vr - ? - ' - I l CKPNESDAY,FEBRUARY..20-1879. . . .... . -- ......,......- I t I . " ' 1 r I he following tote ambom Kmaingoi passes- I. ,,TMfromRicnmoiuiana tfor " s 44 f 8.20 a! ST from Wduiwaiwn. io.so a. m.- Sfor ..... .. 6.55p.m. ATujA'4s!eiiKi j - .... m Atiaiotta.t ,..,.t...a.20. m.,t p-m. . .vs from aui iu.u. ri:,9 for Augusta.-... i.go a. m. ivcc' - . i .imwra .......... 1 " nnn Arrives nom rif -mrfMt for Augusta. 4.11' investor wnmingwu.; . . ...... , . . . jwi.iil - irrives from bnemy,.... -.. ajv;v-6.oo d. m. Leaves for Shelby, )nA. .HvMfrom Stotee,....urf4w5.3pp. m. t.not for Statue .Wm j tHAKMMTK poi okkhk. omCB HOOBfc'"' 'in I' ; OFIWk , CXfiKBS. uonej Order Department. ,0.00 8k m, 5.00 p. m.' SSSi Department,.... ;.,g.OO a. in. J.5.00 p. m Sf&AStampWp.aOO a, aw g.00 p. 8.30 p. m., &45 p. m. cs?- On Sundays the General Dellrefy and Stamp Drtroent will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 D1' OPKN1MO AND CL06INO 0 MAILS. uim.n 4 Charlotte R. ;8.80 p,.m.f 5.00 A m. chwtouf Shelby r. r7.:' 5.80 p. n. 6.00 a m.' c AStatesviUe 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a.m. Beattle'Ford. (horse routed Mondays at I ;7m n m.. ana AueBuain Bio.uuiK.i-r: f. -i ii 0.v p. Tontu ThnrsrlT t Ofl I ' INDICATIONS. War Department, Okkk k Chief Signal Officer, Washington, reo. z?, isw p. m.ti . Ful. the South A lticbtat paruy p cloutiy weatnei, inr to westerly, stationary or siowiy . Jl -.1! lx A i "1. 3 - :to wesieny, sta u una ytivyjv.. falling barometer, wun sngnimnges- lling barometer, wim sugut uuaugei temperature, probably followed dur r AVwlnesdav afternoon or evening bj " i o.vmarr ' and lower" totmiri I uuua va uuier ,AHjecrs on rising baiometer and low er tempera- oue.s priVate premises. This is mis ture. i taken idea: ThA. ordin nr. ii Iteoort for Vexterda t. Barometer, Thermometer , Relative Humidity,, tflnd DlrecOon,.-. Velocity, 29.892 rt'i tt A ii on w; 10 ; Cloudy. aw. 4 mies Fain 8. 10 Clear, Weather,.. Highest temperature d6 deg.; lowest 44. iTleteorolofieaJ Kecdrdr WEATBXB REPORT, TKBHTABT 20. 10 P. W. Stations. Baromi Th. .Wind. iTeL Weatber.- Atlanta,.... Augusta Charleston, Charlotte,.. (Xrslcana,. Galveston,, lndlanola... 29.77 29.90 29.91 29.80 2955 29.74 29.71 29.00 29.97 29.90 29.84 29.83 29.99 30.00 30.00 29.95 H67 '3 IS il 42 8 il 18 28 16 20 4 Fair': 19 65 65 85 69 73 11 65 72 74 75 68 64 77 haw.: ,uiear. Cloudy. n s4 , uiear, Clear. Jacksoa'lle, lev West, Mobile,. , Clear.' ), a a w. aw. N.E. jair. Mootgom'y. Fair. Ji. Orleans. Talr. Punta Rasa Clear. Savannah. SL Marks. Havana .. JiKW DtPABlCBE. ,,i, M ; L, ; . ' : .;- -'' f ':t - i)n the 22d of September UrtfatxttHnff on a Mew: area, THE DAILI OBSERVER adopted tJte rule to nxlude aU double column advertisement and all euis. After five months of experience, toe have decided to Stitd the rule. Double column advertiementa ijucet ittdt the cutting of column rules, and that trtB 6 charged twenty-five per cent more than over reyular rata, and tmU only be irmrted on the first and fourth lges of the paper, f The recent changes in the or-1 rival and departure of mails, make it necessary that I -chtngf w contract advertisements be sent in by thru o'clock m the afternoon. , :. -r I Index to Ne w Adrertiitemeut ' S. M. Ho8l 1 Turkeys. 4c IIO.T1K PENCILING!!. '.' February to March, debtor, to three windy days. ' '"' There are sixteen prisoners in tne 1 county jail to-day. v The festive season passed outwltU the rising of this morning's suii. , u,- Th wrinr rnrt mti noxt -in a f a t? A, I lay and Judge Kerr will preside. -I Probably the ugliest Mecetf slang I vet invented is "mashed Jltra1now on 1 the rounds. . 'Ixtn oj v 1 tw ,a ontarriarrSiaatnnaerwie DacKsteps'w.serveuAu - v ivri , 'w-Tr-r-s t m the city to-night They are going off I in raDid suoeftssTon- i -vl TIipv wnro laKnrfnm-irt i tfufttrt?jtrdfl. l yesterday, dieeine abomV 'thffowers-f and clp:irincr nrT tha"aiasm nlntit. I Th.eremaintAhrdayt,- ir. nt t tien Marcn comes, ana aren i Th TOe old 'story 'ugain. The ash is worse than sevendwrnters. T bSrgteSKce l his is Ash Wednesday, the first day si. i ... . . , . jt. jii i u.Mr A wui ue neia in tae. vafcfWlft episcopal churches. nA.mk va. .dnutiHt r:: . -J - i-tFiwjLJv '"it't lookin, at property in. this vicinity, but b nave nearUr ot ao,.mpojnsivsirr "icnuj recently.. iuooxm :xa ;Ljt 'iV-il