! J t Wife . : X t - rr; r - ;t" iff : m- ', " '"-'"i -- OntMonth.. . ................. .- . . WEEKLY EDITION t j WteUv, (la tM ntv) i advmtt.. 00 Out tfthfeomig, popc&...rr-r- - S-WJ. SfxJfontti........ 1 W r7iv iumZiaS vi7A eufl r ttt and wilA tm LaiedSMegtfTiD' t fMMwr w u ni w.iau nuns vwincomih ) I dtmeac and cAkqmmm, f Iff am ftttnttu ttfihori JHMBj " ' i f" vw ntv ti . blasts, wirijaim a 1 CHAREOTTE; 0V TBIJRSDATj FEBRUARY 20, 1879. VvNO.ioi i ?Axrmxn cxscviajcs. cbxcks, so. m'.'ct :-.'"a"d." ' ygggan., O toolisU. heart! Q warwsrd He&Adrtnlne; WI HATTC- t - HU tootstep draweii nigh; 4 WS HATJCl&i bBek-jeMitroltliy fluttering fflTtoe! ; t A8HXKBX8 AKD ALPACA& r - am ' r 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i - i 1 1 i i if i . i i 1 i . i i i ; . i i i i f i - i . iifdri iii i i i i. m uii i k 'if wt wv;? i.'- - a i j i aiu catcm .uMjtvwjjaur awiAtcu wui crru jhcbuub jtatBaosrvml kf f; if if HUH J jr ii. mm A A it A ciamnntTO act alpacas. s,. ! ' 4 !:u.r iil.-t luCKttSfs'A tl j - t Banging to Frice tram 25 Dto to On. Dolte; i .. -! .ob ,i i iim idO '( , , is.f; rtMiJ if d oi , I. r l i 4TW th(wr t; f.'i twoad ofb- ' ; .. . . .S.li'.lnl ! ' tit COLORED CABHM tttra, H l. i sl?I-a' wU Una J wr-I Jtl Hang.outDOjcnnison signal,' eoaadomi mBK, For uu caim ejea 10 see; - ... i . . .., - - ' :i v -'. 1 I y. 4 :4 .t,J.Wl U WUI iiJU ff 1 . . - -1 ; M AsTTeUa wkrie soul speak : (11 a tnMiimlght faer vbM If e'er on bended knee heeopies tojwei , y , . r I will not turn away; But till he speak the words that lovers do, Xyheartl sway '-' A Hy loollsh heart that fain would break away , c And elaim its rerr own: " ; :Bat fooltsh, wayward iieart, tUl that sweet day. -isajct : BUm as stoned 4; V " "" 1 1 1 BKAUTirUL LINE TT A JY4f-rf "Mri tw! xdT ' W 'Hdsm8px!e(iw. Yea,' g you leilaws ,14i il AM1 U K,Vl ! " rroirt of the ar an give toe oid man a ehanoa. T5 Stables and ehleken:fiom iChariesteri. (SL1 Cj nftM f.Ueui iris i Baeesone to NwXirlan .ai ,wM4 participate in n l"l ,tr3rt1il T fcT-rt tt ' t D6 v6U drtnJtr asked a ladr of a neddler. He rUaDSxJXJUtXUSX . i dropped his- -pttCk,"a.!d remarked: eU, I'snosti ' 1 dMaryMeadtey, colored, weat torhear Talniag; !'iiurlHiwm tmit ' fo tor-tweisdnelays. ..Taimage waate w " v...- . . ijiiih-m circiw-iaH season. , Rjaurran wrui m tw wo-Tia ' , 1 fttTiay hr tntvirh thwew. 'it wirt -Tttom t the 1H u 1 : "ui men (o toen a'oara tnstsaai0 going 10 a pany i'r?t!to Ifs ot lv?ln wk tdT l'L'f RaIu ti.ti.mgk Blohc AuwHrutj lulrl cuttJiw an lil -amnfwd atnptf cldlne aatrito Jhe loes as they slid '""44"'H JXiWUJi-i I downa iuwt Inr-IJiwCajiAiuinnlna oft niathefore I V.:. wf :,.fc JOH JJTf 'l.i i . 