.' LOCAL INTELLIGENCE STJNDAY,TEBRUAHY 23, 1879. BA1LB0AD DIRECTORY. F The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and trom Charlotte, on .all the rau Foads (Washington time): , ; ' ' ; . -jf ; Arriveslro Richmond and 6oldsboro 1.00 k. toV Leaves for - . 8.20a. m. Arrives from Elchmond,.?......:'.'.... 10.50a.ia. Leave lor ,tUi'i'vuu.sJ.4a-fib ' 6.66p.m. vr .ATLANTA CHJUOOTTX AITHJjr, . U ') Arrives from Allanta'tJfcwiJusJ. wiU"-8.80 k. Leaves for Atlanta, J. , iiwicw. .V 1.06 'M Arrives mm Atlanta,, u .vn.iu . -iv " i Learea lor Atlanta, Liwu. . .'j ia6 a, mv Arrlves'Irom Augusta, .'. . . 1 Y&1Q to.! Leaves tor Augusta. i ""a.m. Arrives (rem Augusta,..! .. ,fi--80 a. in. 'Leaves fra Augusta, .r jm.'- a nv ea taamuii1" Hit tA MWI Arrives from :' Wilmington' Leaves for Wiinungm,v o.w m. ,v.. ......'...... 6.00a.m. I Arrives rrom neioT,. o.w 1. m. Leaves for Sheibx,:... ..'.. v.. !.;...;,. 7.00 a. m. - . a ATLAirno. TCNnsan vauK t m Arrives frtfn 8tatesvme,;;.;Twi';Ui'i fftBOjpl Mi ; Leaves tor 8tatesvlUe..i V.? im'MtlAXi a.im I'llARLOfTK POST OFfltK. OPENS. CLOSES. Moner Order Department,.. 9-00 a. m. . .6.00 p. m. Registry DeparUnent,,..i-,e.O0a. in,; ,B.00p.m. Gen'l Dellv'y Stamp Dept, . 8.00 a. m. e.OOp. m. , .. " .! -Mif-. -'v-.'8.80 p. m (.8.46 p. m.. 1ST On Sundays the' General Delivery and Stamp' Department will be open from 9.00 a. rn. to 10.00 a. di. OPKNQftf AlTD CL08TJ 6 MAILS. t Danville Jt Charlotte B. B.,. 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. ro. . x n .."! . . . r . jJl-lRa. nv. 0.00 Prm. Charlotte Atlanta E. R.r 8.00 a. to. 9.00 p. m. " . . Augusta R.B.,;. 8.80 p. nv 10.00 a. m. WUni'ii & Charlotte K B.r. .80 pi m. 6.00 a. m. Charlotte 4 Hhelny tt. 6.SO p. nv .B.00 avm, rSS&doiS .no'mt, Mondays at . c tsouesvuie, 3f- BeatHe's Ford, 5.00 p.m., and Tuesdays at aOO a. m-, - J.1 " tar1 Ycjrtpvnie. (horse i Wiilr I IBPiPTMMW'l . ' i limit Chief Signal .Officer; J.; Washington,. 22, 7:30 P. mv :rJ For the soutn Atlantic Mates i wmas iioii.vi.T wi . wuiin.iu.uiv, i wiui sugui tiiiuigco in Wa.vmcw,ir . Local tempore for Yetcrdjr. 47 A.M.12P.aI.9P.M Barometer Thermometer. Relative Humidity , .i ylnd--DlreeUonv i v: M. Velocity-. iivu' WKRtheM . .v 80.092 37 29.879 29.830 59 53 58 i 88 r f- J4 -Mit.8.r w. yo.- 6 tillea T.5l.r:l Clear. Haiy.j Highest temperarare- 60 deg.; lowest 34.. ' KKW DKPABTJEKt ...... Z-.,. rvk. -T:- f.rl wsofatniiL Nd (fteat MSte " ..( t i v , toi .;. m ..'!.! , vi - i T.. X. .f Jfl. f U f il AwWl I nwi,iw,.-i !TTrTirrjTr--.r!-w 'rr- i pages tf Me paper, una moan mgo iimBK . 11. KIA. Vaa.l tow rfrfoct in tt tytonoosv THK VBDBVBKH TO-DAT. ..' -..-I touno mem's CBBwriAH latocUTicw :tt&iti Devotional exerttu8ierjMoa. sr. Peteh's ce.) rjttcBCH.-ervice8 to, ifte imprg- 8&VwS22i il uw aS; In, by noon at 8 o'clock. l)iT 5::a1'(.i:'' ! ' ' :. Baptist Chubgh. Services In tne morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 1V o'clock by Rev. Dr. Theo. Whitfield, pastor. Sunday school in the morning at VVa o'clock. . - - st Vi pit's T.rrniEHAN Ohtthth. Services In the moruing at 11 o'clock and In the evening at IVa o clock DT uev. . a. wmgaro, paawr. ouuuo school In the afternoon at 3 o'clock. rimi prfshytkhian church. Services in the imornlng at 11 o'clock and in the evening at IVi o'clock by the pastor, rtev. ju. b. xuuoiut ouuuo school In the afternoon at 4 orcioc. : Xt the evening at 7 o'clock by Bev. W. T. wauer. nHAtor. Sundav school In the morning at 10 o'clock.-. ' ' ' -. Caltart mission CSroBca-Seivkies In the morn ing at 1 1 o'clock and in thaKenJng aA 7Va .o'clock i by the pastor, Eev. J. F. Butt. Sunday scnooi m ue imornlng at 9 o'clock and class-meeting in iae m itemoonat2Vk o'clock.- ...vv.'' u:-1 : .v;; St. Pktkk's (Cathouc) CHrHterrtess to the mnminir at ifiL o'clock and catechism taught in . vnnnnii VMMra in tha afternoon at 6 o'clock. I j,,;iTi,nnnth. nin nt O o'clock. - ,-,.1 suncUy school to toe, monungatitf oaot..- -J TRTOW STBKXT MJfl'HODlST. (E.) CHtTBCT.-rHer- I vices w the morntog at ir o'clock and mjm t evening at 7w O'clock Dy itev. -A. a. jjos- i hamer. castor. Sunday school in Che evening at m o'clock. Prayer . metuiKevL esnee-1 f I C !. :. 'J it ; . V I - -- - swu (HUHraTSerVTcas In the morritng at 11 o'clock liniiriv strung, r 1 1 xnAHtm unmnuir 1 and in the evening at v o'clock itf the pastor, Rev. l. b. Gibson. Sunday school to the momtog. nmo2oSr,v?,,e??f? IW evening at CCIOCK. ? K Bar Babyv -a-i'' Kate CIaxtbn.!:played i the, .Double. I : vhS iaVtb? which made V!0' 15 ?i?rrira2trm Augusta real STTS rT 'J.u'lu:K real oaDy ,naa..w;u:iuBwt,iAj. night fox the: p1ayvbuli: as - at the last .'. . . ' - W . 1 M i. 1 . TJtta ;rtrrwe to savi "Under the circtrmstances we are not InclineUtaluX.tr son for the omission, as .snet seems mj have toadet anhonest effort to ' fill the role, Especially as we are: eridpnraged to believe that unnn : riArnexti appearaneo in Augusta the billvrill be-entirely fill- Davidaon Colle Military, At the lastmeetiriir!of' th Atthila College Volunteers the f ollowingofficerS were elected to tiw'iai. a.; 3 ni airavn nnMioraTnATn iowmvnmiw!