CEA3. K. JCJESp- ' tutor aol Proprietor "Free from the doting scruple that fetter our , - free-born reason, : , , . TUESDAY, FEBRUABYlM87g.;t RALEIGH k AUGUSTA AIH-ilSR EXTEXSJON. We are Indebted to thejWilmiiigton Star lor iiii lett of MrFoard'a amend- & Augusta Air-Line Jiaiiroad to ex tend its linefo Charlotte, which amend ment, it has been' claimed; destrpyS; the bilL , It Js;jas fto"sV:-g?l . "That secU6n- l')e:,rametided liy ad ding to it after the word 'contract in the 12th line: "provided the same facili ties of transportation and rate per mile on each article of freight according to its classification shall be given to any station on the proposed extension, or on the present line, or to any town or sea Dort in North Carolina as are given to any station, town or seaport in any th- aw Ufof a on1 thof 4-r ooirl AAmnonv shall violate any of the provisions of I this section, in so iar as tne game uppura w discrimination in rates against citizens of North Carolina, or shall in any man ner evade the said provisions, it shall be deemed guilty of, a misdemeanor, and .upon conviction thereof in the Superior Court of any county in which any part of the track of said company shall be situated, shaU" be fined t one thousand dollars for each and every offence and forfeit its charter." j From the same source we getf the vote on this amendment. It was asf ol lows: ' j Ayes Messrs. Anderson, Armstrong, Barringer, Bateman, Battle, Berry, Bird, BizzelL Blalock, Bonner, Boat, Brttce, Carter, of Buncombe, Carter, of War ren, Carter, of Yancey, Carroll, Chad- wick, Christmas, Clarice, cood, uoiweu, Covinffton. Davis, of Catawba. Davis. of Haywood, Deans, Dunn, ..English, Etheridee. Foard. Forbes. Foy. CiaUing, Hines, Johnson, of Davie, Lamb, Lewis, Lindsav. LockharL Meares. Mebane. Newell, Oliver, Orchard, Bawley, Reid. of Macon. Reynolds. Kicnardson or Columbus. Smith, Scott, Turner, Wad dell. Wheeler. Youne 54. 1 Nays Angter, Ardrey, Atkinson, Bernard, Bingham, Blocker, Brown; of Mecklenbunr. Brown, of Yadkin. Bur- T- t nda.lJ n 1 Dimsdale, Ellison, Ewing, Ferrell, Fos ter, uoldston, (irant, Harreii, Harrison, Henderson. Huffstetler. Jones. Leach, LeatherwoodJiUtterloh, Melson, Meller, Moore, McCorkle, McLean, Norment, Paxton. Powers. Reid, of McDowell, Kicnarason. or waxe. micney. nouer- son, Taylor, Vanghan, Wynne, York 44. - . We invite special . attention to this vote, ana in newspaper parlance con jure our readers to May it -aside as' it will be valuable for reference." By this standard constituents must try the faith of their members when the rail road question, in its broad sense, comes up for action in the General Assembly. Mr. Kincr. of Wilson, has a bill now be- 'fore the Legislature to prevent railroad companies from exercising discrimina tion in their freight charges. When it comes up it will be interesting to note the attitude in which the gentlemen who voted "aye" on Mr. Foard's amend ment will stand to it. We shall see if some of ; them will "not undertake ' to stave off action : we shall see if some of them do not dodge when it comes to a vote; we shall see if some of them do not vote on the other side of the ques tion. The above record will serve, by comparison, to show the people to What extent the present Legislature is dis posed to feed all the railroads put of the same spoon. This ' record will tell a pretty tale on somebody before the 8th of March. A body of men applies an amendment to one railroad and refuses; on the next vote to apply it to others. It discriminates against one railroad Hi voting that it alone of all the railroads in me oiaie snau noi discriminate i .a. parallel for this can only be found in the case of Federal Judge Settle who pre s'.des over a court in which he himself has not the qualification of a juror. And mind you I Some of the gentlemen who voted to appl this 'amendment to the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line Railroad, and then voted against 'applying it to all others, are representatives of coun ties lvincr on the Carolina Central Rail road, and some pf them five in towns which are forced to haul their pur chases to other markets in wagons be-f cause of the discrimination practiced by the Carolina Central! One other