it r.fff ris Ui! U :::: ili'kd - svbscrzptiok raxes . ,! AriZy, one year, ipott-jxiid) in advance..., ...S3 00 rii ; i 77l VtorouaXUi t!Prtie& Vii,everv loaxt, aoa oun vte uxseu tiy manner qf Job Work em nma neatnm. lnres jiotmw.. ..,,...., '.... 2 trrtc jiimwi.M.a ............. 4 ..... . weeklt xDmonr'i .-T !,(, ., , , . . . - l T C H'ttKt, (fa fft eotmv) (n adtnnet SIT UTTSl TVS, LETTEK-PEAVS,. CARDS, TA63. RJSCETPTSS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HAKD-2ILL8 ..$2 OP a 10 ..... 1 00 u PAMPHLETS, CIRCVLAEX CJZSOXS, 40L v r s t3P liberal Reduction for CUitm. j i A- grtj (goods. CASHMERES AND ALPACAS. Just Received another lot of superior 1 rrr T , T A AA A AAA a h a n CASHMERES AH0 ALPACAS, Banging to Price from 25 cento to One Dollar. l' ni-t'iA-iF. ! .Mi, 'viA -nlHl Vi -AW 1U . l liujf t u: ,tiiH ''lis ii! J'i 'tilt i ol tl'i'W' nil aimsx" bn; Ui ofMt l tw i -1 MAHtti't .JMtltod .. . . .. loti .. A Few Pieces oi COItsmmmTi . .: . y jLfrvni f superior Quality, at sixty cents, . .vWi) dt to councils edl llm- ttl svsst J9 c yat fi Tttnht? fur wrrf". . ,. ....... wonn.9i.uu. ... ........ ft T O H.S.J H H not tell to W ow iADteLOS before 'IK) Jl O O H H "'MS OO buying. It wiilpayyou. ' ELLAS & COfflEK. I i i jJiilUL. tiV)r.l fas" IIKGES NICHOLS. a d ill 5 .MT rt i.t Trixn k. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PEALKR SUH.l.Tijf f run ti- ,...- ',-! ft-Hi-jnfta irt ALL KINDS 0 IfXTRNITtTBE FURNITURE ! BEDDING, &C. j , , FU KM ITU RE ! , BEADING, &Q. BEDDING, &C ft; i, A t'ttll Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS I LOUNGES ! LOUNGES I LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND JCJHAMBER SUITS V . j KB" COFFtNS ofall Wrids onliani .tw m-ri.TNS of -all kinds on hand. V :t1 taH i2TiJii i T - 43 HAM ATi tt iOT A W No. 5 wjfflqc TngJnaaET. CHARLOTTE, J C "i- LJidief and jGMttomen'a anrtrt. Robea-a 1:ue supply. 4 k fwfimoj l-rtf'-H .un3 81 'HT8 yfOOH T1 ) iU'JTAHflTLI - AT - -lt)0HT'U9sOW"U' K. (T. ROGERS' WARERO0M6, ' NXXT TO POSTOTFICK. 1 .MOAJITJK i , Is very Lar, , and embraces a Full Line of .!.U;V. J i).U!TTfl-.l? tom in a ;ot3 KiutiTSunf ai. J5 Slock if vii iiaJl.'OXJWHM n'Mohfih'O & PAULOU, CTAUBEIt, DINING R0r I tl' H1AiIvKTOH a u. THr'i nt b(U, lf.hsa;t to W !ffiisltV All Goods Packed Free of Charger! ' " WE HAVTT .WE HAY Hi A HAVE -i aU Ir.t.J An oi ;.fI !iib Jbliry ! or. ,a tti xd'v.:.i-r, , THIS DAY RECEIVED r.,nT A- - ; ' A J ,,1 J- BEAUTIFUL LINE - S ''i' i ' OF "JiMJi i. it 'ft HAMBURG. EMBROIBKRY ,,-;. j ftrji m .. ( i,t '' VEBY CHEAP. i li 'K4U .Jkjj, rrri tlUn X aw:)oii .uavrtraA' .-aie. duli-lctt tuntT T--:n."i CUFFS an 0LLARS. , Call and see them. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. Feb. 20. TX THE LADIES, LADIES:'1 " V nni THE LADIES. THE LADLES. '1 'in- SIX HUNDRED TARDS OF ALL WOOL BBB tJ V Nlf N TTTT H NN N GGO B B U U NR If H NS N G G BBB U UNNN T II H N N G B BU USNN T II N UN O GO BBB UU N NM T II N NN ( OGG THIRTEEN Y..r-f :- ' aSSoH H A DDD EEB RSSR g H AA D DR 2 "bSbHHH A A D D KB B8SS o"g H . H AAA D DK S "TSS BT HA ADDD BEEB8S8 Including Black, White, and all the delicate Colors for EVENING DRESSES. t r. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE, ppp. Charlotte' Hotel, Tryon st; Charlotte,' feb2 OPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. - i t r. f f 1 We take pleasure In announcing to our friends and the public in general, that we leave to-day for NEW TORE, To purchase our large and varied SPRING i 1 4 n -i -iivj-i.i?