LOCAL LMELUGENCE. V TUESDAY, JEBRUABY 18, 1879. BAltBOAU WBBCTOBIr The following table shows the running oi passen mt trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washing, time): - - Jw y ; Arrivesfrom Richmond and Golclsbore; 1.00 A m. Leaves for " - " ,2 Arrive from Richmond,.,,.;.. I0?0 rr r oam fir , ... ..-. .w..A.'i.li- O.DO P. ay i ATI 1 NT A A CHAKLOTTX AIB-UOTL f, llwatt i-nm AHantA-.-. sw 320 ft m ".. 6.50 p.m. , Arrives from Atlanta, 10.50 a.m. .aavas for Atlanta. j. . j charlotte, xhuu """Ir . . II... o l 3.10 a.m. Arrives from Augusta, . Leaves for Augusta.- ...wiv 1.00 a.m. 0.80 a.m. 11.27 a.m. Arrives irum au6uni"" .i.;-,; Leaves lor Augusta....-,- - .niv -; CABOUMA CENTRAL . Arrives from WUmlngton,'Si i. ri.'.' Leaves for Wilmington, v.....u,.... Arrives from Shelbj,. . .yi.-i-Mj ... (. Leaves for Shelby,....,..,..,...,.. 7.2ft p. fn. 6.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. 7.00 a.m. Arrives from StatesvUle,......'... S.30p.:m. iavMfor8tatesvlllewi-i-J..ti..j... 7.00 a. m t'HABLOt'TK POST OFFICE. ' ' ' ' OFFICE" HOPES. "' , . . ,f ; OPENS. ,.,. CLOSES. Money Order Department,;. 0.00 a. m,j 5.00 p, m. Registry Department,.,.- ..rw.uu a. m.. t.uu pm. rwi Deliv'i Stamo Dept. .8.00 a. m. ,6.00 d. m. " , " . " ; v fl f a30 p. m. , 8.45 p.m. ry- On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. in. J OPENING AMD CL08TK0 OF XAIU. Danville Charlotte B.&,. A00a..m. .OOp-m. . " .... " 1.11.15 a. m. K.OO a. m. Charlotte & Atlanta R. E., 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. a. . 4 Augusta R.B..a30 p. m. 10.00 ajna. WIImn A Charlotte B. IL,.; K80 9. m.-- 6.00 a. m. Charlotte A 61wlbyR.fi... ., 5.80 p. w., tt-00 a. m. . ,4 BtatesylUar 630 p, m. t. .00 a. m. tiff" Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 5.IK) p. m and Tuesdays at 8. 00 a.m.? ' tgr York vllle. (horse route,) Thuradays at 6.00 D.lu.ilm4IrklaJa!7X)0a.lmi'-,i'', 'fl '-' NOiCAirios;; AVar Department, Okfice Ciiiet Signal Officer, Washington;-Few. n, 730 f. For the South Atlantic States, areas of raiu with easterly to southerly winds, falling, followed by rising, barometer nnrt winds shiftine to southwest and northwest during Tuesday, with slight, change in tejnperature,, i '-' I 7 A..M. 1 2 P. MTT9 Pi M Barometer, T hermometer ,..: i ... Relative Humidity, A'lnd Dlrectloa. . Tehxslty.-;J..5 80.161 80.033 29.980 84', 8 Mile K'1 4 weainer,...'. Heel- LtRaln LtKata Highest temperature 85 deg.ilowest 8a : Total rainfall in paar24 hours, X47 Inches. . Meteorological BeorAV 1 WSATHKB RKPOKT, RBSTJABT 17, 4 20 K. Stations. Barom Th. Wmd VeL- Weather.- Atlanta,.... Augusta . .. Charleston, Charlotte,.. Corslcana,. Oalveston,. Indlanola. Jackson'lle, Key West,.: Mobile ... Montgomy. N. Orleans. PuntaBasa Savannah,. 8t Marks.. Havana 29.90 80.05 90.03 80.00 8017 30.02 80.04 30.03 80.05 ?&90 29.91 29.89 30.09 30.04 8(101 8O01 87 42 51 83 45 61 62 TO 77 68 66 75 75 56 62 82 N.E.' N. N.-K..' , K.15 N.W. Ni'-i tk-n &E. N.w: w. 00 13 ' LtBafn. Cloadr.. ' cioqdy."1 Lt&atn.; Cloudy. Hazy.; Clear. s Fair;:"; ",! .' 5 Clear,"-:' -' l Fair. ' ,--: Threat'ng. ' FalK " ' Qear.1- ' Fair;. s--4 4 4 16 1 8 6 16 9 12 12 10 15 0 14 1 l.-Cleai; " On tJte 22d of September last, tn puftiuQ op a new dras, TBS DAILT OBSERVER adopted Ike rate to exclude all double column admrUmmerUtimd dl cuts After five month of experience, toe home decided tt, earned the rule. Double cotumn advertisements neces sitate the cutting of eoUurtn rules,' and ftesejwiBoe charged twenty-five per cent more than our reyular raUx, and will only beinstrtedonthefirst and fourth pages of the paper. The recent change thsar rival and departure of maUs, make it necessary that changes jn contract advertisements be sent in by three ddbek in the afternoon. : 1 "" Index to Wow1 Areiwiijil ' T. L. Selele To the Ladles. Wilson Wish x iiurweiWAromauc sawyime rocin Wlttkowsky A Barndthetland Shawto,1 -r. Tlddy A Bro -City Book Store.; ;;,,My ,,ir,:i ,r JI03IE PE1VCI CI PIGS. i j ; ...v.-,. i, k iMxy. kAwrf No new develonmenta as to. the nool vesterdav. ,.. voiij A iru ; Never saw ajrwighel tlr thatit-ye tei-datNeYetfUTOJbrld Great many drummers, in. theyjuty Sunday. ' Ctiarrdtte1 Is thpiar $im day zuyvipgpidiihh Therp was n crackingfifcTlitlg, amonc; the': ice-laden tfe'fisstorafiy.; and apparently jauMiM ye'a "-f The riuef.a4suM ternoon at 4 ociocKatttW gcBHg'MeB s Christian Association m& "" iu rot CorresDondentsiuuBfedl to be attain reminded i,bat ThEvObskk lal doesn6t' print anoirymd It is a pleasure to-nete that'Eey.TW; H. Atkinson, af terwtilteA'ievere illness. is mnvalpwirnT7ajirf,f,airlnf nitt irf 'iia&vA iter. : u ;2T .f The CarOliha Fairmssoiatfofi mfe! Mlay at the :b6rrSttr,'After;the f adjournment, the IfrmerFiU also nold a meeting to ... djcaa efm&i&&&t If ariv farnler sfjirteti to the citv-ves-" terday witliTTOtfewn1ttet'ef dteacbefl' his destifiatlori,,Scatiy was offered, for. salelvthe nxoada beinsr utierlv imDassabreli to e'aisKjibit'-bowju.: The snfflw:eral4rielre9sde)' at points' along tM West'N6Tflr, Ckr4' una railroad, hut it did nst begirt, to fall iot twentorftflw Mr. Tlmi!hvrri?,rJi4Ha&3fety 1 yesterday- rffYrT-ferrrl ft hack to. tha-arorksJ "3 opariauuurg