Cljr (Jljarlolie : Q tiziwtt. Friday, February 21, ma., THE IjEGISIiATITWE., , . , , ' IRalelgb Observer. , " . - - ' t - Februarv 18. Mr. Williamson, a petition of 400 citi zens of Caswell county praying for the passage pf a stock, law.; ;l ; . ; . . . brr.RopucrrioiJ- of. bills, ::v Mr. Henderson, a bUt to. incorporate tuthern Chapel, Ilowan county, lie- f6rrcL On motion of Mr. Austin, the vote by. which passed its third reading, yester day, the bill to make the killing of stock An. indictable ,offence.was recon sidered and the bill was referred. ... CALENDAR "Mr. McEachern, under a suspension of the rules, called up the bill to create f a new county, to be called Scotland, out j of portion of Robeson and Richmond ; counties.: .v. w : . - , -1 - , Mt. McEachern advocated tlie , pas sage of the bill and offered sundry amendments, which were adopted. Mr,- Graham, of Montgomery, opposed tbe billo He moved, the postponement Tf the consideration of the bill till to : mrttftrttt'ednesday) weelr, which was agreed to. ; .7 j 'i I C , , THE SALARIES 'ANpr FEES BILL, ' was reached,' " " ' ' , , "A Mr. Graham, of Lincoln, addressed the Senate, at considerable, length in explanation J6f the ' bill. " He spoke of the financial distress of the people, es neciallydhat portion: engaged magr cuttur.pursuits. The cry lor retrencli ment.raeneraHhroughout the coun try, and there was a universal demand forreliefakingit.tbe duty, pf .the Legislature' tot tfemicd the' expenses1 of the government. He reminded the Sen ate.of.thetcryr.tbe Pemocratici party againsfrthtf Extravagant course' ot the of the party now in power-to ; remedy thoeyilsr ?-W& J,5ha6? .. complained s ot yjbflst'h,and Jispeople were fo Jaw taxes, they were willing to pay liberal salaries, and the latter he penevea would be,accqmpiialiedT by, the pending bilL i The" time was when the honor of the office was esteemed the highest re ward for faithful public . services. Mr. Graham contrasted . the cost of the State; a J. t 4. IX. 2 srovernmenb now wim wuai it was m 1860. and he reminded the Senate, in this connectioniathattjtjthe present Legislature failed to dispose of this question, the ; salaries could not be touched: for the. most part'dnring the imxH sixjjears; M a nj w.fcet&t .State, of- petals wouia oe eiectea oeror tne assem bling, of the next - Gf tierhl A3sbly. llfi'fareWiittentidir'ioTtheitwtfes purchasing power . of Amoneyanow)! as cbttpiired with that;M I860i an aid iheienever had been,' within his' mem1 ory, a time(whei th$ cost of living was so low, He regarded a salary of 3,000 per ahnum and a houste rent free nPw, sis of firreat vahid than;!MO0Q;irivi$6O. IIecited the salaries of governPrs" of ithe States to show: that that proposed for our covemor in tlie bill, under ( con- TZnr;.TT. wutnivKnn A!'4i&iio-1 cue .11 v,,i,4in-wic Slicvn.iviavu, I em? her tearect that ahei peculiar ' ma chinery of our nominating conventions ofteneled td the choice of the best pol iticians instead of the best fitted for the: office?" Jft 'conclusion, Mr, ! Graham disciaimeti -a jeeuug against jiei gen tlemen now in office, but as representa- livwwf tlig-peopler he thought; it the dntsitf thrlieinslaturatp hse the same cafe and" economy jn the expenditure of the public money as they woiddrin the management of their own individir- ai anairs., lie announced tnat tne um now beforer the Senate, proposed to save to the State $18,400. At.this point a colloquy ensued be- .' t.woATi MAsai-a llAvirlsrtTi anri liraham m tathe time at Which tne provisions of the bill would, become operative in the reduction of salaries. There seemed to oeflome doubt- on this subject, eon- stitntionally. viewedsof ar as it would affect salaried pr elective pfficers, but its immediate effect upon fees and em ployes seemed to be admitted. On motion of Mr. Dortch,the Senate proceeded to consider the bill . by sec- tions:0:-Si!it ' The substitute of the . committee for Mr. Graham's bill was then adopted, and the Senate proceeded to its consid eration. .jt : -v ' , Sec l. uovernors salary, 3,000 per annum t "private secretary, 500 and Mr. ErwUi moved td strike "out $300 ana inselft$300. The fees were iieavy and he thought the reduction should heMei h3if a Mh DaWsWlhought it better to pat the prvafcejiecretary stipulated.- gala? ry and turw overtheifees to the treasu ry. He would iiKeto see a rule or this kind applied in all like . ase&; , Mr. Scales said that last year the pro ceeds of the private secretary's office, in cmdim$i5Q saiarywaaaut $1,084. nMrTEtwin's amendment was adopt- edayes, 21 j noes, 16 ; and section l was then ncrreed to ' v .;"31t..cale3v offered' the folldwing suV stitute, suhsiantialIyr,for)tl)eli second t section: - - - ' ';wjBec, 2Treasv(rer'8 salary', $3,000; with bne elerk at $1r500. The treasurer JBhall aet-aa- ex-omcia treasurer ot- tne- peni- tentiaryasylum tor, the insane; institu tion'-for the-'deaf and dumb and tbe blmdnd.ihe .agricultural department, and recewfcffiaout lor jus jxtra service, Mrj'ScaleS'Objected'i.toiittev-reductWn in the 'treasurers salary. ? it was ; pro posed to impose upon him the labor of disbursing the large sums going to the support of the charitable and penal in stitutions and the agricultural depart ment; duties which now cost for' their oerf ormance S300. and. with this . saV- ; fng" he thought5 the pay of the treasurer should ue lett at wnat it now wag. Mr. Snow moved to amend by put ting the treasurers ' salary at $2,700, with one clerk at $1,500, without im posing the proposed additional duties upon the treasurer. ? He would give the treasurer two clerks if lie could. . Mr. Graham," of LincolA, thought as i-. highly of Treasurer .Worth as any man could, out tne trejisury naa no more la bor imposed upon it than in i860. Mr, Scales said the duties of the treas- ; urer were four times greater than f orm erlv. . . i Mr. Snow's amendment was rejected. M r rali am, of Lincoln, moved to strike out $300 and, the. extra compen sation of Vlii clerk; . .Mr. Oraand moved. ta strike, out $3,000 and insert $2,500. Mr. Scales' substitute was then adonted. - for section J2 Mr, Jloyle favored the amendment of ' f p. frai.:im, of Lincoln. - ; ? 