-. .-. AND STOCK ft ,d!'XT "V tf.) t, r . 1 Clii :v a i ..14.2 1,1 1 f' (B'SiiAailOOX It is-nus lahtTftnnt tttln season to Inaugurate a new system . give bur friends , chance to purchase Goods at -Sft-'sa ftwiMufl aArn6 ef.f.t-ttnaawMov, 11 ' fiHva 8W.SEKflGTl.PBICE&l to uj io-j.r;rr v&smJS. fens 9&arnS3 JUT t"9t.11 btmtKm V,w baa Hew vud txo Jfffiw o 11 . Wearecloslng'calfol,rrwf lVtBW WINTE 1 AT LESS THAN COST, jja salHiud i?bn? 1A -ft ishO vriJ ul wwl S'T Ja:i iuuoK .J . f';V'K?t? 5 hAxj K $Sf '5n? -f&. 1 f- H. MORRIS BROS.' J WBH4Y? R GOODS Tbethildrcn, . BT RICBABD BXALF. u i . Do you love me, little children ? . .. 7" Oh. sweet blossoms that are curled' 1 '" - ' RnnnrtthfiisftmTitifthftw?oflfI! A -r ,f' Asny own heart bends to you. ' ' fw-i. fin tHe-beauW'ftf Tour dawnlns ' ( . . And the brightness of your dew? ' : Wheri the1 fragrance of tour faces, : ' . And the rythm' of your feet. -' And the incense of your voices Transform iheeuHen street - - Do you see my. soul move softly Forever where you move, , -With an eye of benediction ' ' And a guarding hand of love? Oh. my darlings! I am with you In your trouble. In your play. In your sobbing and your singing, In your dark and in your day, In the chambers where you nestle, In the hovels where you He, In the sunlight where you blossom . ".And the blackness where yon die. Not a blessing broods above you , But It lifts me from the ground; Not a thistle-barb doth sting you Butl suffer with the wound; " And a chord within me trembles To yonr slightest touch or tone, And I famish when you hunger, t .-And I shiver when you moan. m it Gan you tell me, little children, Why It is I love you so ? - 'Whyl'm weary with the-burdens Of my sad and weary woe? - Do the myr le and the aloes Spring blithely from one tree? - Yet, I love you, oh my darlings! .T x-Have you any flowers for me? viiiI -i- : .-...A ' ?it ' (u.-I.have trodden all the spaces Of my solemn years alone. And have never felt the-cooing j'f Of a babe's breath near my own. But with more than fattier passion, And with more than mother pain, . I have lovedyou, little children wbtfJ)ojp$ lovme back again?- v tfs i-Vt i ' ' ' i i h i -' 'Jf tt ' an.nloa tied kx the comer of his. handkerchlet The. charge against him was (Carrying concealed weeplns. ni- nsi- : h -.-...yvr Mirtw "It greatly annoys HafyTAnolrsonTo oeHEIstaEen for the pedestrian. She explains that she Is a "star, while Madame Anderson is merely a waut- tag.-lady.-t Bishop Simpson confesses that he used to be so timid that he would walk, around the square to avoid meeting a young lady. Just like Henry W;. Beecher, for all the world. 1 " . ' .11 It is said that for fifteen years ne-governor of North Carolina has filled out his term of office. He always stopped long enough, however, to mafee. his remark to the governor of South Carollna.