't 1 j I i ll ! ! 5 f i I: Si GClpiMt WptWit J . CHAS. &. JCSE8, - Editor au.l Proprifcioi "Free f n thfidotlns pTtuatMtefttito BILLS CO!ff:R5lS8 vrtfElv:WESTEB3r"JfORTH if Tt.vMtrn f rwiriAiiiTirtr- has in-1 troduced in trliotlITJs in ref- a- v o erence Railro 4-a -tir4r?X ine nesiern jxonn Carolina jivauruuu,. . rawnea me win aay 01 j; eoruary, a. i and eoncerninor the arinomtment of State directors in said jcomoany.'' The text of the bill is as follows; a ne uenerai Assemoiv or ivutwi uurw- Una da erpct; That an Qicff ntitleoTjtttfle pefor excellence in tile "an act tO amend an act to'PrO Vide fori 17nrliai Tinntiral RfthooL but Was re- I the speedy completion of the Western j fused a commission in the English navy to death, returned a verdict of man North Carolina Railroad, and to amend aait would have compelled him : to re- slaughter as to both. . an act in relation to the western jsortn CaroUna Kailroad, ratified March 13th, I Tne Senate passed the following bills wo prouuneni. uranviue ttepuDu A. D, 1875," being chapter 106, acts 1876- on the calendar: . House bill to give cans' T-JF; "77. be amended as follows; In the sec- "s7it coiirta sunervisinjr iurisdiction F?.ve ld ex-Sheriff lt.a Sneed, had a ond section thereof, .-. strike out these words: "And that one directpr saaii De annotated from each of the c4hgression- al districtsand anevXrom ..W,btteat I large: ,; ; r : r: The effect of this bill would be to f eave it with the Governor the State directors on this toad from whatever part of theStatehe may elect, regardless of their residences, so far as t i;afi,f0 Wo i do not apprehend that this bill will en counter any material opposition ; cer- t.alnlv U. nhoiild not. The flovernor shoul4.be mtm tochopUds i direct tors in this work in whatever, -district or districts he mav find them.hvine on- ly an eye to their qualifications, and Virr 7 " required of them. ; , The other bill, above referred to, pro- The Senate continued in session to lvtsAs in ampnd the Ram ft clianter and nierht. ' T.' p.Hrtn M ahnvo. asfollnws- Tnat aii or section 2, 01 saia act, (chapter 106), in line 23, after, the word AnmnononrtT " w iind tho samp is I hereby repealed. - Brreferenpe to the chapter,,. section the committee.on elections declare that . -.about U years, wayyrngl ye anWeTal wW 'seen ; thai : 'JeWS Finley, the contestant is, and SJI teft w thfltefC.. WioTi -aftethe HBisbee, the sitting' inember, to le standing otfiwp&o -A-a meiri . . ui...uU w"""-. LVMnt tan nanta nAr milfl tai thfl nic I x.votfv v,vu. v wv vu-i tance traveled from and to his home by thfc'mo&frdirect iftraal TOte,jf travel to f th laa f mMtinff at tli hnard nf Ai. l waiKlLv .re lu iu jas aoi, m&J&xmmg ,boaraom122 Firiley was then swornin,! taking 'fKV'twIlW.W tnt-1 their dtfeVithoufany compCTisation w-mv V "vvyv " A.w I whatever. - : , The Kaleigh News, referring to the intptiojotheseimeas.u diarac. tenzes the introducer as " the able and useful' member from Mecklenburg,1 and adds: " These measures are well- timed and much needed.". HowIt Was ntf the Olden Time. Sneakinsflf salariea. fees and retrench- - - fc - .-. -. 0. : . - . ment, a repurrence mhe - salaries paid ourpuDiicomciais m tne earner uays of the State will be interesting j ust now. An almanac for the year 1844 is before us and snffffests a mmmriiiAn. At that . . T , " r . . , time John M. Morehead was Governor of North Carolina and his salary was wiuMimvumiuu uia aaiaij n $2,000?thatof his secretary .was $300 and fees ; the Secretary of State received $800 and fees; the treasurer 81,500 and $500 for a clerk ; the comptroller $1 ,000 ; the judges of the Supreme court Rnffin, Gaston and Daniel $2,600 each, and the. jttdge&.a: the Superior Court $1,750. There is im questioning the fact that the.alari?paldinl8con, services of just as abler and upright men as those paid m 1876. How will the salaries proposed to be paid henceforth, nil the (Senate's retrenchment enact ments, compare with those jof '44 ? The question turns upon the purchasing power of a dollar then and a dollar now. Money then was not very much more valuable than now, and it is safe to as sume that we, are as economical as our ancestors. To be this is, , we suppose, the goal of 1 the ambition of the most cast-iron retreneher. To follow in the footsteps of thefatharsre generally sate, Let iipt; however,, not out-father the fathers. F?PwHt.4 railroad, An associated press teiegram, printed in Tww. nwaw.Rvww vpterdav cnnvpvpii the information : that the Grand Duke ViphnWnf Riiia.has been banishpd y ws w.ivsiui.um muss nor france WOUiq 06 dlsp0Sid4tp:rWlt iuiuioo, w iuua uoa imiuoucu i 0j existinflr telecrraph companies on in- npsa witu inHifForo .