SfhC (hatlOtt0 WuStXQtX 1 xjqual power and jurisdiction as Superi w v 'or Courts, in criminal cases, passed its TUESDAY, PEBUUA1JY 2C 1879. '- - TUB IJBGISIA.TlTltE0JI . . rBalelghNews. , j """"" ' SENATE. 'P ' February 21. Mr. Bynum, from the committee on the asylum for the insane, presented a report accompanied by f a . billf which were ordered to te' printed-'! ti:rL ;; Mr. Dortch, from ; the committee, to ascertain the number of bills now be fore the General Assembly,' of public importance, reported $ that there .-, were on the file of both branches some sev enty of such bills, and in the hands of committees probably ; as i many , more. The committee propose to report fully to-morrow. .. FEES. OF JAILERS Mr. Henderson reported from the committee of conference on the bill to regulate the fees of jailers, and the re port was concurred in. The bill pro vides -an allowance per diem for pris oners hot exceeding 57K cents. CALENDAR. Senate ilxilr to incorporate the Farm ers 3iJanlc of -Milton, Caswell county, passed Jts several readings with an formable to other bank jcbarters. ' House bill toegitamatize certain col ored persons bora previous -to January 1st, 1868, (giving the right of inheri tance passed its several readings. House bill for a stock Jaw for Iredell county passed its third reading. - Senate bill to amend the act incor- noratinir-fiock Snrtntf Camp. f Jnftitln-rowntr.1 Third readme House' Mir to-protect the State's in terest in public works was taken up. Mr.',DillsrdexpUuied that the bill was to prevent the public officers from becoming contractors on the works with:1 which they were connected. - The biUl&sjed itsTw Yeral readings, but the votetttheTthird:ieaiiBgTwa:subse-- re-referrt. perfected. ,,n Senate kill to amend the charter of the town; of Denver, Lincoln county, also passed, and was ordered to be en grossed. House bill to punish treasrui ers of be nevolent and religious institutions for the wrongful appropriation of their trust funds, passed its - several readings and was ordered to enrolment. House bill to change the site of the town of Sparta, Alleghany county, passed and waf ordered to be enrolled. WESTERN RAILROAD. Mr, Scales moved to suspend the rules to put the bill concerning the Western (Coalfield) Railroad on its third reading. Agreed to 23 to 10. ' 1 !" : Mr Ilnderpon moved' to pbstpbhe the further consideration of the biflrtill AVednesday next at 11 o'clock. - Reject ed 23 to 20. Mr. Williamson moved to adjourn. Agreed to 22 to 20, and the Senate ad journed till 1 p. m. ( ----- NIGHT SESSION. i MrJ Mebane presented a report from the feoinmittee on the State debt ac compauiieu vy n urn, tt hich yvcic wuw nd r tit be nrinted. and subseauentlv made the special order for ii o'clock to morrow. i On motion of Mr. Graham, of Lincoln, the bill to provide for the collection of the tax on spirituous . liquors (the bell tfuncb bill), was made the special order ibr Tuesday night at ociock. ; .; JffiESXEEN RAILROAD. . ' The bill Jin reference to the extension, Ac, of the Western (Coalfield) Railroad, the unfinished business of the. morning session, was resumed, Mr. Mattheson offered, as an amend ment a new section, to come in before section 10 of the bill, providing that the public treasurer be prohibited from pur chasing the $50,000 worth of the first mortgage bonds of the company unless the company shall.-within nine -months from the date of ratification of this act, survey and locate the road west from Greensboro Winston or 8alemr tip the valley of the. Yadkin, by way o Wilkes boro, Wilkes county, to Patterson, in Caldwell county, and put 100 of the con victs, assigned by this act, to work upon the road so surveyed and located; and continue to work, them thereon in, the construction of said line of "said' road. Rejected.? r i a .r : ' f : r -j - i Several amendments were offered but failed to pass. ' The bill then passed its third reading by a vote, of .19; to, J9, President Robin son voting in -the affirmative, as fol lows wrr.TA2 K.Tuir .-r-.i.ito: .-i Ayes Messrs. JPresident, . Alston, Black," Bledsoe, Brower, Bryan of Pen der, Bull, Cjkldwell, Dancy, Davidson, I iSrwuv , Everett, McrJachern, Memtt, OrmancL Boss,Bcales,Shackelfordtew- Nay8----MesrexanSe,rBryan of Duplin, DiUard; Eaves, Eppes, Graham of Lincoln; "Graham of t Montgomery, Henderson, Hoyle, Lyon, Matheson, Mebane MitchelL Mayo, Red wine. Res pass, Waldo, Ward ana Williamson 19. CALENDAR. .,....,..., The following-bills, etc- were-taken 4 from thealndar and PassM thffrwr House bill to. incorporate the; Bank ot Ashevuie, Jiuncoinoe county. Enrolled: Senate JbilLto . preventLgambling'irt Senate-4aH ,.xelaUveio'. the? pubaei roaos or juecKienourg county, passed its QSXitiBblUxvi r Wit $ao w-rx-':t- J'fsoj J . Th Mil to define the jurisdictioa -of justices of the peace was made the Spe cial oraer ior vveanesaay next at li A. TO. .The Senate then adjourned. . "A A. 'J ' ' 'it.jlt. ' V .rSLQViti OTiREPRESENTTlVES. f 1 " 'A . ;;a An-' February 21.' , CALENDAR. Bill to provide Ifbr1 keenlnar in repair the public roads of the State, placing their control in the hands of the jus , tices of the peace in each township. This bill was discussed by Messrs. Boat: Qarrirhterand Vaucrhan.o Onn provision is that no personrshall beie quired to work more than ten days per ' year on the roads. -This Mr. Vaughan opposed, as did Mr. Amis, because some counties ( require as s much as ; SO days work. - , . J ' Remarks .were also made by Messrs. t andliloekeri?