--AaMia Manager Sargent, of the Countess - .3bzenta Modleaka troupe, when informed thatthe Peabody hotel was on fire, remarked; "Let It bum, damn Itl Do you think I'll lose toy sleep for a little fire? Wake me up when it gets hot." LETTER FROM COLUMBIA. A Sew ludustry Preparations for the Next Stale Fair, &c. Correspondence of the Observer.) Columbia, S. C, Feb. 21, 1879. A new industry waa inaugurated in this city this -morning which, coming as it does in the nick of time, expects to meet a want generally felt, and may rapidly grow in popular favor. I allude to the establishment by Messrs. A. C Laughlin & Co. of a manufactory of phosphates from crushed raw bone, con verting it into a fertilizer of great power by the super-addition ot certain cnenn- ckls. The senior member of the firm. still quite a young man, completed his. studies at the celebrated Royal Univer sity oi Mining of Jb reiberg, m the King dom ot baxony, and is thorougniy pre pared for discharging conscientiously the functions of a practical chemist. The hrm buys all the raw bone Drougnt to the door, and this has given the idle population of our town something more profitable to do than to kill time by sndotnig at robins. They expect to turn out three', tons. daily, and have orders. a long way ahead. When the supply ot raw bone lying around loose, wmcn mrj 1 estimates at fifty tons, is exhausted;" the suxxQunduig country will nave to ue drawn on. The Cambrian phosphates are 830 per ton: cash. Active preparations are already be ginning to be made in various quarters in view of the coming State Fair, for a handsome display of products of oar own home industry in all of its depart ments. The wide-awake executive com mittee of the State Agricultural and Mechanical Societv are extremely,de sirous of co-operating wjth tbe.Kortfr View ., VL, UOlUiUg ; UIO . UUW;)iUB W Charlotte, Columbia and Augustaon successive weeks, thns making one; to a certain extent, a feeder for the other enabling exhibitors to be present in per son at each of the three fairs, thus In creasing both the attendance andlthe. compeuuon in eacn. ; - At a meetine of the executive com mittee of the State Agricultural and Mechanical Society, held on the 7th instant, in Charleston, to revise the pre mium list CoL Wm. Wallace; xf this city, was appointed director in the de partment of fine ar and literature, and,; on nomination of fhe latter, your cor respondent was appointed superinten-, dent. Having accepted he will "endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to which he has been assigned to the best of his ability." With a view of, giving the most full and correct idea possible of the natural resources of our fields and forests, spe cial awards, will be made at our State Fair for the finest collection, properly prepared, of beetles, butterflies, birds of the fauna and flora, as well as the mineral wealth.of the State Here is an opportunity for our young people to spetheir Msure time during the summer months in an agreeable and a profitable manner. They may rest assured that they will be amply com pensated.f ox their trouble. ; F. I ,--. . ..: r t BAHRD T4Y10R. n" ' 1 mil 1 .. CoDdiuep oE Things Requiring Immediate Chanty. "Washington, Feb. lT.The condi tion;af Bayard Taylor's widow ; is piti fuioThe Secretary of State;Hin urging Congress to appropriate 'a ;yearVaiary Of the minister to her, gives the reason wliy. " It' appears that in Berlin a fur hishedpiise is not to be had, and Tay- lor; whri he -went there as minister, had to hire a house for a term of years and furnish it out of his own means. He furnished his official residence very handsomely, running in debt for nearly everything. By the German law, the lease of the house terminates in six months from the time of the death of the