. r. f f f' "i ( 1 r 1 . ! : HVBBOHIPTIOS HATES t ITcU Aeen thorough supplied with nerv neecuH S8 00 ? ! f V want, mnd with tt Lateti Stylet of Type, end awry manner of Job Work eon rxno be dorm vnth neatnms. Si f - 0 .....iv a thtpateh mnd ehtqpnm. W$ mm twrniifi, mt Sftort 'J ' irEKXr EDITION i uHu.(tthetmmtv) I ......$2 00 BLAJHCS. BILL-HEADS, ' i , y ipn Z I V7 I j r-LETTZa-KBADS, CAZDS, r rr- f H ft iy s, 1 1 f i ima qfOu'eowtv. postpaid, 2 10 PROORAJOCSS, KAND-BILLa PAMPHLETS, CntOZTLASS, CHECKS, a. ,( ' gy- Liberal BeditenoMjor vtuam. up n I- grxj cods. fASHMXRES AND ALPACAS. Just Beodved awther lot of repertor, CX8HMEBBS ALPACAS, to Wee from 25 cento to One DolUJ. ItangUig AKew Pieces of,COW)I.4SHMlISnrt ool ol superior aiuLUtyJ M sbt ee&to,'"ri. worth Sl.Oa ;- - not Ml to seeoar WCtOAKS fore buying. Itwulpwroa- 7:H ; JO. A. AW ru Jjuj CRGES9 NICHOliSi B WHOLESALK ANDjpKTAIL f si! i lsi! yuKNrTTJBJS -1TJEKITUBB! W BEDDING, &0. wl. i BEDDING, &C. BEDDING, &C n,,. FUKNITUBBf -! 3 v FUKNITUfiK ! 1 ffH" LiTP? 4 KIT aiHVf CITEAP BED6TKAD8 1 l CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! 'LOUNGES PARLOB AND CSAMBEB 8TJTJS f CT-COKFINflof H krnteoa hand. .43 !, fTTX AM M'V.r t inTAl CBJLBJUQTXBiJfeC i. r (lumps ini jtja fijdH 1 sba yifetaT PYCIQ1T .3PXL YTI0 .IATZOO rw - AT oonrnToroTauK K.O. ROGERS' W ABEttOO J(b, . ' NXXT TO POSTOmCB. I ' , My Stock la very LarAand embraces a Fall ine ot "1 TJJATfJ 0KIHTTfl3T5: TAt W TAM t . Jw. tue Kfi'J irt'MJK t't etcxf i PARLOR, CHAHBER. DINING ROO . a r fa must t taw Aifnrnrricl wub aai I ' ' M y,"ri H H . 1 . : .y r iff h r- ) r A N O U M C E HEN X t?' js-itv - tur cfi L'jw xjuti vil etsitjt i-J 0 TOB LOT l-frt L?-al -fcKt tt5?p 1' CHILDREN'S FINE FANCY ajiJT HH o o Slt8 n k BR TyT, HHH O O rSSo a EB, RRR TTi H H OO BSSB II EEB R R T -13-701 V LOSED OU X muJl.Jil' TTTT T O O HR NO OK A T OO H KH COO EBB S . T,iTTOJHH Feb. 1st -i-JiT THE LADIES. " : ' bt xi Trrfe T iTvtTNi 1 OiXBB .LADIES, j uityi fi'xi rW.8f .W-1 1 .siljff .itowi'isl t 1 1 ) n 1 r r ALL WOOL ra3JT'.H .t. ' w rr I BBB V TJ BTff K TTTT n WN N GGO B BU TJ NK N T DNNKO O BBB U U H K n X II HHH Q B B TJ UK BH T TJ N KH O BBB UU H HH T U R Ska THIRTEEN 11 gxiBaffli!8s "SSgHHHAAD DEB BSS8 sHOADDD BKK8 Including Black, White, and all the delicate Colon for ........ ..... . j u.- ii ' ; " ' L " ..-. 'I evening dresses. : i irawa9f.3atetr. ftr!-i i'c.i J , ,.i i -i ici ... aespecnuuy, AmartaHnXrT(njd.i(airtattaM:l yiDOiaffJo ai noHrtHiifi UKiot aaitfjfu ; if- a 0"'.:, I iT ADIESr ! JLADIES' vMa-. !?.( rit .-rfiinH uj, sa'i bs imMrttr I oi tsvr w sf rf-d-tiH-on-au a-iMDnu OF THE 8BASOM F THE S E A S O 1 . iM ff'.ifi'ni -Ain HDirDBro choics ladiss' cloak C- dnnfi an b suizi d vert BxoKTTBD bt ppmO, ' gl - ' m 4 1 f.n8,TXXSTHW STU tifqn (Hiciifoo'i r-WnlCTi will br sold wHnuut. iBsmyo.at sum! ana it 2J ; 3 .WO ruHT riiT ,opU !mrl -B'3iAIIH30 - -. .mwM MoH larlnr - - i m - - --- - ctiKfsd'ir.svcjfteabna. erryo ja.?? wan eaj oi o ftJJsij mneii fcciwra ,rJ ... "1 rnwwTBrKr'?