t -4.- TUESDAY, FEBSOkRT1 iSlSl f tub e.egisl jcnPURax v rB.laliiti School-Mr 1 . ... . i February 14. v,rr-nv'T--T -'i ""inLLS. ";" Mr. McEachern, a bill to establish a , new county, to be called Scotland, out of portions of Robeson and Richmond. Mx Hoyle was relieved from, further service on the. Joint' committee pa' $h.e selection of justices 0ffte peace. .,- i Mr. Dortch called Up, under a suspen sion of the rules, the resolution for a joint committee to ascertain , the num ber of bills of public interest requiring the action of the General Assembly, Adopted. - - . , - - , I Mr. Henderson called np, also under a suspension of the rules, the bill for the relief of the sureties of Jonas Cline, late sheriff of Catawba county. ,.;Mr, TTp.nde.rson explained the bill, which id to authorize the collection of arrears of 1 taxes, and it passed its several readings and was ordered to be enrolled. , ; , v TIDE GEOLOGICAL 6TJBVEY.' The unfinished business of yesterday, House bill to abolish the office of State Geologist,- was resumed, the question being h 7 the -substitute of Mr. David-j son lor- the. .amendment xf-MrMerritt, Mr. Memttj-withdrer his amend- ment. . '"' . j ' ; Mr. Austin was for the. unconditional; abolition of the office; -l Two years ago the office had been stigmatized as a nui-j sance, and no new light had been thrown upon the matter since! l,lt' Was strange that all the wealth trumpeted to the! Senate as the results of -the survey should be kept in ; the dark and no at-' tempt- made to make it .known to the world. He could not account for this apathy there was a screw loose some where." He did not- desire his remarks to be construed into an attack upon the geologist us uuiiui, uui jetJicaeuwug wie people he demanded something for their money expended in this matter. : Mr. Austitt jcalledupMrjiTaylori Who had nothing.'to say, against prof. Kerr or bi .quauncauons,:Dr his general con duct as an officerThufih reference t6 his own county (Henderson) he could see but little that had been done, either for want of means or otherwise. Mr. Erwin desired to get rid of the incumbent, and would support the amendment of Mr. Davidson, particu larly as it provided for the continuance of tne survey." H - - " ; - Mr. Alexander was surprised to hear the purpose proclaimed to strike down a department of the government to get rid of an obnoxious incumbent, or from mere pique. He had hoped to see Sen ators occupy higher ground. -.In reply td Mr. Austin he had read, as part of his remarks, the ".Protest of the Mining Board of Charlotte," protesting against the abolition of the office of State Geol ogist. This board, Mr. Alexander went on to say, was not only the mining board of Charlotte, . but of ,the whole Piedmont region. - He twitted Senators who pleaded ignorance of. the results of the survey as a reason for iter abolition, and pointed to the large sums invested in mines and mining as:the results of ; rroi. js.errs laDors. Mr; Erwin was in favor of the geolog ical survey' and of fully developing the resources of the Stater But men should be honest, before being generous. He desired the credit of the tttate to be re established and the State brought back to the honesty oldV ' ' ' , Mr. Alexander asked Mr. Erwin if he would .vote against the 90,000 appro-1 priation to the Western North Carolina Railroadlilltlie Sfnte'i rrertit ahull -be-H western JSortn Carolina uauroaCL wast one of the grandest enterprises oh thell continent, and promised the richest re turns for the proposed outlay. In this view the work' would be pushed for ward and the needed supplies voted. Returning to the -question before the Senate, he went , on to show that not withstanding the gigantic efforts of the geological survey and the agricultural department during the last two .yearaJ the taxable Value of the propertv of the State bad , decreased seven inilfiiftis of 1 dollars instead of , an, increase ttus de-J crease sutreu us in tne lace, any ms- on the authority of the State Treasremn ' Mr. Scales defended the State Geolc gist, ana wasigtea, ueviiatt been assailed Mr. Everett, in reply-to Mr. Austin. said that it was the jSenatojr's own fault to be in imorance'-of what had been done for.hia; county iniona'MivJCv erett had that morning visited the, geo logicatTnuietinj4tM foX'ircrnrso to To.pecMnenjOf metals and samexals spoke of his unassuminsr and nnobtru va. uiii uiiwxiuuuuK-.iuiwjaauvuui l I . , . ., 7 7; . , i sivteartoj?jafldinsisted that with thlW Provlhng. tl mftan At. his riiSTmaa.1 hft TiAn.nnnp weiudiced against Prot JCerr- but after, .exami nation into what he had done, especially for the counties of Stokes and Foray the, he was satisfied the right man was in the right placet'-1 iiW ju.rr .vmamson was ior saving tne iirnif ' J ' survey, ana goma aoougfttae omce or-h that end.1 Tht'w lipjasltli jar. enow waa UDixistxi LQiJ the survevfc -He moved ta refer-lhenbi and substitutes to the judiciarrmv mittee to ascertain tiie legal effects' of iected 17 J.38. .