CH1S. R. JOKfiS, - Editor" and Proprietor "Free from the floting smiplfe'that fettef hur WEDNESDAY, FEBRU&BY IP, 1879. THE INSANE ASYLUM ISO THE RETEENCHEES of the insane asylum of Nprtli.Carolina, has submitted a statement'df the opera tions of :sthat institution for:, the pas two years; Iff accordance wi instruc tions fromhe ointiegteiatiTfiConimit tee on the insane asyium. The pamphlet is not only exceedingly interesting, but will be accepted, we take )t, as conclu sive as to the points touched. upon. It states that of those admitted to the asy lum, from 25 to ' 38 per cent annually J have been returned to: their homes re covered and a very large additional number much improved. f During the past year the per centage of cures upon admissions was 33 per cent, and in cluding the much improved, 59 per cent. "The death rate annually has ,: never asylums in the United States, while in some years it has been with a bare ex ception, the most favorable in the Union, and approvingly Quoted, -as a model to be esteemed. It has varied from 2 to 6K percent, at the highest.1 As if referring to the recent report on "retrenchment and reform," in which the management of this asylum ia father oAverelv dealt with. Dr. Gris- som cites the treasurer's recent report, showing that the expenditures . of the asylum for the fiscal year ending De cember 1st. 1878. were S6U538.06. He itemizes the expenses, and adds: If the whole amount be f divided by the daily average of patients, viz : 278, It will De seen tnai ine per capita uuat of board has been, annually $61.60, each patient. But as we actually feed 74 employees in addition, the actual ex penditure for 352 persons has been $48.65 each annually, or $4.05 per month, or 13 cents per day. It will be seen that this is far below the allow ance often made for convicts in jails. The report shows that while the an nually' expenses for provisions were $17,126.21, the salaries and wages of superintendent and other employes for the same time were $20,232.87. Dr. Grissom points out that the care of the insane is always more costly than their food since this requires perfect intelli gence and, regularity . by trained and faithful employes, who must receive adequate compensation for their ser vices. . He invites attention to the vouchers on file with the treasurer of ; the insane asylum, and states that ali i of the ac- counts oi iue lnsubuuuii, careiuiiy itemized, were examined and approved by the executive committee before pay ment. ; 1 ; ' ' ' ' " V ' The report of the joint committee on retrenchment and reform attacked the management of this institution on the ground that purchases for it have been made during the past year by the stew ard.the matron,the engineer and the sup erintendent, where as only one person should have been allowed to buy sup plies. As to this complaint the super intendent says: This policy I am convinced subserves the best interests of the institution and the State ; for who is so well qualified to purchase articles of female apparel ana to determine their fitness for the need ed purposes, as 'the : matron?. Who is as well qualified to purchase pipes and fittinsra. ras retorts and articles nertain- ing to machinery, requiring the knowV J X i. j.i ' a ugu ui au expert, as tue engineer r "Who is better qualified to purchase medicines and drugs, and to judge of ineir, purity ana. value, man tne pnysi cian? ; ' ' '': '-. . In the face of this very elaborate, ex plicit and apparently unreserved re port, the thinking members of the General Assembly will hesitate a long while, we opine, before they materially retrace tne appropriation ior tnis im portant institution- which is already conducted, as is shown,at an annual ex pense of $10,000 less than the, average, 1 of similar institutions throughout) filtfT United States. This is our greatest public charity and God forbid that its use si should ver be destroyed by inef tavftrgs ' of clap-txap politi- the in: cians in whose profane eyes nothing is sacred that stands between them and popular applause, "H.M. & Pjn afore.'' This must be . a very remarkable rprojiutidn:pf jsif set wild London, New bi&TToston, Philadelphia and all the principal cities. . Its run is immense and last week it was giyenit i&niisV crowds in five different theatres of New "Yoirk city at the same time. It is comic opera, a bur lesque, a travesty of. the most extrava-: gant kind. It is . described as foolish ness of the most delicious order, and the most insufferably funny thing that was ever put upon the stage. Nothing at all like it wa3 ever seen before. The music is strikinglyvfine, and the lan guage and situations ludicrous beyond 1 anything. IL M. S. Pinaforef is one of the war-shittt' of her nfajesty t the' qiieen of