aim :j jitney tim road, from which they had escaped, ih& two colored convicts; dick wicks anu ' Mike Hope. : s t a a T a tJ Jt J c j : , Charley Eddins, ofTEe postqffice, has neen hghriug UpJ bflthe vrentlnes.eyerr smee. f ddav:tferlk3'lrie roust-htevteyeartthwsttoi tn sieged eonnc-vuneryiint.H a . Jew exceptions; arid time" MkMK le held on Friday :4ttgnt; at TiSa orClck;" ill the Chanel of theJiiatitnte. . We are asked to gay that the friends and pa- . Delegates to the e convention 01 Northern settlers at Raleigh March 1st are informed , that . loundUtfPrtickets along ' wad, and also 6 the ismhiiqify "Kooa ior nve vww:wt.uw An I Btereatlng'' Cafcei-f 'V S ot sttI Tlie most intretiricase likely to wxeT "P Hbe present, terni of -thel "CTj.uwjKiri j,dm; fMcCord iaccuse'ia eyes of thelawj oi- underthe'age, t whicfra girl may1 marry without the ..1 pareawvf xois case: nas iready begun td excite r some interest tnV?5peiawyers;ri.The ittme .when It- wit taKeip Jias. aot t yet been ,ae ,81ffnated,w'.i . ' , ..'.tiv it ' ... -, ij'a I In fATtMfttt t&iti 9di f started to the citv ves-'i' "w inenstixuxe1 arerpvite.xv.)vc:i: ver the Carollfta'TTentrdlMaleigh Augusta Ait I4ne RradswiUir v s't at all offices . along the -lia of etbe5 to abduct hi daughter witU'ari to inarriace. the rtrk tolno W:An ryinttrrlt Ttllli Vila proceeding of ITeeterdoy) Sealon of the Board of Aldermen. y - ' if! - J ' '-"- tfe ' 1 The board of aldermen inet yesterday mayorofSce; present: Ms .honor the mayor and Aldermen Miller. MfiOtt Ta- tern, Sanders, Wilson, Kendttck, Walk er, Moore and Nisbet. . . - I The proceedings of the' last mfe'ejinir were read and approyedL ,T : ; Alderman WilsonV: chairman of the committee on oil tanks stated that he was ready to report . ... . w. v s. -t t Alderman Moore "asked for further time on account Of ah&-absence of Al derman Dowd, whose opinion as a law yer is desired in' the1 framing of a proper ordinance to ewverthe case. He moved a! postponement until a subsequent .Mr.Emei-son, of the Charlotte city dijfectory-appeared-'before the" boaid or tne work in which i ff. .-. Tfi r-Ttdvira 'I.. ..t-.i-...i - , . I the Bi)ace giyeu .4n ,thet,direotory tothe " ---w dbl-v KAU.X CVj. llf n lilljfTI 1 W 5 i 1 1 I Ml U I IlK euvciuiueiiL, anu ne omy asKea tne CltVi'.tfk' ftllliBftriVuivi fa '-nr .l-.- ;.T. -f - Vl LIIJ ILWA. JL 11 C price is 33 per .volume, and. be desired toiknow how many copies the citw wuldtake. i).M - Jporr-motiohof AldermaaTMoore tue matter was referred to the nuance committee, with power to nctf A petition Was presented by, Maj T. lu. Seigle for leave to suspend a banner across Trjon atieet n in front of his store. , . ' r s ner of Messrs. EJXJjatta&Bro streteh ed Across the street frotn theif place; of business, and ifln motion their right to thus, ndvertiae their business was with arawn,St' m-j a ' -"'Alden!41ker' m6vedihafethe ordthahce in reference to the hanging of signs be henceforth strictly-enforced. ." - - ' f ) Alddrman Miller moved that MamW Lalta &r;iJv and 1 alh others whose sigs are not in conformitywith the ordinance on the sublect. be riven thirty daysliOtice to change them. T . -. , uj,vi. ' t vvi wv , cut- vi y sufiuvq Ami the flagging,' of .railroad trains at the iraae street crossmg.,, ' ' 1 - Alderman' Moore movl . that, the re port be accepted. Agreed to. a ? ,; Upon motion of Alderman Scott the ordinance was put upon and passed its several readings under a suspension of the rules. ... , Upon a petiiioarof "citizens and. on motion of Alderman Nisbet kerosene lamps were ordered to be placed at the corner of Graham and Fifth streets,a nd at Graham and Tenth. The tty marshal called attention' to the matter f s drummers' licenses, oreti nance", book., chanter 16. sec. 3. and Al- derman Scott moved to change the or dinanee &ot as to toake. the license tax $50 and the fine $25. " .,?..- 3 . Upon motion of Alaermari Moore tfie section was further amended to make ft the duty of the, cifyeonstable instead of the city clerk to issue the licenses. and as thus amended the ordinance was under suspension,-' of' the ruleai put upon and passed: its several readings. un monon tne Doara aajournea. military :'jn altera. , Col. C W. Alexander received vester dav from Adjutant XJeneral Jones, the oruec previously reierrea tx in the ub server, declaring the election in the second regiment at Raleigh on the 10th of January null and void, and ordering a ire W; election to be held in Wadesboro on th$ 25th of the present month. Col. Alexander also" received eeneral order No. SBy bfpyiding in detail the method of electing field officers. The regulations,-in-brief, declare that only commis sioned officers of . the companies have a right to vote at such elections; that proxies must be in writing," and no one shall act as proxy unless he be entitled tor vote in the ejection? that the .senior captain present snail preside, or in the absence oz ail. captains, tne senior lieu tenant : 'rand that a majority of the J electors or vne, regiment or Dattauon; present atjthe meeting or represented' by proxy shall eonstitute a quorum, and that all meetings for the purpose of electing field officers shall be governed by the customary parliamentary