( r k viot. ..i :m Mim Mr. Bynum was the advocate of s ho man; butwaslavoTTnpretrencm of time in the. discussion of thw m . Ure. . . . --f Mr, Davidson explained his' substi . tute: It protects the survey, provides for the appointment of a suitable per7rt son to: continne it, the appointment' to be made by the Governor, with: the ad vice and" consent: of the Senate. ,This vacated the office of the present incum bent. The salary of the geologist to be limited to $2,000. peri annum, and the . entire expenses of the survey to be 030 per annum, and transfers the charge' from the general fund to that for the support or the bureau of agriculture, . Emigration and statistici f J -,. X pt Mr, Scales deprecated the judgment , of any body of men upon a question they had not fully and fairly examined ' He could see no justice in condemning a public officer when the State had re . fused for years to publish the results of his labors He. insisted .that if Prof. KeirTjjrepori world, the present complaints, "would never jiavejBeert&eirdifj amUstice to Prof. Kerr he-would state that in conse quence of the' attacks constantly .being made upon him, he, the professorvtwo f ears ago hadplaced his resignation in he hands of Governor Vance, who had not ' thought5 proper ' to accept itJ"Mr; Scales urged the,adoptipn of, the pendr , ing J substitute :as - a compromise-2-it - wr.nl d save the survey and at the sama time save to the State. $5,000 per year; He had some.iuue uujecuon 10 toe mode of confirmation' of the appointee nrAviriwl for. but cared little for it 1 Mr. Snow also .urged; the adoption of the substitute tor tne same reasons giv- Mr. Leach was opposed to the aboli tion of the survey, as he lieved, too, was a large majority of botn'branches of the Assembly ; out he feared the votes takeniand to be taken would not fully represent this feeling, as it was a nf thnsft who desired to get rid of the incumbent and those in favor of abolishing the office per ;$e. Hp, Mr, t v. i. TXiiiri - TiMt.hp.r 'trai3e : nor de- nounce the incumbent. He thought he fniiv PfttimfliAhis labors, lie if VVW- A r,i had come ta the Senate' voredthe adoption of Mr.. Davidson's substituWAfiqu&Se4fionftEe message n nmrr.Vjmce to show -that- his views concurred -in' th policy suggested by tne uovernor. no insiawju uiv uic General Assembly was powerless to abollsTi 4fie office, the amended constitu tion (Art 9. section 14) being mandato- JinTJletaOTEployjDQent of a geologist He deprecated the attacks; made upon tne. jncumpeni;,, ami- saiu it dwwkjrci c true, hoth the office and the raan;sTiq$d DoaDoiisnea. ; . At this point of the debate, on mo- Hnn nf Mr. Davidson. Gov. Jarvis. wb.6 just eAtered-theaU, was uinyited 7T TIT i t : 'A . ' w a jsetn on. uib uwr.;.:i( ; , VMr-lCaTdwell tO-enewed the debatei. lie disclaimed any ill feeling toward Prof. Kerr, andieuiogizea mm; Dutne had a duty to rrlprjoa, and would do it despite all outside influences. The great results 01 tne geological survey he stigmatized as bosh, and" denied the correctness of" Mr. Leach s intepreta tion of the constitution in regard to the office of geologist He was straignt out for abolishing the office until he could see its good results. Superficial surveys; like partial analyses of fertilizers, he regarded as aeiusive. Mr. Alexander again took the floor and showed that the proposition to sad-f die the Agricultural Department .with the cost of the survey would be destruc- tive to the usefulness Of both.1 The av-j erage income of the Agricultural .De partment for the last two yearsrftad 4eeB18000rand-tfle-o&Bt of working it and,the analytical prancnapAei Ifiir dirrnTg thf last year had terf $17,- Mr. Hoyle had no 'quarrel "withtMe geologist but they had no use for him ill Ills cuuuty, uavuiK iu? au mcu uuj- coveries with unscientific people. How ever, he favored the proposition of Mr.; Davidson. , x.r :, Mi: Williamsoirmoved ttPamend by limitinff the term of office of the geolo gist to two years, and providing for his removal at any time.,. , . . . , .. f Mr. McEacherhwas 61 opinion that the survey was of the utmost impor tance, and feared the opposition came from those who failed to be provided with gold mines at their doors. Mr. Waldo deprecated the introduc tion of sectional feeling. His people were opposed to the whole- affair, and considered it of no good. Mr. Ormand moved to lay the wnoie matter on the table. Rejected yeas 18, nayes 28. - Mr. McEachem moved to adjourn. Rejected yeas 7, nays 33. Mr. Williamson's amendment was then adopted, accepted by Mr. David sonyeas 38, nays - The previous question was then call ed upon Mr. Davidson s amendment, and it passed its second reading. Under a suspension of the rules it also passed its third reading ayes 37, nays 9. Mr. Davidson moved to reconsider this vntft and lav the motion to recon sider on the table. Adopted. The special order, the bill to change the name and authorize the Western- Railroad Company to change rt& hamjP Railroad, was postponed and made the special for 11 o clock Thursday next. norsE or kepekskxtatives. February 14. PETITIONS were presented dv Messrs. liicnarcison, of Columbus, Brown, ofj,, Mecklenburg, Orchard. Uerrv, Click, 1 ounsr, Huffstet- ,ler, Mebane, Meares, Leatherwood, Bar ringer, Grant 'Reid, bf McD6well, and JS orment. BILLS were introduced bV Messrs. Lewis, Xor- ment. Goflield, Taylor, Dixon, Orchard Holt, Hufistetler, Imvis, of Haywood, York, Davis, of Madison, English, New ell, Robertson and Jloore, i On motion ot Mr. Click, tne rules 1 were suspended and the bill to estab lish a stock law in Iredell county was taken up. The bill was read the second f' T.U'Wia aftirl flint, lia rtxTrattiwl tn Tim obliged to oiipose a local bill,' bat he t&A garded tnis as theentenng wedge or' a general law, to which he was unalter ably opposed. Mr. Ardrey said that the passage of a similar bill for, lis. county was the means of returning him to the Legisla ture He favored the bill because ex perience in his County had demonstrat ed the fact that this law was of great Mr.C4kkBaid thatHrtetrnonnnntrt affected a portion of theltiJterftffef liiM County, and that his citizens wanted tne relief now. . . , ; Mr. Normentirgid'in (ipgosraon to the bill; and SublmtWd' W aftiehoitent to submit the"questioh to tlie" voters of the county, imo-wi a n- hi 1 Mr. McCorkle said that he. knewK,thft sieflfuTiemWtfirieoljre bt hi3lKcbtfh'ty, knisnrscamenament raiKi &neYf rWjat j,nyjfwaiiM!tt a3swv' T k Mr. Nnrmfinfc. hv rjnafirr. withrirftw i t . a a v . i . t a j i hia.l.iuij cause itusinit uuuer J.UIS cl Sliai Kbe'Vorne try-the' fownsbip lW 'wlirclf it' occurs. iura mju boa tnn li? ; Mr. Bost argued in favor of thB-bili,'. Mil and. acrainst the amem - T I J A dissent to the amendment .. Ttc araendmtAt lvamrr- , " " "" ..OO SATA3rrXSiLAND FEES. prnreftdpd to the con- ideration of the special order.