HA' - FRIDAY, PEBRU ART WftPit j ....... tA1OTB;rj :-'.' v'-n- r T"-'- SENATE, . "j. v.-v senator Davidson, at bis ownTequesq vena ATCnsed irum iarMier dcwi . fmm tlm 1ofnt -select comTn ; Xtvonnhmtmt and reform. This Dort rives it as thepinion of the com contemplate the support by the btate o the insane ouisxue ui mo the subject. The report furthers says fUTivln the management, ol u i T,, thaTthecleatEandsdTOib Jvin7hM been well managed, but ca fmw be run for $32,000 per year, it reh I commen lUOO derived for the buil arih TtHttMOlt 'f rom the e of lots in Baleigh, and the abolitioA of the extra clertohip m tne uovernorp AiLBnir finaXea on recommenda- .ti6ttthftnbflttpresenteda bin Carolina ana,enrate xne JNorin CJarolinaiBMiyJfcnd also a bijl to carrv out tfaerecommendations -of the commiWlnMdfhewr'a mgm nn ; ntui tiovemors , ciers. -xihj Senateprderedat.mTOpies of the report I rt and bills be prmteq, - , CALENDAB.1 . Bipcerngrt porated companies. .1 The bill was discussed by Senators The Dill to regulate salaries and fees. This bill was postponea ana maae uie ifcTOft'lTrt hilb!waAifarthrii(iis- wo Bill TOairrenauiecirarwfr crcmsixurtu Western IToith Carolina JltalfifdadiThis. . r . . " . - .i m ii - bill nroviaes ior ine extension ui mo road up the Yadkin Valley by Wilkes- l boro to Pattertoa-Sf factory; in xaiaweii dsl 1 county, and allows 200 ccmvicts for the wortc. assea secona ume. a t Bill to ehanftame ofc the. West ern Railroad id;te corfllidate it with the Ait Airy railroad, wW made special oruer ior wruiuuun at xjc u wwn. Bill to aid in the ejftension of the At lantic, Tennessee and' Ohio .Railroad. This bill allows the road to use the con i vlrt labor.of the counties tfirftughiWhich it runs, and to get fifty- iimorofiram the eeiiaiors ii-araended JfthftUw to provide tht bnlyttefedttticts cS,are sentenced f less $-pm&u ' - shall .be sent directly to , the road and ' passed its second reading. BUI to amend thfl BlectiOft law. This WU provides for ;the election of Superi ;; Ujt Court clerks Wtimf after i.fthe first Monday .jnxSfoyembeifc: Jt was -tliscussed by Senators HendersonrBull rtnd 'Davidson, amended as to portions iv j)fltryettegtod'TOssedv' ?n'7 -! -Baitachangell'W i K ficHirts of the ninth district, . Bill forthe-benefit of the Winston, "'fSalettfand Mooresyille Railioadlv, :Pass- wuJBillifojr iXBn relief flfi jayorsiin the, county of WiKses. This bill was disi ' Aiissed, bX'Sejratora?theson1Ij3ull. and Nicholsooy' and massed.) ..kaiikfii t j Bill to organize and incorporate the TJhanTB5ia i . fi?ih!llrlyfo? Kay" ment of the. : county taxes to the; first Monday in March and the school taxes to the firsjb Monday in May. The bill was discussed by Senators B rower, Hen derson and Austin, and laid on the Bilf to redttfiri' 'sheritfs, Superior Court jtlerks) and: registers: to '5 make;: sworn ateteme 'Senator liedwine moved that the bill be ? c indefinitdy postpone 1: The ctotion to , indefinitely postpone prevailed, and the '' Senate adjourned. 1 a ' 1 ' M HOTJ8E OF BEPBESENT ATI VES. ' i'eDruaryttii. were presented hyjMessrs,Yaughan,Bur roughsV Ehglish,iArdrey, Ritchie, Bla lock, Arm8trongAmi3,ciicK, liariison talwRtl. MnnorklA. Boat. York. Richard- son of Wake, Ellison, Mortng and Har- 'JT v TT . - ' - rell, ijjit!r.iif',tftit btta loMrfit'i RESOLUTIONS weTe introduced by "Messrs.- Ndrment, Ararey and TurneciniifT w :-.: - SIL.JLB - j : A were- introduced by-Messrs! JN6rtnknt, 'Orchard, Amis, Col well, Davis of Hay- i' V I ; ' " UNFINISHED BUSINESS! t JBul to' regulate fees of clerks, sheriffs. etV was on motion of . Mr. Amis, made special order for Thursday at noon, i Bill-to1 give' certain colored persons itojheright of inheritance, ,by , legalizing; - . the connection of persons, who lived to- - ,.x; r- j -r r -1. r fetrjerntnaTTfandwifeiioto - PaWltiadlnlf? T;n a oMAt Htij(Av vrnf Aft n 'owi ubscribfor,l5,000 stoefcot theMil- ' ton and SutteirUB Narrow.'Gaugy Rail- road, Passed its second reading. ' ,Bilto mg contracts. n:rA T:;T7MTuriier offered m-ainenriment from being omcersont any railways He discoursed on rings, saying the llOuse " was heavy on retrenchment but weak on reform. His amendment was lost And the bill passed. . M:x ";BU1 to repeal the actestliffoing th; arihiiria Cotrrt of Wake X. v o o j eJ ?nk ' Alter considerable disuission the pre vious question was finally called updo? the passage of the bill. Upon this the veas ana nays iwere caiiea, wnen tne5 Diu passed. ; HUl tor the relief of the blind, by pay ing to persons who lost their sight, or both hands or both feet in the Confed 'erate seryiecthe svinl of feop annum 'out of the treasury: 1 X1- - An amendment that , all who lost speech or use of limbs was lost ' . The bill then passed its second read ing by a vote qf88,to, lv ; i Adjourned. 