1, LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. FBI DAY, FEBRUARY 21, ; ( RAILROAD lilttKCTORT. ! c . The following table Bhowsthe running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washington time)-. ,', figi , ', BIOKMOSS )jiVixin&&if&$'yto Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 1.C0 . niu ' Leaves for. " -A v " r 20a,m. Arrives from Elcnmond,i &4 -Pv Leaves for .?.: 0-5 p,m" vj-ATLANTA CHAMCTT AJOWIML.s.Cv' Arrives from Atlanta,. f J Leaves for Atlauta-.v ' 'I'Va 2?- Arrives from Atlanta,u;.w.-..-. ;5 SJ J" rr Leaves for Atlantai-.-ti--'"-" l0"0": CHAKLOTTB. COLOMBIA At0C9Ti Arrives from Augusta.. : "."8.10 a. m. Leaves tor Augusta. . . , -j nr:- A 5 Arrives from Augusta, .... . j ft 1 ?-S Sr : Leaves for Augusta. -'tt. vv.!i v JWO v. -:j 't t -f - fmm WllmlnstOnl ?7.29 p. m. Leaves lor W)imingwu,.(? . ..vv.r,tl...f o.yum. Arrives from 8helby,....AUV...-". , 5.00 p. m. Leaves for .Shelby,, j. . ..4 ? , -..,. M . . ; : 7.00 a. m,, -' , . -; ATLANTIC TXNNESSKB OHIO. ,' r.-fn('C3 Arrives from 8tatesvUle,i..v.,.-.: .v. -.y R80jl. m. Leaves for Btatesvllle....:.. '7.00 a. nr. IHAiUtMTfc TOSI OKFltiS. ' ' ; '.' -'.,'! ''- ' J'"?-'r''"-'i:'," ' 1 OFFICII HOURS. . ; ! OPENS. T V CLOSES.'-' Money Order Department, . -9.00 a. m .:. 5.00 p. in Registry Department,. -.,..9.00 a. m. j 5.00p.m.. GenlDeuv,y1StanipDepL,.8.00 a. 1n.-3B.OO p. m. " ... " lV" ; "J. 8-30 P- nwv 8.45 p. nu-13?- On Sundavs the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be' open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. ' ' ' "- - OPENING AND GLOBING OF MAILS. . .y ut U4U-.J.-....U t -f opENar''CLbsBa; Danvffle 9c Charlotte R. It.,. 8.00 a.nv 9 00 p. m. " . T . .,.' " ? 11.15 a. ui... 8.00 p. m. Charlotte & Atlanta R. R... 8.(K a. m, 9.00 p. m. & Augusta R. R... ,8.80 p. m. 10 00 a. m. Wilm'n & Charlotte R. R... 8.30 p. rn"5.0Q a. m. Charlotte & Shelby R. B. . 6.80 p, m. ; .6.00 a. m. r Statesville,.;,.; 5.30 p. m, 6.GQ a. m. E" Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 5A0 p. ra., and Tuesdays .at 8 00 a. m t : - tST: Yorkvllle.- (horse route,) Thursdays at $.00' p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. - -;-, v.w. U:tt 'iWt-W:-JEMKINS,,T,.,lL .War Department, Office Chief Signal Officer W as 1 1 ington ' Feb. 20, t :30 p. I'ov the South Atlantic States, north west to northeast winds, cold, partly cloudy weather, generally clear, in the southern portions, rising barometer with stationary or a.slight fall in tem- )erature . .. ,.s:-hi'i-n: :'-' I.ocul ieport tor V.ckierdajr. 17 A.M. 2P.M. 9 P. M Barometer,, j. ...... Thennouieter, "Relative Humidity,. Wind Direction,. " Velocity,..,.... Weather,. 80.060 . 3rt., ; j.-N-. 6 wiles 80.136 , 39 81 s. uiS&l Fair. 80.275 i 31 , r i 48 ( N, W. . -5.. Clear.:; .-.a:4... iii jfauv Highest temperature 42 -deg.r lowest 297 ' Meteorological Jlecrd. .' WEATHBB REPOBT,?SBar;ARE20. 420 F. M. : Stations. Barom Th. Wmd. 7eL Weather, Atlanta.., Auimsta 80.30 30.24 30.17 30.17 30 29 30.38 3036 80.24 30.22 80.88 80.89 30.88 30.24 30.23 00.00 30.20 44 52 51 38 72 60 63 60 6 60 64 62 65 53 00 70 N.W. N. W. : N. a e. - K. &E. N. W.' N. t .t N. W, N. W N. W. N.W. 30 8 Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear.' Clear. Clear. Clear. : Clear aear. -' Clear.' Clear.it;' Clear. t Clear. Clear. -. . j ' Clear. Charleston, M2 Charlotte,.. Corslcana, . Galveston,. Indlanola. 26 8 sr 12 17 ih 24 20 O Jackson'lle, Key West,.. MobUe,. Montgom'y. N. Orleans. Punta Rasa Savannah. . MaTks.. Havana ... NEW DEPARTURE. (hi the 22d of September last, pi putting on a new arm, THE DAILY OBSERVER adopted the rule to exclude an double column advertisement and all mi. A fter Jive months of experience', tee have decided to cancel the rtde. Double column advertisements neces sitate the cutting of column rules, and these win be charged twenty-live per cent more than our reyular rates, and vM only be inserted on the first and fourth pages of the paper. The recent changes in the ar rival and departure of mails, make it necessary that clumges in contract advertisements be sent in by three o'clock in the afternoon. Meeting of the chamber of commerce to-night. : -j..;. The hotels have: been doing a fine business during the last few weeks, c , Register Reogh, who was to have opened bankrupt ' court in this city Wednesday, did not come to time. To-morrow is G. Ws. birthday. The military will not be Out to do honor to the parental patriot's memory. It is reported thafeVthe creditors of Smith & Forbes have adjusted the dif ficulties between them by a compromise. The terms have not yet been made pub lic ", . " , .' ,: : :: Eveiy one who attends the calico masque ball next Tuesdaynight is Ex pected to appear in a calico suit, made in a style as fancy as the wearer may rtesire. ''' 'm I' ,!'