iUUUJi ILL! ::';;SdJ; ghfev.v:::.::: SSjf--- r t vzJEurxDmcurf tz oo J?r,i ktts! nrr.r-TTv i no 9tfl .1 l ii T t ts . I VOL.a XXi. VtNOi w 7? Xftwt BKimrCI v .. . CHARLOTTE, N. TUESDAY, FEBRtTAlRYl 25 1879.V ; - NO; 3314 - i T."-yiwv tfniiinwu uiiii'iiiib .i.i .11... I .. MBVWU I MUiUU .... . ..... ........... ' r PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, dO. . f ' I'- '.,,(",,''"":',,v , ; -- r , ' W' - ' 'r lSf5-w'- i-i-fi. ;;itry. v ' ' ' :-",:,i,'.'V.' , ir-UI i,; i i' ."JP cftagwest,-jrmr.iir8a, at Short , UiUDfBOSAWAirACia. ! - i - TTTT T ' T A i ft.. .JLA A - A H 'H H H M l IS n in. Ji H ClSBMXBJS UK ALPACAS, Priea bom 25 BUta to On Mk i Ktr COLORS CASkttiS iH MHtb Sl-OQ. ; IT i r n M n o not tell to'see L AKa.ore buying. ItwulpayyoH. r UBG158S NICHOLS, - iiii .1 .rsv' m .I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL oKAun w -"' ' ll :,tf, in!Ki;.vn -if . ' ': an'. .-r;t; i s ..; JS all Kiiua!(Q FURNITUBI f l . I BIDDING C 'P'WKIK ,BEKttI r.' -71 ,71 .tti.t.-3 .4 ,i.n4!-TJSif i li4iH LlnM ' CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS i r LOUNGES! LOUNGES! iXOOKttEST'-TWH LOUNGES ! .. . PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS f PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS f . ' if S i A m',UH" COFFINS of an Muds on band. -4,. iy COFFINRof aU ktad on nand.iX3 : fr ftn"f infi ..i no. 5 WHOTsfiki Snter. CHARLOTTE, N.C : . iv." la sbsia nlsam to baii Ttir'd - Lad!a' and aenttomen'a Burial RMBrin ' soppij, .. j0 istniot f.dJfloui lo noumi'jii 8' yqoit HOT 200ff:'YTIi - IS 4 " MU URSX NIT If I TTCTg ' UKRR E1 MPJTAJIflTLI J -" : t K. O. ROGERS' " i ma 1 - i .riOAJiDUi: '.Sjwk is very Let ; and eeabmoM a Fun iJne of " ui-jtj Mini jraiTi tda; ki a If&bsra m'y .bvTlufi vjt I PAKLOX CHAMBER, DINING ROD ........ fc. mmm 3 t TITE HATE ! AHATE WE HAVT7 WE hatH THIS DAT BSCEITXD i BEAUTIFUL LIKE HAMBURG EMBROIDERY r;. VERT CHEAP. .fiiiilrsmQ ALso a supply p ChlWreo'a i, CUFFS COLLAKS. Call and see them. ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. Teb.,20- T? 155 LADIES, ui.u 7A V AUJK AtAXUCa, TO THE LADIES. O THE LADIES. oil int ii ..;! .&f)0fJLf) , i J SIX HUNDRED TARDS OF AU. WOOXr- BBB V B B U V KB K TTTT II KB n nan v mm m T n NW H o o T n R Kit o T UK KB O OO T I R KB OOO , BBB D DRIR B B V DIIH BBB CC K1RI THIRTEEN 8S.H H Ai-DDitKKBa88a rs H A 5 D n BSS.HHH A A. D DEB SS, J&tBdinc BUM. White, and all the delicate Colon for EVENING DRESSES. Respectfully, SEIGLE. I OpUlaottB Tryonst, Charlotte, k ef OPBING ANNOUNCEMENT. i u v i We take pleasure in announcing to our friends iahd the public in general, that we leave to-day for IdW f.'-C(l rf To purchase our large and varied SPRING ('..IJIUJ 1 .1111 AKD SUMMER STOCK , br.n OF ALL nni nx t A 1 HE LATEST SOVXLTIEJ -lifiiiH .TAXHia it :iYH 1"xf Dili -0V TES KASOK.- itt' ofe.onhtj season to inaugurate aiifrg rdei6erjaCiiied iuponiCmatriage the . i 111 ...T " ' . . ' --'-J .' ZT. T v.nv.vrv 4a ytlAni,.' iHs tlv new systemjCt i Mf mil nm Mtmmnnttv al lane a chance INllta),i" 1 1 aj;UT: Y:iYixvfiifii:i9w. une, yesceruay to purchase Goods at -SirtI .w.'oi'I -'5pfrtft') eej;i'3ai3 lui! ac ?I w . . J&1m1 wm i1 oJ os wvrwU 10 smFsarr-, bstnwrs SlvTt bar b'Jlilrx frwvHlw1? Ja' 11 'n'fUSti ttwLL W91 9tu 0: (J,Wa m, closing ont a W of ? tutTO. ;oi."m ii 9T5 TlAK3-iI ' f-irvtia "..AT LESS THAN CXJST. ,7X3-1 :10-; 4 .fiHvlKvK ,. . 1) hi fcC " Don'ifaUtdcaUaadsefns, :.f J; .XiT:n 7UI, I H.M0BRIsiKiC ' When a chord in the harp is broken,- ' i ' '" Though the others their music retain." 