England, and the opera (of English origin) is in ridicule of the Lord of the English Admiralty, but so well adapted ' that its somewhat local character does not detract from its general interest. It promises to become a world-wide celeb rity. -American newspapers already abound with quotations from it, and every day now one sees, used ( to make c some hit or other: i f v A 'Captain Never. f Aix Never f i "Captain H,'m y elh e Y " The Charleston News and Courier,bj way of encouragement of Southern lit erary talenk,ofterA &IQ0 in gold for the best, serial-story written iy hiry resi dent of South Carolina, illustrative of life before, during or since the.war the story oty(ifW?f )? twenty chap ters and the rdanuscrlptsto be: forward ed to the proprietors of the News and Courier not later than the lstof April; The story is to appear in the Weekly News, an excellent paper which is pub lished at 62 per annunv t , ; . f - Jefferson Davis is being spoken of as. the next United States Senator from MissiasippL A promment newspaper of that State says he jcanbe elected if he lMlL .Mi!,Matn ncftntthe will Ei-nify uar.T--, . ir The Fight' fob the Presidency. It is said by, a well informed news paper that every move made in the; Senate now , by either Thurraan or Bayard, has a bearing, direct or indirect, upon ; the next presidency; ahd; " is further said ! that the caucus . contest over the proposed -, repeal ; of the Federal supervisor and test oath laws, has been waged not upon its merits but by Thunriai and Bayard, each with the yiewlftingthepeculiar-pIajX- the other. Mr. Thurnan is inavor of tacking the repeat rbill to one of the several appropriation. bills, and, by con ciliating the Southern; Senator has a majority jf them commitCetP toj his view; Mr. Bayard opposes this policy and is supported by the Middle and Eastern Democrats, andjby some from the West and South. It is alleged, further, that in caucus a few days ago, Mr. Bayard made a speech which, if it were published, would forever destroy all of his prospects for any support from the South; and thus the war is opened thus early . and the opposing candidates' hang out their ensigns' in the national halls of legislation. In this age .nothing is . ? sacred from the destroymg hand of the iconoclast, A, coirespondent of the Kew York i3un,w Monday's issue of J that- paperj rudely tears from the reading books the well remembered picture of the perilous ride of Gen. Futnam at Horse Neck, during the revolutionary war ; stoutly assert ing that there4s Jiio, sori ptprdot ithat the daring general everymade any such ride as that represented on the page ov er which the youthful eye so much de lights to linger, t , . ?. We print elsewhere a bill introduced into the HousebyMr.Norment, of Rob eson, "to relieve the tax-payers of North Carolina." There has been no final or definite action opon ifc, and like all the legislative, bills; : the texts of which have been given by The Obser ver, it is printed merely for informa- ion. Senator Thurman's stand in the cau cus shows that his Virginia blood is not adulterated.-!- Washington City Gazette. Pardon. HisNorth Carolina blood you mean. The present Congress has but thirteen working days left. STATE NEWS. Judge Schenck has eighty-seven varieties of stuffed birds; Mr. J. A. Brown," of Mecklenburg, is running a singing school at Newton. ;Mr. Bufus Amis is to establish the Border Review at Henderson, Granville county. j Some of the farmers of Catawba are holding meetings and discussing the fence law. And -now: the Winston' (Hertford county) Sentry, has slipped its giip. Next. The Wilmington have locked, horns slightly about the matter of circulation. Mr. L. K Rone, f Union, lost his portable cotton press and three bales of cotton by tire, a few days ago. In a free fight at Old Fort, one man was knocked senseless with a rock and a negro received the contents of a pis tol in his mouth. ' An old colored woman whose age is stated at 114 years, died last Wednes day in the poor house of New Hanover county. Mr. Wm. P Buckley, of Pottstown. Pa-expeets to establish a plow factory- in . wiimuujton. The star bids him welcome. ,.. The - tool . "manufactory of Walter Watson, Esq- at Fayetteville. was entirely consumed by fire on last Thurs day. Only a tew articles were saved. The grand jury of 'New Hahover criminal court, ha$ found a true bill against the twa negro women who beat a little colored girl to death in Wil mington about ten days ago. CoteLr L. Poik names next TuedQav evenin'g as the 'occasion when he will deliver the desired address on the "Material Interests of North Carolina," before the General AssQmblF. There were fouieen' 'drunks, three fights and a square backdown in i onroe last week, according to the