!. The businesses Jyesterday consisted chiefly in racing 3 up and down the streets after retreating hts and while i-nsraffed in the performance, looking as The maniiirera of the eerman to-night dosii p. that the dancmisr should begin at u o'clock promptly.? As ., it is to be the largest of the seaoa it is also desirable tu make it the longest Andjmst enjpyar The next meetittsHof f the Kaleides- copic reading clubwill be held at the ( of: f rant: 'Armistead . Biirwell, next Wednesday night, instead of Tues day. The change from ' the tegiua time i3 made because of ; the calico pau 1 uesdav mimt, Lwfl i sa V vat a---- .... A i 4- Death of a Youn .ady ,; ;. :. : Miss Maggie daughter of Mr. S. Wj Harris, who resides;-in the vicinity of Koi'kv Rivpt flhiirchin Cabarrus coun ty, died at her home suddenly "yesterday illuming. -. OUC ?otif.v.. nw..-.' lent athir.k nf nneumonia. and Within tv.fmir i h mi rs afterwards was a corpse. She was"- very "highly es teemed by -all who knew her, among whom are many persons in Charlotte and the vicinity. f . Tiardi Cra Calieo BalMawqae , , The following is a-list of the mana sera of the grandMardi Gras bal masque to he given next Tuesday night: in the Central Hotel dining room v A- B. ? Ik Smith, Frank Coxes, CoL'5 J .- Y Bryce, . Col. A. B. Sorinirs. Dr. J,: II. .McAdem -ol. Wm. Johnston, Col. J; P.1 Thomas, Harrison Watts. Col. H. C. Jones, Judge W. M. Shinn and r.nl. W. : R. Mvers. The floor committee - consist 6V E. B. Springs, 'A. T. ls,l?.J'S.f II. Ross.- ; ''i?j'i:ii.'i i.aH'iviiv&- 0 I w iii i ' -H; VXJ: Cant. S. S. Pesrram. late of . Pegram & Co, has taken a position as conductor Charlotte Air-Line Railroad, and made his first trio out" esterdaVafteifnooh CaDt. Peoram i hand at the business ; he ran aa .passenger conduc tor irom this city to Augusta ior ev? eral years and was one of the most pop ular conductors on the line. It has been several years,! however, j since he - has pulled a bell cord. ' " 1 - Gov. Vance left tb'e city to attend the funeral of Maj. Fngelhard; in Raleigh,? .and witl not return before he goes to Washington. He w lialeigh yesterday mornings for- Balta more, where he will remain a few days visiting friends.-1 He will return to V ashington : to take - the oath : which -should have been administered to him nine years ago. ' . - '',.1 Heavy Windt-A SUghCJii-cidenu The wind was ; verv heaw tin ITia Statesville Railroad yesterday; At Davidson College, Just before the ar rival of the train in the morning;" the wind lifted a small guano warehouse, set it across the track, and lifted it Off asrain. " Just as the trainarriVAH a box . car v was bio wn from r the side track on to - main, line,4 and the' train, t'annIn,, slowly": i at - 'the time, struck it and a damaged vit i somewhat, the engine sustaining no damage be yond the loss of ihe. head-Hght'Xn, jjoh sequence of 1 the V mishap, ;however, it: was an hour l)ehind -time in reaching 1 Statesville, s na thus missed its western connectiorjuoT-i.-aT.. it u r- ? in II M 11 ,1 I 1 . , .-.. I 1 Fire in SttiteV file. - - ,! owe s- k- i Yesterday about -noon j tlve dwellincr house, in Statesville owned by Prof, jf.' T. Burke and occupied, bv a 'Mr- Yan, cey "jWas burned to the ground and with v w, yx. ft vuiiieiii,,ineruaing ,$oou in mpuefe;;rhe:;ihduse -was 'ctwo-stOry, frame biulding; A11 the ; family, iwasf auouAiui' tue premise au tne time excepting! a little daughter of Mr. Yan cey anck,a little colored mrl. and - 1p- tiveen -vtiiTMilxsooveiy of the fire and the eiuu:e,TUBsirction of -the house the time was sohort .that the neighbors could neither stay the f flames nor .save anyli,ing: from them.: . The higtr wind which' prevailed at ihe me madet-.the destruction all the more rapid 'and 'conn plete, and in view of this it is ar little surprising ' the Hre was not com- municated...taxhe -Other-houses ux the neighborhood. ' As it i was f only MU9' dwelling house and the crib near by were burned." 1 "IC: ' The - loss, is a verv. serious one toMr. Yancey.' He had recently moved , to Statesville , . from - Caswell . .county, and, ius iurniiure ana ocner nousenoia gooas which were destroyed, and the S500 in cjish, probably comprised his alL .ti,. .-:-iI:f " ! - - , u-f,'.;, ... ; '-' UHii i-UiSsiU Pcof. Wiu. Caln JSciN(if ie WsrlUi The Raleigh. Observer i calls, attention to the f llowi'flg notice, in the monthly" record ; of scientific teralure";of D. V an If ostrand a Enamsetinst Maaazinei published in-New York city : "', s "Van Nostrand's EngineerfA'd Maga zine for February offers a full array f uiiguwi HJuiiMU4du :.iuui;it!,. luesuiea some translataonarfromf foreign .jour nals. ; Prof. Jaiia'sr second instalment of his Voussoir' Arches brinss the sub-. ject well.p!and;is one of the most valf uable treatises we have ever had. x ' 1 We -take ' pleasure in" endorsing the Raleigh Observer's remark that this is high praise from one eminently able to ters Prof Wm Cain th7 SrS feSed to isno m??Q U Jvt c.fti xfiulf-L HVT correct judgment on such mat? e tu. "y."5 1UW uur wiucn ne is taking among sck entists. He has": written several valua ble works,' all of which have been, pub- isnea in v an jn ostrana s magazine, and