1 - ' It hangs unstrung, and shall ne'er respond, " - ,To, thejlayer's touch again. - -' '! Long since. In my early manhood, ' ' : f '''. . Full of promise, of hope and Joy, r -w Mybeart'a best strtag was broken waen a woman crushed her toy. . My Uf yet runs as calmly, ... v.. But that one chord Is dumb; And however rudely they strike it, ' .... . -.. Na answering echoes oome. . L OBSnRTATIOKS. :! ' When the Philistine goes to the church fair and sees the minister draw the Shakespeare, the min ister's wife the set of furs, his daughter the piano, the senior deacon the horse and carriage and the exton a barrel of flour, he comes away sadly con fident that he knows why the heathen so furiously rage together. Boston Transcript. : . . . . , . Breathitt county, Ky., where the deadly vendetta has raged, is described in the Louisville Courier Journal as: a land where revolver and rifle . '-Are used for the purpose of settling disputes; Where life Is regarded as only a trifle, ' , i And 'tlii usual for people to die in their boots. " "Just beforeVllhelmJ's recent visit to Columbus, Ohio, a lady died who was a passionate lover of music, and had been impatiently anticipating the pleasure of hearing him play. The day of his ar rival was the day of her death. A. message , was aent to WuheimJ staling the eiwmmHtances, And that night he knew well the reason why so many reserved seats were unoccupied. The next morn ing he, with an accompanist, visited the house and requested the privilege of playing a requiem, as was the custom in his own home in Germany. It was, of course, granted by the sorrowing family. A Woman in a TCarum Palfta mllmnil nor ant f facing a man who; with one eye at least, seemed to d staring nxediy at ner. She becamelndlgnanLand said, A'Wny do you look at me so, sir?',' He said uuu ue was not aware oi naving aone so, out sne Insisted. "I beg your pardon, madame, but It's, this eye. Is it not?" lifting his finger to his left optic. ''Tes. sir. It's that eye." "Well, madame, that eye won't do you any harm. It's a glass eye, madame-only a glass eye. I hope you'll excuse it. But, upon my soul, I'm not supprised that even a glass eye should feel interested in so pretty a woman." The explanation and the compliment combined to put the woman into a good humor. L , "Ton know' said Rice, "how The negro likes 'possum," "Two darkies were riding from a field after a hard day's plowing. They began to talk about the things good to eat. "What do you say to dis?" said one. "T-a-k-e a good f-a-t 'possum pah bile him put him In ole fashion Dutch evlng roas' him brown' the other darkey's eyes rolling and mouth watering as the description went on sarve him up wld o-o-o-n graby "Shut yo' mouf, you nlggah; I'U fall right offn dis hoss.' ' t i AT THE vOtK PIT. Opening of the Main Between Kentucky and Georgia. New Orleans Picayune, 21st Last night the great cocking main b6 tweenXeutacky and Tennessee on one side ' and ' Georgia on the other, was opened at the .Louisiana cock pit, cor ner of Roman and Dumalne streets. Over four hundred persons were pre sent. The spectators were chiefly of the higher class of society, and compos ed of a large number of the leading gentlemen of the city, both in public and private lif ei Mr. Tom CNeil represents Kentucky and Tennessee, and has 100 birds in trim, and Mr. Chas. Brown, Georgia, with also 100 fine birds. . AfTS o'clock precisely one -of the Ken tucky birds was entered for the main by O'Niel, and Brown pitted against him a "Shawlneck" of the Georgia chicken breed. The pit was