-! tim on account oi apampniet wnicn nenaa ter-state lines, ana 10 prevent such coup d'etat which would place Egypt writteri'irin-'-'favoriof tfcej sijeedy'jCo?- companies from according exclusive or again under the personal rule of the tr.,Ptionnf tlieflrVrtlttriJTaslAfn Khedive. . . - m l. -. ? a. 1 railway by way of Rara j Turgall and Sir Darga river If the 'J Grand Duke Rockingham, Richmond county, they would doubtless have .beheaded him. We do'differentiy over here, however, whon 0 riw,iHM a " v ii " - tt 7 , th "l!eiid th?m M'tyfate tnre. : A vessel :wasjeijjy the govera ment seventeen years ago, and the case has not yet been disposed of. The oHriiutf iClaiHV was S6a000-r-it is, now $300,000.' . It was brought up in one of the" New York courts last week, and will probably be disposed of before the next centennial celebration. It is not apprehended that the tobac co tax reduction will encounter any serious obstacle in the House. If not the redaction will go into operation on the 1st of -May. The friends of the . measure In the Senate endeavored to "' have tlio 1st nf Anril fixed as the timei' ; but were not unite able o secure their wishes. - r i A A Georgia paper speaas renaeny or LI1B LIiriliUIK DC1UU nv KJA n:-" -ltl Wo n.l,v tW- o . : , r. - - nn ra'iilerj ' -nrnnlii mthftr havA fhm VUl . 1 -,w W.. ..i.j j,v.9 - IU KUUU iUILCi), F. !t.V q - The Sew French Catle. t 'VAKvnovw MiiA "Porta flio natch to the Times says the new French caDie company nave urraer senuua w- sideratiori the proposal :of the Anrfo-' A mprican cable for an understandinjr whprpbv competition between the two companies may be considerably reduced, LX40TE. xnis is proDaoiy me reviviu of the former scheme for leasing one of the Anglo-American companies' cable. A synaicate nas aeciaea 10 oner jtif- public eubscription. - ti , r.i - ( j Vt liaoVWiitttft fa War of building a rail- organize oy seiecwg one oi xneir num- u he dumot contrive the demonstration roSSwta.to KSaL9SL?eBS S!,tZJm j i r t I i .. IT S f .1 i.Cj " J. TT.V . . P"4 "6ot6'"lft tw,wv. ,xut wi iucm f t i f 1 t 1 . ? a 1 Lueir wairmnvRmr ppnr, nn t nnr tna .,i,mA,A.t. ,n ...1 Aii:..! FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS!" A DULLER DAY MAX WEDXESD.il. The Army, the Postojjiee and the Bra- I zllian Subsidy Mils in- the Senate . .; r-FitueyC'Seated in the House from FloridaThe Army and the Inter-State Bills . .". . fe Before the Committees; ? WASHI5toTOX -Feb. r 20. SENATE. fi Rlaina. from the committee, on nroDnations. reDorted : back the army tMS I ... - . . i . j j i - Da)rtr,a inaorfi w fho Wmi rpne so-called rj3utler railroad teiegrapn amendment" is l etamed In tne Dill. , Air. Mouonaio, 01 intuana, caueu up the Senate bill to appoint Spruille Bra- den f fnitoi Ktnfofl naw PasaoH ; rRmiiftn it. ttiii riA rfimemnftr- nouncehis American citizenship.! . in certain criminal cases fHouse bill to 1 section 824 of .the revised stat- toa HtTA in thft fppfl Cif district -Rt I tornevs - r 4-r kJ The Senate laid aside, .temporarily, the postoffice appropriation bill in or- I SS bmSSin?p!S XtMf M - an war. v ' The Senate "has been discussing the Brazilian mall suosidv aii. aay, ana a 1SITI TT1H.1 I KllIKtlUV Ull U1V. UUU i I down, i An amendment of Eustis, de- signed to protect the New Orleans line, was agreed to. xi .proviaes mai me fetract l6 f aHradWuiidr Tbe Greeflsborofiauthoritiea iliave An artifindmpnt of Bavard. nrovidinsr fered a reward of $250 for the arrest of that the amount of the subsidy shall not exceed 8150,000 per annum, was agreed. to. Nearly all the Southern Senators suoDort the bill. : Hotjse. The House, by a vote of ake up for consideration the contested aaft Af virr Rishop fmm 1 5. . ... . . -. ' I 'fru. niftB8-fti,0 maWffv rtf no euuueu ui a SM5t as wue jeptwww, . tiye from the first district of Florida. ; A MfwAiitl.n i . A . ' ' .1 i . . l ; jilci ixjiim viioi. uwiuii i 1u1.uu1.ifj t resolutions were withdrawn and the 1 vte taken, on tne majomy resolutions nttd eletfon rasps wiU be called " '. : . 