thins : ' Those who did not vote for this amendment on account of personal friendship for Wilmington, based their votes on the. claim that by the building of the proposed branch older interests "would suffer and' the State's interest in he North Carolina htanroan wouiate aamacea. -wnac is to become of tbeir arguBKnt whenihe question oi a Drancu rovu irum ' Aon- eolnton. to HicKory comes to a vote? The Raleigh Augusta branch might have Injured 'the 'Nbrtti iDarolihaRM- road if so very slightly; theUis' which it is proposed to insert into the vitals of the Western, North Carolina Rail r jad a f great State enterprise at Hick ory, wiU ureZy draw the i life-blood ot that institution.. , Those ( jyhayoted. against the extension to Charlotte must, as tne plainest: matter ox consistency, vote against the branch from Lincoln- ton to Hickory., y ru$ are they going to An ahntit. it? ' i a,'. tti'ii -, x'i:'l We advert' to' this' m'aiter: meyev:tW we purpose iu juseprng every uoay straight on the record, So far as the. amendment itself is concerned it isn't worth the paper on which it is written. Reliable information ?from Raleigh is to the effect that the best legal, minds there declare it unconstitutional," and that theleader of the Wilmington lobby has TkrnHpflllv admitted Its iinrtnnnti. ' i('nalUir : S!iinvwainT it ia.nnf a cnK. sequent, Xemslature -will 'repfealthe!' discriminating feature,1 adihejbrahh if built, will be operated upon the same footing with the. other,: railroads in the State. - v,t,f f Meantime, let us watch the records of the Legislatures of & country and we care not who builds its railroads (or whether-, they . are built-' or not; so long as . pools "bust" and fcwe tges Jiew snipping uue.; N . , ,. ,.,-.., ',Hir The Monroe Enquirer says it . hag "been wearied and bored to death by the asinine roaring of the ranting poli tician playing the role of the lion hearted defender of the people's rightsl The Monroe Enuirer , will please, ,xr. tend one hand up in this . . ' '-' t.' ' ''Cil directipn. j ; I tl1 e . c1 c'"! f2rTof- iik.xpi, pibdiued over tne benaie during a portion of last Friday, after noon, v This is the first time in the history of therovef5lmer1?St colored man has oc ;upied th: t cl Jr. CoL Jas. 2b Hiyt ; "his 'retirtu- frofu the editorial staff of the Columbia Register. We regret it He is an able and, accomplished journalist and has brought th Reai8ter up to, a high stand&rwi,G , j . , STATE JfEWS. The postoffice at'olthe. r JSrchmdhd" county, -has been dtecontiniiedg' Mrs. .aiartin Miller, tne itrarfdniotner of J. E. B. Stuart, died in Gates county a few days ago. Mr. E. J. Hale denies that he will return from New" York to Fayetteville ana revive tne uazetze. The Statesville American is twenty- one years of age the second or third Oldest itf the State l' - ' - The mavor of Monroe took in S50 in fines at the session1 of his court last Thursday morning. . . tBttt for tamely discovery the prison ers in Union jail would have escaped Mr. J. L. Rhem. of , Craverw has 125 acres in garden peas which he expects to ship in time to seed the land in cot ton. . MuiiM .i 1 VH..: ". . : For the year ending, September Q, 1878," theState treasury, according to tlie auditor's report, disbursed $530,- 462.79. ) k)ncord.cotrahis4ofrajJethjara of amusements. They; jiaa ' the; T4orne, Comedy Company, rope, walker and thephonograph ali in one week. Richard Henderson, a North Carolina midshipman, will stand examination withw hig: class-f or promotion to "the7 grade of ensign on the 25tli, , :,. Jobhstoh county had an election last week3 to decide whether or not the county seat should be removed from Smitnneid to selma. The lialeieh Ob server says Smithfield keeps it by 1,000 majority. - va-1 a rt. . .1 The Ralefarh News savs that thus far this year only 9 fertilizer licenses have been taxen ouwtroui tne State treasury by manufacturers. It will be some time, yet before the rush for these be gins, , John McDonald, of Raleigh, the , first man who nominated'Hayes, now hangs his banner on the outer wall f or-1880; ana on it are inscribed, according, to the Netcs. theriames of John Sherman. of Ohio, and Reuben E. Fen ton; of Hew York. The. Wilmington wreenbacfeew are orcamzinz for the municipal election. The Sunt says they are holding secret meetings, : haye maae up their alder- manic sjate, ana are, looKmg arpuna for a man to nominate formaj'Or. Rev. F. M. Jordan is conducting a revival at Whiteville,Columbus county, and a correspondent of the Wilmington Bun?