted to our care. o Tour doors above Charlotte HoteL Mle8 .tfTjJ nl swoH rraoO nil is-, mtmlw. itimmmmm Juiui'JJ jjj i' hoqw oi btn-Kjx' to noJJwl'w do i -f,r. i . - . JOIN yourliahcis!ah'n1ehfeTbfra g ANDWICH, Pretzel, WhWlTBear, ! I j .3gf 3? ma pj receive right real, good cheer, .piJKASK step to, my hall Inspect, ' 'r"f JAR It, you'll see more than you e'pict. LiiPFlPWS1' Domestic Brandies, Wine, T try each customer's taste to reflne,"i gUCH Sandvrtch'nelahdfrsgof , 4 JJAVING Cheese and Sausage In bft'offanv I'j o)etlips asln sfps ie drinks' nFiACH S,I h Proves wnat T) IGHT off one more he calls as to his-friend iHToffon he winks. an22 URh!aM WtDfeX. f Dt WfflSHV XfURHAM WHISKEY. J DURHAM WHISKE 1 LaqbatohV or Sats AssAtra AMCmonsr, Richmond, Vs., September 7th, 1878. I have carefully tested a sample of "Durham Bra Whiskey" selected br8elf -from the stock of Messrs. Ellison ft Harvey, and find It free front adulteration. It is an taeellent article of Whiskey, sua atiugewer. suitanifl. ipr use .as a Deverage or medicine. tSIgnedp .HTTATJtiORVlt. IX, .! . . StateChemlst 'jttt'ata i l.i-1 gjemplalriisylriirr fiiiajfeof gyp arfBthey ever handled, we feel jnstifled In recommenrilng It to all who wish to get a really pare arLJle of Whiskey. None genuine unless- bearing- eur -bade -mark.' Call for "DURHAM" at W. R. COCHRANE'e. Cen- tjffll Hotel and all other flrstIass houses. - ELLISON- -aARVEY. jan!9 lm -m, m- a '. i Rlchmoddyya. QXistcllimcoxxs. T ALEN TINES I :8Ui.1 Mi KMtl 5t" r'syivil iJ VlLTOTtNESTf"! w-l' ''" :-f ; r A' ii -; fALKNTlNE8 ! I V,,1VALrrNiS! ! jji sawn. .wwstukidiAsti aetestMoo Vrru4 VQijMii , . .fcri WE HAVE 5l! icr b-hU-w 3;iJ -fall JCSI RECEIVED THIS DXTf KFINE AND WEUu i-'i TALENTINES, VALENTINES ill J Iuwsj ,yyn3. ajwIjT ft) Ifim.' Mo -sot c . w wmimiieiproposetoseucneapat . ao -- ; -ao WBLEAXibi" RETAULj ro?rn)Dy 'BRbTHEB. fub7 BARRItifkRl) RED 20 OpNSETTS.r Fresh. WILSON ft BURWELL use: and post free. Yearly 83, with a uneauallea premfe no. two splensi ftil ijcturea, Rocll o Age aM j t)A L,lon.ta Bpvle, 15x24 inches, inonnto4 0ft eaa- card for full particulars. Address W. JSNNINGS BEMOREST. 11 1th street N.H rDo not fall to see the splendi t..v .t: . - - ii feb. erHuwini. SciwdbAl t-mO JimUimw ert andi fcs! bit ytv j "t - ? - .CTahgwuaiifiT " .... 1 vfclil A 5 t mXTSyCABBAGi; IRISH POTATOXarAP j 'KaaasrteDerl'm' 5 , SHU: - VrtDTVO Mtma wmjw jtff VTflmk V - --- I ' 1 ALSO. PBOPSICrOBS Of THX f! HO it :Hi jr;?j fr;l ti r.r'xrry,,: CHARLOTTE BOTSL, HCl Xiioi a tot ibis Htm iuim bt:l mwtV suf -'f tin ; 7 lo atitua two am aii'jiio! nn f'iJlmM n.bfltf,j IvrjRl -urn sun ttaAidiarwwVNi nw,Mfc t-ti Ait i Terms, Per Day bo -"fe Great Inducements offered to table board ers; for terms see the proprietor. -Omnibus and Carriages at everTtraln.. a ' ITELD BROTHERdri J. .Proprietors. Mr. a H. Wnejf