cleared and the feathered gladiators encountered each other. The etting was 5 to 4 in favor of the Ken tucky bird. After the third pass the Georgia bird received a bad cut on the left thigh, disabling that limb. The fight at this juncture was decidedly in favor of Kentucky, and the betting went up 30 to 10. TheGeorgiaTCOck weakened - rapidlyy and at a certain moment beta of 100 to 5 were ofiered. ' Now and then one of the birds would make a strike and then stop and iremairi motionless. iL, Finally the Georgia bird was withdrawn, and the victory declared for Kenucky. The recontre lasted thirty-five min utes, and the general verdict was that it was the poorest fight ever seen. The connoisseurs declared that the Georgia bird was the better . of the two, and would certainly have, won the : match; had he not received the bad cut at the I commencement. . , ' After 'the first combat: the opening f e f themain flghts,T the hack fights nviv vuwnuwvwt. ""fr j m. f... Another: Georgia lird- was .matched against a Kentucky cock and soon slew him. Before the bird were jpitted the. odds were by iax in favor of Kentucky, but the bettiiig changed after the sec ond pass,' as1 the Georgia cracker was de cidedly the more active and adroit figh ter. The contest lasted but a few mo ments. The Georgia Shawlneck at the third mss buried his sraffs in Kentucky's 1 lije kfllirig Um almost instantlyj TM becftni hm Ifight:.' was .called tifti ana acrain TCentuckv and Georgia ; were atched:fiThls prbved by far the intpsjtj interesting of thengnts. At tne open igKentucly waa-TOefalWterifia'tKS' bird representing; tha SfatA Appeared to have the advantage. Tfie Georgia bird was game enottgn, ana. , sexereiy I i Tho TTnnfnnW Klif tmonl tlio ant j... . . . , :.ji.:.v.j 1 c..n up. tut) ugUL uruopcu uia iicm, ouu uuouy gave up the fight The Georgia bird made a pass at him, causing him to run. He was picked up and the victory an nounced for Georgia. (Only one of the fights of the 'main having come off, it was announced that 'to-night six would be fought, and on each following night seven. ; i The hack fights will take place daily, commencing at 11 o'clock in the morn ing, the meetings at night being special ly set aside for the main fights. ) Elopement of a Congressman's Daugbte" . ; Danville iVa ) News, 22d. Fpr some time Mr, ; L. j H. Lewis, as, yiottngf man who has Jately become aJ resident of Danville," has been paying This attention to Miss Sallie D. Cal iDeii, eldest dauehter of Hon. Geo. C. Cabell, member of frnnsrress from this district. Thipirofjhe young wmuiz lo tnn mxcr.n. nowever. anujue- ranging everything between themselves mey went over to I'emam, jusi across iLL Ii. . ... .CijI'iiTjr ij: gotTharried. vThe i ceremonyiwas per-. fprmed by 'Bet; Mtrwalkety atil: 80 p Thip f;Thenewly; married' pair then re turned to therfrv and are" stonoinir at Mrso-fY B, Jones' boarding house on . fflen. Butler Gives a Bie D oner to the Natlonab. f - Wash. Cor. Richmond Dispatch, 22nd. i The National committee and mac- nates of the Greenback and Labor party are in session here, and they are earnestly conferring as to how they can best help their party in the next House and : in the presidential campaign of 1880V : This evening Gen. Ben Butler gave them a dinner, and as they: were ushered into a granite palace by a mu latto in full dress, and saw magnificent fcarpetsi curtains and furniture too good at xne nan or fersia, tney xorgoc me horny-handed sons of toil now without employment. Their forgetfulness, too, was further increased