-' writing under date of the 14th, saysA t "It has entered the school of Mr. Johnson and several students have found the Savior at the academy to-day." Raleigh is becoming so city-like that the people are heginnihg to complain of cows running at large on the streets; ana the news treats the matter very seriously sinee'a coV'made a lady exe cute ,, the May-pole dance around a shade tree on the edge of the pavement a few days ago. ' i ,' ? 1 T FiTorable ITews of the Situation or tne . English Troops In Africa :. r London, Feb. 17. Later telegrams from Madeira give news from Jrteter maritzburff. It is stated that at 9 o'clock on the morhing"of the 27th f January Lord Chelmsford was.theref at Mantzburg in conference with Gov. Sir Barlett Freere. All was qniet on the frontier and the feeling was much calmer. The Zulus had been repulsed; rrom the rort on the lower Tugela. The JSPQltL.ttILXlieln upon Hilnmakaar is unfounded. - Cant. J Stttff?ri4 and Lieut. Damis, of .the Nafcili contingent; who Reaped from "the dis aster at Calylyn camp, speak highly of" tne conduct or ail engaged and of the courage and firmness of the native con tingent, thus disposing of the reports of a mutiny and massacW of officers, by the native soldiers.? " f s" The Times' ;&(yB ltfe IrobaW a brigade of all arms will be dispatched from India to reinforce Lord Chelms ford. The fifty-seventh foot will JeaveJ CfckinAftmtta rittff meantime uLbrd Chelmsford already j nas Deen reinrorcea by one company of the eighty-eighth regiment and by three hundred men of second Italian. f dreignlBnstness and Industrial Note?. Bruce, ,. vi,jUnSMl!si9nMfcaflIrers at TaUaiaevhe-calledTnt the Mkmnof thtrey lenTral nt Si Allgemeine&eittmb pOkf piffie yie Vitus at. rvevei m cpiusequence oi me failhre of the mercantile house of Eg gers & Co., with liabilities of a million silver roubles. About six thotisndeaferVrarebnt of employment at Macclesfield on ac- ppiiht of the depression in trade. tL i IjjbWThe strike eonH anueihis njonnng but the-numberof men at orfcisawfincrrehi' bodied .mmmmMmm ireeiy empioyeu.1 aohhu t t A:n-suti , . ; London, reb.l7prtie Times irl its financial article sayt 'the ''Collection of government revenue has riven the tanK of .nglandceontyplioyer tbiMcJntcaheposes -Onto h&iyrt&'-Qiis money market thafeAt 'JBttQfe robaibte money will be cheaper than at present until after the end of the financial ir ear, April 4th.? - - "-' ; . London. Feb. 17. A dispatch from Liverpool talhA EchAL tavm thn triir a J has practically collapsed, ,-. TOnly about meeting which resolved ta continue the strike. In the meantime work is beinef resume thehble' HnfeW1 atfcRa me aloftthehble'litebtVdJw kU'Jinenre:.,tigvac.k'iJi targ InuSibersV The sailors continue.tohold4lnfts!mmediateN ont. ' 'Steamboat ExploStiniVi life. CnfcTONATirFeb. ljThe jlJt.TMo Cormick,a small steamer running be tween Marietta aud Zanesville, on the Muskingum river, exploded her boiler when near Beverly, on Saturday, killing Mike Havemeyer and seriously scalding Capt Martin, two 'Of 'the 'crew; " The boat sunk a few minutes after the ex plosion. UM - ' i tr 1 1 1 1. 1 ,. u The Leugih of ite CoUCinenf. . H'New York,' February-' 15. Henry Tudor started from, this . city last night With the avowed intention of ridin st on horse-back all the way from New York city to Punta Arenas, the most south ern point tJf Patagohia, South Aihericai expecting the journey to take two yearst He takes with him as an. attendant a youfrg man. . He has been impressed rWittuthe idea for some time that, by go ihg through the several republics of Ceri tral and South America, and by ascer taining what article of. American man ufacture could be introduced . With pro fit, a larger trade might be established. Th hartV ovwm vi tfiVhmmirt and frt-, bile. When they arrive at Patagonia ' &nT"nifljinvY intrpef. and ..hlifivs ft larje amount of money can be made by , t expcrting to .this (untry those articles, i Negroes