-bine fcherwet pbill to establish the fees of the clerks of-1 -The bill was read a. second time. . JMryAmfilWexM'Mr amendment'eor- rectingncertalnnadre'rtencies11 itf the wnng ottheDui. ile theniwent wttto r argue. 111 iavor of .ins-amendmentt t tlte, 1 SJ3111. L'ne amennment was ann-ntprt. .i 1 so as 10 payitne couulv commissioners LlOSt. Mr. BarringeE moved, to amend bv W&E&ERi fnr xnlWinnonirw.tl.iif menttnd WL W$mmMWWm;m Mr.iAtkinson :4lLU)UgU6. la heapsiChatielamHrtgages;flarKl.f MrwiNorinent thoUffht the etnifttV omirivileffealorfemalM. -Passpd i it.. Cerswere i not' hOwDaid tod hctt.anif movea to lay tne diu on thetabie Thia-4 ji . . .. . A. . ' --..rilTrr- o- - v..vv. . . nir. uofflem moved td 'amend y'strit.- sberiffa. MWg ln . Mr. Norment moved thatf tho tsil ftA f tef erred back to. the committee on salai lies and fees. Mr. Taylor snoke in-ooDosition to thtt rame"4 Mi Amis- iu. its. favor, and Mr. jsiociterspofcetd the-rherits'Df the Jttll. - . . - .':;-:.: V7.'nTff trtr0111 Jj "i2 yr v: x n hbh o yv . jw 9 m&mmah -. ine dui was reierreiL; 4 ; -';' :f ADJTJTAOTHAL'STtKPORT, A message j was received f rornHis Excellency. theGorahihiitlinff the renort of the Adintanr. fltmaral 3 the Statft.T Tn ArmvrciAftaajfarkttia siaAi-i line and etBciency of that fine force, thel State iGuard, was highly comlilimented His Excellency .jnrjneiBlaJthat the etaciency of the department hexrinDled ?W00 par annum, jrioi w9yi .1w.19 bz-n tm g-f 1 1 li 'a iu'm hi u 1. JJ - r--b!t-rrfl'n. vm vmhiwi -mw iiiauijunriri tf ff:;-r:t .it 1 cr-r v "it . . . ... 7.4 . 3 - vTTt r 1 1 feogrW.:0 eeytheif Uviliziag streams of the same in order, and pre- the methodfyi which suchper- y go on the lands ot another for scribes son may. go on the lands ofV another for r Bill to incorporate the town of ifat- thewson, Mecklenburg county. - The names of the officers in the bill were y changedonjnotionioLMrArdrey, and j tne Diu passed. - - - Resolution in relation., to theAlbe marle7jSid Chesapeake cahal company. Mr. Blaisdell spoke in favor of thel resolutioEU- and so did Mr; Turner. - Mr. Turner moved to amend by pro viding that no member of the commit 3tee shaltiaocept'raiiy iwineor ieysters fro nxanrrniem oer.Xii.tii corporauan to be invesiigateds'iThoi Jimtndment was 1 lost and the resolution passed tne sec- ond time.'rt,, ,ucTpa ' Mr. Turner moved to amend by re quiring the committee to arrest and bind over any ersp&faiBsfc yrhom it snainnd r evidence o;j fr&u. This ameiidment'was voted down and the resolution passed a third time. t 1 Bill to relieveanners from special taxes on the sale of gard.n truck, &c. i Ol suspension of the rules, the bill tq incorporate the American Gold Mining company in Cabarrus county passed Its third reading nrrojfliro - : j : Also the bill to incorporate the Stand-; hard Gold' Mining" company of North; Corolina passed its third reading. ; CALENDAK. ., Bill to. change the time of holding the r r -. j. s xi -1 1 i L t ; . 1 district " 1 y ' r ri A S jvir. xserry wanted tne diu passed. s. -As ire eenitotiadifferenceiof opinion in regard-to; the necesslty of1 a change, the bill was recommitted. tBUi forthe removanof cadsesWhere the ends of justice absolutely require it .Mjk.. Atkinson spoke imavor- ofHIfti bilh-.A'-th .r-itJ. t. f -i Oh the call of the prevfo'us 'question, the bill passed its third reading. Cisi A ouMo-puttisn-:trampsr--it tne teaniB&the penalty issix, montik ; couuiy jaii, aim men tu iuuku uieiu 111 offensive they are forbidden to eapy r. Orrnerft opposed the ' bill ; his idea of a tramp was a poor man, and he thought the vagrant law was sufficient Mr. Orchard said "that tramps were becoming numerous along the lines of railroads, and in. the towns near the railroad , so much so that they were ber commganuisance.O i " -: : An old line sheriff was1 of the opinion that .drummers wer5luded in tramps at least there were many drummers who paid no license, and they, oiightto be of the number. ,vr T, (totq Mr. Cooke took ground' in favor 01 the bill, but offered an amendment that no tramp should be arrested unless on a warrant 1 Mr. Reynolds offered -an amendment that persons .looking .for work should not be included. ,T Mr, Browi spOkCof , the, large and in creasing" number ' bx v tramps who were flocking to the South. They wereom-. nut img uepmiauuns,uiiriung outnouses, &c. It was abselnteiTjTiecessary that some law should be passed to ..protect the people from this army bf tramps... Mr. Blaisdell explained the action'of the judiciary committee; said that he had looked up the law indifferent States upon tliis subject," and noticed particu larly the New Hampshire law which had entirely jeradicated,1 this species of highway marauders- ss- ; r a . Mr- Rawleysaid he lived' on the Pied-r niont Air-Line railroad, and it was no uncommon thing for six to visit his house in one day. ' " ' J' " Mr. Lamb spoke in regard to the tramm aloncr thje Wilmincrtttn ard WpU don railroad and of the depredations ! they had from time, to time .commit tedi Mr. Davis opposed the bilL He thought the crjdnmal, an(Lagilw8 wCTesutacientc . -; , j a.