when from acta ble covered with cut-glass, silver and rare china, they gratified their appetites with terrapin stew; canvass backs, lux urious dessert and costly wines. Mica Slmw f In North Carolina, ' ' iRaletgh Farmer and Mechanic. - .v , 'i Mr. Narcisse P&imadore, of; ttiia city recently wrote toT S. Arthur, iJr4 of Greenville, S, ' who is . onej of the largest, if not the largest, of the mica miners in Western North Carolina ask ing information as to the probable- ex- tent of the business in our State. Mr. Arthur replied on a postal, dated JFeb. 16: At' present, and for. the last four years, the number of pounds ; of: mica mined has been about 40,000 pounds, worth at the mines about $75,000-about 25 per cent' added for 1 value, in S". X About $1,000,000 worth has been sold from North Carolina iav7 rayear8l50 tons corundum was' mined-in North Carolina 6 or 7 years ago That busi ness, revived again fer 1877, since when about 50 tons has peen mjLned.-' J The supply will now be. steady, with an in crease," : l?r'7 - f -S-y-s c , -a Card."1-'-"' ' !' :; To all who are suffering from, the errors and In discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. , This great remedy . was" discovered' by a missionary v in South America. " Send a: self -addressed.' envelope to the REV: JOSEPH T. INMAJf, Btatlon D, Bible as160;0: V - v.-'- ! ' '.x -if--. " ' " ui m" '" ' "i . t " ' " Ease Attalaakle ky the EhcHmatic Tes, although ttey may' despair of relief it is attainable by . rheumatic sufferers, ior there tea remedy which carries off, by means, of. Increased activity of the Iddners ImpcTtent chamiels fw blood purtncatlon the- acrid, element toJ which pathologists themost eminent attrttoutethe painful symptoms theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurentls Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamlna Oon of the blood with , the , bUe and a certain means of relief In dyspepsia; levet and ague, and nervous aflmente. It te, perhaps, toe finest -tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses It Merchants, travelers, fan to remember, that ire to New York, don't order to accommodate and save your money, to make" wat; on to nUt the largest Hotel tn;NewTo; the Mammoth Grand Centrat -'on Rroadwayv vfmherealef p kept on both the American and European -plans; i The American plan Including meals and lodging $2.50 or $3.00, and the European- plan S1.0Q, and up wards per day. An elegant Restaurant, at moder ate prices, is conducted by the Hotel. " 50 BARRELS CHOICE NORTHERN' - A . ppp . ppp AA . P P ' P P, A A ' ' PPP - PPP ..EBB sa ' KB' - A A P - F - ;- LLLL XBB " BSS8 AAA k " ' V 'W ' T T Received every week. LeROT DAVIDSON. JanftO THRESH ARRIVALS, FOR SALE, WANTED. 16 boxes assorted Candles. 5 boxes eholce Oys ter Crackers. 5 boxes Family Washing Soap, largest 10c bars in the city. -" Also 1 fine Milch Cow and one mednmi uall Cow with young calf, for sale low. -, - 500 dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED. ' " dec2d ; B. N. SMITH. N- OTICE TO FARMERS!!! am prepared to STORE COTTON tn my fire proof bulldtng either n basement or on the first or sec ond floors and wQl give warehouse- receipts on which you can draw money If desired. 9 Charges moderate.' ...... i . ....... ... , .THOMAS H. GAITHER. . octl2 SEED OATS, &C. 600 Bushels Seed Oats. 50 Bushels N. C Irish Potatoes. ; Corn, Flour and Wheat Bran. i Baled Hay, Shucks and Fodder. HEAVT GROCERIES, AC. ' 1 Jnst'neetradjsh'fwbale'bf- t . WILLIAMS & FINGER. 