some of which shaye; subsequently ; ap- peaieu in uuuk. lorui. xiia worits in clude Maximum Stresses in Framed Bridges, A Practical Theory of Vous soir Arches," "Voussoir Arches applied to Stoue Bridges. -Tunnels, ' Culverts. Groined Arches and Domes." ' ' More ol the Same Sort. ., Our readers must pardon us when in the exuberance of our spirits, after several esteemed contemporaries have said nice things : about us we over step the bounds of maiden modesty and transfer what they say to these columns. We hnd occasion just now to make this semi-apology, and at the same time con fess to feeling blushes innumerable mount our damaged cheek as we set forth to quote what our good brother McDiarmid,of the liumbertOn Robeson ian says of us in his last issue. If we may venture to hope to be pardoned yet another time we will remark that he says that "The Charlotte Observer is certainly one of the best daily papers that comes to our office. It is very ably edited and well printed." The returns are coming in from our recent, work on the South and Air-Line roads, and while we are at it we will go on and quote from our partial friend of the Abbeville Press ana ' Banner, who has already in the past said more of us, we fear, than we deserve : : The Charlotte Observer, .North Carolina's best daily, now comes to Abbeville -on -the-same day that it is published. We like The Observer. The small type -used on t hat paper is more to our idea of good type than any that we know of." 1 I Ind the Yorkville Enquirer, a staid and dignified paper, not given to com pliments, says: "This sprightly morning paper, by the present -mail arrangements, now reaches Yorkville at 8 o'clock on the morning . of : its publication. The Ob server contains the associated press telegraphic dispatches, and a full re sume ot an tne news or me aay. it is edited with care, and special attention is bestowed upon the local department To those on the line of the Chester and UCUUll XMXX1.VH,A r . wiling v vv V news at tne earnest moment, we rei mmniftni. Twv. OBSERVER. ' n - rVn The Nortli Carolina State Guard It r Present Condition, and Humlxer.. f The annual reoorf of Adiutanf-Gene- ral Jones to the Governor, for the year 1878 one of the most complete and in telligent, bv the wav- made by any of the State officials shows some interest ing facts and figures in relation to rthe presenv status ui. uio ocatc uiuuu. xuo renort shows that the State Guard has steadily increased in numbers, discip- - i ... , ..i....:..! line ana emuieucy, iwiimuuButuuiiig mo manv discouragements which it has en countered. Beginning' in March, 1877, with sixteen, it now huuiucib iuiiijf- three aimed companies. During the rYasfc veari eleven new companies were accepted and applications from several more were receivea. xne new . coui- nnniesi wefedriHiniied with'tlvo -battal ions of iufantryte first and second with the exception or tne -uunston Rifled assismed to the lst fegimerttas companyfcplaco Kifles, disbanded; and the EastKal eigh Guard" assigned ttttheth 'battal ion, MorecLJ .that the State Guard, at the beginning of this year, consisied of-twtfwhiteTegiments- 01 iinrantry, oi ten companies eacrj completely orpn- iTiPrt. armert ana eauiopea;;wo utmni ions of infantry, (white) one qfc.&ix comnanies and.the other.of, four; one battalmnoi ngniiiriuiery, twojuttj-v5, eight guns and two battalions of infan try, (coioreaJ:-one oj sul uuwpauiea uiu. the otherof five. Theaggregate strength of the corps,' on December 31st, 1877, was 1,834 r oflicerg . and nien. , Now it is Mnrnthanfiftvthousanddoiiarswortn fcfrdnstnrftianowinthe hands of the troops. f Most of the4,rifies are r of the. vervi .'latess ...iraproveu uiccui-iuuu,s pattern .orth eighteen1 dollars -apiece. aviteronaKing a uuiuiiy uv iuouu riirinn nf t.hfl Guard, the Adj utant-Gen- eraladd3: ."The-conditionof the State nnard la in orftnftraL verv good: out 10 improve it. to pusti lt to a still higher degree of efficiency, to bring it up to that standard of .strength and excellence which it Is entirely capaDieoi attaining ana .wutvurw w $Wmh)?XJ&? 1 v r pnfciw that assistance be rendered rrreitner oy tne outw v euo s"jr ment . Tne expense uj. - xuiWm . Vn-jiTi-!i?tiiTio -vnlnnteer companies is heavy. Thus far the burden has-been rhperfuliv borne bv the individual mem bers of the State Guard, assisted fsome f.imeabv their, friends, but how .much longer they will continue to bear the Duraen cneeriuuy, is of grave consideration hy those ,who have in keeping the welfare, safety and honor of ISTorth Carolina," Dal law JHUe Acadcmr. - ; : The citizens of Dallas, Gaston county, and the vicinity are just about complet ing the erection of a neat two story brick building, iron roofed, which is de signed for a male academy -of a high grade. The building was erected by Rrivate subscriptions and it is said will e a credit to the tovou It will be com-, pleteti some time during the present month, and on the Jst of April will be opened by-Mr. T.B. Bailey, a graduate