rules, Fire in Salisbury. At 9 o clock Sunday morning, tne Star tloon of Mr. J A, Snider was found to 5 on fire.' The nre deDartment was promptly on hand. The building, which was a irame one, was puiiea aown Dy ,he hook and ladder company :ithren- gine company keeping the .flames in Check until Mr. Snider nad time' to re move his stock and fixtures. The burn ed saloon was on Main street imme diately adjoitiifig the National Hotel, and with, only a narrow alley on the other side between it and a long row of Old', and highly inflammable wooden buildings. Under the circumstances the ore department is deserving of all praise for their heroic and successful efforts to ictoe, the'fire to1 theliouseirt' which 'it fjtarted, fas but for their, manful) work, a Vast and disastrous conflagration would have been inevitable. The building rhich was the property of Mrs. Dr. Hall, was uninsuraitJJsuaua s loss win ronaDiy. not oe ovex-rauu. -vtaer-par- iesloee amanAaxnounts?. ey jdamageitot oodsfnoved iftto"the'streets!duriiig the4 xcitement. wu7ii t The attorneys of -MeElwwInthe't 11 known case oiMcEl wee aiusVBli 3Sw welf f OV the 'rlght'tb-4fEeI&ade marTTof theiDxhaa iBull im- 'manttfactdf edr. bacco, have, received tneecisipn dommissioner bf patenuf,' before W thejasft Lwa8nargedi ome4ims.8iftee. he following is a copy of tne commis oner's decision; r ; -eitbrtheji egfejtant 0 nor-airpii- clant claims to have onnaated .the ttade marked qumtoEachtiarJs title .thraughqhri Greent,; win ts al leged to have originated it. . ... title ioj th& .xciuMvfr1iserf tlwtipie IT L tk. nnklin Join f )-r.m thtfx'eTett6r' 8f XSreerf. rnar py om tneexewroor oi ijrreen.- rit'- i -Mcjwe, ciainiBiUiiUiJ stuj ai half Wrjurchase from Green in Eb life tifflej& fleoesotMcIaiTir tB f&tt tb excLuy? indeedMcoMW at expect ou me unveuawo 61uV"'JLV.-,vt vorthlttHe-'aoe nor owTi'rmvra e hearing concedes that thO purchase executor's v sale by Blackwell was lr-a-to-nwiawer ..mteresi , wreen InreresT isttthktGfeeWiri wrest.was only one individual half. f Th law orants 'recrisTrafion to those fehtitled to the exclusive use oftrade not entitled to xne exuiuano uoo i wuo trade, markjwheneuje istrateoiH iiis;regisWatj(jniuolawfaL n Tsi-VWrvrSlffiffal vretratlQIJcit04MC vr MVVwy. cr a - , i ElwewfeOfsnot and aoes uui, vhuux a va ontitiAd to the exclusive use of usejri order to placejinonequal footing 'diMl-it'vm ..v. a. i V. n TTauph .TMirnoseuI AOs otherTwhS is not .pntiled. tojts exclu - f Whether -BlackwelHwaa or was noi Hitled to thet exclusive, use of flie . trafteiriarlmen na Obtained bis regis tration, he is now. a registrant and is therefore entitled as against Moj. V.iwet'io fermal-awardfcr piiontyi , :. -:TbejudgMent; pf .he xammer-inr. thief 18 affirmed. . ?f f: isi McElwetf8"RttttrieyW here. -They t wllV carry; the case to the 1 Shpreinr Court of the United States i eSad the-trade mark under consiaerauou. lrfrA(rstratiauof ratradcjnaiksiwff I Tbe Funeral of Secretary Engelb&rd -Who 'Will be III Successor? - ', Special to the Observer. J ., -. 1 TSaleigh, Tib. 17. The 1 funeral of Secretary Engelhard 1 was generally at tended by the citizens.; Several disting uished citizens of WUmingtonhe home of the deceased, were present, and Sena-4 tor Vance "from Charlotte. Both branches of the Legislature attended in a body, preceded by the governor, exec? utivefficersjiSupreme Court andoffi cers.of public institutions. lT, . .' ? - ; The governor nominates to the Senate a ' successor' ;'fomorroW."Tlie appoint ment will lie between Gen.5 W R. Cox, CoL W L. Saunders, late of the Observer of this eity ; and- ,Iion- John Manning, of Chatham. The latter is understood not to desire theappointmentjJudgev Cox is in Tennessee arid! it is not known. that he would accept. The health of CoL Saundersyalone stands in $he way of hisppolntmenii which would giye univifekl sMisfactfonasj would that of either of the other gentlemen. The grade of appointment under this, administration will be high; H. ' Inqueaiover Slargaret JBeid'tt Body. Coroner" Axexander heldj an inquest over -the 'body of Margaret Reid, the colored woman who was shot in Berry hill township, Jyr Logan t Hoover, also colored, and yesterday the papers were returned to the elerk of 'the-Suerior Court. , Seven .witnesses were . exam ined, but no one could testify to having seen the shooting.-" It appears to have taken , place in a room in which no one was present except : the man and wo man. One or more witnesses testified to haying , heard , Hoover threaten .to shoot the woman, and nearly all heard him say that he did not know the pis tol was loaded. Nothing of importanece could be gotten from the deceased ; she simply said that Hoover had shot her and she didn,'t know why. Dr. Herron bore testimony to the' fact that the ball en tered her left breast and was found em bedded in her heart, and the jury; re turned a verdict to the effeet -thatrthe woman was shot, by Hoover r Inferior Conn. .., The Inferior Court of - Mecklenburg met yesterday,' Justices Waring;' Reid and Stowe presiding.:, The following were drawn to constitute the grand jury: , - . Thos. P. Grier, foreman ; J. C, Taylor, J AVJPeArmdrid,1 w; X., Fisher, Cyre