1 , . . Mr. Dancev was opposed to cutting down the salary of an officer required to give such a bond as the treasurer, . He regarded the whole scheme of putting down salaries as wrong, i Mr. Bvnum favored Mr. Scales' Bub- otlfnfi -. - . - (' The amendment ''of Mr. - Graham to strike out $300 was adopted ayes, 26; 1 nnaa 1l - Mr. Ormand's amendment was reject ed , .,. ' " The second section was! then agreed Sec. 3. Justices of the Supreme Court $2,500 per annum, payable quarteuy. Sec. 4. Judges of the ; Superior Courts - r" r,af nnnnm nuarterlV. in lull --.Af nil indirial duties reouired, with $90 . v ...... ----- . cr'-i extra ccr.rthclJ. :r. . f v "-'-,;') with no additional : i , Mr, Caldwell opposed this amend ment" He considered it unfair to the best and ablest judges who would be called upon to hold extra courts and would thus , perform more than a fair share of labor without extra pay. Still he favored the reduction of the judges' salaried as just and right as the amount proposed was worth more than former- Mr. King would pay the judges for: the extra courts, but he thought the sal ary of $2,000 sufficient. Mr. Austin favored Mr. Snow's amend ment.' " -' '-'- :--: i,: u--'- -' '-J .'ii'iaa Mr. IfdyU thought $2,000' sufficient In olden times1 the pay. was less, and then we gloried in the integrity and learning of our bench. - - . Mr. Erwin reminded the Senate that the judges were required to devote near ly twice as much time to their duties as formerly, r-: He favored Mr;s.Snow's amendment, and thought the extra courts should be held in rotation. Mr. Snow's amendment was rejected. Aye3, l3 noes, 31. Mr. Ormand moved to strike out the extra allowance for the extra courts. Rejected- 16 to 28. Mr. Caldwell moved to amend by pro viding that the extra courts should" be paid for from the State treasury instead of by the counties, -.-.., Y, This amendment led to a lengthened debate Messrs. Austin, Lyon, Respass, Caldwell. Snow and Scales in favori"of it, and Messrs! Hbyle Efwiri aha ejf derson in opposition, hint -Mr.-:- Erwin - cautioned - the" Senate against throwing openh reasuryr4ff this matter, and predicted that in the event of the adoption of the resolution there would be more extra-courts held than were ever dreamed of betore. Mr. Henderson was opposed to throw ing open the; treasury for; this, purpose. He thought it as reasonable to pay the jurors and all other expenses of these courts out or tne treasury as to pay me judges. ,r H'rt4Jist!tiWt-,'J ii''rjI 'me amendment was rejected-iz to The section was then agreed to, as was also section 5, ref erring to the same subject.- , Sec. 6. secretary or state i,uou per annum, and tees not to exceed i,uuu. Agreed to. " - '' ,,'u-11 sec. 7. Auditor $i,7au. Mr. Graham, of Lincoln, moved to .make, this sum $1,500. Adopted, and the section was then agreed to. Sec. 8. Superintendent ox Public in struction $1,500, and no other expenses. Agreed to. Sec. 9. Attorney, .General $500 salary and fees allowed1 by Mw.'and $1,000 as reporter of Supreme Court. , .jMr.Scales.said that by, this arranger Itient the compensation of the Attorney General would be but $1,620. Mr. Henderson reminded the Senate that the Attorney General had to pay a clerk $509,f wbi ?h would reduce his sal ary to $1,120. lie thought this cutting rather deep. 1 1 xne section was agreeu 10. , ,rrrfr,:.w K Sec. 10. Adjutant-General $300 arid nd more. Mr. Bynum moved to allow $150 for a clerk. Mr. Erwin said the work of this office used to be done for nothing, and well done. Mr. Lyon moved to strike out $300 and insert $100. Rejected 1 2 to 31. Mr. Jivnum'& amendment was amendment was then if ,i o fr oh Messrs. Hoyle and Merritt thought the whole affair ornamental and that $300 was enough to spend upon it. Mr. Bynum thought so too, and so was the whole militia system, to which the office was an appendage which must be tolerated whilst the system stands. Mr. Move moved to strike out $300 and insert $200 as the salary of (the a l- jutant-general. t ; -A Mr. Williamson objected. As it stood now he thought it low enough. The section was then agreed to. Sec. 11. Provides for the quarterly payment of , salaried officersrttnd - the monthly payment or clerks. , . A greed to. Sections 12 and 13.; solicitors $20 each term of court they attend with the fees allowed by law. Agreed to. Sections 14 and la. .Librarian .KX): keeper of capitol $500. . Mr. Scales moved to amend by con solidating the duties of both these offices under the head ot keeper ot the capitol and paying that officer $800. Agreed to. Sec 16. Jumits.lhe sumator servants and watchman to $600. Mr. Lyon moved to strike out $600 and insert $400. Mr. Red wine, to strike out $600 and insert $500.; s a j s On a division of the? question the Senate refused to "strike out by a vote Of 28 tO 10. , - - , 5 Mr. Moye moved to amend by provid ing that no part of the public money hereby -authorized t to. be , expended ,f o? labor shall be used in' any of the State departments within the capitol,' except the Supreme Court. , He , proposed,, to make such of the State officers as"-required servants pay for them. - The amendment was adopted. - .wv. sec. 17. repealing clause. ..several yerbal amendments were adoiitekLilii motion of Afr. TTovIp. - SeCal8jThatthis.aet?tihil tatoe; effect and be in torce trom and alter its rati fieationiO' . ut -r.?