-sw a s rtnllnffstetlertiavodi the' passage w4)il JMr.Aaeynoldtf aznendment was Mr. Richardson; 6f 'Colurhbus, offered an amendment that a person arrested who eould. giva a good character should une diu men passed its second and third readings. -' b- wit: f oeiA joui ieii uuuiK. iuyn curuiFy, conaoieSi or anvuothrH collector, to make settle ment evei-y reading. Bill reculatiiiff the fees of iailors. also fixing iMJimds of bread and meat allow- Resolution in favor of theenrolliriflr clerk of the General Assembly and en grossing clerks of the House and Senate, allowing same per diem as the princi- ! Mr. liarrinfirer oddouh1 the rp-qnlntinn because the treasury would not admit i 11 The people1 demanded retrench ment He moved to lay on the table and the table tfecei vedit Thevote was, I , . .. -iuterwarus reconsiaerea ana it passed A Al ' 1 11 ' -- lisxiiiru reiuiing. MTti PtTTT IlUMiaHJ fcUilH-tJttH, SENATK. j Saturday, Feb. 15, 1879. , ; Petitions and memorials of nriya character were introduced by Messrs Redwiue,. Austin, and Bynum- , i Mf.-lScaies introduced a petitionlof 400 citizens of Guilford county against a i ;i t a T a. tock law. ,Graham. of Lincoln breen. pennon ot citteorjiaiicototiy.m lavor f prohibition of the MqUor traffic lind asking for a redistricting of school uistncts. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. The following bills were introduced, j a.. 1 t ru xrw i a,tjha ivua vn9 1 Mxi MullfjrnorT, in volotirtn tr fl,Q fi?,,'.. bov w.-. .?7.EvAra bill for the equit. 1 fV""J CAL.KNDAR. Senate bill to retiSe 'and consolidate public school laws, was laid on the table. Monofo Wll fn ' IrivvrnArato tha XTrvfK r'.ftrfiU'na. r!riomlal AVnrVa noAa ,'fo several readings and was ordered to be engrossed and sent to the House. . i . . . iii iuu I li I ill fiiTii itiiiu ,n T ieirtil rp.dinra and wnanrdprwl tn ho on- Foiled. ' - -v -" i -: . ...i i in i -mn r -amrrT r " i motion oTjvit;caies .xne vote on the third resfiflWtfStKd csmm Ujia44Sfieorpo- rate4hKortharolina chemicar works' was reconsidered, andanrf amendmfit? est fmrteQBpaattoriaed tobe borrow' j fltQ.pm!w lncorparateiithe temitiHui rsi i th in Harnett; PQOjUyJWMI banks ? SenataVuta toincofporate the ChanakKVe9tln,i wWch time my $M Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gausre Hr PWw I?rovidesf f or 100 cohyicts additiorial ii4th-?peTiitenti .-J i : . Head township. Mr. Dortch ex- P)4ined that the Revolutionary name of - t - JiUll Head On beincr ftnnlifiH tn a ts-arnJ w eeiio county at tne last session Stricken out and Bulldoze inserted, and 1 )1.Mc-j1 that the peppkafcjGreene desued their L jfayorite ame,restoredJ .j,, 3" :;Senato'titt.t0'kuttorize, Ih'e- .oauns-tiPQ Senate nill toiauthoriza'.lhe- ccommis- f?ibners of Caldwell roiuiTv tfL-levv n special ' taxtt pacsed,. Us I second', reading and took its Place' rrn :thU raTfnda.r. lv - Senate bill to allo,wt lie ) tank of Green borb further' tlhie ffoiirVearaV in which 3 to wihd upifflirs-r' ; T";:.". , ; f s-i'R Senate bUriid1ng'?oViiri()dmed r tence lacw in tnerjeonnties or llowan. DavIeandtMiarrsbasseoV it, second Teading'ahd tcokitsplace .on the calen dar; With an Order to, print J ' 'V . . SeTuatelall ib incorporate tfie bank of ;AsheViffe3assed its second reading, and, u uiuwwr ua mr. riwixcn, was oruereu iti he&iM&pp w "-'-"i ' 'Seriate'-btllnceraifigfreights charges of railroads and other transpor- Mr. Graham fiv Lincoln, explained that the object of ..the bill.; wasx toupre Veht ,'pmgftin,ireights, i and t to re quire thirty days' notiee previous to an increase of rates. ; ;:; -:', -. Senate bill to amend the . act incorpo rating the Yadkin Railroad company, and to provide for the connection of the Norfh.Carplina Railroad with the Garo Ima lCeiitraii led to considerable discus sion, Messrs. Caldwell and Austin in op- positiODE ;ahd MfcHf ndersdn iih support nOUSE OF KEPRESENTATITES. - TJahmarr 1S .were introduced by Messrs. Click, coun cils GrantBrowni of Mecklenbure, Gat- lihg, Smithy Je4nid,.Rawley- CALENDAR. ' Bill to estatttsfrrstocirlaw for Ire dell county.' : Passed third.tlme. (,f! :, ; Mr,Mea ,nioTed to reconsider the Votei)yi whicto thetoiU' to regulate the pay ot jailer,was Jaid on tn tables sThe rMftbeaavthe-iauesuun wlug uh tne passage-pi tho.bUlj said thai trrjstUl pro vided thatin bounties where it was pos sible the comHiissiorrer? could pay less thanSOceritBraVf 'The bill was further argued brMessrs. Bost, Rich ardson, of Columbus,1 Hines and Holt in favor of the bill,-and by .Messrs. Nor ment and McCorkle ih oppositiOh.1 Mr. Foard made a statement showine that the .provisions allowed by4be pres- ent law ean t- do jDougn ior ten cents, and? atgedlt w, twenty eeht:,being dbuble tliat ' amount;-.: was certainly enough to pay for the water and attend ance allowed., ifc - : : . -. ' : An amendment nxinsr, the maximum sum ner brisoher at f twentv ' cents but giving the .cbnijwissibners; power to in crease it to 50 cents, fras adopted on mo tion of Mrl'Richardoi of Clnmbus. .rjur. JttcuorKie moved, w amend: so as touow ihecountyr rcommissioners to allow So mdch;aS5 cents per dav. and Mr. Foard offered the same amendment couched ; to? different language. .Mr: Foard s1 amendment , was ruled out and Mr. McCorkla's lost Mr. Christmas moved to amehd so as . to' tr'pvjde iat ;!prlscttiers shall have inree maia per uay. 'uyaw- - The bill then passed.' -, rf Bill to incorporate the State TJniver- sitV Railroad eompanvjiThe bill was so amended as to provide, that it shall not be exenrpt f rbhx taxation. 