--rtffWMrrodlIIQXlfUirrnOtII I ujwnoU Z " XT Ow 13 YOUR CHAN1 edloJ oi ohsi lJiuigwjtfciU tfWUi lira w npo BUY A CLOAK FOKA CHRIS STMAS GIFHI BUY A CLOAK FOB A CHKIdTMAS GU1 J " A T hal y.;PE I S-TT, aaaii'il T HALF P Hf .s- !,.i . -, t'.: . .... ........ ....... "I W uopR r KHoa, . H AlORttia f!PfJ cujAKs. Adujusa- uixjAAm way to get out oi it, owing to tne pecu CLOAkS. LADIES' CLOAkO. tHtmM tnelent corSri: r MM Jl l 11 4 ' - - - - . . - -- - - - , , , . 4 ' rf T teTjealingtuchaTttrof the eityjbf Mo- 4wVi&U& of FARMER ftjSg J bferjrjetJpf 5WLEPIJSG RDttCTK)N'of TfOBJACEO'l frhrfeft: jQjnriussipnei3.v are-'appomted, , . . ' . - ' Vfl f - t or jVlODiie is tp ru goveieu uy Tiznt vswwi iotRx!A'A i!fa -fi ot j1 1 eornjnissloiiers,, to"be elected by,thepeo AiA.tHMoic a .f, - "vrt,,r5" Dle.u.Thefe'. is to be ;a president ofthe in, f i f .t; bay? Ai'. IVi. j -V s" f r Prom the JUlanta Constttutton.! -lUS 'b i U.--r -(!,. -i m ' k i:rW"Fr,l"'- ihr Your papa has gone away. ; ' ,t-"t.: . Bibjr mine, batar mine, ; u . v j.- Por now long I eannoi s&y, ,.;i wi..-. j ; i . Baby mine, baby mine; ; He's bound to come home slcS, ".7"' : With his Ups by far too thick . 4t v; WL anything but (hlc) . ; , t Jf.,lrt-rmtoerjaby.intae;)1, j .11 brr -w "1l-sT -i'f.-.r.-J .' - r 7 i Hes a queer eompotuid of day-ws M-TtJJ IU1UV VUV; IIUUV, i '..: - ' t u nai aaa or yours, i say, .- n t "' -''"Baby mine, baby mine, f.'s , When I ask irith tearful eye fn'j J: . Where he's been, my heart beats high wAs he answers "what d'ye sole?" Baby mine, baby mine. ! If yon ever prove lobe, . $ . , ? -Baby mine, baby mine, So vDe a wretch as he, ; Baby mine, baby mine, HI "ring" you through your nose, ' Paint you green from head to toes ., . Then I'll pawn you for old clothes, "" j y iy Baby mluehaby mine. Come close to me and stay, i. .?jBabJ.3nlDe,pabynilne,''. f. j Listen what your dad will say, Baby mine, baby mine; ' . Hetrying to -nlock the door, J Now he's through and on the floor;; ' I '''l " Gracious me, .usth ar him snore! We can't leave him In that lump, Baby mine, baby mine; Tickle his nose and see him Jump, Baby mine, baby mine. Over this I'll throw a screen, But If again he drunk Is seen, I'll "paralyze" his machine, . Baby mine, baby mine. .... -: irihflrinHn. W'f!. f . . -i. -1 A OBSERVATIONS. A Cleveland woman has corns on her left ear. She Is probably given to walking off on that mem ber. v, t r- if f tr - The'New Orleans Tifeavene 'thinks' that peopie who talk at theatres might rather go to chicken lights. It seems from' all accounts that Noah had the greatest show on earth, but It failed to draw on ac count of the weather. The man who leaves two-thirds of a clear In a dark nook on the front stoop when be goes to see his girl will make a good husband. to church, and the day is not far distant when the members will go out between acts to get a dove to Hon of males rather exceedsthat of females. whflreas.3n the enomeraUon