1 Vh tiDo k'W i-ruy rP Th I evening session is to te for memo- rial spiiVps in .honor of the deceased members Welsh, of Nebraska, , and Williams, of Michigan. COMMITTEE PROCEEDINGS The House committee on military affairs to-day agreed to report favorably the bill appropriating the sum ot $100,- 000 for the purpose of providing such frontier as may be deemed necessary by . , . 1 . 1 n I Je St y ine..genj?ripi The nAte committee on railroads to-day decided to report to the Senate the ioiipwing proposition with ,tuer re commenuation tnat it oe incorporate m the sundry civil appropriation bill: That a commission of nine persons, com- posed of two Senators, to be appointed UOBW Ul IW U OBUaWJlS, IU ue appuiHLCU by the vice-president, three members of the House of Representatives, to be ap- pointed by the Speaker, and four citi- zens of the United States, not members of either House of Congress, to be ap- pass on a counterteitlOO bill in Wil nninto hu fho TtiHoTt nf the TTnii Ari unngton Tuesday. His story was con- States, shall be created on or before March 15th, 1879, whose duty it shall be fr Tr(jto,fv.rxT-r.i,rTi. ovminnHnn intn nnri w wwwug, ..uuv.v.. ...w mvestiffation of the relations existincr 1 5S!IH5??. nIPl?an?i? t the relations between such telesraph comnanv or companies and the New xork Associated jfress. Association, and other press associations of the country, national and local, in so iar as the in terests of the commerce of the country and the public generally are affected thereby, and to report to the President of the United States on or before the first day, of . Pecember, 1879, the, report of such investigation, together with the testimony taken, and also their recom mendations as to what legislation, if any, is expedient and proper as affecting the business 01 telegraphic communica- tion between States, in the interest of the public : generally and of inter-State commerce in particular; and especially to report tneir conclusions and recom mendationd as to the constitutionality and o the creation bv Coneress or a postal teiegrapn system under the 1 direction and control of the creneral goyerajnent, "and as to the right and - - 0m ' --- & i tions, national and local, of the country. The commission, shall- meet in Wash ington on or before April 1st,' 1879, and to sit at any place within the United States, issue subpoenas, send for persons and papers, administer oaths and take testimony. Each member shall receive rnis actual service of the. same, and those members who are not numbers qf either house of Congress 1 shall for the : time actually engaced in such. -service, deceive the saipe per diem as members of Congress. - BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL, It Its ill. mi "i ' . Strlkee, Failures and Embarrassments' 1 In Great . Britain - LiVERPOOL,F'eb.20.WA' considerable number of dock laborers remain out on the strike. . Some of ; .the-tjoal heavers; claiming to have resumed work under a misapprehension, have stmck again, ? ffiSfl&SS ing the riots, thus indicating that thev do not think that the danger is entirely 1 over. 2' I . . per cent. Tne spinners consequently I - . . " J?" u ucilt euiU5U.V uwawu. ,. .-:.- I -The' Rriswvr TYianiifopfiirArQ nt ahef- I " V V. KJlll.- I neia hav rp1iirArl wjo-pu in all ilenart. 1 . T." .. 0v. uuuvfiut,- mencs from fave to hf teen per cent. , Ae am:Ae.lWaJh;s financial art cle says : Within the last few days the I embarrassment of - an old ; Aatahiisliprl huse in the China tea trade has been i zt " iV"f Ui Jrs in Glasgow w are also Prte(i to be in difficulties.'' ' " . r ... j ' Knocking at the Dfcor. - ' . , u Ti vnova, Feb. . 20. About twenty deputies from East Eoumelia s ni. six ironi Macedonia are here claim in J probably be refutei. 1 -' 1 WLsiaii v go oo&m tun 1 1 1 i." 1 ri 1.1, 1 iiiru f ravro nntrvArmrin. w iuwi hi onvt (.. .