- o-fj --, - qnnTP Mr. Henderson moved, to: addt ta tie above "or as soon thereafter as the con stitution and the laws enacted in pur suance thereof -shall permit."- As thus amended the section was agreecrtouf j On motion of Mr. Graham, of Lin coln, all the sections having been agreed toine rules were suspended .and ,tae bill made, the., special order for to-morrow at 11 o'cldcki the question beihcj bn tne passage ot tne mil on its' second reading; .-vi.-"-: wtwi'iiwr?!-! .in-nn liv leave Mn Alexander introduced a bill to amend the act establishing a de partment oi agriculture, immigration and statistics, and lor the encoura&f ment of sheep industry. Referred. FJ HOLTSE OF KEPUKSENT ATI VE8. : ' i; xvi iiWruaryls .: On motion of Mr.'1 Blocker the rnles n iLi ill 1. up 1 a 1 j iv 1 . were suspended ana tne House prpceeq- cu, iaj vuiJBiuci.. tuo rBuuiuLiutr, to expei jx i. . xrown. 01 x aomn: ' imi resoiiiw tion, was read. ; Mr.' Blocker : said that ne was in the performance of a painful duty itttaking the course indicated, but me purity 01 tne blouse .must be; main tained, and the conduct of the gentle- uos'tDOne matter until Thursdav next at i!ii o'clock, and that Mr. Brown be notified ot the action of the.House.1 ' ' This course was endorsed by Messrs. xurner and v auguan, andordered by tbe Houseu , , CALENDAR. ' 1 1 3 Bill to reoeal section 29: chantpr a. Battle's BevisaL This bill provides that the expense of "convevint? lunatics to and from- the asylum shall be borne by the counties. It 'was discussed by MessrsYorki Clarke, Norment and Carterv'of Buncombe, and,passed .Bill in;' relation toT -warrants 'ijf bastardy- This bill'prdvidesnhat no bas tardy warrant shall issue except on the voluntary affidavit of the mother or one i-U. .Z i : I il.l. lL' Child 5 is about - to bprnme a" onnntv v? 'v , , is"i "J vf or - uuncomoe, -ana ' -jvir Liinusay,jand passed, . J3y consent, Mr.' Mebane introduced : -it . . i .i -j vrr-n ' the f ollowine resolution i i j Whereas. The. Department of Attn culture was instituted for thejbeheot of the farmpri unrt the f armlnL?, 1ntjrfit of the State; and - whereas, 'ivappears trom the disbursemenror thffTimdS"be. longing 'to' that deriartmentf tharjtis not in the interest of fanners but to fhfi i iu iiouseoiisepieseuuwvcpuo man ja question naa Decome a public scandal,! , K S1:": :i' ;,: "i' Mr. Covington mKved to rJosiDone i the bursement account 6f the Department of Agriculture (which is here appended) be printed for the information of the members, and to show to the people of the State how the farming interest is imposed upon under a false name. Mr. Mebfine' "spoke'brieflj-' in favor of his resolution. s Mr. Vaughan moved to strikeout,the preamble, which was done. " ' . 1 Mr. Turner moved that 1,000 copies be Srinted instead-of JOOand- itAvas so or ered and then . the resolution was adopted. Resolution" raisinjt atioinf t;ommittee to consider the business before this As- f sembly, pretfaratoTyttf-Kato early ad journment Passed. Mr. Davis, of Catawba, moved that Cbtf J?olk InVitM-stoSaddSesif 3Ck House-Mptt bJciokaHOi ' Mr. Cooke moved to amend the mo tion of Mr. Davis so that . when the House adjourns to-day it adjourn to 10 o'clock to-morrow, and that Col. Polk be invited to deliver an address in the hall to-night -osoa -The amendment was accepted and the motion adopted.. .... :Bill for tnmore,,effect;ial punish ment of hpfstfstealihg. ""Passed. Bill - to punish the- entering- of houses in the night time otherwise than by breaking. PasffiitTT'XitfAno Bill to amend chapter 32, Battle's Re yisaL:ii.iThi8!t bill uem&o&u ac.tiojiSf o? trespass Jtociaa -.trespassj a,iinclosed or cultivated ground." Passed. . orBjU to. reguTate. the .ampu ofibpis; to be given by sheriffs. Passed. inAdjQJJfJieji.f,ttl3tt0 hjayra-wba! iaw "1 Dwelling-Douse Burned. Bock Hill (S. a) Herald.1 .R-Monday :jnarainglast..Dir!lki.ttot dweJling-tMHifee of Mrt J joi't Mdfcrtif eight-mites west of this, wltMlfts?e6&J tents, was totally destroyed by fir&fjThe family wcro arousod i romheirlupaber VjPthe roai-pig flames and tfi Sucn-as their Be'nHhaf scarcely' garment saved, Mr More himself being fofed:to.' J eAVetils roonf loelegs, Snojoli ly Vparr of pdnfeMiss Rdss'with a grMt, sleeping up stairsjiwaajresieued in a state of suffocation whichjrendered her al most in sensible u f 6oo4 cheer for Consumpilres. There Is a form of consumption which was better Indicated Jj,tha old tohlonedianjjB.of ljdecUne. It Is the dreaded comgefBf "55me paTty of" tbff Southern States, clatealtigiBiorft'vlcUms every year than are swept awayttreTaosttebJaytafloiML of theyellow feVei? 9ffteaiaalaay rlsiiOHth Inability of tbe patients' system to taka&fLndjs similate the nourishing Ingredients of the food that is eatenu Some years ago the medical prof es slon with remarkable nnanlmlty,j:ltfalffi6Coa TT I vj. j . 