' . -- f CS1S. B J051U, - Editor and roprietor ' ' I " ' ' , ' ' !r Frerjtoai the doting- pitthi lonr V v VW; ' free-born ruoh -: w -i ?' TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25,m; TBI KilXJSQ OF STOCK IY RAILWAYS. ' ' - .. .V-.VV:8c A;vyV ' iiliBi; We notice among the bills, passed, by the Legislature this week, one Ithat if applied to all the roads in -thef State, would save the lives of -many cattle We refer to the bill that makes engi neers and conductors on the Carolina Central Railway liable to indictment for running oyer stock. ;We do not think it just, however, to make this law apply to the Carolina Central Railway only as we presume quite - asi much care is taken by its employes as by those of any road, to spare the lives of the stock- of those living on the road. 9 A law requiring a jf airer and more prompt settlement of damages for killed and crippled stock would be nearer what the people need. Monroe Enquirer. Some of the above propositions! accord with our views ; from others we dissent totally. We do not agree wth the spirit of . the bill as originallyf intro duced There Is neither rhyme nor reason in endeavoring to hold engineers and conductors responsible to the law for animals ; killed by trains of J which they may have charge. Conductors are back in their trains and have no more knowledge of what is ahead than the passengers, and no more ability to pre vent the killing; of a cow than one of these. As the supposition, manifest in this bilListhat engineers kill cattle from pure wantonness, the most charitable construction that can be put upon this is that it proceeds from pure ignorance. Any man ought to know that there are few things which an engineer dreads more than to run over a cow. To do so is to run a heavy risk of ditching his engine if not his whole train, and to take the attendant risk! of losing his own life along with that of numbers of passengers.' Cattle are frequently killed and no damage results to the train, but great risk is encountered and accidents do often result from this cause. Conductors have no more to do with the killing of cattle than the man in the moon; engineers, however . wan ton they may be, and however little they may have at heart their companies interests, will always have an eye to their jobs and to their precious necks and kill as few as possible. But if the law is fair for one set of men it is fair for all. To single out the Carolina Central Railroad and apply it there alone is unjust and looks spiteful. Such legislation should be beneath the dignity of a General Assembly. The bill, we believe, has not passed the House ; we hope it will not. We are quite well aware of the fact that it is both fashionable and popular to legis late against railroads, and unfashion able and unpopular to say a word in their favor; nevertheless, we lift a voice against any uch discrimination and for the credit of the Legislature trust that it will put on our books no such puerile statute as that proposed. Our Monroe contemporary, speaks of the need of "a fairer and more prompt settlement of-damages" for cattle kill ed or injured-on railroads. The rail roads might insist with some cause for more " fairness." It is notorious that they have to pay largely in excess of its valne for everything killed on their tracks. When a $10 cow, too weak from starvation to be able to step off the tracks is killed by a train, she in stantly becomes a blooded animal worth, $25 or nothing. The owner summons his neighbors and they put an extrava gant value upon her, and the railroad has to dance up with enough money to buy two better cows. This is a solemn fact. We do not mean to say ihat this is always the case ; it is too frequently so, however. - The railroads may ami do sometimes bear down very heavily upon jthe jpeopjt Jbutj therev are some people who, wtin they have the oppor tunity, do not hesitate-for ti moment to "dig" the railroad and.rtbAt mercilessly. As to this matter of paying for cattle killed, the jgorsuitv pf forcing railroads to do it "is" be doubted anyway. The! rightof-wSyof aailroad company. :1s the company's own sometimes given to it and ioioaetimes bought and paidyd Cauca, by Valle de Sopia, on the lor. out always Its individual property: Whether, .xnen tne owner; or a cow which trespasses upon it and is; killed baa th moral right t reco ver the1 vaW' ue of the animal is, wewy a questira; whiebUnbt altogether one-sided. The "real remedy;; for j the existing s wrong, if wrong exists and a remedy' is sought, is onVwhlch; will1 confer many other benefibt this will be one of the least of them. We refer to the gen eral introduction of the stock law.' Un der its operations no stock is killed on , raflrpads; tod ycxrase nosettlcments to be madel between the people andthese companies.'