iilefiatlmate chlld- rerw wBaamprue 'one-tnira 01 tne wnoiev tne ie- maies consutuie uie majority. Xotta. the actress, was Induced bf the advices of several California, several years ago, to put $50, 000 Into a worthless gold mine. Learning that her advisors were onnea oy tne man oi wnom sne bought the stock she had sued him to recover the money, Jefferson Davis has declined an invitation to de- llever the annual address at the next commence ment of tiff Mlwflsslnnl University, because oi tne nrecadonAtondkiohTof hls health, and Senator Uordon has been selected as the orator In his ::t: wis 'H 'wis . I The canvas-1 duck. It is Bald. ' can never be caught alive. There is a standing offer of 950 a foair for them, but no one has vet sot it A Droml- nent caterer In New York has been trylnir for three yean to execute a commisaion from the son of the- Duke of Sutherland for two pairs of live canvas- backs. ' ' Y". iV;:?'!t " Washington Items. W&81L CJor. Baltimore Sun, ieth. WOMEN LAWTEKSv The Tresident hasatmroved the act to allow women' to practice before, the unitea states supreme i;ourt. " THE $27,000,000 DEnCIENCT. There will brobablv be some interest ing discussions in the committee -on ways and means relative to supplying the threatened deficiency of 827,000,000 spoken of in Secretary Sherman's letter. Mr. Fernando. Wood, the chairman of J V 1 V,AW . .. ' , I . 1 - rj naps otneraxnemDers oi me wunmuuje; are in lavor ot tne secretary arawine 1 bnrii3:lnitQense coin "reserre 1 irieet &nyejjeneybrch may arise. n'JAefr think trna mucn better tnan lssuinor mhre Bonds or increaSmff the taxes.- " . : A TOBEVIUfOmrBent natlVe lieDUbliCan hf iimsiana now nere. nas snven icaa hiaTfTiirtVi r.haf; Tnft 'np.hf. at t.TiA St.atfl . , . ? j a.i j j . ja.t. x.. savs,wilLbecomUedM effoTtrki "collect the taxes.' somtet: Leaning wMciihaa- JitAiJEi been :doneu nif the creditors will aerree to take .nve re: cent-Tnterest lBsteaa oi seven. ne tninK an, mi israait cm J&e maae very.soonj IInforntaQnhas. been. reoei,Yej,ner that the i state xxurt or south Carolina, to; Sumter nS)o6Bntetioeci3to!Oie pe&j tentiar, for, life .. two . colored,,, jjaen i whd'' had '"btirhea the 'barn of another nlAw.Triwfr.TsthA reafUBthat.hd wat a TipmnCTat There were four colored rrferr-oif tWJuryi ttireef Jwh6m were i pepuWieansa .o TARIFF ON PRIESTLY ROBES, r ! In response to the4naoiry, whether PHests-resielmg-m imacotintiy . aue-ai lowed to imppi Uty cassocks and other ai' 'may De tneir tjeTsonal nnmerWratthohnteneat rormancflipf jWft IWichi jmonies b f their church, the, Treasury JJepart- ment decides 5f trfeTarticles are the Utf9 nefiSntitlM m. free entry. Tf, t "I iinnmirA f Kor.. lava., -i mnnrtAfi i. f mrth ai t n Mtvrrv jT t tq nuu ni rn j t mm nirii ir. 1 twi 11 la ertv or of tBsserslorrbf the same Xin; hechuT:cKiaslrjpp1o 1 m Ul .U IX -.1 ...... ...fttlji. visifliirdfwfrto r (mAniallv vrawvrrmiroodfiitJf for the use-isf ''aBydocleycorporated orstabtishifDT-XI ; religious i. iuj 1 r. .o . t t -'-i f. .0r ' i 7' ,0T Kftit . I ; r " . - i : ! - .. . ....... , , . , r J and the GoveTnoifyepprovedtiie bill ist airMteMmd0 demands;1 mcludmg pastjflue jta;es,rQf very kind, in favor Of the:cityT.j?,ot;tne purpose or arrang- 4,A nao!1 W TkTnKTlo '-TrrOTj- arc I fr,r ia'rtTTiflA,, rv' MnhTlft:'-thpir nrft jivrtAVAtrtf'Mnlt.'