41 4 n n nJTi nasllT nhanrhd elements of nutrition. If the nau- f seous taste and smell of thtf MKcaald Be avoided It would unquestionably be the most sovereign reme dy that ever shed a healing blessing on the human race. And these repolslvepropenies are success fully removed by. th,jLnlonofiure,pod Liver Oil with the HypwnospMe9OTi7ijime-and Soda in Scott's TftiAMtfU'rifHrijimfi gant one, pleasaot-is aweeVmllic iliuflav png& nial to the stomach, and acting directly as a power ful yet gentle tonic of the brain and nervous ,,sjr-tem.- , ,. ,r It makes no difference how many physicians, or how much medicine you have tried, If Is now an es tablished fact that German Syrup W thnly reme dy which has given complete satisfaction in severe cases of Lung Diseases. It is true there are yet thousands or persons who are predisposed to Throat and Luiig infections Consumption, Hem orrhages, Asthma, Severe Cklds settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Ac., who have no personal knowledge pf Bbschee? German Smin. To such we would sayllhat 50,000 dozen were sold last -year without one , bompialnt Corj sumptlves try -just one pottle. .Regular siz0 "7$ cents. Sold by all druggists In America. To all who are suflering from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Arc, I will send a recipe that win cure you, KJtK or uiiakujs. xnis great remedy was discovered by a missionary "TH South America. Send a self-addttesed envelcfpf totheKEV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station I, Bible House, New York Cftr -&'. i wv mite" jan-25-' ' -1- .ytgiHi P y4", : V Our country is getting to be ': the "hverage 6t ltfe being lessened every yearwlth- out any reasonable cause, death;resyiltIiL2gEnexat- iy irom me most insignmcani origin, ju uus twif son of the year especially, a cold Is such a common thing that In the hurry of every day life we are pt to overlook tbe dangers attending It ah,often flnd too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already Bet In. Thousands lose their lives In this way ev ery winter, while had Bosckee's Gxbkax Stbuf been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all idisease of the Throat and Lungs, Boschxe's German Stbup haa proven , itself to be the greatest discov ery of its kind In medicine. Every Druggist In this country vylll tell you of its wonderful effect Over n-A'AAA' 1 1 . wtnm . 1 UU,UUU UVtrUCS IdSli JGOI DlUiVUli it OUIglC lallure known. ' NOTICE. Br virtue of the nower conferred in mortease made by I. J. Wilkinson and Laura H. Wilkinson te the Charlotte Building and Loan Association. I will sell at public auction, a house and lot of land fronting on the N. C. Railroad, in sauare No. 58. beginning at a stake on the N. C. Railroad and run ning with said road to L. A. Phillips' corner, thence whu ner nne iu ieev to a staKe, mencej parallel with saidrallroad4 teettoJ; B.Sharinonlionae's nne, "thence to the Degtmring,'' which' 1s"- now claimed subject to said mortgage by E. W. Mellon; Said property to be sold at the court house door in tne city 01 cnanotte on tne 1st Monday in iiarcn. 1879, for cash, the amount due the Charlotte Building and Loan Association belne S229.25. wim cost 01 aivenismg ana saie. K. E. COCHKANE, decl9 tds Sec'y snd Treas. .Hrfrrw --1 x rvir&H jf-ttTrr---'ii ?ht-''H i i- !j :''By MAXWELL atklliRISCtf. " '- f Tuesday night, February 18th, at ' o'cloci i.-"rm k- '-T; Aft A large t6T 1 r y tXF 'CHROlfOfe 1 1 . , U.eal estate, i 1- k MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, 7: For selliitir and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and wiii i -it,- ( 1 Advertise Tree of cost, all properties placed kv my - - hands for sale. . - THOS. F. DRAYTON, deelO Charlotte. N. C." f lichtenstein; , MERCBJLNT xAILOiKv ' "t ' - i'HM Just rgcelvea' samples of Spring Goods, iJEIls I- tu coit huu maae seiecuons sa airionaDiffTiTnTTo i curepeircnoiBwuiB.tiiTi5r IebH . &itrJ! JAMES MURPHY, f SlXAUH'l JT XiVAVvHAij XAliiUK, itw ilp ,t:i.iw-jiiiia'iTa i Bolton's Building, Trade StreettAlra Owing to the RtSrtiWiv M liVa lu S- -cheap Viil.maka.ftne suite tor ww, wuBuuen suiis iorjfs. I'ants of 6uits same lawat s Buanwuee an my work mo fit, no charge; Give me a call and be convinced,' ' tK , 7 AreSavlBss BftBfeS Iccui t? Thl'sisanuestlonof vital 5mr-wiano5 tafh'e-ln- . ,7Tt rr,WtZ dustrial thrift of our.oantty;.an4iwhiU Pr-feglSr.; x-iijBi'0,PONVXTKiail '-- jJS latuies are pondering the question, e would mutat - . , , -. ! estly advise every one. to. take- Pall's alsam foP'j Vaffloa intiie Sisuil Offlce, wet TrajtorV Jita? cuuK'is anu cuius.- warrjiiiiea w war. .-'jjiii'n it) ihvix ii n f -wii'jurro &:t in-,A I ar. .not?. ;'" - . .-jwo-Baitlniordaid., ffeb; 13, 1877. H. B. Stevens. Mr. v Dear Sir Since -several years, I hava got alspre and very- painful foa,t ,1 had soma, physicians but thej c6uldn'iUTe me:' Now. r have heard of, your Vegeunnwnaladywhdwadsick fora longtime, and .becama all Hwell; from your Vegettne, and I went and lought me one bottieof -'Yegetuie; and after I had used one bottK tlie ata left me, 'and it-began tohet,iand- then I bought) one Other bot-; Havana so laakefit ypu, ii-tnank. iGoalor ttnaremr eoy ana yourseu pay it i h tlibiil O-ffllMU fhsAil'A.'MftS-JBXBl.'Blt'l bum ilnU Id 7'jJlom aM wA r.i V.ti an.972 your, YegetLafi was- recommended, to me antt'yielitmg. toTtheV, persuasions of r a friend; I consented totfy ifc lM me -time I Waa suffering lrnw gBrteKjifbtHty) andynery?nsjprostrationi superindncedry -overwork lid. iiregular, JiaWtstf Its wjtideinerLtng and 6uratlve! proper-; ties seemetHfflect my de6UitatodJ system from1 the first dose; and.naderats nerslstent; Use 1 pi il ly i-ecovered, gaining more than usual health and gum fBulHiii iUuw-tium 1 liate not hettiutedta? give YegeuBrmyfdnestr maii .Indorsement; as hefne a RainsiHurn anti mwrtirt f iniiirpromotr lng healthnct retofirig-tlie wastedsysteo to new life and energy. YeggtmeTS "the only medicine I use; and as long: as lose tl' jievef ejipect to find a better. Yours truly - W. H. CLARK, 120 Alleghany, Perm. IiU'Jr v'itfu:? ,Wi1aJfI moiI -ITf WVi'Al'l i -daid lml AHt.Ol in onfl Jud wtny jbo'i .ir'jBt.H B t'i tHKtiAi ,ititxi io(i mm.l cin J-ioii Ii Hr. HiiR. 8teVeri55 -'blilw Mno ni. -u;a!