Lapx,.... . .Superintendents. Hshbt WJLstsa,.: . . ; . ... :T. Clerk. a mu st. .31 -13 o' b-HaaeU'W I IWliTWl P.iJOfT.ii 'mil tt! f-.h , r.,.t ' ntaiKtti D'iiiJ3iMd tai wtti; ol !wm- esB I i iUli isimi i-ASuW9fflt !ia -.. i i - t?. ftfe'i JKtfef CtorS; W. O. ShelbUTB As- n 1 1 1 i i k QONDKNSKD TIMS., NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. .i-.'fl'-"? !M1 " 4"! No. 8 I Date, Not, 10, "78. No. 2 Dally: Dally iiUalry I ei.Sun. ''i U- .(H -so k I AlOcm Leave Charlotte, - ? ereenoro,f 3.43 a m 8.20 mm 800p Arrive Ooldsbore.''' r25pmt 8.80a m ti rvriaW.ttiSR.'RLfor all volnta In Western Norttr Carolina, daily exceDt Sundays AT Greensboro with R. 4 D. R. R. tor all points North, East and West At Goldsboro with W.4W.B. B. for WUmlngton. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with R. 4 D. R. R. for all points Norths Kast and West , TRAJJSS flOIKO WEST. No. 7. Dally px. Bun,- Date, Nor. id, '7a Nal Dally. No. 8 Dally. Leave GeUsboro. , i &SO a m 5.35 pm ,!. 3 Raleigh, s , l&60im 50 am h i V .s5Wsbord T 8.28 p to 1 6.4t a Sa Anc&ariottew.,; 1X25 am L&oOam NaiHConnecto. at Greensboro, with Salem BraneW Atfifaarlotte with C.C. 4A. R. R. forall points Sowth and South-west; at Air-Line Junction with A.4 CTX L, Railroad lot ail points South and South-east ;,,..( , , h - J Na 8-Connects at Salisbury with W: N. C. R. R. dally eneptrSiwday. "At Air-Line Junction with A. 40. Aj.JU.wr aft polnto South and South-west. At Charlotte with C... C. 4 A Railroad for all points South and South-west SAIjKH branch. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrive Salem, " " " 10.50 pm Leave Salem, ' ' - " 5.45 am Arrive Greensboro, ' " " 7.45 am Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. 4 D. and N.C. Railroads. i . " j' . ' SLXXPIKO CAKS TTTHO0T CHANGE Run "both ways on Trains Nos. 1 Md 2, between Mew York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and. Charlotte, and both wars on Trains Nos. 3 and J 4 between New York and Savannah fla Richmond, J Charlotte and Augusta. . . .'Aiirougn..icKeui onsaie at ureensooio, uaieign, ktabor Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all priaclpal jMlnts South, South-west, west,. North and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. R. MACMURDO. ? .-.u- , Gen. Passenger Agent aov20 Richmond Va. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Chablotts, Oslcxbia akd Augusta R. R. , Colcxbia, & C, Dec 27, 1878 On and after Sunday, Dec. 29th, 1878, the fol lowing passenger schedule will be run over this road, (Washington time,): , . NIGHT EXPRESS. Goinq Sooth, Na 1. Leave Charlotte, 1 00 AX Arrive Columbia, 600am Leave Columbia.. 005 Arrive Augusta.. Going Nokth, Na 2. Leave Augusta Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia,. . Arrive Charlotte, , DAY PASSENGER. .10 00 AM 5 55 P. x. 10 00 P.M. 10 10 P.M. 3 10 Alt. Gonro Sooth, No. 3. 