1 Suiter ;and Proprietor SUNDAY. FEPRljAXiV- it ThA -moat interestinj ur'reucein Congress ia&e fifes' die at ., ho TTnuafl lant' wdrPsitairrK. t - , i and Garfield, of Ohio, the House being at tli a rim in onmmitiftft of the whole im t h legislative, exeewvald miiirf cial appropriation bill, and Mr. Black-f bum in the' chair. The telegraph, furnished a very intelligent outline of the debate, but the verbatim report, as! it appeared inj tjjefl, U ftp more, interesting. AVe therefore extract brief ly from the Record of the 20th. It is wellunderstoj tbaheiqiae3t)n was" upon the amendment to the general apj propriation bill, proposing to repeal thj test oath for jurors and the clause in reference &j supervisors , of elections!; Quite-ABulaHef? of gentlemen had spoken to the amendment: Mr.,Garld.rMr. Chairman, I have nc4tttaoaW4yp8tions of order rela ting to this amendment simply because I have not chosen to take part in a mere moot debate; because I have not been willing to address a body which, under the eircumstances,was not a deliberative body. OritoariJvtWs.ia a hall Of de liberation,fPpt AArixWwJere to day merely to register the edict of a party caucus . and not to deliberate, f Laughter.K Oufr Houseis day pre sided over fJkaAikcf ishMet orders to decide that this amendment comes in tinder the rule, nyt k. Mr. Sayler. I rise to a point of order. The Chairman. The gentleman will Mr, Sayler I ask thaf the words of the gentleman be taken down. Mr, Garfield. Certainly; let them be tatrnn down. u " iihe Chatrniin. lEbe ckair 'desires taj beSmittji b safc&ai ouluJ nrfefer neither thwcrDeakeniiowni not'the point of drder raised, but that the present occupant of the chair shall be permitted to respond to the gentle man from Ohio. Applause. Mr. Garfield. The Chairman will per-fectty- tmderstsnd.lthati Sktf ft per sonal reflection on him. fugefjanfj, anilause.l-Iv--where4)Mv-4auchi rlv"es, against the will of its owriMifl nhnty1, that its whole membership shaft accasoneman,pereon4Wtflc meas ure, without jrtZfW IfeJpWL opposition within its own ranks, its action here ceasestdJ5e ftMt ftf rioJtetMehce to dictation' from Without and not the f ee deliberation ;of sstatesraeniswitmnJ tQ fcoll Ca Mr. Cfathetd prbfeeeVF soine length Th hammer felt irprm his rtrtarks,' but more, xne nammer leu again, ana mr. iMWMtii atfetf M. T?den'to thehalroikth' floor B)ackJtnrA. Mr.Chairnian.if Jhere be anv who in the heat of discussion haVC fteeitaterayed into rmbroper ac- tion,-jorwnprqper .utterances, I trust X shall nob permit myself to lose sight of the fact that to' Che presiding chairman' nl this.committee. of, the whole upon thi pendihg measure t will hot. engage ' in a diapnta aft to its'Tfru'rits, I do not: iinnpfiivo sir that. it. wmilrl AiMipr ptorei'Dr Jiist forme to leave that chair iwd teoine to tliteiloof to engage in a Avrangle or discussion with any gentle man as to the merits "of the measure over .whose destinies as chairman I may wield more than ordinary power, t I have snbt" left' the chair for that" jrar ; pose, nordo I propowt Caress myself " to a single feature of this bill. I have come to respond to what it 3 seemed to mat nniilil .Iiava. lwn nt.tArad with hut. one purpose, and that was to force me, from that place' not only to repel an in dignity but burl back an attempted in-, suit Applause. Before I proceed to reply to the gentleman' from Ohio, I in tend toread thft note furnished me by the official stenographer of this House, and if that be! what the ' -'gentleman stands upon,, then .joy , answer shall be as emphatic and as plain as it will be short ss4i? $y -r-'-T .dir-i "Oux House, is to-day Dresided, ?ver by onefwho is under orders to decide that this comes in under the rule.? ids If the gentleman? froiujQhior&rixm- lut wltlr that . as rouect- statement have noth- mg left but to accent ft. ? Mr. Garfield. If the eBtlemanjffiU allow me, that Js notLtbeL whole Sen tence. - A '- H u 1 j -nMrBlackb-arttirJt-.am ;perfoctly.'WiU ing to have the sentence completed, fo mr.-warneKii . allow me. I do whole sentence will be found terms. .ilfitheTTTKnnlii'Ltfought to makeiand istilb make iw simply! this: thatrth $&cia'W? 'abodyotitside (of tWsee the members belongiijiiUiaitxboayk Whatlwalafed to say is this, thatsitot whole were under, a ort -oi .duress be cause theacknowjeaed, control of TDecaucustTctnaAis ail i say, and say it as I believe it to be. I in no manner intimated that the gentleman-' frorf Kentucky had himselfbeen ordered tb dec4dJthU question in, any special Wy. I referred to this laet thafe tlalsuwasa .ineralrfhal; inresidiszfneer-of ihH'CQmmitteett maii was al3o, for so I nerstano, himr self thehatxman of the caucus. z- . Mr. Blackbtrrn.