7 ; 4hioer-4heTDrnloe7TChef I feet, and the danoer Involved In the snort iaseina ; Do not an w 151 KKN.l DULLAKX .. . ,STTOJlAff An Iaterestkig Utter CeLaliaa Allen, Form- eriy of BrwldyViital as 8afe is Sortb - 1 " '-ICarolm w Tailed Torsi p V- ' -Upon the: sjolraljlri' tils tft'of CoL Julian ,AleiJ,r of JStatestil6 N. C,, cm. zxie'n ; met.m the Ptbuilmge and Thft nnlonBl wias laeifeeablY'BTjfcrised to find the ioiwymg letter AwaumK mm ftjERfbiafe-AWfy to nrpsfint disBosiiion of SOlltlieniers'UDOll nere ves anymiiw.ijr.iucu jui may, til i5yfkii and ' Ve fiU atf nil nnrsriTHMrf ths (ODWirtunitv dor incr voiir risithero to ask of you as foil a .statement pi ypur .expfenence in the SotithMas VMtf tflse idlnationlivlU permit yTita gf -With Jreepect, your oDecuentseryiwivi.;!. -n . E. T. Backhouse, President Kings County Fire Ins. Co. lsident:ianwbthtT?re;In& Co. . t ... o HUM .j?Mr a o n a 2 m . buying, it wui pay you. -J y. 0afJMMthem. Pen, 2tt ...oil.) vniA ' (i Pansagtof an Importaat Apptoptistiwi sljll I n Election Jiaud mthWmjAPvM. aukab'i Fa8tBe B irnrv BilL nili . tmjs f .fioX aUi.iT m -?bw iftfrt auH ' J' ALEXANSEB HABBJ8,puapte m i a itta - I . t iU river afid ltarbor juttdtthe dficrettcy dixattwvno-rti ... jona-;ji under j suspensions of the rules" and ioniouls-tn n THIS WHOLESALE ANt HOTAIL ax'i riiiw bdhmrJ 9d caQ j,,t4 RpniX)pitIofeflj8'in a-jVefShwTltWpe : .H i .4 mt, -.,' p -ith ! I if so disposed,' but ifc does not lookas ri r-w'ijr?fo'T N-ihar i? .nt 'w. ;..?.v.:m v.;3ui i; ;f txii 1 tjerera8,mb ?bo w for the large nuny worn of discussion. Tne tbj!other ladies. T Hbttee can easily dispose of ' : H a.-"? tflV-ro .7tK4 lass DIALS Ot ALV Xllll'''0.t ti ifu!-. ) All. WOCK I UCUU1I1K, i -i1 htlt .lUfrj .7anti rtt fur.-. in I - The Potter commii;tua' snort' Wme since issued a subpoena for Hardy Solo mon. ofthSbftthf Carolina Trust com- m .a! PMy out. 16 una ueen rebunRAwiw;iu n tedorsement non esU.iiSOlomdAt 1?as BKDDfNQ, AC FUB2HTURX! BntrlMU,oo. .ffaijrw .t ? BBDWNQ.. NTTTms, AyttHianlat"iu.j cheap BEriiaATKJ T, A.aA a uj- I TTflTl 1 T If- 11 1.1 V TT1IVHI1 111L WILD! L1IH tTHTH IU j investigations tateand Federal, which i .ha.Ve been made into Scfutfc Carolina ww w iiiMi n n w nnn ' -l affairs. He is snODOsedM &DOW ? ?r K 2", 2 I " 2 w 2 R M -4 deal about the imprbp expenditure bf b 8 5ir ? nwKooG money by Bepuicai emissaries pend ing tne acuoaorane eoutn Carolina re- THIRTXEM h x.'j : u j turning board. . h ; ; - , a j uMit THE ARMTBItX.: j .'.r TThr-o. iu o rwrriaruant: that. t.tiA JttrrlV aiw ropnation Jaul , may tail unless one a 4tA Afkaw oft oil tnio1 a fivnt 1 ar UUUBD Ul tylAO UlvllCX DU(UA,A ClCUO AAVUU MO.; i k n position, in. .rererenceiiuwe,wmy Organization. The Senatocomi fa afrnnlr txft af rn?17thWAiitJt rill ' . T i r w. , ..J .. J . JTI t - Tvftl naO J u..t. UICxUjUIC V A . . A CV7 L K (ULU.MViUM UUVk'VMA ft rAbii1Ik,aA.ftnd will ' reoorf i&' fsxbr of sB ianstotiTlyi differeni-plajliAltff ;Hyd .S8.H H A DDD BBXgSSg :K.1 Ciin s Q . 