1 Thia amend ment Was offered by Mr. Richardson, of Columbus. Minor amendments offered by Messrs. Mebane; York and were adop ted, and the bill was referred back to the committee on internal improve ments. i Bin .to aid in the construction of the WinstOh, Salem and ,Mooresville Rail Toad. Mr Barringer. spoke in opposi- lon to the biu and Mr. McCome in its favor. The bill passsed second time and was tnen referred to the committee on judiciary.--' ' HER OWN WORDS. ' - Baltimore, Md., Feb. 13, 1877, Mr. H. B. Stevens-; ,v;' . , . . : .. Dear Sir Since several Years 1 havn vot a nom and very palnral foot - I had some' physTclans, but they-couldn't ure me. ' jKow 1 have heard of : your. Yesetuie from a lady wh6 was tick for a- lone ttzse, and became- an well-from -your' Vegeone, and I went and bougnt me one bottle of vegetine; and after I had used one bottle, the. pain : left roe, mid it Degan.toneaiana inen oougnt one otf bot tle", and sol takeltyetT. I thank God tortala rem- TttiaabjBasiBr.fotliB3ttt .wr. j ' - ti!,j 3tKitllliti 'l .KBSvCKKABE,' ' i' '. - rtsnit63& West Balttmot Street, ! - si tfxt ! j-'.x tuK ntiifili;mia .(H'O.i ! -mM stMi .-.flOll iiilA lltt .(H.i. - '.! 1'H 7jjf ic. tt-K innk .L'f.-II c. bi Pjwj'a ban ilatYEGETINBjB uil. M!-7 " itoe tj rfmflATl AKD-aDBB?si .-- vx-.-w; . fkMtU. 1ji.' ruvivit Mr. H. B. Stevens: - In 1872 your Verettne waaSeootaunended to me. and yielding to the perauasions of a friend, I consented to try It At Che time. J. was auflerlns fromEeneiftl debfllty 'and nervous prostration superinduced by overwork and Irregular habits, Itowanderfal strenalheiuwr and-curative noner' Ktles feemed. to affect my. debultated system front inhe aratote; and imder Its persistent -use I rapid ly lecoiejeodgauung more una usuuneaim ana good feeling, since then I. have, not hesitated to elve Vesetlne tnv most, unauallfled indorse tnftnt. as beUtta safe, sore and powerful aeent In ororao f lnghealtliaqd restoring the. wasted system to new nie and energy. . jegeune is tne only medicme r use; -and as long as i live, i never expect to and a better. Yours truly, W. H. CLARK, 120 Monterey Stree Alleghany, Penn. :vETDTrf TEE BIST SPRING MEDICINE. . Clarlestown. Mr. IL R. Stevenat :twt 9 i im s Dear SlrTftls Is MlIfr tha'f nave used your ''Blood Preparation m my mmuy for several years,, and think that for Scrofula or-Cankerous Humors or Rheumatic affections it cannot be ex: celled; and as a blood purifier and spring medtslne it Is the best thing I have ever used, and I have used almost everything. 1 can cheerftuly recon-; meaa it to any one in need 01 sucn a mediane '" Tours respectfully, MRS.. A.PINSMORE, ,j. YEfeMlMf1.1. - WHAT 13 NEEDETX , Boston, Feb. 13, 1871. H.:R Steyens,lSa.: A Dear "Sir About one year since I f ourid myself In a feeble condition from general debility, f Vege tine was strongly recommended to me by friend who had been much benefited by its use. ' I pro-' cured the article, and, after using several bottles, was jwstored to health, and discontinued its use. I feel aulce confident that there is no medlrfnn ru I perlor to It ior tnose comp.aiuts tor nica u is es- T "V1.' ii"cu. auu wuuiu ewnuitjrBoom u j jli7i I " XiT: wT i snimn ir ui mend ft to those who feel that they need some-7 thing to restore them to perfect health. in .1 rc mem 10 Respectful lit yours. u ft U. L. PETTINGILL. -J.ii flOllH.I l-it-JS:, . Firm of a M. Pettingill 4 Go, )Uif : . . xxa iuwwestyeet,uo8ton; " ' V. L - 'i'T-. -tf- ; -"-ft ol ot VEGETDTE. .Uf out o.i .'.VI-1 1 Jjr. 4U , )rjALL:HAYE OBTAINED BELIEF. . .'i s 7 tr.f7 . . . ; . ' " South Berwick. Me.. Jan. 17. 1872.; JL BC Stevens, EsQ.t- -t v ? - iiDS?i' ?,?hI 11876 had dyspepsia in its worst fornt r tber last ten years, and have taken hundreds of uuuarf worm 01 medicine without obtaining any relief. In September last I commenced taking the my neaitn nas steadily pounds of flesh... There are. aeveraf othr wen, and 1 nave gatn- rsilh this place taking Vegetinn. wnd'ftii hnra oh. alneoenef. ' n,i u- ours tods , ,?r Oteiseer OardRooms Portsmouth Co.s Mlllsi W vKi.l otl Vnrfi n?v'Vl"''r', "!f!,l,-&V!!r 1 j flvta ot ttnoTiff Jif r.fu So irn isi,3 I vra Is mXM ) luw t..i.i'T?rioil'l sJi.5 iuU r l . V n 11 1 ... I - jhl jfc OXJSVJEJS3, BOSTON, MASS. astfi'i Yegetmete.wllDfaaracslBUi ; 1 I VU4 jjjtr11 .. ,l merchants. t ,s t.J7 ,t- H.iT V J 1 xj iuutuuAi'ii.VK! , vf S-J7 -f. it a and the pubuc generally. Having inetwWi Buch flattering success to the1f?nieday?.a,,jli1I!Stes WB,patn nJ t6 puWle Tz" . fc--.TT TTrl "Trr.. I 1q grsnerul to glv him a ealL . Any notice left at tne Wholesale an BetaO ,Crocfcerj business idood 1 4 opened last November, and from the fact thai I have teeelTed many- orders from merchants m Korth and South Carollna,.Georgla and Alabama, I am confident that my success Is certain. - . Owing to the above acts I have been compelled to enlarge my business hundred per cent ' "- I compete with any Northern Jobbing H -ase " In prices, Ac. ..AH my ware I buy directly fr in the '!iJv'. -J ' i J. , . V i ' - ----- . factories: therefore It does not pass throu : - - see- ond hands, and I am enabled to sell goods as low as they can be bought at the NORTH. : DECORATED ' , 000 O O J ' o o 000 H . H H H HHH H H H H A AA II U n n NN W N K N N IT IT 9 kit AA lA . A PORCELAIN AND GRANITE, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets we make a Specialty. We have much of this kind of Goods In stock at present, and In f few days we will hare ' . TWENTT-SEVKN VARIETIES OP DECORATED CHAMBER TOILET SETS. Dinner and Tea Sets In nearly the same propor tion. Our Retail Shelves are complete filled with the largest and best , selection of China, Crockery and Glassware ever brought to this country. J Much care taken In packing. Circulars and price list furnished upon application. Thanking you for past patronage, Ac, I remain, Respectfully, s . JOHN BROOKJTELD, Trade St, near College, under Democrat Office, Charlotte, N.CL Jan.22,1878. jyOTICE. There will be a meeting of the Carolina Fair As sociation at the Court House in Charlotte, Tuesday, February 18th, at 12 o'clfck, M. The committee on Constitution and By-Laws, and the committee on Selection of Grounds, are expected to report and other business of importance will come up for action. - All persons who feel an Interest in the develop ment of the country are respectfully requested to attend. J. S. MYERS. President Feb. 7 w2td6t from feb 11. 