- iM'wvw auuiuwu u iuu ctv vu. liuii i.t-1 i 1 mm 011 ciifir iu 1 iiui ri i i uii i it STATE SEW?. I ;.DrYT. E. Freeman, of YV iimhigtorj is ivx $ m am. Maj. En'sellumTs life . is said to4ju e j. been insured for $19,500. I .:"1 . TteLaZdmarh dedare tfi&f States- ville is improying very rapidly. The farmers of Cleavelond are buy ing more phosphates this y ear . than ever-L beiore. rrr: ji tTrrrrr Anderson Tilmam ari la Wsrfcfeii- .an-LAnd . last Thursday- . --,'----- ir' '""'-jg-M ? Mr. Bankdes in the a fire at her hdmenearStates'viile, droi' ped dead last Sunday evening ' about 3 O'CIOCK. '.. f Rev. E. N. Joyner. who has called to the Episcopal church at Httsboro, preached his farewell sermon at States- preacned nis rare i1"" : TheWyintha caseothe two tfegro wnmon in Wilminortnti whrvlipat anhild . . . . nsucurr m uxiora on jjaiuraaTiast. - i There is a store in "Winston into wliith tn" tQT fiaa onforo vQa Inrlr fnT t'thelast ten' VeaTS;aEtd:-eibed':'iiirithon' matrimony. The last man went over- board last week, r &:y-& ' 'The Me WUmtagtoi have-held meetings and appointed dele. gates to represent them inithe. national convention at Baltimore ohi th'e v22d of vr'rrJ recent investigation of the affairs of the Western North Carolina Kailroad by a legislative committee, was tne malicious orkof AepresentatiyeBerr ex .Burke; the Derson who recentlv murdered Mr. J. W. S. Parker, of that town, with the evidence sufficient to convict. The Winston Sentinel is pained to see tnat urown; tne representative rrom Yadkin, figures more prominently in the proceedings of the mayor's court in 0f the Legislature, B TVia WilminonTi 'Rtnr 1Qfh A rfanorh. iter of Mr. Alexander JohnsofiuJr-.aired ' JXaieign iYC;KA,CltlzeBliejeW41Wft out serenadinc Monday night, was bru- xaiiv KnocKca- qowu oy masked uierr. and a hand-organ, whence he was ex- tractingidelicious: i rnusicpwas frudeiy. tunx XTOm WS grasn...i It IS, regard fthe boss outrage ottiie seasonF 3 StatesyiUe iandroar Monday of lnot nroA-lr YsrhilA f VV IaiVu q ttrAw. thy farmer who resides near New Hope postoffice in this county, was felling trees, a large white oak tree which he was cutting fell on another tree near by, bouneing back several! eet. The butt struck mm on the right side .andxrac- tured several ribs. Both legs were also broken. After lingering twenty-four hours, suffering the most excruciating pain, lite became extinct. The man found dead on the line of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, a ItH UUIO CLLJm f t0 lOOOU W. A l&Clbi CV11 few days ago, was Isaac J; Pickett, an inmate of the poor house and a lunatic. The Review says Mr. Pickett was at one time a clerk at the freight office of the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Kail road and afterwards at that of the Wil mington & .Weldon . Railroad and was ohe of the bid members of the Wilming ton Light Infantry and during the war t; a j a 1 1 a 1 lipntpnnnt in flumaTiv "P thTrA "Worth caSSaTrTfa ; The 8n says a colored vjnan,-: about twenty-hve years of age, attempted to tradictory, he first alleging that it was P8" him for labor in Monroe. Union county, and stated that his name was . - nr..JJ!ll 1 i 1 11.. V. wiam.nuuiuu .tetwa.iduai. martefl T.ilpsviltP.. He finallv wonnd 1119 iiaixiD niia jaiuu; iiutuouuuu. xjkv P Wlth. the ?tor)T that he procured the 55onev Py sal OI. a waten at Charlotte, He made good his exit, at all events. Winston Sentinel: During the past week our citizens have been excited over the ouestion Of consolidation. Some of our leading business men are ardent champions of the movement whilst others are as strenuously oppos ed to the measure. The plan to be sub mitted is to call both places Salem, to be incorporated as a city. The city to be divided lino tour wards, with two al dermen tor each ward, with a proviso that the rate 01 taxation tor genera purposes shall not exceed 30 cents on the $100 valuation of property, and 1.50 on the poll ACr,l8n Egyptian Government Lnvnnv T?civ 9n Tii t;is in an editorial article says "Neither England vum via oil v A A . a U) 1x)Nion, Feb. 20. The London : pa- papers, commenting on the Effvptian crisis, consider that the Khedive,, even More Dissensions In the French Assembly Paris agree that 'there is considerable discussion among the Republicans con cerning the question .of -atnnestv for political offences and the impeachment of. the-De Broglie- ministry;: M.