of Davidson ' College in the class": of t 70-.Tirfcince-which time ie has been al-v ; muat constantly enKageumteacuiuK. mxo has tiie talent, experiencerand scholar ship to make a fine teacher. This Hawk Klllingr BoBinm j Threatens to become a weariness to the' flesh. Mr. G. Egglfcston Woodruff has1 been heard from. Duties won't ! allow him to bunt with Mr Zenas.Porter one whole day even, otherwise would take Mr. P. up; intimates that' what the country, wants to know is if Mr. P. has ever killed ;hine,4iawks in six Of eight weeks i and "at theame time attended to business j -question is, not bow many he can' kill, but how niany he has killed ; must produce claws and wings in proof! Substance of the letter ; is that Mr. Woodruff declinejttekgebUtTe, .;h,iu8 WnWmwvuuiwwttiiw-1 inferior court. '- Th Vni win r a i;f nf posoflSirtoruvs .??B-;r1?.erPirur:est?1! State vs. A. P. Monroe, larceny : guil ty; judgment suspended; iv . i i f estate vs. A JMonroe, larceny ; guilty ; imprisoned for 12 months in the State prison, at nard labor. ; t . - ; 5stateys.: Charles Alexander, larceny; guilty 4 sentence, 12 months in the conn- ty jmi, at nara tapor. i : Ktate vst Frank Moseiyi larceny ; guu- ty si; n6hthsy: jh the:oounty jauV at hard labor, o u- . ;i . . " State vs. Jeff. Green, larcenv ; guilty ; twelve, months in the county -jail, at liardlabor.. : . . . State vs. Bob Alexander, larceny; guilty;. two years in the, county jail, .at 'naru.iaoor.jti ir-n.-; j; r -c State vs. Bob Orr. larcenv: guilty; two years in the county jail, at hard la? bor. '...". " ' ' ' ... .-' ..' -'.'. '? State vs. Jim Brown and Henry Ful- lenwider, assault and battery ; Fullen- wider submits ; Brown not guilty. - Tlie Succeai'of uibe Old e1el.'. ' g The success which has attended the efforts of our former townsman, Gen. D' tt Hil1' a3 President of the Arkansas industrial Unfversity, is truly gratify- inS to his many friends in North Caro- Rock, and the. Ihanoarat. of that citvrt r' liU noticing the object of his appearance before the body.- has this to say of the institution1 over ; which he presides: 'The Arkansas Industrial University was never m so prosperous a condition as at the present time. Over three hun dred students .'are ' in; daily attendance and the number is constantly increasing. under the able management or tne president, Gen. Hill, the institution seems to have acquired new energy with corresponding power for good in the cause of education. The Legislature will be asked for an appropriation for the purpose of completing the buildings now made necessary Dy the increased attendance of the present term. We hope our General Assembly will deal justly and even liberally with the Uni versity. A History off Hopewell Cbnrcb. We have received from the author. Rev. Robert Lathan, a beautifully Krinted volume of eighty-eight pages, md in paper, just from the Yorkville Enquirer office, entitled a "History of Hopewell Church, together with .Bio graphical Sketches of the Pastors." This church, located in Chester county, S C, is among the earliest founded in the Southern section of the United States, and its history is full of general as well as local interest A glance at the book convinces us that the author has been at great pains to procure all the facts connected with the struggles of the pioneers of the church in the Carolinas. ' while the stvle is graceful and entertaining. The last half of the volume is devoted to biographical sketches of the four pastors, Bev. John Jioyse, Rev. J ohn Hemphill, JJ. JJ Rev. Warren lenniken and Rev. Robert Wilson Brice, who had charged of the congregation in the order named. . it anything is needed beside the his tory or the cnurcn as written oy Mr. Lathan, to show the influence ltnas ex erted on the religion of the Carolinasit is afforded by the number and character of the ministers of the gospel born and partly reared rn the congregation of Hopewell, The list embraces tne fol lowing names: Joseph Lo wry, D. D. ! James Lowry, David McDilh D, D Rob ert tianoway, Jonathan uauoway, jonn XT " 1 1 . t T i 1 Wilson, uaviu mcuaw, jiuura xjanici, James H. Strong. James C. Boyd, Rob- I CI L AilLlltXLl. IlUtlii plUUU, VllUtSllVIIUCl Strong, R. W. Boyd. W. S. MoffattJ. Spencer Mills, a. McMaster nenry, John A. White. .We have no hesitation in recommend ing the work, especially to Presbyte- nans. who will hnd in it much to inter est and instruct them.. It will be sent free to any address for fifty cents. Soiree Slniticale Thi EVening-. The Mrst soiree mnsicale of the pupils of the -Charlotte Institute for Young jaaies, under tne present management, will be given this evening at the chapel of the. Institute. The programme pubr iished below gives promise or a very enjoyable entertainment. It is as fol lows:; ..FIRST PART. The Awaking of Mom. chorus. (C Kemecke) ; by the singing, class. Vienne Galop, piano duet, (E. Ketter erp ,"ioanxT. Yhilliri jrr "Vf AaKiirrr The LostXJhord, vocal solo, (A. Sulli van) ;1 Miss Ada Wriston. - . The