testimony the EnquiterH u , suri "! It is refK)rted;ithatiau;yourtgianan named mKerj-wno nasbeen in the em ploy of Mr. Miles Fry, in Catawba county, has mysteriously disappeared, and toui play is suspected. ; Wilkes,rc6bhty fs '""hWon'tfiesliDject of a railroad. The Witness already speaks familiarly of the iron horse and puts dt in italiescamifiBpellas it; With capital letters.3"' lna .tzvn a) mnihn bo Dr. Jv'j. Petersonof Morgaftton; has recently rV patedVdleTbife' Blade's special artist nassighted The at it and in the last-ntimber, 'of that paper presents a life-size engraving. T The vMonroe lEnquirer leamffthafe Mr. A. P. Horne has been actinias postmaster at Stout's since the death of Mr. Harkey, and that an .application for his regular appointment has been made to tleotofficedepartment. t Seeing a smoke which he supposed proceeded-froni 'an illicit distillery, a revenue officer irt-Lincoltt county, ac cording to tne rrogrm, swooped down f T?alo?rlif T?sy-m on? rrmrf Xi,wliy,.VJfT' iiXil U : 1 flT And lence-nder m poliucsrthat he was opposed to thQtdck1ta;becjause if the fences were mpyed hewpuld hay ' The Hendersonville Courier says the work on the French Broad river is pro gressing. A large company of hands is engaged in quarrying stones near Mr. Charles Eatton!stonstpict a dam at and below the mouth of Davidson river. The "Boss" 3 speaks of starting the steamer next summer. ' Hendersonville ' Courier. The num ber of students at the Judson High School at the college building has in creased from 05 to, 125 in the last .two weeksArrangements-ili Winade to supply assistant teachers as .fast as needed. Morgantn.&Kfe" )'neH6f bfifftf zens who had been summoned with two colored suffragans to testify before the committee or. investigation on tne con duct of Western orth. Garolina,TRail road officials, was highlv indignant and swore it was a d d malarious prosecu- Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic: We have become satisfied that no general stock law will be passed by; the present Legislature. We therefore suggest that combinations by counties be .organized to ask for special acts-'There are wide sections between the Yadkin and the Catawba' Which could be easily enclosed by cross-fences.. - So, , too, ibetweei the Roanoke and the Tar, or smaller sti eanW FORTY-MFf II tUWllESS. " ZJbrtf Negroes Wanting U Qo-rA JBaclt 1 -to the Revenue Bill The "'Zf'J kjiouse on the Ceh- i sxisBUl. : . Washington, Feb. is.--Senate.--- Windom presented a resolutioivof-the rtSS-i lS" the table. -'lnf Hralledniioii tdi mv Jos. Segar- $5,00a in: full compensation frtr hia "'p.'ynenSes -' irtt:iTrnseiit.iTi'oi"ihia claim to a seat iu the Senate as Senator from theStelotiririnia M 4863. Agreed to yeas 34, nays 26. k The Senate resumed the discussion of the bill to amend the revenue laws, the pending Question being on the amendment to tax tea 10 cents per pound and coffee 2 cents per pouna. A division of the question fwas ordered, and the vote was first taker oii; taxing tea 10 cents per pound, it was re jected yeas 4. nays 57. J The amend ment to tax coffee 2 cents per pound was rejected without a division. The amendment increasing the tax on tobacco from 16 to 20 cents per pound was rejected yeas 21, nays 42. An amendment . to , exempt from certain provisions of the existing law small distilleries whose daily capacity does not exceed gallons, t was agreedf to. An amendment allowing a drawoacK on all manufactured tobacco upon which the tax of 24 cents per pound has been paid bv suitable revenue stamps, equal in amount to the differ ence between the value ox such stamps at 24 cents per pound and the value of such stamps at any reduced rate fixed bv act of Congress, was rejected. The Senate agreed to an amendment that the act take effect 1st of May instead of committee.,. After, other amendments I the bill passed. ' The postal approprauo sl)m comes up as unfinished business to-morrow. Resolutions of respect to the memory oi the late representatives scnieicner and Quinn were adopted and the Senate adjourned. House. The House refused to con sider the reports from the committee on wavs and means or to proceed with the legislative appropriation bill and is now in committee of the whole for the consideration of the census bill. The first amendment, transferring the power ot appointing supervisors from the secretary of the interior to the gov ernors of the several States with an amendment so as to provide that if any ,1 governor shall fail to make the nomina tions of supervisors before the : 1st of April, 1880, the secretary of the interior shall make such appointments, was agreed to. Without further" action' the House ttook a recess..