1eave Charlotte... ......... ..." r Arrive Columbia......:...... .... Leave Columbia 11 27 ax. . 4 10 p.m. . 4 15 p.m. . 8 80 P.M. Arrive Augusta........... . Going North, Na 4. Leave Augusta. . v..... Arrive Columbia . -,.".:. ....... .v .... . . 0 03 AX ... 1 20 ?. x 1 80 P.X 6 80 P. x A.eave Columbia. . ... . . ... Arrive Charlotte. .:i...v...u These train stoo only at Fort Mill. Rock Hill. Chester, Wlnnsboro, Ridgeway, Leesville, Batosr burg, Ridge Springs, Johston, Trenton and Granlte vUle. All other stations will be recoanized as flag stations. ; " . . Pullman Palacy sleeping and drawing-room cars on Nos. 1 and 2, Greensboro to Augusta; also on Nos. 3 and 4, New York to Savannah, via Rich mond ft Georgia Central Railroad. a . u. ALiN is, superintendent Jno. R. MacMubdo, g. P. Agent pHOTOGRAPHS. ' .. la eenseqnenaaeC the preduoUon jIa the price of the original cost of materials, and in order to give my patrohA uie benefit of toe redoctldil from and ; rxer una -date tiiatograpna ynu be taken at my GaHeryat flit r mi -hihp-jhh rvttf? ; ! MPC22 ,-.tliii. M'T FT- J. & VAN NESS Mi 0 , gnu geia eucior, ai " EE W. BATTLE, M. D.i . . . ;. , Having jemoved his ofJBee to the : tot floor over he Traders' Nathmal Bank, an be f sand there au noun during the day, ana at his residence cor ner Sevetah and Collegestreeta at night h j .,' HE-NO is Tea in its natural condition, such as the Chinese themselves drtnk, and for- the follow ing rood reasons la sold only In original pound and half-pound packages!-' - It is the most convenient and economical style of paekagev 'l-.T', . It is weighed and packed where it ean.be done eheanest and best ' - ..-i i Itcanbeeaslly identiabytheerjnjuef. - It keeps the Tea better. !. U prevents adulteration In America, :. ; . j ' We ara the agents for HE-NO Tea In thla city. and ask our friends to give It a triaL ' If not sawv 4.11 woioivn o Wi v ' Charlotte, N. : G it .tCl rtti"? "VjIu puv. -!. .nl .93 w VAJUA,XAUAJhU OjV1AJUI ,j -'J n' T"or StendarPyqork, 3. J "CAROLINA CENTRAL i ..n-3-trck,..- thli'tiwv belni fuBy eoatpprt ft ( freight frani liilALiuut Simula tor VyU JuaiIIBIt la JOiJillOTfllftlM v.-ri i hiramlhCwftUiftmlLwittiam nji4; ureeimu,eparaiiowSraii. hhnu m. Uflanttq TennaisM . Objoi l:iU -i-if:;!-niK Oi ? AavwlM psioMtnCwWiW mi- .c,tnutfi.j Ufin-piii irsfii'Jh' :vf 4.-i) y : j-2MSniR3lii1Ti -Irt -i-Vill i ! mi rWance and Rates tjwkhCeed as torn as i"iiii iii y-vfitt loJentX f t w f : r. f .fMJin.m. iTfwwwBtten-wtHslM I.-...C N V:iB0p' fSJO VJTOI 5lfOd t'UJ .n'Wo bifioJl sift ivstirfJ edJi :i tuuwwa y.'.isnma jiui liF'Ufio oj o-Mf .-.ia.vi;v..i.,i- -t-O,? rwrw - U1ir,:v A,fv. ,it i f r-""'Hii '- niKm vwui - nni;:i ui jiajw 1., jkwj -u i:m!i.u! : :n.? -.; . ,7 liijj.j-.t niji) KJaauiljii ij, ! liibhiVia-an : ' rf 'Anvil i j ru Oolpite Hewy arid eiyeertna Soap i? iT! - . ' ti J ! i.