. 1 .; ' ; ; Hot statistics of yellow fever in New Orlean show -that three men; were-; taceiiuiQ:teQrti . death, rat among jthemaff'per'eeht greater than .among ) the ; women. : The children, howeyer auff ered-even "worsa. than the male adults, for.while'only one adultr.in, twelve Mck, jdied, one out of every nine Bick-cnudren-teU victims to the epidemic .The most remarkable difference, liowever is icxhlbited in re gard to color.- The percentages of whites takexi"li(W&l?,V) negroes I t wasohlyj & per, -cent, j the death rate Of the whitd population1 Va of the negroes 2.5 per cent.: 'ine negroes ap psar also ta have beenrattackje4 lb.y the disease later on tnan tne wnites. In deed, there 'was'not adeath among them from yellow, fever in either ppf rnpnths of July of "August, when "the? epidemic was already raging among5 the' whites, and in Not ember also, rthey) ceased to die. It was only during the height pt . the epidemic; hern M by it' - -a . ,-tJT -,--." v 5"'; It . t-t.i ii i mi 1 1 II i n f i m 1 J 1 ' J -' ' 1 cpngratulate Our Iredeyriends ; upon the passage mrougut ww jcBMa tuxe of the bill enacting Abe fStocKlaw, for a rcrticn of their: county This is the entering" wedge-'the breaking .of, the tce.V The law wiH, prove so satisfy tory In its workings that the; whole, of the county: will demand it ere long: ; ;"ff,'; The Senate has voted $50,000 of State money for the extension of the Western (Coalfield) Railroad, . and this while the I State is groaning under a load ox ; aeDT and has under construction already public works wich she ha,no prospect of s being able to finish. ' We are indebted to Hon. Stanley Matthews for a copy of " his 'speech on Chinese immgf ationi delivered in the Senate on Wl3th irist. Mr. Matthews of the treaty.. Ifapffi ?r ii F0RTY-EIFIH CONURfc. The Tobacco BUI Hoes to a Conference M Committee The Sundry Civil Bill Passes the House Re moval qp Disabilities - " V '. A V i. 'IT'? J ' ' WASHINGTGNi S'ebjl 4.--SeNAT1. The House bill authorizing thesecre tarv of the navv to accent for the pur poses of, a voyage; of exploration by way. or xsenriug ipiriuia, mo amp ucuuclk tendered by James Gordon Bennett for that purpose, was passed. Allison, from the committee on ap propriations, reported' with) sundry amendments the deficiency appropria tion bill, and gave notice that he would call it up as soon as the army bill should be disposed otV : v. Cameron of Wisconsin gave notice that as sobri as the army biu should be disposed of he would call tip the resolu tion reported by the committee on privi leges and elections declaring D. T. Cor bin entitled to a seat as Senator from South Carolina in place of M. C. Butler, the present incumbent. After the conclusion of the morning business, the Senate resumed, the con sideration of the - unfinished business being the army appropriation bill, and the discussion upon the clause in regard to allowing railroads to use their tele graph lines for tjommercial purposes, was continued. Mr. Jones, of Florida, spoke in favor thereof. The unfinished business being the army bill, the Senate refused to strike out the clause inserted by the House allowing railroad companies to use their telegraph lines for commercial purposes. Hottse. The House has concurred in the Senate amendment to the tobacco bill providing that the reduced tax on tobacco shall go into effect May 1st, 1879, and non-concurred in that amend ment which strikes out the clause abol ishing the tax on matches. - It non-concurred, also, in the Senate amendment which strikes out the, pro vision that rectifiers rectifying less than five hundred barrels of'; spirits, a year shall pay a license of $100, and has also hon-concurred in the amendment re, lating to the tax on national and sav ings banks. A committee of conference was then ordered upon the disagreeing votes of the two houses on the tobacco bill. The committee was consists of Tucker, of bins, of North Carolina. appointed. It Virginia, Rob ami Burohard, of Illinois. The civil sundry appropriation till, appropriating about seventeen millions, was passed. Bills were passed removing the politi cal disabilities of G. II. Hill, (Samuel Bannon, Jno. A. Lovitt and J. T. Rus tic, of Virginia, Jas. L. White, of Flpri da, and Geo. B. Cashy, of California. A suggestion for a night session for the South Carolina election case was opposed by the Republicans and at 5.20 the House took a recess till 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. NOMINATION. J. B. 