lo viruiu t aii . Itobin shooting is now qTritrftarorKi ite amusftmRnt.v9atliti!Tr men, whd would' ibMerWM ntrn -i : a . i'' j - ' a, . i g w noMytmTOwaBq :3 'tAMui vi damiw i - - - - -r : . i ine amDHiouOTraeneTliexynHrTrjw4 Possibly resistgtrffre oufiid aroMhgl few RftwlaTn(fi;rrftniKl.viMtrdav mnminn : V.7;.TViT--,..i J to h Tho-sfkvra man. Since the latest-reports twsmtiiia 'iss of sportsmen a party of nme,"one whom was game-carrier, ,went;out I rt returned withloTty-onBJ i ine ream this article has hemAbomt:twn large as usual nrwitlrstafrt 1 UfJ 'tt!9s lnejMiatitTJCjLa(brtT .The cuaxamrs l"e mayor's court or--many Baonths Pst are rapidly passing from sight; xme are banishedVothers have ped, na others having-stiTOt tbirtibeance "!nng of poverty.-wfrw aid lo nixr 9dl isttiL "You knew I was-golng to be married! m the first timeLXuesdaydidn't ydur said a chartohlyotmg'grrl td a f urni lS merchant, who:had neyef, seen; fleij f"Vst excuse mevebut Ihadn't- liearclsof Replied he in his blahdest 'lnanner: out I hbpeyou Will,be 'ai.WraMO are prettyJrHo w. WtmX&-f jne betrothed, why I thoughtueveiya "y knew that," anashe glided over to had at anoT l?ft Qf.fjWhifusFlf h - - uuj.ur'.VUiAtx K3 5 ., i ..r ... .. ft t,.t . ....,, lH 'en 1;,,: . A uiias; a native 'Jxotlii vir ient of ColumbiaL, was in the citv ves- wraay .registered at the Centralilotet voJfnGSft Wv'arlick; the phteiprisihg 'Jffli WrfowasVin -the ity- last hands full niWofcrtW nrmW not It fii. riar, .iifciCwJ?iwii-5fr- HC. The party' Solomon F. Burrourha w. man of .Jndustnous habits and good character fend -lited in Stanly county Home , days , azo he was at work in th fiaffiSSSESSK? when a. fnu :h : tllAnM. 1 Z A J .. . when a tree fell nn Mm stant death. - A wife and three children .mourn nis losa; tm h-: m p gementWroesfaf inter-county cocking main between fdncolriHuid GastfrnV to dame off febtfift the first or WddleDf March, at itMtk h'e sides, will probably match about a dozen Cocks.- There are said tA ! xna tne sport will doubtless be first ater. v iic7 l t c ? c- w in i iltii r nn r n o A i i -on siae. , jjunner particulars later., . Du.vidon'at Condltltm. DrX iltfitiAr i-vWrZoA ui.. - '.7" "v -yoij.'icpoiTeaio nave ueen scncKen with nraini. wM,4.n 'n?: Ufnioon, . lie says. that upon examine ir r-.mjuouuuuflja,. been uaralvzpd. nr. .WM in etltical ConUitlonrhviriff had SvVrl Severe spasms, superinduced b renend exhaustion , of, the system. "He was some better yesterday morning, and it is now hoped that he may recover. His brother, Mr. A. B. Davidson, is still with hi w. FurU Ward PalicMiff One of the school commissioners of the fourtheward explains thaufipul lie school -A 6r malpR -.iT) that "MiieiXfreeY PubJwscheOl fbr, talesaaughefMrs TTjEtsoh, now in ODeration in this males can attend if they choose, In ad- - inr. kj- i v , j una ureic oio iwo UOlurea, iree is the smallest ward in the city. : - - ' wrAuuAa uiiu fill ill 1 171 niiiir i,i m iiiuti mm. Shootlaff in tbe Cltr Limits. " - Complaint comes nn of thn Gee of sportsmen. Drihcinallv ' boval khoot.in 5. h, in tKra ;VOT"Jwi i"' a 7es oned dt rect afteiltlorffo inaAciilartVt.hA tention of narente. ' Thr impressfealroa 1 a fine of $5 for every gun or pistol fired Practlce from tegard fdr pifblic safety. " Jt is stated tharwe are to have anoth er paper designed principally ror cheap advertisingX if Jbose contemplating its establishment meet with f sun&lent. and proper encowRmeiit IXrJi o of medium dimensions, will contain inter esting local and other news, will 1 is sued semi-weeklv. on Wednesdiv-Land Saturday afternoons; will be gotten npt II gUUU SbJIC, pilllbCU, OuCn illlU Will oudy, Ibe distributed free in the city and coun-fi4B- -t try; also, on All outgoing trains. Mr. J ohn Bragg, who has bad -considerable experience in the newspaper' business, will conduct its columns, and we wish him and those associated with him the fullest success, The Sck Law iu eaaton. t Gaston county has.been very cons id ferably stirred hp the past several weeks on' the subject of a stock law. In numerable petitions have been sent up to the Legislature for and against the measure. The advocates of it claim that they have by far the greatest nam bernof 'names, and the best and most influential citizens on their side, and that their opponents have sent up no petition irom anyjownsnipmtne coun ty to