-j your "lood Preparation thjnr .iawly for -several: years, and think that for Scroruia of Cankerous Humors ? -or s Rheumatic BffecttOHS rt xannotbeex celledio; as bloodpufifiej qdeprtng mediolnej lt4siae hst thine Ii ihamr eves fused, and I have most feu)pg() I icaa cheerfully iieoonv maaM4ktQ,anj one m nem or auon a,pie(npinei,- rt'd-'jj-j Til!!13 --Tj'MrtflbwI'n tn f .t" ' f. -oD .01 :",' jt .'rfrf'lAA(ji in ..: -:ea SialfewrP'h year since i found inyseff tine was straftgly eeon(mnde4l Ume byHiMfrlead- wno naa oeen mucn otaieuusu oj 11a aseu iimK oarea4JM!arncieat;Mrf nmar evwranjotueSr wuiTCstoredtofasalttt;mf'dlseDntmue-d itsBOi1 v feerHuHeionfld6iJ4hat4here la 00 medlclBean' pert or to Ik ortbee compiamti for-which it is es-s peclally toreoarodVTaaidiwwiklibheeerfiaiy reeom mend w ta tnosei wM?iu.i!naK tney 'need5 some-' tning to restore mem to penect-neaim. ' 1 ' -: Kespecciuiif yours, wlfr L.1PETTTNGILL. Firm of S. M. Pettlnglll & Co., Nd; lOnState styeet, Boston, 4 " 1 "s " ; selfbitha ; ac :. , .iiiOna f?Oflx ;; KAf .HO; ;ni taunt orr we? ALL HAVE OBTAINED RELIEF. .mi f in., H. R. Stevens, Esq.: i ..; tts Dear SirI have had dnDeoala to its worst form for thft last-ten years, and have taken hundreds of. aouars wortn. 01 meaionB wren out oniaining any relief. In SeDtember last I commenced takhur the Vegetlne, since which time my health has steadily improved. My iood ingests wen, and 1 nave gain ed fifteen riounda of flesh. ; 'Then are neveraToth- ers mtbla place taking Vegetlne, and mi have obf tamea reuer. Yours truly, T 'v- -THOMAS E. MOORE, , ; Overseer Card Rooms Portsmouth Co.s' Mills. IsO 01 ;V.r. STEVENS BOSTONC MAS&' .' '.U) .''.J'- '-l.f! - - .. i i.'f : .YegBtme issold by all Bsugglsts.1 JaH5 in . c! ,;. " ' 1.0 - , , ,i,i . .HcLANE'S rt - iit'ebrae(i "Amef!can"; 'WQEW-SPECIFIC OR--- 1 - YER UGE. (h. ,tm nrA itiWS!Tri Wi't1rMiiit ' oimriumo ur vvviniifipmH .TPHE countenance is pale and Tead-'d 4,v erf-coiorea, wiui occasional nusnes, a '.ior fcfrcumscribed spot on one or both '4 rJieek$; the eyes become dull;' the j totr&ifcf dilate : an azure - - semicircle . l;.-rnp? Qilong the lower eye-lid ; the. . -riose is irritated, swells, and sometimes . bleeds ; a swelling of the upper hp ; occasional headache,,, .with humming or throbbing of 'the ears; an unusual , secretq . pJsaUy ; . slimy or. furred, tongue bre,atl) vejy,, foul', rrciilarly:,, in the morning ; appetite variable, u sometimes .yorapipusl witlj a gnawing sensation Whe '"st6machV at others, entirely gpneetmains in the stomach "oasidfiaihauea and vomiting-;! violent ; pains . "roughout-the f; abdomen.. bowels, iiregijlar, i.ati times costive : stools- slimy, not unfreatient-1' ly tinged with - blood ; - belly;;.:swOllenv:i and hard ; . urine " turbid i respiration j - occasionally difficult,- and accompa nied by hiccough cough sometimes dry artd convulsivej iugeasyand dis turbed sleep, wit grinding .? of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable, &ct' . - Whenever the above symptoms are found ' to xist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE i; i." will certainly effect a curei 1 "J. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN an any iorm;.it is. an innocent prepa-!;j rit ration, not-capable of dome the si.tgntesr-; - injury iu trie rnuii lenutrr wjuii. sMyvfJ ine genuine DR. mclanb StVER '' i'MlFUGE bears the sip-natures "'-of" !Cl ; McLane and Fleming BRQS.';qtvt'he;j "wrapper, :o:- - 4 ! v.t Uim. C. McLANKSrH1. . . - . v- . .n-i." LIVER PIDt;B are not recommended as a remedy i'lor, all the ills that flesh is lieirtcf,'bttt iu .anect,ions ot the liver, and in all tfuidus r tXTom plaints, Dyspepsia and Sick IleacU s ache, or diseases of that character they-1 ' HtAnd wUhmii- a rival ' ; , -.s Hs.ll. -El -AGUE AND- FEVEJSiliTl ..Nabetter cathartic can be used prepar- r L, Story 'jo or after taking Quinine. ; t..i.iAs:a-simple.. purgative they arc:un- BElYJCiaCOtaJIiTATlJONS. - " 'The genuine are heversugSLf coa,tedrrr. Each box has a red wax seal 'dn t( j :T.lid,vwithirie ampessiat-Djii MgLane's j ivpit Pills. t Vi .!- t ff fl;- Ea'ch Wrapper "Bears' tK'e Sfgult-0 i C. McLane and Fleming Bros V j Insist upon haying Jhfigeriuine Dr.- I C. McLane's Liver Plls, prepared b4. Jlprrfirigf-'Es, bf ;.PittsbUrt;,;Fa.r the. f -..,maxket .being;f;vii3i;'oT"'imitatiQns;of 'the, I - name JLfciane, spelled,' differently but i same pronunciation. - fJebl0.lw.u.v,l iliOi j. ; aisMiiUUftl Calls, night or day, will cSi ve fromptitit!!f&iJ ;S ''febl9,llj(fr c, if. j.r.:y .. f 1 ..'.'