'Forney was nominated to for postmaster at Jacksonville, Ala. day A Church Petitions Hayes Chinese Bill. to Sign the San Francisco, Feb. 23 The Met ropolitan Baptist church was densely crowded to-night, and the following adopted by a unanimous risng vote, and will be telegrapltea umImj FresKlentw morrow; . .. .. " " "SAn Francico, Cal., Feb; 24. To R. B. Hayes, President of the United States : " "Two thousand Christian citizens, as sembled for their ordinary service in Metropolitan Temple, last evening, by a rising vote, petition you to sign the bill restricting CfijjBeae immigration as J n liiciisuitv vnai n uur civil x?fu;e our- business prosperity and our Christian civilization." . . t Another Revolution In Panama. Panama, Feb. 15 A dispatch from Buenaventura, of the Cth inst., savs a revolution has broken out in the State fit Aiitiaquia in the interest of the (Coft- mvauve uiuiv. mere mis ueen one- fight already, close to Manizalmes, at a place called Olivares, resulting in 25 Jailed, and the revolutionary party, it is stated, had the worst of it. Later advices are 'to-the effect that fl nnft mpn f rnm Ant-inniiiii Iiuva invnil. r west DanK or tne river cauca. mis is a serious piece of news, which comes signed by Gen. Francisco A. Escabar Jefe de Estado, mayor-general. As there is no news of any kind from or of Gen. ltenjeio and ins liberal ; govern ment in Antiaquia,this looks worse still. ! Funerals of Prominent Men. Baltimore, Feb. 24. Tlie funeral of the late .Bishep Foley took place this forenoon at the cathedral. A larze .number of priests were present, as well us uve uisuups, ana iiiousanas oi people joined in the respect paid to the deceas ed prelate, ltignt iiev. liishop Becker, Of Wilmington, was celebrant of the mass and Most Jlev. AxchbishQp Gib bons pteaeaed'theJfunOTal discourse. The remains were interred at Bonnie Brae where a large throng had assem bled. ": - . t New York, Feb. 24. The funeral of I ex-Mayor-ana dock Commissioner Jacob A. westervelt, took place this morning at the South Iteformed church. I ATTerlgiwxleo. Galveston, Tiixs;;Febr2tAr dis-- Satch to the News from1 Ssxhtd 'FeeJ few Mexico. savsmom trouble has oc curred in Linxln county, New Mexico.; H, J. phajrnan;a; lawyer;' head jbf the;, 4-dUUU,0!llltttV u,4aiauirt ly killed in front of 'the'enurfchousia Linrnln 'em thm 10th I f i - : Shooting a Man lor LAvgltag' ' IIakverstbaw Feb, ,21.f,Xesterday afternoon, while : several members of Engine ;, company, , were., carous ing infc barroom,"" William Kings land entered,.,, and, , Frank, Kennedy,. flouHshintf: fi feYOlver; saidVUV would shoot ! the iv first maul who laughecL i Kingslattd laiighednd Kenttedy-fired.', uu mo buoi, umn. euect -:, oeiow Ivmes-i IMM m 1 "" " 1 1 ' - ' i -, nil . hi Tne New York Bven'Posi; ctomf ui c ii 1,111 g v. uwj;aatt,j)i.mtu,vv(i nigii- waymen who robbed a lady of her ear rings in -; broad-daylight' On- Fifth ave nue, in that-City; makes. the humiliating confession that "the -streets of the city, even in opendayar tlnsafe'asr an' nn frequentea , road..in-v Mississippi - was when John A. Murreil was a power ; as h a. aiurreu was a power; as i uum uum win maienand ;femaie statff d 'theEngiisbv.Taoorsweref'inrj the company had repeatedly imnloreii pin'stime." l:.r, :.5.atheyidWtOrtairitai unsaie as tn Dickurpin' ST'.TE SEWS: 'r,-. TIE". t. Tho-'Burke- Blade is three years old. nbw. i e nave.&eu v ancq cue wing iouciw VThome's Coihedy Company"; piayS-fn Wilmington this week. , . The Fayette ville Gazette has revived under the old managements . Dr.W. E-Freeman, of. Wilmiigto died at 'cl6ck?f5iSjiday Horningil I Rnnointwi a notary miblic. Thorne's CkrheyCOTlp the rope walker were both in Monroe last week. TH ?JT i Vflne western JNortn Carolina ltaii road has a new mail and express car, built at its own shops. Th!ere is talk Of theestablishment of a Republican paper in Raleiffh with Uohn Nichols as editor. Governor Jarvis has appointed ttobt. S. Reinhardt, of Iron Station, a notary public for Lincoln county. . Revenue officers in Wake, last Fri day, captured a still and fixtures, twelve stands of beer, doublings, etc. A pistol "which was not loaded," came near taking the top off of the head of a Monroe negro onejdr afcwjeeM There is a gang of counterfeiters in Wake who have of late been shoving the queer pretty actively. Another one of them has'een J arrested. The Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic learns that Rev. Father White has suc ceeded in getting sufficient means to warrant the beginning Of the