( . na'pfSfvrfrtJr-l: First LieutenantH-Cope? f f Adjutant E. C. Smith, First Sergeant A. Foster, Second - J J. Covington, Third . i rJM.-AviBry, Fourth : i--PfcM.Brbwn.'.' IT Vitm -vimu-Ai-a. Bofckner -J rirsii.voi'porai-nTV'. uwwwua,. : JSecond -i; ,a. sHJi Ua ieuamy. n w Third " -E.I B. Davidson, j umiu ; tva Af a. ,4..1 x nth : r .,,.iKt iit jenninK3.no n.i 5 ' Commenia DMBTnTa CooreBtlosi of North t m iMdMrMfS. lAi, 7 titT Ane i e w , A or aouw Ayr.; oma uai jr as a tengtby and -weu digested' eoiw rial article, iivinir ' the f proceedingsbf the convention J-afJ Northern set- tiers m r the isoutn, nem in mis, city on ' the ? 15th ! of - January, . inter-; -LJ Ull ' tUO IOWA Ul "l (AAAIACU., XAALl.-. Rjersing the report1 with timely vconi- ment. There is something of Jocai, aside first xtuesbttkbiab ixcbch. sservjoes m um oi me Auania unanowe Air iiine nirea room.1 After completing the work h? VuinSrD ditoesZaKhoo1 Iailroad arrived in the city yesterday, there she will go to Salisbury and begin In tha aftornnnn At !$ O'clock. i7 having spent over a week on a tour of a series of meetines in the Methodist iiom general, interest in the tfottti ar- amusements, and or generous aims-giv-ticle, as for instance whenf it says, 1 that ing. !The : Paschal ; time .extends from the rmmirlmi ftttsprnhla'ffe' was one, th first Snndav :of -Lent till. Trinity "from whsfl inrtiiHriR North and South will surely : be "l blest, and from whose 1 i ief nresen ce even the good ci ty of ; Charlotte has trained new and enviable l'r,t-l i.1 t . - ,. . . J tlAnol ha,. UAablllCUUn. Ul Lilt) WOrAVl UHVlWin .... -.. - . . . l it L 3 mony and riouthern raeyeiopmenx. nu, lunnennore It says tnat "luuarioiw Hiui lurtn-ar nnrinrf-! herseii ana.lci't!tA ici amen to me nnai resoiuuuu wuuugu numbers of her leading citizens, dv ei;- teitainlng numbers of the delegates, at pnvate residences. All honest men ey- ot.. ...; ... r: ..r"j.. n.. ...aH ;1T nilKIH Wl ' HTII) H (1 UAK1 nOBpitality and the happily, auspiClOUS aiio.A LI.I. t - J j. - a M l . .v. ... H02XIS PEN CILINCS. Another hat racing -day, was yester day.r tMM t ;.--' Last Sunday before ; Lent, which be gins next Wednesday.' . r r . f No interment In Elm wood -cemetery ' Therej were "sii iilice " arrests ilast week all the parties white. V ; Yesterday was the 147th anniversJiy pf the birth ii George Washington -Ar retail dTjrgoods merchant dreads a I Wfaidyday more. than a wet one; ; : Mr. IL Morris, of Morris Bros3hji gone North to lay in a spring stock for ms popular nouse: 'A i ! Charlotte'' banks -did, riot close for Washington "blrUiday; i' Nb'attentioiv Whatever was paid to it here. J Kaieot cotton were rathwi' lirht lact w?k - - - oniy 600 bales. ; Best grades yes ter commanded 9 cents; ' Tlio l.i-ii,if ii , . I .Thft lirevitv ... - -r" r-,j.--'i.1v..-.fcc;gtiuu5 uiu:- ket reports thi: morning is explained by the fact that vesterday was a legal holiday.,,,.,,.; . V . iJuring last week the stone crossing atrt xi vuu jwiu xiuiiu streets was renairea, auuine pavement. oi. rryon just above Fifth raisprl atirl &nA'tA : ! L- 4 I'll. i. . IT. Milieus UiH UUiUiifeU UlS base of his operations and is putting urH his nlanimr mill on tha "m. cns lntfchlT vftri Wh.' vacant 1 sq uara' between SecOnd xiuiu buww, iicau m uonege. h mi "- i ' Ane xtoneers nave succeeuea wen m tneir enorts ;to raise money to buy horses tt draw their engine. 'They 1 1 1 J - . . - "V; I nave . eecureu Buoscripuons , 10 ine I HUHJUUfc OI WZO. ;..;:.;?-.,((,-.:: f tothe stude det the ausDicea of the Yxmnrf Men: Colleca Chr stian AMOpiitiori -nrhiirfti rlat ihr j j - 5 m ot-, -mv ... l ixiessrs. JiutJ.tTneracpyon. or Mmnftwa. i Station.have sustiended onerations tairw I . : 1 a. xi ii r 1 i . '.. I puianiy at iiieir comrn lacsory ior ine I Duroose ol makincr additions and im provements. p n The 16dy of Gen. R. H. Chilton. o"f Columbus, Ga, passed through the city lo r-eiersouriFTnr inrermmT. n a vino-1 military comrjanies at tireanvilla and rSJiS. tS?6.1?6. nrea aT T" W if st5U- , ' 1 1 1 ; A rope-walker was in the citv a few days agodgavef-fcut that he would re-annaar "VestfiTvjaniwl.Tfc a rona gtretdiad across Trada -Rtntar frnm tha ton of jhanantmi Wnfai tv i.ha fnn nf iiie opringa.AHiuiung. xxe uiu not conic i to" time, however: much to the disap- TMi n tnumf nf fhnao whn worn nn tha I lookout for himV .... -.--; .