wJio' Want 07iatc Prftises tajnereas: il.' .itlfi .'ax - 711 Art as- se.T'&JL :n. e-t TA A&socum ' , "graph Company. Washington. February 17. Senate Windom. of .Minnesota, . presented pe- tition Of the negro co-operatiyejassocia- tion, qlTtilireveportv avarjnthei nassace 6t ' the resolution in reerard to signed'oy a large number ofministers, representjn.?cc4toed-dQkregations of that place. - Ld on the table, the reso lution fiowVbeing bfefdre the Senate.1 The Senate tesumed the consideration of the unfinished i,busmess,Kbeing the bill to "amend the internal revenue laws, which contains an amendment to re duce the tax on tobacco. -1 Dorsey, of Arkansas, moved to post pone the further consideration of that bill for the pujpose of taking up the postoffice appropriation bill. Rejected yeas J5, nays 37.1 The Senate proceeded to-consider the bilF td amend the inter nal revenue laws. I The Senate has had a long discussion on the amendment of the finance com mittee to the House internal revenue bill to tax snuff to 24 instead of 16 cents per pound, leaving tobacco at the last named figure. - The amendment was re jected, 14 to 20. Confirmations John F. Hartranft,to A - - A A "Wfcl ! "W dc posunasLeras irnuaaeipma; .juhi-i den 'Snowden, to be superintendent of the Philadelphia mint. Assistant Trea surers; Martin PtKennard, at Boston; Albert G. Edwards, at St. Louis. House. During the morning hour Hale, of Maine, offered a resolution di recting' the committee on the judiciary tb report a joint resolution proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit the payment of war claims except those of persons loyal to jthe union. Amo tion to adjourn was made on the Demo cratic side and the roll eall consn,med the remainder bf the; hour. The rescH muon went over-wimouc action. ! A motion to suspend the rules was made by Sparks, of Illinois, for the pur pose of passing the bill appropriating $26,852,200 aoiiars ror the payment or the arrears of pensions. On motion, of Rice, of Ohio, the bill was so amended as to include special pensioners and the pensions granted on account of soldiers who enlisted in the war but who died from disabilities in curred after the cessation of hostilities. Agreed to. Acklen presented resolutions of the LouisianaLegislature protesting against Circuit cort,at .New Orleans inthe prosecutions against citizens of various nartaof Louisrana. - ,.; 19 W. B. Fleming, was sworn in to fill the 'vacancy occasioned by the death of Julian Hartridge. The House agreed to 'a motion to "6ttV pend the rules and-pass the river and harbor appropriation bill. x District of Colombia matters then re ceived attention and the ; House took a rtsuess. xue evening session or tue House was devoted to memorial services in honor of the late Representative scnieicner, 01 Texas. -r DEMOCRATIC CAVCVS. " A Democratic caucus was held t& day on the subject of the public print ing, but there was no practical result of the discussion. COMMITTEE PROCEEDINGS. w Before the Senate conrttdttee consid ering Senator, Jones.'. ball Jto authorize the use of railroad telegraph lines for commercial pu poses, Jttr.'j.' w. simon- ton, general agent of the associated press, made a statement to-day in refer- e ice to tne relations oetween the asso ciated press and the Western Union tele- grajjh coBipany.o it was a closely con densed, interesting and vigorous exposi tion of the general system of the asso- tiaUon. and aconvincing demonstration mail it is not in any true sense a mono- z-n li.. - ' 1' T' tpblff thatlt'nelthei' lives' nor prospers by the favor of : the telegraph company. out; aosoiuieiy inaepenaent or mat cor poration, and that postal telegraph, or nuy gu eriiuieiiuu mwrvenuon u nx telegraph rates Would only strengthen ine associatea press power ana propor line esiTSwsbeiffire: number of Questions, were,asked by,the membjefsof tm committee concerning Various features of the subject in hand. :na! were responded to (as the chair man took occasion to say) very freely anu n.iiiKiy Affidavits of Ripley and Mcintosh as to Florida Affairs. U--WASHINGT03S. , fFebiuini 1 ITrrrThe I'otter committee met this morning. Thp chairman laid before them the afti davits of Judge H. C. Ripley and H. M. Mcintosh, which had