new Cath olic church in that city. The Raleigh News on its outside ridi cules the : "retrench mentr arid TrerYJlfnf' proclivities of the present "General-As sembly, and on its inside lectures otners who do the same thing. Receipts ;f cotton in Raleigh last week 847 bales'. Raleigh expects to in crease her cotton receipts very largely this year; has already increased them considerably and calculates, according to the News, that they will reach 50,000 bales. Jackson Baker and a white woman, both charged with moonshining, were before United States Commissioner Pur nell, at Raleigh, last Friday. The case of the man was continued; the woman confessed and was held in $200. This from the News. The funds are exhausted and Mr. King, acting superintendent of the gov ernment building at Raleigh has been suspended. The Raleigh Observer says some necessary work still remains to be done that will cost about $3,000, for which an appropriation will be asked. , Piedmont Press : The store of Messrs. (Williams & Finger, of Newton, was broken into last Tuesiday night by Hen ry Smyre, colored. His entire aim was to obtain money, but to his surprise he got only three cents ; however, it was a sufficient amount to lead to his arrest. Lenoir Topic: A few evenings since a gentleman residing near Turtle's X Roads, remarked in the- presence of his family that our young friend Herndon Turtle had concluded " to be a lawyer." His little seven year old daughter was surprised, and said she: thpught ,he- be longed to the church! . i J Monroe Enquirer: Messrs. A. H. Crowell & Son received a few days ago the first lot of goods over the, Seaboard Air Line route, being dnly, fofir days in transit from Baltimore. The Seaboard Air Line is the most reliable and rapid route ever opened to this section, and is very wpular among our merchants. The "Carolina Club," with forty members, has just been organized in Wilmington, and the Review gives these as the officers : Thos. W. Strange, president; Wm. Lattimer, first vice president ; T. Edward Sprunt, second vice-president ; Thos. H. McKoy, Jr., secretary, and N. F. Parker, treasurer. Fayetteville Gazette: Col. Wharton J. Green,- of Warrenton, N. CJjas re cently purchased of Mr. H. R. Horne phis extensive Tokay vmeyard,situated about rour or nve miles nortu of town. Thisiat one of the largest vineyaids in the South, and undoubtedly exceeds all others in the area planted in the scup pernong. We learn that Col. Green in tends cultivating the bunch and early table grapes very largely, and will shortly put in 4.000 additional vines. Sheriff J. II. Cox, of ;Perquimans, ar rived in Raleigh last Friday, and, the Observer, of that city, says: He is the sheriff who had the misfortune to be robbed a few days ago in Perquimans county of 81,642. The foot-pads took him from his buggy at the point of a doublerbarrelled gun and pistol and de spoiled him of his tax money. He says that being tied for two hours to a tree js all very fine for boys to read about in a yeliow-DacK novel, 4 for a dime, but devilish poor fun for a sheriff who has got to devote his term of office to re trenchment in order to get even again. The Monroe Express learns that a short time ago a mulatto man who gave his. name as McManus, appeared in. that neighborhood with a. white woman uid eight children -several of the children being white. They were in an almost entirely destitute condition, without sufficient clothing to protect them from the weather, or anything to satisfy the cravings of hunger. Since arriving in the' neighborhood ;tWo of ;,th;e oldest children have died from the exposure ihey were'subjected to, while at last accounts others of them were near the gates of death. The man and woman, who said they were from Cabarrus county, in, this State, were living to gether as man and wife. Morganton Blade : Henry Burgin, colored, a resident of JonesboroVon last Friday night, gave one of those re cherchi entertainments for which he is distinguished. There were present a large number of copper colored damsels and-as many darker complected Mffra gans, who were getting away with huge bowls of egg-nogg and fiddling and dan cing, 'till the green-eyed monster or some other devil started a row which soon - soon emptied the male-nortihti in-i w uib;uuui jaun (wiierer iy m. '.