-i: vrtt r-i, i English. Fiencb and rr.til ..:i;',urri'.'i m:i: .fitA 1 i -aii Hi-: ,":i(!j-' .1 ' .j rft;-' ,- f I , ' . American Tooth Brushes 1" ".'." : : . : PRESCRIPTIONS ' ' 'li iCaretuUy prepared at , aU . hours, bjnth might aad oayTat ti', i .:'!;- i'V' '.I , ;-ii! . - is iiinioiSji' ' J. kriAjiN!: ' lf' Prescription Stoie. ' ECURITY3 hil: 5". ; ' ' , in "i ' - . . , s . 1 ' '"" ' '-)'-t - SECURITY I SlSCURITTf 200-Barrels'of : : ' C. WEST SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AWL ALADDIN SECURITT'OrL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil. from C. West A Sons, Baltimore. Hlirhest Medal awarded at Centennial Xxnosiiion. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit lef ore it will burn. C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Da. J. H. MoADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C ECARR ft CO., ITV R U G G I S T O I -1 XJ R U -G G I ST Of KXAs the poar-OFncx, Would respectfully inform the public that they have opened a retail aad family Drug Storei hear the PostOffice, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs, jan7-tt TEACHERS WANTED. $50 to 8100 or $200 per month, during the Spring and Summer. For full particulars address - ' . r, virmnv & m - .Philadelphia, Pa. JrPHTHJKRIAI . j , , Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure inne cases to tea. Inf ormaaon tint will av many lives sent free by malL Don't delay a mo ment . Prevention is better than cure. Sold every where. , L 8. JOHNSON ft CO.. i . Bangor, Maine. B ENSON'S CAPCINK ' POROU8 PLASTER. FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREVf OR ; WOMEN i AND CHLLDREIN Females snffertne ffom inm and weakness will derive great comfort and strength from, the use of Benson's Capclne Porous Plaster. Where children are affected with whooping cough, ordinary oougha or colds or weak lungs, a is the one and only treat ment they should receive. Thla ertdole contains new medicinal elements such as is found in no other' remedy in the same form. It is far superior to common porous plaster llafcaentBr electrical apr puances ana outer exiernai remeoiea. - u relieves pain at once, wrengtnens hh cures wueie outer piasters win not even" reneve. - jror tame ana Weak Back, Rheumatism, Kidney disease aad all, local aches ana , pains, It la also the best known remedy. , Ask for Benson's Carxrine Plaster and take no ether.1 Sold by all Drugglsta. ' Price 25 cents. '" -'- n - ' , And aH Disorders of the 1 S B B O A T j! N D ,L U N G S Permanently Cured. DSl T. X SLOCUVS GREAT REMEDY 1 1 i . t i ; EX 1, ti r , Vv n Jiu ri-M x x . . KB -7.,.'! Taken to eoiiJtmctlonvJlUi his : , : " O0MPOUND EMCLSlOlSf ' "OF ' , r r u r e ; c 6 j ;t i r i .,; o t : - IT -; and hypephesphitos of i 0T . A FREE BOTTLE- of each' teparaUon sent by express to each soflerlng emucaht sending their nana, P. O. and express .address to Dr, T. A. Slo eum, 181 Peart street, New York.'