niu&Alexander, J. C. Beard, Isaac Alex ander, Sr, Solomon Sifford,W. H. Mar tin, Henry Beaver, H. C Hubbard, W. A. Pearce, C. A. Hoover, T. M. Shaw, Wm. Sample. After the delivery of the charge by Justice Waring, the court proceeded to business and disposed of the following cases during the day : State vs. Neil McGinn, unlawful tra ding; submitted; judgment suspended on payment of cost State .vs. Samuel Orr, assault; sub mitted ; judgment same. State vs. Wm. Simpson and Wm. Du lin, affray; called and failed; judgment nisi made absolute. m re state vs. John D. Anderson, colored; larceny;. jury verdict, guilty. " State vs. John Caldwell, colored, lar ceny ; judgment suspended on payment 01 cost. n 8 s t The EAte Xrayed r in reenaiborow Thel funeral of Mr. Jno. W. S.Parker, who was robbed and murdered in Greensboro, took place from his resi dence Sunday, and was attended by a very large crowd. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. J. Henry Smith of the Presbyterian church. The minister prayed that the Almighty .would speedily avenge the brutal mur der or jan unonendmg and esteemed citizen. Mr. A. L. Clark, of this city brother-in-law of the deceased, returned from Greensboro yesterday morning, and reports that the citizens of the place are taking quiet but the most active steps" to discover the perpetrator of the outrage. The negro Mendenhall, who was arrested, immediately, after. Mr. ParkerYtteatHas discharged, the evi dence against him sbeing ..insufficient to warrant his detention. No other arrests have been made in Gregnsboro..though siisEidotffes&u left, the place ..Sunday morning, and Who1 had'nof; returned atlast accounts: . SuhdWrnihifc a 'rie&dririvmiE.hia name aiMcBee was arrested by the au- betrities in rM?sbiirvclMclbfiKOf 'actibry account of aridsperid f ing mey Mmhlff- ut having, sub$e quntlyMeniM'MM targed from custody. amT j Mr. Parker is suDDosed to have had ai least $100 era his- persoif 'When 'Be was lithe habit of body becomes Irremlar, jnucrr I evllUlofllctedm,Ui;atcm. The stomach be comes dyspeptic; bilious symptoms develop tbemH 1 tuM 1 Iii.iiI.i.iIiii, tllw nerves share in the generardlsoraerJ Tt W of . . -. L . X, I- , 1 1 J uxmosi importance uuu uu uuweia uivuiu ue thoroughly and speedily regulated when they grow derelict The corrective, agent best adapted to this purt08eT3JrI68tetter's Stomach Sitters; awh6Ie some, non-KTiplng getbielaxatirie, wortiajllha rasping cathartics Invented since the time ot ar&elsttiePeop1e'ir6 Mve be&the habft of using blue plu, catorMlapd: th cheap nostrums for constipation, should abandon I such hurtful and useless mecines and substitute j for them this pleasant and, gentle aperient,, which not only produces the purgative effect naturaly but also stretightens whne tti stomach and liver. ! It moreover cores and pre' f vents- ftaternflttentffantreinlttent fievers.r;m' rlenatlsWebllrty andutinary troubles.1: j 'y-C: The Consumptive's Oajxlope. rVerlly, to most are falling or In most Mhi do Cod Liver Oil, yet, when those appalling symptoms nf riwjiv nnnear. which nhvslclans and Datlents ankrknoo areamerrmg wgfis of greater' waste of blood and tissue than the nutritive powers are sup plyttig,.Cod liver OUrli th Mosttrufltwerthy and effective remedy in the world. , Bat repugnance to Its taste and odor, redace the oervous- patient to despair. It is then tnat menas ana. aocwr can ao Mm thA most inestlmabieAliidness he has ever known. bT telling him of Scott's Emulsion of Cod f -Ailver mi wivn: UJe"nypopno9innB ot ime ana rtlln-dtdom iroal unpleasant smell or odor; of Its mar i,"lv"rveloi8 qualties as a nutrient, and the miracles It TTtrlrn in ginnf Vf "ITjT Tn "1 idbraln r, ft itt izn& 1 - " -ZJI 1 fiaaJ ithaal CrkK 11a r r 'ZiWrtJo&H ttiohi la a. tnrm nf Minanmntlon which was better 4 indicated by the- old fashioned name ot ecHne," j- it la: tne areaaea sooutkb, 01 mwuo unwii.u taa -Southern States, claiming rnor victims every year thniir w swent awar by the most terrible visitations ol the yellow iever. -v i ne- maiaor jarum iruuiue inability of the patients' system w innB up ana os BimflatA "thA timirtHhintf' incTedlents. of thfi) food that is eaten. r. Some years ago' the medical profes- 1 . w , . '. i ... .I.., fr sion wim remariuiuio uuiuuuuiji ckjiTOi un. Liver Oil contamed tne most onceptrauju mmk easily absorbed elements of jiutrltlonIf ihe nau seous taste and smell of tbeolleouldbe avolded.it would unquestionably be the most sovereign reme dy that ever shed a healing blessing on the human race. And tnese repulsive pruperuea are Bucwsa- fully removed Dy tne union - oi pure uoa iaver uu with the Hypophosphltes of Lime and Soda in Scotfs Emulsion. -The combination is a most ele rant one-,' pleasant as sweet milk lri flavof. conge nial to the stomach, and acting directly as a power- U jet gentle torUofbrd nervfluSj j." To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretions of youth, 'nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, AC.,' I will send a recipe that Win cure you, -FREE -OF CBARGB. This greaj remedy was. . discovered by .missionary ! SouthArnerica. Send a self-Bdcrressed envelope tothe REV. JOSEPH Tv IMMAN, BtatlOA D. Bible House. New Yorlt City . . .', . Jan 