- - - To-night's session is for discussion of .i v r t . i . i i ji m i ; l me legisiauye, execuuve ana juuiciai appropriation bill. DONAS 'S PLIGHT Tiie Amtsrlcan Word-Slinger pleasant Position. , in a Fi 1 Joplln (Mo.) Herald. From parties just in from, Neosho we get brief particulars of an adjust ment of personal dmerence , between Mr. P. Donan, of the Bentonville Ad vance, and Li. P. Cunningham, a lead ing attorney of this city. The matter proved quite a sensation for that quiet village. Mr. Cunningham has been in Neosho since Tuesday on railroad busi ness. On Tuesday night Mr. Donan came to Neosho to deliver a lecture on "'AVoman." Yesterday morning at the hotel Cunningham called Donan to ac count for certain scandalous statements made- about him, charging ! certain things a occurring while he waa Presi dent of the M. C. and N. W. Railroad Company. The result of the confer ence was that Donan signed an im portant paper, of which the following is a copy : jseosho, aio., Feb. 7, 1879. l, Co . if. Donan, do hereby state that I know nothing against the characterof"LTP. Cunningham; that all i have said or written against him I knew to be false and malicious, and was induced by a feeling of ill-will on my part, because I was not included as a member of the Kansas City, Joplin and Little Rock Railroad Company ; and what I have said against lum was to iniure that company in constructing its railroad, and at the instance of persons Inter ested in preventing the building of that railroad, and 1 hereby retract all that I have said and written against said Cunningham. , r P. Donan. ' After Donan signed the above. Cun ningham ordered him out of the room, and facilitated his journey down stairs with a vigorous application of his boot. With this striking tableau the war ended. A Railroad Accident In a. t Selma, Alam Feb. 18. The north boind .passenger .train, on,, tfhe .elrna, Rome and Daltori milroad went throuffh a rotten bridge twelve "miles from eima at 6 a. m. to-day The" entire "trainj ex cept tne engine, was wrecked. One white man and two negroes were killed ; two whites were fatally wounded. M. Stantonthe-. general eupeiintendent of tbS road, was onf the train, fend; it is? be- ueveawaa iaxauy nurt.T Ten or twelve were slightly and seterelv hrrrt . u H Later. It is reported that George Xivans, wniieianaiTour; negroes were killed, and that Superintendent Stanton and ,Conductor rtWhite i werefatallv in- juieu. The Suspected Georgia Expressman Babeas . Corpus Denied flln.i 1 Augusta, Ga., Feb.,l& W. S.Lyhcb uiitucu uy tuts ouuiimm express com pany with failing to account for $25,000 entrusted to mm as- messenger, had a hearing before the judge of the Superior ; Court, this-morninz..on a writ nt hahaax dormu for rftlftaaA -.cThfl iyiAch rrntivierf -twft'wm sma, the' prisoner was remand ea tojaii.,Xivncn naa .been a'messeriii ger of the company for many years sand aireges1 uiar nc lostnnemctreTtmt oi his car between, Charlestenrand Angus i ta in KovembetVIasv The'case excites 5 i great interest. Bet i wjtHtSGToF.l8Tfiotta lina retarrnrngatoarddxas been, before uie-iroiier 'commiiiee to-aay and ves- ChnHSrWlla nfhiBtfal reraayrilSlgeueiai gmemeHLS' aT6'1Solajty Irotnfully aasuring him f its entire free- the effect lfat heeyer irn?aia$aiy ne gotiations with Hardy Sblomotf for the sale of the vote -of he-TetTrrrr$ntr Tfnrrf-4 He affirmed that thef niatterVaS earhi" PSlf W. Tirdfiaod -11TW-T l-iim hut nrllL Vikl did not wishs to r.vaunti hia virtues ihe declared lie rdould I not be' botighti'-'by even the ! munificent offers made 1 to' him. . 'Z" 7 "" ' " Txh?aJPral Election'.1- ' jjeteoit, eo;U8. The election .lor. United States Senator to fill the y&caney caused by the resignation of Christian cy, took place at . Lansing to-day, the two houses of the f Legislatures voting separately, resulting? mf the election of Hon. Zachariah Chandler. The vote was as follows: Z: Ohandrer.'-' Republi-. can, 88; O. M. Barnes, Democrat, 22; Henry Qhamberlinv Greenbackcr, 18. KcoatInS Turkish Territory. CoNSTAXTiNorLEi FelC 18. Measures are being taken to occupy the territory evacuated by the. ltassians. : Orders have been given for seven battalions of Turkish troops to advance"-, from the Tchutaldja lines in the direction of Ad- nanople. A portion of two regiments of gen rarme which are to be ready by the first of March, will likewise be sent The aenaarmte khdlFrench of- Russian army train was to toward Bourria trdav. Februarv 18th. gia tay, February 8tJ. ; A. Prominent Georgian Falls Dead. Columbus. GA--Feb. 18. R. H. Chilton, Adjutants General of General B. Ei liee and since the war president of the Columbus t Manufacturing: Com pany, 'riell dead of -apoplexy sitting alone at nia desk to-day. i-ue was over. 60 1 years a ot ' ageLr graduated at : West Point, from Virginiayiwaa promoted to major in . the . Mexican iwar.i ana was paymaster hi Texas, piwsjtQ 1860.