7 . i Lrr.!JfiiTihlee tt be yfcBa.eamt . i 1 A ewortf eVs&tes that a puK . . A. l At A. 1 I.I3 . a mu.. jt j.-t . sought to be cast v nolitiral enemies, and to prepare an b,lT address :to him, assuring' him oft "the t-A.-J AJI 4 Alll. Vf 4 , An old nhvsidan. retired from practice, havli h td placed In his hands by an 'East India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption. bronch-Os, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and' lung ejections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers tat thowtnds of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his sui-ering fellows. Actuated by tola i.J: motive, and a desire to relieve numan sunenng, I ,, ml send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this "recipe, i-n full directions for preparing and using Vln German, French or English. Sent by mail by a ldresslngwllh stamp, naming this : ajjer. w. w. bherar, 14tf powers' tuocx, uocnes .r, New York. penitentiary; v i MX iDividaon and. .Caktwell. "mm ngteflr NewYork final .. U. 'iT.oi Lnwwff4hBr4:uuny. mus now; oefore, fth'gfess is due for the benefit of Au- rastus Watson, who wants wyw ior; Li4nvtet,irian-MXU'oaucmsr stamped and nnstamDed newspaper wrappers,! Lmidimr oonaicferablvina tbe tdiffusioivof, knowledge among mankind bJnsreaf-j ing the circulation of transient news-i papers, it was AUguaius n auwu " wanted Congress, two or tnree yea ego'j ta - appropriate aoar wuqf . njta'thcoritineofcjaf Africa. - That eminent connoisseur ; or nne arts, oenawr juiocjr, uj. uiuuidooi wants the government to purchase thaq celebrated nistoncai painung, aiki Bock of Cbickamauga, by the worldj f amoua9rtia cCajoUiiiJJansom Senator Dorsey Deueves mat me nation jir wwwuug vuj feMesra;Jian Appleton, & Y. Tu per. Patrick farreuy, Jf rwenc A.row ana aDouu iony oinerequauy c Ari t.h United States Board ofTraaei Manufactures. Commerce and Agriculf ture." The work whichese fpxtor gen- Semen desire to undertake' is" simple ift 'ufiaWbmoMWullbohey prof pose to originate and promote mi for the oenent or iraae, man and agriculture; lu uiu rrmmereial, aiia . acaacil tions of the world : faSfflpqtei aJL-a nroved measures for Improved ctfnlxii nication bv land and water; to harmc ni7.Athe relations between railroad co panies ahd their freight' and passengejr customers; to facilitate a more corof 5leteJ9f5jC menrfflL mani factufing, agriculturaahd bthet indus trial interests of the country, to collect and distribute statistics relating to all these mterests.mcouragexftapr tlement of trade disputes py arDit tinn ' tn encourasre the technical edu tion of the WcirkinlBlasses to colli accounts without resort to lititratio: ftdii . afjf general - aiid' unpretendin way to promote measures affecting the improvement of the currency, bank ing, tariff, navigation, paten find labor laws, and the trade, commerce, manu factures, and agriculture of this coun try as regards capitalists, inventors, fcrMricers; distributors, wholesale and retail mercnants, mecnamcs, ana iaoor- Half a miiiion dollars is wanted for the improvement of the Youghiogheny river, in Pennsvlvaniiti and the Jfew, Guyandotte, ElkBig Sandy, and Great ft. an a wxi a rivers in vest virguua. ; ' 'The "Hbn."1 Alexander SLs Sterpbens wants a goloid metric dollar, and goloid metric coins of all larger and smaller denominations, with E Pluribus TJnum andJfco Est. Gloria on one side, and iperty and pictures of wheat. toU am tt tobacco on the other; and Wil liam Wheeler llubbell wants for mm self and his heirs for all time1 rojjSflty' of one mill onYery goloid dollar coin ed, because he got up the idea. T.':4TrP! Aownena uiover, wno ior ni- teen years has received a salary from the government, as entomologist of the so-called Agricultural Department, has spent part at thatime writing a Shook about North American bugs He wants Congress to. payhiin $27,900 for making over nis manuscript to tne government. 11 uuaui4 4iwcimiif naif yo icuci w uic l extent of $2,920.07, not for having been struck by an unknown assailant, but because . his- lands ia.jAdAms county Penn were occupied by United States troops during the late civil unpleasant ness; and his neighbor, Jane Ann (jlap- saddle, w.anta ,6058 t .op, , be. am; crrounds. ' .-wy.in .ch a Half a dozen different financiers in the lower branch of Congress want bills passed making the Mexican dollar and the trade dollar lezHl tofider. .c ;:M$torrpf ia law maKingn,t iwiawiui;.xor ny,jtiui man car conductor to charge more than $1 for a night's accommodation, of more than $1.50 for twenty-four hourSj of luxurious travel , ti A bill now in one of the pigeon holes of a House committee wants to make it a misdemeanor. Piinishable bv fine and imprisonment to pubUoly solicit alms, lumbia. This is the mostrsensible rneash ure of the lot If rigidly enforced such' a law would cut oil JohnJioach and a-d goodanyothejj prosaionai beggars. :i ' Sayler as thefviourof B tf Specie?. "Cope land" in the Brooklyn Union. ' Milton i ylOcieltimliii9 'from )kio nd acting Speaker of .the, House is in great tribulation, and says he m- I tends to-morre vftD ! introduce a1 bill I 1 1 ? 