Awaking .'of the Larks, piano solo, (Fj Godford); -Aliss K. Johnston. -ii Consider the Lilies.1 vocal solo, (Top- J 41UPU 4J. ilXUiVUVWft Gentlv Falls the Dews of Eve. vocal tno,(Aiercadante) :Misses iv-Jonnstonj. Laney and A.yViiston. ' Valse1. in A Flat, piano duet (Schul- j boil);, Misses Johnston and F. i m.auu. Rnrinsr "Returning, vocal duet. (J. Con- cone) : Misses L. Morehead and M. Cres- weiL utl GCi'i 11. si- The Concert of Nightingales, chorus, (J. Concone); Miss M. cresweu ana-the rj"?. r . r t?r second "part. Overture in C Major, piano duet, (F. Schubert) ; 'Mrs. Dewey and Dr.vBidez. The .AUelusia of liove, song, (J. Faure); Miss K. J ohnston. r Andante & Rondo. v for 1 piano, (J. Rosenhain)lMiss J. Jackson. Sing, 8mil Slumber, song, (Ch. Gou nod); Mrs. .bason. The Warrior, vocal trio. (McFarren); creswell '' ' 'r The Whirlwind.' piano solo. (VL Gold- beek);'MissJU MoreheacL , The Birdling. vocal duet. (A. Rubin stein) : Mrs. Ba3on ; and Miss C. Bad- ham. . : v' Andante from Sonatajn C, :(C. M. von Weber) ; Dv. Bidez, , - : Fast the Night is Falling, chorus, (H. Smart); singing class. - ; We are asked to say that the friends and patrons of the Institute are invited to attend, - . - - Aaotlaer BnUurrtmsw. Last night iat the residence of the bride's father, on Church scrtet, Mr. J J.Shnman and Miss "Isabella Of orthey iwere united in marriage in the' prince of a number of friends, Rev. J. F. Butt, officiatinz. ? THB"OBSKRVEg tenders itsr congratulations - an4, best wishes, and the sincerity" of this expression' is" per haps increased by the fact that' it was most considerately remembered on the hannr : occasion, and had the onrjortu Mty to eat and drink long life to the party in a delightful repast which reach- ed it just' before midnight. 44 - There are; many more sick, hungry and" thinly-clad, people in Charlotte needing relief, - than our. citizens supr pose, . If any doubt this statement, let them inquire from any of. the members of ;,the ;ward committeea, published .in The Obsekver to-day and I feel as sured that they will cheerfully come; forward with help for the sufferers; "' 1 Thewritwaccidentallymettwo lad!tf of one of these ward relief : committees, returning from their charitable rounds this afternoon, who remarked that they had exhausted the money of their ward and m consequence, had passed by sev- Uoj, were in want of suDolies. The claim. leiiow-citizens, upon your benevolence Lis urgent. Make an early call then Upon toeureof the association, Mr. C. .iCLmtUtlie. Tra4erjftaJtoiua' Bank giving all jqw can, and youi will vy.-Hi m wauttj.-.ijBj ;AJi;Q tit Charlotte, Fbrnary-20.ic ; a. SElMillijmimTjEEPfifflffi '.'"iir' ''PMlk'''1." CrMcnrsATi Hour taiztaer: faapdtr AASaR&R. Wheat scaroe: red and white ttoal.OO. Cora In good demand at 35a6 Oats In good demand at 25a2& Pork quiet but firm at 10.00. Lard high er; stearfi 6.65. . Bulk meat strong; BhouMert 3, short ribs 4.90, short dear 5-OOalO; bacon in good demaiMh shoulders 4a dear ribs BSfcBSk, clear sides 5a6. Whiskey acUve and Arm fit 1.03. Butter nulet and onchanired. Susar steadv and unchanged. Bogs active and nrm: .common a.uoatjo, packing 4-ooa2a ,. . i ; . BALTTMOHk Oats steady: Southern RlaSS. Wes-! tera white 82a83, do mixed 80a82, PennsyK vanla - 81a33. Hav ' unchanged; brlme Penn sylvania and Maryland lOalt. Provisions lower; mess pork, old - 8.75, ' new 10.50; bulk meats loose shoulders 4a,! clear rib sides 5au, per car load, backed new- 4tte53a: baconi shoulders, old 4Vit clear rib sides, new 54a6, hams, sugar-cured, a9. Lard refined tierces IVs. Butter easier: choice Western packed 18a20, rolls 16al6. Cof- ieequiei; tuo cargoes liai&u. wniskey dull at 1.0a Sugar quiet: A soft SteaHj. Nvar Vaiiv mrw fv KnMa nw Va t 2.60a3.25, superfine Western and State 3.50a3.65, common to good extra Western and State 3.80a 8.U0, good to choice do 4.00a4.60; Southern Sour steadj; common to lair extra 4.00a5.20: nod MocboieB'do: it $rm Uir irtont-mirnirtnd Irm ter red l.OOal.ll. Ho. 8 do J.09Ual.ia Com -T-ungraded 4tia7, No. 8, 42a8. Oats unchanged um quiet -ana. unenaagea;. too qootea in car goes llal&V in Job tots llaaltt. Sugar quiet; Cuban 6a6, fair to good refining 6atf, prime m; refined-standard X, : 8aU, translated 8, powdered 8a8!fc, eruahed 9. Molasses New Or leans 25a37. Bice in moderate request and steadr. Fork mess on spot .20a40. Lard 7JX)a7.06. Whiskey firmer at 1.0ft. Jrelghts flnn. cottonV NoKBOLk Steady: mlddllnz Slit: net reeeinta 1 1 AX- OpWUIQ atMlr OR Afift. avnAvfa aAaarJaa iaiui 6vuo t uwm tWtUOUi VAnna vunotnuro 906; sales 450; exports to Great Britain. BaIpTIMOBx Firm: middling 914c. : low middling 9 Ike: good ordinary 8ic: net recelnts : cross 435: sales 210: stock 7.782: exDorts coastwise 45; spinners 1 10; exports to Great Britain : to Continent . Boston Steady: mlddllnsr Wk.: low iniddllnc 9c; good ordinary 8c:net receipts 1,631; gross 1,635; sales ; stock 2,368; exports to Great Brit aln 1,711 WnjaMSTON Steady: middllnK Qlkc; low