been forwarded by 3 udge Cocke. Ripley's-affidavit was to the effect that one morning during uiej siblings 01 me Doara 01 state can State house. He met the attorney pati. era!, Hon. W. A. Cocke, at the door, and officefielSfecTfe land siadt iouna me aoor locKea on th occa- sions. While standing in front of the Secretary's office, theysaw Gov. Stearns nu senator JNoyes, of Ohio, come ou nce !A.t;the jXiaiei oeDonent - wondere that tcftjSrftot ahd 4iti4eAu distaritState1 should be closeted with the Secretary of State at the time ap pointed for the fneetfti'6f the return ing poara. auahassee correspondent of the Sa vannah1 News,, and fturingthfOanyass of the returns 6f the'last'oresidential election he one day saw Judge Cocke, one of thesthree members' of the t etnrrt-1 mg board, pacing the floor in front of tne oecreiary oi otaie s omce in a, ner vous OterafJitn4deWi Suestionhe said: "These infernal scoun rels. McL.in and CowsrilL Ythe two oth- 4.ejr.memDers or me ooard,) have got me trov. Stearns, or Florida, -aodt uovvnnr: JNovea. of : fhiKrpAV .Wit Snvof .w) V ro)mtogeCher;,i"u,iI-''",:',',w1 Xhel,.,aThnavira.,wera.-ordeyedte-4w Lplyed ;ed on the records of the oomittee. rarues Arresxea lor JocKeying on the tnariestan Varna td a jt aA alias sKanbi votdrwMt radeaff WaltonlmilOash iie.kstidil of thejtaces iAereiiOonfessedthat W rack andajlowedr BenjoHill to win, having been-. iDaidi.25 in rash md - a pool tirk-pt fnr.$g. latterrs ownerw s, JV.tehison.. to-.do: Atchison and thiobkeVhafrfthrKlw ruled toff the tra-bvhe-MHfw Una jockey club andwfiMTiwerffMrrtiiii iday-n "a charge of conspiracy to de- J who purchase4 poolson Mary Waitonii They ; waived examination and were oouna over- in oo-eachrto appemrfo inai b tuo uuo.ienn.or 'the Bessiorts courc ; a warrant issea against -Poca;4 iz: c?i -tT uutrP hub ne has left me otttie. auo poois ana Dets havA nil been paid and much indignation -wcists-f "te parties Fe r fir unwnnia til Lniirf n.u,s. u k . acWityol tne stomach, relieves WndonatnilatM the Doweis. cures avaentnrv sni riionh. x i weU known remedy. arismg iroinieeining or other cansea. An Old and : ne soemea QunagHaeeeuoiHstatt deinBKthatihel'tcfeWfA3 D0 Failure-TtSt5 Cebt P. Veathc Rin: :ona . V - Tcb. "17. Frank P. Hill & -o, r ;al t tat ) ar nts. have f .ul- ed. Tl rirL ibil Jes are ,sta 3d at over $60,OCj.Thi.y hwre maie an fissignlnent covering 929,000. Although the bill for the settlement of the State debt had been made special order for to-day : in the Senate, it was allowed to sro hv. another SDeciaL order Show fell here for mrer hours this 9 uero tor uirw ii wmirhrxritolloTra nail' the t remainder 9f the day,, i8 ,;,t .)t - . I r-"f Brief Foreign Itenaf.f 1 v-1 K flfo)sDbTs:Teb. :17.Reurbpnedmonia is spreading among the cattle in north and east Yorkshire." r s ; T " : tNwCASiXl?-Tn?,Feb. 1T.-The bbat rasce for- 400 sndJtheJ champion ship'of Oreat Britain,1 between Higgins anaicinott; took place in the Tyne at this place to-day and resulted in a vie. tory ror Elliott by about three lengthy ; n!I)a8hlDgM)a Items. i rWASHrNGTow! PerL ir-The treasury has, tx4ay,issued the' eighty-ninth call for the redemntion of fi.20 bonds of 1805. The amoAintwnty-raiUions in equal Eroporuons or coupons ana regisiereu onds. h Ju ujfJ t 1 Judge Geo Andrews. United - States attorney for the eastern district of Tennessee, has tendered his resigna tion, s -r j : , -r.;- ' - f A Famine Innliifnl la India. I CAtcuTXAilFeb 17-There was" slight fall of rain in Puniunb. Saturday. but not sufficient- to appreciably benefit the crops-or-tuminisn the nsx or famine which is imminent unless rain falls wimmfottn1ghtiAInI)erde and the northwest provinces the situation is equally bad andtbere is also some i 1 Ease Attalaakle y tfce RkeMtattc. VMi.xftIthonfi'ti:''nieT mar !desialr of relief. It la attainable b j rheumatic auflerera, for there is a remedy which earrles off, by means of Increased activity of 'the kldneyaruiportant channels for blood Durmcaaon the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out 67 urin &17 analysis,,, xne name qi uus srana aepareni is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, ferer and ague, and nervous ailments. is, pernaps, me nnesi ionic extant, and