1. 1 Al TTA. 1 I arjousnmg ait, woinenrviJUf , inMntiea, States except ins own mother, it ap- Sars that last "hlghtiwherl Wizard's j otel was on fire, and wheu great dan- ger threatened, he went around the ouse gathering -up children and had theatre or out visiting. -In front of his oorrer , "about twy'usesr JBach with 'a"bisr buMfe' otrabAnfe of the children were, in hight-gowts," antfr.: ty-nve years of age, and all ot thefciild ren of the hotel like him and play with himi,e,TheTesnlt of this first experience in dressing children was that bit got th jprmeai,,on 4asi na vice, versa, PPA m generally on inside out or uoside down, and some of the thmes SJS! WA FJ11, aPPP?? at b.reakfast, tfie dies all burst out laughing whenhe en- townlwvmt r-M.ll,'.,M',Wi'!iSi,'J? u" ""i ueaiu ui euuu liigruuiuue, uui win con- imue xo Keep ueanuts ana cany m his a' for1 the crrndf etfatt the 'sitae. vrtilAnffr Kn i.i.',i en: ;.!);'i'iM tUim-i xino inn itpnngnald BjpuLUean.,: tun ii ' iestnekthiiaten-ttliO' -vrjaona'JD&a I J w A- 1 mi i! ' 1 l,nerthf froh.t Wdatlef theminis- 1 1 thathe wouldlike to iW howlev iPeoole: aytl Who Utmihdhemr herd -fttd: gin ten mm tnat ne must not go with out askingthe-minister's-permission, shand-h-hand they lft their seat, and standing before ther clergyman the uiue cwap uupeuouv ms f peuuon. roe minister was naturally surprised, out wibuuuvmierrujn,iiig ms uiscourse noa ded his assent. .JThat did not satisfy the; children, and again the boy asked per mission to gorarrd was answered by an- fitherihod, jrhen, the, littjle -girL' fearing: uxo uiiuiBter uau not, unaerstooa ner Mother SiOdffHeaSB, stt,yJfrBtJi( antl'gothomei? Th&m'inistgrtjobped 't2 and i mm i ovvect tuiuitt. vuu. sir. to be one from out of town; and he was, alter xne sermon, quite anKious to tiiin.csj'jvr ifoflslo-SrTTfrfl S-.H'C X i.!4i-)estarjai O Reporter. . ; i it-Mi j ttuiui u. iowH, imv-Bg snspectea tnat her!Cpmwas, being stolen,, put Jierself January33etween 3 and.4 oclock neifc morning hearing-a noise about her corn CTibBhft proceeded, thither and found a negror Frank-Massey filling a sack with corniaShe. CQpUjKinaj-chqCihiHf pff at the muzzle of ;her i pistoi; land guarded him 1 until1 sunrisd? ;whirtiTtahA" pAchrtpd him: into, town; at short pistol tangp and handed him over to fcthe ofiicer3 of the Jaw " sma li makes no diIerenee how t"v f'TsWP-Sri! hovf much medicine you ha? tc, it xcow ua j tabHshed fjet that Geran Lynrp 1st e oiily rem. dy which Las f ven eoxtsit-'s sacaiar on o seven cases of Lun? Diseases. It Is true vaere are yet: thousands ef ,r"30", f'-o ,. . predisposed to Throat and lung "AioJUons, " Ckiasunstion, flem-i rrhages, Asthma, fcevere Colds seued on the; Breast, Fneumonia, wnooping uougn, sx, woo; ave no personal cnowieage pi oscnee urrniiauj vrirttf rtWh we wonMaa'that 60.006 ussen were sold last year without one complaint Coin sumDUYes try just one Dome, regular iuzb ot cents. Sold by &U dnwxlsts m America. - - t t, card. 'f K Tn all rtin m nf ot!t fmm ftwt mm and lTM iseretmisfn4nMifti will cure you, t fi-rf aThls greafi remedy Was br -a 1 mtBsionarr lni goath America, send self -addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D.BibW JLHr HO fMnAlA-lOH'l .OiU HER OWN W04DS. ; i. " ftarimore. lli; Yeb, IS; 167t. Mr. H. B. SHQfl-aTTOaaAII3 :v Dear Sir Since seyeral years I have got a sin and vftrr Dalnful fooL I had some Dhrslctans. w they couldn't core me. Now I have heard ol youi vegeone rrom a laay wno was sick ior a ransome and became all iwelli lrom-ropg Vegettne. and I went and flight me one boUie of VegeUne; and after I had used one bottle, the pain left me, and oeiMte-heatheni tootti6neter Jaotf ue, ana saii(et!f d,iBi;Ur misrenit edy and yourself; and wishing every sufferer may .pay attention to it. Ti fa blessing for health. - - ta ssl ansT UBS. C uABE, teod ewt-4 vj im&iuimxmMwmf .wrtiiinq siii 99 wuii ioI ;sis tS csunJ wij ; io.-y:,iTU?) baa iXiUunOt3 , iiwhitsJitfifKiois ntn. jKfarnMieai w .H . .in. Mr. H. R. Stevens: I InJjea3jBHnJegettnewasjewm ana ywiainx w ute pen I consented to try It At toe from general debilltr and nervous pi superinduced by overwork and Irregular hablti Its wonderfutBtrengUienftii ana(cteatrre propes ties seemed to affect my debUltated system from the first dose; and under Its. persistent aselrapid- jj recoverea, esinilqr more Taan asuai neann an j . n ien,I hve not hesitated to rnSuuaifmett Indorsement, rivA Vnvntfnii" as beta eafeT&Minpmerteila promot- life and energy. Vegetiiw is the only medicine use; and as long as I live 1 never expe 1 v lir TI 120 Monterey Street, Jiliegnany, SI Wilt VEGETiSff THE tBEST SJPB.rNG MEDICINE. ' Ctiartestown. : a. i r -r r ",1771 r c-.iiSear attmThto ttiteieei inalf'ui used arattea Iq my family for several yearsv smaj titbaAfcc I TOfwiw-jvaowvus oasitttcanaot be ex ana sBlng medicine Bsmors or oeUedi'snttasa It Is toe r beet tbingtb bra jeveii ndvlrtave uaedaunost everytning. 