-t2 Mr. Ellison-eff ef ed" an ainetfdment ex. emlLMXml from - road duty. This provoked a discussion. , but was voted down. The bill then r, passed its readincs... I jrpji fai aid iiLjtber construction. the Winston, Salem and Mooresville Rail- ,: roadit passed ita second readme. Bill in relation to the citv of Wil mington. Continues the time ot the Mr-Scott, spoke, against the bill,:and Mr.-Jonesin its favor.""-" "J ' -' The bill was further, disenraed hv Messrs. Jones, Clarke; Scott, Lamb, EI uson ana nines. , - - r Mr. Scott moved that the bill be made the special order for Wednesday, and upon this called the ayes rand noes, but li iuu. uub prevail. . xiie vote men re curred upon the passage of the bill on its second reading, when it passed by a ' L .11 in relation to charees bv rom! Tr.: ion merchants on sales of prod hop net 'ly and properly incurred, passed J. VWU14Uq9 CkJLWZk DVUirj UOVUOD1UU, 'ryENTNO SESSION," " 5' , Tlie" calendar was ilaced at the Speak- Bill to establish a graded school in U&Darrus cuuuty, ikuscu bcwuu Kr for relief from tax of 50 cents pt r hm on fertilizers, reouiring the State Treasurer to refund such tax to eyeryj county which bos paid such tax, passed! its readings. 'Bill declaring 280 pounds to be a bar rel of tar, and that it must. henceforth be sold by weight, passed. ' T 7 ' f Bill to prohibit the driving of cattle from Georgia, South Carolina, and coun ties east of the Blue Ridge, to counties west of the Blue Ridge, passed its read- inAt 10 P-m- the House adjourned. SENATE. ' ' February, 22. BUSINESS BEFORE THE ASSEMBLY. Mr. Dortch, from the joint committee on the calendars, reported substantially as follows: "Nunber of bills and resolutions pend ing in the Senate, 376, of which 10 were considered of pressing public impor tance, viz : t :i J".- v- '- 1. Providing for the support of the institution for the deaf and dumb and the blind. . 2...Tonbolish the insane asylum and; to incorporate the- North; Carolina In 8. To repeal the law providing for tlie sustenance of lunatics outside of; the asylum. 4. To commute, compromise and set tle the State debt 5. To regulate railroad freights. C. To prevent extortion by transpor tation companies. ' . 7. For the creation ana regulation oi industrial and provident societies. 8. Concerning official bonds of sher iffs. 1 'i ,'.' - 9. To provide for the working of the public roads. k a, s- 10. To provide for the completion of the Western Asylum for the insane Number of bills and resolutions pend ing in the House, 472, 16 of which the committee consider important to the public, viz: 1. For the relief of the land-owner where his land is sold to the State for taxes., . . 2. To prevent the reckless destruc tion of fish in certain streams. 3. Concerning salaries and fees. 4. To provide for the collection of taxes on the property of corporations or persons doing business in this State, whether said property be in the hands of a receiver or not. ? 5. To require the xise of a history of North Carolina in the common schools of the State. G. To exempt certain personal proper ty from sale under execution. 7. To make slander of women indict able. 8. To punish the abduction of child ren under 14 years. 9. To establish courts, inferior to the Supreme Court, to be called "inferior Courts." 10. In regard to practice in criminal actions. 11. In relation to judgment on appeal from justices ot the peace. 12. To prevent seduction of women 13. To define the jurisdiction of judges of the Superior courts as to granting in junction, restraining order, and appoint ment of receiver. 14. To provide for tlie registration of certain deeds and other instruments of writing. 15. To prevent the carrying of con cealed weapons. 16. To modify bills of indictment in certain cases. Mr. Dortch also reported that be sides a number of other important bills, &c., in the hands of committees, there were several yet to be introduced af fecting the public interest. The report.iwaSf ordered to be print ed and t ransmitted to the House. CALENDAR. House bill to aid in the construction of the Winston, Salem and Mooresville Railroad Company passed its second reading, and was referred to the com mittee on internal improvements. STATE DEBT. The special order, the bill in refer ence to the State debt, was on motion of Mr. Mebane, postponed and made the special order tor Monday at 11 a. nr. WASHINGTON S BIRTHDAY. Mr. Bryan, of Duplin, moved, that in respect to the memory of (George Washington the Senate da now ad journ. Mr. Mebane, naif of the day being already : spent in work, moved as more appropriate that the State Treasurer be authorized to pay to Mrs. Letitia Walker, of Kockinebam. the sum of $50, for the erection of a memorial of arms of North Carolina" for Mount Vernon.-: Mr,Mebaneeloquentlv.rfired this amendment. Nearly every other State in the Union had its coat of arms i ik. l . : l r ,ir i . in uie uihsbm; iiuiue oi w asuiDKLOTJ. a call had been- made-ti pon -the distill- guisnresefau'ftt9tour State tm tne M0tmt erntm'' Association" fMrs. Walkert to fill the blank left for North Carolina j and he trusted there was 'i jioi a man in tne- ueneiarAssembly who wouldfallto.Tespond to this call. i Mi-. Dillard feelinelv and eloouentlv supported the amendment, of , Mr.. Me bane and it was adopted by acclam1- won, ana sent, 10, xne. xtouse ior concur? renCc"i'J"'',"?,J "' . ji. ,:- jo--iJai. Senate bills toauttrorlze the" cotrntv hr T J -11. A a x . I . A . . irtjueu'vtu iraiuia -utati, raiiroaa.