-'-twold ask tlie:gei tleman IrOSn OM6 fibwiMf;;Chalnna: ts sUt ta'ihii In .lttoiJvlketheiLihe did savoiLwheUV-Oatended td ay thatlbfpPWlthat, chair at the time he was Breaking Was undI any orders or had reeeired even- an-ex pres- sion of ahem oeratie'ea )wlie wa"s to rule uportany or v ' t. i v, Jiat thls man of the GMtt&ttm were iction. whldf ttke1 this if elibera- tive body, but a body: to register the adicta ofcaucus. I . f Mr. BlickbUrn. 'Mr. Chairman, Ijdo not see exactlyhbw I-am to get hold of the utterance 'of the" gentleman -from Ohio, k I hold in my hand, what has hn furnished to me by tlt officia atAnnrranher of this House. It is very evident, ana x am gia i iwuuo vue fact, that the gentleman from Ohio does Mtitded.it)r"docs now propose iiJto .oe -u-dersjood as 'te!!:n 'this, conmittee Ithat fa chairpau-oltne. committeeof .i .i,nn": !in over this bilL:Jre- rfv7f"-v F-tructior.3, eitner director uciyta j: . . . :.i..;4,w,'iWmfin nurtOFeywici-M .from-'th6'rJ:"-T -3 -1 1 rAiX anV qutio-Tof w9 c , ;V wr to bV : presented, CHAS. R.- JOJfSS, ii ine-enweman-w4 not 5tt iWhlatrtM to be in rof Che wlle; not propose to stanu wu m- dwwuicui, , so furnished ae.'i rx.uj: n Now, if l had answered the ques t Tvit. tii him as to whether he. then -insiin with the crentleman. But I do not -understand as he puts it now that he does intend that. - A nrl in thf ahwAfifMlf that. I Wi?h t add hist one sm'elo word.: at a i,ann sure I will not violate any, a' Jig: tion Sne by that caucus, or any member ot it, t,hat I was expected to rule this way or. that way on any question upon which a point of order should be raised.-;- - or o . With. tills! atateArtiCwhich was due, party -associates in this liouse, havboi tainly not so rouch .djwehe)f them or to me asit'was'Rr tne-genuemau from Ohio mmseir. wno. accorame ia charge that'cetlld not be sustainedand uMKi-wir naaxa&en ta juiuuuu wiiuib, wv-mavm. Lnol standi andT ft was more to his ad- vantage man to inai oi myseii or my as sociates that I came down here to right what I conceived vtoibeias wronilone hvhlm f -n HI H ' i And as ;I BeverdoHanythiBg grud- ingly, I say hdw 'that' it is inidrgrud- ging spint, due most rreeiy anu very cheerfully that I accept the explana tion ofthis statement given httien-! tlematf romiCMfto- as to wnacAwaafiis purpose, as completely exonerating myself and my party associates in this House from anyjSela of reflection. Mr. Garfield did not reply? the aeDate ended, and the. Committee of the whole proceeded with the consideration of the FEltKRAL WiESffilt9 BEPUTIES. The telegraph has previously convey ed to us ?genexl.idej oi sgpper of the recent decision Of United States Dis trict Judge Hughes, of Virginia, in the caSwtif the Peteroburicemanlried at RicMniffiM.1,f6 relBtflfeimdhiflder- ing a deptrtyiiiMttabai lntottwiifajscharge of bJsdutyTWftaKe'-taBt con gressional election, but did not, of ly. It appears iramiie.deeisiflnaa prini-. a9 ed in full or summarized by the press that the deputy marshal aNIn the room of the judges of election at Peters burg anasrdereaT5tJand in that Waybt witl)t vioteace, was put out py the policeman. The question on the trial was. as Judge Hughes put it, tight to tie mxm Tocmxtmse na the laws of the United State's? i56 judge eomparca carefully the languago bf the act of CnjregSjfthBections of the Revised Statutes, in which the pow ers and duties oftbese4wolasfe8f jfH fleers are set forth. Bv section 2019 the I supervisors are expressly authorized "to take, occupy and remain in such posi tion from time to time, ( whether before or behind the ballot-boxes, as will, in their judgment,' best enable them to see each person offering to yote, and. as will best conduce to thfeif " scrutinizing the imanner in which the votingis being conducted," etc. This is express au thoritflhnpervioTsio ?