which was attached Over' thirty itona -fftf . naneg; Mecklenbunr having gotten hold Of a good thing desires afl other counties to en iov the Same bene- fitawhich she is derivinir from it. '.but is limbre j especially interested V in the counties which adjoin her, for obvious reasons. h We sincerely hope Gaston county may get a stock law, and that nght early. Still Another Anh-Box. At the corner of Church and Trade A i l A l.i. ..),. k.., lnnf rtOQ 1:m WJ11 and Blackwelder were irreeted with an odor which suggested the burning of a carpet or some like material, and which appe to e.fm Uie'ditectton of boutn iiurcn street. J.ney turnea tneir iat directien and arriving at the - residence, of Mrs,.,Hull found the members of the familv. astir. They.had fust discovered that an old barrel which the capacity or a . receptacle Tor aanea, rTT I a Zhini, p "---ZLZZZZTZL I antm have communicated themselves to t.HH viwK riwrvprpd ' in timW."tTwas: easily, put out. The odor which attract d t hA ahtpntion .of the .DohcemenWaa Had amongst HS,nauane ean neuner w . - . . . -i. . Oflfti KfetPsd'thaftha doubleJdai St .tiritrI-r rrr" rh trr.ir" 2"iiAZJ;TZ VtK-fhi Yifgima Midland to connect Wltnrtha Uichmond &Danville itrainsraiiDaiK &tuA .uajUH-'- ,--r:f-- ille. - .. n Thrmio-h. travel is.anite-.heavy,0,tne i ja r - it- ha- truan lines, goiB oomcti ays. -a jjrew - ( n:ij.r j m ' - - vv tiirvri 'rnTTr 'Jiuiin. i im wvi.'i' crt?CVsvS!uS J NWffll imonm ln uieuj'HAWv ... . A dispatch fromonoiK to ine raiu- Robinson, of the-Bay-JLine. arrived here tor4Khtn a special train. PAney,areH!ed, two convicts. teBcaBd()iin.. inspecting ineiroaairomAi Srr&'tKHnt Southi with a view of ''stabiJ Baltimore to Augustaa'Chariotte, m. Wlii-t Drhtertainedhere at night lea I S1A tlmorftii 383ha ytnA Belief AectatfotiH.,, J SQWin tO the lack. .P.I,a. flWtmm meeting of the ireiiex assiaaoiu m herd Yesterday af terhooni brheoEhettiA ury nave Denr.jwriiusKeijcijiP"" ed oy tne irequens aeuiiuiua luauM" . . . . m ..j ..... . J - - M.,, ti vYt k Si8!! '-ii-iwf rwf?lefliilrer that onlr about $50" haver-beerr Trmtribnted by priyate" iridrviduald rsihee the as8oi ciation was permanently organized, th6 f iinds mHieh -Jtave been used jby s at s be ing, received ; -.from rthe" IrformanQe. of f wtpaT tlfraerand from Mayof Smitn, joriffinall-iConf tributed for the benefit of the ,yellpw ?ever "sufferers astsdmmer. fAt the. next meeting a,:,plan ; will doubtless be et. in operation- bv which contribu tions can be1 made 'In a'systeinatic man- ner every month, or less oiten eccuw ing to the. necessitjes-of -theaaer-in the meantime, however, there -are' np funds to carry on the work-.of benetc- W.t'tleaTilesWaesll!.that;J nTd-,.Kea full af tendahcft .e Disparity la Um Sixes ! Esjx. - . Within the past few days, Messrs. J. T Weddington & Bro, have- received consignment -: of eggs, among which there were two, very extraordinary in sue the one extraordinarily great and the other remarkably small. 1 They are both hens' eggs, be it understood, and while one measures inches round and 7 inches in length, the other meas ures 4 long and Z round. If The Ob server's memory serves its right, they are the Jargast and the smallest; hen eggs it has ever set its visuals on, v jr r xeu ua uie men convicted at ine re t cent term of . Mecklenbunr Inferior the authorities of the Spartanburg and Asheville Railroad, vesterdav after non and left here in charge of Mr. Foster lfor:theworta4rtUie,nel;- T'Thprn Wora QtiVoml rif hora inntrmf a1 i 4- the same time, but fof various reasons "m these, and they are still in jail. The list of those sent to the railroad -was .1 i ' ... . puuiisueu yesteruay morning. . f V,.A Ttoo Boy Orator. The phenomenon discoursed again last j ni&nt to a crowd evt?n, Jarger than that wuicii greeted hiiii oh his first appear ance, and tiie auditors were, as a general thing, pleased with bis 'performance. Ue is chiefly remarkable for an unusual development of memory, and there is a wnich greeted Win on - his first appear- quaintness in the contrast between -thp v long and abstruse sentences which; he1 utters and his perfectly childish face, which affords a decided attraction; A 1 contribution was taken up after the performance, and quite a nice little sum raised to help educate the little fellow. lie will give his exhibitions at l points aiong tne western