-. debt. iassediurd reading. i( s . ,u nouseoiii 10 exiena me time or re deeming arid sold, to the State for taesr was recommitted:1 1 r i ! Mr. Mebane, by leave, introduced a resolution of enquiry as to the amount due by the State to persons for the sup port oi ouisiae lunaucs. nnjitiMaemfadjouiel4 ;; ; X HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, i Aft iinhfr. :: . m k: dvM eorjiary ;23 Bill to create.- sinkine fund. for! h payment of the North-arolina- Raii-- road coimctjon ,bondaL was dMrnssed: dj Messrs. iprl.rtttfiifiheombe, Lmdsay Vaughan Cookftoard. Mr. garter. I aBuinxbef moved to. print tne .Diifeanaiaejtat bensweredidjost ineuestronirecumng ore'the?itai it passed, and abo its final'readinff. Bill attthprizing the ?ilworkmg,!iahd LenoiiViCaldwell & iWatanga and iklt Airy c -gkPjqsjitassed its Bill; to continue iniofflcatha mayor ana commissioners pr tne city or vvil- minirion, unni "ineir successors are properly elected, passed its final read ing. r - - . - - Besolutioh to adjourn' at 10 p. ni to day in honor to the late lamntl GeorgeWashingtoni Mr,TrneT thought RAPirftrV-rhlVr lrrialQr-a bet- niinvi; they had done so littleand went on to give some reminiscences of the father or nis country. ' The members were un patriotic, and, voted to table, the resolu tion. - - - BiU to amend tbe charter of Wades poro, Anson1 county, passed -its teaxi- . Billdefining(the jurisdiction of judges oupcuur coun-ay to issue oi re suming orders aad injnncticiiis; and ap- 'Bill t BTtftTirr -'flip? Plt-nrtlQfQ 1A- 11,.. . i wT' r rVJTHUiM(p VA ;BiU to amend socUon. 9f ehapter255 lawof-1876V?TI. as to th f5mv-f !.'Powurts in the' eighth judicial district, passed its readings. j.. -a. mcsage was received from the trtivemot. in retrard to the prosecution of Swepson and Littlefield, requesting that the , treasurer ; advance money to "witnesses who are too poor to at tend, and was referred to the judiciary committee. " - 1 '-"1"' At 150 p. m. the Honse adjourned. , Body atching. in Fntoo County..,; IMonio Express 3 1' v - r-r I A few davs aero-some negroes living - nn the oid J8vkes place. J:our mues eatt, ot towiii noticed marks about the grave of Mr.' Svkea. a gentleman wno naa, been dead for thirty yearSr which seem ed to indicate that 1 the grave naa re--cently been opened ; for; some ; purpose. Mr. JohnSy kes a well known citizen of theounty anda a e son of -the deceased gentleman, was apprised ,ottherdiscoTr ; ery, when he went to the" graveatoriA-j vesugace, ana lounu muicauousiw muu: satisfied f him'lthatVsUChVWaa -flrt ifact,' but to make aurance doubly: iiu:er he I procured hands and again proceeaea to? open the.grave.fLndicatlons,rconvin cing 'tif tnelr Veharacter, were found ; large roots: were? found to have been cut irir two, and a portion of one side of ine comaywn.icap w nearly penwuj sound, waa broken ofL t The reason for this act of vandalism Is unknown. The: only circumstance which throws any light upon the mystery, - is the vremark said to have been made by & negro who was jecently in the neighborhood,' that ii he possessed the Done ot a aeaa per son's leg. it would -enable mm to- per-ii form an ything Which he desired.. Qnlckei the ClrenlatioB. DonHletUie Wo6d stagh!ate to your veins." Ton can prevent its dfef jbf Inoreisnif lts Tdluma and parity, by stimulating the digestive organs, and' encoura0ng asslmllatloB, xwtoh that "matchless vitalizing agent, Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters. Peo ple not afflicted Wth- any "organic or Inorganic dlfleaseT ero wan and haggard simply becaosa tneu Diood is tmn, watery, aenaeni innounsaing properties and so. Sneagee in' quantity that the ex tremities are very imperfectly supplied with It, and the superficial circulation extremely feeble- Hence the .bloodless appearance of the countenance,' Bui when the Bitters are used to enrich and Quicken the blood, the rosy hue of health returns to the cheek, the frame acquires substance as well as vigor, the appetite Improves, and no digestive Qualms interfere either with Its gratification or the 8utsequent tranquility of the stomach. COHsnnptloB Cared. An old physician, retired from practice, havlnS fid Diaced in nis nands dt an ' isast ary the lormula oi a single vegetable remedy, for the 8Deedy and Dermanent cure for consumntlon, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested Its wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases, has felt It his duty to make It known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human -suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire It, tl recipe, with full directions for preparing and using in German, French or English. Sent Dy mall by addressing wllh stamp, naming this paper. W. w. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, New York. octy 4w For upwards of thirty years Mrs. WinstoWs Sooth-' lng Syrup has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well known remedy. 