2 H B AAA D I S 4TJf ! rts3 Inctadlnc Black, White, and all tne dellcatao oiy -flat ooiiieFencakc Colors for LOUXGX8! 1 two noqge, .h .o .oaaatoAK .H Bweetiti out I wannjrdiantr 1 I ;..T how, to BeCttre LaDOTer. 1 .r,!!MuBaE j jffim, . 5T3PTa M JO u) uuUiKMJii i IA . . baa itHJixiJ Mias dXJB FAB LOB AHD itt nfti nv Jmw l miu st!J tu giunjfls das am i ,j(ii r jiiu. jua l tOOTWoaBJAnJwai-i , r!iCTi .JifWI uioil ; i .flSTAJlOTf f raABIX3TTX.M.Ci ' d theW'WetNirtttf that and hospitality, wmchr f Wrthrt 'capital' are eouaHrptotetvea witn soutnern men ana weirmera taL and I rnavodd that it will be cidte taffiSdtm fnor.fTMrilismff fiel employment of-Northern capital j4nd m4rifria. .rflTlft StCais -auidly refcovn ermeirbiiieydisa8tjoiiiea,0f the t war, and thbBe amilSar aeith MtSu pres- I I NUN .H URII.1! I 1 1 1 LIVU UA Y 3 AAA CQUaUlMHHW llWHWMVWaMfc'JwMWBM ay.WfC..',i T. U fiUGLE, week on their own account For ttKa 4riri ollponnanf'. er0flfi ,IiH3iaQWled HAfAi rwangL tJiantmej N c I considerations the laborer pays to th&'pthrtf twid. frospetitjin brnj ,00S,g ,JS"!Hi FS5I'55rtR?Sfl M' irt nrnpr rh lahor nf tn foui re-1 While residinjr in North .Caj3eh tm iukj w amACa.A av AT i I w. - v - - i ... , M u ol mlnttii XMIKfd X T I mginino Hava nf tha waaV. Thft lithnr. I have VlMCea SJMHW-eC&er BOrUOnS OI WMJ er is thus better fed and supplied and Southasa tJAWttleti pains to stuay, iiUiittitr'i bns aj LutU-hUH erald. imeui rauouB reusing tueiu lauu mmg them to empic t ! ent Meehahies Filfevlns. Co. ' it!6rheTlWfNe-Torfc.. ChTrm. Ex: Com. Produce' Exchange. . r 1 !J ; J AteyIAWJPeYoTk., .'; - Ane rouowing repiv-oi-speaks' for 4tself;2i ni iiJ 'ip'l u-i-msw 0BK;-FeK-lWl870..tu ii 1 Vf!iiTrAH nf th 1 at ri VIJAl A ' ' ' '.'f vua v w w v. avw inst. is recViyedrle Treasure in; complying wixn1 your, request, - as it, ai fords meyaf(M!unity' f faytng a cbMtideniandiJndlfrre weea thdf;SouiBiide M relatiOfls' b haa f lAistV 'ikrjdr'iri sri y!1Tearea7na -TestraineaDy .,a of maayrhexmeB.J?l i ftHropklynTthree fyeawago; ttD'mvl,toermanent residence! m : Oarotiha; and have slnfee resided at&tateaville'ifi thattatel IaVdut witn xne social,-pouncai1 ana iHrauuuu cditioriiii,of'' mmVakmol Know tnau xnere la1 nommf-m xua Wi T VA. VUUV UMIVU UU&UlSi WUW a Hiv 1 nave resided tnere wnicn can nr In miVtHaTtftW-tftl'imH hnstilft or'un HfidW te'eHn'fc'Mltie ftarlf canV NortbA em man. Kbrt;h Carolina is a State-of. vt.r5rtMinarW WriHr ijMlA mil hv aa tnWA 1 nrt VtrWrt1 J l'canT be fottodtin ihUhiWVJ?heTJl ex 'anq; faifhftillv-ftndlrhrrtianvdrninltred And ftU cla'rerfullTi bWAected in efr11 8cefely a toaceW meelifiMiotWebetween orthern the i" . . i ,i iiilw j-joi'i toY yX o-'T 1 f - ",1W mJsiiJoj W.