- v--i - i A grandfather in. the city" who" pro- ter and sat down to read was just as M,"""; ::T'"uu; I ii sii n v fiii it n v. xa jrm n v T.nR nnmunnv it nis nnwfiTiv. wnan i.nn. iirxiar-rma X O . " . . hlrn ,f bp pnuldn't raA-W1tomit. hll lamra . , - " ' I Mr. W. A. Moodv has resimied his do- sition as assistant clearing house acrenL ani has taken that of soliciting agent for Richrnond & Danville Railroad returning to his first love. He remain- with this toad in this capacity four years, was subsequently with the Caro lina Central and is one of the best known and most successfid agents in the State, The president and board of directors inspection of the road. They were met i i a ir Y -1 : nere oy v;apu v. & tioiuisun, uperiii- tendent, and Dr. C. H. Koberts, general manager of the Carolina Central, and Maj. J. C. Winder, superintendent of the Kaleish & Gaston Railroad. The whole party left the city at 3 p. m, on a special train of magnificently furnished parlor car8' f?F Hamlet, and thence to their respective homes. The boys called it the wedainz oi tne uaroima central ana Aviania cl nariotuj Ait ajuib. i AAl A O . 11 t A. A. AVJ-TS I 1 IN isnt, before last, wnen me passenger train on the North Carolina Railroad was in the vicinitv of Hurh Point a heavy I Stone ?as tnrown-thxough one of the church next Wednesday, (Ash Wednes windows of the passeneer coach, by day) mornine and eveninir: also on some revenceful imp of darkness, but a., j , ,nL uiere were kuiu iuuuv pciouuo m iuo i . a . a nnu ' J,rtmnov vrriu I mafr.U. ,-m fn1 fl, ivrotYh if ha aan I "u':"". " t v-auguu. 1 Soon after the freurbt train on the charlotte, Columbia & Auffusta RaU- r0ad arrived yesterday afternoon a noise J J ' U Krx nm WKon I was IICOIU Ul CUAC Ul HIS UUA Utilk T f uv-u I tne aoor was -openea two nearaess .. . . , Lt 1 tramps stepped out smiling, ana express- fazix appreciation of attention shown them so soon after their arrival "in your l.MJ.M-, 4W ' myk3A Vt-iC VALfJ ; . I itegniatioBM foriot. Bishop Keane,bishopof tbe diocese of Nichm.and,, vicariate-atolte of North Carolina, has issued the follow- ing ttgnlations. . for the observance of UnLwhich willbe'read lit' St Tetert t,, j i,!, uJa i- .. llllll. I .11111 l.ll tilAin 11IV7I 111A1K m. I fallson the 26th of February. All the faithful, whO .naye compieterx-meir twentyfirsfea year t. are, unless legiti mately dispensed," bound to ; observe t the 'fast : of Lent They are to take r. onlv , oner -meal a day. ex- rentinir ; i Sundavs. 5 The meal al lowed on fast-davs is not to be taken until about noonrjriesn meat ana nsn are not to be used at the same meal dur- iug Lent. A small refreshment, com monly t called collation, is ; allowed in JiiS'lit j w. - - fart tn , iiflA hread. . hnttp.r. - cheese eorcs. milkTaU kinds of Mte, 'salads, vegi' Dies, and nsn at me conation, ireuerai I- A it- 4-j tolra in u,B.W.V.r" morning some warm uqiuu, ao w, wa- oa 'rtr thin r.hrtnnlatA made With water. audi aa mouthful of; bread. VNeqessity and custom nave autnorizea :ine use or "hrfTr are exempted . from the obligations of rtintrr Persons under twentV-one rnMm omi tho oifV ! trnrfilnff wnmAii 1MO iiTrrr? tT mose wno we uumjeu vu w uu awi all who tnrougn weasness cannot iast rUV.nf irraot- T-poinr1ino tr thftir health By dispensation, me use. oi nesn meat. will be allowed at all meals on Sundays, arm once a da? on Monuays, a utatuajs, rri.n.ni ol tiafnrHam with the ex. cepuon .oa . aioi v . . a u ua waj ; av aac second and last oaiuruays it ajbii. The faithful are reminded that besides the :4obligationnDf r fasting" imposed by the ennren, xms noiy, season oa ucui should be in an especial manner a time 1 fJiiUlilA UO AAA IA COTEVAOA : of earnest prayer, of sorrow for sin, of exclusion ' -'frohif B 'the ' world l.. ' and its I Snnrlav. diirini? which time 'ail'Catho- lies wiiii have attained the -use of rea- j son are Tound to pre receive worthily Chef repare themselves to 1(4 Tlf liV flll II Itl UllllJII. I mt... L.I. T nv ,a n rAM, nHMin, XUO AAUIV BCOSUM Ul JUCIAV AJ HIWJ 1 . . . - .. . ... j . . a .1 r i time, aisp, ior, cniiaren w'gow wieir inrst communion, .wmcnuiej uuguiw ao eeneraiiy wnen anout seven years ui sgcn taicuui buuuau boo ia tyiiia. . ;?:-' " - -, .', " I For upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wlnslow-s Sooth- ing mug n jon i ing Syrup has been used for children. i acidity oi tne sromacn. reiieyes wina ooiio. reirui: I T. . . - . k 7k..4i-.- J1LJ V i- UTJ DM1U1W.U, IDUOTT If UJU WUU arlslpj from teething or other causes., An old and lHLnimnnnui, ORiH KM hnitU ...... Inferior Court. j The court disposed 'of the following cases yesterday. . , . . , v State vs. Oliver Sims, colored, remov ing crops ; guilty ; sentenced to three months in the county ialL. -' 8tate vs. James iQmbai, disturbing religious . worship; submitted! dismiss-1 ed with cost of action. . . . A btate vs. J . Davidson, coUlarceny ; jury1 verdict guilty : sentenced to six months m the county jaiL ; f btate vs. Alex.-Boseboro and Wil liam McNeely, larceny of cotton; mo tipnJu arrest of judgment to be, heard. Monday morning. tv- i.-j,,.- ; . . n v-j - - , f? Xbe Old Story f the Aula Box. ' ; As Policemen4 'Blackwelder and CaV ter passed by Brookfleld's auction house. yesterday morninar about 2 oVlnrki thav' I discovered a light in the 'house, which';: atniir!lrstail thai al-fnxtiw .. ther lnspectiohfccouvincedijthem that4 --Captlsaac JLowe, a: useful. and Ire there : was5 smoke r in the 'room.