-ftuaae .the deed. Stanley Allen .coloredand Abe Browncolorea, are also in bonds iortneir appearance. The audience during the performance of Rip Van Winkle by Thorno's comedy company,, in.; Monroe,., last Thursiy. night, had a very exhilarating experi ence,, Interest being lent to the proceed- incs .bv the enactment of several srpnpa jriot oh thd'bills; The Express tells very graphically that one. Jv J.' Phillips: of .Lancaster county, S. C4 got into thev went to him for the. monev and he de clinedto settle JThe J ooTakeeper put him out after he had refused to eo. but he went out' of -the dwftliedreWWlk the. name of Odellfmn Concord, w,hbmi uo nitputweu io.i)e tne aoor-Keepeci jior-' tunately;the ball-; struck' the ?JooaTid,t elalicea 6ff. dain0"rirt ,,!hn.rrti..1lf rtwUvPi just as the pistol fired, a miserably iuu toxicated personT perched high on one OIlIlBbBHtS. fel ell nea nistol fall of the drunkard, impressed every mind with the Idea that some' -One harT- been:shotf andifqrvawhile they had old Cain around there. "fcMnniitr nor prove fatal. George Happoldt, Jr, ,is,f SSffiBffi!:: l. V.".: now in jail to await triaL charged wfth 1 meal. JOPOjnjiost nis balance and -vtotice. Vily to the floor. : Of rnnrsa. thftTil . renort and almnaf. cimiilfdnaA,,! ihavem Utteraucfs from the Fop , - - H i . ' a it v eanestian renhihsr fos : : - ? ax. i-iiD . the cardinaHeniphasized reconcile tt.b princes anife Church 3r tiis readif ess v. hand to all whS repent and" cease thek persecutions; anu las imtlincbing in tention always to combat in defence of the rights and independence of the ulut 2Fi , f A(7P unurcn xnose who make war against 5rrtrtlrFKoa(farefit!r. Galveston, Texas, 'February 24. A Fort Worth, Texas,- dispatch to the News, says :t At8 cPfclocfe, Sunday morn ing, the stage for Fort uma Arizona, i was halted inside thercity limits at Fort Worth? by three', masked., highwaymen and the4wo passengers werer compelled to give up their moneys ;The mail.bags were robbecL: r .? ivdii::.x.,.,;n ' 'LONSOKFeb.U24tA .special frora j Capltt fiaira.t A HV.. rain in Huiia and thei northwest rovincesn has .im proved." the; prospects somewh at ri The; Pam1oab:needs ihuchinerafrain;! tThef conditioa. of i the ; spring Jcrefp; there js very critical.1 Ah. . i;f. Woman BestFricnd. oAmple tesUmonlals from -every secttonii ot the Country show that Bradfleld's Female; Regulator is as it : claims to : be, ."Woman's - best friend," Many suSerlrig females1 have tried It, and have been cured, and bear witoesrto Its merits In sound constitutions and rosy cheeks. Its record Is bf ore the public. Don't faJliairjiJl,M)uare suffering from any of the complamtsecullarto the sex. feb25Jm . Tt' . . ; 9 i. - ReniarkafcleKestlt. It makes hd' different hms mkrrV WTsldaniJoT' how much medlplneyou.hayj tried, ft is now an es :' Htuusnea uta, nat uerman syrup is ine oniy. reme dy which has given complete satisfaction m severe cases of Lung Diseases. It is true there" are' yet thousands of persons who are predisposed' -to Throat and Lung AfTectJonst'Cfensurnptlon, Hem orrhages, Asthma,-' Severe Colds settled -& Ithe Breast, Pneumonia Whooping Cough,, kc., who have no personal .knowledge of Bbschee's German Syrup.., To sued wo would say ihat 50,000 dozen were sold, last year, without one complaint, on sumptivea try ' Just' .one bottle. : Eegular.. Size!, .75 cents. Sold y all dngUta.ln Axnera, .; ,T CHE W JJ.CKSOXJ? BEST SWEET JA t PEBKTJiKY- 23; 1879 : PfiODUCE. BALTruoax-Oats doQ; Southern S0a32, Wea tern wniie ULnaa, ao mixsa euaai.. i-ennsvi vania Sla32. ; Hay unchanged; prime Penn- sylvania and Maryland U al2. Provisions higher; loose shoulder; 5Vi clear Hb sides 6, per car load, packed new 6; bacon shoulders, old 444. clear rib sides, new 6U. hams, suear-cured. WyilO. Lard refined tierces 7ft.' Butter quiet; cuoij HjBsujxn. naciUia,i.aa2U. xuua Jtai il liQl- fee dull; Rio cargoes llal5. Whiskey dull at 1. uo. Dugar quiet; 4Af.spa FWvVt J V? New York Flour no decided change: No, 2, 2. H0a3.25, superfine Western and State L!frd3.65. common to good extra Western and State 8.80 s.uu, gooa w cnoice ao 4.uoa4.bO; southern flour sieaay; common to iair extra 4.O0a5.20; good to choice do 6.25a.50. Wheat ungraded win ter rea l.ooaia o. 3 do l.ttttal.10. Com ungraded 46a7, NO. 8, 434a. Oats unchanged. Coffee dull and unchaaged; Rio quoted in car goes llal5. In Job lots llaltt. Sugar quiet; Cuban &a6, fair to good refining 6$8a6, prime tm; rennea standard A. Kaut. rmnulated His. powdered a8, -crushed ft Moiasses JSew Or leans Z5a37. Rice in moderate reauest and steadv: Pork mess on spot 9.75. Lard prime steam on spot tf.izyg. wmsKey lower, creignts steady. COTTON. KORTOiJt-steady; middling 914c.; net receipts i.aiz; gross; siock 4 1 ; exports coastwise 1,32a; sales 465; exports to Great Britain. B ALTiHORfc Firm ; middling low fcuddTInjJ wuc.;gooa orainary 48C; net receipts ; gross. svx4j shibw iiv; atoca o,j4i export coastwise au; spinners ; exports 10 ureal Bntain. 