-fi-f .r. nnif,T-ffisa W5if '' .if'V i tsti J fr-Wll . : . . . . i . ... . .. ; I ?JU' ,iJ.lt-'liMifi'S TO . C L Oi St O U.iT I rv O , C t 0 SB O V p. f ; mo .CI O- Sf ,,0, IT ,rrv u u , O C L Ol8'K O U X 1 ! X O ; C L O S E UvJL,! J- 1 o f C L o s i e u X OTJB INTmB STOCKT iOF WINTEB GOODS r ......... i (i.r I i V .If ; ,, ;,,,,.!, ,. ,.,,.11 V ; tti-i't ''! i I . .. , ,,..-;f . .5 l-.-'i-- -" "Hi r -il'H I ill. HWiL iiii'vAaU Slaw! . Wni begin the Grand Annual Closing Sale' of jM bwy faoi 2J - " . - L'- --"aaSll..tLltii.e !i:iiii.BiiLsji--t ..... . , . " ... " v : i iwn wui w anma Mm ina m hb-wu vyr .jxieuua wqui eajif m www eigwj test advantages uL SBiBouoits aa jrail asi bargains , ?'-' ''iwlrilKaffl8ny:.' W'terl Wfl 5ii!tJ;lii?i .i Tioi i. .uoU i j ii.tjij4?:.a. .jiiii-f... J -'i;r i ,ifl J ii rrt ; ; r - .f ' 1 ! ! 1 1 -,Il1 jj .ili. ' '' i -11 'j 'iji! ,vH!aJ!t; . . . ! -.... i iL : . .i , t i. ,.' i .' i f ! , ! : . ; ... i i , . . - 1 ,.,-. . . . .( . , i ! ; I . - xtd ottierstt win reipBy them to Invest fot fq I J tun wear.. Annexed wi will gtva a sohedule of prices, and as our gooes, ate narked &t plain nres, wo would suRgost thtoetreula? be retains. I To-day will begin the great distributing sale of the maaunoth stock of.,,!; I,,. ; I I ill ' . : " -Un ! it''--i i Is ii i. x Li ); 1 - -E. D. LATTA A BBO., TO CLOSE OUT. :! ! "I : 'ii "Vi! iM-.il "jth .v-,jti-ft !:;;;:) -.1 :, -it:.ii inyo.i; J;.-t ' "lij t .i.?i:Jlfl-' !.j;i-.t;;j. . " !"!'" "( ti-'i !(!. 'Ul -).!: i ' l. ': !: .v. 1 i H? -.'! I'j, . ..ti.;!-. ' j ': : f.,i at; (:rt ( I f 'You can buy English Fur and Whitney Beaver J Overcoats, Satin lined, 940 at $29. Our Fine Jessup Custom made garments,' silk' aleeTe llced wora$32andt30,atf24. Oar Fine West Eng-1 land Casters, $30, at $25. Our Olive Brown Cas I tors, silk sleeve, $24, at $18 Our entire assort- nwot of $ Overcoats, embraclsk WoWds, Cas- ters, Granites, Chinchillas, without reserve, at $15. f Our attractive variety 61 Worsteds, Oxford and (.. i .i.i,, !. n l .inn.! . H-iiLI Brown MeKona, nrked$l& $14,317 and$190, j at one uniform closing price, $12-50. , l;f,; I! ft i Chir' splendid heavrCbmcriil en I thr season $10 ?7iW, TO CLOSE OUT. Our Una I DbhUa. andilBlaok .EngJls,Worste4,Frock; and ... v. ..... . .'' . -j "ii i ' ' t .' i i,, , uraU. fn.-,.- i-ill . ' . . u , ngnsh' worsted m T4iack,Brown - and Sehlhf Cut- i iuunn ,m j. .i Tlw, .I'll 'JtJMT:t U ye$27,$28lid $30edced to ,$22.50, TOCLOSEOTJT. Our entire' manlncent line of iliaiiimviv! Jtiajfc' all at one unlformltistnS prlce,$18.00, TO CLOSE 0U .Tne hWaBbmeat aajUKt siiactlM RSBort meOtntt CtMlamrFtoek "amfcSaOk Snltei' sold reanlly the enure season, $15, $16 and $17.50, at 'jft-jti OUT! iitSf,:1!";?1. "I..1';' I Our$10and$12.50COSSIMEBESUITS,at$7.50, - r .iW-i -. ' '.Vuiritf' 'a ; J-.V ' ff' i - ''hX2IJ' ' ' ' Trr TO CLOSE OUT. rb. Ut.MOiHU. Aim A ,. Our entire Stock of Cassimere Pants ranging $6.50 I $7 and $7 50 at one uniform price, $5.00. Our imrMrlaBSOtumait , of Casstmere 1 Pants, $5 $5.50 and $6.00, ii ii.iJCi'.ji,ri --U:t. ' . B.0O, one, uniform price, $4.00, TO CLOSEOUT. Onr large variety of $4 and $4.50 CasslnTihej TO CLOSE OUTS- ' I '""Y ' " ' ''"! ..il Jk.i;H 5n jytl Wm be sacrificed, some 300 pairs all wool Cassl I mere Pante, $3, 83,50, $3.50, $a75 at $2.50, to CLOSE OUXLi Our itirnajtulng-tsto. iOfsLadies' fiankerchelfs at 25c. TO CLOSE OUT. A small I assortment of the celebrated karr SblrtB In In coj opi worb '$2.25, 'il! $) CLyS:duT. i't'jttiXl''Mi v.. i"?.n'iV.;" '!:; : -:t ;: and S1.00, at enmiifoini lrtoe,g0e. ;',: i'.'.:'.7nMT !:C. J.;- ; rpo c l oi.ii o!u',rp .i--rfiY, hiuTr Out stock ef Boys I Clothing win be offered at price lower than other Meichanta can buy them i 'U-,;i vlfi.. t TOWOUT.' ' ,: f' ' ! ' : .'fjr.-l :;.tit -..It .lu.-fi-) . Will be arranged to eonnetkmwiatBcaerl PrJoesJn ouregnlar and desirable goods, certain lines, of worsteds,, to Coats and Yests'.'odd broken ilr.- -'? i i '. i : . '' " "' ''"'! 1 -i" ' ':l ' .HiUJIi; 'ff .,; garments and other perishable goods, tobeslaogh tared at teas than half Talue. '' .,, :i , , f 'IInAanynistanmatuantltytesmaUa ,,f, . ,i tilih)UCfl VIOTibli Mi iii -.-!-. ..,.,,-... .,-.' -a. i nrtrvnnTvtetT-e 1-' Very cordially, ! ' .. ! . . ' . ill V ! : . . ' !' - iff : I ! -MJ; i' f i f i - Mill .... Wi'r7Af!iwi'4iT-A .- T. IV.1 W --m 1 ill aW"7iiooo !" Sv7777oo9 ' ''mniWJT!nffi '' 'lhii'''l ISft-lPHTNGr flLOTHlSljI S rV , U U T2 V ' iVS'lLEGAOT JB-'i "V. H ,, W 4q H770 eix ri : j ; AUWaB(IT ... BBU mm r f ladies' cloaxo I can make a reasonable crop clear, a o o i y o vl a -3ao oil r d "iT a T- w inrffof rtAlM T.ATkTW RliUICI Xjadies' CLOAxa ladies CLOAK O I the land owner is also benefitted. : i, -i'i(iu ji; 96001 irtlaj9t 1 bhU tit2C tlX-jrrvfi .tstutua bouifrrut bus .' 'j . M iym nholatA.mlfU wil i.'if.Mi bits -Uo,i rwd tanttmtn snrslnav- P. ""'"in bo tfiuai yJwJ lo noOmlax u i nH vol fwilfrjtitf jlww tmtaasil .I,,'' -.,. YCICIIT I i ' t ''IAT W . J ' ' i 7 8JKbll.S ITU M i planters in the. low country have workinc noon a similar arransei . ... i jeA, for several years,jaa iouna tnaTi I them Tor aBnare)! the crop. n Jisuaa.) H H X H TfM.'f A Lecture for the ladies. I I ViAfnm Mm nrrfstivl fnr Tmr.keE-mckino. Of 1 justify tne l VtI lUw ditd .iilf'3von 9ok suUhjI'hiJ , Af TBI tf.TVdW' Ul IHI BIASOil. rwidfiiioT aiori jio bru 3oraao.ii jran iiwlja VJxm. mummxD caoica ladus cloaxO- bra flHnI lo xl flu) a el ;ufooa tijfscl 'A"T:rTTOI ' : wfwifl IlsK txts iln .rtJooT as-Aiitnk. 9 BT AT .1- I' 1' -XWOW jriTKAJ IT:1K .. .... ..-......(- ! Kxxt to PevTorncB. 