-1 Mr. -pected citizen of Lincoln ;conntydied Brookfieldwaa awakened as speedily as poeaible. and on entering tnestorelt Wa3 foiiud that, an ash hnv whinli hail i' i r tt 1;' r oeen carelesslyleft on the floor by ane- tywa,iii,a blaze, and that the plank of the floor had caught from this. astrous conflagration: It is the old sto- rv oi tna ash imv Social Chit Chat. fTl l i , .'.-' v . AnwX kT- 1sevfcrai gacnenngs E??lb? paSti week,.among the largest ? wnwn were a a dinincr Fridav and a Tha raadinl..h will hMvfW uviq luuvucuu.. liUUr lUcaUiiV, m i ... tn xuesaav on account or tna raiictr oa masque. Tne next meeting will be had at the usual time at the residence AJ . , , . . .. . vt.. mo yresiaenu uaDu a.rniisteaa isur- well.. i, . u-jb -;.li-?vif-- is i r JJ'-tain,e w ,Prniiuieni lnsuiuuon. L mog the young men whp came to me C tv lor t.ha rmrnnsA rf n.t.tjndin9 1. 1 . 1", - , L 1 V , . . r kci iiitui r nuav nisni. were juessrs. J. A. Metts and E., L. Melton, of Co- lw,Vvn 1 1 r tw,'1' 1 W . ! r . , uu jmx. xuugia Drown oi oai- isoury. : :" ; ! ; -i Jmss Aaoie Avery, after a stay of sev 1 a: , w v j " lotte who drive themselves and handle the reins well, and none have ever xnel W!5P an accident The german Friday night was not only the largest, but is universally nro- nuuiiceu me most Pleasant OI me season. The dance is becomine more nonular. xigu, n nuuuivu ouu- vikuiuiw W1" au ciose me lasc weeK Deiore ient WltU larce balls. It would be a very serious reflection uuun Lna nannia ot i nn.rirki.TJi tnar "a musical soiree had to be stopped on ted, that only a small portion of the au- Wi iwpuibiuw'iot we noise. ' rrtoaa tfam vnAat tr karq aa 1aaaH nhAf Tha ITanl Uran .olLu Koll AUV XJI B ' VCUIW ILTCUX IICA Xt 1 e mi. a t liiiK5 aiiair. lue managers win uikb . i : every precaunon to prevent any occur rance of an unpleasant nature. All dancers must appear in calico, and only those m mask will be expected to dance until after the unmasking, which will occur at 12 o'clock. Each masker will 06 requirea v report ax, tno aressing rooms before entering the ball room,; y Church Note. Miss Painter, the revivalist is nleased with her success in Spartanburg. She preaches and conducts her meetings in a church. 1 In the Sunday school of the Baptist church in Winston, there is a strangers" class, which all visitors of the school are invited to join. lvev. Dr. Irvine, of Augusta, wno preached the baccalaureate sermon at Davidson College in 1873, was invited to perform a similar service at the Uni- versitv at the next commencement, but declined. T-V . 1TTI. H 1 ll . ur. v niineia win preacn mis niorn- me on tne subject of makmc: and pay iner debts. There will be service at the Episcopal Thursday afternoon at 4: 30 o'clock, and .n lm i Ji, a Luiiuwiuii stcucuuio win uo uuacivcu uii rv vn., TaaT, Thn. Ar a-nA afiir1av sffarnvms af l-SA- 7 J -0' n cuucauajf m 11 it, ul, ouui iiuoj i o p. m. It will be of interest to Eoiscopians al in this State to know that the Right C f ItTV, : l Tt Tt UoTinn nf tha IkC V . I' . lXi. J I IUKUv, jlt. UIOUUV vr. we , - 1.11 aiocese 01 virgina, nas wniten a letter to the clergy and vestries or tne several churches in his diocese, forbidding the use of flowers on Easter or upon any nlW naoinn In fhn phnrAhM Th VtUVA VVVlSUiWIA U WUW v use or iruiis and vetreiaoies upon Thanksgiving Day is also forbidden. In mesameietier me uisnop prouiuius tue use of altar-cloths except of one color in other words, he inhibits the practice of changing the altar-cloths at the differ- Int eSclelriastical seasons, There is a report that the Pope has decided tocreate new dioceses in the tt:i.j d. e v.0 miA I I II I JM I mJLII'M Ills iW .1 .1 lllllli 111 ajlAITj ULfllA this country. Eleven archbishops, one Cf whom is a cardinal, and fifty-four bishorts control the Church in this coun try. Some of the archbishops ate old and infirm, and find their dioceses too large for them to manage properly This is said to oe anotner reason wny new dioceses should be created. jpasa boasted ctfee. i - . . j t a am preparea w roaw uuu ktuju y, aij M2S5f me a sues, C? TATE 'OF NOETH CaBOLINa. f In Probate 1 s Tadkln County. f rCourt. 1 , - Ba8p Ecutors of i , The Heirs at Law of Benjamin Sparks, deceased 1 ; " mottci of tikal skcaxkmxkt- I it nrin, tn th vaiaffurtion of the Court that I ixMa nimmlL wifn of Paton Dimmit. Hannah K.Xr fr John relts. John SDarks, and Euza- t WuVof Johb Beddlk. are heirs at law tnU an4 noiwesidanu of the state, I ni, thumfnm nn motion ordered bT the Court I ir-fid Sfendanta Spar & the cierFs office in TadidnviUe with- 1 in twenty aays alter semco i um ..'." I them take notice that it they fall to appear inac tne same will be taken pr tqnfeteq as to ii.;,;-;,.,,:,:,, md n WtuI unii mmI of office to Tad- 1 , erven nn Wnviiie, this the 10th daj TLAJR t1 u io : .iA-y iLi7frM Jodv leb23-dltw5L B. ALEXANDEB ft 00., ' Oollege Street, Charlotte, Vt.C.f ; We handle more general country produce than I niknnulnlhaii tl HLflll mil IOUCH UinUCC WU' I unnolminuinhl fmm UlII -naTtlftil WhO an Willing TkO I -e, -r ------- . f n. aanunan wiin uw iwh hid mm uiu inu wvu umv sStTla uTose who Tcannot be pleased with our beat efforts, are respectfully requesiea jw aena men- goous w souieouuj STOLEN. - ' ' From my residence, February. 