..q Liw .i :i rtmZiqrnisJi,- ovrrr i ILm Wj BATTLE, pL D.; r .,,-,.... r . i 4 V,, if . . r . , "HavrngTemoV.ed his office to the first floor over the Traders'-National Bank; caw be fonnd there all hours during fhe day, and at his rfesldence cor-. aer seventh and uouege stree,ts,at nignt, vv Uitt ... t. y. . i t -.'".. . -.; a sir t tin. smMttt;n-;;.':i:;-'-; -ISiOii'JeS ELECTRIC-BELTS. A sure curt fdf s nTvmistfdebllIty. premature de ciy,iehaustIon, etaP The only reliable cure. rCir- cuiars ,'manea iree. 'Address j.riu KisvJ!a, 4a Chatham atreetv N. TJ im-i . : .r .1 '. jrpto 'GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY for FX' for the cure of Scrofula, Scrofulous Tafnt, Rheumatism, White- Swelling, - Gout, CroitreL Congumptlon, -Bronchitis, Nervous Debility and all. diseases arising from, an Impure condition of the blood.' , - .t;The merits of this valuable trenaratlon ane so welt known; that a passing notice is but necessary to remind the reakers of this journal of the -necessity of always keeping a bottle of this medicine among their stock of family necessities. Certificates can be cresented from manv leading Physicians, Ministers' and head of families throughout the South, endorsing im tne nignesi terms ine iiuia iactract 01 uosa dalls. , -., ; r4j"ii.i , j: i.'.. j .... -j DR. R. WILSON CARR, of Baltimore, says ,' he haa used it in cases of Scrofula and oth er diseases with much satisfaction." ' i.j i.i r' ii.-.j Li it,i j . - DR. T. C. PUGH,fJof Baltimore, recom-f .. .1 .. 14. 1 . , 1 IT I ... , . ' uieuus: m , k oil iJCiioia nuutsriuif wiui uia- eased', Wood, saying ,lt Is superior, to any yrepurairuu ue uua ever usea. - .' -Li L j ... ' . TT TT, TT -T.T.I I., U T 1 T W M.1 .u. J1L-E, Conference South, says he has been so imucb benefitted by its use that he cheerfully recommends u w an nis rnenas ana ao- wnainanoes.;,! ,,yy .;j ... . , ., - '''CRAVEN ' & 'Co!, brueslsts. afr Gordons-? ville. Va., say it never has failed to alve sat- jlafactionj,! ,i .-; -- r ;SAMTJEL' (3? McFADDEN. Mmeesb6ro. xennessee, says u curea nimoi Kneuma- tjgmwbfln all else failed. (v; Rosadalls' is not a' secret craack Drenara-! ii'IlpactauM luhowltto-your Dhyatclan and he Iilflli: ll,M llll'llllKIIIM JirM IIIIIIIIMIIWI llll KVHIT will ten yoq u is composed ot ,the strongest awiouyra 0.191 -aim a ttu exceimuL, blood' 'Durmer. ' Did -ourr snace admit we coma give you testimonials from every state in, tne boutn and Irom persons known to ev ery mart, wdnlah- and "child, either- personal? f. i Ai-U '.J I .. . r . . . wl .yi flll ,(i J'l j, .- t-J' ! ....W.'i.t. -; r. Rosadalls is sold by all Druggists.; . ' liJl'jV '! i . . , . ,i,A : !L j.irQHFBENRYRRAN&Ca, " I-J iiS f AJBiW, JLUttA.'U Viil 4. JM - For sale UyjL,,R. WRIBTON A CO., DrugglstB,a i .- -j . (' 1 imu'ii I .,( Pbartoite,N. CT reDjo w - - GONENSJOJ.TIME-j, ! J l v .ORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. siU ni" lKoj3uits oonte'Asr.- Dati,S6rVl7fc No. 8 'Dally ex.Sun. -'-'No.'2 ! Dafly : No. 4 JDally Leave Charlotte,' 1 , . 3.45 am &20am 8 00 om 6.65pm 5.30 am 4.10pm ' Ralefehi- Arrive Goldsboro, 5.25 pm QJiO a m No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.R.R. for all points m Westerns Karth Carolina, dallv exceot Sundays " At Greensboro with R.'& D. R, R. for all points wortn, East and West. At Cioldsboro with W. k W, R. H. for. Wilmlngtoa ; - 4-!-Connects at -Greensboro with Bl & D. R. R. fox all points North, East and West $ j 'ft' : TKAIHS GOING WEST. 'NaT.' Sun.- Dat,Nov. 10, T8. Nal Dally, No. 3 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, I 9.50 ami 5.35 tf m '3 .; Kaiemn. la.ftonmt 5.30 am ," . Greeusbom I S. n m 1 ft. 47 a m Arnve unariotxe, 12.25 am 10.50 am 'i Nov t-Conneet8 at Greensboro ! with Sfilem Branch. At Charlotte with C,C & A. R. R. for all points South and South-west; at Alr-Llne Junction with AT&C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and South-east '"' J No. Srrtonnectsat Salisbury with W. N. C R. R. dally except Sunday. . At Alr-Llne Junction with A. a A. XV for airpolnts South and South-west At Charlotte with' C., a & A. Railroad for all points South and South-west , -. - ..a i i .is'' ' iij -, . -j f A1- v'Vf SALKM BBANCH. : , f Leave dreerisboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrive salem" " 10.50 pm Leave Salem; n a i . m 6.45 a m Arrite Greeqsboroi' " " ; ; 7.45 a( m Crmecttog at.Greensboro with trains on the R. & D.andNO.BAllroads. . :, , is-, ., UXtU WMtnm-kM wrrmrr chahok i RtmTKtth wayBbn iTralns Nos.1 and 2, between New York and Atlanta vis Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 8 and 4 between; New York and Savannah via Richmond, CharlottendAngasta. - -v . TtiWngh Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsbora' Salisbury? and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and East" for Emigrant rates to points In Arkan- sas. and Texas, address . . Of.,! - J-B. MACMURDO. , ... . - '.. . , " Gen. Passenger Agent, . , novSO ' ';' - Richmond Va. 0HARLOTTE, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA - - i ! 'CBABLOTTB, COLTJHBU AND AUGUSTA R. R., -jvf'-jiM j Colomjoa, S. C, Dec. 27, 1878 " 'On 'd after Sunday; Dec. 29th,' 1878, the foli lowing passenger schedule will be run ever this road, (Washington time,): NIGHT"'EXPRESS. Going South, Na 1. Leave Charlotte, i'..'.-. :... ... .v. 1 00 A. m Arrive Columbia,;....-: ... 6 00 a. m Leave Columbia 6 05 a. u Arrive Aupista,: y. .v. . jt .10 00 a. m - : ' :.' 1 ' : ' ; GotNQ NORTH, Nol 2, ' " . . ' , Leave Augusta. !"... 5 55 P.M. Arrive Columbia..'.'... 10 00 P. V. Leave Columbia, i .... . 10 10 P. x, Arrive Charlotte 3 10 a.m. DAY PASSENGER. , . , GOIHQ SOUTH, NO. 3. Ieave Charlotte. ., . ...n 27 a. m. Arrive Columbia. . ...... 