.On :t,hftriARt Tfirma they -caB- obtainr all the real and person- al property which" may come to their J. batrd !.. i .Th ft' 'commissioners H are ' ' alsoir naneis..' r' ine comuiiaaiwueis laiu .iuavL I 1 . 1! At- A.l . 1 U 1 AL. WWWIV.,W..W-.l.w"Jf..-- ." " "T . J . , ... .... ... . . t - f r, board, a clerk and a-tax wllectorand iuch olice officers as may be necessarv. r-. - ."TtV'r l "-'. , . - i f Prtrrititrflrrts of thirty Tears Mrs. Wlnslow's Sootb ditv of tne stomach, relieves wind colic regulate; I tne Dowels, cures ayseniery nu uiarruuea, wneuaer v arising from teethlngor other causes. . An old and Women la Good Societj who Don Otber Wnmen'p ' Shawls and ! Rtartlin? stories are cial circles up town- or recenis eases or r-?-mistaken identity in clothing thafcmanT j j i IfKllvij ynitllk ihyys. w lujguvnvuij ing on tne part ox certain women iwno : it is saia tnai a iauy cauuot leave ai; vamaDie outer garment in tuts uressing j room, when - she- attends . an evening m . , , -party or a ean at the house of a friend, . -. with any certainty of Ifiriding it dn lier 1 ! . i return from the drawing room.. , In its . j p., place she: very often tods'a'garment ; of v i i tne same general . iexwu , miu . paLusni, but shabby and unpleasanUCvenerable wilii i wear iuiu , itto. . iua ncucxtu itr semblance, however, in the event of the quent are these cases that it has become r ; jjuoj. Lively - j uusiucj ,wp.wiD ,,iwuuo it shawls or sacaues even under the sur- r veillance of merely the maid stationed L toaidlaoiesiirti An instance is known of alady, whose riama -nnarlv Avorv rpnripr wrillTd recocr- nize were it printed, whp lefta ; 3.000 J (el'shair shawrirtearessin oi a nanasome nou3e,on; iamuuui- thowagiaairli(iilgi S'im by:ttiiOBte9i ,ttstf ?SiiiaAwtf b, . of a handsome h6use,on & fasfiionabio found, in place of her? new, expensive J shawfc-'traeifade i fringe torn rn 'piacesw ' J un- aiswYenng the substitution, tiie guest sought the hostess, and, with much -emphasis, de clared that as the shawl had been lost in the tetter's hottsey she would hold her responsible. Nerved to desperation by this ultima tiin,: the hostess ealled uporl thatone of her guests 1 who1 she -beuevMfrom.the description f urrrishoct by .the maid in attenaance utixneuresBingi-iwiuv exchanged her eld shawl for? MrsViXs ffiSRiySSfflSKSSS ?,: ,rlen, ta'rr. ttagesliaeoraslwal ' nibstifotioivand Q&'lsAi'i h$pn ' . ' -r - wteloome annotjnctmint t ... ,, amin with manv 4 aoblocnesl So ' fr-' ' , ' , ' . i : . . - 1 " new. (e'.expAiiied'.:n'er: .rrattd todrlJoMmaiiiiWil'ta Om VeEh f change had.bwnayoluntarypnespoke J , xx u";w j ,-6 