& ihJ the room with the judges. No such ex press authority ,kis given -to, the deputy marshals. By section 2021 it is made their duty, when required to do so by the supervisors, to "attend the polls" By section 2022 it is made their duty to keep the jeace, and support and protect the supervisors, to preserve order at the polling-places, to prevent fraudulent voting, or fraudulent conduct on the part of any officers of election, ' etc. They are further empowered to arrest without process.any person who com mits illegal acts in their presence. It may be noted' "that these provisions are comprehensive enougbtnd trench-suf ficiently upon the province ofrthe "States and theduty olthe State police to pre- to justify all the opposition which has been manifested to their further con- inuance upon the statute book by the Democratic party." They do not, how ever, Judge HUgnes:Tcbhcludes, either exprej5slj fr)bS"njsarynpdati9n, give the power to enter "the room of the judges of fel6ctf6,';hTess'? It r becomes nMessar sSj"brT1;he fetfo"rmaned of som -special 4uty devolved ? upon them by the statute. The duties of the deputy marshals, says- the judge, are not those of supervisors, but of conserva- My conclusion, therefore, is. that) un less for the purpose of suppressing ac tual violence or of preserving the peace when actually disturbed, or protecting the supervisor when actually needing protedtidti;'oT preventing fraud actually atiempanwroomUieputy mar shals have no right to be in the, room in which the judges and supervisors of election are performing their duties, or to go behind "the ballot-boxes" unless requested to do so 'bybotn' judges and supervisors. If Congress had designed that they should hjive xthwpwer-as it did design that supervisors should have it did give the. power ito the supervisors expressly). Unless iteatt blhowTi'that their presence is required by the exigen cies which have been mentioned, the judges' Of election have the' same right to order deputy marshals out : of their room as they have to order out any un official person. The Brazilian Subsidy. The vote by hi$S thfe SWnati dfl m United States passed the Brazilian' mail steam ship subsidy amendment was 23 ayes to IT noes. We fear that this subsidy is little1 more or less than a grabiihd that nobody will be benefitted by the appro- priatinn votfid PihjaLSQaiOujghi) will get theA contract, j.Te voting of this approprorLc4lofeklferJ with the arrearages of ; pensions, bitihi will drain the treasury of' 26,00O,OWmares the present' igressyhofning if not fiberab snh'ta Jo e!rtnr fyvian Jij ei-iT xne liCcisiacure ana congress very near their ropes?ndr- The former; has but eight workin'aayafleftV'tl, latter has but eleven.. ; Another Ecitenient In Mexico, . , SA2TRANCiscoMFeh.t 22.T7 private letter. da.MazeatlantexicOFeb- ruarv lOttt" -savs- -the .Mazeatlari - mer- chants-refuse jtdvpayA'Jtae;tindenthe new nrranrrRment. and intend to set the teleelared-irTerriterv- op Fodoral district to escape, the Aewry ouraen or supporting thetttare government iue governor came to Mazeatlan a short time since to arrange the tai'tfUestiori. ids. C. Vallade, a popular.etlitor who op posed the course of the jovernment, was assassinateroir the night of J anuary 27th. The people. belieyjngUiat Gov- ! flrnnr (Janwln was Tnw to tne Crime. . marnliAt. trt'MttitoiftlrifehArfiwfttf the in- nf lvT,ohlT,r.hirn. but CanedoihaVfl hm Tr?toTrrWSrr ; Escaped. Genoazaput the city under; "inartial law, .bnt' the-exclteinent tias FORTY-FIFIII 0N(xRESS. ate tiZr&QiJ.h I At njniit 1J Jteduction in the House . Z No Final . 4 ction. AVasiiixGTOSr, February 22.i32atje: T Ferry ointehnplenrta45r Hon. . aJTCKViJhantHer. efeedMjBett credentials were read:, and: Chandler took the oath of TtflT ! , ixna-.vice-presiuent ,itua,.jjetore ve. Senate a communication from the R.os.t- inaster-general m reg$Jd totft'Wll re cently passed nxmgtne pay ot letter earners, hb siaies luui, in autuxion io the estimates of 82,000,000 for thepay der the new Dill and that 871.000 addi- tional will be required to pay their sal aries during the remainder ot the pres ent fiscal year should the mil take efiect upon its approval by the President. Re ferred to tfie comtniteeon appropria tions. : " The Senate, by a vote of yeas 45, nays 18, struck out of the army appropria tion bill all the sections relating to army reorganization upon the ground K rc that there was not fi(oiMtolHtdState, W Weiii oi subject at this session 2 X fpt he association of K'aTray3f JSorthern Upon reaching the amendment or tne committee on appropriations to strike outfit theHousBjbilf the clause forbid dinffthfe MeM liotSps at polls, the Sen ate struck it out without discussion eas 34, nays so.'