mid dling 8tc; good ordinary 8U: net recelDts 109: gross : sales ; stock 6306; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to Con nent ; to channel . pmLADKLFHU Finn: middling 9s.: low middling 9c.; good ordinary 8ic.: net receipts 285; gross 697; sales 728; spinners 578; stock 7,241; exports to Great Britain . Augusta Quiet : middling 8e.; low mid dling 81fec.; good ordinary 7&; receipts 117; snipments ; sales 4U6; stock . Chakuwioh Steady: middling 9la : low mid dling 9c; good ordlnarjr 9c.; net receipts van; gross ; saies ouu; biogk a,4i ; exports coastwise 1,263; Great Britain 1,656; France ; Continent 355: to channel . ' New Tori Quiet: sales 653: middling uplands 9 1-16, mid. Orleans 9 13-16: consolidated net re ceipts 19,408, exports to Great Britain 9,519; Continent 1,001; France 5325; to channel . Liverpool Noon Cotton Terr dull. Uplands 5 5-1 6d, Orleans, Rtfed, low middling uplands , good ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands . sales 7,000, speculation and export 1,000, re ceipts 8,850. American 8,750. Futures partially 1-32 oener, DUtauu. upianas tow miaanngciause: February delivery , February and March , March and April 511-32, April and May , May and June , June and July , July and August 5 17-32, August and September, September and October . New crop snipped January per sail , February and March . FUTURES. Nxw Tobi Futures closed active. Sales 50,- 000 bales. February March April. ........ 9.76 . 9.97a.98 9 .92a. 93 10.07a08 10 .208,21 10.81a.82 June ! May I - - August...,. 10.4081 September....... October ...... lO.OlaS 10.Dla.03 November....... 9 FINANCIAL. Nxw Your Money 1.02a3. Exchange 4.85tiatfe. governments- nrm. Mew 6's 1.04. mate oonas ulL ;v;. ? ' CITY COTTON MABXET. . " OlTICB OF THB OBSKBVBIt. i ' ; ; CaABixms, February 21 1879, f The market yesterday closed quiet, as follows: Good middling . . . -. 9 mdniiTig.y.. . 'i.i...... 4 v Strict tow middling.. .?i ... . Low middling, a Tinges 8a 84a&B 7a8lfe Lower grades. ....... .... ........ ' CBARLOTTE PRODUCE MARK Ef FEBRUABY 19. 189, COERECTKD DilLT. Cotton Tiss ' New, pertxue. SDUced. " . 82.25 1.75 llttal2U 45a&0 : 50a55 45ato i 8a9 10tt ;m ,, 6a6 Bagquis, per Th. utrh, per ousni i IrKAS, " Oats, shelled, ...... N. Chocrouna..-.. Hams,N.C. Hams, uncanvassed. Clear Rib gldea,...-., CorTHt Prime Bio.......... Good.. ..v.... 15al6tt 12Vfeal4 . 725 Stbop Sugar-nouse.... ... MOXpASSEB- t " i Cuba.. . New Orleans " 38a40 35a&0 1.00a2.00 Salt - Liverpool nnei Stjoab ' , White....... ... Yellow..:.;... 1': i--. ex'. Sweet. .. . ........... . .w, Irish ;35a40 40a50 BUTTEB - , . - . North Carolina.. ... .. .i. 10al2i5 Eoos, perdozen... . .... . . . Family... ;.r..rv. Super. -2. v. .V. 3.00a3.50 8.7583.00 ...t2.25a20 D R. D. O'DONOGHUE.; OfQce In the Slrnal Office, over Traders NatJonal Bank, on era noor. ... ... . r vans, uiKuir vr mv u rwrnrv ymifnf ueuwuii) leblo4k4 , - . T TM W. BATTLpJL. M. XJ..- " Having removed ins omce to the first ooor ove? the Traders' National Bank, can be fsund there all hours during the day, and at his residence cor ner Seventh mm uouega straets, at Jtuiav feb? 8m . - B -rv. p.-snrWPfP-WPV pa- O BSOS. - : 1- iS :.BOLtSA4.K ASP EStAC GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCE 'ir Vi - Keep constantly oa band ,-f- FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR - UTS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP- rf : , ; v FLES, DRIED FRUITS, See.. : . ". Exclusive Deaten to f i - RAMSOUR BONNTWELL'S and A. IV SHD- FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. . AliK), FBOPBI1TOB8 OT TBS sISpARLOTTE botel. HA&LOTTX,K. This bouse nas been tentted aad newly furnished, -and iseptinirsUslass styles ; .- Terms,PerDay Great inducements offered -to 4abia JioaroV ers; lor terms see the proprietor. tVOmnibus and Carriages at every train. FIELD BROTHERS............. Mr. H. a Wilson a Last. . ...Proprietors. .Superintendents.. .rr;...rCleri 92M f 2.00 II-8SI.E H AVANNAH,iA. A, B.U;CEvJroiletV. Reduced rate $2.00 andJSUGO, axssordlng'to toca- ttonof SOOBU; M. L. HARNETT. Clerk, late oil Planters; HoteL :Feb.lftL gTOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE '.' : , Sallsbui7.N.C. ' : ' , C 8. Bbowh, Proprietor, Late of the National HoteLBaleIgh.Ji C. S. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelbum As dec 80 ' ; l&vatzxizs. 50 BARRELS -CHOICE NORTHERN - L EEB L E L EE L E IXLL EEB "SSg Received every weefe. LeROY DAVIDSON. JanSO THRESH ARRIVALS, FOB SALE, WANTED. 10 boxes assorted Candles, 5 boxes choice Oys ter Crackers. 