lessee. Mrs. Taylor is left so poor that she cannot pay the rent tor tne last I T.,1w Chain Kooirloa imal-klo trt til next Julv. She is, besides, unable to Eay the physicians who : attended her usband, or even his funeral expenses. The consul-general has paid the funeral expenses out of-Ma owu- meairs, inrt vrxn ripects reimDursement.r ; fr; r Merchants, travelers; -visitors to New YorET aoni Ian to remember,' mas m oraer acooramoaaie and save your money, to make war on prices, and to fill the largest Hotel in New York, the Mammoth ft rmid Onta-al. on Rmnriwav. will hereafter he kent on both the American and European plans. She'll American plan Including meals and lodging $2.60 1 i or SH.0O. and the European plan SI.OU, and u wards per day. An elegant Restaurant, at modervl; - 4 ' t a-f -i in-'- 3 1 - . - . .. 1 Mrr'flKrjBiF JAaKsnvji best sweet navy IOBACCO. om. V'rr , Boston .Tnawzl9Jt-iMVtf t-i ' r.ri Yt&v pucsa ther Iaw butt their. bwn'ctwencest.they rcannolJ flee from. Many years ago': a- young man. of this city was guilty of offense against the law, an offense Whit to brought social ruin upon himseir'anay m:'.ramuy. ine 'and hia-'bffeiise' are fof sblten .'by the public, yet he Lv res,- andT lives liere in Boston." ' But from the day bis offense was 'disco vereuraiinoTigii,: navinz rauan ped thelaw,"he is fre e to come and go as he please he has ne vr been seen out- Side nxs -ownjp.ome.7in.:- ine:;aaywiu. Sometimes! under" thewyer-iaf ftight, be walks abroad to take an airing and notes the' changes'that thirty tears-" nave wrought," but an ever active eonscience makes him shun .the. lig ht of tday, and the faces of men, and he walks jiptrt, a stranger in the midst of those .aKng whom he, has always,lived.,v, .s-. . .hi i.himOmWMwHWt ' 1 . : A'iSbltf Outragfe 1 " - Fulton, Ikfo.,' tPebruaxy Xd-rrrWhiie . Miss Gussie Arthur, . was ..attending the postoffice aman enteredTand find ing ner , alone, assaultedi. and outraged her. ! He escaped through" ai back" door and t has not 'been .captured,, though half the town seems to be in pxirsuit lievetitib8bwatai?trea .itvi-mv-n -('; ,:;t;:; i Htgrf tMjt iKt-.a Straugled by flU Mectie. ' " ; i CnscnnxlM dis imtch savs' fl;aWflllftnvS.e6nratL?f aired yearptBilna um lauier s uarn to ieeu u uhs. bmaik., auiu fell from the hayrloft insucSainanner thaChi,ntir he was strangled 4:eeatht j : .u : '! QIctttbe IeBlaUoi 1 1 : ' : J. .Dionleie'lagi can prevent Its dolrig br Iareasuigtts vokrae ' encouraging - aasl qiltatlon, - w "H r malcnless vitalizing agent, Hostettoranach Bittera, Peo ple not afnlcted wlthi iny organic or teorgwle disease, grow wan and haggard simply beeause their blood fe'tiinj, wteMdiajrt In firlslmj i properties and fo meager in Quantity that the ex- i tremiaes areveTy1mprfeC supplied w the superficial circulation exijely,feebW Hence the bloodleas appearance of the Wmnance. ! But whenlihe Bitters are used 'inipijplpni the blood," the rosy ' hoe pr.bealttaet!vna'4ae cheek, the frame acQulres substance aa: wetlas vigor, the appetite Improves, and no digestive qualms Interfere either with ifc gratificaao'n or the subseotlao,t6tn ' i . ! .r..t'-'V,.yw- ': rJ''7 . Our country Is getting to be fearfully alarming, the average of life being teaseled every year, with out any reasonable cause, leath : retoltmggeftefeJ ly from the most insignificant origthf thla son of the year especially, ep41 