-?. i . The Cablucr, the- Chinese and the Cattle. Washington. Feb; 18. The cabinet to-day .discussed thef bill for restricting Chinese immigration, but" there was no- indication as to - whether tne; presiaenx would, sign or veto the ' measure. xne cattle plague! was also given attention ; and it was deemed advisable to request Congress to enact laws, forbidding the shipment ' 'of diseased5 i cattle - from American ports and thus prevent dis crimination by JEngiana or otner coun tries against our cattle export trade. ; Bank to Resume Fatal Railroad Acci- Oswtcoo. Nj Yli' -February v l8.--The 'i' City Savings bank having complied w ith '5e"5i1Jj1 Thos- tf. - Brown, a hardware mer chant in Mexico, while crossing the Oswego and 3 Rome, railroad track in a cutter near ana hiu, was run over py a freight train. ;Hisu4eSiAvere such mas ne aieasoon aiter- V."J ; . Brief Foreign Items. 'u London, r Feb. . 18 The steamship Sorrento.' arrived., at; Hull . from New York, lost 81 head of cattle and 163 head of sheep in the passage. , The strike of the iron and steel foun ders, at. Sheffield, has terminated, the men accepmig a xeu action m wages. Heavy Fire at Newberry, S. C. Columbia, Feb. 18. A fire last night at Newberry, S. C, destroyed an entire block or business nouses, ana nve oiner blocks were badly damaged. Toss, $eo, 000 j partly covered by insurance. Louisiana Election Cases Contlnned. ; NEW'OKUSANS.Feb; 18. The Tensas parish, cases have been continued until Wednesday. 6rt application of counsel for the defence! - rn- ' - Washington City Gazette: C6L H. G. Williams, assistant superintendent of the House document rooms, and one of the livest men in the South, was the recipient, a few days ago, of a handsome gold watch and chain from the citizens of his town, Wilson, N. C a splendid token of popular esteem, and one most worthily bestowed. . liincomton' 'Newsr: r1, Mr. Robt, S. Bernhardt, the energetic young mer chant of Iron Station, was on Thursday evening married to Miss Laura II T'egram, daughter .or JS. L fegram, Esq, of Gaston county; Rev. S. H. Chester officiating, .i . . , ' tnu BnlMd m-mM It. Restless nerves, at least those that are constant ly so, are weak ones as wett. The true way to tran QuQlze them thoroughly Is to strengthen them. It may l, nay, ft very often Is necessary to have re course to a sedative or even an opiate, in danger ous cases of nervous Inquietude, but the con tinued use of such unnatural palliatives, Is greatly ,tobe deprecated.' Though not,' In a restricted sense, a specific for , nervousness, . Hostetter's Stomach Bitters la eminently calculated to allay and eventually overcome It, a fact which the re corded experience of many goes to substantlata This Inestimable tonic, by promoting digestion, as similation and secreUon, touches the three key notes upon which the harmony of all the bodily or gans depends, and the result Is that fresh stores of vitality are dlftused through the system, of which the heires receive 'thefr due apportionment, and Merchants;1 travelers, visitors to Kew York, dont mn to rememDer. mat moraer o aoconunoaate and save your money, to make war on prkws, and ' to fill the larsest Hotel in New York, the Mammoth Grand Central, on Broadway, wiU hereafter be kept on both the American .and European plans. The American pi&n lncnxuug - meais ana maguuc vumi or S3.00..and, the Euro Dean nlah Sl.OO. and tiD- wardsper dayH An elegant Bestaurant, at moder- nie jnoes, is-conaupwa oy- we nowu r.j.-uu i l:'iaair.W9:tMIt!tf!vlaif. lii jr IJonnietttibtoodstagnAteta-y Yon can prevent As doing1 so ny : mcreaslng Us volume and purity, by klmnTatfng the dlgesUw Organs, and encouraging' sslmualRn with , that matchless vitalizing agent "Hoste - 's Stomach Bitters. Peo pie not afBlcted !-wtth Tahy organio H inorganic disease, ktow1 watt and haeeard" shnDly beeaoBe theft1 biood'istWni wate'rj, ddenr m nourtehmg piupcmes ana bo meager in quanuiy mac ue ex-, tremltter are very lMperfeeUy supplied wftb it, and the snpernctal circulation extremely feeble.ence ' the tloodless appearancbf the cooatena when theltters toe used ttein''iitlckbDf the blood, the rosf Ira, of heretutniito the chek;" uie - frame' Jaciiiulr sntstoce' well as i vigor', . 'Uie;appetlteVtoproves,' -aBid no idtgesflve qualms mteriere eitner wim 71s gratiflcatlpn or tne .1 inwmiw v. .in i y r ir , . ' EtseACtalBablelyflieBhciaiatle.' 