5 boxes Family Washing Soap, largest 10c bars to the city. Also 1 fine Milch Cow and one medium quail Cow with young calf, for sale low. 600 dozen rABTKlIXiJSo wanted. dec29 B. N. SMITH. AAMTLT GROCERIES, I have now in store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies. Just Received: Magnolia Hams. Also a lot of very large Turkeys. A STORE FOR RENT. S. M. HOWELL feb8 ROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS! NEW FEATURES I Come to me for Bacon, Com, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. AU goods delivered In the city free of charge. W. H. CRIMMINGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand, ap 15. c O T T O N ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED BY THOMAS H. GAITHER, Cotton Commission Merchant octl2 F. B. ALEXANDER $ CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, College Street, Charlotte. N. C Have just received the largest and cheapest line of the choicest brands of North Carolina Flour to be found to the city. Feb. 1ft. JOTICE TO FARMERS!!! am prepared to STORE COTTON to my fire proof building either In basement or on the first or sec ond floors and v. in give warehouse receipts on which you can draw money If desired. 3sT" Chaises moderate. THOMAS H. GAITHER. octia SEED OATS, &C. 600 Bushels Seed Oats. Com. Flour and Wheat Bran. . Baled Hay, Shucks and Fodder. HEAVY GBX)CIXrES, AC. Jvt eoalveti and for sale by y -v 1 WILLIAMS ft FINGER. Feb. 20. 1879." ' QTUDEBAKER WAGON& ,. f J I am now In receipt of f Urge lot of the eelebra- tftd STUDEBAKEB ! WAGONS, aU sixes, which wm be sold on reasonable terms. ' J7 r J CALL EARLY, - '-; ' and supply yqursf with tte bast wafoa : : - VN Vi-fv 4.r7.T,RcurrHE," . A PPT , PPP AA P P P P AA PPP ... PPP AAA P P LAP P CAROLINA CENTRAL' . It. ','.' i 'sj.' ' . VIA WILMINGTON, -CK -T.f b 1 . j" s.-- li- , , . ', ' IHEQUGH fsjQGHX BOUTS This line being fully equipped for business, Freight from ,,s . ( i A ' J' ; ii a f Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to Atlantic, ; Tennessee A Oblot As well as points to Georgia Insurance and Bates guaranteed as Low as formation famished . -I. . F.W. CLARK.' Gen. Freight Aggnti WUm!ngioi S.CL 5 , tMJO i. tit sept30 grtt0s mid &tic&iclic&i .B. T. H. McADEN, y,tJt :r fviii) 3. DEOTSWT AND USXKIST, 'No offers to e trade a full stock of jLubln's -Extracts and Colognes, EngllBh Select ' pioes, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap. English, French and American Tooth Brushes ,o . PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully . prepared at an hours, both "night and day at a MCADEN'S Prescription Store. 'ECUR1TY ! SECURITY! SECURITY ! 200 Barrels "of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AXh ALADDIN SECURITYIOIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil. from C. West & Sons, Baltimore. Hiehest Medal awarded at Centennial ExDOsltlon. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 decrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. C. West it Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Db. J. H. MCADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. F. SCARR & CO., ID S KKAB THE FOOT-OFFICE, Would respectfully Inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Fost-Office, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pan Drugs. Jan 7 tf. Hew dxTjertisjemjetitB. TEACHERS WANTED. $50 to S100 or $200 per month, during the Spring and Summer. For full particulars address J. a McCURDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. - TjrPHTHERIAi Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and win positively cure nine cases' to ten. Information that will sav$ many lives sent free by mail. Don't delay ,&,ia ment Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. L & JOHNSON COJ Bangor, Maine JENSON'8 CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. WOMEN AND CHILDREVf WOMEN AND CHILDREiM FOR OR Females suffering from pain and weakness will derive great comfort and strength from the use of Benson's Capclne Porous Plaster. , Where children are affected with whooping cough, ordinary coughs or eolds or weak lungs, it is the one and only treat ment they should receive. This article contains new medicinal elements such as is found In no other remedy In the same form.: It n far superior to common porous plasters, liniments, electrical ap pliances and other external remedies. " It relieves pain at once, strengthens and cures where other plasters will not even relieve. For Lame and weak Back, Rheumatism. Kidney disease and all lrrai uhM ana nains. it Is also the best known remedy. Ask for Benson's Capclne Plaster and take no other. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 1 cents.. - c '6 D U IT M M T T 0 O N And all Disorders of the.. n, THRO A T . AN D LUNGS ' Permanently Cured. .: ... jiui .... - " DR. T. A. SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY UUO n H n KIC-'K -. ltEB. O O H U.n KN HtS , j o hhh n wwk.ekM O O H H II N KN B OOO H HUH NK i XEK .V Y ppp ..ss,, LP '88" v j.. v Taken to conjunction with his Ku1 prt.pwtrrvT. - if mi it crrrw ' r.V f 4 ; P.u'b s v'c o i l i y. e r hq 1 1,3, 1 1 and hvnonhosnhltes of -r ! 1 - - LIME AND SODA.V4i ;iVr ..:,- t " A FREE BOTTLE of each' preparation sent hi express to each suffering applicant sending their fiame, P. O. and express address to Dr.: X. A. 81o cum, 181 Pearl street, New Yoi. ' t -..,'' TI7X are the agents for HE-NO TEA In tikis city, YY and ask our friends to give tt a triaL- If not aatlsfactory we will cheerfully take It back and re fund tne money. . llJ ' - - it.".