25 - . , : t ,-,f.r&t-y -tgy CBEW JACKSdN ft BEST S1TEET 20B4.VVU. - . t Jy J- The Deata-Kate ! I Our country Is getting to be fearfiiHy alarming. the averase ot Ii3"bei23 lessened every rear, with out any reasonable cause, death, resnlllng general ly rrom me mosi lnsricaM origin, .At this set- son of the year especially, a cold to such a common thing that m the hurry of every, day life we an apt tit ffrfrtiw ifrf flflTHT trttfindlrit it and often find too late, that a Terer or Lung trouble has already set In. ; Thousands lose their nves In tbja way ev ery winter, while had BoscHxx'g Gxbxas Stkup been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bin from a doctor been avoided For all diseases of; the Throat and," Lungs, .Boscssi's Gxsxax Stscf has proven Itself to be the greatest dlseov- ery of Its kind in medldne. , Every Prurglat In this country will tell you of Its wonderful effect, i Over 950,000., rotaes- sld last year wtthout a single 1 ' Oj'flTiB-f "' - 1 . An old physician, retired from practice, havlnJ had placed tat his hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, for urc ayraij auu yciuuuuu lain, i ur wwMmmrnOfl bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all thmai.And lung affecflons, also a positive and radical eure for nervons debility and all nervous complaints, after uariug, si,.iuer.ut curaove powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to. -make it known to hi suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and adealre to relieve- human sufferine. I w?S,obaSsei '? " whs-desire it, Sis recipe, with run directions for preparing and u&hur to German, French or Bnghih. Sentby mailbr addressing wilh stamp naming this paper. W. W. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, Mew York. S-jASaTlBigs Basks Secure? This is a question of "vital importance to the in- uusuiai uuiu m wur cuunuy; ana while our legis latures are pondering (he question, we would earn estly advise every one to take Hall's Balsamfor coughs and colds.- Warranted to eure. febieiw . . . . .. . The Grand Central Hotel on Broadway. N. Y., Is a big house, and -It lakes -'a great raanr people to fill it In order to do the latter, and to please everybody, the hotel Is now kept, on the both plans the American at $2.50 to $3.00, and the European Sl.OO. and upwards per -day. An elegant restaur ant at moderate prices. Is conducted by the h otel WK-u:i MIBBTJARI 17.1879... , . i;.' ..;,;.pfioppas.;'' V .". JlcnraAFlotrt Inhert family ? 4.30ag.2& Wheat higher; red and white 93a9& Cora higher at 44a5. -Oats in good demand at 24a27. Pork quiet at 16.00325. ! Lard inactive; steam 6.55. Bulk meats shoulders 8.66, short ribs 4.86a87, short clear 5.00; bacon steady; shoulders 444, dear ribs Btfc dear sides 5. Whiskey higher at 1.03. Sugar firm and unchanged. Hogs quiet; packing 3.90a4J.5.,; ti. i-.tjjV'- c.-sv-iul, fih vi si,rft Baltthohx Oats quiet; Southern 32a36, Wes tern white : 82a83, do mixed 82a33, , Pennsyl vania 30a33. Hay unchanged: prime Penn sylvania and Maryland lOall. Provisions dull; mess pork, old 9.50, new 10.75; bulk meats loose shoulders 48JA, dear rib sides 5a per ear load, packed new 4fta5; bacon--shoulder8, old 4, clear rib sides, new &A, hams, ' sugar-cured. 9alO. Lard-reftned HereesTOt Butter quiet and steady; choice Western packed 18a20, rolls 15a 16. Coffee dull; Rio. cargoes, llalSft. . Whiskey duU at 1.08. Sugar ;qule A softSilba. 7 Niw Tohk Flour a good home trade; No. 2. 2.50a3.00, supernne Western and State 8.40a3.65, common to good extra Western and "State - 3.70a 3.90, good to choice do a95a4-50; Southern flour steady; common to fate, , extra 4,00a5.10; good to choice do 6.20a6.50. Wheat ungraded win ter red l.OSlal.ll, No. 8 do 1.07al.O9. Corn ungraded 43Vsa7, No. 8, 42a3. Coffee unchang ed Jtlo quoted In cargoes llaiSJA, in job lota HUa alb. Sugar quiet and steady; Cuban 5tya0, fair togoodre&ning 6a6, prime 6; refined stan dard A 8a4, granulated 8 powdered 8a, crushed 9; Molasses quleiand unchanged; New Orleans 25a37, Porto Rico, old 22a25, new 80a38. Rice in moderate request and steady. Pork mess cm spot 9.00. Lard 6.8780. Whiskey sready. Freights quiet COTTON. ". Norfolk Quiet; middling 914c.; net receipts 2.211; gross; stock 22,742; eiports coastwise 541 ; sales 200; exports to Great Britain 52t55. . BALTTMOKE Oulet: middling OBbeL i low mtddliiur 14c.; good ordinary 8a; net receipts 127; gross lvoi saies xeo; bwck v,i; exports coastwise 80; , spinners ; exports to Great Britain 2,400; to Continent BoeroN Steady; middling 9i; low mtddnhg 99bc; good ordinary 8c; net receipts .847; gross 1 ,598; sales ; stock 2.868; exports to GreatBrit'. Wilmtngtom Dull; middling 914c. ; low mid dling 8c; good ordinary 8; net receipts 625; gross ; saies ; stock ,Z5; spinners ; ex ports coastwise 1,371: to Great Britain,; to Con nent ; to channel . . Philadelphia Firm;, middling 9Ae.; low middling tffec; good ordinary Sftc.; net receipts 80; gross 230; sales ; spinners 378; stock 6,754; exports to Great Britain 232. August a Steady ; iniddUngJBfec.; low mid dling 8ic; good ordinary 7c,; receipts 211; shipments ; sales 443: stock . . CHASZ87DiiM2u; iniiddilng 9&V tow mid dlmg;9c good ordinary 9c.; net receipts . 