1 !!!' ' Yes. ialtnooeh' their mar ; desnalr of teller, it ta attainable by; rheumatic suCerers, ifor there is a remedy which carries off, by- means of Increased activity Of the kidneys important channels for Diooa punncaaon-Hiie aena 'dement te which pathologlets the most eminent attribute the pamful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urhv ary analysis. The name of this' gjrand depurent la H 08 tetters, a preparation likewise celebPHted a n remedy for constipation, which causer ntamlna- non 01 tne mooa witn . tne bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and .nervous ailments. It is, perhaps; the ftoest- tonic 'extant, and is highly recommended as' a medicinal ; stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently- pure and verv benenclaLaThs press lsendoisea itwi tl:TfW s- ,. juc vuusaxnpnie vsiy epe.,,Ti : Terjly,t0 most people,' whose 'systems are falling or in any way out of order. Oil as a medicine in thn most disgusting and . difficult to 4ake. Tew stom no reoiii as me mere tnought oi Uastor or God Liver. Oil, yet, when those appalung symptoms of .decay appear, which physicians and patients alike know are unerrina Mm of cnutAr wast at . blood and ttesue than the nutritive powers, are sup- piyuig., voaxdver uu .is tne most trustworthy and effective remedy Jn the world." But repugnance to Its lasts and odor, teduee th' hervnmc nntinnt ta :despauvrfltls then that friends and doctor can do uiui mo cuoHt uesomaoia. Kinoness he Has ever known, by telling him of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver OU 'With ths Hypophosphltes of Lfmeand domrrom unpleasant smell or edor; ef its. mar- vciuiia uuaiuea as n numenL unn tun mimxiAs if works, in giving tone and energy to stomach,' nerve and brain '.. t : 'irm 5uij ?tciiij'' i ji A-nd- J it.-.'i.t . BnttA 04 caeer. roroaassniptires. -ri There is a form of consumption which was better indicated by the old fashioned name of; "decline." it Is the dreaded scourge of some parts of the Southern States, claiming more victims every year than are swept away by the most terrible visitations ui uie ytsiiuw lever, ine maiauy arises rrom tne inability of the patients' system to take up and assimilate- the nourishing ingredlentaof the- food that Is eaten.- Sonw,yeara ago the medical profes sion with remarkable .unanimity, .agreed that Cod Liver Oil , contained the ' most concentrated and easily absorbed elements of nutrition.' If the nau seous taste and smell; of the U could be avoided It would unquestionably be the most sovereign reme dy that everhed a heaUns blessing on the human' race. And these repulsive properties are success fully removed by the union- of pure Cod Liver Oil Jfith-the (Hypopbosphltes of Lime and Soda In SCOtt'S Emulsion.' ThA cnmhltinttnn la n mnst alo. eant one,' pleasant' as fiwrtAt milk tn jiam . wmi nlal to the stomach, and acting directly as a power-- f temu - , - .7 - r? &XtectlUUOXS. 4 'SPLEXDID LINE OF ' I Klne TM4. Hi! ptjuIp. tnat 1fl. at ' - . . LeHu t DAVIDSON'S. jan60 " ; . '- s ' " 20 BAERELS WHITE AND BED ; V ONION SETTS. - ' -t '.Fresh.. ... WILSON 4 BUB WELL. OPLENDID HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS t : , .KMOBEST'S MONTHLY, , A eranl combination of the entertaining, the useful and the beauttfuL with fine art engravings and oil pictures in each number. Price 25 cents. post nee. leany $3,wunan nnequauea premi um, two splendid oil pictures. Bock of Ages and the Lion's Bride, 15x24 Inches, mounted on ean- vniui? txnsnnrtat1on ROennta extra. Send DOBtal card for full DarOculars. Address W. JENNINGS, PEMOBEST, 17 East 14th street, N.Y. Do not fall to see the splendid February No. I6D. 4 CUCWim. -.r,. Jrt jTTENTION, LADrES.'- ,f , The demand among iasnionabie lames xor a simple and i yet complete narang uacmne one capable of all kinds oi work for dresses and trlm- ndnes. Is fully met br the machine patented by Robt. Andrews & Co., of Uallion, Ohio, and which hAa been introduced Into tnousands oi iamines Ui the United States. I have accepted the agency for Charlotte, and several surrounding counties, ana will taKe pleasure in explaining lis merus. it is the best and cheapest In use. t i . -o- . J. juuam, Agent. reb.iS-8r -.i .- - , : gLACK STRAP MOLASSES , Under cost by the barrel, by . ' LeROY DAVIDSON. tan30 . "PINE FRENCH .BRANDY; J.,, Wines and Whiskies for medical purposes, can be had of WILSON : ct buhwisll, decla Druggists. M THIS DELICIOUS FRUIT, ALAGA The Finest in the market, has lust Grapes oeen receivea at PERRY'S. PPP P P PPP P -P F.EK E EE Iee RKR K B RKR B B B B BBS B B RRR B B B B Y Y Y Y YY Y Y CAR AMEL S. A fresh supply of these celebrated Caramels to be opened at PERRY'S. HOICEST- CONFECTIONE RIES Can be found at Perry's. Try the Walnut Taffy If you want something rich and nice. SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS At Perry's. The very best in the Smoking and Chewing line can always be found there. Some odd brands being closed out very low. JL HE THT7 tTJISING xiisma stj-vt