- . The Vice-President laid before the Senate a communication-from the secre tary of the treasury in regard to the ex portation of live animals, and suggest- z i r ; 1 1 4-1, secretary to prommti tr jsmicj tortation of live animals of the States to foreign countries when dis ease exists among them, and that he hap sfitkBi-utyj frxippoint skilled per $oiis?wroex4BilHecattle, &c. He sub mits the draft of the bill to carry out his views. Referred to the committee on agriculture. House. Ah effort to proceed to the consideration otstb&tieifi&lative appro-: priation . bill was , voted . down by thej advocates or tne toDacco oiu, ana tne' bill to restrict the immigration of Chinese, who desired to have the morn ing hour in ordtrjeajEter to move to goto business, on the Speaker's table, and the House is now proceeding with the regular business of the morning hour, f Theffowy iobpartii r?tef 187 yeas to 164 nays, has laid upon the table the bill reported from the commit tee on war claims re-embursing Maggie Barron and others, of Tennessee, for supplies taken by the Union army dur ing the war. The second bill on the Speaker's table was the House bill repealing the third RMHnn rf t.hft rpsiTmnt.mn ant. as amfvnd- I fid hv t.hfl SnnatA. malrin United RtAtea notes receivable in payment 01 4 per cent, bonds and for duties on imports. Mi. Ewing, ofObict todVed-td concur in the Senate amendments with amend ments providing that the money here after received frpm the sale of bonds shall be appliedily jWth.el e4ertiitioBi of other bonds bearing the Mghesf fhti of interest and subject to call, providing that it shall be unlawful to issue legal tender ir notes of larger denonination $l,6t)0,lan(f plidmgTtlaCcaUed than bonds cease paying interest after thirty days alter date 01 call. Considerable discussion ensued and immetou ainEddtnahtsf fere offered, but on motion Of GarnimHhe bill and amendments were laid on the table. After passing several bills the House reached the bill restricting Chinese im migration and the Senate amendments were concurred in. The bill now goes to the president. f" The Senate amendments to the bill reducing the tax on tobacco were then taken up. Tucker, of Virginia, by in struction from the committee on ways and means, moved non-concurrence and the appointment of a committee of con ference. Foster, of Ohio, although op posed to the bill and amendments, mov ed concurrence as a - test A question. Dwight moved to lay on the table. legativetk- $ndkiproar in, respect to the manner irl which the amendments should be voted on. The first amendment on the sub ject of the bonds of collectors was read and concurred in. The second amend ment, being merely verbal, was also concurred in. The third amendment, for the appointment of thirty-five inter nal revenue agents, was then read and concurred in. Burchard, of Illinois, suggested that as the amendments were not printed, the House should adjourn and let the amendments come up bh Monday. Tucker, of Virginia, appealed to the friends of the bill to vote against ad journmentand dispose of the bill to night. The House refused to adjourn. On the next vote there was no quorum, voting and th,e proposition, to adjourn was renewed; several members1" declar ing that as they could not see the amendments in print they could not vote , intelligently,, heose again scene of confusion the speaker extricat ed the House trbM the difficulty and at his suggestion all the amendments were concurred jn in gross with the exception of those referring to tax on . i f A. X A. - I : A1 A SPgSSl W$mimne$. fh&e Smeni: Atfentswill coMe sUpf onMoMay aiid meantime the amendments are to be printed, .win-wo nx-t -u,a w The sundry civil appropriation bill j was reported, and ordered to be printed. ine nouse iiitjii iuii recess mi mon- day. THE SUNDRY CIVIL BILL. Thmfollowing appropriations iwere embodied in the sundry ivil appropria tion bill reported to the House to-day: Court bouse and postofuce, Atlanta, $10,000 ; custom house, court house and postoffice, Memphis, TenrC, $60,000; cus tom house, New " Orleans, $40,000; cus tom house, court house and postoffice, Nashville 'Tenn$7000 f or sconthiu ingtW orfetrucotfrdtHhe;? at or. :neart; American SboalsjTlorMa reefs, $50,000; for-Orebuilding the tower at the South pass entrance to the'lfis- sissipm riVfKbarracteatyprt ress Monroe, $34D00 fd pay the State & Georgia in full settlement for advances! ing . the. :Creek,, Seminole and Cherokee Indians; $72,296. SnglliVTlctbrtei iBfiouth Afrl, -IE.' Cape ToWn, February 22. The lat est information' rom Moirtzbnrg states that the total loss in