2, 181: ross -: sales 600: stock 46.904: exoorts eoastwlse 1,794: Great , Britain -j . France j-pj Contbll-chan j.;-.-." i,x: sr-.. New YobkDWI; sales 67& rrdddUng uplands 9e.. rsHMMng Orleans 9 'c(msolldatedjiet rer celpts 83,IBi erportsJoGTeatr.Brt Continent 743:FiBnee'2.075: WnneL Litekpool Nook NotQiMaWlpwW irplaBkb 54ml Orleans 5 9-1 6d. low middling uplands . good orctoary.i uplands Ordinary uplands . saies 7.UOU, speculation ana export l.ouu, re ceipts 12,800. all American. Futures are at Sat urday's prices. Uplands low -middling clause: Feb ruary delivery , February and March , March and April 5 11-32, April and May 5, May and June 5 7-16, June and July July and August 5 17-82. Ausust and SeDtember . Sentember and October . New -crop shipped January per sail 8 February and March . 1 timwmzjfoffli 'mim. February r .-iUu,J.ti'i '608.70 Maiea 1 . ,.(. Jtwj iiu .tux . msn. oK73s,7S ApriXii,-) .xni.f j!.aii.lt ; 1'.ftSa.89 LJuneivfc:.id.wi - Ji-t mhX-skm JniI.MfrwUtt .bfcttlwiiiaa. .u. Zi'- Septembetifevv. itftin-uiu -U n ilO 46a.l8 aetoberiib9bi.'.iaM . vjtu.-i7... .-tz1XW xrt i.J v II I"" I . 1 ..... . ' I .?;tnl ru)6 1 ;' ' .n.".csl . 0 ,6dFrkiNiaAL7 t iNxw York Money 1.021. Fj Exchange 4.85t4a6. governments strong. New5'Al, 04. state bonds MU11. ; . CITY COTTON MARKETS , Omcai or thx Obhebvxs, I - .1 XaaABLOTTE. February ialS79. i , . T1 markietT6teTday dosed qnlet, as ; rouows Good Tfliaaiing Tfniwx -jirs, ''4' - O - " " - T. ?.T;i i ".Tw;,. 1 K.9 ' ' 'CHaltlOTfERODUCK MA REST FISRUARYIJ 18?9 COKKECTET dailyv tl COTTOH New. ner bdle, Snrtoed.! Ahrn S. tipa;. amo. jsv. if -1.75 BAGama, per Tb. iwi.iut iv-i Illal2i4 i 40a45 CoBN,iPei bush i tyvituvsnuivn .... - 50a55 v-tx50a55 Oats, sheald,ifcti;iviiwivfc.M. --'.i?:-4 45a60 BACO-- if i"t n ''IHlIJci'I 'ft' r j N.C,hogrpufld..y)2--Jii.j;..j'i.i..jajT i " ay Hams, h. Ck..vv.-.i.a.iun'-.-. ' lOall TI n m a muonMHU 1 ,..r: ,1. Ai. ; . v. tfrrrx MiiiH -ttfi. t'i.r ot WttlJ tmsvi- - Clear Rib Sides. .... ..,iw.-.. tiuttzia , 6a COPFKE fJJHirT-i4 r Prime 3o. vi- ifciii- . ti . 1 -v..iiv . f Good.w!..;-s"-.iiiAJf- STROP lSal6ti 1214 25 , 38a40 35a50 1.00a2.00 iSucar-house.... . vuuDa.........i-.i..i....."ii.i. .-, New Orleans. Salt .su.rt.i Llvernool nner. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . White..-. i vilJ'j.l .u.,lWi.J.iJ;. v-HWl YeUow 7 I Potatoes- i . u.L . ,i5;'fita aweet. . ...s .-t ooaws I Irish i ; W ; ..... .4Uft&0 Butters-:w? f tr. fwr"T"f w -?? - North CaroanAiiaaiJ.s.'u Jiae.-y, n luaizts Extra. .aiui i.lsivs.jvu'. s:j.j'p. 2.75a3.00 Super :i jxkt .t; jtf.. . ., ty. 2.$5a2,50 .if.-.v;,-! ' '-t - ; r Xji.--..-..iM-r- ! JJHOTOGRaPHS. t-. i i l ; in consequence of the reducHon, fa the prior of the original cost of materials, and tn order to give i&y patrons the benefit of .the redaction from and after this date Photographs will be taken At my Gallery at ":A? ri S-ZZKi i i A M . ' sept22 J. H. VAN NXS3 E " ,-- -- - itT- '11! -JS .''w.i ' A,lTfy - l i '.irnt,aii,t AJTP BJEfattV '-' - -z- 1 GROCERS nd DEALERS m COUNTRY PRODUCE .1 XeB fcMMrtanfly on band 1 1. v- r: ; 1 v.; is v, -t p , j nr'l " ."i" jrSESH XGGS and BUTTER, CH1CXXNS, TTJR- f t KEYS, CsBB AGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP-' : . , PLXS, DBIEU FBUrrs, An. 1i : ' ' i( i"-t-f (j :" -: l1?-'' . v. Xxcloslve Dealers in 1 .v i ; ; ' ' ' !. . .: r KAltSOTJR A lWNNtwTLL'8 and L. I SHD- FORIVS various brands of FLOUR. ' 1? 1 ALSO. PBOPRHTOB8 Of TBS . i If CHARLOTTE HOTEL,' CHARLOTTE, N. 6 Thlslwusehas been refitted and newly fumtehed, ; ; and tetoptmlUa Terms, Per Day $3 00 99" Great bidoeements offered to table hoard ers; for terms see the proprietor. -. .. .- (: :.;.:K. ,: . .-i.-ii-- Eymnibqs and Carriages at ev FIELD BROTHERS. . .... Mr. H. & WrusoM Ladt,. HSNBT WrLTOMO, feb9 :. i i .'.Proprietors. ...Superintendents. $2,00 H 8 $2.00 S .8 Hi MARSHALL SAVANNAH, GA. A B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 and S2.50. according to toea- tionof Boom. M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel. Fe5.16-. ' s TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE Salisbury, N. C. C S. Bbowh, Proprietor,' Late of the National Hotel, Bateigh.) ; C 8. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. a Shelbufn As sistant. - dee 80 . . , t' ., ,,-.'-. .'. ; -t;; - Mvozzvits. 50 BARRELS CHOICE NORTHERN- PPP P P PPP P P L . L L L T.T.T.T. EEB E EK B eek A A PPP P P Aj A Received every week. LeROY DAVIDSON. an30 W11 XIAMS A FINGER, Have nst received a lot of Turkeys and Chickens which we offer at tow prices. Come to Williams A Finger and buy the best Family Floor from the best mills." Wheat, Bran, Oats, Corn and MeaL Honey. OountryLanL. Butter and Eggs. The best Timothy and North Carolina Hay, cow and horse feed of the best aalltK Sucb TJolfee, Au Con signments solicited for all kinds of country produce. wiUmake prompt returns of sales. decs ARRIVALS, FOB SALS, WANTED. 10 boxes assorted Candles. 5 boxes choice Ovs- ler Crackers. 5 boxes Family Washing Soap, largest 10c bars tn the city. ' Also 1 fine Milch Cow and one medium quail Cow with young calf, for sale low. . 