1 w uy recom- .a h .a x taiMki5- n ..jt.HWiv ia jesW bos J. joiMi?nIlW sol n ii wfiif ta Needed. jBostn,i;eb.13,il r I 1 " 1 j SteyersA'Eaa.:Ulia TWa Rlr if found myself lnafeebltfoemdiHi neratdeMW.'yege- tme vw strongly reeoiineMledW mew amend who hat oeen muen Denniel oy 'rar se. i pro cured the srtlcH and,fteL ustosevral botfies, was ifeswrogto healtn. aqd uJapuullnued its use. I feel qnhV cenndentlliatere WJrodietee,sa- Denor m n ior mose wmmuBBOT.wnMB ii Declallr prepared, -and would1 elHefullr teeSm mend ft to those wbo feet that ttieV eed some- "' ' - No. .i' )h ttut-f. tntt- ttiUvK ';!"'. J'.-ii 'I' -i..- -. yEGETINE. -i. - w;.-. ! . .vl'Xiulfcr. u iri A ALL HATE OBT, ap.47, 1872. Hi 8. SjepspfSsa wilt ji0 ttsw dted enH . ' MirDeaVIr(1iirrad-dy 'lorthe-last ten years, and navev tekehf neaaredS of dollars worm or medicine witnout-ewammgany reUef. , In. September last J eenmeiieedtakrng'thei TegBtlne.since' which' time my' healas steadily tmpTOvedl' ; My food digeaur -well,' and I haw gakH ed nfteen pounds of flesh;' ' There are Isveraroth ers in this place taking Vefetlnei and all have 00- talnAdmllaf " i iHt - - , THOMAS E. MOORE, 'OyerseefCard Rooms Portsmouth Co.s' Mills, ' t a. n.t .1 1 il Prepared by H. B, STEVENS., BOSTONy MASS, VegeUne Is sold by all Druggists. . ' ' 11 .K-r I Jan5 BLACK STRAP MOLASSES ,-l ..- . f - - ., ... vnaer cost Dy tne Darrei, oy : - -.- LeROY DAVIDSON. an30 rr -THE GENUINE C. McL . CSLSBBATKD t'-ji - -D B , L. ,. i . . . . . n .. ...... . . TT V V R R R -Jryi; rt v v REB RRR n V V KB RRR II VV R R R LLLL II V BEE B B 't:rf' It i X-xff ,ilitt! fit. 1 fc; : nlf'iuirW "!'; -i')!:i .!'ujflpi PPP j liif.T-JS'li wr.'!!. Il' -. S i . j it. fT fi' .1iuttKitei ol j!i? vii .il- hiu fcOi''-'JT I ,"' i ' (' , .-' ,3f0 TK .OCR! OF .fA .'ii? .'Hf.7M.Kf. ,i HEPATITIS. OB LIVER COMPLAINT. LnfeHiUfvftTsnrfl WBinirtrv. 1 , WtitUt i'HHit ! SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. i ribs. n thA Jen side ; toe patient Is rarely able to He on the left side; sometimes toe pain is felt under the shoulder blader, and U trequenily extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheuma tlsa tn thO' arm. -The stomach Is affected with al are costive, sometimes altQnmvs with lax; the" ucouu ;n7vuiev ma,a 'kmili oompamea wun a dul'faeavy Beirsafiolnihe'rjacinJait. There Is generally a considerable loss of memory, accom panied with a painful sensation of , having left un done something which ought to' have beeil done. A slight, dry cough Is sometimes an attendar Th jpatient complains of weariness and debility; he Is bobuj euhuoi, uib urn. in ouia or Darning, ana ne complains of a prickly sensation oftoe skin; his spirits are tow. and although he isaatisnAit that t. erclse would be beneficial ta hint, yet he can scarce ly Biunmun up loruuiae enougn 10 try lb OA. Iact he distrusts every iemedx,L flveni-4B ,-h ahrnm pByisrAeiBa8lted-tlMalaes have oc- currea wnere iw ot them existed, yet exa3slaatlon oi tne Doay' aner aeaui, nas snown-- tao Uvec to nave oeen exienaiveiy aerangea. , inti Xi-A AUDI. JLMU JIAVJUI. J ' iTrifj.-mi I la eases of Ague ahar Fever; when taken with the most haDDV results. tine, are : Droductive of io better cathartic ean be used, preparatory or aftei taking Qulntoe. . We would advise all who are afflicted with tola disease toigtve them a fat trial fv,,, hiJ(fv.f , Forall bilious derangementav nd -as a simpre UJSWAKJB OF IMITATIONS. it i!Fae cenulne are never mumr vwitiJi .'; .r. ,T f..;.., II ... ..I.. ...... .., ... f riKvery box hag a red wax seal on the lid, with the 4UJUEU9tU0a AT. JACLAbB S HVXK 1'ILLS. Tiie . trenuliie JMr.litnt'a X.ivw fn t signatures of CMcLaxx and Flkminq Bkos. on; the wrappers. Insist urjon havlnir the mnnlnA T n. Vtrf.Lm'a Lrvsa ; Pfixs, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pitts-''- uiuk, ra., too marset oeing iulf or imitations of ) fim derenuy but same j aec2i mm Ail .0 i W i N ?rtfcaci at;ici5ini-eprS itt -bpeoedt lart OTwnbfer.gnib ftwjj the, ic ttt:r Kdr8f4Ma Sefath Q1ajyglai3andi italwHU. fninrya my imainaaa luimtmn pwr iwil I compete with any Northern H Jobbing BrVn tr,pfT nl b9Tci!fTf trwao. frrft-JO ?