1 Feb. 40, 1879.' ' C O T TON ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED BX THOMAS H. GAITHER, a ? ; Li UOTTON COMHIS8IOH MBBCHAVX:: i octl2 B. ALEXANDER & CO., ... . . ; GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, College Street, Charlotte, N. C, We handle more general .country produce than any house In the city, and still solicit further eon consignments from all parties who are willing to be satisfied with the best Job we can put up on this market All those-whettaanei he pleased with our best efforts, are respectfully-, requested to send their goods to somebQdi.else , Q.RCijERIES CHEAPm THAN EVER, NEW GOODS ! f v, NEW FEATURES ! Come to me for Bacon, Corn, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. 1 Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) y BEST RYE WHISKEY; - Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All goods delivered m uie city iree oi cnarge, :',; v W.H.CRIMMINGER, . S Trade Street, : Next door below. Wilson & Black's old stand. ; ap!5- -'rr:i xx F AMILY GROCERIES, i have now in store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies. "t"1 j ' , Just Received: ;,V t . - ' '. :ir !-;:;:,, ' ...... ... -. rt' Magnolia Hams. Also a lot of very large Turkeys. Ti' "" feiw fil1 , ' ' A STORE FOR RENT. ' 'V a M. HOWELL febS ITUDEBAKER WAGONS. - r i I am now In. receipt of a large lot of the eelebr: tedSTTJPEBAKER WAGONS, aU Sizes,-which will be sold on1 reasonable terms. - -- -fiATX TBATiT.T' and supply iyurs'eliwUh0 tielfran.c) - 'j,R . v.-wn.i s ft u; GAIXW; Jan. 8-ttf. A N ELEGANT LINE , ELEGANT LINE - f. 'i r a i AN ELEGANT. AN ELEGANT LIN 1- - SHETLAND SHAWLS SHETLAND SHAWLS, ALL SHADES, Just received at WITTKOWSKY & BABUCH'S. AN ELEGANT LINE KJD GLOVES. KID GLOVES, KID GLOVES. : OPERA SHADES, : ' Just, received at wittkowsky: & baruch's. p.LO THING! V L O T BI N G! CLOTHIN tf C L 0 T H I N VT ! W. KAUFMAN 4 GO'S. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. , Having determined to reduce bur stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock '--op-1 OOO 1. OO TTTT H H it NN N GGG O O L Hl OiiO-; T , H H II NN N G O L O O T HHH H NWW O OOQ JLLTX OO T H H U N ITN GOG wn BATS SVSB OFFKBSD, Consisting of the usual variety" of MEN'S. BOY'S,' . YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S y CLOTHING, FOUND IN A. FIRST CLASS. HOUSE- m All we ask is that mi frlAnrlaaml cuiatAmnra will give ns a call, as It will be to your interest, and jou wflt save from fifteen to twwitr riAr nt An jeur purchases. -f s , ? ; w KAUFMAN CO.. , Springs Corner, Chariotte, N. Cy decl2;.' 6 i 4 maii nmamjw souk okdjsus. Mr. Hkkrt JL Cbowxix, of Newark, New Jerseyj jweli known in Charlotte: wul visit the; city about the. ! ....f. ; .. .f-n . 1 - ,rt : "r. 5 -'v" 15th of February , with a full' and handsome line of samples for dress and business suits. Including the newest and most fashlonahle'goods in the mar ket, Hold your ionlera; and remember the date. 3CiIIitijgf.:: ! r 5 f V'i" QPRN,AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, , ? . i i' tostofflee Address, Charlotte City Mills -a Parttes hitrffig gralri to grind or to'sell will find It to their Jnterest to call on the ondersigned.! Meat ground either fine or coarse, according to order, r Thankful for former patronage, A will give my prompt personal attention to all orders from one bushel to a ear load. ..;-: i ti- ,s te ' STO xi' ji,?i'l ti-:ojoiuai KWBnin, ,y Superintendent; HAVE Just received a fresh supply of superior Tea. , WILSON BURWELL, 1 janSO LACK STRAP JMOLASSES , Undereoslbf thaharrtfl.r.vl f-1 v.