gaepmiaon thing that In the hurry of eveTday life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending It and often Jlnd too late, that a Fever or Lung Wubie Jaas already set la.: Thousands lose thetr ayes to this way ev ery winter, while had BoscHDrt Gxbkam' Stbdp been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. Por all diseases of the Throat -arid Lungs, Boschbk's Gkekah Stbup has proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of its kind In medicine. Every Druggist In this country will teuton Of Its wonderful effect : Over 050,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. . , Jr - . :. ..: Goofeaeo f&r.(ton&awptlves. ... There Is a form of cofisumpOon winch was better indicated by the old fashioned name of "decline." It Is : the dreaded sooore Msome parts of the Southern States, claiming- mem lAeSsm every year than are swept away bythe iaofll temblffiiMtatlons of the yellow fever. The malady arises 4rom the inability of the patients system to take up ad as similate the nourishing ingredient f -in food that Is eatea Some years ago the medical profes sion with remarkable unanimity, agreed Joat CooT Liver Oil contained the most concentrated and; easily absorbed elements of nutrition. If thenau-i seous taste and smell of the oil could be aTOlded lt would unquestionably be the most sovereign Mmen dy that ever shed a healing blesstag on the human race. : And these repulsive properties are -success fully removed by the union of pure Cod Liver Oil with the Hypophosphltes losnhites oi Lti utme and Soda in Scott's Emulsion. The combination Is a most elev gant one, rrfeasantassweet milk In flavor, conge- mai to tae stemacn, ana aeang (ureeuyas a power ful yet gentle tonic of the braa and nervous sys tem. . - UMfi-.o;. . - ' CoasOBipttoa Cued. An old pi :Iafi" retire frbm; practice. havlrJ his hands brari East India mlsshw ary the formula of a smgfe vegetaole4 remedy; for, the speedy and permanent- cure- for consrurrption, bronchitis, ' catarrh; asthrna,- and all throat and lung affections, also -a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested Its wonderful- curative powers in thousands of cases, hasielt It his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve nnman suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire It, t. reel b, with run directions tor prepann man, French or English. Sent andnslngi in addressing wllh stamp, naming this paper, Wj w. Sherar. 149 Powers' Block. Rochester. New York; ! !oet0t4w ixsintss CCTiaugjes. D E3SOLUTI0N. S. S. PEGRAM has withdrawn from the firm of PEGRAM CO. All persons who owe the late firm, prior to February -1st, 1879, must call and settle with Pegram 4 Co, , - We will continue the Boot and Shoe business at the same stand as before, First National Bank building, Charlotte, N. C. ', PEGRAM CO. February 2, 1879. Home and Democrat copy QHANGE OFtSINESS. Having retired from the ; WHISKEY BUSINESS, i We are now dally receiving a good supply of FAMILY GBOCEHJES, FAMILY GROCERIES. at our old stand on College street, we will be pleased to see our many friends. We make Graln'a specialty. LONG BROTHER. febfi Auction jSaljes, N OTICE. Bv virtue of the power conferred m morteace made by T. J. Wilkinson and Laura H. Wilkinson to the Charlotte Building and Loan Association,-1 will sell at public auction, a -house and lot of land! fronting on the N. C. Railroad, in square No. 68, beginning at a stake on the N. O. Railroad and rtnv ning with said road to L. A. Phillips' comer, thence with her line 180 feet to 8 stake,- thence parallel with said railroad feet to J. B. Bhannonnouse's line, thence to the beginning, which Is how claimed subject to said mortgage by E. W". Mellon.' Said property to be sold at the court house door In, the city of Charlotte on the 1st Monday in March,. 