- De Marcere, minister of the interior, has become very unpopular with the ex. fremists m consequence of the annull ing of the vote of the munieipalitv ol Paris granting money to assistvmurft ing: communists and .' Ms :assenloii t 111- Rough on tbe Prom. Cits. Cincinnati, Februarv 20. A dis- jJatch from Newark, O., t says - there ds a great commotion there on; account Of the publication, by ',: order: of the city UnnnSu nf , moi- nf:; bers of the council, with dates and I amounts of moneir illecrallv tafeen ffhttt the.city.treasury, under, diffewnt.yre- 1 AUVOVilVlW M tv vwmuimvQ 1 nnTnrnunntv suits for the reeoveryofthe money - ftH I . .iff Rlnftrlshpil bT th of Unrimih-RA I -. ..... i . .. i.. 1.1 v.- ': r,iiylt ll - JSSiaDllSOmeilt 01 JieSDOllC UOY - : L? 1 , . , . I. 4, r . ,. - - ornrnt t: ru ..( .p. P'wv . !!.. . . . ..v" i f5 A TCTTTT A . KeK .A r TfiTtoi t; f iTim . Mandalay asserts that the" king1 of'BuN' I mahhasmnrdprwl all thft rovaT ririnpps j and their? families ; and removed the I ernment. Dentli of a Minister and Publisher. . Niav York, Feb.m ReT.DrrIieu heart cuseasfrmJiflQHfioaBii.. . i a . 1 en i eison, t enior puDiisner ana aenTi pi v, ssimere suns ior f ants ot suits same tuty ,.1.1 01 tne Metnoii,tDooii concern -of ttus , miKmm nocnarge. . juiiy.ia ucau. . 1 iuhrl7. J - J ' 11 ASOTOtSmiRSECTIOX IX CUB.', Armed Bands of lr -a; struts Us e Battle ! a, dv u , mm vi .jii-uii wv m m-uti v wviv ; 51h Gomn r Nmeni Str3s fjr did.';' , .,' . : - . ' , lauwuoij vrii tuc lob lllot.n bit vs wuiuu wj. armed, men landed at different spots to the North and South of port Au Prince and proclaimed GeneralMeonency Ben- lamin president, lioisting the white star. The naval autiubritiesdispatchedtheun ooat nover and the corvette sirus to i Morant bay.-but before nhe'BriiishT!S?lTT cruisers enierea tine insurgents steamer had disappeared and with her the ma jority of the Haytian refugees in Kings ton,' the" rest sabsequently: following their , leaderstl ir & small -schooner and joining them in the-bay at Gonaives w hichrWas the ' appointed crendez vous; To thefSouth a body of filibusters frem ni. mi . , j DK iuumas; iiaa - maae ;a;uaiiuing neaj;. JacmetL but f rontthe -fact - that nothing haSi-beenc! heard vol I- .theiri success it;is considered that the jattemp was disas- trousiaJva hsviU,:GifriU'i to ji f On: theJ iTth .Gen-Boisrond. CanaLset out wrtn a strong detachment ox troops forth seat of; war in. the 'North. whith- er-f or the Drotection of f oreisn. subiects the English and French consuls had, at tne rirBtinew8f the outbreak,' dispatch ed mem of twarj :a Meanwhile sthe insirr gents landed ab JSan Marco; overcoming the guardat the' harbor defences ; and taking possession of i thej town:. the in habttahts eivinff dn;: their 5 adherence rTheiiextday they bushedon np the river -ajTiuomie? ca ban :Miguei, wnicn. sney occupied; iiiHere they .were found, .by. the government F. troops, headed ;j iby . President . Canals onTthe; 9th.; but a re connoiaairca in force develpped the fact thatrth: insurgents outnumbered i the governmenttroops i In. an engagement wnicn took place 35 jotrttne latter were killed:d;8e'wourided.vjThelos8of the: rebeisjibelievfedjitoi have far exceeded; this. No prisonershw.eceHtakerftait.aUj the msurgentsiHiaprtiuifit w.ere .0 slairtij The president lias xiispatehed jv vessel on i reihf orcemerita anC fwhej these aiv rite a decisive battLa Jmay Helexpeetedk A penal oode,f)repared tor tjae.lsland, I nas given great laissatisiaction,.! oneot the features beihgagrovision.tbatiflny libelbtts matter J admitUed into a r ew paper may subject the .editor, to t five years' penal servitude and ajQggm&t -iui i fail td w.memhfr.i thiit. in order, to aoeommodate and save roar money, .to make war on prices, and to fill tbe lanrest Hotel in New York, the Mammoth Gnuid Central, on Broadway, will hereafter be kept on Dotn the American ana uuropean Diana, a ne American plan Including meals and lodglne $3.50 or &3.00. and: the Euro Dean man Sl.OO. andD- wards per day; ' An- elegant Restaurant, at modern ate,iicloeB,cohaucjte4ijy.1ie;Bote.l, c,i i.THmi i The Grand Gmtral .Hotel Pa : Broadway, N Tls, and it, taxes a great .many people to. fill It. In- order to da tte1 fitter.' and to nlease every bOdr. the hotel la now keBt on the do in mans the American; at $250 to S3.00. and the Euronean $1.00. and .Tipwarda, per day, An elegant restaur-, aire at moderate prices, is conaucrea py .uje noiei. -4- 1 VVVAVVVHA' i. , ' rO TOtJR 1NTEBEOT. , caning at .miiiitj.... joioQir BHOoKtrExr? 