1 Mr 8tU ll 4 UaLiknMM FuU J.U M7 rtiiiTTasra: toat r i?ia -, t .'M07n Xmil ti8AJTaai'i A Y.l . I'AkLOtt, cHAHBsa, bixco LGOj . JsULUIrMJTOHt ;. M36d- fCid Free of CUarril IXX1A3 J3T0U JAHTraO 371 T T r'wJbrnMittedto iail! dav nitrht chanred with klllinir iT, L... I7e x oung.' ao. jaipn,:we learn, l . - I tj .Tnhn J. fnnriVa still-house.! 4iO tueT otdT noopJ vufl boA s-: LIB, V'. - jmo&8 ItJoH Ltrdns 1 xiSats xaxf i J wit ot nmaW avsa-n boa saarruO a Jiuw itov. II of os fiataa ytittuqib to sntvrn town bomouti ew boa iTWdPe ra?TT3. , ' A-4fV.if-eAa twriq sfdaaosiwi bca gefdqrnotti ,rwvrtb Uj1ibD ' 1 i rro r Hfi 3iXCcT a Christmas I lo wcisWachbistmas I V. a mm.. 1 1- a lr)i ah n Inaonm nrhith! urill I apply nere as weu as uiere. xt ip vmmji fashion anlontr'the sex to carry poclcU4 a.ylos in the hand when out shopping as airecE- an iiiviutiiuii tu wura mt take it as can be made, utners, , judge said, "Wear cloaks with far Lack unon tne sides, mese are usually wide and open. Yet lads insist upon carrying their wallejtsV these pockets, even wuen tney are pmg in tnrongea tnorougniares. a aav with the utmost seriousness, that a most cermhstiable nractice. in adopting it practically, thought course uninteuuunjtuv, tuuiusn iu eir citizens. hov. I differences. I tetsiMbeuettxnsWwnas regaWasKf Ipas I W. KAUFMAN 4 003. : srvw knit nim h arm S P PR RIINN KG Q BSSPPP RRR IIN N NO ' o tt- -o DTTV w w n nr , i-Mjjl. , AN -ELEGANT LINAZi .. ." lUiil-, nlU '' ! yn fuii ,-i-riUfitri.r SS p : tt SUH ,HIf( OGG S , i'-' .: :;! .';4ii Juu, r 1 TT7 HATE JUST RECEIVED FBOVT : I W E HAVE JUST RECEIVED FB0lVI CLOTHING H0U8EI .A JI f r . , : . ; ' ' i . ( ;ii jvnl'ili !.'-' ' o'-ls; joiTifij-) : : i: i:!"nj )if ! in ii.J: i i In K-iH TJR. HOUST?, ,. ... .vuB.Housr.,,:,;- .Iii. -tji SHE? ' ; jeEAf BtJCTlS0! JN PRICE. ll i!'tl.l .!'.'-:...! i Bvtagdetermtoedto Teduce our stock, T-e iww fer to the neonte of Charlotte and thtssectloaof North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most " ' ' i-' ' ' : i t!' M ..- ; : .lllO '!; JlllJ' Afunaadempklmeofsampleeo4lsf ,,. ,iu,a mntV wear; uestyieaaK au newv atGracavBana . j . .. nanasomeiy designed; tne uooas ' 'i"r ..-);i-in 'ii'M4if47A(:v I N 4i'P- '.in 1., - ,i;iM U.jiii ijfi )-j;i I Tragedy in South Carolina. timri oga-oHa-lMlwiinffBnd treacherous self -cotetstJaedsleaa-ters, and are sorely In iilBf2dtf -jgoaidbje-dsi and rood hearts jftMtL&vaem&skyxnm. exercise n juieir liBlitlViiaMuksdsiD and iifoilffiea?uwtidjyj tta great ssiaani rtlienScBatcsntoiBeoidei manifest ,P-Ck . . -I. a . I AJ ttuilll J. J1UAJ1C D DUU-UVUOVil U.VU.J A.MBljMhtAatldelM.riiiIlinriVa TJlflTIV lT boa .soiiiaiw. ar aa?-., l)BafB 5 fisP&e,i shalijonsom; ktlt, . .. vui JiOW es'ateflets;rjto apply tor p.fMmBV- J-n-tne, lanSfeai-JMrieeK.rOiten- H"fteh?f eiKrs oy! un- ftea tdertagewueB awl ife-rJBW0uean poli- kH arrfdmf t the:eoDloi the er oeiarespons' I leoNorllV betigmaaBedfbe ii i j . a at . at"- arnsMkifwaa . a jwutifl r tii !. ill .UitfiTfOI.I 7:!if !l'iy !