Is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant br distinguished nhysicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very DenenciaL The press aiso endorses n. TfflS'DBLICIOtJSnJIT,' The Finest In the market, has lust Greipss t "' neen received at PEER VS. ! p" p PPP P' PI 5,? RSB MtB R B SrB. RKK T T y 8S E S. S8 C A RAM EL S. A- A fresh supply of these celebrated Caramels to be opened at CONFEGTIO NERIES Can be found at Perry's.' Try the Walnut Taffy If you want something rich and nice. aaoKEES' HEADQUARTERS The .yery .best in the Smoking and odd brands being closed out very low. eome i i . . , . ; , rABO;tTATCt 1 R i Irv Mil IHf W II Ml TEETHGUUSREATH For sale by WILSON ft BUR WELL, 4fep 18ly. Charlotte, N. C, AN ELEGANTiIrlNE -riTiajA7 SHETLAND5 SHAWLS, n ALL SHADES; JUST RECEIVED, AT 'wTTTKOWSKY & BARUCH'S. feb!8 - V , wjs - . y ELEGANT LINE o J o K0 mm -, KID GLOVES, JUSt: feb!8 ,Jty ...wrTTXOWSgj; 9ARUCH'S, CITY BOOK STORE CONTAINS largest and choicest stoce ifOV. ,40 OPTJT.4E; 11 iH fSfl- - j litekatuke; -7 i ( ... 4- . ... .4 ' u 1 jwA,siAvrJi:.T.- AKDlW FAOT-'WHlSGLTJsnAjrxr-EEPT yj,t JlS A riRST-CLASS BOOitORji3? X. Buttericli'g Ifetrepilitan rashlons for March nave just arrJeCjgJLaMfit one. J-iJXil1 W9C TP febl8 f luiui a. ciiiriiua, : BLOCKADE TOP XOs IL: vtox Durcliased a nice Une of Tobacco, at the Govt mil. ent sale, - 1 tin preparea to oner e maucemeuia w vur- ers. Caa early.' v- ixjo. n. uAiaruut. nov7 , " - - , w ELLIMPEOVEP CITT PKOPEBTT FOB SALE. . Any person desiring to purchase a well Improved taty Lot, House with nine rooms, and modem con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, caa be ac commodated by applying at " 1000 IXK SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPEOTED FORM. . Just Printed and For Sale at the OBSEBVSB OFTICX. T : r-- f po: a SALE. ThA nnammlm and Union trm on which this paper was lately printed, it was maae oy me oiu jntnunn tvn fmindrr. of' PhUadelnhia. and watt not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because it became necessary to use a ainerem stvleof troe. ItwiUdo Rood service for several rears to come. It win be sold in lots to ul p chasers, and In fonts of 50 to l.OOOlbs, with or without cases. aoqss - . vji.vjwk, oct5 . . - unanooe. xti. R BAL ESTATE. MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and win Advertise free of cost, all properties placed m my hands for sale. TH08. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. a deelO jJ LICHTENSTELN, " MERCHANT TAILOR. Has ust received samples of Spring Goods. His friends and customers are most respectfully invited to call and make selections so as to enable him to secure then choice in due Ume. febll ' JAMES MURPHY, ' ' ; ;; i-A. PRACTICAL TAILOR, Helton's Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs. )wlnK to the stringency of the times I will in fo- ture work very cheap. Will make fine suits for 910, cassimere suits for $8. Pants of suits same rates. I guarantee all my work ;nofit, no charge. uive me a cau ana oe eonvmoeo. ' July 17. . ' R. A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST OFFICE OVER L. R. WRI8TON 4c CO Dbco Stokx. With 25 years' experience I guarantee entire attsfactfcm Janll QHEAP GOODS. Earln bought out the entire stock of Brown 3c vo., we win aeu the stock oi motions (which were bought very cheap) regardless of their actual value. We win discontinue keeping them, and wish to close inem entirely out. A ceil win tare you mon ey. WXDDtNGTON A ALLEM,- u Successors to Rrem, Brown A; Co. Feb. IS dStiwlm. f"' CP. b. Alexander & CO., 'MMnilf MUUUOUUfl juouuni, '1 i i College Street, Charlotte. N. C, I "Have Just received the largest and cheapest Una 1 of the choicest brands of North Carolina Ftour to b found to the city. -i F6b.l. X ADIES AND GENTLESIElf. repair all kflids XJ of 8ewlne Machines thorouaur and cheaolr. Remember, I am no tramp, but am always in Char lotte io mace my wore com.' u w. ukadsha w D R. D. OWNOGHCE. Office ia the Slznal O0oe. orer Tnvders' National Bank, on 8rd floor. . : c nigut or day, wui receive prompt attenaon. 