-.. WIL80-T ft BURWELL, ! ? T 1 DISPATCH LCJJgT NORTH CAROLINA. r." t TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. tt. , offers unequalled facilities for the TransporUon of . ' ' 'lit 'it If i ' " 4 : - K Charlotte, Statesville,' ' Ashevllle, Butherfordtoi oa the Atlanta it Richmond Alr-Llne, - 1 r and Western N. C RaOroadt; -' - : . - ' ' ' tyf Alabama and MtaalsalppL Y 1 V T ''ii "i ii.! vtij via any Competing Line, and Time as CrulckJ n rmon annHrafirtn fa ' .-I'W'i ".. .w. "..I- it 1 - s .iii fie- ni .-?.H io f".;finvf jti WM.A.M00DY'V' - -v. r Bouthwestem Freight Agent; Charlotte, Ni C jpji. . j . 'u ... .,. v MJ' u.-sv. 'T.T.SM1TH,-' Jj l"'lJ ' 3,'' J; Agent a 0, lallwd. Charlotte) potteries. rywpwt wwi.fpipiwiipiy' t , . i T OUISIANA STATE LOTTERY.', Viil it'Jl t",l. iU' i'.. ' .1(1 f A SPIT OPPORTUNITY ,., '.jl J W-r-fuhij it Vil"! To1-wln a fortun. ' TrJM- Giand Distribution, Class 5 C at $w"' Orleans, 1 Tttesday, 1 March'.' : niiH l87910CUi Moiithly lMwtnier TMit r LOUISIANA STATS XOTXESY WMPJLNY.1 i viU Mbmxim cfH vlirirwvjp..!!? ' This InstnUori:waB alrry lijcoTporated by the Leglslajme of the- Stato Jar Edacatlonal and CbtablenJurroseaitaaseS, yo TBB TZBK or TWBNTTnyB TSAB3, to fhich contract V4 in viola, ble faith of the State is Pledged with a eapltaV 1 $1,000,000, to which it has since added sjieaerw Fundf 8.3M.00p. Its GRAND mtifJUMM. BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly oa the second Tuesday. - It never scales or postpones. Look at the following dlsOfbuttont -.fc,-K.. -: --ff'-iiii Til J ?Mtwi'iw.M' jaifior:f ? 10b,00tf Ticket at' '.r-.'fUt One Donald "w liST0I"pi f'Jtt.'n-, pit ::.ir :.'r:.c): r e h -.it . l capital Prise, l capital raze, 1 Capital Prize, -r.'A razes oi . 6 JTOZeS 01 A.OUOh, .20 Prizes of ., 500. c, '100 Prizes of 100. !: 200 Prizes of . ijO v. p ppp. ... . '-'DL 500 Frizes oi ; 20.. 1,000 Prizes of. 1 .pp. . iXimTlON PRIZES f ft' ' ':'r' ''ff.UAJH . 4V5'44.sv- .4fi - 4.-'.- . 9 Approximation Prizes of $300.. . $3,70t Approximation Prizes of .. 200.,.,. 1,800 9 ApproxlmaonPrizegof , 100,.... "900 1857 Prizes, amounting to... ResporiBlble1 oorresrxmcllrjg agerrtswalitedat all' prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. , . : . , ..... Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office in New Orleans, s iw. ... Write, dearly stating full address, for full infor mation or send orders W -, , , - . H. A. DAUPHIN, Postoffice Box 692, Ne Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraonilnary Drawings are under the supervision and management iOt GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD andJUBAL A, EARLY. ' f . febll 11 . Ws.ftl- -.-fv ;j'-rsin F ROM DR. S. W. HUNTER, I BALTIMORE, M. D. Having become familiar with Colden Leiblg's Liquid Extract of beef and Tonic Invlgor ator, I take pleasure to recommending It as an ex cellent preparation, combining as It does food and tonic In a remarkable way, prodoring good blood, health and strength. Sold by all Druggists. , ' rjEO-.C-WARE,. - yy ViVnf K'-:r i Manufacturer and wholesale Dealer to . . . PURE APPLE CI PER- -AND ..- fit:-: CIDER VINEGAR.- Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of i -E. R. CONDIT'S TABLE SAUCE,- 287 to 295 W. Third St.. QILS SASSAFRAS CINCINNATI, 0. AND PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought to any quanlty. for cash on delivery, free of brokerage,, commissions, f or storage expenses, by . , - DODGE & OLCOTT. i Importers and Exporters of :.:' DRUGS, "ESSENTIAL OILS, &C. NewYork 88 WHHam St,. A DAY to Agents canvassing for the " FlKX side Visitor." Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. ,'-ri',u OA Fancy Cards, Chromo, Snowflakej fte., no two ov auke, wun name, 1U cents. , j. simjuer Co, Nassau, N. Y. 4 A MIXED CARDS; with name 10a J Agents' ttv outfit 10c, . L. JQNEsr CO., iNassau, , !dec81f TO ADVERTISERS. Send for our Select List tt Local Newspaperi Sent free an application. Address GEOj P. ROWELL 4 CO.10Spnwe SU, .NewYork. , ' ' ' THE; .'A , J - : ir'J i lo h. -v! ' ' OO V o oy V A L !ViAA 1.1 two Ar.'LJCKg Q O AA. K o o v V A A t. A A' KK o o vv a fliiiE k a A IXLL OOOA ; AK XKEB 1 COLGATE A COS ' , COLGATE,; 4' . II Up'AUJ.. 11 pIU ,t SATES WASTE I 19 FOR LAUNDRY USE.F-3 nnnt.-i.nH.-- .ii'ii P;-T-i-" &! TJNDERTAKINGf' The undersigned Is, now prepared to fUl all orders for every ctess 'of Uhortaking; lAVtog"enlHna . full astwrtm'entof' i f h;1 fc ! COFFINS CASKETS, AND BUBJiL A1 , t .JlBcttXooualrtMetalfcLVjii.c:;!'" ' ;. ; pt A'.4-Kpv, 3 " - 13 THHiW jLU,Arrr ,-bsws) t i, jrf' .Hearses furnished U jnestretf. ItorUttrre" of 'every Description Eep&!rea tt tlit. 3wuhE,G.jIiosers,Trai3r; June 20. tIZES .... p . '. . IOpOOO h.kjfrAiW 5.000 .60UJ.5.; ..... idiiUiit n.fNKI J.iS110.400 v ' ..p p J"! J 3 4pp

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