-- -'.,' (. o .rJ.: niLtROT.CAVTDSON, v "It Sfl U 38 TT. u" n , s - V. ',.'4 .,'VV. x I I PPB BIINN SO G B8S8PPP RBB nHXHO ! "SS? ' B -BnZI.HN GGGSili . "'' - :' 1 '.,f:i tf j , -TT7E HAVE JUST RECEIVE FROtf-l WE HAVE - JUST RECEIVED FROiVl rt ' 1 i" ! c'l.i.., .. V 1 I'-ri I ; f". , - 'U''; OUR H0U8T3, UR .HOUSXl ' -'""" ' ; r A fun and complete line of sample Goods tor Spring Wear; the styles are aU new, attractlvo-aad . . handsomely designed; the. Goodd are all of Foreign Looms, "'"' s . such as A;t ; i "j ' French, Ehgnsh, Scotch and German, And with Increased, facilities, we ask our friends "and patrons to com and look at our Goods, as we Intend to make garments to order, cheap er than any Northern tailor coming -through here; we have also reoelv edvRutterickrs fashion Plates r. for c spring a and summer ; '.yreaPasvgulde, ' ' time before a rush of manufacture. IteBpectfully, L. BERWANGER & BRO'V i Fine aothWrs and Taflora. N. -rEverybody that wants winter clothlne win save money by calling on us, as we will sell them regardless of cost, Men's, Youths', Boys' ; and Children's Suits. feb9 gcvdts, Sec. T HE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES For Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene rally, The Improved Type Writer. Oscillating Pump Co's Pumps, end for eircularsr ". - FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, New York For sale by Leadine Hardware Dealers eptl-dtaww YOUR INTEREST. By calling at JOHN BBOOKTTELD'S CHINA STORE, You can see the finest lot of t' DECORATED TOILETDINNEE AND TEA SETS Ever brought to the Southern Stillest - - . New Goods from all foreign factories. Decora ted Ware in unlimited quantities from Limoges, France.- 'AH, 180 SOUP ANJVSAUCE TUREENS ; A1U8afiffl!W r5r( Just received, which wfli Wseld it a mere sacrifice'.5 :7o Crates of assorted ' i . 1 : V::.. t' - , .)i -STAMPED "0 WARE- .. J; for the Wholesale-tCaThls'lonmTmerch will find to sail as wel as W ekgQod9, a ,it has aU the white granite shapes; inuw ' ' - , (-r ' 'r . . . Call anl 'convince, koursei of. the fWi" " ' , 1 1 f - !' s ' 1 j , , - , c;nrie the largesit stock ef . '!.. J , ' rf - '1" ' rV.fi j. til ii'-, " - - "I i.. .7 vv-iZ , , , WHOLESALE) ANjP RETAIL, TIRADE (ijr. c .: iLf,f': .ii.IathelSeuth. ;; :i:,n . rL. rTT.! jTTnrf ;j ! iijju i - MERCHANT TAILOR hxiC vS -.i-:iLyi i--.i2Lv.,r,?-ai !j . if. iaw jiuH.icuvuiauiiues oi spnng uooas. tiisdr mends and customers are most respectfully invited to call and make seleeUons so . as to enable him to if secure uieur cpoic m iue time, huyil m b i.:vA febll H JIo !! !! iJi JAMES MURPHY, , , hv.) ,'u - ti.' PAmCAL'tATL0R,irJf i :.Tf : j Owtng'to me stringency joi the5 times" i'wni n ture work verv ehean. win nakt fln milt i S10v as8imere suits f or Pants of -suits same, raies. guaiasiee su my- wow mo he nQrChareei July: 17.- tUivi12 "JUJ Hill a t. -n,VIl-JIUViAfrKWKJSTONCOf fT.-sv TAB. A. W. ALEXANDER mY v?-y foil i -va t r3r-rE.N.TISTr--:tJ; f?trr; r--;j ('i'JtJtttcca&QsmljS'''rt iw-Jp-mldorsedhyphrsJajis, eol4bvHdT3:i'N. A4- ri. n'i"A-t J "TT. TT n rjf-tdress c ww?JPIWALS-laj co.;i OiU ' t With 25 years, experience 1 1 guarantee entire 'atlsfactton- jr-'i tn 7: BANANAS''111 avAfijiiBo. ! l'"'!''','f ,M;t Sri ojjL v-.w ;;iiUit.H'i j,,!joTK' ajli oj vVnit. i;i 'H'jn my;n,Hn "iff tiivft'' -: p;;.5' PBANGES;sp ' 1 ' ". f i.r-.-'iyV Jj.is- Jftir.h APPLES. 1. x .! .u a;-f .ti, --: .; '-i ,- ii.N,.,jo ts- APPLES f'.;j".., i.iiv, o -j,sl ii; M-;-.i'i f- ;Vjf . CAilAMEES, t . i CARAMELS .''