21st, 1879. a black and tan hound puppy about four weeks old for which a liberal reward will be paid and no Quezon-asked. . fXtCBam, RftiH.23. 'J s STATE SSWSr j Tarboro is looming up as a wfitfr.jj sort ; -; i---i'T.1 Judge W. H.Battlerof lUlefgh'is seriously ill at Chapelmi. vl. Asheville Is trying ,Jt3r brst V'5et nP a circulating library; - J - Coddle Creek grange in Iredell takes 19 worth of agricultural papers. Madison : county , is ' coming pro'mi iientiy to the front 4 as a tobacco grow ing section, Wiv , Citizens of Buncombe county are holding meetings on the subject of pub lic roads. - v y -i! :.;A Wilmington mule threw four men hand running 1 as tasv s tney couia mount him. . :-'S i lasi wees, m mo eiguiy-eecona year 01 1 hist ...... TJie ' .Newton Enterprise ' say's"1 the school house" in Hopewell township, Catawba county, was destroyed by fire ou the night of the '14th inst , Mrs. Johnson, mother of Mr. F. M. Johnson, of AsheviUe, dropped dead in the main street of that town last Mon day morning. : Supposed' to be heart disease.- : y- - .. ..a -ii Mr, Jesse;.Heathcock of 'Mount fea sant, after suffering jforji nearly fifteen years from a wound received during the war,: wilt be compelled to have bis, leg amputated on 'ACCQi'dtiUXr' iAaimwhQ; -brq tions from Atlanta and Colombia tried to rob Mr. Rube Deavert' AJjheville of hiii watch was knocked down by Deavr er but made 1ml escape. - The man gave his rAaaslmort.'1 In Reigh, last 'Thursday; a colored man, Ransom HilL was detained and treated to the hospitality of the station house for trying to pass a bogus check at the State National Bank. The amount was for something like a hun dred or more1 dollars. " ' Mr.' Abram W. Yenable, a son of Cpk Thos. B. Venable, of Oxford, N. X and a grandson of the; late lIon. Abram Y enable; f 1 OranvilleiliwiJ locate in Asheville for;.te.3mmed1ateprpdseof assisting Pfi v S. Ei! Venabie in the conduct of tlie ' male academy in that Wilmmgton i?ttezip. A day or two ago, while Mr. McDermott was engaged in digging up some gas pipes near the corner of Fourth, and Chestnut streets, he discovered a number of bones of dead men. Judging from what he said, we presume several persons were buried in that locality long years .ago. .. ., A correspondent of the Tarboro South erner tells that on1, the morning of Tues day .last, in the school ,,room of . M)ss Mary SprnilL in Plymouth, Washington ounty.;SE little ipapil, CatherinHalli stooped to pick up something near the corner of 'the fire-acev when her. dress caught and was iof badft . .burned, that she died the next day . ;;. StatesviUe American;- At a meeting of the Korthern settlers resident in this county, held at the court house on the 15th instant, W. -JL Gilbert, Esq, of Elm wood, was elected delegate to repre sent this county at the Raleigh conven tion on March 1st, and W. L. Gilbert, J. Gilbert and Thos. J. Conger were ap pointed to' prepare a report on soil, re sources, &c, of Iredell county, to be presented at said convention. ? Bandy vs. Shrum was a case before a lancolnton magistrate last week .. Ac cording to the Netos Bandy alleges that Shrum had swapped him moon-eyed horse, and that he was considerably damaged ; thereby. , Shrum denies the gentle imputation, and 1 shows that a horse swap is a horse swap,' and if a man makes a bad trade he must stick the closer to it? ' The court held that it was a fair trade, and that-Bandy was not entitled to recover. Cabarrus county or a portion of it, is excited over a ghost which appears be tween Enoch viile and China Grove. A correspondent of the Concord Register describes it "as coals of fire on the ground, and as they approached it, it seemed to rise from the earth gradually. Under it they beheld the visage of two persons, man: And woman, apparently supporting each Other? A party of twelve persons went out to .inspect it, and as soon as it came in-sight they all left incontinently. Another crowd will try it hexrWednesday-nighfc ff girttls. JjMELD BBO$., WHOLBSALB AND RETAIL, GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCE Keep constantly on hand : FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES, DRIED FRUITS, Ac Exclusive Dealers In RAHSOUB ft BONNIWELL'S and A. L. SHU- FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. AI0, TB0FBHT0E3 OF THTK CHARLOTTE HOTEL, : o C. t CHARLOTTE, K C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, f : and is kept to first-lass style. ; . Terms, Per Day .. 