knowledge as to the identitv of the perr I atoiStJheSslftySS jnistate I having been made, one or neraaugnwr I, SKfiOTtrr UAMUf VA V Ajl3 tAW W w . ucrt wab 3uauo;;v, www; p i iook so mucn newerana iresuer uiiui i usual! Mrs. is airam the rKsessOT m.HBtSWWWawtesri 'j'viiil fr;-; ) j: ?S'iM i Annthftr atrkrv ia that a. VOUnar Iadv. I Vho is the very opposite of Mrs, X as' , regards decision of.xharacter.fpd that during her absence.fron tnearessi' oeen suostitufcea ior ner afuiusyuip ut, lined elcwfc . Being nnliker Hrs, she. F, dnhmiHul. .tn flia .oifnafinn in ailATinA L andSvTami mUdlvwent tome in f ther -Old SaCQUe.' The TjerSOn iWhO- tOOk nHr iiir-nneti i:iiku4. uhb imjl vci ruiDWY-1 icu tuo uusvo&o. .lUVfiu'j'l 7iiijj .,.T -1: I BUTLER AS A WliKkEK. Bow He Keeps- Up With His 'Correrpondence 1M .WH. amnmv, Boston Herald. He is hardly an early riser,1 for he sit up to any hour conyersing : and his powers of work.when down .remendous.-His abijity jto do the will vet are tremendous. T His abiXity yto 'do the work he aocomblishes seems to,, come with, the power of divesting ; mmself of the matter in hand and the methods he emtovs. Oftentimes he. will ..work from, 80 or 9 till 2,; lunch, UU36, doze for twenty., inmutes-he.haa Jpojw to sleepany tame, anywhere and.m afly nnfdniwthtm; work" tiir 12 atfJllsht: Kdoinw okiMr coat, anct; in .nvfehinatfes. there: is np . sounder ; sleeper on . this..; side ." of .'.the: : giye;;;;in;Ji&, mm20P sae-nJIis.:ittrs;:axerppea?and ' briefed i)Vffi bacottRhateYer.is im ; JWlWUW,AAUaliVA Jsq w mm The i answer is diibtsttea toBhorthand DtXICUUI , IVJ1 , V1 yf y fi?""" I particuiy , jtmpprtanfte.eao ura whole of ltwi HirjjjtjiodsTof nthinkiag arks.tnerala ilutneiy uanA Gasseli fi, .rm.Yrra cat mabbenk.iisa. urjcuuijr ctjnv-. mtoje worked into his methods and -thought that their usual tmbrnmr communica tions to mm, aJDoucerresBonaenee'are 4cme.whatiikeirthisj: of QeneraisBlanlL writes toi.aaT.this and thatinfilTSUPPOse T hwl. hprtr, tAll. Wm r ao r.ahdN 80 StT! ''Ur.SmirJi Vof .EssexJ1 writes rilaim . J. , hAVA ...BATtr. r him f ram the Bbrarv. .TTn. ...eeL msrht,,?tliIn.,this lHi,aiifI panh. rlaimant receives his I f resrxur General rrni'.-,i-'.'-!t,.y,'Jjnii'tsI,'M. cirv.KrjinLun uiiu.uua ui.ius .auiob, uiait i : TChfWft WrK.waaiientt7ashmirton better prepiarea ththat.bf 'any, other staff inlha war.lHe : exacts the, most rigid raauerenceto.i. liiAUUre IS lllcli V1ll'M.j , AIUHj . .icumubi about care foxJihe fnjure.'1 The repeti tion offtMateBQt-fowverw.To those rwiQcAll.c'opoiic him ? he - gives tudteneei readiiy hear them patiently, sk9pI!,Is thAtrMr, jaA; then; shows precira&an&thsi; callers tnany -To sSs fdsJhe'iJ,1erhaps;-;a little-more qdwesbhtjthey know, business drives ot- l,..'i:l . : r fi 'isji 5' tjuioisorrtenilriif Abont' Knefp ana '' ."A 1 1 'ill,s "f!''1 LITLT:ri ,r " T I f All the counties f this 'State havej ade returns , to; the agTiculturaiae- iarrmATit as tnlt.hftir MiRPti." and m all save two thV