1879, for cash, the amount due the Charlotte Building and Loan Association being $229.25,' with Miut of aitaertislTier And aula. - , - - ... . . r v. mnroivv iUi'-i decl9 tds - Sec'y and Treas.' - AT. T AUCTION, ; xuesuay jugni. eoruary .ism, at 1 o'eiocs. A large ...LOT .OF, CHROMOS, rjjckpraiiger I P A H ' KLTtGANT LT N-'ELEGANT ' ' LINE f- "'iiivi-q LAN ELEGANT UNX 1, : i i AN ELEGANT LLNT7 AN ELEGAM ,LLNJC SHETLAND SHAWLS SHETLAND SHAWI.S. ... .ALIjaSHAS,,,-!: ! -iMii ! s iaiiiv-ri- T. m t J-.V ,,!!(': -() WITTKOWSKY & BARUCIF8. tfii AN ELEGANT LINE : KID GLOVES; KID GLOVES. KID GLOVES. OPERA SHADES, Just recerrerl fit WITTKOWSKY & BAHUCHH etOTHING! LOT H I N G! C L O T H I N C L 0 T H I W. KAUFMAN 4 GO'S. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section ot North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock I of I COO L OO TTTT H H II NW N GGO COL OO T H H II NH NOG O L OO T HHM II NKN O OO L JO O T H HUN NH O GO OOO LLLL OO T H BUS US OOO WE HATS BTEB OFFZSED, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN S. BOY'S, YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S PT" CLOTHING FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. All we ask Is that out friends and customers will give us a call, as it will be to your Interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty jer cent, on your purchases. W.. KAUFMAN CO., Springs Corner, Charlotte. N. C deel2 1 QLOTHING-HOLD YOUR ORDERS. Mb. Hxnbt M. Crowell, of Newark, New Jersey, well known In Charlotte will visit the city about the 15th ot February, with a full and handsome line of samples for dress and busraess'suits, Including I -., ! , '' t; , ' ',. ' - the newest and most, fashionable goods In the mat0 ket Bold jronr C'-,'V8, and remember the date. " C ORN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, 1 '.rostonice Add7ess, ChariotwcirjMT . , -j Paries' having gram to grind or to sell will find It to their mtorestto call on the undersigned. Meat ground either fine or coarse, according to orders uit t Thankful for former. Datronaeei I will sira prompt personal attention, to all orders from one bushel to a carload 3 - '. t.'i s " ROBERT D. GRAHAM, 'U i " Superintendent. -. HAVE 4 X. f Just received a fresh supply of superior Tea., ' ,BLACK STRAP M0LASSE3 'Under cost by the barrel, b; eROY DAVIDSON. Tiiiw-; 5ppBj' iiimi'oai;fi ,f' ' "ssOp R R ! .it TtfEHATE 3TJt?r RECEIVED FRO Vf -U havb;,si jRkcefye js&Jfn EOUSTT HOUSJCi 'UR 1 A foil an4ompteetoef StapWfMods for Spring; wear; me n;ie n am( nuiwn aw handsomely designed; the Goods :!Kw7 aie!all:ofr VoreigS'XiOoinsw'-M . -. j u " '.J .T;m t ' . . . j.ii'-' : : . . French, English, Scotch and Gorman, . . . .-J - ; ,'i ' ' : t vrtth mcreaeea facUlfies we ask our trie nations tacbJDA and look at our Goods.) anu i. - k. mafeMmanlate wIaf. KlMiaiw friends as for SprtBf-.-fvi.,)-!