600 doeen PABTRLDGES WANTED., , ! oae29-:' H X. SMITH. -pAMTL Y crROCERIES, I have now tn store a full supply of Groceries and famuy supplies. . - : . . Just Recerred: r ,; . Magnolia Hams. Also a lot of very large Turkeys. i-i'ii IS A STORE FOR RENT,, S. M. HOWELL febg - Q.ROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. EWGOODSY .i t. : a; ' imW FKAlURES t Come tome tor Bacon. Com. Sugar. Coffee. Mo kisses, an4 other FamBy Groceries, v .: " lust receivea, a rew barrels oi Berry rosters (Da- BFJ3T ,RYE WHISKEY, Also a flue lot of Country Haras. I sell foreashJ All goods delivered inUieclgr free of charge w. u. cbuuuxiiujul. - :i n-i- j!.-iiri'- m ,p''''Traae street, Next door below Wilson A Black's old stand. aplS. ; - , . ,-i r -,. c O T T O N -ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED X "i . i- A ifji"' k - - , . , i ei-.- j..'j4 ji ' ii .THeMAS H.' GArTflERi.'! -i.v:!i!. " ' -t' ,', ,i " ! ! 3 i il nt t4hM a"U-v Ju 5i, u it C O riOS i C.O M IS 8 IOH UlBCHlXf I OctlS1 N Brrrrfatf f tbe bower onfeifed -tn morteace made br T, J. Wukbson and Laura H. Wilkinson to the Charlotte .Building and Loan Association, I will sell at public auction, a house and lot of land fronting on the N. O. Railroad, in square No. 68,. beginning at a stake on the N.C Railroad and run ning with said road to L. A. Phillips' comex, thence with her line 180 feet to a stake thence, parallel witn said railroad 4 9$ feet to J. B. Sbannonhouse's uner thercs to, the beginning,! Whleh is nevf claimed subject to said axirtsan bf E. W". Mellon. Said property to be sold at the court house doer In the elcy of Charlotte on the-1 st Monday in uaren, . 1879, ior cash, ' the amount due toe Charlotte. Building, and Xoan Association: ibetnc 229.25i JWtUi cost of advertising and sate. 'jjiQfi?1 i ! 1 'deeigtds a -iitK.i .-i seCy sndXreaAr15; P Xiu.if vnitVi -ii.r)d las ri-- i 1 T nl'rebraar ts ajjn'clock; A lam , ' , i 'sui '. I t,- U ' 1 fi'a4 4l titii si'&lfoU bffi too ixi-io febl8.tf , !i,v-"v v'4 fp iMAROLINA CENTRAL . , , TIA wTLKXNGTQN, iV--i--: x a iO. THSOTJGS FREIGHT ROUTX This Line being fully equipped for bustoess. Freight from WQmlngton and all Northern and Eastern CtOes to Greenville, Spartanburg, an Stations M ' r 'u - ' Atlanta-Tennessee A Ohio, It.- . .ui. , Li , ','. 1 As well as points tn Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as il 1 Information tarnished . - F.W.CLARK, . . . ,.,. - . ; Gen. Freight Agent, Wllrnlngtoa, N. C i ' '' " J sept80 . ' ' i ' - gntjjs and jedicittjeij. JR. J. H. MOADEN, . ' tmraoiscr akd ghemibt, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubtn's Extracts and Colognes, ' English Select pices, - Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap' English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both 'night and day at J. H. McADEN'S , Prescription Store. ECUKITY ! SECURITY 1 SECURITY ! 200 Barrels of C. WEST A SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AKL ALADDIN SECURITYIOIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C West A Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal 00 Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will bum. C. West A Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. EL McADEN, Soto Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C F. SCARR A CO., U G G J B T D G G 1ST SI ItEAR THE FOBT-OFTICE, Wouty respectfully Inform the ptiblte that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store; near ,the PosWXBce, and sooctt the patronage of their friends and the public generally. . u i r y n u ; Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. . ", i rpKACHERS WANTEn,-$5 to $100 or S200 A per month, during the Spring and Summer., For full particulars address , ? J. G McCURDY A CO., . ,' t . , Philadelphia, Pa. , BIPHTHERIA? ' Johnsco's Anodyne Llrnlnentwui rWvelypW vent this terrible disease, and will poslttrely euro bine cases': in ten. Information: that will. save many lives sent free by malL . Dont delay a mo -ment ' Prevention Is better than cure.' Sold every-' where. t a TnuiiaAV . rvv ' 'Hit - Bangor, Mafnei J- B KSSOVS CAPCTNE POROUS PLASTER. .; . X70B .. WOMEN AND, CTTLDBEVT ( i J Q& , WOMEN . AN1 CHILDBSlN :, ,; , ' Females suffering from ' pain arid weakness will derive great comfort and strength from the use of Benson's Capdne Porous Plaster. Where children are affected with whooPInc coueh.ordlnarr eonshs or colds or weak lungs, It 6 the one and only treat ment tney snouia recerre. , a iu arwue contains new medicinal elements such as Is found In no other' remedy In the same form.. It is far superior to common porous plasters, liniments, electrical ap pliances and other external remedies.' It relieves pain at once, strengthens and eures where other plasters will not ven. relieve For Lame and 1W, niwwiwiiiiiiir anw; uuqodo ihw cut 'I local aches and pains, It is also the beet known J remeoy., ask ioi enson s :vapcme naater ana take no other.. Solo;, by , aH, praggists, f Price 25 CO N SUM P T-I- O'XT ) .11 J Aid all Disorders of the T XEBOsl Tv AN D L OH GS a.h.' t Fr,T! Permanently Cured. y,vjl - PR. T; AlSLOCCErS great, REMEDX -J; i n ; inr N ' RBK; pW TS. TT O HHH IT. IHN'KI - 1.1 taken taooncUon with Ms'' " Xm i i;j..1" "-',1;; " COMPOUNB.jrMCLSIOFfi.U A7 U BE e CO JO--ill FT It fib I'A. ; A FREE BOTTLE of each preparation sent by express to eacn auuenng applicant name, P. O. and express aaoross to t sending their1 oDr. T. A. sio- .f.i'ura i' ! earn, mi rean sueet, new xorx. XfZ are the arents for HE-NO- TEA In this dry; IT " and ask our friends to give it a trial.. If not satisfactory we wUl cheerfully take it back and re-1 fund the money. WILSON' A BURWELH Agents for Charlotte, N. C . 