are raised? .Sevehty-f out counties made returns and. these aggrje-1: gata75;rf: These aTe'Jfor-inost' part native' stock.'J ,It is I'lestiHidted that a eooa UOg law lZV breeds of -sheep -WOUla tun-the number Avprv thrrH Sheer. In -several "of -thel. pnntitiA t.hfi nnmber of .does actuallv exceeds that of sheep.T he number of sheep destroyed by dogs in these coun ties'for the year past. was 28,081 about 8,000 more than were destroyed Dy cus ease. These are some facts which may be interesting tootherpeople than sheep raisers,? tor such: destruction' -demands ui u mmz, ' Ki B .1 ttllVi-;1 SB- V Ml If I W CITffTr II W FHtjlal M M nilll'.IIIf. VJr' AW. n i " TS-,0, ' i i TW rt lion flri-r- nf j llfiTfiartti ; Tavsw-. ocrhrt rtio - tineruished himself bv.Drofessional. ser- .vices renaerea aiuouy bpnngs curing P16.2 law'enuc, committeo suiciae 11?? niSnt b shootmg through the head. MA" TAasnn TOP InA Hr, la jURlornPn: -i imo-)'i 1 ' . of.nr; 1- 11,11.. j.u-i- i Trrfix.j n tn nnn.iNMi m a taw -vpars. -e venrv-1 arround eitner nne or coaree. aocominit to nrM- nnntiai f Afkwf.' nri oivin 11 Thankful foe former patronage,, f 6"- r . t . Vo - a l prompt personal attenuon to ail, orders the number at U1.03&1 abOntone dog for I KmhA lamXirj, t, .f most popular man, ' J - tola in. select S6-1 1 is. j hk r . . .f- , 1 , , - ' 1. I - i-- .. j ... . f a Ji-fj i s. . t 1 . - .t rp O , C L O 8 1 i-O-O T ! i t JL. 0,C LOS E T . . a. s j .4 hi. - WIH begin the Grand Annual Closing ; i . , 1 I- i , fc . . r ' , - . , . . i4ntooaeMwm repay them to Invest lorfu -wimt voald fORgeatflds ctaoalar Iw ntalneAT Ton can buy English Fur and Whitney Beaver rientofSO OyeimeBDaHacjWpT Brown Meltons, mariceasis, SIB, 517 and5i.50, 1 klu in ; : s . ; i .; in.J Wle!d f'fWi1 1 Tests, 827.50, $28 and $30-reduced to $22.50f 1 1 1 ..... .. .... ',.-'. j,-;.! : f . . 1 .1 . ' 1 n 11 iut w jt v juuji v rais -- I J 1 . n wui oeroine many t wna nave neierrea pBrenaamg; roocng lorwara i wltn sonatuae to Pus ,; j o ,;ts 1 I - I'l.. ... .-' .; .X.s: r' ' . ; 'ii-j--. : I ' ' - . - ' - A - - mem oi casslmere Jfrock and sack smta sold f ( .- .bo ; . " I Our enUie Stock of Caaslmere Pants ranging $80 95.50 and 8.00, one uniform price, $400, TO , patrs all wool Cassl I ,nbtm'at K :'rnrnTrP I ., , . ; i . - - . :'( p:.. :- . ; . I Oar stock of Boys' I WU be arranged to eMmeB wn the u Oeajing I to ! to many irtstances the o.o ! . ;,. ,i; t L 6THiNiGt I clothing fhS tf, i, 0 T s) N Qil .j ciothiuUJ n fnil '! ; : W. KAUFMAN CCS. -'i'.i l!T ''ltt'. J..... V . V i (j LOT H I N G HOUSE t 1. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. ! Having determined to reduce our stock, we now '4.ofIer tfrthe beODle of Charlotte and this section of. I NorU ;Car0lina,; the largest, chei I. i run ,r! : . cheapest and most j h ! : : . oco u ilu oo iSTTT a. R fl Kit N OGO g f ' S : ? hhM g n h 1 a I COO T.T.T.K OO ' ' ' r 1 - ' ir i 2 wbhavb btbb tmamn h Li , t - -.. j , of MEN'S, bots, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S Brcitlo t Hiimso;, FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. 