25c per bottle. The Death-Bate of hir country Is getting to be- fearfully alarming, the average of life being lessened every year, with' out any reasonable cause, death resulting general ly from the most Insignificant origin." At this sea' son of the year especially, a cold Is such a common thing that tn the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending it and often find too late, that a Fever or Lorn; trouble has already set in. Thousands lose their lives la this, way ev ery winter, while bad Boschkb'b Gxbjias Stbuf. been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases the Throat and Lungs, Boscbxe's Gxbmix Syrup has proven Itself to be the greatest discov ery of Its kind in medicine. Every Druggist In thhv country win tell you of Its wonderful effect Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. Good cheer for CoBsnsiptives. There is a form of consumption which was better Indicated by the old fashioned name of "decline. " it is the dreaded scourge of some parts of the Southern States, elalmlng more victims every Tear than are swept away by the most terrible visitations oi tne yeiiow lever, ine malady arises from the Inability of the patients' system to take up and as simuaie me nounsning ingredients oi the iooa that is eaten. Some years ago the medical profes sion with remarkable unanimity, agreed that Cod Liver Oil contained the most concentrated and easily absorbed elements of nutrition. If the nau seous taste and smell of Ihe oil eouJd be avoided it would unquestionably be tn most sovereign reme ay mai ever snea a neaiing Diessing on tne human race. And these repulsive properties are success fully removed by the union of pure Cod Liver Oil with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda In Scott's Emulsion. The combination is a most ele gant one, pleasant as sweet milk In flavor, conge nial to the stomach, and acting directly as a power ful yet gentle tonic of the brain and nervous sys tem. JISSOLUTION. j S. S. PEGRAM has withdrawn from the firm of PEGBAM & CO. All persons who owe the late firm, prior to February 1st, 1879, must call and settle with Pegram & Co. we will continue the Boot and Shoe business at the same stand as before. First National Bank building, Charlotte, N. C. rKtiKAM CO. February 2, 1879. Home and Democrat copy, QHANGE OF BUSINESS. Having retired from the -WHISKEY BUSINESS,- We are now dally receiving a good sfepply of FAMILY GROCERIES, FAMILY GROCERIES. at our old stand on College street we will be pleased to Bee our many friends. We make Grain' a specialty. LONG & BROTHER. , , feb6 TT . A Power Printing OPressv Guernsey makeold style, size of bed 26x4- Inches. Was in use until replaced by a new on5 1 Address J.C.1 BAILEY, editor. Enterprise an Mpujitaineery riGreenvllle, ! SaNidtf ' it . W BITING SCHOOL; " " " j Ri S. Collins will commence a' writing' school 5 m the rooms over the Traders' National Bank, on Tuesday evening. February 25th. at a -O o'clock. and teach a class of ladles and small boys, through the day, and gentlemoe at night I Terms $3.50 per scholar tn advance for .fifteen lessons, or days; ha succession. , Pupils to furnish ineir own siaaonery.: Appiy 10 ; feb 22-8t , v . , H. B. WILLIAMS. jealYestateV MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY; For selling and buying Mines;- Lands and Houses; and will A4vertlse free of cost, all properties placed in my 1 , . . , hands for sale. .,- . t'f . r: doclO . : Charlotte, N. C. ),. ;!( ( i . i ;iO J i i i i t The Grand Central Hotel on Broadwar. NT Is a big house, and It takes a great mans people to . i fill it. Tn nrrifir tn rin th n?l -tv i;pH' everybody, the hotel is now kept on the both phtaa.'; jfi ALL- AT Lr -; v - V.' i vr ii- t ,Ki i 1 the American at S2.60 to $3.0andaieKuropea,Ly,;. - -f7V -ill' t j.i "l T fij $1.00, and upwards per day. , An eltgant-restaur-, . ant at moderate prices," i, is conducted ty tne-noieiA i patent Wiivctsy; C iJ fTEGETCNE.''; U.J, I f J : ftVil -a:- rpf tf!i"7 .1 Baltimore. Md.. Feb. 13. 1 877. . Ir. H. B. Stevens. " ' . " Sear Sir-Slnce. several rears I have cot a . sore aad very painful footv , I had some physicians, but they couldn't cure me.t Now I have heard of your Vegetine from a lady who was sick for a; long ttmew ana Became ivu wtuv ifom your vegeune.auu 4 went and bought me one bottle of ' Vegetine; and arcer t naa usea one Dome, tne paau len me, ana it began to heal, and then I bought one iotner bot tle, and so I take It yet , I thank God for this rem edy and yourself; and' wishing everr sufferer may spay attention to ft ... -,-.j w..m - liiaaotessingiocneaiui.: . '-:'tY f J1'' -ri j 1 MRS. C KRABB, ,,. :f , ., 638 West Baltimore Street,; i'-. ' VEGETINE,: ii ti -i i- . SATANDSUBE.'";. Mr. K B. Stevens ui x;.,u ,iv:.l v$ In l872 your Vegetine was recommended to me, and- yielding t to.'.-the perBuaslons of a friend I consented to try it At the time I was suffering from , general debility and nervous prostration. flunermduced br overwork and irregular habits. Its wonderful strengthening and curative proper ties seemed 10 aoeet j my debilitated system from the first dose; and under Its persistent .use I rapid ly tecoverea, gaming more than usual neann ana good feeling.-" Since then I have not hesitated to give Vegetine my most uhQualifled Indorsement as being a safe, sure audpowerful agent tn promot ing health and restoring the wasted system to new :e and energy. Veeetine Is theonly medicine I use; and as long as 1 live I cover expect to and a better., ,yourstruly,, ?1.f,,s ?yi..u. uifAJUt. f r 120 Monterey gtreet Alleghany, fenn.; t!!".r,i! . '. ..l; Kill -VfiGETetB- THE BEST SPBING MEKICENE. - v: 1. . , .:.'; ChaileStOWn. Mr. H. B. Stevens : 01 -H rivvtinUK-n i your' "Blood Preparation m rny 'family for several umors of iRheumatlc affections It cannot be ex celled; and a a blood purifier and spring medicine it is the .best thins I have ever .used, and I have nsAd ahmrnat rBrrthlnr.j T Mn cheerfullv - rramtn mend it to any one m neea ra sncn a meaicme ' , lourarespecnuiiy,-- . MBS. AA. DtNSMOBE," :i " ' Russell street5 VEGETINE. , WHAT IS NEEDED. Boston. FeD. 13, 1871 ' H..B. Stevens, Esq.: : ''.; ; ..'