'Tris;CASS-tt : v-ui' :::, flmrirA JMtfl mrl Mr a OtmIaf W'- ' ' - wiuvmv wwu uf w uwnvti cm . -r, ;; ; ; .. ; LeROY DAVTDS0N'& JanaO v k; i.a Having removed his omce to. the first flooi'i over the TisaeTB' National Bank,' can' be found there all hours during the day, and at his residence eorr ner Seventh and College streets, at night, .......t. 0,' S;'A D A L LS , rpHE GREAT SOUTHERN BSMEDf for I JL j tor the cure of Scrofula. Scrofulous Taint, Rheumatism, White Swelling; Gout, Goitre, Consumption, Bronchitis, Nervous Debility, and all diseases arlslnff fmrn u impure condition of the blood. The merits of this valuable mmmitnn are so well known that a passing aotioe i but necessary to remind the. rankers of. thia Journal of the necessity of always keeping a bottle of this medicine among their stock of famm necessities. Ww M h tr t Certificates eanbe toeseritetf frtm manv leading Fhysieiana; Ministers and head of families throughout the South, endorsing m the highest terms the Fluid Extract of Roaa dalia. ' " DR. B. WILSON C ARB, of Baltimore, ian ' he has used It In cases of Scrofula and oth er diseases with much satisfaction." , , DR. T. C PUGH. of Baltimore nenm- Imends It to all persona suflertng wtth dls- eases diooa saying n is supenor to any prepjaxatlon he has ever used, ; ; ' . M. E. Conference South, says he has been so much benefitted, by Its use that he cheerfully reeommenda jjt to all , his friends and. ac quaintances.. ,,, a! j ,t r.t )fr,,f i ) ! CRANE!? f CO.DmtHrlsts.' at 3ordon- vUle Va say It never has failed to give sa lsfactlon, ... ti j-.- SAMUEL Q. McFADDEN. VnrfiMsnnm Tennessee, rsays it cured him of Rheuma ttsmjwhen .ail else failed. s:J i-ini Rdsrtdalis la not a iecf oiiar nifumu Hon; its ingredients are published on every package. - tshow it to your physician and he will tell you it is composed of the strongest alteratives that exist, and is "an excellent blood Durifler. i Did i our snaoa aiimtt1 could giver you testimonials from every State in the South and from persons known to ev ery man, woman and child, either personal-. j. f- Bosadalis Is sold by all JrnEglsts;'-ii i I 1 JOHN T. HENRY, CTJBRAN 4,1 V 4 )r.' fi 4' 8 College Place, :t. pu, 1W sale ale by Li R, WRISTOJ? 00.. Droeglsts, 'i t ' - ix 1 1 1 Charlotte, N. C i f .r owl awrnwaar ALL AT. fl. BUT L E f I S V "Si Stove a&J Hardw 3wui CHEAP HADVAl ft" - WAixiuiroa, .j y "f 3 'J Vf "J O Buy your COOK STOVES .from me, as I have 12 good reasons why they will do your work (Juick and Easy, Cheap and Clean : BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE - They are best to use. BECAUSE They bake evenly ana quick ly. BECAUSE Their operation is perfect. BECAUSE They always have a good draft? BECAUSE They are made I the beet material. BECAUSE f- ' They roast perfectly.! BECAUSE They require but little fuel. BECAUSE -;. They are very Ivw.pitee&xnii.imj BECAUSE They are easily managed. BECAUSE v 4 r . They are suited to aaiocalltleBf. Mil BECAUSf 5? 8. U ?, : . Every Stove Is guaranteed to ve satisfaction 'gaux&iriQ. CALDWELL HOUSE, AL DWELL HOUSK, CALDWELL HOUS CALDWELL HOUS E, t ci ff 'if.;. '-. i' Cornet Tryon and Sixth Streets, Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, ' i CHARLOTTE; N C. ';! S. P. CALDWELL.. .Proprietor. This house Is permanently established and offers all the convenience, and comfortoof a M J boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. furnished with rooms. BATES Per day, transient, 91.25; per week, $6.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per month, io.ua JanlO J.REAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, fGOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everrthln tou want tor iunsuuas, n i J.T.BUTLER'S. dec24 . TK7E DESIRS to C&H attention to OUR STOCTT VY E DESIRE to eaU attonflon to PUB STOODu tiA. -J? ' A Nt? i G O O D D- Gtotmd and Cot Glass Bottles, the handsomest i . - ! in the market. The latest styles of Perfume Boxes. .; T i 'jS s A , i; .-J T e T A f f . t , i' ;; i H T -t 1 i - n 5 r including some novelties, which will pay you to j,:' I call and examine. i : L 1 !-: FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brashes. ! L. R. WRISTON 00. declS 'JA T THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON '' 'LV3 Cochmne keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, Stand- ' .o-ii i ard Pure, Two Years Old. JJOn FINE ypEs, a) , f dI .