-"M7 3m.J 8n VWH aoJRaj ff f" yjnmi ,i9mn 'satuiti .A J oLMaTJlV11 a t''d3iiiw .gsiltuilsad eal 01 wiii .sil HOlfeK .W 1 id -w7;rTPfn btllS.Hl tdj tmi'b..S U nxt- euod nuo-j J?My oJ 'rtmc'l bw dllitt t Tj:lHf0M i8l lll lt jt3tlhn to TJt-i 9ifJ hSMiKifi mil mb isTuoraa 9ril iiua 10I ,1HI . . ! f 000 n n -A - .wsiiwUjua FOBCELATN AND GBaNTTX, j Dlniwr.and SWrna SpeOattyj We bare much of this kind of Goods In stock at present, and in a few days we will have ...... .T WENTY-SEVEN VARIETIES OF- , .e'OJaXJHATDJ CmrSTOILET'BElS.; ! . -.. . . . : i DIhnerna Tea Sets In' nearly the same Droper- ttoor Ouf Betafl Shelves are complete-lled wit the largest and best selection ot CbJna Cioekery andnQiMiiilale eii'tnUmM tams onntrya Koch care taken to packing, areolars and price list furnished ui anon annncflnon. ThanKlng yon for past patronage, sc., 1 remain. Bespeetfully, ItviKVTM SfOSfil iBBOOXJXELD, Trade St. near College, under Democrat Offiee, .'Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 22. 1878. . 1 Ui'? ID' !' .' ."iiivu MitiUM lii) 01 it'll ii' NOTICE. There will be a meeting 01 tne Carolina irair A- . at tne uonn uouse m vnanone, sroesaay. lejommraee ion and iiy-LAwsana toe eommtoee on Selection ofoWrawdsuart .exDeeted to reDOrt and other busrnessolltniwrtance wUl come op for AH riersdns whd feel an1 Inter fa fbebVvelbp- l ton. rMUtottheesant(7 ate respectfully rquteete to attend. . u.miku, nreswens. Feb. 7 w2td6t frem-feb 11. CASES HTJNTADI, JANOS , ., ,. , MliieraiWalerridskett'Gnou rI, lrw .Un ''iwitlioitfXX. janSO vy. ., i r, ,; .-. ;T itI 7il Just received a fresh supply ofupertor Tea. OTAAJ0VAA JtgBWf MmAAS M Ak 4- til 9Stuam'S bus ) SiI A 1 j rn , ATowe'f 'Prbath'OPr'GU old ' ZttXT iEvF&lKii edltoB JSnterprlse anu Mountaineer, .Greenville, ai4tf NO MORE id OR ACUTE OJt CHRONIC : iif thyv'. .41' .LiMrtiUtv-il SURE CUBE. tartufactured erily JUMef itha smve In! wl l8. .vll m(is.l i' bi(t' to fein tivMtrm vma n .ivMir. u,...;, OT FAKO AHD LKITZIB. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure mnrsntnad Tfrm rrrTrnlTrlT nsnd lrr ill eetabfated physician of XmvpY'andAmcrlcsV'tieeoininc a Stap)eiHainliSiid.Be)ar.Bem ecotmenta. The! Highest Medical Academy of report 95 cores oat of 100 cases srttoln. three - ecnt The only dlssolveT Of the DOtsonous 1 Add whieh exists in Ine Blood of Rbeumade and uouty iaents: ,uo a box, c doxm ior 0. .Seat to any address, on jeelpi,of (pricev rsed by ohyslclalid by au arugtet Ad- PURE, GOOD AND CHEAP. WILSON jt BUBWELL Aggntgt " A SPLENDID LINE OF 'ULk&il'jO'-) M Sb "Kith i i - 1 in. 1 in. Mil j . XeROY DAVIDSON'S. taneo 4A 4iH,H rOTICB TO FARMERS!!! am prepared to STORE COTTON In my fire proof i-T-'insi"? i bulldlng--eiuier m basement or on the first er sec ond floors and win grte warehouse receipts on which you can draw money ff aestred. ' V Charges moderate. imtil'T .THOMAS H. GAITHSR. oetl2 ttditXtSS (fcVLVLQZS, jQISSOfUTION. a a PEGBAM has withdrawn from the firm of PEG RAM 4 CO. All persons who owe toe late firm, prior to February 1st, 1870, must call and settle with Pegram fc Co. We will continue the Boot and Shoe business at j the same stand as before. First National Bank ' Buuaing, wnartoae, n. v. ;- Febreiry2rl879 ii Home and Democrat eopy $n ' QHANGE OF BUSINESS. :'t'AU:i- Having retired from the h i-WniSKEYi BUSINESS," We are jdali reedvlna a good supply 'of AMILYjKOCElilJS,., tiy " FAMILY GROCERIES xtv.isn .-asi? 1 ui : at our old stand on College street, we will be pleased !i, vxx , i to see our many friend. . i-i" 11,7 tW We make Grain a specialty. ,jHfi LONG fit BROTHER. feb6 01" STUDEBAKEB WiGONS. tT " " " r ted STUfiEBAKEtt WAGONS.all sizes. ht f'wmbesbM'mrtto inrr:, f . i.!; H'.n'I SfAutun il ! ui f'i,-Aj l hrs 1 IrtUuifSjnii tui riij-jf ,f vh',',7 v' ha i-j rt-rfiCALiv Early. ? '"is. 1 lf;-i .i.TJx-t lawi v iWTfi,.f-JT'vr4,f .at. .vr aviiibA .Kiatomwr fiirt-K.yrt todply yoarEelf with the best wa gon out .Oilvi j A iiiiMivi's mil : : ol Iri.I 1 n HRi : - n If ICH X TO Jan.8-. T-rr OTJCE. madebyT.'J. , i:'. oix and Juaura H. WUklnsom - R f-'O eh, .kIuk tR S TliAmi to the Charlotte BuiMiir.f and Iaiilh Astuvbitinn fl P KBE - B K R & T hwUl sea at uubllti aiiet i, a nouse and lot ot land! 3fi dj-.j -'J -'l"lr 3-;', -s M;i..if t f rontlpr on the N. G. Ilrond, In square fco.64ux&J r.xl .f.; . t. i Jn'is'i' -s mrallel mza saia rauAa4vi ieeiioa.a anannonnouse's line,, thence', to the beginning, - which Is now claimed subject to said mort-rsge by K. W; JCellon. Faid vtovetr to be sold at tae eomt hoose-itoar In I t ne ci ot Charlotte on the ! 1st Monday tu March, rl87t4 Toriash.iithemount Idae. the; Charlotte txuidiner And .j-oan. Association , being wtth co&frof advertising and saie. '.t decl9 tds - 8eCy and Treaa. D. O. XAXWXLb- 4 & r. HAKKiaON, feo ? Ancaoneej. 0 1 ,1 f ii 4" .la. arn goy and sell on consignment all kinds of iflZ ,.f. . 1'.. t...i . ' '7- MERCHANDISE AND COUNTS Y PBODUCE; ill ,'11. 1 xll ' t ' , ' t o , 1 f!( t v m ' , mi? ft..: ... i f , m ! ! 1U i . .4'J 1 hioi i 'f! gr personal ( tit, tr , ', t t'- ) i ; ' i attention to all business entrusted to oiir eare. WiR , iieut bos above CharloUe Hotel. fl AjL; O '-,3f jToiliy6ut hands atflrtenoy 6? i taste ;tii AAlSenfybat only mm& .pJqBd,i;j s , ii.' jQtWiUl-jllk'H JH .OiiilA- i.iiii Ui, 1 ACS man 31 wcejfcrfe right ral. good cheer.' b o XJlABlt, youH see more thanyouH expec villain. iainoniiiJiai- ti 'jiUiitQh an i.