.'- . ; Dear Sir About, one year since I found myself in a feeble condition from general debility.'- Vege tine vfsa strongly recommended to me by a friend who- had been much benefited by Its use. ' I pro cured the, article, ina, arter using several Dottles, was restored to health, and discontinued Its use. I feel-quite, confident that there is no medicine su nerior to H forthose'cottDlnts for which It is es- pecIaIyepCf6dV and wuuld'cheetirfully recom 1 mend it to those who net mat iney need some thing to restore them to perfect health .Bespectolre , r Tlrm of S. M. PettiogQl C6.:, . No. 10 State styeet, Boston. jYEGETE.; ALL HAVE OBTAINED BELIEF. ' South Berwlek; Me., Jaa 17 H. B. Stevens, Esq.: a ; ;.. :: -.u . 1872. TJearSlr4l have haddysnerirfa In its worst form I for the last ted years, and have taken hundreds of aoiuuv, vuna 01 oHauaaa whjuhu umjiiiniin auj relief. In September last t commenced taking the Vegetine, since which time my. health has steadily improved- My food digests well, and I have gain ed flftn.oundi of flesfLl There are several oth- ere to this pTacd tak Vegettoe, and all have ob- '. ' THOMAS E. MOORE. "Overseer Card Booms Portsmouth Cols' Mills. Prepared by H. B. STEVENS, BOSTON, MASS. Vegetine Is sold by all Druggists. jam 45 Years Before the Public. THE CENUINE DR. C. MoLANE'S LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF in-, Hepatitis or Lirer Complaint, PVSPKPSIA AND SICK HEADACHK. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PMN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometinw thcpain.is m .the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extendi to thejp of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheuniatismnarrn SXpx ach is afiected- wjtJii loss, jappetite and sickness ; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax ; the head is troubled with, pain, accompanied twitb9au4ir)lMvyisen-3 sation in the bflteilpam&Tlfiefe'iSni :K erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied WrtJi thful Sfensatibii' of having left undone something which I ought -to' have beenvdon&? 'sigh3"! ary cougn is someomes an aueBaanf.'. The patient complains of weariness . and debility; he is easily-startled, his ' feet aye "cold or burning, "and he 0617 p&nnsiSf a prickly t sensation outivs skin ; his spirits are low ; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be bdrfcfieiatto hitar yet he pan stfaMelfT summon tiprf fortitude etttrugh td try ift- ln- tact, ne distrusts every remedy. Several of the above jSymptoms attend the disease, btaf cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body after death, has shown the liver to nave been exten si vely deranged. Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the ' most 1 happy Results.' - Ko ' better-' cathartic can be teed, preparatory to, or .after- taking Quinine, t We; -would advise all who are afflicted wit& this'j disease to give them a fair, th lax For all' bilious derangement ahTp as a timnlf- nnro-ativp. thf-v are- M as a simpie purgauve, tney are un- BEWAHE OF nUTATIOXS. . , . ; fThc genuine are never sugar coated. - Every box has a red- wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills. . , . . The genuine McLawk's7 Liver Pills -bear the signatures of C. McLane and -Fleming Bros, on the wrappers, 1 Insist . upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's' Liver Pills, prepared by ' -Fleming Bros.v,-of Pittsburgh',- Pa.,.-he -market being full of imitations of the" name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. " . hit .-InTvl i J- ST' 1H n H, nT fiii ' 7 $ rove and Hardware House tor ; 1 :itni X'-U f fir. 5.1 v.. ;1 ;.i h IK V:! CHEAP HA i OF ALL KINDS. f - -,-tt 1 ' i, ( - i !i, Buy your COOK STOVES from me, as I have 12 good reasons why they will do your work Quick and p t Easy, Cheap and Clean : i . t . . . I . BECAUSE 1 '''' M ' ! '' ' They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE .; u . .; :, .'- I . : They are best to use. BECAUSE - : They bake evenly and quiekly. BECAUSE ' ' Their operation la perfect. BECAUSE; They always lave a good draft? BECAUSE They are made of the best material. BECAUSE They roast perfectly. BECAUSE J l ' ; . They require but little fuel . ... 5 BECAUSE - v. They are very low priced. BECAUSE They are easily managed. t BECAUSE ; They pe suited to all localities. BECAUSE 1 - .; -'.- . Every; Steve Is guaranteed to give satisfaction CALDWE t h HOUSE, ALDWELL.HODSB, CALDWELL HOUSTJV , CALDWELL HQUS . Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, ' , Corner Trypn.and Sixth' Streets, ' CHARLOTTE, N. C, CHARLOTTE, N. C, S. P. CALDWELL,. .Proprietor, This house Is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a first class boarding house. Persons visiting the city wlll find It a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES-Per day. transient. ST.25: per week. 15&00. Regular-Stable, 13.00; board and room per month, $18.00. janlO. 1 , , G BEAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, -AT J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, -.if SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED Hi!. .." WARE, GOLD AND SltVEBSPEAES'. 