3 4 sfsV It A ocj to hat wmiAtifl fw sn I tftniiMWl wflTgWe usacalVasltwmbfttoyourtaterest, and yon win save nor sneen toj rwemy per eera, u your, purchases. t w. HAXiX mau ,,: j " fortaCOlnrChariNC.' td6ei2'(''cvi.,lu .v r?, , . I -Hii-rA bnMrrVii'TiU; mv; ..: rtu 1, 1'-.l ' Aiv.4,jI. . , pQRN and wheat exchange, . ... . . 1; V. tZTTZJjJT. i having grain to grtad or to sen wlfl'tad ! tt to their InteresttecalloaUie undersigned; Meal order. win give my rromone i imJi I, i;; a i ROBERTD; GRAHAM. I. I - i f i i Superintendent; t; l -s n v Y'tf fTirtt : 6rYrYfTn -y 1 1 it - fS?B.vWP?,r. . TITK HAVE aselect stock ?,'yr- TJ, wiole Gl0nna '8 pices. : inemding Fells' mixed tpioss, try it and be convinced that there to 1 aeci t : 1 - . . . . I CU.-.1. WoMv TWJi m.. I Dioca. i 'rc-0 t-cH fiftivnT s sn -km-.- Jf na t xv,,.JrwV 7 , t isa JJ t .,..;). , luaaranieea w do . ....... .f'Jtj;TWEJ.Tj, TEAES 0LD,M:Lj:jw. ' ' 4 .'.', .:fi, it. , -i-i.- . ii . -Si.ij II ft x-rfV- . r ..",..lJ..lTi.....!l ". ii-.J--i ' . XOO'I-0 S S O tffpf" t O ' C LiO 8 S r'O U lull! OUB ENTIRE 8T0CE:. OP WINTER ' GOODS I j Sale of an heavy- fabrica -embracing, Overcoats, . , . . , . tare wear. Annexed we iifflgtrajt schoduio of tomttLhiaxiw 3 E. D. LATTA BRO. TO CLOSE OUT. Overcoats, Satin lined, 940 at $29. Our Fine I Tanii Casters. 30. at 825. Oar Olive Brown Cas J at one unirorm closing price, 812.50. Beason 10-87.00, TO CLOSEOUT. Our fine I TOCLOSEOUT. Our entire magnificent line of ' . . . j reacmy the enure season, $15, $18 and $17.50, at I J Our $10 and $12.50 COSSUTCRE SUITS, at $7.50, TO CLOSE OUT." 57 and $7.50 at one uniform price, $5.00. Oar CLOSEOUT. Our large variety of $4 and $4.50 mere Panta, $3, $3.50, $3.50, $3.75 at $2.50, to ajuurttmnnt. nf thAMlehnlwl Rturr f&ilrta In In not I i , . and $1.00, at one uniform price, 60c. :.T8 CLOSE C L OS E O U rp 0 U 1 Clothing win be offered at prices lower than other I TO CLOSE OUT. Prices" in our regular and desirable goods, certain I red at less than naif value, few, and In order to procure ftTW Just whatl roar heart .CLOSING OUT SALE. l" SBBbi" 0000 -1. i 11 88 88 97 i oo- If 1U88 ST HloS888 77 RS8S PPP BBS IT JJN If GGO 8P PB BUNH NO G "SSgPPP BBB IIN B HO P R RUN WN O GO B8SHP i R BUN 2TK GGO S ' TXT HAVE JUST RECEIVED FR0f YV HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROiM. OUR HOUST UR HOUSXli A fun and complete line of sample Goods for Spring wear; tne styles are ail new, anracare ana .handsomely designedly the Goods r . t M are all of Foreign Looms.' i.; i- i such as. French, English, Scotch and German, : t i rd facilities' we a our friend s to come and look at oar Goods, as ,j And with Increased and natrons we Intend to make garments to order, cheap er taaa any ttonnem tauor coming . , through here: we have also recelv- , . i - l. ed Butteriek's Fashion-Plates l ior . spring;; and . summer ! 