-. nu'j rrr&ENCB. deimai Domestic Brandies, Wine, ij ib&m4 wrnmtnj jlwwvswc waaani, tt u, ! 1 iQUCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's goodV 7'pNTAN3mybAr,m AVrNG Cheese and Sausage In bill of fare, of Beer, or Gin wtQ bear i'jii,., . ,a. ......... , ATANT Judgment and taste most rare. ' Hps as in sips ne annas - i JLCR sip betakes proves what be thinks, ; :T3JGfirr'on; one more he calls as to his friend xa ne wnuca. "',ifui23':' . TtfRftAM whiskey, i miBBLiiiwmskExr XUBHAM WHISKEY. I DURHAM WHISKE 1 LaBokatot Stat As9ateb aitd ckunsr, I Richmond. Va.. Sentember 7th. 1878. f i-i ViUUil. lii; : ; .-, .... IMveeanfnIlytestedasamDleof.HDurbamRre r Messrs EUlsonHar ft j fre -from It Is an exeeDent article eft Whiskey, and altogether suitable for use as a beverage br , meaieme, isigneaj w. u. tax iaih, m. v.. State Chemist . Thlssuperlor OLD VIRGINIA WHISKEY, equal to any made In this country. Is now In toe hands of ow 250 dealers In Virginia, North Carolina, Geor- ' gia: Scinsiaha and Kew York City; and not' a stn- gle complaints having come to us from anr one of toem, and many saying it is the best arttde they ever handled, we feel Justtfledin recommending to alf wno wish to get a really pure article of WhJSkey. ': 4 t , ; . , None genuine unless bearing our trade mark. . Call for "DURHAM at W; B. OOCHRANE'S, Cen tral Hotel, and all other first-class houses. ELLISON tt HARVEY. ianl9 lm . , RlchmoDd. Va. gXisctllnncotts. AlNTTNES! VALENTINES! VALENTINES! VALENTINES ! S! VALENTINE -rt)B ViliV 77 77 77 77 W4 ss as SB e as u U ! UI WE HAVE ' J JUST RECEIVED THIS DAY A FINE AND WELL SELECTED 8TOCT7 ELECTED STOCAV. OF BOTH SENTIMENTAL AND COMIC VALENTINES, VALENTINES Which wejpropose to sell cheap at WHOLESALE- -ASD- -RETAJJU TIDDY A BROTHER. fcb7 20 BARRELS WHITE AND BED -ONION SETTS i . WILSON d: BUR WELL. Fresh. T17E ABE ALWAYS BEADY ' V V ' ' .i ' i i ,' i ,j ,., And willing to show goods whether or not yon are ready to buy. . L. R, WRISTON it 0043 gPLENDH) HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS t " I :J TJTCKnT4TESTS VnVTWT.X. t.'i. v:j j ' ' r'tfti;. A grand combination of the entertaining, the useful and the beautiful, with fine art engravings and oU Dlctures in each number. 7 Prim mnta post nee. nearly sa, with an. unequalled 4reml- uiu, tw-Bpimiuiu ui4 jpicoires, aockoi Ages ai toe IJon's Bride, 15x24 toches. mounted on ea vass; transportation 50 cents extra. Send1 postal erd tor full iwrticulars. : Address W. JENNINGS UAAlUdr,. 17 East 14th street, N. Y. Do not uui w mx tne spienuia ceuruary MO. ' I JL, business, and make plenty of money daring - holidays, send your adre v T k vtvtT www au J9b-t feb4w4t " ; . ,407,4th avnN.T, - pHXAP GOODS. Co., we will sell the stock of Notions (which were vt,f k r; r-n: -r" . '." i,;".".'.-' '"wuicu iiuuiu raiue, close toem entirely out mw ' tu 1.' w" TUii "n.DI,.m- ""a nTirifVVf STjoeessors to Brem, Brown k Co. ssss 'PfTe-L-Miim. avi&R K ,1. Ki i- ,"i'srS tin i , f ',i Hfi i J CELEBRATE T tC'ELEBBATEJL'i -ii t m OOO BEN TttTTT O OB KH'R- -T 0OK N 5U T OOOBIH NK T- : DnOOB J i CTOABO IGABO CIGABO IGABO CIGABO IGABO if 1- . The attention of smokers la call-: :ed to this hew brand of Cigars; Just; :ln atTJtVTV'C whfcshi ?: :fuU HiXU XVJtViXo Oi eom-r- ( : bines liUiurx and Economy 't ha n;. :any ever sold. It jou want Candles,: ' : Fruits or anything to the Confec-: rtkmery line Jremember that Ferry: ' : sells only the best., ; . ,.:; :" . n:i! feb7 " : . . .iMfn. jgLOCKADB TOBACJCOv ' i O B ,,811 Aiim , j;i Havuw'oarehaised i ntee Hne of Tobacco, at the Government sale, .! irte ivfi-'M. m r.-,: l am prepared to otter extra inducements to buy ers. Cafl.early, ' THOJ. H, GATTHEB. ELL fMTBOVED :i. . CITY FraSTT FOB SALE, ni" Anvrersoilidesirhurte barcnaae awenminrarad City, Lot fiousewlth rdae rooms, andj modern con- vemencea,timB weu ox waier. ones, aucnen,' within five minutes walk of th public square, can be ac comrnodaterf "by applying at . nft( FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPROVED FORM. . Just Prtnted and For Sale at the OBSEBVEB OFFICE. B SALE. The Bourgeois and Minion type on which this r was taieiy pnniea u was maae oy tne old Johnson tvoe foundry of 'Philadelphia, and wa 1-not discarded because, i longer Ot for uaeibut on ly Decause n pecame necessary to use a dinerent style of type.