1 'f.'i il Gord-Head Canes and eerythmgyou vmnt ior unnstmas, at - - -.t. . . i , ; J : : J. T. iJUXLJfili'b. dec24 ... ...' , WE DESIRE to call attentiod to OURSTOCT7' E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCXV or- -11 ' TTI AN C.t G O Q O D - "i-X?!':A:N'C!"!'G O'O D G"" ;1 i Ground -and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest mthk'maVkei The latest styles of Perfume Boxek, .11" in Hit lncjuding, jSome novelties, which, ,wol .pay you to tnl r;-'. -j ".. MM 1,1 '1 U ik.- can and examiner iJ 1 3 la lit Ik : .i TiJii; Mi!; i, (.: ,Uoi.- ; " j : !'!' ' ! i .0!ii;iir! "'!) FlNE FLOBENGE aind CELULOID TOILET Cases 1 UJill slMiP Ipti ff French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pdejt' yMMi.ktoi afun'stoc'f' .jIWit. and . ; . f 1. . 1 ;j' j i - merican Tooth, Bair ind all Brushes, i' !ii' decl3 L. Bj WRISTON COj-, CENTRAL HPTEt I fiAjdOfHr:, Cotncanef keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, fttand- i ,uUili .u iitluii Tins u,if..Kj 70BijnkNB,WJNES,ri Lwnwi; (liniif. ii shunt bmx .tniou -tl m. -LWLidddrSThr j-:yiic inn ... 10 i,s I toJaoUoa -jd 1 ton lrearsJH.tJiife ''1 i yi'M fif ' OentofoteY Saloon! 1 .,f in. mi i.tli..-.'JI X . N EWLTTEMPTABLEKriiji'lHi U you want sma,fcarVlige,f!Ptfaefons,Bu gles or Saddle. Horsesrrgo- to the New Livery Stable. ' TjlO-sfit- So sa-S nnU.-in i you want i Carria'aiidrBaageirWatnrio ii ineeKartiviiioideparfm jjawBai)ie,Ttfpi 7 tutu Mi'msmwftmA i IP ydu-want yodr horses weff fed and weUeroome S.Li Vf ders,pTAmttoessaMreamahlepru'. are our tAptto.j-10 1 In notr-r'",-: -! B..CHAMB ;!,,-,5-t j!;.0r gnt- -'1 a,ioi' TlipBjRENT.,, :t :'r t:lljilVl J' :'lf mi ,:n"t,i'.).vr The two stores mUie GrtMA AferaiiriPhiTrirtTT,rH - Ian2flitf , .,, , . r . T'HE BEST STOCK OF" 1 1 f J.SH il, ((" i U i '- f"i iirT- .11 'iRCERIES an ' CONFECTIONERIES J- 4M, ' leROY iJAttbOS'S:''- ' JanSO M Assure cure for, ervoua:apliItyi premaTurft dftYL oay,' exhaustion; etc-.' The only reHaWe-cQre.'"Cit!!; lO'.'SiDUXS' . f . ..... . . -1 . THK GREAT X for the care Taint. Rheumatism. White-Swelling. Gout Goitre, Consumption, Bronchitis, Nervous ueomty. and ail. diseases saruuz rrom a impure condition of, the blood. The merits of this valuable Drenaration are so well known that a passing notice is but necessary to remind the reakers of this journal Of the necessity of always keeping a oouue 01 mis meaicme among ineir stock or Certlflcates canbe resented from many leading Physicians, Ministers and heads ef families throughout the South, endorsing in the highest terms the Fluid Extract of Bosa- dana. - ' . DR. R. WILSON CARR, of Baltimore, says he has used it i.i cases of Scrofula and oth er diseases with much satisfaction." DR. T. C. PUGH, of Baltimore, recom mends it to all persons suffering with dis eased blood, saying It Is superior to any preparation he has ever used. BEV. DABNEY BALL, of the Baltimore M. E. Conference South, says he has been so much benefitted by Its use that he cheerfully recommends it to all his friends and ac quaintances. CRANEN A CO.. Drueetsts. at Gordons- vllle, Vaj say it never has failed to give sat- isiacuon. . , . j SAMUEL G: McFADDEN; Murfreesboro. Tennessee,,' says it cured him of Rheuma tism when all else failed Rosadalls is not a secret duack DreDara- tton; its. Ingredients-are. published on every package. tnow it to your nnjsician and he will tell you it Is composed of the strongest alteratives that exist, and Is an excellent blood Durifler. Did our 8 Dace admit we (could give you testimonials from every State in ine boutn and irom persons known to ev ery man, woman ana cmia, eitner personal ly or by reputation. Rosadalis Is sjld by all Druggists. ' JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., 8 College Place, ! 'new.tors. : For sale by L. R. WRISTON & CO.. Druggists, r Charlotte, N. C. febl6 lw f SMITH'S WORM OIL. . Athens, Ga., December 8, 1878. A few nights since I gave my son.one dose of the Worm Oil, and the next day he passed sixteen large worms. At the same time I gave one to my little glrL four years old. and she passed eighty-six worms from four to fifteen inches long; . . W. FrpHILLIPS. Worm Oil lor sale by Druggists generally t iPre pared by E. S. LYNDON, Athens, Ga. Price 25 centSi .feb21d&wly. QONDENSED TIME. ' NORTH CAROLLNA RAILROAD. TBAIKd GOING IABT, . . No,8 Dally ex. Sun. Date, Nov. 10, '7& No. 2 Dallr No. 4 Dally Leave Charlotte, " Greensboro " Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro, 6.55 pm 5.30 a m 9.30 a m 8.20 a m 3 00 pm 5.25 pm 410pm No; 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.CR.R. far all points In Western, Norlh. CaroUna, dally except Sundays At Greensboro with R. & D. R. K. for all poinis j onn, Msi ana west ai lioiasooro wim W. & W. R.Bifor Wllmrngton ' i Hr f.- Na 4- r Connects at Greensboro- . wttb, fi. & Di B. R. for all points North, East and West "TBA1K8 GOlS;WBST. Date, Nov. 108'. ; Bliy.' Daliy. ex. Sun -my Leave Goldsboro, : " Raleigh, " Grf eii8boro Arrive Charlotte, 0.50 am 3.50 pm 5.U5 pm 5.30 am 8.28 pm 6.47 am 12.25 a ar 10.50 am No. l-Cottnectt ar 'Gree'nibbW ' with ' Salem kt'G'ree'nibbW'with Branch. . At Charlotte with C, C. &A. R, R. for all points SOuth and Southrwest: at Air-Line Jimctlon with A; A cTaI- . Rarlroad for aHpblnts SwKh add South-eaaui fc.