- 100 BUSHELS FRESH CLOVER SEED. Also Orchard Grass, Kne Glass, and Lnearne, -! i .-!-1 Jhiat received h'rs::s ji rjitf-'.-pj. WTLSOd ft BtmWELL, UTi are the aeents for HE-NO TEA m this ettyl 1 II - and ask our friends to atvett a triaL; If not satisfactory we will cheerfully take it back and re fund tne money. . . ? s ; - -1 WTLSON ft BUBWELL.'i :' JJ Agents for Chariotte.N.C' , ..... if V ,.i.iH'Z-f 1 ,rf to ill JOKXjfi05rr&.ia ajir ; flers ttnequaUed'fcfaiAlMf6r'th Traluponiba r. - -.."tlAliDle .,-,--II VTiisntjht'l . - - ' urjijtivitid is ,.tvsm7JL ioifo-x - fa i n 7i!ili,,'il tnttftf lA-uro Chaiiottev.ftvUle,f,.Ahiwraie( Ruierfordlqtt the Athmta 4 Rtohmond, AJrrLlae, ohil-i lV, . -an .Westato N. aRailkoadsi t mm r,v,..r . 4)1 IffriT .mii!N3 lita'-.f ti4mtMvrKv rw. ; iuoj!fit lio noffiiqo .;!! m Ii mnxtJ-rxt ; ilsmina ant Ifttrtwatnpb bft v,n Jlt..,. b ttni,IfKK .-!) jo1wto- tmuaa vtateCoiipeUnfflJhf,'andTlnw T1 ifinol ttoqvt mlT -JhMlu t j mm 2nn7?. it f.rrAcr, -Nifd it iwyroh '4Vit CmOWL'.- !j ;fioutbTeeterftlAant, ,floU). AUiol i iu:Utia'j T :0UISTaNA BTiTE LOyEBTij jj ttias f dvih Viiimvcn bit? xtotate item A sp: tun: i'l To wlk 1' fOreC13 Tmri 'lrjuid'D Class ' Ci W New'CTleans:, -TuesdaV A AMI, AOIrAVOUI- JH.UUU1I .itiiiiKqniOT l,l. H4j -ii : IvvrKo---h Hid iST ii : 'This ' lnstitnttba- wj letfalarir incorporatei by the Legtalature .oft the.. State fox; JkiucaUonal and cnarrtanie purposes' nt ; ies; toa th txrh or fln TjUSS. to wh oodLmttiA friviitiii. la faith o! the te-is pledged with a. capital ot 81000,000, to which ithas since added a fieierve jv una oi ksou.uuu. us uiaama bamuajs NUM $350, BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on theseeond Will never soaleaer nostDones. Liwk,!!, ,dteqrlbnt9n 1 t f!o;rt9Jx9 "if I lol rbl-frti Uh ii:- ' v!fji7 nij?D:Y ufj .i:s Juu-i I i 1 CAPITAL! PRIZE.. 30.000. : ..tf ? 1..1 .'--ivi!(.'j t?ol!i; fiiifi .vlrtnno .nul haoi)? b'JSiii'I '..v'-'n 100,000 Trckets at Two bonArs eacW Hair Tick. li i ('H vthA,iwaifif.'0'iuili n ii ' ,;,., ;ii,;x 'TiA .114 Htli :lu!;il oiiMT -'Tit; v::-.3;Vi:-T .-.ii-t : nii 'ikU othi;-! -ni woi;. : ii-f k-nlT !l( 'lpltal'Prfze'.'JJi'.'.: 'iA V..:..;;: $30,000 f 1 1 c&pnai mj ? ,i. v.vv . i .... w lOjOOO 2 PrCoffirjOO -"V"1 I'Rol. Ilriolflwi:::? BO Prizes of .1 i 60OJ.1 i. .'. .Sii . iw;i v 10)000 )i.i 20 . 00 Prizes of , 60 -, .' . . . v . . . J, , .10,000- 500 Pri2s of ' .20. . .p. . . '.C:.-:: . r. . QMO.000 1,000 Prizes of.' tilOiiU .uw.v.ii.Ji, 10,000 H 7 ' . - APPROXIMATION FRIZES i i - ( I ii1-' l.i jv'f - -trt ,1 u.,,:74n, jf-:,' 9 Approximation Prizes ot $300.,...' . $2,700 Approximation Prizes of 200:.... ' 1.X0O ' . 9 Approximation Frizes of ?-100.... n 900 " '! -?' ir !".' f:i SfM;-' i . 