iNortn Caro lina Railroad, after leaving the city. Dlvappolnied Love and Suicide. The Wilmington Star, of.jesterday, says: "By a special telegram, from Laurui burfe Wft learn that rhp. doad Tidv nf . Samuel A. Stewarl;, a, very , respectable and worthy yetrng mani'vfermerly of mecKieuDurg county, was iox;nd ,a Bethei church, Blue Spring to wnship; Robeson county, at about 8 o'clock on Monday morning. Disappointed love is the desperate deed, and laudanum the instrument used to carry out the pur pose of the unfortunate young man. ine deceased was a son of Mr. Allen Stewart, of this county, and a brother of Mrs. Nellie Taylor, formerly clerk in the postoffice in Charlotte. ' , . 1 he remains arrived m this citvlast night by the Carolina Central train, and win oe interred to-day at Back Creek church. The main a Draw. . A telegram received in this eitv yes terday afternoon announces that the great inter-State cocking L main at New Orleans,, between Georgia and Km-, tucky had resulted in a draw.BetsJ therefore of which, by-theby, there1 it can still be saidpf botnTthjeiGeorgia and Kentuckycock3,hB7wasfjtald of them by their- backers before the main began, that neither f theser walks has; ever been whipped. Y J-11C 11CVVOUMMC1 ICUUIb LUSb WK nave rrom me scene or cne eneraerement I is irom mejsew urieans z ies, or the 23d, which represents that at the close of Saturday's fighting the battles were to o in iavor oi lieorgia with the betting two to one in favor of the ueorgia oirus. These Georgia and Kentucky birds will have to meet the North Charolina bjrds in battle array before they are properly dressed down. Tbe 7Ia.rdi Griut Calico lial maaque. It was a grostesque and kaleidoscopic scene tne Central Motel dmincr room presented last night, the occasion being the Mardi Gras calico ball. The room was literally crowded with all imagina ble figures and costumes, many of which were quite handsome, notwithstanding nothing but calico was allowed. The number of persons in costume was much larger than was anticipated and the sides of the room were lined with spectators. The occasion was one of the gayest and most pleasant we have ever had, and was in every respect successful.- : t The reporter is under ban not to give the names of the dancers,and as the mere description of the costumes would be devoid of interest without these, the notice of the very elegant affair must 1 be necessarily brief. The unmasking took place at 12 o'clock according to an-' pointment and ;from this time on the , f;ayt ty was at its zenith, :: It was quite ate hour when the last of the dancers left the scene of the evenings pleasure, land the calico ball was" universally vot ed a decided success. ", :'.? m , . .-i - Burflarr ikm irionr'oe An Accmplib , ed Villain. Sunday night a burglar entered the residence of Mr. A. F. Stevens, of Mon ro and made off with ; hi pantaloons; in the pockets of which were more than $100 in money and r thatu gentleuaan's store key. Having occasion to get up during the night Afr. Stfyeng i jUswvej ., ea tne tneit, ana caning assistance uur tied to his store, and was just in time to prevent a man getting in: The thief ran. but the next moraine a suspicious looking negro with aAralise in his hand was seen going toward the depot, and hint'trl"' deliver up a quantity of money, togetli- reaching into his pocket for a second timA however, ha drew a revolver for ix ji . t i - ..-- . .t- tBetrppflfsed potposei nrng e Tire boncemarvwheninjerkln jv- in8 m hls Pn thigh He was knocked down, confessed j Some (JayS f,it naos ,wii 0f the U':jr",: USXA m this city and sent. oaesdvftasiW1 ;0n tnstre6xs r unariocte, ana doiu are own to toayenej iVWnfmnt MrvmcrnftSeloryi ? , rft KtM msf at iUli i The laree number -jmLj escapes . from these stockades at theiieadnf the Sprr UtolyAmadesetiie cbuny authbgewcth mars teilS: us tnai ne nas ueen w cially informed of the escape ptt least , AWCK: W 1CKS ana MJKe I . ATtsV ,ft 0 irooate juoge. . geapea tromtxneAuuiori-ji res$nwjffl8 j, . , at)tiirM t:eniX during the pastyear, WrMJ. receww- tarnedto harotThe. : such a gang of outla mm the cpnurn, arveyft.wMcfcedan Irty; td say nothing bf the hye$ ofis 7Afuci&Bnttb effect of their mere pres entjo la bcarrely wuiw than tlw dmui alization whickreeftlta orf)thers from what is -nothirlfe else tnarra burlesgue UpbtfthS bimishmehtnof crimeTP.