v SDlN, "tONQTJKB OONQUKB BY BY THIS THIS sigvt 17 SIGlN. go thought Constanttne when he became a con vert, because a "Pagan" refused to absolve him from the guilt of his crimes, and the "christian" readily agreed, and specially manufactured for him a "sign" by which he was to "conquer." Henry the VUI in tarn rejected Constanttne's specialty and became the "defender of the new Faith" with his six wlvesOM only outliving him. Seven hundred years before ConstanOne lived Solo mon, who built a Temple . with out-houses, court, &&, on 20 acres of ground, 700 wlves,300 ditto a good sized population to the acre. The Queen of Sheba admired his wimJom much more than his magnificence, and significantly remarked that "the half of his greatness had not been told her"; but after he declared that "aid ft vanity," built high places for the worship of hKdJtendettia and died. Kapoleon Bonaparte, on his narrow escape from the inflowing tide of the Bed Sea, while passing through en the spot where Pharaoh and his hone perished,' exclaimed: ' "If I had perished Aere like Pharaoh, what a text I would have furnished Ortho doxy" and a & Helton to advertise Ms Confection eries and Groceries at the "Rising Sun," on Trade street, oppoaiIte the Market House, : where every thmg m the above lines may be found, Including i J t fv :i.i i - - i. - i .... Ferry's Garden Seeds, Green and Canned Frnttsv Nuts, Teas,. Coffees,. Sugars, Pickles, fine Cigars and Tobacco, Toys, Jke, C S. HOLTON, - sfebll- ' i:' 'l'''T'"' "' Democrat and Borne copy. . . r G0KD1NSID TEHK. i ' NOBTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. -I.e.. ,t 1 TBAIHS GOIH8 XAST. I, No. 8 DatNoaaS., ;No.a Jtellyr iNo.4. .DaOi.. Dallyi ex.un Leave Charlotte, ; r,Greensooro,j i 1.- oIolo.K - , 3.45 am 8.20 am 300pm S.25 pm 66 pm 5.80 am 8.80 am 4.10pm ARiveuoiasi i,2tw3? BaJtobmwnWJT.c.BJL fW au puuua at; western ionn varouna, daily except Sundays At Greensboro with R. A D. B. B. for aU vvuwiiwvu. JMa, fUiU TVOEHl. :JU UOMlMMira WILfl W. ft W. R. MTfbr Wllmtnrton: .TZTrti! H No. 4-Conneots at Greensboro with B, lx B. a. aut u puuiis nonn, jsasana west-?.- ? TRAINS QOnfO WKBT. No. 7. Dally ex. Sun; Date, Nov. 10, 78. no. r Daily, v No. 8 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, 9.50 am 8.60 pm 8.28 pm 2.25 am 5.85 pm a47am "j. Italelgh; 5.80 am ! YM Greensbom ArrlvaOiarlotte, ia50am J-Na f --Connects ' at GreensboTO with Salem Branch.: ; At Charlotte with C, C. ft A. B. B. for all points South and South-west; at AhLine Junction with AitCliL. Railroad f or aU points South aad South-east - - . - - -7 - ' No. 3 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C; B- Bv dally except Sunday. ; A Air-Line Junction with A4C.AL for all nolnts - South anil Rnnth- At Charlotte with C.. 'C'-ftA. Bailroad for all points South and South-west.'' "fUiit nt ' SALKX BRANCH.' ; t leave Greensboro, daily except Sunday; ' 8.50 m Arrive Salem, " . . , "TT lOBOnm Leave SalemT .',-'- - i rSkSS? Arrive Greensboro, f JTi-, -;r 7,45 a In L vonnecting at on the B. ft D.audN.C. fiLBBJPlHO CARS VTTHOCT CHAHfflt Run both WaTS nn Trains Km t ,irf4 t New York and Atlanta via Blond, Greensboro iwTraNos. 8 and 4between New York and Savannah via Richmond Charlotte and Augusta. . WM A TJuugh Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Baleigh. Goldsboro, Salisbury and ..Charlotte,- and at aU principal points South, South-west, West, North and East For Emierant rataa fcn nnlnra lni.. sas and Texas, address - - ' - V- ; " MACKURDO. ; : " v " . - ' Gen- Paeser-er Agent, V nov20 , . Li(4anoad Va. 1 QAIL AT " - - ' 1 i f . .11.-. T.iUUT LE B "store and Hardware House tor CHEAP H A B P W A RX 1 1 " ; .T 1 i Buy your COOK STOVES .from me, as I have 12 good reasons why they will do your work Quick and Easy, Cheap and Clean t ' - BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE They are best to use. BECAUSE They bake evenly and quickly. BECAUSE Their operation tt perfect BECAUSE They always have a good draft? BECAUSE:1" .... '! They are made of the best material. BECAUSE They roast perfectly. BECAUSE " Ther require but little fuel BECAUSE : ' '' They are very tow priced. BECAUSE They are easily managed. because)- v-3 -.; They ae suited to all localities. BECAUSE Every Stove Is guaranteed to give satisfaction CALDWELL HOUSE. ALPWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSY? CALDWELL HOUS Hi , Corner Try on and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryonand 81xth Streets, CHABLOTllS, N. O, wCHARLOTTE, N. a. 8. P. CALDWELL.. Proprietor. This house is permanently established and offers all the cobveblencei and comforts of afirst-cUss boarding hetae. Persons vlsTUng the city will find It a .pleasant home, Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. BATES Per day. transient. S1.26: per week. $8.