1857 Prizes, amounting to. ...... T .... ( $110,400 Responsible corresponding - agents wanted at all prominent pglnts, to. whom a will hA naltf compensation Application for rates to crabs sripuid only be made w iue nvmi vmoe in how unesDK, i T M - t Write, clearly stating full, address, for fua infor mation or send orders to M, A DAUPHTN,V Postoffloe Box 692r New Orleans, Louisiana AH ow Grand Exlreordlnary the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD andJUBAL A, EARLY.' ' febll- lit'". . (,;'. !--J F ROM DR. S. W. HUNTER,' BALTIMORE, M. D, Having become famniat wittji,Coiden LewUfs Liquid Extract of beef and- Tonic Invlgor ator, I take pleasure in recommending' It as ah ex cellent preparation, combining as It does food and tonic in a remarkable way, producing good, blood, health and strength. Sold by all Druggists. G EO. a WARE, Manufacturer and 'Wholesale Dealer in '-'Ttrtix ''ALJi'to; ' AND ' 1. -' : - .A:-' '.' ' 13DEB,' YTNEGAB!,' ' V ' - 1 - - . it it t f i Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer ot i E. R. CONDIT'S TABLE SAUCE, 287 to 296 W. Third St, . mCDTNAIL 0. OILS SASSAFRAS , - Of prime quality, bought' In any: jquanitr. for cash on delivery, free of brokerage, mtnnuAslnmv or storage expenses, by . j j i , t , , DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OIjS. &c. 88 v?uliam Stil ::lv.V.!.;il. 17New York ! A DAY to Agenta eanvassinf for the rrj fna sroa Visitor." Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. yiCKERY, Augusta, Maine.,', . , ; x OA Fancy Cards, Cnronwrsriowrlake, 4c.; ne two OXf alike, .with xuone, 10 centa,- J, Minkler ft Co, Kassan, N. Y... . ; j 1 A MIXED CARDS, with Dame Iok.u 'Agents' 4U outfit 10c lITjONESft Ca, NeAsaa.N. Y. aeciii ..J ilji!o' V.ii rpo ADVERTISERS. Send for bur Select List of a Local Newspapem 1 Sent free en application. Address GEO. P, ROWXLL ft COM 10 Sproce St, New Ya7.,'ii!Yi:. ,v.n'vi su KEES O O VY AAA lT O OiAAK.t OO V AAIXU.!-! OOOA iAK- KKIB ni jr.i-i .- ...,i:f i;w (io;K'ui;i ai;;v I COtGlT ftC0S ' ,u; i'' COLGATE ft COS.tii: Iu,, - f ; ; if fff.j i? 1 'SAVES WASTEf 1 r '1 ilf.'.ii'l.iijf .. FdBTlCNDUY USE.". trrrr!v TTImTOT 1 TTVtl ' j .v. fIf fsji , ..'it U .fi'i irW.Mil' .iM ? ThemiderstoeViM nreTerrciaflsoi.uiiaenaiang. a funassortmeWof ''-"f ll,COTF13JS,rfCASEETS iAD FURLiLCABES. f,i Both Wood and Metaiv; -fwi " , .frrlAlgnlV .' "!1 ' li ,!Mt?irjtI WRl f-.t'?! .-.t.f'Vw if'? ' 'ii ii. t..J If S-ti'lPWCW Ae LOW AS AXX'.4 i? ..if-rt .'jJ.-tv f;j.-i? lfc(wni. -J itt Hearsw.furntofaed1! deslred.j,j , ... .rti'.tlwl.fty t&tvrvttl I'm Ti h T-liM-.K, Sjy.yt'.j - . . - r?-''i J..!"!, , j-'i Tifi.Vrti FunutuVe ot every Description Bepalred at shor .(.jh H f.a f-l ,w ,i j... ., ,( ... j - t - .. W.U. WIL1EEIIJ, v t : IwithE. G. BOKem. Trade Street; 1 June 20. ,J v -'-"' -r, "5" ' lstrTbutli t - ' if1!- i,'ra' -