'T: :iff CHINA STORED ' -' ' Too can see the finest lot of J n DECORATED TOILET, DINNER AKD TEi. SE$& Erer brought to the Southern States. New Goods from all lorelen factories. Decora te! Ware In unlimited Quantities from Limoges, rT i :'; f .' 5 it! Mil 1 80 SOUP AND SAUCE TUREENS ; Just received, which win be sold at a mere sacrifice. 75 Crates of assorted -STAMPED C C" WARE for the1 WhoiesaTe'tradei i This "goods merchants win find to 811 as well as W. Q. goods, as it has au the white granite shapes. vn ; Call and oonyin.ee yourself of the fact that JOHN BR00OTELD- carries the largest stock of . -.. ,- . ' - : ROCKERY r:),.i.sf,..wrf. . ,j-.f i).'s;t j-h'.i i.'ii i'ins; -a WHOLISALB AND' RETAIL TRADE MM WD WVUU41.. . MEETrNQ ,' i-i.-i ; i!. ! ' r Of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce will ha held at their rooms, at 7i30 this evening to attend, w lmponant ousmess. uj oraer 01 tne Resident, SMITHS WORM' OIL. . - .'-j.i .vAiajcsn, ua jjecempex e, t .A few nights since I gave my son one dose of the worm Oil, and the next day he passed -sixteen large worms. At the same time I gave-one to my little gji. four years bid, and she passed eighty-six worms ffvm iwir to nneen lucnes ion lE. f W.F.pfilLLlPS. Worm Oil for sale bv Dratrsrists m6rallT.': Prft. nparea oy fs. jlxadua Athena,' Ua. (Price 25 cents. feb21d&wlri "8200 W..W..V ' A Powef Printing OPress,' Guernsey make, old style, size of bed 2x4, inches. - Was In . use until editor Enterprise anVMountaUieer, GreenvlUe. - r jy".', LICHTENSTEIN. ;l MERCHANT. TAILOR, Has lust received SA.mrlAB nf Snrfnir (Innrla ' TTfa ' friends and customers are most respectfully Invited to can anu maae selections so as to enable him to secure their choice in due time. . -l febll ' , ""A - '.. r" r.'- ' ' JAMES MURPHY, t ' . ' !' erft J 1 1 ,v ' x ,j f I'' '.BPll'Tpif 'ip trt rt ' X , , i i -i Oii." .-t" --iAnt vj.j:;-:,;;! .;, v jHoltou'a Bulldingi..T Owing to the strineencr of the Hmes t wni in fn. ture work very cheap. - Win make fine suits for THIS DELICTQUS FKUIT, . The Finest lu the market, has Jut . toeen received at 1 ; ' " r , PERBfg. (jTRAPES i ' t TO'dUAiKY PPP P P PPP I' EEB E EE E JEB RRB t R"BJt -. R R R R RRR ..RER R R ' B R R R R R T V TT Y T .. i V.-i'i -t--A . iC A R A M E L IS. il - I. .'t.' jA fresh supply of these "celebrated Tararaels to be opened at 1" . 1 : oil ii i -CHOICEST- GONFEOTIO NERIES Can be found at Perry's. Try the Walnut Taffy If i k wf: you want semetnine sen and nice. , SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS At Perry's. The very best In the Smoking and Chewing line can always be found there. Some odd brands being closed out very low. rpHE THTj x: HE t; ."v ''.. if - : . , TISING SUXT 19 j JtXlSING, ;SUJ OA t VONpSEJER' BTfiTHIS SIGTT: VONQUEB BY' THIS SIGlM gOougJit Cdfastantlne when he became a "eon; vert, because' a "Pciffati"- refused to absolve him frwtheguUtof .hls crimes, and the "cttristkaj," readily agreed,' and specially manufactured for klm, aVgn". by which he was to Vconauer.". Henry itk wsi ln; turn" rejected Constantino's specialty and became the "defender, of the new Faith.", with his six wives, roe only ouUlvinghlm. $even hundred years before Constantine Hved Sblo- mon, who built a Temple with., out-houses, court, 4c., on 20 acres of ground, 700 wlves,300 dltto-a op4 sized populaOoa to the; acre. The Queen of Sbeba admired his wisdom ' much more than his magnificence, and significantly remarked that "the half of his greatness had not been told her"; bat after he declared thc.t "all is vanity," built high places for the worship of 7teatAen Oeitia and died. Napoleon Bonaparte, on his narrow escape from the Inflowing tide of the Bed Sea, whUe passing through en the spot where Pharaoh and bis bone perished, exclaimed: "If I had perished tew like Pharaoh, what a text I would have furnished Ortho doxy" and C. & Holton to advertise his Confection eries and Groceries at the "Rising Sun," on Trade street, opposite the Market House, where every thing hi the above lines may be found, Including Ferry's Garden Seeds, Green and Canned Fruitsv Nuts, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Pickles, fine Cigars and Tobacco, Toys, Ac. C 8. HOLTON, febil ' ; Democrat and Home copy. JgLOCKADE TOBACCO, . .. FOB SALE. Having purchased a nice line of 'Tobacco, at the Government sale. 1 I am prepared to offer extra inducements to buy ers. - toil eauy. xiiuss. u. UAixJuot. nov7 w ELL IMPROVED -Jy. CITY PBOPEBTT FOB SALE. ' Any person desiring to purchase a well Improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modem con veniences, fine wen of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ae- vuuuiiuuaK3u oy applying m, decl8 - THIS OFFICE. 