-.g9 through allthe trouble and exTjerise b the eountysof cwvMiC4niiiMaa tbn allow then to esoape pnuishmentr KlieplUtixe moves every restraifnot pnlyjipon the convicts themselves but -I upon au others. If this evil is not speedily cor- 1 ne county tb keep her convicts in the county jail - and bear ? the; expense, of Ilium - - ' ;-,:an JJj ern; OVBttXlZB.' 50 BARRELS CHOICE NORTHERN wU. PPP K PPP L ftf X - tt-- sit ?8s A -. A - P',-v f xxtj, r -utt v ss ' Beeetfed rrei7eefc. ' ' LeROT Dl,Vn)eON. m IBRTVaLSV ltJB BXlX, iriXTZZK .ii.U - t .4 tHit ! fi9 10 boxes assorted cuxnes. 5 boxee eaotoe Or- tff fta. bwfMay waititwsnnap, Hnwr lbHAmuMt fctanuU bw,-'. ...1: 00 doten PABTjU;WAinan:4 i XT0TICK TOTABMKBSin"r iJN ....... .Mmt&i m mto K TTA.X0am prepared to STORK COTTON in my fin proof i my imny tnuinr ill iMsnimn w in uiv uth ur DW 1 floors and will etve warehouse receipts on SIL ' or Chaises moderate. - THnUlH XT n a ITU VU SE 600 Bushels Seed Osls. ' 50 Bushels N. C. Irish FotatOM. r. Com, Floor and Wheat Bran. - - ,- naied Bay, Shneka and rodder, - x- i . HEAVT 6B0CEBIBS, AC , ' -iiti-.it mr: X'4 i. ii. Jost teoeired and for sale by t - ' ''"'7 fW-; r,AWr'- ' WILHAMS FINGER. ' Feb. 20, 1879. i T TO N OEDKBS JlND C0N81QKMXNTS SOUCITED ) TBOUIS h. qatthee, flio ii s - ; ; Cotton Commissio Uxbchaht ": a " ;- . - ; : y . . i , octia B. ALEXANDER & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MEBCHANT3, College Street, Charlotte, N. C, We handle more general country produce than aay koosa in tbe city, and taisoUett further oob con lira meiitB fnmall mrtlaB wbo siwilUi to be saUsfled with tha beat Jobwaeaapstra tats maraet. - au maee wnoeannot oa piaasea wun oar bet ffiata.ai fespeetfaUy leqaested to send tneitsjeoas w sb wmiy ise. c--. -i G BOCEKUS CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS 1 : ; ii i' :. ' NEW FEATURES ! Coine to w ior Baoon, Com, Sugar, CoCee, Mo I I - - - vieeaimtrK- - h . - i-ji - a . BEST BYE WHISKEY,. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. aoi goooa oeaverea m tne enytree oi cnarge. jt- Knt ;.W. H. IXIHHINUKK, i -'r'Jt..:!' t TradeStreet Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand. ap 16.,: . Da D. O'DONOGHUE. ..'i IK-.WAWij .! .iff Office in the Signal Office, over Traders' National Bank,n8rdlaB.r :;, v&o ;ar- s 4i Calls, night or day, will receive prompt attention. teblAlwk.slitn.'? -s ' ica:u EE W. BATTLE, M. D., Having removed his office to the first floor over 4 the Traders' National Bank, eaa be fjtmd tnere all hours durtazthe day.aBd at his real cor- ner Seventh and College streets, at might, feb7 8m , xa it, .oHaur -a 'hj ."- R SAL ESTATE, 4 MINING AMD IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, aadwfll Advertise free of cost, all properties placed in say Maftforsalfc" i -;? :M THOS. F. DRAYTON, deoJ9 , i jtaa .1 -AOHT , Charlotte, K. C , 6 n.iiiii.;.! .ir in Y.InrM tfli(Vtft, jmnmrVf'J o tate of north. r.AROl.lNi. k . In Probate Qjpiofi tJnmaGBti ui&M- iiCw&ri om$QAB andBenjamspafieeutorsof 1 ,b.sjb iriwanlwetnoii The Heirs at Law of Benjanln Sparks, deceased. HOTICS OF miAL SaTTLHCKKr. t T , L "P! amiMi9SfihuiiarDor.:ai Court that i i,fnn tinmimu ia IMmmi nipadrBa?Aanna jgffofTonOatt . K -'ttwwiWpaorA.dere,ww.wurt b&!rt51SSew defeadanUi nviilA witrr i jKtae.ndletJ in tnas- tau to aonear naiiae f Given under my band and seal of office in jsd- Viaftnn IS TiffH rniKiTH amk . Pa wo' ,GfeeavJUrdl .X3 rritf' t HAVR- jiutNKttivedft fresh suDOly of suoerior Tea. - u U fveAsis fT: 111 eOSAt,KiATrf-JII tS"rt i vimm wntnr' 10 baskets ("50 tuEs eaca) ApoF ti i&vf sf fi ;aw isiMttf vTlLSjrWOJl v-:U TUISrS GARDJOJ QiTOEBAJcmJeAGosa lamnewtn ieosiptef a large lot of the eeleora- mjtiBma&sBW kss and supply yourself fcSUk in bast wagon oat j J 1 - . ... xrxis ififWJ-Trjrr ' A large supply 01 tnese popular seeq. iuw rer trt talw!tWSltk My UOZflt.m A KO8JTW " vrf M t 3JS 1IE-NO TEA. SE-XO id Tea lii tta natural 'condition. wv'H &s tba rThlnAftA tfipmuplvpa rirlnlr unit fnr th f. rv reasons Is sold only la original soond ena f-1 half-pound packages: ' ' V ."r ii MTnemoatconvenieiaaiia economical sumorr It is weighed aal iaeke4lBbadab cneapen ana oest At can oe easily uenunea oy in consumer. ,. It keens the Tea better. !A' It prerenls adulteration In America. 