10 CASES HTJNYADI JANOS Mineral Water; 10 baskets (50 jugs each) Apol Unaris, just received. WILSON A BUR WELL. jan30 w E HAVE Just received a fresh supply of superior Tea. WILSON & BUBWELL, lanSO B UIST'S GARDEN SEED. A large supply of these popular seed, lust receiv ed, by WILSON A BUR WELL. Jan22 $200 IN CASH WILL PURCHASE A Power Printing OPress. Guernsey make, old style, size ot oea 20x4 inches, was in use until replaced by a new onv Address J. C. BAILEY, editor Enterprise an" Mountaineer, Greenville, ate. JaSutf NO MORE R H EUM AT IS M OR GOUT ACUTE OB CHBOMIC A L I C T L I C SUBS CURE. Manal actured only under the above Trade-Mark by the mJROPEAN SALICTUC MEDICINE CO., or Pixa ash lkipzig. twnedlAt relief warranted. Permanent cure 1 guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated f ajaoans oz jEorope and: America, Becoming a Staple. Harmless, and Reliable Remedy en both iMiiiiueraa. aua dan. UrteAeldwhiohxl8ts in tne Blood oiKheumaoe and Gouty Pattents. $1,00 a box, 6 boxes for StOO.;- Bent to anv address on recelDt of nrlce. .Indoned by physteianai Sold by all dngglsta.' Ad- areas, fn -. .- r,. wasuwiiue a UAiL ! nrX . jOtoportera' Depot 23 Cufl-t.N.,Y. , HE-JNO.TEA,, . , ' - . yyjr PTJRE, GOOD AND CHEAP. WILSON 4 BUBWELL, Agents. U A SPLENDID UNE OT " . ' 1m6fr nic -: v :,! rrt- N OTICE TO FARMERS!!! Mi am prepared to 8T0RE COTTON m my fire proof bulldrng-ttheT In lwsement or on th Brat or see ond floors-r-and wftt give warehouse ; reeeipts on which yon can draw money If desired. ' gy Charges moderate. . . .)) THOMAS H. GAlTHER. ' octl2 ABE ALWAYS BEADY, I .4 ' And Wllllnir to show sooda whAthMnrnntna m ready to buy. ... L, B. WBJSTQN . 4 COO "I I" - f ff - OltJDEBAKEB WAGONS.. t vet i t ' )i I anlnow in receipt of a large lot of the. eelebra- ted TUDjEBAKEB WAGONS, all size v Which .jgipjioMMwiOQaNft tanasv .vhj ini nw: tt t vSfiWi't AAW:JfcAJBLXf:''n:i i: Kd 'f t Kr l h.vir 'tr. t1 Sfll'.'fT "Ti -Vt. And supply jrOursett with the beat wagon oot:; : 1 'i T.E OAITHXSk ; Jan.8-tf. t justness (ZtlmuQts. f- Tnw TflsnT .ttt Yn v 'aB. PEGRAMhas withdrawn from the firm of PEGRAM 4 CO; AB -persons who owe the late Ann; prior to February 1st, 187 must call and settle. with Pegram 4 Co. ' . --- -- v v J We4a4nunue the Boot and Shoe business' at the saatw 'Stand-as 'before.: First National Bank' building; Charlotte, N. a - -' February 2,1879.- ,ti;..if- , , 'V"? TTll CHANGE OF BUSINESa ; - - j - j rs:'i;; si i'i? ;c ' -li'-i-T i5 a. -'-5 ri- f 1 .. . .- - . , - 1-. .is ? are now' daily receiving a good supply, of i. . i i - . , . - - . FAMTLY GROCEKIES,f v. 'I f -tulips nur'3'ii t-f't n:s uui.I-v si CQt'014 stand on College' stoeet, we will be pleaded its j eiiMfl .-i cw manifrieads.1 . . , .1 A .1 I W We make Graln&aneclaltv.p : - Stsccllawcoiw. GRO MJ1.I0 htCt'i f7- Tbe Donular merchant- t-iilor of Baltimore, lnu I nrrived In the dtr with a, nice assortment ol aDrtnz samples and will star at the .Central .Hotel- for Bespectfuilr. i Hfebl4 3t 11 rTILSON 4 BURWELL, Dsooosra, 1 Have just received. ' , -Gelattnew . Cornstarch, Sherry Wine ji f Flavoring Extracts, v All of the best quality for retail trade declS Q LOTHTNG HOLD YOUR ORDERS. Y , ' Ma. HxnbtM. Cbowkll, efNewark, New Jersey, we'J known In Charlotte will visit the city about the 15th of February, with a full and handsome line of samples for dress and business suits, Including i-''-Ah: ViH- ( ..... ...... the newest and bost fashionable goods in the mar ket Hold your orders, and remember the date, feb 0 tf u SE HE-NO. TEA. thKSi! Sf ,lta nJuml condition, such as H?2 Si? them.8elv?5 drink, and lor the follow ing good reasons Is sold only In original pound and half-pound packages: . u 13 tne motti convenient and economical style of package. It Is weighed and packed where It can be done cheapest and best it can De easily Identified by the consumer. It keeps the Tea better, , . It prevents adulteration In America. Wear the agents for HE-NO Tea in this city, and ask our friends to give It a trlaL If not satis factory we will cheerfuliv Ukn it hanV unH Mfmvi the money. L. R. WRISTON A CO.. . woo. Charlotte, N. C TO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For Standard Pun Liquors, FOR SALE. A large lot of Magnolias, Grandl floras, Evergreens, Roses, Tube Roses, 4c, from the weU known Florist and Nurseryman. Mr. J. M. Bonnot, of Norfolk, Va. . MAXWELL ft HARRISON, . t . . Aacnon and Commission Merchants. feblG.lwk H ORSES AND MULES WANTED. We wish to buy several Horses and Mules for farm use. Also one good saddle and harness ani mal, and a good one-horse wagon. Will attend In Charlotte on the 22d Inst, Feb ruary,) for that purpose. THOS. W. LONG, Davidson College. B. HARBINGER. Feb.l6-2t : Charlotte. npO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Bids for A. the construction of the following buildings will be received until the 6th of March, next: . , 1 One Brick Block, first floor containing two store houses, mayor's ana police offices, with an opera house above. One Brick Block, containing nine store houses, with two stories obove for a hoteL , Plans and SDedflcaOons for first named block may be seen at the offleeof G. L. Norman, archi tect; also, for hotel block at same office on and af ter the 24th lnst. Buildings to be completed by 1st of October next Contractor to give bonds. Right to reject any or all bids reserved. H. E. HEINITSH, R. L. BOWDEN, W.C. CANNON. Committee for Town Council. R. L.