8 2 00 V Great Ihdueemeata offered to table board f or terms see the proprietor. era rar-Omnlbus and Carriages it every tralri.l FIELD BROTHERS... . . Mr. H. 8. WrusoM a Last.. HKNBT WlXFOMfl, feb9 Proprietors. . Superintendents. ; tjiers. $2.00. ;S2.oo MARSHALL A HO U S. T o u s joj. HO US 17 o u s- Xu SAVANNAH, GA. .7 J A. B.XUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 and $2.50, according to loea- 1' . ' , tJonoIBoom."" . . IL L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel. Feb, 16-tt . - - " - S' TOP AT THK .t-'' rr BOTDEN HOUSE 8ansbtar, X. C. " -i- 1 C 8. Bboww, Proprietor, 'f ") ., I ,.' f r Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. i ? C S. Brown, Jt, Chief Clerk;' W. O. Shelbum As lBtant. dec SO -Vti Ji5ccUuuc0usr; J8K tE-NO m-r :,r.ii.j;.vi: : HJE-XO Is Tea In' its natural condition, such as the Chinese themselves drink, and for the follow ing good leasoas is sold only la original pound and half-Dound packages;- r - ..--.r . .v... -. .1 v. It Is the most convenient and economical Bttia of paeKaKe. i-uoj j w j a u u weighed and .packed where tt jean be done cheapest and best. , . , , It can be easily Identified by the consumer. ' '. It keeps the Tea better. : It prevents adulteration to America, .s :,,-.;- ; We are the agents for HE-NO Tea' In this city, and ask our friends to give tt a trial. Ii not satis factory we will cheerfully take it back and refund the money. " L. B. WBI3T0N fc CO., lebtt. . . Charlotte, N. a rpo BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Bids for X the constnictloa of the following buildings will be received until the 6th of March, next: One Brick Block, first floor containing two store houses, mayor's ana police offices, with an open house above. - ; ,. .... -. - One Brick Block, containing nine store houses, with two stories obove for a hotet i t j , f -- Plans and. speciflcatlons for first named block may be seen at the ofneeof Q. L., iforman, archi tect; also, for hotel block at same office on and af ter the 24th tost Buildings to b completed by 1st of October next Contractor r tax ye bonds. Bight to reject any oy all bids Feserved, ., , . H. E. HHN1TSH, .r-K-u. ?;:..,. .Al r.'L.:b0WDENt- ' , .:: . W., a CANNON, -; : . "1,- , :: Committee for Town CounctL ; rTlTbowpen i - A'x ' W. WASH THOMPSONS --';! ,. -:itw ; H.:R HEINITSHi w i , ; f Committee for Building Association, iebl&lm.eod ' Spartanburg, S. C. DID LINE OF . i Fine Teas, all grades,: just In, at YDXVlbSON'a' jan60 OA BARRELS WHITE AND RED Oj ji- : , .-' . : . ONION SETTSp " "( .; . ,, Fresh.; -WILSON BUBWELL4 'IDO BU8HIIjS 'BESH. CLOVER; 8EED. ; i! ; Also Orebard Grass, Blue Grass, and Lnceme, . , . ..,.-, :; i Justreoelvedby jj. , ,.r ;,j ,,: - ' ' ;. " - WILSON A BUBWELL... pjE-No tea, ;;: ; '- r TTX PURE, GOOD AND CHEAP. V.' ,'. :' . iV wiXSOr'ft'BURWELt, Agtmis. . TpOR A FIRST CLASS J.1 ; Smol .Qmnfra Kill and trat a Cbw1rkr at yvv vm uuu ervv .w lKUI AAVlASUi?i'. j Jan30 ARE ALWAYS READY - i And wllline to show eoods whether or not you are ready to buy. L. R. WRISTON & COffl declS a -"- - w TLSON & BCR WELL. ' DbuggiST3, t :, - Have Just received,1? Gelatine, ; " . .. t Cornstarch, .. Sherry WineJ : '- , : Flavoring Extracts,' J a; AH of the best quality for retail trade - CASES.. HUN YADI JANOS V" ;..':';" n . .- ,. ; : ... .-. . . .-. .... Htoesiljrater; 10 baskets (50 jugs each) Apel- ltnarls, Jusl Ireeslved. i '-. WILSON & BUR WELL. JanSO SPLENDID OULmaT-ATTRACTIONS ! r DEMOEfit??S MONTHLY. . A grand eomblnaQon 41 Xbe entertaining, the oseful and the beautiful, with fine art engravings and eB pictures to each noaaben tape 25 cents, postftee.- eariy-$3, wlttian oaeajugtod premi um, two splendid oU pictures. Rock ftf Ages and tne liion's uride, 15x24 inches, mounted an can- vass: card ; transnortaUon 50eentssctr. - aena : al tor foil narttaulani. AddceM W. i DEMQREST. 17 East 14th street N. X. ran to see tne splendid February no. feb. 4 dAwlm. TF YOU WISH to eneace in an honest, genteel JL business, and make plenty of money during tne nouaays, sena your feb4w4t; ; to RANDOLPH ft CO., ' . .107, 4th av., N. Y. G HEAP GOODS. Having boughljout the entire. stock of Brows ft Co., we will sell the stock of Notions (which were bought very eheap) regardlessof their actual value, We will discontinue keeping' them, and wish to close them entirely out A call will save ym mon ey. WEDDINGTON ALLEN. . Successors to Brem, Brown & Co, Feb. 18 d3twlm. f . ; JUIST'S GARDEN SEED. r" A large supply of these popular seed, lust receiv ed, by . : WILSON ft BUR WELL. Jan22 ? BENCH BRANDY I Guaranteed to be TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. OTO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For Standard Pure Liquors. F INE FRENCH BRANDY, Wines and Whiskies for medical purposes, can be had of WILSON ft BUR WELL, decl3 Druggists. M M R R L L S S L L o o.v o o IN JOIN your hands all friends of taste N my bar only the best is placed. gANDWICH. Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, JjACII man '11 receive right real, good eteer, J LEASE step In, my hall Inspect, JJEAR It, you'll see more than you'll expert. JRENCH, German, Domestic Brandies, Wice J try each customer's taste to refine, gUCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's good, .QONTAINS my bar, most delicious food, HAVING Cheese and Sausage to bill of fare, "PACH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear , tAVANT Judgment and taste most rare, v EE cormoimir's lips as in sips he drinks ' jEACH sIp ae takes Proves what he thinks,; RIGHT off one more he calls as to his friend he winks. ' i 3an22 DURHAM WHISKEY. DURHAM WHISKS T URHAM WHISKEY. I DURHAM WHISKE X : '.I ' k 'rt ' 1 f-twits' .' f '' Labokatoby of Statb AssATaa ami Chkmst, t Richmond, Va September 7th,: 187a f "h tt i.v.Li fj '.- 1a k.- '. . . 1 have earef ally tested asample of "Durham Bye Whiskey" selected by myself from the stock oC Messrs. Ellison ft Harvey, and- find it free from, adulteration. - It IS an excellent article of Whiskey,, and altogether suitable for use as a beverage or medicine. LSlgned W.H.TAYLOB.M.D., T ..... - cunuinW - - mow vucuium This superior OLD VIRGINIA WHISKEY, equal to any made to this country, is now to the hands of over 250 dealers to Virginia, North Carolina, Geor- i , - . - j -gla, Louisiana and New York City, and not a sin gle complaints having come to us from anV one of them, and many saying It la the best article they ever handled,'' we feel Justified to 'recommending It to all who wish to get a really pure article of Whiskey. -r 1 :l -'J None genuine unless bearing out trade.' mark. Can for "DURHAM" at W. Bi COCHRANE'S, Cen- tral Hotel, and all other first-class houses.j r fffjnl9.1ra:l j..-- - Richmond, Va. C 7 ' ' XJCig U l " IIKS, ""''I )' VVAJJ Gsm"r ,13'. wJr;:;, 4,,f itllwTJWaJ, NOBTHCABOtlNl,it iUU 1 .YUrlf . ii, t THROUUH FREIGHT ROUTE 4 Tlua Une bemg fully1 eanlpped " for busmesi. t is '' , wUmragton and all Northern and Eastern Ctttea to i '! 1 ' i Green vOM, Spartanburg, air Stations ? ' ; V V. . Atlanae, -TenBeise' ft Ohto, ,,..? 'jljjr.li 3w l-s.-Jljl-J iSJjUi Mil 3 y -'vn- AsweiiBS pouus ra ueorgn ..rirvil ' --" ' ij jitT .'t ifT -nl , Insurance and Rates guaranteed ai low as (!- 1 -.- ... .ti 3 . 'T il T f.ld ! r-t -f K'lii-'J.t 5'-, "'H -: I : , ,1 '! Enfonnatlonrunusbea " -i. !'-.,' . , ;f . i.l ! " ' - 'A'f : F.W.CLABX !" Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. a .1; i nr. j sept30 R. 'Hi MCADXN, ;51 ;..!.- i.i .,:- 1 ostJOGwr 1asu' cmonfrr, 1 i j ' ' it i ; .. tr.-ft . Now offers to the-tracri a Mn stock of "A ,;i i' -I v-i . Lebin'e Extracts andCoksghes, 1 -- V- Engna'Seeit'' ;pfces,','; ' '-i.M 1 '10 '-iji.ro " is Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap HI i.-.k.c.-i f i Jigush, French ; and j s j :!; American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTI0K9 Carefully . prepared at all hours, day at nigbi and 3. H. MCADEN'S ." t PrescrlpUon 8tore lECURITYl :l -ill SECURITY I SECURITY! 200 Barrels of C. WEST ft SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE " ASl' ' 'V ' ALADDIN SECURITYTOIL. sftMt's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C West & 8oq&, Baltimore. . ' BJirhestiUedaLastasded at Centennial Exoosltlon. Crystal Oil-WorksCaqten. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees -Fahrenheit before It will bum. C. West& For Sale by . ? Da. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C. SCARS ft CO., ID r r q r u e G G 8 S SI 2TEAB fTHK 3eT-OITlCS, Would resrctfully inloHu public that they have opened a retail .andtfamilr Drug Store, near the Post-Office, and solicit tne patronage of their friends add the public generally. Prescriptions and family twdpes dispensed mith great cere and pure Drugs. Jan7-tf. rpEACHEBS WANTED. J50 to $100 or 8200 X per month, during the spring ana Hummer. For full particulars address -: ' J. G McCUBDY & (XX, Philadelphia, Pa. JQlPHTHERIAt Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent tills terrible disease, and will positively cure nine eases to ten. Information that will save many lives sent free by mau.; :Dbnt delay a too ment Prevention is better than cure. Sold every where. I. S. JOHNSON ft CO.. Bangor, Maine. EPSON'S APC1NE . . :- s ; POROUS PLASTERS ham rf!fWfid ilia ematest number of unauestlona- bly reliable endorsements that any external reme dy ever received irom pcjsicuuis, oiubsmw, uj-s press ana we puoitc. aujkiub-i uituu wa btc-u Improvement on toe ordinary porous- plasters and nil other external aemedles. rur LAME AND WEAK BACK, Sciatica, Neglected they are the bestkaowa reated-r Ask any oae who has nsed them, or any good phy-Ucian. uid pa will confirm the above statement. Sold by all Druggists, price 25 eentB. ' ' 3 "-r G o n aV m. p r i -o IN ' , .:, , V AndaUDlsonleis.oCtha , . a i . T HBO A T ' AND L O N G S' ' ' j Permanently Cnrei- u j ' s .',1 ' . . 'I" ii U ,'l ! DB. Ti A, 8L0CUM'S GREAT, BEMEPTCr " , f! r; c t"" j 7-M",-M!'u ol wfv s&, ni t 'oou H h n m w -kkb Dtt BRS W n HHHlT'Ilf V 'Rt P Y . 4 000.5 tEn.JliNNiBE ; j.r ,-,l. -Taken to oonjnneUon wtut tus. 'l; V. f j t i'.rd'.-''.T.