1 Vai m Vs. aflnifi n YTVAJA Vs. - n HW ud aak oar friends to ctre tt a trlaL IT not satis factory we will eheerfnUy take ft back and refund ue money. i u. wjtusi'un uu.. noo. - ' i;nanoHe, n. u. rpo BTJILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Bids for JL the construction of the foUowln boDdl&29 win be reeeHed until tbe 6ih of Marcn, next A" . UMiiiiccuuiefcv first floor contauirris; mm store oases, mayor's and police offices, wtuV an opera boose above. v .' jij- t,. fj-t . ? .'.j One-BrMt Block, eortalntnc nm store bouses. with two stories obove for a notei.- ti tahv vik :. ' Plans and sneclnearlons I or first named Nock mar b seen at the office of Q.fL. Norman, arent- teet: also, for hotel block at same office on and afr ternw24tb met Baudtngs to be completed y 1st of October next Contractor to givor bonds. Bight to reject any or all bids reserred. - 7 R. L. BOW DEN. W. C. CANNON, Committee for Town Council. R. L. BOWDIN, W. WASH THOMPSON, "H. E. HEINITSH. CommlUee for Building Association, febl8,lm,eod - Spartanburg, & C "J SPLENDID LINE OF Fine Teas, all grades, J X DAVIDSON'S. ii'1"1 1 ; 1 1 i 20 BABREIJa.WHria AM RED r.?-.i.rJ;tIi.3CA : ' -yNIONBETTS--' ' wwis-' ? rreidi.- ' -' WTLSOW BUafrRLT. ; - .; i h,-; , t. ... ... "J "l ' . ' .. - -r. . ' i ..... . . . Spl; PLENDID HOLIDAT ATTBACTIONS I A grand combination of the entertaining, the useful and the beautttuL with line art engravings and oil pictures In each number. Price 25 cents. post free. Yearly $3, with an unequalled premi um, two splendid oil pictures, Bock of Ages and the Lion's Bride, 15x24 -inches, mounted on can vass: transportation 60 cents extra. Send po fcard for full particulars. Address W. JENNINGS DEMOREST,r17 East 14th street, N. Y. Do not fail to see the splendid February No. - feb.4 dJtwlm. HEAP GOODS.: Havinaboaebt eat the entire stock of Brown 4 Co., we will sell the stock of Notions (which were bought verr cheaD) regardless of their actual value. We will discontinue keeping them,: and wish to close tnem enuxeiy out. a cau wui save you raoor ey. WEDDINGTON ft ALLEN, t .Sneoeasors to Brem. Brown A Co. r FervlS-dSfckwlm. W1 ARE ALWAYS READY And willing to show goods whether or not you are ready to buy. L. R. WRISTON & CO.H oecia "YyiLSON ft BUR WELL, DBUoerars, f; Have Just received, GelaOae. ' Corn Starcm, . ' - 8herryWinei . ;. . Flavoring Extraetfl,' Afl of the best Quality for retail trade. declS FRENCH BRANDY Guaranteed to be TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. G? TO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON - - Fot Standard Pure LKrnore. pTOB FRENCH BRANDY, Wines and Whiskies for medical purposes, can behad'Of. WILSON ft BUR WELL, oeeiA Druggists. M M PER PER L L L L 8N JOIN your hands all friends of taste QN my bar only the best is placed. gANDWICH. Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, EACH man '11 receive right real, good cheer, J3LEAS step In, my hall tnspect, JJEAR Ik youll see more than you'll expect. TJR( German, Domestic .M J try each customer's taste to refine, 'TJCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's good, ATftftTCheese i"Saugln;Dlll ofTare, JgACH aiass of Beer, or Gin will bear tAYANT Judgment and taste most rare. gkE chmioisatr's lips aa in sips he drinks IACH sip be takes proves what be thinks, RIGHT off one more lie calls as to his friend kexwtaiks. i m GHEBWANTH).--S50 to,10Q-or S200 ier month, during the Spring and. Summer. Forfoll partleuiars address. - - ,J iinc ,3;.iu 3-)i-,.sus jiowv: wy -,r Vi ii:....PhUadeipJ DfPHtniRiifi! , JolmAriodyLirair ptfneBi.'.totei,' fw toanrliyeftW) 19 : Pon't dej;; mentTreVerJOorlis bWter than iurei; Sokl every srnew:"fn3i;i V J r iLaSJ JOHrSQM OOL-no rokssCAPCpJi: '; if). i i .Jri:bn5Jir POROUS PIASTERS f There Is tM doubt about tbef great superiority Uils article overeommon pbrouapJastetsjuid other external remedies, such ai-liniments-, electrical sp niiance. fto. Ask phreMajaa m your own laealtty abootifr'ttiswmdertuL , ;4 3.1 F Sold by, aqjaruggiste, prlge go.ce,nts.r rt. CHEAPEST! dsuona sbu-M: CHEAPEST bj lilt, 0 3VQ tSr-JIJ r.i ) ,9?FV.i;) SnJ .j,' '-'r thxjWobLo w j S3,2i Snperb-Wllsti A. W ffiiFWcM. 