-BOWDEN,' W. WASH THOMPSON, H. E. HEINITSH. Committee for Building Association, febl3,lm,eod Spartanburg, a C. JOTICE. The farmers of Mecklenburg county are request ed to jconvene at the Court House, In Charlotte, at 12 M., on Tuesday. February 18th. 187ft. to take some action In regard to the purchase of Fertilisers the present year. X. C. GBXER. B. B. HUNTER, " B. H. WALKER, WM. MoOOMBS. J. L. BROTHERS, N. GIBBON. Feb. 6-drwt d. 1 Home and Democrat please copy. IF YOU WISH to engage In an honest, genteel business, and make plenty of money during the holidays, send your address to RANDOLPH CO., feb4w4t 107. 4th ay., N. Y. -J QQ BUSHELS FRESH CLOVER SEED. Also Orchard Grass, Blue Grass, and Lucerne, Just received by WILSON Jk BUBWELL. RUCTION, BY MAXWELL 4 HARRISON, Of JEWELRY, : WATCHES,, SILVER PLATED i -ii wabe, i J. ur AbJ f i juuiJ-ii-."-f 31 an rijl! I.it.i i;i lii; ioini 1 r ; 'Mo UiU'--iuz Ui'i: j"":'ii li'nli Tw' Cornmrnclr a tctac,,p; m),fandieuilng every nigh! unWfthel3tocit tt ypb$edot ' n J ; !rbl3i M P.: Pi B B. A L A L 8 A: IvO fOiH I ' T0TS your hands all 01 taste v i iys my bar only the best is placed! : " O AND wiCKrPretzeT. win a." Whiskv. nr. I.I - J ACHman Tl receive right rdov good cheer, ','piSE. stop . TTfEABtt, you'll see more than youll expect1 ' omer wn refine, i SUCB Sandwich novel and Pretoels good. .ji iwyitiprrf vii! k? ;w rONTAINS my bar mostdellclous food, j - HAYLNddieeMaml6anBagrto fill JK y-" t r.yun vj ,ik: EACH glass of Beer, pt Gto wiU beat j ; r Savant judgment antt tastemost rare." f 1 'Hi" tmri i.'t'fiWlaiI.q.-A'4.Jli:ii Q EE otwioir llpsfas Jn alps he drinks j EIGHT off one more he, causal to his friend he winks. . f1 TYtJBHAM WHISKEY, j D17RHAM WHISKK VJ . JVBHAM WHldOI. IDUBHAMWHISXE l;. i ill il'-J- J --7 1 ,1.'.; .a "to. laifiQSATfAT Off HT4TB IflRim Aim rilKMWm 1 0 hava earefully tested a sattiple bf "Vtitom Bye1 THiJskej" Belectedi by myietf fromtthe stock of Messrs. r Ellison 4 Harray, and find It free from adulteraUoo. It Is an excellent article of Whisker. and altogether- suitable for use -as a beverage or medUane.v. lSignedli W. H.TAYLOB. M. Wc ism') 3"J .Ti i.i'P. 5. Stole Chcmlat,-. 14 s This BUMrtOfOLiv VIRGINIA WHISKEY, tonal' everzdu aeaters m yirgmia, norta Carolina, Geor" glkToutstana and NewTork City, and not a sin- W .4. -J t. A. Sl9 complaints having come to us from any one of ucm, ana many saying u is tne oest article they ever handled; efeel Jasaned ta recommending tt toall who wish -, to get a really pure article ot nf ji.KiJ.-rj'-rf b ";i;i -i i 4' tone genuine unless bearing our - trade, mark. for"DTJBHAM kt W.B. COCHBANE's,' Cen- Hotel, andau etherfirat hooeea w i: j jj I janm im . j i Vjiiti J i Biohmoad, TaJ-i i y'i-'j i. 5f ";ai ' iui -sii : nwtn "i.H) rt?BENCH, German, Domestic Braho Wlnel Whiskey. t .- 1 t T. NICHOLAS. - " r& SCSIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE ..,... . , r0K tii&ty toia. ; ; ; AN tDKli CHllBRi.ij'8 JtlfiAZIKS. ,-Messrs, Scrlbner ft Co., In 1878. began the m.i.n cation of br. NMHotAa,' an lUusStod tor Girls and Boys. wUhW MMdSo? editor. Five years Have named since thTflret Mf berwas Issued, and the magazine has LT .highest position.. It has a wotitwj cCaa 0lfha ' 1 ! " ..... OVB 50.000 OOFTBS. - It Is published simultaneously in Loniinr'.U New York, and the transatlanUc rSn2ri an? m as general andeartTiS ffl.18 -it though the progress of the magMlneM bW Sfgdy advance. It has not reachnsldmsW oecause her Ideal wroanuaUyutnmViL The 1 arrangements for literary anJ artcontrlbu-OMforthenewvohime-the slxth-areoSmete f?Jrom. already favorite sources? SweU il from promising new- ones. Mr. Frank RStootl ton's new serial story for boys, ; Htock 1 "A OU.T raXLOWSHTP," fJSKS? tbe e1 monthly parts -beginning with the number torNovemher ik7 to ISfi, ?Mtev0ne of travel nd adv4tare touKt For the girls, a con- : i i i 1 , . . , ) "HALF A DOZKN HOCSKtKKPKIlS," Saa,rine D: Sml"i, with lUustratlonsbyFred nWelmanv begins In the same number; and a ESIS6 eoolldge. entitled "Eje- il1 lentJf 01 Pictures, will be commenced "ROMPTT DODGKT'8 TOWKK," WiJ2S&Ji1!?n -Haorne. and Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. About th nth fUm... . tores of St. Nicholas, tbe editor preservesagood bJimiered silence: content perhaps, to let her five volumes already- Issued, prophesy ooncerchwu nxw, in respect to short stories, pictures, poems hu?f. tostiwtlve sketches, and &e lure anTlore of tjack4n-the-Pulpit the Verr Little FoU department, and the "Letter-bx,v and "Rlddle- DOX. .' '.:! ,..-,.-! . .;,!.. !'-(.,. Terms, $3.00 a year; 25 eentt a number. Sub scrlntiocs received by the publisher of this pauer Sl&MS Wtmastets. . fS wishing to isubsctlbw dimwt with tha mhiuk.. wuu ui'. njuuwuice iu cnecx. r 0 money order, of registered letter to . ,n SCRD3NER 4 CO., dec 10 748 Broadway, New York. rpHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THIHTT-FOCBTH TXAS. The most Popular Scientific Paper hi tbe World. Only $3.20 a year, including postage. Weekly, 62 Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. wLv'10 Amkhican to a large fireglass Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the newest in ventions and the most recent .advanees In the Arts and Sciences; including New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture,Horticutture, the Home, Health Medical Progress. Social Science, NatoS History SkSSs11?11? .Taxable prartiPHi papers, by emffieiifwHters in all departments of Science, will oe found to the fecientlnc American Terms, $3.20 per year; 8160 half year.whlch In cludes postage." Discount to agents, is ingle copies, ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by po tel order to MUNN 4 Ca, Publishers. 