1,450; Boston Firm; middUnrs,94.; ; !Jow middling msc; kouu uruinorj ojc; net receipts" robs 2,612; sales ; stock 2,868; exports to Great Brit- am 1,820 Wilmington Steady ; midnnig9c.; low mid" dllng8c.; good ordinary 8Mk net receipts 713; gross : saies : stock t,iii; spinners ; ex ports coastwise loa ; to reat Bdtoln ; to Con- neni ;to cnannei . PhOajjxlphia Flrmr rnldaTing"ir,: -low middling wc;, good ordinary 8tfec; net receipts a.:in; gross xai; saies ar spinners 458; stock 6,817; exports to Great Britain Augusta Steady: middling 8c.: low mid dllng 810.; good ordinary receipts 326; ampmenis ; saies 11s; siock . Chahlxston Quiet; mldallng 9w.; low mld- dllng 946&; good ordinary 9c; net receipts 1,- un; KT088 ; saies ouu; stock hh,7X; exports coastwise azcu; ureai unmrn --; Jfranoe Continent ; td channel -1. Nkw York Firm; sales 566; middling uplands W4C , miaaung uneans wa; consolidated net re celpta 28,476, exports to Great Britain 18412 f LrvKRPOOL. Noon FaWusmeM 'ftpiada. osu., uneans, wtfx, low miaaung uplands , gooa ordinary upianos ;,, orainarj, piands saies o.uou, specuianon ana export 1,000, re ceipts 7,850. ail American. . iutuies opened firm er, witn ouyers at sasuraars prices, umands low mlddltnK clAusei February delivery 5 13-32. Feb ruary and March do, March and Aprtt do, April ana janj o -io, amj una june 043, June ana JulyS 17-32, July and August 5 19-32, August and September, September and October . New crop shipped January per sail , February and jiarcn FUTURES. Nkw York Futures closed quiet. . Sales 36,- uuu Daies. r February jl ... . .V. i.v.p. 9.78 aiarcn April May June July August September 9. .78a.79 9.93 10.08 10.22, 10.32a.38 10 .41.a48 10 .28a.a8 10.a3a.05 9 .894 93 FINANCIAL. New York motipt 1.02. KxchanM A.RniiU. 1 Byeninieiiw sitHtu. ,1 s 'x.va'Bune Donas ; bis urn awn suaiin' '..'! jo .jo ix't '.-.7 htd . tfifw ,-.fli! -H.O .1 ut; CITY qOTTOM MABKXT.1: if." ;,.,ov ,., v$iiiiiAivstyi m .rifn Omci ' or jtl ''wkkVJi ' CHAHixfiTK, February 24. 1x79. t The marketyesterday dosed qtilet, as" foflow4! ' e. , - ... Middling... a miaaung . . . , , 9 Strict low middling. Low middling. Tinges m -'".-8-8l4as Lower grades.,. V vs Mr 7a CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET FEBBUABY 24. 1879. ' . tv-i. -:-.-;.-.i ..-fi .iOOKRHCTKr,DAn.T. .'1 ; iii-, J4JO Bits Ml-y'i toil Cotton Ties 7 on, ifuL wuic.t.. a.yn SnllnoH . . 4 r.TiflH4al214 ... 45a50 Peas, . " 50a65 ioatsv sheuedi ' l.-wciu raai.ri.ij v45aoO rBACONjijiiii to wn nit hhj (ii i-rrt;-iU -zyn ;u N. C hogroutlcUUlilli.U .'A' a9 Ham8-ii.e.i.T.T 9 Hamsvuncanvassedi-i ...v.,,-i .gmo. vh.u ftlffba Bdlk Meats z toe Clear Rib Sides. . . r esw. mine kio Good. Strut ' Sugar-house;. Molasses Cuba New Orleans... Salt " Liverpool fine. S0OAR :i-jUitik.1 Jte?.;..iit won nv:25 85a50 1.00a2.00 White. 4.. S0TATOE8 lciiuvT. v.. : wax: 35a40 40a50 Butter t UooslDterdoznti ..'.?. . irt ;Frrm -: ....... wm 8.ooaa.oa 2.75a3.00 2.25a2.JS0 I Extra....; Super i... "'St my possession two new shawls and a tti'8hHtflr nlotoh takan, fmm , niytln lleved to have been, stolen,, end which the owner I advertisement-, .a,wAi.TCY atihkt .i. leb25 It ' vTtTMaShaL! 'u I T15 xPBATOilEddiuebo r -f 0 sairarthe c6ort iibuse to-night ATOREddie. the boy orator, wllL, ignii, Deg.nning slon. Uf '"MHUgy ETEEMfim-.; . ..... H Dm Oil r nnnr njtfWreafroQi'r-A.v' f't.. .ini .. ' ' '- I r a hii. desire tot. . C'L' I L iiVJ ' !, tirpxtid his I Cochins the onenlnK chaDters olthe uewstditi r f Adapted fromUi celebrated play of the sanie iiiuue, oj uronson uowara, now running in we ! uiiiuu cxiuare xneaire, new lone xne same pa per contains the opening chapters of James Payn's newstorj.. Y frf., Tf. U J ! I UKnla ONE ROOF. . gven away wim "i no jfxresiae Lwmpainon : . -mic song and cliorus . 'Ldlce a lurtt." with : Wi ,Ka593. The words complete of the comic opera n. bl. o. jonaiore,'.' aiao uie woras ana :. : music of the song and: choras,MWhen I m --Was a iAd-with1' v-r -wa Nik-'Bfle f He Is an Englishman " song and chorus - ,'wfth , . ...Wa KOI ,1'm Called Little Buttercup," song and . fBefraln, Audacious Tar.f Lovers' Duet, , . .. ine riresiae wmpanion" is ior saie oyau newsdealers. The subscription price te Three Dol lars a year. Address GEOBUfc MUKBO, 17 to 27 .HB.uut5wa.ujr street, . vu tt-uw (?sy i.e.. a THE WORKING-MAN'S FRIENTV -HE WORJONOilAN'y X&lEXiJ til In these days of . olitlcal trickery, a true friend in k Is a' friend indeed; and such a friend is . ' - . . DR. WM. HALE'S PALSAM iuk LUNGS. 