1 000 Vs SIMPLE DEEDS, , V ' MOST APPROVED FOBM.! ; ' , 'Just Printed and For Sale at the ' '.';. . obsebveb ornct B SALE. The Bourgeoise and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelnhla. and wai not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly Because h occame necessary . to use a onrerent style of type. It wili do good service for several yearstocome. ! ltwuiDesoid in lots tsui pur chasers, and in fonta of 50 to l.OOOIbs. with or L witnout cases. Address . OBSiiKVliK, oct5 - -' Charlotte, N. C T7K)R SALE. A large lot of Magnolias, Grandi- a. noras, evergreens, uoses xuoe uoses, 3tc, from the weU known Florist and Nurseryman, Mr. MAXWELL & HARRISON. - Auction and Commission Merchants. ieDicrwK , . inxisccnauemtB., AROMATIC NAM! II it Willi m ?' : T E ETrl,'GUr.l8BnEATH j r ?.i , .o.,..- .5 no M.VHJS i', J Jj- - ; 7 :v R h s u 31 i. t tsjfc ):'- u if-ACU.TE 0E 0HE0WCA X L.I C.YL -I-CsA-i Manufactured only tmder the 'above Trade-Mark ' .1 -. s I by the - '"i "' - ; I '-EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE COt, '- W , OF PARIS AHB UHPEe. " J y' immediate relief wamuted. Permanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by an celebrated physicians of Europe and America, becoming a Staple. Harmless, and Rellahl ItameriT nn- Knt.h 1 -continents. The' Highest Medical Academy of rana repori va cures out 01 100 cases within three days, , faecret The only dlssolvei of the poisonous unc Acid which exists In tne Blood nf RhmimftH and Gouty Patients.- 8I;00 a box, 6 boxes for $0 OOi Sent to any address on receipt of price. .Endorsed by physicians. Sold by aU druggists. Ad dress ' ' . , WASHBTJRfcE 3c CO., nov7 Only Importers' Depot. 23 Cltff-eL. N.Y. For sale by WILSON & BUR WELL, Druggists, J' feb 18-ly.' - - . ' Charlotte, N, C. , "PR. A. W, ALEXANPER, 11'" 4 DENTIST- ; K OFFICE OYER L. B. WRISTON ft COS f '-.-'-c'. ". f TtPTTil Rmi, '-.'V"- 4 f ';- 1 , t . , .1 . , j With 25' years : experience I guarantee entire 1 atlsfaction rALL AT ' : i 1 t ' I i ( i H..T. 3U?.L3SB1k Stove and Hardware House far CHEAP a Bay roar COOK STOVES Ifrom me, as I have 1 2 good reasons why they win do your work Quick and Easr. Cheap and Qeaifiia YJl fclUT BECAUSE ' - They are cheapest to buy. . ...... - . - BECAUSE They are best to use. BECAUSE " ''':' ' . . They bake evenly and Quickly. BECAUSE Their operation is perfect BECAUSE , They always have a good drafif -. L BECAUSE T.r '"? I 1 They are made of tbe best material. 1 4 ' - BECAUSE They roast perfectly. BECAUSE LUBE -3 I f I i ! : .i They require bdt tittle Wet l v- BECAUSE They are very low priced. BECAUSE - - ! ' J They are easily managed. BECAUSE They an suited to an localities. BECAUSE . Every Stove is guaranteed to give satisfaction jfradittf. CALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSTT ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUsH. ........ 7 Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, . , H J LdTE, SC.. M ' J L.CHABLOTTE, N. C a P. CALDWELL...:.... ... .........Proprietor. This house Is pennanenUy.establlshedand bffers all the conveniences and comforts M a firsilas&j boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furpiflhed wlti rooms. BATES Per dav. transient SI .25: ner week. S6.00. Regular table, f 13.00; board and room per month, $18.00. janlO GREAT BARGAINS FOB THE HOLIDAYS, iu HU.t OiiKi JU.XH , J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, ' " CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND ISILYEB- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, ' - : .'