-- It will do good; service for several ; yean to come. It will be sold to ilots to sol pur- . enasen, and la. f ontoxif 50 to 1 ,0Q0Iba, with or without cases. Address OBSEBVEB, oet5 J Charlotte. N. C. R EAL ESTATE. MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and win Advertise free of coat, ah properties placed In my bands for sale. THOa F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. C. declO TXriLSON 4 BUR WELL, Dbcggists, V Have Just received J ftelatuie. Corn starch, ' Sherry WlneJ Flavoring Extracts, AU of the best quality for retaU trade :decl8 ..t. ; ,u ...... QlXTrBlNG--HO YOUR ORDERS. , (: j&kit!i$1l Jersey,' wett known bxChartbtte wUl vistttheclty sJboat the 15to of FebiWy,' with A fari hAinAHtrte of samples for dress and iMKdn Artmi, VHHnrtnt the newest and moist fashionable goods in ! the inar- ket f Hold yoOTrriL and remember the date.1 :fob9tt', : n The farmers of MeeklBhburi oeunt aws mama : ed to eonvene attoaOourt House; In i Charlotte; at 12 MTueeday February; 18thy 1879i totoike some action n regard to the purchase of Fertnizers the present year.. - E.'(X GBTEB, i - il K.S. HljNTKv ' ;JBV,WAi WMTMoca LKEB, J'LiBROT N. GIBBON. jin-uiiiii, Aiuin.an4 j ) copy, i-'.i. ; t .1 .: . . .-iKvf;r ilWERCHlK MERCHANT TaLLOB. -HasJustrecetve4sajaplesof8prn His jrlends and. customers, are most respectfully invited to call and make selections sor as to enable him to wocure uieircnoicein one ume. a u y- JAMES MCBPHY, PRACTICAL TAILOR, : '' Hotton's Bunding, Trad Street, Up Stairs, ,i:w . .--4 . ; .ji" n ji:,u:: , . . Idwtt'iftlug' ''Ifieii I wta in fu ture Work Mrr cheiWut mate, fine sutts for SIO. Cassimere suits for Pants of, sutta itm rates. I guarantee alt my work -no fit, no charge. Give me a ceil and be convinced. J ; . ? luiy 17. . j!' . , 1 1 1 i - 1 -,i - 11-1 r rn ii i I 50 BARRELS CHOICE KORTHERN- I'll 4. - i' A---.' WWW-. -WPP . L 'I.' t A AIL'' PPP," L PPPii ! ' a., Received every week. V2 i ri r, r ' LeROY DATTDSON; fjanftO"' IAMS FTNGEB, t7l RfcK' r .... - i TMan JuSi . received. lot of Turkeys and Chickens Wolon- we offer at low nricM. ., nnms a wmnn.. m. i.Flncerand buv toe beat Tni'jn, :b miliar.. Wheat, Bran. Oati Corn and MaZd. . i v wat, uom ana Aie&i. ,1 -aoney, -jounnr Lrfira. Butter an 4 T. Th hu.i to - ; - " Timothy and North Carolina. Ha vTcow and hori a iCon- ' J. Will make prompt returns rfaahV?1 p!tWuce 8CRIBNEBS ILLUStR 4TD MAU2I.N t KriisALcanK'iVfliiznot ' forGMs and vEF-S yiusMapizlne harnu laaiuwl onTiKrTf??0 ,,nc ne flTSt BHIft- iiThItlwv.iuV: t hZrl UViMan "as won the invest bosiuon... It has a monthly etrculation f j ovint WJX)6coFm 1 It Is publiiihed simultaneouslr in Lnnrtnr o,, New York, and the transaa Jreco most as general and hearty as the AmerioiTl" au though the progress of the magazine na?beea" 8teadadvance, It has notteached its editor'sldeas or best, Deeaose her Ideal continually' outruns? and the1 magazine as swiftly followa afteft Todii Brti Nicholas stands .. . i.u-, r Ike arrangements for literary and art eontrlbu Uonsforttie new volume-the sixth-are complete, drawing from already favorite sources, as well as from promising new ones; Mr. Frank R. stock ton's hew seriaTstory for nova. , . ? "A JOLLT RLLOWBHIP," Will ran tbxoueh the tmii' nnnthw' nuiuiK.wua ine number for November. 1878. the nrai. 01 vne voiume,-and will be Illustrated by Jas. ,K- elI-. Tn? story Is one of travel and advonture in -Florida and the Bahamas, '"For the girls, a cob tinued tale, ; s '.i-t .. ,t . "HALT X HOD8KKXXFEBS," By Kathariae D. Smith., with niustrattons by Fred ncfciielman, begins In the same number; ana a wi'SSS! 9 Susaa Coolldge, enutled, VEye SlS?7 'Z plenty otpictures, will be commenced ued fairy-tale called no. , . . . , , ; Written bv Jnttan HAwthnmcL 1 Alfred Fredericks, uAbout the other familiar fea- 1 ihMr f,' ouiiik,iJBruapa, to let ner nve ypjumMeia,s8ul,ii)rophes , h, In reepeot ta short stories, pteturespoems, ounor, insuuctive sketches, 'and toe lure and lore t;VJacSihulplt," the Very, Little Fouts5- aeparuneni, ana the yLetter-obx.M and "Rlddlft- 'DOf1'-'- W'-'J --k-ja,'. .i., .... 'i, ,-jji.r -"7 r sertpttocs received ; by the .publisher ol this naiwr 5?1Py ftt,bookseUers and postmasters. Persons wishing 10 Subscrlrie-ritnwt with ho n,inak. 1 1??110?'8 hie,l)dstoncounty and state, in iuu. ouu boiju nnu KHIUUHDOB III CneCK, r O money order, or registered letter to I ' v SCRIBNEB & CO.. decjQ I, , j ; 748 Broadway. New York. rpHE SCIENTIFiC AMEBICAN, THIKTT-IWKTH TKAK. The most Popular Sclentfflc Taper In the World. Only 83.20 a yeat, Including postage. Weekly, 51 , - Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. rlB, PcrKKTio itkbican is a large first-class most beautiful .styleprofusely. lilusuated with ffffiffg .gravtngs, ' repteaenong tbebewst n -enttoosand th -meet recent -advances m toTjina f.Sctenoes; lncladlng New and InteresttaiFactl In Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home Health Medl Progress.. SoctolSclenc Natali Histon' Geology Astronomy. ThesSrtvaluaplacaSi papers, by emineat writers-la all departmental &cien.vrtUPeioundln ffie .fcctenttlcSerlclin -Tjsnns, 83.20 per year; 8160 half year!whlchin: Af-ES--K tte Sclentlflc SXJ ttw -large estoff 2L! Patente areeWnedon the best terms. . A special notice l made in the fcWen- SSS iMSliSf iSS' toPateiitedaSSn sJLfciy1 name and residence ofule iTttentee;: By the immense circulation thus idven public attention is directed to toe merited the newtent, and sales -orj Introduetioh often easU? fJP"" er invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably boobtained, by writtoK to the BBdMsigned. We also .end bU ouThind ibl ll!t2?LLax -JWanta.