the attfTcon'-fCoL Glyn'acampon tho..22d-of ,ahaf4s now estimated at pnlyfxom 250' to 300 whites. ColJfcfe4litmn has been victorious injil;pf its encounters with the enemy.1 The- Cetyways a '4 Kew rtd to beiscouraged:byxhe fearjLul.bavoc .among ;tbi er Arlepp8,,, this fehaying counteracted the) effect .of thwrrvirtrrrr recent disaster. - - vi s ..k Febnfary 22. A dispatch to tive contingent has been forcibly fife-1 with i;200 British troops, is intrenched 1 at JfjKfiWft: T.hiT.v-milfa nrifhln fio mv's territorv. TTin mmnntMfUn. The bush surrodtagVe fested with Zulus; but CklPearsan has mm United laiLu Telearn.'nTif mm Piplwmnrit7. , dated February 3d. savs i rrTbe iia- Ueeting of Mexican lTatis. tional associat iuv t jnmi oLtliev Mexicfeit fwar ;ine :ii' W wlay. Gefl' v- jeiivei, v-1 un;u, cm; .su. uug im delegates pres nt f er ) i G :i. II Gate r Gi bsoir Hi tyd tesk, . y ion, Sp Shields, of Missouri ; Hon.' J. J; Martlr, of Alabama; Hon. Boot. Klatz and Gen. Biles, of Pennsylvania: Gen. John ' SU Williams,- of - Kentucky i Gen. J..T. artholow, of Maryland ; Col. r;dwaru AitwVl AMfltNiii: J; lleillt. ofTf ortiB arollria; .WbUbaS? ol Tfrginia iURf W WlUJ"'JJtiiiill Ml Vi IUU) W. Leonard.. of New ..York. The only business transacteoy "was',''th " appoint ment, of a cmjmittetor visit Washing ton trad press -upon tJonlrress'the equity pe hiinrivrtf fprahV rrttifi-i-J e, nWtt32o2&jvtw 1 I' i I :ioCTT9Wi Ri'b: sirilThe'ReV'amssi ed4iie;bin pending jfojc '.the.'iettte'pien (lnirrlnler and were received at the 'depot'by the Krst regiment pmrglllia "volunteers. Gov. HollidaYv-lfeftresentMve of the iState. Gen; W. H. P.-Lee. president of JflalvvbfKtJpSfatetad city ttwemate war? v efmiesffwhiehs mposmff. ; o:he emams . . , ere' qhurch where the f ieralryicesk; piace':yanaMWrPaiiW Ttaefti;rofiiGiQP concourse of people joined in ddm 1 'Ti-.',,i. .f.f f ? J.t . notioT'TOcneieceasea!soiaier. ai jiu- Washington, ?FelJS2hl Jaf iron sate.Known- asr u e. Biiienniai safe." on exBIbltWn: m'tWEKecefiten- fl4. Kf4tVWtlWt;f(?harvili3haf the as! vedvBnaitorFeri sfaYICi HJWiPiaitei6er-i ent LtocouRHfa imtooBapresentisihe WlfirJS?!y .I'ldm-miti tti UkI j Das .p)it t nil ii'n afcin 1 lottoru Tiinv o?se lua.-i A lYlzt'Ifrht h' Keir trS roice into. ; onit .w.i nBiq 3owa sai lias ,ont bght with lxarl'W8Wmafi last t b tirht ,4frweer -iNllke, . Cobum -and rbpnng Heel DICK 1 err; . .r .n . v -. ys-- I lasted until HD'oiOcttii fthis''n5rTilBff.iWhft--Jll-tbj,W IVUUdS' Siad been foo.'f ittritiia hour the Tnlira hmkn mtn thfi room and arrested virgimavaitq officials ho.j veter anf of partMMrfJeflobs were, .quite . i ph tA M toettttli jthe 'whole rcludl0t:ralii;1. . prominent citizens. --.aoi 1 Extra... i -spring Jtieei uick was Dauiy pun jished while Cobum was but little hurt. !The fight-wUi-be. dJard,a-,djiw and the stake money divided. At the police fcourt all the parties were discharged except the principals, wo, irrejeid n r$l,0OQ bail each. j f '-, m neaTj rauure in nosion. Boston, FerJHeTSr Bigelow Williams, real estate agent; to-day filed his-petition in bankruptcy. His liabili ties amount to $126,669.51. Amorifithe largest securejd creditors, .are ..the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Com! pany, $100,000 ;Xiity institution for Sav ing, Iwell, $44,000 r Provident-Instil tution,;Boston, $100,000 j Fiv Certf Sav- ings Bank, Lowell, -SiOO.OOO; I) anyer'a Savings Bak, $20jDOOi Massachusetts Hospital ' Life Insurance Company, .9245,000. No unincumbered assets. Brief Foreign Items. London, Feb. 22. Marquis D. Hai court, the retiring French ambassador at London, will go to Windsor to-day to take leave of the Queen. The report that Admiral -Ponthua will succeed him is confirmed. The Time Berlin correspondent says considerable alarm is felt at the state ments in East Prussian papers to the effect that recruits from the South As- trachan are being placed on the Russo- lierman trontier. t t Gambetta About to Lose Adherents. London, February 22. The Paris correspondents of several London pa- Sers predict an early rupture between L Gambetta, president of the Chamber of Deputies, and his Republican follow ers, in consequence, of his severe discip line in the cliamlber anid Jibe rigof with wmcn ue prevents in terrupuon irom any quarter. - i- Celebration of an Annlversarj . Baltimore, February 22. The trus tees and faculty of Johns Hopkins Uni VerM Mebfea tRthtovewaf. ry bfdte 0j&mi&$tm at tfttf"Atadefny of Music-this forenoon, a very large at teiidarrTieeihl mttseftt:f -"President White, of Cornell university, delivered i? annual oration, hia sub ecf being university Education. J Vessels Delayed by a Strike. New Yo3;F,ebruarf;22fnThe long shoremen's strike at piers 9 and 10 North Rivei, delayed 'the steamer Al hambrafrom Halifax from Thursday until this morning. The Knickerbocker, which should have sailed, for New Or leans to-day, may. not gt oJE before to- . China' Spinning ner Own Cotton. London; Febt 22.