-!?.: v ,': r- '-L' ,","r CIGARS 'iift ppr,' 'BB::, E .EES P & -Bi B B.f. f Toil i!u"sst: i Don't fan to call and gef a Suppln Arfresh sap THE HE ,1 1 THT? ,i HJLU - ' J R T4TSTNO Rn ISING - SU. 46 ONOUER this sroxr, -M1 THIS SIGlMV 'ONQUEB CO thought Contitantlne when he i became a con-11 ' vert, because, a ."jparo'? refused, to abspB hJnf . from the guilt of his -crimes, and thei ffcJWsWaa'f jj ; readily agreed,1 and special a him a algaby which Was to oner Henry the VHI in turn rejected Constanftoe'a specialty and became the .''defender, of, fl(flejj-n,.-Faith" with his six 'vvtves, ' onlr butilvtnanlm;'1 ? Seven hundred years before Constantine lived Solo- ' mon, wno Duut a Temple with ront-house,ourt Ac, on 20 acres of ground 700 wlves,390 jUtto ,a ., good sized population to the aerA?' The 0oe4h if n Shebaaubied his wisdom nracn-mor'thaioifl1 magnificence, and significantly remarked that "the , :"' liii WUi4r.'i" liil!W ! haU of his gnatness had, not been; Idbejfbnt w. after he declared, thnt !ag tro,?rDutahlgh S places forie worship &ihiatem tott&tU$i$bktr. Napoleon Bonaparte! ononis 'narrow escanl inuu the inflowing tldeof tl(e Red W'blia'passing ' v through on the spo where Pharaoh and-Us herp perished, exclaimed!1 'lf I haff pflrisaedJterfe Ukti 1 Pharaoh, Wh a tl wouli haveto doxy" andC. S. EltontoadmWtree'' eries and Groceries at the :togon,Txde d street, opposite the Market Housejwhereleverjsi ,v. thing in the abovIthes may ; be fotod, 'fficiadlniti ferry's' Gaxaen'Seeds? Greeti 'andCannedFfuftsiJ,tf Nuts, Teas, jCoffees jSugars, Pickles fipe .Cigars , and Tobacep, Toyajc.i, , S..HpLTNi ... Democrat and Home! opywi -j;iof ftm H Havui rar 5nev7ri jf'nfiJoafo ,uf. fiBqaioo ifl '-TOf ELL IMrVlfl ftwui JfliHCMj- Ji i 'J 3TTi PROPICnTT; WffR BAfcH!, i.r.fU.IVf iCkHwMMl - r,- five minutes walk ot jouiMtoco, Hire wnw waiev,. oiiK uaienetM wttniau flec!8 .ijie-5iio TiH9soXWPJFlQPdw TEE SmPLED'EEDSUItil adT rt;ptl J) Ofli: jr;?X3 !no-iW ii .Tnorvr urvcrn a TTYTVTn7Tv imrtir an " " 4HliJ '-Ml UIW fj VEftrjFFlCBLilJ .rrciRPAtiLV ilooJii 9dJ lo aoilafjlMrtini La4 ! 'The Bo1uroy yMlbr? fyp'oh-lHfthl8,-f' hlladelnhla.1! was not discarded beeauMjaBaattaftrai42i ma luic ft IV hAASUlAA It NVflmn -nAMUUATV trt naa A itlffunnfa fe'tyle ofpe; ltwn?Tio'seWWsi- ; years 10 irtf i rn mm n mi pi ur- ehasem, and. 1 ;oct5 ; m voirjT io9h?lofifii(.Tr ,T?OKi 9ALEMA laigeJot Of iMaguoUasi rmdkO E iik?8 Evergreens,, Roses. Tubp Roses, c.r from the well knownuFfoifcianrf NnnwRtmin Our-iill Bonnoofiy r 4 1. i jauuuoq miia sJiWBmLmMwnMMwncmmmuh'r !febl6,Lwk , j ' - 9ifl omit WW i iiiiinii ' iii ii i j p- u pjij ' . ! vn...wnni .j .. .. '1 T-Vt ? 1 ill iLfv OS! GOUxt rrft qIkI 1 mr.WiRiBlJM,ftAPrAfii)j, llii3- iil x,Iw .iKirjiuAlu viuL Jo ,sjiifr s.il SJIRlaCUpjT rhiidilj; .vy ;MaufaWrea oiIAnder Uhei aioss Xd-Mhj0cui J , - OT FABQFAHB LEIPZIG. ' A ,.1 . ; Immediate relief warranted. Permanent eiireHE, guaranteed. Nowexdnslf ulymstd by all celebrated physichmf iof . Europe and Amea,-, beeomlD? 'a ' Staple, JHanniess," and Reliable 'Remedy oh oolh , continentsui Thar Highest i Medieal :Awfrtvrf -1 1 U Paris, report 95 cures out of 100 cases, will; in three . UriCiA'iid which exists in ter -.Blood of r"it c and Gouty Patients. , 81,00 a box,'6"l .s lur ' ' ' i AO ' Kantin M, itlmi ' iIiu mmMj nf . r r i nov7--.r'CImprur3.'Der'-t.t:.3G-a-st.;N.Tv - T3MK3KAJ0E TOBACCOJfUt jMajfjn "-lb bFoTsaWa! 6bsx8 U' s 1 ii. It'! ill Hi Ml ! if ' f i i .if; m i Vf i r, H 1 , -.! ! I1 Si0,

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