-.i. ! ' le of Charlotte and thbaectlomof I, . fj.;viii'?ili- n!t .";; -.;u : 'x-bwritli 't hi.'; ftAo foo.ffi vIho- French, English, Sootcli and Gentian, n i 'f'l "HfUt. oj i.wliyifiiO'. ins .noiii'f fi!l an! ,:!. ft-,. :..f hi . am ,.(., I tfciya i -Kjb kbv? "..i s't' find i i ; briR fffOM.lT-etr,u,b(C i j! i i -,u: Ail m. u... ii.ii ! 71 ,v- H "NHW-fHHnHr,i i &rk j4tt3Cilf( beautiful and weu selected stock -tin asihey are W rmfluesT3omttyBtbd! rh ljaHll;7JLidtlaLVbUOTjf Odw oorw.l UA KAH.iSl ! . A I TOJU3B "10 Ml ClumOTS WniCtt UTB r-JlfWUtaaWB raisedCrrtTTjrtfeaagainst Sodtherti owo tenor UOBUCBB UCIiraiM Tiwmi uirw"iWrifl I IflBD IllWOi DnimHTTe.llXV HHI LUK1I Quuize them uiorrjogMiiDpe.nnae($ner 4 We7nay. tt very often is ecessary to kave rl feeling' betWeenHhe -Jfortho auid South, iOO MJ Ok aVCIalUVO I tinued use of sucU dananralplu1atea,ls: to be deprecated. Though not, In a'restrfctad : ."..if I mnMk&riMwelnflhiiWiTt'BBivousness. Hostettef's 1 j.. .:-, ..i-, -.u- . - .imiuiiaiua tiv ju , . 1 Stomach Bitters Is eminently calculated tor.aUariJ .i.i k3 iGLF rJf!AT . ,fi CO OVft :periencexl act which the re- c - to substantiate. tasc Atui-afcie ay tke QcaauUlei Tea, althc (hey may despair of relief, ft la This Inestimable tonic, by promoting digestion, as- Rttalnahle byTrbeumatie sufferers, for there Is fo'.ifflmaattoa saM'Tseoretlonv tewhevths'Tihjn'uf. 'rew!sictt'r--esoa?;fcy, meanslvtvlnerease v;u notesnponwhlchthehannoivofantheDOdaf 5! Increased hnels.'for t - gans deptm$H and result Je resk stoi4trKl53pe post eJtert ta -e tralnful , tvrwi9T?at"u: I i , i -X i gxww uumm Bi auw Mxutw ; t . , i temeoy loroonsupaaonwiacn c?nscr eontanunv ... . . f i - j ; ' TT" .v . ' Uon oOhrVthOirteia M rorrpwarcsox turtyyeanijirs. winaiows pootn- j rrwans ox icuei n ,c t rs.a, ,jsver and ague, ana ing eTUO ras oeen-sa ior ciiuaren. ucorrecrs i ep''ous e .:-ueni.vM Uj i'uZ 'i -fnes wiu acIdiiT of tae siomacn, relieves wind colic, rep- Srei t,t;.-alsb,i iyroo i a i s rnedlnlnal 1 boMfq eimi oiTCjn.o; asirggiVTs 4 t-ROS. ' '' ' 1 ftn4' the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, r. I -i "r""'. 4art8lrfromteetMMrthereae8. An 014 uatl . r : i;, VJ-i e . - rj i and very i ireulQreme.jperrxifc ; BaHbTtbTO "iulnt.ty C. - ii -"i i ys ianajriwa o l o. o t h H ft 5 o?o( - wvSeadtoiaalMganiksm svf-m-i llii bfuoil.w)::t Iw ' i mis BaiTinnir inn miTnini-r . 1 1 i . . -I'-nj nilKm'AxjHIf IHi5 rr. .l.ifi. H'tl-Mi.Jj: iirffll -A i. fit V,,11 mMa. mwAAm -vn llWin.WHIl lillii WWrTmi.Vf n : WB HAVE KTBB QfTKKD..wvi . ilOilVjri t'tTHW i lmi It di lillli If ! ki 1 . sfniiUl ' 'fli . tutP. . ftf.