9.H l?rilcrxAOT-80DA.,'t' ? DISPATCH LIN NORTH CAaXUBIAJ' : TO ALL WESTS SOUm" r'T offers unequalled facilities for the Transportlon of tvn-i.t C'5-' .v . Charlotte, Statesvflle, 1 AsberQtoT 1 BntheTforaio n on the Atlanta A Richmond Air-Line,' ' ; and Western N. C Railroads, r'i -Jf " Alabama andMisalsslppi.'7;t ' ' V" ,' . - ' '.t 'Siv .if 1 ; i.'oilJMi i L S via any Competing Line, and Time as Qulck4 .1 "...'! - Ul .? Xj M . .A 1j ' .ii t ... vi '1 ,- 1 . .. ,..,.. J..:.. ..... upon application td ' ; f A , r,- . 1 WM.A MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C . T , X. T, SMITH, , , Agent C C Railway, Charlotte. Mtvits; IAf''lWNw'fVMy TOUBIANA STATE LOTTERY, , . ,. ; , ,;. ' I,. A SPIJENDID OPPpBTUNITX ; To win a fortune. 5 Third s Grand DlsWbuUon, Class C, at New' Orleans, Tuesday, March ? 11th, 1879-106th miWy Drawing. -; : ' .;','T'y;Vvi,?'.'-- '?V:5j LOUISIANA STATS LOTTERY COMPANY. ' This Institution was regularly - -a-- -. -. v -v '"v wi muuMnnui NN Charitable purposes tax.' 1868, -fob the rem or ble faith of the State Is pledged with a capital of SI ,000,000, to which It has since added a Reserve Fund of $850,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the toUowtag distribution: . . , . vT CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 1 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half Tick ets, One Dollar, s , ..i LIST. OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize,, i. .. 1 Capital Prize, . .. 1 Capital Prtze.... 2 Prizes of S2J500. . .130,000 10.000 6,000 5,000 ,-: 5,000 . 10,000 5 Prizes or lyOOO... . 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1JQOQ Prizes ot 100....,,.. 50 ...v. . 1U.UOO 10,000 10,000 10,000 ,i r. APPROXIMATION PRIZES; 9 Approximation Prizes f $300. . ... 5t2,700 i i on 9 Approximation Prizes Of 200...,'. y Approximation razes oc iuu.. , j VHXJ 1867 Prizes, amounting trji?; VT.. ,.."1010.400 Responsible corresponding' 'agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. - ; : .-.i;. t.-- Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office in New Orleans. Write, dearly stating full address, for full Infor mation or send orders to s ' ' - "'- : M. A. D AUPHINr PostofBce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are mider the supervision and management' of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD andJUBAL A. EARLY. -.K , febll . . EROM DR. 8. W. HUNTER,, BALTIMORE, eLD. ,,.; Having become famlllsr with Colden i Leung's Liquid Extract of beef and Tonic Invigor- atir, I take pleasure tn recommending It as an ex cellent preparation, combmtng as it does food and' ' tonic In aremarkable way producing good bloOd, health and strength. Sold by afi Druggists.;'' ' . , Q.EO;Cj WARE, Manufacturer and Wholesale-Dealer In " .J- -puk apple ajtos,&r-- - .-ii. '.;-Ajrrn'' .it- ..'! .il . - .-. i-ii-- 'ti!f ;i i;ll J-h:-; . ," j.j--CPEB -VJNEG.ARjr rj ii Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of yh'u ' , -.ppNDlT'S ?ABLE;.SAJJCJ-r--,hioi 2OTto298ir.Thlrdt;,',l! fJINCDSNAlrilof7 -.-r?7t--At',i'i 1 "" 'Jl-)l L .l.l.i lnl niii'li OILS SASSAFRAS- :"':,'!! 5MuJf Hii !tr 341. Ji t.jt'.ii'Alrjl PENIlYROtALf Oilnmequallfebtlfe'aW, ; on dehrery, free of brokerage.' commissltms. 1 ' ' ! .'-,.'.;' erstoTAgeexrnses, by! uh Ui.ii IttiwrlBts-EiMl EX9drtrff bY, !i! jfl r-. H Jltillt 'MV1 'HIP 1CfU YI I1 DRUGS, ESSENTIAL piLS, A ii , ww 1 1 1 in jii sr. - - - ;r;fv'"-;"'r of., 17 A DAY to Agents essvatsmc lor the "Ftxe i 1 side visitor. Ten Terms and outfit fre... .Ad. ( , .ir 5V Fancy Cards, Chromo, Snowflaie, At', no two ; iV alike, with name. 10 cents.' Mirikler At r. Co, Nassau, N..Y. a,ft -nitfH 't 'tiit.n J A MIXED CARM;Jwifh c. L. JONES A CO.,- Nassaa, Nl T.V ' :u outfit 10c decai rpo ADVKRTISERS-'-ndlwour rSeiect list otl'i .JL Local Newspapers. 'Sent free on sipll6atl0riVv AoaressiMMx. r. kuwexa, lAJ.iUBproce su, New York. .v; .' THE' ' .'..f.'f ;.1T -TT bo'r HvS;A'rL JjlfvXTii Ti t O V V. A A L si"? 5V O VV AAA LJ ) A A, lUL KKi 'Hi ! 'if '','hiif i4'i1 !t 'WSiiW wuua id a w o , . . . . . , . . .. . i ... .... -.. tl. I...- f . f l .".! : : 1 ,i.i -iu'O't ri iMfi' c fi 9': Hi jo ell '1savesVaste iril OiMifl b i , i: 11 i j: i1: i ; i v. m i.n i.ki.i. , ..... U "rrr - rt'i o.n m t i i.f 1 j! i i, iti'i'tJt lliii'l-l il il Jtt forevery plass nf Undertekhigl 'Having hand aVt j ' COFFINS, CASFJn AND BURIAL CSEa1 m&t x j lo ;n-!lWdoandiremTi&v.,,1 .',1 utl ivIrai.A full lo tlf T . f. '. tliatf t!A-iIP.l -i1i- Si - V. t i ' i, 't V- l . jrj , oj 1; i.f- aw .il i --ii.5jjf.iif JP. -Jt (rr.j ,(,JJ jKI.'injia.'ffTt iu io Furniture bf every Descrtption Repaue4,at. shor, a4v I jj t I ."'t- "'1 .PUJVi.jn.wuin nnii u uv Pflth E. a Rogers, Trade Btreeu June 20. . t

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