7 , wear as cuioe. i t W W solldt an early call, so as to elve us i tune Deiore a rusn oi manuiacture. jj 'i Reapeetfully, - : L. BERWANGER ft BRO., -. - Fine Clothlen and Taflors. N- B. Everybody that wants winter clothing-win savemoney by calUngron us, ms we will sell. them regardless of cost, Men's,. Youths', Boys and Chen's Suits.. L -v-iH tit::-." J 1 Ieb9. , ' K-? I 4l W i . V nTf HE WORLD'S STANDARD. ii v-. ri- r tarAIRBANES SCALES' ' r " ! i.i' ' 1 ft. ; .) J i t t nTof Sale AlsoJ i v ; r Li. J v , II ! rl j -in 1 "V. t , ' PATENT ALARM MONET DRAWERS Ooffee Mills, Spice Mine, and Store Fixtures Gen v 1 ic i ;if't Lit i ' JRia Tmrnnml Tin Vithni 1-' ' I" i - -isj ?.fij : ' j. J4 vi.v j . Oscillating Pump Go's Pumps. 4; j uu ior vuvuiare.! j. if I FAIRBANKS ft CO. .311 Broadway, New York i f4 Far sale by Leadtost Hardware Dealers , . j r rand ; oocAsioxr I . IjtbInd'occasioIi ; f O.I rp o C L O Sit 0 TJ aV,1 i J.-O C L O 88 .O O AtsJ' 1 ! t 5 ' i j. , t - if ii tit-- casslmere SottlngSr and ,,- - i tt) all f 'u dtii,,," j. ... ..i . . - miees, and aOttcooflsTtt nnkeni,l)laai mammoth stock of ' 1 : l 4 i ;i 4-t r ,1 K s it i i-K it 4 iirt a Jesrap Custom made garments, silk sleeve Unfed tors, silk sleeve. at $18. ' Ciir ernj'assoU- Our Attractive Tarlety of Worsteds, Oxford and, v i f ; : j t Dahlia and, Hack English Vworr-no;.! English Woreted to Black, Brown ahd Dahlia Cut-;t; : OUT; - - ltaMtMiUMl , unuorra pnce, xo iLWi wi. immense .assortment of Casslmere Fanto, $6 Casslmere; Panto at one bilform prtce,ji$3.6o;i ' ' -o, - h . ,'.Ht, -n- CLOSE OUT Our remaining stock of Lacfles' om. worth a 9.K at li nn - Tfl fT JVTK fiTPT : '? , ' Of , ... merchants can buy them. lines of Worsteds, in Coats and Vests, odd broken i, , most desires. Call early, In the Yery cordially, - y '' v ..-ii!;;'tRn.iJLtTA'&.BRa"t,l N. ELEGANT 'LINfc '' An ELEGANT LINE ..H.';ll'. AN AN 3 i ;: LEG ANT ilDTTltW SLEGANT LIN-lalii .IT,? 'VI rati till r:iVi SHETLAND it. ! SHETtAlNP" "'. "? .'.f 1 . t . ;. .hs. ,vi.j ; .v ni'i IH i. , i .V11'1'I 1.4' A i !i.-t!'iinii! sin'.' fcjl r SHAWLS.is ' . W - ifii,0i!J 1.50 Oiiib !..!?.. I.'r.':Y .i . l-Al'fc ALL ' SHiDE '1 t.. r.ii: i.)li-,i jr.' nil Jill "''J Srt r l ' it - ro ff 1t I ' i ft j, Just received at k,j .,-P,f r J i it' - ,'ithiil tfllu.J ' fjtfc " 1 . tt , mow f.fl .U .11" J.IWliVfll .TlTTKOWSKYr & 3ABUCHU; ri r . , , , , p'--" i" .nnhAv.A in tt j.. .I ,.i 3 -I.- s..jt;j iri 1 t't j 1 ' 5 . (. ! ) ! Vr.J 1j, i .VifjU.t fcl il til J .'iif.iin j lin'i'i! jufr i.'.i r -nr"5"V.r'Vi sj;: ".JiA .III .! v j if ," -h- VfM J YJf'V AN ELEGANT: LINE efffw'" i v:iT'j .U'sj, J n.i t;n-j :n.in untw-j : OPERA SHADES. :fi , . , . , . . . ."1 . .11. :, ,i s . . " roiit ? r"it:i; pn'in'I i x.-ji 01 ft Ttn iV!,?v .jnstrecea.vedaij .t:-r-r-Ls.Ll .k .'It- wx'.rAvi'A y'L .a IV'ff if " i P All Goods Packed Free of Cbarge7 weu Wowremecy. aoc per iwuie, i t CtSKTRAL SOTEL 8A100W. rt i, '? -h WITTKOWSKY & HAUIU'S, i ,( q -. t - . -