-whi 3- And rare Liquors, Three Years Old, go- - - ' OCHRAJOrS, 1 Central Hotel Saloon. r-illt- JKW LTVERY STABLE. Mf you want flrstxlass Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or saddle Horsei Stable: j-i Jta i --t u you wam a larnage ana Baggage wasonto meet arriving oc departing trains. , co to the New Livery Stable. Mi you want your hones well fed and well groomed to to the New Livery Stable. ---. - i Careful drivers, promptness asdieasiaJ rices are our motto. maris " " B. CHAMBERS. jli WJ J 1 -( Ij'Oa BKNTr A.HIcMuJ A : auij it: " TetW0 "tore In taa Grler A Alexander bnlldlng oh Trade street : : " xi J. L. MOREHEADl jatusott T'ELE BEST STOCK OF - 'i j A ,ii3l tr. Alt' GROCERIES an CONFECTIONERIES In U ' i thedty.at LeROY DAVIDSON'S. : AtlA Z7 -feR-. ?1.2' A ft O r Q ; 8,.'SirOE8 tK 1 . .......... ,lf.'V'", 0 Op? f0" 'Aki' S3 HHH S H H H A it A A A A 1st National Rank Building. Charlotte, N. a tobth''iK8 C is acknowledged io oe tne best m the State, and we wouw h ..lT.;. ,vu ou. uu examine for yourself before PEGRAM 4 CO?' dee! TOTHBPUBUC. The subscriber, Trustee of SMITH begs leave- vrU fa; attention of the Cb ntty to the large stock of OR Eg, B -AND OO i. OO KBB B KB . BKB H H 8s8 -ww- bwck us gooas south oi Baltimore, and is weU worthy the examination of any pc whether wanting one or a thousand pair. The. stock embraces AN INFINITE VARIETY, from the finest to the coarsest shoe wsuSt; tt'yxm want a pair, or any number of cases, caa. end rwir wants can be supplied. In this connection the subscrlbsr wenld state that if reasonable prices can be obtained, the whole stock, both Wholesale and Retail, will te sold ri ;'i;1T a bargain, f -W IT TV S :'. either together or eeparately Prcpcsltlfins for purchase are solicited. J. M. B. REYNOLDS, Trustee S Fotbea. Charlotte, V. C, Jan. 17, 1878-8weod. JUST IN TIME. We have Just received a fine selectioa ef . such Goods as you want Ior zi'fi CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, .t;-,vi;ii Fine Sets. Seal Rings, Initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins and anything In the line you may want dec20 LASNS, -v ; FftPaFiMMJe,'f ' WAjrCH and CLOCK ifArro, GILDEB and IL VERJPLATER, ; Trade Street, opposite Fin Presbyterlasi Church, rp , ; a urayenore. Every kind of repairs made at ones at half nrim. and warranted one rear. Inn Hni nt jwTr m Bronze GtWrng, iOoioru BEvPiatmr and Gal vanlrlng made at short notice and equally as good. t, vim. uuuo iur me uoue at Km prices. psT Apprentice wanted, with premium and good reierenoes. ,r.;t ..:.sv Repaired wotfc-mieaued-forwm be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repauW " -septl5 rpHE X HE THY THALi r yt - 4TISING N.' ISING SO. iris mat 11 , T'jrff "r 1 pa. n : .-JtU ''W v'-T '.Ml'- H .V. OO thought Constannne when he became a con vert, because a "Pagm" refused to absolve him from the guilt of his crimes, and the -thrUHan" readily agreed, and specially manufactured for bjara "sign" by which he was tbH"eonqaer.r Henry the Till to turn rejected Constao tine's tpmUUff and became the "defender of the new Faith" with his six wives, am only outliving him.: Seven hundred years before ConstanUne lived Solo mon, who bunt a Temple with out-houses, court, ice., on 20 acres ol ground, 700 wlvesOO dltto- : - .... - good abed population, to the acre. - The Queen of Snebaadmlred his viaOam' tmA 'mtfnf than his magnificence, and slgnlflcantly remarked that "the Jmn his greatness had not been told her": but after he declared that "aUk vanity," buCt high places f the. wecsnlp , Juattim deOmiMIShti Napoleon Bonaparte, on his narrow escape from the inflowing tide of the Red Sea, whOe passing, through on the spot when Pharaoh and his horse MtiftrlAci. ATMslfTnAif tt T tiOff nAwfurtAil ILnmHVa . Pnaraoh, what a text I would hate fortiUhed Orthc-: doxy' and a 8. Holton to advertise his Confection--eries and Groeirles at the' "Hafcg Sua," on Trade' street, opposite the . Market House, where every--, thing In the above lines may be found, Including; - Ferry's Garden Seeds, Green and Canned Frultst Nuts, Teas, Coatees,' 8 agars, Pickles, fine Cigars- and Tobacco, Toys, 4c. ' CL S. HOLTON,,. febll ; . ' . . Jn30 Pemocxat and BomV cayf".' 1 a . t -