-!,;;! m wear as gu.. 1 1 f-.'i-j.U J:'t nfl V- fir .' -.ii . Ome ef 6re a rush of manufacture. , itespectfully, ' J 'lV !: .1 . ' . ;K L. BERW ANGER ft BRXX, :H i ; j J i (t i- , Fine CMAdeiU anCTaStfs. n. !'! - ' .fTKWrq i r r - 7 ,u -t 7 s; ;'.-j . !-'' : .- it .7od -.iiI N. a Everybody that wants wmter cfcg wil save money by calling on us, as we wlH elOkem Tfemraess W-eoat MenX JovM. B' fand Children's 8ultH. i ; .-i-i.)-.!.- 1. 1T1-j 'Whlm'n jnili Sc o'j i ,mh ii 1 rrmx WORLD'S STANDARB. -7 . 1 nil. w FAIRBANKS' SCALES (! - . " J : . ' : j ; t 1 ! i'or Sale Also, . , PATENT ALARM MONET DRAWERS : .''....' Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene rally, The Improved Type Writer, , K Oscillating Pump Co's Pumps. end for Circulars. FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, New York ' For sale by Leadlne Hardware Dealers eptl-dtaww rp0 TOUR INTEREST. By calling at JOHN BROOKFLELD'S CHINA STORE, You can see the finest lot of DECORATED TOILET, DINNER AND TEA SETS Ever brought to the Southern States. New Goods from all foreign factories. Decora ted Ware In unlimited quantities from Limoges, France. ; f;; , . . ...iK'ifl 180 SOUP AND 8AUCE TUREENS just received, which will be sold at a mere sacrifice, J 75 Crates of assorted : .! .it:' STAMPED "C Q" WABE- ;ti t for the Wholesale trade. This goods merchant win una vo bu as weu as w. . gooas, as it nas all the white granite shapes. iuau - i4ii j ' ; : '-; fi-!,!'.n Can and convince yourself of the fact that : 4 JOHN BROOKFlELD " carries the largest stock oi, :C.R:0:CE:;lsS:H;j I . ,, I FORfTHK inyieaoutu. -r ttranHmmimr1 v '!! Mtf,1. A It1 uivuiiuiguftHi , JX ' "! , 'J,l.4:'-V.i Vi-S ."!.:' ftu " s MERCHANT TAILOR,. .m res ; Has Just received samples of Spring tfoods. His friends and customers are most respectfully Invited to call and make selections so bs to enable him to secure their, choice in cUjo time, ,lt!j ui i- i- 1; ,.-'i ''t -."Ml jji i.iij '.' i""i.-n-'-i ' MirTinAt.f" j.Jw's.rn Hotton's p wans. Owinc to the rfMrenev f" 1M'tittes-rI "wbi in to- tare worts- very cheap. v Wul. raake Una sulta irri siu.ua8Bimem.suns iors&" ramu ouns sarM rates, i I guarantee all my work mo fit, bo charge, :t- '! "(k?i 'I .':tl.' ; , ";i -ii-tn SIS' tili-'T )1'-H ii ii ,,; t i . .a .fv i '-VI -fi ft 1 DENTIST- . . r- OFFICB OYER L. B. wBT0W4 008 y 5 With 25 years ; experlenc t guarantee' entire BatmSfra's&U?ti .-'M-fi.'i.T.u.: lttisi,ra.rii.4t,.,?wUan. MiAGAi 'h TflXS PKWCIOUSiFBLHTv Jil ' f xne xineis inlhe. market, has juit GiAPEsr 1 V'?&$tiki& 4'fTi r- X -CTjJ 1 .OI, ii! iHX- -.11 t.Z ,cKU 'IiJ ' t oi r "VJ,n:,j",t's(yri:HiH7iK8,'tlx ,U js-tj nt Jwi "'li . Unices. b :i jjiils "f.')iU'vi) Uhn ,4ii!.!, rit M:-it -ill !STit;m Ain wA ;: . !' ,ri d -ir.! ,7 -nj Jr,ji.lo ;?ithh JasiT iij- - I'i.v .ilti'rjuT Tim f.oiM) MjTyt !-JW",-'',Ii.ii'; L'Ui.'fUui! Kiiuiioa 3iu lo ef'Hcit oat m Jnswwtrt ".i.'jwjjft ipjT'Kj?'!' rft l'i noi.r. :!! ;IJ f"'rMiUt Jl .-ij ltHIst A fresh snM):4.bmriMCiMtah ifi .s.oilt.-t q'opeaed,'i'Jiii miarwi! - m- iiul Ttri't '.jt; mi "HfcA&J ,:?'! .rlyi-r ' r :f!-1l vn-i' oj n tj:ni '1 . -.v.i :i- - V'i ,'isr !iif. -'.'fl(' .;ftolo fHweiT) I'.tk vii;J i t : i,ii'ii':;,il-dr; .sLfmii .Iil .f-Jilfrl (fommmiQ NE &IES "!.r ::-'.. 