-. . t i 1 i r Liiiufri li jjft Tll'.i liSiirn i ir .linhitRrrt iJonsfsUng of the usual variety .of JnS,B ' byoiimtt n ni ni i-.i.rw i .a tvnti-.. . .fJirorKfii (sS !. v.f ..-Khn'r : .ffl ) 9linijrrdU AiBCstni ui ) if. KTOtmrS AND GBTUAIir8' - ! '!T .?sVi trr.wLiis,!.,, ...V,,., i : -- --- " ''are't o t h i no1;. iff . I i I J. Ji ii t J T ( ... ' ' 1 i : . 1 f J it. j BT FQTjyp lN)A,'FT6sT CLASS BOUSE. iJH 1 AJVwe ask .is that-our Wends and customers 1 us a eau, as it wiu pa to your mi erest. ana you wiu save rrora jmee- to twenty per oeia. h j tfeiq itf Pai having grata to grind or to isettwifl totf Tt ueir interest u can on me nnaersignea. meai cround etther toe, or coarse, aococding to order. m...'. n - ' mAniimalL ' T will ah In pt personaAaaenQon to au oraera nomone ?JSfcFrJ!? 5a3UOeWWaiw.ir . . r . ' ...... . . iwunax v.,. m ! 3U eUUll.U'tfJ ftJOiu AtniMiiniixmiDnr ... i ... fi iahkKOJiu 1; v-fljd i 3i M'1'1 d-blw m.i ili nmll f.u;f)l n() ,odJ "i' ai'LisfrUriiio Yli-ts i vino 4i tnoi ho mzm sull Ihib in(djsf 10 ?7 (if VKTfllfcJl JiiUflii;T A iwof7 JllhcJ KUKift 9110 IKn9tllrt ... . r , - . ' i r . ioq nS9 a'fiifeSJiJr ;'flfij SIT' J,''t. im i;flii)won ; t4j,-, ,. J LilK ffqifliri .,!,'lo4l,tii :''90if9llpdir'il09 'J iiJk)iii-jiirijjjij; lo Hyiol 9flT . ...am ,.rr ...I I I : ... ,.J-4-, I I I wii; , i.J.. i i:.i i i i-y v Of Whole and Gmmd 8pfcea, rnchWrng Feusr IIHM. lucre IB i1 '.d-OlJ'tU 7b0:i;tS fctiYUl;jJiiiJU J'J KXLUOmi QELAT1NE, i!8-ntn4nS Pearl Ta- tdoea. - - : : it. tt. niuaivn a. aj. i-'j'jiJj'.i'i .iniij;Jii x'lulJ ailT i -ii . jij i.i'jii.v f.iwu yiu f'Siuiw fi 4tr;i jiua--if?rSWfli.ajv-iio - ".r ' - . ,imu' YSViif.l e.F AA, f.aay.. dJ u beltoasi .viiiil'ljaay .viniHw I 7?H un '! Kioltiio-if iiil('qmt' vi ''-'NjthXfwanfifw '-Jo wonifl .ioi regardless of cost. Men's, cnuarens oniia. IKUW xowns-.!;. tjys- ana . l..r . . i. ... , ' . .In,, 1 11 In .,H,I.M . Ji.n I.... ,ii K.1i,miljr' -"inaqoini -Dieni lo 9:f; 4il J I .9'alioifxii i9lJm a ti vJtmyakI ti 1. i-niifJnB io 9i!i Vi usuiln jib lo" ttjiod- ijiHfii) mil ihiiiwolnrrnrrnr hum ot vlslil .irrHrrnri'i i!h.ii in.ii A-- vuri.J jl , mt'.) 9soJ. lo JIWA .rti;Ia in rtdsa til ttlT ni;fj-i.Nrl nai - f ot 911 iUi noMvo-i. dill lnu .bsvsg 'xl yun -0J !r99jtt'HKrSt-jtvdJ9ll,9IIlB ,,,.,,,, - i! tiI't..r tf;iff"f fjfT fa "9ttt tkti ATWimproiWiJiiv "bh, J-ir!M -uj Vuf IrOtoV Jw.I .'! JJ,n'f7id t.ifl91 9XfT lolftfi f:in9,i yliio Ji.bifori9irJnoflfi- ' .1. ;,. .... I , I M . - 'l- " - , - .'I ell 1 1, Ji iu Uiii joii OPER J6aAJ;S3n Du ' .X:li ',122 m-aia.txi Sp.oI .10) n-( ja. isamrtiiJJMJXj. ji fiTfrfi 9i!i i-ife ,. CT For saje by Iiealln.Hardvvare.pejaejs r it iibiLULajidhiisi ru i.-ia- . -sauroii uwu t.t fiuri f . "isiid iwxl j;nt 1 os ud s ' l 1 r'l I1 I j . - ' r

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