-i ,jhj JiiUiiiU'KL viti lit Kiit; No. 3-nnects atSbaiTjpa)W1v N"yC. & JL , dally except Sunday. At, Alr-Lnie Junction with; A. & C. A. L; for aft1 r&Soujknkl Sonth-est-At .Charlotte 1 with' O.. 1 C. Aj!fil&ad'fot All t potote.Sput anft South-west , ; j 1 0 , , ,?J'V,Jj Leave reensijoro, dalrykoepiSuhuay, 18.8fy m Arrive Salem,u: . .?.! -i mj ;? ia605m Leave Salemr V " " , , 6.45 am .Gjeensborp, , H1J til i'MTl : mlj fliaKPDfftjCAB&yrrBPtiT'CSAiieB.jii!) -ji Run both-was7 oa ': TraSik' NoiiL'aad:2, -betweerCi Kew York and. AUanfa via, Riclunon Greensboro and Charlotte and. boflf tsaf a im-TxainffNos. 3 and 4 Deiweeff ew ioik ana savannah viaiiiciimond, Charlotte BBdiuiBustaiUi 1 irD-) Jot! oJ xuEougB: xicKeis. onpaie at ureensooroBahsgh.; GUdsbonv,allsbuiy .and. Xarlott&j.and .aH princlpaf6mts Soutli; Soutlvest; "West' North and. East? JBVjt' Eml-antT&tes to points la Axkah sas an JBexffefMieasot rrr .Bi.i.t vnim i - v a. jnuxvJH u xwiw r. 4ov20"fii nc ill . X!Blchnwn Wi QHARLOTTE,.jCLA;liJjro . AUGUSTA .s: . ) -(tCtoi4iM;CyDee.2TJ 187$ : Watii aftei?daB&Jf S.tfdtf' lowing passenger' schedule win ba rUn-iovei thia rcw.twaaningtnBme,n:ini'3riJif!M j, Leave Oxarlatieu t i . 1 6tSiL k Lealumbialw. ,'0vUU . 4ySf4 OS'Ai Arrive ceiumuia.aviiiqi'.ai. .&'. J10 00 M. t l-MIT Mil NlilTTW NH.X 1 4ve QiM::j,::m Arrive vonimDia. ' v.nr" qflf m. Arrive :OoftmWa.;jJ.2J.9MUW.JI-WA-ji iLeave Couimhlaic&ts tea o? .uii i W Arrive Charlotte... ,. ..4wjtr-pfJ 'These, train ston ; only I at Fbrt. JI111. Roetc' Hill. Chester. Wlnnsboro. Bidgewav. .LeesrUle. Bates-: purg,RldgeSpiing9, Johston. Trejitoa and Granite ivllle.- - All other stations Will' be'TCceeiiized as flair statlonsj Oiioieul JisfiJ tiaobtfy A -7 wa jiiRJ j jjtruuman ruacysieeping ana orawmg-roora cars on.Noa. 1 and 2. Greensboro to Ausustai also on INofc S and 4. New Yoi -to1 "ftMrannaW.rl' &W.h' .mond'tt Georgia-Central BAilrotidJioiriiKjf vr-m i- T. D.-EXLNE) Superintendent v iu,uw, f.. Agent, a - U h Offifce In tne Signal Office, over Traders' National Bank, on 8rd floor. . . 1 ii " " . ; Calls, night or day, will recetre prompt attention. ieDi,iwJs,a.ri,1;i;iit (r.;j. -tJ. .s.,, -HEE wi BAi'TLKD..; ;i!rri,-V,J'V ' - - Having removed his office to ttie ' first floor- over the Traders' National Back,. can be. found- .there! all hours during the day, and at his residence cor ner beventn ana uuege streets, at night, .;a feb7 3m . it ui a.:yin'.niTi4ipnfIrdj ii.ff 1 ff .1 W TV'.jiiItE- ; I "i :J..il W 1 1.1 i .SSSftTu 'io aid V ! BtTtlBNER'S ILLUSTRATES MAGAZINE ,(1 til.'.Ji'.d.i 1,.1,- , t - ', MD ATVT H t, ? " ' J& 8Ibnei" aa; lnl873,bem the pubU eatfon Of 8t.-Niowh.ar. j-- Tnntrf lor Girls and Boys, with Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodgeaa ' wd tiaMDu BumTuie im num ber was Issued, and the. magazine has won the hlgbeefcpDsitlon It has a monthly (circulation of lt Is published -fmaltaneoushT ia Londor and New York,, and the transatlantic recognition Is al most as general and hearty as the American. Al though the progress of the magazine' has been a steady advance, it has not reached Its editor's Ideas of best; Decanse her Ideal continually outrauTit ana ine magazine as swiftly follows after To-dai St. Nicholas stands . '.I UK ' Th arrangements, for. literary and artcontrtbu Oonsforthe pew volume-lhe sixth-rare complete, drawing from already favorite sources, as well as from promising new ones. Mrr "Frank B Stock ton's new serial story for boys, wf-.F owc ill -4 t!H JOLLY nXlAWBHXP.' " '.: r) . - t- . . Will run thiongh - the, twelve jwmtaly, parts,-be-glnntng with-the number for November, 1878. the first of the volume; and veM be -Wustrated by Jas KeUy. ; The story is one-of travel and adventure in FIortdXandThe Bahlmas7For the girls, a con tinuedtale, .Hivi c-1! u ,u "HALF A DOZBM B0U8EKXSFXB8," By Katharine D, Smith, with;. illustrations by Fred erick Dielman, begins a the same number: ana a w"h I?l6nty Jl65 wlUbecommend early in the .volume. There will also be a contai ned fairy-tale called "BUMPTT DODGkT'S TOWKR," Written toy Julian Hawthorne, and Illustrated hr Alfred Fredericks, About the other famUtarf tures of St- Nicholas, the. editor preserves a ttooS-humored- flience, content perhaps, to let heTflve volumes already Issued, .prophesy oucerclng the sixth, In respect to short -stories, pictures poenis huinor Instructlye sketches, and the lure aid lore of iNJack-4n-the-Pulpit," the "Very Little Folks deptnient, and tbe "Letter-obx," and ' Riadie- Terms, 83.00 4 year; 25 cents a number. Sub scriptloiM received by the publisher of this paper and I bj All booksellers and postmasters. Persoiis shouIfflmtrcameTttdTf and State, in full, and send wiUr ettance to check, P. (I . m . uivhj uiuci , vi iriBicreu letter 10 , SCRIBNER 4 CO., 743 Broadway, New York. declO HE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. ' THnrrT-FOtTHTH IRAK. The most Popular Scientific Paper in the World Only $3.20'ayear, Including postage. Weekly, 5-j : : Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. Tb;e. tENTmc AueBicam is alargefirst-ciass Weekly Newspaper of sixteen Dazes, nrintwi in ih most beautiful, style. profusely illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the newest in ventions and the moat recent advances in fh Arte and Sciences; Including New and Interesting Facts. Medical Progress, Social 'Science,' Natural History' """"Hi mmuuuuu. x ue must vuuaDte practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found In the scientific American Terms, 8.20 per year; JI.60 hail year.whlch ta cludee postage;; Discount to agents. Single copiea ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. - Remit by iW tal order to MUNN A Co., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York - . PATENTS. In connection with the Scientific American, ' Messrs. Munn 4 Ca, : Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents; have had 34 years experience, and now have the . largest establish ment in thw world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. : A special notice is made tn: the beleii tltlc American of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and ; residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus riven pubUc attention IS directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. -..: . 