!. ; Gold-Head Canes and evervthlnz vou want xur vnnsnnas, at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 WE DESIRE to can attention to OUR STOCTZ" K DESIRE to eaU attention to OUR STOCJx TT A N C Y GOOD C X1 A N C Y GOOD Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest in the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties, which wiU pay you to " - can and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French .Plate, Hand Mlrrora, Jtussla Xeather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and att Brashes. L. B, WRISTON A CO. ,decl3 T THE CENTRAL HOTEL 8AL00H i Cochrane keeps the best BYE WHISKEY, Stand ard Pare, Two Years Old. "pOB FINE WINES, And Pare Liquors, Three Tears Old, go eOCHBANE'8, ; f .""w-. 1 1" mfjeotralHotolSaloonJ 4 i- N EW LIVERY STABLE. If yoa want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle Borsesv g to the New Livery ,8taWL K yoo wanr a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to tbe 'New Livery Stable. - If you want your horses wen fed and wen groomed go to the New Livery Stable, - u -fit Careful drivers, promptness and reasonable prices are our motto. mayz : . . B. CHAMBERS. . 1 i 'got gijentv :OBBENT, . 1 ;. .i jli ! ri ! 1 i The two stores In the Grier ft Alexander bunding on Trade street -c J. L. MOREHEAD; an28tf .. . - , TOE BEST STOCK OF . GROCERIES an CX)NFECTIQSXSIES in the city. a. LeEOY DAYIDSONS. " I 1 I .Jlaots. .ami , ShatsL pEGBAH & CO jff; m 5 n ru-tv s-. Arr, .vi,, -v 4 I W v .fixium tv . ... 1 . ; . X 'S f-.'..'. . . .y: -::"!' , ; . -,3 fn ; I AN,t -i"""t.-ilfl . . h -- n 5 H H HHH H H : TTTT T T T .T A A AAA A 1 1st Nafional Bank Building. Charlotte, N. C, Our stock of Boots. flhaM.. t uVniwij to be the best In the State, end we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yonrself before buying. PEGRAM ft GO, f deel THE PUBLIC, 'i. it The subscriber, Trustee of SMITH OB TS begs leave to call the attention' of the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity to (he large stock of B O O .8 -AND SSSS H H OO KEB 8888 H H H O O H OO' now in his hands for sale. It is believed to te tl.e y 1 t . 'it ....... largestandbesttockxtf goods SjjUth.ofPalllTi.nrp. awUs weU woiuiJJfie-ixlnJfjatp ot any person whether wanting ene or a thousand, pair. 7Ye stock embraces J - : ' ' ' ..' -'. AN INFINITE VARIETY, from the finest to the coarsest shoe made. If you want a pair, or any number of capes, call, and your wants can be suppUed, :. In this connection the, subscriber would state that if reasonable prices can be obtained, tbe whole stock, both Wholesale and Betan, will be sold ." "' ' A' AT A BARGAIN, either -together or separately. ProF06itlor.s far purchase are solicited. ; , J. M. B. BSTK0LF8, Tiust e S Forbf Charlotte, N. G. Jan. 17, 1878 Sweod, WlnUUts until JemelKg JUST IN TIME. We have Just received a In seteetioB ef. such . Goods as you want for Z.....; : CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, i. " . : Such as fine Lockets and Chains, Fine Seta, Seal Rings, Initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins and anything in the line you may want CAIX AND BKK THDt. H AL E S ft F A BBIOB. p. LASNE, From Paris, France, X WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and EIL " YER PLATER, J ? '. 'I -'- .. Trade Street opposite First Presbyterian Church Nat Gray Storae Every kind of repairs made at once at half price arid warranted one year.- Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. Sllver-Platlng and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. Work done for the trade at tow prices. Evr Apprentice wanted, KUkuemium and good references ! ... - . T"..V Repaired work uncalled forwfll be'sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. sept!6 . . . - . . ftoolis misj Mntliyticvxs. TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE CONTAINS THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOCK POPULAR LITERATURE, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, MUSIC! GIFT BOOKS ' , OF EVERY STYLE ' 1; BLANK ; BOOKS, INK, PENS, PENCILS,, . MUCILAGE, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING UbUALLY KEPT ; 7 . IN A FIBST-CLASS BOOK STORE. E. Butterlck's Metropolitan Fashions for March hare lust arriTed. Call and get one. , : TIDDY ft BROTHER, feb!8 gUotrjflraptitj. , T3HOTOGRAPHS. In eonaequenoe of the reduction In the price of the original cost of materials, and in order to give rmy patrons the benefit of the reduction from and after this date Photographs will be taken at ffif Gallery at - - k - r , REDUCED RATES. , s . j 0 :sepC2 JPL.VANNESS-- 'T!