4 10 p.m. Leave Columbia ,.i,.... ...... 4 15 p.m. Arrive Augusta. .......... , ......... . 8 80 p.m. , 'f Going Nobth, No. 4. Leave Augusta 9 03 jum Arrive Columbia . ...... .' 1 20 ?.x Leave Columbia...... .....i so p.m Arrive Charlotte.,;.. ..,ir..-....4,...- 0 80 p.m . These train, stop only at Fort MlUVRock Hill, Chester,' WlnrLsboro, , Rldway, Leesvllle, Bates burg, Ridge Springs, Johston, Trenton and Granlte VUle -All other stations wul be recognized as flag stations. .-,!, -nr. .... 1- -. , - Pullman palacy sleeping and drawing-room cars on Nos. 1 and 2. Greensboro to- Aumwta: jlIho na Nos. 3 and 4, New York to Savannah, via Rich- luviiu x vrouigia lAiiiiinu naiiroau. -, ..... , 5 - T.D. KLINE, 8uperlntenaent ' Jno. R. MacMubdo, G. P. Agent .... .X ..1 J.J.l.y,, -t-ij-ji-tTiiil j ' i .! r- -J. . s i S. S. PEGRAM has withdrawn from the firm bf PEGRAM & CO All persons who owe the late firm, prior to February 1st, 1879, must call and settle with Pegram& Co; -r : r; . -..(t.h n , "Wri will pmitimiA- t.fiA Rvt mil fitina hnihuiDa ot the same - stand as before,'' First National Bank building, Charlotte, N. C; , ' Feblary2.'l87t"-r1:-"t, :;PEGRAM coT; f Home and Democrat copy; QHANGE OF BUSINESS " Havhig retired from the' " ' 1.' -wnisKEy business;- f- . now We are dallys . receiving a good supply of at pur pd stand on College street, we will be pleased ; to see our manyfriendsL ; ; tain fc'rt ' vf? o! !-! .tr j., j ; y e make Gsunra specialty. LONG A BROTHER, feb6 - HE-lN'O-is'eat itenatdral condition, such 5a!n in tninese uiemseives aruiKi ana ior me roiiow lug good reafiafis la sold ouly iu original pound and half-pound package?., ii--t j It is toe iuoj;tJiij'enlent'and economical style of package.-1 J" J l" - .-'-. ; It is weighed and packed' where lt'can be done cheapest ;and best, :f ,. i f it uau ue easily lueiiuueci oj w consumer. ( , - ji Keeps uio A ca otnter. . It prevents adulteration 1H America.'- : We are the agents for HE-NO Tea in this city,. and ask our -friends to give it a trial. - If not satis-' factory we will- cheerfully take it back and refund tne money.! ti - i, , J . wjustum CO.," s r :feb..,. .Charlotte, N. a . rpo BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Bids for A , the construction of the following buildings will be received until the 6th of Match, next:- ,ti - One Brick Block, first floor containing two store houses, mayor's and police offices, with an opera house above., t -.Jt... , , . - f ,m' One Brick Block. 'containing nine store' housesi wlth two-stories obove for a hotel. - - . i Plans and speclficaUons for first named block may be seen at the office of G. L. Norman, archK teci; aiso, ior norei diock at same omce on and al ter the 24th Inst ' Buildings to be completed by 1st of October next i Contractor to give bonds. Bight to reject any or all bids reserved. - - w , . H.E. HEINTTSH, -i t -.I?- ,;t - R. L. BOW DEN, -j ' , . : ' -, W. C. CANNON, ,f ' Committee for Town Council. ' ... B. L. BOWDEN. - , . ' W. WASH THOMPSON, r, , 'H. E. HETNITSH, ,j ,. . .Committee fox: Building Association, ; febl3,lm,eod ; . , Spartanburg, & C. V SPLENDID LIN$ OS" J . j - .Fine Teas, all grades, ust in, at . , ,, , LeROY DAVIDSON'S. , Jan60 20 BARRELS WHITE AND RED ONION SETTS . v ! WILSON & BUR WELL. , Ereshi gPLENDiD: HOLIDAY: ATTRACTIONS r ... i DEMORESTS MONTHLY. A grand combination Of the entertaining, the useful and the beautiful. wRh fine art ens rail, witn nnci nrt ptntmv ivlngs and oil pieturea ia ih number - Price 25 cents, : post. tree. Yearly S3, with an uneaualled rweml- um, two splendid oil . pictures, Rook of Ages and i the Lion's pride, 15x24 Inches, mounted on can vass; transportation 50 eents extra. Send postal card for full parflculars. Address W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, 1 7 East 14th street N. Y. Do not fall to see the splendid February No. .: . leb. 4 d&wlm. , , v ,, ,, ... TT YOU WISH1 to' erigage. hi an Honest, genteel Abusinessrand make pienty 'money during the holidays, send your address to::i-'!., ,ji- . '' ' ' RANDOLPH CO., , feb4W4t" , r1 ... .107,4thav.,N.Y. , , ir 1 1 -r i ,i i, n1 'ii- ri ... - . -J A A BUSHELS FRESH CLOVER SEED. y.r ' .1 f . ! ) 'I r:- i, (' , , i Also Orchard: Grass, Blue Grass, and Lucerne, 1 r.. Just received by t . - WILSON & BUB WELL. ;HE-NpTEA,; . PURE, GOOD AND CHEAP. WILSON1 A SUBWELL', Agents. ijOR A FIRST CLASS 1 ; Smoke'caU and get a Suclor, at i' , J ! , LeROY DAVIDSON'S. '3an30' ' w E ARE ALWAYS READY' And Willing to Show eonda whpthpror not, vnn am ready to buy. . L. R. WRJSTON & CO.JjE declS ' yiLSONj & BURWEIJL, J)BuaoiSTS( Have just received, Gelatlnek i'.f ' . , Cornstarch, Sherry Wlnei Flavoring Extracts," All of the best quality for retail trade declS CASES HUNYADI JANOS Mineral Waterj 10 baskets (50 jugs each) Apol- llnaris, just received. WILSON & BUR WELL. janSO QHEAP GOODS. Havins bonrfit out the entire stock of Ttmwn A Co., we will-sell the stock of Notions (which were bought very cheap) regardless of their actual value, We will discontinue keeping them, aad wish to close them entirely out A call will save you mon ey. . j WEDDEiGTONTk ALLEN, ; , buccessors to Brem, Brown & Co. Feb. 13--d3t&wlm. . . . , gUISrS GARDEN SEED. A large supply of these popular seed, Just receiv- Dy WlLtHJN a BUKWULLL. an22 - F BENCH BRANDY Guaranteed to be TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. OTO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON .. Foi Standard Pure Liquors. . JppjE FRENCH BRANDY, Wines and Whiskies for medical nnmonwt an be had of WILSON & BURWELL. decl3 - . Druggists. 