1:1 ; r- -,-..-. Any person who has . tnade a new discovery tovthmrem eaeeftolH, free ot jhatge, whether a , patent can probably be obtained, hy writing to the undersigned. We also 'send free our handbook about the Patent Lawn. Putonta rvaato tha. V Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hluts ior procuring aavanoes on mventlons. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. t, V;i!PMr S0 ' 8' K York Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. novl9tf 1379 187f HE FOUR REVIEWS jgLACKW0O. Authorized reprintaof The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative The British Quarterly, Review (Evangelical), . ajh. . - .... BLACKWOOD'S' EDINBURGH, MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections: thev oivo th originals in full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. No publications can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy ot statement, and pu- uvr wi b4 ra, ue; on wuuuui any equal, xney keep pace: with modem thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether in religion, science, lit erature, or art. The ablest writers all their pages with most Interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent narration of the great events of th day. j.J5HaiS JOB 7.(CL0DIMO POSTAGE): f e Payable, strictly in advance. For any one Review, f 4 00 per annum . For any two Reviews, 7 00 jror any tore. Jtevwwa,- ,I (-10 00 " FdratffourBeviews, ' 12 00 FMBlackwoodMagatirie - 4 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 or juacKwooa ana two lie views 10 00 'or Blackwood and three " 13 00 ot-waoKwopn aniour r j , 16 00 This Item of einehse. riOW home bv the mihllsh- ers, Is equivalent to a 'reduction Of 20 per cent on uw poww suosOToers. wo-mer.years. nil Ui,i,s CL;TjjB4. A dlSCOIint; of tWAnfr nr etrnt. wfll lw nllnwpd to tlubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies it Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one Address. fop $l'26Y'ftmr copies of the four Re views and Blackwood tor 948, and so on. .M'.'hj:' PREmUMS, 1 wn ouwujinu vnjpuin. coil xk liic jwj 1 879 may have, without 'charge; the numbers for (he last quartsi f ;187t such periodicals as they nayuworjkOf tor,.-y Vr.4.! t -t r ' Orl instead new.'sbsctfDeW to any two; three or out Hie above 'pertediealsTmay 'hate one of the Four Reviews' ferr 1878 subscribers to all five nav have two of the ''Four RatIaws." or one set of Blackwood'sJfagazlne for 1878. ' Neither Dremlums to subscribers nor discount to clubs cari fie allowed unless the money is remitted dlreet the 'publishers, No premiums given to ekilw! -il .fHi.fiox ?iu t j i 1 Jo secure pramluros ItwlUb neoessary to make feafly appUcatlon, as the stock avallabW for that purpose is limited. '" -''-. uepnniea py "-THE LEOlfi ABD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO.. kf&-itiiMkU:vna; 41 Barclay Street, N York 'i . . . .u :i i.ii.ii ,'i . ERWEEKLt'jj. ILLUSTRATED. i.iiifi nimiv 'muni tini rffe WitMctiF itemAlrt yisfW a th Mead of Ulus- trated papers by its: finer tUerary quality, the beauty Df Its type and . woodcuts-prlngfleld Bepuhllcan. I Its pictorial attractions are superb, and embrace every variety of- subject find artistic treatment Zion's Herald. Boston.. r . j The WKit lsarotentBeTicy tortbdlsseml DCtloa at correct pelltleal JprinehIes and a power jCul opponentof .shams, frauds, aad talse pre teaees. 91'ffl Jl'tW ?4tlintk'?1fe' .'nil'V'c ia ..lasafiioa yalwnes oi tie 'Wkeslx begin wllh the first it hf 'Januarv of each- vear: ' When no nme medtlionedilti W1B understood that the sub iter wishes to commence with the jsumoer er the receipt of hla order. i..r. .Im lnw ri WfatftfthtCALS. HarpeW Hagazlne, one ear,. . . -f - 4 52 Harper,sWeekly,i I 4 "ii'iv.........'.-':,4 00 Harper,a-Baear,',-).n i...... --j xx p.iir ?5'IIWiaap5f,jjH . $ AMTwoone year..-,.,. ,...,...,, . 7 w Six subscriptions, one year. - .JU. ... 20 00 ' Terms for large clubs fuTnlAhed oh apPPBcatton. Postage free to all sabscrlben tn the United States or Canada, - - -,tf r; - The annual volumes of ttuffER'aWKRixT, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free oi expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume), tor 87.00 each. ' A complete set comprising twenty-two volumes,.' sent on re ceipt of the cash at the rate of $5.25 per volume, trelght at expense of purchaser. . m - Cloth cases for each volume, suitable lor binding, will be sent by" mall, postpaid, .on receipt ol eaCh :Il.ll1i.,,l'ti:-''J?'' ' " Remittances should be made by postoffic monw order or draft, to avoid chance of loss.- . Newspapers are not: to eopy this adverme without thft- express order' of Harper Brother. Addresi T.HAKrER 4 BKO THEKSm -11