- Caveats, Trade S?? how procured, with hints lor procuring advances on inventions. Address for toe paper, or concerning patents. .wk SPN a gTPark Bow, New York. Brancft Office, cor. F. & 7th ste., Washington, D. c 1379 187.H- "J"HE FOUR REVIEWS AMB Jg LACK WOOD. Authorized reprints of- The Edinburgh Review (Whig ), The Westminster Review (Liberal), indon Quarterly Review (Conservative The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical;, AKD BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reDrtnts am tint iulHnrc- t-hc fhSilS811 atabout one-third the price of tit?iP!on ean wrapare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to s uy j1re?aren' accuracy of statement, and pu- j ui sijie, tney are wunout any equal They keep pace with modem thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether in religion, science, lit erature, or art. The ahiMt KHk fill rHAti naiMo I T11? PS? tatoresttng; reviews of history, and with " iMiiiiou uonatton oi tae great events ol the TKBMB TOIL 1870 (IKCLDDING POSTAGE : Payable strictly in advance. Ir any one Review, 4 00 per annum , For any two Reviews, 7 on For any three Reviews, 10 00 For all four Bevlewa, !; ' . 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 Tor Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 For BUckwood-aod two Reviews 10 0 For Blackwood and three 13 00 sor BiacKwood and four 15 00 This Item of expense, now borne by toe publish ere, Is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent, on the cost to subscribers In former years. j: 4? L UB S. , ..... A dlSCOOnt Of tWfentt npr Mnt rfl ha nllnned to Clubs of four or more persons. Thus: lour coplei . 01 luaeKwooa or 01 one ue view will be sent, to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for E48, and so on. "PREMUMS. "i New subscribers fannlvtmr aqHu r aa 1 U7U f,. .Zjr?4! ' the last Quarter of 18J8 of suc jSSdleals m thej may subscribe for. ? , twmmmho Or. Instead, new finhanrrhtua. , 41tHnA Ml b vw VI vaav ttSfVTO I Blackwood's Magazine, for NtoerpreiniumAto.subjbem noc discount t S?!?" 5? aow Jtess the money is remitted direct to toe- pubushers. . No premiums given to ; To secure premiums It wUl be necessary to vak early application, as the stock available lor that purpose la hteo. . 1 . ., ''Beprthtedby ': - -Vi--'Jj - THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., .. 41 BaiCtoy atwet, Wtw Torfc Tq-ABPiys weekit; I It L U S T B A T E D . MoncB or thk pssaa. j The i Wxkaxt remains easily at the head of illus trated paper by its fine literary quality, the beautj of its type and woodcuts.--8prlngfield Republican- 1 iimyiwjiuu aiascaona are snpero, ana emii ever variety of subject and artistic treatmeot Zlon'a Herald. Boston. -1 ; , , . -i -4 i r The Wxmi is a potent agency for the dlssemi- naUOtt Of Correct OOlltlcn.1 nrinnlnTM. and a Dower ful opponent ef shams, frauds, and false pretences. -j,cuun Mpresa, rtocnesier. ; The Tomrnea nf thA Vtmv hHi nrtth the firs' Number of Jannary of each year. When no time 1 1 nieuuuuea, i wiu oe understooa mat uio sciiber wishes to commence with toe Number nw after the receipt of his order. s-'j. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, garpert Magazine; dne year,. 8 4 00 -fuuvsrs weesayiK3f : ' Harper's Bazar. .tfT The Three publications, one year, 1" i Any Two, one year,. -,; i Xn Six subscriptions, one year, v. " w Terms for large clubs furnished on apppu"" Postage free to all subscribers in the United SUV or Canada. . I The annual volumes of Hahpkb's Wkeilt. ' in expenses (provided the freight does not exceed oouar per volume . ior 9 i.W eacn. a re set, comprising twenty-two volumes, sent ou I ceipt of the cash at the rate of 85.25 per wiuir' I freight at expense of purchaser. M- u,am, . Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for blnau will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt oi :each,;-i-..i. ..-jj'-..'5,-v.ir...'ir.'i ir.ui mnel i Remittances should be made by postofflce mo I order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. . ..-..nr . Newspapers are not to copy this aavei" without the express order of Harrr Brow'' Address. . HARPER & BB0TEEK praiuuiiaus. mav navn nne or ia may nave two or the "Fmr Povim n. n u nf Feb. 13-d5tkwlm. decll v new-

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