-T4r!tiPV?Berlin coiTespondentsays: "TbeGhinese gov ernment have purchased machinery and engaged" "experienced spinners in Germany aria 'establisnesTa cotton mill in China so as to free that .county fromita, dependence upon En glishanf Ruiatrlntprfa.w'-'i elffetrFetet1 IncreaslnffatRto Janeiro. Rio Janeiro, February S-The yel-' low fever is increasing sTiiedealhs' arftfcfivlodaily. - The Grand Cented Hotel on Broadway N. Y., is S5feIlS5ft n(H Jtaktesjaigreal ma,nyj people to fllllt rnrder to'dd tlie latter, ahd o please eTerybody, the hotel is now kept on the both plans the American at $2.50 to $3.00, and the European. $1.00. and upwards per day. An eltgant restaur ant at moderate prices, is conducted iy the hotel.' ' Remarkable Result I,." f ' .' It makes no difference how many physicians, or how much medicine you hare tried, It is now an es tablished fact that German Syrup is the only reme dy which has given complete satisfaction in severe cases of Lung Diseases. -It is true there are yet thousands of - persona who are predisposed to Throat and Luntr Affections. OntiaiminMnn j rtvm. )rrtegeB,lmUluu; . aeTum- eu his iwt(it mr-thw Breast, Pneumonia,, Whoopinr Cough, &c, who have no personal knowjbdge oi Boschee's German JSyrup. , To such we would say that 50.000 dozen were buiu laai tbut wrrruuit. tmtk junn n nt. run. watf 801,1 by M drug8tsl Wro an who are suOeriAgWxhe ants in- cw, loss of manhood. I will fnri r mim thnt FREE OF .CHARGE. - This great Sd-S i? BJV iu?SH iman, station d, t'KHHn aHV 179 lets rsc- 1 .(M. hid. ; tJorn nnlftt at anal : Oats In eooaXfeH mand at 2528. Pork quiet at 10.12V IU auiei ana nna? swam o. to. i uuui uieais yiuot firm; sooulders 3.75, snort rios 5, snort ciear 0.10; bacon quiet but firm; shoulders 414, clear ribs 5, clear sides 5. Wblskey Ann at 1.04. Butter Irand qnebange. r Sugar steady and unchang idjbfe 1 itatle demand and higher; common, 3.40a85, light 3.90a415; packing 415a40. - ! COTXOJi. - " . . .atcii ariiiLiliifaJiSaiSilJ ...... Holiday; no report except from JJverpooL Litebpool 2.30 p. m.7rCotton firm. Uplands f53fed., Orleans, id, low. .middling uplands , good ordinary uplands , ordinary, uplands . sales . 6,000, speculation and export ' 500, re elpt 9,250. all Ainerlcau: : rutures opened parr tlallyl-32 better vvUplanda low middling clause: February delivery 5 13-32," February and March fvte, March and April 5ai3-32; April and May iB 13-32, May and June 5 7-1 Hal &82. June and July 51, July and August 5.9-16, August an4 Sep lAmtwr k 1 u-39M5b. snlemher; and October ' New crop shipped January , pe? alt.;-,';.f ebruary jand March . 1 FUTKlEfi,i'n.Si - a ! ... .!-:-. - "1 1 r I i -(- 1 no reiwrt. 1 T i .JiTNANCIAJU-ii.hitj 1 s No report. CITY COTTON MARKET. 5 .'dFFlCX'Oi THE OBSElffEft,' t, 1 CHARLOrrE,. J,'e.bimjq-,23,'t 1879. ( I The market y esterday closed quiet, as follows : 'MidStag '...'.!.. ' 9 r 8a f"- 85 strict low middling. ow middling. . , , , ' 48 Inges 4a ,ower grades ' 7?-' -'1 v -J'- " ' jaS1 CHARLOTTE awllICS!,'MRKEt FEBETJ4BT '22F 1 87ft- fj Cf .hr.rt mo i mo Kirns inirfi jiff !ij5tiil .autimJ U Cotton Ties j New, per bdle. . 1 Spliced, " .. Bagging, per lb. Corn, per bush'l hg noanam i' ,45) f n!C. hogiondrf.P.f.-?.A. 8a9 I Hams, N.C. t . . . . . ; . . -. lOVa BtrtlTt-'MEAtw iiisme 1: 3r.iO!.w.'n ilJ:v(i twj-ri i 3erEibSldBRai.J . -vUio-d niftl6 UOFFEE " Hir twsr6r vi; svt.v ,;ii;(v-,f.i,w iSSSrm $maeL ?V:K -Ii ;l'v.M i J215 NewOzieaas,H. . ..-.rri,v 1 Liverpool fine..-. Sugar WwimSHU . tdksl . Io. . 1 taw . bio nmWri ;PTOTOMliH'te i'ltl li.'.-i 'Vju..t dj tigmuti inj3 1 '-ltlBtf A . tesJlttiWV. ail. J&Y4iUt fMfl f4Uft5a-: .BtJTTKB .'.-iii i"1 in stuJa sub-i ?fl' North Carolina. : . . 10al21A Egos, perdozen.. ....... 10 3.00a3.50 . ... .77 .7... .": . . . ... 