1 , ii-.ii ., ? M M A. A N E R S,. A TOIN your hands all friends of taste GN toy bar otu ine best Is placed. C ANDWICH. Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, ; "jgACH man il receive right real, good cheer, P LEASE step in, my haU inspect, ; Jj you'll see more than youTl expect , JRENCH, German, Domestic Brandies, Wine, J try each customer's taste to refine, gUCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's good, Q0NTAINS my bar; most delicious food, r ' JJ-TING Cheese and Sausage In bill of fare, EACH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear : -j.,. gAVANT judgment and taste most rare. : ?t Jg ACH sip he takes proves what he thinks,, . T i n'T3 tGHT off ohe more he calls as to his friend -.i.nJLV he winks. j . , t TURHAM WHISKEY, 1 DWRHAM WHISKEX XURHAM WHISKEY. DURHAM WHISKK JL -iti-i-iSu.-.'T' 1! k':'VMht--'i. -rtt ! to. ru-i- n t" ' Laboratory op State Assater and CHsmst. T Richmond, Va., September 7th, 1878.;L:. :!-!;;.!'. -: J.r, -, . " i ---"i;-," have carefully tested a sample of "Durham Rye Whiskeyselected by" myself from; the stock of Messrs.7 Ellison ft Hnrvft v.-'anT flni-1t fn, fmm ladulteratioriv lt is an exceUent article of Whiskey, ana anogeuteT smtame ior use es a beverage or medicine. -ISIgnedJ. W. H. TAYLOR, M. IX, V 1 - r" " ' " ; State Chemist , -&JS-t'43 -c.-' i' Lui i. " . 4 .Jl"Thla superioif OLDTIRGlNli WHISKEY, equal to any made In this country, Is now In the hands ot over 250 dealers in Vfaglnla,North Carolina, Geor gia, Louisiana: add New York: City, and not a aln- gle complaints haying come to us from any one of them, and many saying It is' the best article they eve? handled, we feel justified la recommending It to all who wish to'cet'k'ieallr pure article of Whiskey. j,t , j . :ut . , , None genuine unless bearing our trade mark.' Call for "DURHAM" at W. B. COCHRANE's; Cen tral Hotel, and all other first-class houses.' - - s ,- .'. ,,7ij -' . " i - i, , : -ALLISON HARVEY, . jcnl9 lm , Richmond, Va. , f1 s T. NICHOLAS, - . - JSCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE ' j L7B. blRIAlfD TjOTa : - AH.IDKAXi CHIUKH'S MAGAZINE. , Mflasrs. Snrthnsr f!n in ,0170 1 cauon of St. Nichoi' an liiSsM SS JH?; tor oirls and Boys, with Mrs. MaryMapes Dod a editor. Five years have passed since tnTflretSu? ber was issued, and the magazine has wmTlST highest poBHion It has a moS clrctuattfoS of 6 j.: -t ;i vOvsb 50,000 copis8,..i,. . vIL USuWs5ed simultaneously In Londor nud New York, and the transatlantic ineoSb most as general ud hearty as theeriflan i " though the progress -of the mapazhM haiL1" steady advauoeT it has notreaStoeitolw ofbesU Decause- her ideal contoually outr8 toil's wwriafstorfOTrrg K. stock- -.:iU svfiM.-. ..".,:!. ' .1.; .s; A JOLIiT FELLOWSHIP " toik7MJLiS?SIl1lonfl ol ?rel aP dvnture tinuetafe tuBalliiM' r the glrls.aoon- "HALF a dozen housekeepers," B5ttA mustrations by Fred- fivHh oiiT " kJt" b m " same number; ana a tateht Jn;dge:5ntlUed Eye earlv in ttStaSS KS,rS? commenced uedfairy-tale called r " "eaconun- "EUMPTT DODGET'S TOWER," Wrlttian hv Inlinn' TTn'.'.JI.-j ' . i .i uiiau iwnmunie, ana lllustratpri humored rtlenSoCTef'g , w diivii Biui iea, uiciures ncxnw humor, active sketehes, and the lure anTio of "Jacwnlie-Pulpit," the "Very Little Foiko derrtment, and the'Letterbx?d fewfi. 83 00 a ear;: 25 cents a number. Sub and bv all hnnliscllum, q wishing to -i,- JET. 2H- rn is -V;T7i j I. wvwv uuRit wiiu lue PUrjllshpri shQuld write name, postoffiee, -eounty and state i full, and send with remittance m check p money order, or registered letter to ' . , " UK1U1SR & CO declO -743 Broadway, New YoVk. ''HE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THIRTY-FOURTH TEAK. The most .Popular Scientific Paper in the World. Only $3.20 a year, Including postage. Weekly s Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. w2Tt-i- M,r. Zr?" 13 aiargenrst-clasa " -fj MBnoimpei ui Hutieen pages,. printed in ih splendid engravings, representing the newest f 'entions and the most recent- advances to the .Art ffl:it Jaome, lealth! ...""i-uwuu aeuce. Aararai Uisbirr GogykAst,tom7- ThelaluSprdcuSi ence, wiUDe found ta ctenSnnSerican Terms, $3.20 per year; i.60 half yearTwhichl 1 1 eludes postage. Discount to agents. fruiBle coniP Jen cents. Sold bjnaUNew-sdeal Sitblpos: SLMteJ5DMI -Op- Publishers, 87 Awii Avwn a. VIA . . PATENTS. Ia connection with the Scientific American - Ifauara j. Tr,.rr ve h . "vC " vw iiare we largest establish ment in the .world. Patents are obtained on the r.7. 7 -;- t-vv uvuh u iiKiue ui uie SCieil- x.,TtTr J k .vr TD utv"JO luu resiaence oi the i?6. ense circulation thus given, ?ffWJen 83168 or totroduction often easily wh0 i8? made a new discovery er invention, can taumt'tln fu, Patent 1Kratinthe undereigneX We ate-Bend-e4ur hand book Marks t.hlr meta for procuring advances on inventions. Address for uo imjicr, ur cuuceramg patents. n,-.v rj" ' ui'iu iiow, mew iorK. riv?o?W Wr F- 7th Bts" Washington, D. C. 1879 187f 'J'HE FOUR REVIEWS ANB B LACKWOOD. Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), lwe 2?don Quarterly Review (ConservaUve, The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), AND BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. 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