-jL UBE COD (!!.!!' and hypophosphltes of ' LIME AND SODA. A A(P A FREE BOTTLE of each TJteMrntlon sen -preparation " sen t by MnMeas to each suaeniur bpd piicant. sending taeir name, r. u. ana express aoaresi joiuya, a. ?io- cum, 181 Pearl street, New. York. XT7E are the aeents for HE-NO TEA to this cUr. TV - and ask our friends to give tt a triaL - If not satisfactory we wuleheerfouy: take it. back and re- 1 i ,: a,,.,... jl iv. uiA. i Vul AtoforCton1cNyV' LombagQ, BbBumaUsm,' Kidney Disease, Coughs; and aU local aches ana pains. to all roans souxHf 1.1 :nr offers uneauaHed faefflnaa fdr the Transporuon of . M'H .tK''-IT 'KlU "I '.v " Charlotte, aUfrmrPla, x AshevUle, ; Rutherfordtp on the Atlanta ft Richmond Uni;' tl. V. ? ,; rfl fifO-li l;.--r.r . Alabama and Mississippi. .mvI!M ,,;, via any Competing Ltoe and-Tlme m QckA.Mii if? sir f; tut. ;wvr.'M :trMt4tMtft ,u U .owStpmAgeflt, Cari?ttfi rttw wis nj.-jR j Agent 0. C, eafiwayhtftotte,i 'intiTn.liI.Aail i4i'4P.il'-PiiV, TOUISIANASTTIIWTTXB; iJ :!f' w.hf i.? 'il?..t fa&3,r A spiAEHhOpPWjTXY " ,T,i To 'wto' IbMunSi uiifiiMI brattd-Dktrlbuttoh, taass u, at' Wew? Orleans? Tnesdayillatth j -1 n life. lfir?h-10WiJilotitju Bttwtaclabi i'i ip. "'ii jl'njj f) hiK vriR4m'ri ' LOUSUNA IfMBlirJ ; This nwtm'Va -Talari the Legislature- ttoe-8Ut let Sdvicattpnal ad Charitable purposea to, 1888 b, turn txbm.of rwvsrt-mx ftABS, to wWcb" oontract the tovlola ble faith of the State ?s pledged with oanital- 6t 1,000000, to which tthasstnee added a Reserve jEB DISTBXBIITION, wm take place monthly on the second Tuesday.- It never scales of postpenee. ivoos at mo iouewinr'n8inDUiionti';- f 1 ( . n : i -iMf- l.m -vfjjl.fl'vv't ?; ylitn mpy rjfts-iiw-t rty j-nn i ' 1(T! rvl LIST OF PRIZES i : , ' ' ; ! ',.';,! ... ' . . tf 1-. ri- "-id ,,1 Capital Prim,?) ! t irr m if? H f 9-999 n 9 Prbes at S3 Artt. -n.,Ji ..U. oi 8.000 tL5 Prises f-4l008.-.,s. ..j,,.. rO0O 200 Prtoes of x Ai 60'i.vi..,i.ainJiiif lOjfl BOO Priaes of .m t 2Qii:v.u. . ...... .a s. 10,000 1)00 Prize ot . H j . 10. . ... , T , . IpjQOO 1 9 tAppradnutOdn Pri9s of JS30TA . I,f270O 900 1857 PrIze8,4m()muto.lWi.i'110 Responsible MrresponAmV agemW wanted at all pronnnevinis, TOwnom a uoerai compensouon "Application for rates cubasoui to the Home Office to New Orteanfc- '.ii.iH t. Write, otoariy atatine fuU addrBsa forfullShf or- matlon or send orders to ;:,.' ' ' Postofflce Box 6, New Orleans, Lwustena i All oar Grand Fraordlnarr. Drawttas are ander the supervision and management ml ujt l U1T1IT I1LV I Un nvir, T I iLJ I 1 . V I I febli , i . ,tu -Hu 'jiu i jun f.iiioni 'i 1 l ni Un ilu.ai pRt?M,DRWAHUNTER,ft , ' ! " ' BALTlM6REiM.,il7"i0t-m ': i:' . ff7i.:(j III ;iJ Having beoomfannBar wttholuen LeiblgL3Wc !-fphigv. ator, X taktf fpteasnre' to reeotomeddtot It &jisnx- ,, ,'! ,. i.i. i J t.,ii .;... ellent preparon,,wmbii4B apsjfobd .Janle'lh a remarkable wtiy, puefag'goodlttttwd, " . " 1 ','11! . .'I' i , "iM .-TffV neaituxana fjireiigin. , Ka oy aii uruggi'Hp., ,t t Manufacturer and. Wholesale Dearer m' -:P U.BiK A.P.P L, ,Q IDSJtir-Tr1- AHD 'US ' 11 ) ' Hf" f.'U H CEDES VaNEGABv-- leifjetojr tod Jlanof aiiuer Jf .-t"; E. R. CONDIT'S TABLkAlTCB 287 to 295 Wl rrhlrd St,,', ;':rcM4Ti,p. (J..01'-. I .i. AND-PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought tn any, (juanlty, for cash o.naeuyeryiTOBDisenigTBr tnuussiyiis, f ' ' D O Q W. 'q c$$.T - ,' -.H 1 't'l i'K.!.n VJIU THIlillHl tiS.liA teaTOrters and Exporters of , ( r DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OILS, ftc. - - ' ' , ., : : . .-I JiiLR .ft?-Lj",-rrn'.-. -86 WllUamSU.. ...-,.,HeTi?rk A DAT to Agents canvassing for the "Fnus smEViHiTQRw Terns and autftt free. Ad dress P,0. .VJCKERY, Augusta, Maine. on Fancy Crd8,Jhromo, erwwflake, c, rvoiiwo OVr, alike, wltiAjname, lOt oents. MtoWer A Co, Nassau, N. Y. , Xi in MIXED ' CARDS with name W. ' -Agenig' 4:11 outfit 10c. L. JONES AsCOv, jTaHaPtJlA dec81, ; t:,-; t a,, yu. TO ADVERTISEBSj-Send lor our -select ust or -Loeel Newsnaoers. r Sent free on application. Address GEO. P.BOWELE.ft 'CO.i 10 Spnieff St, New Yoric "' .' 'H'M u'tW itwja.x- 1 .'?H . iHiii, j .1 i V ( H- r: ! OO V V A L A ftJIIjC- O O V V AA.X, . "ifff ry fniuif twi?i ' HLAftCbJfl'f X;? 1 .uvl.i .JcOLGATB'ft CO'a-J l3L !' vi; fir. fn" .njjliu: mlT'l'iUniffit ' -liniw- r-ijlrI0 , ;sJt r. i; Irri ftrrn iioi'Sitaa silT ! S.-'!n'mi;a!.'"V! ijoiJifffr, sill )"v rf'j'j S?-f-bpif.Gxp-fn ' ( in -tjsr.ry .-sidj; itfot hmiou eiflV' ' v'f; 1 i-.-j; j,-'b yni-i t)J WRLAWDBrimf:r TTNDEBTAKlNAU.J iinC'l 50 r'ttj The undersigned Is now prepared ttf SirfJl orders for evw class Of ThdWtektoaTHavlivrron haUff'S .- - 51 -i-. i -nivjri oi i-rSt ti) fcmassortiiientbf 'r.-TJ ct'JihrfU y&o ti - J 'J - -. l!ii,L"-J.l. ' ' 'COFFINS, CASXETS,AS i BTJRJAJ, fi5B3,l,- Jnpe, v iT3':l f 000,. fi" Al KJC'Ml SAlfkiCEE -; Both Wyoaaiwletalk-ff il;;' - Heanes farnlahed aeslrea..l.,,i ii.i."'J. V, .. ' (- . ' -t ' T i . 'A Fumlfure of every DescrlpUon Pepalrcd U' sLO J. ft if. VTC YVIUUn Veil VO It. ' I .;:(";:?( I ITCH uvny ivwwi ,iwrvi vwwv.- .,'f (-..'. ? . - f- -1.- ' ' ; -' 'i I '8

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