7owso newamencair owu 11 iuvn rmvci - I li,7ao eecona-nana hooks aiahi x-nivr. v ? . Catalogue 01 uenerat mvenuuro x ra. : r . - - I' . . . IVA .W 8 Beerman -st.Trear'New Tost-Offlc, New York. itw-frjQk tor&rci u':jptt 'lo'irjl iO 3 V Joipisotrfers' ottbA ' '" en 't h.nnf sinentlCiad. ''' LlrBii.'SLOOfJM'S GREAT KEB01 10 PPP J V OUO H h a HH-rf H TT HI N HK TYCO PPP P P. BR IT HUN KB ib Hit tr rrA www OOO H H U If KM KBB biff no TakeiBonJnnetioiiwirli his !;-! Taiayrpbospniteeol i , j . voirB 'BnTTl.11 of feaeh nrenaratlod eent by McnrMS to each -soflerug appllcar sending their name. P. O. and express Ol and exDreos address to nr. T. A. address ip Dr. T. X Slo- cum, 181 Pearl street. New Yorts it s i Sf ui ,y n .si II - A WTLMTNQT05, j ':HEH;IOTBOirrx This line bemtf tally ecndDDed . to' business, 1 jMshtfrom -. . " I 'i tp"i - WOintrjcton and &TJ Norlhottt and Eastern Cities to I QreeatOle,1 srjananbarg. av etaaon l I . iij Gil j; -jnBc,;;xmessee orwnw,and Western N. C. Railroads, - j .'. V ill' t- r H' f.' In - S ':,'''' . . - aaweusa pouna in uwnja Insurance and Rates guaranteed as. Low ao I 1.- .t . t .1 i i ) i - I'l Information rumlsheii t f t .' I : : F.W.CLARK., J f . , - ' Gen. Freight Agent, Wnmfogton. N. C.;: '- septSO. fj.i, J. a. McADEN, " ' ; VWQQVST AJfO CKBX1SI, How offers to tbe trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes, English Select: ptoss, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap1 "English French and American Tooth Brusnes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. & McADEN'S . ' Presoriptldrf Store. lECURITY! SECURITY! 8ECURITYi 200 Barrelsof C. WEST A SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ALADDIN SECURrTYIOIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C West & Sons, Baltimore. Hhrhest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it wOl bum. c. west c sons, saiamoea. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N C. P. SCARE & CO., ID R B U G G U G G S KEMt TEC rOST-OFFICI, Would respectfully inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the PostrOfflce, and solicit tie patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great eere and pure Drugs. . ., i ,; N OTICX. tii vtrtoe of the' newer conferred i tir T;a: . WfUdnson and Laura mortgage' mi tthA rmarlotss SaUdms: and iLoanT ASbioeiatkm. win sell at nubile auction, a, house, and lot of land fwnttagbiAthe.N. a RailrosxL, in square. No. 581 raMrwtif'er txrsksrm fin in rv t : KHiimsn iirtn ttttw rdng wlUr said road to L. APhUUps eernen thence maimed Qb1eeto sakt mortgage by E. W. KelkKM uaid propenr to oe soia at ine coon novae aoor m ) thecity of Charlotte on thl Moiidw m JJareh, the city ox cnari lanforjcash,; inivi. lur cuaii. iod wmnuit uw un:vuuNwi wtthoradverastngandsaiftrni! i w-f-u uru ,aeci?ias , . ; .. . ,? yjg sro,rjBB,;. M,,: UtLJUIWUJi ii -' : ; ; -liTAXWELll' HABfitsOij'1 ,,i7 in .h'ii,il!a:! --r,l Tim vljttjnu i,vff !;i;ti 'i'l'!!! I .tKM'KlWiSi- dUUfi) Jo H ?iUW l Ai l'V fOl it'll J. LliJKi MISSION o-iV .tri it i xitiif'trfr- n il .niinl lrJrMri Buy and sell onconsipiment all kinds of 0i a'.Jti'A W (..IJ! - MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; - Will give strict personal attention to aUJprdasted tooor care. Hi ':a,l .'t'hfTn-i ffr.t M:tK,S .n',3i dee3' ji ui.v .JJ.it' viil iu !w ii ; 1 1 iti I in. i ij' tifiiin i in.; "1J7 HAVE ,vi-.-i .'VI il nijfltti Mil fii 1 sit ij w- ;iJyS' i-.4'?ii jiiiniiiu ii'f if-tn'i A';rir .rrrnurf tSra:P4TfiiH?H. fninJdiw' oisl! -,i7 h..'rt-H yJI WiU- 1 Q?a jVl U tf j Jj a.l,w ij -v. ;t fiioa,'' 2il ill ib fii. i-bir ri hi. .f-Jtiiii rtU;jiiti,it5 iTf M . ftfUid Mill 't" -.4Kf 7.f',l "A III .! .... --j.IJfiV) iilJf Si!'''' 4.iTH0 lOtidJtlf . " ---f y-i-.T-. y.-iTgrt it - Ii.iTif awn s'liiJiU 3J.il lo sjav lo 'id I ,iir,!'ri') 'U-jtfi biiii jrv4;Kv,ro'1 f.il; In i fii;i iu' wf f-i i9v-j:Vl ! .vLr.-r:;iirrxJ- fl'jrnlV siT'3 f't f'.'t I-jV -Utrl 7li iiAt 1il3tGnib-i?.;a.1 i-j;Call3dsftttr,.,nri f jtoti'da .dt-K T " -J;50.i -WU ?jnr)i5T Ilitl OO0VO1 Ofllv K0RTH CAROLINA. . TO ALL POINTS SOUTH.,, .... , offers tmeanaDed facOtties for' the TruudoiUob of ' - ' ' ; "" T ' charlotte, Stateavflle, Ashevflle, Butherfordto a on the Atlanta 4 Richmond ATr-Lme, V w ' ianma and insslSSTppL -rj s ... JK fM yla any Competing Line, and Time as yulcH4 ; .' j " . ' ti re ilU.t upon application to. t 1 111. flrv .-iWi.t .-jifr WM. A. MOODY, . 6oqth western Freight Agent, Charlotte,! fit Vs - ,.. ; '? : T. T. SMTTHV-n; .. (:! Agent a C. BaOwar, Charlotte, -a. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. ;-.f r;j: A SPLENDID OPPORTmcmti . i . ; To win a fortune.; Thirty GWd Distribution, Cuss. C, at Hew Orleans, Tuesday, Uarch . , ., 11th, 18?9-106th Monthly DrawUur,' V ; LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution, was the Legislature of the State for Educational Charitable purposes m 1888 ion th tibii or U Twairri-nva XXAB8, to wnicn eoniraot tne mvioia-, , ble faith of the State is nledced with a canltal of $1,000,000, to which It has since added a Reserve Fund of S360.00O. -k Its GRAND SINGLE NUM- BEBv DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on . the second Tuesday:, It never scales or postpones. AiOOK.at uw louowing uisuiDuuon: CAPITAL PRIZE; 330,000. ( " 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollara each. Half Tlck. : . ets, One.DoUar. . , ; j , .:fi,' . ( i t."" LIST OF PRIZES: ;' ; 1 ' ' - vi.-; i -. ;!-. v,.-: . . . u's ;ir ': : 'c. -ff ':(w 1 Capital Prize,.....,, ...- w, $30,000 r 1 CapitalPrlze,;... .10,000.., l uapiuu rnze, o.uuu 2 Frizes of $J,600. 6 Prizes of 1,000.,.. .-. 20 Prizes of 500 (5i).. 6,000 ft 7.....;.,- 10,000 ..i .10)00; . 100 Prizes of 100...... 200 Prizes of " ' 50 ... . BOO Prizes of 20..... 1,000 Prizes of,,, . 10 . APPR0XTMATK3N PRIZES t, 9 Aprjroxlmatton Prizes of $800-.... 9 Approximation Prizes of ;200,.. . 9 Approximation Prize of 100. . .. . $2,700 1; 1857 Priaes, amounting to. .v,. i .$110400 Responsible correspondmg agents wanted tit alt nromlnent soint a, to whom a liberal oomDensatloa : . ; wlllbapaidwn .v-xhi ? v,-.-. -. Appiicanon ior rates w ciuds snouiaoiuj oe rnaup ., to the Home Office in New Orleans. - . 1 ,7i'1! Write, clearly stating full' address; for run infor ' . 1 . . . it'i. lUnPHrsr;; Postoffice Box692 Nev Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Ttrtranrdinaw Drawings are voder , ' tke supervision and management of GENERALS " G. T. BEAUREGARD SJiallJBAL A. EARLY. , leon . . . - QQ BUSHELS FRESH CLOVER SEIBio i s Also Orchard Grass, Blue Grass, and Lucerne, , Just received by ... '. . v ;,, WILSON A-BCRWELU 1 1 : b 1 F ROM DR. S. W. HUNTER, BALTIMORE, M. D. .-.-ii;i .! " Having become familiar with, Colden', Lelblg's Liquid Extract of beef and Tonic Invlgor- ' ; - ...... . u. 1; , . f ator, I take pleasure in recommending U as an ex-. cellent preparation, combining as it does food and -tonic in a remarkable., v, producing gopdj blood, -health and strength; ' So!d by all Brnggists. ';: Gt EO. C. WARE,"' ; - ? cor, -dryr- , K .fMinftwtwei and Wholejale Aeair ip, , 0 ( ; PtJ i 'P P L BJ 01 D'E t' - f t.-.-i i!H . : i).- J-f.'iiiJi; Ji ; jj; i: :.' ; : '-.iiii-inf .HWt ;t tnKrf-n'.'fir .'! II SblePnipiielOT and Mannf actarfcr of , 287 to 295W Third 8b, K--TCWCDatA3ri1!QO )'i'"'.M 0 ! sViU .fctH'l lli- AKD mTNtBOtil." ti a:iaiioiii.wz-dJ 01 prime quaBBbonsM Ifr any ;qnanlty, fot eaab. ; -ndetoery.olkeafoniralM sn'r.'fH. DO( D-O K &D L.C DS-Tv -eiMtinbl U-nvtr Wii T-.afr RifFti'ia s e no)ir b?. Importers and Eworters of it 1 -nT''' off; TCffbiti4t Vn'Ar.imtffi. ; rubbft ei 9i(l m si-'. 1-1 A DAT id Agents cani H' sn Vbttor.'' iTerms an 1 dress . vaCKEBYi'Angwtay Maine; i tr.vd srry l I A ira fjarysl.tmo?Sndw )U lffl,fvr)th?nainellb cent' tjSnkMf t KBSsan.' . Y. ii iJiVJ,. I f . ,(,7 171 f Tf 'I JI I 9iM liilf. Art MTXEn CABD6. wWme 1081 -jfWWo -bu. e J nVT.RTISfX8.-t-Send ft ovaf Select Llsfeof i L; , Loeal Newspaoera.; , Scut free en application,, , Address GEO. P. ROWELL CO,,: 10 spruce sti Nevt Yoritli Jv: ,ypiiAuKt.iii j ifiii4 .'e-iout'.i?1.. i AJtro Jr.fjui oo vk;fVa.T:iy'i' tpceo0UillC,'l?JRV g gW-iVfe : ,8 fi lfni I '.' i.! -tvi. f.hmut to fc-ii niiv t.vji !tJj -,:Jq COLGATE CO t to If W l . f'u.l, jo 3uJ ih. j7ji .uoJ itfO n: vt ;' a: i i" XXfbtiA-Uj ft oil rexuiarur incorrjoraied dt and u'6''Ar-'-i1teY-- J o-o,JATlb.ria o' A.xa;MfuyOiK AjXj-iiji iM',.jid; d ,Oj 4ria9ly sx'u JbisoU -i-jf) -v : z uAi.lbj.0 .u til 'ji;iTiJ5, , 9 fc r rif ; -LV "'.,f i b;'a5 j -i ;f:t0 w. saves wa$te.j,. nuHlllUt-. ! i i Atl-iJiffViulJ JUK 4 J 'lirT'?. f i ... i i. . n ' "' . f i a T mirv u a v w t iiu ,TiUii .vo.:-.wy.'i iiiii iannq oaj . ioT T.tts ..t-'ttt;? j: tJJI '.rtf .H uAll .11 , r . ... . .. ' . i . . '-'ft T J'ra1i4''t "WlIJ-'MH' r ! . , . .i X'l'UrT T W TIT" 1 ...... .... .. ...... - Sill 5ffid?if ifJlK.tr i-rJuiJlil Wi j-vX8 t ,, .". , (4. 1 !

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