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per montn, $is.uu. JanlO Q.BEAT BARGAINS FOB THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. S. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILYER AND 8TLYER- PLATED WARE, (SSIGOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLia. Gold-Head Canes and everything yo want J. T. BUTLEB'B. for Christmas, at dec24 E DESIRE to can attention to OUR STOCTT E DESIRE to call attention to OUBSTOClV :-y, ..' - -..-siv?.. t T? ANCY GOOD O JT ANCY GOOD Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest ke tne market. of wining some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. JTNE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Bussla Leather - .a."-4u-j .;!..-.: ,'.;?;. .s-ft.ia.rJL'-" Poekft Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and NaU Brashes. :!-t-t..t i . I. B. WBISTON ft Oa declS T THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON Cochrane keeps the best RYE WmsiEI, Stand- ; J ard Pure, Two Tears Old, - - fr- ii.isSM'issaJ And rare Liquors, Three Tears Old, go OCHBAJWat:.. w entrei Hotel Saloon. JEWUYERY STABLE. y : If yoXx want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies ot;fie4dle,.Harses go tokthe 'Stmtttr Stable. " ' - t If you want a Carriage' and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trams, go to the New Livery Stable. ; If you want your horses weJlfed and wen groomed go to the New Livery stablej;) l j 1 Careful drivers, promptness awl reasonable prices are our motto. . , may28 B. CHAMBERS. JOB BENT, The two stores m the firler A AlnxitTulAr hrtilrf in on Trade street : J. L. MOREHEAdT jamsett iHE BEST 8TOCX OF 4 ri i. 1 A H ' PtJ. CONFECTIONERIES" -- GROCERIES an mthedtrat- n - in ' if- t 4 BOOTS, SHOES jkxa a H A AA H TTTT T T T T . HHH S H H - H A A A 1st National Bank Building. Charlotte, N. C. Our stock of Boots. Shoot: tvb Brtr.i.j-. . to be the best In the State, and we would be hJ- PEGRAM & CO THE PUBLIC. The robscriber.Tnistee of SMITH OR hs, begs leave to call the attention of the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity to the large stock of B 8 -AND IhI Si oo o o o o o o oo KEB I. BEB BggS BggS now Jn his hands for sale. It Is believed to be tbe largest 8&d best stock of goods South of Baltimore. and Is Well worthy the exajnmatlon of any prrson whether wanttng ope or a thousand pair. Tbe stock embraces ; r" . AN INFINITE TABIETT, from the finest to the coarsest shoe made. If Ton want a pair, or any number of eases, call, and your wants can be snptiBed. :": : In this connection the subscriber would state that If reasonable prices can be obtained, tbe whole stock, both Wholesale and Retail, will be sold AT A BARGAIN, either together or ' separately. Propositions for purchase are solicited. J. M. B. REYNOLDS, Trustee 8 Forbes. Charlotte, N. O, Jan. 17, 1878 Sweed. JUST IN TIME. We have lust received a tne setoctloa t sucb Goods as you want for .v CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, 1 ' isueh as fine Lockets and Chains, Fine Sets, Sea Rings.. Initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins and anytnmg in the line you 'may want fF CALL AKD riBSIOB,- dec20 ' I .in.,. 1 , M .. a , , 1 , p LASNE, From Pails, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKES, GILDER and Bit- """yeb'platebC '" Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Cburck, 'Nat Gray Store. Bvsry kind of repatrs made at once at half price and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bionse Gilding, Coloring; Stiver-Plating and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new, Work done for the trade at low prices. ' tar Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references .iK-i.- r ; Bepalred work uncalled for wm be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septlft ; - - 1 -v-t-. g0jofeg mail tatiottjerg, TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE CONTAINS THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOCK ? XV SfSA J i 1 r ti f.A V. POPULAR 5 LITERATURE, MBCEIXANEOUS WORKS, MUSICiaiFT BOOKS v"r. OF KYEBY STYLE, BLANK BOOKS, INK,PENS,PENCILS, , MUCILAaE5 and in Fact eyerything usually kept . : "IN A FIRST-CLASS BOOK STORE, X. Sutterlck's Metropolitan Fashions for March lave Just arrived. Call and get one. ; il fttcnii-vnuj y. Yffi brother, EHOTOGBAFHS. ; , t ' . - . In eonseaoence of khe redaction In the price of the original cost of materials, and m order to give y patrons the benefit of the reduction from and affier this date: Photographs will be taken at my Gallery at ; ' i: I J Y J&WCZD BATES. 1- Z I Jan80 aeptSS' J.JYAJI?rESS

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