87 Pwk HOW, INeW xOIjL - - - PATENTS -In connection with' the Scientific American, Messrs. Munn 4 Oou i Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents,: baw had 84 yean experience, and now have the lamest .establish ment In the world. Patento .art obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made In the Hien Oflc American of all Inventions! patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Pa&ateeL Bt tte immense circulation thos given, public attention; is directed to 1 the merltoof the newpatent, and sales r introduction often easily effected. , ; y vn ;,.- Anypezson who ha niade; i new" discovery er Inventfon, can ascertain, free t charge, whether a Patent can probably be obtained,! fry writing to the "tfSF1- Ve also send tree .eur i hand book abomtheJatfint Tots, .Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how. procured, with hints lor procuring advances on hrveiitlons. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. v MUNN 4 CO., 3Park Bow. New York. Brteh Office, cor. F. 4 7th Ms., Washington, D. C. novl9 tf 1879 187 "HE FOUR REVIEWS AK B LACKWOOB. Authorized reprints of TljeaTnlmrgTrBvle(Wblg), Tbe Westminster Review (Liberal), TheXondon Quartedy Bevlew (Conservative, The British Quarterly Bevlew (Evangelical), "'ASP L, 1 ; ' BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are npyelections: they give the prislnalsln toll, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. ', ,'; .:. No puWISUlonscan compare with the leading British periodicals- abare-aied, rfcprtated by the Leonard Scott PubUsblng (.kminany. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep pace with modern thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether la religion, science, lit erature, or art. the ablest writers fill their pages with most Interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent aarration of the great events of the j Payable strictly to advance. , , For any one Review, . f 400 per annum. loranyBertewaca;;: ;, j7 00 7 v- -For auy three Bevtena. . ,hl. jo 00. s t " ForBlackjrood'a MaWln 4 $0 For Blackwood and one Review. 7 00 Fei Blackwood andtwoBavtowslO OO J- " or Blackwood anmv;ijix)a I ,vi PfMtTA;., .'. ol POSTAUEtii This Item of exuensai.'nowi bene bv the nublish on, MPumvatBM.yit reaucuoA oi 20 per cent on fw wo w Bumvntnus ta iormer years. Adlseotmt of tweotr mr ant m iv Iiomh t clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four B Tiews and Blackwood lor S4& and o w. j .:',. i-J.. i .- .'iif.rt-.-i, . - v- . . j . ! - I Woif fli.pBijritaiiilfi ! ;,,',i'.' j ewH)eH'(apprJtn(g early) for this year 1 879 may have, without charge, the numbers for lhe last quarter of 1870 of such periodicals as they .maysobscrlbefori i J:fiVJ-. Z.-.u... . 0 tostead, aew subscribers to any two, three or iyuimuu aoove penoaicais, may nave one oi me 1 Four Reviews" for 1878; subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 187a , . Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to Clubs can DO allowed nntes tha motier la remitted direct to the publlshJeri. .No premiums glren to duba.'-- j' V'- -"--i - J .- ToseurffrttemmmsW wffl be necessary to maks early aprdlcauonjaav; the, stock available (or that purpose is limited. - . Reprinted by - - ' LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., M til 41 Barolay Street, New York TTABPEB'S .WEEKLY. sir 1 1 M.W J ;4 xl. ILLUSTBATED. ' KM)fnd in.-... i (The iWtEtt.remafns easily at the head ef Illus trated papers byita fine literary Quality, the beauty of Us type aad.woodcutapriiigfleld Republican. f iltopiytortali attmettone are superb, and embrace etery variety of subject and arUsOa treeAment Zlon'i Herald, Boston;- r-' l . I The WxttXT is a Detent asencv for the dlssemi- 4 imsIOBVef correct political principles, and a power uu upppoant wt anama. Traans,nnn nuse pretences. t Ut -ill ...Jti, llLL'xi: ! i;-r-i liaft fis'ij!,T -.n't 'v' t,TbeWomee of theWxKsxv begin with the first Number bf January of eaco year. When no time tt mentioned, It will be understood that the sub scriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt ot his order. I JO i.tt-l1 -t) tT :'; ' t -VIABPEBS PEyDDIOLSili 1i. BjurrsMag8joTieyear,.'....T::.v... f $9 Harper,Wekly,ivi ..Ji.iUii.t. J 4 00 Haroer's BasaiL 5 -.-" .". 4 00 he Three poiucaaons.' one yar..K.i . . w 10 00 lzuUcrlptionB, one year.;...i:. 20 00 - - - . wwii. .ii in imr. ........ . . 'Terms for large cMHTdTh&lftaWappp Postage free to aU aubscribera Jn the United States or uauaaa. The annualvolumeV of HAitpitR's Wewlt, In neatoloth binding, will be sent by express, free ot expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume), for 8X00 each. -A complete set.- comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re feelptof the cash at the rate of $&2a per volume. rreight at expense or purcnaaer. . ---' .. Cloth cases lor each volume, suitable for Wndlng, will be sent bv stall, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 Iimttartws should be made by postoffloe money order or draft, toavoidchaneeof Josa "''2ij ' ISewspapers are not to copy this advernsememt Xlthout toe express order oi Harr 4 Brpmers. . ddress it-nM i: ' HARPEB ft BBOTHEkS, 5 1 ideclL . -. . New Jorfci,.

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