1 : It 13 a sure curie for " "T' 'V 1 J ... CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS,. : , ! : and all diseases of the Lungs, Chest" and Throat' i -TWs well known remedy has been used for thir ty years and has eured. thousands of cases; many of which were given up as hopeless.' w i ; . ; vNo! case, -however obstinate, can resist the neai tog properties of Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the E Hemenb6r that It is the persistent use ef the tsatsam mat cures tne worst cases. - .:. .; 'JOHN F. HENRY, CURBiN & CO., ' . : , Sole Proprietors, , .id . , . 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW Y0BXs For sate'by L...B. Wriston & Co., Ctariotte, N. C. reb25 Is a perfect Btoon Purifier, and is the g orily purely Vegktabi.e remedy known to scl ,' ence, that has mae radical and Permanent .vCures of SYr-mus-aiMl. ScgoFCtjAjUi all their stages. It thoroughly removes,.mereury from the system: it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis- Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m " D. Q. MAXWELL. G.T. HARBISON, : Auctioneer. lyjAXWELL & HARRISOJ -AUCTION AKt COMMISSION ! MERCHANTS Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; wni give strict personal , . ;r. attention to all business entrusted to our care. Tour doors above Charlotte Hotel. dec3 XisttWnntoxcs. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1 Yadkin County. t In Probate Court. ' Joseph Sparks and Benjamin Sparks, Executors of Benjamin Sparks, deceased, , . ; ( The Heirs at Law of Benjamin Sparks, deceased. KOTICK OF TOTAL BETTLSHEKT. It atmearlnff to the satisfaction of the Court thai Lydla blmmit, wife of. Paton! Dimmit. Hannah. 1 eiuvwue 01 jonu ens, jonn sparica, ana iiuza beth Reddik, wife of John Reddlk, are heirs at law in this case and non-residents of the State,'1 ; ; It 18 :tlrerefor on. motion oidered by the Court that advertisement be made for six weeks in Tax Charlottk Observes, notifying said defendants to appear at the Clerk's office in Yadkmvflle with in twenty days after service of Oils notice, aha let them take potice that If they fail to appear that the -ame wm ne taken., pro conjaso ana expane as to Jthera: " - . - Qlvett underiy ' hamd and seal of office ln Tad klnville, ttdsthe lOthdarof yebmaryrA. D 187ft . . isaac n.-YesTalT; Probate Judge. 1 feb23-dltwBt. - i! .;; STOLEN." ' ''''' .From' nw" treslilennfl. ..Fp.hru.rF 91st. black and ran hound puppt about lour weeks vrttf , : l?J (M,i .a for which: liberal reward will-be paid laud1 .:W..R,CHANE,, fe.hr 22V J Ttv:t wii r.. JEAt 'ESTATE, -.ill? jii:, i-r. ' a-, r ' .H-ilj; J .ii IS MLNING AND IJTIGRATJiONjAGENCYi i.:v 1 ' ) --. ; . VM ;: .5: !. ,. !2f 1 - : hi;.-- ni. : ?r. !UJU t.i tU.;J Uvl ;-: Jfl-'. i 2fvi .,:i'l For selling rad" tuying Ntoes, JLands ahict House; ay.-iw-Ui IK hW'fita Oil) .'i. tr ' t)imMJ.j .iW.J .JI ta-J; 1-iiU JiXlUCLrJ!,,J ' ' '-'-rCliarlottA. J7b in- if -f t. We;wHt0o!nehu lJieB:and-J8hoflbuelB0ss at pegraSI A'fcoi-Tt 1 February 2, 1879. -Home and Democjs&xsQBy. -i'J3 jj ' fK;J IJ' '! '.' ' - ", l '1 i. "i : ahTt iirnvi -wit . fl: i'ull 31 .:i H iH& Tri Vercarftnow;. daily Irecelyipg igooA fupaiy Jtfrl (Mlffili -H .ma was -I si.JX p iff o a stand on College street, warftHl be Dleiwea A' tA AM aiii man 1 -L-Z2eM! openjhl fr'nnfl Uv .tfT--.li;... 1 " ... 15al6JAPEGR4M Xia,peraons, who owetlheTIata , i- wi fcasrs ; vja -maae warn a spemity.ugf "h j WJV-TS ibxci BROTHER U 4 v';" "- - 1 - 7-r 1 psaatfaytt'-.aPiJan JH: l Store and Hardware Lu tor A - TEf CHEAP B".W.iOM M7iH a aw iru a Buy your XOOK STOVES .from me, as I have 12 good reasons why they will do your work Quick and Easy, Cheap and Clean ioaa it a vt n l BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE They are best to use. . .BECAUSE ... They bake evenly and anicSU.!.t BECAUSE . ; Their operation te perfect. ' BECAUSE ' W , , They always have a good draft; BECAUSE They are made of the BECAUSE : They roast perfectly.' BEtTnejf KuLi lul btMI t. CI , BECAUSE . They are very low prieed. BECAUSE .?AW n i They are easily managed. BECAUSE They are suited to all localities. BECAUSE Every Stove is guaranteed to give satisfaction CALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUST? CALDWELL HOUSil, Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, chabXottEi n. e.A CHARLOTTE, N. C, S. P. CALDWELL Proprietor. , This hpusejs permanently established and offers all the conveniences an comforts "if i nrsl'eiassi boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find It a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be; furnished witti Jooms. BATES Per day. transient, $1.25; per week, SaOO. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per month, $18.00. JanlO GREAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. I r. f 'a n . i r t. f. f m r j t r f r r Ho'? i . S WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, . ,s ANQ . M lj CI A M PLATED GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want lor Christmas, at J, 1 !dec24 .u.ltJitH T. BUTLER'S. "TtTE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCTT V Y EDESIftE.to call ittteattMrttOHB STOCX .TzaM?.rK3iA nmuit -T7 ANCY GOOD O J? ANCY 600DO-" ' Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest i! .-Twin the market The latest Btylesof' Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties, which will pay you to !iTrr v.w yti i?&-vjici till and examine. tTTTTH'i FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases " French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. Mk 'tt L. R. WRISTON CO. decl3 Cochrane keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, Stand- ard Pure, Two Years Old. OB FINE WINES, And Pure Liquors, Three Years Old, go COCHBAHX8, EW LIVERY STABLE. ; j If you want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or 8addTr.HQneTW -iter-ilieTJew Llverr tatabie. ;v . ' "' - I If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to "meet arriving or deoartlne train, en to ttui w I Livery Stable. 1 "' s - j u fuu want juur noreea weu iea and well groomed go to the New Livery Stable. , . i Careful drivers,rdkptneWani reasonlble prices are our motto. - - -. - . -.- i may28 - B. CHAMBERS. 1 7 1 1 711 PpHJB RENT. .T8CO J? AHT eeatJL TA, . , . "TOE BEST STOCK OF i . ;:,GBOCXBlEtfatf 00 h 5 ..... 01 S .... . BOOTS, S HOES' v - ! H B H H HHH H H H H A AA A A AAA A A TTTT ' -T-. T T T gStig ,a3AL; i u Rsatstaic.. J t National Bank Building. Charlotte, N. c. i iatoa so a fe;, .-. Our stock of Booto, Shoes, Ac., is acktin w to be the best m the State, and we f would bS Se edtp have you call and examine for yourself &w bojtog. peJram 4 oare rrjOJTHErLlQ The subscriber, Trustee ef SMITH CB F.s begs leavetieaii (he attention of the cltlzeus of Charlotte and vicinity to the large stock of B T T S -AND now in his hands for sale. It is believed to te li e laftjtjSujih ofBaltlttoie, nd Is weD worthy tfceujnlnefrQ of any person rwhether wanting one er a thousand pair. The stock embraces I IN INFINITE VARIETY, i .' Sit 'lAi ; , from the finest to the coarsest shoe made, if you vrant a pair, or any number of cases, eall. and yen wants can be supplied. . In this connection the subecrrber would shite that If reasonable prices can be obtained, tbe whole stock, both "WholeWle and Befall, will te sold AT A BARGAIN, eifhe. tefQtetrfr w'pRrtTe'ly? PicroeWf;r,s fri pttrriui8e,aw1koifcited.,J ... V 1 -t't j i , r j J. M. Bi HIYNCLLS, Titsstte i S Forbes.. Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 17, 1878-8weod. JUST IN TIME. We have Just received a tne seleettoB f. kwu Ooods as yon want far CHRISTMASi PRESENTS, :f... t. . ' lM.'siW8 toe Lockets and Chains, JTne Sets, Seal Rings, Initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf ; Pins ajolrtl4i JkW want. iar CALL AND SEE TBXX. f HALES ft FARRIOR. 3 TLXM&''Mf an ? From ParW, France, nWATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL- -ade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. i ,S t TO ! Every kind of repairs made at once at half price awarranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. SUver-Plating and Gal vanizing made at short nettee and equally as (od MJ!. Wor don for the trade at low prices, jy Apprentice wanted, with premium and good rsmoMo 1 "Um3 t'timHnn h Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs . septis TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE i v.-, . CONTAINS . .... - , , THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOCK 3 sjt5 V. Y. f. i H Y. V :- KB ''.Si 'f.r. r t II jt rr rr AR ! LITERATURE, MISCELLANBOTJS-WORKS, i - i MUSIC 1 GIFT BOOKS . OF EVERY STYLE, BLANK BOOKS, INK, PBNS?PENCILS, MUCILAGE, jjl 0O ,11 K - " AND IN FACT EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT I f." TN A FIRST-CLASS BOOK STORK. .! X. Butterlck's MetropoUtan Fashions or March have Just arrived., Call and get one. Iebl8 ' ' !WW se8 i . H oo nr as 1 EH0T0GBAFH8. i In consequence of the reduction In the price of the original cost of materials, and in order to glre my patrons the benefit p thereductlon from and after this date Photographs' wuT be taken at my Gallery at REDUCED BATES. t pt2fT Toa-nl 1 5H .XCUCVTSS

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