07 J kift 9dl l'l Jtttfl W,9jluntJ you w SMji& jwd tf-i -i', .' i mid itA dvumu iWtt.jfx .v jl y.'fl 7 i(ii. Jii'r'MOKERSf,,,, fJtf OJ j,.. S'rUi,ffiheHJ Wklnr aad 1 yflj; 4I(jriiG,grii4,'il) ' -it-rililSlNO.. MjJN ?' -Win-. t piONQUEBBr THIS SIG N." go thought ConstanOne whea he became a con- readily, agreedV and apeclally-.mamifaoto for Wm sigif by wbicfrh ww Henry tiui flil WrejeCortatoa! ' Faith" with his six wives, w cni ouulvlhihfta. Seven hundred yeeirs before Cns4aritfajirve'8oio mon, who butft 'a Temple Mth, out-houau 4c., on 20 acres of ground, 700 wlieabttoai good sired population to the acre, The ieen of Sbeba admired his wtwlbwi mufehmtif&lnajn Els nanltnce,,apd Mgnlflcar remarked toItbe half of Us greatness l'dot beyillorh tit;! ' . . ',-'. --iTrt'ifl!'f: If. 'Tf after he dedared Ehat, ' fa w,". bujlt high; Places for the worship of heathen Octet o4 died. Napolteon Bonaparte on hls: narrow tepe from the inflowing tide of the. Red eaj' wh passing throughothewi: perished, exclaimed; "If 1 had perished; like Pharaoh, what a text I would bare farolshed Oftbo doxy" and 6. S. Hnlton'to adverus hli tWectfoh- j i ..L?t ' Hltf :stt(itt7f erles and Groceries at jhe ffl&jft Snn' pn JTre street, opposite the Market House, ,w. here, .erfry, thing In the above lines may. be found, Imota&uic j Ferry's Garden Seeds, Green and Caimeif Frufte, Nuts, Teas, Coffees; Sugars, Plckies fine' bian and Tobacco, Toys, Ac. ' C. S. HOLTON,. , Democrat and Home copy.. 11 oi" fIi;m' ii ;!., - t. -, fj. TATLAD.XOBACCp,-.J .j. . ";d mI ii'-rO-B-SlA'L'B J' MH Having purchased arn 11m1 TobaVttn" GovennBentale, u (( i rfiid .v I am prepared to offer extra inducements to buyr era- Calleany. ' THOS. H. AITBX&'i . iir-fii i,, 1 ii. in i .iii L IMPROYEO." ,tiKirt r ,HnfV " .. 1 . ... : . . : 't-.. . 1 .... Anv nenum Awlrlno- tn nmihu. mm.11 inuMWi CltTLoWflouMwlth-ntneroomarjd'modeon1 tciuctwh, Hqj wwi oi. waior. ht mmaMM wau 01 .tne pi commodates bi BMuytWLat, 1 s 1 oecAa THIS OFFICE. EXBSOCKJibEEDSy iAiiQ 4lti T7V3R Sale. Ty.Mirgebi8em waff wprmievwasiaaaflvw iBeia( Johnson, type foundry, of Philadelphia, and wa . not iecatebeuaa.Tie hnger fit fowiVMtMi4 iy oecaose uecame necessary w use a-auiereni style of type. It will do good' service for Several years to come. It will be sold, in ictS Ha:suv qrr chasers, and in fonts of 60 to l.OOOlh, wither wtttouteaseSiiiAddreav'i t mTbBSEMVSWlT MS'- rtrwBvergWiV 'RoseTebe 'Rosew 'e.-j from the wetLkaown !Sst:nlSursrymieMri4 feia.twJcjiii,iiil . iliii.tKj (tJ? I tioUiii H ' ' J"1 1 'i'iir.iSA.toiJ AMI" II fin V if iJudJ .."Nil MIIKK . . . . rn- a IW if i mT CT7Tr'iiJ JU1J :P n; I HA ls0IJT ifsbbJl .il 'ikC iAlijjJif rO,iif''iit,iBVi Allid iT vi ail lluoilWW 9TOitI 1 ifju-jj sdj MatKOaUured onlr. nnder the UlkifieMrkiii EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., .., ', rrw parts aktj urrpr". ,,,',K i frMMtAlota wftH"mjii pMVa? Hasmstunl , iruaTanteeA' Now-exclusive irued bv ail euMfbratod DfaystcUtna ,ef Europe ad "Ame" -lt)m!n t staple, Harmless, ana fceiiame iiuexy on- butn i"ana report V5 cures out or. ioo ea.s v--"v varee r days. J fcecret 'The only dlssolrr ot 1 ji .inoaa' Uric Aeid Which exist ii;tiM'Blo" ! c " :. V f and Gouty Patients. 1,00 a t s,,6. boxes for 5 00. Sent to anyadss oa:.,:, cf'tJcei; . indorsed by Physicians. fSold bv aH '-" 1 A-1-. t idreaa " - WASlLiUiii; a. L i.. .J" U ,nov7 Only Importers' Depot. 23 CUa-et-,hT.;i:3T j 5" i 1 Hi i if 1 1 r - 1 February 2L janSO austaction Ural I feblS-ly. Charlotte, CT

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