2.7583.00 8ujr i . . ... . u . . ii - . h 2.25a2(L hi i;yWJiJiM..i...iig? ; i ; ?' KT&nGB-r,uy.tn: lit : Hjki izmhl;: 'WrttffiJ&&'uimai conletWtf tBorttet1 made by T. J. Wilkinson and Laura H. VilfcinsoA. ta the Charlotte; building; and Loan Association, X will sell at public auction, a house and lot bf land ttQUE on th arata rjconpsg on ue in. v. itaiuroaa, ur square o. ts, ntlns begltiHingtt a stake on the N. C. Raflrnan and ran- nlng vltti sMd road te L. A. PhSllps' eoroer thence wua.her.ime loo teet to a stake, thence parallel wittL-said railroad 49 feet to J. B. Shaaoonnouse's line.' thehce to the beginning:.- which is.' i claimed subtect tsaid moiteaset b? E. W. Mellon. Said proper to be sold at the court house door In the city oi vnarioue on me 1st jnonaay m aiarcn. 1879,' for cash, the amount due the Charlotte Building and Loan Association being 3229.25. wan cost oi advertising ana saie. -. j : R. E. COCHBANSr, deel9 tds ' " SeVy snd Treas. : ' : - : , -. 7 i - - TirjcTiON,; ': By MAXWELL HARRISON. Tuesday" night. February 18th, at 1 o'clock. A large LOT OF CHROMOS. feb!6.tf N OTICE'TO FARMERS!!! am prepared to STORE COTTON M w Srd proo? building either to basement or on the first orseo- -: ri'-i y: IHU- . : i it'.-'.t ,-- ..j! ond floors and . will give warehouse receipts on which yon can draw money if desired. ; Sff Charges moderate.. . ' , ;'' -5s . THOMAS H. GAITHER. OCtl2' ";- U ir.O r. SEED OATS 600 Bushels Seed Oats. - ., ,,r; 50 Bushels N. C. Irish.Potatoes. Corn, Flour and Wheat Brah.' - Baled Hay, Shucks and Fodder; HEAGROEB,,',' :J tfnst received mid for sale by? ! t ..iJ.J'.i A-J !ti- -U i.'tL juh.WIXJ-IAMS A rro;T. O. N ! - " J II--! f; Ii I H ! : ti ! .- ill .'-!, f -j.-t ia.it Vi.i! fw!.T "i -ORDERS AND .CffNSTNMyTa SOLICITED- THOMAS H. GAITHER, Cotton Commi ssiok MisBCH ant octl2 JP-..B. jALFXANDER & CO., ... .,, ! ! i GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -. . . : n Save Just received the largest fcnd cheapest line f the choicest brands of North Carolina Floor to be found In the city. - i, ? i GROCERIES CHEAPER -THAN EVER. : . J J ...iJ.'--, -n.j V 1 NEWrGOqDS,.v,t-..i K.f . .if tii -:!."- '.! Hi! JCfEW; KEi.TTjfiESj !. 'f if Us l m vf , 5 rh.r i'.l mi 'i"' ' r .t-rr-r'f j Mi-i..:i J' '- i i Just received,' a few barrels of Berrv roster's D4-, vie county) mAi r:a.-r iT-m sfl .Ijc.'ua! ioov iuiu unuci ttuiii; vxAvrviciAE. I.Yll; r. BEST RYE WHISKEY "fit " wiJ jt ti ': I - j S;-- t I'jirif ,f-i,'rt--') J!-;: ''-. itfi 1! : Also a mie lot pf Country'Hams. ' I sell iot eash.f All good delivered in the city free of charges , fs ' :.- -.i- ;r,i t-.i a W.J9. CRIMMINGER, ' Next door below WOson & Black's old Standi -. ap 16. 1 ''-' ' u -'I'Miiu 'fin J F AMILY GROCERIES, "1 ,r,:. nave.now in store a full supply of Groceries and StflrBMs ftmny supplies, s dtw sts to America, ; ;k. ,.f,-w iin.j . 1 Jsi.") Fj-h'i kl. Inst iui,lMl...llUK'!li -.ii'li " ..... r,., , .. . iw j-..'n'Sjti'09 - ...... i,. ,,ti V"-"! iiK'. ,u Magnbl4 Hamsr'Alsd'a lot of wry large Torkeya. - . ...... .-a- , -.- -.'t-Jt t j. i t- :? sui - -T A- 'A STORE -FQtoN?.1'y'W"H J 4 I 5. , 'v In I A Tr'-fTto Life' iKr" v" K. 4 ! if I iW Ji MTV AH Ai 37 H lYlH A. f 1 iff Buy your COOK STOVES Crora me, as I bare 1 2 good reasons why they will do your work Quick and Easy, Cheap and Clean: , u.i .Trod if Aa mv BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE -.A--They are best to use. BECAUSE They bake eTe a li BECAUSE Their operation la perfect. BECAUSE " " They always have a good dxal They are made or th bjfjf jmaif rjij j. j-j BECAUSE They roast perfecuy.T BECAUSS r-rszv v'fu r ml r r-r BECAUSE They are very low priced. BECAUSE a; viri viTir-ff They are eastlrnagett BECAUSE They ae suited to an localities. BECAUS7 Every Store is guaranteed to give satisfaction grmrditi0. CALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL HOUSB, CALDWELL HOUS CALDWELL HOUS E, Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, tTetTTrn.flT4tl4Jtreetg,t i.UlAllA.Ul l J!i, . U P. CALDWELL Proprietor. This house is permanently established andofitp all the conveniences and comfortrafp Jlff! hoarding house. Persons vlsltmg fit a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. 'caiiIurilbhQdwtthroonis. -feW.' .l 'HT O i. RATES Per day. transient SI .25: Der week. $6.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per month, $18.00. JanlO g0ltdag (gawds. i Q.REAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. a r r. v. r.n t'i A YY. K Y. f. Y. 9 a a a flffH k y- n 'AY Y. t T WA nr. YY. It K CLOCKS, I JEWELRY, SILVER AND . -.'i i f s. l ; 3 i i A a ti A 8 C IT HI A A it PLATED GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. it.. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want J. T. BUTLER'S. for Christmas, at dec24 . . ..... -I ;:': ' WE DESIRE to" call attention to OUR ST0CT7" E DESIRE to call attention to-OUR STOClV OF T7 A N C Y r A N C Y GOOD O GOOD tO 'UK! brsi Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market. The latest f&yles of Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties, which will pay yon to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather "12 Pocket Books; also a English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. B. WBISTON ACa' declS T TEE CEKTHXL HOTEL SAXOCff i Cochrane keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, Stand ard Pure, Two Tears Old. in ! i.a KU, JO 1 ' - JpOR FINE WINES, And Pure Liquors, Three Tears Old, go 00CHBANEa, . i.-,.... , ... Central Hotel Saloon. I 3trT3 fr N EW LIVERY STABLE. t iii-t,i;'i','7it.T ot 1 If you want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bog-. e M (WW Llve17 Stable. ' - ......... ; If you want a Carriage arid Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trams, go to the New, Livery Stable. ; If you want your horses well fed and well groomed go to the New Livery Stable. Careful drivers; promptness anieaiionableprtceft are our motto. may28 B, CHAMBERS. - PTT7T OR BENTi 'At fU" ! t4 The two stores in the Grter A Alexander huUdftw on Trade street . J. L. MOREHEAD. Jan26tf ''HE BEST STOCK OF GROCERIES anncONTECTIONERIES mum w .. .... ...... .wiv-viT frr . . . i . - . . . ' T7W';;v-) or .., Oo 1 . ....... ..-::;;::ij j41,.:,fiVJsv u , -''.e&bo&'rp'B V-1 H H H H S H n h TTTT T T S8 A A ...A . , v 1 st National Bank Building. Charlotte, K cx . 0r "tot of Boots, Shoes, Ac., is acknowledged to be the best in the State, and we would be ed to have you call and examine for yourself before bnlng. PEGBAM 4 CO THE PUBLIC. Jt-liS !- AlVU'i I x ue suubcnDer, irustee OI SMITH ; OR KS Of SMITH - OR begs myfivff of Charlotte and vicinity to the large stock of -20.11 tlhm B O O O T 4 O T -AND H'.f furt 1 t-.K " -f pow In his hands for sale. It Is believed la te It faiwtf Jt)t8tycof goods South of Baltimore. find Is well worthy the examlnaUoni any person pair. The hethex jffapjjng 6ne tf i tbMt Etock embraces MAOmiY. ir-- . AN INFINITE VA2IETY, from the flnetoTheccseWBo;'Me. If yon want a pair, or any number of cases, caU, and yoi;r kants can be supplied. in this connection the subcertber would stale lhat If reasonable prices can be obtained, the whole stock, Both tosh aijd.Betail, mil te sold AT A BARGAIN, eltl :fjr er together ot :tpamte fer i pttrjrMaBlftlftlicited jlijlftiliNLr, Ti cske Forhe? Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 1 7, 1 878-8weod. Wlutthzs and tvozlv. TUST IN TIME. We have Just received a Sne selection ef. ssch Goods as you want fr CHRIS T1 PRESENTS, Iftlch as finA TVfpfs and rthntna Fine Sets, Seal Rings, Initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins' klh tb Hn4 mi niur mnt. CALL AND SHE THEX. g tar HALES & FABRIOR.-' From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MATTER, GTLDKB and SIV ,fER PLATER', Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church.. Nat Gray Store. -3-'a "A T'f f i rflrr Every kind of repairs made at once at half price and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gliding, Coloring. SUver-Platlng and Gal vanizing made at short-notice and equally as good, as new. Work done for the trade at low prices. tg" Apprentice wanted, with premium and good . Repaired work uncalled for wfll be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septlS TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE CONTAINS THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOCK J i -iiraiL Y. KA 'A- i 8 mh au K yh a v LITERATURE, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, MUSIC I GIFT BOOKS stTi; BLANK BOOKS, INK,PENS;PENCILS i MUCILAGE, AND IN FACT ETERTTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS BOOK STORE. i -1 i s 0wo ra i88 t indanvttlna Xv Botterlck's Metropolitan Fashions jfor March have Just arrived. Call and get one. TTDDT ft BROTHER. febl8 '-f ?l--t ...tauiAn K.v .i.:' BHOTOGRAPHS. . ,t, , i'i In consequence of the reduction in the price of the original cost of materials, and In order to give my patrons the benefit of the reduction from and after this date Photographs will be taken at my Gallery at ; ' ..-.- ; REDUCED BATES. , In the city, at r. ' JanSO LeBQT OAvTDSOlTS, ' n